#black girl (1966)
hiddenbyleaves · 5 months
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Black Girl (Ousmane Sembène, 1966)
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shihlun · 1 year
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Ousmane Sembene
- La noire de... AKA Black Girl
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cultreslut · 10 months
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la noire de... (black girl) (1966) dir. ousmane sembène on archive.org and on youtube
"Eager to find a better life abroad, a Senegalese woman becomes a mere governess to a family in southern France, suffering from discrimination and marginalization." synopsis via tmdb
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rrrauschen · 2 years
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Ousmane Sembène, {1966} La Noire de... (Black Girl)
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lostdoe · 2 years
╭ ◜◝ ͡ ◝ ͡◜◝  ╮
(   unhinged   )
(  female )
 ( characters )
    ╰     ͜       ╯        
   〃∩ ∧ _∧
    ⊂⌒( ´・ω・)
     `ヽ_っ_/ ̄ ̄ ̄/  
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ludmilachaibemachado · 3 months
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Via Something About the Beatles’ Girls FB💐🍂🌵🥀
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internatlvelvet · 5 months
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301-302 · 10 months
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La noire de... (Black Girl | Ousmane Sembène | 1966)
Killer of Sheep (Charles Burnett | 1978)
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"A Negra De..." (La Noire De... - 1966)
Dir.: Ousmane Sembene
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filmpalette · 2 years
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La Noire de... (1966) dir. Ousmane Sembène
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doll1-s2 · 8 months
𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍, 𝒃𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏' 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆, "𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖", 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 <𝟑
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sbrown82 · 2 years
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Donyale Luna photographed by Guy Bourdin wearing Paco Rabanne for Vogue Magazine (1966).
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shihlun · 1 year
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Ousmane Sembene
- La noire de... AKA Black Girl
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ghelgheli · 6 months
In contrast with professional drag queens, who were only playing at being women onstage, [Esther] Newton learned that the very bottom of the gay social hierarchy was the province of street queens. In almost total contrast to professional queens, street queens were "the underclass of the gay world." Although they embraced effeminacy, too, they did so in the wrong place and for the wrong reason: in public and outside of professional work. As a result, Newton explained, the street queens "are never off stage. Their way of life is collective, illegal, and immediate." Because they didn't get paid to be feminine and were locked out of even the most menial of nightlife jobs, Newton observed that their lives were perceived to revolve around "confrontation, prostitution, and drug 'highs'." Even in a gay underworld where everyone was marked as deviant, it was the sincere street queens who tried to live as women who were punished most for what was celebrated-and paid-as an act onstage. When stage queens lost their jobs, they were often socially excluded like trans women. Newton explained that when she returned to Kansas City one night during her fieldwork, she learned that two poor queens she had met had recently lost their jobs as impersonators. Since then, they had become "indistinguishable from street fairies," growing out their hair long and wearing makeup in public-even "passing" as girls in certain situations," in addition to earning a reputation for taking pills. They were now treated harshly by everyone in the local scene. Most people wouldn't even speak to them in public. Professional drag queens who didn't live as women still had to avoid being seen as too "transy" in their style and demeanor. One professional queen that Newton interviewed explained why: it was dangerous to be transy because it reinforced the stigma of effeminacy without the safety of being onstage. "I think what you do in your bed is your business," he told Newton, echoing a middle-class understanding of gay privacy, "[but] what you do on the street is everybody's business."
The first street queen who appears in Mother Camp is named Lola, a young Black trans girl who is "becoming a woman,' as they say'." Newton met Lola at her dingy Kansas City apartment, where she lived with Tiger, a young gay man, and Godiva, a somewhat more respectable queen. What made Godiva more respectable than Lola wasn't just a lack of hormonal transition. It was that Godiva could work as a female impersonator because she wasn't trying to sincerely live as a woman. Lola, on the other hand, was permanently out of work because being Black and trans made her unhireable, including in female impersonation. When Newton entered their apartment, which had virtually no furniture, she found Lola lying on "a rumpled-up mattress on the floor" and entertaining three "very rough-looking young men." These kinds of apartments, wrote Newton, "are not 'homes.' They are places to come in off the street." The extremely poor trans women who lived as street queens, like Lola, "literally live outside the law," Newton explained. Violence and assault were their everyday experiences, drugs were omnipresent, and sex work was about the only work they could do. Even if they didn't have "homes," street queens "do live in the police system."
