#big fnish
So I've finished relistening to Time War 4 since. I've not relistened to this since it was first released, so there were things I have missed. It has been an interesting listening experience?
I enjoyed it- but it has left me with mixed feelings. The content was good but this felt like the penultimate boxset- After nearly 20 years, I was hoping for a big cathartic ending, when it feels like actually, they've left it open for more - Brax and Narvin could easily be rescued from their respective 'deaths', Romana could be freed from the pocket dimension, Leela is explicitly alive and well - which is fine if they do (Gallifrey, after all, is known for its hiatuses), but so so disappointing.
Some random thoughts:
I really like that this series tied in, even if it was only briefly, lots of different Time War media: Romana and Brax's conversation about the Doctor, plus the frequent name-dropping of Cardinal Ollistra, tied this set in really nicely with the War Doctor series; the sabotaging of the Emperor Dalek's ship makes me wonder if this is what leads to the events of Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways; and the use of the 'Gallifrey Stands' was a nice link to The Day of the Doctor.
I love, love, LOVED hearing more Narvin backstory and all that lore on how the different chapters work.
I wish we could have heard more of the Apothecary and Danna. They had such interesting ties to our main cast, it was a shame they were only used once each. I like to imagine both the Apothecary and Danna knew each other and met up once every few centuries over cups of tea, and complained about their students together.
Honestly, it was super cathartic to hear Romana have a proper cry. Nearly 20 years of Gallifrey and up til now all we've heard is a sniffle or angsty speech. Sometimes, Romana hon, u just gotta cry it out.
The ending with Romana being forced to the archive by Rassilon was...hmm. It's not the ending I've wanted but i'll live with it for now.
Brax deserves better and I wish big finish would stop referencing him as a coward when he's not. He's many things and he has done so much for the gallifrey gang, he is not a coward. Give us actual writers who understand his arc!
Things I wished had happened:
Romana actually uses the chameleon arch. Really wanted something like Human Nature/Family of blood for Romana. can you imagine how powerful doing a similar story for Romana would have been?
Brax and Romana go through the Beyond together, and Romana for once saves Brax in all the times he has saved her. Beyond just leaves me so frustrated in terms of how Brax was written.
That they didn't kill off Livia and had her work as part of the resistance with Eris. I'd also like to have seen Mantus work with them; if reluctantly. I think that would have been so fun to see.
Leela getting to say a proper goodbye to Rayo
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harvestmoth · 11 months
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there are many benefits to being a marine biologist
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softavasilva · 2 years
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wipidy wip. someone needs to lock me up i need to STOP
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umgeorge · 7 months
george russell, p3, during the post-race press conference, abu dhabi - november 26, 2023 (transcription under the cut)
Interviewer: "George, coming to you, can we start by talking about P2 in the constructor's championship? With Lewis coming home ninth, you were Mercedes' main man in that fight. How much pleasure does it give you to come home ahead?" George: "Yeah, it was a great weekend, and really pleased to fnish on this high because it's been a really challenging season; one, as a team, but on the personal side, just not getting the results that we probably deserved. The pace has been really strong on so many occasions, but just results kept on slipping through our fingers, so lady luck may be on our side slightly today with Checho's penalty, but I think that more than made up for the other races this year." Interviewer: "And let's talk about the race. It looked tough for you, both on track and physically." George: "Yeah, I've been really ill the last two weeks, firstly in Vegas with a big fever-couldn't sleep and just feeling awful-and then I've had a horrendous cough that's stayed with me all week, and in the car I was coughing every single lap, but when you're strapped into the car you can't take a deep breath in to get the cough out, so it was just constantly with me and it was pretty miserable, so I was pleased to bring it home when I saw that checkered flag." Interviewer: "Look, final one from me: are there any positives from the W14 that you'd like to see taken into next year, or do you want a fresh start, a completely clean sheet with next year's car?" George: [laughs] "Yeah, I think we'll take a clean slate into next year's car. I think the positive is we're not scratching our heads why we're so far behind Red Bull. We see so many flaws with this car, which gives every single person back at the factory so much motivation and fire to chase after those problems and find those solutions, which we think we'll make a good step into next year, but of course I expect Red Bull to make a step again. But I've got no doubt, come Bahrain, we'll be in a stronger position than we were in, in Bahrain this year." Interviewer: "Alright. Thank you, George. Very well done to you. Get better soon." [time jump] Journalist: "Luke Smith from The Athletic. George, just on how you're feeling right now… Esteban Ocon, he was ill earlier this weekend and he'd said yesterday that the body's not really designed to do 23, 24 races a season. Particularly with the calendar structured as it is, the trip from Vegas to here, how much do you think F1's got to really consider wellbeing for the drivers and everyone in the paddock, moving forward, for how we structure the calendar and approach things? 'Cause it's been a long and testing season for everybody." George: "I think the drivers, we have it best from every single person in this paddock; the way we travel, we're in a very fortunate position. But everybody up and down the paddock… I've got so many mechanics who are ill, people in the engineers' office, just really struggling with the constant time zone shifts. The body not knowing where you are, eating at different times, staying in different hotels, different environments, different climates, yeah, the body's getting confused, so I think there are talks for next year about personnel being regulated that they can't do every single race. I think that would be a good thing. I don't think it's sustainable for 4,000 people, I think it is, to do 24 races a season, especially when you see how, geographically, it still doesn't make a huge amount of sense." [time jump] George: [coughing] Interviewer: "Thank you to all three of you. [laughs] George, get better soon. Guys, thank you very much for all your contributions this year. Thank you."
