#binda the dog
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eeveeboo-qwq · 10 months ago
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How to be a Billionaire
Alts under the cut :3 + Binda
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chainedspectre · 2 years ago
changed my description to something so niche that i don’t think any of my mutuals know what i’m saying <3
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bugflies00 · 1 month ago
i think it says a lot that tommy's best moment of the year was some guy in the audience of his show in boulder, colorado, who got really fucking invested and would yell out every time binda the dog was in trouble and cheer when she survived. talk about an epic high 😭
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freddesbokhylla · 3 months ago
Låt den rätte komma in, 13 november (epilog)
Jag kan inte säga att jag är så nöjd med slutet. Det kom lite för snabbt, utan att vi fick höra om konsekvenserna. Dessutom var Oskars öde för tvetydigt. Det hade tagit bättre om han antingen fick ett mer normalt liv eller om han blev vampyr med. Eller bara dog. Fast i och för sig var det väl bra att han inte blev mördad av Jonny och Jimmy. Det hade varit ett billigt slut. Om han hade blivit dödad av Staffan som flippade ur i polisrollen så hade det kunnat binda ihop några trådar.
Om vi nu kör på samma slut som faktiskt hände i boken så fick vi för lite detaljer. Det är för kort mellan klimax och sista sidan. Vi borde fått höra om Oskars mamma och Gösta åtminstone. Helst även medias spinn på händelsen och Staffans reaktioner. Att välja Gunnar istället är lite för neutralt, liksom. Det faller platt.
Överlag gillar jag boken. Synd på slutet, bara.
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virginmiri99 · 2 years ago
Insider anon calling in, here with the show and trusting Tommycrit & Co with it
To start off very general I had a great time, it was very genuinely entertaining and there wasn't a moment where attention or energy was lost. On the technical side it was well paced with a followable structure and characters you did get invested in as silly they were. The audience energy was good and well commanded, and though there were some issues with people staff did get involved. I feel like the way I'm going to describe it won't do it justice obviously because live shows are live for a reason and my memory is awful, but here's the skeleton of it all
(There were two acts, the first act ends after the explanation of the events during the doxxing and the second act starts off with them dealing with it. I'll split the asks to keep the doxxing story in one piece.)
The First act! (- doxxing story)
Slimecicle introduced the show over a video montage, with the joke that he was being held at gunpoint to praise Tommy in absurd ways, it was a great build up to Tommy's show 'character', which entered on stage soon after (surprisingly he was the only one who seemed different in person, or at least seemed smaller than I thought). His character in this is the grandeous, egotistical money-focused persona he tends to draw on hyped to the max (an insane amount of stage presence and full use of his body and exaggerated expressions, I feel like no matter where you sat nothing was lost in translation). The entire show is initially presented as a step-guide on how to be rich and successful and sexy like him - aka. you have to be him, and the steps are consequently a life story (the actual meta reason and purpose of the show does get stated out loud later on). There's alot of crude humour throughout the show and I'd say most of it landed for me personally. There was never a joke in general didn't receive a good response which is great for such a heavily packed live show where there's usually one or two that miss the mark, but seeing certain parents faces in response to the joke poking at Christians was funny in its own right.
As you can imagine, the life story starts off in the, that's right, the womb, where he was planning his potential and success, only for Jack, playing his dad, to come in and tell an unsurprising, embarrassing birth story. Jack's 'dad' character is also the same old man persona he uses alot, the one haunted by war crimes in 'Nam and ever disappointed in his son, so, nothing like Iain at all (maybe the comment about Tubbo being Tommy's boyfriend came from a real place). The running bit in the show being his refusal to hug Tommy (Tommy's actual dad being on the sidelines of the stage the entire time and having helped write the script added to the experience in retrospect). The dad character sort of plays the 'realist' and the downbeat character, with alot of dry humour and directly addressing the audience while also being just as exaggerated as Tom's - got most of the parents laughs.
Then we get the wonderful introduction of Binda, as played by Freddie Badlinu, who is the character of a literal stuffed dog Iain bought when Tommy was a baby and back when they were genuinely pretty poor (also alot of humour about wealth and class which landed great with a British audience, it'd be interesting to see with an American one). Binda as a character is very childlike, and is bullied by the other characters for it, often being sent off stage (much to the audience's sympathy and 'aww's). Pretty much a metaphor for childhood and innocence in the show, being the angel on Tom's shoulder and a great contrast to the two other characters. There was an introduction song (Freddie does have a brilliant singing voice!) and a dance sequence as is theatre requirement (it stretched a few beats too long but nothing too painful).
This continues with a few more stories (these stories are presented as 'oh woe look at these hardships it took to get where I am!' before cutting to an entirely minimal and embarrassing childhood story), how he had to be his own bully because he was a lonely child (Jack, also playing Tommy's mum throughout this with a simply longer wig), how he fought off a monster aka. Betty (A massive two-person puppet of a hound was used before the actual photo of Tommy and Betty as a puppy was shown, it was a genuinely an amazing puppet prop) etc. I'm not doing this part much justice in description because there was a fair amount and it played 'build-up'.
From this it leads onto the introduction of minecraft in his life, and the story of the hammock collar-bone breaking incident, as preformed by puppets in a prerecorded video! (Tommy suits puppetry concerningly well.) He goes on to explain the switch from Twitch streaming to YouTube after being inspired by YouTubers such as Captain Sparkles and DanTDM (big applause, though Technoblade got the biggest) and then the downfall after being told he had to study for GCSEs (there's alot of humour of Tommy being rude to his parents and it going poorly, being either physically threatened or threatened in the 'British mum' way, which the mum I was sat next to found very funny in particular).
And then we get Covid! This part landed very well humour beat wise and the photo shown of the moment Tom and Sarah found out GCSE's were cancelled was borderline renaissance (elation vs. horror-shock.)
YouTube goes great (as we know), dsmp mention (not as big a portion of the show as one might expect, barely mentioned after this) and the shows leads onto the first time Tommy goes to Brighton, again in a prerecorded puppet video and song! Puppets of Tom, Iain (?), Wilbur, Niki, Fundy, Philza, and Kristin were the main ones used, and all of them bar from Fundy and Iain sung a part in the song! Tommy's singing voice sounds incredibly young I will say, not as in unpracticed or unskilled at all, just generally young like some of his older singing clips - for some reason I thought it'd changed more.
There's also a part talking about lawyers and the wacky things such as having to copyright his own face, which lead to another song as by Freddie Badlinu in a Better Call Saul inspired outfit (my favourite of the songs Freddie sang, very familiar to another production but I can't put a finger on which one).
Up until this point the story arc of the show has been on a solid positive incline which no really conflict, and the tone has only been humourous if not absurd. At this point Tommy alludes to things going to shit and to the point of wanting to quit, and the title card behind Tommy begins to decay in a block by block fashion. This is the start of Tommy's character dropping the act and instead acting desperate and upset, as he begs vaguely for what is happening to stop (leading onto the doxxing part of the show...)
[PART 1]
Maybe I'm just on my period but this first part to the show is legit making me tear up rn this sounds so well put together and a great experience I'm genuinely impressed just reading your TLDR of it. It sounds like it blends together seamlessly and I'm just honestly proud with what they managed to create. Awesome.
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whitewaterpaper · 4 years ago
SoIF06: ”Det Onda Arvet” [Kapitel 07–08].
En läsecirkel tillsammans med @kulturdasset​, delmål 4:7.
Författare: Margit Sandemo. Serie: Sagan om Isfolket, Bok 6.
Publicerad: 1982. Medium: eBok/eLib (2019).
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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Denna vecka har jag bläddrat runt i de tidigare böckerna och letat efter en passage jag minns vagt att någon gömde något på Gråstensholms vind. Jag ville minnas Yrja, men kom sedan på att det kan handla om Silje själv eller till och med Tengel. Mitt sökande genom ”Häxjakten” och ”Längtan” ger dock inget vettigt svar. Och Margit avslutar hela intrigen med:
Och han [Tarjei] tog med sig en hemlighet i graven. Han och Kolgrim. Vetskapen om vad som fanns i järnkistan på Gråstensholms vind.
Kanske bäst och släppa det nu – annars slutar det väl att man börjar läsa om böckerna också. 😋 Men referensen till när Sol en gång i tiden (i ”Häxjakten”) skrämdes av synen av någon/något i Isfolkets dal BORDE vara en hänvisning till Siljes dagbok kan jag tycka.
Tarjei avslöjar här att han konstaterat samma som Kolgrim: att det är där som den legendariska häxkitteln är nedgrävd och Tarjei har för avsikt att gräva upp den och bryta förbannelsen. Med 41 böcker kvar i serien såg jag det som en angenäm twist att förbannelsen kanske rentutav bryts redan nu.
