#black magic for sister in law
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Camilo Inspo
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bitchimasnake-sss · 1 month
hi lovely🥹 i'm sorry if i am being unreasonable, but may i ask, for more stories of stepbro!op monster trio? sorry to bother 🥹🫂
you guys are never unreasonable!!! unless, you like ask me to write actual incest cause frankly that goes beyond my (very lose) morals. but step-brothers? we love (fictional) step-brothers. you got it! like always, also adding ace and law!! hope you enjoy, pretty <3
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☆thinkin' about: the monster trio, ace 'n law! vs familial relations, shh!
NOT PROOFREAD. JUST UTTERLY HORNY AND PERVERTED. tw: CONCEPT OF STEP-CEST, PORN LOGIC, DUB-CON. BIMBOFICATION. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. [i.e. if you do not feel okay reading such concepts, please scroll/click away. thankyou in advance.] cw: lots of porn logic. set in modern au. nsfw includes: a lot of overstimulation blowjob, cockwarming, penetration, cunnilingus, fingering, some bondage and use of toys and smex. lots of smex. MDNI OR I WILL ACTUALLY FIND YOU USING BLACK MAGIC. SIT THIS ONE OUT, KIDS. m.list
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🍒monkey d. luffy: your favourite meal, 'nichan!
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❤️monkey d. luffy is not quite sure which he loves more, you or food. because when he entered the kitchen in the dead of the night, he only really wanted to eat something to soothe his insatiable hunger. how lucky, he found you there instead! "l-luffy," you squirm under his tight grip on your thighs as his tongue swipes against your clit once more. when he looks up, his lips are drenched in everything you, "what?" "someone's gonna see." you mumble, trying feebly to pull at his hair and get him to part with your pretty pussy. but luffy just holds you down tighter on the kitchen counter, making sure your trembling cunt doesn't run away from him. he's still hungry, after all. he gives you a dopey smile, the kind that has you believing all of his false lies, "nobody's gonna come, pretty." he licks a soft stripe up your wet pussy, softly chuckling at his own joke, "i mean, you will." "nobody will?" you echo innocently, words falling down your wobbling lips so easily as he pulls your hips to himself and starts feasting like a man ravished. he moans against your folds, "nobody, i promise." his nose nudges against your clit so dangerously well, his tongue slides into your sickly sweet hole so easily and as he fucks up the muscle into you, you swear you feel his tongue stretch as if to hit you g-spot. "l-luffy, ohmygod," you practically feel yourself drip onto your step-mother's freakishly clean counter tops and half-heartedly try to think of a lie to tell her when she asks you about the stain. "tsk," you step-brother shakes his head so softly around your cunt, pulling back his drenched face just to nudge his digits into your hole instead, "don't worry about the mess, i'll clean it up all by myself." and from the way your step-brother was licking at you clit, drinking in every candied, syrupy essence out of you, you were sure he meant it. "just relax, and let me have my share." he husked into your bundle of nerves, right hand pumping and curling into your heat, "i got the rest, peach."
🍀roronoa zoro:
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💚"zoro?" you ask so softly, and your voice echoes back towards you from the empty changing room. your step-brother had asked you to come see him once his practice was over. he claimed it was an emergency, and wouldn't you be a terrible younger step-sister if you ignored your brother in a dire situation like this? "in here." his voice echoes from the shower as you meekly find yourself walking to one of the closed stalls. calling out again, you stand in front of the stall, "zoro?" the door opens momentarily and you're pulled in by his sturdy hand on your wrist. as soon as your gain some semblance of sanity, you're face to face with your step-brother. the shower is still running in the background, and water droplets softly run down his ripped, naked body. "what's the emergency?" you ask softly but zoro brings his hands up to your lips, softly swiping his thumb across your pouty bottom lip before meeting your eyes. he rasps, "i had a shit match. 'm so angry right now, think you can make it better, pretty?" you nodded, knowing just what would cheer your brother up. after all, that's what a good step-sister should do! sinking down to your knees, you gaze up at him one last time before softly grabbing his aching, erect cock in your hands. zoro moans at your soft touches, and it spurs you to lick his tip leisurely. your hands move up and down over and over again as his tip slips past your lips. you taste his beading pre on your tongue and your thighs rub against each-other as you feel the wetness build up in your panties. "good girl." zoro husks, throwing his head back and guiding you to softly take more of him in. he tastes like he always does: sea-salt and something tangy, and you hum around the familiar taste, "jus' like that, so, so good for me." you hum around him again, gagging just a little bit as his tip kisses the back of throat, "r-really?" "of course." zoro hums, pulling you off his aching cock to let you breathe, "think ya can take it whole?" you nod with conviction and the green-haired jock smears his tip across your lips, smirking down at the way you part your mouth to let him line it easier, "cute." he guides you to take him past your glossy lips, "take it. take it whole."
🫐vinsmoke sanji:
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💙"and how does this one taste?" sanji asks innocently, feeding you a bite from the cake he had baked, "good?" you nod, words wobbling, "'s r-eally good, sanji." "awh," your step-mother claps, "'m so glad you both are working hard together for the bake sale! alright, i'm off to the market. be good, both of you." "of course." sanji nods and you feel him press his erection onto you from behind. teasing you. telling you just what was waiting for you. you were lucky that your lower halves were hidden by the kitchen island otherwise your step-mother would have seen that sanji had his hands down your shorts, teasing your clit while pretending he was such a saint. as soon as you both hear the woman slam the front-door and leave, sanji drops his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent like a man crazed. his forefinger and thumb pinch your clit so meanly and you buck into him as a result, "s-sanji." "don't you think you should thank me?" your step-brother rasps, pulling your folds apart so he could thumb your clit better, "i helped you bake for your sale." "th-thankyou." you stutter at the way his fingers keep circling your sensitive nub, "how should i... thank you?" "let me make you cum." he hums definitively, slipping his hand further to let one finger inside you, "ah, you always feel this good. 's almost addictive." "it... it is?" you buck into his hand, desperately rutting to get the friction on your clit from him. but sanji never let you beg, ofcourse. he riles you up instead, "what's that, baby? want more?" and the blonde shoves another finger without you nodding. curling his digits, he moans at the way your gummy walls clench around him, how your wetness was dripping down his hand and wetting your short, how you brought your own up hand to your tits to play with your perky nipples. "you're so cute." sanji hums, pumping into you without faltering, "come on, pretty girl. cum all over me. let me taste you."
🦋portgas d. ace:
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🧡"tsk, wrong again?" your older step-brother softly shakes his head. if it weren't for the slight smirk in his tone, you would have thought he was seriously disappointed in you. "'m sorry." you mumble, hips squirming as as he wraps his muscled arms around your waist to hold you still. he rests his head in the crook of your neck, softly whispering to you, "y'know i had to skip hanging out with my friends to help you do this assignment. and now? you're getting all of them wrong." "i cannot focus..." your voice trembles and he laughs in return, "really? why not?" he hums, "you know how busy i am, right?" and you did! you knew he was busy with his own things and asking for his help over this uni assignment was stupid... but, he was always so good at teaching, that you had to ask him. "tell me..." he wonders aloud, "why cannot you focus?" but how could you? you were stuffed full of your step-brothers cock. his length stayed unmoving inside you, and the way you could feel every little vein against your velvety walls. he was so mean! he said he would fuck you once you finished your assignment, until them let him cockwarm in you. but it had been so long and he was still unmoving!! "ah, well... you know the punishment." he whispers in mock distress, and your pussy trembles against his length in anticipation. his hand comes down on your clit. a harsh, little slap that has you dripping down his length and wet both your clothes. "try again." ace says definitively, "c'mon, you're surely not as dumb as you're acting." and then, something clicks. "hah, unless..." your step-brother's fingers come down to tease your exposed, overstimulated clit again, "you're purposefully getting them wrong because you want me to do..." he slaps your cunt again, "this?" "no!" you shake your head, voice growing even weaker, "i- i didn't. promise." but he just grins, "shit. if you liked that so much, should've told me sooner, princess."
🪻trafalgar d. water law:
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💜"you know i need to practice, right?" your step-brother repeats and you nod in return, "i... i know. don't worry, law." you knew he was a med student, and you knew how important it was for him to be able to understand the human body from a close, physical point of view! and especially, for him to better examine women, he needed to understand them well, didn't he? and well, that's where you came in. you lay in his bed, your arms and legs tied to the leg posts as law peers down at you, "let me just see how you react, okay?" you nod and law brings the buzzing toy to your glistening cunt. as the vibrator comes in contact with your exposed clit, you involuntarily jerk your hips away, eyes clenching shut in delight. your hips stutter all-too-pathetically and law takes the toy away to note something down. your tattooed doctor looks down at you as if scrutinizing you, "hm, feel good?" and you can't help but nod desperately, "y-yes." "then, tell me." there's this sadistic glint in his eyes, "i told you, talk to me through it. how else would i know how you react, right?" "i-i'm sorry." you catch your wobbling lips under your teeth, a sorry expression plastered to your face as law slowly brings the toy back to your anticipating body. "f-feels good, law." you stutter as the toy constantly nags against your sensitive nub, and law nods as if he's serious, "does it? describe it better for me, could you?" "it feels..." your words get stuck in your throat, eyes widening at the lewd things you're about to say. you avert your gaze, "i- don't wanna say such things." "oh?" law quirks an eyebrow, his lips pressed into a thin line as if unveiling his disappointment. your stomach drops at his reaction. after all, what kind of step-sister were you?! he mumbles gravely, "but it's for my study, y'know that. there's no shame in helping your older step-brother, right?" "i-" your step-brother gives you a re-assuring nod, and your voice trembles as he teases you, "it f-feels good... like my body's gonna explode, an-and it's good." "it's good?" he repeats and you nod, trying to rest your eyes on him despite your squirming body, "y-yes." "that's a relief." he huffs, pressing the toy against your clit harshly now, "i'm glad my girl's having fun." law exchanges the toy for his thumb instead, giving you a soft smile, "let me see how this feels for you."
