#biker hvitserk
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Moodboard for something I’m thinking of writing
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geeky-introvert · 6 years
That neck tattoo 💀😍
@grungyblonde I had to share it XD
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Ubbe-The sweet baker and the bad biker (SOA AU) (2)
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The original idea was from @recklesslonelyblond! I will make a third angsty part, because you already know I live for angst. I hope you like it, here is the first part if you haven’t read it yet!
I’m not quiet happy with the first part, so I made a huge gap of time with this one. It’s placed a year later, but everything is explained.
Plot: Ubbe has finally found what he needs, his safe place, his home. His sweet baker.
Warnings: FLUFF.
Ubbe was sitting in the bar, reading the new “demand” that Hale had given to the sons; since the deputy discovered that Ubbe was your friend, he had been giving SAMCRO a hard time. The biker was trying to find something wrong, something that could get them out of the mess. The paper said that the sons had been present on the shooting that happened a few weeks ago outside Charming, where two black guys were found dead. They were involved, of course, yet there was nothing that could place them there. But he couldn’t find something that proved Hale wrong.
-          So, you and the baker. -he heard his mother talking, and he looked up. -What was her name again?
-          Y/N, mum. -Ubbe answered. -And there is no me and Y/N, we’re just friends.
-          Friends who have sleepovers and talk through the phone until late night. -Hvitserk added, who was sitting beside him with the computer. -Just like teenage girls.
-          Does she braid your hair, Ubbe? -teased Tig as he let out a loud laugh. -And does your make up?
-          Why don’t you shut the fuck up, hm? Don’t you have anything better to do?
-          Take care pres, your nails might get scrapped.
Soon, all of the guys were teasing Ubbe about you. It was true that, lately, Ubbe spent a lot of time with you; and that when he came back, he was happier. It had been nearly a year since you came to Charming, and it had not been a day where he didn’t see you. Sure, there were some times where he had to travel away with the club and that shit. But when he came back, he made sure to spend all day with you and with Sully. Ubbe threw one of the pens on his desk to Hvitserk, who was mocking him with Tig; and it hit him in the front, making him fall down. All of them laughed until Aslaug talked again.
-          I want to speak with Ubbe, boys. Alone. -she said with a voice that left no place to argument. They all left, including Hvitserk; she might had been his mother, but even he was scared of her. -As I was saying, you and the baker.
-          Her name is Y/N, mum. -he frowned. -She’s not the baker or another part of your game, she’s Y/N and she’s a person. Who is not related with the club.
-          But she’s related with you. -she raised a brow.
-          Well yes but-
-          Then she’s my business. -Aslaug interrupted. -I couldn’t help but search a little about her.
-          Of course you did. -Ubbe rolled his eyes.
-          She was Jax’s friend. And now, she’s here running the most famous bakery in Charming.
-          There’s nothing wrong with that.
Aslaug was his mother, yet he did not trust her with you. He knew that she would kill for the club; before him, his father, Ragnar, was an important member of the club. The president before Jax. When he was killed, Aslaug stopped trusting people; maybe that was the reason why things were alright in the club then, but Ubbe knew that she could be a danger to you.
-          Oh, no. -she smiled. -What is wrong is that we have received nearly ten demands from Hale in less than a year. The deputy has been a pain the ass lately, since your baker arrived.
-          She has nothing to do with that. -Ubbe scoffed. -Hale has always been a pain in the ass.
-          Yeah, but lately-
-          Y/N is a good person, mum. Hale is her neighbour and is just jealous that I spend so much time with her.
-          If Hale searches deep enough, Ubbe, he will find things against us. -Aslaug got up from her seat and walked towards Ubbe. -And if he does, all of us will be going to jail, just because you got a silly crush on a stupid girl. Is she worthy risking our safety?
-          Stop being so paranoid. -he glared at her, getting angry. -You don’t know her, but Hvitserk does. And he will tell you there is nothing wrong with her. Besides, Hale got nothing on us.
-          Maybe we can change that. -she smirked. -Bring her to Friday’s dinner.
Friday’s dinner at the club were not like an usual dinner. There was alcohol, drugs, croweaters, and a lot of people who were in the bad side of the law. The sons invited other clubs who they had business with, and they created an environment dangerous and dark. Ubbe thought about your kind smile and your innocent eyes, and got angry at her mother for ever suggesting it.
-          This conversation is over. -he said, getting up and walking to grab his vest. -Y/N is not coming over neither you will meet her. She will stay out of the club. And that’s an order from the president.
-          So there is a “you and the baker”. -she let out a soft laugh. -I didn’t know if what the boys said was true, but seeing you all riled up about her is enough. Try not to show that you’re crazy for her, Ubbe.
-          Wh-I’m not! -Ubbe turned around with his vest half-put to see his mother already leaving.
-          Tell her I say hi.
-          How did-
But she already gone. It was not hard to guess where Ubbe was going; everytime he wasn’t at the club, he was at your house or at the bakery. In a way, you were his anchor. He understood why Jax left the club; it was all too much. Too many guns, too much death, and too little peace. Ubbe would have left if it wasn’t for you, the sweet baker who held his heart.
Ubbe jumped on his motorbike after looking at the sky. It would be night shortly, and you probably were at your apartment by then. He had wanted to help you to clean the bakery and then take you home. Sure, you had a van, a new one thanks to Ubbe and Hvitserk. But he enjoyed taking you to work each morning and bringing you back, and he did so whenever he could. On his way to your apartment, as he heard the rumble of the motorbike, he thought about his mother’s words.
It had been a year since you two met, and still, you hadn’t kissed once. He was infatuated with you, that for sure. And sometimes, he swore that you wanted to kiss him too. Like that time when he surprised you on your apartment.
Ubbe had been away for the whole week, fixing some things outside the country. Usually, when he travelled with his brothers, he spent the week getting wasted in a pub and enjoying some croweater’s company. But that Monday’s night or any other day he didn’t touch any girl; he stayed in the motel they rented while their brothers enjoyed the night, thinking about his sweet baker. It was almost mid-night when he decided he couldn’t do it no more. The sons still had to attend to some things there, but if he was fast, he could be back in the morning. Sure, he could have called you, yet your voice wouldn’t be enough that time. With care of not waking up Chibs, who was sleeping besides him, he walked out the door and started his bike.
He drove above the speed limit that night, and when he arrived to your apartment door, he called you.
-          U-Ubbe? -your sleepy voice greeted him, and he almost felt bad.
-          Hey darling. -he smiled. -Did I wake you up?
-          Kind of. -you laughed. -I drifted off on the couch. The movie was too boring without your snarky remarks.
-          Oh, that’s flattering Y/N. That means you miss me?
-          Of- Sully, no, bad girl!
Ubbe heard barking and your muffled voice as he was propping in his bike, watching with a smile how your light was still on. He kept hearing to you trying to fight off Sully as he walked up the stairs. Luckily for him, the main door was open.
-          Sorry, Ubbe. She has heard your voice and gone crazy. -you sighed. -Guess she misses you too.
-          I miss my girls too. How has been the bakery today?
-          Good! Mrs Lowman has told me that her son is getting married, and she was so excited. She wants me to do the wedding cake.
-          That’s amazing darling. -he was then on the first floor, trying to make no noise.
-          And your day? When are you coming back?
-          You know, club things. -Ubbe hated to tell you thing about the sons; not because he didn’t trust you, but because he thought you were better than that.
-          Are you all alright? I’ve made some cookies for Hvitserk for when you come back.
-          Oh, and I don’t get anything?
-          I might or might not made the cake you like so much. -you said. -You know, that one with cream and sprinkles.
-          Y/N, you didn’t have to. -he chuckled. -I know it’s expensive and takes you a lot of time.
By then, he was on the second floor. Ubbe was walking without turning on the light; he knew it made a strange noise and he didn’t want to ruin the surprise. So guiding himself by the wall, he continued walking.
-          Well, I did it. -you laughed. -But I might have to give it to Sully, because it will rot if you don’t come home soon. Come on, when are you coming? I miss you.
-          I miss you too, darling. -he smiled. -The trip is planned until Wednesday, but I will have to go sooner if I want to taste the cake, won’t I?
-          I can do it again, Ubbe, don’t worry. As long as you’re safe, I don’t care how long it takes. -you were going to say something else but Sully’s loud barks interrupted you. -Sully, stop! Come one, the neigh- ow!
He was in front of your door, and he could hear Sully running around the apartment; also, he could hear your voice, from the phone and from inside the door. The dog must have smelt him, because she ran to the door and Ubbe heard her paws on it.
-          God, Ubbe, I will have to hang up. -you said, and that time Ubbe knew you were on the other side of the door, trying to get Sully back. -I don’t know what has gotten into her, she’s crazy.
-          Maybe there is someone outside the door?
-          Who would be -you stopped, and Sully used that hesitation to bark and scratch at the door again. -How do you know she was by the door?
-          What can I say, I can’t just resist a good cake, darling.
As soon as the door opened, Sully greeted him with excited licks and happy barks. He tried to make her lower down a bit, but she was wo excited that she even fell back. One or two neighbours shouted not so kind words, so he had to walk inside and close the door. While the dog circled around him and searched for his hand, Ubbe looked at you. You were in your pyjamas, some sweatpants and a big blue t-shirt. And you were looking at him as if you saw a ghost; you eyes wide and your mouth trying to say something. Just when he thought it hadn’t been a good idea, you jumped into his arms.
Ubbe stumbled a little, but caught you and pulled you close. He had missed how your body fit perfectly with his, how you smelt and, most important, how you would look at him like he was something in that world. You pulled away from his shoulder, yet your legs stood around his waist.
-          Wh-what are- I mean, how did -you interrupted yourself with a laugh. -Why are you here?
-          Most of the guys were out in the pub. -he smiled, noticing how your faces were inches away. -I had a little free time since I didn’t go, so I thought that what I wanted most was to see you.
-          You’ve driven here? -you rose your brows. -Ubbe, it’s the middle of the night! You could have had an accident.
-          Then I would have crawled here, Y/N. -he bumped your nose with his. -Because I missed you a lot.
A little giggle left your lips, and your breath hit Ubbe’s mouth. His eyes went down to your mouth, that was curved into a beautiful smile. And God help him, he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to stay with you a whole life, hiding in your apartment where nothing could get you. Without really noticing, both of you got closer until your lips nearly touched. Just when you were ready to close your eyes, the annoying noise of your door made your pull away. Ubbe let you on the ground and pet Sully as you opened the door, revealing a concerned Hale. That night, neither of you slept, and you talked until he had to go in the morning. As he rode away, your face accompanied him in the whole trip
He shook the memory away when he almost crashed with a car, and focused on the road again. By the time he got to your apartment, it was already night time. He jumped two stairs at a time, holding his helmet against his side. When he reached the third floor, he heard Sully barking and your soft voice begging her to lower her barks. He knocked loudly twice, and waited until your bright smile greeted him.
-          Ubbe. -you smiled, moving so he could enter. -I thought you weren’t coming today.
-          Sorry, got held up with some club business. -he threw himself on the couch, petting Sully with one hand while the other was behind his head.
-          Would you like anything else, sir? -you faked a bow. -Are you comfortable enough?
-          I would be more comfortable if you would sit here with me.
-          Let me finish dinner first. Are you staying? Because I was making food for two.
Ubbe smiled, feeling relaxed and free for the first time in his day. It was like he had finally found his home; you were doing dinner for the both of you, a comfortable silence in the apartment with the TV on the background, and Sully on the floor used to Ubbe’s presence. Yeah, the sweet innocent baker was his home.
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panimation · 6 years
The Heathen Kid - Vikings
okay so idk what my monkey brain is doing but here is another thing i guess (gif from google)
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I leaned forward, hoping it would make my bike go ten times faster, but sadly I was still stuck at max speed. The bike stalled shortly, making me gasp and my backpack to lift and fall from the jolt. I turned to see how far they were from me, and turned back to the road quickly when I felt another stall. I looked down at the bike, as if I could see something happening, and then looked up to find a trail I could lose them on.
I was an idiot for thinking I could outsmart them. Of course they would know I was watching their house, and obviously they would know if I got into their computers. Dumb fucking move, me, dumb move.
There was dirt spread on the side of the road, signalling a trail, so I hit my front brakes and twisted the bike, front wheel lifting off the ground as I took off again. The wheel spun on the dirt and gravel, my heart beating faster knowing this was not something I had put my bike through, ever. The bike stalled multiple times, lights flashing on and off as I slowed down. “No, don’t do this!” I yelled, pushing it to go faster. It did, taking me around a bend but then couldn’t take anymore. The wheels skidded onto a back road, 
The handlebars locked on me, and the bike shut itself down. I screamed as the bike rolled right into a dense part of the trees, branches scraping the metal before I hit a small mound. It pushed me back onto the side of the road making me scramble to get off the bike before it fell. I was too late. My foot got caught under the exhaust, and I winced. The bike was still a little heavy for me to lift, so I had to push a few times before it budged.
The roaring from the main road scared me back to what was happening. They were nearing and I was going to die.
Slipping my foot out, I stood and tried to lift the bike all the way up. My hands slipped and I stared in disgust. Some liquid was soaking into my gloves. Leaning down to see what was on the side of the seat, I saw gas leaking onto the pavement and dirt, a rock resting underneath the overturned motorized vehicle. I put my hands on my helmet, pacing a few steps away and then back.
I stood on the path, breathing heavily for a moment, before I made my decision and ran into the woods leaving my only way out on the ground behind me. The heavy rumbling from the other bikes echoed around me as they neared and neared until I heard engines being cut and voices speaking up. I quickly, ducked behind a clump of small trees and tried to slow my breathing as I slipped a little.
