#black leg sanji fanfic
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inkscave · 3 months ago
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I love them
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oddleen · 4 months ago
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I'm back from the dead because shut up they're so cute together.
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zyannsworld · 1 year ago
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Sanji’s alcohol level is not as high as Zoro’s. He sneaks into Zoro’s bed thinking it’s his. When Sanji woke up with a hangover, Zoro was already on the deck back to his usual swords training. They never spoke about this moment, but Zoro had never forgotten because he discovered something that night and it kept waking him up randomly ever since 💚💛🤫
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sibmakesart · 7 months ago
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clare-875 · 4 months ago
Where Are You? (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro)
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_____ Pairings: (Separate) Luffy x Reader; Zoro x Reader; Sanji x Reader Summary: They can't find you after a battle. Warnings: Descriptions of injury and blood, angst, comfort, Marineford spoilers and slight PTSD for Luffy's, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] _____
- Luffy -
(A/N: This was angstier than I originally was going for, sorry!)
"Oi, Nami..." Luffy's gaze fights between untamed trepidation and utter despair as he looks down at his navigator, who bore the same look in her eyes. "Where's [y/n]?" There is a deep and unwavering silence until Nami speaks up from where she sat, exhausted, shaky voice reaching the air. "I-I thought she was with you, she stayed back to fight the enemy w-while I escaped. Luffy I-" More crewmates gather from the now destroyed town, wiping debris from themselves and cradling injuries won through their respective battles. "Hey, what's going on?" Zoro first interrupts the tense atmosphere as Nami gazes into her Captain's shadowed eyes, betraying rare worry. This battle had been formidable and deadly. It was obvious in the way the crew were clad with cuts and bruises, and it had been hours since you had been left to deal with your opponent. "I'm going to go look for her!" Luffy leaves the scene despite hearing the worried call from Nami and the confused words of the rest of the crew.
Normally, Luffy wouldn't be worried about his crewmates, especially you. He held them to a great standard and had great trust in them; there was nothing they couldn't overcome in his mind. However, he would be lying to say he wasn't worried for you now. Despite burying the feeling every time he and the crew faced battle, it was hard to ignore the lingering dread, especially after having experienced the potential consequences of warfare with Ace. He needed you safe. He needed you with him and his crew. He couldn't lose you too. Too much time has passed in his mind, and he flung his outstretched limbs as far as they would go, to the place where Nami had left you to fight. Maybe he was overreacting, but Luffy couldn't risk anything with you. You brought out that serious side in him, you brought forth the dread of losing someone again.
When Luffy finally makes his way to the scene he witnesses the destructions, etched with the uniqueness of your battle techniques. The ground had been upturned, buildings indented with impacts and smoking in the wake of your battle. In the midst, he sees your opponent, unconscious and lets relief fill his system; you have won. Then, his eyes scour the scene and land on whisps of [h/c] hair, which leads to a familiar face. Luffy feels his heart pound once, twice before picking up pace. You were there, but you were unconscious, were you-. Luffy runs, and he feels that unfamiliar feeling twist in his chest once more; dread, fear, worry. The emotions were so unnatural to him, but so was love, until you taught him the sensation. "[y/n]!!" He yells quickly, and reaches your side in an instant, as trembling hands take your bloodied face into his lap.
"Hey, [y/n]!! [y/n]!! Are you-"
Luffy doesn't know what to do and considers running you back to Chopper. But finally, he sees it: your eyes. They flutter open and your gaze adjusts to the sight of Luffy, except his face is adorned with emotions you had yet to familiarise yourself with. "L-Luffy?" You sit up steadily, wincing slightly, but okay nonetheless. Your boyfriend stares in silence, and your concern only deepens at his far-away gaze. You grab his shoulders gently, "Hey, Luffy... are you okay?" A moment passes before Luffy shakes his head from his trance, as though finally with you again. "Y-Yeah." You frown deeper at his uncharacteristic response, but you know deep down the events of Marineford are still fresh in his mind.
When Luffy looks at you, he can only grip at his reality and try to acknowledge that you are there with him... that you are alive and safe. Your eyes linger on his face as you pull him into a hug that he didn't know he needed. "I'm sorry Luffy, I must've passed out, let's go now. I'm sure there's a banquet waiting for us." With that, Luffy finally shakes free from the haunting feeling that lingered just earlier. You finally witness the quirk of his lips as he nods and tells you to hold on to him. He flings you back to the crew that waves and smiles at you in relief. That night, Chopper frantically checks up on you anyway, and Luffy pays closer attention to you. You on the other hand make sure Luffy's lingering smile deepens, and returns to that full, wide, joy you know it should always encompass
As the night loiters on, you see the normalcy seep back into celebration. By the end, Luffy dances with you and eats like his life depends on it. You smile softly and he grins; all is well in his world because all is well with you.
- Sanji -
"[y/n]-san!!" Sanji's eyes are almost wild as they turn left to right, his legs lit aflame as he moves across the destroyed town, searching every nook for a glimpse of your face. Worry pounds in his chest and he barely has the time to care that he has gone and lost his composure. "Sanji-kun!" Nami speaks up from behind him, but she barely has the will to keep up her angry facade when she witnesses concern radiating from the cook; she was worried too, after all. Nami sighs heavily as Sanji looks at her with his teeth gritted. "Calm down, I'm sure she's alright, maybe-" Her words are meant to be of comfort, but Sanji has been looking through the town for too long, and he merely needs you with him again. He needs you safe and in his arms. So though trying to hold onto words spilled in their reassurance, only you could calm the worry he holds now.
"Oi, Sanji!" The cook turns at the sound of Luffy's voice as he bounds over, rare sincerity coming from his Captain. "Have you found her yet?" Sanji could do nothing but shake his head because he hadn't. He can't find you. It had been hours since you were left to deal with your opponent, and he had found them battered and obviously defeated by you. But where were you? He had been searching with some of his crew for a while now, and every instant he felt his hope start to slip away; he felt failure creep up on him. In his mind, it was his duty to make sure that you were safe; he hated even the faintest scratch on your skin. But he also wanted to place his trust in you. Despite having to resist his instinct to protect, he wanted you to fight your own battles for your own pride, but now he feels himself regretting having run off with another enemy; he should've stayed by your side.
Sanji continues through the barren streets, and he prays to whatever being he has to pray to, holding on to the slim hope that you are safe. As crew members also disperse in their concern for you, he pulls back the debris, now almost scared to see what he could find. Were you injured? Were you taken? Were you- "S-Sanji..." For a moment, the blond-haired cook freezes and he feels his heart beat faster, if that were even possible. "S-Sanji, that you?" Sanji had never raced towards the sound of someone's voice faster than he had in that moment. "[y/n]-san!? [y/n], where are you?" He is met with the quiet once again, and he fears it might've been a trick of his mind until finally, your voice lingers once again. "Here, I'm trapped... can't breathe." His eyes turn sharply to a building, and beneath the debris, he eyes your arm reaching upwards, desperately trying to gather his attention. "[y/n]-san..."
Sanji moves as though his life depends on it, ripping away rubble and fragments of building built upon you. His hands bleed by the end of it but he doesn't seem to care because finally, he sees your face. "Love!" Sanji, tears away the final pieces of destruction that had piled around you and gently pulls you free from your encasement. He gathers you in his arms and his embrace, relishing your warm body against his. "S-Sanji." When the cook finds the will to pull away he allows relief to wash away his dread, but not the concern as he sees your half-lidded eyes, straining in your exhaustion. "Love, let me find Chopper." You had never seen Sanji so serious. He holds you in his arms and runs as fast as his legs would take him, lit ablaze as he scours the scene for the sight of the crew's doctor.
When he finally does, he wastes no time.
"Chopper!" Almost immediately there is action, as crewmembers gather at the sight of you in Sanji's arms, and Chopper's eyes widen at the state you're in. "[y/n]!" You had lost consciousness by the time the small reindeer could look over your state, and Sanji silently suffered his worry once more, reaching for a cigarette. Long moments pass in the aftermath, and it is only hours later when you wake amid celebrations of victory. When you turn to your side, Sanji is already there, watching crewmembers feast upon the banquet that marks the end of another fight. As he turns and meets your eyes, you see them widen and you smile gently. "Love! You're awake, thank God!" Sanji reaches over to you and you laugh as you gather him in your arms. "I-I'm so sorry. If I had-" But you cut off your lover and you hush him quickly with the clasp of your hand around his.
"Thank you, for saving me."
Sanji looks down on you, battered and bruised but safe and with him. He smiles softly at you and squeezes your hand in his, as though in silent promise: he would never see you lost to him again. You grin at the serene expression that has finally filled his face but are interrupted by the rumble of your stomach as you pause and feel heat rush to your face. "I- I guess I am a bit hungry after all the-" But of course, you barely have to finish your sentence. Sanji has a platter in his hand, full of all the foods you could want with determination in his eyes. "Please, let me love." In that moment, you let Sanji take care of you because it seemed that was what he longed to do, after holding onto his concern for so long. Just never leave him in that state again, he doesn't know if he could take that.
