#black kite avian
aphelion-alifer · 25 days
☽ welcome ☾
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hi, I'm aphelion alifer (he/they), and this is my blog! you can call me aphelion (pronounced "uh-FEE-lee-un"). my name means furthest from the sun (aphelion), or a winged creature existing in freedom in the distance (aphelion alifer). this isn't my real name, but it's what I want to be called by at least on this blog for privacy reasons.
I'm an adult (18 years old) and have been around the nonhuman community for at least 10 years as of writing this. I support all kinds of nonhuman identities, experiences, and beings. my blog is directed towards any nonhuman looking for a safe space, specifically those who are physically nonhuman (shapeshifters, extra limb growers or wing growers/avians, etc), but anyone is welcome. I also consider myself to be spiritual, a reality shifter, furry, and witch, so I might reblog things other than nonhuman stuff. I mostly share posts relating to my experiences, thoughts, things I like, etc. on this blog, I prefer not to talk about my mental health struggles, but I might reblog posts related to mental health. this blog is SFW.
physically I am an avian and have had a very strong calling to the sky since I was a child, which is how I knew that I am physically meant to have wings. this is an experience that is very deep and personal to me. aside from being an avian, I also tend to have canine/werewolf-like instincts and mental shifts occasionally, and spiritually I am some kind of horned black kite that resembles maleficent's phoenix form. I am still figuring myself out, and this may change, except for my calling to the sky and general connection to winged beings/wings in general. my calling is permanent and lifelong. also, I believe that my soul originates from a different planet in a different universe and that this may be one of my first times on earth in a physical body, but I'm not sure where I come from or if this is 100% true. I'm still discovering myself just like everyone else!
I'm the author of "Nonhumanity: A history", a document that is a timeline of the nonhuman community and also serves as an archive for older articles and websites. it can be found here: Aphelion Alifer - 2024 (google.com)
I believe in good energy and keeping bad vibes out, and I'm not here for discourse or fights! anything anti therian/otherkin/alterhuman and nonhuman will be blocked. adding on, I do believe in DNI's and respecting them, and I should have one, but I just freely block, ignore or report anyone who makes me feel unsafe or uncomfortable without making it a big deal (things like radqueers, trump supporters/right wing folks, anti furry, anything paraphilia related, or individuals that are hateful or generally rude to me or try to cause issues, as well as other topics that I didn't bring up will be blocked, ignored or reported!)
thanks for taking the time to read this and check out my little corner of the web, I look forward to being on this journey with like-minded individuals!
dividers by: https://www.tumblr.com/saradika/729485214970216448/hi-im-just-a-big-fan-of-your-blog-everything?source=share
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kitthefoxkin · 3 months
hii i really like your moodboards :] can you do a black kite (bird) one with fire theme (fun fact these birds have learnt how to use fire to hunt !!!) ty :3
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black kite alterhuman moodboard with themes of fire!
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cheesebeetle · 11 months
grian’s wings change on circumstance.
the reason this happens is because when the watchers converted him they royally messed up his player code and therefore his avian genetics :3
(also side headcanon another side effect of this is whenever he gets a new bird his wings are underdeveloped and can’t hold his weight and that’s why he needs elytra to fly, it’s like a mobility aid for flying)
so, the bird types are as follows:
yhs: mockingbird
(no wings, just avian genetics, and this is what grian was born as)
evo: mockingbird, as this is still pre-watcher conversion, but his wings grew in during this period
third life and the life series onwards: various hawk species as follows:
third life: black kite hawk
last life: osprey
double life: white tailed kite hawk
limited life: cinerous vulture (on account of all the kills)
secret life: uhhhhhhhh
season six: chicken (idea by caractureblue)
season seven-nine(probably):
scarlet macaw
season ten(so far):
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bonefall · 1 year
Oooo now you’re really getting me into Clanmew. What are the names for birds and bird species in Clanmew?
The simple word for "Bird" evolved from Old Tribemew, at the Dawn of the Clans. A "Bird" is any two-winged flying animal with bones.
Bird (and bats) = Hafefyl
The major types of birds that the Clan cats recognize are as follows;
Raptor = Yassga A large, dangerous bird. Any avian perceived to pose a threat is in this category, including swans, ravens, and herons. Not just birds of prey.
Fowl = Eyawoon Large prey birds, the same level of danger as any other large quarry. Ducks, pheasants, gulls, cormorants, a chicken or peacock would also be in this category.
Game = Biyaw These are the birds that are eaten regularly, without much other consideration. It's where most of the 'odd' birds that don't fit other categories go. Pigeons, sparrows, quails.
Fancy = Pyrrya Any bird that would be a shameful thing to kill. That usually means songbirds with pleasing songs, but also colorful ones with pleasing patterns and behaviors, and even bats as they bring sickness when eaten.
Examples of "Yassga";
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) = Nyieu A species only encountered in the Tribe mountain, before re-contact it was considered a legendary animal. The most dangerous flying species, capable of attacking small deer.
Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter nisus) = Yi'i When hawks are being noted for their speed, it's this species. They primarily hunt other birds, but not cats.
Red Kite (Milvus milvus) = Eeao This is the species that is both large and bold enough to take kittens. The vast majority of the time when hawks are mentioned in a dangerous context, it is a kite. Goshawks are not as numerous in this area as canon implies.
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) = Ipip Acrobatic, agile bird able to seemingly 'hover' in the air.
Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) = Yeepi Skilled attentive hunters that tend to hunt small mammals in open areas, especially wetlands. RiverClan and ShadowClan see these a lot.
Merlin (Falco columbarius) = Mweelili A small, generalist hunter that likes low-density areas like moorland, sparse woods, and brush. Known for being friendly with Harriers and eating just about anything.
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) = Pyip Not actually a dangerous species; but the perception of danger will make Clan cats avoid this creature. Most commonly found by the sea.
Swan (Cygnus olor) = Hchom Large and quiet, these birds are so large they can drown a foolish warrior or break a bone.
