#binah makes sure to comfort you
binah-beloved · 3 days
Binah would get lost with you.
if she could, she would wander the streets of the City at your side. wherever you want to go. wherever you plan to go. the twists and turns of the roads are complex, like they're trying to confuse you. they might be. Binah has lived in this place long enough that it wouldn't surprise her in the slightest. even so, she won't insist on a map. you are more than welcome to bring one if you wish, but she won't force you. the City's winding paths elude her fragmented memory- it'd almost be like a little adventure, walking down each alley in search of a location.
Binah- sharply efficient, ex-Arbiter Binah, discards her old need for quick ruthlessness, in favor of meandering around with you. in a way it is still a tactic. a method of staying in your presence longer. activities with you don't need to be rushed or kept entirely up to schedule. there's joy by just being around you, see. she is content doing everything and nothing with you. and if you fret when it rains, or when the bus never comes, or when you wake up late, Binah merely shushes you, gently, with that small, soft smile that she reserves only for you.
she still had fun, after all. you are what makes everything enjoyable.
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Just remembered how much of a huge impact Lobotomy Corporation's Hokma made on me... while Binah mostly laid out core aspects of the narrative (thus representing "Understanding", only really having more of her character show when she makes questionable decisions in her Meltdown), Hokma hits me hard in a certain way. Something about the way he finds comfort in it all. Something about the religious feeling of being around him. The sheer weight of it all. And then the meltdown...
The meltdown honestly made me cry the first time because of just... everything about it... the way he believes that the hell that is Lobotomy Corporation can loop back into being an eternity of just joy, just the joy of being with those close to you, a fantasy that will never come, but he believes in it so, he presides over the endless circle, so surely the circle must turn towards such an outcome...
As I was saying, it hit me hard because of the amazing music for the first part of the meltdown which is, honestly so emotional... how smooth it all sounds... and Hokma's dialogue most of all...
"Do we truly need to change?"
"All of your loved ones are finally by your side now."
"We will not ever lose anyone, as long as the cycle repeats."
"Why are you trying to let us slip away?"
"I just wish to stay with you, everyone, and all that we have left in this eternal moment."
"Please do not steal away the last glimmer of what I treasure."
All of this showing what he truly feels. His yearning. His emotional connection. His vision. His genuine intimate care that he truly does feel for everyone, even if it is merely just in concept...
and of course... we cannot forget what he experience when the passage of time all starts flowing away... like a broken dam, it gushes onward at an uncontrollable rate, the clock his body has transformed into spins and contorts at an extreme rate, all while he has this to say:
"You never knew when to stop, so I shall stop you with absolute certainty this time."
"I do not understand. What more must you sacrifice? Just what are you trying to achieve?"
"No, I do not wish to change. I do not want to forget it all. Please, let’s just stay."
"I just cannot understand. Neither then can I accept it."
He truly does understand Ayin, he was closer to him than everyone else, so it makes sense that not only will he be critical of him, and say some very true things about him ("You never know when to stop" especially hits an accord, due to how he pushed everyone... all the sephirot, and most of all... Angela...)
Just something about this old man and his old heavy heart hits me hard. I always cared about Hokma in a special way, and he especially hit me hard in LobCorp, especially with that meltdown, easily one of the most mentally exhausting things I've ever played, but... god... it was worth it... everything was worth it... I remember when I beat it for the first time my music literally broke from the impossible pace Hokma was going at... but after everything... after the meltdown... there was only silence... silence, and words of introspection...
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headcanoncorp · 3 months
heartbreaking: girl who was making dinner was just told the rest of her family was eating out at a restaurant, without her, without even calling to let her know.
To let you know how fine I'm feeling about this here's some headcanons about the sephirot taking someone out to eat if they could (platonically mind since I cannot think of romance to save my life) (if this seems out of character it's because I'm coping very well right now I'm sure of it)
Her go to place would probably be an average restaurant chain.
The food isn't like the best you'll ever had but it isn't bad and tends to be consistent across all locations.
Because I am USamerican they've got chicken tenders there like pretty much every restaurant I've ever been to.
She's getting the chicken tenders and can point out some things she's pretty sure you won't like so you can avoid them
He doesn't really have a go to restaurant so he'll let you (me) pick.
Not a big fan of finger foods so take him someplace where there's plenty of utensil expectation, maybe somewhere fancy.
Wherever you take he'll probably pick out something without any sauce layering, so no pasta.
He'd probably spend most of the time people watching, not really talking all that much. he might not admit it right away but I think he'd enjoy the experience.
We're going to City Burger King!
It's not the best food, but it is comforting food and easy to get. also I personally really like the chicken fries
It's mostly just dining in with some burgers and taking some paper crowns.
She'd take you to some kind of Cafe or other establishment with mostly baked goods, not exactly great for dinner but she's trying and couldn't think of anywhere better.
She'd spend most of the "dinner" just making conversation, asking how your day went in between bites of her muffin
Maybe it's nicer for her than it would be for most people.
Gebura's taking all three of you out tonight, since the kids are a bit too young to pick a place on their own, they give her input on what they want though.
She knows A Place, and it's somehow the most suspicious and offputting place you'll ever visit that you can only feel confident inside because Gebura's there.
It somehow has the best tasting food though, only one menu item and it's just the best thing you'll ever taste.
The Tiphereths spend most of dinner talking to each other but other than that it's a quiet and interesting dinner
He also doesn't pick out a place that's a very good idea for dinner
Either a coffeeshop that only has cookies or doughnuts or whatever they sell there that's food. Or the fanciest place ever with just the smallest serving sizes.
He does at least visibly realize unlike Hod that maybe it wasn't the best pick. He at least hopes you'll like the coffee.
Another one who'll just let you pick.
He's fine with anything you could take him to Applebees and he wouldn't mind. (note, not a dig at Applebees I enjoyed the one time I went there).
I don't know what he'd talk about but it would be a very neutral experience as long as you can successfully provide input.
She's taking you to the strangest themed restaurant you've ever seen just to see your reaction.
She spends the whole dinner talking about the most inane stuff you could never even begin to comprehend while sipping on some tea. Her expression forever unchanging as she does until someone gets into a fight a table over.
It is very hard to tell if she has a good time herself or not but it's been going on weekly and there's an invite for next week as well.
She cannot leave the building
So she left some microwave ramen out with your name on it
I'd say sorry but this has been calming actually.
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day 20
chap’s 7,8,9
i really need to start going to sleep earlier but rwch then sleep
i bet emelia does want to throw something at the reporters- even though it’s ellie that says it and not emelia it still gives us a hint about her personality
she never answered his question :( does she know what she’s doing?
i love how many times they set up that rosewood is lottie and ellie’s true home, it makes the epilogue that much more satisfying
jamie karen moment
ooh interestingly ani uses the formal version of arrêter with ellie- quite literally her way of saying we’re not friends
god i feel so bad for ani. at this point she has nobody. sure she can talk to ellie and lottie but they don’t get it and they’re not close. she could get comfort from binah but binah would try and find out what was wrong. lola and micky are dealing with shit themselves. she could turn to raph but he’s probably not got the right energy to make her feel better considering what she’s going through
lottie when do you ever want to deal with those feelings? seriously, you can’t put them off forever
problems rarely ever wait until tomorrow
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ahmedmootaz · 6 months
Continuing off my last ask on Ayin's death
After getting over the logistics on how they'd bring Ayin's corpse home if he did die due to the Sweepers, what would have Roland and X done after coming home?
Obviously the party isn't happening now and the whole cleanup and injury tending would be happening but would funeral preparations be immediately made? Or would Roland turn the kids back into adults behind X's back and then planned the funeral once everyone was back?
Would others even want to hold a funeral immediately or would they try to bring back Ayin first? Would Angela even let them try?
Speaking of funerals, assuming they couldn't bring Ayin back because of a variety of factors. Unable to book him or light him away or heal him with K Corp or T Corp tech. What type of funeral preparations would they make?
Does Ayin even have a will with instructions of how to bury him (i.e. chuck his body into the Outskirts and be done with it since he doesn't think he even deserves a funeral or memorial or being shot out of a cannon or hung up like a pinata on a cieling fan)?
What type of funeral would Ayin get: a burial in the Outskirts, a cremation into an urn and then a columbarium, an internent into a mausoleum, a burial at sea, a shove into a stasis box, or something else entirely?
What type of funeral procession and mourning customs there be: general western customs, general eastern customs, Korea specific customs, Kabbalistic specific customs or none at all/something else entirely?
How would everyone react to finding out Ayin is dead before they could even get full closure or try to patch things up? Especially Hokma, Binah, and Angela?
How badly would X be taking Ayin's death and how would Roland be comforting him knowing he'll have to betray X and make X lose his kids the same day as losing his sort-of-but-not-really brother?
How much more severe will X's depression and thus distortion would be after everyone is back to being adults?
