#bit more backstory :3
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wythedumpstercat · 2 years ago
Wy and the Hermit
The old man creaks a snicker at Wy from across the heavy set wooden table, but the scruffy teen doesn't stop staring blankly at the tower of flatbread, the assortment of wild berries, and neat slices of boiled eggs and cured meat spread out in front of him. This wasn't quite where he'd expected to find himself after weeks meandering through unmarked woods, avoiding any and all settlements (and blacking out in what he'd thought was the middle of nowhere. But that wasn't really that important.)
People talked, and Miss Ca–The Hag's reach was widespread. Even though she rarely pursued the defectors, Wy knew she still kept track of them all.
And he did not want to be found.
Even the remote possibility of her knowing where he
was was……….
If his real family didn't know, neither should she.
His stomach gurgles impatiently at him. The old man makes more creaking noises and tosses a dark coloured berry at Wy's face. His jaw reacts before his hands, but he absolutely doesn't complain as he bites down on it and tart sweetness hits his tongue. Hunger and insomnia had already gnawed through most of his mass, and with his guard now down, reaching out and taking the next greedy bite, then another and another didn't need further persuasion.
It doesn't even occur to Wy to be wary of the old man until he suddenly reappears beside him bearing more food. This time a pungent smelling hard cheese, which Wy eyes with skepticism for a moment. A small taste confirms that while pungent it doesn't taste spoiled, so down it goes too alongside several flakes of flatbread and an entire jug of water.
When Wy finally makes his way back to reality he finds himself with a nearly painfully full belly, and very much alone in the little cottage cabin. He hadn't even noticed the old man leaving.
A strange man, that was. Crooked back and crooked teeth and a crooked nose in a crooked looking face, accentuated by the sparse tufts of fuzzy white hair on his bumpy skull. The cottage bears the same crooked nature, nothing in there is quite straight. From the doors to the table and chairs and tableware and the large fur rug on the floor in front of the equally askew stone hearth with a bumpy black cauldron hanging over the dwindling embers.
Just as the last of the embers fades out, the door swings open with a whisper that ends in a squeal and the old man comes trudging in in a huff carrying a few logs of wood. He heaves them towards the little alcove beside the hearth that's obviously normally supposed to be kept full, but it's conspicuously empty. With that kind of progress it'd take the man forever to fill it up.
Wy frowns. His stomach is still uncomfortably full, but the man had fed him. Not only fed him, but let him have a roof over his head, and even a fur padded cot to sleep on. Waking up surrounded by fur and scratchy, but delightfully warm, wool blankets had been so unexpected, there had been a few long moments where Wy wondered if maybe he'd died.
Either way, it wouldn't be right of him to not give something back to the old geezer. Never was Wy to be considered ungrateful. No service would go un-repaid, somehow. So he gets up, and plucks the logs from the old man's arms, tucks them in the alcove, and asks him where the rest of the logs are. The old man cracks a grin, then points to the door as he says a foreign word.
Sure enough, there's a small pile beside a chopping block close by, the ax resting against its side.
He manages to carry half of the ready pile inside, and as he's stacking more logs into the alcove, the old geezer snorts another foreign word while wiggling his fingers at the hearth.
In the matter of a single blink of an eye, the air seems to respond to the old man's voice. Something gathers at the tips of his fingers, and what Wy can only identify as energy seems to rush past him and gather into the point the man is focusing, bursting into light and warmth and crackling fire on the lone log in the fireplace.
The old man must catch him staring at the fire that sprouted out of nothing, as he creaks another laugh, and wiggles his fingers at Wy with the most massive creases at the corners of his eyes. He seems to ask a question in that foreign tongue, probably inquiring about his interest in the little trick he'd just done.
Wy had seen magic being done before. The streets of Goodhaven saw its fair share of magic users passing through often enough, but he'd never…actually felt it like this before.
Wy knew he couldn't use magic. Miss Candy had put him through the testing paces, just as most of the other kids. Magic users were rare, but incredibly useful after all, and she couldn't afford to have kids with magic not using magic for her. So this probably wasn't magic. A trick? Must be. But it felt replicable. Something told him he could probably…probably do the same. Something was whispering to him right outside his hearing range. What was the word the old guy had used?
Wy mutters it to himself, words it like a question, testing it out on his tongue. A tingle dances past his cheek, down his arm to his fingertips, then he promptly tosses the log in his hand into the fireplace as flames overtake it as if it had always been on fire. It crackles spicily beside the other log the geezer ignited.