Raven (Corvus corax) = Nyok A raven is considered a very dangerous bird not only for its size and ferocious beak, but because of how vengeful an unkindness can be. They remember Clan cats and seemingly mess with them on purpose.
Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) = Krekek With their habit of spearing, bludgeoning, and even brutally drowning their prey, herons are feared and avoided. There are stories of herons picking off wayward kittens, but it's unknown if it's true or just a tale to stop them from wandering.
Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) = Huo The biggest, largest, most dangerous owl. Cats are a desired prey. No other owl will attack an adult warrior, and eagle owls are most often found in ThunderClan territory where there's thick forest and a nearby rocky cliff.
Tawny owl (Strix aluco) = Hrrua'u A loud, sonorous owl. Known best for being the species roosting in the old Owl Tree.
Barn owl (Tyto alba) = Weear This owl does not hoot, it screeches.
Examples of "Eyawoon";
Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) = Kwek There are several species of ducks they encounter occasionally-- but this one, the mallard duck, is the most common. ThunderClan liked to try and hunt them when they had Sunningrocks, sometimes inflaming tensions between clans.
Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) = Rauqa Named for the territorial cry of a male pheasant, the most impressive prize that a ThunderClan warrior can catch.
Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) = Rewp Not just a seabird; found further in-land and will make do with just about any body of water. This is a species regularly found and hunted at Sanctuary Lake, and also the type that Gullswoop is named for.
Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) = Eeyar The Clan cats haven't been doing salt patrols long enough yet to know that this is absolutely not an Eyawoon, but in fact, a Yassga. Sandwhich-stealing BASTARDS. They're the ones with the gray back, yellow beak, little red mark on the lip, and feral Grinch-looking eyes. If you live by the ocean you know. (There is another species that looks similar but Clan cats think they are the same animal)
Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) = Waer A large, black fishing bird that dives underwater to catch its prey. Revered by RiverClan.
Carrion crow (Corvus corone) = Rawk This is the species being referred to when "crowfood" is mentioned. Rawkwoo.
Magpie (Pica pica) = Ke'ek Glossy, beautiful blue, black, and white bird. Very intelligent and a difficult catch; like crows and ravens they are smart enough to have a concept of social learning.
Egret (Egretta garzetta) = Bwawa Though they have many of the same 'brutal' behaviors as herons, they're too small to cause damage and hence are sorted into 'eyawoon'
There is currently no word for Chicken but Ravenpaw is probably using the term Barley likes best. Except the rooster which he immediately named "Urkaroona."
Examples of "Biyaw";
Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) = Huwoohoo Big, fat, common, a popular meal bird.
Dove (Columba livia) = Hrru Funfact: In TPB, there is a moment where Fireheart scolds Cloudpaw for calling a pigeon a 'dove.' In English, pigeons and doves are synonyms, but in Clanmew, Cloudtail had killed a Huwoohoo, but called it a Hrru.
Sparrow (Passer domesticus and Passer montanus) = Qee Though there's a difference in plumage between these species, Clan cats think they are the same species because their songs are nearly identical. Passer montanus (Eurasian Tree Sparrow) is just considered what a sparrow looks like when it lives deep in the woods.
Quail (Coturnix coturnix) = Wipiwik A round little ground bird that's very fast.
Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula) = Miaw A black-and gray bird with a mewling call.
Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) = Errari This bird has many songs, which is taken by Clan cats as intentionally trying to hide its true name. They may even be changing their appearances to look like a Mistle Thrush; clearly they're something much more intelligent, since they use stones to smash open snail shells.
Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) = Charrech Much larger than a Song Thrush. Brave, one of the few birds that sings even in terrible weather, but named for the angry sound it makes when it's guarding berry bushes in winter.
Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) = Apapach A very important winter prey bird which travels in large flocks. Bullied by Mistle Thrushes for good food sources.
Redwing (Turdus iliacus) = Eean Similar to a fieldfare, but smaller and usually in tinier groups. The call is very different, so these birds are not usually confused by Clan cats unless they're seen first. Apapach are the preferred prey of the two.
Blackbird (Turdus merula) = Oohee Males are blue-black with a yellow ring around the eye, and females are a ruddy dappled brown.
Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) = Arkr Loud, aggressive medium-sized birds. Pale with blue wings.
Examples of "Pyrrya"
Bat (4 SPECIES) = Fip This refers to the sound of their wings mid-flight. No species of bat is consumed. If eaten they can bring horrible sickness, seen as a punishment for killing an holy night-loving animal with such a beautiful voice and great hunting skill. Clan cats are able to hear bat songs out of range of human hearing!
Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) = Popep A very small, common bat species that usually eats mosquitoes and midges in wet areas.
Soprano Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) = Ipi'ip Humans can barely tell the difference between these two, but Clan cats recognize that the song of a Soprano is much faster, higher-pitched, and absolutely sonorous. Considered the night version of a wren and held in high esteem.
Long-eared Brown Bat (Plecotus auritus) = Fepfr A very quiet, low-flying bat with a habit for doing some ground-hunting. This is usually the first bat that an apprentice sees instead of hears, and the one which is used to teach them to not hunt bats. It has a very modest song, which Clan cats explain as mourning for every bat accidentally killed and discarded. Rarely called the "Fip Hhass;" the Whisper Bat.
Noctule (Nyctalus noctula) = Shi'po The largest bat, has huge teeth and a broad face. Females both migrate and hibernate, but males stay awake all year and sing with a very distinctive tune hard to put into a word.
Songbird (SEVERAL SPECIES) = Pigu Note: Most songbirds are down here in this category, but some, like Song Thrushes, are only here conditionally. Usually if there's enough food to go around.
Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) = Pi'ie The song of this tiny bird is so fast and beautiful that Clan cats have a hard time putting it into words; these birds are not killed except by fiends and rogues.
Robin (Erithacus rubecula) = Birri This is a small, gray-and-brown bird with a bright orange face. They're not very filling, pretty, and sing a delightful song, so like the other species in this category they aren't taken unless there's a serious need.
Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) = Mweep Though large and delicious, these birds are so enjoyed that killing them is dishonorable without approval. They're the only bird that can fly away with its young, it dances and puts on air shows as mating rituals, and they're quite rare.
