#biggie shorty
gottastaychai · 2 years
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
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Part 2 :0 ||part 3
Oh my gosh I am so impatient 😭 anyways another little traditional comic test using my copics and stuff. This is where the dads meet a certain musician. Can you guess which one?
It’s funny cuz I wanted to buy a spiral sketchbook for this type of stuff and I got two for $10, plus they were 40% off. And then I got new liners cuz mine were dying for $7 and THOSE were also 40%. I spent a total of $12 which is a HUGE deal. Unfortunately the quality isn’t as good with the sketchbooks 😅 as you can see, the copics reeeeally bled into the lineart so that is gonna be a challenge, but it’s not biggie! It’s not meant to look perfect anyway! Maybe I need a thicker line but for now I must suffer
Anyways the dads are so silly to me. I love them. Leon is kind of a pain to deal with here, but you’ll understand why soon enough. He has a reason he’s acting this way 🤌
Edit: here’s a transcript so y’all can read my handwriting
Page 1:
Rusl: Oy Leon!
Page 2:
Rusl: you mind slowing down for the rest of us?
Leon: *sigh* fine.
Rusl: hey now, not everyone is as fit to travel through the woods! Give them a break!
Leon: *grumble*
Page 3:
Rusl: alright y’all. Break time.
Talon: oh thank goodness
Ammon: hey, you mind boosting me up that tree? I’ll have a good view.
Linebeck: sure thing, shortie.
Ammon: I’ll kill you
Linebeck: hehe
Page 4;
Leon: hey! I never said we were taking a break!
Linebeck: uh-huh, and who put YOU in charge?
Leon: my son is out there somewhere! I just find him! I don’t have time to wait around!
Linebeck: then do us all a favor and leave!
Rusl: woah woah woah! We need to stick together, ok? No one is leaving!
Page 5:
Rusl: and Leon, we all wanna find our sons as much as you… but we can’t wander around the woods without a plan!
Rusl: we’ve been walking for hours now, we can’t push ourselves past our limits!
Leon: hmph… fine… I’ll scout ahead.
Rusl: wait, I JUST said we need to stick together!
Leon: I won’t be too far. Holler if you need me.
Rusl: ugh, that man is gonna be a pain.
Linebeck: AAUGH!
151 notes · View notes
yorshie · 11 months
Hii! Here is my prompt: 10 and 30, fluff and with Ralph or Leo
Hello! Didn't recognize the name for a minute, but I'm glad you asked for a request! (I'm still working on the other one sorry I know it's been a bit) I picked Raph for this one!
"Are you sure this is ok, Red?" You asked, leaning to address the large turtle over your shoulder as you gathered sponges and a luffa from the picnic table outside the cabin door. The light breeze today kept the day from being hot, but you were still glad you had packed shorts and a t-shirt instead of jeans.
Raph didn't have to be facing you for you to recognize he was rolling his eyes skywards. "Told ya I don't mind twice now, shorty. If I have to tell you one more time, I might just go crazy!"
You scrunched your mouth at him where he couldn't see, fumbling for a bottle of body wash before taking the few steps over to join him, almost tripping on the water hose still tucked over the lip of the plastic kiddie pool he was currently sitting in.
“Look,” he added when you stepped close, “I asked, didn’t I?”
"Yeah, you did ask, but.... well-" You dumped the bottles and sponges into the water between his swimsuit covered crossed legs, and he snorted, picked up the bottle with the scent he wanted and a sponge in the other.
"Listen, it's no biggie, usually one of the other's would help, but they've fucked off to who knows where." He paused, looking you over where you were biting your nail in nerves. "You just gotta get the middle, I can reach the edges."
"No, No," you grabbed the sponge from his hand before he could move away, taking two steps to plant yourself at his back. "I just... I really don't want to do the wrong thing here, Red."
He laughed at that, the sound deep in his chest. "What the hell do you think you're gonna be able to do wrong with a sponge, sweetheart?"
You blushed, pushed against his shell in retaliation, but the shove barely moved him. "I know you can feel touches through it, asshole! And! And! You've been shot, I can see the nicks and...." you trailed off, taking a moment to look over his shell, "you've got a lot of cracks, Raph."
He twisted, as much as he could while still sitting, and leveled you with a softer look. "It's fine, there's nothing you could do to hurt me."
You harrumphed at him, at the softness, and slapped him across the shell with the sponge. He had the audacity to laugh through the ensuing bubbles.
When the others came back from ‘who knows where’ they found their hot headed brother buried under a mountain of bubbles, incensed that someone (Mikey) had added dish soap to the bottle he’d handed you, while you danced around him with the hose trying in vain to wash them away.
142 notes · View notes
roeroe-world · 10 months
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her noah, his wiz.
starring: aka roxxie as yaya, method man as cassius
set in 1997.
warning: use of drugs and alcohol, profane language, detailed smut, adult situations, very long and lengthy scene ahead
The beauty of a black woman is unlike any other. Graced in different shades and sizes. Ebony skin crafted perfectly in the hands of God. Their creativity is unmatched. Trendsetters to the absolute max.
We’ve all heard the saying the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice… well, it’s absolutely true. Cassius is just one of many black men whom held the proof.
His woman, Yaya, is the perfect shade of brown. A true melanated queen, a head adorned with a crown. Whatever he wanted, she was down.
No-one could replace his girl. She’s his earth, his sun, the one. Yaya is his one and only true love, truly irreplaceable. They’ve had their ups and downs but still no other bitch could replace her.
“Aye, shorty? I’m home.” Cassius enters their home, after a long day of hustling and doing what he had to do to provide for his woman. He always made sure to make it home in one piece, never wanting his woman to worry about his whereabouts although she always did.
“I’m in here, baby!” Her sweet, Trinidadian and Queens accent meets his eardrums.
A familiar aroma exiting the kitchen invades his nostrils, he rubs his hands together, knowing whatever she cooked would be bomb. More than likely, she was cooking up a Caribbean dish.
Upon entering their spacious kitchen, the sight of his woman rocking blonde tresses nearly made him drool. She must’ve got her hair done today. He loves bright colors on her because it compliments her skin tone so well.
His shorty could rock braids, curls, a mullet, Bantu knots, anything, and she’d still look good. Yaya happened to be versatile with her looks which he adores. She wasn’t a basic bitch and she’s far from average.
The ebony woman stood unapologetically in her skin tone, a frame shaped like an hourglass, and a phat ass. In his eyes, nobody is on her level— not even actress, Halle Berry.
“Damn, who you looking this good for?” He envelopes his arms around her tiny frame, a firm grip on her plump bottom as his head dips into the crook of her neck. His pink lips planting sensual kisses along her soft skin.
His infamous scent of expensive cologne and weed dancing within her nostrils, making her feel right at home.
“You. As always.” She giggles, caressing his clothed back. “How was your day?”
“Same ‘ol shit.”
Yaya didn’t question him any further. She knew he was doing his thing in the streets.
Cassius slightly backs away to give her space to open the oven door, leaning against the island and scanning her frame closely through his Versace glasses. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.
“So… Radiah and I went by Saks today and they had these fly ass high-heel boots. Baby, you should’ve saw ‘em— I mean, they had the cheetah print fur and leather.” Amongst opening the oven door, she sits the dish onto the table and removes the mittens off of her dainty manicured hands. “Then there was this purse. I think it was Prada or Dolce Gabbana. Bad.”
Reaching into the pocket of his baggy leather jacket, “How much money you need to go shopping?”
A bright smile creeps upon her glossy lips as she holds up her hand, showcasing the exact amount she wanted. Her dainty hand bending largely into the air.
Without a hesitation, Cassius chuckles, “I got you, baby.” He counts his cash and hands his woman a wad of money without wasting any time. Money isn’t a thing when it comes to spoiling his girl.
His wiz deserves the finer things in life.
“You always got me, baby.” She plants a loving kiss amongst his pink lips. Ain’t no nigga like the one she got.
1995. 1995 was the year, Cassius and Yaya first laid their dark brown orbs onto one another at Biggie’s concert. It was lust at first sight. A pretty face and a phat ass left him mesmerized but her aura left him hypnotized. Of course, she liked his roughneck look and thought he had it going on.
“What’s good, beautiful? I’m Cassius.” The brown dyed finger waves eccentuated her facial features. Her wine, red dress hugged her small figure as well as a pair of Jordan’s adorning her small feet.
He searched through the crowd to approach her, no longer focusing on the fact that one of his favorite rappers was performing on stage. Cassius was determined to talk to her, despite the rowdiness and ruckus occurring around them.
His hand outward for her to shake it which she does, scanning his being. His hair happened to be in a wild fro, dressed in baggy clothing and a fresh pair of Nikes. “Hello, Cassius. The name’s Yaya.” She definitely enjoyed the sight in front of her. “I’m guessing you want my number.”
Her accent caught him a bit off guard but instead he just grins, saying, “Yeah. If that’s cool with you.” She returns the grin, a grin that indicated that she was fucking with him.
For the rest of the show, they kicked it and remained in touch.
Despite the urges to want to pounce on him the moment they were finally alone for the first time, she made him work for it. Honestly, he loved every moment of it. ‘Cause it was worth it in the end. She’s worth it.
Here they were in 1997, still going strong. Cassius had been nothing short from a real nigga from the get go, fulfilling his promise to give her the world as he did. He treats her like a queen while keeping her laced in the finer things.
Despite possessing her own hard earned money, she has a man who could provide. A man whom she loves from his head to his toes. Who she’d ride for at any given moment.
