queenhosana Β· 3 years
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Y'all know I like taking these types of pics.. No idea why. I guess it might be because seeing is not seeing and it's a reminder for me. Well, Papa photobombed me and I ain't even know it! I saw it while scrolling through my pics... PAY ATTENTION. That still small voice is ALWAYS speaking. Anyone who tells you you can't hear from YAH daily, doesn't know Him. And so they think it not possible. They may know about Him, but they don't KNOW Him. If they did, they'd KNOW He's CONSTANTLY communicating with His CHILDREN. How else could we keep going without His Guidance? Jealousy and Envy will make folks say and do some wild things! Pray for their Deliverance, but leave them to their religious spirit. Don't find yourself bound with them. ☝🏾 EAT The Word FOR YOURSELF and find Deliverance, m'kay! Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Proverbs 3:5‭-‬8 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/pro.3.5-8.NKJV β€˜And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy. Acts 2:17‭-‬18 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/act.2.17-18.NKJV #IsaidwhatIsaid #Ebenezer #myliftinghascome #seeingisnotseeing #DAILYBread #applyingpressure #Propheticword #HeartofFire #judgementfree #interceding #iammybrotherskeeper #iammysisterskeeper #james5v16 #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #NOTW #YAHovereverything #growingthrough #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #soldierforChrist #TheLoveisREAL #beadoerofTheWord #GIVEdangerously #soldierforChrist #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0S4MpvOZSC-VyfvI5jSZQG_wvfzf83B_t4vw0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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Nothing like a fresh pack of crayons! 😍 Well... Maybe a fresh pack of coloring pencils! β˜πŸΎπŸ˜…πŸ₯° #PRAYERREQUEST #judgementfree #letmeprayforyou #intercessor #intercession #interceding #iammybrotherskeeper #iammysisterskeeper #standinginthegap #james5v16 #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #NOTW #YAHovereverything #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #GIVEdangerously #HeartofFire #standinginthegap #TheLoveisREAL #justbeYOU #beadoerofTheWord #soldierforChrist #beenfightingallmylife #formylife #nowImfightingforyours #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CTs4bEYLRcx5LKveHrdPjXh88VC5updT01e0wE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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Papa, I have no words... I DON'T DESERVE SUCH GRACE! But just as the widow received justice in Luke 18, You, O, Lord have heard your daughter. HALLELUJAH!!! GLORY TO ELOHIM, THE MOST HIGH!!! You ARE Able!!! There is NOTHING I will not do for you! 🧑πŸ”₯πŸ™ŒπŸΎ I love the waaayyy You handle my situations! I love the waayy You fight for me!! πŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎ #iamatestimonyofgodsgreatness #igotatestimony #inmybones #PEACE #peaceovereverything #REST #testimonyloading #narrowroad #Imonit #HeartofFire #changeishere #james5v16 #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #NOTW #YAHovereverything #growingthrough #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #TheLoveisREAL #justbeYOU #beadoerofTheWord #GIVEdangerously #soldierforChrist #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkdYzSnWhnoIV_lWhwWsK9N1A60fhl9b23Dqs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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Just completed an impromptu walk from North Waltham to my suite in Newton carrying 2 HEAVY bags and boy oh boy! 😫 YAH took me on a journey... Gave me an out 2/3 of the way, but I decided to keep going. The reward was MASSIVE REVELATIONS.... My body is screaming, my legs are spaghetti, my feet are barking and I tore a hole in my socks β˜πŸΎπŸ˜… But He was speaking (not literally 😏) the entire way. I'm almost petrified to share with you all that He's shared with me... But I said yes to Him so I will not falter. Probably won't share what He told me about myself, because I'm still HIGHLY monitored (I see you 😘) and I've had enough stolen from me, I look forward to sharing the words I received for The Body, it's leaders and the ones getting ready to replace them. Yea... I know What I said. There are also a few once powerful men of YAH that have fallen that Ebenezer is about to extend grace too as well. My YAH... Two more days and I'll be able to speak again to share, beloveds! The