#billy fordham
scentofdriedflowers · 5 months
I'm sorry but Jesse Rollins, JESSE ROLLINS (-CARISI) called Sonny 'daddy' I NEED A MOMENT
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I'm deceased
this 8 years old little girl that we saw grow along the years, that once 3 weeks old baby he was holding as a godfather for the first time in season 17 to calm her down and then more, now in season 25 she is calling him daddy I can't I can't 😭
Also Amanda referred to Sonny as daddy while speaking to the girls I'M SUPER DECEASED 😭
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coraniaid · 5 months
Top five Buffy characters who only appeared in one episode? Or if you want just top five Buffy characters you'd want to have seen more of
I think any list of the top five Buffy characters I'd liked to have seen more of would be pretty predictable: Faith, Amy and Kendra for sure. Probably Jenny Calendar too (although this requires the Season 2 writers to actually care about her enough to make her an actual character with a personality and motives). Not sure who the fifth would be. Ethan, maybe? Drusilla? Mr Platt?
For best one episode characters though, I'm a bit more confident on my list.
Billy Fordham [from S2E07 Lie To Me]
Lie To Me is a great episode, setting the tone for the rest of the season to come, and while Ford isn't the only reason it works so well he is definitely one of the reasons it does. There's a trend in the first couple of seasons where the show will introduce a character we've never met before, claim they have some important connection to the cast, only for them to die that episode and never be mentioned ever again. Ford is definitely in that tradition -- and I think later seasons of the show would have given him the Scott Hope or Parker Abrams treatement, introducing him a couple of episodes earlier before the big betrayal -- but in his case suddenly appearing out of nowhere works in a way that Xander's various former bullies and Willow's constantly changing intellectual competition don't always manage to do. The impact of his actions on Buffy by the end of the episode doesn't seem unearned at all.
Ted [from S2E11 Ted]
Arguably one of the show's best single episode villains ever from a consistently under-rated episode. An episode which asks deep questions that the show will come back to again and again; questions like "what if the Slayer accidentally killed a person? can she justify that to herself?" and "how would Buffy's mother react if she told her she was the Slayer; would she think Buffy was crazy?" and "what if there was some kind of freaky robot? that'd be weird, right?". But for all the goofiness of the end of the episode, there's something genuinely unsettling about the way Ted veers between John Ritter's usual sitcom dad persona and the controlling, abusive figure that only Buffy ever sees. If anything, the reveal that Ted is an unkillable monster with a string of murders to his name makes him significantly less scary than he was before.
Gwendolyn Post [from S307 Revelations]
Mrs Gwendolyn Post has so much fun being evil and making everybody's lives a little worse that I'm willing to forgive her for the fact her actual plan is laughably short-sighted and was obviously never going to work for long. Of all the Watcher-affiliated characters we actually see on screen (so, not counting Faith's first Watcher or Kendra's Watcher, both of whom I wish we'd seen as well), she's the one I wish we'd seen a little more of in the show.
Fun fact: depending on where exactly you draw the line, Gwendolyn Post is arguably the adult human woman with the fourth most speaking time over the show's entire run (after Joyce Summers, Jenny Calendar and Maggie Walsh). And yet she's only in this one single episode. Bonus fun fact: that sucks, actually.
Sunday [from S4E01 The Freshman]
Bizarrely, Sunday is one of the last named vampires the show would introduce, despite her sole epsiode falling in the first half of the show's run. I think there are ... what, maybe half a dozen more after this episode? (I understand the various factors behind it, but I think it's a shame that there are fewer and fewer actual vampire villains in the show as it progresses beyond the high school seasons.) Sunday is really fun though; I like The Freshman a lot (as I've said in another post recently), and she's a big part of why. She should have been in more episodes, frankly.
Cassie Newton [from S7E04 Help]
I've talked before about how much I like Help (and the early episodes of Season 7 more generally). I like the human level focus. I like the idea of Dawn getting to go to a new school and make new friends. I like Buffy having the chance to metaphorically go back in time and try to save her younger self. I like all the callbacks to the high school seasons. I like how unsubtle the name 'Cassandra' is. I like Cassie. She was great.
(Yes, the actor returns later this season but the character herself doesn't, so she counts.)
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talktomeinclexa · 8 months
Clarke the Vampire Slayer
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Canon Violence, Fighting
Status: WIP
Summary: When Clarke, a young student with a clear idea of what her life will be, wakes up one morning with superhuman strength, destiny comes knocking on her door. Sent to Polis to prevent a demon from opening the Hellmouth, she can count on the mysterious owner of a magic shop and new friends to help her dispose of vampires, demons, and other evil creatures. But will she succeed in stopping the Apocalypse?
Chapter 9: The Fool I Am
The following day, Clarke was changing after her shift at Sky Crew when Harper, taking advantage of the slow influx of clients, found her in the break room.
“Hey. Good job today. You’re getting the hang of it.”
“Thanks. I have good teachers,” Clarke said as she zipped her jacket. Not to sing her own praises, but she had only messed up one order throughout her four-hour shift. She was getting there.
Before moving to Polis, she had never had a part-time job. Her parents valued academic excellence, and Clarke had been encouraged to focus on her studies and avoid distractions. Why work for peanuts when your parents both earned well over six figures a year? Yet, in her new, chaotic reality, her job brought her a welcome sense of routine and predictability. She didn’t know what to expect during her patrols or if she would make it home. But Sky Crew, with its friendly customers and supporting staff? Sky Crew was her newfound haven. The place where she could, for a moment, smile as if she meant it and forget about the vampires, the demons, and the looming end of the world.
“Don’t let Jasp hear you, he’ll be insufferable.” Harper chuckled. “Anyway, I was wondering; do you have plans this Saturday? We’re having a small get-together at our place. You should come.”