He peers downward in her direction, grabbing a hold of Yaya’s left hand which held a large diamond rock on her fourth finger and intertwining their fingers, “Shit. I can’t wait to marry you.” The two staring onto one another passionately.
At times, she would often stare at her engagement ring, wondering if it was real or not. The stunning nine carat emerald cut diamond band adorned her left hand for the past four months.
New York City, it was pouring rain. The couple were enjoying their dinner at a popular luxurious restaurant in the city. Suddenly, their conversation transitioned into a heart to heart, expressing to one another how appreciative they were. But Cassius had more planned.
The palm of their hands connected as his thumb caressed the top of her hand, his raspy New York accent flowing within her eardrums. Their eyes never tearing away from one another.
“When you met me I ain’t have nothing and you didn’t have to fuck with me. But you did— no matter how much of a fucking handful I was. I wasn’t easy to deal with yet you remained solid. You stayed down, held a nigga down and helped mold me into the man I am today like no other woman could. You never folded when shit got tough and for that I ain’t got nothing but love and respect for you…”
He spoke truthfully, scanning her facial features and taking in her beauty. “Ain’t nobody fuckin’ with you or replacing what you did. You keep it real. You all I ever wanted in a woman.” Cassius meant every single word. “We got history, shorty and knowing that—” The male reaches into his pocket and bends on one knee. “Will you marry me?”
Instantaneously, her eyes bulged out of her head and she hops out of her seat without a hesitation. “Yes, Cassius, I’ll marry you!” Yaya’s high jet black ponytail bounced as she hops up and down in excitement similar to a child, smiling brightly.
A heartwarming grin amongst his pink lips, he slides the ring onto her finger and the moment he began to stand, she jumps into his arms. Their lips connecting passionately as if they were the only individuals in the establishment.
Yet, they had an entire audience, clapping and making sounds of approval for the couple.
“I can’t wait to marry you either.” Their lips connect yet again. “You hungry?” She began to make him a plate.
“Hell yeah.” He wastes no time responding, his arms enveloping her waist as he watched her.
The couple hopped out of Cassius’ Mercedes Benz, strolling hand in hand into the large home. Cassius’ homeboy, Derek, lived it up and hosted lavish parties. He didn’t seem to give a fuck about the white people in his neighborhood.
They could call five-o on him at any moment yet he still could care less. It’s his house and he pays the bills, no-one could tell him what to do with his household. He continued to throw parties damn near every weekend. His house is big enough.
“Aye, what’s good, Cee?!” He greets his childhood friend, their hands clapping together while bringing one another in to clap the other’s back. “Ain’t shit. This piece jumpin’.” Cassius glances around the packed mansion, slightly nodding and rapping along to the music.
“Hey, Yaya. You look good.” Derek embraces the young woman into a friendly hug which she returns. “Hi, Derek.” He so happened to be one of the few of Cassius’ friends she actually liked.
Rap music played loudly, smoke clouded the house and women were everywhere. Mobb Deep’s Quiet Storm Remix featuring Lil Kim blared throughout the speakers. It was live, for sure. Cassius and Yaya found themselves indulging in just a few drinks— more so Yaya, dancing together.
One thing about Yaya is she was going to have a drink or two or even three. She likes to drink and was already about to gulp down her fourth one.
Meanwhile, Cassius was on his third blunt of the day and only had one drink. He isn’t much of a drinker like Yaya happens to be. The only difference is he could function properly when intoxicated, she couldn’t. His baby is lightweight.
A lit blunt sat in between the male’s index and middle finger, shaking his head, “Aht, no more drinks for you, Yaya.” He garners the red cup from her hold and sits it onto a nearby table earning a pout. She couldn’t handle her liquor especially when she’s had too much to drink.
Irrational isn’t even the word to describe how she acted when often intoxicated. He didn’t like when she would drink, he never could.
“You are not my damn daddy.” Childishly, crossing her arms, Cassius doesn’t pay her actions any mind.
The smoke between his lips blows into her face carelessly, hitting her nostrils and eventually her blood stream. She’s not much of a smoker, opposed to Cassius. Though with the amount of smoke clouding her, she was already high as a kite and drunk.
His arms are lifted above his head, his tall frame swaying side to side, singing along to 112’s Cupid. Low red eyeballs piercing downward into hers as he sung the lyrics to the woman. “…And when I tell you I need you. Don’t you think that I’ll never be there, oooh,” It was so off key that the beauty found herself laughing. Her mood immediately shifting, giving into his antics.
Suddenly, she envelopes her arms around his neck and the couple began to sing off key together, even messing up a few of the lyrics along the way.
“True love won’t lie but you won’t know unless you give it try, give it try…” They sang in unison, cracking up at themselves for finishing the note terribly. “I’d rather die before I— before I lie to you,” Yaya’s other free hand swayed side to side while the other remained around his neck. “Never wanna leave, never wanna go, ah oooh— no, no, no, no, nooo, no ohh…”
Their failed attempt to hit the high note results in their laughter to double over. The woman pushes his face away playfully, claiming, “You fuckin’ up my song, nigga.” A mug present amongst her canvas.
Tossing his head backward, chuckling, his head lifts upward yet again as his tongue drags across his pink lips. “You not exactly a Mariah or a Whitney. Shit, you not even a Brandy, shorty.” She gasps in response at the insult, her stomach hurting from the amount of laughing she’d been doing all night.
“Fuck you.” The woman laughs uncontrollably.
Grinning goofily, Cassius forced his fiancée into his embrace and palms her backside. His head dipping into the crook of her neck to plant small pecks upon her skin, inhaling her sweet expensive perfume. He loves him some Yaya.
He enjoyed days like these ‘cause they weren’t always like this.
At times, they would beef for no reason. Yaya tends to get her moods and so does Cassius. They both collectively possess attitudes out of this world and at times their fights could be brutal, harsh. So it was important that the couple basked in the calmness and peacefulness, living in the moment.
They’re still very young individuals, trying to figure themselves and this thing called life out. In the midst of healing from childhood trauma, trying their absolute best to break generational curses. Not wanting to follow the same mistakes their parents made.
Though, at times, it could be unavoidable.
“Yo, Cee, let me whoop yo’ ass in pool.” That familiar raspy New York accent makes her roll her eyes. Exodus.
Cassius’ body no longer on hers and his attention averting to his homeboy, kissing his teeth playfully. “My bad for breaking up y’all little love session.” Exodus’ and Yaya’s eyes meet for a split second the moment she turns, looking him up and down quickly. “You don’t mind if I steal your cheatin’ ass nigga real quick to beat him in pool?” Despite her growing upset, she nods in approval anyways.
“Yeah, no. I don’t mind.” She and Cassius were enjoying their time together until he barged in for a game of fucking pool. Pathetic.
Chuckling, Cassius sends a loving peck to his woman’s lips, “I’ll be back, shorty.” Before leaving, his hand taps her plump backside that sat perfectly in her leather pants. “Nigga, I won that game fair and square. You just a sore loser. Fuck outta here— drinking fourties’ like it’s still the eighties or some shit.” He jokes on his friend while shoving him, the pair walking away alongside one another.
While her fiancé was gone, she decided to have another drink then came another one. As much as she was drinking, she had to use the bathroom. Upon completing what she needed to do, she found herself staring at herself in the mirror.
There she stood. Face made up to perfection with the compliments of MAC and Chanel. Expensive blonde tresses falling just below her backside. A long sleeved shirt that read Moschino in red and white letters. A pair of dark red leather pants crafted perfectly by well-known brand, Versace. As well as a pair of black heeled Chanel boots.
Her ears adorned in diamond earrings that read ‘C’ as well as an iced out chain sitting upon her breasts that spelled out her fiance’s name. Lifting her manicured left hand, the diamond band stares right back at her.
Honestly, Yaya couldn’t believe her life, at times. She’s had her fair share of boyfriends yet none of them amounted to her Cassius. Her noah.
She was with him when he had nothing, still trying to scrape and figure his finances out. Now they were living lavish, money was no longer an issue. Yaya could go shopping whenever she pleased; closet filled with designer bags, shoes, clothes, jewelry.
He promised her the world and everything in it, fulfilling every promise he made.
Despite how well he treated her and kept her looking nice, it can all grow quite overwhelming. Yaya wasn’t used to having nice things especially during her childhood.
She was born to an alcoholic mother and a crack fiend of a father whom sold their belongings for their own personal gain and habits. At times, she had to fend for herself, so it was really rough growing up.
Retail therapy became her best-friend now that she has the funds. But it wasn’t always that way. During her teenage years, alcohol became a friend of hers. That habit hadn’t seem to die since then.
Stumbling out of the spacious bathroom, she heads for the stairs while holding onto the ledge as much as she could. Her current state earned a few stares yet she continues on her way to the pool room.
Individuals surrounded the pool table, engulfed in the sight of Cassius and Exodus have a showdown. She joins the crowd, smiling slightly. Their game of pool seemed to be growing intense as Exodus threw a wad of cash onto the table, shouting, “Put your fuckin’ money where your mouth is, mothafucka.” A grin amongst his two-toned lips.
“You tryna play me again after I done beat yo’ ass for what the… second time?” He speaks arrogantly, popping his nonexistent collar several times.
Arrogance pouring over his fresh tall frame as he daps up a few individuals surrounding him. As he does so, Yaya couldn’t help to notice a trio of females standing behind him and cheering him on loudly. She didn’t like that shit, at all.
