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realitybitesyouknowit · 11 months ago
When Lily's secret is revealed Harry runs away from home and meets a girl unlike any other. But she can never be with him, and he would never even suggest it. Things change drastically when his mother's legacy turns him into something no one expected.
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potterheadlovespotter · 7 months ago
Just found out -
Happy Anniversary to Bill and Fluer Weasley.
I have this headcanon that no matter what they thought, Fluer would be a great sister in law through out the years, taking care of their wolfish brother.
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does anyone know the artist?
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delumineight · 1 year ago
i would like to point out that i think viktor krum is disgusting. of course in goblet of fire he goes with hermione at the age of 18 while she’s barely 15. then in deathly hallows he asks harry (who’s disguised) at bill and fluer’s wedding about ginny who was still 15 on august 1, 1997. krum was 21. i hate him and i hope he retired from quidditch due to a very painful injury.
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“He’s really nice, you know. He’s not at all like you’d think, coming from Durmstrang.”
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months ago
Reading the Ginny, Luna thought. I have a question, can you rank the Weasleys? From least to your favourite one, and your thoughts about each one of them. Why you like them. what made you dislike them. and the general what do you think of the Weasleys as a whole? I personally don't really like them, but I also don't hate them, I respect them. As I do with every other character that's not Harry, Luna, or Severus.
Well, I'm a bit more loving towards the Weasleys than you are since I'm at least okay with most of them. I think they're not as perfect of a family as some fans think, but I don't think they're as bad as some bashers say they are. I think they are flawed and human and I wouldn't have written them differently for this story if I had the chance to (for the most part). Now, when it comes to my favorite, I know Muriel is a Prewett, but if we're counting her, then she's my favorite. I live for her gossip. But if I'm just ranking the main nine these are my highly subjective opinions about them:
9. Ginny Weasley
I have already explained that I don't like Ginny many times. I find her incredibly annoying.
I don't like her attitude, I don't like how she treats Luna, Harry, Ron, and even Hernione. I despise how she acts towards fluer. She is arrogant as a facade without much to back her behavior up and she's trying to be someone she isn't for all the wrong reasons.
I think she fails at being a well-written love interest, and I dislike her as a person. So she's obviously last.
8. Arthur Weasley
Spots 5-8 were hard to rate since they're kinda the same. Unlike Ginny, it's not that I dislike them. I just don't like them as much as the other Weasleys. Mostly, my feelings about them are just not as intense.
I placed Arthur last here because I think he's kinda stupid. Like, with this scene:
“Harry said good-bye to you,” he said. “Didn’t you hear him?” “It doesn’t matter,” Harry muttered to Mr. Weasley. “Honestly, I don’t care.” Mr. Weasley did not remove his hand from Harry’s shoulder. “You aren’t going to see your nephew till next summer,” he said to Uncle Vernon in mild indignation. “Surely you’re going to say good-bye?”
(GoF, 48)
He's either malicious or an idiot. I'd rather believe that he's an idiot. Unfortunately, I don't like well-meaning idiots that much because I have a competence kink and I like my characters intelligent and capable.
So Arthur is here for the crime of not being to my taste in fictional characters.
7. Molly Weasley
I think she's fine, I don't think she's an amazing mother the way some portray her, but I think she truly loves her kids and Harry and does what she believes is best for them, even when it's not the case.
I think she's a realistic portrayal of a person who grew up the way she did (+ how she was affected by the first war and her brothers' deaths)
I think there's a lot of interesting stuff that could be explored with her character that the fandom kinda ignores, actually. I mean, she's a Prewett. The Prewetts seem to be a way more respected family than the Weasleys. Muriel's behavior, her tiara, and the fact Lucretia Black was allowed to marry Ignatius Prewett — all paint the picture that the Prewetts were a semi-wealthy, well-respected pureblood family. And then Molly goes and marries Arthur, which probably changes her entire lifestyle. Like, idk, I think you can do interesting stuff with this.