Men ser du, jag är inte en drabbad, jag kan inte se honom. Så jag tänker gräva upp eländet, så att släkten kan få fred i framtiden.
Genom Kolgrims ögon får vi en ny inblick i ”trolldomsskatten” och precis som jag sade från början har han ingen aning om vad det är han har tillskansat sig eller hur det skall användas. Det mesta bär namn han inte känner igen (föga förvånande så var det enda han kände igen ett antal narkotiska preparat) och de få skriftrullarna som finns där är skrivet med tecken/symboler han inte förstår. Med andra ord, de magiska örterna har ingen som helst kraft i hans händer. Man kan inte ens kalla det en kryddsamling.
Viktigare var dock innehållet i de små skinnpåsarna och dosorna. Det stod något skrivet på varje, men inte förstod Kolgrim de uråldriga krumelurerna, inte. Inte heller texten på några tjocka, halvt utplånade näverrullar . . .
Så på så vis kan man säga att Isfolkets magiska kunskaper (inte gåvan utan kunskapen om hur den används) även den dog med Kolgrim och Tarjei.
Han lyckas dock bli hög som ett hus, anfalla och skada Tarjei dödligt innan han kastar sig utför ett stup. Det sistnämnda fullt övertygad om att han kunde flyga. Margit avslutar tragedin om Kolgrim med att påminna oss om Hannas ord en gång om att Sol endast var ett blindspår. Med Kolgrim dör Sols ättelinje och endast Tengels återstår.
Något annat jag blev förvirrad över var att Kolgrim visste att Mattias kommit hem. Jag fick nämligen uppfattningen att Kolgrim lämnade Gråstensholm innan Dag, vagnen och pojkarna var ens i närheten av Gråstensholm… Han känner till och med igen Kaleb vilket jag ser som otroligt om han lämnade Gråstensholm innan hemkomsten.
Tarjei lever tillräckligt länge för att utse sina arvingar: Mattias skall ha trolldomsskatten. Visserligen säger inget i boken hittills att man tog trolldomsskatten med sig från Isfolkets dal – men det kan ju inte Tarjei veta. Margit S. är sannerligen inte sentimental när det gäller sina karaktärer och räds inte för att skriva ut dem när hon är klar med dem.
Dag gör som utlovat även en resa till Kongsberg för att undsätta de pojkar som arbetar/slavar i gruvan. Och precis som väntat ä Kaleb och Mattias två bra nyckelvittnen, framför allt sedan Kaleb kunde påvisa vart Sören och några av de andra pojkarna omkommit i gruvan, och när deras historia styrkts hängs både Nermarken och Hauber.
Dag sätter dessutom Kaleb i lära. Den senare får lära sig lagar och att skriva och läsa. Så denne kan fortsätta arbetet med att rädda barn från farliga jobb. Dag vet antagligen att han inte har långt kvar, och vill antagligen lämna över uppgiften till någon som förstår vikten av den. Och jag hoppas vi får se hur det går för Kaleb framöver. Hans vänskap med Mattias borgar ju för att han inte bara kommer driva iväg ut från historien.
När Are och Liv tittar på Dags borttagna lind så bekräftas också den bild jag haft av Lindallén, att det bara var de första Lindarna som förtrollades och att Tengel mycket riktigt övertalades att låta bli att binda dem till familjemedlemmar av Silje.
— Ja. Jag såg på våra lindar, du. De två sista som är kvar av de åtta. De är friska och starka, båda två. — Ja. Tack, gode Gud, för att Mor fick stoppat Far — så han inte lyckades besvärja ännu flera lindar i allén.
Are besöker sitt barnbarn (Tarjeis son) Mikael mot slutet av boken. Och strax efter det försvinner Mikael i horisonten. Med den tidens kommunikationsmedel räcker det med ett omgifte och omlokalisering för att man skall tappa bort varandra helt. Men Mikael är fortfarande född Isfolket och bär fortfarande namnet Lind av Isfolket och kan mycket väl vara den av ättlingarna som föds med förbannelsen sjungande i ådrorna. Det skall bli spännande att följa – och framför allt hur det är att växa upp (i så fall) utan någon vetskap om förbannelsen och hur den i sådana fall utvecklar sig.
För det är inte sista gången vi träffat Mikael – det är klart. Kanske bara att det inte blir mer i denna bok. (Men det är ju förstås bara ett tidshopp eller två bort).
Det här visar också hur skör Isfolkets ätt verkligen är (med sin tids höga dödlighet): för trots att klanen ett tag var väldigt stor så består den yngsta generationen bara av fem barn.
Boken @ Goodreads.
Boken @ libris.kb.se.
eBibliotek @ Axiell Media.
Biblio @ Axiell Media.
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thackarsagar05 · 4 years ago
Bridal Photoshoot: Shy Smiles and Bindas Brides
Brides are the jaan of weddings - that is undeniable. The one dream of being a bride is a girl’s lifetime wish and to make it spectacular is a thing that wedding photography abides by. If you are a bride-to-be wondering how to get your bridal photoshoot then you are at the right place.
Here is a guide for you to have a great bridal photoshoot that you can boast about for an entire lifetime:
 Step 1: Choose the Right Photographer
First things first. Select the photographer that can capture you the way you want. If we talk about wedding photographers in Mumbai, there are few names like 35mm Candids Photography, Twogether studios, Stories for you which we swear by, but you can decide according to your location by talking to friends, looking up on the net and reading the reviews.
 The best way to select the right photographer is to match your budget with their cost and share your stories with them. If you like their ideas of presentation, then make it a deal.  
 Step 2: Search the internet
Research is essential. Even though the wedding photography team will look after the details, it’s better to be updated with the trends to make it better. After all, it’s your special day - who’ll know it more than you of course.
 Step 3: Decide your theme
While surfing the net you will see lots of themes and motifs to depict the story better. Even for your bridal photoshoot, you can decide on a storyline and how you want to be shot. Whether you want to be the bindass bride with an attitude or the coy girl excited about the dreamy wedding. Whatever be your wish, get your theme decided to make it more. You can discuss it extensively with your wedding photographer and look for more ideas to make it good and unique.
 Step 4: Plan the Poses
If you don’t want to go for just the regular stuff that is clicked, you can go on inventing new poses of yourself. Make it a point to have the poses included in the photoshoot that can depict your story better. Use the props for a better outlook. Even in your bridal photoshoot, you can go on posing with your favourite people and make it more fun.
Pro-Tip: Bridal entries are the new metier. Try to make it more fun by adding your own style to it. You can try entry on a bike or with your dog or maybe something completely new with your own flavour.
 Step 5: Execute like a boss!
Plans are good when we can execute them the right way. Coordinate with your wedding photography team and understand the basic necessities to make your bridal photoshoot a memorable one. Special details to little things like the venue, decor, backdrops can also turn out effective for you.
 Hope you are all prepped up to flaunt your best angles and poses. Above all, have confidence in yourself and it will reflect in your pictures. Good luck, beautiful!
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indianbhabhipic · 7 years ago
Huge Banglore Aunty
Huge Banglore Aunty
Hi my name is Dan(name changed) am 23 now with good physic and 6.1 feet tall.
I am from Mangalore. Today am going to explain you the real incident happened to me. I am a regular visitor of this site and this is where I can share my experience Bindas. This incident happened when I was 19. I was doing my degree at that point of time. I have one of my Uncles staying in Bangalore
I normally visit there every year on my vacation. It was a summer vacation of my college I was been there. My uncle got a family of 4 members. Uncle, Aunt, 2 daughters who were of 19 and 18 years old. I visit there every year but this time when I visited there was special waiting for me my aunt her name is Vijaya was a huge lady she is around 39, weight around 80. My uncle was around 45 thin man bit shorter then her. He is a Bank employee. 29-04-06 I still remember the date when I had first sex.
I was been to their place on my Vacations. Uncle picked me from Majestic and we came home. I had Breakfast and took a warm shower and I went into my bed as I was tired traveling. I slept for 4 hours and got up in the afternoon> Aunt was waiting for the Lunch. She had prepared Fish that I love and we had lunch together with chit chat about my college life, friends, and family. Time was 3 pm we saw TV together. At 4 my cousins came from school had their food and they went to their tuition's.
I was lying on my bed inside watching some TV channel. Aunt came in and asked for some tea I said no not now and she gave a wicked smile seeing my hairy chest and went on. My mind started thinking why she smiled and went on thinking till I thought is that woman interested in me. I thought to kiss and have romance with her waiting for a chance and that came after a week when my uncle told that he has a Rotary club meeting in Mysore next Saturday so he started packing cloths.