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i-bring-crack · 2 months
Honestly I'm interested on how Yoo Joonghyuk and Woo Jin Chul would get together and what their relationship dynamic would be like. A preserved and independent man who happens to get agitated a lot when a certain sacrificing man named Kim Dokja is around X a workaholic and peacemaker man for strong and powerful people. Of course, that's not how I intirely see them as, I just kinda see their dynamic in that way lol. Jin Chul would certainly just step infront of Joonghyuk when it looks like the man is about to slash Dokja apart like a samurai in DvDs (my attempt to rant like a tumblr person /j I could not get anymore creative than this). That is, if Joonghyuk already has feelings for him or they're already in a relationship. If he doesn't or they aren't in a relationship yet, Joonghyuk would attempt to hurt Jin Chul just to get to Dokja (to punch the man ofc), not knowing Jin Chul is capable of slowing him down/stunning him. It's not even serious, Dokja is just being stupid and Joonghyuk is also being stupid but Jin Chul would rather have their surroundings intact and clean so he ends the bickering quickly. Idk Joonghyuk takes interest in him yada yada Woo Jin Chul gains a bf (Yoo Joonghyuk) and I'm going to sleep (I SHOULD BE ASLEEP RN). But on an additional note, I wanna create an AU with these mfs. SL x ORV. I'm not that creative or good at writing but I'd be brainstorming and I'd enjoy it, so imma make one (if I had time). With Sung Jin Woo x Kim Dokja as well, but the endgame will be Sung Jin Woo x Woo Jin Chul and Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghyuk. Idk maybe they're exes, maybe they're idiots (they are /affectionately), maybe they– honestly idk LMAO. Imma search for inspiration and stuff so I can write these pairings that would make sense lol. I am... yapping. I'm so sorry— (I would like to read what you think of the pairings Yoo Joonghyuk x Woo Jin Chul and Kim Dokja x Sung Jin Woo, if you're not comfortable or don't want to write about it, that's okay! Delete this right away if you want)
Personally I was never a big fan of Dokja and Jinwoo, but Its not like I disliked it either. It is a popular ship and im glad a lot of people on ao3 like it, (not only beacuse the ship managed to keep SL one alive, but also because the ideas of the characters and world had been expanded through those fics. And bc it is a beneficial way for fans to interact with more manhwa, especially since the anime has come out. Also SL is not that strong on worldbuilding so the writers have an easier way to complement all of their magic systems and lore into the other story without much problem. I think its part of SL's charm that crossovers ships and fics exist more than just being a self contained fandom like most are. Best way I can put it is that SL acts more like a soda, you can have it for yourself or with other foods, but most of the time you see it with other foods. Also the side characters, as someone on ao3 puts it, are free real state. To most who use it, they are pretty much like dolls whose personality definatly ranges but als onot much to make you think its completely differnt person.) I got introduced to ORV that way, kinda, and well sadly I havent fnished the tory tho I got easily spoiled by like everything, so my characterizations for Joonghyuk and Dokja might be a little skewed, ooc even *gasp*.
Anyways as for how I would think about it. From first time I do agree with a lot of your ideas, and if you wanna write then go ahead! I think it will turn out to be fun!
Jinchul and joonghyuk is a pair I thought I saw once during my fanfic hunt ( and im sure of it that it existed... somewhere =_=) but defiently a new concept for sure. I do feel pity for Jinchul having become this side character who will be put in the place of constant death for the sake of kim dokja. Oh, although considering how protective jinwoo is over his love ones ( and the protagonist halo he has) it wouldnt be a bad idea overall to put him as a sacrifice since the moment that happens Jinwoo comes back to rescue him with the power he has on him. Psychopathic for all of them but it fits them.
(omg just imaginig the cycles of Dokja trying to find a solution by killing himself, Yoo jooonghyuk saying it should be Jinchul instead, jinchul actually trying to find a solution that doesnt involve ANYONE dying because god is he the only one with braincells. and then jinwoo just raising his hand up like, you know my power is dying right? like I can do this instead.)
Depending on what world we are talking about, their situations would def be vary as well. Dokja and Yoo Joonhyuk in SL world, alongside Jinwoo, would probably the most dangeorus things Jinchul has to deal with on a daily basis because of how much they keep filing for property damage. Joonhyuk and Jinwoo would always like to one up each other me thinks, while Dokja would likely be more insterested in the gates and their ecosystems, what stories could they tell and where they could come from. He would proably be the most chill with Jinchul, maybe even sharing a lot of information with him about monsters and magical items.
As for how jinchul and jinwoo would work in the Orv setting. WEll for one i dont think the pairs can seperate. Both Jinwoo and Jinchul, just like Dokja and Joonghyuk are like, bonded stray cats, not sorry. They could go for hours at a time doing their own things but they will damn well find each other back. This probably makes it easier then for Jinchul to make out a plan for his 'sacrifice' to be stopped midway when Jinwoo decides to appear with so much plot armor you think he'd be a constellation. I also like the idea of Jinchul finding out through context cllue that like, Dokja had read the whole story of what might happen in the future and being the only one to confront him about it. It would be cool to see if Jinchul can also challenge Dokja's vision of needing to sacrifice himself, (especially when he already has one suicidal hero on the bag and dont need another one). If it were to me I would try to put Jinchul's detective skills /and his way of dealing with powerful people like s ranks) at work since it would be fun if someone saw past Dokja's hero persona easily, slowly peeling it away to reveal someone who is way too traumatized by possible past events that he might just start doing some things to self destruct.