As a result of being policed and ostracized by their own gay peers, Newton felt that street queens were "dedicated to "staying out of it" as a way of life. "From their perspective, all of respectable society seems square, distant, and hypocritical. From their 'place' at the very bottom of the moral and status structure, they are in a strategic position to experience the numerous discrepancies between the ideals of American culture and the realities." Yet, however withdrawn or strung out they were perceived to be, the street queens were hardly afraid to act. On the contrary, they were regarded by many as the bravest and most combative in the gay world. In the summer of 1966, street queens in San Francisco fought back at Compton's Cafeteria, an all-night venue popular with sex workers and other poor gay people. After management had called the police on a table that was hanging out for hours ordering nothing but coffee, an officer grabbed the arm of one street queen. As the historian Susan Stryker recounts, that queen threw her coffee in the police officer's face, "and a melee erupted." As the queens led the patrons in throwing everything on their tables at the cops-who called for backup-a full-blown riot erupted onto the street. The queens beat the police with their purses "and kicked them with their high-heeled shoes." A similar incident was documented in 1959, when drag queens fought back against the police at Cooper's Donuts in Los Angeles by throwing donuts-and punches. How many more, unrecorded, times street queens fought back is anyone's guess. The most famous event came in 1969, when street queens led the Stonewall rebellion in New York City. Newton shares in Mother Camp that she wasn't surprised to learn it was the street queens who carried Stonewall. "Street fairies," she wrote, "have nothing to lose."
Jules Gill-Peterson, A Short History of Trans Misogyny
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helpimhyperfixating · 4 months
Wedding - Jotaro x Reader
This was a commission requested by @worldsetfree !
Thank you so so much, love, for your patience with me and for commissioning me in the first place ^^ I had a lot of fun with this!
CW: none
This is a post p6, happy ending au. Because dadtaro yes :3
Word Count: 3855
“What’s going on, love?” You ask softly as you reach up, straightening Jotaro’s tie. He’d just earlier come home from a long day at the office, writing on his newest research paper. Right now though, he was fresh out of the shower and getting dressed in fancy wear.
“I have a gut feeling.” The man mumbled, looking down at you. His hair was still a little damp, one stubborn curl draped across his brow while his hat was laying to the side on the dresser – the usual purple one replaced with a black one to match his suit, decorated with silver emblems for some more subtlety.
“About what? Jolyne asked us out to dinner. You were saying recently how you barely see her anymore, I thought you’d like this?” You questioned and Jotaro sighed softly, taking your hands away from his tie as he instead brought them down, squeezing a little as he instead looked over your head, seemingly trying to find the right words.
“It feels too sudden. Forced.”
Smiling a little sympathetically, you turned your hand around in his hold, squeezing his hand back to get his attention back on you. “Jolyne asked us to come. So we come. It’s dinner with her and some of her friends. Don’t you think that after everything she’s been through, she deserves a night out to a fancy place?”
“She does, but-“
“-No buts.” You interrupted him, making him frown a bit. “Jotaro, it’ll be fine. If anything, having us two there puts her in a safer position than when she’s alone.”
“Good grief, you’re insistent.” He sighed, though you saw the small quirk of his lip and smiled back.
“Good. That’s what you have me for. Now come on, let’s blow-dry your hair and go. We don’t want to be late.”
“Fine. So long as Anasui isn’t there.”
- - - -
Sitting at the restaurant, Jotaro had his arms firmly crossed over his chest, his hat casting his eyes into shadows as he scowled, almost brooding as he sat next to Anasui.
The pink-haired man – to his credit – kept his composure, holding a face of indifference as best as he could as he looked anywhere but the annoyed man right beside him at the table.
Sitting next to your husband, you couldn’t help but struggle to keep your smile down.
Jotaro looked downright pissy.
Sitting at the table, Jolyne sat to your left at the head, Ermes next to her (and opposite to you) and followed by Emporio and Foo Fighters, with Weather Report finishing up the crew, sitting at the head of the table opposite of Jolyne.
It was a positively merry band.
A little while ago, the drinks and entrees had been ordered, Jotaro already halfway through his beer.
