#big brother anakin
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bard-of-the-north1 · 2 years ago
Obi wan : Anakin, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Anakin: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Obi wan : Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Ashoka.
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mythical-illustrator · 1 year ago
Bless baby ashoka and her dad/bro.
All the clones are protective of their commanders baby and will murder everyone if you so much as look at her wrong
Suddenly bowled over by the image of Anakin with a baby Ahsoka strapped to his front during the middle of work. Ok I guess??
Ahsoka getting cursed into a toddler during the Clone Wars and Anakin is now suddenly responsible for a literal baby. He is now acutely aware of the fact that the 501st are in an active engagement and his protective instincts are dialed right up to max. They have to be pulled back from the front, a young padawan was pushing it as it was but this is a Babby.
He's having to think about what baby togruta eat. Ahsoka can't feed herself or defend herself or anything except wiggle around like a striped potato. Her montrols are non existant, just little nubs, and its almost bringing this Jedi Knight to tears with how cute she is. He knows she's a carnivore but surely they don't eat meat that early?? Do they need anything else to develop correctly?? Is he going to accidentally harm her somehow through neglect?!
Anakin: Master Ti, what do baby togruta eat??
Shaak: Pardon?
Anakin: Help.
She gets the explanation from Anakin in pieces and a better explanation from Kix. She can tell him how to look after her until they can reach Coruscant, milk if they have any on board will do fine in the interim and Ahsoka will like being bundled up. The pressure of being cocooned is soothing (thinking of Momma Tano strapping babby Ahsoka to her front but now it's Anakin making sure she goes with him everywhere) and will prevent her from becoming too agitated.
She keeps chewing on his leather glove when he holds her but he doesn't mind, and just lets her gnaw on his knuckles like a chew toy. Its not his flesh hand anyway so it's fine. He can’t effectively secure her to him on his own so he has to get Rex to help him do it properly with Shaak still on speeddial for instructions.
She can’t help but notice how oddly domestic the scene looks as Rex carefully wraps Ahsoka in her papoose cocoon to Anakin's chest. They're both cooing at her. Shaak cannot wait for a Council meeting to be called about this.
The clones are caught between being distraught at what's happened to their Commander, as well as thinking she's the cutest thing they've ever seen. Since Anakin is now focusing harder on keeping Ahsoka safe since she can't protect herself anymore, Rex has taken it upon himself to stick at their side even more than usual. Just a very protective satellite orbiting around both Jedi in case they need anything.
No, the other men are not jealous that Anakin automatically hands Ahsoka off to his Captain if he needs to be free if her for a minute or two.
Back on Coruscant he knows she's better off being handled by the creche but ... that's his Padawan, just small. Everyone on the Council had hoped he'd deal with a Padawan just fine but were admittedly a little surprised by just how well he took to it. Seeing him immediately throw himself into taking care of baby Ahsoka, and all her species specific needs, has a lot of them second guessing their assumptions of him.
It's Obi-Wan who eventually asks where his almost instinctual knowledge comes from. The answer is that Shmi Skywalker was the go to mum for any new mothers on Tatooine and there were quite a few in the slave quarters during Anakin’s time there. He learned by just being there to help out.
Obi-Wan: if you want to continue to care for Ahsoka, you could do so by just working in the Creche and helping there with the rest of the infants
Anakin: !!
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galactic-rhea · 2 months ago
The best part of my Sith Raised Anakin AU is that, essentially, Dooku and Sheev are like, the diametrically opposite of Timon and Pumbaa; Evil, AWFUL, gay dads.
You know that part in TLK 1/3 where Simba is a cub and wakes up Timon because he had a nightmare (implied to be about his father's death) and they let him sleep with them?
Anakin would be like "I had a nightmare about my mom dying", and they throw him to a pit to fight against Sith hounds and Nexus and tigers for the whole night, and only check up on him in the morning. If he's alive then trully he must be The Chosen one (like Daniel in the lions' den lmao)
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aj-artjunkyard · 11 months ago
I think the prequels should’ve made Owen Lars Anakin’s full brother. I think we should’ve had gruff 19/20 year old completely Force-null Owen in TPM and make the audience assume for a moment that that’s young Darth Vader, but nope, it’s the tiny blond Yippee boy who’s playing with droids.
I want to play with old Ben’s line about Uncle Owen in ANH “He thought (Anakin) should’ve stayed here, not gotten involved (in the clone wars)” as Owen urging Anakin to quit the Order in AOTC because a war is brewing in the Republic, telling him their mother sent Anakin away to be safe, and would never approve of him becoming a soldier.
Then Uncle Owen in OWK with that same dismissive attitude towards Obi-Wan but this time it’s not just protectiveness of Luke but also because he blames the Jedi for corrupting his little brother
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politicalprocrastinator · 3 months ago
anyway I totally believe that padme would've wanted to have the organas raise her kids if she couldn't and they really should've added a conversation between the three of them giving her agency rather than having a room full of men at the end of the film deciding what should be done with her children
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darthkote · 3 months ago
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amirahsoka · 1 year ago
ahsoka, within you will be everything that i am. all the knowledge i possess. you’re part of a legacy.