- Zoro -
You gasp as you pull your limbs out of the debris that had fallen in the impacts of your battle. You cradle an arm you know had likely broken and take in a stuttering breath as you pull yourself back to your feet. Almost instantly, you feel pain. Great, you think to yourself, a broken arm and a broken ankle, just what I needed. You momentarily lose balance before gritting your teeth and forcing yourself still. The battle had been more tedious and time-consuming than you had originally hoped, but in your mind, it was worth it to witness your agitating opponent finally bite the dust. You gaze upward towards the falling sun. You had let too much time pass, and you had to get back to your crew; you had to make sure they were safe. So, despite the pain you limp and try to ignore the raging discomfort as you make your way further from your fallen foe.
Quite a ways further from you, Zoro looked around him whilst trying to deny that it was worry he felt at the lack of your presence. Crew members were now having their injuries checked up on or being slowly pulled into preparations to celebrate victory. Too busy being doted on by grateful, new friends or being lulled into the temptation of food and drink, there hadn't been much time to settle and do a head count. But Zoro noticed; of course, he did. He could deny all he wanted, but you were the first thing he looked for post-battle. He had great trust in you and your abilities; you were strong, dependable and courageous. He never doubted you, but time ticked on, and unrest ate up at him. Where were you? You should be here by now.
"Where's [y/n]?"
Robin is the next crewmember to look around in concern at your absence but she is the first to actually voice the lack of you. Her words catch the attention of other crewmates as Nami and Sanji also turn and look around the vicinity. "Now that you mention it... when was the last time any of you saw her?" Zoro's heart rate only picks up further despite eyeing his crewmates in silence, listening as they question your whereabouts. Luffy starts to bound over as he witnesses his crew start to clump together, worry betraying them. "What's happening?" Zoro turns once his Captain has entered the fray, already having started to move before registering the rest of the crew's increasingly uttered words. "Oi, Marimo, wait you'll get lost before you even-" But he is too far by the time Sanji notices that Zoro has gone, most likely to look for you. "Tch, we should send someone else to look for [y/n]-san too."
Zoro walks briskly through the barren streets and takes himself far from where the smoke of the campfire rages behind him, marking the beginning of a banquet. His keen ears pick up on odd sounds in the area, but none of them are you, and his horrible sense of direction has betrayed him again. Where were you? It was dark now, and the moon lingered in the sky. Abruptly, there is a tangible dread that twists uncomfortably in the swordsman's chest; he knows that you should've been back by now. If you weren't something must've happened, but Zoro refuses to acknowledge what that 'something' could be. Surely you wouldn't be- Suddenly, there is a ruffle of trees to his far right and he turns quickly, instincts forcing his hands to his swords. Someone was here. "Oi, show yourself!" There is a tense silence, until finally, Zoro hears the one thing he had been hoping for: your voice.
"Really Zoro? You can't even recognise your own girlfriend?"
Amid trees and branches, you finally break away into the clearing albeit with exhaustion and injury weighing you down. You breathe heavily and you would never say it but you felt such relief at seeing Zoro, that you could cry. But, your pride holds your tears and instead, you smile, grinning at him and holding yourself up with as much strength as you can muster. The swordsman who looks at you finally feels the worry dissipate but his eyes travel your form and the way your arm bends an awkward way or how you clearly favour one leg to the other. "Oi, [y/n], what took you so long?" Zoro lets out a deep sigh as he relaxes his stance but would rather die than admit his concern to you, and so masks it behind nonchalant words. You, however, have hoarded so much pain, that you feel as though on the brink of collapse.
"Yeah, yeah, help me out here?" You reach out to him, longing for some sort of support, but Zoro's sharp eyes widen as he sees you topple. Almost instantly you feel warm arms wrap around you. When next you open your eyes you are cradled against your boyfriend's chest and held firm but gently. Your gaze drifts to his face and you laugh as you see the slight flush of red fill his cheeks. "Where you worried, Zoro?" You tease, trying to lighten the mood, but your head lulls into him, as you finally feel the safety of being back in his arms. "Tch, don't be ridiculous." You smile softly, too tired to reply, but you point in the opposite direction of where he walks. "Zoro, that way." You mutter against him and he turns sharply, a more fierce blush rising to his face. You laugh before letting sleep pull you in. Zoro almost starts yelling in panic until he sees you have merely drifted off; you don't see the worry he held onto just moments earlier, almost causing him to turn the town over to find you.
"Don't do that again, idiot." His words are murmured to you, and he holds you closer, but you don't hear them, too far in your sleep.
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iluvzaddies · 1 year ago
˚ෆ₊ sanji being in love with you ₊˚ෆ
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— sanji, the cook of the strawhat pirates, is a very flirtatious guy.
— when he meets you, he becomes fixated on you.
— you are special to him, which is why he refuses to look at any other woman besides you.
— of course, since he is a ladies’ man or was a ladies’ man, he knows his way around women. he knows what a woman wants and what they like in a man. he knows how to impress women as much as he knows how to cook and kick shit. it is like his profession.
— he is affectionate and romantic and isn’t afraid to show you or the whole damn world how he feels.
— he cooks the most amazing meals for you. his love language is food and apart from that, gift giving and physical affection 24/7.
— he will not allow you to get hurt in any way. mentally, emotionally or physically. if you ever get hurt, he will snap. whoever brings harm upon you will be dead by the end of the day. that’s for sure.
— when he said he refuses to look at any other woman, he really means it.
— he wants you and only you.
— the all blue is his dream, but you are his main dream. he wants to pursue you so badly, it hurts.
— in his imagination, after he is done with piracy, he opens up a successful restaurant just like zeff’s and he sees you in the picture alongside him.
— he can’t wait.
— but first, he must successfully court you.
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sanjisleggy · 3 months ago
welcome to cupid island (black leg sanji x reader) [pt1]
a/n: omg so i did not expect the post i made about this idea to pop off so hard ;0; thank you to everyone who commented their interest in this fic! hopefully i managed to tag everyone who asked to be tagged 
contents: jealous sanji, some fluff, a tiny bit of angst (a mere taste of what’s to come)
wc. 2.5k
“doesn’t it bother you at all?” Nami asked, tilting her head in the direction of a familiar blond head of hair. “that he’s like that?” Sanji remains unaware of his crewmates’ attention being directed his way, too engaged in conversation with a group of ladies, soaking up all their kind words and light touches. Robin chuckles behind her hand whilst Zoro rolls his eyes, taking another sip of his fifth drink for the night. 
“no, not really,” you reply with a soft laugh yourself as you continue to watch your boyfriend wiggle in joy at all the attention he was receiving. “it’s pretty harmless and i know he knows not to take it too far.” Zoro rolls his eyes again.
“you have a lot of faith in the cook, don’t you?” Robin interjects with a warm smile. she’s always been intrigued by the dynamic between the Straw Hats’ chef and botanist. “most people would count what he’s doing as ‘taking it too far’, don’t you think?” she asks and to an onlooker it might sound like a challenge of some sort but you know Robin’s just curious.
“you’re right,” you reply, “both you and Nami.” you reach out to give the navigator sitting beside you a side hug. “i just think we have a special kind of understanding, if that makes sense.”
“whatever floats your boat.” Zoro speaks for the first time since you guys entered the bar. “knowing the shitty cook, i just have a feeling he won’t be so patient if the tables were turned.”
“i’d have to agree.” Nami hums thoughtfully before cracking a smile. “but you’re such a catch, it won’t be long until someone threatens to take his place, huh?” though you feel your face heat up at the compliment, you simply shake your head and laugh, glancing over once more at your beloved.
this time, his eyes catch yours and a wide, goofy grin spreads across his face. Sanji waves, body swaying slightly from the alcohol.
“HI MY SWEET (Y/N)!” he yells with a certain lack of restraint that only comes with being inebriated. before you can react, he wobbles over to your table, ignoring the curious glances and calls from the women he was chatting to before. walking up behind your chair, Sanji slumps over and wraps his arms around your chest, nuzzling his face into your neck. “‘m tired now. let’s go to bed?” he mumbles, continuing to rub his stubbly face against your skin.
after a whole thirty minutes of slowly guiding him back to the Merry and into your shared quarters, you finally manage to make it to bed. you tuck Sanji in before crawling to his side. still barely awake, he hums and pulls you close, tucking your head under his chin and tangling his long legs with yours under the blanket. his hands find their way under the back of your shirt, fingers lightly brushing gentle circles into your skin.
“did you have a fun night?” you ask as you press a soft kiss to his collarbone.
“mmhmm,” he hums. “all the pretty ladies asked me so many questions about our adventures,” Sanji’s words got more muffled by the syllable as he spoke while burying his face in your hair, “but all i could really tell them was about how awesome and sexy you are when you beat up assholes and whatever.”
“oh, really?” you can’t help but continue the conversation even though you can tell how close to falling asleep he is.
“mmhmm…” Sanji takes a comically big whiff of your hair. “time for sleep. goodnight, my love.”
“goodnight, sweet boy.” 
the next morning you dock at a new island that seems fairly peaceful enough for everyone to go about and explore on their own. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper run off to god knows where so the rest of you opt to stick together.
still slightly hungover, Sanji hugs your arm as you stroll down the bustling streets, trailing behind Robin, Nami and Zoro. before you can ask if he’d like to go rest in bed, he suddenly perks up and breaks off from the group to go greet a group of well-dressed women.
actually, now that you think of it–
“doesn’t it seem like everyone is super dressed up here?” you point out, eyes scanning the crowd. all the men and women look well-groomed and don very clean, stylish outfits.
“it’s not just the people,” Nami responds, “the whole town looks decorated for some kind of festival don’t you think?”
