#blablabla let's be honest
burninblood · 6 months
guys, I sense a lot of tension about this whole buckynat situation XD ... there is even some hate going on on "X" saying they should have stayed broken and stuff... and, listen, I understand, this kind of reunion wasn't what we was hoping for after all these years (10 years?!?!) and of course we had better scenarios in our mind and we were hoping for more good character work (or any characters work at all!), and we want to hear Nat's version (eheh) and these writers are, let's say, uhm, not so good...
these are american superhero comics for you in 2024. No greatly written for most part, action focused all the time, little or not at all character development, aiming to reach big sales or them get cancelled, flowing with the MCU synergy and stuff. And I tell you as someone who has read comics her whole life (and I had a loooong life, ok XDDD): bad moments in comics come and go, and poor characters run through a lot of shitty writing, and this happens all the time.
Are Lanzing and Kelly good writers? No. HELL NO.
Do I think Cold War was the worst thing written in the media in the maybe last 5 years? YES with a cherry on top! 100% YES.
Is Thunderbolts a good mini series? ... Well, not really. Better than SOL and CW, but still, we're not quite there yet. It was basically random, with a stretched plot that I can't even recall, and really not a team book since it doesn't focused on any of its characters for real. 'Cause you know, I said it before: no character work, just action action and more action.
Is Bucky written by L&K good? No. He isn't. But to be honest he wasn't good in a lot of other comics too, sadly. He has been worse, he has been better. He will improve at some point, that's the cycle.
All this said, am I happy they brought buckynat back? YES. I AM SUPER HAPPY 'cause it opens for possibility!!!
If they gain some more audience as a couple there are more opportunities for them to get more exposure, to be feautured into other comics (in the current cap run written by Straczynski for example?) more and better content, not only together but on their own too! I think them both didn't have a good comic since... 2018??? Nat even earlier probalby, but it's important they somehow stay relevant in the stories 'cause this is how this whole circus works (sad): the characters who sell better get more stories, more comics, better comics from better writers (... hopefully!)! It's bad, but that's the comic market guys.
Idk, it just feels so sad to me that we have waited for so long for buckynat reunion and when it happened finally it left us with just a bittersweet aftertaste... I think this is inevitable 'cause we had so many hopes and we pushed it bigger than life into our heads, and this is reality XD...But realistically speaking, I was never expecting their reunion to be that different from what we got in the end.
It's good to be disappointed, it's right, but let's turn this into a good occasion then, let's try to stay positive and maybe try to exorcise the bad in it by taking a creative angle on the matter: let's write meta about Natasha's pov, let's write fics, let's do edits, fanarts, let's discuss it. But wishing it never happened and dragging them badly...
I know we all feel like they deserved better, and I agree, but let's consider this just THE BEGINNING. It's a starting point and we should keep our fingers crossed for something good to come!
Let's not give up!!!
I'm sorry if this is so long and a whole lot of useless blablabla bhubhubhu, but some of the stuff I'm reading around is starting to be really depressing and a bit too negative considergin the whole situation, and it's a shame 'cause I feel like we should be at least a tiny bit happier here around <3 :D
Let me know what you think of all this mess (or not, lmao) if you want! <3
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rosecrystal · 1 month
it feels so weird to write about this to you because i made fun of your dumb anons countless times but my god you are someone who has some real and working brain cells so please bear with me for five minutes. So. I had this online friend for 11 years now. We pretty much grew up together lmao. Well. Lately i feel some... flirting when we talk. She told me she wanted to kiss me once when she was very drunk. Our "lets move abroad together and have a shitty small apartment together!! #girls" fantasies suddenly became hey wouldnt it be funny if we got married in europe. And babes i cant tell you how much i hate it. I do not have any feelings for her romantically, fuck i am SO BAD with romantic relationship stuff that even thinking about this makes me want to ghost her after 11 fucking years of geniunely amazing friendship. I know i should bring it up to her but i also know its gonna go TERRIBLY because she cannot handle rejection well like at all. The worst of it all is she got a very good job recently and shes planning to come visit me during the winter. Ive been just dodging any talks about her visit and saying well let me figure out my grad school stuff and my job stuff and my moving houses stuff blablabla but i know i Have to say something very soon. Please for the love of god look at this from an outsider perspective and give me at least a bit of advice i am willing to be the clown of the day. What do i do. What do i say.