There are more species than this found in the area but this should be more than enough for now. Here's the most significant "bird" species they experience on a regular basis!
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uvienova · 9 months
Life Series as Birds
I had the oddest sudden fixation to do some “light” bird research and determine that if each member of the Life Series was depicted as an avian, what bird would they depict. (may become a thread of changes)
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So Grian is almost unanimously depicted as a Parrot, more specifically a Scarlet Macaw due to Season 7 “Pesky Bird”. As well as the birds sassy additude.
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Same as Grian, possibly even more, Jimmy is commonly depicted as a Canary due to the Canary in a Coal Mine.
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For Mumbo, I felt like the Northern Cardinal would be a nice fit due to its vibrant red and black coloring. Cardinals are also symbols of loyalty and devotion, rather fitting for someone who tends to be loyal to his allies. Cardinals are also often associated with passed loved ones visiting relatives in the form of Cardinals, which would fit seeing as Mumbo is usually one of the first out of the series.
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Tango was actually the last one I chose, due to this, and an attempt to give each member a different bird, it was difficult. After some further research, I decided on the Whistling Kite for the reason that it's nicknamed one of Australia's "Firebirds" for their use of fire to catch prey.
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Believe it or not, Impulse was actually the member who inspired it. Out of curiosity, I looked up Arizona's national bird and the Cactus Wren popped up and I could envision Impulse as a Cactus Wren with the browns and golden yellow with a nice touch of white.
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As evident above, my first idea was looking up national birds. Despite being a small bird, The shade of grey that Canada’s national bird, the Grey Jay, has is similar to Etho’s minecraft skin hair color. Grey Jay's are also seen as a good omen, similarly to how people seem to gravitate towards Etho almost like hes a good omen or a good luck charm.
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No matter all the birds I looked into, my brain kept saying Skizz for a Blue Jay. Blue Jays are associated with joy, happiness, along with some mischief, however, I would like to confess that I have yet to watch Skizz's pov of any of the seasons so i'm not as familiar with his personality as i am the others so if this choice seems uncharacteristic I apologize, but just imagine fanon Skizz with dashing sky blue wings.
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Originally I was going to put Lizzie as a hummingbird because they are pollinators, small, and adorable. However, hummingbirds are green and im a sucker from “Small” Smallishbeans Joel. Not to mention how hummingbirds can sometimes be hostile with one another alot like how Joel tends to targets everyone regardless of who it is.
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For Lizzie I decided a parakeet was a good choice for Lizzie because they're small, cute, and colorful. Parakeets are also very social and affectionate birds with lots of personality alot like how Lizzie is.
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Parakeet was originally what I chose for Scott, but then I learned about Kenya’s national bird, the gorgeous Lilac-Breasted Roller which is perfect for Scott as it reminds me of his Empires Chromia outfit and all the beautiful things he creates. I mean LOOK AT IT!
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For BigB, I decided to bestow him with my states bird, the Eastern Bluebird. Bluebirds represent joy, happiness, and luck. The Blue and orangish brown coat reminds me of Big B’s color palette of a blue sweater with a brown cookie on it. 
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Cleo has high Great Horned Owl vibes and you can’t convince me otherwise. Symbols of protection and not tolerating deception. GH Owls are also super intimidating in their size and appearance, fitting for the cutthroat Cleo.
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During all of this, I almost gave up on the opportunity for Martyn as a Woodpecker. No need for further explanation, but I'll give you the symbolism: Optimism, new opportunities, and creativity which matches Martyn. (Edit: IVE JUST BEEN INFORMED THAT THE WOODPECKER IS ALSO ASSOCIATED WITH MARS SO YAH)
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Ironically enough, I decided Gem would make a good Barn Owl, their white coat and owls being a figure of wisdom reminded me of Gem's Empires Season 1 as well as her enjoyment of birch. Barn Owls are also good hunters to it fits her like a glove
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I wouldn't give up the opportunity to choose a hawk for Mr. GoodTimesWithScar.The Hawk I chose is the Cooper's Hawk. But really I chose a random Washington state hawk that I thought suited Scar.
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For our favorite crazy Aussie, only Australia's national bird will do. I believe the Emu suits Pearl well because one, its national bird, and two, Emus are one of the dorkiest kinds of birds and have a lot of personality (and thievery skills). 
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For Ren, I almost went with the Peacock, but couldn't invision Ren as a Peacock, so instead of going the Royalty Route, I went the pun route. Ren…….as a Wren. A Musician Wren, Fitting for the Theater Nerd of the Life Series, no take backs.
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For Bdubs, I went with the Orchard Oriole, A small bird that builds with, you guessed it, MOSS!
I might add on or talk about members as other birds and yah
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euko-going-insane · 6 months
So, uhm, Ollie as swallow and Kimi as black kite in my newly baked avian au, thoughts?
@mon-mothmas-collar @usssputnik you two especially
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sunderbannationalpark · 7 months
About Sunderbans National Park
Information About Sunderbans National Park, India
Covering an expanse of approximately 10,000 square kilometers, the Sundarbans forest spans across both India and Bangladesh. India claims around 4,262 square kilometers of this natural marvel, while the rest falls within Bangladesh's territory. Sundarbans National Park occupies the Indian portion, renowned globally for hosting the largest mangrove forest on the planet. This national park is a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife aficionados alike. With its thick mangrove cover, intricate network of river channels, picturesque estuaries, and a thriving population of Royal Bengal Tigers and various other wildlife species, the Sundarbans offers a captivating landscape that beckons visitors from far and wide. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the park possesses a unique allure that draws tourists seeking unparalleled natural beauty and biodiversity experiences.
Located at the southeastern edge of the 24 Paraganas district in West Bengal, India, the Sundarbans National Park derives its name from the Sundari mangrove plant (Heritiera Minor). Situated within the world's largest delta formed by the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers, this national park covers an expansive area of approximately 2585 square kilometers, making it India's largest national park and tiger reserve. The Sundarbans region encompasses around 2125 square kilometers of mangrove forest, while the remaining area, spread across 56 islands, is dominated by water bodies, totaling 4262 square kilometers.