There was low talking for only a few moments before a slow whistle dragged thought the woods. I leaned back against the trees, taking quiet deep breaths. Something was off though. I inhaled through my nose, lifting my head in confusion. I was so far from my bike, why was I still smelling the gasoline? I looked to my hands, wiping them on my jacket, when my eyes caught on to something else. My sore foot was covered in gasoline, after being under the tank when it ruptured.
I held my breath when I saw the small trail of gasoline on the leaves just behind me. I turned my head, following the trail with my eyes before I looked up, staring right into the eyes of one of them.
I jumped back, falling to the ground as a tree root betrayed me. He laughed loudly, taking menacing steps towards me. I rolled over, pushing myself up to run. A foot kicked me back down, knocking the air out of me. His laughter grew as I crawled now, whimpering at the new pain in my back.
He grabbed me by my jacket, turning me onto my back and shoving me harshly into the leaves and twigs. I tried to fight off his hands but he grabbed mine, leaving me nearly defenseless. I grunted, voice showing fear as I struggled to pulled my hands from his tight grip.
“Over here, brothers!” He yelled out, voice deep and boyish. I struggled more, trying to kick him off of me. He laughed again and pinned me down completely, leaving me with no room to do anything. I growled, pushing as hard as I could, but to no avail, as the guy weighed a ton and clearly worked out more than me. My backpack sat uncomfortably under me, things being crushed.
Leaves crunched all around me as the others made their way to where we were, all of them forming a circle of some sort. The guy on top of me lifted himself up, pulling me up by my arms. I yanked myself backwards in attempt to make him let go, but he held a tight grip.
“Just you, runt?”
One of the men stepped towards me, and I tried to reach for my knife, panicking. The guy holding onto my arms twisted my left arm into a painful hold, making me stand on my toes to try and stop the pain while my backpack pushed up against the back of my helmet. The older man smiled, grabbing my knife from the worn down strap it was in. My eyes welled up with tears behind the helmet visor.
The guy twisting my arm pushed harder, making me reach up to try and pull his hand away. “Why in Hel were you at our house?” He asked me, leaning close to my helmet. I shifted my head against my bag, not sure if I should motion to it or not.
The older man stared right at the visor, as if he could see my eyes clearly. “We will find out anyway.” He grabbed my bag and yanked at it, straps sliding past my shoulders. The guy holding my arm let me go briefly, the bag being pulled from my arms, then shoved me to the ground, pinning me down with his foot. I watched in fear as the older man, Ragnar, I had realized in that moment, went through the papers before pulling most of them out.
A smaller plastic bag fell out, hitting the dirt. He dropped the papers and reached in, pulling more of the same bags out and dropping all but one. Food.
“What is this for?” He stomped towards me, a few papers and a bag of food in one hand. He pressed them against my chest and grabbed my jacket roughly. The guy had moved back, letting Ragnar take control.
I held my hands up in surrender, eyes shut tight. “Why did you steal from us?” He continued to jostle me around, the papers crinkling under his hands. As I didn’t answer, he stood up and he turned away frustrated.
“By the gods, father look.”
An older guy stood further from me, holding his phone for Ragnar to take. He scrolled for only a second. “And that was it? That was the only page pulled up?” He asked, handing the phone back and going to pick up the scattered papers:
Grocery orders printed out, and highlighted food items, with the location written next to them.
Both of them looked at me, gears turning.
“Sigurd? You have the bag?” A long blond haired boy moved forward, pulling a small bag from around his neck and rummaging through it. “Light or heavy?” He asked, looking up. Ragnar looked over me, then grabbed my jacket to lift me up. He looked back to the blond boy.
I watched in fear as the boy pulled out a syringe, and advanced towards us. My feet were barely touching the ground, so all I could do was try and kick Ragnar. He only laughed and dropped me, pinning me down and picking up the dagger he had taken from me.
“Have you had your shots yet?” He smiled, tearing the shoulder of my leather jacket with the sharp object and then ripping it further with just his hand. I could feel the muscles of my shoulder straining as I tried hard to push against his grip, and a new cut from the dagger stinging. 
Ragnar pressed his elbow against the bottom of my helmet so I couldn’t move my left side at all, and I tried to grab at him. I held back whimpers of pain as his grip and the pressure of his arm grew. A small prick at my arm made me jump, but I couldn’t see what was happening. I continued to push against Ragnar holding me down, and I tried to kick him again.
“Shhhh, you’ll feel better in a minute.” He spoke quietly to me, leaning closer to my helmet. There was a faint ringing in my ear before it became louder, and it was then when I realized everything felt heavy. I tried to push harder, but my muscles felt limp, and I could feel my body relaxing with every move. “That’s it. Just go to sleep.”
I looked for something close enough to hit him with, my head spinning and my eyes unfocused. My hands searched the leaves and grass, faintly grabbing when I thought something was heavy. Ragnar grabbed my wrist and held it tight, making sure I couldn’t do anything.
I strained to keep my eyes open, breathing in slowly to try to convince myself that I had enough strength to escape still. The sun hit me right in the eyes, leaves in the tall trees blocking it every few seconds. 
“Get the bike.”
“We’re alone?”
I could see myself, standing in that damned room, and watching for anybody coming in. However, I was also watching the trees sway as the last of my strength went dormant inside me.
“You know you can’t go.”
“This time, it’s for me, okay?”
“Looks like you’re coming with us runt.”
The last thing I saw was one of the younger men lifting me up and then the back of his boots as I was thrown over his shoulder.
“How do I know you’re coming back?”
“Why would I lie to you?”
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grungyblonde · 6 years
Queens of Odins Eye Chapter 10
An SOA/Vikings Collab with @courtrae89 @imgoldielikehawn @laketaj24
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Agent Gray’s POV
“I didn’t have a choice! Brii saw it in a vision when she touched me! They almost fucking killed me!” Hvitserk’s hands were over his head as I pressed my glock into the center of his forehead.
I lowered the gun a little as I laughed in disbelief, “Seriously? Goddamn, all of you are fucked in the head. Brii doesn’t have fucking visions. She might be off her fucking rocker but she’s not fucking psychic.”
“Well she knew exactly what we were planning!”
I rubbed my forehead with my hand looking down at the dirty floor of the abandoned warehouse, still chuckling sarcastically. “God, you’re a fucking idiot,” I said, more to myself than him.
“I touched her and-“
“And there’s a million different reasons why she might have that information. AND THEY ALL LEAD BACK TO YOU BEING AN IDIOT!” I screamed as I threw my arms out.
Hvitserk’s eyes were lost now as he tried to reason with me. “It’s for the best. It never would have worked. They’re off the hook now, they’re not coming for retaliation. We can still leave. It doesn’t matter.”
Idiot. “You fed me false information.”
I kept him at gunpoint as I searched for the cell in his jeans pocket, thrusting it into his chest when I found it.
“Call Ubbe. Tell him you’re in trouble. That I got you and you’re hurt.”
Hvitserk just looked at me, confusion in his eyes. “They’ll know it’s a setup. They’ll know I’m lying.”
“Yeah you’re right.” I said simply, my voice as void of emotions as I was in that moment. And then I lowered my gun to his knee and pulled the trigger.
He let out a blood curdling scream as the bullet shattered his kneecap, falling to the floor instantly. His face was a mixture of shock and unbearable pain as he clutched at the wound, already spilling blood over his hands and onto the floor.
“Now you won’t be lying. Make the call.”
Hvitserk hand was shaking so bad that he could hardly hold the phone so I punched the number in myself and held it at his ear.
“U-ubbe,” he sobbed when the call picked up, “You have to come, s-she shot me! I’m bleeding out man!”
I could hear a muffled voice on the phone and what sounded like shouting.
“That warehouse on 8th,” his words were merely a pitiful whimper now. “Please come, it—“
I snatched the phone from his hand before throwing it on the floor and smashing it with my heel.
“W-what are you going to do?” Hvitserk was curled up on his side, eyes squeezed shut as he drew ragged breaths.
I squatted down until we were face to face and gave him a sweet smile. “Oh I’m not going to do anything.”
I could see the shock register as he opened his eyes and watched two dozen member of the 8, all armed with assault rifles, surround him, ready for the ambush. Ready for war.
I kissed him lightly on the forehead, tasting the sweat beading on his clammy forehead. “Bye Hvit. I’ve got a plane to catch.”
@ivarsshieldmadien @equalstrashflavoredtrash @whenimaunicorn @akamaiden @sparklemichele @siren-queen03 @captstefanbrandt @wheredidallthedreamersgo @ivaraddict @starrmoondaisy @dangerousvikings @readsalot73 @oddsnendsfanfics @titty-teetee @kitkat1690 @soaimagines @tephi101 @greennightspider @therealcalicali @killmongersmistress @naaladareia
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serasvictoria · 2 years
Vikings Masterlist
(on hiatus)
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Aquarius - Viking Hvitserk/Reader (NSFW)
Burnt Toast - Hvitserk/OFC
Cheated Hearts - Ivar/OFC for the Blind Dates Event
Chef Hvitserk (links to the back and forth that started the ficlet to begin with)
I've Got Dreams To Remember - Incubus Hvitserk/Reader (NSFW)
Gimme Candy I've Never Had - Halloween Party at the Lothbroks (NSFW)
Lose My Breath - Ubbe/Reader (NSFW)
Movie Night - Ubbe/Reader/Hvitserk (NSFW)
My Queen - Ubbe/OFC (NSFW)
Nail In My Coffin - Supernatural Creature AU with Vampire Ivar, Vampire Hvitserk and Werewolf Ubbe
The Present - Hvitserk/Reader on Christmas Eve (NSFW)
Stars - Ubbe & Hvitserk
Sugar (sparked from a small discussion about Ivar and Hvitserk being upstairs neighbours)
Under the moon, the wolves gather - Werewolf Ubbe/Reader
Stupid Games (featuring Ubbe, Hvitserk and Ivar) (NSFW) - Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three (Part 1) Chapter Three (Part 2)
The Mythology AU
Assorted Moodboards Part One
Assorted Moodboards Part Two
Incubus Hvitserk
The Greek Mythology AU
Find them here!
Other Moodboards
Biker AU Assorted Moodboards
Rock Band AU with Ubbe, Hvitserk and Ivar
Spoil Her Rotten - with a quote from the great story by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Breakfast in bed with Hvitserk
Date night and day with Ubbe for @adrille88
Beach holiday with Ingrid
Hvitserk and Ubbe moodboards for @adrille88
Florist Hvitserk for @adrille88
Painter Ivar for @istorkyou
Incubus Hvitserk for @adrille88
Steampunk Hvitserk for @adrille88
Professor Ubbe for @mrsalwayswrite
Rapunzel (requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie)
Chef Hvitserk (requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie)
Hvitserk as a drag queen (requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie)
Hvitserk as a soldier (requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie)
Hvitserk as Ken doll (requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie)
The Ragnarssons as strip club owners
Ivar with horses (for @punkrocknpearls just because I wanted to make something for her)
Delinquents Series Moodboards for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Requests for my 400 Followers Celebration
Hvitserk as a food truck owner and bartender for @quantumlocked310
Ubbe and Torvi
NSFW Ubbe and Hvitserk
Punk Hvitserk for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Hvitserk as a tattoo artist for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Ivar as a photographer for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Ivar as a carpenter for @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Fairy AU
Moodboards for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie’s 500 Follower Challenge
Goldilocks and the Three Bears with Ubbe, Hvitserk and Ivar
Jack and the Beanstalk with Hvitserk
Rumpelstiltskin with Lagertha
Bambi with Bjorn Ironside
The Frog Prince with Hvitserk
Sinbad the Sailor with Bjorn and Sihtric
The Pied Piper of Hamelin with Ivar
Snow White with Ivar
Moodboards for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie’s Hot Summer Challenge
Mediterranean Sea with Ivar
Music festival with Hvitserk, Ubbe and Ivar
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mrsalwayswrite · 2 years
1K Followers Celebration Masterlist
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Here's my masterlist with all of the amazing contributions from all these incredible people. A huge thank you to everyone who has participated.
Here's the link to the original post with the rules and prompts -> click me!
-Futurastic Hvitserk and Ivar AU by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
-Time Traveler Jamie Fraser AU with drabble by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
-Band of Brothers Bikers AU by @tvserie-s-world
-Daredevil/Punisher Pirate AU by @sausagesquirrel
- Ragnarssons in Hogwarts Houses by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
- The Witcher Dystopia AU by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
- The Witcher Rock Band AU by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
- Monster Hunters Ivar and Hvitserk AU by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
- Regency AU Tommy Shelby by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
- Meet Cute AU with John Shelby by @sophieshelby
- The Light /Peaky Blinders Royalty AU by @runnning-outof-time
-Crescent / Peaky Blinders Supernatural AU by @lilyrachelcassidy
- Fractured and Fallen // TLK/Vikings post-apocalyptic crossover AU by @solinarimoon
- Roommates / modern TLK roommate AU by @emilyhufflepufftlk
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katfett · 4 years
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A/N: Will have multiple parts. Essentially Vikings meets Sons of Anarchy. This just happened when I was trying to write to my other stuff.
Summary: Roxanne gets stood up at the altar, instead of a reception, her girlfriends take her bar hopping for beers, dancing and singing. She got more than she bargained for in the form of Hvitserk when they wind up in the bar of Lothbrok Auto, the clubhouse of the Vikings MC Mother Charter.
Warnings: Smut.
Tag List: @bloooferladyy
Music: There is a playlist I listened to while I wrote this, from the obvious ones to some weird ones just cause they help me focus.
Playlist found here.