Billy Fordham’s face flashed at the back of Clarke’s mind. Colored by her unshakable guilt, the possibility of a similar tragic loss on her account made her bite her underlip. Even the Slayer can’t be everywhere all at the time, she reminded herself. Maybe one day, she would believe it.
“Sounds good. Thanks,” she said after a too-long silence, hoping Harper wouldn’t take offense. Rationally, it would make more sense to patrol after the party than in the early evening. The odds of meeting vampires and other evil creatures increased as the moon rose in the sky. Besides, what better way to blend in and gather information about Polis than to hang out with people who had grown up there?
“Great. I’ll text you the address. We’ll start around seven. Raven will be there. Jasp, too, of course. He’s practically a part of our furniture at this point. Only Nathan and his boyfriend Eric haven’t confirmed yet.”
“I look forward to it.”
Keep reading
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thebreakfastgenie · 7 months
I don't brag about the New Yorker Festival enough anymore so basically when I was 19 I took a bus to New York by myself on a Sunday to see Billy Joel talk at the New Yorker Festival and I got in early so I just got in line early and got a front row seat and then I hung out in my internet friend's dorm at Fordham for a bit and caught a 5am bus back so I wouldn't have to miss class the next day and I also didn't have any money so I just didn't buy food for most of that day. It was amazing and I would do it again.
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E7 (part 1)
Lie to me
Playground equipment moving in the wind, not unsettling at all. How many horrors feature this type of thing at the beginning of their films or TV shows?
Then Drusilla comes in, stalks and tries to kidnap a child to amp up the creepy. Well done.
Angel appears and he and Dru have history, which makes sense because if he knew Spike, he would know Dru. We find out later what their real connection is and whoa boy, it is a doozy.
The kicker here is that Buffy sees it all. Doesn't take a genius to work out that they know each other.
Hold on! Giles, wants Buffy to have the night off? Did he get replaced by an alien? Or did he finally listen to his slayer about having a healthy work/life balance?
Passing notes in class. Something I never did in school. I didn't do a lot of things in school. God, my time at school was shit. This is not a new realisation, just remembering.
An old friend of Buffy's appears, probably one of the few she has left from LA, Billy Fordham.
If you have never heard the Divinyls song 'I touch myself' take 3 guesses as to what it's about and the first 2 don't count. This song was also famously used in 'Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery' in the scene where he dance fights the fembots towards the end of the film.
Willow's realisation as to the meaning of the song steals the scene for me.
Angel, honey, sweetie, learn to tell your sort of girlfriend the truth. Things would go much easier if you did.
Ford knows Buffy is the slayer. Buffy keeping being the slayer a secret identity is on par with James Bond keeping secret that he is a spy. Both of them are shit at it.
Mysterious club with very heavy metal doors? Never a good sign. And oh look, vampire wannabes.
Ford taking meds and wanting to turn into a vampire. Hmm, me thinks something is up.
Angel appearing again, but at Willow's house because he rightfully thinks Ford is being sus, and Willow confirms this with the school having no record of him having transferred.
Giles understands that Ford is cute, and that Buffy thinks he is too.
Ford came prepared, he has that going for him, but is still sus.
So, the entire club is made up of delusional people who believe that vampires are fluffy bunnies, and that they are really just misunderstood. Not in this universe they aren't. Hell, Angel and Spike while ensouled can still turn into rage machines if the occasion calls for it. They don't even know that one of the most feared vampires in history is standing right in front of them, that would be terrifying to know. To which I now have to ask, is there much in the way of vampires being good? There's Hellsing where Alucard and Seras are good, Blade from the Marvel comics, Alucard from Castlevania (loved the Netflix series by the way and looking forward to the next one), Underworld has Selene. Are there any others? And not just one or two of them, but where vampires as a whole are the good guys?
Jenny took Giles to go see Monster Trucks... I need to see that.
That angry mob in Prague did a shite job of killing Dru, since she is still walking around.
Dru is referred to as a 'sometime paramour of Spike's' does that mean they have an on-again-off-again relationship or just a very long term one? Because either is sort of believable, especially with how Dru can be.
Genuine question: do I come across as sarcastic in these posts? Because when I read through my notes in my head I definitely sound sarcastic, same when typing. I'm just curious.
Anyway, part 2 will be tomorrow.
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projazznet · 6 months
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Billy Cobham – The Art Of Four
“With 2004’s Art of Five, the fusion drums pioneer Billy Cobham indicated that his mid-life return to his bebop roots was a hot ticket. And this album proves to be another, with a fizzing Cobham driving a pedigree postbop band featuring alto saxist Donald Harrison, short-lived pianist James Williams (on one of his last recordings) and the bass legend Ron Carter. Most of the material here is original, and the improvisation is often scorching – Williams’ jubilant sweep across bop, modalism and Cecil Taylorish abstraction in particular. Good for the Soul and Cissy Strut have a heated Art Blakey atmosphere. Harrison and Williams play solos of such fresh phrasing that they almost seem to reinvent the postbop language, and a fast The Song Is You has Harrison in biting Jackie McLean mode over fiery drumming. Carter’s Last Resort is like a sardonic Stan Tracey piece, and Williams’ Four Play is a rugged, Breckerish tour de force of fast blues. It’s four stars for the blowing quality alone.” – John Fordham/The Guardian.
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bishopsbelova · 1 year
Seeing the logo behind Chris on those bts, Stabler probably went to Fordham to see Rollins for something, in fact those bts photos of Kelli are in the same place he was, you can see the logo behind Kelli too, I just noticed!! Are we gonna see her office or doing a lesson? Suddenly I'm very curious to see professor Rollins in action lol, god I will miss her doing an interrogation or chasing down perps tho, forever bitter
Yeah apparently Chris and Kelli were filming at Fordham and since Kelli is supposed to appear in an upcoming episode of OC (as well as the SVU Finale), Stabler probably goes to her about a case or something - though I'm curious to see what exactly he needs her expertise on. I mean, I really don't care, I'm just so damn excited to see my girl again.