Flora in Sundarbans National Park:
The Sundarbans, renowned as the largest mangrove forest globally, boasts the mangrove tree as its flagship species, thriving uniquely in its waterlogged terrain. With remarkable adaptability, these trees endure prolonged inundation by sending up spikes from their roots, aiding respiration and providing structural support to the mangrove ecosystem. Among its diverse array of flora, the Sundarbans is home to the 'Sundari' mangrove, a distinctive variety that dominates the landscape and lends its name to the forest. Encompassing over 300 plant species, the Sundarbans region harbors a rich botanical tapestry.
Fauna in Sundarbans National Park:
The Sundarbans National Park, dominated by the majestic Royal Bengal Tigers, reigns supreme as the apex predator with a population exceeding 400 individuals. These iconic tigers exhibit remarkable swimming prowess in the park's salty waters and are notorious for their occasional predation on humans. While tourists flock to catch a glimpse of these striped wonders, the park harbors a diverse array of fauna that equally captivates wildlife enthusiasts.
In addition to the Bengal Tigers, Sundarbans teems with captivating wildlife such as Fishing Cats, Leopards, Macaques, Wild Boars, Wild Buffaloes, Rhinoceroses, Indian Mongooses, Jungle Cats, Foxes, Flying Foxes, Pangolins, Barking Deer, Spotted Deer, Hog Deer, and Chitals. The park is also home to saltwater crocodiles and various snake species, adding to its rich biodiversity.
Moreover, Sundarbans boasts a vibrant avian population, featuring a kaleidoscope of exotic birds. Among them are Openbill Storks, Black-capped Kingfishers, Black-headed Ibises, Coots, Water Hens, Pheasant-tailed Jacanas, Brahminy Kites, Pariah Kites, Marsh Harriers, Swamp Partridges, Red Junglefowl, Spotted Doves, Common Mynahs, Jungle Crows, Jungle Babblers, Cotton Teals, Herring Gulls, Caspian Terns, Gray Herons, Common Snipes, Wood Sandpipers, Green Pigeons, Rose-ringed Parakeets, Paradise-flycatchers, Cormorants, Grey-headed Fish Eagles, White-bellied Sea Eagles, Seagulls, Common Kingfishers, Peregrine Falcons, Woodpeckers, Whimbrels, Black-tailed Godwits, Little Stints, Eastern Knots, Curlews, Golden Plovers, Northern Pintails, White-eyed Pochards, and Whistling Teals. These avian residents contribute to the park's enchanting atmosphere, making it a paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers alike.
Climate of Sundarbans National Park:
The climate in the Sunderbans forest is generally temperate and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 48 degrees Celsius. Due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal, humidity levels are consistently high, averaging around 80%, and heavy rainfall is common. The summer season, lasting from March to May, is characterized by hot and humid weather. Monsoon conditions prevail from mid-May to mid-September, marked by increased humidity and windy conditions. The region frequently experiences storms, particularly in May and October, which can escalate into cyclones. Winter sets in from October to February, bringing colder temperatures to the area.
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dalle2 · 2 years
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“Anthropomorphic Black Kite female samurai, digital art, high quality, avian, fursona art, in the style of KoeiTecmo/Nobunaga's Ambition portrait artist Tsuyoshi Nagano”
Created with DALL·E 2, a new AI system by OpenAI that creates realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
Sharing is caring!
Substack: dalle.substack.com
Twitter: @Dalle2AI
The heading of this post was used to generate the image, src
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siren07tucker · 2 years
@petrichormeraki @smileforever3 @dodgen-n-weven @rose-icosahedron “I miss BB this thinking about BBAU that!” Well click on the pictures for better quality! And can somebody hold my honey bottle.
>:D Because I’m back for a good time and not a long time!
Warning Gore and child abuse
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kid/Djali Junior. KJ/DJ found in the same server as Djali (Senior) KJ was once a centaur creeper hybrid due to horrific experiments of other hybrids in hunters their status has been changed to bipedal creeper hybrid. They are the oldest of the six kids. They/them pronouns baby!  just like their baba KJ can rock people shit. 
Hopeless romantic just like Djali, be nice to them once and they will fall in love.
(Djali is called Baba and Grum is papa)
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Juniper is a robot with creeper hybrid and avian features. (Avian part is Cardinal) Second oldest along with their twin June both were named by their uncle Junie. They are a Redstone kid literally comes from their fingertips. (they have Redstone claw tips that they used to do Redstone. they have little caps for them so they don’t walk around and leave the Redstone everywhere)
Juniper prefers a more creeper hybrid look and prefers to downplay being a robot.
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June same as their twin. (Avian part lilac breasted roller) can’t do Redstone Farms but if you need a piston door or a secret room then June is your hybrid. Indulges greatly in avian culture. Can’t shoot a gun to save their life but A bow and arrow will end many.
June loves looking robotic just like their papa.
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Rat is a dog creeper hybrid. (He named himself) The middle child but he is not forgotten. Stuffed animal collector. Has been corrupted by his auntie Tizzy. Has and will lag out the server with world eaters. Lovingly referred to is the caves and Clift baby because he will go caving for days and then immediately rock climb for the same amount of time.
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Arson is A partially revived Avian. (they are perceived as undead but they still need to eat normal food and they can grow up) (avian part Black kites) he is the second youngest. unfortunately arson cannot grow back his Old feathers despite the fact when he molts those feathers do grow back. Arson has donated feathers from other winged players that they carefully poke into where his old feathers used to be. Arson has a prosthetic leg. It’s obvious that arson death was fire related, Through DNA testing it turned out that Arson was once a powerful Magic user who’s naturally given talent was fire but A hunter magic user cursed him taking away his invulnerability to his own magic. Arson now has no magical ability other than bass game mechanics.
Arson is kind of dead, other avians react very weird to his presence. Many avians will start fussing over him and trying to figure out if he’s sick because he smells like death. but he’s moving and not too cold or too warm?