Bar hopping hadn’t exactly been on her to do list. Heck, her to do list today consisted of getting married. It hadn’t been checked off. Roxanne had been embarrassed when she realized he had not shown up. Cold feet had been the excuse from his family. Yeah right.
“Come on Roxy, no dwelling on it,” Tatiana said, taking hold of Roxanne’s elbow. Her friend had been quick to act earlier when they had realized she wasn’t getting hitched. Her bridesmaids had promised her a night of bar hopping and karaoke.
That’s where Roxanne found herself, in some bar in a small country town, about to be dragged onto the stage to sing some terrible pop song. She wasn’t nearly as drunk as she needed to be for this. Stage fright was such a bitch.
“Can we just go do shots at the bar?” Roxanne pleaded, trying to turn and book it to the bar. Tatiana wouldn’t let her go and she whined as Sally helped to turn her. Fiona helped them drag her up onto the stage, even as Roxanne protested the entire way. It probably looked hilarious to the people watching.
Hvitserk watched as Ivar lined up his shot. They were playing pool in the back, Ubbe was locked in a kiss with Torvi as Sigurd watched the game. He’d opted out, disliking the way Ivar always managed to beat him. Hvitserk turned and motioned for a sweet butt to hand him his beer. She did so. Hvitserk took in the main floor of the bar.
Ragnar’s place hadn’t changed much over the years, Bjorn had seen to that. Being born to the founding member of the Vikings MC had its perks. They were patched young; it was the only life they knew, and they embraced it wholeheartedly. It gave them time like this, where most of the other patched members kept their distance.
It was a little more packed than usual, they’d been celebrating Floki’s release and return to the fold so there were people mixed in with the club he didn’t know. The bar operated like any other, until you passed the bathrooms. The back corridor into the members rooms beyond was off limits to non-club folk. There usually wasn’t an issue with Whitehair usually acting as a bouncer back there.
He chugged most of his beer as he watched the stage, the karaoke thing had been his mother’s idea. It’d been dead most of the night, but he quirked an eyebrow as he watched three women pull another up onto the stage. They weren’t sweet butts, he knew them all, by name and cup size. He smirked as he watched the three brunettes shove a microphone into the blonde’s hand as they kept her in place.
“Hvitserk,” Ivar called, signaling it was his turn but Hvitserk waved him off, leaning against the railing that separated the pool tables from the main floor. He settled in, nodding as the sweet butt switched out his empty bottle for another one.
This was going to be good.
Roxanne growled at her friends. They were the best, and the worst. The microphone in her hands was awkward, she could just drop it, but she realized that would likely turn more attention on them. Her scrambling to get off the stage likely had been a sight. Tatiana had body blocked her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and dragging her back.
The three of them were pointing to the machine where the songs to select from were resting. Riley rolled her eyes. She looked at the songs - Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, fuck nope. I want it that way by backstreet boys, eh, fun but this bar didn’t seem like it would enjoy that. Her eyes scrolled across the next few songs and then her eyes lit up. Oh, that one.
Wild Thing by Tone Loc.
She smirked, if they were going to make her do this, she was going to get them back. Tatiana, who had a sixth sense for when Roxanne was going to fuck with their plans, reached out and hit a different song. Apparently, she’d been taking too long.
Gaping, offended and dramatic as fuck when drunk, Roxanne slapped her hand looking at her incredulously. The beat to Rihanna’s Rude Boy kicked in and Roxanne couldn’t help herself, her hips started moving with the beat. She was going to kill Tati for this. Her friends loved this song, Roxanne loved booty shaking to this song. Not singing it.
Tati wrapped herself around Roxanne and kissed her cheek before forcing her to move with her and Roxanne almost blushed at the whistles and catcalls as they moved in tandem. They had danced many a times to this. Grinding against one another wasn’t the embarrassing part, they had an audience. A bar full of guys in leather.
Hvitserk was grinning as he watched the four women grinding and singing, albeit a little terribly, to the song. This was far more entertaining than he’d thought. The blonde and one of the brunettes were grinding against one another. They got lost in the song, not even singing as they nearly put on a whole other show for the boys. The club members were cheering the four on. Hvitserk glanced across at Sigurd.
“Hey bro, you got the music lined up?” When Sigurd frowned at him, Hvitserk pointed to the four on the karaoke stage. “Who needs strippers when you can have drunk city girls.”
Sigurd laughed. Ivar rolled his eyes from where he was engaged in a conversation with Ubbe. “I think I can manage something.”
Okay, Roxanne had to admit she was having a blast. The song ended and so did the dancing - to a loud chorus of boos. Instead of the next karaoke song starting up though a heavy rock song filled the bar.
Roxanne grinned at the familiar beat. She loved this song, especially since it shared her name. Fuck it, it was meant to be her wedding night, she would’ve been having her first dance right about now. May as well dance like the single woman she was.
Hvitserk was hypnotized. He had been watching the blonde bump and grind to every stripper song he could pump Sigurd to play. She was shorter than her friends, her denim shorts fitting snugly, showing off the curve of her ass as she swung her hips. Her tank top was gaping at the sides, revealing a white lace bra. Long curly hair was damp and frizzy. Hvitserk wanted to bury his fingers into it as he rode her. The sweet butt at his side had gotten bored when he didn’t show her a hint of leaving with her to his rooms in back and turned her attention to Sigurd, joining him by the controls for the music.
Hvitserk finished off the last of his beer as the girls finally tired and started to climb from their stage. A few of the boys helped them down.
Hvitserk ducked under the railing, setting his empty bottle down and running a hand across his jaw as he watched the petite blonde move through the boys heading for the bar looking like she was on a mission. He grinned, perfect.
Roxanne leaned over the bar, the woman behind it nodded at her as she asked for water. She was buzzing. The combination of drinking and dancing was doing all the right things to make her happy.
“Hey Hvit,” the bartender greeted with a smile and Roxanne’s brows furrowed. The woman was looking behind her. Turning, Roxanne was taken back by the man standing incredibly close. Hot damn. He was a good head or so taller than her; he was fair, a little bit of stubble and a mop of dirty blonde hair braided back from his face, tied into a man bun at the back and the sides shaved. He had tattoos covering his neck and arms. He was staring at her and Roxanne was all too aware of his deep blue green eyes. It was intense. She didn’t know it was possible in real life for someone to fuck you with their eyes, but he seemed to be doing just that and Roxanne felt a shiver creep down her spine.
Hello hunky biker boy.
The telltale leather vest over his white shirt gave him away. Roxanne smiled at him, not saying a word, and turned back to grab the bottle of water on the bar. If her dancing hadn’t dehydrated her, he certainly had.
“You sure like to grind these hips.”
Another shiver crept along her as he spoke, his deep, raspy voice accented and showing through. It was the hand resting on said hips of Roxanne’s that got her attention; strong fingers dug gently into her hip as the other moved so he could lean against the bar and by default her, given she was standing between them.
“Glad you enjoyed the show,” she said and managed to dislodge him by grabbing her water and ducking under his arm. Tati and the girls were across the sea of bodies.
“Wanna give me a private one?”
Roxanne actually laughed as she took a sip, spraying water back into her bottle at the terrible pick-up line. She glanced at him over her shoulder. He was leaning casually against the bar, watching her. “You wouldn’t be able to keep up.”
The challenge hung between them and the biker disarmed her by gracing her with a smile that was simultaneously cheeky and devilish. How did someone look so cute and dangerous at the same time?
“I think you’ll scream for me first,” he said calmly. Roxanne blushed; people could hear them. The bartender was smiling, trying to appear busy as some of the men around them laughed. She turned, determined to ignore the biker, and ducked into the sea of bodies. She didn’t get far. An arm wrapped around her elbow and she nearly dropped her drink only a hand caught it and then she was pulled back against a warm body.
He didn’t let go of her hand holding the water as he crowded behind her, grinding a little against her ass. Roxanne licked her lips. This was so not how she pictured tonight going.
“Come on, I dare you,” he whispered into her ear.
Hvitserk could feel the tremble in her hand as he spoke. He was loving every second of this. He’d been determined to, at the least get her name, and maybe a quickie in the bathroom but the challenge hanging between them made him want more. He could drag this out.
“I think I’m super drunk,” she mumbled, he grinned having only just caught it.
“What makes you say that?” he asked, his free hand dropping to her waist, slipping beneath her tank. Her skin was warm to touch, and so soft.
“Cause there is no way a hot biker is offering to fuck me senseless the same day I get stood up at the altar.”
He paused and glanced down at her with a quirked eyebrow as she turned her head to look at him a little. He could see the flush deepen in her cheeks. She was serious. He grinned and pried the water from her hand, someone took it from him, and he brought his hand up to tip her chin towards him.
“You got lucky, you didn’t marry an idiot then,” he muttered and then kissed her.
Roxanne whimpered into the kiss. Holy jeez. Her knees were weak from a kiss. She was drunk, very drunk apparently. Not enough to be blackout and not understand what was happening but with her lowered inhibitions she gave in far easier than rational, sober Roxanne would. Heck, sober Roxanne wouldn’t have even been here. His fingers ghosted along her jaw, the hand touching her bare skin at the waist of her shorts was drawing lazy circles across her flesh. The kiss itself was slow.
He didn’t seem to be in a hurry and Roxanne leaned into the kiss. His lips were soft, full, and tasted sweet. Her fingers curled into his leather vest just behind her hip. His hips ground into her, and Roxanne was sure that any man like this shouldn’t exist. His fingers massaged her neck and she moaned, moving in slow motion with him to the music pounding through the speakers. If this wasn’t get you in the mood to fuck music, Roxanne didn’t know what was.
She almost whined as his mouth broke away from hers, his eyes assessing her intently in the dim light.
“Please tell me there is a room somewhere,” she said. He grinned and nodded, loosening himself from her so he could steer her towards the bathroom hallway. Roxanne wasn’t a prude but the idea of fucking in a toilet stall was, well it wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.
He didn’t turn into the bathrooms though, instead he led her deeper through the hall. Coming to a door with a large biker guarding it, Roxanne was surprised when the older man simply moved to the side without a word, just ducking his head in a nod as the biker guided her into another dimly lit corridor.
The door shut behind them and the music became a distant pound. He had his hand joined with hers and a little worried now they were alone, she clutched at it and stepped in close to him, letting him guide her through the hall, past a few rooms. One door was ajar, and Roxanne saw a man with a woman tied up in the strangest position.
At the end of the hall, he turned left to a door. He let go of her hand as he fished into the back pocket of his baggy blue jeans. Roxanne was really doing this. Tati hadn’t stopped her, and why the fuck would she? It was Roxanne’s night to just do whatever the heck she wanted, right?
The soft click of the lock in the silence brought her back to the moment and she glanced up as he looked at her over his shoulder. He was broad compare to her; he was also the total opposite to what she was usually attracted to. Maybe that was why drunk, heartbroken Roxanne was so keen to strip off and let him fuck her.
The door opened and he stepped to the side and motioned for her to step inside. Roxanne let out a soft breath and stepped through the doorway.
The room had a large bed against the opposite wall, the sheets were all messy. A few pieces of furniture were scattered about. A large flag of what she assumed was their biker iconography hung above the head of the bed. She was a little surprised when she noticed that the ceiling had a mirror over the bed. Interesting.
Roxanne turned to face the biker. She hadn’t even got his name. She assumed Hvit was a nickname, they usually gave themselves nicknames, right? He was leaning against the now shut door, tossing the keys onto the chest of drawers to his right.
“I’m Roxanne, by the way,” she said.
He grinned; he really needed to stop doing that. It was enough to make her belly giddy. “Like the song. Hvitserk.”
She nodded, softly testing his name out on her tongue. They stood in a heavy silence, the only sound the bass reverberating from the bar.
“So-“ she started, tapping the sides of her thighs.
“You’ve never done this.”
Roxanne paused, pursing her lips, and looked at the floor, looking at him from beneath her lashes. “A one night stand? No.”
He was smiling and suddenly all her drunken courage seeped out of her as she realized he wasn’t nearly as drunk as she was. “Take off your shirt.”
Roxanne blushed, the tank didn’t really cover much, she used it at the beach a lot, but she’d been hot in the summer night and just thrown it on as Tati had pushed her out the door of the hotel room.
She crossed her arms over and grabbed the ends. He didn’t move, just watched her. This was far more intense than if they were just sloppily going at each other. She tugged the tank up, sliding out of it and looking around for somewhere to toss it. There was a chair nearby. She chucked it over the back of it, then glanced at him.
For a moment she was kind of glad she hadn’t stripped off the white bra and underwear that matched because it made her boobs look incredible and she knew it.
Hvitserk had asked for a private show but his fingers itched to touch. Usually, he’d be balls deep in a sweet butt already. The dark grey tank was pulled off and he smirked. The white bra was expensive, this was what her husband would’ve been looking at if the fool hadn’t left her at the altar.
Her tanned skin stood out across the delicate white. He really wanted to touch.
Pushing himself off the door, Hvitserk shrugged out of his kutte and draped it over the back of the chair with her tank. She had her hands buried in the back pockets of her shorts as she watched him. She looked like an angel and he was about to make her fall.
Roxanne could feel her heart racing in her chest as Hvitserk laid his leather across the chair, he was careful with it. She smiled at the way he handled something so simple with such care.
“Come here.”
The soft order was direct and straight forward. Roxanne closed the distance between them and stood toe to toe with him. His hands sunk into her curls and she moaned softly as his fingers kneaded her head for a second. His mouth crushed hers, the slow kiss out in the bar was gone. He pulled her in close, holding her captive as he devoured her mouth, teeth biting at her lower lip.
