#black beauty limousines
hummerhire · 1 year
How to Make Your Wedding Memorable in Melbourne?
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Modern couples aspire to create a flawlessly picture-perfect wedding. While many prioritize aspects such as cuisine and decor, securing the perfect wedding car is an equally vital component of the wedding planning process. The selection of the ideal Wedding Limousines Melbourne is guaranteed to elevate the perfection of your event.
A wedding car not only contributes to the overall grandeur of the occasion but also plays a pivotal role in defining the wedding's ambiance. For instance, if you are hosting a royal-themed wedding, the chosen car must exude the same regal style and elegance.
In times past, cars were primarily rented for their convenience in transportation. However, over time, their purpose has evolved significantly. Wedding cars now hold the power to signify the social status and magnitude of the entire wedding affair. While there exists a multitude of options in wedding cars to choose from in today's landscape, the wedding limo service Melbourne continues to reign supreme as the preferred choice for most couples. Despite the proliferation of high-end automobile options, the allure of hiring a Limousine for the wedding day remains undiminished, and wedding car rental services in Melbourne offer a highly dependable avenue for doing so.
4 Things You Need to Consider Before Hiring a Wedding Car in Melbourne
When organizing your Melbourne wedding, a wedding limousine Hire is a crucial choice that demands thoughtful deliberation. Prior to booking a wedding car, here are four key factors you should take into account:
Style and Theme
Your wedding's style and theme are pivotal factors when selecting the perfect wedding car. Contemplate the overall visual and atmosphere you wish to create. Whether your preference leans toward a timeless vintage automobile, a sleek contemporary vehicle, or a lavish Wedding Limousines Melbourn, it's imperative that the chosen vehicle harmonizes with your wedding's theme, elevating the overall ambiance.
Capacity and Comfort
Assess the number of passengers the wedding car must accommodate. Factor in the size of your bridal party and any additional family members or VIP guests who will be riding in the car. Ensure that the selected vehicle offers ample space and comfort for everyone, ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable journey to the wedding venue and other destinations.
Availability and Reservation
Wedding limo hire Melbourne services can be in high demand, especially during peak wedding seasons. It is crucial to check the availability of your desired car and make early reservations to secure your preferred date and time. Reach out to multiple car rental companies, compare their offerings, and peruse reviews to guarantee your choice of a reputable and dependable service provider.
Cost and Financial Planning
Set a budget for your wedding transportation and take into consideration the expenses associated with renting a wedding car. Prices may fluctuate based on variables such as the car's type, duration of usage, and supplementary services offered. Obtain comprehensive quotes from various car rental companies and ensure that the chosen vehicle aligns with your designated budget. Don't forget to inquire about any potential extra charges, such as overtime fees, decorations, or fuel surcharges, to prevent any unexpected expenses down the road.
Wrap Up
Why settle for the boring when you can indulge in the extraordinary? Discover the pinnacle of opulence with a Wedding Limousines Melbourne Company. Reserve your lavish journey today and embark on a voyage filled with elegance, utmost comfort, and unparalleled sophistication.
Tags: Limousines Party Packages Melbourne, Pink hummer hire melbourne , Black Super Stretch Limo Hire Melbourne , Kids Party Limo Hire Melbourne
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d1stalker · 1 month
Undercover Flames [Logan Howlett]
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Summary: It was supposed to be easy: infiltrate the gala, gather intel, and report back. But when a mission takes a deadly turn, Logan is forced to confront his deepest fears as he races to save the woman who means more to him than life itself.
PART ONE OF TWO (part two here)
Warnings: Angst, kidnapping, canon-level violence, Logan goes feral, graphic descriptions, lot's of fighting, feels
A black limousine pulls up to the grand entrance of the sprawling estate, its tires crunching on the gravel driveway. The mansion ahead is bathed in golden light, a beacon of opulence against the darkening sky. Inside, Logan’s gaze shifts to the woman beside him, his fellow teammate and the only person who can keep up with his banter. You adjust the diamond necklace around your neck, the gemstones glinting in the dim light. Logan has seen you in countless situations—on missions, during training, in the midst of battle—but tonight, in that floor-length black gown, you look like someone who belongs in this world of wealth and power. You look beautiful.
“Keep your eyes to yourself, Howlett,” you quip, catching him staring. A smirk plays on your lips as you adjust to fix your hair.
Logan grunts, pulling at the collar of his tuxedo. “Never seen you so dolled up before. Didn’t know you had it in ya.”
“I’m full of surprises,” you tease.
The two of you have been dancing around something deeper for years, hidden beneath layers of sarcasm and witty comebacks. But tonight, with both of you playing the roles of a married couple, the lines between reality and pretense are bound to feel thinner than ever.
Logan’s eyes linger on you for a moment longer, his gaze softening as he takes in the way the dress hugs your figure, the way your hair frames your face. You catch the look, and for a split second, the playful atmosphere between you falls away, replaced by a charged silence that neither of you knows how to break.
The driver opens the door, jolting you back to your senses, and Logan steps out, extending a hand to help you out of the car. You take it, your touch sending a familiar shiver down his spine. He holds onto your hand for just a beat longer than necessary, his thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles.
“Ready?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Logan nods, his grip tightening slightly on your hand. “Let’s get this over with.”
As the doors to the mansion swing open, you’re greeted by the sight of a grand ballroom filled with the elite of society. Men in tailored suits and women in sparkling gowns mingle under chandeliers, their laughter and conversations blending into a hum of affluence. Yet beneath the glittering surface, Logan can sense the undercurrent of danger, the same instinct that has kept him alive for over two centuries. The people here aren’t just the wealthy—they’re the orchestrators of a new threat to mutants, a group so powerful that even the X-Men have to tread carefully.
“Stick close to me,” Logan murmurs as you step into the room. “These people are more dangerous than they look.”
You roll your eyes with a smile, your arm looped through his as you make your way through the crowd. “You don’t have to tell me twice. But remember, we’re supposed to be madly in love.”
He lets out a low chuckle, one that only you can hear. “Right. Madly in love.”
His words hang in the air between you, loaded with a meaning neither of you dares to acknowledge.
The two of you move deeper into the ballroom, and you can feel the weight of several eyes on you. It’s no surprise—Logan’s rugged demeanor and your striking appearance make for a captivating combination—nevertheless, you both know better than to let your guard down. This place is a viper’s nest, and any wrong move could cost you your lives.
“There they are,” you whisper, nodding subtly toward a group of older men gathered near the center of the room. “Our targets.”
Logan’s eyes narrow as he focuses on them, recognizing the group from the briefings. “Time to make some friends.”
With practiced ease, you and Logan approach the group, slipping seamlessly into their conversation. You introduce yourselves as a wealthy couple from out of town, interested in investing in the right causes. It doesn’t take long before the men welcome you into their circle, eager to impress and share their twisted ideals.
“Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, was it?” one of the men, a tall, thin figure with silver hair and a sharp jawline, inquires. His eyes are cold and calculating, a predator sizing up his prey. “What brings you to our little gathering tonight?”
“Opportunities,” you reply, a hint of seduction in your tone. “My husband and I are always looking for the right people to align ourselves with. When we heard about your… endeavors, we couldn’t resist.”
Logan wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer in a show of possessiveness that feels all too natural. “My wife’s got a keen eye for business,” he adds for extra persuasion, “And we’ve been hearing a lot about your group. Sounds like you’ve got big plans.”
The man’s eyes flick between the two of you, as if his suspicions still linger. “Plans indeed,” he says slowly. “But only for those who share our vision. Tell me, Mr. Daniels, what is it that you despise most?”
“Weakness,” Logan growls, his eyes meeting the man’s without flinching. “In this world, you’re either strong enough to survive, or you’re not. And I don’t have time for the ones who can’t keep up.”
A smile that doesn’t reach his eyes spreads across the man’s face. “I see we understand each other.”
You feel Logan’s hand tighten on your waist, his body tense with barely contained aggression. He’s playing the part, but you know how much he hates being in the company of people like this—people who would kill without remorse, all to maintain some sense of superiority.
“And what about you, Mrs. Daniels?” the older man continues, turning his attention to you. “Do you share your husband’s views?”
You meet his gaze with unwavering confidence, channeling all the poise you have. “Absolutely. There’s no place in this world for those who refuse to evolve. We believe in survival of the fittest.”
That seems to do the trick, the men in the circle nodding approvingly. “Well said, Mrs. Daniels. You two might just be exactly what we need.”
Another man in the group, stockier and with a thick, gray beard, leans in closer, his voice lowering conspiratorially. “And what do you think of the mutant problem?”
You exchange a brief glance with Logan, knowing that this is the moment of truth. If you say the wrong thing, it could blow your cover, but if you’re too vague, they might not trust you enough to share any details of their plans.
“I think they’ve had their time,” Logan says, false contempt bleeding from his words, “and it’s time someone put them in their place.”
The stocky man’s eyes light up with approval, his grin widening. “Exactly what we like to hear. You see, we’re not just talking about containment anymore.” He pauses, “We’re talking about eradication.”
Your stomach turns at the cold-blooded tone in his voice, but you keep your expression neutral.
“Eradication, you say?”
The silver-haired man nods. “A necessary step. Mutants are a threat to the natural order, and if we don’t act now, they’ll overrun us. But we have a plan—one that will send a message to the world.”
Logan’s jaw clenches, his fists itching to unsheathe his claws and tear through this evil group of people. But he forces himself to stay calm, “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out,” he manages to get out through gritted teeth.
“We do,” the silver-haired man replies, his eyes gleaming with malice. “And with the right support, we can make it happen. Imagine a world free of mutants, where humanity can thrive without fear.”
You hum in feigned agreement. “Tell us more,” you prompt, leaning in as if genuinely interested. “How do you plan to pull this off?”
Glances are exchanged among the men, a clear sign of their satisfaction with the interest you seem to show.
“It’s quite simple, really,” the stocky man begins. “We’ve been gathering resources and allies from around the world. The most powerful minds, the wealthiest families—all united by a common goal.”
“And once we’ve secured enough support,” the silver-haired man continues, “we’ll make our move. We’ll target key mutant populations, taking them out in a way that will serve as a warning to others. Public displays, executions—whatever it takes to make them fear us.”
You keep your voice steady, despite the chill that runs down your spine, as you reply, “That’s… quite an undertaking.”
The men chuckle, mistaking your hesitation for awe. “It is. But it’s necessary. And with people like you on our side, we’ll be unstoppable.”
Logan smirks. “Count us in.”
The men smile, delighted with what they believe is newfound support. Logan hates every second of it—despises having to play along with these monsters. But he knows you both have to get more intel before you can make a move. The mission has to come first, even if it means playing nice with the enemy.
“Excuse us,” you say smoothly, grabbing Logan’s hand and glancing at him with a look that says it’s time to go. “We need to discuss a few things, but we’ll be in touch.”
The men nod, distracted by their own plotting as you and Logan step away, moving toward one of the less populated hallways. As soon as you’re out of earshot, Logan exhales, the tension in his shoulders easing just slightly.
“I need to tell Scott what we just heard,” you murmur quietly, “They’re planning something big, and we don’t have much time.”
Logan nods, his hand squeezing yours as you walk down the hallway. “I’ll keep watch. Make it quick.”
You find a secluded spot near a corner, pulling out the small communicator you’ve hidden in your purse. Quickly, you begin to relay the crucial information to Scott and Hank back at the X-Mansion, your voice hushed but urgent as you detail the plans you’ve overheard. Logan stands nearby, his senses on high alert, his gaze sweeping the hallway for any sign of trouble.
It’s too quiet.
The hair on the back of his neck stands up, instincts prickling with the sense that something is wrong. He turns to you, about to suggest wrapping things up when he hears it—a faint noise, like the subtle shifting of fabric, imperceptible to anyone without enhanced hearing.
Logan’s eyes dart toward the source of the sound, muscles tensing as he spots movement down the hall. “We’ve got company,” he mutters, just loud enough for you to hear.
You quickly finish your transmission, tucking the communicator back into its spot in your purse. “How many?”
“Too many,” Logan mutters, his claws itching to come out. “We need to move. Now.”
It’s too late. A group of security guards rounds the corner before either of you can make a break for it. Their eyes lock onto you with suspicion, and you can see the realization dawning in their expressions. Logan immediately steps in front of you, his body a solid wall of protection.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” one of the guards says, his hand resting on the weapon at his hip. “Who are you?”
Logan forces a grin, trying to buy some time. “Just lost our way. We were headin’ back to the ballroom.”
The guard’s eyes narrow, evidently not buying it. “I don’t think so. You two don’t seem to belong here.”
Another guard steps forward before Logan has time to respond, pulling out a device that emits a faint, ominous hum. The man waves it over you, and Logan’s heart sinks as the device beeps loudly, flashing red.
“Mutants,” the guard spits, his voice filled with disgust as he steps closer, his hand reaching out to grab you. “We’ve got ourselves some freaks here, boys.”
A wave of panic surges through you, but you shove it down, focusing on the cosmic energy you can feel crackling at your fingertips. Summoning all your strength, you swing a fist, aiming to land a powerful, energy-charged punch straight into the guard’s face.
But just as you make your move, another guard from your other side grabs your wrist mid-swing and your other arm, twisting them behind your back with brutal precision. The cosmic energy fizzles out instantly, your powers rendered useless by the anti-mutant handcuffs that snap around your wrists with a harsh click. The cold metal bites into your skin, and you feel immense fear crawl its way through your body as you realize how vulnerable you are without your powers, or the use of your arms.
“Nice try, sweetheart,” the guard sneers in your ear, his grip on your arm painfully tight as he shoves you forward. “But you’re not going anywhere.”
Logan’s eyes widen in fury as he sees the guard cuff you, his body trembling with the effort to keep his rage in check. “Let her go,” he snarls, his voice dangerously heavy.
The guard only grins, tightening his hold on you. “Or what, freak? You gonna bark? Gonna bite?”
Logan’s claws shoot out with a metallic shink, the sound echoing through the hallway. He takes a step forward, the feral side of him failing to suppress itself as he glares at the guards with deadly intent. “Last warning. Let. Her. Go.”
Instead of backing down, the guards react with eager viciousness. The one holding you shoves you hard against the wall, his leg sticking out to block your own, pinning you in place. Some others step forward, one landing a brutal punch to your stomach, the force of it knocking the wind out of you. The world tilts, and pain explodes in your ribs as another guard’s boot connects with your side.
Logan sees red.
Something primal surges within him, the instinct to protect you overwhelming every other thought. With a roar that shakes the walls, he launches himself at the guards, his claws slicing through the first one with a sickening crunch. Blood splatters across the floor as Logan tears through them with a ferocity that is terrifying to witness.
He moves like a whirlwind of rage, his claws ripping through flesh and bone with savage efficiency. The guards don’t stand a chance against him, but even as he fights, more of them swarm in, trying to overwhelm him with sheer numbers.
“Logan!” you cry out, the fear and pain you feel palpable as you struggle to get free. The guard holding you down slams your head against the wall, and stars burst behind your eyes as the world blurs.
Logan spins around, his eyes wild as he sees you slumped against the wall, blood trickling from your nose, eyes fighting to stay open. The sight of you being beaten, helpless and vulnerable, sends him into a frenzy. He slashes through another guard in his way, his claws dripping with blood as he tries to tear through their ranks.
However, his efforts are futile, the guards are relentless. Their numbers never dwindle, if anything, more and more seem to join the fight. They pile onto him, using their advantage, holding him down to the ground. Logan fights with everything he has, but even he has limits. He can feel the weight of them pressing down on him, can feel his strength waning as they force him to the ground.
“Logan!” you call his name again, breaking through the chaos. He can see you being dragged from the scene, your wrists bound, your eyes locked on his as they pull you farther and farther away.
“NO!” He roars, his voice breaking as he thrashes against the guards holding him down. He has to get to you—he has to save you.
Yet the more he fights, the more they press down, their combined weight and force overwhelming even his enhanced strength. They slam his head against the cold floor, pain exploding through his skull as his vision begins to fade. The last thing he sees before everything goes dark is your terrified face, the way your lips form his name, and the cold, cruel hands dragging you away into the shadows.
And then, nothing.
Logan wakes up to the sterile smell of antiseptic and the distant sound of beeping monitors. His head pounds, and every muscle in his body aches as if he’s been through a war—and in some ways, he has. Groaning, he tries to sit up, but a firm hand presses him back down.
“Easy, Logan,” comes Hank’s calm, reassuring voice. “You’ve been out for a while.”
Logan blinks, his vision slowly coming into focus. He’s in the med bay, the familiar white walls and harsh fluorescent lights greeting him. Once he finally comes to his senses, and he remembers the events that transpired the previous night, he realizes none of that matters. The only thing he cares about is you.
“Where is she?” he demands as he struggles against Hank’s hold.
Hank’s expression softens with pity and concern. “She’s… Logan, they took her. We’re doing everything we can to track her down, but—”
Panic jolts through Logan like a bolt of electricity, drowning out the rest of what Hank is saying. His eyes burn as he wrenches himself free from Hank’s grasp, his voice a gruff, dangerous snarl.
“How the hell did you get me out but leave her behind? You’re telling me you saved my sorry ass and couldn’t save her?”
Hank hesitates, his features morphing into a pained look, “It wasn’t like that. We were overwhelmed. There were too many of them, and you—”
“I don’t wanna hear excuses!” Logan cries, his words echoing off the walls as he slams a fist down on the bed. The metal frame groans under the force of his anger.
At that moment, Charles Xavier wheels in, his imposing presence immediately felt within the confines of the small room. He speaks calmly, trying to cut through the fog clouding Logan’s mind. “Logan, we did everything we could. It was hard enough getting just you. We had no choice but to retreat. If we hadn’t, we might have lost you both.”
Logan’s glare could’ve burned holes through steel as he turns to Charles, nostrils flaring.
“I don’t give a damn about me! She’s out there, alone, with those bastards, and I wasn’t there to stop it. I should’ve been able to protect her.”
His fists clench, his knuckles turning white as he struggles to contain the whirlwind of emotions tearing through him. Guilt eats him from the inside out. The thought of you suffering because he wasn’t there to protect you… “You–We…We left her behind,” he mutters, voice cracking.
Charles’s voice is firm but compassionate as he addresses the younger mutant. “You need to rest and regain your strength. When the time comes, you’ll be ready to get her back—but you can’t do that if you’re broken.”
Jaw tightening, Logan leans his body forward, holding his head in his hands. His temper is boiling, he wants to tear everything apart until there is nothing left, but he knows, deep down, that Charles is right. And as much as it kills him, he has to bide his time, to heal and prepare for what is to come.
But that doesn’t make it any easier.
“Hank, get out,” he growls, “Get out before I lose it.”
Hank exchanges a worried glance with Charles before reluctantly nodding. “We’ll find her, Logan. I promise.”
After Hank leaves the room, Logan sinks back onto the bed, his chest heaving with the effort to keep himself from exploding. His eyes bore into Charles’s, who remains, silently offering his support.
“When we find her,” he says, his voice low and full of promise, “there’s no holding back. I’m done waiting, done with all the excuses. She’s mine, and I’m not letting anything or anyone take her away from me again.”
The first thing you feel is the cold—icy, unforgiving, and seeping into your bones. Your head pounds, a dull, persistent ache that makes it hard to think, let alone move. When you try to lift your hands, you realize they are restrained, heavy iron chains biting into your wrists and pulling your arms taut above your head.
You jump to your senses, sharp and immediate, as you force your eyes open. The world is a blur at first, everything spinning and distorted. Then, as your vision clears, the reality of your situation hits you like a slap in the face.
You are in a cell. The walls are made of rough stone, the floor damp and filthy. There is barely any light, just a dim bulb hanging from the ceiling, flickering occasionally and casting long shadows that dance across the room. Your dress—the one you’d worn to the gala—is torn, the delicate fabric shredded and hanging off you in tatters. You can see your own blood between the patches that reveal your skin. You feel exposed, vulnerable, and a deep sense of dread settles in your stomach.
You try to pull against the chains, but your limbs are weak, your movements sluggish. They must have drugged you—this realization makes your heart race, fear clawing at your throat. You have no idea how long you’ve been out, no idea where you are or what they plan to do to you.
A sound from the other side of the cell catches your attention—laughter, low and mocking. You turn your head, the movement sending another wave of dizziness through your skull. Two guards stand just outside the bars, their faces twisted in cruel amusement.
“Look who’s finally awake,” one of them sneers with malice. “The mutant bitch.”
The words sting, but you refuse to show it. You force yourself to sit up straighter, meeting his gaze with as much defiance as you can muster. “Where am I?” you demand, your voice hoarse and shaky.
The guard laughs again, louder this time. “You’re in hell, sweetheart. And there’s no way out.”
His companion, a stockier man with a scar running down his cheek, steps forward, his eyes raking over you with a look that makes your skin crawl. “The boss is real interested in you, you know. He’s got plans,” he smiles, “Big plans.”
You swallow hard, fighting to keep your composure. “What do you want with me?”
“Oh, it ain’t about what we want,” the scarred guard replies, a disgusting grin spreading across his face. “It’s about what you can do. For us. You mutants think you’re so special, so powerful. But look at you now—all chained up and helpless.”
He reaches through the bars, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking your head back. Pain shoots through your scalp, but you bite your lip, refusing to cry out. You won’t give them the satisfaction.
“Let go of me,” you hiss.
The guard’s grin widens as he leans closer, his breath hot and foul against your skin. “Make me, sweetheart. Oh, wait—you can’t.”
He laughs again, muttering to the other guard about how satisfying this is, and you feel a wave of nausea rise in your throat. You can feel the energy within you, your power that usually simmers just beneath the surface, always ready to be called upon. But now, it’s like a distant echo, muted and weak. The chains—they must be suppressing your abilities, keeping you from using your mutation.
“Your little tricks won’t work here,” the first guard taunts, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. “Those chains are special, made just for freaks like you. No powers, no escape.”
You are trapped, powerless, at the mercy of these men and whoever their leader is. You know you can’t let them see your fear. You can’t let them break you.
“I’ll get out of here,” you say, keeping your voice level despite the terror gnawing at your insides. “And when I do, you’ll regret this.”
The guards exchange a glance, then burst into laughter, the sound grating and harsh in the confined space.
“Big talk for someone who’s all chained up,” the scarred guard says, releasing his grip on your hair with a rough shove that sends you sprawling back against the wall.
