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if someday the moon calls you by your name don't be surprised / because every night i tell her about you
Richard Siken I Had A Dream About You / Vance Joy Mess Is Mine / Alessia Di Cersare The Side Effects of Eating Too Many Clementines / Frank O'Hara Biotherm / pinterest / pinterest / Tyler Knott Gregson Chasers of the Light: Poems from the Typewriter Series / Amrita Pritam Pinjar: The Skeleton & Other Stories / Ron Hicks Twilight Conversation / Joseph Marius Jean Avy Bal Blanc / Natalie Diaz Postcolonial Love Poem / Shahrazad al-Khalij
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vani-ash · 4 months
-via bimzpie
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nouearth · 2 months
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@ HONEYXCVII on twitter 2023/02/21
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houltsworld · 5 months
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TB Nick for Biotherm
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jeffbiblesupremacy · 2 years
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Jeff x Biotherm (x)
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chineseredcarpet · 6 months
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Wu Lei for a Biotherm livestream event
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jeffsaturwaist · 8 months
🪐Round 2 Results🪐
The people have spoken! These were all super close races, but here are your semi-finalists!
Concert: Siam Halloween (30.9%)
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Magazine: Ellen Men (30.6%)
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Music Video: DumDum (36.4%)
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Personal Post: The Heart Choker™️ (40.8%)
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WOW those are some fantastic Waists. Get ready cause the next rounds are going to be posted very soon! Round 3 will determine our finalists!!!
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arewedoneyet · 2 years
via jeffsatur @ instagram | 13022023
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lies · 2 years
Serious Ocean Racers doing Serious Ocean Racing 😜
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alexinafan · 1 year
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Alexina Graham
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Just a quick note to followers, although I am following The Ocean Race, I likely won’t be blogging about it. There is only so many hours in the day!
Frankly, using the IMOCA foils in the Southern Ocean on a super LONG leg seems to me a recipe for disaster because the ability to slow down and not speed up is key.
Talk about alarms ringing and being in continual crisis management on the boats. Thank g*d they are using an autopilot to steer the boats, because the crews have enough to contend with…And let’s not talk about difficulties eating, drinking, being sea sick while attending to one’s natural needs combined with the biggest sleep deficits known to sailors.
Anyway, I sincerely hope that I am wrong about this iteration of The Ocean Race. Especially since they have announced that the IMOCAs will be used for the next iteration of the The Ocean Race and the The Ocean Race Europe as well.
NO BETS on the number of boats who will actually finish this race.
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happyzyx · 2 years
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elgaberino-mcoc · 4 years
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Black Tom Cassidy Fan-Made Kit by Summoner Settimo
Bio - While he was always the black sheep of his prominent Irish family, Tom Cassidy’s decent to villainy began when the X-Man Banshee, his cousin Sean Cassidy, whom he has already lost his fortune, estate, and love interest to, lashed out at Tom with his sonic scream upon finding out his wife had died. As a result of these slights against him, Tom swore to make Banshee pay, even concealing his cousin’s own daughter, raising her himself instead to become the villain Siryn. Soon after turning to a life of crime, he would befriend and team up with the Juggernaut, and the two of them, as well as the occasional addition of Siryn, would often prove themselves more than capable of opposing the likes of the X-Men. After one of their battles with the X-Men ended poorly, with Tom being shot by Cable, wood-like implants were grafted