“Dad, how’s the paper going?”
Pulled out of his brooding, Jotaro lifted his head, glancing to his daughter. “It’s going well.” He responded and you smiled to yourself, seeing the man’s sour expression soften the moment he laid his eyes on the green-haired girl. Or- woman, now. She wasn’t your little girl anymore. A thought that stung, though you kept it to yourself.
“What was it about again?”
“Blue whale migratory patterns.” Jotaro cleared his throat, always a little embarrassed to speak about his work.
“Oh, I hear they’re rare to be sighted!” Emporio spoke up, ever curious.
Jotaro nodded, crossing his ankles under the table. “Indeed, due to whaling in the last century their numbers drastically decreased. It’s been banned since 1966 but they’re still an endangered species.”
“So how’d you find them?” The now thirteen year old boy asked.
Jotaro’s lip quirked up before he answered while angling his hat’s brim down. “By knowing where to look.”
You knew your husband had a soft spot for the kid. In fact, the two of you had offered to take him in, but Jolyne had declined, saying she and Ermes could do that since they lived together. And neither of you protested, given Emporio and Jolyne in particular had a bond that could not be shattered.
“How’s the job, Jolyne?” You asked instead, lifting your glass to take a sip of your drink.
At that, Jolyne smiled. “It’s going well! I got some designs approved finally and have started making them.”
“You should see some of them, they’re incredible!” Ermes butted in, placing her hand on Jolyne’s thigh, making the girl blush as she glanced off to the side – a trait she got from you.
To his right, Jotaro saw Anasui glare daggers at Ermes, making the raven shift forward in his seat, blocking Anasui’s stare with his frame while giving a scrutinizing look of his own to the man in pink.
Seeing it, Anasui swallowed bitterly, crossing his arms and just letting it go. He knew he couldn’t beat Jotaro, no matter what happened.
“Oh! Do you have some pictures, Jolyne?!” Foo Fighters piped up excitedly, leaning on the table with both her forearms.
At that, both Jolyne and Ermes shared a look. Tilting your head in intrigue, you studied the two young women. There was excitement in their eyes, as well as slight nervousness in Jolyne.
“Sure.” Jolyne then hummed to her friend, nudging Ermes, who picked her bag up off of the floor, digging through until she pulled out a camera.
Before she could show anything however, waiters came up with the entrees, putting them down one by one in front of the right people.
Again, you saw the two women to your left touch, their hands intertwining under the table.
Perceptive as ever, Jotaro noticed too – the two of you sharing an inquisitive glance. There was something going on with them.
“So, show me what you’ve been up to, miss fashion designer.” You smiled, reaching over and gently squeezing Jolyne’s elbow.
“Okay, mom.” The girl smiled, taking the camera from Ermes, turning it on and flicking through a few pictures before handing it over to you.
Taking it happily, you shifted a little closer to Jotaro, pushing the camera’s strap to the side as you saw a picture of a slim fitting coral patterned dress sit on a mannequin. Jotaro leaned into your space, the two of you looking over at the small screen together, as you tilted it so that he could view it as well. “Oh wow, that looks so detailed!” You complimented.
“There’s some more pictures if you press the arrows right.” Jolyne instructed and you followed her word, moving your thumb to click the arrow.
The screen shifted to a new picture and your eyes widened as you felt Jotaro grip your hip tight, his breath faltering a bit.
Right there on the screen was a photo of Jolyne and Ermes on the beach, Ermes down on one knee, a small but ever so prominent box in her hands.
Snapping your head up to your daughter, you saw her with a wide grin on her face, her eyes a little misty as she lifted her hand, showing a beautiful yet simple ring sitting on her ring finger.
“You’re engaged?” You asked, in disbelief though quickly, a warmth filled your heart as you saw both women nod.
“No way!” Foo yelled out, almost throwing herself onto the table to look closer at the ring, Jolyne easily obliging. Emporio had the widest smile on his face, having already known and Weather Report held an unusual but calm smile on his face.
To your right however, you suddenly heard a chair screech, followed by a loud clang.
Anasui had abruptly risen to his feet, rage in his eyes as he stabbed his knife into the wooden table next to his plate.
Before he could say or do anything however, Jotaro had snapped his hand around the man’s elbow, tightly squeezing as he yanked Anasui back down into his seat.
