#bill pearis
ourladyofomega · 5 months
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Vince Clarke (Erasure, Depeche Mode) Is An Investor In New Brooklyn Record Store. (Brooklyn Vegan)
“I’m really excited to be involved with Gary’s project, an opportunity to share our passion for music, history, vinyl and the art of audio. As an investor, I also get a discount at the store, so it’s a win, win situation.”
🖋️: Bill Pearis + 📸: Eugene Richards
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stellabystarlight12 · 3 years
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Bill Pearl
Bodybuilding titles and awards
1952 Mr. San Diego, 3rd place (San Diego, California)
1952 Mr. Oceanside (Oceanside, California)
1953 Mr. Southern California (Los Angeles, California)
1953 Mr. California (Los Angeles, California)
1953 A.A.U., Mr. America (Indianapolis, Indiana)
1953 N.A.B.B.A., Mr. Universe Amateur (London, England)
1956 Mr. U.S.A., Professional (Los Angeles, California)
1956 N.A.B.B.A., Mr. Universe, Professional, Tall Man’s Class (London, England)
1961 N.A.B.B.A., Mr. Universe, Professional (London, England)
1967 N.A.B.B.A., Mr. Universe, Professional (London, England)
1971 N.A.B.B.A., Mr. Universe, Professional (London, England)
1974 W.B.B.A., World’s Best-Built Man of the Century (New York, New York)
1978 Entered into W.B.B.A., Hall of Fame (New York, New York)
1978 Elected the I.F.B.B. National Chairman of the Professional Physique Judges Committee (Acapulco, Mexico)
1988 Entered into Pioneers of Fitness Hall of Fame
1992 Entered into Gold’s Gym Hall of Fame
1994 Guest of Honor of the Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen 12th Annual Reunion
1994 Entered into The Joe Weider Hall of Fame
1995 A.A.U. Lifetime Achievement Award
1995 Oscar Heidenstam Foundation Hall of Fame
1996 American Powerlifters Federation Hall of Fame
1997 International Chiropractors Association Sports & Fitness Man of the Year
1999 I.F.B.B. Hall of Fame Inductee
2000 Spirit of Muscle Beach Award
2001 World Gym Lifetime Achievement Award
2001 Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists Lifetime Achievement Award
2002 Canadian Fitness Award for 60+ Years of Inspiration to the Industry
2002 National Fitness Trade Journal Lifetime Achievement Award
2003 Iron Man magazine Peary & Mabel Radar Lifetime Achievement Award
2004 Arnold Schwarzenegger Lifetime Achievement Award
2006 PDI Night of Champions Lifetime Achievement Award
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curatorsday · 3 years
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Monday, January 24, 2022
Today I researched Eqariusaq, aka “Miss Bill,” a native woman who showed up in many accounts of Robert Peary’s expeditions into the Arctic. Ross Marvin, Matthew Henson, Donald MacMillan, George Wardwell, Peary and his wife Josephine all wrote about her. She spent a year in the U.S. with Peary’s family as a child and had a reputation as a “holy terror” as an adult. She was married at least three times and was a highly skilled seamstress.
In my searching, I found a book published in 2014 entitled Between Two Worlds by Katherine Kirkpatrick that tells a fictionalized account of her life. I borrowed the e-book from the New York Public Library and will try not to form an opinion until I finish the entire text.
The image above is from Northward Over the Great Ice by Robert Peary, published in 1898.
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justlookfrightened · 5 years
Convince Me Again, Redux
From a prompt from @nothingiswrongwithyourarmrests:  Convince me again :)
This is the second response I wrote to this prompt. Find the first here.
This is a first meeting AU set a couple of years after Bitty graduates from college. Jack and Shitty are friends, Jack playing for the Falconers and Shitty a Harvard Law grad still in the Boston area.
“Fuck, Shitty, why am I here again?”
“To meet somebody, brah,” Shitty said. “It’s literally a meet up. Now stand up straight and make eye contact with people.”
“But they all look like they know each other,” Jack said.
“You’re just imagining that, Jackabelle,” Shitty said. “This place is full of singles, all on the prowl. And they’re serious, history-minded singles, too. I bet not one of them knows a thing about hockey, especially Rhode Island hockey.”
Jack had to admit that if he were looking to meet someone, a mixer at a museum wouldn’t be the worst place to go.
But this — the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology — at Harvard, of all places — was full of, well, Harvard students. And plenty of them knew about hockey.
“You hate Harvard students,” Jack said. “Convince me that this is a good idea. Why do you want me to date one?”
“These aren’t law students, brah,” Shitty said. “Look, they’re history nerds like you. And if you’ve got a squeeze here, maybe you’d come up a little more.”
“And if you make me wear a suit and try to make small talk on an off day again, we’ll do all future socializing at my place in Providence,” Jack said. “I’m not good at this.”
“Give yourself a chance, brah,” Shitty said. “I’m gonna leave you alone to mingle a bit.”
He disappeared in the direction of the makeshift bar.
Jack looked around. He was both amused and appalled at the sculptures of “average Americans,” made after measurements were taken of hundreds of Americans and meant to demonstrate American superiority to various indigenous cultures at the 1893 World’s Fair.
Jack turned to study what the plaque said was Admiral Peary’s dog sledge. The exhibit was not about exploration of the arctic; it was part of the same exhibit as the statues, one about 19th century anthropology and the rise of the museum. Jack appreciated the meta-take, but he wondered if it was a way to get around the problem of displaying stolen artifacts.
He was considering the issue when a waft of perfume and the stirring of the air told him someone had joined him at the display case.
“Kind of cool, isn’t it?” the woman said when he looked over.