Helloo anon the i am willing to be the clown of the day part is so funny to me but this is definitely a complicated situation um my 2 cents are that you guys should have a serious talk about this (duh) if you want to salvage your friendship because if you’re already walking on eggshells and avoiding her then your friendship is doomed to begin with. Even if she can’t handle rejection well it is up to you to be honest with her about your feelings and intentions to avoid hurting her/leading her on. I just feel like honesty is an act of love and the biggest favor you can do to another person, how they deal with it is up to them and not up to you anymore. Consider either having a video call or you guys could even talk face to face when she comes to see you (if she’s coming to see you as a friend). Maybe talk to her about what her expectations for visiting you are (eg. maybe shes excited to see and explore the city where you live or she wants to hang out with you etc) and that might give you an idea of how to handle the situation. Wish you luck!🍀
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 8 months
S5 predictions cus I saw someone else do it
Dustin or Steve dies, idk man it just feels like if someone is gonna die (because let’s be honest with ourselves there’s NO WAY EVERYONE survives) it would be one of them, and as much as I want Steve to live and be his own person and be happy and blablabla the love triangle their setting up and how he’s obviously NOT over Nancy worries me a bit
On a more serious note I think the other party members parents are gonna have to be let in on what’s happening, ESPECIALLY with the stuff the Hawkins gang pulled last season, I think that the Wheelers(maybe Mrs Henderson as well) might get a bit more protective/over bearing with their kids, possibly making it harder to plan and do things
Sortve romcom-y but I think Will’s gonna get hit on by girls 🖐️
Eleven being the one to break up with Mike (or propose the break up) but it being a more mutual thing
Mike not being mad(?) about the painting, but more confused and sad, like “why would you lie to me?” It may come across as anger in Will’s POV but I genuinely believe Mikes more- confused about it
El talking to Max through the void/searching for Max in the void
Max waking up generally earlier in the season
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ariscats · 1 year
Jameson Hawthorne POV in The Brothers Hawthorne, why so different?
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl who dint liked or enjoyed jamesons pov in the new book, the brothers hawthorne, as it felt “rushed” or “flat” to some ppl, and im not here to try to change or fight w you, only to explain why it felt like this.
If you just want the reason, its bc the emotional side of Jameson wasnt worked with bc it wasnt necessary to the purpose of the book and the new triology, but there is an explanation for this.
First of all, Jamesons character already went thought his character arc in the main triology, so when JLB was writing his pov, she dint “care” at all for his emotions, only on the characters on his plot line. Its hard to say now as the new triology (the grandest game) isnt out yet but you cannot say that the characters on jamesons game (the adult ones) wont appear again, JLB let too many open windows to not.
We also have to understand that TBH wasnt necessarily a book on its own in question of character and plot ( i swear to god the day i find the mtf that said it was ok to sell TBH as a standalone) but a rl long prologue to the new saga, so my theory is that when TGG come out, jameson plot line will make much more sense as it will actually have some use.
In my opinion, this is what JBL needed to do, and was thinking, when she wrote the book:
- need to finish grayson character arc as it will be essential to the next saga (he’ll be one of the mc there)
- need to introduce the characters from the Devils Mercy and their secrets as we’ll need to already know they exist for The Grandest Game
In conclusion, Jamesons pov dint rl need its emotional part bc, theoretically, that part was already finished in the main saga. Was it rl finished? For the purpose of what we were presented in tig (the trauma of his relasionship w emily) yes. (but it was rl funny how she wrote 3 book abt jameson and grayson trauma w emily only to mention it twice in flashbacks on their books)
But for the purpose of his family trauma? his so called granddaddy issues? no. So JBL needed to fix that, but i think its clear that she prioritized the plot over his family (mother and fathers side) problems, but that can also be explained.
JBL needed to write two very different plot lines with as little pages as she could, bc lets be honest, no ones wants to read +500 pages books, specially coming from the TIG universe, that is sold as a fast read bc of its short chapters. That means she needed to present all of the things that will be important to the next book AND she needed to finish Grayson character arc as 1- itll be important to the next book 2- there as a popular request to it since THL, and it grew so much after TFG, she just needed to work a LOT w him and w that, jameson got put aside and his pov often felt more of an observer than a character.
honestly? i dont think its that bad as ppl are talking, i see and understand the reasons that ppl dint liked it but i spend to much time overanalyzing it to not like it.
not relevant to this post but if you read until here just be aware that the understanding i have for jameson “hate” in TBH, i dont have for whoever is talking abt my n1 girl Avery Grambs. Im sorry if you thought she was “boring” in this book, again this is your opinion and blablabla and genuine not trying to offend you, but she wasnt. im sorry, she just wasnt, it was simply not her book.
and again this isnt an insult to ANYONE, dont feel offended by anything i said, im not trying to change your mind or fight w you.