to his body with the aid of Deadpool’s cells in order to save his life. This process awakened Tom’s secondary mutation, granting him the power to control plant life. However, these new powers would ultimately lead him to madness, and would tear apart the only true friendship he had ever known in Juggernaut. ————————————————————— Class - Mutant ————————————————————— Tags - #Villain, #HellfireClub, #BrotherhoodOfEvilMutants, #Defensive:Guard, #Offensive:Burst, #Wood, #Size:M ————————————————————— Signature Ability - “Splintering Defense” - If Black Tom Cassidy performs a Parry or a Perfect Block against any contact attack, his opponent has a 35-90% chance to gain a Splinter Buff, based on his Signature Level. Splinter Buffs last indefinitely and can stack without limit, but have no effect unless Black Tom Cassidy strikes his opponent with a Heavy Attack, which then Nullifies all Splinter Buffs and detonates them each for a burst of Direct Energy Damage. Parrying or Perfectly Blocking non-contact attacks can never inflict Splinter Buffs. Bleed Immune champions cannot gain Splinter Buffs. ————————————————————— Abilities, Attacks & Animations - Unique Passive Ability - “Chlorokinesis” - A secondary mutation grants Black Tom Cassidy limited control over plant-life. All plant-based champions (Groot, King Groot, Man-Thing) suffer a Passive 50% Ability Accuracy Reduction. Additionally, all champions reliant on #Wood in their arsenal (Massacre, Night Thrasher, Doctor Voodoo, Mordo, Mole Man, Elsa Bloodstone) suffer a Passive 20% Ability Accuracy Reduction. Despite having the #Wood tag, Black Tom Cassidy is himself Immune to Chlorokinesis, and if fighting another copy of himself will be unaffected by the Ability Accuracy Reduction. Unique Ability - “Wooden Implants” - Throughout a quest, Black Tom Cassidy’s Wooden Implants grow over most of the damage he has sustained in previous battles. Black Tom Cassidy is granted full Immunity to Open Wound Debuffs. Black Tom Cassidy gains a Permanent Passive 1% Resistance to Bleed Damage scaling up with his Missing Heath at the start of each fight, up to a maximum of 99% Bleed Resistance. Bleed Resistance does not vary during the fight as Health is lost or gained. The percentage value of the Bleed Resistance is determined at the start of each fight, and it’s value remains constant throughout each fight. Basic Attacks & Animations - Black Tom Cassidy uses an ancient Celtic wooden club called a Shillelagh both as a weapon to bludgeon his opponent and as a focus for his primary mutation which allows him to generate and project Bio-Organic Thermokinetic Energy through wood. Utilizing both his Wooden Implants and his Shillelagh, Black Tom Cassidy is able to convert a fraction of all of his Basic Attacks to bursts of Energy Damage, granting him utility against opponents with High Physical Resistance and Armor Ratings, as well as mechanics that Reflect Attack Damage like Reverberation and Rock Shield. Up to 40% of this Energy Damage penetrates the opponent’s Block. Basic Attacks - Only 80% of the damage from Light Attacks is dealt as Physical Damage, the other 20% of this attack is dealt in Energy Damage. Only 60% of the damage from Medium Attacks is dealt as Physical Damage, the other 40% of this attack is dealt in Energy Damage. Heavy Attacks - Black Tom Cassidy charges up his Shillelagh with energy and uses it to deal a devastating upward strike to his opponent. Copies Moon Knight’s Heavy Attack animation. Only 20% of the damage from Heavy Attacks is dealt as Physical Damage, the other 80% of this attack is dealt in Energy Damage. This is the only attack Black Tom Cassidy can use to Nullify Splinter Buffs. When Nullified, each Splinter Buff instantly deals an additional burst of Direct Energy Damage, equal to 35% of Black Tom Cassidy’s Base Attack. Blocking - Black Tom Cassidy makes use of Wooden Implants that have been grafted to his skin while he is Blocking attacks - instantly growing a dense wooden shield on his forearm whenever holding his block. Black Tom Cassidy Passively raises his Physical Resistance by 1000 while holding his Block. If Black Tom Cassidy is suffering from an Incinerate, Coldsnap, Frostbite, or Plasma Debuff or Effect, he can not raise his Physical Resistance while holding his Block. Special 1 - “Krakoa Security” - Black Tom Cassidy plunges his hands into the earth and uses his mutant powers to command a series of roots to violently erupt from