rumors are true! There's a QUAKING coming from the top down! The Body is about to be FLIPPED on its head. I hope you are sincere and transparent with Abba and have repented where you need to, because you DO NOT want to be swept out or washed away with the riff raff. MANY will not be able to recover and you won't know if you will be able to either... All this lukewarm showman religious zeal in The Body gotta stop. The fire is about to be turned up and ALL the fat gonna have to burn off. Y'all didn't want to heed my words when I was a part of a church body and only whispering it to people. Now I'm told to shout it out publicly and MANY are going to have to receive their judgement publicly. May YAH have mercy. But it ain't my fight. I'm only relaying. #Propheticword #HeartofFire #changeishere #judgementfree #intercessor #interceding # #iammysisterskeeper #standinginthegap #james5v16 #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #NOTW #YAHovereverything #growingthrough #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #soldierforChrist #TheLoveisREAL #justbeYOU #beadoerofTheWord #givedangerously #soldierforChrist #beenfightingallmylife #formylife #nowImfightingforyours #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives (at ZANAFIED Beauty) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTfIUXzHoluDwNbb65Z1WDeXFr0yZfhsBls_dg0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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It's time for separation and I'm one of the few that will no longer sit by and watch the mockery and insult of my Lord and the work at hand. If you're TRULY a Christ follower, drop the act. Rebuke that religious spirit you've been whoring with and GET RIGHT, before you get that ACT RIGHT. Ya heard? Nah... You didn't, because you're too busy entertaining your flesh and spectators and judging as you selfishly roll your eyes not realizing that YOU WILL have to answer for EVERY person in need you sidestepped. Luke 11:5-8, Proverbs 3:27-30, Mark 12:31 & Matthew 22:39 You've been commissioned to help your neighbor if you got it. Love them as you love yourself, but you're the worst kind of neighbor. You offer nothing but contempt for the widow and orphans, the homeless and the convict. You selfishly "love" yourselves and claim you have salvation. WHERE?! HOW?! Just because you said yes doesn't mean you get to keep it. There are BILLIONS of "Christians" in the waiting room awaiting their judgement of eternal damnation. Why? Because they lived like JUST LIKE YOU. I bet they'd do it differently if given the chance. You still have time though. But will you start walking it like you've been talking it or are you gonna continue to be lukewarm at best playing church and putting on a show for a world that doesn't even care about you? Marinate in that a lil bit as we enter the new year in a couple days. Hopefully you're offended and look to GET RIGHT before you GET LEFT. I wouldn't say it if I didn't love you. Otherwise I'm going to hell with you and THAT IS NOT MY PORTION. M'KAY! ☝🏾 #icametofight #choosingviolence #notforthefeintofheart #boutabeaproblem #bunchoffakes #walkitlikeyoutalkit #dontgetspitoutwiththebones #dividingtherealfromthefake #boutthislife #burningone #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #perspectiveiseverything #seeingisnotseeing #NOTW #YAHovereverything #Loveovereverything #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #GIVEdangerously #soldierforChrist #Hescomingsoon #Imeansoonsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives #LOVETHYNEIGHBOR # https://www.instagram.com/p/CTafW3DHk-X6H-6DChxcdEmFLe8Q2ynwokgUDc0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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To those who keep sharing The Gospel & YAH'S LOVE amongst the brethren ONLY: Do you not see a world of hearts hungry to hear it? The drug addicts and the drug dealers, the prostitutes and johns, the pimps and the thieves. The thugs and gangsters, the atheists and "woke", the herbalists and occultists. The homeless and destitute. The ones rejected by society, yet searching for the same thing we once were. Why do we keep the light only to ourselves??? Are they not looking to see too? What's driving your fear? That you will be "tainted"? That they're undeserving? Why? Says who? Is The Gospel not sent to ALL? What makes you so special? What sets you apart that you can't love on them and reach for them to bring them under THE SAME Wing we shelter under during