How much of a dramatic fight is it going to be with X going full distortion out of grief especially since he's not just mourning Ayin but also mourning Abram, Abel, Adam, and his kids at the same time?
What type of distortion would X even become? Would he be the equivalent of all the Sephirah meltdowns all at once? Would he become some sort of manager/puppeteer/commander unleashing minions?
What would it take to calm X down? Angela talking him down? Roland giving him a hug? Them beating him up physical therapy style?
How badly is X going to be depressed for after distorting? How would he act after the funeral? Is he going to hurt himself?
Would they put a memorial like a photograph and a small shrine to Ayin after the funeral and X's breakdown?
In any case, this would have been a very bleak ending that would no doubt make a lot of people tear up. And since you are an author eager to lap up people's tears, how are you going to take my questions and make the scenario hurt even more?
Anyway, that is all for my questions AhmedMootaz. Thank you for all the hardwork you put into the fic I've been binging in my downtime. Since you wrote such a long fic, hopefully you're okay too with such a long ask.
(Ask Part 2)
Dear Anonymous,
Welcome back again! It seems we have created a cascade of Ayin death content, heheh. I'm not sure if that means the Ayin fans are very stable, mentally speaking, but this is the PM Fandom; nobody is mentally stable, no matter how much they might want to claim otherwise, heh.
So, this ask...What would happen directly after everyone returns? I think that Roland opts for a quick and unceremonial return to form; X and the kids are all devastated. They're teetering on the brink of breakdown, and while as adults the Librarians would also be grappling with shock, loss, and devastation, at least as adults they'd know what to do. Maybe after some convincing, Roland gets X to help him install the Reverse De-Agers on the kids to try and cheer them up while wiping their tears away, making sure they're unable to see Ayin's corpse before he puts them all to sleep. Maybe he even convinces the kids that this was all a big nightmare that they'd wake up from just as soon as they head to bed, and although some kids like Garion, Kali and Benjamin might be sceptical, they'd likely be desperate enough to try anything, putting the Reverse De-Agers into motion.
Now what happens when they return to adults? Well, I'm sure you can imagine the shock, terror, and devastation that sets in, but my guess is that they'd try bringing Ayin back in whatever capacity they can. Whether by using the Light, City technology like K-Corp's ampoules, or maybe technology found in the Ruins and the Outskirts.
And as for Angela...I think, deep down, she might be the most upset of them, hence why she'd resist burying Ayin for as long as physically possible, covering up her desire as 'wanting to let the Librarians try out everything to their heart's content', but deep down, she's as desperate as they are for something, anything to work. After all, we know Angela's relationship with Ayin is incredibly complex, with a part of her loving him and a very much larger part of her despising him thanks to his actions towards her, but deep down, she always wanted to believe that, maybe, some part of him loved her back. That he didn't just loathe her for no apparent reason whatsoever.
And now, he died trying to protect her. Now, when she knew he loved her so much that he was willing to die for her, he dies for real. And she can't ask him anymore questions. She can't see if he would actually be the man she needs him to be. She can't even call him dad anymore. It's all gone, and she didn't even have the chance to experience it as an adult. She'd really be one of the people who suffer the most from the whiplash of losing Ayin so suddenly...
As for the funeral...I think that Angela might want Ayin's burial site to be in the Library, as a way to have him around if the Library ever needs to move again. Perhaps it's a rash decision in the moment, but I assume she can create a nice, small garden with the threes and grass Ayin loved so much so he could be buried in it. While the other methods you mentioned are probably what Ayin would want for himself considering how much he hates himself and also they're hilarious pffffffffft, I think he would be buried very, very plainly, without a coffin even. Just buried in the dirt while shrouded with a white cloth to not have him touching to dirt directly; I assume it would be Hokma's suggestion, seeing how Ayin loved the grass and greenery while Carmen was alive.
Now, we already said how Angela would feel, but Hokma and Binah...I feel that Hokma would be the most visibly devastated, even if he tries hiding it; Ayin's return must've been an invaluably precious moment for him, as he finally gets to see his mentor and good friend after thinking he was gone forever, and now, actually seeing that he was gone after such a large sacrifice...it would leave him touched, no doubt, especially considering Ayin was not the most open of men; he would rarely, if ever, speak about his emotions or even address their existence, so sacrificing his life for him and the rest of his de-aged 'siblings'...It was the strongest message of care and affection that Ayin could've ever hoped to send. Despite how pained he would be, I imagine Hokma would, eventually, manage to get over the pain as he would be accustomed to it, while Angela will take a lot, lot longer.
And when it comes to Binah...here's the thing: I think she'd almost feel robbed. This isn't the ending she wanted for Ayin; she thought he'd go out in a large blaze of glory accomplishing the grandiose destiny he involuntarily set out to accomplish, but this...this wasn't it. To die protecting them...She'd think it to be pathetic, no doubt, but it's not the ending he deserved. He was her greatest rival, and it's obvious that she respected him. Now that he was gone like that so suddenly and without warning...It would be something of a bitter taste in Binah's mouth, I think, even if she would display no outward reaction at all.
How badly will X take it? I assume X will just straight-up Distort. In AiP, the only reason he didn't was Ayin providing him with a pseudo-family of sorts. There's no reason holding X back now, not when he's feeling so betrayed, and as for the fight...well, I'd assume it'd be one of epic proportions, and the Librarians might even have to consider putting X down if he doesn't stop fighting them; without the Light, it's possible he'd be more than capable of defeating them all with his Distortion, which I assume will be the same as the one seen in AiP, only a lot, lot more vigorous with the Distortion directly enhancing him in order to use him as her weapon of choice against the Library. I'm assuming it'd have to be as dramatic as Roland's fight, at the very, very least, with X getting more and more Distorted as the fight goes on.
Maybe even one of the elements that break X out of his Distortion would be when he accidentally knocks Ayin's corpse over or otherwise disturbs it and realises that what he's doing...this isn't what Ayin would've wanted at all...That is if he's not beyond saving due to the grief and the downpour of emotions he's experiencing.
And if he doesn't die...well, this is going to be a very, very depressed X for the funeral...We're talking unresponsive, quiet, sobbing X. The type us sickos seem to adore and whose tears we slurp for sustenance...delicious...
And, at last, yes, I'd think they'd have to give Ayin a memorial of some sort, with a picture much like the one he had of (what I assume is) Carmen, and perhaps they even put a cactus next to it, hehe.
Still, this isn't the end of the story; with Ayin dead, Carmen, too, may be beyond saving, which means that the only way to stop the Distortion is by killing her, but that...well, that's a whole different ask. And...before you ask, no, I have nothing in mind for what I'd do with that particular scenario, heh.
I thank you for your dedication to the Ayin Death cause, Anon! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'! Thank you for the fun, if depressing, ask!
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pobopolybius · 3 years
you. give me your lobcorp/lor hcs. now 🔫
[spoiler warning for major endgame events in Ruina and LC]
God I have so many I put them under the cut since I wrote way more than I thought I would LMFAO
Enoch and Lisa weren't the only ones who had different hair colours before death, Gabriel, Daniel, and Giovanni all had different hair before death. Gabriel's hair was a dark brown that was almost black, Giovanni's was a lighter shade of brown, and Daniel's was a brown ginger
Ayin had the best handwriting out of everyone, a simple print that looked almost mechanical, while Binah's, while a ridiculously fancy cursive, was nearly illegible. Carmen's handwriting was the definition of chicken scratch
When he went to the library, Argalia briefly got his pen back. He found it laying on the ground of the Kether floor
Chesed is scared of birds. Just in general. He loves them from afar and tends to admire them, but if the smallest parakeet gets near him he shuts down. Something to do with a facility breach
Roland is canonically the best cook, and I think Angela would be a close second since he tries his best to teach her as a way to enjoy food despite not being able to eat :) Malkuth and Hod are amazing at making pastries, and Tiphereth loves decorating whatever sweets they make
Netzach grew to have a bit of a crush on Angela after everything with the library happened and they all got sent to the outskirts. He thinks she's funny and loves talking to her. Constantly tries to find excuses to spend time with her and Roland
Angela is a trans man :)
Gebura, despite her massive mane of a hair, tends to be the one who helps everyone with haircuts. Gebura is the only one allowed to touch Tiphereth's hair since she is good at making braids. Netzach is also good with hair though, so whenever Gebura is busy, he's there to help in her place
Tiphereth also eventually warmed up a little more to Roland, and, on occasion, lets him braid her hair as well. Though it's nice, Roland does feel immensely upset when he does that, since it reminds him of a future he never got to have.