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my-mt-heart · 4 months
The title will always be a no no for me. It's just ridiculous with the subtitle. And what about S3? Carol will disappear again even in the subtitle and get replaced with what? Norman posted pics with Raise The Dead while filming for S1. Even if they never wanted Melissa on the show, going from the first Spin Off to the Double Dick Spin Off is an insult. Not just to her but also to everyone who wanted the first show to happen. (Yes, I view them as separate shows and concepts. The original SO died as soon as Melissa was out)
Let's be honest. It was never supposed to be a one man show until it was and he even said on a talk show he wanted a title like batman or spiderman. He said it. Only weeks after Melissa was out. They strung her along during negotiations only to replace the title after she was on board.
Yes, give a couple more interviews stating it was always the plan. Yes, say a few more times more how much you enjoyed working with her. It's only blablabla. Actions scream louder than words, especially when you're dumb enough to say in an interview that making the show without your buddy Nicotero was a dealbreaker. We know what wasn't a dealbreaker, throwing away your co star and naming the show after yourself. But of course, it was stated that some people are only actors who appear on set without any saying. At least they should try to be consistent while lying.
The og spinoff and the DD/TBOC spinoff are two different concepts, developed by two different showrunners. Any attempt to convince us otherwise is just word vomit. We know what we had. We know what we lost. We were there. I don't want to get into the weeds of what Norman did/didn't do right now because there are more pieces to the puzzle than just him, but I do think it would benefit him and everyone else greatly if he could just stop bringing up what happened all together. Let's just move forward, you know?
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katyspersonal · 4 months
Finally deleted all of his music tracks from my devices. Surprised that there were so many.. and frustrated that one of them I helped to edit and three of them exist only thanks to me, too.
When we first split it was because I wasn't able to take all the abuse, belittling and neglect anymore. He was trying his hardest to convince me that I needed him and my life would be ruined if I left him, but when I was unyielding and stood on the ground that even that would be better than taking it any longer, the mask finally cracked and he begged me to not go admitting it was his life that'd be meaningless without me.. I still left him, because I could tell he hated me as a person but convinced himself that no one else would "tolerate and accept" him. If I had a nickel for every time I became too close with this kind of man I'd have two nickels blablabla
I still sorta watched from the shadows through a shared friend. I hate forcing my friends to cut ties with my abusers if they seek help and try to improve.. and he did. Past the point he escaped his own abusive house (we talk 'his own brother tried to kill him and his mom never cared and blamed him' level), he started to learn and improve, and more importantly, found new friends! It is crucial that this sort of people has a network of people that can scold them instead of latching on the first person with 0 self-respect! I could see the improvement, and a lot of that was owed to that shared friend.
But what really held me was his music. Regardless of everything he said and did in the past, there was unmistakable sincerity in his music. I was always thinking, "a bad person could not write this". There was a person with very keen and tender feelings in it, the one ruined and led astray by bad events and people. I think that no matter how much this wretched world corrupts people, the person they were meant to be had the living not been so cursed can yet live in their creativity.
I returned in the end, after a long time. And things were better, really. This time, though, he was the one to throw me away like trash over a really dumb conflict he started. Despite everything, I still haven't learned to stay away from kind of people that separates people between 'people' and 'NPCs'. I just... let them single me out as 'special'. And let myself get attached even though it should be obvious that this special treatment only lasts until I meet these expectations. That the "I like how you always have your opinion and can disagree" is only until I disagree on their terms. That "I want you to be honest, no matter how ugly the truth is" is only until that ugly truth is the part of their twisted self-image as a tragic, self-vindicating figure. And the worst part is that while me and him were apart, I was in close proximity with a shockingly similar person. They basically were like twins.
I don't know where I was going with this vent. But I can't forgive just being thrown away after so many promises of helping. It now feels like he never wanted to be friends again after all, but just felt in debt and needed to "compensate" to me to be a good person. So as soon as like, one moment made me "a woke NPC" I was no longer entitled to compassion. I should stay away from people that sees "us or them", but at the same time people who don't do that are lazy pacifist fence-sitters with no ideals... who are the right people to stick with, then? At the very least, I no longer care about his music, or feel any sentimental value to anything he's done now.
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insectgf · 10 months
Hiiii!!! Not to invade your ask box; but I was wondering more about your views on Rhine & Dani’s dynamic/relationship?? Like how you think it’ll play about, your headcanons, theories, etc,,,,,
I know you’ve went over it before; but it’s actually one of my fav things ever and I really love the way that isn’t just the basic ‘oh ya they hate each other ’ dynamic most other people interpret it as— and I really love it💜💜
OMG MONARD UR NEVER INVADING!!!! i read ur ask while sitting in my lecture and i couldn’t stop thinking about it.
so basic disclaimer: i treat rhinedottir and dainsleif like my ocs so everything here is cannon only in my heart. feel free to agree/disagree just be nice. also sorry for any misspelling i don’t have dyslexia im just stupid and english is my third language blablabla LETS GO
before i can talk about their dynamic i will give a rundown on my own interpretation of the two characters.
we know basically nothing about rhine so i went crazy in my head with ideas. one thing im certain about is that she’s the royal alchemist, i can also image her being some sort of wunderkind and extremely hard working/determined. in my head she also DIDNT invent the art of khemia, she merely mastered it. i think alchemy is as old as teyvat itself, together with the idea of creating life forged by human hand. kehmia is popular in khaenriah because well….those mole people live underground and how else will you feed your people.