This struck my mind and wicked thoughts came into my mind. I was waiting for that Saturday. It was the Saturday morning. I woke up at 8am uncle had already left by train to Mysore. Cousins were getting ready to go to school and got fresh and started having my breakfast. It was 9 am now where I started to watch TV and was thinking about my aunt. As I have observed she was huge with 2 big melons in a nice shape had a round ass when she used to sit on sofa and get up her nightie used to go inside her ass crack and I used to see and get tempt.
I know my uncle won’t fuck her regularly because he is weak and has diabetes so I thought I will brush up all the rust from her Pussy. So was thinking how to start. After 1 hour she came to me asking to bring some snacks from the neighboring bakery I told ok and rushed I was wearing shorts and a t shirt went to the bakery bought 2 pack of Bourbon biscuits we sat together started to have it in front of TV and while swapping channel she saw a kissing scene on AXN.
I smiled myself and even she saw me and started smiling herself now here my pump started pumping I though this is showing some kind of green signal told her that watch AXN it’s a good movie where I dint know anything about that movie she switched on AXN and there was kissing scene and the scene was stopped and Some other office scene came on Screen she told "We missed it" I asked what she laughed and said we missed what you wanted to see and I asked what me don’t u like to see that she replied laughing
I watch it regularly. I was surprised by her answer and I was shocked. I asked where do u see and then she took a promise of my family saying not to tell anyone I agreed and she told there is a Lady called Mrs. Fiona Dias in her next flat who is her best friend where my aunt hang out in her flat when she finds time. Mrs. Dias husband is in Bahrain and her son is in Thailand so she lives all alone in a big flat very sexy woman of 50. There this 2 ladies watch porn and enjoy by rubbing each others Pussy.
Aunt told all this to me after I had sex with her she said that uncle don’t get proper erection because of Diabetes so she is not enjoying sex from past 4 years so I told not to worry am here now will make sure u will get it. I went near her ears and kissed her ears she started breathing heavily then I kissed her face and then started smooching her it went for more than 10 mins and i started squeezing her heavy boobs and took it out from her nightie she was wearing black bra if removed her bra
But she started closing my eyes by her hand I told don’t worry aunty let me see she took her hand away and I saw her huge melon with big brown patch of nipple. I was surprised to see that and I directly put my mouth on her nipple she started moaning and said please suck it hard and I started biting it slowly where she started shivering and acting like a mad then I told her to remove her nightie and she removed and inside she was wearing a langa I removed it and
She was in just one piece show wore green underwear and with huge ass I told her that I want to see her ass, he told to remove my dress without delaying I took my t - shirt n my shorts I was only in my black underwear she came near me and she started squeezing my dick and she took it out. She was surprised to see a dick and told this is much bigger than your uncle and I told her to suck she told I don’t like to do that but I will try so I told please
Aunty u should then she told ok and held my dick squeezed it and started sucking she was too good sucker that my dick grew and I couldn’t control and I told her to take it out and then I removed her underwear slowly was surprised to see her pussy little bit of hair but was big and brownish red. I just told her to turn around so that I can see her bare ass wow! it was so good that I took my tool and started to rub her ass hole she told not to insert there and I told
Ok and came front and smelled her pussy it had a bit odor smell. I don’t mind I put my lips inside her pussy and started licking like a dog she started rolling her hips and was shouting then I licked and told her that I will insert my tool she told please do that and I inserted my big dick inside and I felt some warm sensation and my dick went so easily that she stared moaning and told hit me hard now I started fucking her so hard that she started sweating.
I fucked her on her bed then she told me to fuck on chair, sofa, above washing machine, etc etc. and finally we fucked inside bathroom and I shot 2 huge loads of sperm on her lips she felt dirty and washed it we fucked 7 times that day and even at night she came 2 my room and we fucked from 2am to morning 5am she was a awesome lady.
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lordvonthunderporkvi · 7 years ago
and here we go another 20 pages of thoughts on episode 4 dear gods why am i like this
It took me four hours to play through episode 3 because i kept stopping to take notes but is that going to slow down my notes this time? Nope didn’t think so ready to waste another four hours of my life on this game yes i am
Aight who’s narrating this time
ooh it’s Radar again
“Be careful when you get close to an admin” sound advice Radar
Oh calm down jack i wanted to save nurm I really did but it was either leave lluna, the animal without coherent thought, or nurm, the villager who asked me to leave him behind
Geez jack i’m sorry about your husband calm down
Wait did we not tell radar that the admin’s name is romeo
Apparently not i guess
Oh dear notch xara i’m so sorry
Holy frick what was that
Oh it’s the enderman
Aw lluna helped me up
It’s the ninja
Nice radar knocked the camera over
Aw radar “not asking for me cause i’m tough” you’re so cute
Oh no
I’m so sorry xara
Hey you know what jack if you keep disrespecting lluna like this i’m gonna have to poke out your other eye
Good jack apologize
Oh no baby don’t cry
No you aren’t Petra you are certainly not being “nice” if that’s what you consider to be “nice” then we’ve got a problem
Thank you Radar
Gods Xara I am so sorry
We’ll avenge your bed Xara
Yes Xara where does it go
Where did it go Xara we know it’s broken
Oh Xara I’m so sorry
“He loved birch.” I feel so sad
Oh we get to find something personal to Romeo
What is it like a potato or something
Nice good luck Xara
Screw off Jack
Take the gunpowder that’s gonna be useful
Fudge it’s the enderman
Ooh is it porkchop
Nope Romeo smells like cinnamon not sulfur sorry boys
Fudge they’re annoying
I’m not that heavy it’s not that much work
It’s not like we have anything interesting in our inventories Romeo cleared them when he sent us to the Institute
Oh right we have weapons
Why can’t we just tell them we don’t have swords why isn’t that an option it’s not like they’ve been watching us this whole time
They haven’t been watching us this whole time right?
I don’t think they have
Oh it is PorkChop
Holy frick they’re annoying
That was rude and unnecessary Radar take Petra’s hand next time
At least you’re alive be grateful Jack
Oh it’s so pretty
Ooh who’s that she’s cute
Who the heck is Binta
Ooh it’s a bunch of people
Faithful Friends of Fred heck yeah
Fred-o-clock wow
Gosh Radar is adorable
Hi Binta
Ooh we have to win the trivia competition
This is really sad Fred sounded amazing and now we’ll never get to meet him because Romeo is a horrible person
Couldn’t we just ask Xara she knew Fred very well
This dog is so cute
Can i adopt it
That was completely useless but seriously adorable I regret nothing
Sticks nice
It’s okay Petra I know you’re you and that’s all that matters
Yep that’s me
Actually that is incorrect Xara is the most Faithful Friend of Fred ™
Ok his favorite tool is a diamond hoe I’ll keep that in mind
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Oh no no it’s okay i’m not going to hurt you don’t worry i promise i’m a nice stranger
“Like water...in a bucket...becomes the bucket!” yeah that makes sense Radar what the heck
Good idea you be ready Radar
No of course he won’t we won’t let him
Heck yeah I’m scary
Radar stop this you are not a thug
“One! Hngg… Two!  Hngg- and a half!” a child after my own heart
Radar stop this please
Willy looks kinda like Soren
Ok Fred’s cherished pet is a chicken got it
Ooh a puzzle
Don’t kill the chicken just play with him
The chicken’s name is Waffles nice
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Aw I’m sorry about your hands Wanda
Oh I have plenty of sticks don’t worry Wanda
The real question is how do all these people know so much about Fred and still the only person who ever wins the trivia contest is Kent
His favorite color was Lapis Blue ™
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Jesse wears blue underwear
Wanda does too okay
What what just happened why’d the game close
It better have saved my progress
What I’m all the way back here?