Daniel and Gabriel used to date, once Chesed and Yesod remembered their pasts, the two grew flustered when it came to being around each other
Angela, Yesod, and Binah tend to play mind games together, Roland gets dragged into their shenanigans sometimes. He never wins
Gebura started to drink tea with Binah to spite Chesed. He still refuses to give up on making her like coffee
Roland is good at singing! Chesed and Hod as well
Malkuth always signs her messages off with kaomojis
Malkuth and Yesod are best friends
Emma and Noah were married
Chesed, Yesod, Binah, and Malkuth are all brazilian or half brazilian
Moirai is genderless. Moirai doesn't use pronouns or anything like that, Moirai just exists
Philip, before everything went to shit, wrote poetry as a hobby. Coincidentally, most had religious undertones
Jae-heon was interested in theology, he enjoys it when Pluto talks about it, and lets Eileen talk about the Church of Gears
Before they started dating, Merry always showed up at Tommy's flower shop. He caught feelings for her at first sight, and started gifting her flowers with little cards that had the meaning of said flower on them
Pierre's first kill were her parents, she made a little lemonade stand-esque shop in front of her house to sell what she made, and a chef in District 23 took her in due to her potential
Binah is a cat person, they love cats, but never really bring it up
Angela still has occasional emotional outbursts, the same with Roland, due to remembering their pasts. The two are always there to comfort the other though, and are sure to never leave each other's side unless the other needs some alone time to breathe
Hokma is good at painting, he loves impressionism, however, when it comes to his own works, he always takes a approach that could be classified as tenebrism, since he enjoys painting abnormalities. He does occasionally paint the other sephirah, as well as Ayin, often.
Tiphereth is really good at sowing dresses, she uses Roland as a mannequin for them
Kali was heads over heels for Carmen, Carmen brought out her kindness she thought she lost when she became a colour fixer
Aside from Roland himself, there is nothing that Angelica loved more than Roland's cooking
Angelica is taller than Roland by quite a bit, being the same height as Argalia. It makes Roland melt every time she stands next to him
Iori and Ayin knew each other
Tanya and Greta are really close. At first Tanya found Greta too loud and a bit annoying, but she is now fond of her somewhat. Greta thinks she is really cool and has a bit of a crush on her
Elena and Angelica are exes
When Hod first saw Greta, while disliking her, she also had to tell herself not to let her awaken anything in her
Chesed constantly invites Yesod over for coffee, and the two tend to ramble about their mutual interests in science often
Chesed is actually very good with technology, and likes to make little gadgets and trinkets with the stuff he finds on Yesod's floor
Benjamin and Ayin are teenage year friends, they became inseparable from the moment they met. Benjamin kissed his cheek to say bye once before heading out, and Ayin went quiet for the rest of that full day
Ayin originally considered becoming a fixer. Before the corporation grew to be the head of the district, he worked part time as one. He was a fairly high grade, but nothing too insane.
Gebura treats Nothing There like her pet dog
Ayin, Benjamin, and Carmen all lived together. They all slept on the same bed, and they almost had to kick Carmen out of the bed since she would roll around in her sleep a lot. (They didn't, they are nowhere near that mean)
Most of the librarians are polyam, save for Hokma (obviously talking about the adults here Tiph is like 12)
Also they are all trans
I'd write way more but I will spare you for now! These are just a few of the ones that come to mind :]
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That would leave me with Tiphereths (platonic of course), Chesed, Hokma and Binah if i remember correctly
Spoilery, Reader(or S/O) is injured in various ways, hospital related things (like being bedridden, taking meds) so dont read if you dont feel comfortable
Tiphereth A/B (platonic)
•when Tiphereth A finally comes down with terms that Tiphereth B will one day perish forever. News about you being hurt made her incredibly upset
•Tiph B, of course, has no clue of what is going on. But he doesnt want Tiph A to be upset. So, while she needs to calm down (thank god for kind people like Hod), he goes to check you
•you dont have much injuries aside from being exhausted for having such a long day, so Tiph B tells the good news
•aaaand here goes Tiph A running at you, with Tiph B right behide her to keep up
•she bawls her eyes out, thinking that she lost you too. But a group hug and words of reassurance that you wont leave them yet is enough to have them both happy
•Chesed, being in charge of the Welfare department, learns really quickly that with his damage type error, he did made you take sometimes x4 buffed damage
•even then, he asks. How badly did he hurt you? Other people? How many died or in critical condition? Its his job after all
•he checks on you first, but Chesed already prepared for the worst, being yelled at or asked to leave you alone. Because with the scar of what he presumes was from buffed Big and Will Be Bad Wolf he thinks that its over between-
•but you seem to be happy to see that your mr. Coffee Addict is back to normal. Despite the pain he made you feel during the day
•you ask if he has time to talk, but being honest, Chesed says that he needs to make sure that the rest are stable first. Tho, promises to come back. So you rest in your bed with meds
•and he comes back, true to his word. With ans extra cup for you
•it would be a lie to say that he was not upset in the slightest. He is actually very upset that he got you hurt
•at least the Manager and the others managed to pass the ordeal he created
•pretty sure you all lc players out there just forgot that pause existed during his meltdown and maybe abit after it xd
•much like Chesed, he asks how many are hurt/dead/critical condition. Just to take a note on that
•but he has eternal debate... Should he visit you right now? Should he just check others? Hokma is not really sure. But with you being his S/O, decides that its better to hear what do you think of him right now, rather then to wait and torment himself from the inside
•and it would be a lie if i said that Hokma was not relieved that you still want to continue the relationship. There is a small chat, before you two make a schedule for visiting hours during your recovery
•he promised not to mess with your perception of time again
•she knew how dangerous she is, how hard she pushed everyone to their limits to pass the test of her own.
•Binah also knew you would never leave her but... She hurt you pretty bad
•she could care less about anyone else. They will all die sooner or later. But... She loved you. And even someone as sadistic as Binah would be devastated if you were to leave her be
•so, for once, she is slightly nervous about your relationship
•thankfully, its all just her overthinking things. You were hurt, yes, but still haply to see Binah all fine and dandy
•she makes you tea and for herself and you talk about things. Binah questions about your decision to still be with her, despite pretty much yeeting a pillar in your face
•and you just talk about love and all that. While cheesy beyond belief, it still makes her smile that no matter what hardships you two face, you will always have each other
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sleepy-chesed · 4 years
angela x s/o with anxiety and autism headcanons
i got a request by binah themselves for hcs about angela with her s/o who has anxiety and/or autism so
angela is surprisingly patient with people she loves. she tends to only be strict or condescending when it comes to work, but in this case she would keep her s/o safe, and tell them comforting words when they get overwhelmed
angela shows her affection physically. if you’re ok with it, she’ll shower you in affection and comfort
or optionally, if her partner is overwhelmed or touch-averse, she’ll use her calmest voice to reassure 
she cares about the comfort of her partner more than her work. she’ll set aside time just to make sure you’re ok
in public, she’ll stop you once in a while to ask if you’re doing well, if you need a break, or you’re scared
if separated from her partner, she’ll send texts frequently, reassuring you and letting you know how much she loves you
she can detect discomfort easily in people. she might pull you away for a minute during something to ask if you’re ok. she genuinely cares and will try to help
she’s very patient with her partner, never getting mad or disappointed. she knows you’re doing your best and that’s all that matters
she likes when you stim. she finds it cute and she’s happy you’re excited or having fun
she’s neurodivergent herself, so she can relate to certain aspects of autism and pick up on it quickly so you dont have to explain it all too much
she tries to keep her voice quiet and soft as to not startle you, and will do her best to prevent loud noises
she can either be quite cuddly if you want. if you don’t like physical affection, she can show it in other means to whatever degree you’re comfortable with
she’s a very good listener and loves hearing you talk about your special interests for hours on end, and will ask questions about it. she thinks it’s interesting and loves hearing about it!
she tends to have a routine for the day without much change, so you never get confused or nervous about changes to routine
she hates autism $peaks (as does everyone in lobotomy corporation)
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lilac-memorials · 4 years
"But this is wrong!"
The three elders stood across from Binah, one male and two females, who were only just barely showing their ages in the subtle lines at the corner of their mouths and eyes. They wore the black robes of the elders that their people had long since associated with forboding and ominous tidings. The centermost woman was who spoke in response to Binah's exclamation.
"It is decided. The names drawn are final and resolute-"
"Take me instead! She's just a child-"
"You are a warrior who has done much for Evenore. You will be needed to protect the village outskirts while the ritual nears its completion. This is our way and the final say of this council."
Binah stared across to the elder. Her voice coming out as a croak. "She's your daughter."
"And she is your sister. We all make sacrifices for the safety of all even if it means the sacrifice of one."
She awoke with a start from the dream. Sweat beading at her brows and the only sound to greet her abrupt awakening being the thundering of her own heart and the gentle breaths escaping the dozing figure besides her. The bedroom she was in was Doman in structure with tatami flooring and sliding rice paper entryways. Foreign and yet comfortably familiar enough to relax her.
Chachanji adjusted besides her but thankfully didn't wake. Binah wasn't sure she was ready to talk to him about just yet. As she turned over to drape an arm around his middle and snuggle her front into his back with her face at his hair, the blonde viera gradually began to relax.