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a/n: hahahaha I SWEAR IM SANE!!! I SWEAR!!! yes, my digital footprint goes crazy, thanks for asking. don't ask again. also. the feminine urge to write the all of these drabbles longer and without step-cest... hm, anyone on board?? anyways, glad to see you having fun you filthy, filthy person :// m.list
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vigilskeep · 4 months
the basics of tevinter politics and social classes, as laid out in world of thedas and a little elsewhere
the archon is the supreme ruler of the imperium. their authority and magical power is believed to be divinely granted. they choose their successors before they die, so they are usually the sons, nephews, brothers, cousins, or apprentices of previous archons. (this phrasing implies that, like the black divine, the archon is always a man, and certainly the several named ones we know all are, but i’m not sure if this is necessarily always true.) if an archon does not choose his heir before he dies, the magisterium elects the next; these candidates cannot be magisters or hold rank in the chantry. technically the archon can overrule the laws passed by the magisterium, but he rarely does this. his power mostly stems from families vying for his favour, as he has the unique power to appoint magisters at will. a man named radonis is the current archon; he’s appeared in comics and a war table mission.
the magisterium are the mage elites who regularly gather to govern the imperium and pass laws. magisters become magisters in several ways:
one is chosen from each of tevinter’s seven circles of magi. it cannot be that circle’s first enchanter
the imperial divine and every grand cleric of the imperial chantry gets a seat
magisters can inherit seats
as i mentioned, the archon has the right to appoint any new magister if he chooses
tevinter society breaks down into four major social classes.
the first mage class is the altus class. these are descended from the original “Dreamers”, through ancient and wealthy magical bloodlines. most magisters come from altus families. characters like dorian and danarius belong to this class.
other mages belong to the laetan class. these are mages who cannot trace their ancestry to the dreamers, and may belong to families with no history of magic at all. many vie for power despite their origins, and one third of the imperium’s archons have been laetans. (the first laetan to rise to archon was such an outrage it caused a seventy year civil war, but that was, like, 1500 years ago-ish. they’re more chill about it now.) it feels safe to assume that neve gallus, who says in tevinter nights that she doesn’t feel at home in a wealthy estate because she has more templars in her family than mages, probably belongs to this class.
the soporati are non-mages who are still full tevinter citizens. they are allowed to own property and serve in the military, but they cannot have a direct say in government or rise above the rank of mother/father in the chantry. they can however be civil servants and merchants. a mage born to a soporati family is instantly a laetan.
slaves are not allowed to own property, or to hold military rank even when armed and serving as a personal soldier or bodyguard. they have become a more even mix of humans and elves since andraste’s time. mages can be slaves. if a slave is set free, either by their living owner before a judge or by their owner’s will upon their death, they are considered liberati. liberati are still not citizens and cannot have political say or hold military rank, but they can join a circle of magi, get an apprenticeship in a trade, take apprentices themselves, and own property. fenris was a slave, while his sister varania was implied to have become one of the liberati.
there is also a large surface dwarf population in tevinter. they are not considered citizens, but instead regarded as foreign dignitaries however many generations their families have lived in tevinter. they have large embassies in every major tevinter city, which at least in minrathous, neromenian, and qarinus are completely subterranean, meaning residents can retain their dwarven caste and may never come above ground all their lives. minrathous’ close ties to the dwarves mean it even has a massive proving grounds, as well as enormous stone golems known as juggernauts to guard the city gates. more than anywhere else in thedas, the dwarves do get a political say, with an elected body of representatives called the ambassadoria who advise the archon and the magisterium. it’s the imperium’s reliance on lyrium which gives them this kind of sway.
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Pretty like the wind
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a/n Part one! this was born last night after a had a little cry over everything that's been going on lately. Oh, and you are free to listen to black friday by tom odell. ✨
was inspired by a request but I don't want to spoil anything so I won't answer the ask just yet.
warning: past trauma, implied violence.
Next chapter
Love was one thing Azriel had dreamed about. Longed for. He had longed for it since he was born. He had known his mother's kind hands. Had felt a touch of tenderness, but those memories had been swept away. Buried. Shoved deep within him. Been burned out of him. Azriel had welcomed the mask of steel. Had wanted nothing more than to hide behind the tight, cold shield.
He had grown tired of being the victim. Of being shoved around. He wanted to be the one people ran from. He wanted to possess that power. To be someone people dreaded. To never fall again. To never be the one to yield. So, he welcomed the power the brotherhood with Rhys and Cassian brought him. He found strength in his brothers. They helped him up until Azriel was strong enough to stand on his own two feet.
Azriel had learned to live with the pain. He endured it. Let the scars bleed out. Let them scab over. He knew they would never truly fade. Mother, his hands were enough of a reminder of that. But they had settled enough. Settled enough for Azriel to want to live. He had found purpose in Rhys's court. Rhys had given him that. And Azriel was thankful for that in more than one way.
But the clenched grip of Amarantha had messed it all up. Had put so many things in motion. Had plucked out so many souls. Had woven so many lives. Had brought so much heartbreak. So much trauma and sleepless nights. That same helplessness. Yet it also brought Feyre to Rhys. It had brought Nesta to Cassian. But left Azriel empty-handed.
And the spymaster had observed them all. He had spent countless hours watching the love blossom right in front of him. He had caught onto the ways his brothers looked at their lovers. There was always something special about a gaze like that. It was unmistakable. So loud. Drenched with so many emotions, sometimes unnoticeable for the lovers but so clear for the ones who looked from the side.
That's when Azriel had grown restless. Careless. Desperate. He was ready to step on the values he treasured. The laws he believed in. He went as far as reaching for an already mated female. She was lost. Everyone should have sensed that. The world. The obligations they brought frightened her. And Azriel took advantage of that. He had told himself that this was right. That had to be. Three sisters for three brothers. But even with Elain wrapped up in his arms, the roaring didn't ease. But Azriel refused to let go.
Refused until Rhys stepped in. Until the high lord had done something he vowed to never do, Rhys forced Azriel to his knees with his magic. The spymaster could still hear the roaring tone, "I warned you. This thing you are doing is out of order. Elain is a mated woman, Azriel". Oh, how he had fought. How Azriel had said it over and over, the world he had made himself believe in. Three sisters for three brothers. Just that didn't reach Rhys, and when Azriel woke up in an unknown room, he knew the punishment he was to face was like no other.
Rhys had knocked politely on your mental shield that night. It was way too late. But you cracked the locks open. "Can I winnow to the sanctuary?", it was such a simple question. Yet it left you frowning. The lines on your face only deepened when you saw your high lord, followed by a male who held another unconscious body.
"I apologize for the inconvenience", Rhys stated. He was angry. Tired? You couldn't pinpoint the emotion. Drained - that seemed the most fitting. "What's... Is your soldier in need of healing?", you questioned calmly, already moving to roll up your sleeves. "In some ways...", Rhys breathed, and that's how you came to know the story of the man who had lost himself in search of love. The man who had crumbled under his demons. Male Rhys had sent to the oldest sanctuary in the Velaris Mountains. In hopes of mending the broken pieces.
Azriel did not leave his room after he regained consciousness. He was stripped of his daggers. The gift to winnow was without doubt taken away by Rhys himself. Oh, how much he had cursed his brother in the first days. He roared as he threw furniture around the small room. He growled loudly when they were all replaced by magic right in front of him. Oh, Azriel imagined how much pleasure Rhys was having watching this.
You had chosen to seek him out on his fifth day here. You had come every day, but the sheer sounds of distraction from within made you halt every time. Today, it all seemed a lot quieter. Too quiet, even. You knocked a couple of times. Not surprised when you didn't get the answer. You knew that the sanctuary provided him with food and water, but you didn't want him to feel like a prisoner.
He looked rough. You doubted he had bathed in the days he had been here. The air inside was thick. He had drowned out the light almost completely with his shadows. They swarmed around him frantically. You frowned at the harsh light that threatened to cave in on his darkness. Quickly moving your wrist, you drew back the sharp rays of light. The room dimmed.
