#bitcoin remote jobs
web3jobguy · 2 years
Find Bitcoin Remote Jobs Online And Apply On Web3jobguy
You can find bitcoin remote jobs on web3jobguy and start working on your bitcoin skills as a bitcoin developer. It is the most reliable platform for applying for bitcoin jobs online that Web3jobguy provides
visit to know: why bitcoin remote jobs is the most in demand
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
I guess the scammers are getting smarter, or I’m getting dumber. Maybe both.
So I’ve been looking for a job, which means putting my resume (with contact info) up on LinkedIn and applying with it. I’ve gotten a couple of texts from random numbers asking if I’m interested in X job, but when I replied, there was no response. Fine, whatever, there are a millon other people looking for similar remote work so I’m not really surprised.
So another text didn’t really surprise me, but the fact that they were offering $29/hr for remote data entry work was a surprise. What has followed has been problematic at best.
It all sounded fine, the company (Transcenta) is legit, and I got an email offer with all the paperwork that one usually fills out on being hired, including a W-4. It was weird that they didn’t have fillable PDFs and they wanted me to print it all, fill it out, scan it and return it, but I was able to do that and I did. $10 at Staples to have it printed out on good paper, but whatever.
But then they couriered me a check for $4,950.00. For their special equipment (an HP copier/fax machine/printer/scanner that costs that much? Really?). And then the weird money shit started today. This person whom I’ve been in touch with on MS Teams has me sending things via Zelle. To their “vendor”. Oh, you can’t send more than $500? OK, send another $500 to this address. Use Apple Pay? It’s not working? All right, let’s use Paypal. You used the wrong thing with Paypal, it needed to be friends & family, we have to have it today. Why are you worried? We want you onboard and working ASAP. OK, now I want you to drive to the bank, withdraw the money and deposit it at a bitcoin ATM. (I’m actually surprised he didn’t start asking me about iTunes gift cards.)
I finally, far too late, went “No, I’m not doing this. I’m done.” I can’t believe it took me as long as it did (although my hackles were up during all of this, today is where it all went too far). Unfortunately it being Saturday, I can’t get in touch with a person at the bank to help me, nor can I call SSA, until Monday. I sent an email requesting that my personal information be deleted and destroyed, and I’m going to try and move things forward on Monday. I blocked the guy on MS Teams and I’m going to contact the police if I have to.
Just. Be wary, folks. I don’t even know if I’m safe yet, or if I will be. I can only hope I stopped it all in time. (Edited to add the FTC’s information page about it.)
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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vananhlam · 2 days
How To Make Money Without A Job In 20 Fast And Easy Ways
This way, you’re not dependent on a company and you become your own business owner, raking in nearly all the profits. If you know different languages, can help pupils with math, or have some expert knowledge in marketing, you can generate extra income by teaching online. It’s a remote job and you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin can use various online platforms to advertise as a tutor. Your…
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iankhanblogs · 17 days
Embrace the Future with Ian Khan: The Top-Rated Futurist Keynote Speaker Driving Innovation and Success
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He is an emerging technology expert who focuses on Web3 and Metaverse Security and advises on Digital Transformation on topics such as Algorithms, Robotics and Automation with ChatGPT And Generative AI and Decentralization through Blockchain. In addition to being a world class storyteller Iankhan has directed several other documentaries that have received glowing reviews and can be watched on Prime Video, Emirates Airlines and other major streaming platforms. Ian is heavily invested in technology education, the future and technology for social causes among other forward-looking agenda.
Artificial Intelligence — The Next Frontier — What are the possibilities of artificial intelligence replacing humans, creating unprecedented automation and augmenting humanity ?
Blockchain — The Rise of Cities of the Future — The state of Blockchain and the rise of distributed ledger technology to change the nature of trust
The Bitcoin Dilemma — The Past, Present & Future of Cryptocurrencies
The Future of Work Debunked — All about the remote work economy, digital nomads, the great resignation and the future of work realities
The Internet of You — Why the future of business relies on humanity & not technology
Why Choose Ian Khan as Your Futurist Keynote Speaker?
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Expertise Across Multiple Domains: Ian Khan is renowned for his deep understanding of various fields, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, and the future of industries. His ability to connect these domains with real-world applications provides audiences with actionable insights that are both inspiring and practical.
Engaging and Inspiring Presentations: Known for his engaging speaking style, Ian Khan captivates audiences with compelling stories, relatable analogies, and clear explanations of complex concepts. His presentations are not just informative; they are designed to inspire and empower listeners to take proactive steps toward future success.
