#black void be like: šŸ§Š
wartieingreek Ā· 4 months
A Frozen Void (Black Void Cookieā€™s Story)
(NOTE: Beast Ancients AU and thus the setting of this story belong to @cuppajj, I make no claim of ownership over anything in this story except Black Void Cookie themself. Have a good read, I donā€™t write often.)
The weather this side of the Great Icing Ridge wasnā€™t usually this bad, yes, the seemingly ceaseless blizzard was bad, but not blindingly so. Black Void Cookie, scuttling about on their spidery hind appendages, struggled to see whatā€™s ahead. The cookie body they inhabit not helping despite having more functional eyes. Each stab into the soft snow left a knife like marking, the long sharp limbs keeping them locked with the ground. They wobbled slightly from the sheer force of the snow. Even with the heightened insulation from the worn corpse, Black Void Cookie shivered in the beating weather. They should have turned back at the ridge itself, but the hostility from Dragonberryā€™s kingdom pushing that thought forever away. Whatever was north-west wouldnā€™t matter, their primal mind rationalised that nobody would be in or on this side of the ridge.
That was until they stumbled into a wall, dark and rough. They stared for a moment, feelers emerging from the cookieā€™s mouth to sense it. Chocolate. Frozen cold. Nothing they couldnā€™t climb. So they did spidery appendages stabbing into the markings on the wall, the distant roaring of the Licorice Sea seemingly picking up. They continued scaling the wall, snow battering their backside then dully falling to the ground. A round obtrusion met their path, easier to scale for them due to itā€™s grooves, minus the overhang. Once they got on top the cold seemingly increased out of nowhere. The Licorice Sea roared louder, slightly deafening now. They scuttled about the battlements, searching for cookies either to use as new hosts or to flee from. Nobody.
After making sure no cookies were near, they scuttled down the other side of the wall. Tarsi touching down on the snow, soft and delicate. Just in case. Slowly stepping along the snow, the white ground seemingly more cold each time. They moved between stalls and buildings, looking for cookies. Still nobody. Thatā€™s good. They moved into the open, each step now with a gentle click as they moved along the path. Thatā€™s when the large structure came into view, towering over the rest before disappearing into the blizzard. Black Void Cookie stared, feelers peeking out the cookie bodyā€™s mouth as they slowly approached the door. Chocolate again. Their head tilted, accenting their curiosity by tapping the door with a leg.
They immediately regretted that choice. Ice crept up the appendage as they backed up, flailing about along the paths, stumbling into stalls and walls. The ice continued to climb the leg rapidly approaching the joint. The next time that leg hit the ground, it froze there. Black Void tried their hardest to rip it out, three legs trying to push away from the limb. No dice. The ice continued to climb the leg, adrenaline fuelling Black Voidā€™s body making their legs scrape whatever the ends could touch. It continued to climb, nearing the cookie body and thus the rest of the leg connections. They flailed, the internal creature stuck in the body due to the ice. The leg joints froze, flailing reduced to mere kicks. Fear was evident in the creatureā€™s movement as the ice continued to creep over their body. It quickly overcame the rest of the legs, freezing them solid. The cookie bodyā€™s limbs, too froze, leaving just the head iceless. That would cease soon, the entire creature frozen solid, like many Dark Cacao natives before them.
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(Sorry if my art isnā€™t the best, my CRK style isnā€™t the best out there :3)
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hello from the hallowoods dashboard simulator
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šŸ˜ˆ valerie-meme-stone
I'm not ready for my spotify wrapped to just be stonemaiden. like i get it spotify i know i'm gay
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šŸ“ the-poetry-panopticon Follow
Unfriendly reminder not to sign up for a Dreaming Box subscription! The Botulus Corporation is not to be trusted! Here's an article explaining the language in their contract and why it's concerning! In addtion, they use AI generated images in the Prime Dream, which we should all know by now is unethical.