The old geezer cackles, slapping his knees. He laughs till tears start rolling out of his uneven eyes. When he finally gathers his breath again, he herds the still frozen and wide eyed Wy outside again to chop more wood.
It was heartening how Nature seemed to know exactly what Rayi needed and promptly sent exactly that his way without him having to reach out himself. Rain to fill his water barrel when his back was too stiff to hoist water up from the well. Two ducks falling out of the sky after they'd seemingly crashed into each other mid-air and offed each other on the day he craved some fresh meat. And now, just as his old body was complaining most severely about its many years of use, suddenly he had a strappingly healthy youth chopping and carrying firewood for him with the most impressive affinity to Nature and the Craft he had ever witnessed in his many years of life.
The Boy didn't quite seem aware of it himself, but Nature spoke to him freely, and he instinctively followed its cues. It was no wonder he'd managed to stumble his way to Rayi's cottage this far into the wilderness. He had chosen this spot exactly for its remote and closed off nature. And, well. There was that mine shaft not far off. Thus he should have both expected and predicted the boy's penchant for befriending…Nature's Creatures.
Sure, it was cute when he talked to the sparrows in the bushes while out picking berries, and also with the deer coming all the way up to the cabin to greet them in the early hours in the morning.
It was less cute when the boy came bursting out of the bushes, the arm of his shirt in tatters and carrying a screeching and bleeding owlbear cub, followed closely by a roaring mountain lion, and the sound of Mama Owl screeching even louder as she came crashing through the forest not far behind. The mountain lion bailed the moment it realized it'd be outnumbered by Threats and at a major disadvantage when Mama Owl arrived, but the crisis was far from averted even then.
Calming down a furiously terrified and protective Owlbear mother wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but a few aptly placed vines, followed by soothing words in Owl with the help of a few spells deescalated the situation efficiently. Rayi had thought he was too old for mediating like this.
The Boy meanwhile, having just recently picked up the simplest healing spell after Rayi had shown the process to him following the Boy's tumble down a fruit tree, was busy patching up the cub, now that he could concentrate on it in peace. Rayi eyds the tattoo circling the Boy's exposed elbow. It slowly shifted in colour as the Boy mumbled calming words to the cub, and the cub goes from squirming to rapt attention at the Boy when his human words slowly blended over into calming chirps and hoots instead. Interesting.
Freshly healed, the cub is eventually released to rejoin its mother, and they trudge back into the forest.
"Where'd you get that tattoo, boy?"
The Boy glances between Rayi's finger pointing at his elbow, and Rayi's face, frowning, obviously still completely blank on Druidic. He'd learn, with time.
Rayi shakes his head. "Not elbow."
"The tattoo?" The boy tries.
"Yes. The tattoo."
Considering it for a moment, the boy touches the water-like swirls inked into his skin, looking a bit sheepish. "I…um…pickpocketed a lady once when I was pretty little. She was of the traveling adventurer sort. Found me the same day, saying she wanted her money pouch back. Turns out she'd talked to a few alley cats and bribed them with fresh fish to stalk me down. When I asked how she talked to the cats, she showed me her own tattoo on her wrist. So….I…gave…back…the money pouch in return for having her help me…get the same tattoo? and teaching me how to use it. It takes a while to work, but it's very useful!" He finishes in a rush, looking ready to bolt.
Rayi just grins. And wild shapes into a large greying mastiff, licking the Boy's shocked face. It was still too soon for the Boy to learn this skill in particular, but how could Rayi not show him the possibilities when the Boy's love for Nature's Creatures showed so true; and seeing the youth's eyes sparkle in wide eyed wonder at the transformation warmed Rayi's old heart.
Rayi hadn't thought he'd ever find a suitable apprentice, but Nature truly never did let him down.
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hinamie · 9 months ago
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yeah sorry theyre tragic in this au too
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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likeastars · 22 days ago
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THE GUY WHO HAS TREATED ADA THE BEST UP UNTIL NOW WAS FUCKING- ugh. Give me a second. *swallows a bit of vomit* ok ok. I'm good. no wait- blegh. ok. ahem. FUCKING MONTRESOR?????????
