#bichael may
coolchromia · 4 months
Very sad that I can't talk about Megatron and Optimus prime as a ship with ppl IRL.
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It's pride month. Everybody knows who they are but who is Optimus Prime's girlfriend?
You and I know it's Elita-One.... But they don't.
Stupid bichael-may couldn't bring himself to put female transformers in his movies, but I can't walk up to a person at the gas station and talk about the romantic subtext between Megatron and Optimus during pride month.
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zaxal · 2 years
✨🥺🧠 Michael Nichael Bichael Bluth
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
i write absolute bangers all the time tbh. they may not be the most polished, they could almost always certainly be better with some extra tlc, and my update schedule is appalling ever since i graduated college, but my ideas are creative and generally well-executed, even if (if not especially when) i'm playing in tropes common to the fandom. i may have anxiety and a lot of chronic self doubt, but i'm good at what i do imo.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
any sort of casual devotion. "of course i'm going to do [dangerous/comforting/necessary/frivolous/domestic/extraordinary/world-breaking] thing because it's For You." i love writing that shit. i love reading that shit. i just pepper it in anytime i feel the spirit move me. it's the main ingredient, babey!!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
oh god what is and isn't a headcanon anymore.
ACTUALLY U KNO WHAT, he has a tattoo from a 3-day rebellious streak when he was like 19. i do not know what it's a tattoo of (it's probably not anything original, but i don't think it's something like tracey's name), i do not know where it's located (somewhere out of sight, out of mind), but gob doesn't find out until they're in their 30s/40s and he acts like michael stabbed him in the BACK. michael is secretly smug about it just bc it pisses gob the hell off even tho he placates him like it's not a big deal, it's nothing, he was a stupid kid, you're the one making something out of nothing.
also michael bluth trans man real
thanks for asking!!
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bichaelbyers · 4 years
bruh Jensen when you gonna play my mans again. Like honestly this is just homophobic :/
careful 🅱️ichaels gonna 🅱️ust your 🅰️ss
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ghostfacejed · 5 years
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(( Yeah. This is a thing I did for my stream a while back. Catch me on it sometime, a link is in my pages up top or here. Not streaming atm but -finger guns- you could always follow for notifs. Anyway, Adidas ftw ))
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So do we have a ship name for Michael and Book?
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foxsimthings · 3 years
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Kiyah Davila for @noncommittaltrait ‘s Second Chances Challenge!
Extreme Sports Enthusiast | Stunt Performer Romantic | Bro | Adventurous  She/Her | Pansexual
Read on below!
Chances are, you’ve seen Kiyah on TV. 
Not that you’d recognize her.
She makes her living in television, but nobody’s ever seen her face on screen. As a stunt performer, keeping her face hidden is actually imperative. Not that she minds - she’s always had a love for athletics. A former gymnast, she was on the olympic team for Del Sol Valley before dropping out when the pressure got to be too much. 
Kiyah would be a liyah if she said she didn’t regret missing the opportunity, but what’s done is done, and she’s made a comfy living for herself in stunt acting. She’s gone on to throw her body around for some major films including Simception and The Walking Cowplants. Again, not that anyone would recognize her work in any of them.
It was on the set of a big Bichael May action film that she met her most recent ex, Rio. Kiyah and Rio were the stunt performers for the two movie leads and had to perform a skydiving stunt together. It was during this stunt, and the countless hours leading up to it, that Kiyah and Rio fell in love.
Theirs was a Hollywood romance if ever there was one. To meet and fall in love skydiving was understandably magical, and the cast went on to praise their love story as one for the ages. They spoke in interviews of their love - most of the interviews they’ve ever done have been in regards to this skydiving love story - and it went on to be a symbol that love truly was alive.
Pity, then, that it all had to go. Maybe it was the pressure that made Rio crumble like Kiyah had all those years ago. Maybe he fell out of love, in the end, and couldn’t make himself say it. Whatever the reason, Rio was unfaithful shortly into their engagement and Kiyah broke it off.