Come on
Okay I am sure Romeo never said “We come in peace” to Fred
Wait no a fireworks display is a very bad idea you’ll draw the attention of the giant enderman and if any of you are like Radar you’ll be staring directly at it any you’ll provoke it that’s a horrible idea Binta
Fred’s favorite color is lapis blue I’m sure he’d love Radar’s bandanna
I miss Xara
Those hoes look pretty iron to me Hilda
Maybe it’s just the light
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
I’m not going to hurt you Cam
Welp now I’m imagining Lukas seeing RomeoJesse in their underwear and saying “you’re not the real Jesse Jesse only wears lapis blue underwear this is POWDER BLUE”
“The slammer” Radar please stop
His name is Waffles Willy I’m smarter than you think
Blocco the dog
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Wanda you cannot paint with your feet while you are wearing shoes come on
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Also a Jesse Fact ™
And we’re all caught up
Please don’t crash again
Fred looked a lot different than I thought
Stop telling stories Jack don’t you want to get Nurm back come on
Okay is there absolutely nothing else I can do
No there isn’t
Okay let’s go talk to Binta
I really don’t think I’m ready I learned that Fred liked the most useless item in the game, he has a chicken named after my favorite food, and Jesse’s underwear are lapis blue I really don’t think that’s enough information
Oh well I’ve already started
Kent more like Salt
Come on Kent I’ve survived and F-bomb, defeated a Witherstorm, survived a fall into the Void, survived a killer’s mansion, survived a useful computer, beaten a weirdly good at fighting 60-year-old man, survived Romeo’s sea temple, survived Romeo’s icy palace of despair, made it out of the Sunshine Institute, survived the giant freaking enderman and I’ve managed to lead a town and romance Lukas along the way- wait what
You’re not intimidating Kent
Oh no I’m not good at building things
Okay this better be good enough
Fred is dead Xara watched him die guys come on
Okay thank gosh
Okay it’s a draw good enough
I thought you were doing something different this year what do you mean “in the history of this competition”
Fred, dead, bred- I’m sensing a theme
The same color blue as my underwear
I am good
Oh it’s a diamond hoe
It was Waffles the chicken
Nice we’re talking about Benedict
I don’t know any more trivia Xara please come help me
The most Faithful Friend of Fred ™ was Xara she better get her butt in here and help me
I am smart
I am the most Faithful Friend of Fred ™
So what would’ve happened if I lost that competition
Oh well doesn’t matter now because I won
Wow pajamas okay
Oh no now I feel really bad I should’ve given them to Kent
Oh well Kent’s won plenty He’s gotten the pajamas plenty of times
Thanks Binta
Ooh I can jump on the bed fun
Jesse you dork oh my notch
Soren is Romeo pass it on
Oh no that’s actually possible
They both have red hair
Are you kidding that’s Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Wow okay just a random button in Fred’s closet
Nice a secret room
Romeoburg wow
I really have no other words except...wow, he named his town “Romeoburg”
Surely it has an author someone had to have written it
Maybe it’s like Tom Riddle’s journal and when you write in it it writes the same words in another version of itself for someone else to see
Aw “I’m glad I had Xara and Romeo with me” that is so sweet
“I don’t know what Romeo wants anymore.  It hurts.  All I wanted was the three of us, together.”  that is actually the saddest line in the game you can fight me on this
“We weren’t just happy there.  We were home.”  Okay I better go fight myself because that definitely tops the last one as saddest line in the game
Yeah Binta what’s wrong
Oh well I kinda know Fred’s old best friend and she told me
Fred’s Xara
Xara is there something you’re not telling us
I mean other than everything
How freaking long has it been since the admin war
Well gee thanks Binda
This is making me so sad I want to see the three admins back before Romeo went all Romeo
Don’t just announce this to the crowd Jesse gods
What do you need Binda
Okay sure I’ll take you with me
“The needle points home.”  I’m about to fight myself again that’s the saddest-
Fireworks are a bad idea
Okay bye Jack be safe
Notch Petra please don’t be mad
Nice spit fight
Good to see Jack’s warming up to Lluna
Stop yelling Radar
Don’t provoke her Radar that is a bad idea
Slowness potion-
It’s the ninja again
This is really bad
Oh crap
Jesse you dork
He’s a shadow
He’s so happy
Where is Harper
Yeah where is she by the way
Nope not me
I’m a ninja is a perfect excuse
I’ll hurry Ivor don’t worry
Ooh is that Romeoburg
Oh who’s that
I love her already wow
That was kind of mean Jesse don’t elbow Radar he’s just a bean
She’s just as much of a dork as me I love her
“Let’s take these invaders out!”  to lunch or…
Is there actually an army
They sound like they’re bluffing
I am not an audio disk I am Jesse with the blue underwear
Soup okay
Okay I was right there’s no army
Ooh a challenge
Challenge accepted
Val and Soup okay
We didn’t exactly escape the Institute Xara escaped the Institute and she took us with her and Xara’s not here anymore this is a bad idea Jesse
Soup is great
It’s a llama
The heck are they doing
Wow spit on me okay
Jesse you say this like she’s a human who has any clue what you’re saying she’s not a human she is a llama she does not have coherent thought
I have to build something again are you kidding I’m not good at building stuff
What if I build a Romeo
I don’t have any gray blocks dang it I can’t build Romeo
That thing isn’t going to have any effect on visitors but whatever good enough
No it won’t Val it’s a stack of quartz blocks with a couple redstone blocks thrown in there
Armor yeah
The names of this armor are gold
“Dangerous...but also damaged, so it’s more relatable.” just like me
“Please don’t hit me”
The name is “Llama brown-ish” that’s not a very inspired name Soup
I’m going with Please Don’t Hit Me
Best armor I ever put on
Radar no you need a shirt
I look great in this armor wow
Lluna wants to stay with her mate nice
Oh it’s a means of extinguishing yourself
That means we might be set on fire though
Oh well whatever we’ll be fine
Oh no that’s sad
Let’s not pull the mystery levers that’s a bad idea
No I’m not Romeo
Aw that was a very cute little giggle
Another freaking golem are you kidding me
We can’t even hit the golem that’s just great
Water perfect
Gee thanks Romeo
Or maybe those three levers will summon a Giant Golem ™
This soundtrack is great massive props to Antimo and Welles
well crap
Dear notch Romeo why are you like this
That’s a big “maybe” Jesse
Haha it’s Mettaton except a giant freaking magma golem
Alright I’m ready for some more riDICULOUSLY HARD FIGHT SEQUENCES
I know how to make tnt Petra come on
You’re surrounded in fire and lava don’t tell me you’re that clueless Jesse come on
We are not friends Romeo
It’s llunaaa
This entire game is a feels trip bye
Beautiful birch trees
Radar you are so adorable
Poor Radar those are gonna be some hospital-level burns on his feet
“For Fred” -feels incoming-
Romeo really cared about his friends what changed
This honestly makes me so sad
...is Fred still here?
No he can’t be Xara watched him die
This is so sad
Why doesn’t Xara’s frame have anything in it?
...Petra are you okay?
Something seems..wrong
Jesse used to read all the time Jesse’s a fangirl pass it on
Petra?  What’s wrong why are you crying?
Okay i understand being really sad about stories about puppies but that’s not what’s wrong
“Puppies just make me really sad, okay?”  a girl after my own heart
Petra my baby
Same color as your underwear Jesse
It is freaking important Petra
You are not okay Petra
This music is so beautiful and yet heartbreaking all at once
Red for Romeo
Ooh something happened
We have Xara’s bed now we promised her we’d avenge it and we did
This is the saddest game I’ve ever played
The key to defeating Romeo…?
Dear notch so that’s what the potato means
Wow okay Petra where’s all this potato hate coming from what did the potato do to deserve this
Which terminal?  The one in the sea temple?
Yeah probably the one in the sea temple...right
This entire episode is just a bundle of feels
I’m crying a little bit this is so sad
I’m sensing some similarities between Romeo and Petra a little bit
Petra I do want to be your friend what are you talking about
I’ll be right by your side Petra
This is the saddest freaking game
This game is so incredible
Oh hey there Xara
Well...yeah Radar, she used to be an admin so of course she’s sounding admin-ish
She is acting exactly like Romeo this is a very bad sign
Alright ready to cry again yes I am
Everyone thinks it’s weird Petra
Of course Xara
Nope Radar those are monsters
Yeah Xara you go
crap it’s got me
Radar it is an e n d e r m a n of course it doesn’t have any decency
Wow it actually let me go
Thank you Jack
Hug everyone yeah
More hugs nice
Are Soup and Val coming too
Soup and Val should come too
“Nothing like a little pressure to make building fun”  truer words have never been spoken
radAR NO-
ex-freaking-cuse me?
I can’t just leave him behind
But at the same time I’ve been so loving and supportive of him all along and if I abandoned him now it would be cruel
But I also told Xara “no one gets left behind” and if i leave Radar behind she would just be like “you said ‘no one gets left behind’!  If you were going to leave someone behind you should’ve just left Jack and friends behind and not attracted the enderman with that firework in the first place!”
But I also promised the Faithful Friends of Fred ™ that I would get them out and I can’t just go back on that promise
...I’ll come back for him right?
Oh dear notch this game
I’ll be back for you Radar
Until then, stay alive
Make them taste your bravery
Radar your arms are tiny
Come on guys
Come on Xara
What about Xara come on Jesse whatever happened to “no one gets left behind”
Hey we’re in the old Order’s temple!