“whatever’s going on, there’s far too much pink,” Zoro scoffs halfheartedly.
“it’s Valentine’s Week!” an eavesdropping passerby shares. “we celebrate it here on Cupid’s Island every year. it’s when everyone’s encouraged to woo their romantic interests or propose to their significant others. this year’s special, though.”
“and why’s that?” Robin asks.
“on the last day is when our crown prince Aphr is going to ascend the throne and choose his queen. it’ll be the final thing we celebrate as a town before Valentine’s Week ends! you guys are tourists, right? you should stay until then.”
“when’s that?”
“three days from now!”
“thats roughly how long we have until the log pose sets so i don’t see why not.” Nami shrugs.
after thanking the stranger for their help, the four of you decide to settle lodging for the whole crew until it’s time to leave. as the others discuss further details, you opt to look for Sanji to reel him back to the group. you spot his back a few metres away but before you can call out for him, an old lady grabs your arm.
“hey!” you cry out instinctively, instantly capturing the attention of your crewmates as well as your lover whose eyes dart around frantically looking for you. meanwhile, Nami, Robin and Zoro ready themselves for a possible fight.
“it’s time for a love reading!” the old lady announces and everyone around you cheers. “come, take a seat.” she ushers you to a stool just beside her.
“what’s going on?” you ask, still apprehensive but less on-edge than you were a second ago.
“it’s a Valentine’s Week tradition, my dear, nothing to worry about.” she straightens your clothes and tidies  your hair as you take a seat, glancing over at your crewmates for reassurance. Zoro nods, hands at the ready. “i heard you were tourists so i’ll do this reading for free, dearie.”
before you can ask what the hell she’s talking about, she closes her eyes and waves her hands around in an odd manner. the surrounding crowd goes quiet, seemingly entranced by the display, looking almost eager for what’s to come. the only movement comes from Sanji who’s now pushing through the locals to get to you.
then, out of the blue, the old lady gasps as her eyes shoot open. she stares at you incredulously for a second before turning to the audience.
“her score is a hundred out of a hundred!”
just as Sanji reaches you to pull you into a protective embrace, the entire street roars with excitement at the elderly woman’s news.
“what the hell does that mean?” Sanji murmurs. you wonder to yourself the same thing, finding comfort in the chaos from the warmth of his body pressed against yours as well as the knowledge that, without fail, he came right to you when he thought you were in danger.
much to the entire crew’s relief, your perfect score was apparently nothing but good news. for the next two days, you and your companions are treated like VIPs, much to Nami’s pleasure because it resulted in free lodging at the swankiest hotel.
“all already fully paid for and it’s right beside the royal palace!” the random stranger who sponsored your rooms proudly proclaimed, his eyes scanned over your crewmates before landing and staying on you. “nothing but the best for this year’s prime candidate, of course.” 
“and who are we to say no to free things, right guys?” Nami instantly took him up on the offer before the man guided you to the elevators. as you streamed in, the last of the crew to enter the lift, the man took your hand and lifted it to his lips.
“and i hope you will consider me as your choice after this generous gift, milady,” he said after pressing a kiss to your skin. so shocked by the sudden turn of events, you could only stare at him in confusion as the rest of your companions’ jaws dropped.
“she’s taken,” Sanji growled as he grabbed your arm and tugged you to his chest. “thanks for the free rooms but kindly fuck off. now. or i’ll kick your ass so hard the whole hotel is gonna collapse.”
though it was the first, it was certainly not the last time people approached you to shower you with compliments and gifts. while their methods of wooing you vary widely from handmade snacks to reciting poems, one thing they all have in common was how unabashed their attempts are.
“i think our chef’s about to lose it,” Robin observes as the few of you stroll down the street booths to soak in all the festivities. “he’s flirting with the local women as usual but it’s like his eyes are glued onto you,” she laughs, gesturing in his direction.
turning around to see what she means, you bite back a laugh of your own when you spot your beloved partner a few booths away. although surrounded by women who are clearly interested in reciprocating his advances, Sanji’s eyes are blown wide open and staring right at you. his face turns red when you wave and shoot him a smile.
“excuse me, i have a gift for you–” the nth unfamiliar voice of the day tears your attention away from your boyfriend as you turn around to respond to your new pursuer. before you can reject their present, though, you feel a sudden overwhelming presence behind you as the stranger’s face turns pale.
looking up, you’re greeted by the scowling face of your favourite chef, cigarette between his teeth nearly cut in half from how hard he’s biting it. his sharp gaze pierces the man in front of you. if looks could kill, it would’ve been a massacre.
“hey sweet boy,” you greet, reaching out to cup his face in your hand, head still looking straight up at him as he towers behind you. the moment your skin makes contact with his, Sanji’s body relaxes and he turns his gaze to you, his eyes now round and shining. he holds your hand to his face, the size of his hand engulfing the entirety of yours.
“ya finally done flirting with women, shitty cook?” Zoro yells from a short distance away. Sanji shouts back his own retort as usual, all the while still pressing your hand to his cheek. when he’s done verbally abusing his friend, he returns his attention to the stranger still standing in front of you, now seemingly frozen in place, wrapped present still held in his shaking hands.
“and you.” Sanji mutters. “beat it.” 
for the rest of the day, as the sun made its slow descent from the sky, the blond haired cook stayed glued to your side.
“it’s like he’s your stupid guard dog or something,” Zoro snorted; and though he’d meant it in a derogatory sense, you could kind of see where he was coming from. Sanji had never looked so threatening in the time you’ve known him, his gaze was sharp with his fist clenched at his side (his other hand was holding yours) and it looked like he was ready to pounce on whichever poor soul tried to steal you away from him next.
“oh my god, he’s actually like a dog,” Nami concurred with an amused look on her face when she observed how the chef only lost his tough guy act whenever you paid him any attention. the second you talked to him or looked his way, he would instantly snap back to his normal sweet self.
“it’s quite endearing in a weird way,” Robin added. neither Nami or Zoro agreed out loud but shared the same sentiment. 
after sunset, you find yourself reunited with the rest of your crew for dinner. with your free rooms came access to the hotel’s fanciest restaurant (much to Luffy’s delight) and (to Sanji’s horror) even richer men and women trying to make you fall in love with them.
“i wonder how much this is gonna cost,” Luffy says at one point, words muffled from how much food he’s stuffing into his mouth.
“it’s all free,” Robin answers, “everything here was sent by and paid for by the other patrons.” She turns to look at you, propping up her arm by her elbow to rest her chin on her hand. “our dear (Y/N) sure is popular here.” she says, smiling endearingly when she notices how Sanji shuffles his chair closer to yours in response.
without saying a word, he reaches out under the table to hold your hand. the relief he feels when you give him a light squeeze in return makes his heart sink the lowest it ever has the entire time your crew set foot on Cupid Island and he can’t really put his finger on the reason. 
shouldn’t i feel happy she’s still willing to hold my hand?
Sanji pulls your hand over to rest atop his lap before choosing to forgo the rest of his dinner to simply play with your fingers. for a good while, you’re content with watching him quietly caress and rub your digits as though they’re the most precious things in the world, heart fluttering at the gesture. you can tell he’s thinking about something but decide that it’ll be better to ask him about it later in the privacy of your hotel room.
“excuse me, miss (Y/N)?” a deep voice says as the young man who owns it walks through the restaurant and towards your crew’s table. gasps erupt from every other table as all eyes fall on him and subsequently your group as well. seeing as its nothing new, most of your companions simply ignore him to continue eating and drinking to their hearts’ content. the man stops by your side, standing in between your chair and Sanji’s, seemingly undeterred by the sight of your hand resting on your beloved’s thigh.
“yes?” you respond simply, looking up at him. you’d be a liar if you said he wasn’t an attractive person, with his shiny soft hair, defined cheekbones and the brightest eyes you’ve ever seen; but his looks alone do nothing to your heart.
the man drops to one knee before you and just a split second after, you feel Sanji tighten his grip on your hand. his palms turning cold and clammy as he glares at the intruder forcing himself in between you and him. the rest of your crew freeze in place, mouths agape at the sight playing out before them.
“my name is Prince Aphr of Cupid Island and i would like to officially court you for your eventual hand in marriage.”
to be continued
tags: @amei-draws-stuff @carmen-skullz @cobainlover @lara-christensen-me @shondlenoodle @teewon @makingmammonmoves @carmendanny2
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undiscovered-horizon · 1 year ago
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[The one where Sanji is jealous of the attention you're getting and he takes advantage of the effect he has on you.]
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The banquet has been going on for a good few hours now. All of the Straw Hats were surprisingly infallible in playing their roles to infiltrate the creme de la creme of pirates: Usopp and Nami, dressed as waiters, could befriend anyone into telling them something interesting. Luffy is taken for much stupider and thus less dangerous than he really is and some looser lips aren't afraid to spill a secret or two around him. Zoro and you are just supposed to be in the in the background, watching and listening. So far so good.
Sanji's mission is to listen in to the gossip that drunk sailors often like to exchange with bartenders but he has found himself in a terrible situation. On one hand, he couldn't blow his cover and start a fight. On the other, he is beyond done with the unsavoury comments about you the men drinking by the bar are exchanging. The only thing that curbs his burning jealousy is the knowledge that he's the only one to know the answers to their questions and speculations about your prowess in several private matters. Despite his fury, he can't really blame them. His own thoughts are escaping his grasp whenever he glances at your seemingly disinterested exterior, made all the more enticing in a long, red dress that belongs more to opera houses than bars frequented by pirates.