“You’re not getting out,” the first guard adds, his tone more serious now. “No one’s coming for you. Your friends probably think you’re dead already. It’s been days.”
For a moment, your resolve falters. What if they are right? What if the team thinks you’re gone, or worse—what if they can’t find you? But then you think of Logan, of the fierce determination in his eyes, the way he’d fought for you before. No, they wouldn’t abandon you. He wouldn’t abandon you.
“They’ll find me,” you say, the conviction in your voice surprising even you.
The guards don’t laugh this time. The scarred one scowls, stepping back from the bars. “Keep dreaming, mutant. You’re ours now.”
With that, they turn and leave, their footsteps echoing down the corridor until they fade into silence. You are alone again, the cell’s walls pressing in from all sides. Yet despite the fear, despite the pain, you hold onto that sliver of hope, that image of Logan and the others coming to your rescue.
You aren’t going to give up. Not now, not ever.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath, forcing yourself to focus. The drugs are still in your system, making it hard to concentrate, but you won’t let that stop you. You start to tug at the chains again, testing their strength, trying to find any weakness, any way to break free.
It is agonizing, and with every movement, the metal digs deeper into your skin, drawing blood. But the pain keeps you focused, keeps you from slipping into despair. You have to keep going. You have to believe that Logan will come for you.
And when he does, you will be ready.
Weeks pass since that fateful night at the gala, weeks that feel like an eternity to Logan. Each day that you remain missing is another day of excruciating uncertainty, each hour that ticks by another reminder of his failure to protect you. The mansion, usually a place of camaraderie and purpose, has become a suffocating prison where he is forced to wait and hope—two things he has never been good at.
Charles Xavier is relentless in his search, utilizing every resource, every connection, and every ounce of his telepathic abilities to track down the organization that has taken you. The X-Men work tirelessly alongside him, scouring the globe for any trace, any whisper, that could lead them to you. Logan is a constant presence in the war room, his patience worn thin by the endless dead ends and false leads. He’s ready to go after them with nothing but his claws and a vendetta, but Charles insists on a plan, a strategy that won’t just rescue you but will dismantle the threat for good.
Finally, after weeks of frustration and relentless searching, they find something—a lead that could change everything.
Charles is in his study, surrounded by a tangle of maps, files, and reports, his mind stretched to its limits as he sifts through the chaotic swirl of information. Then, in the quiet hours of the night, he finds it—a faint, almost non-existent mental signature, hidden deep within the shadows of his mind. It’s the psychic equivalent of a whisper, a delicate thread that, when tugged, reveals a location: a remote island, far off the coast, where the organization has set up a secret base.
This base, as he quickly pieces together, is where they are holding you, along with other mutants they have captured. It’s heavily fortified, nearly impossible to reach by conventional means, and shielded against most telepathic detection. The mental signature he finds slips through only because it’s so faint, a brief lapse in their otherwise impenetrable defenses.
Charles spends days verifying the information, cross-referencing it with the intelligence they’ve gathered over the weeks. Every detail lines up—this is it. This is where they have taken you, and this is where they will launch their attack.
With the location confirmed, Charles knows he has to get the team together and act. Act fast.
Time loses all meaning in the cold, dark cell where you are held captive. The days and nights blur together, an endless cycle of hunger, pain, and hopelessness. The cold stone walls, once foreboding, have become your only companions, and the silence is a constant reminder of how alone you are.
Your dress is taken hours after you awake, replaced with a rough, beige prison uniform that itches against your skin. The fabric is thin, offering little protection against the freezing temperature. Your wrists and ankles ache from the tight cuffs they keep you in most of the time, the metal leaving angry red marks that never seem to fade.
They barely feed you—just enough to keep you alive, but never enough to give you any real strength. The meals are a cruel joke, infrequent and consisting of nothing more than stale bread and murky water that tastes like rust.
What makes it truly unbearable isn’t the food itself; it’s the way you are forced to consume it.
Chained to the wall, your arms shackled above your head, you can’t even feed yourself. Every day, like clockwork, one of the guards enters your cell, a twisted smirk on his face as he carries a small, dented tray of food. He kneels beside you, holding the bread just out of reach, as if daring you to try and grab it.
“Hungry?” he taunts, waving the bread in front of your face. “You look like you could use a bite.”
You glare at him, your stomach growling with hunger, but you refuse to beg. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing how desperate you are. In the end, your body’s needs always win out, and you reluctantly part your lips, letting him shove the stale, crumbling bread into your mouth.
The guard never makes it easy. He pushes the bread in too far, making you gag, or holds it just out of reach, forcing you to strain against your chains, the metal digging painfully into your wrists. When it comes time for the water, he tilts the cup too quickly, spilling most of it down your chin, leaving you with just a few precious drops to quench your thirst.
“Pathetic,” he mutters, wiping the spilled water off your face with the back of his hand in a mockery of kindness. “Can’t even eat without help.”
You swallow the bread, the dry crumbs scraping down your throat, doing your best to keep from choking. The water that follows is barely enough to wash it down, leaving your mouth dry and your hunger only partially sated.
It’s a humiliating, degrading experience, one that leaves you feeling even more powerless than the chains ever could. And that’s exactly what the guards want. Each meal is an exercise in control, a reminder that you are at their mercy, that they hold all the power.
Somehow, that still isn’t the worst of it all.
Guards come daily, sometimes in pairs, sometimes alone, always with that same twisted grin on their faces. You have learned to anticipate their visits, to prepare yourself for the taunts, the jeers, and the beatings that inevitably follow. They seem to take pleasure in your suffering, their laughter echoing off the walls as they deliver blow after blow, leaving you gasping for breath on the cold, hard floor.
Every time they come, they mock you, their voices dripping with contempt. “Where are your precious X-Men now, huh? Guess they forgot about you. Must be nice knowing no one cares enough to come get you.”
You bite your lip, refusing to give them the satisfaction of seeing you break. But inside, the doubt begins to creep in. How long has it been? Weeks, maybe more? Surely they would have found you by now. Surely Logan is out there, tearing the world apart to find you. But as the days drag on and the beatings continue, it becomes harder to hold onto that hope.
One day, after an especially brutal session where they leave you bruised and bleeding on the floor, you find yourself laughing—a bitter, hollow sound that startles even you.
“What’s so funny?” one of the guards sneers, looking down at you with a scowl.
You lift your head, your gaze locking onto his, something defiant sparking in your eyes despite the pain. “Do you guys get off on seeing people in pain? Is this a fetish or something?”
The guard’s expression darkens with disdain, and he steps forward, delivering a swift kick to your side that makes you gasp, the air rushing out of your lungs. “Shut up!” he barks.
You cough, tasting blood on your lips, but you can’t stop the words that tumble out. “Is that all you’ve got?” you rasp, pushing yourself up onto your elbows despite the throbbing in your ribs. “I’m starting to think you’re not very good at this.”
The guard’s face twists into a snarl, and he raises his hand to strike you again, but the other guard grabs his arm, pulling him back. “Enough,” the second guard says, though his voice is more cautious now. “We’re not supposed to kill her. Not yet.”
They leave you there, crumpled on the floor, your body aching. As much as it hurts, as much as the beatings wear you down, you cling to that small act of defiance. They haven’t broken you. Not yet.
The tension in the war room is suffocating, the air thick with urgency and dread. The X-Men gather around the long, sleek table, the holographic map of the enemy compound glowing in the center, casting an eerie blue light across their faces. Scott stands at the head of the table, his expression stern as he outlines possible infiltration points, while Jean, Ororo, and Hank listen intently.
Logan sits at the far end, his posture rigid, every muscle in his body coiled tight like a spring ready to snap. He doesn’t want to be here—doesn’t want to waste time with plans and strategies when all he can think about is you. But he knows that going off on his own, especially in his current state, would only end in disaster. So he forces himself to stay, to listen, even though every second feels like a waste.
His hands clench into fists on the table, his knuckles turning white. He can barely focus on Scott’s words, his mind consumed with images of you—frightened, abandoned, injured. The thought makes his blood boil, his claws itching to extend and tear through anything in his path.
“Logan,” Jean’s voice cuts through his thoughts. “Are you with us?”
He glances up, meeting her concerned gaze. He knows she can feel his turmoil, his barely restrained anger, and that only makes him more frustrated.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” he snaps.
Ororo shoots him a warning look. “We need to stay focused, Logan. Losing your temper won’t help her.”
Logan grits his teeth, biting back the retort that rises to his lips. He knows she’s right, but that doesn’t make it any easier to control the storm of emotions raging inside him. “Just tell me when we’re movin’,” he growls, his tone laced with impatience. “I’m not sittin’ around any longer while they’ve got her.”
“We all want to find her, Logan,” Scott says, “But we have to do this right. If we go in guns blazing, we could get her killed.”
“And if we wait too long, she’ll be dead anyway.”
“Logan,” Hank interjects, trying to be the voice of reason. “Scott’s right. We have to be smart about this. We’re dealing with people who have resources, power, and a deep-seated hatred for mutants. They’ll be expecting us.”
Jean’s voice cuts through his thoughts again, this time in his mind, her telepathy reaching out to him. Logan, I know how much she means to you. We’re doing everything we can to bring her back. Trust us.
He shoots her a glare, not appreciating the intrusion, but he doesn’t push her away. Jean has always been the one who could reach him, even when he’s at his most stubborn. I’m not lettin’ them keep her from me any longer, Jean, he thinks back, his mental voice raw with emotion.
You won’t, Jean replies, her mental tone firm but soothing. We won’t let that happen. But you need to stay with us, Logan. We’re stronger together.
“What’s the plan?” he asks, breaking his stupor.
Charles exchanges a glance with Scott, who nods and steps forward to explain. “We’ll approach under the cover of night. Ororo will create a storm to mask our presence, and we’ll use the Blackbird to drop in undetected. Jean and I will handle disabling their telepathic defenses so we can get a read on the situation inside. Hank will take out their communications to prevent them from calling for reinforcements.”
“And me?” Logan growls, his eyes locked on the island’s location.
“You’ll be leading the assault,” Scott replies without hesitation. He can sense the violent need rattling within Logan’s bones—craving to avenge you. “Once we’ve neutralized the outer defenses, you and I will go in together. Our primary objective is to get her out—everything else is secondary. We can always go back to finish the job."
Logan’s fists clench at his sides, his claws itching to be released.
“When do we leave?”
“Tonight,” Charles answers from where he sits at the table. “We’ve waited long enough.”
Logan remains by the map while the team disperses and begins to prepare, his eyes fixed on the small island in the middle of the vast ocean. This is it. After weeks of waiting, weeks of imagining the worst, he finally has a chance to make things right.
He can almost feel the cold metal of the anti-mutant handcuffs around your wrists, the bruises on your skin from the guards’ brutality. The thought makes him see red, but beneath the rage is something even more powerful—a fierce determination to see you safe, to get you out of there and back where you belong.
Logan will lead the charge, and God help anyone who stands in his way.
As the team assembles, suited up and ready for the mission, Charles wheels over to Logan, placing a hand on his arm. “We’ll bring her home, Logan. And we’ll make sure this never happens again.”
He nods, the fire in his eyes burning brighter than ever. “We will,” he says, a dangerous growl clawing its way out of his throat, “And when I get my hands on them, they’ll wish they’d never laid a finger on her.”
With that, the team boards the Blackbird, the weight of the mission pressing down on them as they soar into the night. The storm Ororo has summoned rages around them, the skies dark and foreboding, as they approach the island. Every second brings them closer to the moment of reckoning, and Logan’s focus sharpens to a razor’s edge.
“I’m comin’ for ya, darlin’,” he murmurs under his breath, the words a promise to himself as much as to you. “Just hold on.”
“Approaching the drop zone,” Ororo’s calm voice comes over the comms, though the storm she controls outside is anything but calm. Lightning splits the sky, momentarily illuminating the jagged cliffs of the remote island below, their destination hidden within the darkness.
Scott cuts through the tension. “Alright, everyone. Remember the plan. Jean, Ororo, and I will handle the outer defenses. Hank, take out their communications. Logan and I will lead the assault inside. Our primary objective is to find her and get her out.”
Logan barely nods, his eyes locked on the ramp as it begins to lower. The cold wind whips through the interior of the Blackbird, carrying with it the scent of the sea and the earth below. And underneath it all, Logan can smell them—guards, weapons, blood.
“Ready?” Scott asks, glancing at Logan.
His response is a rough, feral growl. “Let’s do this.”
With a sharp nod, Scott activates the drop sequence, and Logan is the first out, dropping into the storm with the grace of a true predator. He lands in a crouch, claws out, eyes scanning the perimeter. The island is as fortified as they feared, with high walls, watchtowers, and heavily armed guards patrolling the grounds.
But none of that matters. He has one focus, one goal: finding you.
The rest of the team lands behind him, moving quickly, quietly, and efficiently. Ororo raises her hands to the sky, intensifying the storm, the wind and rain becoming a blinding force that conceals their approach. Lightning arcs overhead, briefly turning night into day, revealing the outlines of guards scrambling to respond to the sudden onslaught.
Scott gives the signal to move in, and the team splits up, each member heading to their designated targets. Jean and Ororo focus on the outer defenses, disorienting the guards with telepathic illusions and powerful gusts of wind. Hank slips into the shadows, his agile form disappearing into the underbrush as he makes his way to the communications hub.
The Wolverine moves like a shadow, traversing the rain-soaked night with deadly silence. He can feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, every sense heightened as he approaches the main compound. The guards are on high alert, but they are no match for the X-Men. He watches as Jean’s telepathy turns their own weapons against them, as Scott’s optic blasts tear through their defenses.
But as the team advances, the guards regroup, their numbers swelling as they pour out of the compound. They aren’t going down without a fight. Logan spots a heavily armed squad taking position near a turret, their weapons trained on the team. They open fire, a barrage of bullets slicing through the air.
“Jean!” Scott shouts.
Jean extends her hands, a telekinetic shield flaring to life just in time to deflect the incoming fire. The bullets bounce off harmlessly, but the force of the attack makes it clear this isn’t going to be easy. The guards are better prepared than expected, their movements coordinated, their strategy clear: delay the X-Men as long as possible.
Logan growls in frustration, his claws itching to tear through the enemy lines. “We need to move, now!” he snarls, his voice barely audible over the storm.
Ororo nods, her eyes glowing white as she summons a powerful gust of wind, sending the guards sprawling. Scott seizes the moment, firing a series of blasts that take out the turret and send the remaining guards scattering. Still, even as they advance, more guards appear, swarming from every direction.
Hank emerges from the shadows, his blue fur slick with rain as he tackles a group of guards attempting to flank the team. He moves with agility and precision, disarming them with brutal efficiency before disappearing into the darkness once more.
Logan pushes forward, his senses locked on the main compound. Every muscle in his body is taut, ready to react, as he closes in on the entrance. But the resistance only grows fiercer the closer they get. A squad of heavily armored guards appears, their rifles spitting fire as they advance in formation.
“Ororo, cover us!”
Ororo unleashes a torrent of lightning, the bolts crackling through the air and striking the guards with dead-set accuracy. It’s almost like a scene from the gala, the guards coming in endless waves, their numbers never faltering.
Logan’s patience snaps. He shoots forward, his claws slicing through the rain, his cry echoing across the battlefield. He crashes into the line of guards, tearing through their armor as if it were paper. Blood splatters the ground, the metallic scent mixing with the rain as Logan carves a path through the enemy.
Scott and Jean are right behind him, their combined powers devastating the remaining guards. But the compound is heavily fortified, and as Logan bursts through the first door, a new wave of guards meets them head-on.
These are the elite, the best of the best, and they fight with a cold, calculated precision that makes them more dangerous than the others. Jean’s telepathy is their saving grace. She reaches into the minds of the guards, sowing confusion and fear, turning their own thoughts against them. But the strain is visible on her face, the effort of controlling so many minds at once taking its toll.
“Jean, hold on!” Scott calls.
“I’m… trying,” Jean gasps, her voice strained.
Logan knows they can’t keep this up. They have to find you, and they have to do it fast. He slams his claws into another door, splintering it into pieces, only to be met with a hail of gunfire from the guards inside. He ducks, rolling to the side as Scott’s optic blasts provide cover, the two of them working in tandem to clear the room.
“Move!” Scott shouts, and Logan surges forward, his claws tearing through the last of the guards in the corridor.
The air is thick with the smell of blood and gunpowder, but Logan doesn’t care. He can hear it—the faint sound of muffled cries, the rattling of chains. His heart pounds in his chest as he moves forward, faster now, driven by the desperate need to reach you.
Then he sees it: two hulking mercenaries guarding a heavy steel door. They are well-armed, and this time, their eyes hold no uncertainty. These are the final line of defense, the ones meant to stop anyone from getting to you.
They open fire, the bullets ricocheting off the walls, but Logan is too fast, too eager to be reunited with you. He ducks and weaves, his claws gleaming as he closes the distance. With a guttural roar, he leaps at them, his claws slashing through flesh and bone with a sickening crunch. The guards crumple to the ground, lifeless, as Logan stands over them, his chest heaving with exertion.
Without wasting a second, Logan slams his claws into the door, the metal screeching as it gives way under the force of his rage. He rips the door off its hinges, tossing it aside as if it weighs nothing. Inside, the air is heavy with the smell of damp stone and fear. And there, in the dim light of the small cell, he sees you—chained, battered, but alive.
You are slumped against the far wall of a small, dank cell, your wrists bound with the anti-mutant handcuffs, your body bruised and battered. The sight of you, so broken and vulnerable, makes Logan’s heart twist with desperation and longing. All of his fury immediately floods out of his system. He crosses the room in two strides, his claws retracting as he kneels beside you, his hands trembling as he reaches out to touch your face.
“Hey, darlin’,” he whispers, “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
You stir at the sound of his voice, your eyes fluttering open as you try to focus. When you see him, a weak smile tugs at the corners of your lips. “Logan…”
“Shh,” he soothes, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You’re gonna be okay. I’m gettin’ you outta here.”
He quickly reaches for the handcuffs, his claws slicing through the metal with ease. The moment they fall away, you feel a sudden surge of power within you, like a dam breaking, your abilities rushing back after being suppressed for so long. You slump forward into his arms, too weak to hold yourself up. Logan’s heart breaks at the feel of your frail body against his, but he holds you close, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
“Can you walk?”
You nod, though it’s clear the effort costs you. “I… I think so.”
Logan helps you to your feet, his arm supporting you as you lean heavily against him. Every step is a struggle, but he’s right there with you. Making your way out of the cell, the sounds of battle grow louder, the chaos of the X-Men’s assault reaching its peak.
“We gotta move fast,” Logan mutters tensely, “But I’m not lettin’ go of you. We’re gettin’ outta here together.”
He keeps a firm grip on you, his entire focus on getting you out of this hellhole. The whole island around you is in shambles, the walls of your prison shaking with the force of explosions and the sharp crack of energy blasts. The X-Men are relentless, cutting down the remaining guards with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine. Scott and Hank’s voices echo through the comms, issuing orders and coordinating the team’s movements.
Everything fades into the background—the sounds of battle, the flashes of light, the scent of blood and smoke.
All Logan can concentrate on is the fragile feel of your hand in his, your fingers moving shakily against his rough skin, your breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as you struggle to keep going.
“Stay with me, darlin’,” he rasps, urging you, “We’re almost out. Just hold on a little longer.”
Your fingers tighten around his, as if letting go would mean losing him again. The two of you move as one, your bodies pressed together as you navigate through the debris and destruction. The storm outside mirrors the one within him, but as long as you’re with him, he knows he can weather it.
When the exit finally comes into view, the cold night air hits you both, a stark contrast to the oppressive heat of the compound. The Blackbird is waiting, its ramp lowered, and the sight of it brings a surge of relief so powerful it nearly buckles your knees. But Logan is there, his arm wrapped securely around you, practically carrying you up the ramp.
Finally in the jet, the familiar hum of the engines fills the cabin, a soothing backdrop to the storm raging outside. Neither of you cares about the storm or the battle left behind. The only thing that matters is that you’re together.
Logan guides you to a seat, but instead of sitting beside you, he pulls you into his lap, holding you as close as he can. You don’t resist, your arms wrapping around his neck, clinging to him as if he were the only thing keeping you grounded. In many ways, he is.
Hank approaches, concern etched across his face, but Logan barely glances at him. His focus is entirely on you, his hand brushing your hair back from your face, his thumb gently wiping away the tears that have begun to fall—not from pain, but from the overwhelming relief of being safe, of being with him.
“You’re safe now,” he murmurs, his lips pressing soft, reassuring kisses into your hair. “I’ve got you. I’m not lettin’ you go.”
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the familiar scent of him, your tears soaking into his shirt as you cling to him. Each touch, every whispered word, acts like a balm to the wounds you have endured. You can feel the tension in his muscles, the way his heart pounds against your chest.
“I knew you’d come… but you guys took a lot longer than I was expecting,” you whisper, trying to bring a hint of your usual humor into your voice, “made me look a little stupid in front of those guards.”
Logan’s arms tighten around you. “I’m here, sweets. I’m right here. And I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
He continues to kiss your hair, his rough, calloused hands gently cradling your face as he wipes away your tears. Neither of you wants to let go, the fear of losing each other again too fresh, too real.
Logan’s lips brush against your temple, a tender, lingering kiss that conveys more than words ever could. “I’ve got you,” he repeats, over and over again. “Nothin’s gonna happen to you again.”
You nod, unable to speak, but your grip on him tightens, your heart finally beginning to calm as you rest in his arms. For the first time since your capture, you feel safe. Truly safe. And it’s all because of him.
Returning to the mansion after the rescue is a blur of activity, concern, and overwhelming relief. The moment you touch down, you’re rushed to the med bay, surrounded by familiar faces, each one filled with a mixture of worry and hope.
The sterile white walls of the med bay feel oddly comforting now, compared to the cold, damp cell you were held in. You’re laid gently on a bed, Hank and Jean immediately setting to work, checking your vitals, assessing your injuries. Their voices are calm and reassuring, but you barely hear them. Your mind is still reeling, your body still trembling from the whole ordeal.
Logan never leaves your side. Even as Hank and Jean move around you, speaking in low tones about your condition, he’s there, a grounding force. He holds your hand through it all, his thumb tracing slow, soothing circles on your skin. Whenever your eyes flutter open, his are there, locked on yours, filled with a fierce protectiveness that makes your heart ache.