I dont know how to put it into words as well, but Jinchul being the most realistic person out there --not a sidehero, not an op protagonist or a damsel or a femme fatale. Not one of the characters in his book and not one of the readers or the people who adore him. He is as human as he can be. Having flaws and weaknesses more than everyone, but having his own niche strenghts as well. Not being able to be understood by Dokja unless he actively tries to get closer, and even then jinchul would know more about him than Dokja knows about the other.
Oh right what this wasnt a dokja and jinchul post, forget that (forgive me but dokja needs someone around his age that is like, a friend to him more in a casual way than the 'devoted loyal will always be there for you and kill for you' kind of way that he has with the rest of the kimcom. They are not bad by ANY means, its just that watching Dokja trying to befriend someone without the need to prove his worth, or just meet, in an apocalypse (or start one) would be healthy for him. It would also be funny if Jinchul is overall too tired with work to care that theres a whole ass apocalypse going down. Dude's "im not cut out for this" and "fuck that" getting him out of drama situations.
Jinwoo is there. I dont know what to make of him, surprisingly. He is that plot armor that everyone desperatly needs, but sadly he is out there hunting other weird ass monsters and probably hijacking the whole system that the dokkabei have. Jinchul and Jinwoo in prv could serve as awesome narrative foils, one acts as the most generic protagonist one could ever meet, and the other acts as so human to the point that its scary. Jinwoo would always be that stepping stone that Joonghyuk has to overcome (and maybe does a lot of the times, maybe he doesnt reach the perfection state like jinwoo does, protagonist halos are weird) And Joonghyuk will try to gain some information about him through Jinchul, whenever he is not using him for sacrifices against humanity. Jinchul of course might use that info as a bargain to get dokja out of certain trouble (which could also gethte other a headache bc agh nothing is going to plan!) and powerup jinwoo instead. When no one is going at each others throats, it would be fun for jinwoo and joonghyuk to interact and share stuff about their younger sisters-
HOLD, kyung hye needs to meet kim dokja she would solve like 65% of whatever is wrong with him my senses tell me its true CONTINUE
Over the coure of many shitty things happening once the fights with the contellations start, I think Joonghyuk might rely more of Jinchul to get them out of situations and regard him as a more respectable ally to be around (especially when he comes with the bonus of a living embodiment of a death god in the background) and Jinchul could learn to put Joonghyuk in check before he goes on a killing spree because of Dokja's death.
I will have to catch up on orv's ln to get more about this four, but the idea was certainly fun, so thanks for oversharing your thoughts!
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
can’t take my eyes off you (part 6)
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gif by: @his-name-is-ed
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: the usual
word count: 4,960
summary: steve fake dates y/n for a week for a family reunion, but little does y/n know, he's had the biggest crush on her for a while.
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friday. it was FINALLY friday. you haven't left the room since wednesday and you obviously knew that today you had to get off your ass and go be productive again. you were really feeling up for a movie, so later you'd ask steve if you and him can go see top gun. he knows he can't turn down tom cruise.
speaking of steve, he was still asleep next to you.
"he's like a fucking owl," you get up and head to take a shower. you desperately needed one. after all was said and done, you head downstairs and maragaret's standing at the stove, cooking her infamous pancakes.
"y/n. oh my god. i started to think you were becoming a hermit," you laugh at diane's comment and sit down at your favorite bar stool and rest your chin on your palm.
"just needed to take an off day 's all"
"take as many off days as you need, dear. nobody's judging"
"duly noted"
"okay, food's done" your stomach lets out a growl and you make both you and steve a plate. about ten minutes into your eating, steve plops down beside you. he was still wearing his pajamas and you chuckled. he was rubbing his eyes, more-than-likely ridding them of sleep. he then lets out a big yawn and you pass him the syrup.
"you sleep good steve?" diane asks and steve grunts
"no. y/n shoved me off the bed halfway through the night" both margaret and diane look at you. you point your syrup-covered butterknife at steve.
"i told you if i woke up with your damn knee in my back, i'd shove you off the bed"
"i didn't think you were being serious"
"i value my sleep, harrington. and just because you're my boyfriend, it doesn't mean you get freebies" he rolls his eyes and you go back to cutting up your pancakes.
"see what i have to deal with everyday" he says to his mom
"oh please. you wouldn't last a day without me" diane watches the two of you argue playfully with a smile on her face. she loved what the two of you had.
"alright children, fnish your food" she interjects, and you two listen to her, finishing up your breakfast. you wash your plate and step into the hallway.
"y/n!" you snap your head in the direction of the voice and see wendy running over to you.
"wendy! there's my favorite girl" you squat down and open your arms. she runs into them and you stand up holding her. you spin her around and she starts laughing. you put her back on the ground and she brushes her stray hairs out her face, looking up at you.
"where were you yesterday? me and nicole wanted to play with you" you frowned at her
"i wasn't feeling so hot yesterday so i stayed in my room" she nods
"was stevie your doctor"
"yes, i was," you hear steve speak up from behind you. "and i took good care of her too"
"good. princess y/n needs royal treatment" you laugh at her statement and steve nods.
"yes she does," he places an arm around your waist and the three of you head out to the terrace, you and steve sitting on the porch swing.
"ooh! y/n! can i show you my cartwheel?" wendy asks, running to stand in the grass. you nod. she does a cartwheel for you and steve and you gotta admit, it was a pretty damn good cartwheel. you both clap for her and she does a curtsey.
"where'd you learn to do that?" steve asks her
"my friends from school" he nods and she sits in the swing between both you and steve.
"can we go get more ice cream today?" steve chuckles and looks at you, then looking back down at wendy.
"wendy, sweetheart, it's only 11 in the morning" she shrugs
"it's never too early for ice cream” you and steve laugh
“ask your mom later if you can and if she says yes, then we’ll go”she nods and you and steve continue to gently swing back and forth.