This...this she could do.
( @gegenji )
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paladinwife · 4 years
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@doll-ships​ @camellias-and-coriander​ Time for Beanin
Who fell for the other first?
Probably a really close call because it happened around the same time. I’m genuinely not sure if Mirabelle fell first because Useless Bisexual or if Binah fell first because of her compassion.
Who said "I love you" first?
Binah. Mirabelle was too nervous to say it until she knew how Binah felt, and it completely floored her the first time she heard it.
Who is more affectionate in public/private?
Neither is probably super affectionate in public. Binah does some to tease her and make her blush. In private, it depends. Binah fluctuates between very affectionate and not being as comfortable with it.
Who initiates cuddle sessions?
Binah. Same reasons as above, it depends on how much she craves physical affection that day, and Mirabelle usually lets her set how much affection she wants that day.
How do we cheer each other up?
Mirabelle is usually pretty good at offering a listening ear, but for Binah I feel like what’s most effective is actually touch. Binah especially enjoys just how warm Mirabelle feels and never seems to want her to let go when she’s held. Binah... tries. She’s not really used to talking things out, but she will offer tea and snacks and often will try physical affection as well.
Who is more likely to plan a surprise date for the other?
Binah. She’s pretty secretive as a rule, so she can get away with planning these things and not having Mirabelle suspect anything. I feel like she’s capable of coming up with some interesting ideas, too.
Who suggests the more creative date ideas?
Binah, like the above. The way her mind works just comes up with more unconventional things, and the restrictions that dating in the company bring can breed creativity.
Who steals the other's clothes?
Mirabelle - except it’s not stealing. Binah will often put that big, long feathered cloak over her shoulders because she likes seeing her in her things. Mirabelle finds it warm and comforting, and to be honest it probably resists most kinds of damage from abnormalities. 
Who is more likely to leave cute little sticky notes for the other to find?
Mirabelle. Since she’s often manning the office and dealing with bureaucracy after her transfer to Extraction, she’s in a prime position to do it. She probably keeps coming up with new places to put them, too.
What our favourite thing to do during the summer is?
Protect poor both of us from the heat because we’ll burn! Probably spend some time under an umbrella and have a nice cold drink.
What our favourite thing to do during the winter?
Definitely the cloak thing, probably also sharing a scarf or something similar. And cuddling to keep Binah warm, of course.
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holy-mountaineering · 5 years
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This Tree of Life is for an anonymous friend who shall go unnamed but they are not unloved!
Think of this spread as a sort of quantum map, or even the land of a regular map, everything is happening at once, in each place. It’s important to think of yourself as moving “through” the map but you are also simultaneously everywhere at once. For the sake of this specific experiment, think of this as a map. Maybe as a person, the Qabalistic Adam Kadmon.
Where we’re starting the journey from is Kether, the monad, the first sign of creation. We’ll call this your hometown, since it is where you’re from originally. Here we have the “meh” card, Queen of Swords, or how you feel about what you think and your reasoning.
Ideally, this Queen is the “caller out of bullshit.” She is watery (intuitive) enough to feel when a facade is being put up and airy (intelligent) enough to cut the shit and address the fakery. The difference between someone trying to take advantage of another and a person who accidentally causes misfortune is the intention of said individual. Don’t be fooled by kind wolves or rabid sheep.
She rests at her throne with the head or mask of a man and the sword of her mind she severed the head/mask with. Her expression is one of disinterest, she’s done this many times before and shall again and again. It is her nature.
Be aware of intentions, even  your own. Be wary of situations and people talking from behind masks they wish to use to obscure their true meaning. Especially be aware of yourself and your masks you hide behind.
In Chokmah, which is like your freeway getting you out onto the road out of  your hometown is the always welcomed X Fortune, Jupiter, Kaph. 
The “wheel of” Fortune is the rotating of things from confusing and/or destructive to beneficial. The gods Hanuman and Sobek to Crowley represented these ideas and the spinning ‘Wheel of Fortune, ol’ Fortuna is the constant motion of life and our experience stuck in it.. The Sphinx on top has waited through the turns patiently and meditatively and now It is on top again. 
Expand your influence through patience. It’s getting better just you wait.
In Binah, which is ruled by Saturn and for the sake of this reading we will call the first stop on your roadtrip. You haven’t really arrived anywhere but you’re stopping and getting a chance to repack your car in a more efficient way. Sitting in Binah is the fuckery of the 7 of Swords, Futility.
This is the main thrust of the Will through the mind being thwarted by in helpful organization of ideas. Each sword with a planetary sigil are like the spikes in a parking garage, one way. It isn’t that the ideas or aspects represented by these swords are “bad” just that their placement and yours are not lined up in the best way right now. 
Mentally and communication wise pull back from what you’re going at and work on how your organizing the information in your head.
In Chesed which is ruled by Jupiter and again for the sake of this experiment we’ll say involves your influence and benevolence in your current trip is the 9 of Cups, Happiness. 
I call this ‘mutually beneficial relationships’ or expanding influence (Jupiter) going or being pulled both ways (Pisces). Each cup has its own source but everything is flowing into each other down to the base of the 3x3 structure. There is a lot of water and all it represents and it hasn’t reached its peak yet and is still driving upward and outward.
Cultivate relationships and connective feelings that aren’t lopsided or just giving/taking. Keep building  you’re not done yet.
Across the Tree in Geburah, which is Mars Town, where you find your drive and what you’re trying to accomplish/conquer is the popular tonight Atu XIX The Sun, Resh, Sol. 
The Sun is The Lord of Light and Life, the center of our little Solar System. Everything in the fairly large gravitational pull of the Sun is affected by it which pulls everything to it. If it weren’t for The Sun, nothing in our Solar System (named after Sol, The Sun Himself) would be where it is or nearly as well lit or full of life.
This more or less self sufficient little nuclear reactor in space gives life and light but also pulls small things which cannot maintain an orbit around it in for the final burn. bright and full of life and light but deal not with bullshit trifles. 
Center yourself but be aware of what you effect and how. Keep pumping out the power but make sure it’s that good good renewable energy.
In Tiphareth, the Sun and center of gravity holding all this in place, the heart pumping the blood through this, your heart is the (more fuckery) Princess of Swords, the earthy part of Air.
This is the material situations that manifest from your way of thinking and communicating! You have to understand that we literally create reality with our perception, thoughts, and language. And that can get messy if we don’t keep them in check.
Get your head into the game as they say, you’re here right now and what is going on in this moment is what you need to focus on. Stay away from nostalgia and daydreaming, think on your situation, not possible scenarios. 
In Netzach, Venus town, where you have the realization about how this is going to change you as a person with a personality is well EXTRA FUCKERY, self fuckery, if thou wilt. The 9 of Swords, Cruelty (to self and then by proxy, others).
Like the other 9s this is a massive building up, in this case of Air, mind, thinking, communicating. This is beating yourself up about a decision that must be made. Astrologically, Mars in Gemini relates to action being thwarted because of a split mind on a matter.
You are mentally at a fork in the road and you need to make a choice one way or another.
You’re building up a lot of ideas but you need to decide which way you want to go or it’s going to keep tearing you up mentally. There is a lot of force and mass here, move it or lose it.
In Mercury Town Hod-ville, where all the Universities are and everyone has real intellectual shit going on is a whole new way of thinking and perceiving, Atu XX The Aeon, Shin, Fire.
Think about where you are now and how you go about doing things in general. Do you remember a time before this point in your life when you acted differently and didn’t have this kind of understanding of the world? The Aeon is a new understanding and thus a new way of acting in your life.
Harpocrates giving the sign of silence has to do with the meditative process of accepting this new law of life. You must truly grasp the meaning of this change in order to act in the new “spirit of the age” if you will.
You are being born anew through fire and blood, you are emerging from the egg in the background and coming forth.  What you take away from this will be with you forever but one day will also be improved on and brought to a new level. 
On the Moon in Yesod, the receptive and reflective place that is a lot about the feelings that you’re picking up from all this is the organized 6 of Wands, Victory. 
This is organizing each action to interact with another to create friction at the intersections. 6s are like the idealized form of each of the suits, in this case FIRE or action, movement. Victory is achieved through strong organization. Here the strands come together to form the rope you pull yourself up with. Each piece is strong on it’s own but when you twist them together correctly you have a much better tool. 
Don’t do isolated things, use each action to build on your goals.
Down here in Malkuth-istan, the everyday life mundane, waking up pooping, and going to work world is a wedding! VI The Lovers. 
These Lovers aren’t about romantic love as much as it is the ‘Love unites the divided.’ This is the ceremony part of the alchemical wedding or the announcement of the intention to dissolve duality. Coagula.
All inverse and adverse elements of the card are brought together under the blessing of the Initiator who is giving the sign of the enterer. This is to say he is blessing your entering into this union of your shadow and conscious self.