He's been scrubbing this one glass for a good five minutes. If he tightens his grip even just a little, the dish is bound to break into a thousand little pieces. Finally, he sets the champagne flute down and makes his way to the chattering men.
"Hate to be the joykiller, gentlemen," he speaks up casually, never giving away even a hint of his anger, "but she is not interested in you."
The three men look him up and down. Either they are ignorant to the concept of hygiene and sunscreen or they really are old enough to be your father. One of them gives him a contemptuous grin, uncovering a row of gold teeth.
"And what do you know, bar boy?" the pirate asks in a hoarse voice.
Sanji leans against the bar counter on his arms. "That rum you're drinking, Cruzan 9?" he nods his head towards the glasses with unfinished drinks. "She's more of a Caroni girl. A couple more zeros on the price tag, longer in the barrel, a rich bouquet of oak, caramel and berries." A charming, almost not arrogant, smile enters his face as he looks at the pirates with a look of superiority in his blue eyes. "Sophisticated palate for a sophisticated woman."
"Is that so?" The pirate leans towards Sanji. He's about to say something else but one of his drinking buddies stops him by putting an arm on his shoulder in a meaningful manner.
"How can you tell?" the other man asks. His voice is bright, filled with genuine curiosity. He hopes to learn something interesting about the mysterious beauty in red.
But Sanji isn't willing to share his secrets. "Comes with experience," he says in an interested voice. Then, to the pirates' dismay, he winks at them and goes back to wiping down his workplace.
A familiar voice makes Sanji immediately look up from the counter he's been cleaning. With grace that only befits someone confident, you politely nod at the three men by the bar and make your way to Sanji. The pirates' eyes linger on you like the perceptive eyes of predators.
His hands move quickly and swiftly as he makes you a drink, knowing exactly what you opt for in similar circumstances - fake "bougie" parties that are insufferable while sober.
"King's Jubilee for my one true queen," he announces while sliding the cocktail glass towards you.
Looking at the drink, you purse your lips having noticed something.
"It's missing the cherry," you point out.
With faux humility, he places a hand over his heart. The heavy rings on his fingers shine slightly in the twilight of the open-air bar. "My most sincere apologies. If I may redeem myself, madam." He bows his head.
"Madam?" you repeat in confusion. "I thought I was a queen?"
Sanji chuckles in a low voice. Your wit and humour are only making you more beautiful in his eyes, always keeping up with his suave words and innuendos.
"I am but a humble servant, Your Highness," he drones the title.
The men sitting by the bar watch the scene with jealousy and fascination. It's beyond them how a bartender could one-up the most notorious of pirates but at the same time, they can't just look away from your flirtatious grin and the clear desire shining in your eyes.
Sanji takes one maraschino cherry out of the jar behind the counter and, holding it by the stem, offers the sweet treat to you. Leaning over the bar, you grab the dessert fruit with your teeth and pluck it from the stem, all the while studying Sanji's dark expression. He's thinking about something obscene, that's for sure.
Taking advantage of the short distance between you, he leans in to whisper something into your ear. The envious voyeurs can't hear his words over the loud music and laughter but they do see your sudden bashfulness. Your eyes momentarily cast down. Whatever that bartending boy has said, it made even a woman of your poise flustered.
Your breath hitches in your throat when Sanji places a soft kiss right below your ear, letting his warm lips brush against your jaw. Then, with weak knees and fuzzy thoughts, you take the drink and go back to your corner to continue meticulous observation of the more interesting guests.
Sanji meets the angered eyes of the proud, envious pirates. He doesn't seem to mind their hurt egos and the doom that it foretells. With a self-assured grin on his face, he asks them:
"Another round, my good gentlemen?"
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livelaughloveluffy · 3 months ago
Hiiiiii!!! I love ur writing :DDD
can I request a fic where reader is gender neutral and they always are super happy/hyper about seeing their boyfriend (monster trio) but they are quiet around others and super adorbs :)
oki thank u if u do get around to writing this :) <3
(I am feral for one piece men) 😭😭
shy reader with monster trio
a/n: thank you so much for your ask!!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to get around to, i've been buried in a bunch of drafts and busy with finals and finally remembered how long some of these requests have been sitting in my inbox 😭😭😭 i'm so happy to hear that you enjoy my work!! hopefully i do some justice to your request!!
a/n: again, i'm so so sorry for how long this took but i had lots of fun writing this!!
nothing but fluff here 💗
monkey d. luffy
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-luffy isn't the most observant people when it comes to social cues, so for awhile he didn't exactly notice how shy you were around the rest of the crew. the captain is a very busy man, and with his short attention span it wasn't often that he gets completely focused on just watching you from afar.
-when he really thought about it, he always pictured you with a wide bright smile on your face. your body practically vibrating with excitement whenever you say his name. it was hard for him to imagine you any other way.
-luffy only noticed after you were telling him a story at breakfast time, animated and giggling, suddenly become shy and soft spoken when one of the other crew members chirped up to ask you a question. his mouth full with food, watching as you diverted eye contact, lowered your voice, and bashfully answered.
-he'll immediately point it out once he notices. luffy practically chokes on his food, gasping as he shouts out "since when are you shy?!" you explain to him after breakfast that you were always shy, but somehow just not around him. he's so excited that he's the special person to bring you out of your shell, peppering your face with kisses as he tells you how adorable that is.
black leg sanji
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-unlike the captain, sanji notices this trait of yours immediately. and he can't help but find it adorable. when he's not busy in the kitchen or directly spending time with you, sanji loves to just watch you do your own thing, whether that's hanging out with other members of the crew, reading on the deck, practicing combat, or anything in between.
-so when he's approaching you and robin to offer some afternoon beverages while you read, the sound of your voice, which was softer than usual, stands out to him. when the two of you are together, you're confident, not afraid to loudly proclaim in what you believe. so imagine his shock and surprise to see you meekly address your thoughts on the novel you and robin were discussing.
-seeing this other side of you is a happy surprise for sanji, and a sight he savors and commits to memory. he'll definitely bring it up later when it's just the two of you, curiosity getting the better of him.
-when you finally explain to him "i've always been pretty shy, sanji. there's just something about you that makes it so much easier to not be." sanji is so honored to be a safe space for you to be yourself, he'll kiss you on the forehead and reply "i'm happy to help, mon amour."
roronoa zoro
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-he would notice instantly, but wouldn't really bring it up. zoro is the type of guy to really pay attention to his significant other. always watching them from afar, silently paying attention to their little quirks and taking note of them.
-zoro loves to sneak up on your in conversations, silently watching you while you don't notice his presence. watching as his usually bubbly partner is shy and soft-spoken without him. he'll walk over to you, putting his arm around your shoulder or on top of your head, and make some playful teasing comment about it.
-sometimes he gets a little surprised when he sees you get nervous, because he's so used to seeing you so open and honest with him, unashamed, and so utterly proud of yourself. zoro definitely makes a point to praise you and build up your self esteem. he really loves watching it pay off and slowly grow confident without him.
-zoro loves every single side of you, he has no preference to whether or not you're a bit shy. as long as you're happy and comfortable, so is he. zoro is also super good at meeting you where you are, being able to match your own vibe with ease.
tags ♡: @3v37773 @irethepotato @dindjarins1ut @dreamcastgirl99 @acesdiary @beansluvsmilo @erose-0707 @vamphoria @twiishaa @peachycat17 @sanji-soup @lilypadmomentum @ermbehindyou @erose-0707 @suga-tofu @thepotatocatto;
want to join the taglist? click here!!
a/n: enjoyed this fic? here's my masterlist!!
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inseobts · 1 month ago
The Confession Chronicles
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sanji x reader
Sanji tries multiple times to confess his feelings just to fail and fail and fail and fail... until?
a/n: thinking about using this prompt(?) for different characters
words count: 3k
tags: fluff, sfw
masterlist // ko-fi
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It’s another peaceful day aboard the Thousand Sunny, the kind of day that gives Sanji far too much time to think—and unfortunately for him, all his thoughts are about you. He leans against the counter in the ship’s kitchen, staring at a bouquet of flowers he picked earlier.
It’s perfect. The flowers are bright and delicate, just like you, and their scent reminds him of something soft and sweet, like the desserts he always makes for you. This time, he isn’t just going to flirt with you or throw out some casual compliment that could be taken as a joke. No, today he’s going to confess his feelings properly.
“Today’s the day” he mutters to himself, running a hand through his hair.
“Today’s the day for what?”
The voice makes him jump. He spins around, clutching the bouquet behind his back like it’s a weapon. Luffy is standing in the doorway, casually munching on a piece of bread he’s clearly stolen from the pantry.
Sanji narrows his eyes “Nothing, Captain! Shouldn’t you be… I don’t know, doing captain things?”
Luffy tilts his head, crumbs spilling down his shirt “You’re acting weird. Are you doing something cool? Can I help?”
“No,” Sanji snaps, exasperated “This is something I have to do myself.”
Luffy stares at him for a long moment, then grins “Okay! But if it involves meat, save me some!”
He bounds out of the kitchen before Sanji can throw something at him. With a deep breath, Sanji straightens his tie and sets the flowers down on the counter.
“Alright, Sanji. You’ve got this,” he mutters to himself. “Just cook her the perfect dinner, bring her here, and tell her how you feel. Easy.”