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jiaxxnscribbles · 10 months ago
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Baldur's Gate 3 🤝 Don't Starve Together:
the shadows hate you
meat products are a valid weapon
(Feat. my tav Avallir)
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osamusriceballs · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 27 <3
Ushijima x dirtytalk
Warnings: NSFW, fem reader
Words: ~ 2,3 k
Kinktober Masterlist II -> Next day
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"Here, Wakatoshi-kun! Look at this!"
A phone gets shoved into his face, the brightness level way too high for comfort, but he squints to take a look at the screen. A small grunt leaves his lips at the lack of greeting from his red-haired friend, but he chooses to focus on the screen instead.
It's an Instagram post with a picture of him, one taken during the Olympics. He looks at the picture, confused, but then Tendou starts scrolling through the comments
"I'd combust if he called me 'baby' with that deep voice."
"Do you think he's vocal in bed?" Reply: "He doesn't talk much in interviews, so I doubt it." Reply: "What a waste. His voice is so hot."
"LOOK AT HIS ABS *drools*"
"The world is going crazy ever since you said 'baby' in that one interview!" Tendou wildly gestures with his phone still in his hand, his grin almost smug when he elbows Ushijima. A frown appears on the spiker's face as he tries to recall the interview. It was one that he wasn't too fond of, due to the number of personal questions that had been asked. Way too personal questions for his liking.
"Ushijima-san, do you have any plans to start a family soon? When can we expect a baby, a little Ushijima junior?" "Baby?" he had echoed, clearly taken aback by this question, something that the interviewer probably failed to notice, but to the people close to him, it was fairly obvious. The silence after this question lead to speculation on the internet about his relationship status, something that he has kept private so far.
"It wasn't in a sexual way." Ushijima states after skimming through more comments, raising his eyebrows when the messages get more explicit and vulgar. "I was surprised when he asked the question."
"Doesn't matter! The world is going feral now, everybody wants to be Wakatoshi's baby! And even I have to admit that I got butterflies when I heard you say that. Y/n is really lucky~" Tendou hums, mischief clear in his eyes, but Ushijima fails to follow his train of thoughts with this.
"Why is she lucky?"
"Because she gets you to say sweet and dirty things to her all day long. You can't fool me, Wakatoshi-kun; I'm not only your best but also your oldest friend." Tendou winks and strolls ahead, oblivious to the way Wakatoshi is left standing there with a frown on his face, still.
You rub your arms dry with a fluffy towel when his voice comes from the other side of the door.
"Hmm?" you hum, smiling excitedly because he is finally back home. "I'll be out in a second."
"Yes, please. We need to talk." You hear him lean against the door frame, clearly waiting for you to come out.
You freeze at his words, eyes growing wide when realization settles in and you fully comprehend his words. "Talk? Talk about what?" you know that you sound shrill and loud, but you can't help yourself but to feel nervous at his serious tone- even more serious than normally.
"About us." Your jaw drops, and you quickly reach for your bathrobe, hastily unfolding the fabric to its full length.
"What do you mean about us? Is there a problem with us?" You finally manage to pull your arms through the fabric, quickly wrapping the fabric along your body before you open the door. You're met with Ushijima's broad chest as he quickly straightens to his full posture. His olive eyes roam over your body, lingering for a short moment on your exposed cleavage before they return back to your face. He looks nervous, there is no other way to put it. "I'm not sure. I think there could might be a problem."
"And what would that be?" You cross your arms in front of your chest, your eyes boring into his face as if you could find answers for his unusual behavior there. You've never seen him like this before. His usual warm eyes are clouded with worry, his hands fidgeting with his phone in his hands. "Toshi? What is it? Please, talk to me." You're tempted to take the phone out of his hands, but you refrain from touching him, not when you don't know what's going on.
"Are you happy with our sex life?" His eyes don't leave your face, not for even the slightest second to see your reaction, and your jaw drops at the sudden question- you expected a lot, but definitely not this.
"I'm- I mean, yes I am? Shouldn't I be? Are you unhappy?" You take a slight step back, creating distance between the two of you, baffled by the sudden implication that he thinks that you're not satisfied. Or that he might not be. Sex with Wakatoshi is great- hard, rough, and passionate. He knows how to fuck you, that is for sure, but he also knows how to be gentle and sweet, how to take care of you and spoil you, especially during aftercare. You lack nothing in your sex life with him- and you hope that he feels the same.
"I am happy. Very. I enjoy sex with you very much much," he states firmly, but that only confuses you more.