“how did you and stevie meet?” she asks, breaking the silence. you look at steve, having a silent conversation with your eyes. he finally caves and rolls his eyes. he begins to tell her the same story you told his mom, but changes it up a bit.
“well, one day y/n came into scoops ahoy. because i used to work at an ice cream place. but she came in and asked for a waffle cone with two scoops of strawberry ice cream. i remember thinking that she was the prettiest girl that had came in that day," steve briefly looks over at you and gives you a smile. he then goes back to telling wendy the story.
"i told her she looked more like a cookies n' cream type of girl. she laughed and paid for her ice cream then left. she kept coming in every day and eventually, i asked her on a date" wendy gasps and covers her mouth, looking up at you. you smiled and nodded at her.
"where did stevie take you for the date?" you panick because you didn't know what to say. you were surprised you even made up the ice cream story as quick as you did a few days ago. yet you couldn't come up with a simple first date spot.
"i took her to the fair since it was in town" you internally sigh and wendy's eyes are twinkling as if you and steve's fake first date was straight out of a disney princess movie.
"did you guys get cotton candy?"
"lots of it"
"and funnel cake?"
"the best part" wendy then turned to you
"did he share his funnel cake with you?"
"yes. he was a gentleman" she nods and faces steve again
"when did you have your first kiss?" god, you and steve were going to need an oscar for how good you two have been putting up this performance.
"we had it at his house" her face scrunched up at your quick reply
"that's not romantic" you hold up a finger
"every first kiss has a story, silly" she gets excited again. she loves her stories.
"okay, so stevie has a pool in his backyard"
"a pool?!" you nod, chuckling
"you heard right. but anyways, i was sitting on one of the sunchairs by the pool and i had fallen asleep. steve picked me up and threw me into the pool. i was angry at him for throwing me into the pool. so i had an idea. i asked him if he could grab my hand and help me out the pool. he listened, and instead of getting out, i pulled him into the pool with me," wendy starts laughing and you have a smile on your face.
"he then got mad at me, but i thought it was the funniest thing ever. i was laughing and laughing and steve came up behind me, then spun me around to face him and he cut my laughter off by giving me a kiss" wendy's smiling big and she looks between you and steve. but then she looks at steve, getting serious.
"don't push y/n in the pool again while she's trying to sleep" he nods
"i haven't done it since" she nods, crossing her arms across her chest.
"wendy!" wendy gets up at the sound of her mom's voice.
"bye wendy" you and steve both say
"bye stevie! bye y/n!" she walks back into the house and steve turns to face you.
"you're good at lying" steve says to you
"i'm a trained actor. maybe you should take some tips from me"
"seriously though, y/n, how do you come up with this shit so quickly?" you shrug
"i just say what comes to the top of my brain. how do you think authors write stories? steve, if you think about it, writing stories is like telling one big lie" he mulls over your words before nodding
"you got a point there"
"never doubt me, harrington" he rolls his eyes
"what do you wanna do today?" you perk up at his question
"i was hoping i could get you to go see top gun with me"
"you and tom cruise. i swear"
"what can i say? i love duality in a man" he laughs
"fine. fine. we can go see top gun later" you nod, getting excited
"do we want to take wendy for ice cream before or after? because you already know laura will say yes" you ask him
"so, around 2 ish maybe?" he nods and you make a mental note to get ready around 1. it was already nearing twelve so it gave you an hour to do whatever.
"what do you want to do until then?"
"we could go to the vineyard again"
"yes" your answer comes out quickly and steve laughs
"you're eager to go back"
"it's gorgeous down there, how can i not be excited" he pats your leg then stands up.
"let me go change out of my pajamas and ill be back and then we can head down there, yeah?" you nod and he heads back inside. it didn't take him long to change because five minutes later he was back at your side and in fresh clothes.
"alright. let's go" you stand up and the two of you walk side-by-side as you head to the vineyard. once you two see the familiar trees, you head over, steve right behind you.
"do you guys have any wine that you've made?" he nods
"back at home i have some. and there's some at the house if you want to try it later. i'm sure mom will let you take a bottle home with you if you want"
"uh... hell yeah. i got new episodes of general hospital to watch" he laughs and nods
"alright. we'll take a bottle back home with us"
"fine by me" you two continue to walk around, taking everything in. you make some conversation along the way. by that, you mean it was mainly steve talking about how dustin is "cheating on him with eddie" by that, he means dustin has found a new babysitter. you keep telling steve that he will always be dustin's number one babysitter and there's no changing that. you eventually get him to shut up about it and accept that he wasn't replaced.
"time check?" steve checks his watch
"god damn. we need to head back so i can get ready and we can head out since it takes thirty minutes to get to the ice cream parlor"
"what you're wearing isn't good?" you look at him as if he just said tom cruise wasn't hot.
"steve. this is basic female 101. we have a different outfit for everything. and for going out, i need a different outfit" he rolls his eyes but sighs.
"alright, let's go" you both head back to the house and you head upstairs to get changed as steve waits downstairs for you. he asked you to grab his car keys on your way out, so once you were done, you grabbed his keys and headed back to him. only to see that he wasn't where he last was.
"he went outside to put wendy's car seat back into his car" laura says, coming up beside you. you nod and stand there awkwardly.
"he cares about you a lot, y'know?" laura says, breaking the silence. you look over at her
"yeah?" she nods
"i haven't seen him care this much about anyone... ever" that familiar fluttering feeling is back and you push it to the back of your mind.
"what about nancy?" by the way he acted after their breakup, you were positive he had to care about her at least a little more than he does with you.