5. Bill Weasley
Bill is the cool older brother, and that's basically it. There are some things you can extrapolate into a more interesting character, the fact he left home as soon as he could, his rebellion against his mom (haircut and marrying Fleur), him being a Curse Breaker and therefore having really good grades. He probably studied Ancient Runes and Arithmancy and is an academic guy. I mean, Curse Breakers are basically nerds who like danger far away from home.
Unfortunately for Bill, he's just kinda boring to me. I like him well enough for what he is, he's just a little bland to my taste. I don't have anything interesting to chew on.
5. Percy Weasley
I think Percy can be pretentious and annoying, but he didn't deserve any of the shit he got from his family. I appreciate that he is a critical thinker capable of thinking outside of what his parents tell him, even if he ended up being wrong, his conclusions weren't illogical. He is intelligent, he just makes mistakes, like people do.
I think he is pretty brave for sticking to his guns, to what's important to him and who he really is even when he's constantly made fun of for it. Like, some fans say he should be a Slytherin for ambition, but, I think he is brave, just, not in the way we usually associate with Gryfffindor. I mean, you need to be brave to be a stickler to the rules in Gryffindor, we see how he and Hermione are treated in their house. Plus, everything that went down with him and the family is super interesting. I'm just, not super passionate about his character.
4. Charlie Weasley
Okay, he's the first I actively like on this list. Charlie is basically Bill, but shorter, more autistic, and his special interest is dragons. I think he takes the formula of Bill's character and improves upon it tremendously even though we see way less of him.
There is nothing deep about my love for Charlie. I just think he's cute and I agree with him. Dragons are awesome and if I lived in the Wizarding World I'd probably be a wandmaker, but taming dragons is such a cool profession and would be like number 3 on my list of preferred professions (after magical theorist, assuming that's a thing).
2 & 3. Fred & George Weasley
I like the twins, I think they're funny and I'm not choosing which twin is better, that ain't happening. There is nothing deep about my liking of them as characters either, I just think they're neat. I genuinely find them funny and while they can definitely be cruel, they are being cruel in a world where violence is much more acceptable since most of it can be fixed with a swish of a wand or a drop of potion.
I'm not saying they don't have their flaws, but I find them charming. Also, they clearly can be considerate:
“It’s a simple matter of causing a diversion. Now, you might have noticed that we have been rather quiet on the mayhem front during the Easter holidays?” [George] “What was the point, we asked ourselves, of disrupting leisure time?” continued Fred. “No point at all, we answered ourselves. And of course, we’d have messed up people’s studying too, which would be the very last thing we’d want to do.” He gave Hermione a sanctimonious little nod. She looked rather taken aback by this thoughtfulness.
(OotP, 657)
They're also so smart with their inventions. Like, they invent spells and potions and could probably get these coveted 12 NEWTs if they wanted to, they just don't care for academics for academics first. And they're not just smart magically, they are clever, and they can start and run a successful business.
And they clearly think for themselves outside of their family's opinion. Both in setting up their shop and even they have doubts about Dumbledore (not just Percy):
“Moody was a great wizard in his time,” said Bill. “He’s an old friend of Dumbledore’s, isn’t he?” said Charlie. “Dumbledore’s not what you’d call normal, though, is he?” said Fred. “I mean, I know he’s a genius and everything . . .”
(GoF, 161)
1. Ron Weasley
I love Ron. I think he's genuinely funny, he's got the most emotional intelligence in the Golden Trio and holds that friendship together, he's super loyal even if he has his bad moments he acknowledges his mistakes, and he's so smart.
Like, I hate what the movies did to Ron. He is a member of the Golden Trio with the most common sense. Like, Hermione has book smarts, Harry has cunning and insane magical powers, and Ron has common sense. It's so important that Harry and Hermione have someone who doesn't want to keep people in jars.
I did write about Ron being capable of being mean and ruthless on occasion, and that's a good thing, sometimes that's what you need, and Ron's a strategist, he knows this. When he offered to poison Umbridge I cheered, I really thought we should've let him test it out, as a treat.