"Why are you asking me then? What made you think that I could be unhappy?" You move closer to him, worry etched in your features when you finally take his phone and put it aside to grab his hands.
"Do you want me to talk more? To be more vocal? I saw a video and people kept on commenting how they want me to call them 'baby' and some more things. Would you like that too?" The way he asks nonchalantly like he was just talking about dinner made this even more embarrassing somehow.
"For you to call me 'baby' during sex?"
"Hmm." He nods and looks expectantly at you, his hands squeezing yours while his gaze seems somewhat calmer now that he is convinced that you're satisfied.
"You... you can call me whatever you want. I'm fine with it." You try to sound unbothered and calm, but the slightly shaking note shows how the thought of him calling you "baby" or "his pretty girl" while he thrusts into you does something to you. He nods, hesitating for a second, but then his hands suddenly drop yours to pull you in by the waist, his other hand coming to your chin while he leans down until his lips are close to your ear.
"My baby. Or would you rather be my babygirl?" His honey-like voice almost puts a spell on you, and you find yourself shivering in his arms, thighs involuntarily clenching together. "S-sounds good, Toshi." You bring your hands up to his chest, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt and his slow and steady heartbeat.
"And what would my babygirl like me to do? Does my babygirl want to be touched?" He lowly mumbles against the shell of your ear, your heart now beating faster when his hands start to roam over your body. "Yes," you breathlessly answer, hands slightly clenching into the fabric of his shirt. Definitely not what you had expected as the outcome of the conversation, but vocal Wakatoshi makes your pussy throb with every single word.
"My babygirl needs me to touch her, huh? I will take care of that pretty little princess cunt." He kisses your cheek, and your legs feel like jelly at this point. You cling to him, hanging on every single one of his words. You feel your arousal growing, feel how you start to get wet the more his hands keep touching you.
"More," you whisper, feeling hot and bothered while he keeps on touching you and pressing kisses to your neck. "More? Is my babygirl needy? That pretty princess cunny needs me to touch her?" He lifts the bathrobe just enough to place one hand on your thigh, and you feel like your body is on fire when he touches you there.
"Yes," you gasp, your hands now finding purchase on his shoulders while you cling onto him like your life depends on it. "What does that little princess cunny want? My fingers?" He grazes his fingertips along your thigh, moving dangerously close to your pussy under the bathrobe- bare, and basically creaming for him the longer he keeps playing with your body.
"Or my tongue?" he licks along the column of your neck, and you gasp at his words, the sensation hot and forbidden god. "I want to taste you, baby. You always taste so sweet. Do you want my tongue between your legs? Licking at your pretty pussy?" His fingers reach your throbbing pussy, slightly parting your folds and dipping in your wetness.
"Do it, do it, Toshi, please," you press your legs together around his hand, effectively caging him right where you need it. "Hmm, but you have to cum on my fingers first." He pecks your cheek and pulls his hand away from your legs, just to place it on your hips to guide you towards the bed. "Lay down for me, baby. Open that bathrobe for me."
His baritone echoes through the room, and you feel yourself doing everything like you're in a haze, full of need for him. "Hmm, that's my good girl." He hums apporvingly when you discard the bathrobe on the floor. Your body is trembling in the cool air of the room, but Ushijima is quick to join you on the bed and to hover above you, radiating so much heat that you instantly feel warm.
"Baby, spread your legs for me. Show me everything." You take a deep breath and slowly part your legs, revealing your glistening folds to him. A shiver runs down his body, and he clears his throat before he speaks again, his voice now lower when he is obviously bothered and turned on by the situation. "Look at how wet you are for me. All for me."
You frantically nod, anticipation rushing through your body while you wait for him to touch you. His fingers finally roam over your thighs, and your head falls back into the pillow at the way he touches you, the way he knows exactly where and how to touch you.
"So impatient. I can't wait to be inside of you, to feel you around me." Your gaze falls to the tent in his pants, the thought of him fucking you making your head spin and your pussy throb with need. His fingers move between your legs, moving along your folds and pressing against your clit. You moan at the sensation, your hands fisting the sheets when his thumb prods on your entrance.