Hank and Jean make sure you’re well-fed, insisting on regular meals to help you regain your strength. Plates of warm, nourishing food are brought to you, and though you have little appetite at first, Logan’s gentle encouragement coaxes you to eat. He sits with you, holding your hand while you slowly nibble at the food, his deep voice murmuring soft words of reassurance and comfort.
“Just a little more, darlin’,” he says, his tone comforting. “You need to get your strength back.”
You nod, taking another bite, the warmth of the food spreading through you, bringing with it a sense of safety and normalcy that you hadn’t felt in what seems like forever.
Nights are the hardest. The darkness brings with it the memories of the cell, the guards, the pain, and the fear. You often wake in a panic, your heart racing, the shadows of the past closing in around you. But every time, Logan is there, pulling you into his arms, whispering reassurances until the terror subsides.
Logan, for his part, is dealing with his own demons. You can see it in the way his jaw tightens when he thinks you aren’t looking, the way his eyes darken when he hears you gasp in pain or when your hand trembles as you reach for something. He’s haunted by what happened, by the fact that he hadn’t been able to protect you from the start. You know he’s carrying a heavy burden of guilt, and it tears at your heart to see him so troubled.
He tries to hide it, of course—tries to be strong for you. However, in the quiet moments, when the mansion is still and the only sound is the soft beep of the heart monitor, he lets his guard down. He sits beside you, his head bowed, his hand holding yours as if afraid you might slip away if he lets go. And in those moments, you can see the depth of his pain, the way it eats at him from the inside.
On one occasion, after a particularly vivid nightmare leaves you shaky and breathless, Logan pulls you into his lap, holding you close as he murmurs words of comfort. As you cry, he holds you tighter, his voice breaking as he whispers, “I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry.”
You pull back just enough to look up at him, your heart breaking at the sight of the tears in his eyes. “Logan, it wasn’t your fault,” you say, as many times as you need to, if it means he’ll stop feeling this way. “You saved me. You found me.”
He shakes his head, his grip on you tightening as if trying to anchor himself. “I should have been there sooner. I should have—”
“No,” you interrupt, your hand coming up to cup his cheek, forcing him to meet your gaze. “You did everything you could. You saved me. You brought me home.”
His eyes close at your words, a single tear slipping down his cheek. “I can’t lose you. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
“You won’t,” you promise, and you mean it.
When you’re finally discharged from the med bay, it feels like a victory—a hard-won battle that leaves you both relieved and eager to reclaim your life. Your strength has returned, slowly but surely, and now, after weeks of healing and recovery, you’re ready to start training again. The thought of moving your body, of pushing your limits, fills you with a renewed sense of purpose.
But there’s one thing you hadn’t counted on—Logan.
Ever since the rescue, he’s been by your side, a constant, unyielding presence. At first, you appreciated it—you truly did—his steady support, his silent vigilance, the way he seemed to always know when you needed a comforting word or a strong arm to lean on. Yet now, as you step back into the training room, ready to test your limits again, his presence is starting to feel more like a shadow you can’t shake.
“Logan,” you say, trying to keep the frustration out of your voice as you stretch, your muscles still tight from the weeks of inactivity. “You don’t have to watch me like a hawk. I’m fine. Really.”
He doesn’t respond right away, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the wall, his sharp eyes never leaving you. The intensity of his gaze is almost suffocating.
“I know. You’re strong,” he finally says, “But that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna stand by and let you push yourself too hard.”
You sigh, rolling your shoulders as you turn to face him fully. “I’m not made of glass. I need to do this. I need to get back to where I was. The fight isn't finished.”
He pushes off the wall, his expression hardening as he takes a step closer to you. “And I’m not sayin’ you can’t. I just… I don’t want you to go through this alone.”
Something in his voice makes you pause, the frustration fading away as you look at him more closely. There’s a tension in his posture, tension that hadn’t been there before, and the way he’s looking at you—it isn’t just concern. It’s something deeper.
“I’m not alone,” you assure him. “I’ve got the whole team behind me. I’ve got you.”
He holds your gaze for a long moment, letting the moment pass between you, and then he exhales deeply, as if bracing himself for what he’s about to say. “You know, when you were gone… I told Charles I wouldn’t hold back anymore.”
His words catch you off guard, and your brow furrows in confusion. “Hold back?”
Logan takes another step closer, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the right way to explain.
“I told him that if we found you, if we got you back safe… I wasn’t gonna keep my feelings locked up anymore. I’ve been doin’ it for too long, and when I almost lost you… it made me realize I can’t keep pretending I don’t care as much as I do.”
You know what he’s trying to say. The charged energy between you, all the banter—it was never just friendly. It was more than that—something neither of you had ever acknowledged out loud, but it was there. You’d never been just teammates, and deep down, you both understood that.
He reaches out, taking your hand in his, his grip firm but gentle. “I’m in love with you,” he confesses, his voice deep and hoarse, filled with all the emotion he’s kept bottled up for so long. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time, but I was too damn stubborn to admit it. But after what happened, after goin' through all that…”
He lets his voice trail off. Your heart pounds in your chest, the truth of his words resonating deep within you. You’ve always sensed the undercurrent of something more between you two, something that made every shared glance, every sarcastic quip, feel like a promise unfulfilled. Hearing Logan finally admit it, finally put words to what had always been there, makes your breath catch, your mind soar with joy.
“I know,” you confess back, “I think I’ve always known. But I was afraid to push, afraid to break whatever it was we had. I’ve felt it too. I always have.”
Logan’s eyes widen slightly at your confession, relief flooding his features, the hard lines of tension softening as if a great burden has been lifted from his shoulders. For a long, heart-stopping moment, the two of you just stare at each other.
Then, as if pulled together by the same magnetic force, you and Logan surge forward simultaneously. The distance between you vanishes in an instant, and your lips meet in a fierce, passionate kiss that speaks of all the pent-up passion and unspoken words you’d both kept buried for so long.
His hands roam your body with an urgency that borders on desperation, as if he’s making sure this is real—that you’re truly there, in front of him, kissing him. His fingers trace the curve of your back, the line of your shoulders, and then tighten their grip as he pulls you even closer, his touch firm and possessive. Your arms wrap around his neck, holding onto him with just as much need.
The kiss is everything—relief, passion, love—all rolled into one overwhelming, breathtaking moment that makes your head spin and your knees weak.
When you finally break apart, gasping for breath, Logan doesn’t move away. His forehead rests against yours, but the distance between you seems to close even further, if that were possible. His hands grip you tightly, as if you’re the only thing anchoring him to reality. He’s consumed by you, by the feel of your body against his, by the taste of your lips, by the sheer relief that you’re here, safe, and his. His breath is ragged, his heart pounding, and when he opens his eyes, they’re filled with a raw, burning intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
“God, I don’t want to let you go,” he whispers.
His hands roam your back again, as if reassuring himself that you’re really there, that you’re not some illusion that will slip away the moment he loosens his grip.
You smile softly, though your heart is still racing from the intensity of the moment. “I don’t want you to let go either,” you whisper back. “But… I still need to be independent. I need to be able to stand on my own two feet.”
His gaze tightens a bit, and you can see that he’s torn between the overwhelming urge to protect you and the understanding that you’re right. His eyes search your face, as if trying to reconcile his deep-seated fear with the reality of who you are.
“I just… I don’t know how to give you space,” he admits, “Not after everything that’s happened.”
You smile gently, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips. “You don’t have to step away,” you reassure him. “But you do have to let me stand beside you, not behind you. We’re in this together,” you kiss him again, “They’re still out there. The mission isn’t over.”
Logan’s hands tighten on your waist for a moment, as if his instincts are against the idea of giving you any distance at all, against the idea of you throwing yourself back into the fight. But then, after a long pause, he slowly, reluctantly nods. “I’ll do my best,” he murmurs. “I can’t promise I won’t want to keep you close… but I’ll try to give you the space you need.”
Your heart warms at his words, recognizing the struggle he’s willing to endure for your sake. “That’s all I’m asking for,” you reply, your voice tender as you lean in for another kiss.
A/N: Phew! Part one done, and part two is on the way -- it'll be up by the end of the weekend. Please comment or send me a message if you'd like to be tagged in the next part. Hope you liked the story!
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musaslullaby · 15 days
The night has only just begun
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Max Verstappen x fem reader
Summary: Max becomes jealous when he sees you talking to another man.
Warning: NSFW, +18, you are responsible for what you read.
I've always loved being around people. Parties, interviews, or simply going out to dinner were a way to clear my head from eternal melancholy.
The limousine sped through the empty streets of Monaco. The only lights visible through the tinted windows were those of the beautiful stars, shining independently in the sky. They’ve always inspired a sense of trust in me, and now, after years of hard work, I can happily consider myself one of them.
"Schatje, are you ready?" Max asked, placing his hand on my leg, covered by the expensive blue dress that sparkled under the moonlight.
"I'm always ready. Perhaps I should ask you if you are." My mischievous smile caused an adorable chuckle from Max, who gently stroked me before stepping out of the car. Like a true gentleman, he opened the door for me, and only at that moment did my eyes wander over his entire body, perfectly framed by a black tuxedo as dark as the night, which highlighted his light blue eyes.
He extended his hand toward me with an elegant gesture while a brilliant, sincere smile adorned his features. His expression was relaxed, genuinely happy, and it made me smile involuntarily. I loved seeing him so at ease, especially because it was rare—during races, he often showed his worst side.
I gently placed my hand in his, which was larger than mine. It felt reassuring as we walked down that red carpet; his presence was warm and calm, in stark contrast to the continuous flashes of the journalists' cameras blinding us. Even the sky seemed to hide its beloved stars from those equally bright machines.
When we entered the venue, the lights were dim, a soft murmur lingered in the background, and waiters constantly passed by with glasses of sparkling wine. Occasionally, you could notice a dark wooden table surrounded by Ferrari-red couches.
My eyes darted around, scanning every person, and they casually caught sight of blonde hair. In an instant, I left Max's side, diving into that ocean of important people, dressed like kings and queens. When I got close enough, I recognized that boy. I knew my eyes weren’t deceiving me. "If I’m not mistaken, this is the scent of…" I said, stopping, resting my hand on my chin as I pretended to think. "Ah yes, it’s the new Giorgio Armani fragrance?"
The boy turned to me with wide eyes. "I can’t believe it, Y/N, how long has it been!"
"Too long!" I whispered, laughing, as we hugged, fearing we’d lose each other again.
"So, how’s it going?" he asked, his bright smile so contagious that I felt a facial paralysis coming on.
"Everything’s fine, thanks," I replied kindly, my voice slightly sweetened.
I had no idea how much time had passed since we started talking, but the only thing I knew was that he hadn’t changed: he was still the same goofy boy as always, and in some ways, that was reassuring. As caught up as we were in the conversation, I completely ignored the phone going crazy with calls and messages. By then, my handbag was vibrating every three seconds.
A laugh erupted from the back of my throat; I loved his humor and jokes, but I didn’t even have time to reply before I felt a deadly grip on my wrist, being yanked from the conversation without realizing it.
"That's enough," Max whispered through clenched teeth, his jaw tight.
"Stop it!" I yelled, trying to resist, drawing the attention of those around us, who suddenly stopped talking. Couldn’t they mind their own business?
"Will you explain what’s wrong with you?" I asked, stumbling as he let go, shoving me violently against the bathroom wall.
"What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?" His anger was evident; I could see it in his eyes, but beyond that, I saw something else… sadness? Melancholy? No, that wasn’t it. Something deeper, perhaps?
"I’m not the one who was eyeing another man," he continued, almost shouting, his voice filled with frustration and repressed feelings.
"What are you talking about? You know I only have eyes for you," I whispered, a slight sense of guilt starting to weigh on me, causing me to lower my gaze.
"Good, liefde, then prove it," he said, pressing his face against mine. I felt his warm breath brushing my lips and his mischievous grin. Ah, that’s what had been in his eyes earlier: lust.
With my cheeks flushed pink, I made the first move, throwing myself onto his slightly chapped lips. Max knew me too well; I would never back down from his provocations.
His hands gripped my hips in a firm hold, pulling me against his body. His teeth sank into my lips, asserting his dominance.
Involuntarily, I let out a sharp squeal, which earned an approving sound from Max. His kisses moved down to my exposed neck, biting and sucking the sensitive spots he knew all too well.
When he pulled away, I ran my hand over the purple and red marks he had left on me. A shiver of excitement shot down my spine as Max seductively licked his lips.
"Kneel," he ordered in a firm, authoritative voice, as he unbuttoned his pants.
With a subdued nod, I knelt before him, noticing the bulge in his pants. When I saw his member freed from its restraints in front of my face, I felt a sharp pang of pleasure deep in my core. Without hesitation, I took him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him. I could hear his muffled grunts under my touch, and the heat he caused throughout my body was heavenly.
"Damn…" His hands found a grip in my hair, tugging to push deeper into his sex. My cheeks flushed red as he completely controlled the rhythm. Gag reflexes took over my body, feeling his member contract and the veins growing rigid. Suddenly, I noticed the pace increasing, although sloppier, and after two more thrusts, Max released himself into my throat.
"Swallow it all, I don’t want to see a drop," he whispered, pulling me up by my hair. His cheeks were flushed pink, and sweat dripped down his forehead.
He was incredibly sexy. With a seductive movement, I placed my hands on his chest, letting his expensive jacket fall to the ground. The white shirt clung to his body from the sweat, revealing his sculpted abs.
Max dropped the authoritative act for a moment, planting a sweet, wet kiss on my lips, tasting himself, before returning to the Max from before.
Without effort, he lifted me into his arms, playing with the edge of my panties, slightly pushing them aside, brushing against my swollen, already wet lips.
"You're already ready for me, schatje? Pathetic," he whispered with a mischievous laugh on my lips, and his closeness definitely wasn’t helping.
Quickly, he aligned himself with my entrance and penetrated me, our ragged breaths mingling together. I could feel every part of him inside me, every small movement and his overwhelming heat. He didn’t wait a second before hammering into me at an inhuman pace. I was sure my screams could be heard throughout the club.
He was consistent, hard, and fast. No second thoughts or hesitation, his movements were precise and sure. I buried my face in his neck while he grunted, throwing his head back in pleasure.
The tip of his member hit my g-spot, making me melt like cream in his hands. I could no longer think straight. A warmth crept into my lower abdomen, and with each thrust, it became more intense and taut until it finally snapped, accompanied by a scream carrying his name in a vulgarly melodious way.
"He would never make you scream the way I do," he said between grunts, pushing even deeper, losing energy as he went.
After a few more thrusts, he reached the height of pleasure and came inside me with a stifled groan, muffled by a kiss full of sweetness and lust, mixed in a perfect cocktail.
Sweat dripped down his face as he lovingly pressed his forehead against mine.
"I love you, schatje," he whispered against my lips in a soft voice, planting a few kisses on my face.
"I love you too, especially when you're jealous," I said with a playful smile, grazing his earlobe with my teeth, making him shiver at the contact.
"Ready for the next round?" he said with a mischievous smirk, running his fingers down my back, exposed by the low cut of my dress.
"The night has only just begun..." I whispered, laughing softly as I gently caressed his cheek, my heart beating faster knowing what awaited me.
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
Heyyy! Hope you're doing great :)
Can I request a birthday special of how husband Chan treats the female reader on her bday? Like totally spoiling her hehe :)
Thank you! Have a great day!
Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
Word Count: 737
Warnings/Tags: fluff, birthday date, husband!chan
A/N: Happy birthday, love. I hope you like the little something I came up with🤭🖤
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The morning sun hadn’t even broken the horizon when you felt a gentle nudge. Your eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep, and you turned to see Chan, your husband, with a smile that could outshine the dawn itself.
“Happy birthday, baby,” Chan whispered, his voice soft as silk. The room was still dim, but there was a flicker of excitement in his eyes that told you he had something special planned. You stretched, a content smile playing on your lips, and leaned in for a morning kiss, which he returned with a warmth that filled your heart with joy.
As you sat up, you noticed that Chan had laid out a beautiful outfit for you: a soft, flowing dress paired with your favorite accessories. It was your birthday, after all, and he seemed keen on making it unforgettable. 
“Get dressed at your pace,” Chan said, his hands clasped behind his back, trying to hide his eagerness. “I’ve got quite the day planned for us.”
After a long shower, you dressed and joined Chan downstairs, where the aroma of breakfast filled the air. The table was set for two, adorned with fresh flowers and your favorite dishes: pancakes topped with a generous amount of berries and maple syrup, freshly squeezed orange juice, and a delicate omelet filled with herbs and cheese. It was a feast for the senses.
“Everything looks amazing,” you said, taking your seat. Chan beamed with pride as he poured you a cup of coffee just the way you liked it.
Breakfast was a delightful affair, filled with laughter and plans for the day. Once you were both finished, Chan took your hand and led you outside. A black limousine waited at the curb, its chauffeur holding the door open. Your eyes widened in surprise.
“A limo, Chan?” you asked, a giggle escaping your lips.
“Only the best for my wife,” he replied, helping you into the car.
The first stop was a luxurious spa. You were treated to a couple’s massage that melted away any lingering stress, leaving you both relaxed. The scent of lavender and the sound of soothing music followed you as you continued to a manicure and pedicure, chatting about everything and nothing at all.
Lunch was at a quaint little restaurant by the sea. You ate outside, the salty sea breeze mingling with the aroma of the seafood platter you both shared. Chan raised a toast to you, his eyes twinkling with love and affection. “To my beautiful wife, may this year bring you as much joy as you’ve brought into my life.”
The afternoon was spent walking hand in hand along the beach, shoes in hand, sand between your toes. Chan had always known how much you loved the ocean, and the peaceful sound of the waves was the perfect soundtrack to your perfect day.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Chan led you to a secluded part of the beach where a blanket and a picnic basket awaited. You watched the sunset together, the world seeming to stand still around you, the moment filled with nothing but beauty.
But the surprises weren’t over yet. As twilight turned to night, you noticed little sparks of light on the sand leading away from your picnic spot. Chan nodded for you to follow the trail, which led to a small clearing where a projector was set up. “I thought we could end the day with an outdoor movie under the stars,” he said, his grin infectious.
You snuggled together under a blanket as your favorite movie played, the stars twinkling above you. It felt like the universe was celebrating with you, each star a testament to the love and care Chan had put into making this birthday the best you’d ever had.
As the credits rolled and you leaned against Chan, feeling the steady beat of his heart, you knew that this day would be etched in your memory forever—not just because of the grand gestures, but because it was a day spent with the one you loved most, celebrating not just your birth, but the life you shared together.
“I love you, Chan,” you murmured, your voice soft with emotion.
“I love you more, Y/nnie,” he replied, his voice equally tender. 
And in that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of you together under the vast, starry sky.
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do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
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to kiss and to die | l. howlett
old man!logan howlett x fem!grim reaper!reader
description: in which death has never been so peaceful
warnings: logan’s death, angst, fluff, not beta read, pics used are not mine and were found on pinterest, the use of one latin word so if it’s badly translated i do apologise.
word count: 2084
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he was used to people on the richer side of town booking his limousine service. it was a limousine service, after all. so logan didn't think much of anything when he pulls up outside of a penthouse building and a young woman steps into the car, giving her name to confirm she ordered the service.
when logan confirms, she smiles and closes the door behind her. she screams money, but old money. there's class about her and the way she holds herself. back straight as she sits, one leg crossed over the other and her head held up high. he can't help but take her in. he's never been one to care about the likeness of a lady a woman could be, but there is beauty that radiates off her, that is her, that logan can't seem to shake.
her head is turned to look out to the window, gazing upon the lights of the city that never sleeps. she seems observant in the way she looks, like not a single detail could be missed by her and she wouldn't allow it if it slipped by. logan's eyes slip down to the outfit she wears: a short black dress with a slit in its side, a pair of sheer black tights, black leather heeled boots that hugged her calves, and a black leather trench coat. she's slick, she's elegant, she holds herself high and with might.
as he drives, he approaches a red light. the woman takes the time to pull out a compact mirror, reapplying her lip liner followed by a clear gloss. when she's done, she smacks her lips and places the items away. "you're a hard man to find, logan howlett."
logan's eyes snap up into the rear-view mirror as he starts the limousine up again. his name on her lips is like honeyed venom, he can't quite decipher the emotion that lingers in him when she speaks of him like she knows him. his hands clench on the wheel as he drove, keeping the ride smooth as he turns a corner.
"who are you?" he asks, his voice gravelly and gruff just like his appearance, eyes flicking between hers and the road.
the woman smiles softly, an odd reassurance about it as she does so. "a mutant, just like you." she speaks, honeyed tone never dropping.
teeth snarl at her response. "that's not an answer." he's lived what feels like a thousand lifetimes, and he knows that even people like him aren't to be trusted.
"'the reaper.'" there's a knowing look on her face as she, the reaper, confirms her identity.
mutants knew her, the stories and legends that were a tale as old as time itself. a mutant that dealt the card of death, one who escorted mutants into the afterlife, who resurrected those she believed were not quite done with living. she was all four horsemen of the apocalypse, a woman that wielded so much power the world was her sandbox. nothing more to play with. to see her was like to see a ghost - blink and she's gone.
his jaw clenches tightly. "and what do you want from me?" logan all but growls out.
"you seek me out. why?" she questions with such poise in her character that it's hard for logan to differentiate between talking to death and indulging in his own delusions.
her questions hangs in the air for a moment or two, it's not like either one are keeping count. he can't find the words, he's never been good with them. he's harsh, he's a brute, a killing machine. when is there time to talk when you're killing yourself by killing another?
but there's a security in her presence. she's reassuring, it's peculiar. he's face to face with death and logan's never felt so settled. "i'm old, and i'm tired. there's nothing left for me here."
the way she smiles at him was a comfort in his own as he pulls up to her destination, the limousine coming to a stop. "there's plenty left for you, logan." she sits forward, and logan only notices how she never wore her seatbelt. he supposed she didn't have to. "just because you are at war, doesn't mean you can't find peace."
there's always the discussion of god being all-knowing, but what of death? what of the reaper who knows your story, who escorts you to the place you shall forever remain. death knows, she knows.
the woman pulls out a slick, black business card that's tucked between her pointer and middle finger, handing it to logan. he takes it so gently that he scares himself. he's a brute and yet he's gentle when the time comes. it appears to just be a simple black card, but even with his weakened vision, he can feel the indents in it. 'THE REAPER.'