I love his friendship with Harry and how much he gets him. Ron knows Harry and he knows to read him better than Hermione does. He lightens up the mood when Hary's angsting or Hermione takes herself too seriously. Like, when things get desperate and dark, Ron tries to make jokes to make the other two feel better, and that shows the emotional intelligence neither Harry nor Hermione have. Like, Ron is such an integral part of the trio.
I love him and his arc and I'm so mad at JKR for undermining his arc in book 7.
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v-a-l · 4 months ago
What do you think about Remus naming Harry as Teddy's godfather.
We know because harry is the narrator that he isn't anywhere close to Tonks. And the baby is both of theirs. Why would Tonks want a person she doesn't know to be the godfather of her child???
Is it jkr's favouritism showing once again where she wants to show Remus mending bridges with harry by dangling the carrot in front of harry.
In fact i don't see any deeper bond between them.
Why nit the Weasley parents who have so much experience.or any of the professors from school. Or bill and fluer etc. So many options. Harry being godfather at 17 is the most stupid choice seeing the life he has lived....
Canonically, the scene where Remus names Harry godfather flows very chaotically. Remus comes in, declares he's had a boy they're naming Ted after Dora's father, hugs Harry, asks him if he'd like to be godfather, Harry (who until exactly 0.2 seconds ago was thinking of how Remus tried to abandon his wife before yeeting Harry into a wall a few months ago) is, unsurprisingly, caught off-guard. "Dora quite agrees, no one better-" Remus goes on to state about the seventeen year old being hunted across the country by the deadliest terrorist ever faced by Wizarding Britain. Harry, whose brain finally catches up with him, agrees at long last.
Notably, throughout this entire sequence, Harry still calls Remus 'Lupin' and is, for the most part, surprised because he clearly never expected this. You may argue that Sirius became godfather when he wasn't much older, but the person who named him was Sirius' age, not old enough to be his father. Sirius' best friend asked Sirius to be his son's guardian, Remus and Harry don't have anything close to that level of emotional regard for each other or closeness and dependability. After Harry meets Sirius, it's Sirius he reaches out to repeatedly, and Remus even then, is quite happy to wash his hands off of him. This again, is not Remus' fault. He's under no obligation to look after his dead friend's kid, but it's very clear that there exists no deep and abiding bond between Harry and Remus. They're friends, they exist in the same circles, Harry cares deeply for Sirius and thinks the world of his father, who Remus was close friends with in school, and that's about the extent of their relationship.
So, obviously, Remus naming Harry instead of any adult friend he'd made is quite ridiculous. (This again, brings me to how Remus seems to have stagnated in life. He doesn't seem to have moved on much from the night everyone died, not made any friends despite there being an intervening twelve years before Sirius escapes, he briefly comes back to life when Sirius is around, and falls in love with Dora, but then they both die too. Whilst the fandom talks a lot about how Sirius never got to grow up cause of Azkaban, it never talks about how Remus seems unwilling to move on despite, essentially, not being in prison for entire twenties, but that's a conversation for a different day.)
This is not one of those instances where an oblivious narrator gets something that they always deserved but never really considered, its a clear instance of the author not knowing how tf they're going to deepen this relationship now that Harry and Remus are all that is left from the old Marauders' glory and Harry's family.
Now, I believe, perhaps a bit controversially, that Remus made Harry godfather because that's the closest he could get to making James godfather. It had little to do with Harry, and more to do with trying to reach James vicariously through Harry. Perhaps even an apology for blasting James' kid into a wall for talking sense into him.
Either way, there is nothing in canon that suggests that Harry and Remus have the deep kind of bond that would inspire Remus to ask such a question of him. Again, perhaps the first time Harry ever calls him ‘Remus’ is when he’s dead. And it’s really quite ridiculous that JKR even wrote him in along with James, Lily and Sirius. It’s an undeserved position, but I digress.
Like you said, there were multiple alternatives who would have been better suited for the task, (though I doubt he could have asked his old school teachers, I maintain that Ted and Andy, as grandparents, would have been the best guardians if Remus and Tonks were to fall.) and these alternatives, would have been, if Remus was capable of trying for it, perhaps good friends to him as well. Considering we have no canonical proof of Remus ever uh, making friends in the Order, Harry becomes the default option as Remus doesn't really have anyone else.