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šŸ„— bisexualranchdressing Follow
dang this is crazy. i thought wildfire smoke was bad but what the fuck is this????
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šŸŒ… nerdy-tragedy-theorist Follow
well according to color theory
šŸŒ… nerdy-tragedy-theorist Follow
never mind i've got nothing
739 notes
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āš” evil-electrician Follow
friendly reminder to stop spreading misinformation about the black water! people are saying that it brings people and animals back to life but that's not exactly true! although their body may be back, they're not the same person and they will likely become violent and dangerous. please stay inside and be really careful what you and your pets eat or drink.
šŸˆā€ā¬› cats-not-capitalism Follow
fuck you op i'm keeping my undead cat
āš” evil-electrician Follow
good luck keeping your fingers
48,230 notes
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šŸ§ morally-grey-penguin Follow
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1,383,248 notes
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i must not go to sleep in the lake today. afternoon nap is the mind killer
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mmmmmm cozy
where is my skin
going back to sleep honk shoooooo
635 notes
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šŸŒ® mysteriously-crafty-nacho Follow
reblog this post to go north with the person you reblogged this from
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šŸ§Š botulus-corporation Follow
The Botulus Corporation is with you during this difficult time. Join our happy dreaming family where you and your loved ones will be safe from the rain. Tumblr users get 30% off on a Dreaming Box subscription!
šŸØ chief-koala-typhoon Follow
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73,932 notes
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šŸŒæ shiny-wolf-tragedy Follow
it fucken rainny
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šŸ¼ dreamland-panda Follow
love that they'll be a literal apocalyse and tumblr users will just make memes. never change tumblr
72,138 notes
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šŸ‘ļøā€šŸ—Øļø the-magnus-brotocol
choosing between the irl amazing digital circus or probably fucking dying was not on my 2030 bingo card but okay
šŸ‘ļøā€šŸ—Øļø the-magnus-brotocol
at this point i just gotta expect that if the year is divisible by 10 then something terrible will happen
94 notes
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šŸŗ werewolves-are-hot
hey do you think i can get a real werewolf boyfriend now that monsters are real
šŸŗ werewolves-are-hot
any cute werewolf boyfriends in this part of the woods
429 notes
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šŸŒ· pleasant-arcade-land
oh man it's been a couple months since I last updated this fanfic huh! so I just drank some black water by accident and now I have a few extra fingers, and honestly that took some getting used to, but it's actually pretty convenient now and is really helpign me get more words in lol im still here writing homestuck fanfic in 2030 hehehehehe anyway new chapter here
38 notes
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šŸŒ‘ the-void-whispers Follow
so, it looks like tumblr might be dying soon due to, well, *gestures wildly.* You'll have to kill me before I join Twitter now that the Botulus Corporation bought it (and no, I am not calling it B, that is just stupid) so if you want to hear from me you will simply need to look out for passenger pigeons. in the meantime, ill be here until tumblr straight up dies and i have a crying session about it
šŸ¦Œ gamer-guy-bath-water Follow
we do not grieve ice when it melts, or celebrate the sapling when it rises from the soil. they just are. life and death and rebirth are one constant state. and without change, there would be nothing to watch
āš”ļø sword-lesbian-enthusiast
add that to the list of banger quotes from tumblr memes
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quills-of-freedom Ā· 2 years
Levi Ackerman ~ Relationship, vibe and various šŸ’•
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I think we all know about Levis cold exterior. Itā€™s pretty blatant and he doesnā€™t try to hide it. So Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t come as a surprise to know heā€™s a hard one to get close to, especially romantically.
Itā€™s not only his stoic, stone self that makes it difficult, but itā€™s hard for him to find the time for romance. Heā€™s a busy man, both in AoT and a modern AU.
You have to be pretty special to catch his attention, not to mention be amazing enough for him to work you into his hectic lifestyle.
Low-key huge worrier. Heā€™s lost so many people in his life that the thought of losing someone he cares about again is one of the many things that contributes to his insomnia.