Now she’s back and maybe ready for a second chance, though feeling understandably iffy on the whole thing. If nothing else, she hopes to make a few friends, have a few laughs and go home having had a good time.
When she isn’t jumping off buildings or being hit by cars, Kiyah loves working out, dancing and any kind of extreme sport. She hates technology and still uses an old flip phone, she barely uses Simstagram and her laptop is a cluttered mess of viruses.
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thetoadcrow · 3 years
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very rare picture of art straight from my sketch book, yet again some fan art of Michael from The Magnus Archives who I may or may not have gender envy for.
btw in case the picture is shit the shirt says “bike is short for bichael” and the juice box says “cryptic bitch juice”
maybe I’ll turn it digital at some point but rn I’m lazy lmao
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makeyourchoices · 4 years
Your wish is my command I am down for this entirely.
Beefy Boi Squad ™ with a short/fragile s/o
At first, Evan probably has a bit of a difficult time interacting with someone who’s more on the fragile side.
That’s not to say he hates it by any means! Due to how he was raised and his family situation though, someone being fragile was frowned upon. Kindness itself was frowned upon, and so he finds it difficult to ease up with someone who seems so opposite on the spectrum.
Eventually though, he learns. Perhaps it was the past memories being slowly dragged to the surface, or perhaps it was just his internalized adoration for his s/o that made him crave something softer.
He’s subtle about that though. Where he used to shy away from things that would have made him seem weak in the eyes of his father so long ago, he begins to grow more accepting with small actions.
Fall asleep while he’s working? He’ll pull you into his lap - you’re small enough in comparison to him that he can still use his hands to work with his traps without you being in the way. (Of course, if you wake up during this, don’t comment on it - he will only insist it’s so you don’t get sick in the cold of the estate and nothing more.)
Can’t reach something? Well, he’d probably find it a bit cute, honestly. There’s a lot of things he keeps high up around the estate - both because he doesn’t want anyone messing with them along with the fact once you started to visit him, he knew he had to be a bit more… careful. He knew injuries were healed up after trials, but he didn’t quite want to test what happened if you got seriously hurt outside trials. 
Regardless, due to him finding your struggles a bit cute, he’d often wait out helping you. He would eventually help you, yes, but not until you practically begged him to stop subtly smirking at you.
You being on the more fragile side also leads to some very strict protection from him. He wouldn’t be able to admit it freely, but he genuinely hates the idea of anything happening to you that he could have prevented. He’s had enough hardship in his life - hardship that made him into who he was today. He wouldn’t want anything to harm or taint you, and he will protect what he sees as a sweet innocence fiercely. 
Herman absolutely vibes with having an s/o so much smaller than him, for a multitude of reasons.
First off, he finds it extremely entertaining. There is so much potential in his mind for testing the limits.
That’s not to say he’d ever harm you - the Entity no doubt had to suppress some of his urges from the past when brought into the fog. After all, if Herman acted up outside trials, there wouldn’t be any trials for the Entity to feed off of, right? 
That doesn’t stop Herman from toying with you though. Just a little bit.
He would love getting a startled little yelp out of you when he catches you off guard with a bit of a zap down your spine if you grow too complacent around him.
As long as you don’t get in the way of his work too much though, he would never be able to get mad at you. This includes if you ask him for any help. Sometimes he’ll tease you a bit but ultimately he has no qualms in helping you out.
In the same respect, this man would especially appreciate any willingness to learn from you. Can’t reach one of the books that are high up on the shelves in his study? No teasing from him then, he will immediately get it for you all while casually telling you various things you’ll see in the book, offering to explain anything you may not understand entirely on your own.
He’s not a man who likes to sleep - sure, he could if he wanted to but in this realm it’s far from necessary for killers like him. If you want to sleep while he works though, he doesn’t mind. He will require most of the time that you sleep in one of the armchairs instead of his lap though, as he hates sitting still for too long.