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lightningant · 2 months ago
the specialized skill of being dizzyingly yaoipilled but also a harry potter canon heterosexual warrior... hinny romione and bellamort are real. and you know what so is lupin/tonks because girls like her really do become fascinated with men like him. however i dont believe in bill/fluer but only because fluer is less of a character and more of a reciprocal of JKR's hatred of certain kinds of women
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delimeats-000 · 1 year ago
✧ fred weasley x fem!reader ✧
summary: Ron brings home a “friend” for Bill and Fluer’s wedding, and Fred just wants to help y/n with her dress.
warnings: sexual but not quite smut
“You ready yet?”
ron brought me as some sort of date to his older brother’s wedding.
“Are you sure it’s ok that i’m here, Ronald?”
“Yes, y/n. Mum is happy to finally meet you.”
I sigh softly.
“Listen, i’m going to head down to get some snacks and maybe that’ll relax you a bit.”, ron says holding my arms.
i nod,”Yeah, alright, thanks.”
he nods and walks away.
minutes go by, as i stand in the mirror looking to tie up my dress, i think i hear ron’s footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Hey, can you come here and tie up my dress, please.”
“Of course, princess.”
i look up, it’s fred. he looks good, just how you left him.
“Fred.”, just a simple acknowledgment, nothing more.
“Hey there.”
his dumb, smug smile. i’ve missed it.
he ties my dress.
“All done, princess.”
“Thanks.” i say quiet and frantic.
i try to put on my heels ad quick as possible. bent over and falling he grabs my waist, stopping me in my tracks.
“Look at me.” he lifts my chin with a single finger.
“What’s the hurry princess? Reception’s not for an hour.”
“I need to go find Ron. He was supposed to come help me.”
“Well, Ron is busy. Luckily for you im here.”
“I’m not here for you, Freddy. Ronald invited me, not you.”
“Oh come on, princess, dont do that to me. I’m here to help you, i’m at your command.”
he moves closer, his left hand still on my waist while his right reaches to hold my head up toward him.
“Fred. You left me.”
“Im here now. I’m here for you.”
and he kisses me.
i cant help but kiss back. i can feel his hands all over me, he lifts me up and drops me onto ron’s bed. his lips sloppily kissing mine and slowly moving down to my neck. his teeth are sinking into my skin and i can feel it turning purple.
his hands are moving up under my dress. he stops.
“Tell me what you need princess.”
“Freddy.”, i say in a stern tone.
“Yes ma’am.” as he goes back to kissing me.
just as his hands reach my core…
ron calls.
“Shh princess, YEAH!” his pointer finger to his lips.
“COMING!”, he looks to me, winking. “When im back, you will be too, princess.”
i hope this was good🥲, love you🫶.
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deswhomst · 7 days ago
This is a rant post. Dramione shippers look away you’ve been warned
I’ve tagged this as anti because I do mention my dislike for the ship but this isn’t a hate post. It’s more of a rant and Ron-defense post. This is what riled me up:
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Look, I’m not against fanon or having fun with characters. That being said, what I personally do not like is trying to insert your fanon into canon when it doesn’t fit.
Draco Malfoy was not a good person in canon. You can still like him. I like him, too. There are definite sympathy points from him that exist and he wasn’t a cold hearted murderer. Those are his only redeeming qualities. Ron Weasley, in comparison, had flaws but he was miles and miles better than Draco. This is not my opinion. This is an objective fact. Ron messed up at times but he also made up for the things he did.
Ron ruined the Yule Ball thing for Hermione, I’m not saying he was right for it, but can you not see that him at 14 made a mistake and Hermione said he should’ve asked her first then. And then!! At Bill and Fluer’s wedding, Ron did ask her. He learnt from it and grew from it.
I don’t care if you ship Dramione. I hate it so I’ll scroll away most of the times, and I do. I see it a lot on tiktok etc even with the tag filtered. I scroll. I do, but I couldn’t help it. I’m so tired of people endlessly hating on Ron while simultaneously uplifting Draco. If you rely on Ron bashing for Dramione to work, says a lot about the ship, anyways.