“You shut up and smile.” He spoke, voice low as he glared at Anasui, a silent rage emanating from him that you hadn’t seen in quite some time.
“I won’t sit here and-“
“Then you won’t sit here!” Jotaro interrupted, yanking his arm before abruptly getting up himself, dragging Anasui with him to his feet.
Angry, a shimmering aura of a stand began to grow around Anasui, but Jotaro retaliated instantly, a familiar purple beginning to emanate around it.
“Think very carefully about what you’re going to do.” He spoke threateningly. Yet when Anasui just grit his teeth, glaring daggers at Ermes, the raven tightened his grip on his elbow and began to drag the pink-haired man out of the restaurant.
“I’ll make sure he makes it out alive.” Weather Report sighed as he got up. “Congratulations Ermes, Jolyne.” He said, giving another little smile before following the marine biologist and his impromptu charge.
Now you knew why Jolyne had made Jotaro sit next to Anasui.
Sighing softly, you then turned to your daughter, reaching out to grab her hand, reaching over to grab Ermes’ a second later. “I’m so happy for you two.” You whispered, tears in your eyes, which in turn caused Jolyne’s to fill as well. “I speak for both your father and myself when I say that I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. You’ve been through so much. The both of you have. And I’m so happy to see you find solace in each other.”
At that, the two glanced at each other, Ermes reaching out and linking her free hand with Jolyne’s.
“Ermes?” You said her name and she turned, looking at you. “I couldn’t be happier to have you join our family. And you will always have a family in us.” You whispered. At that, you almost physically saw the lump form in her throat as she then nodded with a shy smile.
Smiling wide, you had to keep back your emotions as you then got up, starting to drag both out of their seats. Dragging Jolyne into a hug, she happily joined, Ermes stepping up a second later, joining in on your insistence as you hugged both women tight.
Pulling back, Jolyne smiled at you, blinking away tears. “Thank you, mom.” She whispered and you reached up, thumbing away the beginning tear in the corner of her eye, saving her makeup.
“I’m so excited!” Foo suddenly exclaimed, pulling Emporio close into a hug, the boy tensing up and frowning a bit, his growing age making him more averse to affection – like most teenage boys – making you chuckle a bit.
Just then, Jotaro and Weather Report came walking back in, Jotaro shaking his hand out a bit while Weather walked a bit more casual.
Yet as the raven walked up, seeing you all on your feet, he softened. Especially when Jolyne broke away from you and rushed up to him.
Without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms, burying his face into her shoulder as he hugged her tight. You watched as he spoke a few words – too quiet to hear – but it resulted in Jolyne holding him tighter.
The two embraced for a few seconds longer while Weather Report took his place at the table again. Then, they pulled apart, Jotaro taking off his hat for a brief second to press a short kiss to his daughter’s forehead, just like he used to when she was a little kid.
Walking over a moment later, he walked up to Ermes, tightly shaking her hand. “Treat her well.” He muttered and Ermes hummed, a bit of a cocky smile on her face.
“Wouldn’t do anything else. Pink baby give you much trouble?”
“He asked to pass on his congratulations.” Jotaro said coolly, letting go of Ermes’ hand as he then walked back over to his seat beside you. “He unfortunately had to go home.”
Rolling your eyes good-naturedly, you took your seat at the table again as well.
Once everyone was seated, conversation flowed naturally, food being eaten before the main course was served. And by the time that dessert rolled around, Foo Fighters was firmly drunk after having stolen Weather’s glass of wine, and Jolyne’s ring had been thoroughly inspected at least a hundred times.
- - - -
Walking into the bedroom, Jotaro’s face fell into a deadpan as he saw you sitting upright in bed with your laptop on your lap. “Are you still on it?”
“It has to be perfect.” You mumbled, typing away as you continued to search for different venues.
It had taken about six months since the engagement, but Ermes and Jolyne had finally began planning the wedding, having asked you and Jotaro for your input – both thanks to the fact that you were funding it for a big part, as well as the fact that you already had experience when it came to planning a wedding.
“Darling, leave some planning to them. A bit of wedding stress is good for them.” He sighed, taking off his shirt as he walked to his side of the bed, lifting his pillow and rummaging under it to find the pyjama pants he keeps there.
