#bitch was turned
everchased · 1 year
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hahahahaaaa get safe and cared for, idiot
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swugflower · 1 year
Brucie Wayne gets interviewed and the question who, expect Batman, is his favorite Gotham hero.
After some awkward moments of silence, he blurts out that it’s Spoiler. Since she is the only one from the main active team that isn’t his kid and this way he avoids picking a favorite.
Meanwhile, the group chats explodes into chaos instantly.
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courtmartialme · 5 months
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same breed of pathetic wet dog guys
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glowtech · 2 years
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mean-vampyre · 4 months
daniel, 20 horny high, listened to louis rant about his ex husband and said. well I could fix you. make me a vampire, I can fix you. And when louis' husband walked in to begin jealous torture o'clock he said. let me suck your dick, I can make it up to you, just let me suck your dick. NEVER say he didn't try
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
makes me giggle to think of X2 Logan meeting dp&w Logan when this is a thing
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#“don't tell me you fuckin liked it 🤨” “you have no idea 😃”#x2 logan is going to see that in the tva screens and go 🤨😳🏳️‍🌈⁉️#dp&w Logan going “you don't understand he's fucked up he's my favorite of these assholes”#and then turn around and yell at wade “FUCKTARD”#hear the distinct “oh he's adorable can't resist flirting with me across the room LOVE YOU TOO SHITFACE”#“KEEP AN EYE ON OUR DAUGHTER OR IT'S MY SWORDS IN YOUR DELICIOUS ABS IN THREE SECONDS”#x2 Logan going 🤨 at the daughter in question mary puppins#Logan being as hung up on Jean as he'd been might just Reconsider mr wade wilson#👀👀👀👀👀👀👀#pspsps Logan#one rainbow brigade bitch to another? i dont think jean can do that#she clawed u up that one time but see what walmart santa claus is doing here#he's riddling you with bullets ✅ fuckin emptying the cartridges on your scrumdiddlydumptruck ass#he's stabbing adamantium ADAMANTIUM swords in you up until the sword hilts ✅#Logan listen#jean needed to be with phoenix first before Doing All Those Things Which She Did With You#but Deadpool? Deadpool is in it for the shits and giggles#Look. I'm not a woman of science. But there seems to be Chemistry among us.#I'd hit the emergency meeting button but i don't fucking want to 😁#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool#wolverine#deadpool 3#deadpool 2024#logan howlett#wade wilson#poolverine#deadclaws#Deadpool and Wolverine Honda#Deadpool and Wolverine Honda Odyssey
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messrsbyler · 1 year
you. yes you, person with rejection sensitive dysphoria. this message is for you. your friends DON'T hate you. they aren't mad at you. they aren't talking behind your back or wished to cut their friendship with you. they love you and treasure you and they are good people who wouldn't hurt you like that! ok, that's all. have a nice day.
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temeyes · 5 months
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nibble (photo ref here!!)
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femmedepravity · 4 months
"I'm sorry Princess, you just felt too good pulsing on my cock to pull out. I had to cum inside you"
*This post is about lesbian sex. Men and minors dni.*
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i'm unwell!!! because in stede's eyes, ned low was right!! ned says "he [ed] only likes you because of your bumbling amateur status" and calls stede blackbeard's "pet" just like izzy did in series 1
so stede steps up as a captain, kills the man who harmed his crew, and suddenly, for once in stede's life, he isn't a joke! the gentleman pirate is taken seriously and welcomed into the pirate community!
and what happens less than 24 hours later? ed calls their night together a mistake, AND LEAVES.
yes, obviously the situation is more nuanced, and these old men are once again struggling to communicate, but i 100% understand why stede went a bit of the rails at the end of episode 7. stede's been so focused on trying to help ed, that he's completely ignored his own ongoing identity crisis and trauma, and after the incident at the academy in series 1, this meltdown was long overdue.
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wizardofwizz · 7 months
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*gently side-eyeing gale, lae'zel, shadowheart, and durge*
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I hate it when bugs bite me. stop reminding me I'm edible
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tabooiart · 10 months
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this hot pink bitch was named breakfast!!!
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kkoct-ik · 3 months
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yttdisms now im moved in
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starliteonearth · 1 month
The funniest scene of the season so far has to be Galadriel waxing poetry on how Sauron so masterfully deceived her, played her like a puppet, and Elrond's in the back like "girl be so for real, you knew he was a red flag, you just thought you could fix him" like oop- 😶😶
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ilynpilled · 1 month
i think what typically appeals to me the most in redemption stories is the rekindling of idealism in somebody whose relationship to the world is extremely battered and disillusioned. disappointed idealists just give you a very specific flavor of existential crisis that i always found very appealing. to me the allure is a little less about “can you atone for your sins” or “can how the external views you change” and more about the reclamation of something internal. redemption to me lies in that
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