You have some work to do on making a more unified you. There are issues that once brought together and balanced make more sense. Bring opposites or aspects of yourself you’re not familiar with/comfortable with together in your life to make a more complete whole. Set intention to do this, maybe even formally. 
SO, whenever you get over being over “it all” and you realize it’s just a stuck point, shit will finish getting different, again. This change in “luck” should give you a chance to look at how you’re organizing your own funeral, so to speak. If you feel like you’re pushing a fucking boulder up hill, maybe don’t. Maybe figure out a pulley system or conning someone else into doing the work like your little one eye’d Friend, lol.
And you’ll gain more important influence by surrounding yourself with folks who give and take in relatively equal proportions. I know, I know, this is “The Dream” but it is possible to cut off people that just sap your “love force” leaving you with nothing but force. Refocus on YOUR goals and YOUR Light and the things in Orbit of you will makes sense and hold their satellite positions and continue to do their little (and big) jobs. But this is all done by GETTING YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME. If you see yourself as a lone wolf fighting winter alone, winter will eat your ass every time, and not in a fun ass eating way, more in an ice giant just gobbling you up. You make your reality, possibly more than most, so make it one that puts you at the center so you can get shit done.
You aren’t going to grow from this garbage heap if you don’t stop beating yourself up about every goat-forsaken choice you make! Your total understanding of your standing in the Universe is about to get a reboot anyhow, so just surround yourself with people and energy that allows you to build toward that anomalyous “self goals” thing we’ve been kinda talking about. You’re doing one “Supreme Ritual” that is your life, so make it all Work together instead of weird little stand alone actions you do every once and a while when it suits your fancy, Your Path requires a fuck load more that that from you.
And speaking of demands, that wedding… You’re hanging in there (pun absolutely intended) to do Greater things, and Greater means integrating. Like I was just saying about that 6 of Wands, bring it all together as a “Supreme Ritual” of your Goatdamned life and get out there and fucking take it, announcing that you shall take what is yours, which is of course, only you…
Well, there you are anonymous bud and Odin friend/family/familiar.
Beat down the walls and Goatspeed on your journey UP!
-Frater N0vght
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I really enjoyed the male sephirah comfort post. If it’s not too much of a bother can you do the ladies?
This ended up kind of long, oops, so I put it under a readmore. I hope you like it! - Vanilla
When you walk into her office, she chirps at you like usual, almost too busy to notice how terrible you feel.
The first spare second she gets to really look at you she stops dead in her tracks, though–and before she can work through her surprise at not noticing the moment you stepped in, she abandons her work to fuss over you. 
She asks if you want something to drink, she drapes a blanket over your shoulders, she takes out some comfier pillows and pads your immediate surroundings with them… it’s almost like protocol.
When she’s deemed your general surroundings to be comfortable enough, Malkuth sidles up beside you and then she asks if you want to talk about it. She’s an attentive, meticulous listener; she handles your problems, if you permit her to, in a sort of process that’s like something out of the manual for mental stress and damage management, but she’s earnest in her desire to help you.
If it makes you feel safer, she lets you sleep on the couch in her office, promising to join you as soon as she can.
After she’s made sure you’re all right, she finishes up her work; feeling satisfied for having been able to help you, and just a little happier to have you with her here in general.If taking care of you was a point on her checklist, it would no doubt be one of her favorites.
The first thing Hod does when you step into her office, no matter what, is ask you how you are and how your day was.
So when you reply a little less… good, than usual, it worries her immediately.
She sits down with you and asks if you want to talk about it; she listens to whatever you want to say, and sits with you in silence if that’s what you prefer.
If you don’t mind, one thing she’d like to do for you is to lay your head in her lap, so she can gently stroke your head, so she can hold your hand, so you can be lying down somewhere soft and comfy… and if she’s being honest, being able to dole physical affection out like that makes her happy too. No matter what, you’re still her number one priority, though.
Any work she had that night is put on hold for you, no questions asked. If something especially urgent comes up, and if it’s something you would prefer to being left sitting alone, she takes you with her; your hand firmly grasped in hers the whole time. (She might get flack from Yesod, she says, but she’s sure he’ll come around to understanding.) 
When you’re grounded, Hod feels grounded too, so when you’re feeling under the weather she wants to help you as much as she can. 
Geburah is really, really bad at dealing with this kind of thing. She notices immediately; it’s not like she focuses too hard on the paperwork with you around anyway, but the emotion that hits her first is panic.
It takes her a second to pull herself together, but as soon as she does she still feels kind of awkward about this. She starts by asking you what you’re upset about. She’s a bit pushier than the others in this respect. If something or someone in particular has got you down she can focus on solutions; on how she can take care of those things so it’s less likely to get you down again. If it’s nothing in particular, though, then… well, she flounders a bit. But Geburah is nothing if not willing to listen to you vent. She asks you if there’s anything else she can do, too, just because she wants to make sure she isn’t missing anything. 
She can’t help but think of you as fragile when you’re upset, just because she’s unsure of how to deal with these situations–so if you want physical contact, you’ll have to speak up about it. If you do, though, she gives it to you unflinchingly. 
Geburah’s office isn’t exactly comfortable, but she’s willing to swallow her pride and go to the Welfare Department to get/borrow anything you might need or want to feel safe with her.
Because she does want you to feel safe with her. So even if it’s not her forte, she tries her best to comfort you. 
Binah notices pretty quickly if something is bothering you. She quietly pours you a cup of tea, sends a clerk to fetch some snacks to go with it, and then she just asks what’s on your mind. She’s kind of pushy, too. Just because she thinks it would be silly to tiptoe around an issue you have, if any.
She gives her advice and her reassurances plain and simple. She is outright with her thoughts if she thinks you did something wrong, but will try to be gentle about it even then. She does care for you, after all. (Even if it takes a bit of effort on her part to admit it.) 
If talking about it (or not talking about it, if it can’t be helped) doesn’t do the trick, she thinks instead of things to do that might distract you, or amuse you. Something to take away the pain even if only for a moment. 
…Even if those things are not entirely by-the-book, you find, as she offers to take you into Nothing There’s containment unit so the two of you can play fetch with it. Or perhaps you would prefer going on a little vacation with the use of the perception filter? She’s not had much experience messing with it, but surely it won’t be too hard to just change the look of your surroundings…
Binah is confident in her ability to protect you and keep you safe. Nothing messes with you on her watch. Her ability to keep you happy, though? To navigate more… personal, or emotional interactions? Maybe not so much, but she’ll definitely try with you.
+ Angela
When you walk into your office that day it’s not your office anymore; it’s an atrium. The moon hangs high over the glass roof, and the lush flora and foliage is lit by little lanterns hanging from the trees. 
Angela noticed your mental state, of course, before you came back, and prepared this, thinking you might like it, or that maybe it would help calm your nerves at least. 
Of course, it’s a simulation, so the wind in the trees is just the ventilation in your office, and though the ornate table in the center of the garden looks like it could be real wood, it’s actually just your desk. If it’s not to your liking, she’ll ask you what you want to do, and do whatever is in her power to make that happen. 
She asks lots of questions, because she likes the idea of learning how to take care of you; otherwise she spoils you a little, partially to see how you’ll react, and also because she wants to. 
Angela thinks at first that it isn’t necessary to ask you what’s wrong; she has eyes everywhere, after all. But then she realizes that sometimes it’s important for people to vent. So she listens to whatever you want to say, if anything at all. She asks before giving you her two cents on anything; she considers asking before dealing with these issues directly to be very important. She knows how delicate the mind can be, and doesn’t do anything before knowing for sure it won’t make things worse.
If you want to simply rest, or to not talk about what’s weighing on you–she doesn’t question it. 
She asks if you would rather be alone. If you tell her yes, then she backs off, with a gentle reminder that she will be here if you need anything. If you wouldn’t mind her company, she gladly stays by your side, thinking about how odd it is how much just having someone–or having someone in particular–can change things, and she finds herself sincerely hoping she could lift your mood in some way.
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
A Gathering of Guardians: The Prologue (Chapter 2) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: Next chapter to this prologue. My health isn’t the best at the moment so I don’t necessarily know when the next chapter will be ready. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep writing regardless as I have a lot planned for this series. In any case, hope you enjoy reading~!
Ao3 | Wattpad | FFnet
Chapter 2:
The morning air of Lagaard was crisp, but still. The sky a perfect blue, not a cloud to be seen. In the opinion of Maginans, it was perfect weather to take flight.
So, after just a day of packing and preparing, those leaving for Maginia, it was the day for them to utter their final goodbyes and farewells to those who were to remain within High Lagaard. A crowd had gathered in the centre of town. Some helping deliver supplies to Maginia, others to watch out of a sense of duty to see off those who join with the expedition.