"Hey", you breathed out quietly, "I wanted...", but the wave of darkness poured towards you, pushing you against the wall, making you gasp. "Where am I?", Azriel didn't sound human-like. An animal ridden with anger. "You're safe...", you breathed out. "That's not what I asked you!", Azriel roared. His fist shook right in front of you. "What will you do, spymaster, hit me?", you moved to push off the wall slightly. "You might be angry. The hell itself might be burning inside you for all I care", you said, opening your palms and waving threads of light through them. "But you were brought here for a reason, and you can cry like a little boy, but you will not raise a hand against any breathing creature that lives beneath this roof", your wild eyes met his. A battle of power deep-rooted. You weren't too surprised when a roar left Azriel's mouth. Thick clouds of darkness forming. You just worked faster. Suppressing it. Capturing it in the smoothness of warmth. Taking Azriel along with it. Even if that was the last thing you wanted to do,
"You will have to accept my apologies", Rhys had his head in his hands after you had been summoned into his office. He felt guilty; you couldn't mistake that emotion even if you wanted to. "Wipe that thought away", you said quietly, "He picked a fight with me. Your intervening would have caused more damage". Rhys let out a sigh. "I don't recognize him, Y/N.", the high lord shook his head, "I look at him. I look through his head, and... I don't see the same male I knew for centuries".
You made your way towards the window. "Do you remember the night you came to me after you realized that Feyre was your mate?" The question had made the high lord stiffen. He was grateful that you chose the word came instead of crawl. "Your heart was desperate, and your mind was full of roaring demons," you said as you stepped closer to the windowsill. "So time", Rhys muttered. You nodded, "Even the most broken souls find themselves eventually. We can guide them to it". Rhys nodded mostly to himself; he had so many things he still wanted to say to you and ask, but when he lifted his head, you were no longer there.
Azriel had no recollection of how he had gotten into bed. He had no recollection of opening the window ever so slightly. The cold wind soothed him. Easing the throbbing all over his body. His mind dragged out fragments of you. They were scattered and dim. But his skin still bore the feeling of light. He moved to sit up, frowning as a piece of paper fell to the floor. The spymaster reached for it instantly. "I'll forgive you for the outburst last night, but you're on kitchen duties for the rest of the month. I hope I won't have to drag you out myself", it read. Azriel stared at it. Gaped. Let the anger simmer. He crumpled the paper and threw it towards the fire, but one of his shadows caught it in time. Straightening it out before turning it back to Azriel. "You don't get to pick sides", Azriel snarled, but the shadows only waved the white paper stronger. "I could easily just make you vanish, you know?", the spymaster grumbled, but he still reached for the pile of clean clothes. He went as far as washing his face before he stepped out.
Only midway down the corridor did Azriel realize that he had no idea where he was going. And suddenly, a wave of panic washed over him. Was he even allowed to walk freely? Rhys had banished him; Mother only knew to what end. He had no idea where he was. He might as well have been cast to another dimension. The sound of small feet hitting the floor made Azriel twirl around.
Two babies, not older than five, ran towards him. Azriel waited for them to halt. Frighten and run away. But they moved towards him, squealing, clearly lost in whatever game they were playing. They dove under Azriel's wings, moving past him. Sprinting down the hall. Azriel's feet started moving without him even realizing it. He followed the laughter and happy shrieks.
He walked right until he was met with a big open space. The glass dome was right up above it. Stone columns supported it. Azriel moved quietly. He used the dim sides to hide himself. The place looked like a commune area. The sound of singing increased. Rounding the corner, Azriel moved to stand in the arch of two columns. Breath hitched in his throat as he saw Fea and Illyrian children dancing in circles. A handful of females were seated all around. He scanned the room.
His gaze halted. There, in the middle of one of the circles the children formed, stood you. Pieces of last night flashed in front of Azriel's eyes. The way he had leaped at you. The way you brought on the light. How you had wrapped him up in the comfort of it. He watched as you spun around as well. The white dress you wore twirled with you. He was convinced that you were glowing as you smiled at every little happy face that watched you.
You sang with them all, and Azriel found himself leaning against the column. He was oddly captivated by the view in front of him. A handful of tinny wings messily clapped as the younglings kicked off from the ground. Trying to soar into the air. Azriel watched them. Some old, deep wounds throbbed within his chest. He lowered his gaze for the moment, trying to suppress it. To shove it back deeper into himself.
But then an urge to lift his gaze back up struck him. Azriel found the most beautiful set of eyes looking right back at him. He wasn't sure how you had spotted him in the shadows, but you did. He held your gaze firmly. He thought about frowning. Snarling even for a second. But you had smiled up at him. Had smiled so brightly that Azriel felt some slither of warmth trying to spark to life within his chest. You nodded your head slowly at him, and Azriel found himself returning the gesture. Right as a warm feeling settled deep within his cold bones.
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lazywriters-blog · 1 year
Summary: You have a story to tell about how you got pushed into a situation by your sister-in-law. Lying didn't get you anywhere.
Since you wanted a part two, here it is. With some sprinkled dark chocolate and layered spooky, I like these kinds of goofy dark scenarios- (not proofread)
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You felt like a married couple consoling a raging teen who refused their favorite snack because of something you did. Even if you did, you had no idea of what you did wrong to deserve this, you barely know the twin brother and sister.
Maybe faking it till you make it home safe and sound was a good decision to keep in mind while you slowly and carefully sip your black tea, peering over to the twins who thought taking eyes off of you meant death.
You know they are not bad people, there are only good things you've heard about them in passing, adorable twin magicians with hats and tricks beloved because of it.
You didn't think the sister would have such a temper. Who in their right mind would come forth and throw accusations, unless her dear brother did admire you and you've gone and missed his magic show?
"No need to be coy, you don't need to lie about anything, we know much already. You like my brother too, don't you?"
You couldn't have responded quicker than lyney who gasped and hid his face behind his hand unsure if disappointment or embarrassment was right in his situation. '... Would you please stop embarrassing me and giving me heart attacks?"
"I'm sure he's a good gentleman and-"
"I asked, do you like him or not? Quit beating around the bushes and tell us the truth, that way my brother can rest easy and move on from his unhealthy fixation." She crossed her arms and glared, you are not sure if she's older than you yet.
"Oh... Uh." she's blunt, you were caught off guard, "Well, to be honest, I don't know him. You both are good magicians I've heard, I can't say if I like him or not if I haven't gotten to know him at all."
"Brother, tell her about yourself." She faced him, "You've been pining over a girl who doesn't even know you better than herself and you've been losing sleep over this?"
"Lynette, maybe spare me some dignity and let things happen naturally. Why do you have to rat me out like that?"
"Because I hate seeing you like this."
If you could get up and leave, you would without a second wasted. The twins were bickering while you contemplated your wisest words and phrases, sentences that were guaranteed to get you out of it with your ego intact.
"I said I've lost sleep because of that one failed trick I got wrong, and you were the one to butt in before I could make my move!"
"If I hadn't, this wouldn't be happening! You would be back to stalk-" Lyney quickly put his hand on her mouth and furrowed his eyebrows, as if to say 'Shut up she doesn't need to know that.'
But that expression eased off when he turned around to look you in the eye, "I'm sorry about this, my sister is a little fussy and all, you know..." he nervously smiled, had you not known better or seen it happen you would have believed they had nothing to hide.
"It's fine." What more could you say? They were guilty of dragging you here.
"I am sorry, I am, My sister usually doesn't pull off such stunts, it would be better for us to forget about this and move along." he laughed, but somehow it felt ominous to you, the way he steepled his hand and drop his elbow on the table, he didn't feel threatened anymore.
"Of course, why not," you answered.
"Splendid!" he raised his hands, giving you a tight smile with closed eyes. Giving it a few seconds, he waited for his sister to say something, elbowing her when she didn't.
Were you bonding with the twins? Not really.
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but would you like to marry my brother? I'm sure he'll sleep better knowing you are his. He's not a bad guy."
If you weren't there, Lyney wouldn't have kept up his smile and made you see him in a good light, however, his smile still appeared strained.
These two were oddly funny siblings with a sudden tendency to expose each other.
"Lynette..." Lyney hummed in a low voice, and his sister did not even flinch, "Sorry bro."
"Was this conversation about marriage from the beginning? Why didn't you say so? I wouldn't have had to worry so much haha..." how were you supposed to get out of this?
Reacting positively could only get you so far.
"So? Do you approve of my brother? You guys should get married in two days." Nothing seemed to faze this girl.
You looked at Lyney, then Lynette and you weren't sure of what you were going to say anymore.
If you say no, you are certain his sister will tear you to shreds and make sure the rest of your days go on as badly as possible, even saying 'I'll think about it' ingrained the same scenario in your head.
It shouldn't be so bad to say yes, no?
"... Why not?"
Saying no meant more harm than good. Besides, you just wanted to get out of this situation as quietly as possible.
"Bro, you owe me one. When can I expect grandchildren?"
"You mean nephews..." lyney replied.
"Yeah, that."
