#bingo stray dogs beast
So like why is everyone talking about Chuuya? I’ve seen multiple people talking about his reaction to Dazai’s death or smth but I haven’t seen him since that one homoerotic interaction at the very beginning
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Requests for this card are closed, thank you to anyone who sent in requests! If you don’t want to see these you can block the tag #false bthb. As always shoot me an ask if you wanna be tagged in future stories, whether it be for bad things happen bingo or any of the other series, one shots or in general!
To Cure the Inevitable
Summary: Roman is so tired of endangering himself and everyone around him everytime he changes. Logan promises to help cure him, an old agreement never straying far in his mind
Warnings: major character death, body horror, gore, injury, needle, injected euthanasia. 
Prompt: Painful Transformation, requested by Nico on AO3
Ships: Logince QPR (Logan x Roman)
WC: 2303
“Logan if none of these work-”
“One of them has to.”
“Shut up and listen for a second.” Logan jerked his head up to meet Roman’s desperate gaze, his features softening as he saw the worry in his friend’s face. “I know how hard you're working and I love you so much for it but...if none of these work- Logan I can’t keep doing this.”
Logan knew. He knew how hard it was for Roman every month, saw it in the scars tracing his body and the guilty conscience he bore every time after. Months of repeating the same thing over and over again without coming close to what they wanted. Logan knew but he was still loath to hear it.
“If these don’t work I want to die.”
Logan jerked his head up to meet Roman’s desperate gaze, his features softening as he saw the worry in his friend’s face. 
“Roman I- this is it.” Logan held up the syringe full of liquid, the smooth glass reflecting the full moon’s light shining through the window. The room was dim save for that; dim lighting didn’t make for accurate scientific endeavors  but Roman hated the bright lights, especially when he- well, he cared more for his friends comfort than any rules he learned getting his degree. He supposed it was odd, going from working in a small research lab to making one of his own out in the middle of nowhere. An unassuming cabin with just enough homey touchy to assure no one would break in on the assumption it was abandoned. Enough furniture had been moved to it that it was a comfortable weekend stay to any who may wish it, fireplace stacked with wood and no perishables shoved into the cabinets for overnight stays. It was comfortable but he and Roman usually only came here once a month. Two days out of the month this was their home, though they usually stayed in the basement.
The basement that was also well stocked but with very different supplies. First aid kits lay on practically every surface with more advanced surgical supplies within easy reach anywhere you happened to stand in the room. Sterilized countertops were a;ways optimized to have something laid on them for examination and two big industrial sinks were set on either side of the room considering  how messy the work often was down here. A dolly and cart sat nearby the steps to get any supplies Logan needed from upstairs to down in the basement and ample shelving space provided room for it all. The biggest installment however, was a rather large, iron and silver coated cage; Logan didn’t know if those metals really helped anything but when it came to this he wasn;t sure if “overprepared” was ever a word he’d use.
Roman sat cross legged in the middle, hair tousled messily from running his fingers through it all night from stress. His too large hospital gown pooled around and left him looking small and vulnerable, which was a far cry from his normally boisterous and extraverted self. He was only twenty-five but the lines on his face spoke a different story, wrinkles pulled far too many times from stress and pain and regret, bags sagging under heavy eyelids as he struggled to even look Logan in the eye. Par for the course when they were down here together, neither of them ever quite ready to address what they knew was coming whether they ever wanted it too or not.
Logan gripped the vile tightly, the needle covered for now as soft music played in the background. Everything was tuned to Roman as much as Logan could possibly make it. Soft disney instrumentals played to fill the tense air, lights turned dim so the brightness never hurt his eyes, hospital gown made by him and Logan themselves using softer but cheap materials so it was comfortable but didn't cost too much to fix or replace when it was torn to shreds. The clock was put in plain view for Roman to see since he often got time based anxiety when he was down here, which Logan could hardly blame him for. They had tried lining the cage comfortably with pillows and carpet and blankets a couple years back but it hadn’t gone over as well as they had hoped so they had  spent a couple days extra at the cabin cleaning up the unexpected mess before agreeing that unfortunately, a bare cage worked best for their purpose. 
“Logan.” Roman twisted his fingers together and looked up at him finally, face tight and eyes wide as they caught the time and the angle of the  moon. “Can you...not the whole time obviously but...can I maybe hold your hand?”
Logan had always prided himself on keeping his emotions in check even through the most painful situations. Scientific research often had you making tough calls and difficult decisions that needed to be made fast with any guilt pushed to the background as you carried out what needed to be done. But hearing Roamn ask for such a simple thing, voice hesitant and quiet, his heart nearly cracked at the mere thought of denying him though they both knew how dangerous it had the potential to be.
“Roman, of course.” Immediately he was on his knees, vial stored safely in his pocket and reaching out with his now free hands to clutch at Roman’s desperately, squeezing every ounce of reassurance he had into the gesture as he smiled thinly. His chest grew tight at the realization that this really was all he could do, hold onto Roman pale, shaking hands through a cage while they both sat on the floor and waited. Both of them let the simple ambiance of soft violins wash over them as the minutes ticked away, their hearts beating rapidly through their hands.
“I said- I said goodbye today. Just in texts I- normal send off from talking about nothing. They don’t know that I might...I didn’t make it obvious.” Roman hung his head. “We don’t know if this one will be the cure right?”
Logan swallowed thickly, not daring to look up. “No, we don’t”
“If it doesn’t work...I don’t want to leave.”
“I know.” The last one hadn’t worked, and Logan was determined for this to be the most comfortable setting he could muster. He wouldn’t break, not yet, not while Roman still needed him. Over the past month he had hid his expenses from his friend, setting things up he knew Roman would enjoy. He could tell Roman had an idea it was his “just in case” plans and played along accordingly. Logan didn’t have the heart- no, the courage to tell him he had known it was the end a month ago. The last “cure” he had tried had failed to reverse anything like it was supposed to. Years of research carefully poured into a mix of perfect chemistry failing miserably and settling its weight on his heavy shoulders every time he had taken Roman to that restaurant he liked, or the park where they had first met, or the hill they had first danced on. All of the memories  that brought joy and laughter to Roman’s face spoiled in Logan’s eyes every time the thought that he had failed him entered his mind. 
He had successfully kept Roman in the dark however, knowing how hard Roman would take it. They had discussed this before, Roman knew on some level that this was coming, it was Logan’s job to tell him when. But...Roman had said his goodbyes. He had lived as best he could, he trusted Logan to know what was best. Even if Logan felt as if he was simply taking an old dog through the motions one last time, the thought made even worse with the fact that he had stolen enough euthanizer from a vets office to serve his purpose. But Roman was relatively happy, he was still hopeful, he still clung to Logan like a lifeline; so Logan couldn’t tell him there was no cure left. There was nothing at all but a syringe full of death that Logan would use when Roman had turned because it was easier to see the pain of a beast's eyes rather than the pain of the person he loved most.
