nothingbizzare · 1 month
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Little sunshine
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barrel-crow-n · 4 months
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This scene >>>
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peachdues · 8 months
Thinking about tender, desperate, “I thought I lost you” sex with Kyojuro.
His arms are like vices around you, holding you so tightly it almost makes it difficult to breathe. He’s got his face pressed against your neck, in part because he just needs to be close to you, but also because he doesn’t want you to see the emotion brimming in his eyes; how scared he’d been when you hadn’t returned until days after you were expected, when he’d been nearly out of his mind with worry.
He starts out moving slow; deep. He’s taking his time because he can’t fathom rushing this intimacy with you — not when he’d been so scared that you would return under a white sheet, or not at all because there was nothing left of you to return. But the louder those intrusive thoughts become, the more frantic and desperate his movements are, until he’s moving in you without rhythm or thought; he’s driven only by the need to remind himself that you’re here, you’re safe and whole and his, at least until the next mission.
He’s supposed to pull out — he knows that. But he can’t fathom parting from you right then, and it seems neither can you, given how your legs lock tighter around his waist, your fingers twining in his hair to cement him closer to you. So damn the consequences; Kyojuro’s release slams into him the moment yours does, and as he’s pumping himself into you, he desperately wishes that perhaps his seed will take and you will bear his child — if only to make sure you retire and stay safe.
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nona-gay-simus · 7 months
Some days I truly feel like TLT has ruined... books for me. Like, I don't even like ACOTAR but I can think of at least four series that are basically ACOTAR with dragons, ACOTAR with gods, ACOTAR with vampires, ACOTAR with witches, and that's just off the top of my head.
But there's truly nothing out there that captures all or even some of the elements that enthralled me about TLT. The characters, the character dynamics, the magic system, the voice, the mix of science fiction and fantasy, the prose that knows exactly when to be funny and when to be serious, the queernorm world-building and variety of lesbian genders... It does not exist. Even if I find something with similar themes it will be bland fantasy voice and (most likely) boring straight ship of fem4fem.
It's even ruined audiobooks narrators because no one can compare to moira quirk and her sexy accent and wonderfully animated narration that makes the characters come to life.
And it makes me really sad to think i might never discover another series I love as much as this one. Not even close.
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Today is the last day of the Midnights era. She will be missed ❤️
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"Find me" is the most hauntingly romantic thing to say.
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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Geno by loverofpiggies
Reaper by renrink
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at-weeb96 · 26 days
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Some cutesy bubbline before bed 😘
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Bitter Sweet Symphony 1
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Thor
Summary: you meet a god in real life but he's not the saviour you think.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You catch Joanie by her knapsack before she can disappear into the crowd. Your heart lurches as you just picture her tiny stature getting lost in the New York crush. You pull her back to you. 
“Joan, take me hand,” you demand shakily. 
“Sorry, I thought I saw...” she begins then shakes her head. The cat ears on her hat wiggle. She grabs your hand with her small one and you squeeze. “Nothing. I’m just excited.” 
“You know mom would kill me if I lost you,” you draw her out of the way of another pedestrian. The man in his suit doesn’t spare you a single thought as he charges by. 
“Ha, I’m not going to get lost,” she insists. 
You grumble but don’t voice your anxiety. She’s young and it’s all so big and loud to her. She’s still to young to be scared. You admire your half-sister for that but it also fills you with dread. 
“I did!” She squeals and jumps in her pink high tops. “I saw him, I saw him.” 
She points and her hand bounces off the hip of a woman strutting by. You apologise and once more redirect your sister. You squint and search in the direction she pointed. Yellow taxis honk as they roll by and jay walkers dodge between them. 
“Thor!” Your sister hollers and hops up again, waving her hand. 
That’s when you see him. You don’t know how you missed him. There’s so much going on that all the buildings and bodies blend together. For as long as you’ve been in the city, you’re still not used to the chaos of it all. 
“Thor?” You echo her. 
“Duh! God of Thunder! He hangs out with Iron Man.” 
“Right,” you shepherd her back before she can get underfoot. “You know what mom says about talking to strangers.” 
“He’s not a stranger, he’s a hero.” She argues. 
“Maybe but I’m sure he’s just trying to live his life. He doesn’t look like he’s hero-ing right now, kiddo,” you chide. 
“But...” her face falls. “But we don’t have heroes at home! What if I never see another one again? I just wanna say hi.” 
“I know, Joan, but I...” you pause and glance back. There are others clustering around the tall man. He smiles and welcomes them as he greets them all graciously. You just hate to be in others way. You should have considered that before you moved to one of the most overcrowded places on earth. “Alright, but we’re going to go down and cross at the walk, right?” 
She harrumphs and agrees begrudgingly, “right.” 