Levi is a perfect yet broken man. He needs so much patience, love and space. Heā€™s definitely far from clingy and yet he has his own special ways of showing he cares.
Ideal dates
Levi feels the most comfortable somewhere quiet. Away from hustle and bustle, noise and, wellā€¦Ā people.
Thrives in solitude, so somewhere where its just the two of you is probably what would go down.
His chances of asking you on a date if you just met are pretty slim. Heā€™ll have to know you for a little while. Heā€™s just not interested as he has other things on his plate right now. A plate that just never seems to empty.
A walk in a quiet park. Stargazing. Maybe even hosting you at his place. Itā€™s so casual and heā€™s so normal about the whole thing, youā€™ll probably second guess if itā€™s even a date.
But, if Levi Ackerman is spending alone time with you and its not work relatedā€¦ its probably a date. His independence is very precious to him, so he choses his company with precision.
AlwaysĀ smells and looks good. As we know, heā€™s super clean. You just arenā€™t human if he picks you up for a date and you donā€™t get instant butterflies from his aura alone.
Wonā€™t ever make a move on the first date. Heā€™s testing the waters.
Have a kind heart and heā€™ll adore you. He definitelyĀ doesnā€™tĀ do PDA except maybe placing his hand on the small of your back.
Modern AU
Totally see him being a snazzy business man in a modern AU. His dream of having his own tea shop always on the horizon. But Levi has to keep himself busy at all times, else the darkness within his mind will catch up to him. It always will beĀ one day, with Levi.
Perhaps youā€™re the one to get him there, to help piece this broken man back together as best you can.
In a modern AU he is beyond happy that vacuums and anti bac exists. He doesnā€™t know how heā€™d cope without it.
Total fuck boy in his early 20s. He doesnā€™t know how to fill the void within him. Has so much healing to do, itā€™s so sad.
Erwin is destined to be his mentor, and helps him see the light more. Their bond stretches across multiverses.
Drives a black car with leather seats. A good collection of watches. Levi likes to look good and he pulls it offĀ so good.
Gets acupuncture to help with his insomnia. A lot of herbal tea too. It helps a little but nothing substantial.
Post fuck-boy phase, Levi is a gentleman when it comes to between the sheets. He inherently knows a way around another humans body. Heā€™s an extremely passionate and sensual lover; heā€™ll absolutely blow you away.
If you want graphic detail of Levis junk, you can read andĀ see it here.
Always,Ā alwaaaaysĀ has a nice, thick load for you. And thereā€™sĀ plentyĀ of it.
Heā€™s the most vulnerable both when heā€™s tossing and turning trying to sleep and after sex.
Amazing with his mouth and fingers, very attentive to what you like and donā€™t like, all from the reactions you give him, no matter how subtle he can pick up on it.
Stamina is out of this world.
Heavy panting, the odd grunt and a bark when he cums is what you can expect to hear while heā€™s fucking you.
Levi has a praise kink, certainly. He adores telling you how beautiful you are. He thrives off making you feel like the king/queen you are.
On the flip side, with how hard he has it, he loves it when you take care of him. Let him relax. Give him oral. Ride him. Massage his aching neck and back. Heā€™ll be putty in your hands.
Shower sex. Obviously. You know.
Ride his face. His groans if you do are out of thisĀ world. His slender finger tips will dig into your ass and his sighs are like music to your ears.
Has a thing for watching you touching yourself before stepping in and taking over. ItĀ reallyĀ revs his engine.
If Levi loves you, his aftercare is second to none. Soft kisses, embraces, whispering how gorgeous and perfect you are.
Will carry you to the shower and will change the sheets while youā€™re in there.
Brings you a tray of food too. Fruits, yoghurt and tea.
Massages if he was a little more rough than usual. Usually after a particularly stressful day.