our storms? Hello Psalm 91:4! πŸ‘‹πŸΎ We turn our noses up, cross the street, clutch our purses and stay FAR from the very people YAH is trying to reach. He's not trying to reach your brethren. They've already received. He's trying to reach the broken, sick, lost that you're religiously REFUSING to acknowledge. THEY NEED US. THEY NEED LOVE. And we continue to push them away as if they're lepers. Guess what? These are the people Yeshua Himself surrounded Himself with. Tell me I'm lying. I'll wait. Christians indeed! You're living up to the mockery of your name. Pinned on you as an insult and you've embraced it wholeheartedly. Only difference is you have NO agape love in you like our predecessors. No wonder no one wants to hear about The Gospel. No wonder you can't get the people YAH is calling into the church. No wonder they can't hear you when you start beating your Bible and try shoving your god down their throats. No wonder they reject you when you go down to get your photo ops in the name of "community service." πŸ™„ You want to reach the nation's, but you don't want to get dirty. Yeah... You are modeled after Jesus all right! Faker than fake. With his long flowing hair milky skin and piercing blue eyes. You're just like him. **Continued in next post #choosingviolence #iammysisterskeeper #iammybrotherskeeper #WHEREistheLove #bunchofphonies #youaintboutthislife #gositdown #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY https://www.instagram.com/p/CTacahkHw-_uHu-KgESjsjt-CfoY5tqBBdAHXc0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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Has anyone ever addressed the irony of our Lord being hung on a tree and the descended diaspora that have been literally hung from trees like ornaments? πŸ™‡πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ My Lord... Christmas has just taken a complete turn for me... WHY are we celebrating something so vile?! And we do THE MOST to make sure our trees are DECORATED... Completely blinded to the symbolisms... I love getting lost in The Word, but the revelations are HARD to swallow... I thought I was done crying... πŸ’” My people perish for lack of knowledge... Hosea 4:6 (NKJV) We think we're celebrating Yeshua's entrance into our sinful world, but it's not even the anniversary of His birth that we celebrate on, and we're proudly mocking His death and that of our ancestors. As we scream we want respect and rights from the very world that's turned us against Him and eachother. All while selfishly giving out gluttonous gifts and telling Him how much we love Him. Pray tell me, WHERE in that is YAH or Yeshua's sacrifice glorified? Such selfish wretches we are... 😭 The best time of the year for me has now become horrible... πŸ’” I see how my brethren reject Christ and rightfully so. Because the Christ presented to us IS NOT Yeshua. The Christ in the church IS NOT Yeshua. They took His image, perverted it to fit their mold and came back to our forefathers trying to tame the truth as a means of control over His people. A device meant to separate us from what's TRUE so that we may never come to know WHO we are and WHO'S we are. Let me ask... If 95% is true and 5% is false, is it still truth? No, but it surely looks like it, eh? Counterfeit. KNOW YAH FOR YOURSELF, beloved, so you don't die with the rest of the lost not knowing The Truth... Proverbs 10:21 (AMP) Stop spitting out the same garbage you heard a fool say with confidence as if it were sound and start seeking Him FOR YOURSELF. #convicted #savemefrommyignorancelord #AlmostmissedHim #IknowwhoIam #burningone #whoareyou #onfireforgod #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #perspectiveiseverything #seeingisnotseeing #NOTW #YAHovereverything #Loveovereverything #growingthrough #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #soldierforChrist #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CTaP1mXnE6t99evgUtHCnP4gtdpIUp6YwPO5YA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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This has been echoed to me all week in my reading and through various sources... Last night it FINALLY clicked. Grateful for the MANY ways Daddy YAH speaks to me, because He's LITERALLY been repeating Himself to me over and over again! β˜πŸΎπŸ˜… WHEEW! what a bullheaded child I am. As much as I used to abhor repeating myself, here He is having to repeat Himself continuously with me. πŸ™‡πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ Thank You for being so patient with your beloved, Abba. πŸ₯΄ Grace to hear and heed you keenly the first time... 