Despite A couple year age gap rat and arson decided they are also twins.
Flint is weirdly human (he was going to be an experiment to make the perfect hunter or slayer wink wink) Flint is the youngest The baby of the family. (kind of named after his great grandpa) A weirdly durable baby. Loves the color green but not lime green. He picks up sign language through mimicking it when he was a wee babe. Grows up to be a gentle giant and loves gardening and stargazing.
Flint rat and arson were all found and rescued during a raid on a unifier base (unifiers are a group of hybrids and hunters working together because the hunters are hunters but they believe hybrids have a space in the great builders plan and the hybrids are just ablest and think two hybrids getting it on is gross and the kids are gross) these are also the garbage things that hurt KJ.
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Picture of when they were young. This is before the robot twins found their own styles of body and before arson gets his feather donations.
And I’m not begging but ask me about them
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
Round up of my wild week 5th-10th March 2023
It was a week that saw a change in weather with a cold snap, a dusting of snow in these parts and some wet weather. It felt like a little step back into winter with these scenes and puddles and mud reappearing in the landscape somewhat, but that didn’t stop it being a week I saw some memorable wildlife and took so many pictures nor did it stop it feeling spring like. A Coot seen adding twigs to a nest under construction at Petersfield Heath Pond yesterday, more fabulous moments watching the Lakeside Country Park courting Great Crested Grebes across the week and the continued emergence of early spring wildflowers helped it feel spring like still. Crocuses, periwinkle, daffodil, snowdrops including some seen at Winchester Cathedral in snow quite comically and some pretty spurge out the front were plant highlights of my week, with a few nice insect and spider sightings in and outdoors this week standing out too. 
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A photo I took of the snow falling early on Wednesday morning, with the tree out the back coming into bud and blossom a contrasting point in the photo. 
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The Coot with a stick yesterday. 
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Crocuses at Lakeside on Sunday 
I spent probably more time than average at my local Lakeside this week with a special longer slower paced visit yesterday as part of a day off I had using up annual leave and an exercise walk there as an addition to my Sunday alongside Monday and Tuesday’s lunch time walks, and it produced some of my birdwatching highlights of the week. The leading bird species of these few days the exquisite Lesser Redpolls I saw in lake side alders there yesterday, a captivating sight seeing a bird I find so sweet to see. It was such a revelation of the walk there yesterday and such a key bird to my year so far, as my first time seeing this species this year and first I’d ever seen at Lakeside. I was so overjoyed to see them. As well as the sheer wonder of watching the Great Crested Grebes seeing some bits of the courtship dance again this week other key birds at Lakeside were Green Woodpecker one I saw consistently, Siskin, Cormorant and Wren. Other key birds seen this week were Buzzards with two seen well at Lakeside and home a couple of times, Song Thrush and Dunnock, many Egyptian Geese as well as Red Kite on a great walk of intimate avian encounters at Petersfield Heath Pond with pleasing views of Peregrine and Grey Wagtail in Winchester on office working day lunch breaks. 
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A Lesser Redpoll record shot 
Also bird wise it was notably a strong week for seeing gulls, with my second and third favourite gulls starring with Mediterranean Gulls with black heads another strong spring sight this week at Petersfield Heath Pond and Common Gull both there and at Lakeside. Perhaps my fourth favourite is Lesser Black-backed Gulls and this was a welcome Lakeside constant this week again, from seeing one sat on a buoy to it scoffing bread. Black-headed Gull and especially for hearing them Herring Gull were big parts of my week too.
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Mediterranean Gulls with Black-headed Gulls at Petersfield Heath Pond yesterday. Not necessarily surprising when I break it down but still quite out of the blue yesterday was the most photos I’ve ever produced on a day which was interesting. FYI, one of my favourite birds the Kittiwake is my undisputed favourite gull species.
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I can’t forget the full Worm moon which entranced me in evenings early in the week, getting this photo of it on Tuesday. 
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And as a feature of the weather week it has been it has been a good one for dramatic sky scenes, this scene from Monday’s Lakeside walk.
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asianadventures02 · 5 months
One Day Trip Near Delhi | Birding In Sultanpur
Are you looking for a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of Delhi? A one-day trip near Delhi that combines nature, birding, and relaxation? Look no further than Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, a haven for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, just a short drive away from India's capital. Let's embark on a virtual journey with Asian Adventures to explore the delights of Sultanpur and its avian wonders.
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Discovering Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary Nestled in the tranquil surroundings of Gurgaon, Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is a paradise for birdwatchers. Spread over 143 acres, this sanctuary is home to a diverse range of bird species, making it a hotspot for birding enthusiasts. Managed by the Haryana Forest Department, Sultanpur offers a serene retreat amidst lush greenery and water bodies.
The Avian Paradise of Sultanpur As you step into Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary with Asian Adventures, be prepared to be mesmerized by the vibrant avian life that calls this place home. From migratory birds to resident species, Sultanpur boasts a rich diversity that changes with the seasons. Winter brings a flurry of winged visitors from distant lands, while summer reveals the beauty of local birds in their breeding plumage.
Birding Delights at Sultanpur Your one-day trip near Delhi with Asian Adventures is filled with thrilling birding experiences. Armed with binoculars and a keen eye, you'll spot elegant waterfowl like the majestic Sarus Crane wading gracefully in the marshes. Keep a lookout for the striking Black-headed Ibis and the colorful Painted Stork as they forage for food in the shallow waters.
Highlights of Your Birding Expedition Raptor Watching: Marvel at the aerial acrobatics of birds of prey like the Black-shouldered Kite and the Shikra as they soar high in search of prey.
Songbird Symphony: Listen to the melodious tunes of songbirds like the Oriental Magpie-Robin and the Indian Silverbill, filling the air with their enchanting calls.
Beyond Birding: Nature Trails and More Apart from birding, Sultanpur offers nature enthusiasts a chance to explore its picturesque trails. Take a leisurely walk along the tranquil pathways, surrounded by lush foliage and the soothing sounds of nature. Capture scenic vistas of migratory birds against the backdrop of serene lakes, creating postcard-perfect moments.