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 1 year
"In wich Metal, Amy and Sage have to stop the curse of the Sanderson Witches before accidentally causing said curse in halloween night." //TW: mild-mentions to death, violence, and gore//
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Metal and Sage are new in the city of Salem, with their fathers (Ivo and Stone) moving out into an old family house that an relative of Ivo Kintobor left to his name. Amy is your local believer of all stuff paranormal and most importantly: the history of Salem, even being long-time friends with Tails, who is an all and all recognizable kid for being an allegedly descendant of The Sanderson Sisters. He doesn't seem to like how much attention he get's about it tho...
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Rouge, Sonic and Honey a.k.a: The Sanderson Sisters
Are the most famous names of the whole town,having been said to be the main inquisitors of spreding havoc and misfortune with witchery in Salem centuries ago:
-Rouge Sanderson, the oldest and most powerful of the three. She possessed a spell-book that was bound in human skin and contained her most powerful spells and recipes. -Nicky Sanderson (Better known as Sonic) that was a charming but deeply dangerous witch, with a voice that could control and lure the mind of anyone that heard him. Rumors said his own magic slowly brought him into madness.
-Honey Sanderson, a seamstress of enchanted puppets for curses and spells. Those who got tempted by revenge usually came to her and payed a big price for her terrible practices to control others.
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A lot of stories has been told around the years about the acts of the witches, such as the one of Knuckles E.: Rouge's lover, who was said to mingle with Sonic, so she poisoned the echidna and got Honey sew his mouth, so he couldn't tell Rouge's secrets even in death. But, by far the most well-known story, is the one of how the three witches where hanged. Having plans of taking the life of childrens to aquire everlasting life.
Legend says, that they did indeed took the soul of one Maria Kintobor, as a way to punish the whole Kintobor lineage for their persecutions against themselves, as the head of the family, Gerald Kintobor, was the main judge in charge of witches law by that time. The oldest brother of the family, Shadow Kintobor, was lost to this as well, cursed to live forever in the form of a black cat that guarded the only thing that could bring the Witches back: The Black Flame Candle. STAY TUNED FOR MORE...!
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intheholler · 8 months
Donations for Appalachian/Southeast USA Queer Organizations
Here lies the sister post to my resource list.
Under the cut, you'll find a list of regional, primarily queer-focused groups to donate to, if you have the means.
If you've ever accused us of being beyond help, or have ever said we should be sawed off into the ocean, here's your chance to help the many helpers trying to make the southeast a better place--those that always go conveniently ignored in such conversations.
General Regional Links
Appalachian Outreach
STAY (Central Appalachia)
Help suspected transgender John and Jane Does regain their identities
Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project (STYEP)
Southerners on New Ground (SONG)
Campaign for Southern Equality
Trans Health Project
AIDS Alabama
The Knights & Orchids Society
Magic City Acceptance Center
Medical Advocacy and Outreach
Prism United
Shoals Diversity Center
Thrive Alabama
Carrollton Rainbow Inc.
Emmaus House
Feminist Women’s Health Center
First City Network
Georgia Equality
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
Arbor Youth Services
Lexington Pride Center
Louisville Queer Youth
Louisville Youth Group
Kentucky Fairness
Kentucky Health Justice Network
Kentucky Youth Law Project
Sweet Evening Breeze
Louisiana Trans Advocates
PACE Louisiana
Capital City Pride
Gulf Coast Equality
LGBTQ Fund of Mississippi
The Spectrum Center in Hattiesburg
Violet Valley Bookstore
North Carolina
Charlotte Transgender Healthcare Group (CTHCG)
Down Home NC
Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center
Pitt County Aids Service Organization
Triad Health Project
Triangle Empowerment Center
South Carolina
Alliance for Full Acceptance
Charleston Black Pride
Harriet Hancock Center
Palmetto Community Care
Uplift Outreach
We are Family
We are Family Trans Love Fund
Launch Pad
Mountain Access Brigade
My Sistah’s House
Pride Community of the Tri-Cities
Trans Empowerment Project
Youth Villages
Justice 4 All
Side by Side VA
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls
West Virginia
Harmony House West Virginia
Fairness West Virginia
Holler Health Justice
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pyrrhiccomedy · 3 months
I've been following your Heretic updates and I've been wondering, are the Hours akin to forces of nature - or they beings with desires and fears that are simply too alien for humans to comprehend?
They are beings with desires and fears that are for the most part completely comprehensible. Mother White is the only alien one. They are also forces of nature. The Hours are the aeonic powers that hold the universe together, and maintain an order in which life and the pursuit of apotheosis are possible. Their passions, rages, promises and burdens configure and power the architecture of the universe.
You know what, let's actually run through them.
The Madrugad (the First Hour) is the Hour of the Passage. She ensures that one side of a doorway connects to the other. She also presides over the passage from life to death (and back, if she allows it). She is invoked for summonings and resurrection magic. She attends the Sun-In-Rags in hospice, preventing him from passing into death. She is remote and solemn but broadly benevolent, though not necessarily generous.
The Queen-In-Chains (the Second Hour) is the Prophet's Hour. She presides over all causality and the organization of time. She is completely insane, but probably knows everything, and can act with searing and bewildering precision when she launches some petitioner on a called shot through the butterfly effect.
The Stranger (the Third Hour) is the Hour of Deception. She presides over everything that is unknown, and protects the secrecy of everything which should remain unknown. She's one of the three gods of the Wood, and is generally a real jerk. Trickster gods are almost universally manifestations of the Stranger. Her sister is the Ring-Yew, and the pair generally cooperate when called upon to do so. She is engaged in a friendly rivalry with the Black Captain.
The Rending (the Fourth Hour) is the Hour of Annihilation. He is the destroyer. Rage, cruelty, and pestilence are his offices. He wants to hurt you before you die. He loves the Sunflower King, and inflicts endless torments upon him to express his love. Doesn't really have a bone to pick with any particular other Hour. He intends to kill them all equally.
The Kithmark (the Fifth Hour) is the Hour of the Inner Reach. He maintains the boundary between 'you' and everything that is not 'you.' A lot of yogic practices get into Kithmark veneration. Mostly keeps to himself but if you end up fucking around in Idless at all you'll probably become a big fan of him. He is working very hard all the time to prevent you from being colonized by invading intelligences.
The Pyre-Hawk (the Sixth Hour) is the Hour of Exultation. His office is purification and ascension. He's absolutely 100% of the time in a state of ecstatic joy, and you will be too, if you pursue his favor for long enough! Nobody has beef with the Pyre-Hawk. He's the life of the party and we're all thrilled he's here.
The Sunflower King (the Seventh Hour) is the Hour of Triumph. It is by his will that your will has the power to reshape the world around you. Even the physical laws of the universe give way before the will of the Sunflower King. Proud and resplendent, haughty and flensing, in his kingly greatness he submits to be Rended to spare all of creation from facing the same scourge. The most beloved of the Hours for the greatness of his sacrifice. The Madderblade is his guardian and knight. All hail.
The Madderblade (the Eighth Hour) is the Hour of Conquest & Reconciliation. The fusion and fission of every atom in the universe are only the echoes of her towering victories in both love and violence. She is glorious. She is always serving. She is the first force that ever slew an Hour. Her blade bit the heart of Mother White. The Black Captain wants to fuck her so bad it makes him look stupid. She loves him too. They've been in a state of relentless war ever since acknowledging their passion, to prevent themselves from committing the calamitous Sin of the Sky.
The Bent Minstrel (the Ninth Hour) is dead, which is very bad. He was the second of the three gods of the Wood, and presided over the movement of nature. People who know about this sort of thing generally speak well of his memory, although often in the same way that they call the fairies "the good neighbors." Wild Hunts and horned gods aside, he was the right Hour to pray to if you wanted your harvests to be plentiful and the weather to be good. He also inspired art & music, which he perceived to be just more manifestations of the weather. Mother White ate him.
The Ring-Yew (the Tenth Hour) is the Merciful Hour. Every lucky break you've ever gotten when the chips were down was thanks to her. She is the particular protector of children, prisoners, slaves, martyrs, animals, and the lost. She is the third god of the Wood, and by far the nicest one. Fortunate is he who glimpses the edge of her silver hand in his moment of despair, because a path to peace and freedom is about to open up before him. She is completely incapable of any kind of violence.
Mother White (the Eleventh Hour) is the Hour of Vibrance. Hers is the vital force which allows life to multiply and which reanimates the dead. She is constantly hungry and has no other motivation that anyone has ever been able to determine before she ate them. It's hard to even tell if she communicates, or if she's just mimicking communication in order to entice you to come close enough that she can get her jaws around you. She's an awful grub and probably unkillable, but who knows what she'd pupate into if she could ever get enough to eat? Maybe something that wouldn't be so alien and dangerous.
The Stone Beggar (the Twelfth Hour) is also dead, but it seems unlikely that he'll stay that way. He was the Hour of Inevitability, and presided over the turning wheel. His name is still invoked by revolutionaries, and cursed by those who would try to cling to power beyond their appointed time. It is thanks to his kindness and to his cruel indifference that the wheel always turns. He was noble, quiet, and implacable in war. Mother White ate him too.