He fell backwards suddenly as Roman shoved him away, face already twisted as his limbs began twitching. Logan forced himself not to look away- this was his punishment. He had to watch every second of this to burn it into his memory as petinance for what he had done, what he was going to do. He hoped it tortured his mind every second until he died and continued to do so while he burned in hell. He hoped Roman hated him for it, resented him and told him so in his dreams if he ever managed to sleep again. He watched wide-eyed and stiff as Roman curled into himself, a pained whine escaping through his mouth as his back spasmed and split, instantly soaking the gown he wore with thick, dark blood and splattering on the bottom of the cage. Twisting limbs slid on the slippery surface as joints popped and bones cracked under the force of his transformation, becoming longer and bent to accommodate for the hulking form finally shredding the gown as it flopped to the floor. His face was the worst, mouth open in a shrill scream that echoed in the soundproof basement as rows and rows of teeth shattered the pre existing ones and the jaw jutted forward to accommodate them all. Acid spilled from it, making the swelling tongue writhe in pain and temporarily cut off the scream, replacing it with a dull gurgling that had haunted Logan’s worst nightmares for years. His hair fell in clumps as his ears tore from their usual place to reposition themselves, becoming pointed and alert before folding back as his body shifted one final time to adjust itself to the beast it had become.
Roman’s new forn barely fit in the cage, twitching muscle pressed painfully into the bars as the skin worked desperately to knit itself back together, sticking to the bars in its haste and being torn away as he attempted to turn in the small space. Growling low the beast swiveled its massive head to look directly at Logan, as if he knew exactly what was going to happen as Logan slowly stood and wiped the annoying rivulets of water that ran down his face. He wasn’t crying, he needed to hold it together for Roman. Roman needed him right now, more than he ever had in the years after Logan had found out about this, in the years he had studied to be able to help him, in the months leading up to the final try. Roman needed him and Logan would be damned if he wasn’t there for him as he needed him to be.
Taking shaking steps forward he fumbled in his pocket for a second before grabbing the syringe and bringing it out. The beast looked warily at the needle as it was exposed, the glint from the moon flashing briefly in his eyes. Logan jerked his head up to meet Roman’s desperate gaze, his features softening as he saw the worry in his friend’s face. He took a steadying breath as he reached the cage, bringing his hand up slowly, both of their eyes locked onto Logan’s hand as he positioned it correctly on the plunger. With a quick movement the liquid disappeared from the glass, the caged beast jerking away as far as he could but only succeeding in distancing himself an inch or two. The empty syringe dropped to the floor at the same time Logan’s knees hit it with a resounding crack.
Logan jerked his head up to meet Roman’s desperate gaze, his features softening as he saw the worry in his friend’s face. He brought his hand up to lay on the bars of the cage, trying his best to smile in reassurance. Roman's eyes flashed once before they began to dull, muscles finally untensing as he slumped to the floor slowly. Watching as he closed  his eyes Logan reached in carefully to take his deformed hand  in his own, squeezing it gently despite the burrs that dug into his skin. He held it long after blood began to run from his much softer flesh, long after it grew cold in his palm and the blood dried and the fingers relaxed, long after the sun came up and went down again and enough time passed for whatever it was that plagued Roman’s body to leave once more leaving only a small, scarred form behind. A form that was far too cold and stiff to be Roman’s but one that Logan forced himself to accept that it was. His back hurt and his legs were numb while his stomach growled and his dry throat spasmed in unspoken sobs but he refused to move. 
Moving meant he had control of his actions. And that meant he had had the choice of doing what he had done. He could have tried and convinced Roman to bear through the pain just a few months longer while he tried to find something else. But he hadn’t.
Logan jerked his head up to meet Roman’s desperate gaze, his expression set in death to haunt Logan with its misplaced hope and fear and trust. He hoped Roman had finally found peace even as he prayed he himself never would. The lights buzzed faintly as Logan looked at their hands still intertwined together as comfort for him or Roman he couldn’t remember.
This work is also available on AO3!
Logan jerked his head up to meet Roman’s desperate gaze, and let go.
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iloveyou3thousand · 4 years
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open wide
Word count:
This is for the
summer bingo, with the moodboard filling the prompt ‘Red Riding Hood AU’ and the fic filling my ‘vore’ square.
The woods were familiar, the trail still visible with the light of the moon overhead. He’d grown up in that forest, was born and raised right there among those trees, and had always felt safe there.
But what he didn’t know, was that recently a new creature had taken residence there, and silently trailed after Peter as the boy carried his little basket, void of treats now that he’d dropped them off on the other end of the narrow path, humming to keep himself company in the quiet of the woods at night.
If only he’d listened a little more closely.
Read it on AO3 here!
TWs: dead dove do not eat, elements of rape, character death, explicit (sexual) violence, vore, explicit descriptions of blood and gore, permanent injuries, very dark werewolf Tony
The first time a twig snapped behind him, Peter didn’t even flinch.
The woods were familiar, the trail still visible with the light of the moon overhead. He’d grown up in that forest, was born and raised right there among those trees, and had always felt safe there.
But what he didn’t know, was that recently a new creature had taken residence there, and silently trailed after Peter as the boy carried his little basket, void of treats now that he’d dropped them off on the other end of the narrow path, humming to keep himself company in the quiet of the woods at night.
If only he’d listened a little more closely.
The bushes rustled, and although Peter looked up, he was quick to shrug it off as anything but the wind blowing through the trees. He didn’t think of a large creature with shining red eyes taking in the scent of something young and sweet, and preparing to pounce. He didn’t think of it crawling closer, staying hidden in the dark, but never straying too far.
Another twig snapped, this time much closer, and Peter’s heart gave a little jump. He’d not expected it to be so nearby. Usually when a sound like that emitted, it was from somewhere far away, from a squirrel making haste toward their nest, or a rabbit hopping through the underbrush.
This was something very different though. Very different indeed. But Peter didn’t have the time to contemplate what it was.
Suddenly, a few heavy footsteps, thumping on the dirt, lasting only a second before Peter found himself flying forward with a rough blow to his back. Pain exploded across his spine before he even hit the ground, teeth digging hard into the damp mud as he landed face first. He sputtered, and pushed himself up, but whatever had sent him flying was on his back faster than he could get to his feet.
It panted in his ear, hot and humid and something awful.
Peter tried to scream, but the sound cut off when even taking in a deep pull of air had his spine protesting painfully, leaving him gasping futilely for oxygen. Not to mention there were claws, keeping him down, forcing him to stay right where he was. The pressure on his back alone could have snapped him in half, and while he was grateful that didn’t happen, that weight on his ribs and subsequently his lungs wasn’t just a little bit uncomfortable.
Peter struggled, but couldn’t go far. He let out desperate pants, which was all he really could as the air steadily left his lungs and threatened to render him unconscious.
But then one claw lifted, which eased the pressure. Peter heaved. Only one paw remained, and as it smoothed down his back he could feel its nails, on the verge of sinking sharply into his skin if he moved even a single inch. The claw took his clothes with it, his cape tugging at the string around his neck and constricting it painfully until it finally tore and left Peter coughing once more.