Planning Your One-Day Trip with Asian Adventures Ready to embark on your birding adventure at Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary? Here's a quick guide to plan your trip:
Travel Time: Sultanpur is approximately 50 kilometers from Delhi, making it easily accessible by car or public transport. Entry Fees: Check the entry fees and timings beforehand for a hassle-free experience. Guided Tours: Consider joining a guided birding tour with Asian Adventures for expert insights and a tailored birding experience. Pack Essentials: Don't forget your binoculars, camera, comfortable clothing, and a hat to beat the sun. Conclusion: A Day of Nature and Birding Bliss Your one-day trip near Delhi to Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary promises a rejuvenating experience in the lap of nature. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a nature enthusiast seeking a peaceful retreat, Sultanpur has something magical to offer. Join Asian Adventures on this enchanting journey and immerse yourself in the wonders of birding in Sultanpur.
Asian Adventures - Your Gateway to Nature's Treasures
This blog covers the one-day trip aspect near Delhi with a focus on Birding In Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, incorporating the keywords 'One Day Trip Near Delhi' and 'Birding In Sultanpur,' along with the brand name 'Asian Adventures.' Let me know if you'd like any adjustments or additions!
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aphelion-alifer · 1 month
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it's wet beast wednesday!!
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satishrao2020 · 1 year
AVIAN aerodynamics
There is no doubt about the grace, beauty and efficacy of the supreme, highly efficient flying machines Nature has created and helped evolve: Birds.
Man has designed and continuously improved on his flying machines learning from Birds and ocean dwelling inhabitants: Dolphins and Whales, to name some.
This post carries a single verse poem I penned followed by my ‘captures’ in and around Bengaluru.
Birds in flight,
Are a pleasing sight,
But at times, maladroit,
Capturing them is sheer delight.
I now present some birds in graceful flight:
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Painted STORKs ( buck up mate….)
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Brahminy KITE ( I can see you, am hungry, now am coming for you)
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Little EGRET( so cool and pristine up here )
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Black-winged STILTs ( enviable unison)
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Black-headed IBIS ( on my morning walk, oops, flight )
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Spot-billed PELICAN ( am heavy but have tremendous lift in my large wings)
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Spot-billed DUCKs ( let’s hurry back home before the sun sets )
now for a few clumsy looking landings
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Cattle EGRET
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Painted STORK
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Spot-billed PELICAN
Ciao for now………….
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jrobertallen · 1 year
Melissa Ran Teddy ( 6 )
( You are the creator of your own destiny.
TY phelmly, Manager of Boeing aiAplanes, Renton. )
The dry summer air was warming just before it started sprinkling, the lightly moistened wind and sunshine placed the local atmosphere in the state of humidity. Then as the sun climbed above the convergence zone the lower overcast day started to burn off and was replaced with sunshine threatening the greater Seattle area with unusually nice weather.
Gloria was sleeping under a bush where the Somerset sports field met the green space behind the local Elementary School.
It was a free Monday due to teacher conferences. The district schools were out of session, a free day situation leaving Newport Highschoolers with a dilemma. Stay home and play online games, watch videos on their phones or go outside into the freshly washed morning air.
Not everyone had the luxury of going outside as there are those people who were always outside day and night, nor was everyone a student escaping the confines of their boring homes and online social rooms, some were old, very very old.
She wasn’t bothered by the sound of the early morning athletes using the field or even the occasional bug crawling across her face, but the smell of raccoon shit bothered her, and there was plenty of that somewhere nearby. Another smell that perturbed Gloria was the oder fly algeric mushrooms released as they crept up with their nobbs, poking their red and orange bulb heads through the top layers of the fertile earth, smelling of old stenchy yeast and spoiling potatoes.
Spying three girls setting down for lunch made her curious, especially the girl with the full, dark brown curly hair. She was so pretty and had something with her she didn’t deserve, nor presently wanted Gloria realised, so like a hunter zeroing in on a target, she set her full attention at studying the task at hand.
A distraction might work to get her closer to the girl she chose, much closer, close enough and cunning in the right way to be convincing, perhaps her truest friend could help! Where was he?
Using her sences and higher abilities Gloria snuffed the air from under her branch, whatever that group of girls brought with them smelled good, especially the peanut butter and honey sandwich one of them brought in her brown paper lunch bag, and the cheese! Oh how Gloria loved to nibble on a good hunk of cheese back when she ate regular foods.
From out of the sky a black dot circled the field, floating slowly downward in a spiral like a loosed kite until Melvin landed on a nearby soccer upright distracting that group of teenage girls who tried and failed at eating their picnic without unwanted interruption.
Oh, My God! Look at the size of that crow! Said Kelly, a blond girl wearing a blue jumper with self embroidered cartoons on the front pocket. The gathering was her idea and had brought the picnic blanket for herself and her two friends to sit on, but in lite of the visitor instinctively covered her sandwich with her hand. “ It’s like that gigantic bird from the movie! Oh. What was the name?
Her Asian friend Meeka carelessly flung a celery stick towards the Raven, hitting the upright but the big avian beast disregarded the offering.
I don’t think Crows eat celery Meeka, I’m pretty sure they eat things like bread and meat and seeds and cheese! Said Melly, the third girl of the group who sat with her best posture in order to properly demonstrate the schools cheer team sweater motto written on the back, “ Team Newport !” she was a smaller girl with larger more pronounced features typical of Arabic women her age.
The three laughed.
Meeka stood up and walk toward the Raven holding out a cheese stick. “Here ya go, come and get it!”
The raven, interested in the cheese, made clucking sounds while posturing itself ready for the feeding, but at the last moment Meeka pulled the cheese stick back, carelessly flinging it as far as she could into the fenced off wooded section behind the field. Meeka was all set to laugh but that ended as the Raven took off after the cheese, letting itself splatter Meekas front with its warm guano.
Meeka screamed, my shirt! My hair! Oh my God!