And the main thing that makes me angry is that people sexualize Draco and Hermione so much. And if you’re a minor, fine, but I’ve seen grown ass adults thirst over Draco from the PoA movie? He was a child. It’s disgusting. I don’t even care if Tom Felton is older than you, he was a kid in that movie. He’s older than me too but I never put on those movies and think wow hot (ew). So many people wanted Tom/Emma too so I see it as that. Looks based.
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poseidons-getting-milk · 11 months ago
alright here is the canon graduation years for fics, and also bc i think either messed up the years or something with Barty being 3 years younger?? not sure anyway here’s what i found on Wizarding World for a timeline.
1881: Dumbledoor is born.
1883: Grindelwald is born.
1892: Dumbledoor starts going to Hogwarts.
1899: Dumbledoor graduates and him & Grindelwald meet
1920: Dumbledoor starts teaching at Defense against the dark arts Hogwarts.
1926: Voldemort is born.
1927: Dumbledoor starts teaching transfiguration.
1928: Hagrid is born.
1938: Voldemort starts Hogwarts.
1940: Hagrid starts Hogwarts.
1943: Chamber is opened first time. Hagrid gets expelled.
1945: Voldemort graduates. Grindelwald is defeated.
1949: Molly is born.
1950: Arthur is born.
1951: Bellatrix is born.
1954: Lucius is born.
1955: Narcissa is born.
1959: Sirius in born.
1960: James, Remus, Peter, Lilly, Snape, & Xenophillius are born.
1961: Regulus is born. Molly and Arther start Hogwarts.
1962: Bellatrix starts Hogwarts. Barty is born.
1965: Lucius starts Hogwarts. Dumbledoor becomes headmaster.
1966: Narcissa starts Hogwarts.
1968: Molly & Arthur graduate and get married.
1969: Bellatrix graduates.
1970: Bill is born
1971: Marauders start Hogwarts.
1972: Regulus starts Hogwarts. Lucius graduates. Charlie is born
1973: Narcissa graduates. Barty starts Hogwarts. Tonks is born.
1976: Marauders become animagi. Percy is born.
1977: Cedric is born.
1978: Marauders + Lilly + Snape graduate Hogwarts. Fred & George are born.
1979: Regulus graduates. Hermione is born. James & Lilly get married.
1980: Barty graduates. Prophecy is given. Harry, Ron, Draco, and Neville are born.
1981: Lily, James & Evan die. Sirius, Barty & Bellatrix go to Azkaban. Longbottoms go insane. Ginny & Luna are born.
1982: Bill starts Hogwarts. Barty breaks out of Azkaban.
1984: Charlie & Tonks start Hogwarts.
1987: Percy starts Hogwarts.
1989: Cedric, Fred, & George start Hogwarts. Bill graduates.
1991: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, & Neville start Hogwarts. Pandora dies. Charlie & Tonks graduate.
1992: Ginny & Luna start Hogwarts. Chamber is opened.
1993: Sirius escapes Azkaban.
1994: Percy graduates. Barty breaks free from curse.
1995: Voldemort returns. Cedric & Barty die.
1996: Fred & George leave school. Battle of the ministry. Sirius dies.
1997: Dumbledoor dies. Bill & Fluer get married. Remus & Tonks get married.
1998: Battle of Hogwarts. Peter, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Snape, Grindelwald & Bellatrix die. Teddy is born.
1999: Hermione, Ginny, & Luna graduate.
2000: Hermione & Ron get married.
2003: James-Sirius is born.
2006: Albus-Severus, Rose & Scorpious are born.
2008: Lily-Luna & Hugo are born.
2009: Teddy starts Hogwarts.
2014: James-Sirius starts Hogwarts
2016: Teddy graduates.
2017: Albus-Severus, Scorpious, & Rose start Hogwarts.
2019: Lily-Luna & Hugo start Hogwarts.
2021: James-Sirius graduates Hogwarts.