Tailored Content for Every Audience: As a top-rated keynote speaker, Ian Khan customizes his content to align with the unique needs and interests of each audience. Whether speaking to a room of C-level executives, industry professionals, or government officials, Ian’s tailored approach ensures that his message resonates and drives meaningful outcomes.
Proven Track Record of Success: Ian Khan has delivered keynote speeches at some of the world’s most prestigious events, including the World Economic Forum, TEDx, and global industry conferences. His reputation as a trusted thought leader and advisor to organizations around the globe underscores his credibility and impact.
The Value of a Futurist Keynote Speaker
In an era marked by unprecedented change, the role of a futurist keynote speaker is more critical than ever. Organizations must anticipate and adapt to shifts in technology, consumer behavior, and global trends to remain competitive. Ian Khan helps businesses and leaders understand the implications of these changes, providing them with the foresight needed to make strategic decisions that drive growth and resilience.
Key Topics Covered by Ian Khan
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The Future of Work: As automation and AI redefine job roles, Ian explores how businesses can prepare for the future workforce by embracing digital transformation and fostering a culture of continuous learning.
Emerging Technologies: From blockchain to quantum computing, Ian provides insights into the latest technological advancements and their potential to disrupt industries, offering guidance on how to leverage these innovations for competitive advantage.
Sustainability and the Future of Business: With a growing focus on sustainability, Ian addresses how businesses can align their strategies with environmental goals, ensuring long-term success in a world increasingly prioritizing green initiatives.
Resilience and Adaptability: In a world of constant change, Ian emphasizes the importance of building resilient organizations that can adapt to new challenges and seize emerging opportunities.
Choosing Ian Khan as your futurist keynote speaker means investing in a future-oriented mindset that can propel your organization forward. His ability to break down complex ideas into understandable and actionable insights makes him not just a speaker, but a catalyst for change. As a top-rated keynote speaker, Ian Khan delivers more than just a presentation — he provides a roadmap to the future, equipping audiences with the knowledge and inspiration they need to navigate tomorrow’s challenges with confidence.
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productiveandfree · 3 months
Guiding the Future: Modern Trends in Career Guidance and Development
Picking a new career is like buying a new set of clothes when you have lost or gained a lot of weight. While you are the same person, your needs and satisfaction have become completely different. But unlike clothes, a new career can be the doorway to fulfillment or nightmares, depending on your chosen career and your natural inclination. Today's article will explore everything you should know about starting a new career and the modern trends that define today's world. Let’s explore how to pick a new career.
Starting a New Career: Exploring Modern Trends
People often ask, how do I start a new career? Before we explore tips to observe before picking a new profession, let’s explore some modern trends in career development.
Globalization: Companies and job seekers feel closer for the first time ever. In the past, a person in America couldn't secure a job in China while living in America. People call it remote working. We call it career globalization. You must understand that language, culture, and time zone barriers have become thinly veiled. Yes, they exist, but if you are determined to exchange your skills on the global market, a few platforms come to mind – Twitter, LinkedIn, Fiverr, Upwork, PPH, Instagram, Discord, and YouTube. The world is a giant global market.
Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency: Blockchain is the new internet, so they say. Cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum, is the new money. Whatever your thoughts are on blockchain, we all admit that the technology is revolutionary and already used in many industries, from finance to real estate, healthcare, tech, retail, and agriculture. What makes blockchain so unique is its immutability and the automation capacities of smart contracts. This means that billions of transactions can be confirmed and run on autopilot.
Environmental Responsibility: The global corporate world is becoming more concerned with sustainability, recycling, and other environmentally responsible practices, from reducing unnecessary emissions to adapting practices that sustain marine and land life, safe waste disposal, and thorough advocating for other companies to follow suit. Governments, in turn, also set up agencies to ensure strict adherence and compliance to environmentally friendly policies.
Gig Economy: The gig economy has become a real thing. It's no longer a trend. Companies will, if they can, hire people for quick gigs. Companies can hire employees short-term without worrying about the encumbrances of long-term hiring, such as paid leaves and vacations, training, equipment purchases, complete onboarding, administrative headaches, and more. On the part of the part-time workers, getting gigs is more accessible than getting a long-term job, and workers can enjoy more work flexibility, work with different companies simultaneously, and gain invaluable experiences. 