"no one understands pain better than death." she says and logan's eyes are still fixated on the card.
death, such a simple term given the complexity and intensity of the situation. of him, of her. the words ring out in his head, no one understands pain better than death.
his gaze snaps up, his expression stoic but calm, like he's accepting whatever fate she'll grant him. he watches as she leans forward and places her hand on his cheek. he never expected death to be so warm.
"don't be what they made you." she whispers, and he lets out a sigh in content, in relief. the weight of his regrets and his lost humanity have hung on him heavily, his shoulders finally being lifted.
it's been a long time since logan's been touched. he doesn't even know if he's ever been held like this, cradled almost. to be looked at in such understanding. solitude and loneliness have kept him a shell. he chased it out, leaning into her touch, and it's like she can see him. the guilt, the regret, the pain.
"that's all i am. that's all i know." logan replies. his voice is strained, like the battle he's fought against himself, in his mind, has finally come to light.
her thumb runs across his cheek slowly, brushing against his grey beard. "if death is what you wish, logan, don't let it be a slow one. you've been tortured long enough." her eyes lock onto his. "good men don't deserve to be tortured, and you are a good man. you are a man, not the soldier, or the monster, or the weapon they forced you into being."
logan's expressions softens at her words. and, for the first time in his life, he's being given a choice. the choice to die. not as a weapon, a monster, a soldier, but as a man.
his hand reaches up, brushing over her own cheek. death is warm. there's an intimacy behind it that he's craved for so long that logan feels like he's falling apart from the inside out, and it's different from how he's felt before.
"you have my card, use it. death is everywhere, logan, and so am i."
the feeling of human connection. he craves it. being secluded and a shell of himself has made him overwhelmed as their skin touches. "death," he murmurs, his voice hoarse and gruff like it always is "and you."
she nods, her lips twitching. "take care of yourself, superstes, it's not your time just yet." she finishes and pulls away, stepping out of the limousine and leaving logan entrapped within his mind. not at war, but at peace.
the next time logan sees the reaper is at the funeral. it’s expected, mutant reaper or not she’s bound to turn up when one dies. but he also knows it’s because his fingers had subconsciously stroked the sleek business card in his pocket.
she lingers by his side and he feels himself reaching out, grasping onto her hand and she returns to the touch. death is warm. their fingers interlock, and it’s a reassurance that she gives him like she did last time. like she can read his thoughts.
it’s not your time just yet.
the thought makes him reach into his pocket, fingers itching to grace the adamantium bullet he’s carried like his guilt for years but he can’t find it. it’s then that he realises the weight that settles in between their hands and he looks at her.
she still wears that leather trench coat, and a part of logan wonders if that’s her very own black cloak. it suits her, if it is. the air of sophistication, of elegance still surrounds the reaper, and another part of logan wonders if she’s always been like this, or if there was a time when she succumbed to her powers and became a beast like he had.
the reaper’s gaze meets logan’s, that same soft smile gracing her lips. “not just yet.” she speaks and logan nods, hand squeezing hers. human connection.
she stays with logan when gabriela lopez approaches him, and a part of her seems to physically soften at the sight of the woman. when he questions her about it later, she only responds with a question of her own. “what did i tell you?”
it takes a few seconds to recall. he can’t tell if it’s from the old age so his brain has wore down, or if he was so focused on being touched and looked at like he was understood that he forgot her words, until it clicks. “death is everywhere, and so are you.”
and all the reaper does is nod, not another word spoken. but she was the one who pushed for logan to accept the job of escorting laura, and he didn’t know why. but there is something so alluring about death that he couldn’t say no.
the reaper stays by logan’s side awhile longer, her scythe hanging over him like a thread. there’s a time when her fingers trace the scars over his skin that his weakened healing has failed to take care of of, and the word is uttered from her lips again: “superstes.”
he’s not quite sure what it means, what language it is, but she looks into his eyes as she says it. not at the scars, but at him. and it touches his soul.
there’s another time in the kitchen. the couple who had graced them into their homes after the accident, where it’s just them. there’s the slow music in the kitchen, and if his old self remembers correctly, it’s ‘dream a little dream of me.’
logan’s leant against the counter as the reaper approaches, taking his hand in hers; an offer. he’s reluctant at first, he’s not really one for dancing, but death is so tempting. the weight of the adamantium bullet in his pocket, the way she follows him everywhere.
his calloused hand slips into hers, and it’s not really dancing. they sway on their feet, her clutched close to his chest and his chin rests on top of her head. death is warm, and this is the human connection he has longed for for so long. he wants it to linger, to last longer, he needs it like a beggar, and logan is willing to get on his knees if he has to.
but when x-24 arrives, she’s as good as gone.
he meets the reaper again, and it’s like a setback in time the way her hand is outstretched in front of her, and the words escape from her lips in a promised whisper: “it’s your time, superstes.”
logan looks down at her hand and he smiles. it’s genuine, just like the one in his final moments, and he takes the reaper’s hand without a single moment of hesitation.
even in death, she is a warm embrace.
he holds her close to his chest, and logan can’t help but sway like the lyrics are behind them, and the reaper chuckles, following his movements. his head dips down, nose brushing against hers and logan lets out a sob. peace, all he’s ever wanted, has finally settled down upon him. in his death as he held laura’s hand, he knew what it felt like. to be at peace, to be loved, to die.
now, as he places a gentle kiss on the reaper’s lips, he knew what it was like to be loved by death, to find peace with death, to be kissed by death.
death is warm. death is beautiful. death is peace. death is…all a man like logan has ever wanted.
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misswynters · 2 months
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Midnight Romance
Tom Glynn-Carney x gn!reader
no warnings just fluff
[word count: 700
[note | it would greatly appreciated if you would not only just like, but also reblog & give me feedback. thank you!
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The evening sky over New York City was painted in shades of deep blue as you stepped out of the sleek black limousine, your hand tightly clasped in Tom Glynn-Carney’s. The iconic steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art stretched out before you, adorned with the glamorous and opulent decor of the Met Gala. The air buzzed with excitement, the crowd's murmurs blending into a symphony of admiration and anticipation.
Tom looked dashingly handsome, the movie star in his custom-tailored tuxedo, his hair perfectly styled, and his eyes sparkling with excitement. He turned to you, his gaze softening as he took in your elegant gown, the intricate beadwork shimmering under the lights.
“You look absolutely stunning,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe and affection.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you replied with a smile, feeling a rush of warmth at his words.
Hand in hand, you began your ascent up the grand staircase, the cameras flashing in rapid succession. Each step was a moment in itself, the two of you pausing every few feet to pose for photos. Tom’s arm was a constant presence around your waist, his touch grounding you amidst the chaos.
“Tom, over here!” a photographer called out, and he turned, his charismatic smile lighting up the night. You followed suit, your own smile bright and genuine. The cameras loved him, but the way he looked at you made you feel like the true star of the evening.
As you reached the top of the steps, you encountered a host of reporters eager for interviews. Tom handled them with ease, his charm and wit captivating everyone. He never let go of your hand, and whenever he had the chance, he included you in the conversation.
“Tom, what inspired your look tonight?” one journalist asked, her microphone pointed toward him.
“We wanted to embrace the theme with a touch of classic elegance,” Tom replied, his eyes briefly meeting yours before addressing the reporter again. “And having someone so stunning by my side certainly elevates the look.”
The journalist’s gaze shifted to you, a curious smile on her face. “And how does it feel to support Tom at such a prestigious event?”
Your cheeks warmed under the scrutiny, but you answered confidently. “I’m incredibly proud of Tom and all the work he’s done. Being here with him to celebrate is an honor.”
Tom’s eyes sparkled with affection as he listened to you, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. The reporter, sensing the genuine bond between you two, smiled warmly and moved on to the next question.
As the interviews wrapped up, Tom guided you toward the entrance of the museum. Before you could go inside, he pulled you aside, finding a moment of privacy amidst the bustling crowd.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he said, his voice filled with admiration.
“You make it easy,” you replied, your heart swelling with love for him.
Tom leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. It was brief, yet it conveyed all the emotions words couldn’t capture. When he pulled back, his eyes were bright with determination and affection.
“Let’s go enjoy the night,” he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. “I can’t wait to share this with you.”
Hand in hand, you entered the museum, the grand hallways filled with art and beauty. The evening unfolded in a series of unforgettable moments, each one more magical than the last. You mingled with celebrities, admired the breathtaking exhibits, and danced under the glittering chandeliers.
As the night drew to a close, you found yourselves on a balcony overlooking the city. The view was breathtaking, but it paled in comparison to the man standing beside you. Tom pulled you close, his arms wrapped around you as you gazed out at the twinkling lights below.
“This has been an incredible night,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear.
“It has,” you agreed, leaning into his embrace. “And I’m so glad I got to share it with you.”
Tom turned you to face him, his eyes filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away. “I love you,” he said, his voice steady and sure.
“I love you too,” you replied, your heart swelling with happiness. In that moment, amidst the glamour and glitz of the Met Gala, you had found something far more precious—each other.
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taglist: @benjicotblckwood
a/n: late night writing, can i get someone like him for myself pls
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adore-laur · 4 months
the girls asking Harry & their mom how they fell in love ?
With bath time for the kids done and dusted, you fall onto the couch like a rag doll with your eldest daughter in your arms wearing a fluffy white robe. She's about to get the princess treatment—her favorite thing is when you comb through her curls with apple-scented detangling spray. Harry holds your youngest and rhythmically walks around the living room to make her sleepy. She's in her zip-up pajamas, and she smells like fresh lavender. Her eyes are not yet closed, but Harry knows what tricks to use. Before long, she'll drift off and be transferred to her crib, all clean and fed.
As you yawn, the little arm tucked in your embrace wiggles free. It'll take significantly longer for her to become sleepy, but you're hoping some snuggles and soothing hair brushing under the dim lights will speed up the process.
She points aimlessly toward the fireplace, yet her eyes track above it. The artificial plant? The pillar candle? The row of picture frames?
"What, baby?" you ask, kissing her damp curls while readying the comb and spray.
"Pretty dress," she says, aiming her finger more precisely. You follow it and smile sweetly. On the mantel shelf, there’s a photograph in an elegant gold frame. It has been proudly displayed there for nearly five years as a keepsake from one of the most euphoric days of your life. It's an eight-by-ten photo of you and Harry after your marriage ceremony, sitting in the sleek black limousine that chauffeured you both to the reception venue. Through the open window, the hired photographer captured the moment Harry tried to unclip your lace bridal veil. Your legs, covered by the lush and heavy silhouette of your gown, were thrown over his lap even when there was plenty of space to spread out.
The reason that particular photo is the chosen one for the living room is because of how you and Harry are looking at each other in it. His fingers, one in particular the forever home of a gold wedding band, were tangled in your intricately styled hair, working to unclasp the many pins lost in the strands. But his eyes were feasting on you—captivated, ecstatic, and soaking you in like you were the only thing that existed. His smile was the brightest part of the photo. He was mid-laugh, with his dimples deep, nose scrunched, and cheeks pushed up so that crinkles formed near his eyes. You can hardly remember what he was laughing at. He was giddier than a kid in a candy store, with unrestrained hands and excitement. He never did end up successfully removing your veil. His mother later helped him out, and it's now packed away in a storage box in the back of your closet.
Your expression in the photo is quite similar to his—irrepressible joy mixed with fierce love for your better half. The high resolution captured the residual tears in your eyes, which were caused by the overwhelming emotions from when you greeted family and friends after the ceremony concluded. It was a gorgeous, sunny day. The afternoon sunshine poured into the limousine and accentuated the details of your exquisite gown and Harry's traditional tuxedo. You parsed through countless photos after the honeymoon, and Harry agreed that this one encapsulated the intimate love you shared with each other the best. It always brought you back to that day and that indescribable feeling. It still makes your heart pound. You would marry him a million times over just to cherish every single second again.
When you and Harry started a family together, the mantle shelf was filled with more precious photographs over the years. Now, with two children, anniversary milestones, and vacation memories under your belt, it's a beautiful display of the life you built and experienced with Harry. It's a reminder of what life is all about.
"That's mommy's wedding dress," you say proudly, beginning to comb through her hair. Harry stops his laps around the rug and stares at the picture too.
"You wore it when you met Daddy?" she replies, a cute sense of curiosity quieting her voice.
You laugh and catch Harry's gaze just as a crooked smile breaks loose on his lips. "No, I wore it when I married him."
"Oh. What did you wear when you met Daddy?"
"Gosh, I don't think I even remember," you say, searching your brain for that night at the dive bar. It was a late-night encounter, and you were tipsy.
Harry, still staring at the wedding photo, says, "An open-back dress. Black, long, and form-fitting." He shakes his head, lost in thought. "Effortlessly gorgeous."
"How in the world do you remember that?" you ask, a blush crawling up your neck.
"The disco lights were dancing across your bare back." He shrugs, like the memory is permanently stamped inside his brain. "I'll never forget that sight."
"It was a funeral dress?" your daughter asks, piecing together the visual her father verbally painted.
"Definitely not," Harry says, sending a secret smirk your way.
"Where did you see mommy in the black dress?" She lets you move her head around as you spritz her hair with the detangling spray.
"We were at the same... restaurant," you say slowly, careful not to mention bars around her. Better to keep her innocence alive as long as possible.
"What did you eat?"
"We didn't eat," you reply. "We had strawberry and lemon drinks." You intentionally leave out the infused with alcohol part.
"What did Daddy say?"
You smile, loving her endless questions. "He asked me questions about myself. Made me feel comfortable and special. Unfortunately, our conversation didn't last very long. Mommy was tired and had to go home."
"And Daddy thought he was never going to see her again," Harry added theatrically. "He was really bummed out about it, but by some magical force, he crossed paths with her a month later."
"Magic?" Your daughter whispers the childlike word, her eyes wide with interest.
"It sure seemed like it," Harry says, gently sitting beside you so as not to wake the baby. He looks at you, and somehow, his eyes transport you right back to the start of it all. "Took us three tries to finally get things right."
You lean forward to kiss him tenderly. "Look at us now."
He reciprocates the kiss—his is a bit more urgent and sentimental. He then admires his daughters, both on the verge of sleep, and rubs his palm over where his heart is. "Thank you for choosing me, baby," he says to you. There seems to be emotion lodging in his throat, but he clears it away and breathes in deeply. "I'm yours every day. And I love you for infinite reasons, but growing our little family has the number one spot in my heart."
You toss the comb aside and hug him, your daughters cocooned by two souls that somehow found each other more than once. By magic, fate, or simply coincidence, you truly lucked out.
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kinda-super-hot · 1 month
I Want More. (2)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Harvey Specter x F!Lawyer!Reader - friends to enemies to lovers <3
Part 2 Summary: Well, (Y/n)'s first day doesn't go as she had planned. She learns that she is office neighbors with Harvey Douchebag Specter. Luckily, she makes quite a few gal pals + Louis. Harvey brings her what might be a peace offering, and she learns they will be working closer together than she thought.
Warnings: overthinking - I think that's it but if you noticed something I missed, please let me know.
Word Count: 4038
I wake up from my first night in my new apartment to the sound of busy traffic and honking horns outside. “Blegh...” I mutter and force myself out of bed. Today’s the day- My first day on the job! “Ok, time to get hype.”
I hop to the bathroom and poke at my eyebags for a moment before doing light, office appropriate makeup. I’d picked my outfit out the night before and I had to squeal just at the sight of it laying on the bed. A hot pink dress shirt that I planned to leave more than a few buttons undone towards the top- just enough to not get written up! And a black pencil skirt for the shirt to get tucked into with some pointy, black pumps.
The way I see it, this is my first impression, and I need them to know not only do I mean business but I’m bold.
I take my time curling my hair and even make myself an egg to really soak up my morning. And finally, just as my toast pops up, I snatch it and walk out the door with my thin suitcase.
It’s a short walk towards the firm and I can’t keep the smile off my face. I beam at people walking in the opposite direction and occasionally get a smile back! Nothing could ruin this perfect morning. My optimism was not prepared for me to glance towards the building and catch sight of a familiar face, however.
 Time slowed, but my heart sure didn’t. Across the street and right in front of my new place of work was Harvey Douchebag Specter getting out of a limousine. I stopped in my tracks and let out an audible gasp.
I watch him walk until he disappears into Pearson Hardman. What. The. Fuck.
Ok, ok, don’t panic. He’s probably from another firm and just has a meeting with another lawyer. All I have to do is keep my head held high. Obviously, also actively avoid him if I see him, but otherwise, pretend I never saw him.
I take a deep breath and keep walking. My heart is RACING, but I won’t let him ruin this for me.
I walk through the glass doors and don’t see him. Good, he must have gone up already. I waste no time introducing myself to the lobby ladies, taking my employee picture, and getting my newly printed employee ID.
Ok, everything is going fine. We’re alright. I scan my keycard and make my way to the elevator. “(Y/N) (L/N)!” Shit.
I turn around, but thankfully, it’s a new face. “I thought that was you.” A beautiful, confident black woman glides over to me. She reaches her hand out, and I shake it with a smile, despite not knowing this lady. “Jessica Pearson.”
“Oh!” A real smile takes over my face and I shake her hand more enthusiastically. “It is so good to finally meet you. I must say, my first impression of the firm: very impressive.” I’m saying the absolute truth, but I also want to smooth talk her. “I’m thrilled to be working here, Ms. Pearson.”
She releases my hand and smiles at me, but her eyes say something different. I can tell that she’s a great lawyer just by this first encounter. Her face is warm and inviting but her piercing gaze says mischief in big, bold letters. “I’m glad to hear it. I have a very busy morning ahead of me, so one of our Junior Associates will be giving you the tour.” She looks over my shoulder and I turn to see a mousey, stout looking man. “This is Louis Litt. You will be working closely together on the same floor with both myself and one of our Senior Partners.”
I smile at Louis and reach my hand out, he beams at me, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Litt. I can’t wait to be working with you.” Once again, I try to flatter the person in front of me.
His smile grows wider, and he looks to Jessica behind me before his eyes dart back to mine. “The pleasure’s all mine.” He hesitates to release my hand, and I inwardly laugh at his awkwardness. “We can start the tour right away.”
We all get into the elevator and instead of getting off at each floor and showing me around, Louis pulls out some papers from his pocket. “This is a list telling you exactly what you need to know about each and every floor. What they work on, who manages it, and the phone number for the head receptionist if you ever have any questions.” I take the stack of papers from his hands, and find they are heavier than they look.
“Oof, thank you.” I have to re-straighten my knees from the new weight just placed on them. Jessica raises her brow in Louis’s direction. I flip through some of the pages. Everything he said was on here plus more. Something tells me he wants to show me the type of guy he is by giving me this surplus of paper.
“You’re welcome. Though, you won’t really need to travel to other floors,” He comments, “that’s what the lacky associates are for.” He nudges me with his elbow and lets out a laugh. I do as well, more to keep the cramped space from being uncomfortable than actually finding it funny. Jessica rolls her eyes, and I am obsessed with her refusal to put on an act for him. “No,” he clears his throat, “most of your work will be done…here.”
The elevator doors open, and I’m met with familiar sounds of clicking away at computer keys and phones ringing. I smile and step out onto the floor instantly. It’s everything my old firm was, but better. More advanced, more colleagues, more in general. I let out a pumped-up, “Yes!” and punch the air as discreetly as I can.
Jessica takes over swiftly by saying, “There’s more.” We follow her down a long hallway and pass an office with Louis’s name on it as well as one with Jessica’s name until I see one with my name. There’s a corner office directly to the left of it but I don’t bother looking at the name, I found what I was looking for.
“Oh, wow.” I breathe out to the furnished office that still felt empty. “I can’t wait to put my own flare in here. I can see it now,” I throw my hands out from my sides and walk through the office, I think out loud, “A vintage end table would be so cute here, maybe a fancy vase on top with some fresh carnations...” I ponder.
Jessica hums from the doorway and I turn to see a new person has joined my entourage. “Sounds cute, I can tell we’re gonna be friends.” The new woman is much more relaxed than Jessica and Louis. She has voluptuous, orange hair and a charming smile. “I’m Donna. I work for your grumpy colleague on the other side of this wall.” She knocks on the conjoining wall.
“Nice to meet you, Donna! I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” I look over her outfit. “And by the look of those shoes, we’re going to be the best of friends.” I give her shoes a pointed look and we laugh together.
“Oh, we needed a girly like you in the office.” She squeezes my shoulder. “You let me know if you need anything, and I will get it done. I’ll be your temporary secretary up until you get too many clients and we have to hire someone new. Though, I’m sure it won’t be long with a personality like yours.” She flips her hair and walks out.
“I love her.” I breathe out and turn to Jessica. She smiles before her eyes glance just above my head.
“What great timing!” I turn around, ready to greet whoever else I’ll be working with. “(Y/N), this is our Senior Partner, Harvey Specter.” My smile drops as I look at his face. He’s changed. There are lines on his forehead that weren’t there before. He wasn’t scrawny anymore, either, he’d beefed up. His shoulder width was probably double the size of mine. But when my eyes met his, I knew it was most definitely the same Harvey. “Harvey, this is our new Junior Partner, Ms. (L/N).” We both freeze in shock, looking each other over, analyzing what might have changed.
Tension. Unbelievable tension fills the hall, and I’m sure everyone has stopped what they’re doing to watch our interaction. Harvey’s face, that is usually so great at hiding how he feels, is failing him. His mouth is slightly agape, and his brows are raised the smallest bit. His big, brown eyes widen the more he looks at me. Stunned is the only way to describe him, and that doesn’t even begin to cover it. Though, I’m sure I don’t look much better.
The silence becomes awkward. I clear my throat, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Specter.” I reach my hand out sharply and remove my gaze from him, preferring the wall. What am I doing?!  “I’m sure we’ll work great together.” My tone is curt, and I have the best smile I can muster on my face. I look him in the eyes once more, silently urging him to shake my hand.
He recovers and clears his throat as well before shaking my hand. “I can’t agree more.” Oh god. I roll my eyes and remove my hand from his grasp. “If you’ll excuse me.” His face is back to being unreadable as he turns and walks into the office right next to mine.
No- I read the name on the glass: Harvey Specter. I clench my jaw; I have to get through this. I turn my head back to Jessica. “Well, what’s next?”