She wasn’t one to judge a book by its cover but they looked like hoes, dressed in the tightest and shortest outfits as if they didn’t live in New York and feel the 50 degree windy weather outside. They were definitely looking for the wrong attention, from the wrong person.
“What, nigga? Scared Im’ma beat you this time?” Exodus smirks.
“You know what? X wants the fuckin’ heat, Im’ma bring the fuckin’ heat. Let me spank that ass one good, last time.” Upon finishing his cocky comment, one of three women from the trio struts closer to Cassius and caresses his clothed back. A smile upon her bright face.
That was the last straw.
Yaya wastes no time to march to the scene, “Excuse me, yo?” She makes her presence known earning a plethora of stares. “Take your fuckin’ hands off my nigga.” Her tone rude and harsh, eyes piercing into the woman’s direction whom glances her upward and downward in confusion.
The mood in the entire room immediately shifts. “Who the fuck are you? First of all, I don’t even know you for you to be coming at me like that.” The woman does remove her touch but she was defensive, prepared to defend herself in any way shape or form.
“I’m his fiancée, bitch. Who the fuck is you?”
The minute the young woman began to get in her face is when Cassius intervened, he pulls Yaya into his embrace and shoves his woman behind his frame with a heavy sigh. “Both of y’all calm the fuck down. You…” He demands calmly, trailing off while planting his attention onto the angry unknown woman whom was trying to get closer to Yaya. “can back the fuck up.”
“Nah, ‘cause who she calling a bitch? Then this bitch got the nerve to come at me sideways about a nigga I ain’t even fuck? This hoe done lost her rabbit ass mind, yo.”
“Hoe?” Yaya chuckles drunkenly, foot tapping against the floor. “Look at you, bitch. Go find another nigga to give VD. But not this one. Learn to keep your fuckin’ stank ass hands to yourself. Point blank fucking period, yo.” Cassius shakes his head, sighing yet again.
This is the exact reason he didn’t want her drinking.
“Yo, I don’t know who you is but you making my girl feel some type of way so I’m gon’ ask you to walk away. Politely.” Cassius intervenes, preventing his woman from causing any harm. With the amount of liquor in her system? She would beat a bitch ass with no absolute hesitation.
The unknown woman tilts her head backward in offense, “Why the fuck I gotta leave? No disrespect, mothafucka, you ain’t my daddy. I was here first. It ain’t my fault yo’ bitch is insecure.” She was getting mad disrespectful with the mouth. Neither Cassius or Yaya was feeling it.
Cassius bit his tongue, knowing it held the power of making her cry. She didn’t deserve his energy. This broad was a nobody.
As much as a hothead Yaya happens to be, she attempts to reach over the tall male and lunge at the woman but fails. Eventually, grasping a pool stick and attempting to hit the woman with the item instead.
“Cassius? Let me go!” She shouts, more than prepared to fuck her up. In the midst of the madness, he remained calm and maintained his tight grip to block her from making any sudden movements.
“Aight, aight. Yo, you and your homegirls gotta get the fuck up outta here. Y’all sucking up the energy.” Derek overheard the commotion and decided to intervene, motioning the trio to the exit of his home.
“Fine. This shit was wack anyways. Girl, that nigga ain’t all that for you to be acting like a damn mental patient for.” The trio were on their way out the door, laughing loudly amongst themselves at what just took place a second ago.
Cassius shook his head angrily, “What type of fuckin’ nappy headed disrespectful ass broads you be invitin’ in here, man?” He quizzes his friend, connecting he and Yaya’s hands. “Yeah, nigga. We out.” Not only was Yaya upset, Cassius was too and just as much.
“Damn, nigga. Slow down.” She sends the male a harsh mug as he practically drags her out of the mansion by a tight grip on her hand.
Remaining silent is what he does because if he opened his mouth… Cassius would be bound to go off. He didn’t want to cause another scene in front of hundreds of people again.
Upon opening the passenger door for the young woman, shaking his head disappointingly, observing as she stumbled onto her seat. Her eyes search around, catching sight of the trio standing in front of Derek’s home, staring in the couple’s direction in pure hatred.
Childishly, she sticks out her tongue and flips all three of the women a bird before Cassius shuts the door behind her. He sends the trio an eye roll, strolling over to the driver side then opens his door, flipping the women off as well and hopping into his Benz.
Silence filled their two story home. Marijuana smoke clouding the living area. The light from the television being Cassius’ only source of light as he watches reruns of ‘Fresh Prince Of Bel Air’. He didn’t laugh, he didn’t say a word. He just sat in pure silence as he smoked his blunt.
Meanwhile, Yaya saunters down the steps after a much needed shower and hopping out of bed upon realizing her man wasn’t spooning her. “Baby?” No response. He’s clearly upset and she could tell, she could feel it.
“Cassius, I know you hear me talking to you.” She joins him on the couch, sending multiple pecks to the side of his face and neck. “Come to bed, papa.” Her chin leaning against his left shoulder, running her hand across his fresh fade adorned with his black durag.
Still, he gives her the silent treatment.
“Cassius?” She summons his name yet again.
“You got a problem.” He speaks for the first time in hours. Head planted to the television screen.
“What?” She quizzes in confusion, eyebrows furrowing together and moving away from him slightly.
“Your drinking is starting to get out of control.”
Instantly, her head tilts backward as her nose turns up as if he was speaking another language. What he said isn’t foreign at all. She understood every single word he spoke but that didn’t mean she isn’t offended.
“I’ve been drinking since I was thirteen, Cassius. I’m a grown ass woman and I can handle my damn liquor.”
Shaking his head, “That’s the issue.” Kissing her teeth, she began to speak until it was too late. “You been like that since I met you. I ain’t notice it then but I’m seeing it through now. It’s cool to have a drink every once in awhile but you… you have a couple drinks then another few drinks, eventually the whole bottle.” He began acknowledging his observations over the years, no longer ignoring them.
Now that they were getting married, a lot of issues couldn’t go unaddressed.
“You stressed? Are you stressed about the wedding? What’s going on? Talk to me.” Taking a pull from his blunt, Yaya observes him before scoffing. He had some nerve to try to point out her ‘issues’ as if he doesn’t have any.
“I want to marry you. That’s a no brainer but you’re trying to claim I’m the one with the habit here, yet you smoke weed twenty damn times a fuckin’ day.”
Suddenly, Cassius began to choke on the smoke as a laugh of disbelief clawed its way through his throat. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He couldn’t believe she was trying— no she wasn’t even trying. She’s flipping this shit on him completely.
“Yo, what?” He starts, “I ain’t the one who spazzed on some broad tonight. Just saying.” His hands go up in the air for a second, blunt between his lips.
“That bitch was touching you without permission. I had every right to react the way I did. Meanwhile, you and Exodus were too busy having a dick swinging contest—”
“Aight, aight, aight, baby. I ain’t arguing with yo’ ass tonight. We all got problems that not even money can solve. I love you enough to call you out on your shit. So, let’s leave it at that.” He shrugs, continuing to smoke his blunt without any absolute shame. “And ain’t nothing wrong with weed. It’s an herb. Word.” She sends him an eye roll, plopping her back against the couch.
Similar to a broken record, tonight’s events starts replaying in her head. From the moment the couple arrived and left, her drinking in between their time there. She hadn’t even realized it as she mindlessly poured as many cups as she could the moment her fiancé waltzed off with Exodus.
Yaya knew he would have stopped her like he did prior before leaving her by her lonesome, thinking he was just being bossy and controlling. In reality, he was aware of her dangerous habit yet she didn’t realize it herself.
Her mother was in denial. Her father was in denial. Yet where did their habits lead them? To the grave.
Tears cascades along her cheeks and as much she attempts to hold them back, she couldn’t. She was still drunk and when she’s under the influence, she’s extremely dramatic and overly emotional. But these tears… weren’t just any tears or her being downright dramatic. These were tears for her parents.
The tears she didn’t cry at neither of their funerals.
“I apologize for embarrassing you, papa.” She cries softly and he wastes no time to embrace the woman, his blunt being the least of his worries and now sitting into the ashtray for later.
“You ain’t got nothing to be sorry for, baby.” He sends a peck to her forehead as she melts into his arms, loving this side of him. She wished her father would embrace her this way.
One of Cassius’ nicknames happened to be Papa. He accepted her for who she is, never sought out to change her and loved her unconditionally. He’s also more than fully equipped to be a daddy; financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Out of all of the men she’s ever been romantically involved with, Cassius’ also known as Papa handled her with care and picked her up when she was down. Never once neglected her like the other men had, like her father had.
He’s her noah, alright.
Lifting her head, she looks him in the eye, “I love you.” She meant it. “I love you to the moon and back for putting up with me the way you do and to this day I don’t know how. You never left my side and I’m so grateful for a man like you.”
“And I ain’t never leaving you. It’s you and I till the day we die.” Her eyes were watery, sniffling as she gave him her undivided attention while he spoke. “I love that big brain inside of this dome of yours. I love these pretty eyes. I love this pretty nose…” He taps the bridge of her nose. “I love these pretty lips,” His thumb trailing across her soft lips before leaning in to plant two pecks amongst the pair.
“I love this body. Inside and out. Never stop being who you are ‘cause I love every part of you, from your flaws— your imperfections. You got my heart.”
“You got my heart.” She replies with a smile, whispering close to his lips and connecting them yet again. This union more passionate than the last.
“Damn. I love you.” He speaks within their kiss, climbing on top of the woman.