He moves like lightning through the kitchen, pulling out ingredients and arranging them on the counter. Every dish he makes is infused with care—your favorite flavors, the perfect balance of texture and taste, and just the right amount of flair. By the time he’s finished, the table is set with candles, plates, and a meal that could make even the grumpiest marine weep with joy.
Everything is perfect.
But then, the door slams open.
“Sanji! I’m starving!” Luffy whines as he barrels into the room, his eyes locking immediately onto the table.
Sanji panics, throwing himself in front of the setup “No! Captain, this is not for you!”
Luffy ignores him completely, lunging for the nearest plate “It smells so good!”
Sanji wrestles him back with one arm, though it’s no easy feat. “Damn it, Luffy, this isn’t for you! This is—this is important!”
Luffy pauses mid-struggle, blinking “Important? Is it for Nami? Or Robin? y/n?”
Sanji groans, shoving him out the door. “Get out!”
Luffy finally relents, though not before grabbing a roll on his way out. Sanji slams the door shut behind him and slumps against it, running a hand down his face. The perfect setup is a mess now—plates shifted, candles tilted, and one of the dishes missing its garnish.
“Why is this so hard?” he mutters.
Sanji sighs and straightens his tie again. He can fix this. He has to. With renewed determination, he tidies the table, replaces the garnish Luffy stole, and checks every detail twice. This time, nothing is going to go wrong.
He takes a deep breath and steps out onto the deck, scanning the ship for you. It doesn’t take long—he spots you leaning over the railing, gazing out at the calm, endless sea. The sunlight catches in your hair, and Sanji feels his heart stutter.
“Steady, Sanji,” he whispers to himself. “You’re the prince of love. You’ve got this.”
He strides toward you, clearing his throat softly to get your attention. You turn, and the smile you give him is so warm and genuine that it almost knocks him off balance.
“Oh, hey, Sanji,” you say “What’s up?”
He freezes. What’s up? What’s up? How is he supposed to answer that when his heart feels like it’s about to leap out of his chest?
“I… uh…” He clears his throat again, scrambling to find the words “I was wondering if you might… join me for dinner. In the kitchen. Just the two of us.”
You blink at him, surprised “Dinner? Is something special happening?”
“Special?” Sanji repeats, his voice raising an octave “No! I mean, yes! I mean… it’s just a small… gesture of appreciation. For you. Because you’re…” He trails off, his face turning a deep shade of red.
You tilt your head, clearly amused by his fumbling. “Well, sure. That sounds nice.”
Sanji feels a wave of relief wash over him. Step one is a success. Now all he has to do is make it through dinner without embarrassing himself.
The kitchen is dimly lit when you arrive, the soft glow of candles reflecting off the polished tableware. The spread Sanji has prepared looks almost too beautiful to eat. He stands off to the side, his hands clasped nervously in front of him, watching your reaction like a hawk.
“Wow, Sanji,” you say, your eyes wide. “This looks amazing!”
He beams, his confidence returning for a moment. “Only the best for you, my dear. Please, have a seat.”
You settle into one of the chairs, and Sanji serves the first course with a flourish. For the first few minutes, everything goes smoothly. You chat casually, praising the food and making Sanji’s heart swell with pride.
But as the main course arrives, the door flies open.
“Sanji! I’m still hungry!” Luffy whines, storming into the room again.
Sanji spins around, his eye twitching. “Luffy, I swear—”
Luffy makes a beeline for the table. “Whoa, you’re having a feast in here? Why didn’t you invite me?!”
Sanji intercepts him, pushing him back toward the door. “Because it’s not for you! Out!”
“But I’m the captain!” Luffy protests, trying to duck under Sanji’s arm. “I deserve at least a bite!”
“Luffy, I will—”
You burst out laughing, and both men freeze. Sanji turns to look at you, his frustration melting into confusion. “What’s so funny?”
You cover your mouth, trying to stifle your giggles. “I don’t know why, but this is hilarious. Poor Sanji, you can’t even have one peaceful dinner.”
Sanji stares at you, completely thrown off by how easily you’re laughing at the chaos. And then, to his own surprise, he starts laughing too.
Luffy, sensing an opening, uses the distraction to grab a piece of bread off the table before bolting out of the kitchen.
“Damn it!” Sanji yells, but he’s still laughing, shaking his head in disbelief.
You smile at him, your laughter softening into something warm. “Thanks for inviting me, Sanji. Even with the interruptions, this is really nice.”
Sanji feels his heart skip a beat, and for a moment, he considers blurting out the confession right then and there. But the words catch in his throat, and instead, he just smiles back.
“Anything for you,” he says softly.
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Sanji wakes up the next morning with fresh determination. Dinner might not have gone as planned, but he isn’t giving up. If anything, your laughter only made him more certain—he has to confess his feelings.
Standing on the deck with a cigarette between his fingers, Sanji brainstorms a plan. He taps his foot impatiently, running through scenarios in his head. A love letter? Too old-fashioned. A song? He’d have to borrow Brook’s guitar, and that skeleton is far too unpredictable. Maybe he can just pour his heart out the next time he sees you? No, too risky—he needs everything to be perfect.
As he’s deep in thought, Usopp strolls up behind him.
“Hey, Sanji,” Usopp says, startling him out of his thoughts. “You’ve been acting weird lately. What’s going on?”
“None of your business, long nose,” Sanji snaps automatically, but Usopp smirks.
“Oh, I get it,” Usopp says, crossing his arms. “This is about them, isn’t it?”
Sanji freezes. “I—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Please.” Usopp waves him off. “It’s obvious. You’re trying to impress them, right? Let me guess, it didn’t go so well last time?”
Sanji glares at him but doesn’t deny it.
“Well, lucky for you, you’re talking to the Great Captain Usopp,” Usopp continues, puffing out his chest “Master of romance and heroic gestures! I’ve got plenty of ideas that could help you out.”
Sanji hesitates. As much as he hates to admit it, he could use some advice. “Alright, I’m listening. What’s your plan?”
Usopp’s first suggestion is a classic romantic gesture: serenading you with a song. Sanji isn’t much of a musician, but Brook happily lends him his guitar, even offering to “add some soulful backup vocals.”
“Backup vocals are not necessary!” Sanji barks, already regretting this plan.
That evening, Sanji waits for the perfect moment to approach you. You’re sitting on the deck, watching the sunset, and he feels his heart skip a beat at how peaceful you look.
He clears his throat to catch your attention. “Good evening, my dear.”
You glance up at him, smiling. “Hey, Sanji. What’s up?”
He strums the guitar awkwardly, wincing at the slightly off-tune sound. “I wrote a little something for you. A song, if you’ll indulge me.”
You blink in surprise, clearly not expecting this. “A song? Really?”
Sanji nods, ignoring the sweat forming on his brow. He starts strumming again, his voice soft and low as he sings about your beauty, your kindness, and the way you light up his world. It’s cheesy, but it’s heartfelt.
You’re watching him with wide eyes, clearly touched—until Brook’s voice cuts through the moment.
“Yohoho! Don’t forget the bridge, Sanji!”
Sanji’s hands falter on the guitar as Brook joins in with an enthusiastic violin solo, completely overshadowing Sanji’s heartfelt performance.
“Brook, what the hell are you doing?!” Sanji shouts, his face red with fury.
“I’m providing the soul of the song!” Brook replies cheerfully. “Yohoho!”
You’re covering your mouth, trying not to laugh, but Sanji can see the amusement in your eyes. His shoulders slump as he realizes the moment is ruined.
“Thanks, Sanji,” you say, your voice warm despite your obvious amusement. “That was sweet.”
Sanji watches you walk away, Brook’s violin still wailing in the background.
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Sanji is undeterred. If music didn’t work, then food will. After all, it’s his specialty.
He spends the entire day crafting a dessert that’s as perfect as you are: a delicate, heart-shaped cake with layers of your favorite flavors. He even adds tiny edible flowers for decoration, knowing how much you like those little details.
By the time the cake is finished, Sanji is practically vibrating with excitement. He carefully places it in the fridge, making sure it’s perfectly protected until the big reveal.
But disaster strikes when Luffy finds it first.
“Whoa, a cake!” Luffy exclaims, his eyes sparkling as he reaches for it.
“Don’t touch that, you bottomless pit!” Sanji yells, appearing out of nowhere to block him.
“Why not? It’s just sitting there!”
“It’s not for you!”
But Luffy is already one step ahead, stretching his arm to grab the cake. Sanji lunges for him, but it’s too late—the cake is in Luffy’s hands.
“Noooooo!” Sanji cries as Luffy takes a massive bite.
“What’s wrong with you? It’s great!” Luffy says with his mouth full.
Sanji collapses to the floor in despair, mourning the loss of his masterpiece.
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By the third attempt, Sanji is desperate. He decides to keep things simple and pours his feelings into a heartfelt love letter. He spends hours perfecting every word, making sure it captures exactly how he feels about you.
When he’s finally satisfied, he seals the letter and tucks it into his pocket, determined to deliver it to you personally. But in his rush, he accidentally leaves it on the counter in the kitchen.
The next morning, Zoro finds it.
“What’s this?” Zoro mutters, picking up the letter and skimming it. His eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, this is good.”
By the time Sanji realizes what’s happened, it’s too late. Zoro is standing in the middle of the deck, reading the letter aloud in a mocking tone.