He felt the cold night chill touch his bare back once the creature was done. Despite the urge to try and cover himself up, Peter didn’t even get the chance to. There was that claw again, this time on one of his shoulders, nearly crushing bone beneath its grip.
A wet nose, sniffing, like a dog’s, large and inquisitive, tickling wherever it went. Peter whimpered. This was no dog. He could tell. Dogs weren’t quite this large. Hell, even wolves weren’t this big, and he hadn’t seen them in the area for ages. It dawned on the boy that this had to be something else. And while wolves and rabid dogs could be dangerous, he feared that this was something he needed to be scared of much more than any other canines.
The way it growled low in his ear had Peter shivering, fear tickling up his spine and leaving him crippled in its wake. Not like he could have done anything if he’d wanted to – the beast had well and truly overpowered him.
That chilly, wet nose drifted lower, from the back of his neck down his spine, across more exposed skin. Peter jolted when it pressed right up to the cleft of his ass, but again, there was nowhere for him to go.
Peter soon came to find out that the creature’s tongue was long and broad and rough, like it was meant to be able to lick meat off the very bone of the beast’s prey, when the warm thing pressed wetly against his hole.
“N-hah!” Peter managed to get out, but that was about as far as he could get. His priority right now was saving his breath, as it was still on the verge of rapidly running out if he didn’t keep it under control as carefully as he could.
It was an incredible task. The creature’s tongue pushed into him, and Peter’s eyes watered, but he wouldn’t scream. Save your breath. Save your breath. Save your breath.
It didn’t last long.
What lasted much longer was the torture that followed.
The animal seemed to grow impatient with the lapping very quickly, and moved on to something more exciting. It heaved itself up, effectively pressing Peter down into the mud all the more, before the boy could feel the thing behind him move. Frantically, hips stuttering out of Peter’s view, looking to bury its massive, slowly unsheathing cock into Peter’s unprepared body.
And the wolf did so with little issue. It lined up its barely unsheathed cock against the hole he’d discovered with a few licks of his tongue, and forced its full length out of hiding and into Peter in one, firm thrust.
It knocked a scream out of Peter, which earned him a shove, his shoulder protesting beneath the weight of the creature’s paw. So far, the beast had been considerably gentle with his catch. But the second he started rocking into Peter, the boy knew that whatever caution it had taken before was now completely out the window.
White hot pain swarmed him, exploding somewhere between his spine and his belly button as the creature forced its large, pointed cock into him again and again, completely disregarding the fact that Peter’s insides were intricately put together, and delicate – prone to tearing under immense pressure.
And immense pressure it received.
Peter absently noticed a warmth start to drip across his balls and down his thigh, originating from where the creature’s cock pushed viciously against his inner walls again and again, punching in and out of him and showing no signs of stopping. Not yet, at least. Not until Peter could feel the beginnings of something grow at the base of the animal’s cock, something large and unforgiving, which the monster shoved against Peter’s already overstretched and abused hole.
It growled when it couldn’t get it into the boy, who practically folded in two with the force of the aggressive thrusts now, spine screaming at him.
Peter’s vision swam when the wolf reached its peak, giving one last spine-crushing plunge and not giving in until the enormous swelling breached Peter and had the boy crying out as he felt his skin tear with it, barely contrasting the injury now inflicted upon his back, which gave pathetically under the pressure.
Crippling cramps spread across his lower back, the wolf’s claw digging into the flesh of his shoulder as it lifted its head toward the sky and howled in success while Peter lay there struggling to stay conscious.
Slowly, Peter started losing feeling in his legs. First, they tingled where they half dangled behind himself, spread uselessly across the dirty ground. He couldn’t move them, no matter how hard he tried, not even to pull his thighs together in the hopes of easing some of the torment between his legs. They lay there, and continued to lay there – and would continue to lay there until the wolf was finally done with him
Peter’s face was wet with tears. The creature hadn’t moved yet, but Peter could feel it inside of him, spreading its warmth across his ruined insides. Peter didn’t want to think about where it was going to end up now, or he might have gotten sick.
For a short while, the claw on Peter’s shoulder eased. Not its pressure, but the sharpness in his flesh. When those razor-like nails returned and the creature stopped panting, Peter knew that his short break was over.
And sure enough, it started pulling.
Peter couldn’t dig his toes into the dirt, couldn’t struggle against the pushing and pulling and growling in his ear, so he just lay there, eyes squeezed shut as the creature pulled its still fully inflated knot out of him, effectively pulling his spine straight again – but it didn’t feel any better for it.
The beast wasn’t done with him yet. Before Peter could catch his breath and dig his hands into the ground to try and start pulling himself away, it was on him again. He’d thought that maybe the wolf was tired now, sated, satisfied, and done with him. Maybe it would let him go if he made himself scarce, and he could crawl his way back home, where the village witch might be able to take a look at his back and see if she could fix him.
But god, he didn’t feel like this was something anyone could fix. Not even the witch.
Having lost feeling in his legs, Peter didn’t notice when the wolf bit down on his thigh until it violently yanked him back towards it.
Peter cried out as he went – but the sound was soon muffled. The beast showed a flash of large, enormous teeth, already coated in Peter’s blood as it had started oozing from his leg, maw opening wide, and closing viciously on Peter’s side.
The boy’s cries cut off abruptly at the feeling of sharp fangs tearing into his skin, sinking into the tender flesh of his delicate flank. Peter could feel the wolf’s strength as its jaws clamped down. He should have expected it would be hungry after all of that. He should have seen it coming. He should have crawled quicker.
Peter’s mouth filled with blood and he coughed, hands flailing to try and hit at the large beast’s head. He stared into large, blood-red eyes as he hit with all his might, but it didn’t help.
The sickening crunch of his ribs giving out under the pressure of the monster’s teeth would have made Peter scream out in agony, but his lungs filled quickly with blood, leaving him garbling and gagging on his own fluids.
More blood filled his mouth as his broken ribs tore into more of his organs, and slowly Peter’s arms lowered, the pain too crippling to keep up his fight.
As if the wolf was about to give him a small mercy, it unhinged its jaw, letting go of Peter’s torn up waist and looking at the boy as if it understood exactly what it was doing. As if it wanted to look him in the eye before he killed him, or before Peter succumbed.
It was dark out, but Peter’s vision was impossibly darker. His body shocked in its last efforts to try and keep himself alive, but he was rapidly bleeding out from the gaping wounds all over his body, his stomach torn and pouring his insides onto the dirty ground.
The wolf’s maw was red with Peter’s blood, its dark fur sticking to its chin. If Peter didn’t know any better, he would have thought that it grinned at him, right before it opened up its terrifying maw wide once more…
And with one final attack, the monster set its teeth into Peter’s throat, and abruptly ended Peter’s miserable life when it promptly snapped his neck.
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ikiyou · 4 years
SKK: Enduring Solitude
Chuuya Whump Bingo!