"nancy?" she furrows her brows
"yeah. did he not tell you about nancy?" she shakes her head
"you're the first girlfriend i've met of his" your face must be displaying shock because she then speaks up
"y/n. listen to me when i say this. steve has never brought any girl to meet his family. ever. you're the first. so trust me when i say that you're more special than anyone. and definitely more special than you may think" you absentmindedly nod and she gives you a soft smile. steve then walks back inside, placing his hands on his hips. typical steve.
"alright, we're all ready to go. wendy's already out there and buckled up. did it by herself again" he looks at you and laughs and you laugh with him. however, your mind is elsewhere. you both say bye to laura and that you'll be back as soon as possible. you slide into the passenger seat and stare off at the scenery.
wendy talks steve's ear off the whole time, but you're silent. he notices something's wrong with you. he gently places a hand on your leg and you look over at him to see him already looking at you.
"everything okay?" you nod
"yeah. just thinking"
"that's never good" you playfully smack his arm and he laughs
"but seriously. anything bothering you?" you shake your head
"i'm okay steve" he holds out his pinky finger
"promise?" you interlock your pinky with his
"promise" he nods and soon you three are pulling into the ice cream parlor. wendy grabs both you and steve's hand and she does that thing where she runs and you two lift her up. when you get inside, the lady from the other times you came here isn't behind the counter. instead it's a guy no older than you and steve.
"what can i get you guys started with today?" wendy looks up at steve
"can i order first?"
"go ahead sweetheart" she excitedly tells the young boy behind the counter her order and he chuckles, but makes it. you and steve then give him your order and this time, steve pays. once you three sit down, wendy digs into her ice cream and you face steve.
"i could've paid"
"i wanted to pay you back for wednesday night"
"steve. i told you to let me take care of you. which means letting me pay for ice cream" he shakes his head
"that doesn't count"
"fine. then i'm paying for the movie later"
"you can't do that" you smirk at him, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"we'll see about that"
"i don't like that look, y/n" you shrug, taking a bite of your ice cream. once you three are done, you have to clean wendy's face of chocolate residue again and then you're back on the way home.
"y/n, i'm going to miss you when you leave" your heart melts. you've grown so attached to the kids in the short time you've known them. you turn in your seat to look back at her.
"i'm going to miss you too, wendy. but you can always come visit sometime, yeah? if your mom says yes though" she nods and you turn back around to face the road. once you see the familiar house come into view, you all get out, steve putting wendy's car seat back into laura's car.
"mommy, can i visit y/n sometime at her house?" laura looks up at you
"she was telling me on the way back here how she was going to miss me once i left here and i told her if it was okay with you, if you guys could visit sometime" she nods
"oh that's more than fine with me" you smile
"so is that a yes?" wendy asks and her mom nods. she squeals of excitement and you chuckle.
"why is she squealing?" steve asks, coming to stand beside you. before you can answer, wendy answers for you.
"mommy said i can visit y/n at her house sometime after we leave here!" steve has the same reaction as you to her excitement.
"oh really now?" wendy nods excitedly. she then turns to face her mom
"mommy, did you know that stevie threw y/n into a pool while she was trying to nap?" laura raises a brow at wendy.
"oh really now?"
"yeah. then y/n pulled him into the pull with her and they had their first kiss" laura laughs at her daughter's excitement and faces you two.
"she's very curious" you tell her and she nods
"oh that she is" you all share a laugh and then you feel something tug your pants leg. you look down and see the little bundle of joy you've grown to love. david's making grabby hands up at you and you pick him up.
"david, bud, what're you doing? where's your mommy?"
"kitchen" you nod and you head to the kitchen, apologizing to laura for having to leave. steve stays back and talks to her though.
as david said, cynthia is standing in the kithcen talking to diane. diane happens to see you and david
"i see david found y/n" cynthia turns around and laughs to herself.
"he can't seem to leave you alone, huh?" you shake your head
"it seems not. but i don't mind the company"
"i'm just glad he's with you and not by himself" diane excuses herself, leaving you and cynthia standing there.
"look, i don't mean to spoil the mood by bringing this back up. but wednesday night... you made me love you even more. nobody has ever stood up to jack and put him in his place. steve is so lucky to have you, y/n" you give her a soft smile
"speaking off, where is he? usually he follows you around like your shadow"
"tell me about it" you grumble and she laughs. speak of the devil and he shall appear. steve then steps into the kitchen
"so. i talked with laur, and wendy's going to come stay the night with me in two weeks. and wendy said she's going to bring her teacups so the three of us can have a tea party after we go swimming in the pool. and i was given verys strict orders by her to not throw you in the pool anymore" cynthia is listening to steve talk and looking back and forth between you two.
"well, whatever princess wendy says, goes. right?" he nods. cynthia then speaks up
"is there something i'm missing here?"
"oh. wendy asked when steve and had our first kiss and long story short, it was in steve's pool after he threw me in while i was napping" cynthia starts laughing and shakes her head
"seems like a steve thing to do" you nod
"a very steve thing to do" david then starts to squirm a bit in your arms and makes grabby hands at cynthia. she takes him
"seems like it's his nap time already" you wave bye to david and he waves back, the two of them heading out the kitchen. you turn to steve.
"when do you want to leave to see the movie?"
"i was thinking we could see the 8 o' clock showing?" you nod
"fine by me"
"that gives us a few hours to kill. i think we have twister somewhere if you want to do that. i can get my mom to operate the spinny thingy"
"i'm gonna win" you tell him and he shakes his head
"not before i do" you roll your eyes
"we'll see about that, pretty boy" ten minutes later, you and steve are an entangled mess on the mat. diane's watching with humor.