Tech-driven Career: There has been a rapid increase in the number of people who choose tech. Reasons include:
Tech is an industry where people can work remotely. You can complete web development gigs in China for companies in the United States.
Tech jobs are high-paying. People who want to earn more tend to move towards web and mobile app development. Experts also learn dedicated skills like Azure and AWS DevOps engineering. The earning potential of a tech person is relatively high.
 Career Guide Tips
Want to start a new career? Follow these guides.
Follow the money: People often advise job seekers to follow their passion; however, such advice can be counter-productive. When you think about finances, it's easy to make an objective decision on what your career options are. For example, a 38-year-old man with three kids has little flexibility and cannot decide to become a cop just because it's his passion. First, he has to survive the academy, then survive being a boot. It's a long shot, and the family has to eat. Note that different jobs or skills pay different monies. A tech guy will most likely earn more money than a ghostwriter. A company executive will most likely earn more than an HR personnel.
Don’t throw away the bird in the bush: Making a 360 career change can be challenging, especially when you have bills. You should always have something to fall back on. If you are tired of your present job, start saving. You will need the savings when you decide to quit. When learning how to start a new career path, it’s important to have a backup.
It does not come easy: Getting started in a new career can be tough. You have to be consistent and hardworking. It takes a lot of toil, but if you stick to it and work hard, you will be successful.
Continuous learning: Some career paths involve continuous learning because their industries are dynamic. For example, web development is dynamic. DevOps is dynamic, and new tools, systems, and methodologies are introduced every day. You need to stay atop trends and learn as you work. Continuous learning is the safe answer to how to get started in a new career.
Starting a new career can be overwhelming. That’s why you must be practical and objective with your choices. While your dreams might be idealistic, real-world circumstances can be immensely dreadful. You will battle bills, debt, and the time constraints from your current job. Whatever you do, do not rush the decision. Also, when learning in your new career, you must be consistent and hardworking. It’s not easy to switch careers, especially when you are not-so-young, but if you truly want it, you will do what it takes.
Gregory Swenson
Gregory is an experienced IT professional with a knack for solving complex tech challenges. With over a decade in software development and technology consulting, he shares his insights and expertise through articles to help others navigate the IT landscape.
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This is probably boring. Part One.
This is my Bambi origin story. I refer to myself as Bambi:
I knew there was something my husband wasn't telling me.
I can't tell you how many times I asked, and he dismissed me. Nothing, nothing, it's nothing. But my intuition told me I was onto something.
Was it another woman? He worked from home, but it wasn't improbable, so I checked his phone. There were some unanswered texts from his parents we hadn't discussed, and I cheated myself out of a birthday surprise, but nothing else. I was stumped. I sat with his phone half-illuminated, the text from his father dulling on the screen.
"I don't want to see Bambi living off you forever."
The fact that I was raised around housewives and probably wanted to be one, too, was a constant threat to my in-laws. They balked at my female cousins having babies, and harassed me two weeks postpartum with my first about going back to work. They staged more than one "come to Jesus" talk at their dining room table where they discussed the importance of both spouses working outside the home. They made some other points—about things I'm too flighty to understand, like Roth IRA's and stock—but above all one thing was clear. To them, I was a leech. A floozy who needed to remember she was married before she put on those shorts. A sponge, soaking up my husband. Hardly a wife if I wasn't an "equal partner."
Writing this now, our choice to remain no-contact makes a lottttt of sense.
Anyway. I still knew something was up with my husband. But what? I finally got my answer on a trip to a remote cabin in the woods—which sounds pretty ominous, when I put it that way.
"I need to tell you something." My husband looked ashamed standing in a kitchen that wasn't ours, and I stared at him. I ached to tell him I knew it, or be upset it had taken this long, but instead, I sympathetically sighed. I tend to prefer a submissive approach.
"What is it, please?"
"I'm...into something."
Hmm? Immediately, I jumped to drugs. Or Bitcoin. This was around the time everyone was buying it.
"Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine." His tone caught me off-guard, but then I realized.
"Oh." I played dumb to give myself time to prepare a reaction. Was he a furry? Oh God. "You mean like sex?"
That night our relationship changed. My husband confessed to me that he was into Bambi-hood and Bimbofication. In other words, he was into everything his parents had shamed him into wanting.
"Wait..." I paused, in disbelief like he had truly asked me to throw on an animal head. "You're saying you want me to be...a housewife? Are you fucking kidding?"