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Written for @badthingshappenbingo​
Prompt: Caught in a Storm
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Excited to post this! A prompt for dear Anon!  So naturally I had to go very literal with this, and include every terrible thing that could possibly go wrong…
So without further ado, let’s give it up for Chuuya, our poor subject for these 25 whump prompts, with the opening and a second snippet to whet your appetites:
Contents/Warnings: Whump, Caught in a storm, Power fatigue, Electrocution, Drowning, Concussion, Cracked ribs, Hypothermia, Hurt/comfort
Clouds roiled above and below him, twisting and violent, like a devil’s cauldron.  The expanse was so huge, he felt suspended in the belly of an infinitely giant beast, tiny and insignificant.  Lightning crackled far below.  Chuuya felt a pit beginning to form in his stomach, and he swallowed.  He looked at the weather map again, and for the first time, realized just how big this storm system had grown…and that it was far too late to find a way around it.  If a full size airplane could get tossed around by a storm, what does that mean for someone as tiny as him?  He’d be like a fly hit by a flyswatter.
Chuuya gazed out at the wine-colored horizon.  The wind gusted through his hair and ruffled his jacket, and the ocean far below made him feel like a bird.  There was nothing between him and home but the long expanse of solitude and a few clouds on the horizon.
He sighed.  Damn the overly murky weather predictions Hirotsu had plied him with, he was going home tonight. Overseas mission finished, he was eager to shed his dress shoes and relax. But he wasn’t going to deny himself some much needed enjoyment of a solitary flight.  Dazai could suck it, this was one place he couldn’t follow him, and he was going to milk it for all it was worth.  Chuuya had deliberately swung out over the ocean for the more scenic and direct route.  Fuck landfall, he would make it in one go.  He was looking forward to giving Dazai the finger when he landed, completing his first international flight.
His phone buzzed.  “Chuuya-san.”  The familiar voice crackled over the speaker.
“Yes, Hirotsu.”  Another sigh.
“Weather reports that the storm front is building up into a regular squall line with likelihood of further development.”
Chuuya rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, it doesn’t look that bad.  I’ve got it Hirotsu, thanks.”  He ended the call and pocketed his phone.
And some whump:
Chuuya felt the hair on his head continue to lift, and with panic in his throat he jigged to the side. Brightness lit up everything, searing his eyes, and the sky roared around him.  He clapped his hands over his ears and tumbled.
And then fire seared through his nerves, his muscles spasmed and his eyes wide and unseeing. Chuuya’s jaw worked as he attempted to scream.  His back arched, every one of his vertebrae, every hair follicle burned.
He must have fallen unconscious because he didn’t remember closing his eyes.  He opened them to a silent wind buffeting his face, and his stomach doing flips as he tumbled, head over heels out of the clouds.  Did the storm go quiet?
Chuuya tried to right himself, but he just continued to ragdoll dizzily through the air.  He couldn’t twitch his fingers to save his life.  The heaving blackness beneath him was growing closer and closer.  Alarm pressed his heart in his chest and tears leaked from his eyes.
The barest of red embraced him as he plummeted into the ocean.
Read more on AO3.
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BSD Soukoku Fic: Enduring Solitude
Chuuya Whump Bingo!
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*Copied from my main, Ikiyou
Prompt: Caught in a Storm
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Excited to post this! A prompt for dear Anon!  So naturally I had to go very literal with this, and include every terrible thing that could possibly go wrong…
So without further ado, let’s give it up for Chuuya, our poor subject for these 25 whump prompts, with this opening and a second snippet to whet your appetites:
Contents/Warnings: Whump, Caught in a storm, Power fatigue, Electrocution, Drowning, Concussion, Cracked ribs, Hypothermia, Hurt/comfort
Clouds roiled above and below him, twisting and violent, like a devil’s cauldron.  The expanse was so huge, he felt suspended in the belly of an infinitely giant beast, tiny and insignificant.  Lightning crackled far below.  Chuuya felt a pit beginning to form in his stomach, and he swallowed.  He looked at the weather map again, and for the first time, realized just how big this storm system had grown…and that it was far too late to find a way around it.  If a full size airplane could get tossed around by a storm, what does that mean for someone as tiny as him?  He’d be like a fly hit by a flyswatter.
Chuuya gazed out at the wine-colored horizon.  The wind gusted through his hair and ruffled his jacket, and the ocean far below made him feel like a bird.  There was nothing between him and home but the long expanse of solitude and a few clouds on the horizon.
He sighed.  Damn the overly murky weather predictions Hirotsu had plied him with, he was going home tonight. Overseas mission finished, he was eager to shed his dress shoes and relax. But he wasn’t going to deny himself some much needed enjoyment of a solitary flight.  Dazai could suck it, this was one place he couldn’t follow him, and he was going to milk it for all it was worth.  Chuuya had deliberately swung out over the ocean for the more scenic and direct route.  Fuck landfall, he would make it in one go.  He was looking forward to giving Dazai the finger when he landed, completing his first international flight.
His phone buzzed.  “Chuuya-san.”  The familiar voice crackled over the speaker.
“Yes, Hirotsu.”  Another sigh.
“Weather reports that the storm front is building up into a regular squall line with likelihood of further development.”
Chuuya rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, it doesn’t look that bad.  I’ve got it Hirotsu, thanks.”  He ended the call and pocketed his phone.
And some whump:
Chuuya felt the hair on his head continue to lift, and with panic in his throat he jigged to the side. Brightness lit up everything, searing his eyes, and the sky roared around him.  He clapped his hands over his ears and tumbled.
And then fire seared through his nerves, his muscles spasmed and his eyes wide and unseeing. Chuuya’s jaw worked as he attempted to scream.  His back arched, every one of his vertebrae, every hair follicle burned.
He must have fallen unconscious because he didn’t remember closing his eyes.  He opened them to a silent wind buffeting his face, and his stomach doing flips as he tumbled, head over heels out of the clouds.  Did the storm go quiet?
Chuuya tried to right himself, but he just continued to ragdoll dizzily through the air.  He couldn’t twitch his fingers to save his life.  The heaving blackness beneath him was growing closer and closer.  Alarm pressed his heart in his chest and tears leaked from his eyes.
The barest of red embraced him as he plummeted into the ocean.
Read more on AO3.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
9x05: Dog Dean Afternoon
Welcome to our last hellatus recap. This is one of our themed episodes and it’s not too late to guess what that is. You’ll win bragging rights forever! Anyway, our show is back tomorrow!
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Obligatory Teddy Bear shot of how AbsUrD this show can be. Note to Show: Don’t highlight the absurdity of this show when you’re about to air a so-so episode. 
As a very dedicated taxidermist works on his Game of Thrones masterpieces, his very smart, very loyal German Shepherd, Colonel, alerts him to danger. They head through the halls of stuffed animals (but they’re all fake because who the fuck is stuffing these bears and shit? Also, a dog? Aren’t tigers endangered? WTF is all this?). Anyway, a man with a snake tongue attacks the taxidermist and Colonel sees it all. 
At the bunker, Sam’s got a case.
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Once at the Taxidermy shop, they find it covered in red paint, and a little paw print symbol. Sam takes a picture.