I don't want to expect too much though; but I hope we get to see her office (and maybe a family photo on her desk) and a Professor Carisi on her door.
I was bitter at first at her leaving the nypd; because seeing Amanda Rollins in interrogation or chasing perps and being her badass self? There's nothing like it. However, I'm sure her as a Professor is just as hot. (shit we all know Carisi is hot for teacher)
But I'm also glad that she's safe and she's happy and she has a normal schedule where she's hopefully there in the mornings to get the girls ready for school and there in the evenings for dinner and bedtime routines and Jesse and Billie (and their new baby - which is hopefully a boy) never have to know how close they came to losing their mother.
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fairwells · 9 months
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well Steven Kwon is truly my college sweetheart, but so is Kyong, but it's because Steven left NYU to go to Fordham. So that's sort of what happened. As what Steven and Meatloaf says "Two out of three ain't bad." John Choi? Billie Joel's "Just the Way You Are."
good times. fun.
~emma ruth mccallister
0 notes
mincerman · 10 months
Is this a list of the same type of people?
Gerald Durrell
Derrick (Fredo Santana) Coleman - rapper - purple drank
Anthony Bourdain (TV Chef) - Heroin, Methadone, Cocaine, Alcohol.
George Herbert Scott (Airship Pilot), d.1930.
Grayson Murray, American golfer
Mark Lanegan, 57
Taylor Hawkins, 50
Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth Lead Singer, liver failure.
Lisa Marie Presley, 54
Raye (Rachel Keen), British Singer
Andrea Dunbar (Playwright, age 29 - brain hem orange).
Robert Louis Stevenson - hence Jeykel and hyde (aged 44, drugs inc alcohol)
Phil Lynott
Paul Walsh, Footballer.
Andy Warhol - “Although not as big a drug-taker as many of his entourage in mid-century New York, Warhol was addicted to Obetrol – marketed today as Adderall – an amphetamine diet pill that has a similar effect to speed.” - https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/24/drugs-and-alcohol-do-not-make-you-more-creative-research-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Jefferson King (Shadow)
Taylor Hawkins (died at 50) Foo Fighters, Drummer.
Jordon Peterson
Ivan Toney (Brentford and England footballer and gambler)
Wasim Akram (Cocaine)
Robson Green
Simon Pegg
Don Whillans, mountaineer
Stanislav Petrov (the man who saved the world)
Samuel Taylor-Coleridge (Laudanum)
W.H.Auden, Benzedrine
Jared O’Mara (former MP)
Anne Robinson
Hayden Panettiere, actress https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22079654/heroes-hayden-panettiere-addiction-alcohol-opiods-nashville/amp/
Jennifer Elliott (daughter of Denholm Elliot)
James Mangan - 19th C. Irish Poet, influenced -
Shane MacGowan.
Sir William Carr (Pissing Billy)
James Gandolfini
Lanre Fehintola
Howard Hughes, OCD, Codeine
Kirkland Laing (Boxer)
Ian Royce, Comedian.
Bobby Liebling (lead singer, Pentagram)
Rory Hamilton Brown
Matthew Mellon (banking heir)
Nora Butlin
David Berman (silver Jews)
Ted Ngoy (the donut king - gambling)
Ernst Udet - German WW1 Ace, responsible for Nazi aircraft manufacture until suicide,1941.
Blair “Paddy” Mayne (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
David Stirling (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
Danny Cipriani
William Golding
Luke Sutton, sports agent
Bryony Gordon
Paddy “Mad” Merrigan (Jockey)
Michael K. Williams (actor)
Robert Webb (British Comedian)
Mark McManus
Brian O’Nolan
Rodney Dangerfield
Tara Palmer-Tompkinson
Marco Pantani
Robin Smith (cricketer)
Dr. John (The Scatman)
Robert Havlin (jockey)
Kenneth Williams
Victor Willis (son of a baptist preacher - Village People.
Stu Ungar
Charlie Parker
Miles Davis
Harold Shipman
Danny Trejo (ends up dead on top of Tortoise in Breaking Bad).
Sandy Ratcliff (Sue Osman, East Enders)
James Hunt
Michael David Weiss (film injustice re safety needles)
Charlie Chaplin Snr. (Cirrhosis, 38)
Oisin Murphy (jockey)
Peter Shilton (gambling)
Marvin Gaye
Robert Young, actor, brother of Roger Moore
Dick Van Dyke
Yuri Gagarin
Christopher Farley (U.S. actor)
Ronald Lacey - played Dylan Thomas (1978) - Harry Ridler in Minder on the the Orient Express
Jordan Peterson
Tanya Sarne (Fashion)
Elizabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation)
Bradley Cooper
Tom Maynard (Cricketer)
Bobby Beasley (Jockey)
Montgomery Clift.
Jay Kay
Mike McCready (guitarist - pearl jam)
Elton John
Heinrich Böll, German Writer, Pervatin, during WW
Andy Fordham (The Viking)
Alice Cooper
Phil Spector
Alan Watts
Mark Lanegan
Rupert Young - Will Young’s brother
Matthew Perry (Friends sitcom)
Susannah Constantine (TV host)
Hugh O’Connor, Actor, -1962-1995. Shot himself in the head on the day of his 3rd Wedding Anniversary.
Deacon Brodie - alcoholic sinner fire-runner and example used by Robert Louis Stevenson in J & H - a hundred years later - and a life that Stevenson tried to pursue himself
Desi Arnaz, American actor
Felicite Tomlinson
Demi Lovato
William Hurt (American actor)
Venedikt Vasilyevich Yerofeyev - Author of Moscow Stations, 1969
Olivia Channon
Willie Carson Jnr
‘Bloody’ Mary Coughlan.