Seeing all the sombre faces of those Lynus had helped during his time in Lagaard was hard for him to take. Though it also brought him a sense of comfort. Though they appeared sadden to learn that he, his guild, and many others were to leave Lagaard and the mighty Yggdrasil tree; they did nothing to persuade them to stay.
They were there to support them, not guilt them. And that in itself was both comforting and reassuring.
Still, it was hard for Lynus to say farewell to those who chose to stay. One of them being his little sister, Binah.
It was a tough decision for Binah. Join them or stay with Hana and Quinoa. In the end, she chose to stay. She felt guilty about that to some extent, but Lynus was happy that she had come to that decision on her own.
“How long will you be gone?” Binah asked.
Lynus shook his head and answered honestly. “I don’t know. But I do know that I, that we, will be back one day.”
That did little to ease Binah of her sadness, but she nodded her head. Despite her eyes glistening with tears she held back, she managed a smile to her lips. “I guess that means I don’t have anyone stopping me from playing matchmaker now,” she said, a slight quiver in her voice.
Lynus smiled at her attempt to stay strong and nodded. “Do try to stay out of trouble. And if you can’t; raise hell.”
A half laugh, half sob escaped Binah’s lips before she pushed herself forward and hugged him tightly. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too,” Lynus said as he returned the embracing, hugging her as tightly as he could when he felt her tremble from trying to suppress her tears. “But we will return one day, and we’ll both have stories to tell each other, right?”
Binah finally pulled back and idly rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands. “Right,” she sniffled.
She then took a step back, allowed for Hana to move forward quickly and abruptly gathered Lynus into her arms, hugging him tightly and exuberantly. Lynus had to laugh as he hugged the flamboyant woman as best as he could.
“Oh, love,” Hana said as she finally pulled him back, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m going to be ever so lonely without all my boys.”
“We’ll be back before you know it,” Lynus tried to comfort though his voice was also heavy with emotion. “All of us. And, maybe, a few new members for you to fatten up.”
Hana nodded her head before she smiled broadly. “Speaking of fatten up, don’t you dare undermine all my hard work.”
Lynus had to laugh. “I’ll miss your cooking.”
Hana gave him another quick hug before she pulled back and moved to the side, allowing for her daughter to offer her farewells as well. And much like her mother, Quinoa immediately rushed forward to hug Lynus as tightly as her skinny arms could allow.
“Don’t do anything dangerous, ok?” Quinoa said as she peered up at him.
“Don’t worry about us,” Lynus quickly reassured. “If we face anything dangerous, Axel will just punch them in the face.”
That got a giggle from Quinoa and she nodded her head. She hugged him tightly once more before she finally allowed her arms to fall away and she took a step back.
“Now, Angie has your medicine should you ever need any,” Lynus reminded. “Also, try to keep Binah there out of trouble. If not-”
“Join her?” Quinoa finished with a tilt of her head.
Lynus gave a light laugh. “And have fun.”
Ah, looked like they were getting read to embark the flying city of Maginia.
“Coming!” Lynus called over his shoulder before he turned his attention back to the three ladies before him. “See you all again soon.”
He then reached down to pick up his medical bag and placed it upon his shoulder. He turned and walked over to where Axel waited for him, along with those who were to join them on Maginia. Goodbyes and farewells had been offered. There was nothing else they could do now but to let themselves be on their way.
However, as they gathered the last of their belongings, the crowds around them suddenly began to chatter amongst themselves. As the murmuring increased, a portion of the mass parted, revealing a small troop of guards as they escorted two regal figures. Familiar figures.
Lynus was mildly surprised. It was the Duke and his daughter, Lady Gadriel. Minister Dubois accompanied them, also.
“This is a surprise,” Hamza said as he turned to regard their regal visitors.
Gadriel smiled softly and shook her head. “We couldn’t possibly miss our chance to bid you farewell and good luck on your journey, now can we?”
“That is right,” the Duke said. He suddenly squared his shoulders and clear his throat. “Guardian Guild, you have done more for High Lagaard than anyone could possibly understand. Though, it breaks our hearts to see you leave, we know that one day you will return to us. And it would be selfish of us to keep you all to ourselves. Your skills, your abilities are needed elsewhere. And we know, deep within our hearts, that you will make so many others happy.”
Next to her father, Lady Gadriel nodded her head once more. “May you bring peace to others and may you return to us safely.”
Lynus had to hold onto Axel’s hand, tears springing to his eyes when the residents of Lagaard broke out into supportive and encouraging cheers. And it was under those yells of supports that they travelled through the gates of High Lagaard and to the awaiting flying city of Maginia.
One day, they will return to Lagaard.
For now, though, they had an adventure to look forward to.
… … … … …
Despite the massive mechanical structure that sheltered the city of Maginia, the stone and wooden buildings presented a simple and humble city. Streets of stone, horse and carts as transport, even a park with a water feature within the city’s centre. Saved for the nearly empty streets, their new place of residence felt similar to that of Lagaard.
Though the city was indeed as large as Lagaard was, it didn’t house as nearly as many residents. Could that also be a reason why Maginia were visiting cities around the world? Picking up enough explorers and perhaps new residents to fill in the roles that a city needed to truly prosper?
Villard was thrilled to find that everyone he had spoke to and invited to join him had agreed to do so. He greeted them enthusiastically when they boarded Maginia.
“Welcome to you all,” Villard said. “And welcome to Maginia. I assure you, your stay will be a worthwhile one indeed. And a luxurious one. Now, please follow me. I already have had your belongings moved to your new living space.”
With a rather enthusiastic turn, Villard began to led them through the streets of Maginia. As he did so, he idly pointed out buildings that could be of interest to them. A museum, a library, even a church.
“I had acquired quite the residence for you all to stay in,” Villard said as he led them toward a gated community. “I suspect that you would prefer to stay together and in comfort? Rest assured, that the entirety of this gated community is yours to wander freely.”
Everyone immediately began to chatter amongst themselves as Villard continued to lead them through the large metal gates.
It was oh-so curious and surprising that Villard had somehow ‘acquired’ an entire apartment complex to house everyone he requested assistance from. Made sense that he would have everyone in one place, so that they could help one another with any task that were given to them. Still impressive nevertheless as the buildings he led them through were big enough to house an entire town of its own. Was he that influential?
No matter. No need to question something that was of great benefit for them.
“I heard rumours that Maginia will be visited the ports of other cities. Is that true?” Hamza questioned as Villard stopped at the entrance of a three story building, one of four that made up the gated community.
“Ah, yes, that is true. We’re already visited Etria,” Villard explained. “The apprentice of an acquaintance of mine has agreed to offer his aide. He didn’t come alone either. They also reside here within The Sanctuary. I’m sure you will all get along well.” He suddenly turned and grinned in Lynus’ direction. “I daresay especially you, Lynus.”
Lynus tilted his head in curiosity at Villard, but the war magus simply gave him a knowing grin before he turned to face forward once more, continuing with his speech. Axel took this moment to rest his hand against the small of Lynus’ back and leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“Probably heard rumours about you adopting random explorers,” he teased.
Lynus elbowed him lightly in the ribs. But didn’t stay anything to dispute it. Though, he did find it hypocritical that Axel sniggered when he was just as likely to adopt vulnerable strays, too.
“I believe the next city that Maginia will be mooring is the island city of Armoroad,” Villard continued. “We’ll be getting ready to depart soon. You may feel some rumbling, and honestly it is disconcerting and alarming, but I assure you it’s completely natural.”
Now that he mentioned, experiencing Maginia taking to the air for the first time was likely to be highly unnerving. Although, they had trekked through Heavenly Keeper during terrible stormy weather before. Would it be as unsettling as that? They would have to see.
“For now, I’ll leave you all to settling in. The second floor is all yours to do as you wish,” Villard said. “However, Derek? Would you be interested in visiting the hospital? Renovations are still in process, but I’m sure you’ll be interested to see the progress.”
“Ah, yes,” Derek immediately replied in an agreeable tone. “I am definitely most interested to see what you’ve done so far.”
“I’ll be sure to visit later, then,” Lynus couldn’t help but muse aloud.
Derek peered at him from over the rim of his glasses, a half smile on his lips. “Yes, do. I’m sure I won’t be able to keep you out of the place once it’s operating and functional, will I?”
Lynus shrugged. Old habits die hard, as they say.
“Perhaps you’d like to visit your office first,” Villard suddenly suggested.
Lynus blinked. “Office?”
Villard smiled broadly. “Indeed. I had figured that someone of your stature would like to have a clinic close to those who you would no doubt be fussing over, yes?”
Lynus sighed and elbowed Axel lightly in the ribs once more when he heard him sniggering yet again. “…Honestly, am I that notorious?”
Villard laughed and folded his arms within the sleeves of his robes. “Yes and no. I had figured that a dedicated medic like yourself would be better suited to be as close to those who you will be working closely with. The hospital is likely to deal with true emergency conditions.”