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Agents and Michaels and Deville enter the crime scene. And by crime, I mean all the dead animals. WTF? Like. WTF? Let’s assume all these animals died of natural causes, so we can pretend the victim was “a good egg.” Sam heads off to tour the place and Dean stops to interview Mr. Stevens. As Dean learns about “entrails” and such, Sam looks over the merch. 
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Poor Dean Bean continues to have frightening reminders about why he’s a germaphobe. 
The boys are thinking witch, but decide to keep digging. 
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At their motel, Sam discovers the “wiccan symbol” is really an animal right’s group symbol. (LOL, I totally don’t remember this episode and I’m totally NOT changing my caption from above.) 
Dean and Sam head to a vegan bakery where we learn that Dean knows the smell of Patchouli. Yeah, you might mask that with disdain for non-meat eaters, Dean, but we see you. They head to interrogate Olivia and Dylan, two founding members of S.N.A.R.T., the animal right’s group. They’re wearing sunglasses inside, so Dean thinks they’re douchebags. The brothers flash their badges. The couple sits down to talk about the victim. “You know how hunters are. They’re selfish dicks who define themselves by what they kill.” 
They explain that someone attacked them with pepper spray and that’s why they look like douchebags. 
Back at the motel, Sam further investigates the attack and the brothers surmise that they were attacked by venom.
At the local animal shelter, Brad gets a visit from Snake Man. Brad knows the guy and gets a $100 to let him walk into the kennel. The dude gathers ALL THE CATS and Brad wanders in to watch him EAT ONE. Yeah, we’re technically not on hate watch week anymore, BUT I STILL HATE THIS. 
Brad doesn’t last long. 
At the new crime scene, the brothers try to piece together the new information. Dean sees Colonel in a cage and ACCUSES HIM OF BEING A SUSPECT. GUH. Dean, just say you hate dogs and go home. Colonel doesn’t react to silver and Sam guesses they “can rule out killer.” Colonel starts barking. 
How would you like to come home with me and live in a nice big bunker and go for car rides all the time and eat liver sausages and help solve mysteries? 
Dean THE SMARTEST BEAN AROUND Winchester notices that Colonel is reacting to the local cop’s hat, so he tries it out. Bingo. Colonel was a witness to the crimes. 
Sam thinks there’s a way to communicate with the dog to find out what he’s seen. 
Kevin gets them a spell to talk with the dog. Dean agrees to drink the Mind Meld concoction because he doesn’t want Sam to take on more than healing from near death even if he doesn’t know if because he has an angel possessing him. Whew. 
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The spell doesn’t seem to work (But it DID, so can I like get said spell? I’d really love to talk with my cat on the regular, lolz, I’m not crazy.) 
After eating lunch, Colonel sits up and asks for the channel to be changed. DUDE. It’s Foreigner. No one puts Foreigner in the corner. Dean’s on my side and has a nice argument with the dog while Sam watches confused. 
Dean gets to the point of the situation and asks about the cowboy hat. The killer wears a hat. WBK. As he throws away his food wrapping, Sam wants to know about the cats. Dean retrieves it like a good boy. (but seriously, German Shepherds ARE NOT RETRIEVERS. Good luck getting them to return anything!) 
Suddenly, there’s a noise outside and both Dean and Colonel head to the window to harass the mailman. Yep. 
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Back at the motel, Sam tells Dean that side effects of mind melding with an animal can include developing animal urges. Suddenly I’m reminded of Dean’s fascination with the dog familiar from season eight and feel horribly uncomfortable. Dean angrily opens a chocolate bar, only for the dog to warn him off of it. No chocolate? This is an outrage!
Outside, a pigeon poops on Baby. “Hey, dick move, pigeon!” The bird returns anger with insult. “Screw you, asshat!” Apparently all animals have a universal language just sprinkled with insults! Dean shouts at the pigeon with all the subtlety of a very large human-shaped dog.
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Sam manages to drag Dean into the car, but not before I make a diorama of this scene and place it on my Supernatural altar of Very Good Things. 
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Dean and Sam argue over whether they should leave Colonel in the car. “You think we like that?” Dean asks, ROYALLY insulted. Hell, no. Colonel’s going in with them. In a moment where I curse my horrific prescience, Dean gives a lusty once-over to a nearby tied-up poodle. I…just…
Inside the shelter, Dean interrogates all the shelter animals. There’s only one dog who can give any good intel, and the dog only delivers in exchange for a belly rub. From Sam.
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The dog gives them a tip: they’re looking for a cowboy hatted villain who works at a nearby restaurant. Dean lets all the animals free before they leave. “I didn’t peg you for a softy,” Colonel remarks. But WE all knew. Dean Bean <3
The Winchesters break into the restaurant that evening and discover a giant stash of prescription medications and…a cage of mice. The mice give Dean a tip: animal bits and pieces are stored neatly in the refrigerator. Sam finds a spell: with the right magic, ingesting a certain bit of animal helps the magician to temporarily gain that animal’s power. The guy’s mixing various animal parts to experiment on the effects and fun new powers he might develop. 
Dean and Sam encounter a chef and waiter preparing a private dinner (featuring shark fin) and shoo them out under the guise of health inspector. 
Chef Leo nibbled on a chameleon, which allows him to get the drop on Sam. 
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He swipes at Sam’s throat. Gadreel flashes to life and heals Sam’s terrible throat slash. Leo witnesses this miraculous healing and decides that Sam’s the ultimate snak - I mean, meal. 
Leo sniffs out a dog, only to turn around and see…Dean. When the chef learns that Dog Dean and Angel Sam are brothers he is many levels of confused, but that doesn’t put him off his plans to chow down on Sam Fucking Winchester and his creamy angel filling. Dean, being a dog, immediately sniffs out some new information about Leo: he has cancer. Traditional treatments did nothing to help Leo, but his animal power worked. While his quest began sympathetically, murder is a side effect that Leo’s totally cool with as long as he can keep pushing the boundaries of man and beast. “Guess you eat enough predators, you start to become one.” 
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The chef pulls out a wolf heart so he can tear Dean - a mere dog - into little kibble sized bits. Dean breaks free just in time and leads Leo on a merry chase outside. He looks oddly triumphant for being cornered by Leo in an alley, and whistles sharply. A pack of the stray dogs come running and tear Leo to bits. 
Dean races back to check on Sam and calls for Sam…or Zeke...to wake up. “Don’t make me lick your damn face,” he pleads dramatically. Sam snaps awake. Hooray! Happy ending!
We jump to the Colonel meeting the vegans from earlier. They wuv that cute widdle puppy wuppy! Dean regrets that they can’t take Colonel along with them but it’s no life for a dog! It’s vegan dog treats from here on out. 
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The spell wears off just as Colonel tells Dean, “Dogs aren't really man's best friend. I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the real reason we were put here was to…” He starts barking, and the spell’s done at last. I’m sure we’ll finally learn the truth about dogs in the final scene of season 15, right? RIGHT? 