(sorry for drifting of (it will happen again))
so we have rhine, an extremely hard working prodigy, in the field of alchemy/science in general probably. i think it is also important to differentiate between pre cataclysm and post cataclysm rhine and dain.
i can imagine pre cataclysm rhine being a somewhat normal person. as normal as she can be anyways, she fits into the eccentric crazy scientist stereotype but she isn’t socially incompetent or anything like that. she laughs, she jokes, she relaxes and she obsesses.
post cataclysm rhine lost herself and everything she stood for in that war. the only thing she has left is her obsessive nature.
in my mind i can also image that the royal alchemist stands very high in the social hierarchy.
and that’s where dainsleif comes in!!
dain too is a prodigy, just in fighting and strategies. he doesn’t look old to me? he was already the knight captain of the royal guard, and he’s like…barley 35 in my eyes.
SO two prodigies meet, they both excel in different areas in their life. what happens? they don’t care for eachother.
rhine who can’t do a push up vs dain who doesn’t know how to synthesis anything.
to be honest, i don’t think they were paired up to like balance each other out. i can image them meeting occasionally on dains rounds. they are a constant in eachothers life’s, but do they talk? rarely.
because they don’t have anything in common.
i feel like rhine would be someone who was against rigid structures and rules, since she was constantly breaking the rules of celestial (not being permitted to great (human) life), and probably the king too (that one is more secretly done but she still does it in my heart).
so when dainsleif bows down to her she’s just laughing it off. it’s silly because they are the same age!! and just because she does alchemy somewhat well doesn’t mean she deserves all the respect in the world!!
and now! post cataclysm!
dainsleif failed his country. the twilight sword could not protect those he swore to protect. dain i think was conditioned from an early age to be ready to die for his people and just the fact that he’s immortal hurts more because of that.
rhine is the opposite. death is too easy, everyone can die but life is the truly hard challenge. to live for something.
i also like to think that rhine is actually somewhat open going with information. ofc dangerous/important thing she doesn’t tell but like if someone came up to her to ask her to explain smth she would do it. information is power and to gatekeep information from a certain group of people is not right.
so in that sense rhine talking to herself and rambling is something dainsleif actually copied from her post cataclysm 😭 like he’s constantly lore dropping,,,just like rhine. because he agrees! information shouldn’t be kept away!
I think it’s really complex and contradictory in on itself. we know dain joined the abyss order at least for a certain time (i assume) and i think that’s something rhine would be against. yes she likes the abyss and uses the concisenesses inside to fulfill her vessels. no she would never worship a huge glowing rock. she DID NOT declare war against GODS and CELESTIA just to bow down to anything ever again. so she judges him for that decision for sure
i don’t think that dainsleif could even bring himself to hate rhine for what she did. he’s a protector of the people, even if his people did wrong.
yes, he’s wary of her. yes, he’s even scared of her and her power. yes, he thinks the art of khemia should have never been studied the way it was.
no, he doesn’t love her. no, he doesn’t like her.
yes, he would obey every order she gives him.
rhine being the highest ranking khaenrian running around is such a funny image like girl who gave u all that authority….
i think it’s also interesting how the kheanriahn people are still there and still live there but we still haven’t really see any kheanrianhs. (why is that so hard to spell like what)
clothar left because of his son caribert, pierro left to do whatever he’s doing, dainsleif is filled with guilt and probably doesn’t think he’s capable of protecting anyone and rhine is out there….being a menace.
i think also that rhine and dainsleif trust eachother to a degree but to a weird one.
yes dainsleif trusts her with his life, no he doesn’t trust her word.
same with rhinedottir, she’s like somewhere high up and she just goes „catch me!“ and then she just jumps down no matter how far away he is 😭 has he ever failed? nah!!!
but when she asks him about the abyss order she just knows he’s not telling the full truth. she can’t judge him tho, since she’s also a lying liar.
we know that also being alive for so long comes with erosion and that dainsleif has probably lost a good chunk of his memory, but even tho he’s borderline senile he still recognised albedo as rhinedottirs. like the star mark gives it away and dainsleif remembers, that’s her mark. she’s still alive. she’s still creating.