Suddenly, Yaya disconnects their lip-locking and turns on her stomach while lifting her purple lace thigh-length night gown to reveal her bare plump bottom. Her top row of pearly whites embeds into her bottom lip the moment he sends a rough smack to her backside.
At this point, they were completely bare and exposed. Cassius fills her up with his curved phallus, the couple moaning softly at the sensation of one another. They felt right at home. No matter how many times they made love, they never got tired of one another.
His firm grip on each side of her waist tightened so she couldn’t run, not that she would anyway. Yaya always took him like a pro and never complained about his large size. She handled it whenever and however she desired while making him feel good on the same accord.
The side of her canvas smushed into the arm of the leather couch, mouth wide open, eyelids fluttering from the sensation of Cassius’ dick driving in and out of her passionately yet slowly. His chest pressed against her back, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
“Oh, shit.” She moans aloud, french tip mid-length acrylics raking through his facial hairs. Her nectar dripping along his member and pelvic area. “Faster, papa…” Her tone pleads and he does as requested, speeding up his pace yet making sure she felt everything.
Yaya’s jaw drops as her body is being shoved back and forth alongside each stroke. Ecstasy pouring within her veins, lips shaking while crying out through the pleasure and pain. Blonde tresses falling out of its ponytail, wildly covering the woman’s face. Meanwhile, Cassius was focused on pleasuring his fiancée.
The gripping, the tugging, the wetness, the way her ass clapped as she threw it back on him; Cassius was in ecstasy too.
His top row of pearly whites digs into his bottom lip, grabbing a hold of her hair and forcing her head backward. Their eyes connecting, both jaws agape. “How much you love this dick?” Her eyebrows furrow together yet again, eyelids shutting while her pink tongue drags across her lips.
“I…” She began only to take a pregnant pause the moment his free hand comes into contact with her throbbing center, rubbing in circles. “Mm,” A pent up sensation creeps amongst her. “Cassius—” The young woman couldn’t contain her juices, squirting due to overstimulation.
“Mhm.” He encourages her, continuing his actions which would ultimately drive her up the wall. “I asked you a question, baby.”
“I love this dick…” She whimpers weakly, biting down on her lip.
Suddenly, Cassius’ switches their position so that his back is against the couch while the woman is on top of his lap. Face to face. Her arms enveloping his neck, bare hourglass frame moving up and down passionately. They were freeing their minds, finding themselves moaning and groaning. His hands palming and sending multiple smacks to her backside on several occasions.
They couldn’t keep their eyes off of one another with the exception of tossing their head backwards or shutting their eyelids for a second.
For a sharp moment, Yaya slides his soaked member out of her wetness and taps it against her center before squirting once more. A loud, pornographic moan falling from her lips as she returns him to his rightful position. Her gushiness and wet skin clapping making a track of its own.
“Look what you do to me, papa.” Her dainty hands caressing his chest, referring to the wetness she possessed. She was perfectly crafted in God’s hands.
“Damn, shorty.” Her fiance speaks in disbelief and pure arousal, hands trailing across her breasts then her flat stomach and eventually her throbbing center. “Fuck, I love this pussy…” His tone low, full of lust and desire. “What did I do to deserve you?”
The thought of the two getting married crosses his mind, envisioning his woman in a beautiful white gown trailing down the flower decorated aisle. A smile etched upon her captivating face as their brown irises remained onto one another’s.
Their honeymoon in her hometown, Trinidad, like they planned. Kids.
His touch trails amongst her belly, their faces barely an inch from one another, “This where our babies gon’ grow. Fuck…” His jaw drops, feeling his orgasm approaching. “Damn, you fuckin’ amazin’.” Not only is she the bomb in general but so is her pussy.
The hole is fit for his size, popping and snapping at him because as Yaya would say ‘she loves him’. Cassius’ believed her from the moment they first made love due to how she reacted and he didn’t even need to touch it.
“All this for me, shorty?” His tongue dragging across his lips, low gaze peering a hole into the woman’s being.
“Mhm.” She hums, hips moving in a circular motion. “This your pussy, papa.” Planting a loving peck amongst his lips.
“Yeah, I know. You ain’t gon’ give my shit away, right?” He began forcing her body up and down, snatching the breath out of her while staring into her soul. Though, he’s been snatching her soul the entire time.
“Never… fucking never… ah,” A plethora of whimpers falling behind her response shortly after. “Ouu, Cee, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna fucking cum!”
“Mhm, let that shit go.” And so she did. Unraveling amongst him as he did, inside of her, ensuring that every drop entered her warm walls. “Good girl.” He praises her with a groan, planting sensual kisses along her neck.
“Shit, I love you.” The young woman connects their lips into a passionate union, panting heavily.
“I love you.” He speaks, continuing to stare in the direction of his fiancée under his almost squinty eyes and perfectly curled eyelashes. His gaze low, completely underneath her spell.
“Let’s go again in the shower, yeah?” Happily, she garners enough strength to pull him off of the couch and lead him upstairs. He mindlessly followed. Yeah, she has him sprung.
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hime-memes · 2 years
                         • Into The Spider Verse Soundtrack Starters • 
I was re-watching this movie the other night & remembered how good the soundtrack was. Here we are today, with a set of lyric starters ! Enjoy ! 
                   - Click the Song Titles to be redirected to a youtube™ video of them. –       As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use for the general RPC. Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for the receiver’s muse !     Recommended For: Any Muses/Plots/Timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Violence & some mild language
‘ Elevate ‘ “ I had to get out all alone. “  " I’ll figure it out on my own. “ “ I know what I really want now. “ “ ... And now I see clear in HD ! “ “ I ain't got time to waste. “ “ They wanna fight ? I'm just gon' let 'em hate. “ “ You better choose a side -- ! “ “ You gotta choose a side ! “  “ You better do what's right, or you’re gonna lose the fight ! “ “ This is my arena ! “ “ I'm the black widow with a bad stinger -- “  “ I'll make you scream like a bad singer. “ “ I'm everything that you wanna be, plus more ! “ “ ... Since there's no heroes anymore ... “ “ Who’s the bad man that a man gotta bash on ? “ “ They will slander me -- I just plan to be somethin' powerful for my family. “ “ I tried to balance life and my sanity. “ “ How can I possibly act right ? “ “ I know you heard 'bout my last fight ! “ “ ‘ Cause I win, over and over again ! “ “ Fightin' my demons; I'm nice for a reason. “ “ My strength and my honor is trusted by children. “ “ I'm ready and willing to fight all these villains ... “ “ No chaos or killings -- my style is so brilliant ! “  “ I may have lost the battle, but I will not lose the war ! “  “ And, I did everything that I did on my own. “ “ Better talk to me nice; better watch your tone ! “  ‘ Way Up ‘ “ I went from boy to a man. “  “ My opposition had to stand down. “ “ ... And I had to make a perfect plan. “ “ I had to fight for the city. “ “ I had to fight for the people ! “ “ You gotta do what all leaders do ... “ “ Everyone here ? We believe in you ! “ “ We know you can be a hero, 'cause we’ve seen you do it ! “ “ Now, there's no villains allowed. “ “ The competition was lethal ! “ “ Honestly, it's no biggie. “ “ I had to do what all leaders do. “ ‘ Familia ‘ “ Father, father, unforgivable -- “ “ This is my house; you made it personal. “ “ It's always trouble when they go too far -- “ “ Nobody mention my familia. “ “ Father, father, could you bless his soul ? “ “ He’s talking crazy, I may lose control ! “ “ La lealtad vale más que el dinero ! “ // “ Loyalty is worth more than money ! “  “ Y yo me vo' a morir leal y nunca como un traicionero ... “ // “ And I'm going to die loyal and never as a treacherous ... “ “ Yo hasta doy la vida por mi familia ! “ // “ I’ll even give my life for my family ! “ “ ... Y que en paz descansen los que se mueren de envidia ... “ // “ ... And may those who die of envy, rest in peace ... “ “ Y en la familia no se falla, pero si te traicionan ... “ // “ and in the family you don't fail, but if they betray you ... “ “ No les das la espalda, tú lo ayuda' y perdona'. “ // “ You don't turn your back on them, you help him, ' and forgive '. “ La familia primero. ” // “ Family First. “ “ No lo compra el dinero ! “ // “ Money don't buy it ! “ “ Real hasta la muerte -- ! “ // “ Real until death ! “ “ Yo nunca vo' a traicionarte ... “ // “ I will never betray you ... “ “ Y si tú te cae yo mismo vo' a levantarte. “ // “ And if you fall ? I myself will get up ... “ ” Nobody pop off; nobody get murked ! “ “ Nobody scream, it'll prolly get worse ... “ “ Now I'm the curse -- this is my terse. “ “ Before I kill 'em, Imma torture them first ! “ " You about to need a prayer from a preacher. “ “ Eye of the tiger, faster than a cheetah -- ! “ “ Hop out the spider, then it's hasta la vista ! “ “ Now you’re a dead man for real. “ ‘ Hide ‘ ” Need a drink ? “ “ Really think I found my home -- Shorty make me feel at home. “ “ She made me leave the thrills at home & I'm fine with it ... “ “ She really made me lose control. “ “ Imma let my love unfold. “ “ We're just two lost souls, but we're fine with it. “ “ There's love at my front door ... short notice ! “ “ You're not like the same girls, I notice. “ “ Think I met my soul mate, and yeah -- I know it. “  “ When it gets dark outside; In you I confide. “ “ You help me face my demons. “ “ I won't hide ... “ “ Girls like you are hard to find ! “  “ I hope you don't mind, If I give you the time of your life ! “  “ Life is not the same -- “ “ Now that you're here ? I want nothing to change ! “  “ You pick me up when I'm down, look - I need you around. “ “ You’ve seen me through my darkest times ... “ “ You brought meaning to my life ! “ “ All because of you, I do right. “ “ Because of you, I have a purpose ! “ “ I fight for the world, because you're worth it. “ ‘ Scared of the Dark ‘ ” I'm not scared of the dark. “ “ No, I'm not afraid of the fall ... “ “ I'm not scared, not at all !  “  “ Why would a star ever be afraid of the dark ? “  “ I ain't never scared & I ain't never horrified. “ “ I just looked down at my Rolex, it said it's the darkest times. “ “ I ain't never terrified, I ain't never petrified. “  “ You know I see dead people, I just tell 'em, ‘ Get a life ‘ ! " “ Let me testify. “ “ I have never testified. “ “  I'm married to my pride. “  “ I got eyes like marbles; if I cry -- they sparkle ! “ “ You know I can read your mind like I'm the author. “ “ Take a deep sigh, it’s a sayōnara, I ain't afraid to die ... “ ” Okay, put my heart to the side. “ “ In my feelings, hey - let's ride. “ “ ‘ That’s my baby ! ‘, Boy, you crazy ! “  “ If only you count the tears I've cried ... “ “ A million times, I swear I've died ! “ “ I'm trying, but it's still not right -- “ ‘ Memories ‘ “ My memories came back in the form of someone else. “ “ I know this feelin', yes, I know this very well ! “  “ Why won't you love me now ? “ “ It's gon' take some gettin' used to. “ “ You feel the pain when it hits you. “ “ Don't you ever let them fool you ! “ “ ' Cause I know, that you know, that it ain't true. “ “ I learned the hard way about trust ... about us. “ “ We're not so stable anymore. “ “ What's left if I give you my all ? “ “ You stepped over me like a sidewalk. “ “ That's your loss ! “  “ You self-destruct and I watch. “ “ I can't deal with ya. “ “ I finally had enough. “
‘ Home ‘ “ I'm at war with their enforcement. “ “ Tryna fight for what's right and got sidetracked ... “ “ Where is your mind at ? ... ( Never mind that ! ) “  “ I stay with my brethren & pay for protection. “ “ I'm doing what's right and not askin' no questions. “ " I'm ready and waitin' for my day of salvation. “ “ I’m right where I belong now. “ “ They're looking for saviors. “ “ I'm looking for safety. “ “ I'm never gon' beg or plead. “ “ Say it out loud: Are you ready for war ? “ ‘ Start a Riot ‘ ” Who in here tryna start a riot ? “ “ That ain't no flyin' saucer ... “ “ You better just fix your posture ! “ “ And every hero needs his theme song, so -- “ “ You ain't got a chance, boy ... “ “ I thrown in everything but the kitchen sink ! “ “ I try to be friendly in the neighborhood. “ “ ... And here you come, all bargin' in ! “ “ ... All ugly like a brown fur cardigan ... “  “ I'm comin' through with my crew to make 'em pay ! “  “ I don't need no super suit, I'm feelin' brave ! “  “ Don't be a hero -- turn around & walk away ... “  “ Every day is like a sticky situation, when evil's lookin' for a chance ... “   “ We got the power in our hands ! “  ‘ Invincible ‘ “ I wanna feel like I can't come down ! “  “ I got a dream so I can't stop now. “  “ I gotta stop feeling invisible -- and start feeling invincible ! “  “ The hardest thing is believing in your dreams ... “  “ I feel like a stranger to myself, and sometimes that feels dangerous. “ “ ... But, I'll bet you'll see me for who I truly am. “  “ Some days I look in mirrors, and I wonder who's that man ... “  ” When your fear's near, you don't wanna get closer ! “  ‘ Let Go ‘  ” Sometimes I don't really know myself. “ “ Devil’s on my back, pray for me -- I need help. “ “ An angel’s in the front tryna guide my steps. “  “ Who do you call when you need some help ? “ “ Who do you call when you by yourself ? “ “ Who do you call when you feel down low ? “ “ I just wanna scream -- I just wanna explode ! “  “ I got a devil on my left & a angel on my right. “ “ I'm just tryna live my life; You know I'm just hangin' in the fight. “  “ Violence in the streets: I just wanna calm the beast ! “  “ All these problems I'm just fightin' with myself are enemies. “  “ I'm looking for my happiness now. “ ‘ Sunflower ‘ ” Needless to say; I keep her in check ! “  “ Callin' it quits now ? Baby, I'm a wreck ... “  “ Crash at my place -- Baby, you're a wreck. “ “ Someone took a big ‘ L ‘; Don't know how that felt ! “  “ Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt ... “  “ Some things you just can't refuse. “ “ She wanna ride me like a cruise & I'm not tryna lose ! “ “ ... Then, you're left in the dust. “  “ I think your love would be too much. “  “ You don't make it easy -- no. “ “ Wish I could be there for you ! “  “ Every time I'm walkin' out, I can hear you tellin' me to turn around ... “ “ Fightin' for my trust & you won't back down ... “ “ Even if we gotta risk it all right now ? “ “ I know you're scared of the unknown & you don't wanna be alone ... “ “ I know I always come and go ... but, it's out of my control. “ ‘ What’s Up Danger ‘ ” Two-thousand surroundin' us. “  “ You’d travel two-thousand kilometers to hang out with us ?! “  “ What's up, danger ? “ “ Ayy, gettin' old; they doubted us ! ( Makes it that more marvelous. ) “ “' Cause I like high chances that I might lose. “ “ I'm insane, but on my toes -- I could keep the world balanced on my nose. “ “ I had a slumber party wit' all my foes. “  “ Now, I wear 'em like a badge of honor on all my clothes. “ “ If I'm crazy, I'm on my own. “ “ If I'm waitin', it's on my throne. “ “ If I sound lazy; just ignore my tone ! “ “ Mama was always askin', ‘ Where did I go wrong ’ ?! " “ I like it when trouble brews, I won't dare change ! “ “ I like it when there's turbulence on my airplanes. “  “ I like it when I sense things that I can't see yet ... “ ‘ Save the Day ‘ “ I pull up and save the day. “  “ How could I forget ? “  “ It takes some courage to bet. “ “ That must be why you’re in debt. “ ��� You take the bait and get caught in the net ! “  “ Evil will never prevail, suckers ! “  “ What is real will never fail to prosper. “ “ All of these people sayin' that they want the treasure ? “ “ Careful of the wishes you make up on your blessings. “ “ Because the devil in you is plottin' against you ... “ “ ... And you'll find that your worst enemy is within you. “ “ It's me & my friends & I know that they got me ! “ “ Got no fear in my heart 'cause I know that I'm brave. “ “ Never gave up, kept my head in the game ! “ “ If you ever get lost, then I'll come back and find you ! “ “ On a bad day, a villain can't defeat me -- “ “ Everybody gotta fear when there's combat. “
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acommonloon · 2 years
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Throw it back Thursday
- Saturday I was telling my SIL about my first experience with peel-n-eat shrimp, while making us some. I was so hick I didn't know how to peel it but that wasn't what I most remembered about that day.
This was 1983, around the same time this pic was snapped. In fact, I thought the guy with his back to our little black and white TV was probably there when it happened. It was a party celebrating our graduation from Air Force Technical School at Biloxi, MS and Ken was part of the class. Another class member hosted it.
Turns out he wasn't there that day. I know because he called me about an hour later. I hadn't spoken with Ken since D (cutie far left) and I left Biloxi in the Spring of 83. When I answered the strange number, I immediately recognized his voice and when he asked if I remembered him I burst out laughing saying of course, I just was remembering him. Then I mentioned the party where I first was offered a bowl if peel-n-eat shrimp I didn't know how to eat then a bowl of pot - if that was cool. Awkward!!! The pot certainly was not cool because the AF was piss testing us almost monthly and a positive test meant getting kicked out, no second chances. Ken said he didn't remember that party.
Then I recalled he was older, married, and had a toddler. Not cool probably.
Anyway, Ken and his wife were from a nearby town. We processed into the AF together, shared the same basic training flight in San Antonio, we attended technical training at Keesler, and Ken and his wife even came to our wedding in December of 1982! However, after tech school, we went our separate ways. I went to Texas and on Saturday, Ken and Carol are coming over to catch up on where they went.
At first I was excited about this. I am interested in people in general and Ken mentioned they now live 20 minutes from St Louis, so maybe he could give me insider info about that exciting town. Ooh maybe we share some interests like restaurants, bars, breweries, etc! You know old man sports.
Anyway, after his call I sent him a text with my address. Didn't get a reply but no biggie. Yesterday, after discussing D's availability and preferences, I sent another text. No reply. So this afternoon, I sent a text saying - did you still want to get together?
Ken called shorty after. He apologized for not replying to my texts and confirmed they'd driven in yesterday. They still wanted to meet. D asked me to set up dinner somewhere. She has social anxiety especially when it comes to hosting people here. So I suggested it. There was a slightly awkward silence then he said they were hoping to come to our house. I was fine with it because I love to host and really if we were going to be catching up, we had 40 years of catching up to do. Then he said a strange thing.
He said he was talking to his brother who recommended taking Hwy 60 and...
I confirmed and filled in the last two turns to get here and said, "Don't you have a smart phone. You can't get lost anymore right?"