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At the car, Dean checks in with Sam. Sammy’s fine, but he’s a little weirded out by what Leo said about him - why did he want to know WHAT Sam was? Dean dissembles awkwardly and they take off for further adventures, played out to the credits by sad guilt violins.
These Quotes Have Fleas:
The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede nearly killed the guy
Always knew I'd find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery
You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags
I need a Raquel Welch poster and a rock hammer
I’m getting extorted by a dog
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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ao3feed-skk · 4 years
by Ikiyou
Clouds roiled above and below him, twisting and violent, like a devil’s cauldron. The expanse was so huge, he felt suspended in the belly of an infinitely giant beast, tiny and insignificant. Lightning crackled far below. Chuuya felt a pit beginning to form in his stomach, and he swallowed. He looked at the weather map again, and for the first time, realized just how big this storm system had grown…and that it was far too late to find a way around it. If a full size airplane could get tossed around by a storm, what does that mean for someone as tiny as him? He’d be like a fly hit by a flyswatter.
Words: 3499, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Chuuya Whump Bingo
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Whump, Caught in a Storm, Power Fatigue, Electrocution, Drowning, Concussions, Injury, cracked ribs, Hypothermia, Hurt/Comfort, Dazai secretly cares
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cloversdreams · 5 years
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Fav anime & manga bingo! I wanted to do this again two years later cause things have shifted a bit ^^
Make your own card here
The Seven Deadly Sins Black Clover Robihachi Love is hard for Otaku My Hero Academia Detroit Metal City D. Gray Man Katekyo Hitman Reborn Ouran High School Host Club One Punch Man Howl’s Moving Castle Princess Tutu Bungo Stray Dogs Genesis of Aquarion Yu Yu Hakusho
Beastars Given Beasts of Abigaile Dengeki Daisy Blood Lad Kiss of the Rose Princess Alice in the Kingdom of Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz Angels of Death So Cute It Hurts!!
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kimium · 5 years
My Own Favourite Fics
Hello everyone! Earlier (about a month ago?) I made a list of fics of mine that I felt didn’t get a lot of attention but I love them. However, I was thinking recently about my own fics and which ones are my “favourite”. Truth be told, I love all of the stories I write, but of course, there are always some that just stick to you more or not. 
So, I figured I’d make a list of some of my favourite fics. This list is actually very long. I’ve written 146 fics as of this post and narrowing them down to ten was challenging, so I’m keeping them at 20. I’m also not including any fics co-written with @someobscurereference because I LOVE THEM ALL and I feel that’s sort of cheating (they’re both of our fics).
Anyways, I’m posting my list under the cut, so if you’re interested you can check it out. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover one of my older fics ahahaha… So, in order of them being posted (recent to oldest), here I go!
1. Will You Marry Me? (BSD)
This fic was my first Bungou Stray Dogs fic and I really love it. I really like stories where Chuuya runs away with Dazai and joins the ADA. I also really like 5 + 1 fics and thus, this fic was born. 
2. Self Fulfilling Prophesy (FE Fates)
Writing this beast was a real challenge. There are a few areas I think I could have done something different and what not, but overall I’m very happy I wrote it. All the support I had with this fic from ObscureReference really helped me complete this multi chaptered fic. I’m also happy it’s completed. It took so much out of me.
3. Do You Want This Back? (FE Fates)
What I like best about this fic is the completely different tone I went with. I knew writing Leo/Niles as a Serial Killer Couple was very far off from canon but I really, really wanted to write it. The idea took hold of my mind and didn’t let me go. In order to balance the darkness of the idea I went with Immortal Owain meeting them. The counter balance, I think, really worked and I think sometime I’ll add more to this series.
4. Different Kisses (Magi)
I love Magi so much, so writing this was a lot of fun! Writing Sinbad and his interactions with his Generals was a lot of fun to come up with. That and platonic kisses and friendship was a lot of fun to explore as a topic. Plus, I’m such a sucker for Sinbad/Ja’far as a pairing so adding it in at the end was very indulgent of me.
5. Nightmares and Coffee (Danganronpa series)
I am firmly on board with Komaru and Nagito meeting properly and becoming friends. Having them meet briefly and talk was the main idea of this fic and I really enjoyed the soft, silent pace of their meeting, coupled with awkwardness and the beginning of a friendship.
6. Flawed Logic (It’s True Because You Want It to be True) (KHR)
I’m back with a KHR fic on a list and this time it’s the one I used to fill my “Forced Begging” square in my Bad Things Happen Bingo. Honestly I love all my 100/51 fics to pieces, but this fic made the list because of how I wrote Byakuran. I honestly love writing him so convinced of his ideals that it’s now true. There’s nothing Shouichi can do and I find that sort of situation and mindset a lot of fun to explore (for both Shouichi stuck in the situation and Byakuran in the mindset).
7. Prices (SDR2)
This fic is super special for me because it re-purposed a very old idea (like a three year old idea?). I really loved using the idea and having it incorporated into a KomaHina fic. The magic aspect and world building was a lot of fun too. Plus, I was able to hint at some of my favourite Kingdom Hearts originated worlds with some of the scenery and that’s always a win.
8. A Dance (Just for You) (FE Awakening/Fates)
I had so much fun with this fic!!! It’s honestly one of my most favourite Fire Emblem fics I’ve written and it’s all in Grima’s relations with the Awakening kids. It was utterly fun writing all the subtleties with the other Awakening kids, since I wrote exclusively in Inigo/Laslow’s POV. Sometimes I think of writing more and maybe I will some day.
9.  Heart Snatching (FE Awakening)
Finally I wrote a fic that’s entirely Awakening and not the Awakening Trio! Writing in a slight AU as Chrom and his relationship with Grima/Robin was honestly the best. I also really liked taking a more fairytale esque theme underlying the entire story.
10. (Un)Protect Me (SDR2)
I love all of my Demon Komaeda fics, but if I had to pick my favourite one, I think it’s Part Nine. It’s the ending I think is canon for my series and it helped wrap up a lot of ideas and themes I had going on with the other nine parts. Demon Komaeda really blew up in my mind and the fact that I can talk about it having parts really makes me happy. This series holds a special place in my heart as I finally was able to write a darker look into KomaHina… even if I had to do it in an AU ahahaha…
11. Jeweled Scars (FE Fates)
Yet another fic apart of a series on this list, Jeweled Scars is really special to me because of how well my Crystal Scars AU was received. Ahahaha I honestly thought the idea up on a long drive and worried that my idea was too ridiculous. However, the image of crystals in place of scar tissue was such a great image that I went with it and I’m so happy I did! This one is the first one in the series and I really loved writing as Laslow. 
12. No More Tears (FE Fates)
What do I love more than Leo Trio OT3? Leo Trio OT3 where Odin thinks that he’s a burden on Leo and Niles’s already established relationship and it’s a Soulmate AU. Honestly, this fic was so cathartic for me to write. I love writing angst and the dark thoughts of “being in the way” only to be proven wrong. It’s such a great trope and I could honestly write a lot of Leo Trio fics like that if given the right prompt.