so yeah, dainsleif is ready to stop albedo should the time come, but would he stop rhinedottir? no
he wasn’t able to stop her back then, even though he saw all the warning sings, even tho pierro warned them all. and even now he wouldn’t be able to.
because dainsleif apparates on muscle memory and its ingrained into every fiber of his body to obey the royal alchemist.
i think also pierro and rhine dynamic would be interesting but more in a comedic way
pierro, near his retirement: you should stop with the path you’re on. you will call on the rage of celestia
rhinedottir, who has never passed a psych evaluation or sports test in her life: i can take the archons and celestia in a fight
so yeah that’s my take on them. no they aren’t in love and no they don’t hate eachother. but they are one of the few constants they have left and one thing both are good at it clinging what belongs to them. they have something weird going on in that sense that dain can’t help his guard dog nature and rhine can’t send him away.
i also think they are gossip buddies like dain RAN to rhine when he found out clothar died and that kaeya is in mondstadt. he probably also told her about halfdan and the abyss order trying to purify with the water. rhine furisly writing everything down so she’s doesn’t forgets
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dissvicious · 7 months
Your playlists make me think that Rory is most definetly the type of guy who’d claim that mashups like the following are crude and unnecessary as well as an insult to classical music and art and yadda yadda blablabla… but he would absolutely jam out in private to it because let’s be honest this slaps:
Oh yeah totally. Picture this :
Blaze listen to this music really loud on the Bigtop headbanging "YO BRO YOU WERE RIGHT CLASSIC MUSIC IS RAD AS SHIT", Skye midly enjoy, Rory is all grumpy in a corner like an edgy kid "grmblblbl you don't understand what music is you stupid ignorant.... my ears are bleeding... I was born in the wrong generation..." etc etc
alone in his workshop he tries to listen it again.
"..... .... ... God above, this is, indeed, rad as shit."
Blaze suddenly triumphaly enters the room "KNEW IT!!!!"
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curlyhairedprince · 2 years
to be honest though, I don’t understand why it’s a bad thing that people change their minds/look at the situation differently than they did a few years ago? the concept of a weak larrie is baffling to me because?? why does it matter what anyone else thinks if we know they’re together? is it really so necessary? I know they’re together, I don’t NEED anyone else to think that for my viewpoint to make sense to me. maybe we should just chill the f out and let people make up their own minds. I feel like this fandom would be a much better, more fun space if we all just accepted that we all see things from different perspectives and don’t have to agree 100% of the time.
I dont care about if people are larries or not, but what I do care about is if people start talking shit about one of them, cause that is what happens in 99% of the cases when someone unlarries, they suddenly hate one of them and talk about how awful larries are and oh my god i cant believe i was ever that stupid blablabla, so I wanna know that, cause I simply dont wanna see that bs
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 years
Christmas fic Day 5: DeuJade
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This little one-shot begins when Deuce accidentally writes a love letter instead of a letter of challenge and puts it in Jade's locker. This may caused some misunderstandings, bits of chaos, shinnanigas blablabla..
And all work out when Ace, Yuu, Jack, and Epel shoved both Jade and Deuce in the closet to clear out the misunderstanding, well it was Ace's idea after all.
Now let's go!
The scene revealed Jade with Deuce in his house at the Queendom of Roses, they were just finished eating at the cafe and now both of them were walking down the district of said Queendom.
Right now both of them are shopping for clothes and Deuce has a really hard time choosing what was good for him, the calm eel noticed this and gave him a black jacket with dark blue sleeves and gold details, the blue haired haired boy saw it and gasp softly "I-is that for me?" He said softly"I noticed that you we're struggling, so this is for you." The calm eel said with a smile on his face.
Both of them have bought the jacket and went back to Deuce's home. It was snowing now and the Coral Sea is going to freeze.
Currently both of them were chilling at said house and the fireplace was on, so it was cozy.
The calm eel was reading a book about different kinds of mushrooms and stuff like that until the dark blue haired boy was sleeping on his shoulder while the hot chocolate was on the coffee table.
Jade noticed it and put away the book to admire the Deuce's face.
To be honest Deuce was cute in Jade's opinion, but his sleeping face was just make him even cuter.
He took a deep breath and took Deuce's chin and and with no hesitation he kissed him, the dark blue haired boy woke up from his sleep and with more passion the latter was expecting. Deuce gasped, giving Jade the opportunity to slip his tongue inside the dark blue haired boy's warm and inviting mouth. The dark blue haired boy felt his face flushed, and couldn’t resist releasing a moan at Jade’s aggressiveness. His body lost all of its stiffness and turned limp at the touch of the cam eel's lips and tongue.