I received the grand tour of the floor and was then told by Louis to make myself comfortable. The company’s top paralegal would come to speak with me as soon as she was available. I gave him a tight smile before sitting in my office very distressed. “Fuck.”
I want to close my blinds so I can peacefully bang my head into the wall without anyone seeing, but I don’t want to seem closed off. I wonder if I should sit here any longer and wallow in self-pity. “Fuck it.”
I get up from my very comfortable, very expensive chair and leave my office. I can’t help looking over my shoulder as I walk away from it to see if he is still in his office, but all I see is an empty chair. Ok, that means I need to be aware. He’s probably prowling around here somewhere…
“Are… you alright?” I stop surveying my surroundings when a younger man with blonde hair and a skinny necktie talks to me from his cubicle. “You’re, like, scowling at the entire bullpen.”
“Oh, I-I’m sorry.” I fix my face before walking to the man’s cubicle. “I swear I’m not an a-hole, I’m just…” I stop myself as I continue surveying. I need a confidante. I stare right into his soul and bend down so we’re on the same level. “Can I tell you something you will never ever tell anyone else in your entire life?”
He retreats back in his seat a little flabbergasted. “You know, confessing to murder in a law firm probably isn’t the best idea.” I smile at his joke, cool kid.
“Oh, it’s much, much worse.” I stand straight again and lean onto my right leg with my hip jutted out. I smirk as he raises a brow, “So, there’s this guy-”
“You just got here and you’re already talking about guys you’re into?” A tall, tan brunette asks me with sass. Her eyebrows are raised, and her smirk tells me she’s my type of people. “I’m Rachel, top paralegal.” She reaches her hand out.
I shake it, “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), the new Junior Partner.” I smile at her before turning back to the associate I was talking to. “Gosh, sorry! I never asked your name?”
“You were going to confess murder to me, and you didn’t even know my name?” His brows furrow and I roll my eyes jokingly.
“I needed a confidante!” I joke though it’s not really a joke. “Trust me, I’ve had a really odd first day.” I turn to Rachel, “Though, I think I’ve found your replacement.” I return my gaze to the kid. “Sorry it didn’t work out; I’ve just met my match.” I shrug and nod towards my office, Rachel follows behind me as I walk in.
She giggles behind me. “His name is Mike by the way.” I sit in my new, cool chair and let out an exasperated sigh. I motion her to sit across from me. “I’m not a counselor, by the way, but I totally support a girl who needs a quick rant sesh.” She jokingly grabs a writing pad from atop my desk and clicks a pen that was formerly behind her ear. “And, trust me, you are way better off with me than Mike.”
I smile at her thankfully. She says nothing but nods her head, waiting for me to start talking. I groan dramatically and slouch in my chair. “Rachel- you wouldn’t believe what I’ve had to go through today!” She’s already writing on her pad. “My ex who I haven’t seen since law school is my office neighbor-”
Her pen drops from her hand, and she looks deep into my eyes as if making sure what I’m about to say is nothing but the absolute truth. “Harvey?” I nod and hide behind my hands. “Oh. My. God.” She breathes out in shock.
“Well, technically, we were never boyfriend-girlfriend,” she gives me a questioning look, “but we did kiss and go on dates.”
“So, boyfriend girlfriend?” She questioned and I could tell she got it.
“Exactly! But someone doesn’t like labels or commitment or head apparently.” I huff and sink deeper into my chair. When we were together, Harvey and I had the occasional heated make out, but had only just started having sex before we broke it off.
I look back to Rachel and her mouth is still wide open. “W-Well…” Her eyes are everywhere but me. She fidgets with her fingers in her lap, and I feel like I’ve traumatized the poor girl.
“Rachel, I know you’re not a counselor, but I expected more than this.” I can’t help but laugh as she gawks. “Don’t tell me I need to go back to Mike!” I joke and put my hands on my desk to lift myself out of my seat.
“No!” She yells and throws her hands out in front of her, urging me to be seated once again. I freeze before plopping back in my seat. “Mike is Harvey’s personal associate, he’s like his right-hand man.”
My lips create an O. If I told Mike, there’s a good chance he would have told Harvey. “Well, it’s a good thing you saved me when you did.” I smile at her and let out a sad sigh. “I’m really glad you’re here. You and Donna are gonna be my girls, I can tell.”
“Oh, Donna is the best.” She stops and winces before she continues, “She is also Harvey’s right-hand woman.” I let out an exasperated groan. “But! She’s all girl code! You can absolutely trust her so long as you’re not conspiring against Harvey… probably even then too.” I stand from my desk and move to her seat while giving her arm an appreciative squeeze.
“Thank you, Rachel. I’m super happy I get to work with you.” I pull her into a hug that she’s not prepared for which is evident when she lets out a squeak. She pats my arm awkwardly.
I get through the rest of the day, just getting adjusted to the system the company uses and setting up passwords for mandatory accounts. Only when it’s pitch back outside am I interrupted.
I sense someone at my office door, someone I’ve been expecting. “Ms. Pearson.” I smile but don’t look up from my computer. I’m not surprised by her dropping in.
“Ms. (L/N).” She greets back. I wait for her to continue but there is silence. My quick fingers slow their typing, and I look up at her, but she’s already looking at me expectantly. “Spill.”
I’m about to act like I have no idea what she’s talking about, but it’s like she reads my mind. She raises her hand to stop the lies I’m about to spew and squints her eyes. Scary. “I know him.”
“Well that much is obvious.” She glides to my desk before perching on the edge and crossing her arms. “But why were your reactions to each other so… hostile?” Her expression evolves from confusion to intrigue.
“I don’t know if I’d call it hostile…” Her expression doesn’t waver, and I cave. I can’t help but spill every secret I have when she looks at me like that. “…but I swear, when I applied for this job, I had no idea he worked here.” I finished my story out of breath and worried about what she would think of me and my character.
“Hm.” She thinks for a minute before standing. “Hm.” Again, she hums in thought before briskly walking out of the room. My mind is racing but there’s also not a rational thought.
I walk into the firm the next day wearing another pink top, this one more pastel. I refuse to cower down, especially to Harvey.
“Good morning!” I say to just about every associate in the bullpen. When I finally reach Mike, my smile grows tenfold. “’ Morning, you.”
He pulls out one of his earbuds. “Still don’t know my name?” He asks playfully but doesn’t look up from his computer.
“Mike,” I speak. He nods but still won’t look at me. If this is Harvey’s right-hand man, I need to be on good terms with him, and maybe get some info, too. “So, you work for Mr. Specter?” I try to be nonchalant while getting information. He stops clicking at his computer and gives me a weird look. “What?”
“Mr. Specter?” He pulls his only earbud from his ear and leans back in his chair. “That’s awfully formal.” I don’t like this. He gives me a quizzical look before he comes to some sort of realization. “That’s why you guys were so weird yesterday…”
“What?” I can feel myself start sweating and my voice is at least two, maybe three pitches higher than before. “We weren’t weird-that’s a weird thing to say- you’re weird.” I huff and can tell he’s not buying it. “Ugh, how obvious was it?”
He ignores my question. “How do you know him? One night stand?” I can’t help but grimace at the thought, “No? Oh, you must be the girl from France.” A pang of unexplainable hurt goes through my chest. He’s not mine, never was actually, it’s pointless for me to feel- “Jealous.” His eyes widen, “You loved him.”
My throat tightens and my mouth runs dry. “You have some nerve.” I fight to keep my voice level. “When you’re done making assumptions about me, and being an overall smartass, see me in my office.” I walk away from him.
I pull out my phone, contacting Louis to tell him I’m in the office so he can come talk to me about what duties would be passed on to me. As I do so, I see a figure out of the corner of my eye right outside my office door. One that’s awfully Harvey shaped.
I stop texting to make sure my eyes aren’t failing me. Sure enough, Harvey is leaned against the glass wall that separates me from the bullpen. In his hand is a drink carrier with what looks to be two hot coffees. He’s wearing a navy-blue suit and a… pastel pink tie that matches my shirt to a T.
He looks at me and pulls his body from the wall. His face is unsure, not very Harvey-like. “’ Morning.” He extends his arm with the coffee in it towards me. I can smell the delectable caramel macchiato that he knows I love. I eye the cup suspiciously, and then I eye him suspiciously.
“’ Morning.” I take the coffee and look at the familiar label. It was no Starbucks, that’s for sure. No, this coffee was from Samson’s Brewery. The same mom-and-pop coffee shop that we would go to during late night study sessions. This coffee place is on the literal whole other side of town, he didn’t go out of his way for this… did he? No, he definitely either door-dashed it or sent a driver.
His eyes don’t leave my face as I inspect the beverage. Once I deduce it’s not poisoned, I look up at him. For the first time since seeing him, I’m not a panicked mess. I just look at him, his gelled hair and puppy dog eyes.  I’m staring. I avert my gaze and mutter a, “Thanks,” before pushing past him into my office.
I stop myself from closing the door behind me. He won’t. He won’t walk in. I sit in my chair and put the coffee on my desk. I stare at it intently, trying not to remember the late nights we spent together. But I also stare at it, so I don’t look at the door, so I don’t look to see if he’s still there.
There are three quick knocks at my door. I look up with hope I can’t mask, only to be disappointed. “Hey, girly.” It’s Louis. I look over his shoulder, but there’s no one.
“G’morning, Louis.” I smile through the pain. “How are you doing?” I side-eye the coffee on my desk like it’ll disappear if I leave it alone too long.
“Same old, same old, I just convinced a major pharmacy company that they needed to break a deal with…” He drones on for a little bit, bragging to me about accomplishments I could do in my sleep. “But, anyway! I came to tell you about the workload you’ll be taking on. Seeing as Harvey is the closest Senior Partner on the floor, you’ll be shadowing him for the next few days. Just until you think you’re ready to fly solo.” He says that like it’s nothing, and I guess it would be for anyone else.
“So, like an associate?” My face scrunches up. “Why can’t I just shadow you, then? Aren’t you in charge of the associates?” I cross my arms.
He chuckles. “I wish, but we’re both Junior Partners, for the time being-” He winks at me. Poor guy, I’m sure he’s been waiting to be Senior Partner for a while. “So, you technically need trained by a Senior Partner.”
“Great.” I have a tight-lipped smile and unconsciously reach for the coffee on my desk. I bring it up to my lips and hum at the nostalgic taste before I even realize I’ve done it. I stop mid-sip and lick my lips guiltily.
“What coffee place is that from?” Louis gets closer and squints at my cup. When he doesn’t recognize it, he pulls away. “The best coffee around is Roaster-Roos right down the way,” He uses his thumb to point over his shoulder. A coy look flashes across his face, “I could go get you one if you want.”
“No. No, this is fine, thank you.” I say a little too quickly. I hold the cup closer to my chest and grip it a little tighter. He shrugs and I clear my throat, “When does this shadowing begin?”
“ASAP.” He snaps and turns his back to me to walk out the door. “Harvey’s in the office right next to yours,” He pivots outside the door to face me again. “He’s kind of cocky, so let me know if you need anything.” He smiles with raised eyebrows. I nod hesitantly in discomfort before he goes to the left and disappears from sight. A long exhale leaves my body. “Why me?”
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mmurderhousewrites · 6 months
Rich baby daddy pt. 2 (Sukuna x Reader)
i know i said this was gonna be 2 parts but i'm gonna make it 3, hopefully tmr ill be able to post the final part.
Summary: Things go downhill at the party, revealing secrets you would have never imagined
Warnings: unedited, slight reader x getou in the beginning
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Getou had arrived in an all black limousine with tinted windows. It wasn't much of a shock to you considering Getou always went all out for his best friend. He stood outside of the limo, leaning against it and smirking when he saw your outfit. He was dressed in an all black tux, not buttoned up all the way which revealed a white button up shirt underneath, and black dress shoes to go with it.
Sure getou didn't see you as anything more then a friend, however he was still a man at the end of the day and couldn't block out those dirty thoughts he had of you.
The two of you had talked most of the way there and of course you and your best friend were already a little tipsy by the time the two of you arrived. After all there was a nice selection of alcohol in the limo.
You paid attention to the surroundings changing outside, you started in the city then slowly made your way to the suburbs. The houses looked beautiful, from two to the stories, and the giant yards, you could tell the neighborhood you were in was only meant for the successful people. It started to make you feel some type of way, and the liquor in your system wasn't helping at all.
"You really look amazing tonight, y/n" Getou says, giving you a lighthearted smile.
You smirk and raise an eyebrow at him, "Don't tell me youre catching feelings getou" you say jokingly, rolling your eyes.
Getou looks at you for a minute before chuckling, "of course not, after all youre Sukuna's girl and i'm not really in the mood to risk my life just for some pussy"
You roll your eyes again and cross your arms, "oh please just because i had his child doesn't make me his. I'm sure he's been sleeping with other women anyways, not that I care. And on top of that he was too busy to spend time with his family that's the reason why i left him."
"yeah i'm more then aware, you've told me story about 4 times now" Getou says, sipping his drink.
You huff and turn to look out the window. You notice how the houses are slowly fading away and now its mainly mountains. The driver turns down a narrow dirt road, following it up for about 2 minutes before the mansion comes in view.
It was huge and the exterior looked to bricks, all different shades of grey. The curtains inside the house were all pushed to the side, making it so everyone could see what was going on inside. This was the Richardson's manor.
After getting passed the gate, the driver pulls up to the front of the house where a few other cars and limos were parked. The driver parks the car and they get out, talking to one of the staff members.
Getou taps you, making you look over at him with a confused face. He smiles, pouring another shot of tequila for both you and him. Handing it to you he says, "for the road ahead"
This makes you smile. The two of you raise your glasses and clink them together before downing the shot. You shake your head in disgust as the liquor burns your throat. Your best friend on the other hand took his shot smoothly as per usual, making him laugh at you.
The driver comes around, opening the door for you and getou. Getou steps out first then offered you his hand. You take his hand and follow suit, looking up at the beautiful manor in front of you you cant help but stare in awe.
You kept your right arm linked with getou as you were greeted by the head butler, a tall man dressed in a black tailcoat with a white undershirt. He held a napkin around his arm and bowed to the two of you.
"You must be Suguru Getou, and this is..?" The butler questions, raising an eyebrow at you.
"I'm Y/n L/n. Head journalist for Gojo inc." You smile, extending your free hand to the butler. He looks shocked, almost immediately shaking your hand.
"Ah yes, Y/n! You've written the stories about the take down of Toji Fushiguro right?" He asks, actually seeming interesting.
You pull your hand away, "yup that's me!" you reply. Getou is standing there awkwardly before clearing his throat.
"it was nice meeting you ms. L/n. Please enjoy your night." The butler bows his head. Getou leads you through the large open doors, revealing the party inside There were many people from different companies and backgrounds as you expected.
Unnoticed to you, Sukuna was talking to a few business partners in the back near the bar when he seen you walk in. At first he was seriously irritated considering he had definetly told you Not to come. Sukuna had his own business to take care of tonight and he was certain he wouldn't be able to get it done with you here.
You had stuck to getou's arm almost the whole night and it was starting to come to an end. There wasn't much dirt you uncovered on anybody considering you were already tipsy when you got here and you were getting rounds of shots for you and your friend every 30 minutes it seemed.
It also seemed you were too drunk to notice your baby dad angrily sulking on a bar stool, holding his glass of vodka. Sukuna had managed to make some new business partners and also managed to get many looks from potential partner's wives making them iffy on working with him.
You had excused yourself from getou to go get a drink of water, while you were in the process of ordering your drink, suddenly there was shouting. You turn around to see a group of people with masks on entering the premises.
Your eyes widen as you notice the large guns in their hands. Shots are fired and before you can process anything you are tackled over and behind the bar.
You look up seeing your baby dad, his hand was on your shoulder as he pulled out a pistol. You were shocked to say the least. When you two were together you never would have imagined sukuna would wield a weapon. He's a business man not a mafia man, right?
Sukuna never talked to you about things like this but then again when you were together he wouldn't really mention work at all unless you pressed him about it. It's possible Sukuna wasn't the man he claimed to be.
You were extremely frightened, Sukuna seems to notice this looking down at you and smiling softly. "I told you not to come for a reason" He says quietly.
There was a lot of gunfire and shouting in the background, you were sure your eyes were about to pop out of your head. Grabbing onto Sukuna you start to let out a few tears.
"You were so vague about it how was i supposed to know people would be dying?!" you exclaim angrily.
Sukuna rubs your arm before pulling out his phone and quickly typing something. "were gonna be okay. I just need you to follow my lead." He says and you nod your head quickly.
Sukuna peaks around the bar to see what's going on, shooting his own gun a few times. You hear a few grunts and sukuna turns back to you. He quickly throws you over his shoulder before making a run for the back of the house.
The two of you are met by a black Cadillac and sukuna opens the back door before sliding the both of you in. Immediately the SUV pulls off.
You sit there in shock, even surprised to see Getou as the driver, "What the hell is going on?!" You finally exclaim, looking at Ryomen angrily.
Sukuna looks over at you and sighs, "I've been trying to keep you away from this, princess but obviously I can't anymore. You should get Yuji from your parents tomorrow and come stay with me for now."
He takes your hand in his, "There's a lot of explaining to do. I'm gonna take you back to my house for the night."
You not your head in agreement. That would be for the best and after the night you've had you definitely wanted some company.
tag list; @cassouandco @mrs--imperfect @maskedpacific @domainofmarie @thejujvtsupost @valleydoli
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misserabella · 2 years
what about reader and pedro have this close relationship but reader start distancing herself from pedro because he got date rumours with another actress who's older than the reader but pedro just wants to be in a relationship if it's with the reader (sorryyy english is not my first language
a/n; aw this is so cute :((( so angsty n fluffy <3
your phone rang once again as you were getting ready for the upcoming gala, your manager holding it for you and announcing the caller.
“it’s pedro pascal once again, what should i do?” she inquired you, and you shook your head. she instantly ignored the call, as she had done the last 15 times he had called that whole day. “you can’t keep doing this…, you two are great friends! did you have a discussion?”
you didn’t answer, opting for staying silent, because your heart was aching.
“how does that look? good enough?” your makeup artist smiled at you, and you took in your image on the mirror, bold red lips with dark eyeshadow and great fake eyelashes that made your eyes pop. the highlighter made your skin glow, and your perfectly applied base made it look flawless.
not good enough. it’s what you wanted to answer, ‘cause you weren’t as pretty as that woman in the news that pedro had been caught in a scandal with, you didn’t have her beautiful and perfect cheekbones, or amazing waist and hips.
but instead you smiled and nodded, winning a soft smile from your makeup artist. your hair was down and in beautiful waves that tickled the exposed skin of your back, your dress having an opening there that reached just above your lower back. your outfit for tonight’s gala was beautiful, a dior black and elegant dress that brought out all your most prominent curves and showed just the right amount of skin. you had paired it with lace long gloves and a pair of saint laurent heels that were really too painful to stand on for too long. but we all know what they said: beauty is pain.
“okay. let’s go.” your manager said, handing you your coat so the streets of new york wouldn’t freeze you to death at this hour.
“yeah.” you nodded, and tried to ignore the knot on your stomach, fully knowing you’d see pedro there. at the end, you two were the new starring stars on the most watched series of the season: last of us, along with bella ramsey of course. you knew a lot of people would come to the premiere, famous people, probably her as well.
your heels tickled on the floor as you made your way to your limousine, the leather underneath you warming you up. your phone buzzed. new message. pedro.
you sighed and put it aside, turning on do not disturb. twitter was going crazy, with this photos of this new woman under his arm making your stomach churn.
you shouldn’t feel like this. pedro was just a friend. you shouldn’t care about who he was dating, or if he even was dating at all. you should be happy for him. so why… why were you feeling like this? so bitter? so hurt?
the flashes hit your face and body, and as always, you smiled and waved once your manager had taken your jacket for you, even if the paparazzis were blinding you and making you go deaf with their screams. you didn’t want to smile, you didn’t want to pose, you didn’t want to be here. but you had to, so you’d decided that you’d do a quick greeting and chat for a little bit with other actors and stars and head back home early.
you just needed to try and not meet up with pedro for the next few hours. you could do that. there were so many people inside of there, posing in the red carpet, hugging each other and chatting up while drinking glasses of champagne that you thought it would be easy to hide from him.
you thought.
“there you are darling.” but as always you were wrong. “thought for a moment you were hiding for me there.” he smiled at the cameras, your skin growing on goosebumps when one of his warm and big hands found your exposed lower back, pulling you closer to his side. the paparazzi’s cameras were going crazy.
“pedro.” you sighed, trying really hard to not get lost in his touch, or in his eyes, or his cologne…
you were about to say something, probably come out with a lame excuse as why you had been ignoring him lately, but then you heard it.
“pedro! pedro! what can you tell us about that last scandal? are you perhaps now in a relationship?!”
your heart sank to your stomach, and your skin grew cold. you probably looked as white as a ghost.
“excuse me.” you smiled at him and the paparazzis, pulling away from his touch in need to run away from there. ‘cause you didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
your chest felt heavy, and your feet were fast.
would he smile and nod? say that he was now happily in love with somebody else?
you didn’t want to even imagine it.
“i need a fucking cigarette.” you muttered, taking from your purse your pack of cigarettes and heading to the bathrooms. you headed towards the most far away ones, those who were always free and silent.
the lighter flicked twice before the smoke was finally filling up your lungs. you let out a sigh. you knew it was shit. smoking. it was actually disgusting. but there was nothing that could help you more than another addiction to get over the one you already had: pedro pascal.
the cold of the bathroom tiles hit your back when you leaned against the wall, inhaling deeply, red smearing all over the bud of your cigarette.
you weren’t expecting company, but as always, you had to be surprised once again by him. only him.
the door opened with a creak, and your eyes shot open when they met his brown ones. fuck.
he looked at you, chest heaving harshly up and down as if he had been looking for you nonstop, running up and down every damn corridor just to find you.
“what have i done? what have i done to make you hate me this much?” he inquired, his voice just above a whisper. your heart broke. he looked broken too. you had done this?
“pedro…” you tried, but he was stepping inside the bathrooms and closing the door behind his back.
“no.” he shook his head. “tell me. tell me what have i done to make you not even be able to stand me being close to you.” his eyes fell as he saw your need to take a step back when he walked towards you. and maybe you would’ve, if you weren’t already cornered against the wall. “have i done anything to make you uncomfortable?” he inquired, and you felt your breath hitching, tears starting to sting your eyes. he thought it was his fault, that he was in the wrong. you were causing him pain just because your jealousy was too strong for you to handle.