No, he replied I refuse to get one in protest.
I didn't even know how to address that so I laughed and said, call if you have trouble finding us.
I texted D
She replied: Trumpers!
Oh shit.
I got some peel-n-eat shrimp for the occasion.
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uglydollsforever2022 · 2 months
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Wanda Sykes
Played in a movie
Tomorrow night: Wanda (Mel's Date)
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps: Chantal
Down to earth: Wanda
Pootie Tang: Biggie Shorty
Monster-in-Law: Ruby
The Adventures of Brer Rabbit: Sister Moon
Over the Hedge: Stella the skunk
Clerks II: Angry Customer
My Super Ex-Girlfriend: Carla Dunkirk
Barnyard: Bessy
Brother Bear 2: Innoko
CondomNation: Linda
Evan Almighty: Rita Daniels
License to Wed: Nurse Borman
Rio: Chloe the Canada goose
The Muppets: Officer Ethel
Ice Age: Continental Drift: Granny
The Hot Flashes: Florine Clarkston
Ice Age: Collision Course: Granny
Bad Moms: Dr. Karl
Snatched: Ruth
A Bad Moms Christmas: Dr. Karl
Hurricane Bianca 2: From Russia with Hate
Uglydolls: Wage
The Wedding Year: Janet / Grandma
Jexi: Denice
Friendsgiving: Fairy Gay Mother
Breaking News in Yuba County
The One and only Dick Gregory: Herself
Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie: Sue Nahmee
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shorty-tolentino · 10 months
I’m shorty!
I’m by no means a writer, but sometimes I have things in my brain and I put it on paper, or a google docs, or my notes app (there’s a lot there) and sometimes I think it’s good enough to share so..here I am.
Literally don’t feel pressured to like it or share it or anything, I guess if you wanna use the concept or writing just give me credit? But I’m really, totally and honestly not expecting or hoping for that to happen. It’s honestly just another platform for me to read my own stuff.
So yeah..I’ll post a new story every now and then and if enough people read it then I’ll keep posting if not 🤷‍♀️ no biggie.
Anywayyy. Have a nice whenever you’re reading this! 🥰🤍
(p.s.- I do have a story on Wattpad called “out of your mind”. It’s a mha fanfic and last I checked it was doing pretty well even though I haven’t updated it in…well, in a while 😅 if you know me from there you should totally say hi!)
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
Twitter crowns DVSN the kings of toxic after "If I Get Caught" music video
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Yesterday (July 21), Canadian R&B duo DVSN dropped their latest single, “If I Get Caught.” In it, Daniel Daley and Nineteen85 have found a new way to romanticize cheating. Twitter is torn on if the track is honest or the most toxic thing they’ve ever heard.
With help from Jermaine Dupri, the song features an intro that samples JAY-Z’s 2001 hit “Song Cry.” “I was just fucking them girls. I was gon’ get right back,” the New York native says as the track begins. Next, Daley sings, “You wouldn’t want me if you thought I never had hoes.” As the eyebrow-raising lyrics continue, the all-male chorus sings, “If I get caught cheating / that don’t mean I don’t love you / I know you ain’t gon’ let one little fuck / mess all this up / one mistake / take all this away.” JAY-Z’s intro plays throughout their serenade as a friendly reminder that he was simply “fucking them girls” and intended to get back to his true love.
Of course, Twitter had a lot to say about the track. Former South Carolina House of Representatives Democrat Bakari Sellers seemed to enjoy the song. “Y’all heard #DVSN and seen the video[?] What we thinking?” the CNN political analyst asked. He added, “I think it’s a toxic banger,” with a laughing emoji. Others joked about the song giving “Negro Spiritual” vibes. “Not the Community Choir of Cheaters in the background, giving us a 2022 Negro Spiritual,” a post said. Some tweets contained GIFs of Black men marching or in the field working. Not everyone was in love with the track, though. “R&B is so obsessed with being toxic right now, man. Where are the niggas who just want to be in love, man? I’m tired,” a user tweeted.
Some like both sides of the debate. One person tweeted, “This new DVSN is disgustingly toxic. I like it.” With all of the debate, the video is definitely racking up the views on YouTube. Check out the video and tweets below then  decide for yourself. Is the song honest? Or toxic?
Thx @jermainedupri for clearing the Jay-z sample … and Idk if the song’s TOXIC it’s more just… honest 🤔 pic.twitter.com/UGr44bgrix — dvsn ÷ (@dvsn) July 20, 2022
The Kevin Samuels tribe got ahold of dvsn!! pic.twitter.com/2FEgTDtJrL — Biggie Shorty (@kierajanae__) July 22, 2022
DVSN went crazy 🔥😂 can't wait to sing this drunk. — 👑 De.tale Debonair 🥶💦 (@DapperVon_) July 22, 2022
Just listened to ‘If I Get Caught’ by DVSN My thoughts: don’t say you want to be in a monogamous relationship if you want to be in polyamorous relationships… if you don’t want to be in polyamorous relationships don’t be mad when women cheat back and better 😅💁🏾‍♀️😏 — Nina G. (@EyeVibeHigher) July 22, 2022
RnB is so obsessed with being toxic right now man. Where are the niggas who just want to be in love man? I’m tired. Brent, Giveon and now DVSN. Bring love songs back — Locke Lamora (@MufasaJr263) July 22, 2022
This new DVSN is disgustingly toxic… i like it — Nella (@Nellajewelx) July 22, 2022
This is what that DVSN song sounds like… pic.twitter.com/UfqKIVKPPT — k a r y. (@itsKARY_) July 22, 2022
If that's what DVSN is doin…they already got album of the year — Tizzy (@Terron_xo) July 22, 2022
imma just let dvsn make what they wanna make & maybe one day I will tap back in 🙏🏾 I can’t get jiggy wit dis — ju (@earringdealer1) July 22, 2022
Jay at the crib rn 😂 @dvsnpic.twitter.com/Cf64cWcCnH — New Rory & MAL (@newrorynmal) July 22, 2022
this the same dvsn from A Muse in Her Feelings? Sept 5th?! https://t.co/TmgeivRYBY — SB (@Avant6arde) July 22, 2022
Was a fly nigga when you got here, charismatic when you got here #dvsn 🔥🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/qqWjwi6foM — Wes – (@wesworld04) July 22, 2022
The all male background sounds like some prison yard songs you hear in movies 😂 — Millz (@Dmillzz32) July 22, 2022
DVSN was right about one thing, why would i want a man that gets no hoes? — DIP (@drippica) July 22, 2022
Y’all heard #DVSN and seen the video. What we thinking?  I think it’s a toxic banger 😂 — Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) July 22, 2022
Dvsn 37 bro need to put that toxic shit away and go start a family — Augusti Nevermind (@AugusBanned) July 22, 2022
Sent from my iPhone
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billiewrw111 · 2 years
The dog nibbling on his fingers like hot dogs By Willie Warren
Willie Rahkeed Warren
English 101, Post University
Course Number: English 101
Carla trueheart
September 11,2022
The dog nibbling on his fingers like hotdogs, all Willie wanted was a hamburger
• He had a concern with concept mind personification as a black adolescent had to have genuinely heart .with my mind in no fruition doing bad could conceive when you don’t get your way. In a mind I the person has to love himself. We ,On and in to the end! His rumbling of stomach swole from malnutrition bumping like it moved to protect it’s love the child knew his amazed life was more than a good joke. His momma switched with the old ladies conjecture of what her sunshine would be. She jested but he took it as the form. Life in mounted jackles peeped he had to bring himself to rise above dope then the streets then the man pumping that bull whip like his word said so .if he had that manifestation to stop the frothy blood from his ulcers and his dog would stop quit . He would eat more spagettios than chips that day.but his dog knew motions not like a square but spear who had motion to inclining of whom they where who they be and what mind reality they would project on to the little mind he himself holed like the dog would! Biting his teeth from murdering that N . Thinking it’s all fun and games play with dolls . This is not a game my name brings peace and long enough smiles to have a warm heart bring pound cake cherishing love until he menarche through the block ! The dog spoke in breed whispers and he growl domination from his teeth to unearth truth he let it be that the person had no crew he had purpose for his love soon to be his heart . He laughed with Richard and mlk and even felt real with Malcolm he could enough nuff about the yesteryear of him getting snuffed is face and losing his lunch about seeing a gun he'd would bring peace with a smile and program unprogramable deal to reflect humbleness for E.BT necessities minus 30percent and a spot or the white man who wonders who’s getting hired he could and he made his lasting a soldier not knocked down by breath but less hate and pursuit of love with his even all around haircut. The dog proceeded with confidence . It knew what was up his body moved chemicals like it was a sweet line from a l.a rappers note walking past chemtrails .he would talk to stand byers walking slow saying bruh you headed nowhere fast his Dr. Knew he be having his number called until it was from now until then he would hit hard to peace projection thinking every move was a risk but worth the lugging latching of connecting this block thinking process for you and your Dog! He growl but I put is his character love is the best way manifestation to this. Oh I’m a cat person by the way but love God and all the animals in his whole world. I try not to eat meat or bump DMX loud from my speaker box I heard something about me being capable of being a proud father and less than warrior . I trade his love less his blood disdain and ask what can bring that lost you to my kind hand and peace with you? Yes I love Jesus and my momma she will show me how to treat a queen to her sunshine and home! Rest assured I hope to see your jow with the day so many dark sunshines ahead but hope awaiting! Rip to Nipsey Russell DMX Tupac biggie jamaster Jay my dude the guy from the Bronx who made fast rap style in the 90s anybody who died hoping a better day . As well as my grandma looking and peeping the scenario! Shorty say the dude ain’t talking bout nothing really nothing the fool pulling nothing really nothing. She say she with peace thanks for reading! Oh and please listen to my man prodigy bless you.his uncle knew he had a catch hand! Don’t play with Us!;then Bro felt messier than Marvin the martian eating so many hamburger he knew he was going to use the Comole
He smiled thinking Of his his grandma .he knew it would,he just learned it would take some time for y’all! To catch on,.!!!!