Roxanne moaned into the kiss; it was incredible. When Mike had kissed her, it was usually sloppy. Her fingers found the end of his shirt and she dragged it up his belly, slipping her hands underneath. Hot, hard abs met her fingers, and she traced the sculpted six pack up to his pecs. One of his arms dropped to encircle her waist and drag her completely against him, crushing her hands between them as he slid his tongue into her mouth. Roxanne’s knees buckled as his tongue found hers. Jeez, this man knew exactly what he was doing with his mouth.
She dug her nails into his chest beneath his shirt, grinning as he hissed.
He pulled back just enough to reach over his head and tug his shirt off. Roxanne’s eyes took in the sight; underneath that baggy white shirt was a hard, tattooed body. His arms and shoulders were well defined and that delicious six pack dropped down into a deep v that disappeared beneath the waistband of his briefs which rested a little above his jeans.
Roxanne let out an appreciate breath. “I might have bitten off more than I can chew.”
He chuckled, those hands finding the curve of where her ass met her thighs and effortlessly lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around that trim waist as he peppered kisses along her jaw while taking the few steps to the bed. Instead of laying her back against it, he sat himself down, so she straddled him.
“Wanna dance for me?”
She thought back to her words out in the bar and groaned, dropping her head back as he chuckled. She had pretty much thrown the gauntlet down.
It was hot though; he wanted a private striptease.
Roxanne wasn’t used to drawn out foreplay. She was used to a rough blow job, Mike didn’t know how to pace himself and then he’d be on her like a horny teenager. He hadn’t changed in the four years they’d been together. Roxanne realized she had accepted it because she thought she’d been head over heels. Now, she had this hot biker asking her for a lap dance and realized that there was a lot she had been missing; like the way Hvitserk had stared at her in a room full of people like he wanted to drag her to the floor and thoroughly fuck her there.
“There’s no music in here,” she said, glancing round.
He smirked, leaning back on one hand, and shoving a hand into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. The glow of the phone light highlighted his handsome features.
How did she get so damn lucky on one of the most humiliating days of her lives? A hot biker had intentionally sought her out, turning her drunken partying to forget the misery of this morning into this. She had no doubt he could pull women in easily, the calm casualness of him was gravitating and women likely felt the same thing she did when he focused on them. He tapped away and Roxanne realized just how comfortable she was, half undressed sitting on his lap. Yeah, she snorted internally, she was definitely drunk.
A moment later, Ginuwine’s Pony started up. He looked at her from over his phone, the smallest smile pulling at the corner of his mouth as he locked his phone and tossed it to the floor.
Roxanne slowly peeled herself from his lap. He leaned in towards her as she slowly rolled her hips, resting his hands between his legs. Those eyes were so damn intense and made her feel like a fucking million dollars as she slowly ground to the beat. She turned away from him, her fingers unbuttoning her jean shorts. She shimmied her hips, leaning her ass back to him a little as the fabric slid down and then pooled at her feet.
Hvitserk watched as she pulled herself off his lap, he put his hands between his legs to keep them off. Her hips moved to the beat and his fingers itched to reach out. He didn’t though even as she turned away from him. That ass in his face, even clad in denim was giving him a hard on. She wasn’t his usual type, he was used to tall, leggy slim brunettes and yet, as she slid those shorts down, he swallowed as that firm ass was revealed. Fuck, he swore to himself. The thong matched the bra. He wanted to bite the globe of flesh that shimmied in front of him.
She straddled him, her ass pressing back into his crotch and Hvitserk moved his hands, reclining back on them as she grounded against his hard on. That curvy figure wriggled and ground so damn perfectly against him. Her legs were draped over his and Hvitserk spread his knees, spreading her own.
Fuck not touching. He leaned back further and reached round to grasp her throat, his hips grinding up into hers.
“Open your eyes,” he said as they ground against one another to the song.
Roxanne was loving the feel of him, loved the way he ground up into her, the way he gripped her throat gently. She did what he said and opened her eyes. The mirror. Fuck it was hot. She could see herself grinding against him, her legs spread over his as he watched them through the mirror as well, he smirked, that grip on her throat squeezing softly before it slid down over her chest.
Roxanne was a little discombobulated by the fact she was watching his every move above them. She moaned as his fingers grazed her nipple through the fabric of her bra, arching her chest into his hand.
His thumb rolled over the hardening bud as Roxanne writhed across him. The song forgotten as he started to touch her.
Her hands steadied herself by his hips on the bed. Her ass pushed back into his groin, where his hard on was becoming evident. She was swimming in a haze of alcohol and pleasure when he suddenly pinched her nipple and she squealed. He chuckled by her ear as she comically slapped a hand over her mouth.
“Like that?” Hvitserk inquired, his eyes still on the mirror above them. His hand moved up to where her hand covered her mouth, gently prying it off. “I wanna hear you. Pinch your nipples, Roxy.”
Roxanne swallowed thickly, her hands moving to her breasts. She whimpered as she rolled her thumbs across the sensitive buds, pinching like Hvitserk had done.
“Fuck,” she breathed as her eyes slid shut, her head finding purchase in the crook of his neck. A strong, rough hand settled on her knee as she continued to stroke and pinch her nipples. It was more erotic having him watch her do it to herself she found. The hand on her knee slid up along her thigh. Right to the top of her thigh.
He was going to win. She was not up to this challenge. He was too good at this. Roxanne’s belly was warm, liquid heat flooding her system as she touched herself with him watching her. His thumb drew idle circles across the top of her thigh.
Roxanne stopped grinding as she focused on her breasts, letting that delicious heat between her legs build. She hadn’t even gotten her underwear off and she was a mess atop him.
“Lean up,” he said. Roxanne did and felt his fingers undoing the clasp of her bra. The straps loosened and she rolled her shoulders with a grateful sigh. She pulled it off and threw it across the room. Large hands cupped her breasts and she moaned as his thumbs found her nipples and stroked and pinched as his lips brushed the back of her neck. Those hands were delicious. She covered them with her own, encouraging him. She was close, and he’d only been touching her nipples. Roxanne needed his hands elsewhere. She dragged one of his hands down her belly, shivering as his hand delved beneath her underwear without her needing to voice what she needed.
She gasped as his finger slid along her clit, then groaned when his fingers went further, sinking between her wet lips and thrusting into her. She murmured out a yes as he alternated between pumping into her and stroking her clit.
His teeth scraped across her shoulder. Roxanne was panting, legs trembling as he pinched her nipple and stroked her clit. With a curse, she crumpled. His legs trapped hers from closing as she came, twitching as she whimpered, trying to squeeze her legs shut.
She hadn’t screamed for him. Yet. He hadn’t expected her to orgasm so quick. How long had it been since she’d had a good fuck? A while by the way she was reacting to him. He loved the way her body shuddered against him as he brought her undone. He hadn’t gotten to see her face as she was facing away from him, her head leaning into his shoulder.
He slowly dragged his hand from her underwear. She collapsed back into his chest and he grinned. She was a cuddly little kitten post orgasm. He pressed a kiss to her temple as she came down.
“Wow,” she whispered. He chuckled, the deep rumble under her back shaking her a little.
After a moment, she slid off his lap to kneel between his legs. Her fingers went to his belt as she peered up at him from beneath her lashes. Fuck, she looked good like this.
Hvitserk leaned down, his fingers grabbing her chin and pulling her to him for a kiss. He stood, letting her shuffle back on her knees as he pushed her hands from his belt. He undid it and then his jeans were undone and dropping to the floor. He was hard, painfully so. Delicate, soft fingers tucked into the waistband of his briefs and then they were pulled down. His cock sprang free and he groaned softly at the release.
Roxanne was impressed. She glanced up at him from where she knelt. He had his head titled back, and she leaned in then, grabbing his thighs and pressing a wet, open mouthed kiss to the underside of his cock. He was hard and ready, but Roxanne was determined to give as good as she got from him. His grunt above her was rough as his cock twitched under her mouth. His head dropped forward to his chest and he was staring at her. Roxanne kept his eyes locked with hers as slowly licked up along the underside of him. There was a strangled noise from him, and Roxanne smirked at him as her fingers closed around the base of him.
Her grip firm but not intending to hurt, stroked along him, her thumb gliding over the weeping head. What surprise her was the sudden whimper from the man above her as she closed her mouth around the head of his cock, her tongue sweeping over it like she was trying a lollipop.
“Fuck.” Fingers buried into her hair as she slowly swallowed him; relaxing her throat to try and take him all in. Those fingers tightened on her hair as she hummed around his cock.
Hvitserk nearly wept as the hum in her throat caressed his cock. She was good. Fuck, he’d gotten head before, but this was so different. There was no hurry to it, no quick get him hard and then get him in her. No, Hvitserk was going to enjoy this. His legs trembled as she came off him, only to swallow him again, her teeth just gazing the underside of his cock.
He moaned, tightening his grip on her hair. He needed to thrust, he needed to move but he was trying to so desperately to let her set the pace of this, knowing he could hurt her if he was rough. Her tongue stroked him, and he whispered out another curse. He needed to fuck her, now.
Roxanne winced a little at the grip in her hair as she tried to sink back down on him. He held her in place as he pulled back and then he was dragging her to her feet. Roxanne moaned into the bruising kiss. He sought her hungrily, hands slipping to her hips, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of her thong. He rolled the fabric down her hips all the while kissing her like a hungry predator.
She quickly toed off her booties and kicked them away as he let her underwear drop to the floor around her feet.
His hands found her ass and thigh and he was lifting her up. She gripped his neck and shoulder, her thighs tightening against his hips as he turned and rolled her beneath him onto the bed. He settled down over her and Roxanne sighed into the kiss, massaging the back of his neck as that slow and unhurried pace washed back over them.
His head bowed to her breasts; bruised, swollen lips found her nipple. She moaned, suddenly grabbing at the sheets under her as he slowly moved down her body, planting open mouthed kisses across her chest and belly. His tongue carved a hot path from her navel down. Looking down, Roxanne found the sight of a muscular, tattooed biker settling his head between her thighs erotic in a way she couldn’t place. She wasn’t used to getting head, Mike just didn’t like doing it, thought it was too difficult. Now she had a gorgeous man burying his face between her thighs like he was right at home.
She was tense, he could feel it in the way her thigh muscles bunched by his head. “Relax,” he murmured, turning to press his lips to her inner thigh. “Lay back.” He looked down the length of her body to her face. She looked hot; swollen pouty lips, flushed cheeks, and messy curls. She still looked uncertain but whatever internal debate she was having with herself, his words got through and she slowly relaxed back into the bed.
Roxanne stared at the mirror above them. Okay, she got why he had it. The sight of her, stretched out across the bed, clutching at the blankets with her thighs slung over Hvitserk’s shoulders as he nipped and sucked his way along her thigh was fucking hot. She could only see the back of his head and his back as his muscles flexed as he moved. She adored his back. One of his arms curled around her thigh and held her steady.
His mouth came to her clit and Roxanne’s hips bucked off the bed. She blushed as she watched his head twist to glance up to her face. She wouldn’t look; she would just keep her eyes on the mirror. His chuckle was sexy as he returned to her clit.
Roxanne moaned as his tongue slid along her. Fuck, he was good at this. She clutched hard at the sheets he slipped two fingers into her and she swore as her hips bucked into his mouth.
Hvitserk smirked against her, enjoying the way her thighs squeezed against his head. He held her thigh in place so she couldn’t run from him as his tongue circled her clit. Her hips bucked against him as he pumped his fingers into her, curling up against her. She was a hot mess above him, whimpering and moaning as he kept going. Her hand buried into his hair and Hvitserk grunted against her tug but didn’t stop. He was going to make her scream; he’d promised her she would, and he wasn’t going to fail on that.
“Fuck,” Roxanne breathed. The sight of herself completely at his mercy in the mirror was incredible. The licking of heat spread from her belly and out over her body. Her toes curled as Hvitserk sped up, guessing she was close. She gripped his hair tight and cried out as she came, her legs trembling and her hips rocking into him. He didn’t stop and she whimpered as he carried her through her orgasm.
She was shivering as he finally gave her a break, his mouth carving a hot, wet path across her belly. Her body was heavy; a combination of the alcohol in her system and the two orgasms were making her tired. He hadn’t even fucked her. Roxanne glanced down at him; he had his head resting against her belly. She scraped her nails against his scalp and grinned as he shivered before glancing up at her. He was so incredibly hot as he pulled back from her. She let him go, leaning up on her elbows as she watched him get up and reach for his jeans.
He had his back to her, and Roxanne was able to admire his ass as he rummaged through a back pocket. She leaned back on the bed, staring up at her reflection in the mirror. Her fingers absently trailed over her stomach as she listened to him rummaging around.
Hvitserk glanced at her, she was laying back, staring up at her reflection. He grinned; that mirror was the best damn thing he’d done to this room. Her legs were drawn up slightly and he watched her. She was breathtaking post orgasm, and he was a little surprised at how he couldn’t imagine the guy who’d stood her up and left her at the altar. How? Why?
He pulled the condom from out of his wallet and tossed them back down to the floor. The soft thud drew her attention. He grinned, holding up the packet. She blushed and he was taken back by the sweetness of her.
“I have a request,” she said into the quiet between them as he stood there.
“Oh? What would that be?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest as he stood profile to the bed, waiting for her to answer.
“Can you wear your vest?” It was a whisper. She was shy about asking. If only she knew just how many sweet butts demanded he leave it on while fucking them; it wasn’t that weird, most women got hot under the collar because of the kutte, the bad boy image that the club members projected. He’d experienced it since he’d been a prospect and the girls at high school had shown him the effect it had.
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, and nodded. “Your wish, is my command.”
He grabbed his kutte as he came back to the bed, the condom packet between his teeth as he shrugged the leather back on.