“What?” Jack said.
“That they took this dog sled all the way to the North Pole,” she said.
Jack really didn’t want to start the next sentence with a “Well, actually …” Both Shitty and his mother had gone on at length -- Shitty rather more loudly than his mother -- about the phenomenon of mansplaining.
The woman made it a moot point by taking his silence as an opening to introduce herself.
“I’m Lauren,” she said.
“Jack,” Jack said. “You know, the thing I think is interesting is how eager the National Geographic Society was to anoint Peary as the official first person to reach the North Pole. And whether he knew he probably never reached it or not.”
“Right,” Lauren said. “So … where did your boyfriend head off to?”
“My boy-- You mean Shitty?”
“Sorry,”Jack said. “I forget how that sounds. It’s really what he prefers to be called. But he’s not my boyfriend.”
“So you’re a free agent?”
“I guess you could say that,” Jack said.
“So … at the risk of being cliche, do you come here often?” Lauren asked.
She was blonde and tall and had a hand with perfectly manicured nails on his forearm. She might well be a student, but her dress and heels showed an appreciation for things that most of the students there either couldn’t afford or just didn’t care about.
“Euh … not really,” Jack said. “It’s an interesting museum, though. I came to see Shitty, and he wanted to come. I’ll probably come back when it’s quieter.”
“We could go someplace quieter now,” Lauren said.
And then Jack was nearly knocked off his feet as dishes clattered around him.
“I am so, so sorry,” the man who bumped into him said. “Are y’all okay? I don’t know how I managed to do that.”
The man -- shorter than both Jack and Lauren, but clearly solid to pack such a wallop -- was wiping ineffectually at a wet spot on Lauren’s shoulder with a cloth he pulled from his waistband.
“Oh, please,” Lauren said. “This dress will have to be cleaned, and you’re going to pay for it. Or your employer is.”
“I’m so sorry,” said the waiter, because that’s clearly what he was, dressed in black trousers and a black button-down shirt.. “Of course we’ll take care of it. My name is Eric Bittle, but everybody calls me Bitty. Just send the bill to TidBits, and it’ll be taken care of.”
Lauren was clearly not satisfied. “Where’s your supervisor? I want to speak to him.”
“Um, I don’t have one,” Bitty said, digging in his pocket. “Here, take a card. Just send a photo of the dress and the cleaning bill to the email there, and I’ll reimburse you.”
“What about my time?”
“You would have to have the dress cleaned eventually, wouldn’t you?” Jack stepped in. “It doesn’t even look like it’s going to stain, but you’ll get the cleaning paid for. Seems like a good deal to me.”
“For getting God knows what spilled all over me? In public?”
“It was water,” the waiter — Bitty — said.
“So It should be settled,” Jack said.
“Maybe you could help me take care of it,” Lauren said to Jack. “Big, strong hockey player like you. I bet if you complained they’d make sure they never hire this incompetent … waiter again.”
“You know who I am?” Jack said, just as Bitty blurted, “Did you even look at my card?”
“Of course I recognize the captain of the Falconers when I see him,” Lauren said. “But I guess I thought you’d be more of a gentleman. I’m going to leave so I can change.”
Jack turned to Bitty, who was bent over picking up a pitcher and water glasses.
“Sorry,” Bitty said. “I was taking this in the back for my staff.”
“No worries,” Jack said. “You’ve apologized already. Accidents happen.”
“We-ell,” Bitty said, “it might not have strictly been an accident.”
“First, in the spirit of full disclosure, I knew who you were as soon as I saw you,” Bitty said. “I financed my education with a hockey scholarship, and some of my waiters are still on the team. But so did she. She was following you since you walked in, and when your friend left, she zeroed in like a heat-seeking missile. And you looked uncomfortable.”
“So you body checked me with a pitcher full of water?”
“You seriously don’t know how much of an accomplishment that was for me,” Bitty said. Especially since I ran into you, but only got her wet. I figured it would break up the conversation at least.”
“Mission accomplished, I guess,” Jack said. “But Shitty — sorry, my friend, brought me here to meet people.”
“Was she really who you wanted to meet?” Bitty asked. “Miss Call-your-supervisor-so-I-can-get-you-fired?”
Jack chuckled. “Not really,” he said. “Although I’m guessing that’s not something you have to worry about.”
“Only if I was going to fire myself,” Bitty said. “And if you did like her, you could have ridden to her rescue. It was a win either way.”
Jack laughed outright at that, and said, “Can I get one of your cards too? Shitty told me I’m not supposed to ask people out if they’re at work.”
Bitty was blushing adorably as he dug another card our. “I didn’t know you dated men,” he said.
Jack shrugged. “I don’t date much at all,” he said. “But I’m trying to change that.”
“Okay, well, um, that where it says cell number, that’s really my cell, so call or text anytime,” Bitty said, now both blushing and flustered. “And I do have to get back to work. But try the mini-pies!”
Jack was still holding his card when Shitty returned.
“So how did flying solo go?” Shitty asked. “Did you meet anyone?”
“You know, I think I did.”
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I’m looking for investors for a groundbreaking expedition
If there are any delusional eccentric billionaires who believe the world is flat, I would love to use your money to go to Antarctica and try to find the edge.  As we all know, there’s obviously a wall of ice keeping the oceans in, and with enough of the money you’ve stolen from those beneath you your hard earned cash, I’m sure I can find it!
1909: Robert Peary reaches the North Pole (allegedly)
1911: Roald Amundsen reaches the South Pole
1953: Tenzing Norgay summits Everest
1961: Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in space
1969: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon
202X: Florida Man becomes the first person to reach the edge of the world?