At that time, I was pulling forty hours a week in a dead-end job I hated. I'd pursued a degree I didn't want because his parents told him he couldn't marry anyone without a college degree. He'd bucked the idea of children, before and after I had our first.
But it had all been a lie.
What my husband had wanted me to be all along, was what I had wanted to be, all along. I hadn't wanted to be educated at some state institution. Degrees were nothing to me compared to birth certificates. I'd cried dropping my daughter off at daycare more times than I could tell you.
And now, my husband was telling me to leave it all behind. And I'm not sure what reaction he was expecting, but I was angry.
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beautifulb0910 · 5 months
ISO: WFH REMOTE job that does not pay in bitcoins, but in actual cash. I am currently a SAHM. I have worked in the medical field, front office, and cashier. I have worked different positions over the years and have worked in many customer service positions. I am a military wife and therefore, different jobs. I have been working with the public since I was 16yrs old. I need a WFH because I currently reside in Washington, but I will be going to Florida and a WFH job is easier to transition with. I would appreciate any help in this matter and please NO SCAMMERS!!!! I have dealt with and reported more than I would like to come across. Thank you for any help and have a blessed day!
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cyberprivilege · 8 months
Digital Safety Awareness by G Vimal Kumar Cyber Privilege Cyber Expert & Cyber Forensic Analyst 8977308555 Digital Trust and Transformation: Over the last three years, the Cyber Privilege has been a pioneer in finding the frauds of root causes of Bitcoin trading crimes & helping clients who are victims of Crypto Currency Frauds.
We are specialized team focused primarily on cyber, or internet-based, crimes. Our team investigating and analyzing cybercrime incidents, such as hacking, identity theft, fraud, and other types of cyber-related crimes. Our primary goal is to identify the culprits and gather evidence that can be used to prosecute them in court with the support of Law Enforcement Agencies. We are friendly to all Law Enforcement Agencies.
we are dedicated to fighting against cyber frauds including fraudulent crypto currency scams we provide assistance to cybercrime victims and tackle various types of frauds such as otp/upi/google pay link fraud, without otp frauds, qr code scan fraud, wallet kyc update , job fraud , loan fraud, porn site fraud, remote access fraud, chemical/seeds related fraud, social media, olx fraud, email related, sim swapping frauds, customer care fraud / helpline frauds, e-commerce related/ online shopping frauds, matrimonial fraud / gift frauds, lottery/prize frauds, internationalized domain name (idn) homograph attacks, morphing, tampering of videos and images frauds, online revenge frauds, cyber terrorism, contact us at for help & support - If you need our assistance, please contact us at Cyber Privilege +91 8977308555 or [email protected]. Please keep in mind that since we are a private agency, there is a consulting fee for our services.
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weowncoin-review · 1 year
WEOWNCOIN Review:Venezuela's Cryptocurrency Revolution
WEOWNCOIN Review:Venezuela's Cryptocurrency Revolution
The rise of cryptocurrency technology is having a positive impact on the global financial system, particularly in fostering global financial inclusion. This article will explore how cryptocurrencies provide financial services to people without bank accounts and promote economic growth. Through traceable and verifiable real cases, we will delve into the significance and potential of the fusion of cryptocurrency with global financial inclusion.
Financial Services for the Unbanked:
In many developing countries and remote areas, a large population cannot access traditional bank accounts, which restricts their ability to participate in financial activities and obtain financial services. However, cryptocurrency technology, through its decentralized features, offers these individuals a way to break through the limitations of the traditional financial system.
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Take M-Pesa as an example; it is a successful mobile payment platform in Kenya that utilizes cryptocurrency technology to offer financial services to the unbanked. Users can recharge, transfer money, and make payments via their mobile phones without the need for a traditional bank account. M-Pesa's success demonstrates that cryptocurrency technology provides more convenient and reliable financial services for the unbanked, thereby promoting financial inclusion.
Driving Economic Growth:
Improving global financial inclusion is crucial for stimulating economic growth. Cryptocurrency technology, with its decentralized and low-cost features, offers new opportunities and incentives to economies that traditional financial systems cannot cover.
Bitcoin, as one of the most successful cryptocurrencies, has achieved significant success in some countries and regions. Its decentralized characteristics and low transaction costs have attracted a large number of investors and businesses. This participation not only stimulates the development of the cryptocurrency market but also creates opportunities for economic growth and job creation in these economies.
