#bisexual suki
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rose-bunny-28 · 7 months ago
*Sighs* I'm getting an obsession with these three as a ship. Don't send help
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I put the original cause I feel like it.
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samtamdan · 2 years ago
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heyhanibee · 1 month ago
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year ago
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another late @zukki-week entry, for day 2 // skinny dipping
and as a special treat it comes with @erisenyo's fantastic fic And Babe, (What Do you Mean) We Ain't Even Dating that this scene is based on!!
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quijotine · 1 year ago
bbygirl tried to flirt with sokka by showing him cool warrior moves and he is SO intimidated by her omg i love themm.m
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fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma · 9 months ago
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happy pride month beautiful people ‼️
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purplepenguintime · 19 days ago
im drunk. but yk what, thruple sokka zuko suki
you are so real for that
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The world if Sokka, Suki and Zuko all looked into each others eyes bisexually after the boiling rock
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dungeonyuri · 8 months ago
I love sukka but I also absolutely adore zukka and I think there's no need to make a choice Sokka deserves to have a girlfriend AND a boyfriend at the same time he's cool like that
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discordiansamba · 5 months ago
Suki and Zuko have been acting weird ever since they arrived at the Fire Lord's beach house.
(Which no matter what Zuko says, is absolutely insane and he's sticking to that.)
They keep pulling the other off to the side and discussing something in quiet whispers. Whenever someone butts in, they immediately shut up. If Sokka didn't know any better, it looks kind of like they're arguing- but that can't be right. Suki and Zuko never argue. They get along so well it's almost scary. Then one morning, they gather everyone together for a group meeting. Whatever it is, it must be serious, because they make sure they're all sitting down first.
"We have something we need to tell everyone," Zuko says.
"-its kind of important," Suki finishes.
They exchange a glance, and then they both point at themselves.
"I'm Zuko," Suki says.
"-and I'm Suki," Zuko finishes.
Toph's feet slam on the floor. Everyone else stares at them in silence. The pair exchange another awkward look, loudly stage-whispering 'what now' and 'I don't know' to each other. Toph helpfully breaks the silence and says that they're either the best actors she's ever met, or they're telling the truth.
"You're- what?" Sokka squawks.
"We swapped bodies," they both reply in unison, "-uh. We just thought we should probably tell you guys."
"What!?" Sokka sputters. "When!?"
"...back at the Boiling Rock?" Zuko who is apparently actually Suki says.
What. Sokka racks his brain, trying to figure out when it happened. He hadn't noticed a single thing! Wouldn't they have said something? Wait. Was it before or after he'd tried to kiss Suki in her cell. It had to have been after, right?
"I don't understand," Katara frowns, "-you two haven't been acting any different since you came back."
"Oh," Suki who is apparently actually Zuko frowns, "-yeah. I guess we should probably drop the act, huh?"
And then, in the blink of an eye, their posture just shifts. Suki folds her arms, taking up a stance they're more familiar with from Zuko. Zuko's entire stance grows looser and more relaxed. Sokka looks at his sister, who looks at Aang, who looks at Toph, who doesn't look at anyone because she never does and-
"Okay," Sokka says, "-now I'm really confused."
"Why were you pretending to be each other?" Aang asks. "I mean, I know we're kind of busy trying to defeat the Fire Lord, but I am the bridge between worlds. I'm pretty sure I can figure out a way to fix this."
"-and why were you so good at it?" Toph asks. "I couldn't even tell."
"Yeah, this doesn't really need fixing." Su-Zuko admits. "Suki and I just do this sometimes."
He must have said that out loud, because a smile that's all Suki flashes across Zuko's face. "We've been doing it all our lives. We just never really saw a reason to bring it up before now. Sorry."
Actually. Wait. Hang on.
"If you two swapped at the Boiling Rock," Sokka began, "-then when I tried to invite Suki to my tent-"
"-oh," Suki's face twists into the kind of awkward expression he'd expect to see on Zuko, "-uh. Yeah. That was me."
"Sorry," Zu-Suki presses his (her?) hands together in apology, "-Zuko and I are going to be like this awhile. We always swap bodies when we're close to each other."
"Kind of annoying, actually," Su-Zuko remarks, "-but if you two want to spend time together, don't stop on my account. Just don't expect me to reciprocate."
"Are you sure?" Zu-Suki frowns.
"Sure," Zu-Suki shrugs, "-I mean, you did help me patch things up with Mai. I didn't even ask you to do that."
Sokka lets his head hit the table. It was official. The spirits hated him. His second girlfriend had turned into Zuko.
(...and why was he considering it?)
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yourdailyqueer · 2 months ago
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St. Sukie de la Croix
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 16 September 1951
Ethnicity: White - British
Occupation: Photographer, playwright, journalist, writer
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spookybokchoy · 1 year ago
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Adding Trans Yue to my ATLA Pride series!
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atla-suki · 1 year ago
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happy bi visibility day to them 🙏 (and to me)
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samtamdan · 2 years ago
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kaviira · 1 year ago
~Azutara/Kazula au pt2~
Azula: "Aang." azula says as she spots aang.
Aang: "what?" Aang replies.
Azula: sighs "I'm sorry i set that one tree on fire." Azula says looking down.
Aang: "it's alright.., just don't do it again please."
Azula nods
Zuko walks towards azula after watching them.
Zuko: "I'm glad you apologize to aang, azula." He says with a slight smile. "What convinced you?" He asks.
Azula: "katara did." Azula replies trying to maintain calm as the kiss her and katara just shared flooded her mind.
Zuko nods then walks off to sokka.
Suki: "katara? Are you feeling well?, you don't look good.." suki says as she walk in..
Katara: "yea yeah.. I'm feeling fine"
Suki: "are you sure?, you're awfully red."
Katara: "it's nothing to worry, I'm gonna go to the river to cool off, I'll se you later"
Suki nods and goes over to toph.
(10 mins later)
Aang: "hey azula, could you call katara? We're about to eat dinner" aang says as he pats Momo.
Azula: "Alright. But where is she?" Azula says .
Suki: "she's at the river"
Azula nods.
Azula: "Katara!?" Azula calls her name. "Kat-"
Katara cuts her off by pulling her in the water.
Katara: "OK, we need to talk, princess." She says as she brings azula under a rock.
Azula: "don't expect me to bring up that much, but we kissed and I have no I idea why.."
Katara: "well do y-"
Katara gets cutten of once again by azulas lips. Azula being pinned to the wall as the river water splashes to them.
The kiss breaks.
Katara: "You have got to stop cutting me off like that, that's So disrespectful." Katara says.
Azula: "it the only way to make to you stop talking" she smirks.
▪︎Thats it lololol night!▪︎
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rose-bunny-28 · 4 months ago
My adorable bisexuals <3
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I can't decide if I want Sokka to also be trans, I think its cute as well...
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 9 months ago
katzula, zukka, and taang
nobody gets left out here in my shipping world
(I have an AU in my head where Katara heals Azula after the Agni Kai and they go off to the Sun Warriors on a redemption arc)
(zuko, toph, aang, and sokka are off trying to find Sokka’s sword and also running the Fire Nation bc they really don’t wanna mess with Azula, and they know Katara could beat the shit out of her anyway)
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