Hmm, made perfect sense really. He was also thrilled with the thought of a personal office. It would be the perfect place for him to store his books, after all.
“Ah, more than reasonable,” Lynus said, his tone agreeable.
That seemed to satisfy Villard also as he nodded his head before he turned his attention to another. “Now, Cass; your new tavern comes with a personal quarter of its own, though you are welcome to board here. There’s going to be a lot more explorers roaming about in the future, however.”
Lynus left Cass and Villard to talk and turned his attention to his apprentice who had been sticking closely beside him ever since they stepped foot within the boundaries of Maginia. “Azure?”
Seemingly pulled from his thoughts, Azure jumped slightly before he turned his attention to Lynus and tilted his head questioningly.
“It looks as though we have an office all of our own,” Lynus explained. “Let’s leave the medical supplies and documents there for now, yes?”
Azure immediately nodded his head. “Y-yes.”
“Let’s get ourselves settled into our rooms first, though,” Lynus continued. “We’ll have plenty of time to get the office to the way we want.”
“Everyone, go ahead and choose your rooms,” Hamza ordered, taking the role of leader despite his previous insistence that he wasn’t guild leader. “Cedric and I will take the one at the top of the stairs. No matter what it is.”
Lynus and everyone simply nodded their heads in agreement before they turned to venture beyond a set of large oak doors. They stepped into the foyer and the sight of a grand staircase that spiralled to the second and third floor. They continued to chatter amongst themselves as they ascended the stairs.
“Well take the middle room,” Axel stated as they gathered before the stairs of the second floor. “Azure can have the room to the right. You guys fight amongst yourselves for the other rooms, alright?”
“Sounds good,” Jhon replied, voicing everyone’s agreement.
He, along with everyone else, understood that Lynus and Axel preferred the centre room, to be in the middle of them all. It was sheer protectiveness, really. Lynus liked to feel their auras around him, knowing where they were. Having them close to ensure that if anything should happen, he and Axel could leap into action as quickly as possible.
They also wanted Azure right next door to keep him in the centre of the guild, as well. That way he could feel as safe as possible. And be as safe as possible.
As the others paired off, moving to claim a room of their own, Axel and Lynus walked to the room that appeared to be the centre of the floor. Azure skittered over to the room that was right to theirs.
The keys to their new room were located within the lock. There appeared to be three of them, likely for them to have one each and a spare in case they lost one.
“You’ll be all right on your own, Azure?” Lynus asked.
“Y-yes, I’ll be fine,” Azure insisted as he opened the door to his room. “Should…I give you a spare key to me room?”
“If that would make you feel better,” Lynus replied. “Perhaps we should give you the spare to ours in return?”
“O-ok, I’ll like that,” Azure replied shyly.
Lynus smiled in return. “We’ll give you the spare once we’ve all settled in, all right?”
Azure simply nodded and slipped into his room quietly.
As Axel opened the door to their own room, Lynus noticed that there was a place to hang up a name plaque in order to identify who resided in what room. That would make things easier for them to find and locate each other should they need to. Lynus didn’t really need to rely on such thing as he was able to locate any one he was familiar with anyway. But with new explorers and guilds also joining Villard for his expedition, the name tags would become useful for him then.
Stepping into their new room, they were greeted with the sight of a surprisingly spacious area. A double bed sectioned off by a dividing curtain, a table and chair setting in one corner, and a comfortable reading chair with bookcase in another corner.
“Not a bad room,” Axel commented as he looked around, finding a small bathroom and walk-in closet for them to use. “Kinda reminds me when we were living at Flauss Inn. Thought this room is a lot bigger.”
“It does,” Lynus immediately agreed. “It won’t take us long to get settled in at all. It’s actually pretty exhilarating, isn’t it? It’s been a while since we’re encountered something new and exciting.”
Axel nodded his head. “Yeah, it is. Anyway, gonna head back down to pick up the rest of our belongings.”
“Sounds good,” Lynus replied. “I’ll start getting the room ready, shall I?”
“Right,” Axel simply set as he placed a chaste kiss to Lynus’ lips before he turned to leave the room.
Lynus sat his bag down onto the table located near the window. He busied himself by sorting through his bag, taking out what could be left in his room, and what needed to be placed in his new office. Ah, that was right, he needed Villard to show him to his new office.
He was relieved to learn that Maginia had already visited Etria. Even after all these years, Lynus wasn’t ready to return to that place. It brought back too many memories. He was sure that Shiki and Ryker felt the same.
However, he was…curious to say the least. Who Villard had asked to join him on this expedition. Lynus was fairly confident that it wouldn’t be anyone connected to Taksony. Still, there was a sense of unease due to little “what ifs” floating in his head.
…He shouldn’t be too worried, should he? Not with Axel and the rest of his family with him. And he wasn’t the scared child anymore.
Besides, he was very curious as to who else had agreed to help Villard with his request and expedition. He wondered if they would also visit the city of Tharsis. It would be brilliant to finally meet his penpal, Isiah, in person.
Oh, Armoroad, too! Flavio and Bertrand had travelled there a year ago in search of Fafnir. From what Lynus knew through letters with Flavio, they had finally found him. They had chosen to stay a little longer in Armoroad, for Fafnir’s sake it seemed. It would be nice to see how they were fairing as well.
“I’m back,” Axel called out, pulling Lynus from his thoughts. “I got what I could, but I’m not sure what you want in your office and whatnot.”
“I’ll sort that out later,” Lynus said as he immediately moved to help Axel with some of their belongings.
They then fell into a relaxed silence as they set about getting their new room cosy and comfortable. Clothes in their walk-in closet, personal items in the bathroom, little trinkets and keepsakes on the bedside table. Lynus added his reference and research books to the pile he would add to his office. It would be best to have all his research materials in once place, after all.
After they got the room to their likening, Lynus felt the need to check in on the others.
“I’m going to check on the others to see how they’re settling in,” Lynus said as he walked over to Axel.
Axel slipped his arm around his waist and pulled him toward him. “I thought you would. Hamza wants to have a word with me, too,” he said before he moved forward and kissed him softly on the lips. “Don’t get lost now.”
“I’m sure you’ll find me,” Lynus responded with a smile.
They shared another quick kiss before they parted and exited the room. With Hamza’s room, which he shared with Cedric of course, was located at the beginning of the hall. Lynus decided to check in on Azure’s room first, since his apprentice was boarding alone. He was sure to be skittish of his new surroundings.
Hmm, maybe he could get Chi-hung to move in with him to keep him company. Though, if there was a sitting room with a fireplace, he likely already claimed that.
Lynus couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. It was just like old times, honestly. The future promised to be interesting, to say the least. He was looking forward to it.
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Halo - An Etrian Odyssey Novel (Chapter 13/50)
Notes: I low-key fail at keeping schedules, I’ve been pretty busy in my real life so I haven’t been near Tumblr in a while, currently there’s a massive forest fire that’s threatening to send my entire town evacuating if it gets any worse, so that’s terrifying, but while I have the time, I’ll post a few chapters of Halo.
“Amnesia,” Nirim repeated, watching Vien from the corner of his eyes before focusing his attention back across the table to where Sage was sitting, shoulders hunched a little and a sheepish expression on his face as he poked at the scrambled eggs on his plate.
“That’s right,” Emery clarified, leaning back with a mug of tea in his hands, “He can’t remember much of anything besides being a survivalist.”
“And my older brother,” Sage added, looking down, “Kind of. I don’t remember his name though, and whenever I try to think about him all I see is this blur,” he lifted a hand and rubbed his forehead, “I don’t know if my memory is just messing with me, but I think I remember there being five other people in my old guild, and a beast companion. That’s all, though.”
“It’s good you’re remembering some things,” Dyria offered, “and it’s good those things aren’t scaring you.”
“I guess,” Sage smiled softly, turning his head to look at the protector beside him, “I’m just happy I don’t have to be alone in this.”
Dyria smiled back, and Emery smirked against his mug as the two just stared at each other. Vien had been leaning one elbow against the table, chin sitting in his hand as he fed himself breakfast, but his eyes were now locked on Dyria and Sage, squinted a little like he was confused about something, until he dropped his fork and smacked his hand against the table, jerking to his feet.
Emery leaned off to the side as Dyria and Sage jumped further away from each other and they all looked at Vien in utter confusion.
“What’s wrong with you?!” Iliad demanded, “It’s too early for this!”
“I need to talk to Binah!” Vien said, spinning around and tripping over the bench he’d been sitting on, hitting the floor before scrambling to his feet and straightening his shirt, “I’m fine, that was fine. Binah!” he ran from the room with his guild staring after him, and Nirim slowly turned to Emery.
“Does he do that a lot?”
“More often than you’d think,” Emery admitted, “Though I can’t imagine what happened this time.”
“Who’s Binah?” Nirim asked, and Emery smiled.