“‘My dearest y/n, every time I see you, my heart beats faster—’”
“ZORO, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Sanji shrieks, chasing him across the ship.
You’re standing nearby, clearly confused. “Wait, what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing!” Sanji yells, his face bright red.
Zoro smirks, holding the letter just out of Sanji’s reach “I don’t know, it seems pretty romantic to me. What do you think, y/n?”
You tilt your head, clearly amused but not taking it seriously “I think you two have some weird rivalry going on.”
Sanji groans in frustration as Zoro finally tosses the letter back to him, smirking all the while.
Sanji spends the rest of the day sulking in the kitchen, trying to figure out where he went wrong.
“Why can’t I just tell them how I feel?” he mutters to himself.
But even as he wallows in his frustration, he knows one thing for certain: he’s not giving up. Not yet.
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Sanji wakes up the next morning more determined than ever. He’s tried everything—songs, desserts, love letters—only to fail spectacularly every time. But if there’s one thing he knows, it’s that love isn’t about giving up.
As he tightens his tie and heads to the kitchen, he makes a vow: today will be the day.
It’s late afternoon when Sanji finally sees you. You’re sitting on the deck, talking to Chopper about something, and the sight of your smile nearly makes him forget his own name. He takes a deep breath, rehearsing what he’s going to say for the hundredth time.
But before he can approach, an unexpected voice interrupts him.
“Oi, love cook, what are you doing now?” Zoro asks, leaning against the mast with his usual bored expression.
Sanji bristles, immediately going on the defensive “None of your business, moss head.”
Zoro snorts “Let me guess—you’re going to make an idiot of yourself again?”
Sanji’s face turns red “I don’t have time for this. Go sharpen your swords or something.”
But Zoro isn’t done. He smirks, clearly enjoying Sanji’s frustration. “You’ve already tried everything, haven’t you? What’s next? Skywriting?”
Sanji glares at him, clenching his fists “You wouldn’t understand. You’re a heartless brute who knows nothing about love!”
“Maybe,” Zoro says with a shrug “But at least I don’t embarrass myself every time I open my mouth.”
The argument quickly escalates into shouting, with both men trading insults back and forth. You and Chopper glance over, confused by the commotion.
“What’s going on over there?” you ask, as you see everyone going towards the two.
Chopper shrugs “I don’t know, let's go there and see”
The fight gets more heated until, finally, Sanji snaps “Why don’t you just mind your own business, Zoro?! I’m just trying to confess to the person I—”
He freezes, his eyes widening as he realizes what he’s just said.
The entire deck goes silent. You’re staring at him, your expression unreadable, while Zoro’s smirk grows wider.
“Well, well,” Zoro says, crossing his arms “Looks like you finally spit it out.”
Sanji’s face turns beet red “I… I didn’t mean to—”
“You were saying something about a confession?” you ask, standing up and walking toward him.
Sanji panics. This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen. He had a plan! There were supposed to be flowers and candles and a perfectly prepared speech!
“I—uh—” he stammers, unable to meet your eyes.
You stop in front of him, tilting your head “Sanji?”
The way you say his name is so gentle, so full of curiosity, that it’s enough to break through his panic. He takes a deep breath, forcing himself to look at you.
“I… I’ve been trying to tell you something for a while now,” he says, his voice softer than usual “But every time I tried, something went wrong. I thought it had to be perfect, but… maybe I’ve just been overthinking it.”
You blink, surprised by his honesty “What is it you’ve been trying to tell me?”
Sanji hesitates for a moment, then squares his shoulders “I’m in love with you.”
The words hang in the air, and for a moment, Sanji feels like the entire world has stopped.
But then, you smile—really smile—and Sanji feels his heart skip a beat.
“Sanji,” you say softly, “you didn’t have to do anything fancy. I think I’ve known how you feel for a while now.”
He stares at you, stunned “You… you have?”
You nod, your smile turning teasing “You’re not exactly subtle, you know.”
Sanji’s face turns bright red, and he scratches the back of his neck, suddenly feeling shy “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that.”
You laugh, and the sound is so warm and genuine that Sanji feels his nerves melt away.
“For the record,” you say, stepping a little closer, “I like you too.”
Sanji’s jaw drops. “Y-You do?”
You nod, and before he can say anything else, you lean in and kiss him on the cheek. It’s quick and gentle, but it’s enough to make Sanji’s legs feel like jelly.
“I’ll let you cook me another fancy dinner later,” you say with a grin, “but for now, this is enough.”
Sanji watches you walk away, his hand pressed to his cheek where you kissed him.
Zoro’s voice snaps him out of his daze. “Congratulations, love cook. That was the most awkward confession I’ve ever seen.”
Sanji whirls around, ready to yell at him, but Zoro is already walking away, chuckling to himself.
Despite the teasing, Sanji can’t help but smile. He finally did it. After all the chaos and failed plans, he finally told you how he felt—and you feel the same.
As the sun sets over the Thousand Sunny, Sanji lights a cigarette and leans against the railing, a dreamy smile on his face.
Today turned out to be perfect after all.
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mrs403 · 8 days ago
lmao zosan
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inkscave · 2 months ago
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Sigh I HAD to zoom in on my fav details obv
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st4rpiece · 6 months ago
nipple piercings pt. 1
characters: luffy, zoro, and sanji x fem! reader summary: the monster trios reaction to your new nipple piercings content warnings: established relationships, nipple sucking, breast play others: lowercase intended, not proofread, pictures from pinterest
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Monkey D. Luffy
you had recently gotten them done, so while they healed, you wore thin clothing instantly drawing luffy's attention. he was immediately fascinated by your new piercings.
he'd probably poke at them with a childlike curiosity, his eyes wide with wonder. "wow, these are so cool! do they hurt?" he'd ask, genuinely intrigued. surprisingly, as you explain the sensation and the reason behind getting them, luffy would listen intently, absorbing every word.
as the days went by, luffy would occasionally bring up the piercings in conversations, always with the same level of excitement. "babe, show me those cool piercings again," he'd say, his eyes sparkling with interest. he'd honestly never get tired of seeing them.
your first time fucking after getting them ignited a side of luffy you rarely saw in bed. luffy was extra careful and attentive as his hands trailed up your body before resting on your breast. his calloused hands cupping them as his thumb softly ran across the piercing, tracing its outline.
"does it feel good?" you nod, back arching, pushing your breast further into his hands. without warning he'd roughly flick the piercings, soaking in your reaction with a mischievous grin.
"i wonder how they taste," he'd say before leaning in to give them a teasing lick, his warm breath sending shivers down their spine. the saltiness of your skin mixed with the metallic taste of the metal bar tasted so good. he licked, sucked, and bit, giving your nipple the attention they deserved.
Roronoa Zoro
zoro would have a more intense reaction to your new piercings. you quickly ran to go show him the minute you and nami returned back to the sunny. you found him resting against the headboard of your shared bed.
his eye opened the second you entered the room, waiting for a kiss (something you always do after returning to him) instead you just stood there at the foot of the bed with a mischievous grin.
"what?" he'd asked, instead of answering you lifted up your shirt and showed off your new piercings.
he would stare intently at your bare tits and the contrasting silver bar with a playful smirk on his lips. "didn't think you had it in you," he'd tease, his voice a deep rumble laced with arousal.
"come here, i want to get a better look," the second you are close, he would pull you over his lap in a straddling position. while his hands rested on your hip, his eyes never left your breast. he wanted nothing more than to take them into his mouth and hear how you sounded to a new sensation. but first, he had to make sure you were okay. be began throwing questions at you.
did it hurt?
how much did they cost?
and lastly, how sensitive are you right now?
once he knows that you are okay, his grip on your waist will tighten, pulling your body closer.
without reserve, his lips would pepper you with kisses trailing from your neck down to the piercings, giving them a gentle tug with his teeth. causing you to grip his hair releasing a moan from the sensation, one he hadn't heard before.
"mmh, i like that," he'd grunt against their skin, his breath hot and tantalizing. "these suit you well, baby." his voice husky as he lifted his eyes wanting to watch your reactions closely as his fingers tugged and pulled on one while his mouth bit and sucked on the other. his eyes darken with lust as he takes in the pleasure written on their face.
Vinsmoke Sanji
before parting ways with nami you tell her to send a message to sanji about you needing him in your room. you sat on the bed, nervous and excited ready to show sanji how you spent your evening.
sanji, ever the romantic, would be utterly captivated by your new piercings. "holy shit baby," his eyes would widen in surprise and admiration, a very noticeable blush spreading across his face. "how did you manage to make yourself even hotter," he'd say, his voice filled with genuine awe.
"may i?" you nodded, even though you were still pretty sore, you craved his touch. he'd gently cup you breasts, his fingers brushing over the piercings with a feather-light touch. loving the contrast between your soft warm skin against the cool metal bar.
his touch would become more confident, his fingers teasing the piercings with a mix of tenderness and desire. causing you to let out a kitten-like moan. which further turns him on, "i want to make you feel incredible," he'd whisper, his breath warm against your skin.
his lips would follow the path of his fingers, kissing and licking around the piercings, his touch sending waves of pleasure through your body. "look at how swollen these bud are," he says, pinching your nipples harder.
"sanji," you managed to moan out.
"hold on my love, i'm just getting started," with lips still attached to your breast, his hands toy with the band of your shorts, dipping inside skimpy underwear.
I just wanted to thank everyone for reading and liking my work >.<. it means a lot!!