Just when it was getting good the calm eel separated himself from the dark blue haired boy, his own face flushed and hot from the intense kissing he initiated. Deuce plop himself unto Jade's eel wanting more pleasure.
Jade chuckle at the dark blue haired boy's intentions. "Don't worry, we continue tonight my dear." He said.
❃The End❃
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f0xd13-blog · 11 months
Like a jew pretty much looks like a seth or an MJF let's ne honest plenty are mixed blood blablabla but there's like this weird pattern of seeing jewish israeliti people looking hmm ukranian
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kkumahearts · 1 year
february 13, 2023
i haven’t updated since december… oops! so many things have happened since then. this is so weiiird!
maybe a month and a half ago philip dmed me blablabla chicken and rice blablabla and we got food. it was cute and we walked around a lot. i've also realized i don't enjoy processing feelings i think i tend to ignore them until they go away or just mold into me. anyways and then new years eve happened and he asked me to come over and we could go to a party. he was like i wanna see you again and all that. i took half an edible and he was kinda fucked bc he took a full one and had a brownie and some shots. the party was literally all upper classmen and i was sooo out of my element. we sat on a bench literally the entire time after he talked to a bunch of guys. oh yeah also!! man party!! ratio was 3:1 guys and girls. so i was REALLY out of my element. and since i was so out of it i started drinking those seltzers like crazy. i had like five like wayyy too many definitely not one my brightest choices. but what can i say. i kissed his cheek somewhere along the night and he said oh u wanna kiss and then kissed me. super messy kisser btw. after that i mean there was the new years kiss duh and emma was texting calling omg my dad called and i was like bruh and also texted perfect viet to him like i was genius in that moment my brain was working so hard.
emma swooped in and i bonked my head on the car. seriously not one my best moments because i kept saying bye to philip and he was really fucking high and emma thought he was pissed. jack and julia were there. oh and before he came to pick me up from beas to go to the party and his house before. i was hyperventilating in the house and jack was like "just go with the flow...?" and i was like ARGHHHAAAHHHHHHHH
wow this is gonna be one long ass entry. anyways. we meet twice after that. the next time i just go to his house for a little. i bussed and we walk his dog enzo who really hates going on walks like the amount of resistance that dog put up was crazy. and then i laid in his bed which made him hop over and cuddle me from the back. and then we lay there and talk for a little but its mostly him talking bc my brain goes blank when i talk to him. he told me so much about farm subsidies. i like the way he thinks.
and then i was like i gotta go philip! and he was like just let me kiss u first ;DDD and i was like yo. this crazy. and it was like heavy we had to take pauses to breathe and i was breathing all over his neck god i rly like his neck. i kept telling him youre so messy and he was like giggle giggle "youre...not" and then he walked me back to beas and i waited for my mom and then bea came rolling up blasting music in her car.
this is literally a whole ass essay but i feel like i should update. i think i use this blog to vent mostly so when i look back at it itll just be depressing. why do i even care if its long... not like future amy will gaf. anyways i was prepared for that to be the last time i saw him for a while because mr is in eugene. but i was talking to emma and mimi and they were like amy there is a whole ass four days we can make this happen!~~ and i was like ur right.... let me beg my parents!! there was tiny drama bc we couldnt go with bea and julia to the market and they ignored us when we waved but moving on...
and then i got to his houseyyyyy and i was so super nervous and emma and mimi were hypign me in the car. i had to be back at like eight so we were on a tight sched. i think he led me up the stairs and held my shoulders but I'm gonna be honest i don't remember. anyways i brought him canes and he put that in the kitchen and we went upstairs and just sit on the bed... and i was like do you wanna eat? like the food is there lets go and he was like nope no no nah nah no. and then i was like okay.... idk put in some filler sentences there and then he said "i feel like i should make a move..." and i said "no pressure...i mean i can make a move... nobody needs to be making moves here.." and then he kissed me while we sat on the edge of the bed. then he takes off his shirt and he's like smirking and in my head im like this has rly escalated.. and we fuuuuucc ccccccckkkkkkk. i’m happy my first time was with him, and it was perfect. we were laughing and silly and he was oh so cute. i am too lazy to. continue updating bc i have memories so it’s not necessary.