..are we in the old Order’s temple
o h n o
That’s not the old Order’s temple
That is the Order hall in Beacontown
Nice lluna
Oh okay good it is the old Order’s temple
What are those fireworks
Why is the music suddenly really foreboding
Oh no this is probably really bad
No no no no no
Romeo I’m going to freaking demolish you
Also where the heck is Xara why hasn’t she come through yet
..Lukas that’s not Jesse
w h a t
how is that the end
come on
Screw this gameeee
I’m gonna actually scream  how is that the end
I’m gonna kill Romeo
And w h e r e i s x a r a
31 notes · View notes
writing-creative-fiction · 5 years ago
VISAWUS – aka The Victorian Interdisciplinary Association of the Western United States – embraces scholars of the Victorian era from any academic discipline and any career stage. Thus, the presenters at their annual conference in November 2019 ranged from eminent Professors with publication lists as long as your arm to under-graduate students approaching the final examinations of their Bachelor degree – and somewhere toward the lower end of that scale is me, for I decided to respond to their Call for Papers in February and was offered the opportunity to speak on one of their panels. The venue for the 2019 conference was the 15-storey Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, which has occupied the historic Alaska Building in Pioneer Square, Seattle, since 2010. The building dates back to 1903 and was designed by Earnes and Young to provide suitable office and storage facilities for the stockholders of the Scandinavian-American Bank during the Alaskan gold-rush. On its completion, Seattle’s Alaska Building, with its state-of-the-art fireproof construction, was the first 14-storey steel-framed construction in Seattle and the tallest building in Northwest America. The images below show The Alaska Building, as portrayed in an information booklet at the hotel, and The Arctic Building, which is just round the corner from The Alaska Building.
The Alaska Building, from an information booklet provided at the hotel
The Arctic Building, just round the corner from The Alaska Building
Just me, then! As the only representative of the UK – apart from a Toronto-based Professor hailing originally from the northwest of England – I could easily have felt a little out of place at VISAWUS 2019, but, on the contrary, I was warmly welcomed and enjoyed many interesting and helpful conversations with fellow delegates – although several misunderstood the name of my University – Canterbury Christ Church – and assumed I was from New Zealand. They realised their mistake as soon as they heard my clearly English accent! Following Registration and breakfast on Thursday morning, the first panel I attended focused on the works of Charles Dickens, so the conference couldn’t possibly have got off to a better start as far as I’m concerned. Between them, Joshua Brorby, Matthew Van Winkle and Cayla Eagan treated us to words of wisdom on:
• the mutability of words in Our Mutual Friend • the theme of memory in both Bleak House and Our Mutual Friend • an analysis of the real-life case that inspired The Chimes.
This led to an interesting Q&A session in which we discussed philology, etymology and the standardisation of language, wills and inheritance, the differences between connected, spatial and temporal memory, the value – or power – of literacy in the nineteenth-century, and whether infanticide could possibly be a manifestation of maternal care. After lunch, I chose to attend the panel on Marital Stakes, in which Katherine Anderson, Veronika Larsen and So Park provided valuable insights into:
• evolving perceptions of torture in the nineteenth-century, including domestic torture, both mental and physical, with reference to The Egoist, Daniel Deronda, and He knew he was Right and encompassing cases in India and Jamaica as well as the UK • early stage adaptations of Jane Eyre, and their ‘correcting’ of the novel’s moral deviancies by, for example, elevating Mr Rochester to the peerage, legitimising Adele, and omitting any suggestion of rebelliousness in Jane. • socio-economic restrictions and/or consequences in the nineteenth-century marriage market, as “intricately and delicately” handled by George Gissing in novels such as The Odd Women.
These, as can be imagined, led to a lively debate among panellists and audience.
My Paper
During the short tea-break that followed the second round of panels, I made my way to the Yukon room on the second floor of the hotel in order to connect my laptop to the projector and ensure my PowerPoint presentation would work; all was well!
Ready to go, and the audience begins to arrive.
There were only two of us on Panel 3C: me and Elizabeth Chang, a Professor from the University of Missouri, so we had plenty time for our presentations and a lengthy Q&A session. Elizabeth spoke about travel journals published in the 1880s by John Murray – the same publishing house that worked with the Admiralty earlier in the century to publish the Arctic Narratives that I’m looking at. Elizabeth’s journals related to voyages in China, on the Yang Tse River and the River of Golden Sand. Written by William Gill and Thomas Blakiston, the journals included descriptions of the native Boatmen tugging the boats with ropes, in a very similar way to that in which British seafarers in the Arctic would tug their ships through the ice. Blakiston, however, likened the Boatmen to a team of “dogs”; an analogy underscored by attitudes of white colonial superiority, and one that would never have been applied to their British counterparts. On a more conciliatory note, Elizabeth explained how Archibald Little, an Englishman living in China, had tried to introduce steam ships to the Yang Tse, while his wife – the author Alicia Little – campaigned against the practice of foot-binding.
When it came to my turn to speak, I presented my paper on the ways in which, through their engagement with literature, art and popular culture, the Victorian public gained personal temporal and emotional stakes in the Arctic – as well as the political and financial stakes they held via government and taxation.
Having introduced my audience to the Arctic as the Victorians would have known it  – by way of a map from 1879 – I  illustrated the circular trajectory of Arctic representations in the nineteenth century with examples from adult and children’s literature ranging from The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, through Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, a selection of fairy tales and boys-own style stories, articles in the popular press, and the play The Frozen Deep, to Tess of the D’Urbervilles and The Purple Cloud, and demonstrated how these imbued readers with both temporal and emotional stakes in the Arctic. Evidencing the same concepts with reference to the Arctic paintings of Biard, Landseer and Riviére, I concluding with a brief examination of the ways in which remnants recovered from Arctic expeditions were revered as ‘relics’ and collected for public display as well as being reproduced for home entertainment such as Magic Lantern shows, thus substantiating my claims for the Victorian public’s stake in the Arctic. Following this, a range of interesting and pertinent questions were asked of both me and Elizabeth, and we were able to recognise and develop common threads and themes in our papers, as alluded to above.
A Pleasant Evening – and the second day of the conference
That evening, I had dinner in the hotel’s Bistro with the wife of one of the VISAWUS Board members (while he attended the Board Dinner). We were both disappointed with the quality of our food, and received apologies and a bill-waiver, but we had a super time chatting about our very different lives!
On Friday morning, I selected Panel 4C for my attention – it’s always so difficult to choose between concurrent panels at these events, but I chose well on this occasion as Susan Shelangoskie’s account of the Brett brothers prolonged yet ultimately successful enterprise in laying the first transatlantic telegraph cables was compelling; I could see clear similarities between the way John Brett promoted their project anonymously in the press and the way John Barrow promoted Arctic exploration anonymously in the same papers and journals. Robert Steele’s consideration of the role, concept and variations of time and time-keeping in Far from the Madding Crowd, was equally thought-provoking – especially as I had watched (again) the 2015 film version of this novel on the flight across from England –  and Katherine Voyles’s thoughts on the ways in which modern reportage draws on nineteenth-century lyrical realism were interesting if appearing a little anachronistic to the conference. After a mid-morning break, I indulged in some Post-Colonial papers with:
• Sumangala Bhattacharya – who connected Gaskell’s Cranford to the twenty-first century US Border crisis via the character of Peter • Beth Hightower – who argued that Dickens funnels his own Oriental racism through the character of Flora Finching in Little Dorrit • Ava Bindas – who focused on ‘epistemologies of space’ and ‘narrative dialects’ that define domestic, gendered and social mobility.
Business A formal Lunch and Business Meeting in the hotel’s Alaska Ballroom followed, providing a good opportunity for delegates to share information, ideas and advice concerning a range of topics relevant to Victorian studies, career development, and transatlantic co-operation. Similar discussions, of course, accompanied the Conference Dinner that evening. The Business Meeting consisted of introducing the Board members, hearing a Finance report and updates on this and future conferences – next year’s will be in Reno – and the presentation of an engraved plate to a lovely lady called Kathleen, whose surname escapes me but who founded VISAWUS with Richard Fulton c.1986.