I'm working on part 2 atm still, I hope you guys enjoyed this one!!
in the meantime, feel free to check out my kid one shot >.<!
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zyannsworld · 6 months ago
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Sanji sees 40 years old Zoro and 19 Zoro is not happy 😆💚💙
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zosan-secondchances · 4 months ago
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Dear Pudding-chan,
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I wish you'd come back.
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I don't blame you for what happened.
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I'm sorry I hurt you. I won't run again.
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I need my Marimo back.
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clare-875 · 6 days ago
Where I Belong (Luffy x Reader)
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Pairings: Luffy x Female Reader (+ Strawhats and Reader) Summary: After a bad encounter with past friends, you just want your boyfriend and your crew. Warnings: Hurt, Comfort, mean friends, bullying [One Piece Masterlist] _____
When you returned to the Sunny, you didn't expect to feel so heavy and self-decrepit; you honestly expected the opposite.
When Nami informed you that the next island you would visit was your hometown, you had been ecstatic, instantly writing to your childhood friends in the hopes that you could meet up in the short time you were there. Your heart thrummed with the anticipation of being back on land you knew and breathing the nostalgic air of home. When you had gone to tell Luffy the news, he had joined in on your enthusiasm, grinning wide as you told him all you missed and all you hoped to see.
It had been several years since you had left the island and town you grew up in as a child. Orphaned at a young age, the people of the village had all become your caretakers in a way. They all adored you, a sign that the parents you have little recollection of were also adored before they passed away, and you had grown close to most who resided there. But you shared no deeper connection than the one you shared with your friends.
From the early stages of your childhood and into your teenage life, they had been the backbone of your delight in adventures, and the joyous memories spent despite being left with little place to call home. You would spend much of your time travelling areas of the island you had yet to explore, running in meadows on the back end of town, and giving puppy eyes to cafe owners who would spare you sweet treats. In later years you would gossip about boys, laugh at inside jokes, share in troubles and secrets and happiness.
When you had left your island, the goodbyes had been tearful, and bittersweet. Luffy offered all you had wished for since childhood: adventure, devotion, and answers about the world. With your mysterious devil fruit powers and harbouring an unnatural strength, you would be an asset to the straw-hat crew just as much as the crew would be an asset to you. That didn't make it harder to hug your friends goodbye or wave to them atop a ship that takes you far away. And as much as you adore your life now as a pirate on the sea, you could not help but reminisce.
You missed them, and you could not wait to see them again.
Upon arriving on your island, your senses instantly fill with a vibrancy and an air you had missed. "Come on!!" Your crewmates had smiled wide at your enthusiasm, basically dragging Luffy from the ship; a stark contrast to how he would usually be the one dragging you to islands. In an instant, the townsfolk had gathered, seeing a familiar straw hat and the young woman - a little bit older now - they said goodbye to several years prior, now back home.
"Welcome home!!"
"How long are you staying!?"
You smile tearful smiles as you greet the villagers who are all alive, safe and well. Familiar faces gather in your vision; the island's renowned cook, waitresses from cafes, shopkeepers and old family friends. They all seem so happy to see you and proud of the accomplishments they have read of in newspapers that travel the sea. '[y/n] [l/n], pirate of the Strawhat crew.' You were surprised by their support of your role as a pirate but it only amplified the nostalgia and warming feeling in your heart as you greeted them.
In fact, the only people absent were the childhood friends you hoped to see.
As people dispersed and gave you space, the local bookshop owner assured you that your friends were somewhere close by and that you would surely bump into them soon. Taking his words in confidence you had turned to your crew who had all been smiling and looking on fondly at the sight of your reunion with the townspeople.
"All right, let me show you guys around!"
You had taken your friends around the island, allowing them to see and explore the town that raised you as a child. They smiled when you spoke to them of the different places and what they meant to you, took suggestions on where to explore to heart and seemed genuinely happy to see where you had grown up.
"The restaurant where [y/n]-swan used to eat- The house that [y/n]-swan used to live- The shop where [y/n]-swan used to-"
"Oi, shut up, cook!!"
"Shi shi shi, this place is so cool [y/n]!!"
You grin as your friends seem to enjoy and appreciate the place you adored just as much as you. Sanji swooning over everything that had something to do with you, Zoro eying the liquor store down the street, Robin taking interest in the ancient books the island held, Brook in the music, Franky in the strange inventions, the list could go on. Your heart warmed at the sight of your makeshift family, getting along so well with the family that raised you. Luffy especially seemed excited to explore the island he visited before, keen to try the food that it was famous for.
"And that's about it! You guys can go and explore on your own now if you-"
Your words stumble to a halt when you see three familiar figures approaching you, grins wide and hands in the air in greeting.
"Hey [y/n]!! Is that you?"
Your smile instantly enlightens your face as you turn from your crew briefly. And sure enough, your old friends are waving to you in greeting, eyes gleaming in their joy to see you again.
"It's been so long!!"
They instantly envelop you in a hug, filling the air with their questions on where you have been, and what you have been up to, and finally turning to your crewmates who smile wide at the company of those you have talked fondly about. Of course, they know of your friends, you would often speak of the adventures you went on and the times you spent together to whatever crewmate would listen.
"And this must be the famous Strawhat crew!!"
"Yep! Guys, these are my childhood friends I always tell you about!"
Your friends turn to your crewmates, eyes shining in awe at the crew you were a part of, now infamous due to the battles you won and the strength that every individual pulled. You smile proudly at the sight of your friends greeting your other friends, the compliments thrown and the sheepish laughter of crewmates as they thank them for looking after you.
"Shi shi shi, alright!! It's time for food now!!"
Your boyfriend wraps his arms around you suddenly, grinning wide as he tries to pull you to the restaurant on the island he adores as much as you do. You roll your eyes, but other crewmembers also perk up.
"Actually, I was gonna check out the bookstore."
"And I should grab some groceries-"
"Those inventions earlier looked SUPERRR, I was gonna go check them out!!"
Nami smiles to you emphatically, as she grabs Luffy's ear and drags him from you. "Ow!! Nami!!" She pays him no mind, however, and turns to you and your friends once more.
"Why don't you go catch up with your friends [y/n]? I'll take Luffy to the restaurant and we'll probably be around town anyway."
"But I want to go with [y/n]- Ow!!"
You smile wide at Nami's understanding that you had missed your friends and hoped to catch up. Other crewmembers nod in encouragement.
"Yeah, [y/n]! You should go, we'll be around here if you need us!"
Chopper smiles happily at you and you hesitate at Luffy's crestfallen expression, but ultimately take the invitation.
"Okay, thanks, guys!!"
"Take your time, we'll be here until tomorrow morning!"
Nami continues to drag Luffy away in bright words and smiles, as the Strawhat crew wave and disperse to the areas that each ignited curiosity in them. Luffy pouts, telling you to not be too long but ultimately persuaded that the food at the restaurant could keep him company for the time you spent away. And in their absence, you turn to your friends eager to hear what you had missed in the years spent at sea.
The beginning goes as you expected, courteous questions, still tentative in the presence of friends you had not seen in a while.
"So, how have you been, [y/n]?"
"How's life at sea?"
And to the questions you received, you replied in the same manner, still joyous, seeing your friends once more. Time away with the future pirate king did mean leaving a life you had grown so attached to behind but in its place, the Sunny became your temporary home. You still missed the simplicity of life on the quaint island you resided in, and seeing your friends ignited memories of the times you spent together.
"I've been doing great!! So many cool adventures, I don't even know where to start-"
You had thought your keenness in the stories you told of the adventures at sea would be received with the same enthusiasm. After all, you had spent so much time away and shared a heartfelt goodbye before you left the island. However, the longer you spoke of your adventures and the longer you spoke of Luffy and your crew, the more their upturned lips started to turn downwards. Their gaze on you started to waver, and in the absence of your crewmates as they walked to restaurants or looked to places around the island, their interest in you also started to falter.
"-and then, you wouldn't believe. But Luffy, he changed gears and punched him through-"
"Yeah, yeah, that sounds great [y/n], but we were actually going to go to the shops right about now."
You pause, surprised by the abruptness of your friend who interrupts the words from your mouth. Suddenly, flustered and thinking you have talked too much (though having only spoken a few sentences), you instantly quietened and nodded in inclined understanding.
"Oh, yeah! Of course, don't let me stop you guys! Where were we thinking of going? I remember that clothing store down the road to that cafe we liked-"
"Oh... you wanted to come too?"
You frown as they interrupt once more, the vibrant air suddenly dwindling with what their words imply, or the feeling you suddenly did not belong in a space you were so sure you did.
"I mean, I thought we could catch up! It's been a while right?"
Your words are less confident than you hoped, lingering with the hesitance that matched the sudden weight of your thoughts. You watch as your friends look at each other, the same hesitance on their faces making you more confused as to why they are acting this way. They seem to share thoughts between their eyes, but ultimately they seem to come to a silent agreement.
But the day that passed had been nothing like what you were used to, and the friends you thought you knew acted nothing like the friends you spent your childhood with. It seemed like an invisible wall was put between you and them, and you followed behind them as you travelled the streets and to the shops. You hear them talk of dinner plans, of meeting people and of events they do not bother explaining to you. They laugh at jokes you don't understand, pass you a sympathetic smile and words like, "You just had to be there," and, "Oh, sorry [y/n], you wouldn't understand, would you?"