Roy Orbison (yo-yo dieting)
Christopher Hitchens - thinkoholic, alcoholic, smoker
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Jan-Michael Vincent (Airwolf)
Keith Gillespie,Footballer, Gambling.
Eddie Van Halen
Richard Kiel (Jaws)
John Bonham
Matthew Perry, American actor.
Stuart Cable - Drummer Stereophonics - choked on vomit.
Cameron Douglas
Chris Langham - cocaine / alcohol. (Went to prison for 6 months for download child pornographic images. Played Orwell in 2003 BBC film.). Career destroyed after that.
Johnny Vegas
Arthur Daley.
Mike Tyson
George Harrison
Alexei Rykov aka ‘Rykvodka’ Rightist Politburo member, Premier and co- ruler with Stalin and Bukharin ‒. Defendant in last show trial
Hans Fallada (Rudolf Ditzen) - German Author
Henry Pierrepoint - executioner father of Albert the executioner.
Bob Hindley (alcoholic father of Myra Hindley)
Simon Day (fast show)
Frederick Nietzsche (Opiu re m / chloral hydrate)
Tennessee Williams
Henry Willson - Hollywood agent (Cirrhosis)
Steve Caulker - footballer aged 25 (alcohol and gambling)
Tim Bergling (DJ Avicii) - aged 28
Verne Troyer (49)
Ashley Mattingly (playmate)
Jean Michel Basquiat - artist, 27, Heroin
Keith Levene, Founder member of The Clash, and Public Image Ltd
Dolores Riordan (46) lead singer of cranberries - died drowned in her bath 2018 Park Lane Hilton. Also anorexic and bi-polar.
Demi Lovato (ex Disney Channel actress)
Charles Baudelaire - laudanum and alcohol
Chris Leben (UFC fighter)
Mike Bell a.k.a. Mad Dog (WWE - wrestler)
Freddie Starr
Irvine Welsh
Dolores O’Riordan (alcohol / anorexia)
Dennis Price.
Shia LaBeouf (actor)
Rhys Thomas (Rugby)
Russell Pearce (Boxing)
David Plunkett Greene (Heroin)
Ron ‘Pigpen’ McKernon (grateful Dead,27)
Annabelle Neilson - Heroin / aristoc
Ray Wilkins
Jeff Hatch (NFL player)
Ryan Cresswell (footballer)
Jon Stewart (guitarist, sleeper)
Alexander || of Russia.
Otto Gross (influenced Jung) - addict - 1877 to 1920. 42.
Oskar Schindler
Phil Lynott
Shaun Ryder
George Brown MP
Paul Ryder (Bassist)
Gary Oldman
Peter Edward "Ginger" Baker, English Drummer.
Mac Miller / U.S. rapper (26)
Jeff Hanneman - Slayer - cirrhosis, 49
Gary Busey (American actor)
Philip Larkin (half a bottle of sherry at sunrise).
Hunter S. Thompson - pro addict - suicide Feb 2005
Gregg Allman, American Singer / Songwriter
Coolio (Artis Leon Ivey)
Martin Gore (Depeche Mode)
Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode)
William Faulkner. (American Writer)
Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce)
Eugene O’Neill. (American Writer)
Anthony Burgess
Donald Maclean
Kim Philby
Ellen Philby - wife of spy Kim Philby (47)
Anthony Blunt
Ringo Starr
Jerry Lee Lewis
Ricky Hatton
John Ford (Film Director)
Jack London (Author of John Barleycorn novel) morphine overdose and alcoholism
Tom Chaplin, Lead Singer, Keane.
Nico - H - velvet underground
Art Pepper
Liza Minnelli
Richard Bacon
Jay Kay (Jamiroquai)
Tobey Maguire
Christian Slater
Chris Cornell (lead singer of Soundgarden)
Max Jacob (French Post)
Malcolm McDowell
Fred Trump Jnr. (Eldest brother 1932-81) - alcoholism aged 42.
Owen Wilson
Gary Oldman
Keith Flint (Prodigy)
Demi Moore - actors
Danniella Westbrook
Roger Ebert (Film critic)
John Cassavetes (great director) - hobnailed liver, 59. Q.v. Under the influence (1974) - starring his co-alcoholic and co-dependent wife, Gena Rowlands (who was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of progressive madness).
Bill Evans - Heroin - jazz
Suroosh Alvi - founder of Vice media - ex Heroin
Gary Fraser - Director of T2
Trainspotting - ex Heroin
Keith Floyd.
Ant mcpartlin
Tom Hardy (aa)
Steve Coogan
Kenny Sansom
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - painter -(1828-1882) became addicted to chloral, with whisky chasers
Philip Roth - American Novelist (Halcion sleeping pill)
Lee Marvin
Bryony Gordon - terrible telegraph columnist
‘Mad Jack’ Byron
Chet Baker - Jazz Trumpeter
Ray Charles - Heroin.
Sir Edwin Landseer (Laudinum)
John Hurt (died 28 Jan 16 pancreatic cancer ages 75)
Anthony Eden (Benzedrine) Drinamyl also known as ‘purple hearts’ to take him up and up to four sleeping pills a night to take him down. Eventually they stopped working - he couldn’t sleep and the doctors said the pharmaceutical solution had run its course - and he had to be evacuated to Jamaica for a few weeks - presumably to withdraw, just after Suez and a Sterling crisis. https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/98/6/387/1548168 - from Dr David Owen - concluding with the line ‘a fit and well Anthony Eden would not have made all those mistakes’.
Christopher Walken
Alistair Maclean - later on.
