#black velf
thescribe1118 · 1 year
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This is my OC To̅mi Andrei illustrated by @cirenk! Her code name is Plasmasonic and she's velfen (half vampire and half-elf). This is a variation outfit for her new story Plasmasonic: Deadtides which you can check out here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/351546688-plasmasonic-deadtides
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jerek · 2 years
OC QUESTIONS SORRY LONG POST ty warcraftish ♥️♥️
1. does your oc have any motifs?
oh boy! off the top of my head: black-and-white, moths, ghost fires, dendritic opal, anything milky. and curly smoke :)
2. describe your character’s voice. do they have a voice claim?
no voice claim. an accent though, south sudanese, yanno. she has a high, soft, almost murmur-y quality. when she's really beltin though... skip to 2:28 on here she is Such a fucking coquetteblogger
3. is your character an indoor or outdoor person?
'outdoor' but as anduin can tell you it's all a front to get people to take her indoors and make her cozy lmao
4. what’s your character’s favorite recreational activity?
she would be SO jealous of dracthyr's wings lol. as for what she CAN do, probably testing out troll physics with wrathion and other champions
5. what was your character’s dream job as a kid? is it different than what their career ended up being?
midha was already doing what she ended up being best at by the time she could even ask herself what she wanted to do. she's been shadowing an adventurer mom and dad for long enough that adventuring was inevitable. in a modern au... probably would start off as some Baby's First Job and get talent scouted for being a sugar baby lol. or alternatively: butterfly therapist lol. thats what the mind control is for
6. what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves?
her emotional vulnerability. bitches will cry into the jacket of their whelpling little brother SO loud and SO ugly and and be like "i'm fine." no girl you're a pisces
7. what is the thing your oc likes the most about themselves?
her plot armor <3
8. what book genre is their favorite?
only the Stupidest of drama! probably wattpad-tier werewolf romance.
9. what book genre is their least favorite?
LEAST favorite? -anime girl ehhh- probably anything detailing the methodology of wow faction leaders. she still reads them, but she reads them to use in callout posts.
10. what kind of music do they enjoy?
party man - peter gabriel
glorious - the pierces
punisher - phoebe bridgers
skateaway - dire straits
silhouettes - of monsters and men
11. has your OC ever fallen in love and with whom?
she admired anduin a lot back in MoP, but being she was a champion, it's hard to say whether that was a crush or jealousy.
she had a homoerotic friendship w vyneia willowing, my velf (then belf) oc at the same time.
she is PROBABLY somewhere on the aroace spectrum though.
12. how well does your OC do in school?
inapplicable. might do well if she'd gone as a kid
13. where would your OC like to go on a honeymoon?
depends on who's taking her 😳
14. An embarrassing secret about your OC?
she's been using the same wyrmrest tabard as a swimsuit/loungewear since it actually fit her well back in cata lol. at least back then she wore shorts w it.
15. who is your OC’s best friend?
-squid games voice- BLACK PRINCE‼️‼️
16. how does your OC feel about their parents?
not involved with them. does not know if they're alive, does not need them (whole time shes deranged)
17. how does your OC feel about their siblings?
only child biologically. HOWEVER!!!!! see 'dragon cultist' post for her thots on wrathion.
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry?
not much makes midha angry. she was however, very aware of what she did not like about the week she spent w anduin before he got kidnapped.
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad?
again, not much makes midha sad. however.
"alas champion you could have been a blacktalon but the alliance needs you. go to anduin"
20. a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood?
most of her time with her dad. summers were with dad up north, winters were with mom down south. she could have gone the way of her dad and been a druid.
21. hobbies your OC enjoys?
haven't explored this a whole lot! realistically probably some of my own: anything involving upcycling. or like, CREATING wattpad drama
22. what is holding your OC back to achieve their goals?
she's so nervous oh my god. insert greyhound pic here
23. what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths?
Doubt and Strength to wrathion, waywardness and Tenacity for anduin. to herself... she's a pile of goo but at least she's principled!
24. how does your OC handle death of someone they know?
she does not. assume random bouts of silent weeping with a completely blank face. or a trip to the mental health cloak.
25. favorite food and color for your OC?
huh. white-gold for color... this bitch loves apple pie filling in literally any pastry.
26. least favorite food and color?
GONNA KEEP IT REAL WITH YOU... idk. she isn't capable of disliking things like that :^>
27. your OC’s zodiac sign?
oh pisces for SURE lmao
28. is your OC a dog or cat person?
dragon weeb. failing that... probably likes bakars. would be a cat person if she read warriors
29. when was their first kiss?