With your sponsorship, we can make it happen!  I’ll even let you take credit as expedition leader if you want; you’ll get top billing on the Wikipedia page they eventually write about us, Tom Hanks will play you in the biopic, you’ll be world famous.
Just fork over the cash contact me and we can work out the expenditures.  I look forward to our partnership.
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“Margetta Hirsch Doyle ’45 was a regular student at William & Mary. Her friends called her 'Getta' and she was a Kappa Delta. Doyle kept a diary and wrote about her philosophy quizzes, described how much she enjoyed making Red Cross surgical wrappings and mentioned hours spent spotting airplanes from campus buildings. Doyle was a student during World War II. 
During the second World War, William & Mary became a predominantly female campus. While many college-age males fought abroad, women kept up the war effort from Williamsburg. In between their studies and social life, students volunteered with the Student War Council and the American Red Cross. Along with other service work, they, like Doyle, made surgical dressings and spotted airplanes, sometimes in groups and sometimes alone.”
Margetta Hirsch Doyle's Entries for May, 1943:
MAY 1 
Happy May Day! It was Saturday and so we didn’t do much. Cary, Beth, Mrs. Dalthud and I went marketing and made out pretty well. Cary and I made the first major mistake of our careers as housekeepers. We bought birdseye fish for dinner (no points) and naturally thought we should keep it frozen in the ice box. By the time Lizzie and Flora arrived there were just so many chunks of ice lieing there. We all howled hysterically over it and had a vegetable plate dinner (I hope the fish will thaw by Monday!) This afternoon Cary and I went down town and to the Wigwam. I wrote some letters, changed the bedding on my bed and generally wasted time - worked tonight. I received a card from Bill Brennan - his 29 day training is almost up.
MAY 2 
Such an unusual little day! We slept unusually late and then Beth, Punchy and I dressed to go to church. As we came out of Bruton, Joy Allen pounced upon Punchy and me saying Cary had walked by with two ensigns and a lieutenant j.g. and wanted us to walk up to the Lodge and meet them. Bewildered, we looked at each other with a what-the-heck attitude and walked on up. Sure enough, there was Cary with three naval officers! We soon became acquainted and had loads of fun drinking champagne cocktails and eating dinner. After awhile we came back to the house and played the vic. It was really a terrifically pleasant afternoon. Cary, Punchy and I pored through the want ads and I wrote six or seven letters of application to see how the land lies. I tried to phone Bill Brennan to wish him a happy birthday but couldn't get the call thru.
MAY 3 
Things may seem “awfully dismal” at times but I’m really so very lucky and the bright spots of life are so nice. Tonight - brazen hussy that I am! - while down at work I placed a call through to Bill Brennan again. It wouldn't come, but the little operator kept trying (pull!) and finally just after I got back to the house the phone rang and a voice said “Boy! This is wonderful!” Ya huh, ‘twas Willy and gosh it was super talking to him. It wasn't at all like a typical long distance conversation - we just said dumb old things and deep things and you’d have thought we were both in Hollis rather than in Billsburg and Atlantic City respectively. So nice! Oh I forgot to mention that I got a perky letter from him too. I’m beaming obnoxiously. I wish…….. My life has a mysterious element too. This evening while I was out two darling marines came to see me, one of who “was a very good friend of a girl from home.” Vague, but I hope they come back!
MAY 4 
I’ve still glowed all day from last night’s phone call, and even now nice things keep happening. At lunchtime the package man came bearing a gift for me: a lush "bon bon" spoon with an awfully sweet note from “Mom” Brennan -- I was so tickled with it, and love her good. We rushed today informally - Betty Marie Ellett for lunch and two other girls for dinner with the usual accompanying intra-sorority feeling. Initiation for Jinx Richardson, Ann Wilson and Eleanor Ramsdell was last night and so we had a cup service at seven o’clock this morning - then classes, marketing, fun and work. I received real nice letters from Mother and Daddy and a faintly perky one from Bill Boyd. He is trying to stall off his furlough until June when I’ll be home. Gosh, I hope it’ll work. I’m so lucky! Flat Hat mentioned Punchy’s & my badminton defeat.
This morning was the annual convocation for the tapping of the members of the junior class chosen to be Mortarboard and ODK. It was very impressive and full of suspense, since supposedly noone knew who was to be selected. Fran Pendleton was one of the five girls to get Mortarboard and we’re all very thrilled about the whole thing. The other girls were Margie Lentz, Katie Rutherford, Marion Ross, and [Lebe] Seay. Mary Wilson Carver is the new president. Punchy, Carolyn Harley and I went up on Barrett roof sunbathing and got faintly tanned. Then we went shopping for Mother’s Day gifts and had our pictures taken at the telephone office. Per usual when having our pictures taken, Punchy sneered and I had “my fixed look” sat on the camera, but we’re celebrities anyway. Beth & Marty won badminton matched over Gamma Phi.