Kelly jumped up with her phone and nearly doubled over laughing, but she still managed capturing the whole event on camera along with the surprised look on Meekas face.
Meeka started crying and Kelly turned from producer to consoler, leading her stricken friend to the gymnasium bathrooms to help her clean up. She led Meeka away in a two person parade leaving smiling Melly alone to gather up Kellys picnic.
As Melley was stowing the food items she was surprised to see an old woman crawling out from under the shrubbery.
The woman was dressed in all black and was not very pretty by Mellys standards but she wasn’t scared at all until the woman, after brushing the leaves off her black dress with her wrinkled hand, looked directly at Melly with a jagged smile and started ambling over to share the picnic blanket.
Melly thought for a second that she might get up and find the others but, they had left their handbags and jackets in Mellys care. She couldn’t just abandon their gear.
The woman stopped just feet away from Melly and smiled as she spoke, Oh dear, oh dear! It’s a girl I suppose!
Excuse me? Melly answered, of course she was a girl, she absolutely did not look masculine in any way. Not built like she was with her long hair and feminine clothing.
You are pregnant, and it’s a female. How long? 13 weeks? Just perfect! The woman nodded knowingly.
How did you know? Melly asked feeling insecure about her secret, and turning around to make sure nobody overheard had instinctively covered her stomach with her hands.
Yes, it’s difficult she added. I suppose father, your father will be surprised?
Melly started to well up, a few tears forming as she relived part of the embarrassing scene that broughther to this predicament.
Oh, no child. I didn’t mean to scare you! The woman blew a kiss at Melly.
The smell of the kiss was like garlic as it entered Mellys nostrils, and although revolting it was also somewhat soothing like the smell of a puppy.
Melly started feeling a little strange, as if she were overcome with laughing gas, suddenly she didn’t mind her visitor because her mood was changing from anxiety to an easier feeling, similar to the sugary dopey daze she felt like after eating a big dish of grandma’s warm apple pie.
Melly found herself staring at a small curious heart shaped ruby and diamond broach the old woman wore pinned on her tunic.
Oh good, a young lady with good taste! said the stranger noticing Mellys fascinated gaze, do you like my diamond broach?
I’ve got another one for you in my pocket, if I give it to you then we can be just like old friends. Without asking she removed the jewel from her pouch and gently tied it to Mellys sweater string. A gift, I give you this, but you must let me help you out as friends always do!
Okay , Melly agreed thankfully while admiring her gift. Suddenly the woman no longer looked old, and she was prettier. Her smile and super dark eyes were very endearing.
May I touch your belly? Asked Gloria.
Sure! Please do! Melly said as she pulled up the front of her school pride sweatshirt showing her new best friend her stomach.
The visitor placed the palm of her cold hand on Melly’s little belly, her fingertips releasing a tingling sensation that crossed Melly’s whole abdomen.
Oh, that tickles, now Melly was over whelmingly joyful with her new acquaintance. As Gloria rubbed her belly Melly tried to think of ways to return a gift to the woman with something as nice as the broach.
Although Melly was somehow a little annoyed at how hot the woman’s hand was becoming, she only shifted slightly, letting her continue.
There, there my dear, almost done helping you!
Melly! A voice shouted, Melly’s attention was fixed on beautiful Gloria’s face so she didn’t hear her name being called.
Hi Melly! Yelled Kelley again who was returning with Meeka. Upon opening the side door of the school had noticed their lunch buddy was standing, facing a person neither one of them had seen before.
Something about the stranger was amiss, and the way Melly was pulling up her shirt was not something Melly whom they both knew as introverted and shy would do in public.
All done! The woman removed her hand, You gave me something and I gave you something back in return, give and take!
Melly ! They called again, what are you doing?
The woman turned and started walking towards the wooded area leaving stupefied Melly standing there with her shirt still awkwardly hiked up.
A moment later Meeka , hair wet and shirt changed grabbed onto Mellys arm and turning to face her, took one look and screamed, Oh my God! Melly What is that on your sweater !?
Melly, still buzzed from her encounter looked puzzled. She gave me this diamond broach, don’t be jelly, She was so nice!
Kelly was next to see Melly’s new ornament! She cuffed her hands over her mouth aghast from the sight of Melly’s sweater adornment.
Her sweatshirt string was tied in a small bow and attached to the end like a knuse was not the diamond brokade Melly believed her new old friend gifted to her, instead she found that hanging from her sweater like a prisoner swinging from the gallows pole, was a small dead field mouse.
Teddy was inside his office working on his laptop when the faint smell of a BBQ delighted his senses.
It was such a nice day outside that the fellers next door at the carwash must have decided to do something special. He imagined they set up their propane cooker like they have done on so many occasions to roast hamburgers and chicken so they could stay fed as they worked an endless stream of cars lining up for their services.
As he typed away Teddy imagined the three man crew taking turns eating and cooking in between customers waiting to use the automated car washing system when the smell of smoke intensified.
Teddy was struck with the thought that he could hear crackling sounds.
Teddy stood up and stretching his arms opened the window blinds. From his office he could clearly see the line of cars leading out of the carwash parking lot stretching into the street
Teddy was surprised and confused at bits of white ash falling like snow. Then an ember floated down followed by even more ash.
One of the carwash employees stepped around the corner of his building and pointed with a surprised look on his face.
What is he pointing at thought Teddy?
The car wash attendant seeing Teddy looking out nonchalantly from his office window yelled at him! Hey Man! Your garage is on fire!
Teddy rushed out of his portable office to see his garage doors open and the z car aflame. The burning car was chugging out black smoke with flames spreading to the building itself.
As Teddy rushed to the door of the garage, he was beaten back by the intense smell of burning plastic and the heat. A police car pulled up, the officer hurriedly poped his cruisers trunk and grabbing his emergency fire bottle quickly ran to the garage, activated the retardant and shot the inside of the garage with a white fire dispersing chemical fog.
A minute later a fire truck arrived deploying several firefighters who went to work dousing the small building with water, smothering the flames.