“But there’s so much to do, I just want to help.” You frowned, glancing to the side to see your husband switch out his pants for the pyjama ones.
“Your helping is causing you to stress like it’s your own wedding. They’re smart girls, they can handle it.” Jotaro said, climbing into bed beside you.
He grabbed your cheek and turned your head to face him, shutting you up. “No buts. Sleep, Y/N.”
“I’m not overbearing, am I?” You whisper, worried now and Jotaro huffed in amusement, rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
“No, you’re not. Jolyne asked me to get you to take a break because she’s worried about you. She assured me she appreciates you taking the work load from them, but as I said; let them have their own wedding stress. It’s healthy.”
“You sure?”
Reaching over, Jotaro closed your laptop and placed it on his nightstand, shuffling down under the blankets a bit while pulling you down with him. “Certain.” He assured, looking at you with gentle eyes. Age had truly mellowed this man out.
“Okay.” You whispered, allowing him to pull you in as he took a deep breath, his arms tight around you as he cuddled you close, your own body melding with his.
“Sleep well, love.” He muttered.
- - - -
Reaching up, you straightened Jotaro’s bow tie a bit.
“I can’t believe she still invited him.” The raven grumbled and you sighed softly.
“Like it or not, she views Anasui as a friend. He saved our lives, remember?” You asked, dusting his suit of imaginary dust as you spoke and Jotaro huffed.
“I’ve saved his life dozens of times by not caving his skull in.”
Letting out a little ‘tssk’ you softly hit his arm. “It’s your daughter’s wedding day! Stop with the negative talk.” You scolded, crossing your arms. “He won’t be a problem. Weather Report is there to keep an eye on him.”
“He’s going to object.” Jotaro spoke matter of fact, clearly displeased.
“Didn’t you threaten him so severely he stayed out of Jolyne and Ermes’ way the entire wedding planning?” You countered, raising an eyebrow and Jotaro sighed.
“Yes, but even his malleability has an end. He’s obsessed with Jolyne. It’s dangerous.” He frowned and you nodded, not wanting to wave his concerns away, as well as knowing he was right.
“This is true, but Jolyne only allowed him to be here if he promised to behave. And we’ll step in if we have to.”
“I don’t like it.” Jotaro just said and you gave him a sad little smile before leaning up, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“I think you don’t have to worry.” You said. “I heard Ermes talking to Jolyne earlier, said she had it handled.”
At that, Jotaro seemed pleasantly surprised. “She okay?”
“Weather went with her.”
“Good man.”
Chuckling a bit, you nodded, patting his chest for a moment until music started up in the chapel. “Oh, that’s my cue.” You hummed, standing up straight. “I’ll see you at the front row. Love you.”
With that, you walked through he double doors, leaving Jotaro alone in the forechamber. “Love you too.” He mumbled, looking down and straightening the small flowers in his suit jacket pocket.
And then, a door opened behind him and Jotaro turned, the crease in his brow vanishing as slowly, Jolyne stepped out of her dressing room.
She was dressed in a beautiful wedding gown, white as snow and fanning out from her hips, giving a simple yet elegant shape, accentuated by jewelry embroidered into the boddice. Her hair was up into a perfectly sculpted bun, wreathed in braids.
“Look at you.” Jotaro muttered, holding out his hand and Jolyne walked over, positively shining as she took his hand, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Can you help me, dad?” She whispered, holding up her veil.
Looking down at it, he huffed a little in amusement and nodded, gently taking the piece of fabric from her.
Stepping closer, he raised his arms, carefully inspecting her hair, testing where it would be best to push the prongs of the veil’s comb into to keep it in place. With a gentle move, he slid the prongs into her hair.
“This reminds me of when you used to do my hair.” Jolyne whispered and a fond smile spread on her father’s face.
“Only fitting I do it one last time before giving you away.” He muttered, fixing the veil in front of her face so that it hung proper. “You planned it, didn’t you?” He asked and Jolyne smiled from behind the white silk, nodding.
“I love you, dad.” She whispered, her voice breaking a bit and Jotaro had to take in a heavy breath, cradling her cheeks through the veil as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I love you too, my little seastar.” He murmured back before pulling away, giving her a proud look before he shifted to stand beside her, holding out his arm. “Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Jolyne said back, her nerves flaring and Jotaro hummed.