Simmons, Earl (1998). Slipping
Ruff Riders anthem https://player.vimeo.com › videoDMX - Slippin' (Official Music Video) from Tinseltown44 on Vimeo
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thecjbear · 2 years
A LeviHan prompt. The day they discovered the Ocean.
The sun was up and brightly shining its light among the crashing waves of the sea. This is a very new sight to the Scouts who just got their first taste of the atmosphere just outside the walls. Getting out and actually seeing salty water in a large or rather humongous amount was probably a fever dream to them. It might have never occurred to them that this moment was something they will be experiencing.
                 Levi stood on the side, making sure he’s not one to get involved into some hot mess just in case. He’s used to “babysit” the cadets, even the ones leading the troop like him. Although this is something that makes him sigh out his signature “tch” and putting on his ever-stoic facial expression, deep inside it makes him smile seeing the kids grow up and see that there’s still something waiting to be explored. After all, with the circumstances they went through, he thought to himself that the kids and others Scouts deserve this indulgence.
                 “Oi, Four-eyes! What in the world just you think you’re doing, huh?”, Levi exclaimed with that pissed off but concerned tone he has when addressing the nerd four-eyes, or rather his nerd four-eyes. Hange seemed to be collecting what looked like seashells and other things found in the ocean that took her attention. “What?! I just found this stuff, Levi! I need to get some specimen myself so I can test it and see if we can use it for healing ourselves or if it can be used in weaponry. Don’t be such an oldie! I can handle this myself so stop nagging me, will you?”, Hange Zoe answered in her most carefree manner. She’s a nerd, yes. No one can contest her curiosity and intelligence among the whole nation of Paradis. With this, she has developed a lot of items the Scouts are mainly using as they engage in their expeditions. Medications that can help stop or minimize the bleeding of any wound? She has it. Weaponry that can save your butt from getting devoured by the Titans? She most definitely got those, heck she even invented arsenals that can destroy Titans with one hit.
                 With these things being said, it still doesn’t exempt the ever genius Hange from a little disaster when experimenting with things. As she gets to discover the ocean, her curiosity grew more widely than ever before, she kept on checking out the organisms in the water or just the things that look mundane to the normal eye but something that isn’t for her. Hange found dozens of things that she then put in some kind of a pouch. As the curiosity streamed in her being, she noticed a glistening item that was embedded in the sand. Hange went to see what it was and she noticed that the item looked like a shard of glass. While she was doing all those shenanigans, Levi never peeled his eyes off her. He knew that whenever Hange tries to experiment with her discoveries, some things just get out of hand.
                 “Four-eyes, what is it that you’re checking out right now? Just don’t touch anything that quickly because you do not know damn well if it is poisonous. This thing is new to us.” Levi told Hange with a blank stare. Hange proceeded to show Levi the shard that she just saw. “Look here, shorty. I just saw this shard right here. I thought that we can use this as a cutter of some sort if I just forge it enough to be a hand knife. Y’know, something we can use back in the forest to cut up something.”, some sort of excitement was in Hange’s eyes. It has always been like that. Every single moment she spends discovering something or experimenting with the weirdest of things, Hange was always beaming with excitement. As she was trying to pick up another shard, it accidentally slipped off of her finger and caused her to sustain a cut. “I already freaking told you, Four-eyes. Look, you’re bleeding.” Levi looked at her as if he’s saying ‘I told you so’.
  “Nah, that’s nothing. I sustained injuries way severe than that. This will heal in a few days, no biggie.” Hange said confidently. “We are not even sure if those shards were safe in the first place, Hange. That might infect you or whatever.” Levi’s tone became calmer this time, Hange can obviously tell that there’s concern in his eyes. “Wait here. Do not pick up anymore shards.” The man ran back to their supply crate and picked up some wound dressing and some sort of an ointment – which Hange formulated. He bolted like a lightning and came back to where Hange was in what seemed to be like 10 seconds. “Here, let’s wash off the blood from your hand.” He poured a bottle of clean water on Hange’s wound, tended to it carefully as if he’s also treating his own injury and proceeded into binding some fresh gauze over it after he put on a dab of the ointment.
                 As Levi was cleaning her wound and tending to her needs, Hange can’t help but notice how Levi shifted from the grumpy looking fellow into the softest gentleman in a matter of seconds. She noticed how mild his gaze was, sunlight touching his pale skin and fighting the coldness of his gray eyes. He looked serious when he was doing his thing that Hange didn’t even notice how a small smile formed in her plump lips. She smiled like an idiot – as Levi would say. She felt how soft Levi’s hands were even though it has been through a lot of work ever since he was a child living in the underground. It felt like she was holding onto her softest pillow during the most tiresome of expedition nights. Giving her the assurance and peace of having a good night’s rest. The way Levi handled her injured hand was spotless. When she felt like he was nearly finished, she jerked her hand a little and let out a tiny whimper. She knew damn well her pain tolerance was more than this. “Why? Did I – did I hurt you?” Levi stuttered. Worry was in his atmosphere.
Hange was quick enough to hold on to Levi’s finger before he was able to let go of her hand. She lightly brushed her fingers on his palm. “No, you didn’t. It was just….it was just the wound.” Hange smiled. “Thank you, shorty. I know you I can count on you. I know very well that you’re the first person in here to notice if something wasn’t right with me.” As much as Levi wanted to deny, those words from Hange resounded in this mind more than it should. He tried to hide the flush of redness on his cheeks. “You’re just so clumsy four-eyes.” Levi tried to sound stern again just to hide how much he was caught off-guard with what happened. “No need to be all grumpy again, shorty.” Hange chuckled as she pinched his nose a little. They left the kids exploring the ocean then proceeded to go back to the barracks while Levi held on to the pouch Hange has filled with her specimen from their comrade’s little escapade.
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jess-abides · 3 years
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I tried to dress up as Biggie Shorty but I ran out of energy so here, have Basic Bitch Biggie Shorty. She still likes to dress fancy and dance on street corners, and she’s still not hookin’
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serge-richard · 8 years
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osamustar · 3 years
I came up with this idea after seeing a post of a photo explaining some of Michael’s past. Such as him being sent to prison, having escape plans, forged identification, and a driver’s license?! This really made me change my thoughts on who Michael really is. I believe he’s very educated now, and knows a lot more than we think he does. Please enjoy! This will be split into parts, coming out whenever I decide to write. I will try my best to get them out as fast as I can, though I am working on requests so it will take time. Reader is female in this story.
Part One.
Next part
No trigger warnings continue at your own risk
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The state prison. Highest security, maximum capacity, and the most well known killer in Illinois. Michael Audrey Myers. Today was his first day coming in from Grove. It was lunch time. Tension was high throughout the prisoners, yet they sat confidently in their seats wanting to appear fearless. A new guard had been appointed today. You.
You just left the military background, deciding to take a kick at being a prison guard. You didn’t think you’d be assigned to an all male penitentiary but here you were. They believed you had the skill necessary for the position after reviewing your status. Skills necessary for Michael Audrey Myers. You were in charge of the most notorious killer around. No biggie… Right?
Big biggie. Do they realize they’re placing a very small woman in this situation? You could easily be crushed by that beanstalk. You appeared equanimous, but on the inside you were shitting bricks. You had an seriously hard time trying to figure out why they picked you for this job. Sure, you were well built, and strong. That doesn’t mean jack shit against this… Man?
“Shorty! Assume position please!” Your captain ordered. Shorty. The quick nickname everyone in the prison had chosen for you. Yeah, a building full of men. Of course you’re gonna seem smaller amid them all. A soft sigh left your lips as you took your place near Michael’s cell to be. Both of your hands were gripping your gun tightly, teeth gritting together as you took a deep breath.
I’m okay. Yeah. It’s just a big teddy bear. A big teddy bear with giant murder mittens. Yup.
A loud buzzer rang through your ears, the heavy steel door to your far left gasped as it opened, a guard walked inside taking position aside the door. Your head kept forward, but you couldn’t help but give a side eye towards the door watching for the devil himself. There he was… Two guards at his side, armed with guns, shoving him onward. We wore his signature navy blue coveralls. You found this rather interesting as the rest of the prisoners wore orange. Perhaps it was a special request of some kind.
Michael’s eyes immediately set on you. The first and only woman he’s seen in here. You quickly looked away from him, breath hitching in your throat. The whites of his eyes stood so bright against his dark irises. You felt his stare burning through you as he got closer. You turned your head slightly to the side to avoid his gaze. The two men escorting him pushed him inside of his cell with the barrels of their guns, shutting the door behind him.
You looked up once the men took their leave. “Alright, Shorty! You’re in charge. You have all access to the control room. Pull the alarm if needed, it will trigger the safety system. Fully functioning phone and computer… Coffee… Snacks… Bathroom… Everything you need. I have a meeting to attend, we’ll talk tomorrow.” He flashed you a quick smile, and walked off through the hall. You watched him leave, huffing. You turned to the control room, making your way over and going inside.