13. Healing is a Round Ball (SDR2)
This fic was the first time I exclusively tackled all the SDR2 cast and their POVs. It was a challenge but a lot of fun. I had a blast coming up with their coping mechanisms/ what haunts them on a daily basis. A lot of those ended up being my head canons and if anyone is curious, I’m super fond of my Despair Sonia and Saionji head canons.
14. Fixing the Almost Broken (SDR2)
I am so weak to the trope of alternate universes and body swapping/occupying as a device to compare and contrast. I actually wrote this idea in an earlier fic but not with as much… confidence? as this one. Still, the idea of canon KomaHina having their relationship more together than an Alternate Universe KomaHina was a ton of fun to explore.
15. Ties of Family (SDR2)
I remember writing this fic. I remember writing a chapter of it in Narita airport and posting it in Narita! It’s that old LOL. Writing a domestic KomaHina with a child Chiaki was very fun. Though I do remember being very wiped when writing this fic because at the same time I had Moving Forward happening and I was Modern AU’ed out by the end.
16. Waking Up in Pieces (SDR2)
Easily my longest fic and my most popular fic. This fic is usually my answer when I think to myself “what’s my favourite fic of mine?” This fic is very, very special to me. The entire healing process of Nagito and the struggles with Hajime and the others was something I really wanted to tackle. Having Enoshima’s voice influence Nagito was easily one of my most favourite parts to write. The slow build up to Nagito healing and realising how problematic he was? It was truly the best to write.
17. It was okay. It had to be. (SDR2)
I had always wanted to write a Hanahaki fic and this one is the one! It’s also that OT3 one where someone thinks they’re not wanted in a pairing, but what I love the most about this fic was how I wrote Kamukura. My biggest goal with this fic was to make Kamukura sympathetic and for others to see that his love with Nagito wasn’t a roadblock, but an aspect that also had to be embraced. I had a lot of fun with this fic. Even when I look back and realise I shouldn’t have been so afraid of writing more, I love this fic with all my heart.
18. Take It All (SDR2)
The idea of soulmates feeling pain when the other dies and then taking it to Nagito gaining everyone’s names was heavily inspired by Noragami and Nora having all those names on her. I really, really, love that imagery of multiple names or things written on people’s skin. Playing through SDR2′s canon was also a blast.
19. What Happened to the Moon? (Assassination Classroom/DR crossover)
This crossover was a blast and I really liked adding in canon from both AssClass and DR1 into this fic to create the idea that they’re in a shared universe. It really was a blast to write and I keep thinking about writing a prequel to this in Nagisa’s POV and how the world fell apart according to him.
20. How Did You Get In Here? (SDR2)
Oh, yeah, we’re cutting deep here! This fic is soft. So soft. I honestly really, really love it. I loved writing the idea of Komaeda breaking into Hajime’s cottage only to snuggle him. I loved how short and sweet this fic is and how I think this story embodies my desire to always see soft fics with KomaHina.
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no-longer-tainted · 5 years
WIP Week 2019 [Day 5]
Question: What is your most used AO3 tag?
I guess it’s the shipping tag for Soukoku/both of them as characters + fluff
Your Canonverse or AU WIP
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs Shipping: Soukoku [Chuuya Nakahara x Osamu Dazai] Notes: I don’t have any canonverse WIPs so I wanna show you one of my Fantasy AU WIPs, I decided to make for the SKK Trope Bingo but it got too big with the idea so I created my own world for it. The WIP is the very first chapter and I hope you enjoy it <3
The darkness of the room was only broken with one almost burnt-down candle and a deep sigh was the only sound when a young man with orange hair let the red wax drop down on the envelope only to imprint his seal on it a second later. He couldn't tell how many hours have passed since he was working on that letter in front of him but it was a incredible relief having it done now. He closed his clear blue eyes and when he breathed in, he opened them again. "Atsushi?" 
The door was opened soundlessly and a white haired man with a single black hair strain appeared in the door frame. He had a nervous look on his face and swallowed hard. The atmosphere in the room was heavy and usually, he wasn't allowed to enter this room. "How can I help you, Chuuya?" 
Chuuya got up from his cushioned wooden chair with the letter in his hand and walked over to Atsushi. "You have to bring this letter to Kouyou." He reached the letter to Atsushi but he didn't take it from him right away. 
"Why me?", he asked and frowned at the pitch-black envelope with the dark red wax seal on it. It hadn't any name written on the outside and the wax looked like a drop of blood. Chuuya had a meaning look in his eyes. "Are you sure? You-You worked the last five hours on it." Atsushi swallowed again. "It has to be super important!" 
"Exactly." Chuuya held the letter closer to his friend and looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You're the only person I can entrust this letter with." With shaky hands, Atsushi took the letter and was anxious about bending the envelope by accident. "Can't you go yourself?" 
Shaking his head, Chuuya laid a hand on Atsushi's shoulder. "I already told you I have to travel the opposite direction today." Chuuya knew it was not an easy task to ask from his friend because even after all those years, he felt uncomfortable around Kouyou. "If you want you can take Akutagawa with you." A resigning sigh made Chuuya chuckle quietly. "Also Kyouka would be happy to see you again after all those months." 
"If you want to see me dead, just say so." Atsushi groaned and squashed the letter in his hands. "Wah-! I-I am sorry." He tried to flatten it between his hands and pressed it between them.
"You're my best friend, I just want the best for you," Chuuya answered with a fond smile and patted Atsushi's head. 
Atsushi licked over his dry lips and pressed them into a thin line. "Okay, you won. But do you really think it's a good idea to start your journey today?" With a doubtful and insecure look, he left the room together with Chuuya. "It's New Moon in three days, you know." 
"I know." Chuuya was more aware of the lunar cycle than any other person he ever met in his life and the mere thought made his stomach twist in loops. "But I'll meet up with Dazai in-" He stopped mid-sentence, not sure about how much time was left until he would meet up with this shitty mummy but it couldn't be that long anymore. "And you know about Dazai's ability."
Another sigh followed as an answer. "How are you able to trust him?" Atsushi looked at Chuuya and tried to read his facial expression but even with his better vision at night, he wasn't able to interpret it. 
Chuuya just shrugged with his shoulders. "Is it trust? We just both have the same goal and Dazai needs someone to do the tiring and stressful work for him." 
"I can't change your mind, right?" Chuuya didn't answer anything and that was answer enough for the other man. "I'm not sure if Kouyou will kill me for letting you go so easily or because I'll spend time with Kyouka." He sounded distraught and the 'Probably both' of Chuuya didn't help to calm him down. "Chuuya! Can't you take me with you and send someone else as messenger?" Despair was written all over his face when he stopped and turned around to Chuuya who fell a step back. "I'm still too young to die!" 
"Sorry." Chuuya looked with a apologetic smile at Atsushi and grabbed the diagonal belt of his leather bag with both of his hands. It only contained a few things he would need on the journey and his savings. "I have to depend on you for this." He would go to Kouyou personally if it would be possible especially because he didn't see her for a few months either but the new clue he got from Dazai yesterday was more important. 