Levi is a beautiful person inside and out. Heā€™s just in so much pain and anguish. You need to take extra special care of this lovely human being ā¤
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colossal-fallout Ā· 3 years
You could do Levi for the Relationship vibes and Various!!! I love your writingļ½žšŸ’«ā¤
Thank you šŸ˜Š glad to have you here!
Levi Ackerman ~ Relationship, vibe and various šŸ’•
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I think we all know about Levis cold exterior. It's pretty blatant and he doesn't try to hide it. So I'm sure it won't come as a surprise to know he's a hard one to get close to, especially romantically.
It's not only his stoic, stone self that makes it difficult, but it's hard for him to find the time for romance. He's a busy man, both in AoT and a modern AU.
You have to be pretty special to catch his attention, not to mention be amazing enough for him to work you into his hectic lifestyle.
Low-key huge worrier. He's lost so many people in his life that the thought of losing someone he cares about again is one of the many things that contributes to his insomnia.
Levi is a perfect yet broken man. He needs so much patience, love and space. He's definitely far from clingy and yet he has his own special ways of showing he cares.
Ideal dates
Levi feels the most comfortable somewhere quiet. Away from hustle and bustle, noise and, well... people.
Thrives in solitude, so somewhere where its just the two of you is probably what would go down.
His chances of asking you on a date if you just met are pretty slim. He'll have to know you for a little while. He's just not interested as he has other things on his plate right now. A plate that just never seems to empty.
A walk in a quiet park. Stargazing. Maybe even hosting you at his place. It's so casual and he's so normal about the whole thing, you'll probably second guess if it's even a date.
But, if Levi Ackerman is spending alone time with you and its not work related... its probably a date. His independence is very precious to him, so he choses his company with precision.
Always smells and looks good. As we know, he's super clean. You just aren't human if he picks you up for a date and you don't get instant butterflies from his aura alone.
Won't ever make a move on the first date. He's testing the waters.
Have a kind heart and he'll adore you. He definitely doesn't do PDA except maybe placing his hand on the small of your back.
Modern AU
Totally see him being a snazzy business man in a modern AU. His dream of having his own tea shop always on the horizon. But Levi has to keep himself busy at all times, else the darkness within his mind will catch up to him. It always will be one day, with Levi.
Perhaps you're the one to get him there, to help piece this broken man back together as best you can.
In a modern AU he is beyond happy that vacuums and anti bac exists. He doesn't know how he'd cope without it.
Total fuck boy in his early 20s. He doesn't know how to fill the void within him. Has so much healing to do, it's so sad.
Erwin is destined to be his mentor, and helps him see the light more. Their bond stretches across multiverses.
Drives a black car with leather seats. A good collection of watches. Levi likes to look good and he pulls it off so good.
Gets acupuncture to help with his insomnia. A lot of herbal tea too. It helps a little but nothing substantial.
Post fuck-boy phase, Levi is a gentleman when it comes to between the sheets. He inherently knows a way around another humans body. He's an extremely passionate and sensual lover; he'll absolutely blow you away.
If you want graphic detail of Levis junk, you can read and see it here.
Always, alwaaaays has a nice, thick load for you. And there's plenty of it.
He's the most vulnerable both when he's tossing and turning trying to sleep and after sex.
Amazing with his mouth and fingers, very attentive to what you like and don't like, all from the reactions you give him, no matter how subtle he can pick up on it.
Stamina is out of this world.
Heavy panting, the odd grunt and a bark when he cums is what you can expect to hear while he's fucking you.
Levi has a praise kink, certainly. He adores telling you how beautiful you are. He thrives off making you feel like the king/queen you are.
On the flip side, with how hard he has it, he loves it when you take care of him. Let him relax. Give him oral. Ride him. Massage his aching neck and back. He'll be putty in your hands.
Shower sex. Obviously. You know.
Ride his face. His groans if you do are out of this world. His slender finger tips will dig into your ass and his sighs are like music to your ears.
Has a thing for watching you touching yourself before stepping in and taking over. It really revs his engine.