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30. does your OC wish to be married someday?
she saw tiffin's memorial, thought a little bit and said. Hm. so like, good luck
if you see this do it im not PHUCKIN kidding i'll GET yoy
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dollypardonne · 1 year
catch up with your bff
cook a nourishing meal (don't forget the dessert!)
light a relaxing scented candle
wear your favorite outfit
journal for five minutes
birth name: pham quynh mai nicknames: queen, mai mai, cherry, quynhfections (from her social handle, and only used by her small following - like some kinda parasocial thing lol) date of birth: 10/06/2004, 02:22 place of birth: brisbane, australia hometown: melbourne, australia other locations: hanoi, ho chi minh vietnam current residence: insa-dong, jongno-gu ethnicity: vietnamese nationality: vietnamese-australian dual citizenship languages spoken: viet, english, korean occupation: baker at cafe layered 2-3, bukchon-ro 2-gil, jongno-gu, seoul 03059 social class: lower middle class
gender: cisgender woman pronouns: she/her sexual and romantic orientation: ace-spec lesbian relationship status: single (closed for shipping atm but if that changes i won't be writing smut)
appearance: 161cm, 45kgs long black hair with blunt bangs
family: southern vietnamese biological mother, northern vietnamese biological father / vietnamese step-mother, korean step-father; she is a single child in her knowledge but has a long-lost twin sister. pet: black scottish fold named lola (cat content used are of andrea von speed on instagram and tiktok) blood type: ab undisclosed information: she was separated at birth from her twin sister which made her inconsolable as an infant. she suffered greatly from the lack of proximity with her twin. the adoption agency that handled their cases apparently purposefully separated them in order to facilitate a study of twins growing up in different circumstances and their parents were never told that they had a twin nor were they given any information about their biological parents despite them allowing contact. notable traits: + has a really good eye for aesthetics, very objective and rational while still having a balance of empathy. she tries to see every side before making any conclusions and forming an opinion. - hates being alone, conflict avoidant, prone to fantasy, indecisive, self-pitying. personality: - libra sun, taurus moon, leo rising - 85% e 97% n 64% f 98% p - 7w6 - so/sp - 794 - eie - scuai - velf, sanguine-phlegmatic likes and dislikes: likes baking and singing, dislikes deciding anything hobbies and habits: posts anonymous singing covers under the moniker "cherry"
other notes:
despite her talents in baking and singing, skills she's developed mostly through self-effort, as an autodidact quynh mai constantly struggles with the thought of being a failure as she isn't part of the country's percentage of people studying tertiary education (thus not being part of any community). she primarily spends her time outside of work alone and indoors with her cat lola.
other hobbies include dressing up only to take cute pictures at home and never going out, making free fonts, video editing (mostly footages of her cat), and curating playlists based on moods and for imaginary friends.
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akanetto · 5 years
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Commission of a really sassy void elf rouge called Minniva for NakiCat @ twitter! Gosh I’m in love with void elven ladies but rarely have the chance to draw them ;u; And it’s still February! So I think this will be my ElFebruary piece for the year as well ^^
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metafron · 5 years
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Make sure you get your Inky Black Potions from the Darkmoon Faire. They make a huge difference in how you see the world.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 3 years
Nightborne need the long glowing hair their npc counterparts have. And if the natural hair colors for velfs aren’t black (something the npcs in SW have had since they were implemented) red blonde and white they can keep it.
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illidan · 5 years
Have you played the Cataclysm Demon Hunter quest in Felwood? I just realised that the open world Illidan has a regular night elf model and black tattoos, just like in Warcraft 3. But in the Well of eternity dungeon, which is also from Cataclsym, he has a unique model and green tattoos like in the Raid. Nevermind, I just wanted to share and you have the best suiting url :D
i actually did that quest earlier this year while leveling my velf mage !!
aha yea he’s got those old school lookin’ tats that you can (or at least could?) catch on the dhs on outland from tbc! (been awhile since i hung around outside illy’s stolen house harassing the illidari, or altruis in nagrand; can’t remember if he was updated in legion)
as for having green tattoos 10k years ago to black ones during the third war, then seen with green ones again in BT, we’re just gonna say he went thru an emo phase while in raisin man jail. which i think is reasonable. 
for real tho i got curious n looked n yeah that felwood appearance is definitely homage to warcraft 3, despite later changes. bc blizz is sentimental aw
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panda-monium time.
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i cannot stop laughing at his felwood quest!pants. wtf are those man? questing greens? lmfao
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ah. betrayer illidan skin in hots to match too! panda.