“it’s nothing, pedro.” you tried and walk away, but his warm hands were once again on you, surrounding carefully your wrist to not let you go. you couldn’t help the way your heart jumped
“please sweetheart… talk to me…” he begged, and your tears shone under the lights when his other hand reached for your chin to make you look at him.
you took a deep breath in, trying your hardest to not give into his voice, nor touch… but it was too strong, your need for him, your love for him.
“do you love her?” you suddenly blurted out, and your stomach flipped. his eyes widened, his eyebrows furrowed. “that woman from the news… are you in love with her?” you muttered, your doe tearful eyes looking into his. your heart was screaming for him to not break him, your brain for him to confirm the rotten feeling that had been growing inside your chest. he cupped your face, about to talk but being cut off by your babbling once again. “she’s pretty. really pretty. and famous, and nice, and intelligent and has like a million of awards…” you smiled, even if your heart was falling apart and your eyes were about to spill tears.
“no baby, wait, you don’t understand…”
“i’m happy for you.” you muttered, taking his hands to pull them away from your face, even if the loss of his touch was making your soul break. lie and smile. “i’m sure you’ll be very happy, pedro.” you sighed, your heels clicking against the cold floor of that desolated bathroom as you headed towards the door, although his voice stopped you as you reached for the handle.
the door closed as you tried to open it, his palm firmly pressing against the door and the side of your head to keep it shut.
he inquired, and you bit down on your lip and tried to fight of your tears as he slowly turned you around to face him, caging you with his body against the wood of the door. he had never been this close. your chests were gracing, the mint of his breath hitting your face.
“is it really not obvious?” he inquired, and you frowned, your breath hitching when his free hand was back at softly holding your face. “it’s not her who i am in love with, i could never give my heart to another woman that doesn’t smile like you, or laugh as sweetly as you, or work as hard of you, or make my days seem as brighter as you do. i could never give my heart to another woman because i’ve already given it to you…” you eyes widened at his words, your chest heaving in deep breath.
he looked into your eyes, and then to your lips. he sighed. “am i reading this wrong, beautiful?” he inquired, scared, terrified of your shocked expression.
you quickly shook your head, your own hands cupping his face. “no pedro, not in the slightest.” you whispered against his lips before you pulled him against yours, butterflies filling your chest when you felt his left arm —the one that had stood keeping the door close— circled your waist and pulled you tighter against him.
the kiss was soft, slow, sweet… everything you’ve ever wanted. it was enough to make you melt.
but it was not enough, and you let him know with a whine when he pulled away.
“i know baby, i know.” he hushed you, leaving a soft peck on your now smudged lips. he had red lipstick all over his. “but there are a couple of paparazzis out there i have to clear up things with. perhaps the fact that it’s you who i’m in love with, in the first place.”
“maybe we could just show them.” you smiled, and he couldn’t help but smile as well, eyebrows raised.
“what’s going on inside that pretty head of yours, huh?” he pinched your waist and you laughed, making his heart jump.
you hummed. “i’ll have to kiss you a little bit more for you to get the idea.” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his neck, staining the perfect kiss mark.
he laughed, hiding the shiver that went up his spine.
“you’ll be the death of me.”
i imagine pedro coming back to the gala with his whole face decorated in kisses and being impossibly happy about it
a/n; i hope you liked it<3
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cryslut · 14 days
Spoiled | Fyodor D.
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「 𝐅𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲 」
- in which fyodor takes you out on a date
- gender neutral reader
- 2nd pov
- modern au, rich fyodor, fulfilling his husband duties as he should, gentle sweet fyodor moments
not proofread, possible grammatical errors
first time writing fluff in a long time, fyodor fluff was requested so hope u enjoy :D
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↳ 𝐅𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲
A stream of classical music played softly in the background, your husband, Fyodor, was currently reading from one of his novels on his chair next to the window. The wind blowing softly through his hair as he takes a sip of his tea. You were scrolling on your phone, browsing through some of your favorite apps while laying comfortable on the couch nearby. A giant flat screen television was right in front of it as well as an elegant brown coffee table.
You had been on your phone for days and not outside, it made Fyodor be a tad bit concerned for you, due to the fact you did enjoy the outdoors. At least that's what he assumed, but in reality. You adored the outdoors for him mostly. It wasn't bad to you, not at all, you did love taking pictures of the beautiful atmospheric sceneries that you visited with your husband.
You two lived in a beautiful cozy mansion, having maids who cleaned and looked after the home and the both of you as well. It was something you could only dream of living in but Fyodor gave you everything, a beautiful home, expensive things such as clothing that you adored so much, precious treasures and gifts.
"Sweetheart, you've been on your phone for quite some time, why don't we go out for a while, yes?" He broke the silence that had filled the room previously, you nodded your head at him, giving him a soft smile, "Sure, I'd love to."
You swipe up on your getting rid of your apps so the battery wouldn't drain fast. Sitting up on the couch as Fyodor put a bookmark in his book setting it on the table in front of the two chairs by the window that were across from each other. He set his now empty cup of tea on the table to the side of the chair. You both standing up practically at the same time.
Both adjusting yourselves and your clothes, you fix your somewhat messy hair, "No need to bring your wallet, darling. I'll be paying for everything. All you have to do is tell me what you want," a smile forms on his lips. You comply but question his demand, "Why, are you sure?"
He nods his head at your question, "I want this day to be about you, I want to see this day uplift your mood," the same smile stuck on his lips as if he was a mere doll who couldn't move. You nod your head at him, giving him a smile in return, "Okay."
Arriving at a destination, you two exit a matte black limousine that constantly took the both of you anywhere you wanted to go, constantly waiting outside to drive you somewhere else. You look up once stepping out of the vehicle, a beautiful scenery filled your eyes.
A beautiful garden with lots of trees shading the area from the summers heat, some mesmerizing flowers of all sorts of colors and petal sizes and shapes scattered neatly around bushes that followed on the side of a pathway. Fyodor grabs a hold of your hand gently leading you towards the amazing sight, "Isn't this beautiful? I wanted to take you here, it's always been a favorite place of mine to relax and read."
Your gaze met his as he turned his head to look at you with an amused expression as he could tell that you were shocked from the mesmerizing sights, giving him a soft and ecstatic smile, "It's amazing, Fedya. Thank you."
"It's nothing to thank me for, sweetheart. I just want to share my favorite spots with the one I love and cherish the most," his grip tightens softly against your hand, using his thumb to caress along your skin softly, "This place reminds me of you in a way. It's quiet but it's beautiful, it has its areas where it's dark and shady due to the trees but the butterflies love it here. The flowers bloom every chance they get. You, my dear, are quite like this beautiful garden. Soft, delicate, and so sweet."
You smile at his words while your heart flutters, "You are so special to me, sweetie. I've never met a man as amazing as you," letting go of his hand, you pulled him into a hug as he caresses your back softly as he plants a kiss on your forehead, "So are you, мой милый малыш."
(мой милый малыш - my sweet baby)
(pronounced: moy-milyy-malysh)
Fyodor breaks the hug and grabs a hold of your hand leading you out of the garden, "I have other plans for us, let's go."
The limousine was parked outside once more, this time you two were at a mall. Not just any mall, it was a shopping center for rich people. Fyodor leading you towards a store that had clothing of your style that was also rare to get online or anywhere else, "Pick out whatever you want, darling."
You walked through each isle carefully looking at the clothes, while your husband followed behind you. Picking out whatever clothes you wanted the most. Fyodor kept on insisting to get more, pushing you to grab more clothes you liked. There was a jewelry section, you grabbed a few things, some had real diamonds and pearls on a few pieces. You picked out your favorites of all of them.
Finally walking to the counter to pay for everything. You had grabbed so many items that it all came out to three grand. Fyodor smiled and waved goodbye to the man dressed fancy at the register as you two walked side by side carrying the bags. Walking outside to the limo, the driver awaiting the arrival of the both of you, grabbing the bags from Fyodor placing them in the trunk, as well as taking them from you.
It was the last place of the day, it had become night time and it was finally six o clock. You were now in a super fancy restaurant, one of the best in the city. You two sat at a table the was reserved for two. You looked through the menu, staring down all the fancy looking food. The waiter had already brought you two a glass of iced cold water.
"Anything you like, dear?" Your gaze trailing up falling upon your husband, "I want this," pointing out a meal, it had a fancy display of (f/f) and a few sides. Fyodor nodded his head, once the waiter came to take your order, your husband had ordered everything for the both of you. The lady gave a soft smile to the both of you as she walked away.
"Are you enjoying this day so far, my love?" He breaks the silence, "Of course, I enjoy every moment that is spent with you. Thank you for taking me to one of your favorite spots. It was absolutely beautiful, we should definitely go there again one of these days," you smiled softly at him.
Nodding his head in agreement to your words, "Oh I'd love to take you there again, there's a few other special spots that I need to show you. I think you'd love them, one of them suits your style, the other two are quite amazing as well."
"I'd love to go with you, wherever you are, is where I want to be," he smiles at your words, grabbing a hold of your hands as you both had your arms reaching towards each other on the table.
The waiter brings two large plates of a delicious fancy looking dinner to you both. Beginning to chow down the second she leaves, enjoying every last bite, savoring the amazing taste. After moments and moments of you two enjoying your meals together, while talking about all sorts of things, the lady brings the check. Fyodor pulls out his wallet, ready to pay whenever you two leave.
Fyodor hands her the money that is owed as you two got up to leave to go back home where you two spent the rest of your night, watching a couple of movies together.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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i'm sorry if that felt rushed. fluff is not my forte so i hope this wasn't so bad
if u would like to support this work and also my other works be sure to also follow me on wattpad. i publish everything there and im currently working on a yandere bsd men x reader.
link: https://www.wattpad.com/user/cryxans <3
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Part 2: Hanayama Kaoru
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Yandere Baki Various x Afab Reader
Part 1
Part 3
Kaoru was frustrated that his recent fling bailed on him for this important dinner with his peers. Kaoru could never keep a girlfriend for more than a month. Each one claimed he was too rough or too cold towards them.
Yet they all came to him for the same reason. For his money and to be in his bed. It’s not his fault none of them truly caught his interest. None of them were the type he would let stay by his side anyways. They were nothing more to him than bed warmers and limited eye candy.
But this dinner was important. He needed to keep up his status among the other yakuza and what better way to do that than to have a beautiful woman by his side?
Kaoru lit a cigar, inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs before exhaling. Women were too stressful.
“Maybe you should try a rental girlfriend for the night?” Kizaki piped up from the door way. Kaoru slowly turned his head around to glance at his right hand man. That wasn’t such a bad idea.
Kaoru pulled out his phone and uploaded the app. He made himself a simple account and didn’t even bother to add a profile picture. Kaoru was positive most women knew who he was. His fingers scrolling through each available ‘girlfriend.’ His fingers stopped once he came upon an exotic looking young woman. A foreigner? How delightful. She would surely impress his comrades.
Kaoru quickly requested a date with her, his eyes widening when he saw that he can send her instructions on how to behave at the date and there were options to send her clothes. A small smile on his face as he typed the requirements to be his company.
Kaoru was thrilled that a woman was finally down to comply to his demands…
Friday rolled around and (Your name) made her way to the post office first thing in the morning to get the dress her date had bought for her.
She loved that her job supplied her with a PO Box so her dates didn’t know her address. Plus they had a strict code of rules. The customers were not allowed to kiss or touch her inappropriately or they’d be banned. It was an incredibly progressive company.
(Your name) was impressed by the long black gift box her date supplied for her. It seems he was a man of money.
A white envelope caught her eye. She quickly opened it and read the neatly written note.
“𝑀𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝓃 𝓍𝓍𝓍 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝟧𝓅𝓂. 𝒟𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒.”
What a lovely gentleman, she sarcastically thought. He seemed to be incredibly dominant and have high expectations.
(Your name) opened her phone and scrolled through the app. Kaoru didn’t want her to speak at all. She was strictly to be arm candy only and she was fine with that. She honestly preferred not speaking to a man like this.
She gathered her dress and made her way back home. (Your name) would be sure to follow all of his demands. Maybe she’d earn even more money if she played the part of a subservient woman to him?
(Your name) had to admit that Kaoru had amazing tastes in clothing. The dress hugged her figure and left her back completely exposed. The red silk made her feel like a neatly wrapped present.
She chose to do an elegant style of makeup and to make sure he hair fit the description of a high class woman. (Your name) needed to impress him and his peers. She would not disappoint him.
She arrived to the meeting spot at 4:50pm. Giving her a ten minute window before he was to arrive.
A black limousine pulled up beside her not even two minutes later. A tall muscular man in a black and red suit stepped out, his entire face covered in scars. His presence itself was incredibly intimidating, it didn’t take her long to figure he was someone who was dangerous.
“You’re even prettier in person.” Kaoru complimented her softly before holding out a hand for her to take so he could help her into the limousine. She gave him a small smile and a slight bow in thanks. She wasn’t sure if he had given her permission to speak.
(Your name) accepted his hand as she lifted up a bit of the skirt of her dress to get into the limousine. She could feel Kaoru’s eyes burning into her as she maintained an elegant composure around him. Was he waiting for her to slip up?
(Your name) sat in the limousine and adjusted her dress. She made sure not a single wrinkle could be seen.
Kaoru sat in front of her. He was impressed. (Your name) was certainly a high class lady with outstanding elegance. There wasn’t a wrinkle nor a single hair out of place on her. So far, she has exceeded his expectations of a date.
“So far you’ve exceeded my expectations.” Kaoru muttered as he held her small hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin on the back of her hand. She even had a charming French tip nail. Classic yet elegant. He really liked her.
The two of them arrive to the restaurant. Kaoru getting out of the limousine first to hold the door open for her. Kaoru extended his hand out for her to take to help her step out of the car. His dark eyes admiring her form. She was more than what he hoped for…
Kaoru basked in the attention of his peers who paused their conversations to admire the woman on his arm. Kaoru adored how the stares at him in envy… he’d book her again for sure just from this alone.
(Your name) didn’t utter a word. She held her head high and looked forward. Her arm wrapped around Kaoru’s forearm as he lead her to the head of the table. The scarred man pulling a chair out next to him for her to sit.
(Your name) obediently sat in the chair, her body facing his slightly as he sat down. Something about him screamed possessive so she’d be sure not to trigger that.
She stayed silent the entirety of the dinner, ignoring the glances of his peers. Kaoru smirked into his glass of sake. He adored her attention on him.
Kaoru held her hand to get the stares of his peers to stop. He needed to establish that she was his lady in front of the others and he wouldn’t stand for their ogling all night.
It felt like hours until the dinner ended. (Your name) didn’t speak to anyone nor did she acknowledge anyone other than Kaoru. Kaoru seemed thrilled about this fact.
The scarred man lead her back to his limousine and helped her back into the car in the same fashion as earlier. The door clicking shut behind him as he sat across from her. His dark eyes gazing into her very soul but she didn’t dare to speak.
“You did well tonight.” Kaoru complimented her before scooping her hand up in his to press a kiss to the back of it. “Better than I had thought… I may book you again.”
Kaoru chuckled when she smiled at him. His interest was piqued. She was asking him for permission to speak with just her eyes… what a marvelous woman. “You can speak. I haven’t heard your voice all night.”
“Thank you, sir.” Kaoru shivered a bit at the nickname, his hands tightly grasping the fabric of his pants when she bowed her head to him a bit. Perfect… she was perfect. “I just followed your orders, sir.”
Kaoru leaned forward and held her jaw in his hand, his obsidian eyes gazing deeply into hers.
“I will seek you out again.” Kaoru huskily whispered before releasing her. He leaned back in his seat and pulled out a cigar from his suit jacket. “Do you smoke?”
“I don’t, but thank you for the offer, sir.” (Your name) smiled politely at him, the scarred man humming in response.
“I appreciate your honesty.” Kaoru lit his cigar before blowing the smoke off to the side. “How much for a night with you?”
(Your name) paled a bit at the question before giving him a bow. “That is another thing I don’t do. It’s against my contract with my company, sir.”
This was the first time someone close to her in age asked for a night with her but she wasn’t interested in those sorts of activities. At least not with someone so dangerous looking. He was more than likely a gangster.
Kaoru sighed but he nodded in response. “Polite even when you decline me. I’ve never been rejected before. Do you even know who I am?”
(Your name) gave him another polite smile. “I hope you’re not offended that I do not know who you are, sir.”
Kaoru felt a surge of excitement course through him. This was the first woman he met that didn’t know who he was and wasn’t after his money nor his title… he decided there and now that was going to keep seeing her. She interested him.
“Not at all…” Kaoru almost told her how much it thrilled him but he didn’t want to scare her off. He never wanted to scare off a potential new play thing.
Kaoru’s driver dropped her off on the street he picked her up on. The man really wanted to take her to her house but she wouldn’t tell him her address… a shame. He’d spoil her if she told him.
As soon as (Your name) bowed to him and left the vehicle, Kaoru turned to the driver, Kizaki.
“I want all the information you can get on her.” Kaoru told Kizaki.
“Right away, sir.”
Kaoru put his thumb on his lip as he smirked to himself. He had to have her… he had to have the very best and he would have a night with (your full name)… one way or another.
(Your name) made her way into her house, her phone vibrating in her pocket. She opened up the light, pastel pink screen with a whistle.
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟓𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝟏𝟎𝟎% 𝐭𝐢𝐩! 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨!
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞!
𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭?
𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨?
“And he paid me twice the amount just for this night… I wonder who he is.” (Your name) thought for a minute before accepting the date. Her phone lighting up again with a new notification.
!! 𝐔𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 !!
𝐎𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐧! 𝐏𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐲 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!
𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭?
𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨?
Oh! A family dinner? Someone must’ve lied about having a girlfriend…
(Your name) laughs before happily accepting the offer. She wasn’t going to let some other broad take her money opportunity. She skimmed over the details. Dang… this guy was in dire need for a girl to pretend to be his partner for an entire afternoon in front of his family.
“Your misfortune is my gain…” (your name) whispered as she started to slip out of the silk dress. It seems she’d have to play the part do being a sweet girl who absolutely adored her boyfriend…
Sometimes her job was a headache because she had to pretend to be so many different people. The pay was certainly worth it all though. She’d pretend to be anyone her clients wanted so long as they paid her for her valuable time.
(Your name) scrolled through Katsumi’s profile with a hum. He was a cutie. He seemed to be the typical ‘boy next door.’ He was active in the community so she was going to have to be careful in case anyone recognized her…
(Your name) took a glance at her reflection in the mirror. She was going to have to look soft and extremely feminine tomorrow… that seemed to be Katsumi’s type. The innocent doe character…
She sighed before going to her fridge and cracking open a beer. She just had a few more months of this contract with the company and then she could stop going on dates. It was exhausting pretending to be interested in all these men.
(Your name) took a sip of the beer with a smile. She wondered where she’d move next after all of this was over… maybe she’d go back to the States?
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crushpunky · 18 days
drew and actress!reader at the venice film festival
check out the drew starkey x actress!reader timeline for some background <3 also i wrote this using "y/n" as people suggested, hopefully you like it :)
Cameras flashed and fans screamed as Drew exited the limousine, his navy suit matching the precise blue of his eyes. He had dreamt of this moment his whole life, the buzz in the air and the whispers of “next big thing” and “star power” that floated into his ears. He couldn’t help but smile, taking in the lively atmosphere, before continuing towards the carpet. It was by no means his first red carpet, but the grandeur of a Venice premiere made his heart skip a beat as he continued along the carpet, stopping to take photos with his costars and fans.
The crowd’s screams came to a peak, causing Drew to look up from the photo he had been signing. There she was, exiting a sleek black car in a stunning gown: y/n. Her eyes locked on his, giving him a small wave. Drew grinned, quickly finishing his signature before nearly sprinting towards her. Once he made it to her, he nearly tackled her with a kiss to her lips, not caring that her lipstick would likely stain his own lips. How could he care about something as little as that when she was looking like that and he was feeling like this?
“Drew!” Y/n giggled, using her thumb to wipe some of the smeared lipstick in the corner of his mouth. He didn’t say a word, just pulled her into his side with another kiss to her head before leading her towards the red carpet.
“Oh I don’t think—” Y/n began, looking at the photographers as they scrambled to take photos of the famous couple. She had previously been planning on just chatting with fans for a moment before quietly ducking into the theater, not wanting to detract from the cast’s special night. Drew, however, had other ideas.
“Please?” Drew asked quietly, softly tracing his thumb along the small of y/n’s back as they posed for photos. She peered up at Drew, taking him in as he glowed underneath the setting sun. Though nobody else could see, she could tell the anticipation of the premiere, the excitement of the fans, the flash of the lights, all combined in a way that undoubtedly made his mind race. She knew Drew like the back of her hand, knew the nerves he always felt at events like these, but she also knew that he had nothing to worry about.
Drew looked down at her with a grin before slipping his hand into y/n’s. They continued down the carpet before ending in front of a sharply dressed reporter. Y/n glanced at Drew once again, asking silently if it was time for her to head into the theater, however, his firm grip on her hand told her to stay. 
“First off, congratulations on your very first Venice premiere!” The reporter said, causing Drew to smile widely, his cheeks blushing as they often did whenever he received a compliment.
“Thank you, thank you.” Drew responded.
“And to you, y/n, welcome back.” The reporter gestured to her with his microphone.
“Thank you, it’s wonderful to be back.” Y/n smiled softly as Drew squeezed her hand lightly.
“So, Drew, your performance is already being praised as ‘star-making’, how are you feeling?” The reporter asked, turning back towards Drew.
“Oh, wow— I don’t know...” Drew chuckled. “It all just seems so surreal. Amazing, but surreal. To see that people are appreciating the film is really all I could’ve asked for, so the fact that people are kind enough to say that means a lot.”
“Wonderful, truly.” The reporter grinned. “You deserve all the praise.”
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m not sure I can take all the credit.” Drew said, y/n watching intently as he spoke.
“This was definitely a group effort, between myself and Daniel, Luca, the wonderful cast and crew, the people that supported me throughout this journey, especially—” Drew looked down at y/n, pausing for a moment, his smile wide, “my beautiful wife. So many people came together for this and they all deserve praise.”
Y/n felt her heart swell, the bomb they had been holding for the past month finally dropping. She could hear the crowd erupt at his words, but she kept her eyes on Drew, the two of them grinning at each other love-drunkenly. She hadn’t even thought about how good that would feel, him calling her his wife. It was a high she had never felt, the proclamation making her feel weak in the knees.