Al Pacino
Andrew Symonds (Australian Cricketer)
Margaux Hemingway (grand-daughter / supermodel)
Amy Winehouse (27)
Brian Jones (27) Rolling Stones
Jimi Hendrix (27)
Janice Joplin (27)
Jim Morrison (27)
Rudy Lewis (27) The drifters
Alan Wilson (27)
Dickie Pride (27)
Ron “Pigpen” Mckernon (27)
Kurt Cobain (27)
Dash Snow (27) - artist
Gary Thain (27) Bassist, Uriah Heep
Pamela Courson (27) Morrison’s wife, Heroin overdose, 3 yrs later in ‘74.
See also - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
Fred Archer (29) gambling - shot himself.
Dean Martin
Eve Babitz
Pete Townsend
Courtney Love
Kevin Lloyd (Actor, The Bill)
Amedeo Modigliani
Diego Maradona
Brett Favre
Babe Ruth
Paul Merson (drink and gambling)
Bill Werbenuik (Snooker)
Kirk Stevens (cocaine - Snooker)
Mark E. Smith - d.2018. Lead singer of the Fall. 60.
Danielle Westbrook
Mary J. Bilge
Alec Baldwin (actor)
Vince Taylor from Isleworth - inspired Ziggy Stardust.
Douglas Kenney - founder of National Lampoon, 33, probable Suicide. Hawaii.
Alan McGee - Founder of creation records and property developer
Patrick Swayze
John Skipper, (former) president ESPN
David Cassidy
Steven Tyler (alive)
Hubert Selby Jr - author of last exit to Brooklyn - died sober even refused morphine.
Etta James
Bradley Cooper
Calvin Harris (Scot dj)
Eva Mendes
Colin Farell
Al Pacino
Craig Charles
Davina McCall
Anthony Hopkins
Rob Lowe
Phil Michelson (gambling)
Melanie Griffith
Jamie-Lee Curtis
W. C. Fields
Jean-Claude Junker
Christine Dolce (queen of MySpace) - cirrhosis
Franklin pierce - us president - cirrhosis
Chernenko - soviet leader 84 - cirrhosis
Jimi Hendrix - cirrhosis?
Billie holiday - cirrhosis
Jack Karouac - cirrhosis
Rob Lowe - alcoholic - 27 yrs sober
Sean Hughes (Irish comic) - cirrhosis
List of people with cirrhosis https://m.ranker.com/list/famous-people-with-cirrhosis/celebrity-lists
Etta James
Francis Bacon
Lucian Fraud (gambling)
Bobby Davro
David Warner - AUS cricketer
Jesse Ryder - NZ cricketer
Herschelle Gibbs - SA cricketer
Alan Hudson (footballer)
Paul McGrath (footballer)
Kenny Samson (Footballer)
Garrincha (Brazilian Footballer)
Hank Williams aged 29
Marvin Gaye - crack before he was shot by father
Mickey Mantle (baseball player, Cirrhosis)
Joseph McCarthy (anti-communist)
Gilbert Harding - "The Rudest Man in Britain" 1907-1960.
John Paul Getty III
Caroline Aherne
Chris Difford - squeeze / clouds
Gary Shail - spider in quadraphenia
8 Mile actress
NIna Simone
Lord Lucan
Lady Lucan
Christy Brown
Edward St Aubyn
Rick Stein
Ronnie O'Sullivan (Snooker Player)
Chris Cornell
Denis Johnson (Author of Jesus' Son, 1992)
Dermot Reeve
Joey Barton
Will Self
Charles Kennedy MP (intracerebral haemorrhage)
Eric Joyce MP
Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Sir Anthony Eden - Benzedrine - buried at st Mary's church, alvediston. Un-respected.
Luvo Manyonga SA long jumper Olympic silver medallist 2016 - crystal meth
Ian McShane - Lovejoy, Deadwood - cocaine / alcoholic - 28 yrs since first AA meet.
Colin Milburn (cricketer)
Tom Petty (Heroin)
James brown
General Gordon of Khartoum - alcoholic - (according to Lytton Strachey)
Errol Flynn (absolutely everything) - in secret lives at the end "Errol Flynn made the fatal flaw of confusing his art with his life - in film they applaud Robin Hoods and rascals - in real life they tire of them soon... They stand by to let the person destroy himself". Heart problems and Cirrhosis.
Tyrone Power - 1 yr after The Sun Also Rises aged 44
Charlie Wilson US politician cv.film
Brian Clough
Sean Ryder
Greg Merson 2014 WSOP Main Event winner
Tubby Hayes - British Jazz - Heroin
Phil Seaman - Drummer - Heroin
Rick Parfitt (Status Quo)
Ian Kilminster (Lemmy)
Jack wild (oliver in artful dodger) aged 53 mouth cancer
Joe meek - pills - Telstar
Rasputin (alcohol and sex)
Boris Yeltsin
Paris Jackson (17) Michael's daughter
Jimmy pegg - walker in dads army - 39
Alexei Stakhanov (coal miner)
Seymour Hoffman
Lo ' David Coyle - Mr Bates in Downton Abbey
David Cassidy - 70s singer / heartthrob
Simon Danczuk MP
John Belushi
Whitney Houston
Bobbi Kristina Brown
William S Burroughs - writer, Heroin
William S Burroughs Jr. - Aged 34 - had liver transplant - cirrhosis
Amy winehouse
Brian Epstein - in a totally white bathroom - the only art was a giant picture of El Cordobes. And he wanted to give up managing The Beatles to manage bullfighters in Spain. L. Oo
Dante Gabriel Rosetti (Laudanum), Chloral, Alcohol)
Jimmy greaves
Mary Todd go. F FB
ST Coleridge (both Laudanum)
Sigmund Freud - a lot to answer for - cocaine
Irvine Walsh
Malcolm Lowry 1957
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Michael Phelps - most decorated Olympian
Tony Curtis
Robbie Williams
Mel Gibson
Sir James Chadwick (sleeping pills) sleeping on fear his work on a bomb would lead to mass destruction
Charles James Fox - cirrhosis whilst in office as Foreign Secretary - also Ascites (7 pints of fluid drained at death also 35 gallstones found) - lived in Chertsey and Foxhills, prodigious gambler.
