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jetsettermac · 3 years ago
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tateyama-kurobe alpine route, toyama | april 30, 2022
tateyama, murodo, snow wall, panorama road, shomyo falls, bijodaira
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campbelt · 5 years ago
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Everyone else has on coats, scarves, hats, etc. me just my RWC shirt. DOH! Yeh the sign says 7.9C! Fuck..... Decided to take a trip along some of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. Probably not the best day as it’s pea soup outside. 🌫 #coldwind #dumbass #tateyamakurobealpineroute #japan #nippon #japantravel #solotraveler #roamtheplanet #bijodaira (at Bijodaira Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3i_nK3lhsv/?igshid=qexox4t23r3m
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ys405 · 6 years ago
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머리는 산발이지만 맘에 드는 사진 _ #bijodaira #japan #latergram #ystriplog_ #ystriplog_toyama https://www.instagram.com/p/BpDhA-ABCEC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15co85ypkdnz6
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poddyshobbies · 5 years ago
Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route (5)
アルペンルートの全線開通直後の4月15日から6月22日までは、雪の大谷ウォークとして雪の回廊を歩くことができます。 あの雪の壁の横をあるけるのですが、この日は視界不良のためウォーキングはできませんでした。壁の高さは少しずつ低くなるけれど、時期をずらすと好天の確率が上がるのでしょうか? 天気ばかりは運任せです。
さて、立山高原バスで、2450mの室堂から977mの美女平 ( Bijodaira ) までいっきに下ります。上部に展望窓が付いたバスでした。
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daidaikemool · 7 years ago
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下山するよー!! #japan #japanese #cablecar #tateyama (Bijodaira Station)
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apelmedia · 5 years ago
10 rrugët më të “vështira” dhe më mahnitëse në botë
Ka një sërë rrugësh mahnitëse në të gjithë botën, por që shtigjet e rrëmbyeshme, zigzaket apo autostradat bregdetare i bëjnë ato shumë të vështira për tu kaluar.
1.Djurdjevica Bridge, Mal i Zi
Ura me hark të lartë u ndërtua midis 1939 dhe 1940 dhe ishte ura më e madhe e harkut të betonit në Europë. Gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore harku qendror u shpërthye për të ndaluar pushtimin italian. Është rindërtuar në 1946.
  2.Hana Highway
Hawaii Peizazhi është magjepsës, por edhe kjo është një rrugë me zigzage të shumta.Ajo i detyron shoferët të kalojnë nga pyjet, mbi ura të vogla, së bashku me ujëvarat e ndërlikuara dhe lakimet e shumta të rrugëve.
  3.Stelvio Pass, Itali
Motoçiklistët dhe automobilistët e lavdërojnë këtë kalim malor famëkeq në Alpet Italiane, pranë kufirit të Zvicrës. Janë 48 kthesa që e bëjnë këtë rrugë edhe më të mahnitshme. Rruga origjinale daton që nga vitet 1820.
  4.Autostrada detare, Florida, SHBA
Një nga rrugët më të gjata mbi ujë në botë, Autostrada detare e Floridës shtrihet nga Majemi deri në Key Ëest. Përfunduar në 1938, shumë seksione të autostradës u ndërtuan gjatë rrugës së Hekurudhës në Lindjen e Bregut në Florida, e cila u dëmtua në mënyrë të pakthyeshme në një stuhi. Është e gjatë 113 milje dhe ka 42 ura.
  5.Transfagarasan, Rumani
Kjo është një nga rrugët më madhështore të Europës. Është ndërtuar për qëllime ushtarake në vitet 1970 për të lidhur provincën e Transilvanisë.
  6.Skippers Canyon Road, Zelandë e Re
Kjo rrugë e pashtruar nuk është për një zemër “të dobët”. Kalimi i ngushtë u ndërtua midis 1883 dhe 1890 dhe mbeti kryesisht i pandryshuar.
  7.Itinerari 40, Argjentinë
Në rajonin e Saltës, autostrada përshkon formacione  mahnitëse shkëmbore.
  8.San Boldo Pass, Itali
Nuk është shumë e gjatë, por kjo rrugë jashtëzakonisht e lakuar në rajonin Veneto të Italisë veriore. San Boldo Pass është aq e ngushtë saqë vetëm një makinë mund të kalojë përgjatë saj në një kohë, kështu që ka disa grupe të semaforëve gjatë rrugës.
  9.Rruga e Bardhë Rim, Juta, SHBA
Fansat e makinave dhe çiklistët malorë e duan Parkun Kombëtar Canyonlands në Jutën Juglindore për rrjetin e tij të shtigjeve rreth kanioneve të thella dhe peizazheve mbresëlënëse. Një nga më të mirat është Rruga Rim Bardhë, 100 milje.