🧑πŸ”₯πŸ™πŸΎ #Igotthevictory #Hekeptme #IknowwhoIam #daddysgirl #burningone #onfireforgod #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #perspectiveiseverything #seeingisnotseeing #NOTW #YAHovereverything #Loveovereverything #growingthrough #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #soldierforChrist #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives #standingonHispromises #AllIgotleft #patienceisavirtue #learningtofight #faithoverfear #faithovereverything https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ7uamHK8RNv3VPrMxrE4KI9tqA2c-saygB7Y0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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When it seems to be getting rougher and ain't no more room to back up. Smile HARDER, beloved. And mean it! ☝🏾😏 You've already overcome. The enemy knows this and is scrambling to try and fool you into thinking otherwise. They want you to cancel whats already been sent for you. But when you know better you do better. ☝🏾COME ON! LEAN INTO IT until that dam breaks! The flood coming will drown you with gladness and you'll be happy you've been praising in times they wanted you to be sorrowful. It ain't time for sackcloth and ashes! That ain't it. RISE UP AND KEEP GOING!! We've pursued and overtaken. Now we're gonna PLUNDER the enemy's camp for what he stole and an extra double double for our trouble. Because WE WERE DEFINITELY THE RIGHT ONES to mess with. Shabbat Shalom 🧑πŸ”₯πŸ™πŸΎ #1Samuel30v8 #PURSUE #wehavethevictory #doitwithasmile #Hekeptme #IknowwhoIam #burningone #burningones #onfireforgod #psalm25v15 #BIGYAHENERGY #perspectiveiseverything #seeingisnotseeing #NOTW #YAHovereverything #Loveovereverything #growingthrough #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomBrat #soldierforChrist #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives #judgementfree #standingonHispromises #AllIgotleft https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ4nRgngmRIqA44eDhsyihLml05A07SmajSxk0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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What's the situation, beloved? Whatever it is, know that you've already overcome it. You're only experiencing turbulence, because the enemy wants to rob you of your peace and make you reject what's already been released for you. Don't cancel your angel's assignment before they reach you! Keep pressing! Apply just a little more pressure. And BE STILL. No matter the situation. If YAH be for you, nothing can stand or succeed against you. Rest in Him knowing that He's working on your case, no matter how bad it looks. Bless YAH!! πŸ™ŒπŸΎ #PAYATTENTION #restinYAHUAH #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomKid #KingdomBrat #soldierforChrist #beenfightingallmylife #formylife #nowImfightingforyours #REPENT #Hescomingsoon #Imeansoonsoon #UNASHAMED #ChristLives #NowandForever #BIGYAHENERGY #perspectiveiseverything #seeingisnotseeing #NOTW #ZANAsMemoryString Β  #peaceovereverything #Godovereverything #Loveovereverything #growingthrough #broketherearview #putGodswordfirst #beadoeroftheword #remnant (at Hurley Building) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTFcsgYHXSEcOad4NNvJkFq50ykoDM72RfNdBs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenhosana Β· 3 years
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ANYBODY who holds you back from growth in any way and keeps you from moving forward in the vital parts of your life is dead weight. Loose and LET THEM GO. You need to be light for the journey ahead. Leave the dead weight on the other side of the bridge, beloved. You're crossing into a new season. And not everyone can go where you're headed. Be vigilant of the ticks and leeches, lest they drain you of what YAH has for you. And make no apologies for choosing the path YAH set for you over people who still want to be attached to you. ☝🏾 #ZANAsaidit #packlight #soldierforChrist #burnitoff #joinmeorwatchme #authenticationrequired #justbeYOU #BIGYAHENERGY #perspectiveiseverything #seeingisnotseeing #NOTW #Godovereverything #Loveovereverything #growingthrough #broketherearview #putGodswordfirst #beadoeroftheword #remnant #KingdomMinded #KingdomHeart #KingdomKid #KingdomBrat #UNASHAMED https://www.instagram.com/p/CTDH2Vgnjoe2TTKDLujo0efEL3JyK1Oqc3w_3U0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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