"harrington, if i feel your hand on my ass one more time, i'm going to start to think that you're just using this game as an excuse to touch it"
"i told you i don't have good balance" you roll your eyes from your twisted position. diane spins for steve again
"left foot green" steve tries to maneuver his left foot to green, but he fails and ends up falling, making you the winner. you stand up
"haha! told you i'd win" he crosses his arms from his position on the floor. you bend down and kiss the top of his head
"'s alright stevie, not all of us can be winners" you walk past him, not before ruffling his hair. you head up to you guys' shared room, then locking the door behind you. you had to move quick. you look around for steve's wallet, finding it on the nightstand on his side of the bed. you grab it and take all his money out, then putting said money in his suitcase. you were paying for the movie tonight whether he liked it or not. lucky you, he took a twenty earlier out of his wallet and brought it with for ice cream instead of bringing his whole wallet.
you put his wallet back in place as if nobody touched it and then you quickly unlocked the bedroom door and headed back to the bed, falling back onto it. you stared at the ceiling for what felt like five minutes, surrounded in your thoughts before the door opened.
"figured this is where you ran off to. it was either here or the terrace" you don't answer steve back, still staring at the ceiling deep in thought. steve comes to stand by the bed and looks at you. he then plops down beside you.
"just thinking again?"
"is it about the same topic as earlier?"
"mhm" you two lie there in silence before you start to doze off.
you're then woken up by someone softly shaking you.
"y/nnnnnnnn," they drag out your voice. "wake up sleepyhead. we gotta go see top gun" you shoot up in your spot and frantically look at steve
"what time is it?"
"6:30" you let out a sigh of relief
"i'm not gonna let you sleep through our plans. what do you want to do with the thirty minutes we have to spare?"
"dunno" steve then perks up
"lets ask each other questions"
"okay. you start off" steve sits there for a minute and thinks of a question to ask you
"what's your favorite childhood memory?" you had to think long and hard about this one before a memory came to mind.
"probably... the time anthony almost fell off our roof while him and i were star gazing" you let out a quiet chuckle and steve joined you.
"he's always putting himself in danger"
"all the time. my turn. what's your favorite childhood memory?"
"the first time my mom took me to the vineyard. i ran around it like you did" he smiles fondly at the memory, then speaks up to ask you your question.
"what's something you've never told anyone?" you have to think for a minute.
"i used to have a crush on eddie in elementary school"
"yepp. back when he had a buzz" you laugh at it and steve joins you
"i think it was the fact that he was the only guy in my class that didn't tease me" you pause for a bit before speaking again. 'what's your guilty pleasure?"
"ferrah fawcett"
"you're so predictable" you smile and he smiles back
"my turn. biggest fear?"
"you're gonna judge me" you cover up your face with your hands and steve prys them away.
"this is a judgement free zone"
"that's very hypocritical of you to say" he rolls his eyes, waiting for your answer to his question.
"see, i knew you'd judge me"
"i'm not judging you. 'm just curious for the backstory?"
"there's no backstory. just the way they look freaks me out" he nods, listening to your answer. not laughing at you or judging you like you thought he'd do.
"anyways, my turn. any regrets in life?"
"oh yeah. a ton"
"what are they?"
"ah ah ah. that's not the question you asked"
"fine," you roll your eyes
"if you had to save one person in the zombie apocalypse, who would it be?"
"mmmm, this is a hard one. i'm gonna have to go with my brother"
"so you'd let me die?" you shrug
"you only said one person. maybe if you had said two, you'd be on the list" he huffs
"what's your regrets in life?"
"i knew you were gonna ask that"
"guess i'm as predictable as you, harrington" he waves you off
"yeah yeah. let's see. one of my regrets in life is not telling my dad off and just letting him do whatever he pleased" you frown at his answer.
"steve, you're one of the most caring people i know. you just wanted to keep the peace among everyone. you just want what's best for everyone and he was taking advantage of your kindness. there's no need to feel regret. he should be the one feeling regret for not realizing he has an amazing son" steve then pulls you into a hug and it's as though you can feel every emotion he's feeling in the hug. he hugs you tight and you hug him back, rubbing your hand up and down his back soothingly.
"y/n, thank you. for everything. i don't know where i'd be if i didn't have you" you want to crack a joke, out of habit, but you know that right now steve needs this. so you refrain from doing so. you two just sit there for a while, not letting go of one another until steve glaces down at his watch.
"shiit. we should leave now. it's gonna take us thirty minutes to get to the theatre" you two pull apart from one another and steve grabs his keys, heading out the door. you follow behind him and then you're both off and on the road again. the sun was starting to set and you wanted to stay in this moment forever.
next to the moon & stars, your brother, and steve, sunsets were your favorite thing in the world. you'd seen so many sunsets in your life and every single one of them was different. you loved the way the sky was painted different shades of orange, pink, purple and blue. like one big mural. to you, sunsets were a reminder that each day is different, so you must treat it that way.
"you good over there?" steve asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"yeah. just admiring the sunset"
"well, i hate to cut your admiring a bit short. but we've arrived at our destination" you look in front of you to see that you did, indeed, arrive at the theatre. you and steve get out of his car, heading to get a ticket.
"what movie?"
"top gun" the lady tells you your total and steve goes to open his wallet and pay, but he sees that he has no money. you give the lady the amount that you owe and she hands you two tickets for top gun. you and steve head inside and he looks at you.