And you didn't know exactly why, but those words hit harder than the times they would ignore you as they picked out clothes and giggled with each other. Or when they went through stores and chose jewellery for an event that would take place a week from the current day. Or when they seemed to talk in whispers and not let you in. Each time they acted like you were a fly on the wall, invisible to them though you spent the whole day with them. Suggestions from you to visit the meadow, or go to cafes you so missed fell on deaf ears and all you received were hums and, "Oh, we don't go there anymore."
Your heart felt heavy and the day was long. You tried to convince yourself that this was just what happens when you don't see friends in a while. They grow, they move on. But you also remember how often you spent missing your friends, how you wrote to them even with their sparse replies, or how you cherished and held the memories of them so dear. And now, you see them trying to get rid of you silently, push you away from the circle they made, and their initial interest in your happenings as a pirate had long gone.
It seemed, their interest in you had gone.
But the worst was when you had left to use the bathroom. When you had gone briefly and returned to your friends who looked at dresses, the afternoon sun was already falling to the ground. You were surprised at how the day had passed unbeknownst to you when it had felt so long. You wonder what Luffy was doing, and how Nami was doing taking care of your boyfriend while you were away. He didn't necessarily need to be taken care of, but the two of you often explored islands together and you wondered if he missed you as you missed him.
When you had passed through rows of clothing and were walking past patrons to your friends, you heard your name amongst words you know you shouldn't have heard.
"Damn, was [y/n] always like this?"
"Beats me, do you see the letters she sends us like she's better than us, travelling the sea with the Strawhats."
"Yeah, it's still a wonder they let her join. I only went up to her 'cause I wanted to see if her crewmates were worth all the hype they're getting..."
"Right?! Why did she have to send them away?"
You freeze, still hidden from your friends' view by a clothes rack that impairs their vision. Stomach churning at the words you hear slip past their lips. Your eyes widen, as though you do not see them, your name and their voices confirm it is they who speak to you like a stranger they ridicule, and in such a way that makes your heart sink. Your childhood friends, who you had placed such value in, mocked you for your life choices, and your role on the Strawhat crew, and hoped only to use you to get closer to your infamous crew.
"Did you see the swordsman? Zoro, I think it was? Talk about muscle..."
"And omg, Nami's sense of fashion is just so good, I wish I could've had her tag along instead of-"
It is then that you step forward past the racks, and your friends perk up at your sudden movements, words dying on their tongues. But you try to keep a neutral expression, despite the breaking of your heart. They seem to be convinced you have heard nothing as they wait a moment for you to say something.
"I-I think I'm gonna go now. I don't wanna keep my crew waiting."
Again, your words are hesitant, low but you keep them sturdy enough to sound like a genuine concern you are going to adhere to. Instantly, your friends stand, giving you more attention than they did the whole day.
"Oh, really? Are you sure you don't wanna stay? You could come for dinner, maybe even invite your crew-"
"It's fine."
You smile, straining against your cheeks as you do, hoping your lips have upturned enough to contain the falsity of your expression.
"Thanks for today though, it was nice seeing you guys again."
Words slip your lips almost robotically, hands numb as you feel your friends awkwardly hug you and say their goodbyes. You faintly remember them waving and muttering words like, "Good luck," and "We'll see you next time," but as your legs pull you free from the stuffiness of the store it is like your numbness comes undone. Raging feelings course through your body, and suddenly a line of tears lay on your lower lashline.
You curse yourself.
You hate the way you have been so excited to see your friends when clearly the same sentiment was not returned. You hate the way you wrote to them and reminisced about them and spoke to your crew so fondly of them. You hate the way they have such influence over your joy and the disappointment that drips into your system because of their words and actions. You had spent the whole day with people who barely spared you any mind, when you could've been with Luffy and your true friends, showing them your home town.
Suddenly, and perhaps, more than ever, you crave your boyfriend's presence and his wide smile. And so, you walk through the streets you used to adore, now burdened with the day you spent. Smiling half-heartedly at townsfolk who recognise you and bid their greetings, travelling concrete roads that glow with the sunset, walking familiar paths to the Sunny that was silent on the sea. A moment passes when you look up at the sight, remembering when Luffy had asked you to join him. The image of the ship was parallel to the day you joined the Strawhats: you were on the island looking at the Going Merry and making a decision that would change your life.
You walk, up to the deck, confused about the silence until you hear a yell from inside the kitchen.
"LUFFY!! What are you doing!! That's for [y/n]!!!"
"But I'm hungryyy!! She won't mind, she always shares with me!!"
"You ate at the restaurant!!"
When you open the door, you are met by the sight of Nami trying to wrangle food from Luffy's clutches. You recognised the meal as something your favourite restaurant makes, it was your favourite meal, and something you missed dearly, along with the island. There are two beats of silence until Luffy turns, face suddenly going from frustrated to a wide grin the instant he notices you.
Luffy jumps from the spot where he had been trying to steal food from Nami, instantly enveloping you in a hug that takes you stumbling back a few steps. Nami sighs loudly before putting the packed meal on the counter and stomping outside the kitchen.
"Idiot... I'll be on the island with the crew!!"
She doesn't wait for your reply and leaves the kitchen in abrupt frustration. Luffy doesn't seem to mind her absence though as he lifts his head from where he embraces you, a smile tugging against the corners of his lips. Still downtrodden from the day's events and trials, you take the sight in and feel the weight of the day fall onto you and disappear at the same time. Tears start to line your eyes once more, but you hold them in, unfortunately for you, however, Luffy notices your quiet and despondency.
"[y/n]? What's wrong?"
He releases you from his deathly embrace as he looks at you seriously. You on the other hand laugh softly as you shake your head, suddenly relieved to be with your boyfriend and away from the friends who made you feel so awful about yourself.
"Nothing's wrong... I just missed you."
Luffy hums in contemplation, staring and tilting his head for several moments as though analysing your features for a trace of a lie. But you guess your words are not a lie. You did miss him after all, more than ever when you were with your childhood friends; a burden and outcast. Your smile is still on your lips, and though sadder than usual, Luffy decides to trust you, as he matches your expression with a grin.
"I missed you too!! Look, we got something for you."
Luffy instantly turns to the counter where Nami just put the meal she claimed to have gotten you. Luffy smiles cheekily as he hands it to you. You smile at the gesture, it was a massive assortment of foods the local chef knew you adored.
"Wanna eat together?"
You don't even have to ask as Luffy jumps on a chair by the dining room table, eagerly waiting for you to join him. However, he must've sensed something was off with you because instead of going straight into the meal, he watches as you unpack it carefully. There was more food than you thought there would be, so you were glad you had enlisted your boyfriend's help to devour it. You pick up your fork and take a bite, savouring the way the food melts in your mouth, and ignites feelings of nostalgia buried so deep within you that it almost makes you cry.
"Luffy, this is sooo good!!"
You turn and grin, but are taken aback when you witness the way Luffy is smiling to you. It is in a way that seems gentler, and softer than usual. There is adoration in his eyes like you were the treasure he searched the seas for, but hidden within are also the depths of understanding you do not usually see. It is instantly diminished, however, as he clutches a fork and takes a bite of the meal himself, face brightening at the taste. However, as he speaks there is a serious undertone that makes you think that maybe he was not so quick to diminish your sullen behaviour earlier.
"Your friends... They weren't nice to you, were they?"
You freeze and look to your Captain who looks from the food to you imploringly, a serious glint in his eyes, but a sad smile on his face.
"What do you-"
"You only look like that, when you had a bad day."
Luffy's lips turn to a frown now as he bites into the meal and lets the silence linger between the two of you. Still surprised by his words, but also moved by the way your oblivious captain seems to understand you to no end, you smile softly despite the tears that fall from your eyes, now unstoppable. Luffy still looks at you in concern, as he witnesses the upturn of your lips, and the falling of tears, and he waits for the words you speak softly.
"Yeah. They were different, changed, and maybe this isn't the home it used to be..."
You look to your boyfriend who remains patiently waiting for you to finish speaking your thoughts. You remember back to when you accepted his offer to join the crew. You recall the adventures you went on, your beloved crewmates and how so many had joined and how you had all come so much closer, like the family you never had. You remember confusing love confessions due to Luffy's inability to understand his feelings.
You remember the depths of care your boyfriend held throughout the entirety of your relationship.
How he would listen when you spoke of your adventures, lured in by the spark in your eyes when you talked of something enthusiastically. How he would laugh and smile and never make you feel excluded from the company around you. How he treated you and his nakama with such importance and faith. The stark contrast to what you experienced today.
"... but it's okay. The crew is my home now."
You smile and Luffy's eyes widen for a second before he grins, his same, wide and unfaltering smile. The two of you share in your gaze once more before Luffy takes his Strwaht and places it on your head. It fits snugly atop your hair, but more so there lingers the symbol that you were accepted, loved, and adored by the man you sit beside. Smiles linger as the both of you continue to dig into the meal in front of you and soon, crewmates come back to the ship and greet you in their pure, true contentment.
"Hey [y/n]!!"
"Damn [y/n], you never told us how SUPERRR your island is!"
"I had a lovely time."
“So many cute dresses!!”
As you watch your crewmates gather around the table, their own meals in hand no doubt by the local cook who provided them, you let the heaviness of your heart dissipate for a while. Whilst this island still holds memories and places you adore, with people you still hold dear, it felt like for the first time in a long time, you know where you belong.
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