“Wife? Did I hear that correctly?” The reporter shouted excitedly over the booming crowd.
“Yes, yes you did. This is my wonderful wife.” Drew chuckled, snaking his hand around y/n’s waist and pulling her closer.
“Wow, congratulations! That’s amazing!” The reporter practically bounced with excitement.
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled, leaning into Drew’s touch.
“I’ll let you two go, once again, congratulations!” The reporter said, directing them towards the entrance to the theater. The couple thanked him once more before heading into the screening room. Rows of people filled the theater, their eyes locked on the two of them as they entered the room.
"Love you. Proud of you.” Y/n said, pressing a kiss to Drew’s jaw before making her way to her seat behind the cast. Drew watched as she sat down, her eyes unwaveringly attached to him. Her husband. Y/n smiled back at him as the lights dimmed, the world finally prepared to see the star that was Drew Starkey.
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 3 months
Mob Rules - Playtime with Thor
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Playtime | Thor x Reader | 2.4k words
When you and Thor make an early exit while waiting for the boss' meeting to be over, he suggests a little playtime.
Warnings: 18+ AU with d/s themes, open relationship/free use. Semi-public sex (in car), use of butt plug, cockwarming, cum marking/creampie, anal, anal play. Little bit of Stucky x Reader at the end. Rated S for smut and F for filth.
Masterlist | Mob Rules | Poly Fics |Bucky | Steve
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It was boring, worse than boring, mindless, endless, the food terrible, the conversation none existent. You gave a petulant sigh, tapping your manicured nails against the side of your crystal champagne flute.
You turned to Thor, one of two bodyguards assigned to you by Sir and Sarge, and rolled your eyes. He was your designated escort for this a formal tea party held by one of the gang’s latest business associates and while the garden was very beautiful and the sun lovely and warm, you were still endlessly bored. At least you got to spend more time with Thor though, you hadn’t had a chance to spend much time with him yet, one on one, you were mostly occupied with Sir and Sarge, although they were starting to allow the other gang members to approach you. 
In fact, you’d slept in Andy’s bed last night, a congratulatory prize for the lawyer after getting one of the dealers off a minor charge the day before. Andy was gentle, but firm, and you’d slept well afterwards, waking naturally when the sun came streaming through the windows. Naturally, but alone. There were normally so many people around that you hardly got a moment to yourself so, enjoying the luxury of privacy, you took a long hot shower before heading back to your own room. 
As soon as you opened the door you knew that Sir and Sarge had already been looking for you. Your bed was still neatly made, but your clothes for the day were placed on the end of the comforter. A light blue summer dress, strappy heels and matching lace underwear. They always knew just what to pick to make your day. 
Sir and Sarge had left instructions for you to dress and join them in the garage for 1pm, ready for this ridiculous attempt at a tea party, and had left a discrete black box alongside your dress. Inside was a small silicone butt plug, bright pink and very soft as well as a new tube of lube. Excitedly you’d dressed in all your new gifts and clenched your legs together, waiting for something to happen. You were sure from the bluetooth symbol on the side that they had some wicked plan to toy with you during the day. But nothing happened. 
Thor caught your eye again and you gave your secret signal to leave, standing politely and excusing yourself until you were out of ear shot. 
It felt good having Thor following you through the garden and into the courtyard of the mansion. He was huge, taller even that Sir and Sarge, with dark blonde hair that fell about his shoulders. Despite his muscular stature he had a friendly, welcoming, face that had instantly put you at ease when you were introduced. That, alongside his booming laugh, made you think he must have been some sort of jovial god in another life.
Thor walked half a pace behind you, head swivelling to make sure no one was following, or watching, who shouldn’t be. Half of his hair was in a messy bun, the rest looked stuck to his neck, the day was so hot you were desperate for the cool of the air conditioned car.
“God, that was shit, can we go home now?” You whined as soon as you were out of earshot, and Thor gave a low chuckle in answer. 
“Not yet, Bambi, the bosses still have some work to do.” He laughed but it was indulgent and kind. If you were bored he must have been falling asleep, stood watching without taking part. 
“But I’m bored,” you pouted up at him while he opened your car door, looking around once more before following you into the dim interior of the limousine. 
“Good job I brought something to entertain you then,” he smirked and, suddenly, you remembered the plug. 
His face lit with a smile at the same time your eyes widened, “that was from you, wasn’t it?” 
“Correct,” he pulled his phone from his pocket and flicked through the apps, grin widening and finger dragging up the screen. You squirmed, shocked, as the plug began to vibrate. The feeling shot through you instantly, your body going slack and giving in to the pleasure. 
“Does that feel good, Bambi?” His voice dropped lower, a rich, rolling tone, still a lilt of his Australian accent despite years spent in Brooklyn. 
“Uh huh,” you mumbled, biting your bottom lip and digging your fingernails into the leather of your seat. 
Thor watched the expression on your face change, the plug was exciting, it had your skin prickling with need, but it wasn’t quite enough. He kept his eyes trained on yours as you began grinding into the seat beneath you, slipping a hand up your thigh -
“No. Don’t touch yet. I’ve had to watch you for so long, I want you to wait too.”
He reached forward and tugged you into him, arranging your legs on either side of his hips until your wet panties were plastered against his growing cock. It felt wonderful between your legs, pressing into your wet folds and aching clit. 
Thor’s hands found your waist and allowed you to circle your hips just once, searching for friction, before he lifted you again. 
“Need some help, Bambi?” He smirked, confident and cocksure, “be a good girl and ask for it.” With one hand he kept a tight hold of your waist, with the other he freed his cock, the head bobbing through the black material of his trousers and leaving a trail of precum. 
Since moving in with Sir and Sarge you had yet to see a dick you didn’t love, even if you had only been allowed to sample a very select few. Every one was different, delicious, filling in their own right, and Thor’s was no exception. You were sure your fingertips wouldn’t touch if you tried to grasp him, the shaft thick and heavy, tapering slightly to the flushed head. You wanted it, now, inside you, stretching you, the perfect match to the insistent buzzing of the plug in your hole. 
“Please, Thor, please can I have your cock?” You wanted to look at him, you really did, you knew the sort of manners expected of you as the gang’s girlfriend, but you couldn’t tear your eyes from the swollen head of his cock. “Plug me up, fill me up, please?”
He let out a deep, rough, laugh and squeezed himself harder, milking a single drop of precum from the tip that slowly pearled and fell down the length of his shaft. You squirmed, letting out an embarrassing mewl. 
The plug stopped and you balled up your fists in frustration at the total lack of stimulation. Throwing caution to the wind, you lifted yourself and rubbed your pussy against him, dipping down enough to tease the head over your covered entrance, pushing against the fabric.
“So needy,” he commented, more to himself than to you, his own gaze was locked on your thighs, straddling his own, the sheen of your arousal making them slick, and his cock, disappearing between them and under your dress. You bunched it up further, holding the skirt with one hand and using the other to grip his shirt for leverage. 
“Please,” you pouted, batting your eyelashes. 
“Fine, you can sit on it.” He conceded, pushing your panties to one side, and allowing you  to slowly lower yourself, inch by inch, his cock getting wider, the stretch a burn that had you begging for more, bouncing slowly until you were fully seated. 
You dropped your dress in favour of dipping your fingers between your legs and feeling the way he’d stretched you, pushing up on your lower stomach. 
“The bosses were right, you do feel like heaven.” He observed, cupping your cheeks, “you sit tight -” he winked, “and I’ll turn your little toy back on for you.” 
Your mouth dropped into a surprised ‘o’ as the vibrations started again, stronger this time. With Thor’s cock buried so deep the plug pressed even harder against your walls, vibrating into your pussy as well. 
You circled your hips, attempting to press your clit to the cold belt of Thor’s trousers, but he held you firm, slightly away from his body. 
With a smirk he slid his hand under your dress and pressed his thumb to your clit, a deep insistent pressure. 
“Please.” You begged, eyes wide. 
“Let’s see how long it takes you to cum like that.” He leant back and spread his arms over the seats. 
“Thor, that’s not fair.” You moaned, the sensations too overwhelming to form any more of an argument, though you could tell that he was struggling too by the way his jaw was clenched. 
Despite his lack of movement you could feel the coil of your pleasure tightening, your walls clamping down on his and your hole squeezing the plug deeper. 
“Thor -” you whined, trying to move again but finding hands on your hips again, holding you down on his cock, impossibly deep and with no escape. You could barely twitch, your hands fisted so tightly in his shirt that it pulled against his muscled chest, the buttons straining. 
“Come on my cock, Bambi, let me feel that little pussy and then I’ll give you my cum.” His eyes met yours focussed and unrelenting, his body remaining still despite your efforts to writhe and rub yourself. 
Your orgasm hit you all the harder, the pulsing of your walls and clit were relentless with no respite from the feel of him, no push or pull just the feeling of being entirely full. Thor continued to smirk, brushing one long lock of blonde hair behind his ear before lifting you and spinning you around, pushing you over until your hands hit the floor. 
Embarrassment flooded you. From this position he had full access to you, he’d be able to see the way your hole still greedily gripped the neck of the plug, pulling it in and out as your orgasm faded. He’d be able to see the drip of your own arousal as it spilled from between your puffy lips, and he wouldn’t be able to see your face,  he didn’t need to after all, you were just a toy now, easily tossed about for him to use. 
“Such a good fucking girl, aren’t you Bambi, so sweet, bet neither of the bosses ever put you in this position did they?” He brought a large hand down to smack the globe of your ass, it stung, but you couldn’t help the flood of arousal either. “I’m gonna use your little holes and then I’m going to plug you back up so you don’t forget that you belong to all of us.” He growled, “you took too long to come to me, Bambi, I won’t want this long again.” 
You felt him move and then the solid weight of his cock against your lips, but he didn’t thrust in. Instead you could feel his hand as he moved it up and down his cock at pace, his knuckles catching on your clit and making you cry out. And then he was tugging at the plug, pulling it from your hole with an obscene pop and replacing it with the head of his cock. With as much energy as you could muster you tried to move backwards, but he didn’t give you anymore, just the wide head keeping you open. For a moment you wondered why he’d stopped, and then he gave a guttural groan and you felt the hot splash of cum painting you from the inside. 
He picked up the plug, the silicone rolling in the cleft of your ass cheeks briefly before he began to tease it in again -
“Well, well, well.” The door to the limousine opened, flooding the dark space with light. You couldn’t see, but you could tell by the polished shoes that slid past you that Sarge and Sir had finished their meeting. “What’s going on here?” Sarge asked. 
“Thor was -” 
“Not you, Bambi. We only want to hear you make those pretty little noises.” Sir snapped. 
“Just having some play time, boss, Bambi was bored, weren’t you sweetheart?” Thor laughed, plunging the plug in and you groaned again, grateful to have the toy back inside even if it wasn’t buzzing. 
Sarge hummed, “sounded fun, mind if we join in?” He didn’t wait for an answer before your world was spinning again, still on the floor you were now at least face up, looking up into Sarge’s twinkling eyes. 
“You good down there, Bambi?” He asked, smoothing his hands across your arse and down past your pussy. His thumbs rubbed your lips teasingly. 
“Yes, thank you, Sarge.” 
He laughed, “you like being full of cum, do you? We’d better give you some more then.” The tent in his trousers was unmistakable, how long had they been listening to you?
Sarge removed the plug, wiping it on the handkerchief from his top pocket before putting it in your mouth, “you keep that warm like the good slut you are, because it’s going right back in when we’re finished with you.” 
Sarge began to stroke himself slowly, rubbing and cupping your pussy with one hand until you were mewling again, your begging muffled around the toy. 
“Should gag her more often,” Sir said, sliding along the bench seat to be closer, his own cock rock hard and dribbling precum. 
Thor, though he’d tucked himself away, was pressing his heel to his crotch again, unsure if he’d be in trouble or not, and that thought alone had you desperate for one of them to fuck you. Being caught had been a lot more exhilarating than you’d thought it would be. 
“Move, gonna cum.” Sir pushed against Sarge and grabbed one of your thighs, pushing it back until you were almost bent in half, your hole gaping slightly without the plug to cling to. Like Thor, Sir pressed his head into your hole and came with a grunt, thrusting a little before pulling back pushing the cum in with his fingers. “Shit,” he panted. “Fill ‘er up, Buck.” 
Sir angled you back towards Sarge just in time for him to push inside, thrusting as he came until he was bent over you, fucking his way through his orgasm. You cried out as his hips rubbed against your clit perfectly, sparking new pleasure through your whole body. 
“Good girl,” he moaned, “good fucking girl.” His eyes were glazed when he pulled back, plucking the plug from your mouth and pushing it back in easily. “Fuck, that was a good idea Thor. Wonder how many she could take before it starts coming out again.” 
Sir and Thor laughed while you gazed up at them. You weren’t sure you could manage everyone without getting to cum at least one more time, but you would certainly try!
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tojisxslvt · 8 months
HI keep up the good work! I’m so proud of you I hope your doing great I had an idea I would LOVEEE to share I was wondering how the jjk characters would be like if the reader is like famous ( actor, singer, model etc) and if it the premier on the carpet how would they be like (also this is optional too but like the process of them getting ready YK) this is just an idea I had. I hope you have an amazing day and stay safe!��️
Walk the run way
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A/N This is going to be my best give or take of this idea but thank you so much for requesting this story-whoever you are! You guys never fail to keep me from writers block! Thank you as well and I will try to be safe, this actually hit me in a soft spot because I’m writing this in a hospital as we speak 😭 one thing I do wish, is that when people send me requests they also tell me the characters they’d like for me to put in the story! But I love to freestyle as well so I don’t mind! Thanks for requesting! And thanks for reading! ❤️
Summary: I will be doing a few characters, such as, Gojo, Geto, Toji, and I’ll end it with those three, I don’t want to be writing for DAYS but if you guys want other characters pov, don’t ever be afraid to hmu! 🩷
A/n Ended up writing for days I’m ready to get this out my draft
Warnings: cursing, smut and as I said wayyyy before Toji is a warning himself
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quickie in the limo
Getting ready for a premiere has never been an issue for me, doing my makeup, fixing my hair, finding an outfit; all seemed very Taboo to me. But Getting ready for a red carpet event? I couldn’t help but feel butterflies build up in my stomach.
I take stand to pull the black dress up on my body turning to watch how the dress perfectly captivates my curves.
Satoru walked into the room buttoning up his shirt as he watched me turn from left to right his shoulder pressed against the door frame. “Satoru..” I call walking over to him turning.
“Can you zip me up?” I ask and he smiles pulling me closer by my hips, Gojo was a model himself and you could obviously tell, the male was breathtakingly gorgeous.
He pauses before pointing to a hickey he made on the side of my neck “you aren’t gonna cover that?” He said gently causing my face to get hot immediately. “My hair is going to cover it, cmon Gojo Zip me up..” I say tapping my foot.
He simply chuckles pulling my zipper all the way up sliding his hands down my waist, “you look beautiful baby..” he compliments kissing my cheek before walking over to our walk in closet, “red bottoms?” He calls.
I smile putting on my necklace “yes please, wear your red bottoms too..” “I was planning on it,” he said coming out his fingers hooked on the back of my heals as he placed them in front of me.
“You look nervous..” he pointed out as he held my hand as support while I slip on my heals, “I’m very nervous..” I admit placing my hand over my chest, Gojo had been in the modeling industry for years, so this was all easy for him.
He stood straight after putting his shoes on flashing me his know it all smiles, “well, you have nothing to worry about, all of the attention will be on me anyways~” he said jokingly causing me to playfully push up against his chest “shut up..” I mutter as I grab my red fur coat placing it on my shoulders pushing my shades on my head.
Satoru then fixes his jacked black on the outside but on the inside a velvet red. “Ready?” He ask pushing his head on my waist as he pushed his shades up on the bridge of his nose “ready as I’ll ever be..” I call as we make our way out into the limousine.
Flash Flash Flash
The sounds and bright lights from the paparazzi that stood outside of the gate to our house made my mind foggy. While my boyfriend rushed me into the car, after he waved everyone off he sat next to me with a sigh.
“So intrusive. I can’t believe they found out where we stay..we mind as well start looking for new homes at this rate.” He turned his attention to me, my hands shaking from my nerves.
This would be my first red carpet event, what if I fell? What if I’d get to overwhelmed. Too many things were happening at once and it made my heart pound.
Gojo grabs my hand redirecting my attention, “don’t worry you’re going to do great..” yet when he saw my eyes water he sighed and curved his finger pushing his knuckle up under my eye to stop the tears from falling.
“What if I fall?” I say sniffling and that causes him to cackle wiping his own eye, “you are too damn funny,” “I’m glad I amuse you..” I say with a pout. “Aw baby..don’t pout..~” Satoru then pulled me ontop of him, this being easy for him to do so considering how strong he was.
I gasp at the sudden movement but once I gain my breath back I fix myself straddling his hips, “I think I know something that can calm your nerves hm?” He said softly leaning up pushing his lips against mine causing me to kick my heels off quickly, already knowing what was up.
Without wasting much time we were fighting each others tongue Satoru pinning my hands behind my back as he used his other hand to hold my head in place his eyes not leaving mine.
I push up against him my dress sliding up on my thighs as he lets my hands go, involuntarily sliding his warm hands up my thighs into my dress, “just tell me what you want..I’ll give it to you without a second thought..~” he said in a hushed tone his lips brushing against my neck as he let out a breath full of excitement.
Of course this was daily activities for me and Satoru, we fucked too many times to count just in one day, yet he knew dirty talk wasn’t something I enjoyed doing.
But Satoru didn’t care one bit, and he knew if I really wanted it, I’d speak up. I whine at his request scooting closer to him just to be met with his hard on that pocked at me through his pants. “C’mon princess..it’s simple..” he instructed his large hands squeezed at my ass causing me to bite hard on my lip so the drivers wouldn’t hear.
“You already know what I want..and I’m tired of waiting..” I say looking down at him with slutty eyes. He huffs out a sexy chuckle. “Close enough..” His long slender fingers pushed my soaked underwear to the side as I reach my hands down unbuckling his pants just for him to pull his own cock out rubbing from base to tip not breaking eye contact.
His precum already painting the base of his cock as it slowly dripped down.
I shiver at the sight wrapping my arms around his neck leaning my head against his shoulder. Satoru hums and without warning he thrusts up into me wrapping one of his arms around my waist causing me to scramble covering my mouth.
The way he opened me up without warning made me want to do nothing more than scream his name. He was so fucking deep. I lean my head against his as he uses his other hand to press on my lower back as he pounded up into me letting out soft breaths into my ear as he grunted with each breath taking thrust.
I swallow hard trying my hardest to not get any of my makeup or lipstick on him, I then slide my tongue from his neck to his ear moaning out softly “Go faster...~” I whispered, lifting my head up to push my cheek against his, smearing my lipstick on the side of his face.
I could never explain sex with Gojo but I could say this, he made me crave for more, he always changed any thought I had before to only focus on how good he made me feel now.
The way he pounded up into me made me completely forget that, just in under 20 minutes, there would be flashing lights and shouting fans. At this rate, I looked a mess, and so did he.
I flop down hard pulling back to admire my sexy boyfriend, Satoru looked at me as he held my hips, panting tiredly as I began to rock my hips back and forth with his dick still inside of me.
the size of his cock filled me up completely to the point where just sitting there rocking back and forth was enough for me, I throw my head back letting out a shiver and a shaky breath, "don't be selfish..~" he said in a sexually frustrated tone, wrapping his arms under my thighs lifting me up.
The action caused me to jolt forward my forehead pressing against his, Satoru then began to start thrusting at the same pace he was before not slowing down at all.
I curl my lips back to fight the moan he obviously deserves "I wanna feel good too.~" He said in a taunting tone letting out cum hungry grunts with each piercing thrust.
so much at once, that’s what I was feeling, my mind and body felt like they were going to melt into a puddle together, I was close, my limit was exceeded very quickly, "Satoru...~" I call in a warning tone and he pants out a chuckle, "me too..~" he said reassuringly and instantly after that he thrusted once more causing the both of us to Cum quickly.
Satoru's hand over my opened mouth muffling my moans as his head was leaned back on the headrest, his hand that covered my mouth shivering as he was panting. After a bit, I lift off of him, quickly coming down from my high, after catching my reflection in the window.
I was indeed a mess. “Fuck it..” said Gojo as he fixed himself, “let’s just go back home even if we miss it we’ll still be famous tomorrow, what do you say?” He said wiping the lipstick from the side of his face.
I sit back my body completely overstimulated, it was like Gojo to ditch something this important, I look at him unsure and he just smiles, "Babe, even if you miss this one you'll still be famous tomorrow.." he said with a shrug.
I huff shrugging as well “then I’m just as careless as you..” I add with a smile and he chuckles. Satoru tapped the sliding window that connected us to the driver, when it was pulled back he said, “something came up, you mind taking us back?” Causing the driver to chuckle shaking his head.
He pulled to the U-turn lane, taking us all the way back home. I’ll still be famous tomorrow.
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Take it all off
Most of the songs I wrote were inspired by my boyfriend. Suguru had the purest heart, no one could take that away from him. He would listen to every song, and my first song that was about him that got famous, he replayed it everyday.
Soon my songs got more popular, people could relate feeling the love I felt for him and now I was going to my first walk on the red carpet.
Suguru couldn’t stop talking about it, I was relieved that he was just as proud as I was. I turn my attention to my boyfriend, as I wait for his opinion. “Hmm..” He hummed his finger rested on his lip, “I like the royal blue..” he said his eyes darting to the long royal blue dress I had been avoiding.
I shake my head and he chuckles, “why not? You don’t like my taste in clothing?” He asked slouching his legs of course being apart, he always sat like that, the posture was so, sexy to me.
“No it’s not that! I’m wearing heals that dress is long and you know how clumsy I am Su’..” he tilts his head “I think the dress looks good..it shows a good amount of thigh..” he says with a small smile.
I shake my head going over to him as I sat down on his lap causing him to wrap his arms around my waist sitting up laying his head on my back. “I give up..” I admit and he kisses my shoulder.
“If not the royal blue go for the hot pink dress you put on first, you look beautiful regardless baby.” He compliments planting a soft kiss on my ear causing me to shiver. “Thank you Su’..” I say standing and he stays seated.