The Uranian (the Thirteenth Hour) is the Hour of Daring. Alone out of all the Hours, he was once a mortal man. His offices are magic and the movement of the spheres. Kind of a dick tbh, very into backstabbing your way to the top. The kind of guy who would actually say "don't hate the player, hate the game."
The Black Captain (the Fourteenth Hour) is the Hour of Satisfaction. It is by his will that oaths, vengeance, and victory hold power. He used to be the greatest of the stalking kings of Mithra, before the Madrugad summoned him into mundus to defend her domicile (in which the Sun-In-Rags takes sanctuary) from the ravages of Mother White, during the War of Intercalation. Dutiful, cunning, ruthless, and skillful. He's the sink to the Madderblade's source, you know? The Romans were really into him.
Those are all the currently seated Hours. There are more beings you can petition: like the Ecdysiast, the Wakefire, the Flayed Widow, and the Hanged Rider, all of whom were killed during the War of Intercalation and their Thrones have subsequently been taken by others (the Madderblade, the Pyre-Hawk, the Uranian, and the Black Captain, respectively). There are also Great Leviathan and the First Ant, neither of whom have ever been Hours, but are sufficiently titanic beings that they have a lot in common with the Hours. But you get the idea. They're not incomprehensible at all, except for Mother White.
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Supposing lp Jennette had not been accepted by Claude she would have ended up at worst sentenced to death for being a traitor's daughter and at best an outcast because she's a bastard child. If Claude or the Imperial wizards reveal that Jennette is a product of black magic, she'd be branded as a monster forever and even if Claude decides to spare her life, the church might request her execution or take the law into their own hands with regards to Jennette.
She can forget about her marriage with Ijekiel. Her engagement to Ijekiel hinges on the condition that the Emperor will welcome her as the second princess into the Imperial family and without his father's pressure on him Ijekiel won't indulge her crush on him anymore. Without Ijekiel's protection the noble girls will feel free to pull Jennette to pieces. Her isolated life behind the walls of the Alpheus residence barred her from making friends that would support her.
Would someone as greedy and self-serving as Roger let her remain in his house after her failure? He has no reason to, except to protect what little is left of his reputation after pulling a stunt like that in front of the assembled aristocracy. He might try to send her away to distant relatives she has never met or to the countryside until the excitement in the capital died down. Jennette might have been allowed to stay but her budget would have been cut short and she would have to live a little better than a servant. She has no life skills except for doing embroidery, cooking and cleaning. Jennette was literally raised to be someone's trad wife, but now no one will want to marry her. Whoever inherited the Judith fortune would have wanted her gone too. Officially she didn't exist for 15 years and now she has appeared out of thin air and has a right to a portion of the money and the need to request it. There is the possibility that Rosalia's husband or any other relative would send an assassin after her or blame her for a crime which would make it impossible for her to inherit. They could trick her somehow into relinquishing her right to the Judith fortune that should have been evenly split between Rosalia and Penelope.
Had Jennette protested against Rogers plan or messed it up, she would have lost everything. LP Athy on the other hand never had Claude's love. Whether Jennette had appeared or not, Claude would have continued to answer Athy's attempts at affection with cruelity. In Jennette's mind she did nothing wrong. "There was nothing she could have done for her half-sister."
Evading the Imperial wizards, shutting down those who question her paternity and accuse her of bastardy, getting harrassed by men every time she steps outside, enduring the bullying of jealous noble girls, dealing with the repercussions of her unconscious black magic use without being able to ask someone for help, keeping Claude from murdering people in cold blood. LP Jennette's life might have been a fight for survival just like Athy's.
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detectivereads · 3 months
Delicious in Dungeon vol 6 by Ryoko Kui
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This post is for fan entertainment, I’m not being paid.
Dungeon Meshi Thursday!
Ok part 2 of the Red Dragon Arc, we need answers of what happen with Falin. I do have a lot to say about certain characters so this might be long.
I may rehash a rant that I had in Vol 5, just because it shows up a lot in here. I will get into it when it’s in full swing. But I also have some thoughts on what Laios did as well. I would like to apologize if I tend to go on a tangent about Shuro. This volume has a lot of drama.
Ok, Vol 6 it picks up where Laios’s group meets up with both Shuro’s group and Kabru group, after some friendly-ish banter between everyone, and getting a meal ready to eat.
I have issues with Maizuru, yes, I can see her as the brains of their group, however I don’t like how she comes off as superior towards Senshi. (I don’t like people being mean to Senshi. Senshi is a precious bean.)
With that aside, I did like Chilchuck in this volume, thinking which of the two people Laios and Senshi he needs to stick by in order to do damage control if they irritated someone of in the new groups, he picks Senshi. I can see with his enthusiastic nature towards dungeon cooking.
However, Chilchuck picked the wrong person to keep an eye on, because while that was happening Laios had given a play by play to Shuro on what happened, how Falin was brought back from the dead. Shuro freaks out, and when looking at the method of using old magic when it has been forbidden a non-magic person would freak out about.
I can see both sides.
Laios wanted his sister back and Marcille could do a spell that could bring her back. Now, Marcille knew what she was doing, and even said that the spell was nothing nefarious.
While Shuro being a non-magic user hearing this and obeying the law of black magic is outlawed, would immediately end relationships with Laios and Marcille.
This is the start of Laios being moved down in my favorite character tier. Laios was almost expecting Shuro not to tell anyone top side. Granted, I understand that Laios told Shuro out of respect towards the man.
Ok more drama happens with Chimera Falin entering the fight and totally whoops everyone, but at one point she retreats.
With a good chunk of the group dead, they bring back the magic users, but refuse to allow Marcille’s help fearing that she would cast black magic again.
Ok new rant time
Shuro had traveled with Marcille I want to say a for a while. Shuro should know Marcille by now she would cast powerful magic only when she needs it too. Marcille also probably could also read the room that everyone is on edge about the ancient magic she casted to bring Falin back.
I also understand since Shuro is not a magic user he and the other non-magic users have more of a reason to be a bit wary.
I am sorry, Shuro is one of my least favorites at this point when he does get into a fist fight with Laios. Shuro complains that Laios was unbearable to be around that he never takes the hints that Shuro wanted to be alone.
This is another thing that bothers me, again traveling with Laios and the rest of the group before the first red dragon fight. Shuro should have picked up that Laios to put it bluntly is not the brightest blub in the box.
My friend made a nice comparison, that when Chilchuck is getting annoyed with Laios he will tell Laios without beating around the bush. Laios then understands and backs off. Shuro doesn’t voice his issues with Laios. Some people may not pick up the hints that person A wants to be left alone, you have to be direct about.
Ok, rant over.
After the fight and some planning Shuro and Kabru’s group are going topside to tell the lord that there is a more powerful monster in the dungeon.
While Laios’s group is going to defeat the mad mage of the dungeon.
Laios group runs into some shapeshifters, that have taken on the form of the group. As the whole group agrees that Laios is Laios, they locked up the fake Laios and some very obvious fakes of the 3. Everyone agrees that Laios should be the one that figures out who is real and who is fake.
Now we meet a new character, a beast person named Izutsumi, ok I will tell you know I really didn’t like her when I first met them. She is demanding and she threatens the group if they don’t help Izutsumi, she will murder/hurt them.
Izutsumi wants Marcille to take the beast part of her curse off and keeps threating if they don’t help, she will kill them.
 Senshi being the generous soul that he is, makes her some risotto.
But Izutsumi is not really well versed in how to whole eating utensils, having issues holding a spoon but is still shoveling the food down quickly. I can overlook that no one is perfect, but Izutsumi doesn’t like mushrooms (Ok, I don’t care for mushrooms either.) But she lets them fall to the floor.
Senshi has the patience of a saint, but it looks like Senshi patience has run out (psyche! Senshi is a sweet bean) But then Izutsumi’s curse is activated and a Japanese looking ghost (I’m sorry the name of the ghost with a oni looking mask and craving knife escapes me at the moment.)
So, once again Senshi giving so wise wisdom and being a bad ass taking down the ghost/demon, why using utensils a certain way will maximize the usage.
However, Marcille breaks the news to Izutsumi, her curse is not going to come off. Which crushes Izutsumi. (Or Marcille is unfamiliar with the process of the removal, she also goes into detail about the different types of ancient magic. While she specializes in one type she doesn’t know this type.)
The last chapter, I got newfound of respect for Marcille.
Marcille is facing a nightmare and Laios goes into her dream and tries to help. Through his adventure, Laios understands the fear that Marcille faces being part elf.  I will leave it at that.
Ok I know I had some rants throughout this volume, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t like it. I have my favorite characters (if it’s not obvious) while throughout the journey I get new respect for others or others are moved down on my favorites list.
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seventailedwolf72-blog · 10 months
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candlecordyceps · 5 months
This is just my raw emotional reactions, opinions, and just general interpretations of the last few scenes in the episode.