My most eagerly anticipated Panel Having referenced at least one of her books extensively in my MA dissertation, I was keen to hear what Erika Behrisch Elce had to say on the Journals of Ships’ Surgeons, so, after lunch, I trotted along to Panel 6A on which she was accompanied by Dorice Elliott and Nathan Kapoor. The latter spoke about Geothermal energy in modern New Zealand and linked it very tentatively to the Victorian era by describing it as a form of decolonisation; an innovative alternative to the energy legacies of former colonial powers (I’m not convinced!). Dorice spoke about Australian emigration, and resulting conflicts of identity, as demonstrated in Henry Kingsley’s novel The Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. Of primary interest to me in my research, however, was Erika’s account of the journals kept by Ships’ Surgeons – journals that reveal the day-to-day illnesses, ailments and condition of each man on board every ship; a far more revealing and accurate record than the Narratives published by ships’ Officers: or, as Erika put it, “an alternative chronicle that can alter the master narrative.” One case that she focused on concerned Captain Kellet’s ships joining the over-wintering ships of Captain McClure in the Arctic in 1853. McClure was stubbornly refusing to turn back or abandon ship, so Kellet ordered his ship’s surgeon, Domville, to inspect every one of McClure’s crew, including McClure himself, and assess their health. Domville declared almost every crew member “utterly unfit to continue Arctic service”, forcing McClure to turn back against his will. Under questioning, Erika confirmed that ships’ surgeons were usually the healthiest people onboard, despite their exposure to so many sick and diseased individuals suffering from “everything from sunstroke to dyssentry”. She attributes their good health to their habit of “constantly experimenting on themselves” with quinine, different diets and a range of other “common treatments”. She also noted that ships’ surgeons, generally, had “tons of responsibility but no authority”, so Domville’s success in saving McClure and his men was presumably an exception to this rule. Dorice pointed out at this point that surgeons onboard the convict ships sailing to Australia had full authority over the convicts while the Captain maintained authority over the crew.
Colour Theories In the Friday ‘teatime’ session, I chose to attend panel 7C, on which Kristen Feay, Amy Woodson-Boulton and Julie Codell discussed the ways in which the Industrial Revolution destabilised perceptions of colour, leading to George Field’s Chromotography in 1843, Owen Jones’s The Grammar of Ornament in 1852, and Christopher Dresser’s The Art of Decorative Design in 1862. This was a very well co-ordinated panel with a clear connecting thread linking each paper.
Conference Dinner & Keynote Address The highlight of the conference, obviously, was the Keynote Address by Professor Andrea Kaston-Tange, Chair of English and Director of Liberal Arts at Macalester College. Her address was entitled ‘Embedded in Empire: Reading Lucie Duff Gordon’s Egypt’ and it focused on the published letters of the eponymous lady, who lived much of her life in Egypt for health reasons as well as out of a spirit of adventure that was evident in her youth, when she is recorded as having plaited a live snake into her hair. Prof. Kaston-Tange, however, also used her address to question the value of nostalgia, asking how useful it is (or is not) and what good (or harm) it does.
Keynote Speech
A three-course dinner provided ample time to discuss the issues she raised and to enjoy another sociable opportunity to converse with fellow delegates.
Final Day, and Time to Moderate On Saturday morning, I followed my birthday breakfast by attending Panel 8C, in the Kodiak Room on the 15th floor – where all C panels were based; B panels being next door in the Klondike Room and A panels (such as mine) a few floors down in the Yukon Room on Floor 2.
On this two-person panel, Michael Carelse argued convincingly for ‘literary impressionism’ in Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders, showing how Hardy was influenced by the paintings of J.M.W. Turner and the French Impressionist painters with regard to the symbolic significance of outward detail, so that this novel, in contrast to his previous one, The Mayor of Casterbridge, omits detail in a way that mimics the representational ethos of Impressionism and anticipates Modernism. Claire Barwise followed this with an exploration of satire in the sensation novels of Mary Elizabeth Braddon – a “phenomenal woman”, Claire said, “who not only wrote more than 80 novels but also founded the Belgravia Magazine and raised 11 children!” Focusing on 2 of those 80 novels, Lady Audley’s Secret and The Doctor’s Wife, Claire invoked Bakhtin’s theory of the carnivalesque to explain their inversion and subversion of social norms.
On Panel 9B, after a break for coffee, David Wayne Thomas, Priti Joshi, and Edward Beasley all focused on different aspects of British Rule in India, and did so in such depth, and with such enthusiasm, that there was no time left for questions at the end of the 90 minutes. David provided handouts to help us follow his exposition of the failure of the Ilbert Bill in 1883, while Priti used PowerPoint slides to show images relating to the 1857 Mutiny and argue for the recurrent identification – or misidentification – of portraits in the Illustrated London News and John Lang’s Wanderings in India, which was serialised in Household Words in 1857 and published in book form the following year. Edward, in his turn, argued for the reputation of Charles Napier; a Liberal Socialist hero of the UK working classes who was nevertheless regarded as a facist oppressor in India. Edward’s biography of this controversial Commander in Chief of the British Army is due out next year and will make fascinating reading, I think.
After lunch, the final panels of the conference took place. I had volunteered to moderate Panel 10B as the topics of the two speakers were both close to my heart: Dickens’s The Pickwick Papers and British Free Public Libraries. On the first of these, Sierra McMillan first demonstrated how the para-text of illustrations and advertisements in the serialised copies of The Pickwick Papers affected the text and the ways in which readers engaged with it, and then discussed ways in which readers could select from a variety of binding options once they had collected a full set of the serialised issues. Richard Fulton then introduced his research into the history of Free Public Libraries in the UK, explaining how the working classes went from initial mistrust of what they saw as middle-class charity to the overwhelming popularity of the libraries as a source of civic pride and a resource used and valued by the working classes in their hundreds of thousands. And that was the end of the conference! I went for a swim in the hotel’s basement fitness centre, ate a salad in my room, and began to pack in preparation for the next stage of my transatlantic adventure:
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. I arrived in Victoria, via a trip on two buses and a ferry, at 7:30pm on Sunday 10th November and discovered that November 11th is a public holiday for Veterans’ Day. The military parade was long, loud, and very impressive, with representatives from many different branches of the Canadian Forces, including the Mounties in their bright red tunics.  Crowds thronged the route of the parade and the 11:00am Ceremony of Remembrance outside the British Legislature Building on Bellevue Street, and the city was full of uniformed personnel for the rest of the day.
I watched the parade and then took a long walk round the coastal path, passing James Bay, Fisherman’s Wharf, Breakwater, and Ogden Point, and emerging into Beacon Hill Park with its exquisitely carved Totem Pole – the tallest in the world at 127 feet & 7 inches – Rose Garden, Ducks, Fountains, Petting Zoo, and Lookout Post, among other attractions. From there, the paths led me to Superior Street and thereby back to Government Street and through the grounds of the Legislature Building to where the morning’s wreaths lay bright yet poignant around the plinth of the war memorial.
World’s tallest Totem Pole
Veterans’ Day Wreaths
From there I explored the shops and historic buildings of the Old Town before returning to my Hostel to spend the evening relaxing with fellow solo travellers from around the world. Tuesday morning found me basking in the history of British Columbia; first in the 3-storey Royal B.C. Museum, founded in 1886, and then in the B.C. Archives, housed in the basement of the same building, which claims to have been “collecting and preserving photographs, documents, maps and historical records since 1894”.  Having obtained a Researcher Pass (valid for two years; oh, I do hope I get the chance to use it again!), I was able to indulge in a few hours of research before heading to the Ferry Port to catch my evening Clipper sailing back to Seattle. My research revealed a couple of letters and maps of interest, but the B.C. records are evidently not old enough to contain a great deal pertaining to my current project.
early map pertaining to a possible Northwest Passage
On Wednesday, I had a few hours to explore Seattle’s Pike Place Market and Waterfront before taking the Link Light Railway to the airport and catching my flight home. Altogether a very enjoyable first transatlantic experience, which I very much hope I will not be my last.
  Transatlantic Trip – VISAWUS 2019 VISAWUS – aka The Victorian Interdisciplinary Association of the Western United States – embraces scholars of the Victorian era from any academic discipline and any career stage.
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vnbbroderick-blog · 6 years ago
Dogs, Pussy-cats, And Also Other Animals.
Chicago metropolitan area is the largest metropolitan area in Illinois as well as additionally it is just one of one of the most populated areas in the mid western component of USA. As well as in the 90s, the Internet supplied a cost-effective circulation channel that triggered today's recurring explosion of white colored papers. In Twentieth- Century Property Products: Past History and Preservation, modified by Thomas C. Prankster, 136-41. Especially, a number of the major search engines are starting to utilize Open Listing index listings in their search engine result, producing it the # 2 crucial place to note your website, behind Yahoo. In Recognizing Historical Structure Conservation, edited by Michael Forsyth, 96-106. Modern Architectures: The Increase of a Heritage. What is the aspect of conserving aged structures? He detailed a holistic wargame layout process, wherein recognizing the customer complication baits to creating a necessary wargame, picking up good records, embarking on excellent analysis to produce great responses. Carnegie Mellon Educational institution instructor Albert Presto charted air contamination in Allegheny County, just 70 kilometers west of Johnstown, and located that the waterway valleys possessed the best highly powerful sky contamination. In 20th Century Culture: Our Current Cultural Legacy: fitdiet-fitstyle.info Procedures of the Australia ICOMOS National Association 2001, 28 November-1 December 2001, Adelaide, the Educational institution of Adelaide, Australia, modified by David S. Jones. No one like to spit publicly, yet if you live in Beijing for 10-20 years, you might receive afflicted, and spit like those individuals you mentioned. It's Not Awful, It's the Current Past Times: Experiencing Aesthetic Difficulties of Modern Design within Historic Maintenance." MHP premise, College of Maryland.