If Levi loves you, his aftercare is second to none. Soft kisses, embraces, whispering how gorgeous and perfect you are.
Will carry you to the shower and will change the sheets while you're in there.
Brings you a tray of food too. Fruits, yoghurt and tea.
Massages if he was a little more rough than usual. Usually after a particularly stressful day.
Levi is a beautiful person inside and out. He's just in so much pain and anguish. You need to take extra special care of this lovely human being ā¤
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wartieingreek Ā· 3 months
doing update of this i did not too long ago, just want to include more and make it more accurate (Please be aware for any of my Sins (Kiwano, Yellow Rose, Dicentra, Begonia, Fly Trap, Petunia, Jabuticaba) I will be using their Pre-Gem versions (aka the start of their lore :3) to not have the really strong Sin stuff in it :3)
(As usual, Beast Ancients au belongs to @cuppajj :3)
Teal Shard Cookie - Hiding out in a cave, scared out of his mind. Heā€™s witnessed the forces growing ever nearer and is in a constant state of panic. To whatever God may be listening to him, make it quick.
Gallane Squire Cookie - A loyal warrior amongst Midnight Lilyā€™s forest, serving her with no questions asked. He may be slightly skeptical, but he does not voice them.
Foolā€™s Goldenberry Cookie - Staying with the Cookies of Darkness, working especially with the cake hounds, raising them at their younger years. Heā€™s been feeling a little uneasy, but itā€™s likely a cold or stomach bug, right?
Burnt Shrapnel Cookie - Scouring the arid outskirts of the Parmesan Desert, aware of Celestial Cheese. She keeps her distance from the Neo-Beast, however, not wanting to succumb to whatever would happen, just in case.
Haemoglobin Cookie - Already being alone on a island, not too far from the Licorice Sea grants some confort, but the noticeable change in itā€™s behaviour has his raised concerns. Their eyes and ears stay on alert, just in case.
Begonia Cookie - Her heart has been shredded, having witnessed his girlfriendā€™s death before his eyes. Sheā€™s absolutely ruined mentally, hiding out in the woods, holding a remnant of Dicentra in her hair.
Kiwano Cookie - Being good at hiding from peopleā€™s eyes helped, most definitely, but witnessing his sister and friends die or go missing shook him up. He blames himself, and stays in a hut. Heā€™s blissfully unaware of how close he is to the Saintā€™s territory.
Black Void Cookie - Frozen, one of many ice statues trapped in the lands of Frigid Cacao. From scurrying about, spying on those it considered dangerous or interesting, to stuck in fear and ultimately dying due to the cold. A sad end.
Yew Songbird Cookie - A valiant fighter, he sensed the intrusion into his section of the deeper forests, using all he had at his disposal to try and fend them off. Ultimately, exhaustion and time were his enemy.
Yellow Rose Cookie - A great friend, but a better sibling. She had to force her brother out of their home to save his life. She has since died, now at peace thanks to the Saint.
Dicentra Cookie - She tried to escape with her other half, but ultimately couldnā€™t hide the best due to dough tones and height. Sheā€™s in a better place now.
Fly Trap Cookie - Escaped him after they witnessed what happened to the others. They ended up lost and after enough wandering, found some orchids. They potted one, and kept it with them, caring for it. Big mistake.
Shaded Jam Cookie - They always stuck to the shadows, messing with others to their own discretion. Theyā€™ve not been seen out the dark in a while. Some say they see white pupils in otherā€™s shadows, though only for a second.
Petunia Cookie - Last seen attempting to fight off the Saint, then gone. Thereā€™s been sightings of a red tail tip on occasion, though it may not be them.
Jabuticaba Cookie - They were last seen throwing Begonia and Dicentra over a fence. Some have said theyā€™ve seen a large purple-ish figure, though it is unclear if it is him.
War Crepe Cookie - Missing, last seen staring off into the sunset, then nothing. Footprints lead into the waters.
Emerald Fracture - They just vanished, as if they were deleted by some other force.
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