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Starting off, I’m beginning with Shuro confronting Laois for what he did. Shuro seems to be a very high-standing fellow from what I’ve been given so far (as an anime only currently- I will start reading the manga once it finishes releasing I promise). He has guards that are close to him, and I assume he’s rich, and knowing that he will DEFINITELY care a lot more about black magic and laws, because they effect him more due to his (assumed) status. He’s understandably terrified of what this means for Falin. And he confronts Laois by asking him,
“Do you know what you’ve done?” He tells him all the hell that he can go through for it, what FALIN will go through for it, Marcille will go through- but Laois knows.
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He’s well aware of the consequences and he was willing to do it anyways. For Falin. For his sister. Because she was willing to risk her life for him and for everyone, everyone followed suit, and the desperation to do so was so powerful they were willing to do what it took. And Laois ALSO knows, that despite what Shuro is doing right now,
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He would’ve done the same. Shuro won’t kill him, because he knows he would’ve done anything too. Laois doesn’t GET people. He thought he could trust Shuro to be quiet. At this point it’s pretty obvious to me, especially in the episode with him being clingy and friendly with Shuro, calling him the one of the “only ones to call him a friend”, despite Shuro’s very obvious uncomfortable-disturbed-annoyed attitude toward Laois and general unwellness being unnoticed (until told specifically of it, to which Laois immediately got onto Shuro about his health). Yet, he knows Shuro would’ve done anything too.
Shuro stays his sword, Laois wishes for understanding, Kabru gets a drama boner (I find it funny how into it he is), and the scene changes. And FUCK man.
Laois loves Falin so much, and he knows how much Shuro cares. He cared enough to return. He told him everything because he needs the help, and he’s banking on the care for Falin to be enough to work with him to return her to safety. I’m SOOOO hoping he does help. That he breaks down and the sword falls from Laois’s neck. That even though it goes against a law so potent it could get everyone involved into extremely deep trouble, the bonds he’s made are enough. I don’t know Shuro well enough at all. Lord knows if he’ll even keep it to himself if they get out of the dungeon. But GOD am I not thrilled to figure out more. AND NOW, to the scene that made me scream from my seat multiple times,
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Faliiiiiinnnnnnnnn GHHHHHOOOODDDD. When I tell you I GASPED. Watching the hands that we had witnessed painstakingly put together. The hands That two people took the care into fixing and making sure each was in the perfect place- scraping against the floor. Bloody around the sleeves, clawing forward- on a mission for someone she doesn’t actually know. Her mind is warped by the mission of the mage. Put back together just to bleed and be reshaped and melded to something scary and unknown and new-
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AND ITS TERRIFYING. LOOK AT HER. JESUS CHRRRIIIIIIIST. Someone so loved and someone they all want to protect is RIGHT THERE, but she’s almost unrecognizable beyond her face, and mentally she’s so incredibly far away.
I can’t imagine the distress in everyone as they realize that they have to fight the exact person they’ve been fighting for. Because there’s no way she is peaceful and there is no way she’ll just “be Falin” without some extreme inbetweens. There’s no way that the mage doesn’t return if/when they succeed. I’m SOO excited to witness them figure it out and try to save her once more.
IF YOU MADE IT HERE THANKS FOR READING ME YAPPING!! This is mainly a little storage for me later when I wanna revisit and figure out what I thought before I knew what happened. Have a nice day/night readers!
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Hi!! Have you had any success stories or know any of someone manifesting superpowers? ♡
Yeah i have one, but my manifestation was just having Supernatural Friends and boyfriend.
And let me tell you that i have manifested this even tho i didn't even discover the Law of assumption 😭, i just knew shifting and i didn't have limiting beliefs about the illogical things.
So what i did is i scripted my WR (stands for waiting room) and i scripted Also my Supernatural Friends and my boyfriend.
I was trying to shift there to meet them..but it didn't work (cause duh i had so much limiting beliefs about shifting believing that i had to do methods to shift🗿).
But since i haven't shifted i just decided that they will Come to this World.
Firstly i didn't know if they did Come here or not until in november 2020 my little sister Saw in the window that my Supernatural Friends and my boyfriend was in the car passing by the street that is in front of our apartment.
And i told her (my little sis) "hey..isn't one of my Friend have telepathic power? Then why don't we try to communicate with Them through our Minds?" And yes it worked so my sister started talking to them with just her mind (if you doubt me and you just Say "how did you know that it worked?" Well there were so many proofs and i will talk about them later on).
We had so much fun talking to them with just our Minds (thanks to my little sis🥹).
But you might wondering if i met them? No i didn't cause they didn't want me to meet them cause of my strict parents (by the way my Supernatural Friends are : 4 guys and one of them is my boyfriend and 2 girls).
Proofs : well when drama was happening in my middle school i would Ask my boyfriend to read their Minds or to know an information about them, and he would told me, i couldn't believe him at first but then when i would Ask some common Friend about that "the rumors" they would Say the same thing my boyfriend said and yup i was speechless and that proved that my friends and my boyfriend were here.
Then i really wanted to manifest my favorite fictional character (eren yeager from attack on titan) cause i had a Big crush on him 🤭, so my boyfriend suggested to bring him here with the Magic wand (yes my Magic wand is with my boyfriend 😥) so he made him Come to this World and he didn't Even told me (cause yeah my boyfriend is jealous), i was Sitting in the Park with my sister and my parents then i noticed a man walking like he didn't Even know where he was (and he was looking exactly like my fictional character "eren" he even was wearing the same clothes and even the hairstyle hsbfkgnidbf😫😩💗) i quickly told my sister "hey don't you think that man looks like eren?" And she told me "oh yeah it true" then i told her "hey Ask (my boyfriend's name) if that man is eren?" She hesistated a bit and told me that yeah it was him but 10 years older (because in the show he's 19 so that means he came from the future), so he started walking then he sat near my Parents my jaw dropped to the roof i was extremely surprised and Also excited, he was holding a black bag and another bag full of bread but suddenly it disappeared 😨 and he started smoking, girl i started fangirling at that moment 🤭😂..and i have so many stories but i would write an essay if i could tell you all of it😂.
Oh and also one day me and my little sis witnessed eren teleported right in front of us. (Yes my eyes couldn't believe what it Saw).
So yeah that it, now i'm manifesting to wake up in the void aware and to manifest my dream life and to live with my Friends.
Sorry for rambling 😅 and yeah that my success story.
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pjsk--shitposts · 4 months
Masterlist of every song and how long its in-game version is
The other day I was bored out of my mind and decided to further fuel my PJSK obsession by going on the wiki and copy pasting every song into a Google doc in order by their in-game length. Some are exclusive to certain servers, and some might be translated a bit wonky because I didn't know whether to use the English translation or not, but other than that everything is pretty straightforward.
The whole list is below!
1:14 Hitorinbo Envy
1:24 Jackpot Sad Girl
1:27 Heartbeat Pairing
1:31 Dim Light, Wavering 1/f Noise
1:31 Nomad
1:31 Parasol Cider
1:31 The Daughter of Evil
1:32 Ready Steady
1:32 The Servant of Evil
1:34 Bless Your Breath
1:34 Realize
1:34 Viva Happy
1:35 Dramaturgy
1:35 Hibana -Reloaded-
1:35 Marshall Maximizer
1:37 Booo!
1:37 Connecting the Stars
1:37 Highlight
1:37 On the Verge
1:37 Worldwide Wander
1:38 Telecaster B-Boy
1:39 Beat Eater
1:39 ECHO
1:39 Glory Steady Go!
1:39 Gunjou Sanka
1:39 Hated By Life
1:39 Waltz of the Deceased
1:40 Composing the Future
1:40 Hello, World!
1:41 CRaZY
1:41 Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪
1:42 City
1:42 Dance Robot Dance
1:42 Darling Dance
1:42 Evil Food Eater Conchita
1:42 Hello, Worker
1:42 Judas
1:42 Kirapipi★Kirapika
1:42 Limbo
1:42 Reborn
1:42 Tale of the Deep-sea Lily
1:42 World’s End Dancehall
1:43 I nandesu
1:43 Love ka?
1:43 Metamo Re:born
1:44 Charles
1:44 Float Planner
1:44 Jishou Mushoku
1:44 The Bubble Future
1:44 We Are the Stain Busters!
1:46 Cinema
1:46 drop pop candy
1:46 Ice Drop
1:46 Matryoshka
1:46 Newly Edgy Idols
1:46 Peaky Peaky
1:46 Unsung Melodies
1:47 Becoming Potatoes
1:47 Lost One’s Weeping
1:47 Lower
1:47 ROKI
1:47 Twilight Light
1:48 Living for a Millenium
1:48 Showtime Ruler
1:48 Starry Sky Melody
1:48 We Are
1:49 Amanojaku
1:49 Becoming Empty
1:49 Dance Orchestra
1:49 Kyuukurarin
1:49 Purpose
1:49 Wah Wah World
1:50 From Tokyo
1:50 Hm? Ah, yes.
1:50 Singing of a Flower
1:50 Ura Omote Lovers
1:50 Your Adventure Log Has Vanished!
1:51 Cutlery
1:51 magic number
1:51 Otome Dissection
1:51 P.h.