MAY 6 
“Rabbit - rabbit” really worked this month cause things keep getting better ‘n’ better. Today was a usual Thursday: marketing classes (Econ outside in the Sunken Gardens), archery (I’m off the 30 yd line at last) and swimming. After that we went downtown to the official dedication of the U.S.O., with music and speeches, including one by John D. Rockefeller, ‘Jr. ‘Twas sort of impressive. Yearbooks came out today and it’s the best Colonial Echo in years. We spent considerable time in poring over it, laughing and "ohing" and "ahing". Remember the marines I wrote about Monday night? Well, Warren Ripley came back this evening and is awfully nice. He knows Mary Claire Willard from St. Mary’s and she gave him my name. -- small world. He, a goon, Mavis Bunch and I went to the movies (”Truck Busters” was horrible) and then to the Lodge coffee shoppe
MAY 7 
I’m awfully tired, and in a bad mood though still awfully happy about everything. Such a nice life? Nothing exciting happened today. I didn't go marketing, but instead went up in the Library tower for two hours - once with Cary and once with Midge - spotting airplanes. I managed to get a bit of studying done for my philosophy quiz which I sleepily took. (B- on last week’s) I went over to the office to get a social card for Warren and ended up talking in Louise’s room; then I wrote letters to both Bills and fooled around. Holly Rickis has come back for the weekend - it’s natural to have her here. Work was bitter - everything went wrong and the time dragged. A “nice voice” called me up and chatted and a sailor walked us home. Such a masculine life as I’ve been having glimpses into. I can’t get over it! Floyd wrote me from Hunter Field, Georgia
MAY 8 
The weekend has come and I’ve resolved to purely have fun - and how it has started! This afternoon Beth and I went downtown to do our weekly shopping for odds and ends and then she Punchy and I went sunbathing by the practice house with Danny and Eleanor Ramsdell, It’s really hot too! Warren came by with two other marines to tell me that they were going to Richmond and he mightn’t be back right on time for our date tomorrow night. Seeing the other two marines I promised Beth & Punchy dates tomorrow night - and I dood it. Every few minutes, after we were all together I would say “Do you really want to do to Richmond?” and finally we talked them into staying for a howl of an evening. We saw “Air Force” one of the best pictures I’ve ever seen, and went to the Lodge. Ray and Dick kept wanting to be in Richmond, and kept making all sorts of classic remarks! Such fun!
MAY 9 
Happy Mother’s Day -- and what a day! Being hot, we lazily relaxed around the house and didn't quite get to church. I wrote home and Bugsie, changed the bedding on my bed and dressed for dinner. In the middle of it Warren (who wasn't supposed to arrive until late this afternoon) came with Ray, and thus began the second day of my truly unusual experience. Since there isn’t much to do with a date here on Sunday afternoons we went for a walk through the woods and then sat and watched people playing tennis, after which we went to the movies and saw “Air Force” again. Then we went up to the Lodge for champagne cocktails and a howl of a dinner - amusing (!) episode about the time and the tip. What a boy! Mother phoned tonight - and then Harold from Camp Peary phoned me. He sounds nice but you can’t tell. He phoned the telephone co.
MAY 10 
Nothing at all new again. Classes, marketing and quite a lot of studying this afternoon! I actually did some English Lit and then typed away on an interview for Psychology, letting my imagination run rampant with information. I really did get from Warren on the subject “Alcohol and You”. This evening there was the last W.S.C.G.A. meeting of the year, and then we went to an Economics makeup, disturbed by retreat’s being blown from the naval chaplains in our right ears. After that, we had song practice and sorority meeting, made vivid by stirring remarks about the state of the treasury and the consequences of not paying fines and the like. We had a dreamy serenade by Eddie Anderson and two other boys complete with guitar and drooled out the window at its romanticism.
MAY 11 
I went to classes, and then as usual went downtown with Cary to do the marketing - was amazed that some boxes of puddings had arrived in town - it made our housekeeping have a bright spot for the day. Archery was nice in that I got off the 40 yd line in one try. I must have just been jinxed by the 30 yd line - I have a new lease on life now though. On the way back from archery, I stopped in to see Holly, Kay and Louise and talked to them for awhile before coming back to the house and getting ready to have my picture taken again for the Transmitter, the Telephone Co. periodical. Speaking of pictures, the Flat Hat came out today with our crummy picture and the writeup. Punchy and I are celebrities! Mother phoned about Daddy’s maybe coming down and to say she has the measles - imagine! Harold also phoned me!
MAY 12 
Another awfully nice day! After classes and marketing I did my philosophy and then Beth and I rolled bandages for the Red Cross with Mrs. Pomfret. Beth and Punchy played badminton intramurals with Theta and won - I silently stood by and cheered. Warren was here when we got back & stayed till I had to go to work. He wanted a date tonight and Friday night too but I work both nights and so I got out of it very easily. He’s a nice fellow but a little too eccentric to be very enjoyable. In the mail I got a “big” picture of Bill Brennan in uniform. He looks good and it’s interesting to compare it to the other big picture I have of him. He’s so neat and how I’d like to see him! He enclosed a note as did his mom.
MAY 13 
Gad! I’m weary! Today was another one of those days where nothing noteworthy happened but little thing after little thing kept piling up till I haven’t got much energy left. Why do I bother to mention classes, marketing and my athletic afternoon? I’m stuck on the 50 yd line in Archery and in swimming after I emerged from the pool, I slipped, leaped into the air and fell completely flat on my back -- I’m sore and my posterior hurts! At work everyone seemed irritable (probably just because I was) and things didn’t seem to get done right. It’s being paycheck night was the one bright spot -- by the way, with my remaining checks I’ve decided to pay for my $25 room reservation fee besides my ticket home. Then I’ll feel I’m doing something worth while and useful with my earnings.
MAY 14
Life keeps getting better ‘n’ better, excepting for some things of course, the chiefest among which being a meeting of two representatives from each sorority to which I went with Dr. Pomfret, Miss Wynne Roberts, Charlie Duke and Vernon Nunn all about eating in the dining hall next year and reductions (?) in rent, involving all sorts of amazing involvements. The fur was flying as we got in truly deep discussions. There’ll be another even hotter meeting next Monday evening. All the things that keep happening! Such a nice thing happened at work tonight! A Mr. Curyea, who has been calling New York to his wife quite frequently from Camp Peary asked me my number and when I came back from my relief a lush box of candy was waiting for me with a card which said “In appreciation of the service that I have received in my calls to New York City”. It was one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me. Bugsie comes tomorrow! Life can’t get much nicer!