Barry humphries
Daniel Radcliffe
Jack Dee
Jack karouac
Ian Fleming?
William Holden (actor, Bridge on the River Kwai)
Brad Pitt
Len fairclough
Malcolm Lowry (under the volcano)
John le Meisurer
James Beck (Alcoholic) Dads Army
Arthur Lowe - Dad's Army
Clive of India
Frank skinner
Rodney king
RD Laing (Dr)
Richard Hughes (jockey)
Johnny Murtagh (Jockey)
Jeremy Wolfenden
Jockey Wilson
Diego Maradona
John McAfee - dry drunk
Antony Hopkins
Michael Barrymore
Tara fitzgerald
Tiger Woods https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tiger-woods-avoids-jail-on-driving-charge-dp9f6gv7n
Lou reed
Marquis of Blandford
F Scott Fitzgerald
Edgar Allan Poe
Diana Ross
Robin Williams
Elton John
Lilly Allen
J.L. Austin, Academic, Lung Cancer, 48.
Johnny Cash
Samuel l Jackson
Frank Sinatra
Buzz aldrin
Ben affleck - gambling / alcohol
Ulysses Grant 18th president
Benjamin franklin
George bush jar
Alexander the Great
David Yelland Former editor of Sun.
David Bowie / Ziggy Stardust (Coke)
Eric Clapton
Bill Wilson
W.C. Fields (died of gastric haemorrhage)
Blondie - whose music is used to advertise baileys
Stephen King
Hermann Goering (Morphine)
Hermoine Norris (yellow card)
Brad davis
Tom Maynard
Alec Baldwin
Morgan Freeman
Charlie watts both recovers
William f Buckley
Charles Kennedy
Jamie lee Curtis (daughter of tony Curtis)
Lana del Rey
Barnaby conrad (bulls)
Yazz Yasmin Evans
Peaches Geldolf
Caroline aherne
King Richard 3rd died 1485 battle of bosworth
James beck (dads army)
Fat boy slim
Calvin Harris
50 cent
Prince (Perocet)
Francis Bacon
Anthony kliedis
Shania twain
Peter Townsend
Leona Lewis
Jessie j
Alice cooper
Ringo Starr
Constantine Chernenko (Soviet president - cirrhosis)
Chris difford (lead sing squeeze)
George IV - gambling mainly.
Henry VIII - sypillus (food issues - drink - sex)
Ozzy osbourne
Jack osbourne
Kelly osbourne
Steve coogan
Paul Gascoigne
Midge Ure
John Daly
Steven Tyler
Nicole Ritchie
Drew Barrymore
Naomi Campbell
Waylon Jennings
Nick Nolte
Martin Sheen
Keith Moon
Kurt Cobain
Rt Hon George Brown MP, Lord George Brown (1914-1985) Labour Belper, 1945-70, excused by his staff of being ‘tired and emotional
Paul Nicholls (ex Eastenders)
Alan Ladd
Jack Lemmon
David Hasselhoff
Errol Flynn - ended up supporting The (Fid)Del - worst film ever - Cuban rebel girls and the Cuban story doc - 1959 - year he died - revolution for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin - these two pieces of art marked the ego, deciept and denial.
Truman Copote
Billy Joel
Jimmy White (Snooker, Crack)
Stephen King
Ernest Hemingway
Diana Ross
Orson Welles (and father)
Ben Affleck (drink / gambling)
Abi Evelyn t (yellow card)
Trinny Woodall
Don Simpson - producer of top gun bev hills cop
Peter Doherty
Gary Richrath (REO Speedwagon guitarist)
Robert Newton - born Shaftesbury 1905 - died Beverly Hills 1956 - heart attack - Shaftesbury most famous alcoholic. Aged 50.
12th Duke of Marlborough - Ex Marquis of Blandford
Henry VIII
Thomas de Quincey - confessions of an English opium eater. (Actually laudanum).
Pat Eddery
Richard Hughes
Dr William Stewart Halsted - inspiration for Clive Owen's Dr John Thackery (The Knick).
Frank Skinner
Alexander the Great?
Eric Joyce (former MP)
Robert Mitchum
Osgood )brother of Peter
Lionel Bart
Ira Hayes (flag man)
John Bonham (Windsor)
Joseph "Joe" McCarthy - commies
Dylan Thomas
James Joyce
James Thurber
Gary Moore (singer, 80s)
Jim Morrison (27)
Franklin Pierce (US President, 1853-1857. Liver cirrhosis 1869 aged 64.
Macaulay Culkin
Michael Jackson
Boy George
Carrie Fisher
Beth Morris (voice contestant) - cocaine
Hitler (Barbiturates)
Mussolini, Stalin, Eichmann.
Mao Zedong (barbiturates)
Jeffrey Dahmer (Alcohol)
Johnny Depp (booze)
Rodney Dangerfield
Mickey Mantle (baseball, booze)
Billie Holiday
Melanie Griffith
Ewan McGregor
Tony Hancock
Guy Burgess (spy)
Diana Ross
Shane MacGowen
Craig Charles.
Paul Verlaine (French 19th C Poet)
Melanie Griffith (Percocet)
Elvis (Percocet)
Cindy McCain (wife of John MCCain, Percocet)
Gerald Levert (Percocet)
Bill Werbeniuk
Ant McPartlin
Prince (Fentanyl overdose)
Lil Peep (Fentanyl overdose)
Alex Higgins
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Kirk Stevens (Cocaine)
La Galue (Louise Weber) - queen of Momartre - can can dancer.