Everything happened so quickly that all Teddy could think of doing was calling his silent partner and Mom, but she didn’t answer. Then remembering giving his other phone to Ran, Teddy asked his A I Melissa to find rans phone and call him.
Ran brought Mary a fresh bouquet of flowers. She and Ran were having the best of times two people could have on the 4th floor recovery center at Evergreen Hostpital considering the circumstances.
Marys shoulder was improving and she hoped to be released later that day if her progress continued. The feeling in her left arm was predictably still gone due to post operation medication but some of the movement had returned after the surgery successfully connected her scapula to a newly installed shoulder joint.
Her new titanium shoulder was touted by her surgeon to be an improvement, with better range and flexibility than her old worn down joint she had before the gunman shot her.
Ran would of liked to visit Manuel today but that section of the Hostpital was restricted to family only. Marys brother was slowly coming out of induced coma after the surgery to extract bone fragments from his soft brain tissue. Mary, Manuel’s closest relative had just explained to Ran that the doctors didn’t think too much damage had occurred, and hopefully no life changing significant damage other than the loss of sight and unfortunately hearing on his left side would impact him going forward.
Bleep bleep!
Is that a phone? Mary said with shock. I thought you refused using one!
Oh, right! Answered Ran. He pulled out the phone from his backpack and hit the ignore call button.
It’s Teddy, he gave me his other phone. I don’t feel like talking to him right now. He can wait.
Bleep bleep! The call came again. What the hell?
You better answer it, Said Mary, might be important.
Ran almost refused but did as she asked.
Hello? Rans annoyed look changed to an expression of disbelief. No way! He said, was the car inside? What happened? How did it catch on fire?
What!!! Ran stood up, what? Who?
As Mary watched Rans mood change she became excited as well.
Ran clicked off the phone and stood up. I have to go, there was an emergency at the lot.
Did something catch on fire?
My garage apparently, well, it just burndown and Teddy is freaking out all over the place because there is a body inside
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kumarshivam · 1 year
Wings Over Sundarbans: Exploring the Avian Diversity of the Mangroves
The largest delta in the world is called Sundarbans. It is a vast expanse of tiny islands dotted with mangrove trees and connected by estuarine creeks that empty into the Bay of Bengal. Even though it is hostile to human habitation, this location is a perfect breeding ground for various animals, including the fabled Royal Bengal Tiger.
However, the Sundarbans are famous not only for their magnificent Royal Bengal Tigers but also for their astounding avian diversity. It is perhaps the ideal location, if you choose the best sundarban tour package, for wildlife photography and bird watching because it has four watchtowers. With both migratory and resident species offering an unforgettable experience of learning about the avian wonders of the mangroves, the Sundarbans is a haven for bird enthusiasts, 
Exploring the Sundarbans:
A well-planned sundarban tour package can execute opportunities for a memorable trip to the Sundarbans. Boat safaris through the dense mangrove forest and jungle safaris help to explore wildlife and the elusive Royal Bengal Tiger in its natural setting. Visitors can immerse themselves in the serenity of the forest and learn about its rich biodiversity by taking guided nature walks and treks through predetermined trails and discovering the avian wonders of the mangroves.
Migrant birds:
Many migratory bird species use the Sundarbans as an important wintering stopover and termination site. Thousands of birds migrate to the area every year from places like Siberia, Central Asia, and Europe. These migratory birds can find food and refuge in the diverse habitats found in the Sundarbans, such as the mangrove forests, mudflats, and riverine regions.  About 248 different bird species have been recorded in the Sunderban National Park, including many migratory species. The first Sundarban Bird Festival recently saw sightings of 145 different bird species. Several teams traveled to various locations inside the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve as part of the inaugural festival, which was organized by the West Bengal Forest Department's Sundarban Tiger Reserve (STR) division. 
Types of local birds.
A variety of resident bird species can be found in the Sundarbans, many of which have adapted to the distinct mangrove ecosystem. Among the notable inhabitants are the Brahminy Kite, a striking raptor frequently spotted soaring above the waterways, and the Mangrove Pitta, a colourful and elusive bird found in the dense mangrove undergrowth. In addition to rare species like the Goliath heron and the spoon-billed sandpiper, nine of the country's twelve species of kingfishers can be found in this region.
Other frequent occupants include the Black-capped Kingfisher, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Collared Kingfisher, Purple Heron, and Black-headed Ibis. For birdwatchers of all skill levels, the Sundarbans are a manageable destination due to the variety of bird species.
Hotspots for birdwatching:
A well-planned birdwatching sundarban tour package takes visitors to several hotspots with a high concentration of birds. Birds perched on mangrove branches or wading in the shallows can be seen from a great vantage point during boat safaris along the waterways and creeks.
One of the most stunning watchtowers in the Sundarban is Bonnie Camp. This one is the highest watchtower in the Sundarbans, at 50 feet high. It can be reached from Sajnekhali by a six-cylinder boat in about six hours and is relatively close to the Bay of Bengal.
Therefore, birdwatchers can explore designated nature trails and watchtowers carefully placed within the forest to observe bird behaviour. Sudhanyakhali, Sajnekhali, Dobanki, and Netidhopani are a few locations where birdwatching is popular.
A sundarban tour package to the Sundarbans is an opportunity to unravel the secrets of the largest mangrove forest in the world and an exceptional opportunity to immerse oneself in the avian diversity of the mangroves. It offers an immersive experience in nature's lap,  visitors can witness the intricate mangrove ecosystem. From migratory species to resident birds, the Sundarbans provides a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Exploring the Sundarbans not only provides a thrilling adventure however al therefore raises awareness about the importance of conserving this unique and fragile ecosystem.
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markagorman · 2 years
All That Breathes: Movie Review
This beautiful documentary is nominated for the documentary Oscar, and I can see why. It’s a unique study of urban wildlife in one of the world’s most densely populated, troubled and polluted cities, yet it teems with wildlife. We see rats, wild pigs, cattle, camels, frogs, snails and owls, as well as the movie’s avian heroes, Black Kites. These revered birds are finding life tough in modern…
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