"You look so pretty like this. Just waiting for me to touch you, to fuck you. And you feel so good around my fingers." He pushes his thumb inside of you, and you almost close your legs around him. "I will make you feel so good. I will make you cum on my fingers, on my tongue, on my cock." You clench around the digit at his words, your eyes focused on his handsome face while he keeps on rubbing your clit. "More, please more," you whine your body shaking underneath his. "Shhh, I'll give you more. I'll give you what you need, baby." His eyes roam down your body and you almost protest when he pulls his thumb out, just to quickly replace it with three of his fingers. "Oh, Toshi," you whine, your hips arching into him, and you start to fuck yourself on his fingers. He keeps the fast rhythm, pulling his fingers out, and pushing them back inside, curling them pulling them out again. "You feel so good. You're is creaming for me, look at that." His words only add fuel to your desire, and you grab his shoulders to push him down to you to connect your lips in a needy kiss. He groans into your mouth, his movements slowing down for a few moments before he sets his rhythm again, a fast and punishing pace now.
Your nails rake along his bare shoulders, leaving red marks, and he groans at the sensation. "Come on, baby girl. Let me feel you clench around me. Cream on my fingers, make a mess for me," his voice sends you over the edge, and you moan his name when you cum, your walls pulsing and clenching softly around his fingers. He groans your name, sweet praises of how you're his good girl, how pretty you look under him, how much he loves you, leave his lips and your body arches from the bed into his while your face contorts in pure bliss.
He prolongs your high, making sure to keep his pace and to curl his fingers just the right way, and your body goes limp when he finally slows down. His lips meet yours, pressing chaste and loving kisses to your face. "Was that okay?" The slight frown on his face is back, a clear sign of him being deep in thoughts when he pulls back after a few more kisses.
"More than okay. I think I could cum from your voice alone." You smile up at him and cup his cheek, the afterglow making you feel so good while you lay under him.
He raises an eyebrow, curiosity now sparkling in his eyes at your words, and you are quick to explain further. "I- I didn't mean that literally. Like- I just wanted to say that your voice is hot. And you are hot." Your cheeks heat up when he simply nods and hums, a mild smile on his lips.
"I want to test that out. Let's see if I can make you cum with my voice alone, baby."
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priceofreedom · 10 months ago
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Wutai FF7 replay 69/?
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coldshrugs · 4 months ago
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glamtober #28 - sun or moon
moon theme for the moonbun!! of COURSE i was going to go moon for this one. when i was experimenting with viera in the shb benchmark, i gave myself word association prompts to build from. "night sky" turned into the prototype for io. i fell in love with her face and started thinking about how her story might go. she's changed over the years, but her name and earring are constant reminders of the reasons i loved her from the start 🌘
items used:
weapon: twin moons (lavender purple) body: horos casaque (pure white | metallic silver) hands: false nails (pearl white) legs: taoist's slops (metallic silver) feet: martial artist's pumps (pure white | metallic purple) accessories: moonlet earring :>
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benevolenterrancy · 6 months ago
Can I ask what was your first impression of TGCF and if it turned out wrong or right?
My first impression of TGCF was "this goof continuously ascends to -- and gets kicked out of -- heaven, this is going to be clown town isn't it?"
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And honestly I stand by that one, I think I was completely correct**
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(**barring the fact that this goof will then go on to experience ever conceivable horror known to man but honestly I mostly expected it after MDZS)
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tartagliove · 1 month ago
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LANTERN RITE CELEBRATION IN SUMERU starring ✧ zeno (cyno x zebra)
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a surprise celebration, the scent of spices from home, a gifted qipao, tears of gratitude and long hugs, plump dumplings with imperfect folds, citrusy spray of peeled tangerines, lit sparklers burning in the night, a quiet walk to light lanterns in remembrance.
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it's the first year that I won't be able to go home to see my family around the winter holidays, so I start to feel especially homesick when the Lantern Rite Festival is approaching. I end up telling this to Cyno—who I've started to become closer with lately—while we're both doing our own research in the library. he nods as he listens and looks oddly contemplative the rest of the day, but I don't think much of it.
on the day of Lantern Rite, Nilou delivers me a note from Cyno, inviting me to his home to spend time with our friends. I nearly decide to not go, but being surrounded by friends might make me forget about missing my family.
the sun is setting by the time I arrive at his home. the air carries a hint of star anise and other spices that remind me of my mother's cooking. when Cyno opens the door, I'm hit with scents of traditional Liyue dishes, but that is forgotten when I take in what Cyno is wearing. he's dressed in purples and gold—his usual colors—but he's wearing a qipao. his hair is half up in a knot, held up with a ribbon. he's handsome, but I won't admit that—at least, not to his face, and not anytime soon.
he holds out his hands, a slip of red between his fingers. "happy Lantern Rite," he says. "this is for you."
tears start to well in my eyes but I laugh, accepting the red envelope with a bow. "I haven't received one of these in years! Cyno, what is all of this?"