MAY 15 
Such a beautiful life. Bugsie was supposed to come this morning but got lost through connections and finally arrived at 3:00 P.M. on the bus; Gosh! It was super seeing her again! We came back to the house and then walked around campus -- had a screwy time at dinner and afterwards getting dressed for a mass blind date - eight couples. It was super with us walking to the Lodge, Chowning’s, Rexalls #2 and going to the dance in Blow Gym with eight army lieutenants. It was a crazy evening but loads of fun, and I hope Bugsie had a kick out of it. Other lovely events: a cute letter from Jimmy Mooney and a perky one from Bill Boyd signed “All my love”. (slurpy, huh -- I’m so glad!) News that Bill Brennan is stationed at Hamilton College, N.Y. Oh things can’t get better
MAY 16 
My poor feet! We crowded so much into this little day! First we went to Bruton for a service made completely memorable by the presence of British Admiral Pound, General Wavell & others. It seems that General Marshall and the other important allied military leaders have conferred in Williamsburg about future campaign tactics. As we prayed in church (all of us) it made me realize how insignificant I am in the powerful drama being enacted now. After church Bugsie and I went to the Lodge for dinner and then went sightseeing at the Capitol and Governor’s Palace, stopping at Lavery’s on the way. We went over to see Dossie and had supper with her in the dining hall. We had a typically crazy evening together in the house - Kay came over and we walked her home. Whee - so much done this weekend.
MAY 17 
Still everything keeps on happening! Bugsie and I went downtown and did some marketing before I saw her off on the morning train - it was so swell having her here! This afternoon I attempted to do some studying and ended up by writing letters and indulging in bull sessions - also became a bit dreamy over a card and six page letter from Bill Brennan from Hamilton College announcing that things look awfully good so far as our seeing each other once or twice this summer is concerned. (Lovely thought!) This evening Becky and I went to the sorority representatives meeting for setting the rent problem with the administration. They’ve made concessions but even with having 2 extra girls in the dining room our individual room & board will increase about $25 a semester. Oooh! Touching last sorority meeting of the year.
MAY 18 
Ooooh! I’m tired! Punchy and I slept through Philosophy, and I got up for the marketing sort of sleepily. In Economics I hesitantly began to read my report on Agriculture (1940-1942) and Doc Heidingsfield said it was one the best: therefore I love him good. This afternoon I graduated from the 50 yd line in archery and was happy to go in swimming on account of its being so very hot. At work tonight there were too many of us to record so I just sort of sat and was errand girl - terrifically boring - it’ll be sort of good not to work anymore. Mother called tonight to tell me that Daddy’s coming down this weekend - it’ll be swell and I’m awfully glad, but I can’t push off studying for exams much longer!
MAY 19
Today was the day when my conscience finally pushed me to the point of doing some studying - English Lit. - and I really got quite a bit of it accomplished, considering all that I have to do. So much work all at the end of the year (I know: it’s my own fault!) at 3:30 P.M. Beth, Punchy Carolyn and I took time out for trek towards the Wigwam for milkshakes and tin roofs to brighten our dreary outlooks on life. At work tonight I learned Rate and Route and that’s all the news there is about me. Mimi Jardine became engaged to MacGregor (a lieutenant in the navy who seems swell). Gollee - that’s the third in one little week for the KΔ house. Carolyn Harley agreed to take George’s miniature on her five hours off “campus” with him Saturday night, and Marty and Tommy are finally all set too. Such romance!!
MAY 20 
No more classes or anything, ceptin’ exams - I still can’t believe it -- Honest! ‘Tis all over but the shouting and I’ve even made up my double gym. Archery, with a tournament, was terrifically hot, and so it was super indeed to go swimming even though we didn't have a regular class. Now I can go on towards being a Junior (depending on my exams natchally!) I got a letter from the New York office of the American Tel and Til Co. telling me to come in, in June to see about a job. At least it’s something definite that I can look into to see what they have to offer instead of wandering around completely aimlessly. Mrs. Dalthud took over the marketing today; and we’re really elated about it. Three cheers! I washed my hair tonight and am comparatively smooth! So much studying to do and so little time to do it in.
MAY 21 
So many things have happened again today. I went downtown and then paid my $25 room reservation deposit out of my savings. At ten o’clock the train came in and Daddy got off after a hectic trip. He, Cary and I went to the Lodge and found he’s rooming with a Marine major who is quite a character and has wild parties each night. Poor dad - he came here for a rest too! We had lunch in the dining room and then I read over some philosophy notes, just for the heck of it. More relaxing and then Punchy and I went to work for the last time. I’m glad it's over in a way cause it’s getting sort of boring not to be doing anything new, but we’re going to miss the neat gang down there. A senior party back at the house with lush lovely reminiscences, singing, munching on candy bars, punch and lollypops. Such wonderful girls!!!
MAY 22 
Day after day, things pile up! I went up to the Lodge and met Daddy for lunch, then coming back to campus for an Economics Review class. Warren Ripley and his mother (down to see him) came over to the house and then they went to the movies with Daddy and me to see “American Empire” one of the corniest Westerns I’ve ever seen. - ‘twas horrible. Beth and Punchy went up to the Lodge to meet us and we had a hysterical evening, including a yummy STEAK dinner, a trek to the major’s room, (meeting him and some of his gang.) and chatting with Chuck Gondak and other interesting people. We laughed and laughed together and really enjoyed ourselves. Marty became officially engaged to Tommy with a lovely ring. Mmmm! Perky letter from Floyd.