You take her down the sidewalk, clamped onto her as you steer her around the New Yorkers trapped in the tunnel vision of their own existence. You get to the corner and wait and cross with a cluster. You glance down the pavement as Joanie squirms. 
“Oh no, I think he’s gone,” she whines. 
You look desperately ahead and grimace. You hope you didn’t ruin it for her. You drag her along, hoping that long blonde hair will pop up again. It doesn’t. You get to the exact place you spotted him. He’s not there. 
“I’m so sorry, Joanie. I just wanted to be safe.” You turn to her, your chest dropping. “I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine...” she drones and hangs her head. 
You stumble as a man knocks into your hip. You try to make yourself smaller but it’s hard to dodge anyone on the sidewalk even without a little extra cushion. You peer around and your eyes catch on the hanging sign of a bakery. 
“How about a treat instead? You love cupcakes, right?” You coax her. 
“Mm, I guess,” she shrugs. 
Her disappointment stings. You feel horrid. You know she’s going to hold onto this. 
“Come on, let’s get out of this,” you pull her to the bakery door.  
As you enter, you sigh. You’re happy to be free of the city crawl. You look up at the menu above the counter. You’ve never been in here before. It’s a nice place and the desserts look immaculate. They’re also expensive. 
“Look they have a unicorn--” You begin and Joanie rips her hand away as she wiggles. 
“He’s here!” She cries out. “It’s Thor.” 
Her voice carries across the space and you cringe and you look over to find the man, or god, in question. His blue eyes round as he bites into a cupcake piled with icing. The sugary topping marks his nose as he pulls it away and gulps. He gives a goofy smile. 
“Joanie,” you whisper, “he’s just trying to enjoy his food.” 
“Little one!” He waves before you can deter her. “You know me.” 
Joanie giggles and squeals and skips over before you can stop her. You trail after her reluctantly as she hops up to his table, “your Thor, king of Asgard, God of Thunder!” She jitters. “I know you!” 
He booms with laughter and wipes the icing from his beard and nose. His cupcake is forgotten on a small saucer. “An honour to meet you...” 
“Joanie!” She nearly hollers. “My name is Joanie.” 
“Ah, a beautiful name,” he praises and his eyes wander over you as you hover behind her. “And this lady, your mother?” 
“Sister!” Joanie replies before you can and gives your name. 
You try to smile as he grins at you and his eyes seem to sparkle. You wonder if that’s a god thing. Your cheeks are hot as his gaze bores into you. 
“Are you here for the cupcakes? They are delicious. I recommend the confetti.” He puts his attention back to Joanie. “Would you like to join me?” 
“Oh, sir, thanks, that’s so kind but we’ll just be getting ours to go--” 
“But--” Joanie begins to whine and you lay your hand on her shoulder. 
“If you don’t mind. She’s a big fan.” 
“Not at all,” he assures you. “Allow me to treat you. What are we having?” 
He stands and you shrink as he towers over you. There aren’t many who can make you feel small. You can’t help but take a step back and herd Joanie with you. 
“Um...” you look over, “it’s really—I don’t mind. I can’t get ours. We’ve already bothered--” 
“I must insist. As a king, I prize courtesy above all. Please sit and allow me to bring you some sweets.” 
“I want the unicorn!” Joanie demands before you can stop her. You give Thor and apologetic look. He only seems amused by her awe. 
“That’s very generous of you, what do we say, Joanie?” You say. 
“Please and thank you,” she chirps. 
“Yes, thank you, Thor. I’m fine with something simple. Vanilla is good for me.” You move Joanie away from him, “come on, let’s sit down. We’ve done a lot of walking.” 
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chuluoyi · 3 months
i’m thinking of . . . modern, no curse au in which you and gojo are mortal enemies since high school (twist: you used to have a crush on him until he mocked you and you hold a grudge on him ever since)
years later, your life is a mess: your parents went bankrupt, you’re trying to make ends meet and they push you to attend blind dates while you’re still haunted by a past abusive relationship. at one point you made the mistake to borrow money from gojo and he never stops pestering you about it ever since
and so when you have enough of the money and about to return it, he asks to meet up. but to your shock, he refuses your repayment as he suddenly proposes something else—
he says you can keep his money… by marrying him for a year
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athanmis · 10 months
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i'm going home everybody...😿
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respectthepetty · 3 months
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Sweet Bitter Hell did not bury the gay, and he actually got a happily ever after!
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A gay man survived and thrived in a Korean het drama in 2024.
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What a time to be alive!
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patibato · 4 months
Day2 Main Story [Bitter Sweet Sixteen] Translation Masterlist (In Progress)
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This story is fully voiced with Live2D in game, and I highly recommend reading along with it - it adds a lot that can't be done with only text!
