#big finish liveblog
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genderqueerpond · 2 months ago
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secondhandgasstove · 5 months ago
Love the opening to dark eyes. Eighth doctor lands in ww1 and immediately gets mustard gassed and then called a slut
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transfinan · 2 years ago
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This shot is so fucking funny
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youcouldbewonderful · 1 year ago
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writing this before 2005 was INSANE foreshadowing
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eerna · 2 months ago
Once again I am screaming at the sky bc I appreciate the way the book dealt with Todd and Viola growing to care about each other so much, and both the adaptations decided to make it weird instead
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waitineedaname · 3 months ago
orv is making me feel like I've been put in a food processor so I'm coping by constructing the kimcom polycule configurations in my brain
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koscheicore · 1 year ago
(Imitating dalek) "We have come to help!! Fish and chips for all!!"
8th Doctor I love you
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ectopuppy · 4 months ago
damn eatle really changed between series.. like lookit this shit:
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most of the changes to designs are like minor aesthetic changes or like.. body proportions/outfit swaps but i wasn't even 100% sure this WAS eatle for a sec before he started yaknow eating stuff
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jinxed-ninjago · 7 months ago
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kushanna · 1 month ago
i realize now i had already visualized a possibility for compromise for ange similar to what ep. 8 is doing but through eva instead, since the only option she'd have instead of refusing to say anything or tell ange a truth too painful for her to bear, plus i don't think ange would ever believe it coming from eva, would be to paint the massacre in a different light, essentially lying to ange, but doing so in a way that would satisfy her need to understand october 4th but that wouldn't damage their relationship and also keep ange away from realities she'd have a hard time coping with. not necessarily saying this would be the "correct" choice for her since it's hard to discuss what's the most moral choice for a single human person to take after they survive a situation where folks planned to murder everyone in sight and erase the crime with a bomb and where she is being accused of things she has partially done (eva has indeed killed kyrie and rudolf like ange accuses her of. context aside, that was a thing she did do). and also maybe this is impossible in the real world. but now ep. 8 seems to be doing a somewhat similar thing and i hate it so. welp. that sucks, doesn't it
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genderqueerpond · 3 months ago
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 9 months ago
s1 episode 23 thoughts
back at it again with another post surgery painkiller and x-files combo, let's goooo!
i'm almost done with season 1, only 1 more episode! i'll have to see how long it took me to get to this point and then update accordingly- but i might finish today- which will be bittersweet
(update! i started watching 20 days ago, so a i'm at a little over an episode a day! wow, time flies. and yet it seems they have always been at my side)
anyway this episode was again Problematic but i did chronicle my journey like always. i am a citizen journalist.
episode opened with some math words, math words which i definitely knew the meaning of (/s)
then the scientist we see working on a sort of jet thing gets sucked into his jet- he was locked in there by the custodian- with a sound the closed captioning described as a "squishing thud" which was. unfortunate.
enter our duo! "how was the wedding?" "you mean the part where the groom passed out or the dog bit the drummer?" (mulder, teasingly) "did you catch the bouquet?" (scully, teasing back) "maaaaybe :)"
(your honor i would die for them. no hesitation. mulder, what do you care if she caught the bouquet? dreaming of her as a radiant bride or something? scully, you stringing him along with that imagery? lol. lmao, even. i need to put them in a bottle and study them)
another scientist is killed when the custodian puts him into liquid nitrogen which is not something i can endorse but he WAS rude asf so i get it. and then his ear falls off and crunches which was nasty!
scully says she has seen this happen on a fish before! mulder responds that this is not something they'll see on "beakman's world" (had to google that one but it seems to be a contemporary children's science programming of some sort. and there was a man in a rat suit playing a rat. which is absurdly funny to me. hold on NEED to get an image of him for you)
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i'm. gonna fucking cry why does he look like that. need to end this line of commentary here before i start begging for explanations on what the hell was going on in the 90's
so mulder seems to think that the custodian killed his boss and all the other members of this team working on the fancy jet stuff, which we know to be true but we don't know Why. turns out our custodian, roland, is the twin brother of the head scientist, arthur, who died a few months back, and has since had his brain placed in a cryogenic freezing chamber. JUST the head!
i love when scully and mulder need a visual on what a person would look like so they go to the woman in the fbi that presses some buttons on a computer and generates a dude. it brings me pleasure to no end. then they look at the guy like :0 yup that is exactly who we are looking for. i eat it up every time.
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she has two brothers, one older and one younger! (she's a middle child omg.........)
mulder thinks siblings have a psychic connection (which is actually deeply tragic if you consider his circumstances) and that the ULTIMATE psychic connection is between twins. so the twin that is currently in an icy soup is somehow connecting to the other twin to get him to kill all the other scientists and finish his research. sure. why not.
there's then a scene where mulder tries to walk in the wrong direction and scully has to correct him, which recalled him getting lost in the woods in an earlier episode i had No Positive Feelings Towards, but it does make him always driving funnier. like, can he follow a map but has no internal sense of direction? was the gps still in its early days? did he have one at all? how is he getting places? a lot of people want to know
the last remaining scientist who was not killed lowered the temperature on brain soup twin, which was stored in another part of the university campus where they worked. man my university campus has no jet propulsion wing OR brain soup section. did i get ripped off? what is my tuition even for?
anyway, the episode ends with the seeming psychic curse of soup twin being lifted from custodian twin, which we can hope to mean positive things moving forward
overall, like i said, any episode of a show from the 90's with the words "mentally challenged" in the description is bound to have aged poorly, which i am not surprised by- up there with the earlier Indigenous appropriation episode and the aforementioned episode i Shan't Name- but, we did learn things! for instance, that scully has 2 brothers (!!!), just went to a wedding where mulder teased her about maybe catching the bouquet (and also a dog bit a drummer, drop the full story time scully don't be shy), mulder believes in the psychic connection between siblings, and that there was a rat on a kid's show that was a mere man in a suit. that i'm still gonna cry laughing at.
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youcouldbewonderful · 1 year ago
I've been trying to listen to more eight audios again and I really liked faith stealer. here's some silly bits I liked
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"not like me at all" dont worry doctor your next six incarnations will be just as depressed as you
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all-thestories-aretrue · 10 months ago
Johnny losing that point of humanity 😳😳😳 hot and terrifying. Johnny should be given senseless violence as a treat every now and then. Enrichment.
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Have fun in stormblood! We (the ffxiv community) will watch your career with great interest
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Waa thank you!! I will!!
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koscheicore · 11 months ago
YELLING. Cradle of the Snake was such a GOOD audio oh my. Okay yes evil Fivey but can we talk about evil Nyssa??? Aaaa 😭 I'm probably relistening to it at some point bcs I need to analyse that Nyssa real bad. I love stories with the Mara I'm yelling. Also Turlough hiding the fact he was terrified of the Doctor/the Mara and still going with him dhdk aaaaaAAAAAAA
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