He stood at the bottom of the bed, shrugging into the leather and she let out a shaky breath. It was so damn hot to see his bare inked skin against the black. He put his knee down onto the bed between her legs and his hands found her knees. He still had the condom packet between his teeth as he came down to her, his fingers smoothing along her thighs. He was still hard and ready to go.
She reached out and pulled the packet from between his lips as he got within reach. She opened it and tossed the packet aside as he knelt over her. She reached between them, her fingers closing around him. He hummed in the back of his throat as she stroked him slowly, enjoying the way his hips rocked into her hand. She rolled the condom onto him and kept hold of him. He watched her, his eyes hooded as she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him down to her. He was so gorgeous and for just a night, she got to be with him. She wouldn’t see him again, and so Roxanne committed every little detail she could to her memory and prayed she’d remember it when she was sober.
He came down and kissed her gently, his lips brushing across hers as he smoothed her hair back from her face and she smiled against him, releasing her grip as he sunk down into her. She moaned, her hips shifting to meet his as he pulled back a little. He stopped kissing her, his forehead resting against hers as he sunk back into her. He groaned, his head dropping to her neck. His hand held her hair gently as he kissed her throat, searing himself deep in her. Her hands slipped under the leather and found his back, digging in and holding him close.
Roxanne felt so good, loving the way he filled her. He ground his hips against her slowly.
“Fuck,” she breathed as he hit that deep spot in her that made her gasp. He didn’t lean away, using his elbow to support some of his weight as he kept up the slow pace and grinding. Roxanne was swimming. This was unreal.
Hvitserk was kissing her neck, his teeth nipping at her flesh as he ground against her. She felt so damn good. He didn’t usually go this slow but fuck if he wasn’t going to savour being balls deep in this messy, thoroughly fucked angel. He sought her neck out, his teeth leaving love bites across her tanned skin. She clung to him and for a second Hvitserk felt a pain in his chest. Fate was funny in the way it had pushed them into this and yet, it was only one night. They were two different people, worlds apart and nothing good could come from him dragging her into the life he and his family lived. He didn’t want to rush and let her go. He needed this. Her thighs clutched at his hips and he kept his grip on her hair. He didn’t want to let her go.
Roxanne was not use to slow sex. Mike had preferred finding the end as quick as he could, only concerned about getting off. This was incredible; Hvitserk was incredible. She slid her heel over his ass and dug into the firm flesh. He grunted as she raised her hips to meet him. His thrusts quickened as he buried himself in closer against her. Roxanne moaned as his leathers brushed against her nipples. She pushed him then, shoving his weight to the side and followed him. He grunted as his back hit the bed and he looked up at her as she threw her leg over his hips.
Hvitserk grinned up at her as she grabbed his kutte for purchase and sunk down onto him, her head dropping back as she moaned. His hands found her hips, helping her set a steady rhythm and he groaned, leaning back to watch the mirror above them. She was leaning back, giving him the best fucking view as she rode him. He groaned as she sunk down and then ground her hips. His fingers dug into her flesh as her speed quickened.
Roxanne bit her lip as she rode him; hands holding his leathers and bracing against his chest for purchase. He grunted and bucked his hips to meet hers, the frantic pace they were reaching a signal he was close to the finish. She leaned over him, her teeth biting at his lower lip. He returned the kiss, fighting her for dominance.
He sat up then, his arms sliding around her back and holding her to him. Roxanne leaned her head back as his teeth sunk into her throat, keeping hold of her as he took control. It was animalistic the way he suddenly gripped her, holding her throat in his teeth but not hard enough to hurt. Her hands buried into his hair, messing up his man bun and braids.
He groaned her name, long and deep suddenly and his movements became jerky as he came.
They collapsed backwards, Roxanne dislodging herself so she could sprawl out beside him, staring up at their reflections in the mirror. He was breathing raggedly and smiling. Roxanne grinned, leaning against his side. She bit his chest playfully and he hissed, chuckling.
He rolled away from her for a second, taking off the condom before coming back to her.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and made her look at him. “Are you okay?”
She smiled, nodding. “Yeah, though I should probably go find Tati and the others. We need to head home.”
The smile slowly faded from that handsome face and she internally cringed, realizing she’d broken the spell clinging to them in here. “I’ll help you round them up.”
He surprised her when he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead before he pulled away and climbed from the bed, pulling his vest off as he went to grab his briefs from the ground. Roxanne had to reason that she needed to break this, whatever it was, so she could go home, back to whatever was waiting for her there. She climbed from the bed and located her underwear, dressing quietly as he did.
Hvitserk found a packet of smokes on the chest of drawers by his keys and pulled one out, lighting it as he pulled his kutte back on. He could hear Roxanne dressing behind him, but he didn’t turn around. He wasn’t angry that she’d brought them back to reality. She was right, she needed to go back to her own life and the sooner she did it, the easier he figured it would be. He wasn’t used to this; the wanting someone to stay.
Margrethe, his only true serious relationship had been teen angst coupled with her being a sweet butt that knew how to play club members like a fiddle. She’d done a number on him, and Ubbe. Sigurd didn’t speak of it, but they all knew he still saw her when he ventured to the chapter in Florida where their mother had sent her to avoid the drama of the sons of Ragnar in fighting. Hvitserk didn’t miss her, he’d just never really trusted someone again.
Sweet butts tried to get close, but he kept them at arm’s length. He glanced over his shoulder at where Roxanne was shimmying into her jean shorts and felt something deep in him feel sick. She wasn’t what he had expected when he’d first seen her tonight, but jeez, he’d loved every second of it.
It was going to hurt watching her walk out of here.
Roxanne let him lead her back towards the bar. He stopped at each door, knocking and asking for the girls for her. Imagine her surprise when a blonde appeared in the doorway, sans everything but a pair of boxers as Sally and Fiona appeared behind him half naked. Biting her lip to stifle a smile, she watched as the blonde spoke to Hvitserk in a language Roxanne didn’t know. Hvitserk looked comfortable, not worried about the two barely clothed women as he spoke between smoking.
“Sorry ladies, guess the nights over,” the blonde said, pouting at her friends who giggled and they disappeared back into the room to get dressed.
Hvitserk glanced at her. “He’s my brother.” She nodded slowly.
“You two look nothing alike.”
He grinned and jerked his head down the corridor. “Come on.”
Hvitserk helped her find Tatiana. Her best friend had taken to helping the woman on the bar clean up some of the chaos about the bar. Sally and Fiona reappeared, clothed with Hvitserk’s brother and Tatiana gave her a wide smile as she saw them approach. She linked arms with Roxanne, giving her a raised eyebrow as she glanced at where Hvitserk was talking to the woman at the bar to organise a ride for them back into the city.
Roxanne whispered that she’d tell her back at the hotel.
Tatiana just smiled.
Hvitserk and his brother led the ladies outside. Roxanne was surprised to see a man sitting on a lunch bench out on the lot smoking. He didn’t speak to them. Hvitserk pulled out another smoke as they stood waiting in the cool night air for the taxi. Roxanne felt the chill and wrapped her arms around herself as she huddled with Tati while Sally and Fiona chatted up Sigurd, or so he’d introduced himself to her as.
She felt him behind her then and the warmth of his body drew her in; Roxanne leaned back into him a little. He talked causally to his brother over her head and she was reminded just how small she was compared to him. They didn’t touch each other, just stood as close as they could.
The taxi arrived way too quick. Sigurd helped Sally and Fiona into it, and Tatiana climbed in next. Roxanne’s feet didn’t move, suddenly anchored to the spot. This was it; this was goodbye. He hadn’t moved from behind her. His hand found her hip as he flicked the smoke he was finished with off nearby. Like inside when he’d followed her into the sea of bodies, he took her chin and made her look at him. His fingers ghosted over her jaw and she leaned into it, smiling weakly.
“You’re gonna be hard to forget,” he said softly and then kissed her. She pulled away first and nodded at him, letting out a shaky breath as she stepped towards the taxi. His hand stayed at her hip until she was out of his reach and then she was in the taxi. Sigurd shut the door for her.
“Wait, how are we paying you?” Tatiana asked suddenly to the driver and Roxanne smiled as it distracted her and pulled her attention away from Hvitserk standing outside, hands buried into pockets as Sigurd spoke to him.
“You’re not,” the driver replied. “I owe the club a favor. All things considered; this is a cake walk.”
Roxanne didn’t want to know; Sally and Fiona were talking. She’d gotten lost in her thoughts as the taxi pulled out of the lot and her heart sank a little as she glanced back to where Hvitserk had been standing to find him no longer there.
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You can request about any of the characters above, or any other masterlists I have (here), always following the Requests Rules. My main blog is @imaginesmai​
🎈: Funny
💋: Smut
😭: Angst
⭐: Personal favourite.
🥇: The most popular fic in each category (it might change).
Angst Alphabet
Fluff Alphabet
Prompt List 1
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25th of December (1) (2) (MILITARY AU):   😭
When Ubbe’s gone, the only thing you have left is hope. (ON GOING)
Dance Teacher (1):   💕
Ubbe’s Friday is not going as well as he would have liked it. Yet meeting his daughter’s dance teacher is going to change that. (ON GOING)
First time being a dad (MODERN AU)  🎈
Heartbeat AU (1) (2) :   💕 😭
Your heart doesn’t allow you to have a normal life, but it does beat faster when you meet your new doctor. (COMPLETE) 
Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Imagine 3
Imagine 4
⭐  I’m with you:  😭
 Ubbe wants to make peace with the Saxons. He doesn’t care what it takes, but when you decided to follow him in the middle of the night, he’s not so sure anymore. 
⭐ Lagertha’s Daughter (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) :   😭
Lagertha plans on attacking Kattegat, soon, and you, her daughter and Ubbe’s lover, just ask her to make you a promise (COMPLETE) 
My Viking Prince (1) (2) (3) :   💕  💋
You’re Alfred sister, princess Y/N. All your life, you have believed that love is all about pleasing your husband and making him happy or that’s what your mother told you. Now, prince Ubbe is making you see things differently. (COMPLETE)
Once upon a fairy tale: (Preface)
Ubbe Ragnarson knew three things: that he would inherit the throne when his father died, that he should get married soon to assure that throne, and that he hated Y/N Ealhmunding. And those three facts were related. Because your hand had been promised to him since you were young kids, and now it’s time to fulfill that promise.
As princess of king Ecbert Ealhmunding, you also knew three things: that the laws for a kingdom ruler weren’t fair, that your father had done everything he could for you and your future, and that you hated Ubbe Ragnarson. Not only you hated that they had decided your future without you, or that you were expected to leave every braincell behind once you married, but also that the same boy who you had hated since childhood would be your husband.
Every summer, Mercia and Wessex try to make you both fall in love. And they fail.
But this summer is different, because a series of tragic and unfortunate events brings you closer to Ubbe than ever.
You’re no longer mischievous kids pulling pranks on each other, but responsible adults looking for what’s best for your country. And trying to survive in the meantime.
Say that again:  
Ivar has never liked you, Ubbe Christian lover, and he makes that very clear.
⭐ The sweet baker and the bad biker (1) (2) (3) (4) (5): (vikings x SOA crossover)   😭
Ubbe, as the new president of SAMCRO, goes to the new bakery to see who is the owner and if he or she is a threat for Charming. He finds you, a sweet, cute and innocent girl who doesn’t hesitate to make him fall in love (COMPLETE)  
🥇  They learn about periods  🎈
Together:   😭
Sigurd’s death threaten to tear not only your world but your relationship apart. 
What you deserve (1):  😭
Ubbe knows that you’re pregnant with his son or daughter and that he needs to leave Kattegat if he wants to protect you. What he doesn’t know is if you’re going to make it. (ON GOING)
Winner’s prize :  💕 😭
Ubbe has put his life again at risk, but this time there are things in between that makes it different
Your daughter’s first boyfriend  🎈
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⭐ Angst Alphabet (Tattoo Artist!Hvitserk) (1)  😭
- N for Nothing  😭
- O for Offended  😭
- P for Pressure  😭
- Q for Quake  😭
- R for Rob  😭
- S for Surgery  😭
- T for Time  😭
- X for Xx  😭
Crush AU (1) (2):  💕  💋
Shitty job, shitty life, too much stress. What’s better to solve those problems that your hot, handsome and funny roommate’s brother? (COMPLETE)
⭐  First time being a dad (MODERN AU)
Him (MODERN AU):  😭
Hvitserk and you are seeing each other behind your boyfriend’s back, his half-brother Magnus. And leaving the latest isn’t easy.  
His lady:   😭
You’re his lady, he’s your prince. 
Home:   😭
What do you call home when you have lost everything? You come back to Kattegat to fight Ivar, but it’s hard to know that Hvitserk will be there too.  
Imagine 2
NSFW Alphabet  💋
Octopus:  💕
Hvitserk is sick and just wants cuddles. (can be read as the second part of him)  
Rewrite the stars (Song inspired)  💕
Soon to be husband:   😭
Hvitserk’s back from raiding only to find you promised to another man. It’s up to him do something or not about it. 
Taken :  😭
You are taken by the saxons, along with your soon to be husband, Hvitserk. And you do not hesitate in protecting him, not caring about the consequences 
🥇 ⭐  They learn about periods   🎈
They don’t know about us  💕
You know that Kattegat will never approve of your relationship with Hvitserk, not matter how hard you try. But you love him anyway.
⭐  Your daughter’s first boyfriend   🎈
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Angst Alphabet  😭
Checkmate:  😭 💕
Ivar hasn’t always been the murderous king we know. There was a spark initiating the fire.   