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monstersqueen · 3 years
i’m having so much gaara/naruto feels
#myposts#writing the suna chunin exams AU#and trying to get into naruto and touch#(and how gaara has basically teh same issues) and i'm overcome BY THAT FUKCKING HANDSHAKE#yeah sure peace between rival villages#yeah sure naruto acknowledged by a kage#blablabla let's be honest#this is about two kids who understand the issues the other have with connecting better than anyone else can)#it's a good ship really#and in that au they didn't fight?#but naruto is just as important to gaara as he is in canon?#i don't think he's gonna inspire gaara to become kazekage#gaara's proabbly going to stop the mindless killing on his own#because it was never who he was#and look for naruto#he was never looked at as his own person as A REAL PERSON A KID#until he started figthing and bleeding for the people around him#but here gaara is looking at him and.#this time naruto didn't even fight him to the death and cry for him?#it's mind boggling for him#(and also. once more i get where naruhina comes from because.#this too is valid for hinata?#naruto might not know it but he was important to her BEFORE he fought for her#and like. i think right i really want that for him#kiddo never had friends or family he didn't have to do miracles for before being accepted#after that many people are ready to protect him and make sure he doesn't take the whole world on his shoulders!#(gaara keeping him away from the war. sakura desperately trying to take away from him the promise he made her#etc)#at some level he must still think that if he doesn't manage to be strong enough to protect them#he doesn't deserve their love and will lose it
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sophiathebanished · 3 years
“I may have not gone to Yale, but I ain’t stupid!”
*I say as I wear the jacket Steve Harrington wears, he didn’t even make it into tech btw*
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
witches in the demon world - part 1
A preface. A brief story of everything.
I'll add more details regarding their powers, their society's functioning, their customs and their relations with other clans in the future
tw: mentions of violence and sa
There are female witches and male witches, let's start with that.
The term "witch" is gender-neutral but when they refer to each other they prefer to be a little bit more specific and actually use the names and titles corresponding to their roles in the coven/community.
Men and women don't live together - most of the time. It is under some specific conditions and on rare occasions that they must choose living together.
And regarding the non-binary/genderfluid witches, they have a total personal right to decide with whom they prefer to live (as every witchling is born and raised among female witches because it is part of their traditions). But generally, they stay with the women.
However, let's also mention that community life isn't mandatory or anything. Many witches can choose to go solo, to seclude themselves from their coven.
But we'll come back on these later.
What we need to remember is:
They spend their existence hiding to survive.
In the human world, they've always been the target of hatred. the GOAT of the scapegoats-
Obviously, we think about the witch hunts but let's be formal on this: it did not start in the Middle Ages. It has always existed somehow. (moreover, the frenzy around witch hunts occurred during the Renaissance, not the Middle Ages. Yes, when Humanism was the philosophical stance and was supposed to 'focus and emphasise on the human beings and their rights over the physical and metaphysical and blablabla' hypocrites as always).
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Humanity built its survival on this evident, strong, natural fear of what is unknown
you're wary of what you have never seen before
you're in awe in front of what cannot be explained by the rule of God
you reject what doesn't find an answer, a result in the laws of nature or physics. you detest what you can't name.
So how can someone explain the very existence of magic? When they're alone to wield it, to understand it. They can't explain why.
But they know how.
And this simple ability makes them the most dangerous and beautiful living thing.
Therefore, you understand that at all times, the only solution witches had found was to hide. Then leave.
That's what they had to do in order to stay alive. Free.
No one can clearly tell when the first exodus happened. Every tale has its own story: the place they fled and the haven they found, those who helped and those who didn't.
Some manuscripts and other apocryphal texts mention a big exodus in ancient Mesopotamia as it is also the civilisation that recorded the earliest examples of magical performances.
However we also have this strange parchment dating from the Greek Dark Ages - difficult to decipher, it recounts a fateful night: priestesses and sibyls were slaughtered by god knows who and for god knows the reason but what we know is that, fortunately, some were able to escape the bloodbath and find refuge in the mountains.
There is also this short bedtime story from the Baltics about those mysterious people who had to flee their land and hide somewhere under the ground. They took the Moon with them because the sun was too hot and too high to reach and they needed light beneath the earth. However, they felt bad for stealing. So after one long lunar eclipse, they decided to give the Moon back to the sky. But without the Moon near them - without the light, they were weak. Thus, just a few times in the month, they would steal it again. But just a piece. Just a quarter at a time so they could gradually cultivate its light. Cultivate its power and revive their energy then give it all back to Mother Night.
Sweet huh?
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But let's be honest, in the human world, they actually made quite a good job in concealing their powers and abilities. Most of the poor people who went to the stake were not even witches. Like, come on, they spent centuries perfecting their codes, their language, and their symbols in order to not be suspected of being the Devil's concubines or some other shit
Naturally, they wouldn't get caught so easily by some frustrated clergymen who were more interested in knowing how big Satan's cock was than trying to understand that women could use plants to create a poultice.
But what about life in the demon world? well.