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also holy shit look at this early illi from 2000 ?? bro u good 
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and him in WoE lol bc im here may as well
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anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk. we learned his tattoos keep changing but thats okay. garrosh can relate. also that i was one poke away from going on a forbidden dark illidan rant apparently. thanks wowpedia for my life
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arcaneoddity · 4 years
Want to commission someone to draw my shady runecarving black market trader velf haggling with a broker in oribos but what is money lmao
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thescribe1118 · 1 year
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This is my OC To̅mi Andrei illustrated by @cirenk! Her code name is Plasmasonic and she's velfen (half vampire and half-elf). She's moved back into human society alongside her parents in the hopes of a brand new start. This her costume for her new story Plasmasonic: Deadtides which you can check out here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/351546688-plasmasonic-deadtides
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narke · 7 years
tagged by @mostrecentfantasy !! thanks!
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink - milo
2. Phone call - my dad
3. Text message - “where are you”
4. Song you listened to - kalopsia by queens of the stone age
5. Time you cried - literally just now LOL
6. Dated someone twice? - nope (never dated anyone lol)
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - no
8. Been cheated on - no
9. Lost someone special - yes
10. Been depressed - yes.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - no
Fave colours…
12.) pink
13.) Purple
14.) blue
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - yep
16. Fallen out of love - nope
17. Laughed until you cried - yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - no
19. Met someone who changed you - yes
20. Found out who your friends are - yes
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl - i dont have facebook lol (no one i know irl needs to know how much of a mess i am)
23. Do you have any pets - no 
24. Do you want to change your name - no
25. What did you do for your last birthday - watched a movie with friends
26. What time did you wake up today - around 2 in the afternoon
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - ignoring my impending breakdown and reading afterdrop
28. What is something you can’t wait for - my death. jk i want this school year to be over
30. What are you listening to right now - stranger ways by anberlin
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - yes
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - my mom being dismissive of my mental health, as always LOL
33. Most visited website - tumblr or google drive
34. Hair color - black
35. Long or short hair - short
36. Do you have a crush on someone - yes 
37. What do you like about yourself - i guess my hands are nice
38. Want any piercings? - maybe re pierce my earlobes someday
39. Blood type - idk
40. Nicknames - cathy (my full name is catherine but i prefer cathy)
41. Relationship status - single
42. Zodiac - pisces
43. Pronouns - she/her
44. Fave tv shows - i dont really watch tv but my current favorite netflix series is castlevania
45. Tattoos -none
46. Right or left handed - right
47. Ever had surgery - no
48. Piercings - none
49. Sport - i did cross country in middle school lol but nothing else since
50. Vacation - it would be cool to go to taiwan or japan
51. Trainers - ??
More General…
52. Eating - nothing
53. Drinking - milo
54. I’m about to watch - owl matches i missed
55. Waiting for - idk
56. Want - to sleep for a decade or two
57. Get married - if i meet the right person
58. Career - art, hopefully
Which is better…
59. Hugs or kisses - hugs
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - either
62. Older or younger - older (by like. a year or two at most rn)
63. Nice arms or stomach - arms
64. Hookup or relationship - relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
Have you ever…
66. Kissed a stranger - no
67. Drank hard liquor - no
68. Lost glasses - yes
69. Turned someone down - yes
70. Sex on first date -no
71. Broken someones heart - not that i know of
72. Had your heart broken - no
73. Been arrested - no
74. Cried when someone died - yes
75. Fallen for a friend - yes. very often
Do you believe in…
76. Yourself - no.
77. Miracles - sure
78. Love at first sight - eh.. no
79. Santa clause - no
80. Kiss on a first date - sure, if there’s chemistry
81. Angels - eh. depends on the day
82. Best friend’s name - emily
83. Eye color - black
84. Fave movie - princess mononoke
85. Fave actor - don’t have one
@stonetalus @velf @connnorkenway @chinesenoctis @lukefox @smashbike @strangeauthor @6juggernaut @nomercy @harvey @otohimeheart @girlfriendluvr @knittinglizards @mqs1 @sunday-12-25 @ssombra @tamizhnadu @xaroca @fmab @rezlich
(only if you want to do it ofc!)
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thescribe1118 · 7 months
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This is my OC To̅mi Andrei illustrated by Mick-cortes with her Lantern Shield. This is the weapon To̅mi breaks out when things are really dire and she has to stop messing around. I also thought the weapon was awesome and unique and I wanted to make it cannon at least for me. Here are some stories you can check out: 
Plasmasonic: Peregrines 
Shade & Plasmasonic: Sorrows of Sariandi
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thescribe1118 · 1 year
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My OC, To̅mi Andrei, illustrated by Bilcassonato.
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thescribe1118 · 1 year
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My OC, To̅mi Andrei, illustrated by Bilcassonato.
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