Side-A - A01 | A02 | A03 | A04 | A05 | A06 | A07 | A08 | A09 | A10 | A11 | A12 | A13 | A14 | A15 | A16 | A17 | A18 | A19 | A20 | A21 | A22 | A23 | A24 | A25 | A26 | A27 | A28
Side-B - B01 | B02 | B03 | B04 | B05 | B06 | B07 | B08 | B09 | B10 | B11 | B12 | B13 | B14 | B15 | B16 | B17 | B18
Note: I play with the female MC, and so refer to them as Momiji - however, I've otherwise elected to keep things gender neutral wherever possible.
Disclaimer, terms, and "schedule" under cut v
- This translation is done by a single, self-taught person, and may contain errors in both translation and grammar. Any and all corrections, concerns, or queries are more than welcome - I want to give people the best experience of Day2 I can, after all!
- You may share screenshots, link to this translation, and use quotes for bots and such with credit. You may not repost this translation in full in any form without permission
- The chapters will be posted in batches that I feel appropriate as "sections" of the story, meaning there is intended to be a period of a few weeks between updates
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ksjanes · 3 months
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It is just a matter of taste. It could be sweet, bitter or bland.
K.S. Janes
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ryllen · 10 months
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Watch 'My Daemon',
it's about a very good boy & a very good dog,
told in in very good stories.
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luimagines · 4 months
*Your requests are open, its 2:30am and I'm craving First content.*
You know that scene in HTTYD2 with Stoick and Valka
"Go on! Shout! Scream! Say something!"
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you"
Either First as Stoick or as Valka would be interesting (or if First refuses to cooperate, Warriors or Twilight or Time would be fun)
*not me saying to myself I hope I'm bulletproof cause this is about to hurt*
Insanity, I'm going to run wild with this, thank you.
Content under the cut!
First wasn't about to let anyone get close to him. Not again.
He knew that he was still young enough to find someone to settle down with, but ever since you left, he couldn't find it in his heart to seek another.
There's a hole in his heart in your shape that was never to be filled again.
Then he was arrested. For a crime he didn't commit.
That was enough for him to give up. If he was to spend the rest of his days here, then so be it. The people have made their choice. He was a hollow man anyway.
The days crept by slowly. There was very little he could do the past the time except for daydream about a time where he was younger nd more carefree. A time when you were still by his side.
He had hoped to have a family. To be a father and raise children.
Dashed to pieces and scattered by the wind, his dreams failed to bring up happy memories and left him with dreamless and futile sleep.
Years go by and eventually he's set free at last. He's not as strong as he used to be but the people need him to fight. He's not sure how he's going to do that at this point, but if he is to die; then he would rather go down a hero.
It's not like you'll be there to patch him up at the end of the day anyway.
Instead, as he opens his eyes after the fight, there's another bandaging his wounds. He's vaguely aware that he won the fight and that he's lost a lot of blood but that's about it.
The rest of his life is lived in a haze.
He's sent to go find a special item for the people now that he's proven himself again but there's little that'll prove to Link that it exists.
Instead he finds a cave that he's been explored before and enters it with little thought. He's not expecting much. If there's monsters in here then he can dispose of them and call it a day before he goes back to town and tells the people that there was no such item.
"S-stay back!"
He freezes and raises his lantern. Link's greeted by massive crystals covering the walls of the rock, mirroring the light from his lantern and lighting up the small space as it is.
There's a cloth on the floor and a few supplies.
But that's not what has his attention.
"....It's you..." You breathe and panic seems to fill your system.
Link can only stare. It's as if you're here to haunt him, only you don't seem happy to see him. He can't find it in himself to complain though. He's wanted to see you at least one last time all these years. He wonders if he's actually dying a second time and this was a gift bestowed on him for doing his duty.
"I... I know what you're going to say, Link." You wince and try to stand. You're hurt... Or rather, you have been hurt. It must be difficult to move. "I know that you'd ask why I left. Why I stayed away all these years... and why I didn't come back to you..."
Link takes a step forward and you scramble the best you can to your feet despite the obvious pain. His heart clenches. The questions you throw at him are already answered for him. It would have been difficult to come back to him even if you wanted to.
You being to tear up. "I'm sure you'd want to know everything. A-and I know that I was wrong. I knew from the start. But I couldn't-"
He steps closer, gently putting his lantern on the floor so that it still lights up the place.
Your voice only seem to grow higher and more frantic. "I couldn't! Link, please. Not like this. I couldn't. Please believe me!"
He does and steps closer.
"Link! Answer me. Shout! Scream! I don't care if you start throwing things! Just say something!"
He stops in front of you, trapping you against the wall of the cave. He reaches out and hesitates before tucking a piece of your overgrown hair behind your ear.
"You're just as beautiful as the day I lost you."
Your tears fall as he leans to kiss you, to solidify this dream, to prove to himself that he's not hallucinating.
You don't kiss him back, but that's ok. You're real and you're here and you're alive.
This is far better than any item he was sent to find.
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