The pros: There they are free to perform their rituals, worship their deities and practice their magic all they want. After all, the demon world's soils are imbued with magic and enchantments. Many living creatures *cough* Kino *cough* were born from mud, plants and magical residue. Every demon has a basic magical knowledge so witches could work with the weirdest spells, it would be technically ok.
Now what about the cons?
Racism, heavy discrimination and sexism, sometimes kidnapping, torture, and sexual assaults
Violence hit them hard.
Because if there is something demons are good at it's perpetrating stupid-ass traditions of male dominance, vile and undiluted violence over any community they'd consider weaker
Surprising coming from them huh?
Thereby what did they do when they tried to establish in the demon world and they got beaten up and used as pricey slaves because demons were just looking for some entertainment?
Bingo - they hid again.
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green-ame · 3 years
Recently I reread Mater arc and wanted to make post about Kanda and the ways he shows his care about others. It can also be counted as yullen post because in this arc lays foundation for their future dynamics.
Okay, I’m starting from the scene in mess hall, when Kanda confronts Finders about how their mourning for lost comrades ruin his appetite. (He is being asshole here, let’s be honest). Notice what he said to them:
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While sounding harsh it’s actually sincere advise coming from Kanda who, unlike them, can’t leave Order out of his own free will.
Allen interrupts, and Kanda tells he can die very soon here. Knowing his history, it’s kinda explains his behavior with Allen. Why become close with someone who can end up dead very soon? Kanda prefer to snap at people to keep them at arm length.
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(Also Kanda lied here. He never stopped using ‘Beansprout’ as nickname for Allen. What about hating the ones who don’t keep their promises, huh, Kanda? What a hypocrite).
Adding this panel with reaction to joined mission because it’s hilarious.
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Later on their way, after all his ‘blablabla, you will die soon’ Kanda still explains Allen things he doesn’t know about when he asks without much fuss. Don’t know why animators gave this scene to Toma instead.
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When they arrive to Mater, almost all Finders are dead. Kanda reminds Allen not to rely on him. He may sound cold and uncaring but I feel it’s actually opposite – he tells Allen to try and survive on his own, because Kanda can’t guaranty he can help him.
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He even observe Allen’s fight for a moment, before going to secure Innocence. And after what again reminded Allen what he can’t help him. But threw a last glance at him anyway. Obviously he was concerned.
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Kanda talks with Lala and Guzol. First he says bluntly he would prefer to take Innocence immediately but doesn’t do it after Lala’s plea. He even apologies to them.
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But after his encounter with level two he drastically change his mind and even angry at Allen for not doing it immediately. What happened? Kanda says it himself – circumstances. He himself badly injured, Allen is injured, even Toma. Yes, Kanda has some pity for Lala and Guzol but he prioritize his comrades survival. They still need to secure Innocence but trying to protect Lala and Guzol would make it harder, for Kanda it doesn’t worth risking their lives.
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He practically tells what to Allen. And Kanda himself is sacrifice Order was willing to make to save humanity. Unwilling sacrifice.
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But Allen is okay with being sacrifice. He volunteers. And it makes Kanda very-very angry. He wouldn’t be this angry if he didn’t care in first place. 
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I bet he hit a nerve here. Telling this to Kanda, who was sacrifice to win a war. Kanda, who never wanted to be one, and here’s Allen, who is ready to lay down his life willingly. That’s their fundamental difference, the point of their conflict.
Hence Kanda’s rage. He asking Allen if he don’t have anything worth living for.
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But he calms down pretty quickly hearing his answer. And listens Allen.
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He disagree with Allens’ views but at least he  acknowledge them.
Akuma attacks and Kanda visibly concerned about reckless Beansprout.
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Aaand he protects Allen. After he so loudly proclaimed he isn’t going to save him if something happens. Also, he really listened and now reminds Allen about his wish to protect Lala and Guzol.
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Look at this smile. Allen realizes Kanda cares, despite his speech about how he hates him.
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To the last scene. Kanda notices Allen’s depressed mood and suggest solution he can think of. Notice how he doesn’t insist here and being pretty considerate of Allen’s feelings.  No harsh words, no demands.  
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He even tries to console him, kinda, sharing his own philosophy. 
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Allen once again understands what Kanda trying to do and answers what by sharing his true feelings.
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And I think Kanda remembers his words  pretty well. At the end of Alma’s arc he says this:
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I don’t know japanese, but according to translate app his words also can be translated as ‘Because you were here I was saved’.  
TLDR: Kanda permanently angry at Allen because Allen is okay with sacrificing himself for other people’ sake. He can’t accept it because he, Alma, Marie were made to be sacrifices against their will. Kanda actually cares a lot and rejects Allen’s choice to always put himself in harm’s ways and not thinking about himself first.
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