Jeff Hanneman (singer, Slayer)
Yves Saint-Laurent
Florence Ballard (The Supremes)
Colin Milburn (Cricketer)
John Barrymore (Early Hollywood Actor)
Kemal Ataturk (Cirrhosis)
Gail Russell (Early Hollywood icon)
Helen Morgan (American singer and actress)
Ulysses Grant
George Best
Calum Best
Verne Troyer
Keith Whitley (American Country music singer)
William Falkner (American author)
Caspar Fleming (Novelist’s son)
Anna Nicole-Smith
Yootha Joyce (Mildred)
Jerry Bailey - us jockey)
Joe Namath
Walter Swinburn (both dead) alcohol and also eating disorder
Bobby Fischer (Chess)
Willie Thorne ( gambling)
Kirk Stevens
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ryebecca · 2 years
oh also!!! top 5 sonny carisi moments (if you have any)
Are these all going to be Rollisi moments, Shelby? You bet. So, here we go:
Rollisi's first kiss at Fin's wedding (and the subsequent kiss at the courthouse)
when Rollisi have it out in the middle of the squad room and she shouts "because you left!"
when Rollisi are kissing and Rollins says "was that too hard?" and Sonny says "no, do it again" TALK ABOUT GOING FERAL.
Carisi going with Rollins to the hospital when she was having Billie!!!
Domestic cuddling times on the couch, with him wearing his Fordham Law sweatshirt.
ask me my “top 5″ anything (seriously, please send me more!)
0 notes
layer-of-slayers · 2 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer as tumblr text posts 17/?
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Lie To Me.
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coraniaid · 1 year
I know that Halloween isn’t really one of the very best Buffy episodes.  (I mean, it’s not even the best Halloween-themed Buffy episode.)  I know that its discussion of gender roles is, at best, kind of questionable; I know that  Buffy’s idea of what a noblewoman would actually do all day is laughably shallow; I know that this is pretty clearly one of the early episodes when the show was mostly being written by men.  I even know that the special effects aren’t that good.  And I definitely know that Angel’s “you’re not like other girls (who by the way I find beneath contempt, so don’t necessarily take that as a compliment)” speech to Buffy at the end is almost certainly meant to be romantic and not the huge red flag it actually is.
But.  Unfortunately I also know that I love this episode.  As a certain recurring vampire would say, it’s just … neat.
A couple of interesting things have been happening over the past few episodes of this rewatch.
One is that the world of the show has been getting bigger, or rather more solid.  We’re starting to see characters outside the Core Four who actually seem to have lives of their own and don’t just vanish back into the void once their episode is over.  Spike and Dru are the big ones, of course (the Master is a fun enough villain but he isn’t by any stretch of the imagination a person you can imagine having a rich inner life), but in Inca Mummy Girl we also met Devon and Oz and Jonathan, all of whom will appear multiple times this season, and this episode introduces Ethan and Larry.
(Purely coincidentally, Larry and Ethan have more in common than just first appearing in this episode. They are both gay men – or at least a heavily queer-coded man, in Ethan’s case – who will recur only a few times before being written out of the show in ways that I’m actually still kind of mad about.  But I’ll save that rant for later in the rewatch, assuming I get far enough.)
One of my biggest criticisms of the first season is how many times the show will introduce a new student (or group of students), insist that they’ve always been there, then completely forget about them forty-five minutes later.  The only genuinely recurring minor character that season was Harmony, and she was only in two episodes and not even mentioned in any of the others. Amy will return later but so far she’s just another example of the show introducing a character, establishing that Willow’s known them for years, then insisting that they don’t exist the next episode.  But that’s starting to change now, even if we’re not quite there yet – the next episode’s Lie To Me will arguably pull a variant of the exact same trick with Billy Fordham – and even if it isn’t something the show ever really grows out of completely.
Speaking of Willow, that’s the other big change that’s been happening, and the one I want to talk about most: Willow’s been slowly becoming more central to the show.  This is another slow process which won’t really finish this season, but the signs are there already.
In the first season of Buffy, I’d argue that there’s a very clear hierarchy in terms of how much attention the show gives the Core Four: Buffy is, of course, the central character, but after that the writers clearly think Giles is more important than Xander who is more important than Willow.  
This shows up in a few ways.  Speaking time is the one that’s easiest to quantify (roughly speaking, over the whole of the first season for every four minutes Willow speaks Xander will speak for five minutes, Giles will speak for seven minutes and Buffy will speak for eleven minutes), but I think this claim is also true if we consider things like how often they get to directly impact the plot or how much attention the show gives to both their relationship to Buffy and their lives outside of Buffy.  (Outside of I Robot, You Jane S1!Willow mostly exists to pine over Xander, to be rescued from danger by Buffy and to provide the sort of high school level exposition that Giles can’t deliver.)
That’s still true to a large extent in early Season 2 – Willow definitely is still pining over Xander, Buffy did go to rescue her in When She Was Bad and Willow still does get to deliver a lot of exposition – but it will stop being true by the time the season is over.  From Season 3 onward, I think it’s very clear that Willow is the most important member of the Scooby Gang after Buffy herself.  (In fact, in Season 6 I think you could argue that they’re almost co-protagonists.  That season is Willow’s story almost as much as it is Buffy’s.)
This post-Season 2 change is reflected in all sorts of ways: Willow’s average speaking time suddenly overtakes both Xander and Giles; she starts having proper arcs of her own (learning magic, dating, coming out as a lesbian); and, of course, she starts to play increasingly active roles in the plot.  And there are signs of all of this happening already, even if we’re not quite there yet. 