First time being a dad (MODERN AU)   🎈
Quiet days:  💕 💋
Ivar is in a bad mood and it seems like only you can fix that  
🥇  They learn about periods   🎈
Your daughter’s first boyfriend   🎈
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Angst Alphabet  😭
First time being a dad (MODERN AU)
Imagine 1
🥇  They learn about periods   🎈
Your daughter’s first boyfriend   🎈
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Something that there wasn’t there before (Song inspired)  💕
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Random AU's No One Asked For
Alfred: Musician AU
Athelstan: Single Father AU
Bjorn: Sports Club AU
Floki: Fairy Tale AU
Halfdan: Mafia AU
Harald: Pirate AU
Heahmund: Monster Hunter AU
Hvitserk: Spy AU
Ivar: Space Travel AU
Kalf: Cowboy AU
Ragnar: Treasure Hunter AU
Rollo: Biker AU
Sigurd: Secret Royalty AU
Torstein: Zookeeper AU
Ubbe: College AU
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Ubbe-The Sweet Baker and the Bad Biker (SOA AU) (4)
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This will have five parts, I have already finished the last one so I’ll post it as soon as I can! I hope you like it @worldisadirtyplace, I’ve really enjoyed this idea since the begining.
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3
Plot: He’s not ready to lose you yet.
Warnings: talking about Nazis so->  discrimination towards black and jewish people, women; too much violence and bad words. I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THIS THOUGHTS OR ACTIONS; THEY ARE PART OF A BAD CHARACTER
When you were six, you told your mom that you were sick of big cites. Since you were a child you had hated big crowds, noisy people and enormous buildings. You enjoyed better the calm in the villages, the silence and the small houses with chimneys. You cheered the moment where you would start a new life in a quiet place, where no drama could come to you. In that moment, Charming was not that place.
You were right, Ubbe had come. He had finished the problem with the major and, after looking for you in your apartment, he rode towards the bakery. Ubbe knew you were putting a lot of effort in that cake for Mrs Lowman, so he guessed you would be baking while Halfsack was asleep in the chair, wanting to go home. He didn’t expect finding his prospect dead in the floor, his sweet baker crying and shaking while being held by a Nazi, and Mrs Lowman unconscious. There was a second where no one said anything, and when a sob with Ubbe’s name left your bruised lips, all hell broke.
Darby pushed you inside the bakery, making your trip over your own feet and fall over a chair. You received a few kicks as you covered your face, hearing Ubbe shouting profanities and threats towards the men. There were a few shots and you prayed that none of them were directed to your biker. Someone grabbed you by the hair and walked towards the kitchen, where he closed the door; the last thing you got to hear was the roar of more motorbikes.
-          What do we do? -Weston moved from one side from another. -Fuck, you should have thought before hitting her!
-          You were the one threatening her with a fucking oven! -Darby screamed back, not letting go of your hair.
They started arguing in the kitchen of your bakery; a place that had been sacred for you for nearly a year, then had become hell. Darby was talking about killing you before Ubbe broke through that door. Even if the kitchen was isolated from the rest of the bakery, you could still hear gunshot and some screams form there. The majority of them was from Ubbe, who kept calling your name between threats and death wishes. Weston, who got quite scared because of that, wanted to use you as a bait to get out. While they screamed at each other, Darby still held you by your head, pulling at it roughly sometimes.
-          I thought we agreed that the sons were out of reach! -Weston screamed. -Look, we give them the baker back and that’s all.
-          And what image would you give us, hm? You would seem a whiny bitch. -he threw you to the ground only to grip your arm back, making you sob even harder. -Oh God, can you shut up?! I can’t think between all those tears.
-          Let me just-
Before you could understand what Weston was saying, Darby pushed you against the desk where Ubbe had been working and hit your head with it. You fell to your knees feeling the world spinning, and seeing fourth men in front of you. With a hard kick to your chin, the world turned black.
In all his years in SAMCRO, Ubbe had killed a lot of times. In an arranged shooting, a surprise attack, to protect his family… He had lost count of how many people had died on his hands, but he felt each one of them. It was a weigh he was condemned to carry until the day of his death; it was the responsibility of the club, what made Jax Teller quit. Every life he took away was more than one; it was his or her family, a life full of friends, a job… Those things used to chase him at nights, when the only thing he could do was to drown in alcohol and croweaters until he passed away. Then, you appeared.
He found his sweet baker, a light in his life, and he found again a reason to smile. His sins were not forgiven, but he cope with them by trying to make you happy. For the last two weeks, since you kissed and the problem with Weston happened, he thought about the life he had. He felt closer to Jax than ever, it was the same situation, Jax left because Tara and his son were threatened and he wanted a better life, so did Ubbe. But he also knew that he couldn’t do that. Ubbe couldn’t left the presidency to the old Chibs, who wanted nothing more than to live his last years in peace; to sweet and cheerful Hvitserk, who was his little brother and, deep down, a very good person. So, two days ago, Ubbe Ragnarson decided to stop selling guns and focus only on the porn studio.
It was going well; his mother didn’t talk to him and some of the guys disapproved his choice, but for you it was worthy. Ubbe worked extra hard and was finally achieving it when he saw your crying and trembling form being dragged into your bakery. He didn’t really remember much after that, only a blinding anger. Ubbe was furious, livid. So angry that he didn’t care about the bullet hitting his shoulder or about the lives he was taking away. He was only focused on getting his sweet baker back.
In some moment, more sons joined him. They were always around Charming somewhere, so it was obvious that they would know if a shooting was taking place. What first looked as a loosing situation for Ubbe, quickly turned into a mass of dead white-power supremacist’s bodies. More of them came out of the shop, which seemed to be a rat hole of scum like them. Bullets were shot and a few car’s windows were shattered. The only thing that busied Ubbe’s mind beside you, was the display of your bakery. There were glasses scattered across the floor, some of them incrusted into Ubbe’s elbow; yet he didn’t care.
-          Y/N! -he shouted for the tenth time, watching as the kitchen’s door was closed. -For fuck sake, you better let her go if you don’t want to beg for your life! Y/N?!
-          Does it have back door? -Tig asked as he shot down another man, looking worriedly at Ubbe. -Someway out so they could leave?
-          No, I would have sneaked in before. -Hvitserk smirked by his side. -Go, we’ve got this covered.
-          But-
-          We’ve got this. -Hvitserk smiled at his big brother. -Chibs’ taking Mrs Lowman to the hospital, we can’t do anything with Halfsack.
-          We’ll hold this motherfuckers, don’t worry president. -Tig gave him a swift pat on his shoulder.
With a grateful smile, Ubbe shot two more times and ran inside the bakery. The sons formed a barrier outside so that no man could shot at their president. Inside, everything was quiet. There were a few chairs in the floor and the remains of a bowl stained with blood. Ubbe walked slowly towards the kitchen, hearing muffle voices until he tried to open the door and found it locked. You were there, and some stupid lock was preventing him from hugging you between his arms. If he thought he was angry before, he was wrong.
-          Open the fucking door before I rip it off. -he said in a low grunt, aggressiveness dripping from his voice. -Now!
-          I don’t think you realise how this works, Lothbrok. -Darby said.
-          I know that you’ve got someone really important for me in there. -he punched the door once more. -And that if you don’t give her back now, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your shitty life.
-          Oh, your baker? She’s a cute thing, isn’t it? -Darby laughed. -Is she a good white whore? Because some say she’s always attached to your dic-
-          Shut up! -Ubbe gave a hard kick, making the door vibrate. -If you say one more word about her, I’m going to cut your tongue off.
-          So much threats for a boy who’s locked out. -Weston said. -For all you know, we could be fuck-
Ubbe’s punch to the door was so hard that the men really thought he was going to break it. He felt his breath caught on his throat and the tears on his eyes, and had to get everything in him to stop the sobs. There were a few seconds of silence, where he took a deep breath before talking again.
-          What you do to black men and women? -Ubbe said. -It’ll be paradise compared with what I’m going to do with you.
-          They’re all empty threats. -Weston replied, and Ubbe was glad to hear hesitation in his voice.
Suddenly, a curios fact appeared in Ubbe’s mind. That week he had discovered that the business of pures and cigarettes was not only that; they also sold drugs and guns. They had been selling them for a while, and that’s why the sons wanted to end with them. But he had discovered too that Weston and Darby weren’t best friends. Darby had gone behind Weston’s back and was making his own money, sending guns and drugs to Hispanic people. People who Weston couldn’t stand, so it was his secret. A secret that Ubbe was going to use, not knowing if it would be chaotic or fantastic.
-          Do you think he has your back? -Ubbe asked. -That, if you come out from here alive, he’s going to keep up with you, Weston?
-          What are you talking about?
-          Don’t fucking-
-          He won’t, let me tell you. -Ubbe interrupted Darby. -You think we’re scum because we’re dealing with the niners? Why don’t you ask him about the Mayans, Weston?
-          M-mayans?
-          You don’t know what you’re talking about! -Darby shouted. -Weston, don’t listen to him. He just-
-          That’s why you leave so much? -Weston’s voice was angry.
An argument came up between the two men, and their voices turned into angry screams. While Darby tried to justify himself to Weston, Ubbe was trying to unlock the door. It was blocked with something from inside, but Ubbe used the loud screams to throw his body against the door a few times. Not having heard your voice yet was worrying him to no end, you could be dead for all he knew. Or worse. His sweet baker was locked up in a kitchen with those mad men, and he wasn’t working fast enough. Later, he would feel the hole in his shoulder, the glass on his skin and his bloodied knuckles; in that moment, his only worry was you. He was so focused on his task that he blocked off the conversation for a few minutes. It could have been minutes, second or hours; when he stopped abruptly, the shouts no longer there.
Ubbe could still hear the gunshots behind him, the shouts of the sons and some faucet dripping. But he couldn’t hear Weston and Darby, and while the thought of killing each other should have been recomforting, it wasn’t. He knew something was wrong. First, the smell hit him like a truck. Ubbe didn’t know what it was, just that he had smelt it before; and it wasn’t nice. It was acid, bitter and strong. What made him realise that it was the smell of your oven was the smoke that was coming from under the door. Before he could think anything else, he shouted for his brother.
-          Hvitserk! -he turned around and locked eyes with him. -Hvitserk, need you here! Now!
-          What? -Hvitserk asked out of breath as he reached his side in seconds. He had a gash on his forehead and his leg was bleeding, but he seemed fine. -Y/N?
-          She…she’s behind that door. -Ubbe said. -T-they weren’t letting her go, so I told Weston about Darby’s deal with the Mayans. I-I think something has happened, Hvitserk, there-e is smoke and-
-          Hey, Ubbe. -he put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. -Breath. We’ve almost finished back there, we’re going to take her out, right?
-          Right. -Ubbe whispered.
He had been so focused on getting you out, that he hadn’t thought about the possibility of loosing you. Hvitserk shouted for Tig to come and help, and soon the three men were pushing against the door. Each second more smoke came out from behind the door, and when the guys finally opened it, they could hardly see anything.
Inside the kitchen, Darcy was laying in the floor with his throat open. You had always kept some big knives in the last drawer, in case you needed them for something. Ubbe knew you hated that drawer; in your mind, knives and guns were something horrible. He almost smiled at the memory of you shying away from his gun, while his brother nearly gagged because of the sight. All types of things were scattered around the floor, and the desk where he had been working that morning was stained with blood. Ubbe couldn’t see pass it, so he gripped his gun tighter and walked further into the big kitchen. By then, the smoke was so heavy that Tig and Hvitserk had to get out in order to breath. His brother tried to take him outside, saying it was too dangerous, yet Ubbe pressed his sleeve against his mouth and continued searching. Until he saw him.
Weston was sitting next to the oven, with some nasty bruises and cuts and the big knife in his right hand. Ubbe felt his piercing eyes on him, but he was looking at you. Resting in Weston’s arm was your shaking body. You had just regained consciousness a few minutes ago, to find Darby dead and your kitchen full of smoke. Weston had threated you with the knife, and had made you sit between his legs as both of you waited for death. The sound of hard breaths made you look up, and you saw Ubbe’s beautiful blue eyes looking at you among the smoke, with tears filling them. If it was because of the smoke or because of you, you didn’t know. You were just glad he was there, and another sob left your body. As you tried to move to reach him, the point of the knife poked at your neck.
-          Weston. -Ubbe said. -Weston, this is over. Let her go, you’ve nowhere to go.
-          Nazis weren’t that bad people, you know. -he asked with a sleepy voice, pulling you closer to him. -They used carbon monoxide. Do you know what it is? It’s a gas that make people sleepy. The worst part are the first minutes, because it takes your breath away and it burns your lungs. But then, it’s a peaceful dead.
-          We can take you out. -Ubbe offered, not moving his eyes from the knife. -It’s not late, I’m sure.
-          For Darby it is! -he screamed, making you squeal and cry harder. -You shouldn’t have told me! Now, he’s dead and it’s all your fault!
-          We weren’t the one-
-          Shut up! -Weston put his other arm around your throat, making you lose your air supply.
Ubbe tried to take a step forward, but the sound you make, similar to a wounded animal, made him stop. So he got stuck seeing how you couldn’t breath while Weston ranted about his purpose in life. He told you that, without Darby, the best thing he could do was to kill himself, taking down as many people as possible.
-          You can leave. -he whispered, at the end. -I don’t care, you Lothbrok can leave. But the baker is staying with me.
-          Why? -Ubbe blinked the tears away. -She’s done nothing wrong. Let her go, Y/N is much more innocent that any of us. Please.
-          I kind of enjoy seeing you beg. -Weston let out a dry chuckle after a cough. -It all started because of her. You wouldn’t have said those things about Darcy if she hadn’t been here. So, it’s her fault.