“His mini me. She’s a pink haired troubadour who stays here at the inn. When they first met they kind of just clicked, and they hang out a lot. Gossiping and making trouble for explorers. I figure Vien knows more about Lagaard than the rest of us do simply because he spends so much time with that girl.”
Nirim was outright staring at Emery as he talked, before slowly looking away with a hum, “What’s she like?” he asked, and Emery pulled his mug away from his lips to mix around the tea leaves.
“She’s sweet, but I’ve only ever seen her a few times when I went looking for Vien. Haven’t talked to her myself, but I think she’s part of the Guardian’s Guild? Or at least she’s affiliated with them somehow, maybe related to one of them,” he shrugged.
“I heard a bit about that guild while I was at the bar,” Nirim said, looking around the room before his eyes stopped and he nodded, “You can tell which group they are because of their beast companion.”
Sage leaned back in his seat to look, gasping a little, “Oh, it’s the white tiger who was comforting me the other day!” he said, beaming, “Ah, I’m glad he lives here! I can say thank you to him later.”
Dyria bit his fork, his eye twitching as he looked over to the table across the room where the massive beast was lying at the feet of a brown-haired gunner, “That thing…”
“What’s wrong with it?” Iliad asked, and Sage laughed a little.
“He doesn’t like Dyria.”
“I always thought you were good with animals,” Emery said, and Dyria just glared off to the side.
“You’d think.”
“Don’t be rude,” Sage scolded, turning back to his breakfast, and smiling, “The Guardians are really amazing though. It looks like they have a lot of members.”
“Including that annoying fucking gunner,” Iliad grumbled, “Gunners are so pointless, especially when you already have a survivor in the guild. What’s the purpose of having two long range fighters?”
“Excuse me?” Sage arched an eyebrow, and Iliad waved a hand.
“You’re fine, you’re training me.”
“Every explorer in a guild is essential, even if there are doubles of a certain class,” Nirim argued, and Iliad dropped his fork onto his plate before pushing it away, glaring directly at the ronin.
“Gunners are psychopaths. I might be fine with you and Sage joining, but if there ever comes a time where a gunner wants to join us, I’m crossing the line,” he threw his napkin onto the table and stood up before storming away from the table and out of the dining hall.
Sage gaped after him before his eyes fell to Emery, who had a solemn expression on his face as he stared down at his tea, then turned to Dyria, who looked even worse, “H-he didn’t mean that, right?”
“It’s not his fault,” Dyria argued softly, “One of the bandits who raided our home and killed our mother was a gunner. He’s just a little bias is all,” he lifted a hand to rub his eyes, “That whole thing affected him back then, it basically defines him, and I wish I could help somehow, but… I can’t just fix his trauma because I’m his brother. It’s something he has to grow up and deal with on his own. All I can do, all anyone can do, is just be here for him.”
“Well… at least he’s doing better around me, right?” Sage offered, “And he seems at least a little open to Nirim joining us. Even if he is a little bit biased against gunners, I’m sure there’s no way that could get him into any trouble. I mean, we can keep an eye on him, what are the odds a gunner would want to join us anyway? We’re kind of a small and unimportant guild. I’m sure the Guardians get more requests to join than we ever will!”
Dyria dropped his hand from his face and nodded, “Yea,” he smiled at Sage, “Thanks.”
The four of them stood up and started for the door when they were finished with breakfast, but Sage stopped when he felt something soft nudge his hand and looked down, smiling at the large beast companion and crouching down so he could be eye level with the intelligent eyes of the tiger, scratching behind his ear.
“Hello again,” he greeted, and Dyria grumbled.
“Come on, Sage, we should go and plan our next trip into the Labyrinth.”
“You’re just jealous he likes me and not you,” Sage said, sticking his tongue out at the protector before smiling at the tiger, humming when he noticed he had something clamped in his mouth, “What’s this? Did you bring me something?”
The tiger parted his mouth and dropped a few long-stemmed red flowers into his hands, his tail flicking as he looked up at Dyria, who went rigid as Sage awed and held the flowers up, “He brought me flowers!”
Emery nudged Dyria with his elbow, “Bro, you’re losing to a cat.”
“They’re so cute,” Sage laughed, taking one of the flowers and breaking the stem off so he could tuck the flower behind his ear, then hugged the beast companion around the neck, “Thanks so much. Next time I’ll bring you something.”
When he stood up he frowned, looking around in confusion, “Where’d Dyria go?”
Emery shrugged with his hands, looking fully amused, “He was muttering something about stupid cats and flower carts, so I don’t know.”
Sage turned to watched the beast companion trot back over to the table where he’d come from, then smiled at Emery, “Hm, well, we have things to do anyway, don’t we? We can just wait for them to come back,” he held out one of the red flowers, “Want one?”
Emery just covered his face and laughed, shaking his head and turning, “You really have no idea what you do to that man, do you?”
“Hm?” Sage pouted a little, following the medic out of the dining hall and out into the entry of the inn, “What do you mean?”
“It’s nothing,” Emery hummed, “You’ll figure it out.”
“I wouldn’t have to if you told me yourself,” Sage pointed, and Emery shrugged, his smile falling when the front doors opened.
A rough looking explorer was standing in the threshold, a rather glazed and drunk look in his blue eyes as they panned around the entry expectantly. His hair was brown, but he wasn’t wearing any armor that could easily define which explorer class he was.
When his eyes fell on Sage they widened and he stalked forward, grabbing the protector by his shoulders and squeezing enough to make him squeak a little as he pushed himself right into Sage’s face, “I found you! Finally!”
Loud noises like slamming doors always made Iliad jump, because they reminded him of the gunshot that made his mother fall back, coughing blood as his father ran forward to help her while she struggled to speak, eyes on Iliad as she yelled at him to run and hide. He didn’t, not for a long time, he just stood there and watched as the bandit with the gun stepped further into the room and hit his father, knocking him away for his companions to deal with as he aimed down at the female protector and pulled the trigger three more times.
Iliad only ran when the gunner’s dark eyes raised to him, heading for the barn so he could hide in the giant pile of hay to wait for Dyria. It was the sound of a gun that made him fall forward and cover his head, even though he didn’t get shot, he was too scared to move, and the group of bandits bared down on him with leering faces and flying fists.
Damn it, he hated it, all the nightmares he pretended never happened, feeling like he had to act tough and unafraid when someone started yelling pointlessly or slamming glasses and doors, the loud boisterous laughter that made his head ache from the memories, bad enough that he had to tangle his fingers through his hair and yank on the black locks, eyes pinched closed as he willed everything back to the lowest depths of his memories so he could focus on something else.
He had to get out of the inn after that conversation, so he just left for a walk, scuffing his shoes against the cobbled ground as he made his way down the streets towards the center of town where he knew a pretty fountain was set up. It was normally vacant and quiet, as most of the citizens were either at the bar or park, so Iliad felt relaxed enough to go alone, dipping his hand into the cool water that was being spewed from the mouth of a koi fish.
A few minutes here and he would be calm enough to return to the inn, completely pretending as if the conversation about gunners hadn’t even taken place, hiding all of that and just going back to the way he normally was. It wasn’t his fault, really. Gunners were just psychopaths. Why… why would anyone do that to someone…
Iliad turned away from the fountain when his heart rate was back to normal, stepping away to head back to the inn, but a sudden call had him pausing and rolling his head to the side in curiosity, going rigid when his gaze fell on the explorer stalking towards him. He was decently tall with dirty blond hair and dark red eyes, and he was dressed in the common gunner gear, which is precisely why Iliad scowled before turning away to walk off.
“Hey, hold up!” the gunner called before starting to run, grabbing Iliad by his arm when he was close enough and pulling him to a stop, “You’re a survivalist!”
Iliad cringed and snarled up at him, “So?”
“You should fight me!”
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I am once again here to politely ask for Yesod content if that’s okay
Yesod trying to comfort his sad s/o…..
I feel like you just made a meme reference but i cant remember what exactly
Troublesome days (Yesod comforting headcanons)
•even if Yesod wants his department to work all the possible time, he really doesnt want anyone to be down and slowing everyone
•Yesod, while pretty quick to notice your sad face, is not the best at actual comfort
•he is shy and has a habit of scratching his skin (cus he may scratch you instead). Thats the problem. He is not sure about making physical comfort at all like hugging and cuddling
•but Yesod still tries his best to cheer his partner up
•is not affraid to call a day off for you if you need it, as well as help you with paperwork if you have problems sorting it out
•anyone making fun of your sadness are off to work even more and harder, as well as having a punishment if they wont complete their tasks in time
•and that may or may not be the only time Yesod could actually let Binah or Gebura to do some of the life-threatening tasks with his employees, but it depends on how badly they treated you or made
•if you insist on quality times together in embrace, then he will hesitate and blush but he will do it anyway
•when you get back to the working mood, Yesod double-checks your routine to make sure you wont get sad again too soon
A/n: sorry for the huge delay, i barely have any free time to write on this blog now that college is back
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