— anakin, finishing ahsoka’s training and breaking our hearts.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months ago
I’ll never recover from rebels revealing Ahsoka only to bring in Vader 5 seconds later
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cloverstellar · 4 months ago
I will NEVER understand obikin shippers. Obi met Anakin when Obi was 25 and Anakin was NINE. That doesn’t rub anyone weird???? That you’re shipping Anakin with the guy who essentially raised him into adulthood since he was a child ??? That doesn’t weird any of you all out,?? Where the fuck am i
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leofromsomewhere · 5 months ago
anakin, would it kill you to hug your dang kid for once? she keeps going through extremely traumatic events with you, and by golly that girl needs a hug (and you probably need it too)
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dragonpyre · 6 months ago
wait hi hello what the frick is this star wars au you talked about i must know immediately
Ok so it’s not very well fleshed out, but the premise is SOMEHOW Obi-Wan was the one who went dark side instead of Anakin (don’t ask me how, idk. Maybe it was to protect Anakin from going down that path) and the Republic falls and the Purge happens.
Anyhoo, Anakin thinks Padmé died and Padmé thinks Anakin and everyone else died and is now in hiding. Meanwhile Anakin and Ahsoka have fucked off into hiding together and are just two siblings struggling for survival.
One day Anakin breaks down and spills everything to Ahsoka - the secret marriage, the pregnancy, everything - and they grieve together. Eventually somehow they end up on Bracca and find a little Cal and are like “well, new brother I guess” and adopt him. Maybe they even run into the Bad Batch.
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techfan450 · 1 year ago
Ahsoka: Lux Bontieri kissed me...
Rex: *clicks shotgun* I'll be back in a bit...
Anakin: *ignites ligthsaber* I'm a Sith now.
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workingchemistry · 1 year ago
Anakin is still debating what he wants to say when he takes a seat next to his captain on a temple balcony. The pain bleeding into The Force from Rex is intense enough that it makes Anakin’s breath catch in his ribs.
Rex makes the decision for him, staring out across the planet skyline, and breaks the silence. “He Named me.”
Anakin hadn’t known that. He doesn’t know much about how clones choose their names. He’d assumed that Rex had heard the name somewhere or that if someone else had named him then it had been Cody. The two are thick as thieves and it’s clear their relationship predates being deployed together.
“Shereshoy, Resh for short.” Rex continues on, thankfully not needing a response from Anakin. In fact, if it weren’t for Anakin’s knowledge of Clone environmental awareness, he might think Rex is entirely unaware of his presence. “Said anyone brave enough to wear their mutations had earned a name.”
Anakin understands slavery. He understands making impossible choices and putting your hope in someone who ultimately fails you. He understands how it feels both to leave and to be left behind.
He doesn’t think he understands this.
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charlietamauie · 1 year ago
The energy from Episode 5 of Ahsoka was entirely Anakin being like:
“Aw, dangit - you’re not dead yet, right Snips?”
Ahsoka: “Uh-“
Anakin: “You’re gonna choose to live” *ignites lightsaber, eyes twitching yellow* “RiGhT sNiPs????”
(Also, lol Anakin, found a way to literally fight Ahsoka’s survivor’s guilt from the dead, what a beautiful dumbass)
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babkaboy · 1 year ago
I’ve always been curious about Obikin, because it never felt right to me, but it isn’t exactly a pro-ship? I can never really tell. On one hand there’s the “you were my brother Anakin” on the other theres the headcanons. I just wanna know what the appeal is from someone who ships them. /gen
i’m not the best person to answer this bc i really don’t care at all if a ship is problematic or proshipper or whatever lol, i mean the first thing i did after watching the kenobi show was to look out for art and fics of vader nonconning obi-wan 🤪 and even if anakin and obiwan were siblings (which they aren’t let’s be real) i’m all for the dead dove ngl!! also it’s fiction… have a little more fun cuz this shouldn’t be that different than playing with our barbies when we were 4 and making them kill each other or have orgies together lol
but to answer your question, first i found their cat-and-mouse dynamic in kenobi really hot. vader obsessing diligently on his old master who he claims he doesn’t care about anymore was crazy. however, i think obikin is a beautifully complicated relationship. it’s canon that both anakin and obi-wan’s entire relationship is built on duality: master and apprentice, dark and light, love and hate, two halves of the same coin. this is some soulmatism shit that i fuck with and i was never into the whole soulmates tbh. i also think obi-wan is a heavily repressed man in terms of love and attachments and following the code to the core, and ofc struggles with his love for anakin: he cannot control him in any way for the force against humanity that anakin is (he’s such a momboy) plus he had the chance to kill him a couple of times and yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it and finally free him from the misery of being darth vader, bc of his love for him. he even spent his life in exile and probably didn’t kill himself just for the sake of anakin’s children. it’s not a coincidence that he decided to finally die and join the force when luke and leia were reunited and he guaranteed their safety
and then you have anakin who is anything but someone who subdues his feelings: he thrives for love, love is was fuels him and the reason he Fell on the first place, he pushes and pushes like the way he did to get padme to love him. i simply love how their own approach to love complements each other so well and i cannot get enough of it, bc at the end of the day they are both each other’s most important person. like look at this extract of this novel where anakin finally joins the force after ROTJ and how obi-wan has his own whole sentence from the other ones (even from padme!!!! or shmi!!!!)
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idk man i just love them so much
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roseofithaca · 1 year ago
When I saw Anakin's recording and was like "Oh cool, Rebels callback, showing those videos he made for any young Jedi to use." then he said Ahsoka's name and she explained "he made me TWENTY of these". 😭😭
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