2024: Albus-Severus, Rose, & Scorpious (will) graduate Hogwarts.
2026: Lily-Luna & Hugo (will) graduate Hogwarts.
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asnarkyandironicusername · 1 year ago
Day 20 of @remadoramicrofics - Party
Remus pulled the small jumper emblazoned with T over Teddy’s head. He could feel rather than see Dora’s presence in the doorway. “Better get your fill of him now,” she said, “I don’t think Molly will give him back until it’s time to floo home.”
Remus chuckled. “Well, I think we’ll manage, so long as she does give him back.”
Dora stood in the doorway with a bright pink jumper with a gray N on it. “If not, Mum will be at her door.”
Remus’s jumper was an olive green complimented with a tawny R.“You’re sure your mother doesn’t want to join us?”
Dora shook her head. “No, she said she’d pass.”
Remus nodded. “Are you ready?”
“I suppose,” she said, but Remus knew she was excited to see them all. 
“Have you got the gift?” She showed it stowed under her arm. He followed her to the floo, Teddy tucked firmly into his side. As they stepped out into the Burrow’s living room, Remus brushed the ash off of himself and Teddy. The room was full of redheads and their friends, all wearing matching red jumpers adorned with yellow initials.
“Remus, Tonks!” came a familiar cry. Harry abandoned Ron to come greet them. “How has my Godson been?” he cooed as Remus passed Teddy off.
“Teething, so if he wails the whole time you hold him, don’t take it personally,” Dora laughed.
“He’d never!” Harry said as Teddy’s hair flashed black before returning to orange.
“How are classes going?”
Harry grinned up at him. “Just fine, professor.” Remus nodded with a smile as Harry made his way back to Ron and Ginny, showing Teddy off as if they hadn’t just seen them all at Hermione’s birthday.
“Lupin,” Bill greeted with a handshake and a firm clap on his back.
“Bill, good to see you, how have you and Fluer been?”
“Oh, can’t complain too much. Glad you brought the little guy, might keep Mum off of us for a night,” he said with a chuckle.
Remus laughed. “Might make it worse.”
“Impossible,” Fluer cooed from Bill’s side. Her jumper, unlike her husband’s, was a deep blue with a silver almost white F emblazoned on it.
Remus excused himself as he tailed Dora to the kitchen. He found her standing at the stove, watching Molly intently. “Happy birthday, Molly,” he greeted as they joined them.
“Thank you, dear,” she said almost as an afterthought. 
“You’re sure I can’t help?” Tonks asked.
“Absolutely positive, dear,” Molly said with a glance at his wife. She had many talents, but none of them involved a kitchen.
Remus came to stand beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “And where is little Teddy?” Molly asked him when she saw him.
“I’m afraid Harry beat you to him.”
Dora nodded. “We were barely out the floo when he snatched him up.”
“Better be careful,” Arthur commented from his place at the table, “the poor boy may ever learn to walk if these two keep it up.”
Suddenly, the twins came bounding downstairs. “Oi,” George – at least, he assumed it was George, since there was aG on his jumper, but you couldn’t ever be sure – said, “good to see you, Professor and Mrs. Professor.”
“Lovely,” Fred – or so he thought – said as they hurried past.
“And just what do you think they’re up to?” Dora asked him.
“Their best behavior,” Arthur said in a stern voice.
Remus laughed, knowing that simply wouldn’t be the case; it wouldn’t have been for him and James. Dora felt the same, he could tell by the twinkle in her eyes as she smiled up at him. “Think you’ll join in?”
He shook his head. “I’ve been reformed.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“I solemnly swear,” Remus said with a wide grin.
Dora laughed as they headed back to greet the rest of the party guests. She squeezed him close as they said their hellos as if showing him off to the crowd. Or maybe he was showing her off.