1:52 As You Like It
1:52 Ego Rock
1:52 Hello Builder
1:52 Teammates
1:52 SEKAI
1:52 The WALL
1:53 Hibikase
1:53 Totemo Itai Itagaritai
1:53 You’re Not in the Epilogue
1:54 At The Mercy
1:54 Awaiting Clear Skies
1:54 Color of Drops
1:54 Filament Fever
1:54 Forward
1:54 Kanadetomosusora
1:54 Kitty
1:54 needLe
1:54 Romeo and Cinderella
1:55 A Moment in the Sun
1:55 Black ★ Rock Shooter
1:55 Bottle Cake
1:55 Do Not Go
1:55 On&On
1:55 Samsa
1:56 1000 light years
1:56 Beyond the Way
1:56 Bocca della Verità
1:56 Near
1:56 Once Upon a Dream
1:56 Positive☆Dance Time
1:56 Teo
1:57 Cendrillon 10th Anniversary
1:57 Devil’s Manner
1:57 *Hello, Planet.
1:57 I want to be your heart
1:57 Torinoko City
1:58 alive
1:58 Angel’s Clover
1:58 Bad ∞ End ∞ Night
1:58 Integral
1:59 39 Music!
1:59 Goodbye Princess
1:59 Melty Land Nightmare
1:59 Passion at 25:00
1:59 Tears of Garnet
1:59 Where shall we go?
2:00 Dokuzu
2:00 Nostalogic
2:00 The Tailor of Enbizaka
2:01 Aoku Kakero!
2:01 Awake Now
2:01 Becoming Pigs Yeah Yeah
2:01 Close to Gray
2:01 Jangsanbeom
2:01 Kimi no Yoru Wo Kure
2:01 Law-Evading Rock
2:01 Lucky☆Orb
2:01 Nijiiro Stories
2:01 (Not) a Devil
2:01 Pulse of the Meteor
2:01 Rolling Girl
2:01 The Tetrad that Illuminates the World
2:01 The World Hasn’t Even Started Yet
2:01 Today is Also Cheerful
2:02 Fixer
2:02 Flyer!
2:02 Happy Cheat Day
2:02 Heat Abnormal
2:02 HERO
2:02 I know Ai Nou
2:02 I’m a Loser!
2:02 Kosho Yashiki Satsujin Jiken
2:02 Patchwork Staccato
2:02 We’re Still Underground
2:03 Clear and Serene
2:03 Hand in Hand
2:03 Happy Halloween
2:03 Heartbeat #0822
2:03 Meltdown
2:03 More! Jump! More!
2:03 Namo Naki Kakumei
2:03 Showtime x Audience
2:03 Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story
2:03 Song of “AI”
2:03 Super Last Brutal Sister Flandre S
2:03 Tell Your World
2:04 Fragile
2:04 Love Material
2:04 Mischievous Function
2:04 Osmanthus
2:04 Senbonzakura
2:04 Time Machine
2:04 Tondemo-Wonderz
2:04 Vampire's ∞ pathoS
2:04 Voices
2:05 1, 2, FanClub
2:05 An Almost-full Moon
2:05 Cantarella
2:05 Copycat
2:05 flos
2:05 Greenlights Serenade
2:05 Heart-pounding Roller Coaster
2:05 Hide and Seek
2:05 Made to Order
2:05 Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme
2:05 Pair of Wintry Winds
2:05 Starry Sky Orchestra
2:05 Rain and Petra
2:05 Tricologe
2:05 Watashi wa Ame
2:05 Weigh Anchor
2:06 Electric Angel
2:06 Goodbye
2:06 Intergalactic Bound
2:06 MikuFiesta
2:06 NEO
2:06 Opera! Space Opera!
2:06 Theater
2:06 The EmpErroR
2:07 Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo
2:07 Doctor=Funk Beat
2:07 Goodbye Sengen
2:07 Lag train
2:07 Next Nest
2:07 on the rocks
2:07 Regulus
2:07 Sou Datta!!
2:07 Tokugawa Cupnoodle Prohibition
2:08 88☆彡
2:08 Bitter Choco Decoration
2:08 Bug
2:08 Can’t Make a Song!!
2:08 Children Record
2:08 Imaginary Love Story
2:08 Judgment of Corruption
2:08 “Nh-Uh-Uh.”
2:08 Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow
2:08 Red Land Marker
2:08 Sorega Anata No Shiawase To Shitemo
2:08 Venom
2:09 Cosmospice
2:09 Flyway
2:09 Hitsuji ga Ippiki
2:09 Hug
2:09 Non-Breath Oblige
2:09 The First Melody
2:09 The Miniature Garden’s Coral
2:09 Traffic Jam
2:09 YAMINABE!!!!
2:10 Airhead
2:10 Aishite Aishite Aishite
2:10 Akotoba
2:10 If
2:10 Leia - Remind
2:10 Q
2:11 Brand New Day
2:11 It’s Just Life
2:11 Literary Nonsense
2:11 Ray
2:11 Remote Control
2:11 Stardust Utopia
2:12 Blessing
2:12 Butterfly on your Right Shoulder
2:12 Cute Girlfriend
2:12 Just Be Friends
2:12 Kashika
2:12 Kusare-gedou and Chocolate
2:12 Love Trial
2:12 Piano x Forte x Scandal
2:12 Play With Fire
2:12 Silver Collector
2:12 The Peachy Key
2:12 Unhappy Refrain
2:13 At God’s Mercy
2:13 Ghost City Tokyo
2:13 Heart Forecast
2:13 Happy Synthesizer
2:13 Marshmary
2:13 My Palette is Full of You
2:13 Stella
2:13 Twilight Melody
2:14 Disco No.39
2:14 GimmexGimme
2:14 Milk Crown on Sonechka
2:14 Sand Planet
2:15 blender
2:15 Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep
2:15 KING
2:15 Ten Thousand Stars
2:15 Tokyo Teddy Bear
2:15 When the First Love Ends
2:16 16-year Old Heart
2:16 Alone
2:16 Aun no Beats
2:16 Blue Planet
2:16 Unknown Mother Goose
2:16 Unaware Drunkard
2:16 Usseewa
2:16 Wonder Style
2:17 Kyoufuu All Back
2:18 Donut Hole
2:18 Hurray
2:18 Into the Night
2:18 Karakuri Pierrot
2:18 Somehow
2:18 TRASH and TRASH!
2:19 Cell Phone Love Story
2:19 Eternal Aria
2:19 Inferno
2:19 Luka Luka ★ Night Fever
2:19 Meru
2:19 MOTTO!!!
2:19 Pheles
2:19 Mr. Showtime
2:19 The Snow White Princess Is
2:19 Un-Lock
2:20 Because You’re Here
2:20 Brain Revolution Girl
2:20 Dreamin Chuchu
2:20 Getting Faster and Faster
2:20 Music Like Magic!
2:20 Spring Storm
2:20 Yobanashi Deceive
2:21 DSCF
2:21 folern
2:21 Hopes and Tears at the End Mark
2:21 Kokoro
2:21 Lonely Universe
2:21 Odo
2:21 Sick of House!
2:21 Vampire
2:22 1925
2:22 Bloom in Mud
2:22 Double Lariat
2:22 Ghost Rule
2:22 I Can’t Win Against Dense Guys!
2:22 Junky Night Town Orchestra
2:22 Last Score
2:22 Spoiled Princess
2:23 39
2:23 Chururira Chururira Daddadda!
2:23 Jouou
2:23 Kagerou Daze
2:23 Love is War
2:23 Slow Downer
2:23 Stardust Medley
2:23 Uninterrupted Indigo
2:24 Alien Alien
2:24 Brain Fluid Explosion Girl
2:24 Help me, ERINNNNNN!!
2:24 Invisible
2:24 Irony
2:24 Phony
2:24 Snowman
2:24 YY
2:25 Attract Light
2:25 Calc.
2:25 Dawn and Fireflies
2:25 Decade
2:25 Deep-sea Girl
2:25 Fräulein=Biblioteca
2:25 Ifuudoudou
2:25 Interviewer
2:26 Childish War
2:26 Hello / How Are You
2:26 Miracle Paint
2:26 Solar System Disco
2:26 This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee
2:26 yomosugara kimi omou
2:27 Afterglow
2:27 Bad Apple!!
2:27 Blue Star
2:27 Change Me
2:27 Egoist
2:28 Attakaito
2:28 Even So, it’s OK
2:28 God-ish
2:28 Imperial Girl
2:28 Melancholic
2:28 Our 16bit Wars
2:28 Rin-chan Now!
2:28 sweety glitch
2:29 Cool Me Down
2:29 JINSEI [our life]
2:29 Kimagure Mercy
2:29 Paradichlorobenzene
2:29 Summertime Record
2:29 Sweet Magic
2:30 Ah, It’s a Wonderful Cat Life!