"seriously? you took all my money out my wallet?" you shrug
"told you i was paying" he sighs and you guys go ahead and get your popcorn and drinks, heading to where you needed to go. you and steve sit in the very back, making conversation as you wait for the movie to begin. the best thing about going at night, was that there weren't as many people in the room so you didn't have to worry about your volume. yeah, you still kept it quiet for those who were sharing the room with you, but you didn't have to be as quiet.
you and steve watched top gun and by that, you mean you ogled at tom cruise the whole time. steve, however, was very engrossed into the movie. you were too, but some of the details in the movie seemed to go in one ear out the other. you and steve filed out of the theatre, stretching your limbs and letting out yawns.
"so? what'd you think about it?" you asked steve
"i'm glad i agreed to go with you. definitely was worth it" you nodded in agreement
"see? i have the better judgment here"
"whatever you say" as if on cue, you let out a yawn
"that would be the understatement of the century. i'm exhausted" he chuckles and you two get into the car. it's now pitch black outside, so staring out the window at the scenery to keep you awake is a no. you might as well take another nap. so that's what you do. you don't know when you got into bed, but you're assuming steve carried you up.
he gently shook you awake
"hey, do you want to change into something more comfortable to sleep in?" you nod, your eyes closed. steve grabs your pajamas and hands them to you
"can you turn around or close your eyes? i don't feel like getting up and changing in the bathroom right now" steve nods and he turns his back to you. you change into your pajamas as quick as you could, wanting to get back to sleep.
"okay. you're good" he turns back around and sees you making yourself comfortable in bed. you toss your clothes you previously had on over to the side, making a mental note to deal with them when you woke up. steve slides into the bed beside you and he doesn't even bother trying with the tv. both of you too tired anyways.
"night steve" you say, turning on your side and closing your eyes, going back to sleep.
"night y/n" he turns his bedside lamp off and you two fall asleep. thankfully, you didn't wake up with his knee in your back.
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a/n: sorry i didn't post this at the usual time i do, i got caught up in watching jane the virgin. but here it is
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doctorwhoisadhd · 4 months
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alexkingstonflirt · 3 years
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Working with Alex Kingston was an interesting process because she is just full of joy. She is brilliant. She knows the character inside out, that’s all taken care of and she is not afraid to asks questions to really understand the relevance of every speech of every word. 
Nick Briggs 
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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laissezferre · 5 years
good news: finally finished another fiction book after being in a slump. it was great! why do we read, guys? this is why.
even better news: can finally start on battersbyyyyyy
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happymeishappylife · 3 years
Big Finish Audio Adventure Review: Sword of Orion
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In an attempt to try and save their sickening vortisaur, Charley and the Doctor arrive on a planet where they try to find a cure. However, they instead get caught up on a junk scrapper ship with an uptight captain and wary crew who manage to stumble across a supposedly old and abandoned Cybermen star cruiser. As you can imagine, the star cruiser only stays dormant for so long with Cybermats a plenty. But are they the threat or are the inhabitants of the scrapper ship more deadly?
Because the Doctor and Charley get caught at the scene of one of the crew’s murders, they automatically become suspects by the crew. But while many want to kill them, the captain who the crew has disgruntled feelings about disagrees and welcomes the Doctor’s expertise solving this riddle. Still throughout, the crew belittles and treats the Doctor and his companion badly, but like most Cybermen stories, one by one they all fall prey to the true villains.
Meanwhile we learn of the Cybermen War (tie in to series 12? Possibly…) we also learn that the human race is fighting another robotic threat with the rise of androids, something they accuse the Doctor and Charley being, but of course the twist in the story pays off though the double twist doesn’t feel necessary. Still I enjoy the camaraderie between the Doctor and Charley and can’t wait to see more adventures with the two.
Overall Rating: 8/10
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Since people are posting their big finish collection recently; here is mine. I have quite a few on downloads as well but if anybody wants a more in-depth tour, let me know!
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softer-ua · 4 years
Head canon that Kacchan, after his pride stops pushing Deku away, comes to the amazing realization that Dekus a walking ASMR machine and the perfect distraction from his chronic tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a persistent ringing or buzzing in your ear/s and is often the result of hear damage caused by loud noises, there’s no real cure or treatment but many people find background noise like music, tv, or a white noise machine beneficial in distracting them from the sound and giving them some relief.
Dekus may mumble but each word is always clearly and fully pronounced, and I think once he learns to trust that people are not only willing but wanting to listen to what he’s got to say he’ll stop rushing to get everything out like his words are coke and mentos. Instead he’d have a steady rhythm when he speaks, and a slow almost melody just for kacchan, but his mind will never be any less full. It’s the perfect combo, someone who needs to fill the silence and someone who needs the silence filled
Comfort Winter Fic🥦💥
Katsuki isn’t a fan of the winter. Not only does the cold make his job harder but it makes his days off harder too.
It the first heavy snow of the season, muffling the usual city noise, it’s too cold and too quiet in this shitty apartment.
Dekus not home yet and he won’t be for several more hours, Katsuki should be enjoying one of the few days he has to himself and maybe planning dinner if he feels generous, but he simply can’t when his body’s betraying him like this.
Theres a constant high pitched ringing in his ears that he’s learned to live with but when everything else goes quiet like this.… this kind of silence acts like an amplifier and it makes his skull throb in time to his heartbeat.