Nilou appears behind him, dressed in a qipao herself, and when she sees me crying, she throws herself at me in a hug. "he spent days preparing this for you! we all wanted to make sure you still got to celebrate the holiday. now come, you have to get changed!"
she pulls me inside, and all I can do is give Cyno a teary-eyed smile and mouth a "thank you," before a pink qipao is thrusted into my arms. I find out later that all my friends bought clothes from Dori, but Cyno was the one who picked mine out.
when I'm changed, I step outside to greet everyone else—Alhaitham, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Collei are there as well. we spend a while making dumplings, where I get involved in a debate about how to make the best folds, and though our dumplings are all a bit misshapen and overfilled, they're the best thing I've tasted in a long time.
there are other traditional Liyue dishes and snacks that they've made or purchased beforehand. we end dinner by eating oranges, to usher in wealth in the new year.
after dinner, we go outside and light sparklers, waving them around in the air. Nilou chases Kaveh around with hers, making the rest of us laugh.
Cyno ends up asking me if I'd like to take a walk with him, so we step away, talking as we end up finding a nice spot on the Divine Tree, overlooking much of Sumeru. he pulls out two lanterns from beneath a nearby bench that he had prepared in advance. we light them, both of us quiet and contemplative. they float away when we release them, drifting up and up, light growing smaller, until they are indistinguishable among the stars.
"thank you, Cyno." my eyes are getting teary again as I turn to him, but my heart feels like it's overflowing with the love I've been shown today.
he smiles, then, soft and small but genuinely happy. "I didn't want you to be alone today. I hope this helped bring a bit of home to you."
I throw my arms around him, tears starting to fall. he hesitates, then wraps his arms around me, warm and strong against my back. he lets me cry until my tears stop, releasing me when I finally pull away.
we walk back to his home, where I'm surrounded by friends and warmth all night long.
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themyscirah · 10 months ago
Complaining abt Suicide Squad yet again but the fact that they have Waller exposing the alien community to space racist attacks and talking abt how she got to her position through deceit and being a terrible person and stuff is just. Ahsfiwueh JUST SAY YOU DONT KNOW WALLER.
Anyways literally the 3rd mission of the Squad ever (and the first framed as smth Waller picked and not orders from above) was the Squad discrediting and stopping a rogue vigilante who was only arresting POC and funneling white people into white supremacy groups (of which he was the most prominent member) in SUICIDE SQUAD #4. and it's explicitly framed as this mission being personal for Waller that she's hiding from the government bc its illegal like. Guys. Please why are we having her incite (space bc comics) racist attacks now
Also the whole "Amanda got her position through deceit and being a terrible person" NO. she KEPT her position through being shitty and playing complicated political games!!! She wasn't always that way like there is a difference and it is IMPORTANT ppl PLEASEEEE. In Secret Origins #14 we learn Amanda's backstory and she used to be a normal, caring person! Like even after she entered into working in government and politics she wasn't automatically morally bankrupt like please people. She was originally given control of the Squad by Reagan (*sigh* 80s comics...) to distract and get rid of her because she was so successful at pushing progressive social policy in Congress. Acting like she's this static pillar of evil is such a waste of her character and so fucking uninteresting and disrespectful to her arc it drives me MAD.
Like I am NOT saying Waller is all sunshine and rainbows, she fucking SUCKS (said w love <3) but like there's a human being there. It's a progression, she has a character arc like please, DC, please!!! They've fucked up Waller so bad and made her so opaque and uninteresting she can't even be the protagonist of her own story for fucks sake!
Like I don't know how many times I have to scream it until DC hears me or remembers but WALLER IS THE MAIN CHARACTER OF SUICIDE SQUAD. ITS HER BOOK. yet right now she's a cutout to be used as the villain wherever the writers please. Even in her book we get none of her perspective really displayed, no exploration of her thoughts with any kind of understanding of the role she traditionally has played and was made to play in the story.