Case Study:
A typical example is Venezuela, a country facing severe economic crisis and high inflation rates. Under these circumstances, Venezuelans struggle to access stable currency and financial services. However, cryptocurrency technology offers the people of Venezuela a new option.
In Venezuela, many people have turned to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to protect their wealth from inflation. Through cryptocurrencies, they can store value and make cross-border transfers, circumventing the limitations and instability of the domestic financial system. This trend not only improves financial inclusion but also brings a degree of stability to Venezuela's economy.
By examining this case, we can see the potential of cryptocurrency technology in promoting global financial inclusion. It provides financial services for the unbanked and offers new opportunities and incentives for economies, driving economic growth. However, we must also recognize the challenges and risks in the cryptocurrency sector.
Risks and Challenges:
While cryptocurrency technology plays a significant role in fostering global financial inclusion, it also faces some risks and challenges.
Legal and Regulatory Challenges: The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency makes it difficult to be governed by traditional financial regulations and legal frameworks. This leads to some compliance and safety issues, including money laundering, fraud, and market manipulation. To ensure sustainable development of cryptocurrency and global financial stability, regulatory agencies need to formulate appropriate policies and laws.
Technological Security: Technical security in the cryptocurrency sector is also a significant concern. Due to its digital nature and blockchain technology features, cryptocurrencies face threats like cyberattacks, hacking, and digital wallet security. To protect users' assets and maintain market stability, cryptocurrency companies and users must implement appropriate security measures.
The integration of cryptocurrency with global financial inclusion has significant implications for promoting economic growth and expanding access to financial services. By providing financial services for the unbanked, cryptocurrency technology breaks the limitations of traditional financial systems and offers new opportunities for the development of global financial inclusion. However, we must also confront challenges in regulation and technological security to ensure sustainable development and global financial stability in the cryptocurrency sector.
Through case studies, we can see the effectiveness and potential of cryptocurrency technology in practical applications. However, readers should recognize that this article was published in 2019, and the cryptocurrency industry has developed rapidly in recent years; there may be new changes and developments. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on current market dynamics and relevant regulations when discussing cryptocurrencies and financial inclusion.
WEOWNCOIN Exchange, established in 2018, is a leading international platform for blockchain digital assets. Committed to embracing regulation and compliant operations, the core team members hail from the United States, Germany, China, South Korea, among other countries, and possess years of high-level technical experience in blockchain. The trading platform features decentralized security systems and asset firewall protection systems to effectively prevent DDOS attacks. It cooperates deeply with top security organizations worldwide. Under the full commitment of a highly skilled team, WEOWNCOIN will rapidly penetrate markets in the United States, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and more, providing top-notch asset security for global users. The exchange provides a safe, efficient, fair, and transparent trading environment and will accelerate the development of the blockchain industry, aligning with its global development strategy.
WEOWNCOIN Exchange has operations centers and service communities in multiple countries globally. The app interface is user-friendly, with simple operational procedures. The platform provides multilingual support and 7x24 customer service, offering one-on-one concise and smooth app operation tutorials to global users. With ultra-high-speed core memory matching technology, WEOWNCOIN serves a diverse array of digital assets to tens of millions of users in over 180 countries and regions. It is widely recognized as one of the fastest cryptocurrency trading platforms globally. Its application has received numerous accolades, and its brand has penetrated mainstream media worldwide. Through continuous innovation, WEOWNCOIN is committed to becoming the most competitive and influential exchange platform in the world, providing the most comprehensive blockchain financial services.
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web3jobguy · 2 years
Here Are Some Tips for Finding High-Paying Remote Web3 Jobs
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Web3 is a rapidly growing industry that offers many opportunities for developers. Web3 developer jobs are available all over the world if you are interested in building your developer career. Also, if you’re looking for crypto jobs, you can join Apply for crypto jobs.
If you want to get a Well-Paying Remote Web3Job you need to do proper research about your job profile, Apply for positions you are qualified for, and Make sure the job meets all of your requirements like location, Salary, Hours, Business culture etc.