  10.Rruga Alpine Tateyama Kurobe, Japoni
Lëvizja nëpër korridore të mrekullueshme të dëborës që arrijnë lartësi deri në 20 metra është një nga shumë pamjet mahnitëse përgjatë Rrugës Alpine Tateyama Kurobe. Rruga përshkon Alpet e Japonisë Veriore dhe është vizitohet më së shumti midis prillit deri në mes të qershorit, për të provuar eksperiencën mes mureve të larta të dëborës, të cilat gjenden në shtrirjen midis Bijodaira deri në Murodo. Rruga qëndron e mbyllur nga dhjetori deri në prill./Apel.al
    from WordPress https://apel.al/10-rruget-me-te-veshtira-dhe-me-mahnitese-ne-bote/ via IFTTT
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jetsettermac · 3 years ago
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golden week: toyama & tateyama-kurobe alpine route
april 29-may 2, 2022
>> tateyama-kurobe alpine route photos <<
>> toyama photos <<
>> see all golden week 2022 posts <<
i’ve always really loved seeing mountains. i couldn’t tell you why, just that when there’s a snowcapped peak in sight i can’t stop staring at it! that’s one of the reasons why going to toyama was at the top of the list for me. toyama is one of several prefectures in an area known as the roof of japan, because the northern japanese alps are located around there.
the one thing i’ve been yammering on about for YEARS has been the tateyama-kurobe alpine route. i feel like not a lot of people outside japan and outside the mountaineering world really know about it. i certainly didn’t know about it when i first arrived in japan. but once i learned about it i realized i really really wanted to do it. this golden week trip involves several places and activities, but it’s really about this: tateyama-kurobe alpine route.
i went into this trip wanting to go almost all the way through. the route is a series of various transportations linked up to take you up a 3,000m+ mountain and through it to the other side, into nagano. by going through this route you can see a lot of natural beauty. at bijodaira you can see beautiful forests and 1,000+ year old cedar trees. at midagahara you can walk around alpine wetlands and see various types of flowers and an ancient caldera. at murodo you can walk the snow wall, with snow on either side packed up to 20m, or go hiking. you can keep going to kurobe dam, which i think is the highest altitude dam in japan. it’s a lot of beautiful scenery and natural wonders to experience.
however i really messed up because i didn’t realize you could buy advanced tickets for the various types of transportation you need to get up the mountain, and by the time i did realize it, all of the tickets were gone. i did manage to find that they were selling extra tickets and i snatched some up, but there were a few days of depressed wallowing lol. 
anyway i got to toyama by train because i hate flying, and i wanted to appreciate japan’s scenery as much as i could. the first day of my vacation was dedicated to travel and settling in.
the second day in toyama i woke up at 4am and headed to tateyama by train for about an hour. it was crowded with people even at that time of day. my bus up tateyama was at 7am and it was pretty scary. i’m not a big fan of heights. but the scenery was beautiful. we drove through a beech forest and the bus slowed down for important places like the biggest cedar tree. as we climbed up higher the snow got higher and everything was sparkly and white and beautiful, and we ended up above the clouds which meant the sky was clear and sunny. it was kind of perfect. i hung out in murodo for a while and walked along the snow trail, and then it was time to walk the snow wall route, or yuki-no-otani. the snow that day was 18m high, or about 65 feet. people were there to take photos of you at the highest point, which was really cool. there’s just something about seeing super tall snow that i can’t describe?? i took the walk back via panorama road, which is basically just a trampled down snow trail on the edge of the mountain. didn’t realize how much of a climb it was because it certainly didn’t look like one, but my fitbit says i climbed 56 flights of stairs LOL.
my original plan had been to go on past murodo and see kurobe dam, but when i finished with the yuki-no-otani i felt satisfied and ended up going back down the mountain. this time i was able to get normal tickets instead of the special extra tickets, so i got to experience the cable car at bijodaira too, which was scary and cool. 
by the time i got back to toyama it was about 2:30pm, so i took a short rest and then explored a little bit of the area -- castle ruins park and some shops and a bit more of the station and what it has to offer. 
my third day in toyama i visited a shrine to get my goshuin and then took a day trip to nagano. it poured rain, so i didn’t do much other than that. i did manage to try toyama black ramen though, which was interesting! not my cup of tea, but it wasn’t bad. it looks super salty because it’s a dark soy sauce broth, but it’s really pretty light.
overall i had a really nice time in toyama. it was one of the coolest thing i’ve done in japan, and actually i’m thinking about coming back in summer next year as a sort of last hurrah before going home. tateyama-kurobe alpine route is beautiful in the snow, but they say experiencing it in summer is even better because you can more freely walk around and the plants are thriving and stuff. so maybe! 
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