“Then you’re doing better than I was.”
“Really?” She murmured, looking up at her dad and the raven nodded.
“I was sure I was going to throw up, waiting at the alter for your mother. Let’s hope Ermes is doing better than me.”
“So, I finally have something I’m better at than you?” Jolyne teased and at that, Jotaro turned his head to look at her, right as from inside the chapel, the organ began to play, the ceremony starting.
“You’ve always been better than me, Jolyne.” He spoke, his eyes soft. “You’re my little girl.”
Taking in a shaky breath, Jolyne was just forced to bite her lip and hold in her tears as right at that moment, the doors were opened, showing her to the gathered people.
Inside, everyone was waiting on chairs, even though there weren’t that many family or friends gathered. Ahead, Foo Fighters was spreading flowers across the carpet, fit to burst with excitement before she quickly veered off to the right and sat down in one of the few chairs set up in the room, not many attendees present.
Still, as the two Kujo’s started walking down the aisle, Jolyne felt her heart fit to burst, seeing Ermes stand at the altar, a proud smile on her face.
Almost perfectly, the sun shone in through the stained glass windows of the church and Jotaro glanced left, seeing the head of Weather Report’s Stand peeking out behind the man, even as he sat next to a pissed off Anasui.
Finally, the two reached the end of the aisle and Jotaro turned to Jolyne one last time, looking down at her, his hands dropping down to hold onto hers.
“Go start your life, Jolyne. Properly this time.” He quietly spoke, glancing up to Ermes who was still beaming with pride in her white suit, in awe of Jolyne in her wedding dress.
With a small squeeze to his daughter’s hands, he then helped her up the shallow stairs onto the altar, his hand feeling strangely empty the moment Jolyne’s left his to instead grab Ermes’.
Letting out a little breath, he turned and moved to sit down on the empty chair next to you, feeling your hand grabbing hold of his. And god did he not realise he needed that.
Together, you watched as the officiant began to read his lines, Ermes and Jolyne only having eyes for each other at this point.
They looked gorgeous and so so happy together and Jotaro was once again reminded of the Joestar family saying. Joestars only fell in love once in their life. And Jolyne had found her single love.
As the ceremony progressed, the entire church was dead silent, solely focused on the couple while the sun continued to shine perfectly down through the windows, bathing them in a multitude of colours.
And then, it came time for that dreaded part of the ceremony as the officiant called out. “Is there anyone who objects to this union?”
Turning around, Jotaro glared at the man sitting two rows back from him, but before either could do anything, a snap came from behind the raven, followed quickly by a kiss sound coming from around Anasui. He opened his mouth to protest and both you and Jotaro watched how there were two tongues in his mouth, only to snap together as Ermes’ signature Stand sticker disappeared.
Immediately, Weather Report shoved a handkerchief towards the man so he could hide his grunt of pain, as well as the blood.
For, with his tongue shredded, Anasui couldn’t speak a single word.
“Very well. The rings, if you’d please.” The officiant asked and carefully, Emporio stood up from his seat beside you, walking over to the two where he presented the rings.
With a smile, Jolyne took one first, slowly sliding it onto Ermes’ hand while repeating the phrase the officiant read aloud. Shortly after, Ermes did the same, Emporio walking back over to his seat.
Watching it together, Jotaro held your hand tighter and tighter, watching as Ermes now reached up, lifting Jolyne’s veil.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Reaching out, Jolyne grabbed Ermes by the hips before twisting her into a dip and kissing her deep as instantly, applause and cheering roared out through the church.
Your smile was as wide as the Chesire cat’s as you stood up like many as you watched the scene.
And as you looked over at Jotaro, his eyes were misty as he watched, clapping as he stood beside you, seeing Jolyne pull Ermes back to her feet, the two of them smiling sweetly at each other before sharing another, more tender kiss.
With that, the two of them began to ran down the aisle together, rushing out the doors and as you watched, Jotaro’s arm slid around your waist as he pulled you in tight, not having his hat to be able to hide his emotions.
If you wanna commission me
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itszonez · 6 months
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MBISSINE THÉRÈSE DIOP | Black Girl “La noire de...” (1966) dir. Ousmane Sembène
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