#its like youre unable to root for her in any form. which is annoying bc shes actually awesome actually#also having her say “actually im the good guy fuck you'' w/o any actual deep analysis of her psyche or whatever while doing these things#doesnt count as development or showing shes 3 dimensional. its just having 2 dimensional waller say shes right when everyone is obviously#supposed to believe shes wrong#anyways i want real waller back please i miss herrrrrrrr#anyways hope mr john ridley has read secret origins no 14. i know its from 1987 but please guys please. my only hope#also it was a few months ago but i think they tried to push certain elements of a diff backstory in dream team and sorry but fuck that. and#any mention of another waller background like my eyes are closed sry. im a preboot truther#actually im just ignorant of most squad comics outside the original series. im gonna do a readthrough and become knowledgeable on other#stuff i just need to find time. so if im wrong then sorry if its smth factual and if you disagree with my opinion then uh sorry for ur loss#anyways shoutout to the time i had a nerd night w my one friend and she was asking me abt dc and said my favorite villains and i said waller#and silver swan. and she had a “yuck WHY” to waller and a ???? to silver swan. love shouting out my faves and explaining them to the less#informed. didnt say a number 3 but would probably be parallax ig. idk hes kind of slay. or maybe someone else honestly i like hal but waller#and nessie are blorbo level for me i could think abt them for hours#or maybe it wouldnt be parallax actually idk who my 3 would be. hes definitely up there but way below the other 2. maybe the cheetah#interpretation that i personally have. v different from the popular cheetah interpretation esp rucka vers actually. much closer to the pérez#and esp develops some subtext there surrounding barbara and the exploitation and theft of sacred cultural artifacts and pieces but also#like british colonization a lil bit#but i actually despise the cheetah that lives in my head but think shed be interesting to use narratively and see diana fight#vs the other guys who i find interesting and sympathetic and like for themselves#whereas my fave interpretation of cheetah can rot in hell#i got off topic here#blah#swishy rant#also disclaimer that w the main character ik dreamer is the main character of dream team. im talking more in general and that amanda should#always have a huge role as shes the main character of the squad and yet is treated like its villain and not its protag#sui sq
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ohshy · 8 months ago
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Referee Mario: NYA-HOO !!!
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constantvariations · 5 months ago
I get why people say Wyll/Karlach is enemies-to-lovers but it's missing too many of its signatures for me to agree
By nature, E-t-L's are slow burn. A good chunk of the story waits for one party to discover they're on the wrong side/both parties to realize they have more in common with each other than their factions, then a whole other chunk is dedicated to them learning how to trust each other. The higher the stakes in the story, the slower the burn
Yet everything between Wyll and Karlach is revealed and resolved in a single conversation. There are no lasting consequences of that initial animosity. Both are too good to hold grudges and all the fault lies firmly in hands not their own. Karlach trusts Wyll instantly and he her. Their friendship is so immediate that it's easy to forget that we met Karlach with the intent to kill her
And then there's the source of their quarrel. Wyll was led to believe Karlach's a devil seeking destruction and Karlach was just trying to go home. The thing that sets them against each other isn't their own beliefs or loyalties or anything deep seated and personal, it's the chain of command, something they're both eager to be rid of by the time we meet them. While it gives them something in common, it leaves them with nothing to unpack or overcome together
Compare that to the king of E-t-L's, Zutara of Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko spent most of the show's runtime trying to capture the Avatar to guarantee the Fire Nation's total conquest, something Katara wants to prevent at all costs. When the two are stuck together by happenstance, they lash out at each other only to bond over their lost mothers. Then Zuko betrays her, something Katara does not forget and does not forgive until he proves himself much, much later. Afterwards, they support each other, watch over the others together, and make a damn good team against Azula. Perfect, should have been canon, fuck Bryke
Honestly, I think Wyllach is just Faerûn's version of a meet-cute
#baldur's gate 3#yodeling into the void#karlach cliffgate#wyll ravengard#ive always found it difficult to justify killing karlach once you learn abt her backstory#outside of being an apathetic murderhobo what reason is there to kill someone trying to flee a war they never wanted to join?#i think some elements could have been salvaged if karlach had genuinely been a fiend#perhaps another cambion to contrast mizora and raphael#or maybe an alu-fiend for variety?#hells even a straight up succubus to really make the player wonder if she's going to be a threat if allowed to live#adds to the whole monsters in the making bit going on#her backstory and abilities would have to be altered but i dont think her personality would need to change at all#itd be neat to see a devil that isnt a business major#and i really like that one rewrite post where Wyll's relationship w Mizora is less antagonistic bc she's yknow.#actually being manipulative in her affection rather than whatever the fuck she's doing in canon#and the reason wyll is so susceptible to it is bc he believes so strongly in the good in everyone. even devils#and karlach being a devil whilst also a genuinely good person would open his eye to the fact that Mizora is Not Good#especially not good for him#i like wyllach but it doesn't intrigue me quite like wyllstarion or wyllzel#those two ships have that zing of 'by all accounts i should kill you for being a threat to innocents yet i cant help but fall for you'#fiend!karlach would fit right into that particular lovely niche#ngl the more i think abt it the more i want fiend!karlach#toss in werewolf!shadowheart and you'll have an entire party consisting of nightmare fuel and gale#make him be like sole human freddie in the eldritch scooby gang lmaoooo
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thornaelle · 10 months ago
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A portrait of my Pathfinder character Sabella's current mental state. She's having A Time.
