#bilbo Baggins'
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winwin17 · 22 days ago
There's not a lot of actual canon content on Thranduil in the books, but I absolutely love that one interaction he has with Bilbo after the battle of five armies, where he's like, "May your shadow never grow shorter, or else it would be too easy for you to sneak into my palace again." (Not a direct quote; I don't have it in front of me.)
It's just so genuine and friendly and funny. And yeah, now we know where Legolas gets it from, that sassy, teasing humor of his.
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shinraalpha · 10 months ago
i love how Gandalf invested in Hobbits in year one and has been pushing them ever since. Thorin, i hear you need help with a breaking and entering. Can I recommend one of these little cunts? Silent as fuck, trust me. Elrond my dude i know you're skeptical but these four chucklefucks just transported a weapon of mass destruction all the way here. Theoden, you've gotta get yourself a hobbit man, I've got a spare one here. Denathor you big prick, take a hobbit - literally this is the bottom of the range but listen to him sing. Beautiful little bastard.
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themoonstonechronicler · 6 months ago
"why did the ring mostly affect frodo and not bilbo who had it for a gazillion years" objectively has a textual answer but i think the best answer is that sauron just likes bilbo more than frodo
bilbo: *uses the ring to hide from his relatives*
sauron, remembering almaren: yknow. real.
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sapphoismymuse · 9 months ago
sam, reading bilbo’s book: “well now, i’m sure he had a very nice voice, but that’s hardly a reason to go on an adventure with someone you just met”
sam: turns page to an illustration of thorin, with his dark hair and blue eyes
sam: “understandable, good for you mister bilbo”
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postmail · 7 months ago
it always confused why everyone would arrive at bilbo’s house separately if they all traveled to the shire together but then i realized. that trick gandalf pulls on beorn. where he has everyone come in slowly instead of all at once. its the same thing hes doing to bilbo.
now the question remains: is this gandalf’s go-to plan when trying to make someone okay with having 13 dwarves in their house, or does he view bilbo and beorn as both uniquely unhinged individuals who need to be handled like a wild animal that could bite at any minute? i need to Know
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thethirdromana · 1 year ago
I don't know if this was obvious to everyone else, but I just realised that one of the reasons why the Hobbit is so effective as a children's book is that while Bilbo is an adult, the skills that make him a hero are all those of a child.
By human standards he's child-sized, which makes him unobtrusive and light on his feet. He can slip by unnoticed where bigger people can't.
He's good at playing games, and even cheats (successfully!) in a way that - let's face it - is not so different to how children try to cheat at games. He's polite in a way that's fully comprehensible to children (rather than, say, being able to perform courtly manners). He's quick-witted, but the trick of keeping the trolls talking is also one that would be achievable for a child.
He doesn't have magic powers, he's not a great fighter, and he's not some kind of Chosen One. There's not much that he does that couldn't be done by a ten-year-old, but the story shows just how valuable all those skills and traits are. It's very empowering.
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llamome · 22 days ago
AI won’t replace people because i just found out someone wrote a fic in which hobbits hibernate and bilbo forgot to tell this to the dwarves AND THEY BURIED HIM ALIVE AND HE HAS TO CRAWL OUT OF HIS GRAVE
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cameron4818 · 10 months ago
Gandalf: So I’ve developed an elaborate plan to save middle earth from darkness
Elrond: does it-
Gandalf: it involves hobbits again yeah
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mefis07 · 2 months ago
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I've had this sketch for several months now..
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bookshopcrow · 5 months ago
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The first page of The Hobbit in the style of a 16th century medieval illuminated manuscript.
This started as a comfort drawing while I rewatched all the Hobbit films and ended up being a full on artwork that took a long time...
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2xlee · 10 months ago
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They heard a noise in the middle of the night
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ssuzu · 10 months ago
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just messed around with some screenshots, they're so funny, I can't 😭😭
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idontknowhowtoplayguitar · 4 months ago
Lotr headcanon, having lots of patches on your clothes is fashionable in the Shire. The more patches, the cooler you are. Especially if it's a lot of different fabrics. It's common to trade patches with friends and family, and it's usually treated with high sentimental value. It's like carrying a piece of someone with you.
While the hobbits are on the quest, their clothes get holes and such. This leads Sam and Frodo to nab small things from the other members of the fellowship, like handkerchiefs or anything too worn for use, to use as patches. Merry and Pippin aren't so courteous, and cut pieces from the fellowship's clothes while they sleep.
Of course, the hobbits exchange patches amongst themselves while traveling, and they never go anywhere without a needle and some thread. Sam is the best at sewing. Pippin is not allowed around needles.
Boromir notices this, thinks it's adorable, and leaves things out purposely for the hobbits to use. Eventually, he asks about it, and they convince him to do the patches, too.
Aragorn also notices and thinks it's adorable, but doesn't bring it up to them. He's secretly flattered to find pieces of his rag on Frodo's pants. He asks Boromir about it instead.
Legolas doesn't notice. His clothes are elven-made, and the scissors refuse to cut it.
Gimli notices the random holes in his clothes, and the things going missing, but doesn't realize it's the hobbits. He brings it up to Legolas, who immediately convinces Gimli that he's crazy and it's all in his head.
Gandalf notices, obviously, and he doesn't mind until Pippin tries to cut his cloak while hes asleep. He proceeds to wake up and yell at him until dawn.
After Boromir dies, Aragorn takes his cloak, and sews pieces onto his clothes. These are the only patches he has.
Bilbo has a set of clothes with patches from the dwarves, from his own adventure. He told them about the tradition, and they all gave him pieces of fabric to use. He can still recount which patch belonged to who.
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lualuadraw · 3 months ago
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courting braid!!!
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pippingender · 2 months ago
I never read the hobbit, but I HAVE read lotr and the silmarillion, but I just learned that the battle of the five armies, that part they made a WHOLE movie out of, is only 1 page in the book because bilbo gets hit by a rock and wakes up when it’s over. 10/10 no notes, that should have been the movie too
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theparadoxmachine · 2 months ago
I know some people were salty about Bilbo in the Hobbit movies not wearing the same thing that Ian Holm Bilbo is wearing in the prologue scene of Fellowship, and I hear you. That kind of attention to detail is always wonderful. And I know some people think the explanation that since the voice over is done by Galadriel, she probably just didn't know what he was wearing is a copout.
However...I do enjoy picturing everyone sitting around listening to Galadriel tell the story, and Bilbo starts tugging on Elrond's sleeve and whispering to him like
"Elrond...Elrond...that's not what I was wearing that day."
(being patient with the elderly) "It's okay, Bilbo."
"I didn't even own that waistcoat yet."
(getting exasperated) "It really doesn't matter, it's fine."
"It's not fine. It's wrong. Tell her she got it wrong, Elrond."
(questioning his life choices) "I'm not going to do that, Bilbo."
"Why not?"
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