-          I’m the one who said it! -Ubbe screamed. -I’ll stay, I promise. Let Y/N go.
-          Ub-
-          Shut up! -he tightened his grip. -You both sh-
Weston couldn’t finish his sentence because his brains were sprawled in the wall behind him. Some of his blood splashed on your face, but most of it created a painting in the kitchen’s wall. Your scream tore Ubbe away from his mind and ran towards you as you tried to get as far as possible. At first, you didn’t recognise him and tried to get away too, but his caring hands and  soft words made you hug him.
You nested on his chest and shoulder, crying and sobbing against him, breaking his heart without really noticing. He put a hand behind your head and hoisted you up carefully, trying not to lose his balance; the smoke was already making damage on him. Behind him, Hvitserk stood with a covered mouth and kind eyes, gun in hand; helping him to get out of the kitchen. They ran outside and Ubbe found a mass of dead bodies and blood on the ground. David Hale was there too, talking to Tig and asking some questions. As soon as he saw you in Ubbe’s arms, he walked towards him.
-          What the fuck is this? -he frowned. -What has happened here? Y/N? You-
-          Ubbe. -Hvitserk called. -She’s not conscious.
The biker moved you a little so he could see your face, that had rolled to the right side. You had your eyes closed and, if it wasn’t by the hand print on your cheek and the busted lip, he would have though you were asleep in his arms, just like that morning.
-          Hey, I was talking! -Hale said. -What has h-
-          Not now. -Ubbe’s stare made the deputy close his mouth. -We-we should take her to the hospital. The van?
-          I left it at the porn studio. -Hvitserk answered.
-          We can take her on my car. -Hale said, looking right into Ubbe’s eyes. -It will be faster. You should come too.
With a quick nod, Ubbe put you in the backseat on the deputy’s car and climbed behind you. There, as he held you in his arms evaluating the damage, the first tear escaped his eye. David Hale rode towards the hospital with a sobbing biker in the back, that showed him that no man was heartless when it came to the woman they loved.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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lisinfleur · 4 years
Shot List - Marco Ilsø
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Universe | Real Life
Unlucky Pairing | Marco Ilsø x Reader Info | A gift for @tephi101​ ⁑ Warnings: Fluffy, sweetness, romance
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Universe | Vikings
» Hvitserk Whiteshirt
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Universe | Kriger
» Mads Larsen
Warrior Pairing | Mads x Reader Info | Kriger AU, a gift to @honestsycrets and @moonlightsspirit ⁑ Warnings: Heavy ANGST, Major Character Wounded, mentions of murder, blood, violence, and several sequels. +18. Caution is recommended: the following content may be triggering.
Tribute Pairing | Hvitserk x Reader Info | Dark! Hvitserk, Biker! Hvitserk, Criminal AU, Modern Vikings AU, Kriger AU, Crossover requested by @lyanna-the-giantsbane for 5CW5 ⁑ Warnings: Heavy ANGST. Mentions of violence, death, grieving, blood, suicide, and torture. Caution is recommended: the following content may be triggering.
Brotherhood Pairing | No pair, Mads and reader’s friendship. Info | Fixing plot AU, requested by @rekdreams-fandom and @lyanna-the-giantsbane ⁑ Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, cold-blood murder. Caution is recommended: the following content may be triggering.
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Coming soon!
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With: Biker!Ivar Ragnarson x Reader.
Warning: Language… only that?
Word Count: 2,662.
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An unbearable loud noise woke you from your sweet nap. It was midday and since you weren’t feeling good your boss gave you a couple of extra hours on lunch break so you went home to try some rest.
The sound was one you grew accustomed too well. Your neighbor was Siggurd Ragnarson, but he wasn’t the problem. No.
It was his family, his brothers and their terrible motorcycles. But one of them always itched you the most: Ivar.
He was flirt in person if flirt was a person. He couldn’t see you without gazing and give you his signed smirk.
You wouldn’t spend your deserved break awake because of them. Feeling brave enough you got to your feet and walked to the small fence. 
The Ragnarson’s were on their bikes and just one of them was on, the one making the annoying noise, Ivar’s.
“Y/N what an honor to see.”
“Well, some people work! Can you please stop with that? I’m not really good today and I need some sleep.” Ivar looked at Hvitserk and shook his head.
“No can do, princess. We are trying some new breakers.”
“Can’t you try at your house? You don’t live here.”
“So you know where I live now?” He teased.
“Siggurd!” You yelled and Siggurd appeared in the place holding a few beers.
“I’m trying Y/N/N, but Ivar likes the attention.”
You tried one more time more calmly, even though your head was bumping. “Ivar, please.”
Ivar turned it down and you got worried for a moment, he actually listened to you?
You walked back to your house and laid down, only to hear the stupid sound again. “Ivar.” You yelled and ran to your door. “For fuck sakes, I swear!”
Then you saw all of them leaving on their bikes.
Thanks to Ivar you lost all your will to sleep. 
Back at your work you ended your shift around 8 P.M and walked home holding your bag near your chest. Since your job was close to your house you hadn’t brought your car and decided to walk instead.
In the middle of the path you heard the noise and squeezed your eyes praying to not be the Ragnarson you were expecting. 
But it was.
“Feeling better, princess?” Ivar asked and stood on his bike howling it on the smaller speed.
There it was, the annoying nickname. “Can you quit calling me princess?”
“But is that what you are.”
You stopped your steps and glared at him. “Ivar I’m not in the best mood today. So please, back off.”
He turned the bike off and ran to your reach. “Right I’m sorry.” He reached you but you kept walking. “Listen I’m trying to apologize. Siggurd said he saw you awake late yesterday and how tired you walked back to work. I don’t want to be the reason your tiredness get worse.” He moved to your front and blocked your movements. Scoffing you stopped and gave him your full attention. “Thank you. Now how about I take you to eat something? On me of course.”
“Ivar stop trying to get me, listen you’re all pretty and everything but I’m not another name on your list! Go look for that Margaret bitch your brothers used to share.”
“First is Margret and second,” You rolled your eyes at his attempt to correct her name and pushed him regaining your steps. “Okay okay. Look I’m trying to be nice.” He defended.
“No! You’re trying to get on my pants.” He rolled his eyes. “I don’t blame you, you are a guy, your male necessity to feel on top of the food chain and all that shit-”
He grunted. “Why is so hard to believe I like you?”
You laughed. “Ivar, you are a guy, trust me I’m already tired of all the illusion.”
“Go eat with me, a pizza. Then I’ll back off.” You looked deep into his blue eyes.
After a few seconds, you nodded. “Fine! But you are paying!”
You hopped on the bike and Ivar drove you to the best Pizzeria in the town.
In there you sat in the further secluded booth trying to avoid any possible lousy girl that has eyes for the Ragnarson’s.
You two sat facing each other. “So,” He started shyly and you just watched his moves, normally he was annoying the life out of you and then he was nervous?
“So what? Come on Ivar you annoy me all the time.”
“Maybe I don’t want it to be the first and last time we hang out.” You rolled your eyes and started to get on your feet but he laughed and grabbed your wrist. “Please stay. I just can’t believe you here.” He said and his beautiful smile was melting your heart. “Tell me how was your day.” He waved to the waitress and she brought sodas and gave the menu, she spent way too much time watching Ivar’s charming persona before looking you up and down and walking away.
You let it pass and shrugged. “Nothing much, I was feeling bad so I went home earlier, but you know my neighbor’s younger brother is a pain in the ass and didn’t let me sleep.”
“Younger brother, uh? Sounds hot.”
“He likes to think so, but out of his four older brothers he doesn’t look that appealing.”
“Hey!” He shouted smiling. “I’m by far the prettiest,” He said way too surely and you just titled your head smiling at his reactions. He grabbed the drinkings straws and placed inside his mouth under his upper lip making him look like a mammoth. “And the more charming.” His voice became less raspy because of the situation and you couldn’t stop laughing at the vision.
He took it off and looked at every trace of your face. “I made Y/N Y/L/N laugh. I need an award.” He said truly happy.
You nodded your head and enjoyed the sweet atmosphere. He called the waitress back and asked the pizza after arguing with you saying that pineapple pizza wasn’t a real pizza.
The pizza came and you two ate it in silence, you were glancing at his tattoo and wondered about it, by the name Ragnarson you knew where his origins were from, and all of his brothers had the same tattoo in the same spot. “What is the tattoo about?”
He cleaned his mouth with a napkin and turned his palm to be able to see the written. “It was a runic inscription found in the Oseberg ship grave litet-vis-maðr. The owner of the ship was my great-grandfather and all my relatives have that tattoo.”
“That is nice, having something so meaningful and sharing with family, I wonder how would that be.” You smiled at the thought. “What it means?” You drank your soda and Ivar chewed the last piece of pizza for explaining.
“The meaning is debated but generally translated as “man knows little”. It shows us how we are basic down here, that it doesn’t matter how much money or power you think you have, we are just ignorant humans.“
It was really touchy. “Wow, I didn’t know you guys were that philosophical.”
“Yeah.” He shrugged and finished his slices.
The conversation ceased but oddly you didn’t want to. “So how Siggurd know I was awake until the late hours yesterday and how I looked after you left? Did you ask him to spy me?”
He snorted. “Please. If I wanted to spy on you I would do it myself.”
“Good to know, because that doesn’t sound creepy at all.”
He laughed again. “I don’t know I guess he was working on his new music with his stupid band and maybe saw your bedroom’s light on.” It made sense, Siggurd had a band and he was actually really talented, but he didn’t look like the nosy type.
“So you ask about me uh?”
He could defend himself but he always flirted with you so it wasn’t something new. “Maybe.”
You looked around the place and didn’t remember ht last time you went there, you spotted the waitress again and she was literally biting her lip looking at Ivar. “You know, I’m liking all of this.” You moved your hand mentioning the two of you. “But I guess Mrs.RedLips over there are really into you.” He darted his eyes to the young lady and smiled at her. “I can leave if you want me to.” You said pissed.
Ivar chuckled. “Jealous now?”
“Dear Ivar, do whatever you want to do. Just please don’t appear on your brother’s house tomorrow because is my day off and I want to sleep!” You pointed. “Actually if you make me the biggest favor asking your brothers to not go there whether I would love you.”
“You wouldn’t handle loving me.”
“Me? Ivar I can handle anything.” You teased and he asked for the bill.
“How about a ride?” He offered. “We jump on the bike and drive around.”
“If you try anything, just know that I can protect myself and I won’t hesitate to kick your balls.”
Ivar titled his head. “Baby keep talking dirty to me.”
You laughed heartily. “No, please don’t say that!” He laughed too and the waitress literally throws the bill on the table. Ivar shook his head and grabbed the money to pay, you let him. You could split it but Ivar said he wanted to pay and it was his idea after all.
In his motorbike he handed you his helmet. “I won’t use it knowing you can open your head.”
He rolled his eyes. “Y/N why do you make everything more difficult?”
“Look Ivar, thank you but it would be better for me to go home.” You crossed your arms and gave him a small smile.
He cut. “No, listen we can to your house and then you let your purse there and put something warmer and I grab another helmet with Siggurd, sounds good?”
“Why you want that so much? Is a bet or something?”
He took a deep breath. “Woman, you are the most unrealistically complicated person I had ever met. And you know Sigurd is my brother.”
“If it’s I won’t blame you, just tell me already because of I’m tired and way too older to this teenager stuff.” You said with no emotion.
“Is not, I swear.” He answered sincerely.
You thought about his proposal and nodded. “Then okay.” He smiled feeling happy he accomplished another small victory.
In your house, you took a quick shower and chose some jeans, long sleeve shirt and a jacket.
When you walked into the front yard Ivar was already sat holding the helmets. You grabbed one of them and hugged his midsection while he drove fast. You loved the feeling but he surely didn’t fear to die.
He stopped in front of a garage and you reminded him of your defense classes. 
He just laughed and opened the big door. It had a few motorcycles both fixed and pieces waiting to be put together. A few old car’s seats making a different armchair style. 
A couple of cars, probably something they had been working on and of course some motorcyckes. The place was cozier and bigger than you would expect. “What is that?”
“Our garage, you didn’t believe we would fix the motorcycles on Siggurd’s front yard right?” He pointed and took a few things out of one of the chairs.
“Sometimes I do.” You pointed. “That is so cool.” You couldn’t stop looking at the place, it was mainly vintage, you could easily spot all the Ragnarsons sitting around the place covered in grease working on their loved motorcycles. “So tell me, here is where all of you bring your victims?”
Ivar laughed, fully knowing you meant girls. “Nah, girls don’t like those sort of things. Our uncle has a club and well chicks dig there better.”
You laughed but your eyes were still wondering about the place. “Well, it makes sense.” You saw something craved on the door and saw it was the same runic phrase they had. “Okay, this is like the coolest place ever.”
“Seriously? I thought you didn’t like those things.”
“You’re kidding? Of course I do. I just hate how you and your brothers adore driving around while I’m trying to sleep.” You defended.
“I give you that.”
You looked at the uncountable tools it has over there. “Do you know how to use all of this?”
“I guess my father would disclose me if I didn’t.” He answered and you smirked at the absurdity. 
Ivar asked why and you answered that your car has an annoying sound and you can never fix it.
Then Ivar opened a car’s hood of the one that embellished the place and said he would help you. 
You tried to follow his instruction and all that he explained, when you realized your hand was all dirty just as your t-shirt. “This is easily the dumbest thing you could have put me to do.”
“No come on, look we do this and this.” He mentioned and you saved the information for later. 
You looked at your hand and at him. “Ivar what is the point of teaching me if my car isn’t here?”
“Not everything is practice Y/N.” You giggled and he looked at you wondered if you had lost your mind. “What?”