Visit for more details:
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ailtrahq · 1 year
About 88% of employees working in the broader blockchain industry work remotely. However, only 3% receive their compensation in digital assets.  According to Pantera Capital research, one in five of the 1,600 respondents had ever accepted payment in crypto. The majority preferred stablecoins like tether (USDT) or USD Coin (USDC), only 13% chose bitcoin (BTC). There are approximately 21,300 jobs in the crypto industry. The bulk of crypto employees live in the United States (35%), Latin America is in second place (29.7%), and Europe and the Middle East are in third place (23.5%). Asia-Pacific came in last with 11.6%. The company’s survey involved 1,046 respondents from 77 countries. Most of them work in engineering. 40.7% are involved in decentralized finance (defi), 26.1% in centralized finance (cefi), 15.2% in infrastructure. Moreover, among the companies in which respondents work, there are both startups at the seeding stage and C+ counter-parties. Source: Pantera Capital It is noteworthy that 85% of respondents were men. 70% have been in their position for more than three years. In addition, 87.8% of respondents work remotely. In 2023, the average salary in crypto companies was $120,000, the report says. It is not known whether we are talking about a monthly or annual salary. Source: Pantera Capital Compensation in crypto also depends on the region. In North America, blockchain developers earn an average of $193,000 per year. This shows a “dramatic difference” compared to the rest of the world. For example, the Latin American region offers a salary of $104,771. All the same, web3 developers earn little more than their web2 counterparts. The average salary of the latter in the United States is $166,100. Top managers in the crypto industry earn between $147,363 and $335,400 depending on the company. Source
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weowncoin-exchange · 1 year
WEOWNCOIN Exchange: WEOWNCOIN Fosters Economic Growth Through Cryptocurrency
WEOWNCOIN: The Fusion of Cryptocurrency and Global Financial Inclusion
The rise of cryptocurrency technology is having a positive impact on the global financial system, particularly in fostering global financial inclusion. This article will explore how cryptocurrencies provide financial services to people without bank accounts and promote economic growth. Through traceable and verifiable real cases, we will delve into the significance and potential of the fusion of cryptocurrency with global financial inclusion.
Financial Services for the Unbanked:
In many developing countries and remote areas, a large population cannot access traditional bank accounts, which restricts their ability to participate in financial activities and obtain financial services. However, cryptocurrency technology, through its decentralized features, offers these individuals a way to break through the limitations of the traditional financial system.
Take M-Pesa as an example; it is a successful mobile payment platform in Kenya that utilizes cryptocurrency technology to offer financial services to the unbanked. Users can recharge, transfer money, and make payments via their mobile phones without the need for a traditional bank account. M-Pesa's success demonstrates that cryptocurrency technology provides more convenient and reliable financial services for the unbanked, thereby promoting financial inclusion.
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Driving Economic Growth:
Improving global financial inclusion is crucial for stimulating economic growth. Cryptocurrency technology, with its decentralized and low-cost features, offers new opportunities and incentives to economies that traditional financial systems cannot cover.
Bitcoin, as one of the most successful cryptocurrencies, has achieved significant success in some countries and regions. Its decentralized characteristics and low transaction costs have attracted a large number of investors and businesses. This participation not only stimulates the development of the cryptocurrency market but also creates opportunities for economic growth and job creation in these economies.
Case Study:
A typical example is Venezuela, a country facing severe economic crisis and high inflation rates. Under these circumstances, Venezuelans struggle to access stable currency and financial services. However, cryptocurrency technology offers the people of Venezuela a new option.
In Venezuela, many people have turned to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to protect their wealth from inflation. Through cryptocurrencies, they can store value and make cross-border transfers, circumventing the limitations and instability of the domestic financial system. This trend not only improves financial inclusion but also brings a degree of stability to Venezuela's economy.
By examining this case, we can see the potential of cryptocurrency technology in promoting global financial inclusion. It provides financial services for the unbanked and offers new opportunities and incentives for economies, driving economic growth. However, we must also recognize the challenges and risks in the cryptocurrency sector.
Risks and Challenges:
While cryptocurrency technology plays a significant role in fostering global financial inclusion, it also faces some risks and challenges.
Legal and Regulatory Challenges: The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency makes it difficult to be governed by traditional financial regulations and legal frameworks. This leads to some compliance and safety issues, including money laundering, fraud, and market manipulation. To ensure sustainable development of cryptocurrency and global financial stability, regulatory agencies need to formulate appropriate policies and laws.
Technological Security: Technical security in the cryptocurrency sector is also a significant concern. Due to its digital nature and blockchain technology features, cryptocurrencies face threats like cyberattacks, hacking, and digital wallet security. To protect users' assets and maintain market stability, cryptocurrency companies and users must implement appropriate security measures.