MAY 23
Another day at the Lodge! Carolyn Harley and I walked up to Bruton to meet Daddy for church. Reverend Wood, from Toronto, Canada, preached the sermon which was one of  the best I’d ever heard (personification of the Cathedral in Coventry and St. Paul’s in London - most unusual but stirring!) Kay, Lou Holly and Danny came up to the Lodge for dinner and more idle chitchat. Kay, Lou and Holly left soon after dinner to do some studying. but Danny stayed and the three of us relaxed in the sun. We had a bite (a bite, I say?) to eat in the coffee shoppe and then I came back to the house and dove into my English Lit. - my mind’s bleary as it always becomes at this stage of the game (and I haven’t even started to study yet!) Harold called tonight!
MAY 24 
All morning I grinded over English Lit till I could scream - I’m so sick of the darned stuff! Daddy came up to the house to meet everyone and then we had a sandwich in the Greek’s. This afternoon we went back to the Lodge and sat around talking. Oh, and yes, I did some more English Lit. Dossie Hostetter came up for dinner and we reminisced some more. All the gals down here are so neat! I said Goodbye to Dad till a week from Thursday, and then came back to the house to cram some more. Such monotony! I received another cute letter from Bill Brennan and mail from mother.
MAY 25 
Dad left this morning on the morning train but along that time I was hibernating in Wren with my English Lit. exam. Twas really a corker - most of it was fair, but as always I met my Waterloo on the spot passages. At least the darned thing is over and I’ll never have to think about English Lit. again. (one exam down and four to go: Eureka!!) This afternoon I stopped at Barrett with a birthday present for Holly, went to the Wigwam and eventually settled down to studying Psychology of the interview, rather halfheartedly. My brain can’t stand too much concentrated studying all at once. Gee, I’m living and breathing for a week from now when it’ll be all over. Such fun as it’s been though. A postcard from Harold.
MAY 26 
Apologies, Diary, for the monotony of these entries but the fact remains that I’m a study bug and nothing else. My only communion with the outside world was a trek to Casey’s for shampoo with which to wash my hair; and after that I returned to Philosophy and Economics. Such a broadening intellectual viewpoint as I’m developing! Much excitement over Jinx Richardson! Supposedly she spent the night in town with Bill Lugar already married and is being shipped. Rumors are spreading fast and furiously. ‘Tis a shame cause she really is a neat girl inspite of all the confusion in which she’s been involved. Letters from Mother and Bugsie, saying she has to have her wisdom teeth dug out of her jaw. Poor gal! Also packages & empty cartons from Dad.
MAY 27 
Another day of pure studying! I’d much rather have exams day after day, than sit and cram Psych., Econ. and Philosophy into my head at the same time and then wait to find out how much I don’t remember. I can picture me writing Psychological answers on my Economics exam! All morning and part of this afternoon I spent over at the Practice House reviewing Econ. (see! I said I was in a rut!) with Danny. It helped to see the various emphasis placed on things. Then this evening inbetween perpetual feasts (from boxes à la Hollis) and a phone call from Mother, Beth, Punchy and I rambled over Psych. I got a card from Bill Boyd - he’s been on maneuvers and is going out again - doesn’t lead to a very satisfactory correspondence; but when the real time comes……
MAY 28 
My brain just keeps on getting wearier and wearier. This morning I had my Psych exams, and this afternoon Econ., both of which were entirely different from what I’d expected. Unless Doc Heidingsfield is terrifically lenient - there goes my A! Good and amazing news though: I got a B as my final grade in English Lit. Dr. Crane mustn’t have counted all my mistaken spot passages very much. I love him dearly for it. - for bringing my C up to a B when I hadn’t expected a C definitely. Then too, I learned I’d gotten B on my last Psych exam (taken weeks ago!) So, excepting for what I did on my exams today, scholastically life’s looking up. After supper, Beth, Punchy and I took a longish bike ride and it was such fun! Twas my first actual ride and rather long too. A letter from Colbie and cards from Dad.
MAY 29
All my stiff exams are now over. Three huzzahs! Philosophy this morning was completely fair and one of the nicest exams I’ve taken this period. Now there’s only Spanish left. This afternoon we were fed up with the utter filth of the room (I’m not kidding either.) and so again moved beds, dusted, vacuumed, and rolled the rug in moth balls. Then the trunks were moved in and the room looks like a confused mess of the nth degree. I thought I’d lost my keys of the trunk and called home; Mum is sending down the duplicated and “All’s Well that Ends Well” We packed, sold our books in the Wigwam (only collected $2.55 for three books though!) and revisited the telephone company.
MAY 30 
The last day of studying and working a la intellect until September - I can scarce believe it yet!! We didn’t go to church but personally improved ourselves, while I did Spanish and Beth and Punchy finished packing their trunks. Then Janie Beth Punchy and I ran a final hasty comb through our hair and went to the Lodge for claret and dinner. It was smooth and we had a lovely reminiscent time, catting and chatting about people. Gad, how I’m going to miss the super Seniors. I’m not at all anxious for the end of the year to come. It’s all been one continuously mellow feeling full of laughs and a few almost-tears which have made Kappa Delta and all the super gang in the house so near and dear to me!