▸ Everything she thought she knew about her life was a lie. ▸ Her great-grandfather is not just dealing with a fiends, he is one. He's a Rakshasa, has probably been several of her ancestors through reincarnation or impersonation, and he wants her to come home and be a good little pawn, sorry, grand-daughter. He particularly wants her back now he knows she can change her form and hide that she's a tiefling. ▸ But she wasn't actually born visibly a tiefling! Her older brother Cesare was though, and that was deemed unacceptable because they needed a respectable face for the family heir and not one that openly advertised that they had been dealing with fiends. Their second born, however, could be safely kept out of sight until they could find a way to permanently hide her fiendish blood too. So their heritages were swapped via horrible transmutation magic involving a painting stretched over a frame of magically re-shaped ribs, which has been hanging in her bedroom most of her life :) ▸ Totally unrelatedly hahaha; She's missing a rib! Cesare is probably missing one too :) It's fine, it probably contributes to her ridiculous acrobatics modifier she's real bendy :) :) It's fine :) Or could that be the ancestry involving a creature know for having wierd joints? Certainly no-one's looking at the way she moves with new eyes at all hahahahaaa :) ▸ Her parents may have been trying to protect her all her life which meant pushing her away and making her want to leave. Real shitty way to discover your parents might not actually hate you, might in fact love and want you very much. ▸ AND her dad has "business dealings" with the Azarketi ambassador, of the kind that mean they light up when they're in the same room and her mother is really pissed off. Is your family life not complicated enough already, dad??? ▸ Everything is Fine. ▸ :) :) :|
She's quite looking forward to getting to go and hit things that are completely unrelated to her fucked up family. (I am having a great time. Sabella may be in the middle of a nervous breakdown.)
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frankdelfino · 2 months ago
I finished reading The Day of the Jackal and I have never in my life read a book that has almost nothing in common with its adaptation lmfaooo
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fortune-maiden · 10 months ago
I’m sure something like this already exists probably but I’m really craving a mdzs back to the future AU where Jin Ling travels back to the sunshot campaign…. just in time to witness the soup incident and rip Jin Zixuan a new one for making a woman cry like that.
And not realizing until afterwards that those were his parents
Well now he’s made an enemy of his father who has never been spoken to like that and who is this unruly child wearing Jin robes and sporting the vermillion mark? How dare?
Jin Ling, in a panic and definitely not knowing the sunshot timeline well enough: I’m Meng Yao
(It’s fine he thinks. The real Meng Yao had a brief stint in the Jin camp before joining the Wen as a spy. And his father and everyone important in the Jin clan never met the real one until after the war. And LXC and NMJ are on different fronts. So this cannot come back to haunt him.)
Meanwhile Jiang Yanli has a dilemma. All her life she’s built up an image of JZX in her head, the man she would one day marry, who’d take care of her and treat her well. And he’s humiliated her time and again and shown that he never cared to get to know her at all. But here is Meng Yao, a gentleman who spoke up for her despite his own poor standing and at great risk to himself. He looks quite similar to JZX too (well obviously, they are half brothers), but has the sort of righteous temper she’s always imagined on her ex-fiancée. And he seems to get along okay with her brothers!
Maybe it won’t hurt to get to know him a little better…
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boughclan-clangen · 3 months ago
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yeah im a professional thumbnailer
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