the ground in a burst of energy, knocking the opponent off their feet. This attack has a Passive True Accuracy Effect, ignoring the opponent’s Passive Evasion and Auto-Block abilities, for the attack’s duration. While Environmental Symbiosis is Active, this attack becomes Unblockable. Special 2 - “Bio-Organic Thermokinetic Blast” - Black Tom Cassidy fires a powerful beam of Bio-Organic Thermokinetic Energy through his Shillelagh at the opponent. This attack inflicts an Incinerate Debuff on the opponent, dealing 40% of Black Tom Cassidy’s Attack as Direct Energy Damage over a 4 second duration. The Potency of this Incinerate Debuff is Passively increased by 5% for every Buff Active on the opponent, up to a maximum increase of 100%. Incinerate Debuffs also remove the opponent’s Perfect Block Chance and reduces their Block Proficiency by 50%. Special 3 - “Environmental Symbiosis” - Black Tom Cassidy entraps his opponent in a tangled mess of roots. As his opponent tries to free themselves, he walks up to them and slams his Shillelagh down into the ground, charging up all of the surrounding earth and roots with energy before lifting the overcharged Shillelagh and striking a devastating blow to the opponent which sends them flying to the edge of the arena. This attack has a 100% chance to generate 3 Splinter Buffs on the opponent. This attack generates a Passive Environmental Symbiosis Buff for 15 seconds. While Environmental Symbiosis is Active, the opponent has a 15% chance to gain 1 Splinter Buff while dashing forwards or backwards, a 60% chance to gain 1 Splinter Buff each time a successful hit pushes them against the edge of the arena, and a 100% chance to gain 2 Splinter Buffs each time they are Knocked Down. While Environmental Symbiosis is Active, Black Tom Cassidy Instantly Regenerates 1% of his Missing Health for every Splinter Buff he Nullifies with his Heavy Attack, up to a maximum of 75% of his Missing Heath Regenerated. Bleed Immune champions cannot gain Splinter Buffs. ————————————————————— Synergies - “Plant-based” - (Groot & King Groot & Man-Thing & Black Tom Cassidy) Groot & King Groot - Gain a Steady Release Buff for the duration of the fight. With the Steady Release Buff, up to 40% of Basic Attack Damage is replaced with bursts of Energy Damage that bypass Armor and Physical Resistance as well as mechanics that Reflect Attack Damage like Reverberation and Rock Shield. Up to 30% of this Energy Damage penetrates the opponent’s Block. Man-Thing - Gain a minor Steady Release Buff for the duration of the fight. Because Man-Thing is made of swamp mush and vines as opposed to wood, the effectiveness of Steady Release is greatly reduced. With the Steady Release Buff, up to 20% of Basic Attack Damage is replaced with bursts of Energy Damage that bypass Armor and Physical Resistance as well as mechanics that Reflect Attack Damage like Reverberation and Rock Shield. Up to 25% of this Energy Damage penetrates the opponent’s Block. Black Tom Cassidy - For each member of this Synergy present, Cassidy gains a Passive 20% Increase to his Base Energy Resistance Rating while Blocking. “Partners in Crime” - (Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy) Juggernaut - If the opponent strikes Juggernaut with a contact attack while he is Unstoppable, they are inflicted with an Injury Debuff lasting for 10 seconds. While the opponent is Injured, all of Juggernaut’s attacks bypass 100% of the opponent’s Physical Resistance. This Injury Debuff does not stack. Black Tom Cassidy - Increases Black Tom Cassidy’s Perfect Block Rating by 5%. Additionally, Black Tom Cassidy gains the ability to successfully Block all incoming Unblockable Attacks. “Revenge for Squid-Boy” - (Juggernaut) Juggernaut - While in the presence of Squid-Boy’s murderer, Juggernaut gains a Permanent Passive Rage Buff, raising both his Attack and Power Gain Rate by 10%. “Nefarious Nobility” - (Diablo & Black Tom Cassidy) Diablo & Black Tom Cassidy - Basic Attacks deal 10% more damage while the opponent has more power. “Enemies” - (Cable & Deadpool [X-Force] & Black Tom Cassidy) All Champions - All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
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@ mademypo on twitter 2023/02/21
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houltsworld · 2 months
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Nick for Biotherm 🩵
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