MAY 31 
Such a snap of a Spanish final with translations of sentences like “How are you?” - would that they all had been like that! Anyhoo, it’s over and I’m beautifully and blissfully free. This afternoon I pulled open drawers; dumped things on my bed; and by a process of elimination, packed my trunk. I love to pack, and really enjoyed it. With frequent trips to town for returning extra board money and doing last minute shopping, the afternoon sped by till time for Cary, Janie, Mimi Boone and I to see “The More the Merrier,” a howl of a movie about the Washington housing problem, starring Charles Coburn, Jean Arthur and Joel McCray. Darling. Letters from Daddy, Audrey and Bill Brennan.
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aerypear · 5 years
actualaster replied to your post: goron-king-darunia: @actualaster replied to your...
I raise all your taxes by 1% because this bitch needs to pay their phone bill //SHOT 
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Matt Heart Spade & Jinners chat with Brooklyn Vegan's senior editor, Bill Pearis. For Repeat/Skip, they revisit Franz Ferdinand's self-titled album and The Flaming Lips' "The Soft Bulletin."
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eckshecks · 6 years
HomeMusicMetal RapDanceComedy TVToursListings Chicago Austin Contact FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW ON TWITTER SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYSUBSCRIBE VIA RSS trending:contestswhat’s going on today in nyc?bv presents eventsbest of 2018 Mary Timony, Alec MacKaye & more DC vets formed Hammered Hulls, touring (watch live video) By Bill Pearis December 19, 2018 1:19 PM SHARE TWEET EMAIL REDDIT Hammered Hulls: from top left Chris Wilson, Alec MacKaye, Mary Timony and Mark Cisneros (photo via Mark Cisneros) Hammered Hulls: from top left Chris Wilson, Alec MacKaye, Mary Timony and Mark Cisneros (via Mark Cisneros) DC band Hammered Hulls are new — they only played their first show in September as part of The Black Cat’s 25th anniversary — but their members are well known vets of the scene: frontman Alec MacKaye (brother of Minor Threat/Fugazi’s Ian MacKaye) was in Untouchables, The Faith, Ignition and The Warmers; bassist Mary Timony‘s CV includes groups Autoclave, Helium, Wild Flag and her current band, Ex Hex; guitarist Mark Cisneros has played in Des Demonas, Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds, and The Make-Up; and drummer Chris Wilson has spent time in Ted Leo and the Pharmacists and Titus Andronicus. “Our songs started out punk, straight ahead, super Black Flag,” Mary Timony recently told The Washington Post. “Now they’re getting a lot more complicated, more proggy.” MacKaye added, “Even though we know each other so well, we don’t really know what’s going to happen until it’s happening. As we’re making these songs, they seem to be assembling themselves.”
Hammered Hulls don’t have any recordings out yet, but you can watch a few live videos from that Black Cat show below. They have more shows coming up, including tonight in DC at The Black Cat, and then dates in January with SAVAK, including another DC show (1/12 @ Comet Ping Pong), Philly (1/11 @ Boot & Saddle) and Brooklyn’s Union Pool on January 10 which is also the live debut of Fake Names which includes members of Minor Threat, Refused and more (tickets).
All tour dates are listed below.
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Hammered Hulls – 2018/2019 Tour Dates Dec 19 – Washtington, DC – Black Cat (w/ Bad Moves, Clear Channel) Jan 10 – Brooklyn, NY – Union Pool (w/ SAVAK, Fake Names) Jan 11 – Philadelphia, PA – Boot & Saddle (w/ SAVAK) Jan 12 – Washington, DC – Comet Ping Pong (w/ SAVAK)
CHECK IT OUT Untold Festival pics: UNTOLD, an EDM festival in Transylvania Gathering of the Juggalos 2018 pics: The Gathering of the Juggalos 2018 Governors Ball 2018 - Saturday pics: Governors Ball 2018, Saturday Coachella 2018 Weekend One - Saturday pics: Coachella 2018, Saturday pics LEAVE A COMMENT
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daniel-browne · 2 years
Sugar burned bright and hot, releasing Beaster (recorded during the same sessions as Copper Blue) a mere six months later, yet flamed out during sessions for their second album. Still, Copper Blue remains one of Mould's best collection of songs. It's a perfect record.
Bill Pearis, “Sugar’s Perfect ‘Copper Blue’ Turns 30,” Brooklyn Vegan
Happy birthday to one of my favorite albums! Blew my impressionable mind at just the right time.
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“Yo...this Drunks single...ummmm...NEXT!!” - Lou
POPWATCH #4 page 60 1993 LESLIE GAFFNEY, Publisher & Boss
Yo...DRUNKS WITH GUNS are touring September 2018! From Bill Pearis at Brooklyn Vegan (8/13/18): “Drunks with Guns are now going on what they’re calling their “first tour in 30 years,” including East Coast shows. The only announced shows we’ve found so far are NYC’s Brooklyn Bazaar on October 12 with Brandy (ex-Pampers) and Conduit (tickets); and Philadelphia’s Ortlieb’s on October 14 with Rubber and Storks (tickets).” 
The Plastic Cloud has been reissued many times since this 1993 review of the 1990 The Laser’s Edge cd reissue, most notably by Light In The Attic with full remastering and booklet by guitarist/vocalist Don Brewer.
LOU BARLOW continues to hit the loobiecore stump well into the 21st century with Dinosaur Jr, and Sebadoh and solo!
BOB FAY of Sebadoh and Deluxx Folk Implosion continues to talk about music he digs
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ourladyofomega · 3 years
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Rough Trade Is Moving To 30 Rock. (Brooklyn Vegan)
It's like ditching Hannah, Abby and Ilana to hang out with Seinfeld, Carrie Bradshaw, Ross and Chandler because Lord forbid you don't want to be seen dead with those ‘snowflake activist hipsters!’ Come on, Rough Trade. You’re better than this.