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In Architectural Researches, Repair Works as well as Routine Maintenance of Heritage Construction XII, modified through C. A. Brebbia and Luigia Binda, 115-28. Future Anterior: Publication of Historic Conservation Past History, Theory, and Unfavorable Judgment 1 (2 ): 42-49. My reviews over 20 years show that vegetations, animals, and also people truly like it. When growing sprouts - with distilled water, I discovered they grew twice as prompt as with tap water. Individuals don't essentially have the time or even desire to modify their strategies, or even truly the thought procedure. Great Glass Structures: 50 Modern Standards. Weather and Structure Physics in the Modern Action. Preserving Properties: Quick Guide to Procedures and Products. After one particularly bad tornado an evaluation of the bedrooms presented that a minimum of 80% of the tall irises were actually down as well as required laying whereas every stem of WHITE CITY was erect and also appearing it was actually honored to become active. Although lots of companies and also professionals sustain the fight with pollution, at times company enthusiasms are what remains on the means of far better answers. Using less the Modern in Canada: Properties, sites, as well as ensembles, 1945-2005: Conference Process, Trent College, Peterborough, Might 6-8, 2005. Obtain assistance from specialist rug cleaning services to maintain your own self as well as your family healthy and balanced at home. In Materials, Technologies and Technique in Historic Heritage Establishments, modified by Maria Bostenaru Dan, Richard Přikryl as well as Ákos Török, 293-323. In Glass as well as Ceramics Preservation 2010: Interim Getting To Know of the ICOM-CC Working Group, Oct 3-6 2010 Corning, New York, U.S.A., revised by Hannelore Roemich, 194-201. Practical Building Conservation: Timber. Loosen up in the sun at the metropolitan area coastline or at the neighboring 761-acre Carolina Beach Condition Park. You must browse through Old Community Sacramento and also check out historic landmarks and also authorities structures throughout the area. Carpet cleansing and maintenance should be actually performed on regular manner as your carpetings can easily gather dust, mold and mildew, and also various other sorts of irritants and also toxins.
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In Saving Our Architectural Culture: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures: Report of the Dahlem Shop on Saving Our Architectural Culture: The Conservation of Historic Rock Buildings, Berlin, March 3- 8, 1996. Historical fabric vs. layout intent: Legitimacy and also preservation of present day construction at Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum.
0 notes
grubus · 6 years ago
Knutte dog den 15 augusti. Jag hade två val, men egentligen hade jag bara ett. Jag tog det som var säkrast för mig och mina katter, för folket i min närhet.
Jag ångrar mig så mycket att jag inte var där när han dog. Att jag inte klarade av det. Sista gången jag såg honom, och han var glad och pigg och gjorde små ljud i bilburen för han ville komma ut och hälsa.
Han förstod inte att det var svårt bara att låta honom nosa. Han förstod inte vad han hade gjort. Han bet mig minst fem gånger, men han verkade inte komma ihåg det över huvud taget. Jag kan knappt använda mina armar och jag har ett stort blåmärke på benet, och jag måste påminna mig om allt det här hela tiden för dessa sår, dessa hundbett, är anledningen till att jag inte längre har en hund.
Om jag hade varit med, så vet jag inte om jag hade låtit dom göra det. Knutte var ju, trots allt, tekniskt sett frisk. Han var frisk i kroppen; han var glad och mysig mer än inte. Problemet var ju bara att när han inte var det, så gick det illa. Problemet var- och det är så jävla svårt att inte skriva är och nu, istället- problemet var att när det gick fel i hans vackra hjärna, så slutade han inte. Mamma var tvungen att dra bort honom från mig för han slutade inte.
Han var glad och gosig en halv timme senare, när min chef och min mamma hade lyckats binda om mina sår två gånger för det blödde så mycket. Det var svårt att titta på honom, för jag visste nu att efter fyra och ett halvt år, så var det dags att ge upp. Att lyssna på vad alla experter hela tiden sa.
Det har gått två dagar sen jag lät mina föräldrar ta honom till veterinären och lät honom somna in. Jag ångrar att jag inte var där; jag ångrar att jag inte fick ett tass avtryck från honom. Men jag är helt säker på att om jag hade varit där så skulle jag sagt att jag ångrar mig. Att jag vill att han ska leva.
Han var min lilla prins, och jag vet att jag borde vara glad att jag hade honom i över fyra år. Fyra år som experter sa att ingen skulle skylla mig om jag gav upp. Men han hade minst tio fler att leva, och på grund av ett litet misstag den 15 augusti, så fick han bara de fyra åren han fick.
Jag hatar mig själv för detta. Jag hoppas bara att han mår bra, vart han än är nu. Att det finns många harar att jaga, många katter att leka med och många täcken att gräva ner sig i.
Jag älskar dig, Knutte. Jag är så hemskt ledsen och jag saknar dig så, så mycket.
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years ago
The advantage of four legs
Shortly after SoftBank acquired his company last October, Marc Raibert of Boston Dynamics confessed, “I happen to believe that robotics will be bigger than the Internet.” Many sociologists regard the Internet as the single biggest societal invention since the dawn of the printing press in 1440. To fully understand Raibert’s point of view, one needs to analyze his zoo of robots which are best know for their awe-striking gait, balance and agility. The newest creation to walk out of Boston Dynamic’s lab is SpotMini, the latest evolution of mechanical canines.
Big Dog, Spot’s unnerving ancestor, first came to public view in 2009 and has racked up quite a YouTube following with more than six and one half million views. The technology of Big Dog led to the development of a menagerie of robots, including: more dogs, cats, mules, fleas and creatures that have no organic counterparts. Most of the mechanical barn is made up of four-legged beasts, with the exception of its humanoid robot (Atlas) and the bi-ped wheeled robot (Handle). Raibert’s vision of legged robotics spans several decades with his work at MIT’s Leg Lab. In 1992, Raibert spun his lab out of MIT and founded Boston Dynamics. In his words, “Our long-term goal is to make robots that have mobility, dexterity, perception and intelligence comparable to humans and animals, or perhaps exceeding them; this robot [Atlas] is a step along the way.”​ The creepiness of Raibert’s Big Dog has given way to SpotMini’s more polished look which incorporates 3D vision sensors on its head. The twenty-four second teaser video has already garnered nearly 6 million views in the few days since its release and promises viewers hungry for more pet tricks to “stay tuned.”
There are clear stability advantages to quadrupeds over other approaches (bipeds, wheels and treads/track plates) across multiple types of terrains and elevations. At Ted last year, Raibert demonstrated how his robo-pups, instead of drones and rovers, could be used for package delivery by easily ascending and descending stairs or other vertical obstacles. By navigating the physical world with an array of perceptive sensors, Boston Dynamics is really creating “data-driven hardware design” According to Raibert, “one of the cool things of a legged robot is its omnidirectional” movements, “it can go sideways, it can turn in place.” This is useful for a variety of work scenarios from logistics to warehousing to working in the most dangerous environments, such as the Fukushima nuclear site.
Boston Dynamics is not the only quadruped provider; recent upstarts have entered the market by utilizing Raibert’s research as an inspiration for their own bionic creatures. Chinese roboticist Xing Wang is unabashed in his gushing admiration for the founder of Boston Dynamics, “Marc Raibert … is my idol,” he said a recent interview with IEEE Spectrum Magazine. However, his veneration for Raibert has not stopped him from founding a competitive startup. Unitree Robotics aims to create quadruped robots that are as affordable as smartphones and drones. While Boston Dynamics has not sold its robots commercially, many have speculated that their current designs would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the spirit of true flattery, Unitree’s first robot is, of course, a quadruped dog named Laikago. Wang aims to sell Laikago for under $30,000 dollars to science museums and eventually as companion robots. When comparing his product to Raibert’s, Wang said he wanted to “make quadruped robots simpler and smaller, so that they can help ordinary people with things like carrying objects or as companions.” Wang boasts of Laikago’s 3-degrees-of-freedom (forward, backward, and sideways), its ability to scale rough terrain, and pass anyone’s kick test.