“Sorry, is just. Not everything is practice could easily be your sextape name.” You kept laughing and tried to place your hand on your lips to control your loud laughs but then your hand was all dirty with grease. 
Ivar laughed and said that karma came to bit you in the ass.
He gave you the cloth and you cleaned the most you could. 
You two talked a few more and he told his childhood stories and you told yours, he offered a beer but you avoided and didn’t let him drink either, he was driving you home after all.
The hours passed rather quickly and you asked him to take you home, you really liked the time but you couldn’t let yourself fall for one Ragnarson, especially Ivar.
He didn’t try anything and it was comforting somehow.
In your front yard you thanked for the pizza and for the teaching, he agreed and asked you to give the helmet back to his brother. 
The place became silent so you just said goodbye again and started to walk back. “Y/N.” He called. “What about I come back tomorrow or any other day and we can fix your car. I mean really fix it.”
“Goodnight, Ivar.” You answered and grabbed your keys unlocking the door.
“Come on, I need to change the name of my sex tape.” He yelled and you started out laugh, the old lady that lived in front of your house shook her head at Ivar’s words and it made you laugh even more. “Please.”
“I will text you.” You answered entering your house and held the knob in your hand.
He smiled but frowned. “Wait, you don’t have my number.”
“Your brother is my neighbor I will find a way.” You winked and his smiling face was the last thing you saw before you closed the door.
Ivar turned the ignition of his motorcycle on and you heard him leaving the street. 
You bit your lower lip and shook your head thinking about the night.
The annoying Ragnarson wasn’t so bad after all.
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panimation · 6 years
The Heathen Kid: New beginnings - Vikings
 thank u so much you blessed human being @ivarandersen i never usually have someone both reblog and comment on my work so when I saw the notification I started writing right away
I know the ending of the last part was confusing but its kind of like she’s half awake and remembering memories while also being aware of whats happening so yeah
enjoy part two!!
Part One
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“How long will you be gone?”
I was stuck to the floor, watching myself pack a backpack with a multitude of things. The small dark room gave me chills, and my eyes welled up with tears when I saw the calendar on the wall. November 17th.
“I don’t think I’m coming back.” My voice was muffled, and almost distorted, as was the other person’s. I tilted my head, eyes squinting when I watched myself swing the bag onto my shoulders. My entire body went stiff as the self I was looking at walked through me, towards the door. 
When I turned to see where ‘I’ was going, I could see another picture overtaking the memory. It was bright, and I was getting dizzy. I felt like I was being moved forward without actually moving my feet, and I fought the urge to pass out as I was slammed back into my own body.
My eyes stared at the back of a car seat while my entire body shivered, cold, as the windows in the car were down. My helmet had been taken off and I could see it sitting on the carpeted floor. As I tried to look around, I could barely lift my head and I could feel that I was only going to be awake for a few more moments. I could feel my hair sticking to my forehead and I could only sweat more, terrified this would be the end of my life.
I sucked in a few quick breaths as my eyes started to shut again, not before I could see one of the men from earlier looking back at me from the passenger seat. 
“Hey, wake up.”
“What?” I croaked, confused and still dizzy. It was quiet, and I was no longer in the back seat of a car, but on a cement floor. I lifted my head a bit, trying to see who was talking. No one.
The voice echoed in my head and become muffled, dying out after a few seconds. The room was empty, and a small air vent rattled quietly. A small light blinked above me, and I recognized it as a small camera, hanging from the ceiling just high enough for me to not be able to reach it. “Hello?” I coughed out, feeling my throat dry out more as I inhaled. I jumped when the something hit the door across the room.
It opened, handle rattling as it was not on the door tight. The boy who first found me in the woods was the first person to walk in, a malevolent smile on his face. I wiped my forehead, watching him come closer to me. “Wait.” I held up a hand as he grabbed my jacket and yanked me up. I tried to pull away and fight him off. “Let me go!” I yelled, coughing when my throat began to get scratchy. 
He grabbed at the back of my neck, forcing me to move towards the door. I reached for the door frame, hands gripping at it but then slipping off when he yanked me in the other direction. One of the taller ones was waiting in the hallway, a gun tucked into his waistband and on display. I eyed the gun, nervous. “Straight to the bathroom, yeah?” He confirmed with the guy holding me, almost towering over me. “Yep.��� The one holding me jostled me a little, laughing.
We only had to walk down to the next door to reach the bathroom, and the taller guy stood behind me so I couldn’t go anywhere.
“Guess what, kid? It’s shower time.” The one holding me pushed me into the small bathroom, my knees hitting the tile as I fell. I turned, leaning back against the tub so I could defend myself. He laughed and lunged towards me suddenly, grabbing onto my jacket again. I hit his chest and arms, not knowing how to fight him off. He tore the zipper of my jacket, yanking at the shirt underneath. I screamed, hitting harder while he laughed maniacally.
“Enough messing around, Hvit.” The taller one had stood in the doorway until he decided it was time to go. “Leave her here.” ‘Hvit’ let go almost instantly, smiling at me while he stood up. I moved back, pressing myself against the wall while staring right at him, breathing heavily. “Get cleaned up, kid. You’re gonna be here a while.”
They had left me alone for an hour, with no knock or yelling through the door. I had tied my jacket sleeve to the door handle, then the other sleeve to the towel rack, tightly. They didn’t have a lock on the door and I was not about to have one of them walking in.
There was only simple shampoo and soap in the shower, along with a brush and some hair ties on the counter. I had leaned over the sink and washed my hair in it, not trusting the tub, and not wanting to undress after the Hvit guy had attacked me.
The top of my shirt was soaked by the time I felt I was done cleaning up, water still rolling down my face after I scrubbed the dirt off. Then after staring at myself for a few minutes, I sat down, leaning my back against the wall. I pulled a towel from under the sink and wiped the drops falling from my chin.
“Time’s up! Get dressed or get looked at!” Someone knocked at the door, repeatedly for a good amount of time. I pulled my jacket off of the door handle and untied the sleeves, pulling it over my shoulders just as the door opened. I stepped back, eyes wide. It was the taller guy from earlier. I let out a breath of relief, but still stared up at him, pulling my jacket on the right way.
“Come on, kid. People are waiting.” He grabbed my arm and held a tight grip, leading me down the hallway and up a set of stairs. I tried to control my breathing, still dehydrated and dizzy. We came to a doorway, a big table sitting in the room it adorned. I saw Ragnar sitting in between two women, a small goat standing on the table in front of him. I glanced at the goat, confused.
“Ah, she’s here.” He looked at me with a smile, and the two women looked up from their food. One of them smiled warmly while the other simply stared with cold eyes. “There’s the thief!” I jumped, turning to see Hvit. I moved over a little, knowing that the tall guy holding my arm wouldn’t let me go far.
Ragnar pulled the goat into his arms and started petting it, looking up at me again. “You must be hungry. Sit down.” He told me. I hesitated, not moving, but I was pushed towards a seat and the guy pushed on my shoulders to make me sit down.
“Don’t worry, we didn’t posion it.” Ragnar leaned closer and smirked as he talked, making a lot of eye contact. I took small looks at the food in front of me, feeling myself get hungrier. “Go ahead, take a bite.” He said, gesturing towards the plate. I grabbed a small piece of whatever it was and smelled it. Better than anything I’ve ever eaten. I ate the small piece quickly, worried it would disappear.
“Now, why don’t you tell us why you hacked into our computers, and printed our grocery orders?”
o god it hurts im so glad i finished this i actually want to take my eyes out
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survivingthejungle · 6 years
updated as of july 13 2019 :-)
never fade away
reader is younger than jerome and he’s taken quite the interest in her, much to her dismay
-  part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7  part 8
in retrospect
reader landed herself in arkham on accident, made a friend, and when she was released, he doesn’t want her to forget him
- part 1 part 2
reader is wrongly incercerated and jerome takes it upon himself to look out for her... and may have become obsessed during the process
a very clever and very sassy reader often helps out at the gcpd and is there when the maniax come for essen
listen before i go
based off of billie eilish’s song
- hypnotist  
reader reminds him of alice, much to her misfortune
the lothbroks:
hopeless wanderer
reader finds herself a thousand years in the past—[it doesn’t matter how]—and shenanigans ensue
- part 1 part 2 part 3
hvitserk ragnarson
- dreams and reckless thoughts
hvitserk x oc, tove; slightly based on the musical tuck everlasting
peaky blinders
tommy shelby:
- little lies part 2 part 3
tommy gets new american neighbors. they have a really pretty daughter and suddenly he doesn’t know how to act.
michael gray
- otherside
yall ever see coraline? aka reader finds a hidden door in her attic that takes her to a certain house on watery lane... a hundred years in the past
the gang:
- over my head
she and henry are what some would consider “best friends”; the gang decides to crash at her house one night
- i surrender
reader is very much dedicated to her God, and patrick has decided that she ought to be worshipping him instead
- young blood part 2
reader is a cheerleader with a fiery spirit, patrick intends to break it and bend it to his will
- start me up
patrick may or may not be stalking the reader. she may or may not mind all that much.
- quiet
patrick x reader hc where reader rarely speaks more than a few words
-  slow it down
they’re dating but vic doesn’t really want anyone to know. reader isn’t as bothered as he’d like her to be and gets his soft boy feelings hurt
the lost boys
the vamps:
- eclipse
reader is santa carla’s resident supreme and is sick of a certain [vampire] biker gang causing trouble
- (the full story is on my wattpad! some of the plot has been changed. find it here :-)
once upon a time
- the stars remain
reader can’t stay on neverland without running the risk of dying, felix is heartbroken
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dangerousvikings · 6 years
Ivar the boneless
 Ivar/Freydis aesthetics
Ivar the boneless 1 
Ivar the boneless 2
Ivar / darkness / 1
Ivar / darkness / 2
Cute but psycho 
Ivar/latina girl 
Ivar texting you and distracting you from work  
Ivar x gypsy girl  read story by @akamaiden “Destiny” 
Ivar x mermaid 
Ivar as Hades
Ivar the boneless / Harry Potter theme
Ivar the boneless Star Wars theme 
Romantic date in the woods  
Ivar comforting you on a bad day  
Buying lingerie with Ivar 
AU bad boy Ivar *gif moodboard
Ivar the boneless Slytherin aesthetics
Ivar finds a girl in pet store
Ivar Christmas moodboard *gif board
Ivar x elf *gif board
Ivar x fairy aesthetics *gif board
Curvy/chubby girl , wedding & Ivar  *gif board 
 Romantic date with Ivar in the woods
 Ubbe aesthetics 1 
Biker read story “Bad Intentions” by @akamaiden
Home life 
Daddy Ubbe + camping 
Ubbe x wife moodboard 
Ubbe & asian girl + food  
Ubbe & Halloween
Serial killer 
Domestic life with Ubbe 
Ubbe x Harlequin  *gif board
Hvitserk/ Marco Ilsoe
 Hvitserk aesthetics 1
Biker  read story  The night  by @akamaiden 
Cozy date night  
Hike + doggie 
Vampire read story by @sconniebelle “Love at first bite” 
Marco comforting you on a bad day  *gif board
Sigurd & Margrethe
Bjorn Ironside / Alexander Ludwig
Tarot/psychic reader & Bjorn  
Cozy Sunday 
Queen’s Of Odin’s Eye 
Bjorn Ironside x redhead
Halfdan the black / Jasper Pääkkönen
Roadtrip/camping    read story by @ilooklikeididyesterday
Vampire read story @sconniebelle “Once bitten” 
Harald Finehair / Peter Franzen
Ragnar / Travis Fimmel 
Vikings crew 
Biker!Rollo , Biker!Floki, Biker!Athelstan
Ragnar’s sons as creatures  read story by @lisinfleur “Curse” 
Alex Høgh Andersen 
 Photography aesthetics 1
Brunch date
Saturday Night Bets   read story “Saturday Night Bets”  by @ivarsrideordie
Disneyland with Alex  for my HC “  Disneyland with Alex  “
Personal trainer 
Biker read story “Griffenholm Confessionals“ by @ivarswickedqueen
Cowboy / Farmer  read story  “Howdy” by @ivarsrideordie
Netflix & Chill read story “Netflix and chill” by @ivarsrideordie 
Lazy morning
Stripper read story by @ivarsrideordie “The Slippery Willy” 
Cozy Sunday  
Picnic date 
Ice skating date 
Christmas kisses
Alex texting you and distracting you from work 
Lazy Sunday morning 
Alex x pregnant girl 
Vacation in cozy chalet  *gif board 
Cold and rainy day
October aesthetics
High school star quarterback
Coffee date with AHA 
Mobster!Bucky VS Mobster!Ivar  read “Sunshine” by @akamaiden w/ Mobster!Bucky 
Cowboy!Bucky VS Cowboy!Steve 
The end of the line  Steve x reader ; Bucky x reader , story by @dani-si 
Marco Ilso/AHA  for story “He’s watching” by @ivarsrideordie
Sebastian Stan characters 
Chris Beck 
Personal moodboards
Based on description and character  you send me I will make a moodboard. 
What Happens in Dublin   - made for characters Keta, Haley , Laura  , Jessie
Moodboards + short HC
request are open* ( You can use moodboards for ff but please give credit )
@lostinthoughtsandfeelings @dani-si @nothingeverdies @lol-haha-joke @bang-kim-bap @lisinfleur @ivarswickedqueen @ivarsshieldmadien @ivarsrideordie @akamaiden @happydaysandersen @lisinfleur @ivars-snowflake @ceridwenofwales @mintandfigs @tephi101 @ivaraddict @siren-kitten-his @ivarlothbroks @laketaj24 @suz-123 @sweetvengeancee @whenimaunicorn 
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