"Then you have to promise me something!" Atsushi held out his pinky with a pretty long nail and looked at Chuuya with a serious expression. "Bring Dazai and yourself home alive!" 
"Can't promise I don't kill this shithead." Atsushi's gaze didn't waver and let Chuuya flinch backwards. Of course, Chuuya knew how much Atsushi looked up to Dazai even though he lived with Chuuya but his own relationship with Dazai was tense - to say the least. Chuuya hesitated with intertwining their fingers. "An Isud can't die anyway." He didn't met Atsushi's gaze but he intertwined their pinkies. And of course, Atsushi was aware that Chuuya was only a dirty Halfblood and his last slentence was meant for both Dazai and him. Chuuya himself never tested his limits but he had the power of two races in him so it should be no problem to get back alive. 
"Oh, Dazai!" Atsushi exclaimed happily and ran towards the man, leaving Chuuya behind and breaking his depressive line of thoughts. His inner beast shouldn't be a solution. 
It was only natural that Atsushi would see Dazai first thanks to his night vision and Chuuya had to rely on the candle in his hand. When he arrived at Dazai shortly after Atsushi- standing casually in the entrance of his cottage in the woods outside of the town, he greeted him only with a half-nod of his head. 
"Long time no see, Chuuya~", Dazai chirped and hugged him tightly as a greeting. His eyes lightened up when he saw Chuuya. "Atsushi already told me that you are so cruel to send him to Kouyou." 
Chuuya struggled to get free from the hug and only managed to do so with throwing Dazai over his own shoulder. Despite him being smaller, he was physically stronger than this clingy ocotopus. "We saw each other yesterday!" Then he threw a look to Atsushi who took a few steps backwards under the glare. 
A loud growl interrupted them and confused, Chuuya and Atsushi looked at Dazai. "What was that?", the youngest among them asked and ran outside. "Woah! Rad!" 
Curious, Chuuya followed the other two man outside and even without a night vision he could clearly see what was in front of him. 
Two majestic and bulky beasts. One of them was the purest white while the other was a the darkest black Chuuya has ever seen in his life. They had fluffy fur around their necks and ankles and the eyes of them were a bloody red. The fluffiness of them was destroyed with their huge fangs and horns. Chuuya took a few steps backwards and was overwhelmed. Seeing Beastmares was something happening not everyday because they were almost extinct. Their fur was the most prized thing in the whole Yishtair Empire. 
"May I introduce-" Dazai pointed with his whole hand to the white Beastmare and smiled like he would introduce his cousin to Chuuya. "Phinya and-" He pointed with his other hand to the black one: "Zeraphin."
Like they knew he was talking about them, they growled. It sounded different than before but Chuuya couldn't tell if that was a good or rather a bad sign. His brain still wasn't able to give him words to speak so he just stared at the Beastmares in silence. They were beautiful creatures usually living in the woods of Evirm. Chuuya never had the chance to see them in natural and only read about them in different books and heard stories from Kouyou when he was younger. And to be honest, they were even more striking than any poem could describe them. 
"I hope that's okay for your picky ass, Chuuya~" Dazai stepped closer to Chuuya and pointed at the white beast. "Phinya will be all yours for the time being." The white one growled and stepped closer to Chuuya and he took a step back. They were just fucking huge! Maybe three meters high. 
Chuuya swallowed when the beast bowed in front of him and laid down, the head on its front paws. Slowly Chuuya got forward to Phinya and without letting his eyes off of it, he put his hand on its snout. It felt really soft but when it suddenly licked over his hand with its tongue, Chuuya flinched back and fell flat on his ass. 
Dazai laughed. "She likes you." 
So 'it' was a she? A beautiful pure white lady. However, Chuuya would almost bet his life that she wasn't even close to being pure as much as her fur color. "Can I too?" Atsushi's eyes sparkled like the stars on the sky and Dazai just shrugged with his shoulders. 
"You're a beast yourself, they probably smelled you from ten kilometers apart." Dazai gave a command with his index finger to let Zeraphin come closer too. "Odasaku told me, they are siblings and about three years old." 
That was pretty young for Beastmares, Chuuya thought immediately. "So you got them from Oda?", Chuuya asked and a strange feeling let his stomach spun around like crazy but he put the blame on his nervousness around the beasts. He got closer to Phinya again and she grunted happily? At least it sounded like a happy sound she gave through her nose. "You're beautiful," he praised her and stroked his hand through her long neck fur while Atsushi did the same with Zeraphin. 
Atsushi was always good with all kind of creatures because with his tiger genes he bonds with them before Chuuya could even think about getting closer to any of them. 
Phinya laid her head sideways in Chuuya's tiny hand and clearly enjoyed the share of kindness and affection of Chuuya.  
Chuuya looked up when Dazai suddenly appeared next to him. "Don't make me jealous, Chuuya~" He sat down next to the other man and stroked through the fur of Phinya. 
"What are you talking about?", Chuuya asked confused and looked at Dazai for a moment before the beast girl snuffed to get his attention back. For a moment, Dazai hesitated with an answer, like he had to overthink his chosen words. "She hated me in the beginning."
While in the background was Atsushi's lighthearted laugh, playing with the black beast, Chuuya had a shit eating grin on his face. "Deserves you right." Phinya's red eyes wandered to Dazai and for a moment they just exchanged looks, before Dazai clapped into his hands and stood up from the ground. 
"Time to go."
Chuuya sighed. What a sudden change in the air. "Yeah." There was no time to play around. Atsushi's sad face when he said goodbye to his two new friends was gut-wrenching and Chuuya put a hand on his shoulder after he hastily rushed to Dazai and Chuuya. "I don't know when were back-" Chuuya looked over to Dazai who was pretending to not listen. "But as long as Kouyou receives the letter, everything is fine." 
Atsushi hugged Chuuya goodbye. "I'll take care of everything." He didn't sound convinced but Chuuya believed in Atsushi nevertheless. After that, Atsushi walked over to Dazai who was already sitting on Zeraphin. "Please don't make Chuuya angry too often. I don't think Kouyou's anger is a painless way to die." Taking a few steps back, he watched the two majestic beasts and the two men on them, walking away. 
Phinya had Chuuya let stay on her front paw and from there he jumped on her fluffy back. One last time he turned around to Atsushi. "Please take care of you and give Kouyou and Kyouka my greetings."
Before Atsushi could answer, Phinya growled loud and Atsushi blushed. "I-You! Please take care of Chuuya, Phinya!" Atsushi had the ability to talk with the animals living in the Yishtair Empire. The last thing Atsushi heard before they were out of is vision was another growl of Phinya.
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ao3feed-skk · 6 years
by Shinkirou
They say Dazai hasn't slept since he became boss of the Port Mafia.
[BEAST novel verse]
Words: 6686, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Chuuya Tops Kink Bingo 2k18
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Spoilers, Bloodplay, Knifeplay, Subspace, Rough Sex, Overstimulation, Writing on Skin, Fisting, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Porn With Plot
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