Fred and George caught his eye, flashing quick grins before heading back upstairs. Whatever they were up to, Remus hoped it would be easily reversed. Although, a prank gone wrong would certainly make for a good excuse to kip home. He was endlessly grateful for Molly and Arthur, and the sense of having a family again was a luxury Remus had never thought he’d receive, but the parties did have a tendency to tip towards overwhelming with the flurry of faces and good wishes. Sometimes, it made him long for cozy evenings on the couch with Dora. Still, there was a certain warmth in his chest that was undeniable as he greeted the rest of the Weasley family and their friends.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 1 year ago
Tortured for weeks and set up for murder and sent to Azkaban, Harry is freed and sets forth to vindicate his name and seek revenge on his so called former allies. warning contains slash, mention of non con, HPSS, LMRL, AM/NT
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dramioneasks · 1 year ago
Hiiiiiii🌷🌷🌷 I’m looking for a fic where Draco and hermione haven’t seen each other in a long while but Draco interacts with fluer and bill Weasley so when hermione comes back he gets all worked up and visits them to ask after her. It’s a really stilted conversation because he tries to act like it’s a normal visit but at some point he asks fleur in French « and her? how is she » or something like it just spills out and fluer answers in English, unimpressed with him. It’s not much to go on but it’s all I have 😬😩 tia
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th3artk1dd0 · 11 months ago
I think Harry is bisexual just HEAR ME OUT ON THIS PLEASE?? So the only people he's said are attractive(from my memory) was Tom Riddle, Cedric, Fluer(I think?), Blaise, and Bill Weasly
I'm done thnxs for listening (*´▽`*)
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maxie10 · 2 years ago
Headcanon Idea!
(After the war and Ron and Hermoine are married)
So after the war, and everything semi getting back to normal, Ron and Hermoine go over to Bill and Fluers along with some of the other Weasleys for like Christmas or something, and Fluer has a bunch of food from her own culture, with if i’m remembering correctly she’s from France (and there they eat… snails.) Everyone’s enjoying the meal and tries some of the food that Fluer made. Then there’s Ron spotting the snails
“Hermoine it’s a SNAIL”
“Um yes, it is”
“Some people eat snails?”
Then George and Percy start force feeding snails to there younger brother
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months ago
There's no plot hole with book 7 Fidelius Charm
So, I've complained in the past like others in the fandom that the fact Bill and Arthur can be their own Secret Keepers in Deathly Hallows introduces a new plot hole into how the Fidelius works. Because, if they could be their own Secret Keepers, why did James and Lily need Peter to be the Secret Keeper?
Well, I thought about it and I have an answer. It's not a plot hole, and actually, it works with everything we were told about the Fidelius Charm up to that point.
The Fidelius Charm is described as:
“An immensely complex spell,” he said squeakily, “involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find — unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-Who could search the village where Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!”
So, it keeps a secret, not necessarily a location, safe within the Secret Keeper. So, let's look at the different secrets the Fidelius Charm is used for in the books.
James & Lily
The Potters went into hiding about a month before Harry was born since that's when the prophecy was made:
“I did,” said Dumbledore. “On a cold, wet night sixteen years ago, in a room above the bar at the Hog’s Head Inn
Dumbledore says this on June 1996, a month before Harry turns sixteen, so the prophecy was made about a month before Harry was born. The date on the Prophecy in the DoM supports that.
In spidery writing was written a date of some sixteen years previously, and below that: S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D.
So, when the charm was cast, it was just James and Lily in the house because Harry wasn't born yet. This is relevant because Hagrid says this:
No, sir — house was almost destroyed, but I got him out all right before the Muggles started swarmin’ around.
If muggles can see the house when he arrives, it means the Fidelius Charm completely broke. This would only happen if the secret the Fidelius guards no longer existed. This leads me to believe the secret specifically referred to James and Lily as that's the only way it would stop working in this way upon their deaths. As such, I assume the secret Pettigrew guarded was phrased something like this:
James and Lily Potter are hiding in a cottage at X, Some Road, Godric's Hallow
So they were part of the secret and couldn't be their own Secret Keepers because of that. As I'll show in the other instances the charm is used.
Dumbledore and the Order Headquarters
Dumbledore is the Secret Keeper for Grimmauld Place, and, in this case, we are actually told the exact phrasing of the secret:
The narrow handwriting was vaguely familiar. It said: The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may he found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.