🖊️: Bill Pearis
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100yearoldcomics · 3 years
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January 28, 1922 Our Boarding House by Gene Ahern
The first of many tall tales from Major Hoople - surprisingly, not actually told by him, but about him. Sort of a proto-Bill Brasky routine.
Caption: The anvil chorus vs. Mrs. Hoople's husband. [ID: Clyde stands, smoking a cigarette, behind Buster and Mack, who sit at a table playing checkers. /end] Clyde: Say, ain't Mrs. Hoople's husband a trick? He's got some line. Tells me he's been all over th' world a dozen times, an' that he was on his way back from th' North Pole when he met Peary goin' up to discover it! Buster: Yeh, he'd talk you into an earache. Told me he left th' jungles of Africa because all th' big game put in their time learnin' tricks to join up with a circus, and wouldn't act wild and snarly anymore in a hunt! Mack: Here's what he stopped me with. Telling about his experiences with th' "head-hunters" in Borneo. Said he rubbed dynamite dust in his hair and th' natives were afraid to take th' chance of whacking off his skull-piece! Y'cant tie that one.
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dfroza · 3 years
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[The Innocence Mission]
Thank you Bill and Brooklyn Vegan for your extra kind words.
10.9.21 • Facebook
[Simon Raymonde]
Thanks to Bill Pearis for this beautiful consideration of the new Karen Peris (The Innocence Mission) album out this weekend in BrooklynVegan
ALBUM OF THE WEEK: Karen Peris - A Song Is Way Above The Lawn (Bella Union)
Technically aimed at kids, this is an achingly beautiful album that's wonderful for anyone
Admission: I don't have children, so I don't really know what passes for kids music these days. Myself, way back when, I loved novelty song compilations, The Muppet Movie soundtrack and '70s Sesame Street albums, Schoolhouse Rock, and Marlo Thomas' classic Free to Be You and Me. A Song Is Way Above the Lawn, the new children's album by The Innocence Mission's Karen Peris, doesn't resemble any of those things, though it does sound like it could've come out in 1972, and I bet she shares Jim Henson and Marlo Thomas' view on entertainment for kids. It is an utterly unique, achingly beautiful record that, though I have no idea if kids will like it, has the power to pull this adult back to childhood, like unlocking a wonderful memory you didn't know you had.
“I like that it’s possible to re-travel some of the wide open expanse of childhood imagination and wonder," Karen says of her approach. "The thing is, I don’t really feel that far away from those places even now, and I’m sure that’s a universal thought. The moments I’m telling about in the songs, and the wonder and the curiosity – I still feel so much of it, just as anyone does. I didn’t want to be an adult saying to a child, This is how you feel. It’s more like saying, just as a person talking with another person, Isn’t this how we all feel, and isn’t that a mystery of life, too, that we are all so connected? So, most of the songs are written in the first person.”
Peris' lyrics are full of wonder and small details, and are often about those details. "This Is a Song in Wintertime" captures such a moment -- waiting in line for a movie when everyone realizes it's started to snow. "Falling at the light of street lamps shining on the corner, lifting our eyes, and we all start to smile," she sings, noting that everyone starts walking in to see the movie, "but this will be the memory." It's such a well-drawn little moment. Her piano sounds like snow without drifting into treacle or Vince Guaraldi territory. It's a truly beautiful song, one of many on the album.
Please don't be put off by the "kids" angle. With contributions from husband and bandmate Don Peris, as well as their son Drew and daughter Anna on strings, A Song Is Way Above the Lawn is not all that different from The Innocence Mission's wonderful 2020 album See You Tomorrow. It might even be better. Songs have a childlike air but are imbued with such poetic grace that there is zero pandering, zero patronizing. Add to that the way Karen writes melodies, the way she plays the piano, and her gorgeous, fragile voice, and all the songs have a complex, satisfying happy-sad air to them. Even the ones about giraffes and elephants.
10.9.21 • Facebook
A reprise of track #6
“map for the orange daylight”
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oldshowbiz · 6 years
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Fibber McGee and Molly was a gentle radio comedy that lasted a generation. The husband and wife stars Jim and Marion Jordan essentially played straightmen to a cast of zany characters played by strong comic actors like Bill Thompson (later the voice of Droopy the Dog), Alan Reed (later the voice of Fred Flintstone), and Harold Peary (later to star in a spin-off of Fibber McGee and Molly called The Great Gildersleeve, perhaps the first spin-off in sitcom history).
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smithlibrary · 4 years
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Young Adult The American Dream?: A Journey on Route 66 Discovering Dinosaur Statues, Muffler Men, and the Perfect Breakfast Burrito by Shing Yin Khor
Biography Traveling with Ghosts: A Memoir by Shannon Leone Fowler Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
Non-Fiction Conquering the Impossible by Mike Horn A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines by Anthony Bourdain  Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It: Life Journeys Inspired by the Bestselling Memoir by Various and Elizabeth Gilbert  Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by  Caitlin Doughty and Landis Blair The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World by Eric Weiner  How to Travel the World for Free: One Man, 150 Days, Eleven Countries, No Money! by Michael Wigge In Putin's Footsteps: Searching for the Soul of an Empire Across Russia's Eleven Time Zones by Nina Khrushcheva and Jeffrey Tayler Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer  The Reporter's Kitchen by Jane Kramer The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain by Bill Bryson To the End of the Earth: Our Epic Journey to the North Pole and the Legend of Peary and Henson by Tom Avery The Travels of Marco Polo by Marco Polo The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country by Helen Russell  A year in Provence by Peter Mayle
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