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The integration of cryptocurrency with global financial inclusion has significant implications for promoting economic growth and expanding access to financial services. By providing financial services for the unbanked, cryptocurrency technology breaks the limitations of traditional financial systems and offers new opportunities for the development of global financial inclusion. However, we must also confront challenges in regulation and technological security to ensure sustainable development and global financial stability in the cryptocurrency sector.
Through case studies, we can see the effectiveness and potential of cryptocurrency technology in practical applications. However, readers should recognize that this article was published in 2019, and the cryptocurrency industry has developed rapidly in recent years; there may be new changes and developments. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on current market dynamics and relevant regulations when discussing cryptocurrencies and financial inclusion.
WEOWNCOIN Exchange, established in 2018, is a leading international platform for blockchain digital assets. Committed to embracing regulation and compliant operations, the core team members hail from the United States, Germany, China, South Korea, among other countries, and possess years of high-level technical experience in blockchain. The trading platform features decentralized security systems and asset firewall protection systems to effectively prevent DDOS attacks. It cooperates deeply with top security organizations worldwide. Under the full commitment of a highly skilled team, WEOWNCOIN will rapidly penetrate markets in the United States, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and more, providing top-notch asset security for global users. The exchange provides a safe, efficient, fair, and transparent trading environment and will accelerate the development of the blockchain industry, aligning with its global development strategy.
WEOWNCOIN Exchange has operations centers and service communities in multiple countries globally. The app interface is user-friendly, with simple operational procedures. The platform provides multilingual support and 7x24 customer service, offering one-on-one concise and smooth app operation tutorials to global users. With ultra-high-speed core memory matching technology, WEOWNCOIN serves a diverse array of digital assets to tens of millions of users in over 180 countries and regions. It is widely recognized as one of the fastest cryptocurrency trading platforms globally. Its application has received numerous accolades, and its brand has penetrated mainstream media worldwide. Through continuous innovation, WEOWNCOIN is committed to becoming the most competitive and influential exchange platform in the world, providing the most comprehensive blockchain financial services.
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Affiliate Marketing Manager - Remote
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Company: Parity Parity is one of the world's most experienced core blockchain infrastructure companies, having built and pioneered some of the most advanced technologies in the blockchain sector. Parity was founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, co-founder and former CTO of Ethereum, the primary engineer behind the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), inventor of the Solidity programming language, and primary author of the Ethereum Yellowpaper. Based in Berlin, London, and Lisbon with over 340 employees worldwide, Parity has built clients for Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Zcash and has pioneered a completely new, next-generation blockchain protocol with Polkadot and the framework it’s built with, Substrate. Parity builds the open-source technologies needed to power an unstoppable, decentralised web—known as Web3—and helps developers and organisations implement and build upon the Web3 tech stack. About the team: We are seeking an experienced and motivated Affiliate Marketing Manager to drive growth through various marketing channels. The Affiliate Marketing Manager will be responsible for driving affiliate program growth, managing relationships with affiliates, and monitoring affiliate performance. The successful candidate will have a deep understanding of affiliate marketing, be able to develop creative strategies to engage affiliates, and possess strong analytical skills to measure and optimize program performance. This position reports to the Director of Marketing and requires a deep understanding of partner ecosystems and channel marketing. About the position: - Build and manage relationships with key partners and ensure alignment with our marketing and business objectives - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop partner messaging, collateral, and other materials - Develop and maintain a deep understanding of affiliate  needs and market trends, and use this knowledge to drive partner engagement and adoption of Polkadot - Work closely with the Business Development team to align on affiliate marketing campaigns with business partners - Represent Parity and Polkadot at industry events, conferences, and partner summits - Develop and implement affiliate marketing strategies to drive program growth - Work with internal teams to develop marketing materials and promotions for affiliates - Help the affiliates strengthen their own marketing capabilities, and work with internal teams to help amplify their announcements to gain traction About you: - Bachelor's degree in marketing, business, or a related field - 5+ years of experience in partner marketing, affiliate marketing, channel marketing, or related fields - Strong track record of developing and executing successful affiliate marketing programs and campaigns - Ability to build and maintain strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders - Proven ability to work independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced, dynamic environment - Proven track record of managing successful affiliate programs and driving revenue growth - Experience with affiliate marketing platforms and tools - Strong analytical skills, including proficiency in Excel or similar tools - Experience working in technology, software, or related industries is preferred. - Familiarity with Web3: You understand key Web3 concepts and are familiar with the main players in the space. Bonus experience with Polkadot and know the ecosystem. About working for us: For everyone who joins us: - Competitive remuneration packages, including tokens (where legally possible), based on iterative market research - Remote-first, global working environment with flexible hours - Collaborative, fast-paced, and self-initiating culture, designed to mimic an open source workflow - Energising and collaborative team and company retreats all over the world - Opportunity to learn more about Web3 while on the job, with access to some of the brightest minds in this space; we have plenty of educational initiatives such as internal sessions, all-hands, AMAs, hackathons, etc. - Teammates who are genuinely excited about their job, impact, and Parity’s mission - Opportunity to relocate to Germany or Portugal For those joining us as employees in Germany, Portugal, or the U.K.: - 28 paid vacation days per year - Work laptop (macOS or Linux-based) and equipment to enable you to work successfully - £2,500 yearly learning and development budget for conferences or courses of your choice Not a perfect match to our requirements? We're still excited to receive your application and hear how you think you can help us achieve our mission. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 5thJuly 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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9kmovies-biz · 1 year
Remote Senior Corporate Counsel - Corporate Governance Job at Kraken -Jobsclub
Based in San Francisco, Kraken is the world’s largest global bitcoin exchange in euro volume and liquidity. Kraken’s clients also trade USD, CAD, ETH, XRP, LTC, and other digital currencies, on a platform consistently rated the best and most secure bitcoin exchange by independent news media. Kraken’s employees are generally not listed on LinkedIn due to the company’s security policy. Founded in…
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etiennekissborlase · 1 year
Australian Crypto Exchange Plans US Expansion Ignores Regulatory Risk
Australian Crypto Exchange Plans US Expansion, Ignores Regulatory Risk https://bitcoinist.com/australian-crypto-exchange-plans-us-expansion/ A prominent Australian cryptocurrency exchange, CoinJar, wants to launch into the United States market. From every indication, Coinjar seems undeterred by the cloudy crypto legislative atmosphere and regulatory risks. CoinJar recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, and the CEO and co-founder, Asher Tan, made a remarkable comment. According to the CEO, CoinJar sees an opportunity in the US market where others see regulatory risk. CoinJar Only Sees Opportunity in US Harsh Regulatory Atmosphere CoinJar has been in business since 2013 when Bitcoin was relatively unknown to many. The platform has demonstrated high resilience, surviving several ups and downs in the crypto ecosystem. Related Reading: Biggest Week For Bitcoin And Crypto In 2023 Ahead: Key Events In a May 1 blog post, its CEO Asher Tan revealed that CoinJar has successfully served thousands of people in Australia and the United Kingdom. Perhaps the crypto exchange’s confidence in its survival potential in the US comes from its success in these two countries. The Melbourne-based crypto exchange secured a license in the United Kingdom in September 2021. CoinJar has about 500,000 customers across Australia and the United Kingdom. Given its success in both countries, CoinJar is ready to test new waters by launching operations in the United States. Despite the recent spree of regulatory crackdowns and lamentations from US crypto exchanges over the regulatory uncertainty, CoinJar is determined to match on. Asher Tan believes that regulation will play an important role in the crypto market’s future. He is confident that the American market will reward an exchange like CoinJar with unparalleled regulatory compliance. CoinJar Prepared To Surmount Crypto Regulatory Roadblocks The crypto exchange initiated its US expansion plans by listing a remote position for an Anti-money Laundering (AML) Compliance Officer in the US. According to the job listing, CoinJar is expanding in the US and seeks an AML Compliance Officer.  CEO Tan highlighted that CoinJar’s commitment to regulatory compliance is the key to thriving in harsh environments like the US. In his statement, Tan noted that since licensing in the US is done at the state level, CoinJar will take on the challenge one state at a time. The Aussie exchange plans to conquer the US gradually by obtaining licenses in every state until it obtains full coverage. Tan revealed his exchange’s strategy, adding that while most firms may not be willing to satisfy the criteria, it is well-suited to take on the challenge. CoinJar’s US-conquering strategy may sound easy and good theoretically, but US-based exchanges like Coinbase walked that path with seemingly little success.  The exchange claimed it engaged the US SEC severally, seeking compliance guidelines but none were forthcoming. Their experiences suggest the potential hindrances and challenges CoinJar could face in its journey in the US market. Featured image from Pixabay and chart from Tradingview via Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com May 02, 2023 at 03:30PM
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