2:30 Dear
2:30 My Love is Hellfire
2:30 Villain
2:31 Colorful Marine Snow
2:31 Good Weather
2:31 Rainy Snowdrop
2:31 Sage
2:31 Sharing the World
2:31 Tengaku
2:31 Thousand Year Solo
2:32 Akuyaku ni Kiss Scene wo
2:32 Alter Ego
2:33 Relay Outer
2:34 ÅMARA (The Great Intelligence)
2:34 Gehenna
2:34 It was a very nice June
2:34 SEKAI-Chan and KAFU-Chan's Otsukai Gassoukyoku
2:35 All I Need are Things I Like
2:35 Dear Doppelganger 
2:35 from Y to Y
2:35 Miku
2:35 Retainer Supplanting His Lord
2:35 Setsuna Trip
2:36 Be the MUSIC!
2:36 Blue Paint
2:36 Hollow
2:36 Identity
2:36 I’m Mine
2:36 Incomplete Anthem
2:36 Lost and Found
2:37 New Human Race
2:38 Mirai
2:38 Moonlight
2:38 SnowMix♪
2:39 glow
2:39 Shoujo Rei
2:40 Don’t Fight the Music
2:40 Overcode
2:40 The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku
2:40 What’s Up? Pop!
2:41 Syndrome
2:42 Growing Up Together
2:42 One, Two, Three
2:43 MarbleBlue.
2:44 Dance Robo
2:46 Journey
2:47 Zunda Party Night
2:49 Angel’s Wing.
2:50 World is Mine
3:01 Melt
3:02 Hatsune Creation Myth4:59 The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku (APPEND)
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lazywriters-blog · 1 year
Summary: A sister has gotta do what she gotta do. Slight dark undertones, implied stalking, very mild yandere behavior? But could be read as fluff or dark comedy, but questionable. Kinda dumb-
Why do I imagine Lynette being the pushy and bickering sister-in-law in support of her dear brother who hasn't cared to mention that you are partially still a stranger? And he hasn't gotten the chance to even introduce himself? But, he's a little shy and head over heels and implementing subtle tactics to bring you in.
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"Do you care for a trick?"
You've heard it before, and though you never believed in magic or magicians you turned around to see the young man bowing his hat, a hand behind his back, and an elegant posture.
Magicians are but clever in deceiving and trickery, concealment, and whatnot. You could list a few more.
However, in favor of answering his voice, you speak up, "Oh no, thank you." The least you could do was smile and walk away, and you were going to until he stepped an inch and insisted, "Please just one trick?" he pleaded with his eyes this time.
You looked away, dealing with persistent people never went well in your case so you nodded, and he grinned big. Sighing and whining internally, you fold your arms and watch him reveal the insides of his hat, you've seen it done many times.
"Don't blink!" he playfully cautioned.
You dare not.
He examined you for a brief moment then pulled out a picture from the empty hat, and quickly handed it to you with a wide smile. You had been expecting a rose or something that symbolizes passion, or love. But not what you were seeing.
A hazy picture of black and white with a figure whose face resembled a ghost. It was an eerie sight to witness first thing in the morning.
"What... What is this?"
"Oh, did I hand you the wrong one?" he feigned innocence leaning over and taking a peek, "Oops!! My apologies, even magicians make mistakes!!" he exclaimed, stealing the picture out of her hand and replacing it with a ticket instead.
"As an apology, please accept this free ticket to my magic show this evening, I would love to see you there!" and then, he vanished into the alleyway.
You did not give much thought to the incident and went on your day, the ticket at the bottom of your pocket forgotten and missed. Cruel or sad may it be, you had no business being someplace you didn't want to.
It would have stopped there normally.
But it didn't...
"Oh!! Hello there!" It was his voice again you heard on the streets, he wasn't alone this time, "I must have freaked you out with my wrong trick, I figured that's why you didn't come to my show." Faking ignorance seemed harsh so you ceased your doing and glanced at the twins, you wanted it to be swift and stress-free.
"Not really, I was busy with work and I'm not a fan of crowds, Sorry I couldn't attend it." his sister had been staring long and fiercely, an odd sibling you assumed and acted, "I hear it was marvelous, the show you put up, people are still talking about it."
"You liar." That's the first thing you heard from his sister standing by his side, glaring and throwing knives into your chest, not literally but your heart did skip a few beats.
And strangely, it seemed to agitate the magician more than you. "Ha-ahaha! She just likes to tell jokes, don't mind her!"
"Oh... Uh, I see."
The conversation had turned sour, and none of you spoke a word or met eyes if it hadn't been for the young man, you would have been stuck in the silence for much longer.
"Um... We were heading to get dessert, you should come with us." he offered, friendly-toned and cautious of how he was being viewed, Despite the kind suggestion, you would rather decline than take harmless risks.
"Thanks... But--"
"Just shut up and come with us already. You have nothing to do tonight we know."
If the earlier comment hadn't affected you, it did now. Sadly for you, his sister wasn't done yet and took a step forward to point an accusing finger at you, as if you had gone and killed someone dear to her and laughed it off in her face.
"Do you even know how sad my brother was when you didn't come to his show? You should be sorry for what you're doing to him! Why are you causing him pain?!"
Perhaps, asking for no trouble invited it instead.
"You torment him with your moody strikes! And you have the guts to ignore him! How dare you tear apart my brother's heart and act as if you're this kind lady who doesn't hurt-"
"Lynette!!!" Confusion couldn't dare to describe how you were feeling, the scene looked like a family quarrel, and you weren't even a part of it.
You felt like a wife scolded by her sister-in-law. Would saying anything work to quell the tension brewing in the air or even the eyes watching them? If you had to make a bet, the people were having the time of their lives watching the drama unveil.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow... I've never really talked to your brother-"
"You're coming with us!!" The only thing left for her to do was drag you there herself, that would be humiliating.
You felt like a part of the family alright.
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princesssarisa · 7 months
I've now reached the last of the main list of Cinderella stories from Cinderella Tales Around the World. The book is nowhere near over, though: after this it goes into the various "subtypes" of Cinderella, such as Donkeyskin.
The last few "official" Cinderella stories in this book are from Mexico and Chile. I was disappointed not to see more South American versions, and particularly that there were none from Brazil for @ariel-seagull-wings. But the Donkeyskin tales later in the book do include a Brazilian version, which I look forward to sharing!
*As in the versions from the Philippines, the heroine is named Maria in all three of these Latin American tales.
*The Mexican version is called Maria Cenzia, or "Cinder-Mary." The title character is a homeless orphan who lives in an ash-hole belonging to a household of black Moorish witches. They eventually discover her, take her in as a servant, and send her to the river with a black sheepskin, ordering her to wash it until it's white. But a lady appears and magically does the task for her, then gives her a magic wand to grant her wishes and puts a shining star on her forehead. When the jealous daughter of one of the witches sees this, she takes a black sheepskin to the river too, but the lady puts an ugly growth on her forehead instead of a star. Maria later uses her magic wand to give herself finery to wear to church and to give herself wings to fly home before the witches can catch her. She loses a shoe, of course, which leads to her marriage to the prince. But then the witches turn her into a dove with a magic pin. Yet one day, her father-in-law the king finds her and takes out the pin, breaking the spell, and when all is revealed, the witches are burned at the stake.
*The two Chilean versions, Maria the Cinder-Maiden and Maria the Ash-Girl, are nearly identical to each other and very similar to Maria Cenzia too. Maria persuades her father to marry a seemingly-kind widow with a daughter of her own, but is abused afterwards. She has a pet cow, which the stepmother spitefully has killed, but inside its body Maria finds a magic wand. She then has to wash the cow's organs in a stream, but they fall in and are swept away. An old woman comes along and offers to get them for her, and in return Maria cleans her house and cooks supper for her; for this, the old woman gives Maria a shining star on her forehead. The next day the envious stepsister has her own pet cow killed, takes the organs to the stream, and loses them on purpose, but she shows the old woman no kindness, and so she receives a turkey wattle on her forehead instead of a star. Some time later, there's a ball at the royal palace. Maria uses her wand to give herself finery and a coach, and of course she loses a shoe, and the prince uses it to search for her. The stepsister binds her own foot with tight bandages to make the slipper fit, but either a dog or a parrot alerts the prince, and Maria is found.
*It's interesting that the motif of the heroine receiving a shining mark on her forehead (a star, a moon, or a jewel) is found in Cinderella tales from both Latin America and Iran, yet rarely seen elsewhere. My guess is that the motif originated in the Middle East, was brought to Spain by the Arabs, and then traveled from Spain to Latin America.
*This is probably as good a time as any to discuss another recurring theme I've noticed. While around the world it varies whether the heroine's abusers are punished, forgiven, or neither, it seems that when they are punished, the worst punishment usually falls on the (step)sister(s), not the (step)mother. Just look at the Grimms' version: the stepmother is Aschenputtel's main antagonist, and she abuses her own daughters too by forcing them to cut off parts of their feet, yet in the end she goes unpunished, while her daughters' eyes are pecked out by birds. Yet even in versions where the (step)mother does get a punishment, the more brutal killing, maiming, or permanent disfigurement tends to be reserved for her daughter(s). Some versions try to justify it by portraying the sisters as abusing Cinderella more than their mother does, but most don't bother. In many versions, the simple "crime" of being Cinderella's rival is treated as if it were worse than being her chief abuser.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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