In additional to omnidirectional benefits, locomotion is a big factor for quadrupedal machines. Professor Marco Hutter at ETH Zürich, Switzerland is the inventor of ANYmal, an autonomous robot built for the most rugged and challenging environments. Using its proprietary “dynamic running” locomotion, Hunter has deployed the machine successfully in multiple industrial settings, including the rigorous ARGOS Challenge (Autonomous Robot for Gas and Oil Sites). The objective of ARGOS is to develop “a new generation of autonomous robots” for the energy industry specifically capable of performing ‘dirty & dangerous’ inspection tasks, such as “detecting anomalies and intervening in emergency situations.” Unlike a static human frame or bipedal humanoid, AnyMAL is able to perform dynamic maneuvers with its four legs to find footholes blindly without the need for vision sensors. While wheeled systems literally get stuck in the mud, Hunter’s mechanical beast can work continuously: above ground, underneath the surface, falling, spinning and bouncing upright to perform a mission with precise accuracy. In addition, AnyMAL is loaded with a package of sensors which coordinate movements, map point-clouds environments, detect gas leaks, and listen for fissures in pipelines. Hunter explains that oil and gas sites are built for humans with stairs and varying elevations which make it impossible for biped or wheeled robots. However, a quadruped can use its actuators and integrated springs to efficiently move with ease within the site through dynamic balance and complex maneuver planning. These high mobility legged systems can fully rotate joints, crouch low to the earth and flip in places to create foot-holes.  In many ways they are like large insects creating their own tracks, Hunter says while biology is a source for inspiration, “we have to see what we can do better and different for robotics” and only then we can “build a machine that is better than nature.”
The idea of improving on nature is not new, Greek mythology is littered with half man/half beast demigods. Taking a page from the Greeks, Jiren Parikh imagines a world where nature is fused with machines. Parikh is the Chief Executive of Ghost Robotics, the maker of “Minitaur” the newest four-legged creation. Minitaur is smaller than SpotMini, Laikago, or AnyMAL as it is specifically designed to be a low-cost, high-performance alternative that can easily scale over or under any surface, regardless of weather, friction, or footing. In Parikh’s view, the purpose of legged devices is “to move over unstructured terrains like stairs, ladders, fences, rock fields, ice, in and under water.” Minitaur can actually “feel the environment at a much more granular level and allow for a greater degree of force control for maneuverability.” Parikh explains quads are inherently more energy efficient using force actuation and springs to store energy by alternating movements between limbs. Minitaur’s smaller frame leverages this to maneuver more easily around unstructured environments without damaging the assets on the ground. Using an analogy, Parikh compares quad solutions to other mobile methods, “while a tank in comparison is the perfect device for unstructured terrain it only works if one doesn’t care about destroying the environment.” Ghost Robotics very aware of the high value its customers place on their sites, as Parikh is planning on distributing its low-cost solution to a number of “industrial, infrastructure, mining and military verticals.” Essentially, Minitaur is a “a mobile IoT platform” regardless of the situation on the ground, indoor or outdoor. In speaking with Parikh, long term he envisions a world where Ghost Robotics is on the forefront of retail and home use cases from delivery bots to family pets. Parikh boasts, “You certainly won’t be woken up at 5 AM to go for a walk.”
The topic of autonomous robots will be discussed at the next RobotLabNYC event on November 29th @ 6pm with New York Times best selling author Dan Burstein / Millennium Technology Value Partners and Rhonda Binda of Venture Smarter, formerly with the Obama Administration.
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mpare5 · 7 years ago
Sunshine, rain and rainforest backdropped the inaugural Sunshine Writer’s Retreat in Montville. With air thinner than the finest mist, many a kindred spirit met. Our Masterclass presenters generously shared their writing adventures, including faux pas.
Picture Book Author & Illustrator, Peter Carnavas  gave us permission to daydream through our writing room window. A window as a portal to outside — to anywhere. And as you daydream, look, see, observe… the detail. Next, what can’t you see… behind that leaf, under that sill, in the mailbox? Daydreaming relaxes the mind, calms and frees us to imagine, create and write. Peter read the poem, ‘Monday’ by Billy Collins, which again showed the value of daydreaming through a window. From that, he focussed on his three favourite lines — minimal use of adjectives, yet ‘beautiful verbs’.
a bird grasping a thin branch, (not holding onto)
the headlight of a taxi rounding a corner, (not around)
those two boys in wool caps angling across the street. (not walking)
For poets, as for authors and illustrators, daydreaming is as essential as our pencil, paper, tea/coffee, laptop, dog/cat, time, space etc.,
Writing tools
Poem ‘Monday’ by Billy Collins
As a musician, Peter uses music to place himself in the right frame for writing. While his books are full of hope, he likes to explore how something can be sad and beautiful at the same time. To illustrate this, he played the song ‘Bear’, while showing the lyrics, from Melbourne contemporary folk musician Paddy Mann of Grand Salvo, from their Death album. Then he played 10-second sound bites for us to listen, visualise, write. He said no matter how silly – write, otherwise ‘you’ll never write down the perfect sentence in one go’.  When Peter worked on The Elephant’ he’d play a chord progression over and over before he wrote — to create mood.
Song ‘Bear’ by Grand Salvo
Some words – ‘Bear’
Chunks of Time
To write, Peter preferred chunks of writing time, which was one of the hardest things writers found difficult to find. His tip was to schedule it, otherwise the book would remain unwritten.
Picture Book Process
He shared his process of creating a picture book. He usually starts with a story and the character follows. He thinks of an idea, writes the story (max 500), transfers it to a storyboard (similar to a comic strip with 32 page layout), then works on the roughs on the storyboard using word and illustration narratives. He showed us his folder for each book including the final paintings. In-between all the stages was the reviewing and editing process, then sending it to beta readers and editor for review. It takes about two years to publication. However, with The Elephant he had been playing with illustrations and story for five years.
Portfolio Illustration
Secret to Write Picture Books
When Peter learned to write picture books he buried himself in good quality books. He used to read reviews from the Magpies Magazine and CBCA Reading Time. Then he’d find the books in the library and breakdown what the authors did to make their books work.
Resonating Stories 
Write stories that resonate with you, things you’re passionate about, anything you’re interested in i.e., birds, trucks, sports, anything different.Trace Balla won the Picture Book of the Year with Rockhopping. Her passion has been sketching nature and the outdoors which she channels into her kids’ book.
To gain ideas for stories, look, listen, observe. Peter’s book ideas came from the news, a conversation with a friend in Tokyo, books (Burke and Wills, Affluenza by Clive Hamilton and Richard Denniss), a news article, a picture. The Boy on the Page came from ‘not having an idea’. ‘I wanted the character to land on the page.’
Draw the Penguin
Yes, Peter encouraged us to draw the penguin. There were many different versions — easily identified as penguins, “because we are all different’‘ (Leigh Hobbs, 2016/2017 Australian Children’s Laureate). Putting on our illustrator hats allowed us to consider the penguin’s story from the author’s narrative. ( Raelene Purtill’s post also talks about the infamous penguin drawing session during our Retreat.)
Write Your Story
When Peter writes, he thinks about the story he wants to write — not about the kids. While he says it may seem selfish, he was a kid also. He specified that children’s picture books were ‘no lesser form’. And as an adult author, writing for kids showed respect for the picture book art form as ‘important and powerful as any other story telling medium’.
Many teachers will attest, a child’s first and earliest reading experiences will help form their perception of the world. Such is the underestimated power of the picture book. Children will always remember being read that special book way into their adulthood – not vice versa.
Window from writing space at Retreat
Who lives here I wonder?
Kookaburra calling.
Perched 400m (1312 feet) above sea level, annual rainfall 1709mm (67.3 inches) and population appx 886 (Census 2011).
Peter Carnavas books are available from publisher New Frontier Publishing and any good bookstores.
Facebook: Peter Carnavas Author/Illustrator
Blog Tag – Other Sunshine Writer’s Retreat Posts
I stepped into a Monet painting last weekend by Raelene Purtill
Greenleaf Press Newsletter 35: 2017 Sunshine Writers Retreat Round-Up! by Aleesah Darlison of Greenleaf Press
Sunshine Writers Retreat 2017 by Inda Binda
Montville, Queensland, Australia by Lucy Day Werts Hobor
    Maria Parenti-Baldey, primary teacher, writer, amateur photographer and blogger.  www.bigsisterblogs.com
You have Permission to Daydream Sunshine, rain and rainforest backdropped the inaugural Sunshine Writer’s Retreat in Montville. With air thinner than the finest mist, many a kindred spirit met.
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