Taking speaking time, for example.  In Season 1 Willow had the fourth most speaking time of any of the Core Four in eight episodes, the third most speaking time in three episodes, and the second most speaking time in just one episode (The Pack).  She only had more than 12.5% of total speaking time in two episodes (The Pack again and also I Robot, You Jane), something that Xander managed in three episodes and Giles managed in eleven.  (Buffy has more than 20% speaking time in every episode of the season, as is only proper and correct.)
But although she had fourth most speaking time again in When She Was Bad, Willow did get 13.16% speaking time.  And in Reptile Boy and Halloween she is second in speaking time for two episodes running for the very first time (with 14.29% and 19.61% of all speaking time respectively).
She manages that by becoming much more assertive (that is, because the writers decide to make her more assertive).  She has, by now, mostly accepted that her romantic interest in Xander is doomed.  In Reptile Boy, she gets to dress down both Giles and Angel for their poor treatment of Buffy before leading them to go and help her.  And Halloween, more than any episode prior, really does belong to Willow. 
Willow, as much as anybody else, is responsible for saving the day here.  Not Xander, for all his costume-inspired military training.  Not Buffy, who hides behind Willow when she sees a car and asks her fearfully “what does it want?”.  And not even Giles, who does confront Ethan and  break the spell but who was so busy sitting in the library pretending to enjoy cross-referencing that without Willow he wouldn’t even have known there was anything strange going on that night.
And, of course, Willow seems to be the only one of the people changed by their costumes to retain their memories of their real lives.  Partly this has to be for plot reasons – somebody has to remember who they are if we’re going to figure things out before the final ad break – but I suspect there’s a little more to it than that.
For the most part, Ethan’s spell shows us who the Scooby Gang aren’t.  Buffy isn’t really a helpless delicate princess who’d rather die than fight and who faints at the first sign of danger.  Xander isn’t really a heroic man of action who beats up pirates and rescues damsels in distress.  Giles, we’re told, isn't really the “sniveling, tweed-clad guardian of the Slayer” he’s been pretending to be.
But the increasingly self-confident and self-assured Willow we see at the very end of this episode, as Oz drives by in his van?  The Willow who’s not just smart and knowledgeable but also willing to take charge in a crisis?  The Willow who learns to embrace the idea of wearing different outfits and taking charge of how the world perceives her?  The Willow who had more speaking time this episode than Buffy herself managed last episode?
That isn’t who Willow Rosenberg is yet.  But it’s who she’s going to become.
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talktomeinclexa · 9 months
Clarke the Vampire Slayer
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Canon Violence, Fighting
Status: WIP
Summary: When Clarke, a young student with a clear idea of what her life will be, wakes up one morning with superhuman strength, destiny comes knocking on her door. Sent to Polis to prevent a demon from opening the Hellmouth, she can count on the mysterious owner of a magic shop and new friends to help her dispose of vampires, demons, and other evil creatures. But will she succeed in stopping the Apocalypse?
Chapter 8: A Day in Polis
Tuesday went similarly to the day before, and Clarke wondered how long it would take for her lazy mornings and afternoon shifts at Sky Crew to become routine. Probably not before she had learned to prepare every item on their drink menu. As she typed yet another order on the cash register under Harper’s kind supervision, she spared a flitting thought for her other job.
Her body had recovered quickly, but no magic—aside, maybe, from erasing her memory, and she shuddered at the thought of how messy it could get—could ease the trauma of almost dying. Clarke didn’t mean to ignore her Slayer duties, and she would resume her evening patrols once her mind had healed some. What good would a Slayer paralyzed with fear and doubt be?
Clarke didn’t feel too guilty about her decision to lie low for a few days until she got home. After a quick dinner, she was scrolling on Facebook when a post on a group she had recently joined, Life in Polis, caught her attention. A young man, Billy Fordham, had been found dead the previous evening. Heartbroken, his family, friends, and former classmates were exchanging stories and memories of their time with him.
Bile rose at the back of Clarke’s mouth when she read the cause of death—a wild animal’s attack. She didn’t need to have been in Polis, or the Slayer, for long, to read between the lines. A vampire had attacked and drained Billy.
She dropped her phone screen down on the sofa next to her knee before leaning her head back with a strangled cry. This was on her. If she had gone patrolling the evening before, he might have still been alive.
Ever since meeting Marcus and accepting her new destiny, Clarke had been focused on the big picture. She had to prevent the Apocalypse. To find and stop the demon looking to open the Hellmouth. And while she trained and spent hours looking for information, good people could still die at the hands of lesser—but no less deadly—creatures.
Sleep eluded Clarke that night. She tossed and turned in her bed as Billy’s head danced on her ceiling amidst dozens of faceless others. The people she had unknowingly failed. Those who would be lost if she didn’t get better. If she couldn’t stop the demon. Her guilt didn’t give her respite until the early hours of the morning, when she fell into a slumber from exhaustion.
Keep reading
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thebreakfastgenie · 7 months
I don't think I actually told this part of the story. So when I got to New York, by myself, I had an iPhone 5c and I don't know if anyone remembers this but they had notoriously shit batteries and mine did not last very long. I didn't have a portable charger at the time. The battery started dropping pretty fast so I resolved to turn off my phone. This resolved lasted not long at all because I realized I had to get a picture of Billy Joel and I had that phone turned on with the camera app open lying in wait. I had, along with a crowd, epically failed at getting a picture during a close encounter at Wrigley Field two months before and that was not going to happen again. I got my blurry picture. After the talk I went to meet my friend at Fordham where I was going to hang out until it was time to wend my way back to Port Authority for my 5am bus. I remember being in Grand Central getting on the commuter rail to the Bronx with my phone at 1% and telling my friend "don't call me, don't text me, just meet me there." My phone was still at 1% when I got to his dorm to plug it in.
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andysapril · 4 years
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buffy the vampire slayer rewatch: → scenes → lie to me, 2x07
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