So the secret is about the Order using Grimmauld Place as headquarters. This is why the Fidelius didn't break upon Dumbledore's death and honestly, Moody adding another defence on it kinda ensured the Fidelius would stick. He kept treating it like a headquarters, so the secret was still true and the charm would remain.
I imagine after the war is over, when the Order disbands, the charm on Grimmauld Place breaks because there is no longer an Order of the Phoenix to be the headquarters of.
Arthur and Bill
We also know the phrasing for the secret Bill is keeping in the books and I assume Arthur's is similar:
I am a werewolf, married to Nymphadora Tonks, and you, the Secret-Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me the address and bade me come in an emergency!
It's not about who is at Shell Cottage, but about where She'll Cottage is. It's address, specifically.
Ron tells Harry and Hermione he stayed with Bill and Fluer in Shell Cottage:
Bill and Fleur’s new place. Shell Cottage. Bill’s always been decent to me.
So clearly, the knowledge Bill and Fluer are at Shell Cottage and that Shell Cottage exists aren't part of the secret. Bill isn't part of the secret and, therefore, can be Shell Cottage's Secret Keeper.
I do want to note Ron is able to tell Dobby and others more or less where the cottage is:
“Bill and Fleur’s,” said Ron. “Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth!”
The fact Ron can even say this means the secret is incredibly specific and not about Shell Cottage's location but the specific address (since he only gives a general location). Harry, when he apparates to it, even sees the cottage without Bull telling him where it is.
Basically, the secret of Shell Cottage is phrased so specifically phrased it doesn't really hide the house. Or anyone. This allows Bill to be his own Secret Keeper, but it also means they are much less protected and that someone could potentially locate them as Ron and Harry have done.
Honestly, it begs the question of why they bothered with the Fidelius at all, but I digress.
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breaniebree · 2 years ago
Hi bree it's not any question or any review for your fics it's a big thank you note I could have written it in reviews but I thought this would be better a very big thanks to you on behalf of hinny shippers just like many hinny shippers I couldn't forgive harry potter makers for brutally butchering their characters in movie and I still couldn't digest that harry and ginny didn’t exchange a word in 19years later epilogue a i still have that question that why did they do this to my favorite character why did they steal their moments I was very very angry those days after couple of years I came to know about fanfictions and found this website and I have read many fanfictions I had many favorite fanfictions which I thought did justice harry and ginnys love some where filmy and over dramatic some fics where at the point but left unfinished that was kind of depressing And one fine day I found your diamond A Second chance which definitely did justice to my favorite couple not only to hinny to Remus and Nymphodora Nevile Hannah to bill fluer and many more you gave a pair to Sirius and you made us to love and adore her you created a perfect world which had no logical loophole with the perfect negative characters and their way of operating the politics the hostory of the that world seriously i had no idea about wizengamot and how they operatec the way you named each and every departments the acronyms everything was perfect i was literally blown away by the passion you had to build this one i don't know whether you did this alone or with group i can literally see how much research you had done this fic you deserve a big applause dude and also the you normalized LGBT characters which wad kind of new to me (as I am from india) thank you for this fic bree if they are gonna reboot harry potter I would say WB should choose your story to make as this gen could easily relate this one I had been following ur account right from the beginning series which was my favorite before ASC which was kind of over dramatic but ASC was in the correct wavelength nothing more nothing less and the way u were also faithful to some of the Canon events it was perfect and not to mention the cherry on the top the way you gave lead to ttc I was like wait what and I grew more rest less knowing that I have to wait for this world to have closure I was literally banging my head u had even recommended and made my friend to read this fic and many fell in love wityour story and final thank you for this beautiful and passionate love story of harry potter and ginny weasley you gave us which even a film giant had failed thank you and lots of love for you bree not only for Kismet triology but also for your all of your fics love and respect for passion and commitment u had for this Lots of love ❤️ from India
Hi, @mukeshtonystark97
Thank you very much! It means so much to me to know that people enjoy my writing! As to things i made up or incorporated, if someone helped me it's in the author's note of that chapter, otherwise it was all me. Thank you!
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