Your eyes set upon the camera feed. Michael was staring directly into the camera in his cell. “Wow. That’s not unsettling at all…” You nervously laugh, taking a seat in the swiveling chair with a loud creak. You observed how Michael looked, surprised that he was such a good looking individual. Surprised that someone with that kind of face would want to hide underneath a mask. He had a head full of curly hair, tan skin, a strong jawline, long decently sized lips, very thick eyebrows, and gentle stubble. You giggled at how cute his nose was. It was small and upturned. You’ve never seen such an adorable nose before.
Are you seriously admiring a serial killer right now?
No… He’s just a fine young man. Nothing wrong with scrutinizing him. Nothing but memorizing what your assigned prisoner looks like. Nothing more… You jumped up when you heard the buzzer go off, totally knocking you out of your trance. You peep above the screens to look at the door. It looked like a doctor? You stood up to go greet the man. He was old and very bald. He had a silver beard, and a big nose. “Hi! How can I help you?” You smile, putting your hand out to shake his. The old man smiled, shaking yours, “I’m here to see Michael. I am his doctor.” “Oh! Alright. Could I get your name?” “Loomis. Dr. Loomis.” “Nice to meet you Dr. Loomis, I’m Y/N.”
Loomis had wanted to take Michael out of the cell to have a session with him. You simply agreed, nervous as you unlocked the cell door. Michael sat on his bed, staring at the wall. His head slowly turned to face you, his eyes drawing up your body scanning you. You shivered, feeling his pupils drag along you. “Hi, Michael… I-I’m your personal guard.” You smile brightly, “Dr. Loomis is here to see you. He would like to have a session. I’m going to take you to another room okay? It’ll be nice to get some fresh air right?” You take a step forward, wary of him.
Michael’s gaze had become dark. He refused to stand up, turning to face the wall again. “Okay… Doctor, is it okay if we pursue the session here? I think he prefers that.” You ask the doctor, trying to seem as friendly as possible. Loomis did not seem happy. “Oh he doesn’t prefer anything! I’ll get him myself!” He hissed, pushing his way through, going to grab Michael. You swiftly stepped in front of Michael to stop him, “I’m afraid you can’t do that sir. Strictly rules.” You were incredibly close to Michael. He was involuntarily taking in your scent, finding it rather pleasant.
The doctor had settled for the cell. You brought in a chair and a folding table for him to use. Michael had been giving Loomis a death glare the entire time he had been setting up. He had a briefcase full of files and photos. You stood in the corner of the room, keeping watch to make sure nothing happened. You were quite nosy, listening in to everything he talked to Michael about. How could you not listen? You were in the same room just a few feet away.
As the session went on you kept zoning out, now finding it extremely boring. “Look a me, Michael!” You quickly snapped out of your trance. Your hand went straight to grab your gun, scared that Michael had been set off. You calmed down once you realized he was still in his same spot, having not moved since you were last focused. “Doctor, may I very politely request that you do not yell at the prisoner? We would like to refrain from upsetting him at any means necessary.” You calmly ask him, his angry look softening once he remembered you were also there in the room.
“Y-Yes… I apologize, miss.” He stammered, looking down at his lap as if he was embarrassed.
He should be. What kind of doctor yells at their patients? What good does that do?
Michael had stayed silent the entirety of the time. No surprise there. The doctor quickly began to gather all of his papers, shuffling them together, and straightening them out against the table. He placed them back into his briefcase, locking it. He sighed, standing up. “It was nice meeting you. I will be leaving now.” He shook your hand again, bowing his head. He left as soon as possible, slamming his fist on the steel door to be released from the hallway of cells. The door buzzed open, allowing him through.
You took a deep breath, looking over at Michael. “You alright? I don’t know what kind of doctor he is… No doctor should be yelling at his patient. It’s not fixing anything…” Michael continued to stare down at the floor, not acknowledging you. You gulp, “Well… I’ll bring you dinner here soon, okay? I’m sure you’re starving. You’ve had a long day.” Michael didn’t budge. You pursed your lips, pushing open the cell door, and closing it behind you, locking it.
Maybe being his guard wasn’t so hard after all? Everyone had told you it would be frighteningly difficult. You’ve heard stories of him breaking through his handcuffs and killing guards. Though the context behind that is they were teasing him. Not so smart on their part. You sat in your chair, legs propped up on the desk as you watched the cameras. Michael had laid down, his eyes closed. Well this answers your question if he actually sleeps or not.
Michael wasn’t sleeping. He was thinking about you. Why were you so kind to him? The men here would’ve encouraged and allowed Loomis to yell and pull at him, but you didn’t. Why? Why are you being so nice to a monster such as him? Michael had never encountered someone who wasn’t enraged at him for being what he was. Especially a guard. Michael was determined to learn more about you. You were becoming his new obsession.
He liked you.
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welldonekhushi · 3 years
For the ones who love my ship, I had to do this. This is just so hilarious 🤣
It's a fact Soap loves to call Scarlet "shortie" but Scarlet calls him a "giant" or a "biggie". There are endless number of pet names that they give each other since childhood but when they began to grow feelings, you know what kind of names they would have begun to use with each other *wink wink*
It's like;
"Remind me not to take you on stealth missions, leannan."
"What did you say, Captain?"
"Nevermind, keep going." *secretly smiles cause he knows what he said*
(Leannan means "sweetheart" in Scottish)
Soooo yeah that's how it goes! Let me know in the comments if you loved it! Thank you! (•‿•)
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dennymilkus · 4 years
pt.2: things the team does for/with a fem teammate
wow! y'all really loved these so I felt inspired before my major test today so here is some more😌eat up. most of these ended up being about sleepovers, pictures, and mortifying period moments but some are just random!
see pt.1 here! and pt 3
contains: Karasuno team
After getting to know the team a little better, you feel super comfortable talking and you really feel like you're all one big dysfunctional family!
When the team has team sleepovers, Daichi has to have a talk with the boys that if any one of them makes you uncomfortable they will feel his w r a t h.
When they set up sleeping matts in the gym, they let you either sleep next to the managers or closer to the boys, depending on how comfortable you are with that.
So when it's time to sleep Tanaka and Noya bounce right up to you, smiling so wide, it almost hurts you to see their faces fall (because Hinata has already asked you to sleep next to him)
Whenever you want to take pictures Suga is ON IT with the angles and lighting.
Want to take a cute selfie for a crush you have? He forces the 2nd years to turn on their flashlights for good lighting.
Want to take some bomb ass photos with the other managers? He is posing and positioning you and crouching and stretching (see: bending over backwards) to get that perfect picture.
And when you want to take a selfie with the team? Asahi offers to use his long arms to hold the phone far enough away to get in everyone.
When you go to take a selfie with the first years, and can't get you arm to fit everyone in, Tsukishima rolls his eyes and takes the phone, but raises it a little too high and ends up getting a that middle aged mom angle. does it on purpose sometimes too.
Kageyama does NOT know how to smile so the most you can get out of him for a picture is just 😬. He's trying you guys.
(just a warning, period stuff for the next like, 3 bullet points))
I can imagine this very specifically but one time you were on your period, and during break at practice you went to grab a tampon out of your bag, and it fell out. No biggie, except Noya was behind you and had the entire Playtex Sport™ commercial memorized and started saying it behind you! You were mortified! Literally refused to turn around and just ran to the bathroom 🏃💨
But Kiyoko, Yachi, and you have mastered a sneaky handing off system where you roll your sleeves up and slip the pad/tampon through the other persons sleeve.
Kageyama saw one time and figured it out so he just deadass asked you what you were doing. You had to explain to him what a period was. He apologized after that.
After saturday practices at lunch or when buying snacks, Daichi always offers to pay for you; you of course tell him no (or maybe you don't and let him buy the onigiri for you), but you always appreciate the offer and tell him that.
If you ask one of the 2nd years to grab something from your (wallet, pencil case, phone) they first ask what pocket it is and oh so gently stick their hand in as to not grab something by accident that you didn't want them to
Tanaka offers you a piggyback ride almost every single day. When you say yes, he is ECSTATIC and ends up sweeping you up bridal style to show you how strong he is.
Noya tried it (because he wanted to prove that he was big and strong) and Suga ON VIDEO got Noya trying to pick you up and buckling under you, sending both of you to the floor. Tsukishima has never and will never shut up about it. Hinata tried it one time too! didn't go so well either.
When Tsukishima starts to tease Noya and Hinata about it, you challenge his skinny ass to pick you up thinking he'll realize his noodle arms aren't any better. To prove his point, he bends over for you to hop on his back, rolling his eyes of course saying "of course it's easy for me, i'm-" "CATCH ME" when you jump on him he's taken aback and almost falls forward! catches you tho and rubs it in the shorties' faces.
You milk this opportunity of course😈(idk abt y'all but the first time I got a piggyback from a tall person i was starstruck that they could see over other people's heads) and order him to go walk around with you so you could assert dominance and because you were generally amazed this is how he saw the world. cue the "damn bitch you live like this?" and him saying "yes im not an oompa loompa" cue smack on his little blonde head
Anyway, this started a teamwide tradition of the shortie squad™ and others to jump at people on the team and scream "CATCH ME", expecting them to catch you.
The game is so fun and all is well until Noya screams "CATCH ME" and Tanaka, who knocks into Ukai who's drinking a scalding cup of coffee. The game was fun while it lasted.c
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