“I’d really prefer if you stayed here..” I say looking down at my boyfriend sympathetically. I knew he was tired, now Geto had a wonderful singing voice and I even used him to help with some of my songs but he chose a different route and he works so hard wanting to become a doctor.
I hated that he worked himself, but when you live a lifestyle like that most of your life it becomes tiring but easy to bare with. Geto caught my eye still sitting back, “what are you talking about?” He asked fixing his position sitting up his arms rested on his spread knees.
I sigh turning to pull his head into my bare stomach, “you just got off from a shift..you work day in and day out..we’re going to be at the shoot for a while, I think you should rest and stay here..” I say while he kisses my stomach, before he shook his head back and forth nuzzling his face into my stomach.
“As long as I’m around you I’m in comfort..it’s true I had a hard week but I sincerely want to be there to support you baby..” he replied his hands wrapping around my thighs. I giggle, he was like a child at times and I loved when he was.
But there were most times where he could be so sexy.
I lean down and he swallows me in his arms before my lips could even touch his, pulling me back into his arms until I sat like a baby. “Suuu!” I call as he smothers me in kisses.
“Plus why would I ever miss this! My baby made it!” He said his forehead rested on mine as he chuckled. I smile pulling him closer our lips pressed together causing him to groan his large hand creeping up my bare stomach.
Suguru knew how to manipulate my body to wanting him to fuck me immediately. He knew how to caress and touch me, he had a caring heart and mind, but once he became lustful all of that left, and he treated me and my body Like a slut.
And I loved it.
I shiver under his touch sliding from his lap to the couch my legs wrapping around his hips, he smirked “right now?~” he asked sliding between my legs hovering over me, “calm my nerves..” I insist.
He let out a deep and soft chuckle before leaning down to my ear whispering, “only because you asked so nicely..~” he teased nibbling on my earlobe his hand sliding down my stomach to my already aching pussy.
I whine opening my legs for him as he kisses down my neck his two fingers rubbing my clit through the cloth, hearing my clit already make noise caused me to blush Turing my head.
Geto let’s out a breath he got so sexually possessive over my body, I could tell that, just using his fingers gave not only me but him, the upmost pleasure.
Suguru sits up spreading my legs with his other hand just to watch my panties get soaked while he creeped his index finger into the corner of my panties causing my hips to jerk he pushed his fingers against my twitching bud.
Leaning down to slide his tongue over my covered clit, his tongue sliding into my underwear from the corner moving my panties to the side with his tongue holding it out of the way with his index finger.
And then, his tongue made contact with my clit flicking it gently sparking electricity up my body. “Su! Don’t stop..~” I shiver out holding his head, my legs twitching. I look down at my boyfriend who looked up at me with low eyes pulling me forcefully by my hips burying his lips and nose into my pussy.
I squeal out as he moves his head, letting out soft groans as if I were the best thing he’s ever tasted.
He pulls back panting our eyes locked onto eachother I use my feet pulling at his sweat pants hearing him let out a soft chuckle pulling at the rope pulling both his pants and boxers down, his cock to spring out, causing him to sigh from the relief.
I sit up on my elbows whining getting antsy, Geto looked at me with soft eyes positioning himself between my thighs before he says “I’m sorry I kept you waiting baby..” before he instantly thrusted into me holding my leg up as he did so.
“Ngh! Su~” I moan out grabbing at the couch cushion, his dick instantly hit me in spots I couldn’t reach with a toy or with my fingers, he filled me up without a problem. I reach up for him and his harsh sexy Gaze softened as he leaned down to my touch, I wrap my arms around him as he lets my leg fall and in instinct they wrap around his hips.
He starts to thrust his breath hitting my ear as my walls closed around him. I burying my face into his neck giving him hickeys causing him to pick up the pace, his shirt lifting up with each thrust.
Suguru then starts to push into me harder causing me to throw my head back against the couch my eyes rolling back “fuck fuck fuck!~” I cry out clawing at his arms as he fucked me mercilessly.
I gasp once more before he kisses me sloppily capturing the breath I tried to let out, I whine in his mouth as our tongues move messily against eachother. He pulls back panting against my lips as he moved his hips perfectly into my spot receiving slutty moans and mind fucked words to pool out of my mouth.
“Please please! Deeper Su! De-ah!~” my mind faded and any thoughts left as he pounded harder and deeper into me causing me to squeal and clench tightly around him.
“Calm down my pretty baby..~ I’m sure you can take it..” he whispered his hips not slowing down a bit, I in fact could not take it.
I tap his chest repeatedly as my mouth hung open reaching my climax already my body shivering as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, “thaaat’s it pretty girl~ you don’t mind cumming again do you..?~” he cooed still thrusting nonstop into my contracting cunt.
I turn my head so he couldn’t see the lewd expression that was plastered on my face, but Suguru simply grabbed my chin and turned my head me being met with the same lewd expression, his long hair falling off of his shoulders slowly as he rolled his hips into me roughly. “Don’t hide from me..I wanna see that pretty face of yours each time you cum..is that okay? Can you do that for me baby? Just look at me..” he whispered pushing his thumb into my mouth.
Without second thought I wrap my lips around his thumb quickly to quiet myself feeling myself quickly come to my climax again, as Geto grit his teeth, I could tell he was close too.
I shiver as he pulls his finger out of my mouth holding me closer to his heaving chest, I moan loudly into his chest before I finally feel him twitch inside of me and let out his load into me hearing him let out a shaky sigh and a couple of curse words.
“Fuck baby..~” he whispered slowly pulling out of me watching it then pool out of me with a small smile as he brushed his thumb across my cheek whipping away the tear.
“Shit..” I pant out looking at my Apple Watch, “I have to shower..” I announced looking up at him, Causing us both to burst out into tired laughter.
“So what dress are you going to wear?” He asks lifting me off the couch making his way to the bathroom with me.
“I think I’ve decided to go with the Royal blue..” I whisper nuzzling into his chest, he then shoots me another satisfied smile as he closes the door to the bathroom.
I love making him happy.
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Don’t entertain them.
Flash flash flash.
Every damn second of today I’ve had a camera flashing in my face, and of course Toji witnessed the uncomfortable look I had on my face, we left early because, Toji punched a male paparazzi in the face blacking his eye.
And of course the whole ride home he’s said “it’s not my fault, he was getting too close.” While staring out of the window not making eye contact, I’m guessing.
He was mad at me too.
Once we stepped into the house that’s when the silent game really started while I slammed my purse on the table walking to take this stupid dress off.
Being an actress in this time and day was hard, no one really accepted pure acting skills. It took me for what seemed like forever to gain the fame I have now, and the only thing in my mind was that everything that was starting to slowly go up, was quickly going down.
As if life had it’s own gravitational pull.
Toji puts his hands in his pocket resting his shoulder against the wall as he watched me try to take off the dress, my face red and flustered I was pissed.
“So you aren’t going to talk about what happened..” “I’m sure that’s all people are talking about.” I snap ripping the zipper off of the dress growling in annoyance.
Toji’s gaze hardened “maybe if you didn’t go dressed like that,” “I can go wherever I want dressed however I please.” I say getting out of the dress.
He follows me grabbing my wrist, I try to pull away but he flips me and slams my back against the wall, “then it will be more situations like this! That fucking perv was trying to take a picture under your dress.” He said my eyes not leaving him, as I stared in horror.
Toji looked down at me with a “I told you so” kind of look, and I hated when he looked at me like that, it made me feel so small.
Past tense
“I don’t know how supportive I am of this” he said his arms crossed watching me get ready, I look away from my mirror and eyeliner glaring at him, all week he’s been doing this shit. “Somethings wrong with your eyes.” He said, my glare reflecting from him.
“It isn’t..but why can’t you just support me..” I say looking back into the mirror. He sighs “that isn’t it..” he admits his head held down a bit before looking back up at me.
“Then..?” “I don’t support the creepy men you attract. The instagram comments say enough about that doesn’t it..?” He said causing me to look at him.
Lately I have been receiving both Great but mostly pervy comments and a lot of even creeper dms. I understood his concern. “But..” he starts “I support you, you’re doing something you love and I will never not support you or step in your way. But I will always be protective of you..” he said rubbing the back of his neck “I can’t help that..I refuse to let anything happen to you.” He said looking down at the ground chuckling a bit.
I smile looking at him, “I know..that’s why I’m never afraid Toji..I’m the same way with you,” “but you aren’t the same as me..” he said walking over to me rubbing my back as we both gazed in the mirror.
“I don’t just want to fight for you, I need you to know that I’ll kill for you too..that being said, I don’t support this dress, it’s too much skin and it’s calling for creeps to come..” he said, I tilt my head looking up at him, “but it’s okay mama..I trust and support you no matter what, you’ve got a personal body guard..” he whispered kissing me softly.
He always made my heart flutter.
I push past him, I hated knowing he was right even the slightest, sure call me immature but it felt like he was always right.
He grabs my wrist pulling back, “[Name] this shit is serious! Did you forget what I told you?” He said his cold gaze locked on me, “no, but this could ruin my reputation!” “Getting pictures leaked of your underwear could too..” he said his hands sliding up my bare arms.
“Please calm down, I’m sorry for ruining your day..I mean that..” he brushed my hair out my eyes with his bruised hand, kissing my forehead.
Of course I melted.
At that moment I didn’t care about my reputation, I ended up feeling bad for not seeing it in his point of view, I simply didn’t care to until now, “are you calm..?” He asks to which I nod grabbing his hand turning it over to inspect it. “Are you in any pain..?”
But he simply shrugs it off, “my adrenaline is still pumping I can’t..feel anything right now” I look up at him before walking past him, this whole day was a mess, my mind everywhere. As I wander over to kitchen.
Toji watches me, “[name]?” he calls walking up to me stopping me holding me from behind, his large figure pressed up against mine and instantly warmed me up, he calmed me down, but now that he did I couldn’t help the feeling of dread, “the last time you were this quiet you scared the shit out of me…” he says softly holding my waist.
“Can you do my a favor..” I ask turning to look up at him, his eyes softening, “of course mama..what is it?” He asked, “distract me..” I say softly causing the room to get quiet.
He walked so he was in front of me lifting my head with his palm on my cheek, “are you sure..?~” he said his gaze never leaving my eyes, I hum wrapping my arms around his neck, “please..” I beg before he instantly picks me up taking me to the room, the blanket falling.
It has actually been days since Toji touched me, or made love to me, or fuck the slut out of me..how ever you want to put it, it hasn’t happened in a while, me so focused on the shoot and him focused on the kids and work, we barely had time alone unless it was sleeping.
But now I was eager, I wanted this man to blow off whatever steam he had left and then some, Toji was the only one who could restrict my walking.
I groan needily as we make out, Toji placing me on the dresser after knocking everything off. He swirled his tongue around mine holding my head steady with his hand rested on my cheek.
I wrap my legs around him, unsnapping my bra quickly pushing myself up to feel how hard he was, his lips part of mine and start attacking at my neck with soft kisses and pecks, I focus my attention to his pants my fingers guiding over the obvious lump in his pants, I shivered at the thought that, he wanted me too..
I really wanted him in my mouth the need became so strong that my mouth started to water, “Toji..~” I breathed out not even realizing that his whole hand was between my thighs rubbing my pussy through the cloth, my panties getting drenched in the action.
I open my legs a bit biting hard on my lip as he stared down at me his scar on his lip turning up right as he smirked, his thumb pressed softly against my body that called for him.
Toji lifted my body pulling off my panties my ass smacking back down on the dresser, I shivered at the cold gaze he peered down at me with.
And without warning he pushed the tip of his thumb into me causing me to jump shivering out a moan, “deeper..~” grabbing his wrist forcing his thumb deeper into me, I sigh out staring into his eyes as I rode his thumb.
Toji bit on his lip sliding his tongue across my open lips, I whine wasting no time to suck on his tongue wishing it was something else, and he could tell the way I gazed up at him after pulling off his tongue.
But I could tell that set off something in him, he pull back his finger quickly leaving me before he picked me up setting me on his lap as he sat on the love seat, his hands tracing my thighs.
“Your mouths watering..isn’t it?~ you’re excited for something..”I look him in his eyes sliding from his lap to the floor. “So come on, I’ll give you what your body’s begging for..~” his taunts made me even more eager without a problem.
Finally I slide my hand up to his thighs whining “then why are these still on..” he chuckles before standing pulling down his sweats along with his boxers and just like that his cock sprung out the tip softly touching my nose.
“Why is your mouth still closed..?~” he cooed out causing my entire Body to heat up as I open my mouth pushing my tongue out looking up at him, but without warning Toji pushed his dick deep into my throat causing me to gag instantly.
He pulls back looking down at me with a grin before he bit his lip as I wrapped my lips around his cock bobbing my head not being able to take the slowness.
Toji lets out a soft groan his large veiny hands clamped tightly on my pony tail as he began to ease himself into my mouth before he breathed out “put your hands behind your back..” and in submission I did so.
“Keep them there..” he whispered his hands tangled in my hair as he thrusted into my throat not giving me a chance to catch my breath.
My eyes rolling back at the mere pleasure I felt knowing he was using me to make himself feel good could make me cum right here.
He lets out a hushed breath pulling his cock from the back of my throat my chest heaving as I let out a breath my hands falling to my sides.
He looks down at me with an enthralling expression “fuck you look like a mess right now..~” he said with a sly smirk, I swallow letting out a sigh of desire, “cmon pretty girl stand for me..” he asked and without thinking I stand up just for him to push me into the love seat my arms rested in the cushions my ass in the air.
He roughly slapped my ass pulling my hips over to him receiving a hushed moan from me, he teased my entrance before without warning pushing himself deeply into me.
I squeal covering my mouth with one hand but he grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm behind my back slamming into me my head falling Into the leather seat.
“Toji!~” I moan out as he pinned my arm behind my back his cock slamming in and out of me as he rolled his hips at a quick pace and I loved it.
“I told you not to go out looking like that..now you have to accept your punishment..~ stop squirming..” he held my hips still thrusting into me shifting his thrust to find and hit my spot, and of course he found it.
I whine my eyes rolling back at how good this whole situation felt, the sounds of our skin slamming against each other caused my face to get red God forbid anybody could hear us.
Suddenly he pulls out flipping me on my back before he spread my legs pushing himself back into me causing me to shiver out a pent up moan reaching out for him and he chuckles, his hips rolling as he leaned into my touch, sure I could take being fucked like a slut, but I felt so much better when it was passionate.
I wrap my arms and legs around him as he pounded into my clit causing my legs to shake uncontrollably the knot in my stomach bursting without warning, “fuck! I’m cumming!~” I moan out giving a late warning.
Toji continued to thrust leaning his forehead on mine to share one more sloppy kiss his hips picking up speed before I hear him groan out “shit..~” he lifted pulling out and instantly his cum painted my stomach as he bared a fang.
I shiver feeling his warm liquid hit my stomach, then we sat there panting.
“You learn your lesson..?” He said with a small smirk causing me to giggle. “Actually I dunno, can you run that by me again?~” I ask causing him to shake his head roughly pulling me over by my legs.
As long as he’s fucking me like that? I’ll never learn.
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libby-for-life · 5 months
can we PLEASE get a part 2 of Adam being given to Lucifer and Lilith as a peace offering, maybe it would be about the two yandere trying to woo Adam, OH or maybe throwing a party for him introducing him as the second queen of hell
My my. You are a genius, my dear. Though I was thinking more Consort to the King and Queen. Read part one of the Deal.
Adam was confused, to say the least. Didn't they hate him? Didn't they leave him? Didn't they want him dead?
But as he was hugged by Lucifer and Lilith in the back of a limousine, he couldn't help but feel very confused. He shivered when he felt Lucifer's claws gently run through his hair and how Lilith's soothing humming filled the car.
"You're still so beautiful," Lucifer said, hugging him and Lilith brushed a hand over his toned stomach.
"Wait. Just wait." Adam gasped out as he felt hands roam over him. They stopped immediately and looked at him in concern. "Why are you acting like you want me all of a sudden? You made it quite clear in the Garden you didn't want me." Adam felt the hurt, bitterness, and self-loathing seep into his body.
They were quiet for a moment before he felt a clawed hand pull his face down to Lucifer's level. "Adam, we never wanted you to feel that way and we're sorry we did. We wanted you with us, but the moment we tried, Michael banned us from the Garden." Lucifer explained.
"Everything happened so fast," Lilith added. "And by the time we were banished to Hell, we had already lost you."
Adam refused to cry. What if this was a lie to lead him into a false sense of security? He had to be resilient. He had to be strong-willed. But as he felt hands caress him so lovingly, Adam felt himself melting. God forgive him, but he was a sucker for touch.
The next few months were filled with confusion and longing. He didn't trust Lucifer and Lilith but they were the only ones keeping him safe from the dangers of Hell. What if he refused them too much and he was kicked out of their home?
So when Lilith kissed his cheek, it took all of his self-control to not run away. She looked deep into his eyes and she frowned.
"I'm sorry. I went too far. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She didn't try to kiss him again but she also didn't stop saying she loved him. Neither of them did.
Slowly, but surely, Adam realized they weren't just keeping him as some sort of sick entertainment. No one could be this good at acting and not show any tells.
So, Adam allowed them to touch him. He allowed them to give him presents instead of refusing them. He allowed them to say the words, "I love you."
And one day, he said it back. Two years. It took him two years of them consistently loving him unconditionally, but when they ate breakfast together and Lucifer gave him some pancakes to eat, his favorite, the Devil told Adam that he loved him.
Asam smiled with a blush staining his cheeks and shyly replied, "I love you, too." Lucifer dropped his syrup and Lilith choked on her tea. "What?" Lucifer asked in a small voice.
"I love you. Both of you."
Lilith smiled and hugged him close while Lucifer teared up and clung to his side. "We love you. We love you so much, Adam."
Adam didn't notice the obsession growing in their eyes. He didn't notice how they held him possessively, demon features poking out. He just felt safe and protected.
"Are you sure this looks good on me? I'm not exactly...the right shape to be wearing this." Adam mumbled, embarrassed. He was wearing a short gold dress that hugged his chubby figure. Three years in Hell and he put on some weight from the treats and gifts through food he was given. He was by no means obese, but he was definitely chubby. He also grew more demonic, his soul becoming corrupted due to being exposed to Hell for so long. He now resembled a ram, with small curly horns, a fluffy black tail, hooves, and ram ears. Ears that Lucifer and Lilith loved playing with.
"Oh, Adam. You look beautiful no matter what size you are." Lilith said as she applied makeup to her lover. Adam smiled, blushing deeply at her comment.
"I agree. Besides, it just means more to hold." Lucifer said with a smirk before caressing a hand over his love handles. Adam squeaked and swatted his hand playfully.
They were getting ready for a big party. A party that was officially introducing Adam as the King and Queen of Hell's Consort. They wanted him to be their Queen as well, but Adam pointed out that was not how the ruling system worked. He read up on the ways of Hell's hierarchy and he did not want anyone rioting because the system wasn't being followed.
"This was the system you made, might I add," Adam said when Lucifer just said they could change it. "We want them to accept me. Not be angry because you don't follow your own rules."
They finally agreed to Adam being their Consort before making sure they knew he was still important and not less than them just because he wasn't a Queen with Lilith.
Adam honestly didn't care as long as he spent all his time with his lovers.
They walked into the Palace's ballroom where all of Hell's most important figures danced or talked with each other. They looked up and bowed before the King and Queen, but looked at Adam, confused as to why a sheep demon was walking alongside the most important figures in Hell.
"Everyone. Might I have your attention?" Lucifer said, gaining the room's attention. He brought Adam forward as he blushed under the attention. "This is Adam. He is Lilith's and mine's Consort." Several gasps had filled the room and some really looked at Adam, sizing him up.
Adam tried not to squirm under their piercing gaze.
"Now, if anyone has a problem, I don’t give a shit," Lucifer said with a grin. "Let the party begin!"
Adam was having fun! He danced with Lilith and Lucifer, ate good food, and even talked with some of the Hellborn Aristocrats but found them a bit judgemental.
It was a quarter to midnight when it happened. Adam was drinking some champagne and relaxing in a chair when he heard voices behind him.
"He doesn't look very pretty next to them. Far too fat next to the King and Queen of Hell."
"And so plain! Even makeup can't fix a fatass. A pig in a dress is still a pig."
"Do you think they even have sex with him?"
"Do you think he breaks the bed?"
Chuckles and whispers filled Adam's ears and he felt himself blush in shame. He knew it. He didn't deserve to stand next to demons so pretty and powerful.
"Adam? What's wrong?" Lucifer asked as he sat down next to him. "Nothing. Want to dance?" Adam tried to change the subject. He should have known Lucifer knew him too well to be swayed.
"Adam. You can tell me." Adam didn't say anything but Lucifer must have caught the whispering. His eyes turned red and he looked five seconds away from tearing them apart.
"Lucifer. Let it go. I don't want you killing them." Adam said firmly. Lucifer looked ready to argue but reluctantly agreed. "Fine. I won't kill them. But I want you to come with me." Adam was led away to a spare bedroom, but not before a quick mind message to Lilith was made.
'Some scum are insulting Adam. Take out the trash.'
Lilith smirked as an image of the demons responsible for making her lamb cry was revealed. She gently excused herself from the demon she was talking to before making her way over to the demons laughing in a corner. Time to make a public example.
Everyone turned when they heard screams fill the ballroom. They turned to see Lilith holding three decapitated heads in one gloved hand. She was smiling and looked at everyone as if she hadn't just brutally killed three powerful members of the Goetia Household.
"Now, these three died because they insulted my Consort. That simply won't do." She burnt the corpses and the heads in purple fire. "Anyone who insults my Consort will suffer the same fate. Are we clear?"
Everyone was quick to give them their reply while she laughed. "Wonderful! Have you tried the cake? Simply divine!"
"Ah~!" Adam moaned as he felt fingers dig into his hair and pull. He was always sensitive to touch like this.
"My beautiful lamb, I love you and your body." Lucifer purred and Adam moaned when a kiss was placed on his cheek. "Say you're the cutest lamb, my love. Say it."
"I'm the cutest lamb!" Adam cried when his neck was bitten. "Good boy~."
Lilith had told him that she had killed the demons who hurt Adam and even showed an image of their burnt ashes before it was cleaned up along with their blood.
No one could hurt Adam. No one.
"Ready to get out of this dress, my little lamb?"
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