He’s got all the lights off and has concooned himself in a big ass quilt on their couch. He even got that stupid white noise machine that Deku gave him last Christmas going but he can still hear the ringing above it. He’s actually not sure if the shitty thing is helping or hurting, like his brains trying to drown out both and can’t. He hates this, he feels weak, like a failure sitting here in the dark fighting back tears all because of a headache with an attitude. He knows crying adds pressure and makes it worse but he can’t stop it. He’s exhausted and hurting, and all he wants is to fall asleep in their stupid, too quiet, dark ass, lonely apartment and wake up when Deku gets home and makes it stop being all those things. But he can’t and he hates it
Katsuki lays there for what feels like an eternity, when he feels a cold hand thumb away a tear. Blearily he opens his eyes to see Deku floating next to him, familiar green warmed by the glow of their electric fire he hadn’t noticed Deku turn on. And for a moment there’s a break in the ringing as his focus narrows down to the sound of Dekus heavy breathing from the strain of controlling Float. He can’t help the sniffle that leaves him, the level of love and understanding that shines in shades of green never fails to floor him.
Deku, having noticed how dark and quiet their home was when he walked through the door enacted float. He knows how Kacchan likes to try and nap away these snow storms, so he tried his best to be quiet as he went about taking off his winter gear. Then noticing the lump of quilt on the couch and lack of kitchen activity he decided to put in an order with their favorite diners app. Then he summersualted through the air over the couch and turned the fire on to warm it up a bit more in here. He turned around to admire his cozy bf and considered leaving him on the couch or carrying him to their bed.
Bending down he got a good look at Kacchan to figure out how deeply asleep he was before doing anything to disturb him. But now that he was closer and it wasn’t so dark he could see tear tracks glistening on his Kacchans cheeks. That’s when he noticed the white noise machine was going, and he felt his heart squeeze.
He hated that he couldn’t make that damn ringing go away, he had no idea how Kacchan stayed so strong and focused in everything he did while fighting something like this every minute of everyday. Unless he was in a hyper focus a microwave beep coil completely ruin any focus he had. Without thinking he reached out to rub one of the still falling tears away.
Ruby eyes blinked open at him, bringing a natural irreplaceable smile to Dekus face. Even in exhausted and in pain there was a clear fierceness smoldering in crimson depths that never failed to set Deku soul on fire.
Then Kacchan sniffled and Dekus body moved on its own, dropping down on the couch just behind Kacchan and pulled him and his blanket caccoon into his lap. He placed a kiss on his forehead and began subtly rocking them as he hummed contentedly. He felt more than heard Kacchan release a small sob. Deku held him a little tighter and tells him what he orders for dinner, Kacchan clings to him and burrows his face into his chest. So Deku begins whispering a long tangent about everything and anything that happened to him that day.
He keeps going until he can feel Kacchan fully relax into him. Then he gives his explosive bf’s temple another kiss and asks if he wants to him to keep going or if there’s anything else he can do for him.
“Just fnish your story, Nerd.”
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popchoc · 3 years
I fnished watching Station 19, and now I'm catching up to the grey's episodes where Carina is present. It's just to know more about her character since I stopped watching the show since Lexie died and never met her.
Anyway, I saw the episodes where her father was there and holy shit what an asshole he is to her, belitting her and insulting her and her job in front of everyone, I get that he's bipolar but he's consciously not treating his illness, and she had to go through this her entire life? Wow, I get more now what she was talking about her abuse with Maya.
It kind of upset me watching him do that in front of everyone, even her brother was there and nobody said anything or just took her side (and she was right all along but nobody listened), I know she doesn't need saving, oh I know she's badass and can do it herself but a little support wouldn't have hurt. And it just came to my mind that if Maya would have been present she would have gone ballistic! But at that time they didn't even know each other, who knows if in the future he will appear again.
Hey Anon! To be honest I don’t really recall those scenes, but yes, Carina had (and still has) to endure a lot with her dad. Though I believe they have their good moments as well, there must always be this certain tension and alertness, as those good moments can turn at any time. If there’s one thing I learned from the kids I work with who have parents with mental illness it’s that the unexpectedness of their parents behavior often weighs the heaviest. 
The sad reality is that in many cases we can’t change the parents, so way too often it comes to teaching the kids - despite their young age - about their parents and how to deal with them emotionally, and how to set boundaries. So yes, in a way, that means how to become a badass. Carina strikes me as someone who figured this out at young age, alone or (hopefully) with some help. When it comes to her dad she knows what’s going on with him, what’s underlying his behavior, that it’s not personal and that going ballistic on him isn’t helping either of them. I even believe that if Maya would, Carina would stop her. Cause in the end the big difference between their dads is that hers is sick, while Maya’s is just an ass who actually deserves a big slap in the face.
So yeah, I agree with you, she is a strong woman and she clearly learned how to handle the situation of her dad. But it’s sad too, and it doesn’t hurt even the strong ones to hear that once in a while, that simple but very important “I’m sorry this is happening to you”. If Maya does meet him in the future, can keep her calm and be there for Carina like that, then I couldn’t be more proud of her!
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wematch · 7 years
I am in serious need of a fic where Baz and Simon meet online and become internet friends and skype everyday and end up in love. I just really need this from someone. I would write it, but I feel like I'd mess it up severely if I tried. Sorry for rambling!
Hi anon!
I’m sure you wouldn’t mess it up. I’d love to read it if you ever decide to write this.
I actually really liked this idea, (and I may or may not have made a draft for this already) I can’t promise that it’s going to be something great but.. I’ll try my best :)
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jatpbigbang · 3 years
I just want to say that I'm thrilled something like this is being organised. I have a lot of fic ideas but having something like this to keep me accountable will actually push me to fnish at leadt one of my ideas. Thank you for making this space for writers and creatives
I am very happy people have been taking to the Big Bang with such excitement & enthusiasm. I feel like some of my best writing work has been done during Big Bang, because I am being held accountable and I have someone to talk to about the fic & bounce ideas off. Also, it’s a very good way to make friendships.
So, thank you for taking part!
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