(Don’t worry though, sometimes when he’s feeling particularly calm, he won’t mind you falling asleep in his lap. Sometimes you’ll wake up there, sometimes you’ll wake up in the chair or in one of the various beds scattered across the facility. It’s a toss up really.)
As a side note, you being more fragile will not make him more protective necessarily. Sure, he won’t let anything happen to you on his watch - but he doesn’t follow you around like a mother hen either. He believes you are smart and capable enough to take care of yourself or seek him out if you can’t.
Out of all of these four, Kazan is actually the most likely to be helpful to you without complaint.
Despite his very dark past and his twisted mentality back then, he did have the best intentions in his mind. Not only that, but this man had a son, so long ago. He understands how to treat someone who’s smaller than him and more fragile.
(Which is a good thing considering most people are shorter and more fragile than him, let’s be honest.)
He may have been seen as a monster in the past, but with his s/o he’s actually the farthest thing from it. 
Kazan actually enjoys a quiet moment with you, and unlike some of the others he isn’t exactly afraid to show it. He’s still subtle, sure, but not out of the feeling of necessity. He’s just not quite as expressive.
When you visit him expect to be carried around a lot. The main reason is he likes holding onto you and it also makes it a bit easier with keeping up with him since… Well, you can’t not keep up if he’s literally carrying you. 
(He also internally worries about you tripping and getting hurt, since his realm is dark and filled with plants and stones. He just won’t say that so he doesn’t hurt your own pride, since he understands pride and honor well.)
He also tends to follow you around a lot more than the others, surprisingly. He may be an extremely powerful, intimidating Big Man ™ but that will not stop him from following you like a puppy.
A very large, very anger-prone guard puppy.
He also doesn’t usually grab things for you that you can’t reach. Why?
He prefers to just pick you up instead to let you grab it while he holds onto your waist. It reminds him of better times, before all the blood on his hands.
You will end up sleeping with him, a lot. When you do, you better hope he wakes up before you because there is no way you will get out of his arms until he wakes up. Not to mention, he is a very deep sleeper. Be prepared for some very long naps.
Michel is the least likely to be good at helping you out, to be blunt.
He never really required anyone’s help in the past - he was always something of a lone wolf and hated showing any form of vulnerability. Whenever he did, it was abused. So why should he care about someone else showing vulnerability unless he can put it to use against them?
However, that does not mean he will never help you. It just has to be on his own terms whether it’s from curiosity, amusement (however deeply hidden that may be), or the like. 
If you’re close enough to be his s/o, then he’s prone to helping you out regardless even if in his own… odd ways. 
Some things you may not even realize. Some of the killers who like to mess with survivors even outside trials (regardless of the lack of true threat in that moment) seem to never mess with you. You’ll never know why, but let’s be honest - Michael will not let anyone mess with you.
This man is, deep down, probably affection starved to some degree. This somewhat depends on which version of him you think of obviously as to how much.
Even so, he will never make that known. This man would hate showing vulnerability even if with just his s/o. 
You’d know though when he grabs at your wrist a certain way, pulling you with him wherever he wants to go that’s quieter.
Back on topic, you’d have to voice at times if he’s being too rough with grabbing onto you and pulling you wherever he wants to go. He doesn’t fully realize his own strength in comparison to yours, and if he harms you he’ll at least tone it down a bit.
Sure, he may be very backwards and like an angry old cat, but he can compromise.
Just do not tease him or comment on the rare occasions he allows himself to soften up for your sake, or the likelihood of it happening again is very slim.
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bloodakoos · 4 years
a dog’s purpose but its directed by bichael may
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askaceattorney · 6 years
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Dear Bichael May,
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I can’t think of any good reason to refuse an offer like that.  I’m all in if you’re planning to shoot it here in Khura’in.
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I kind of can’t get away...
-Apollo Justice
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wolpertinger-prince · 5 years
I wanted to like... do stuff today. 
Instead I laid around and let Bichael May eat my ears. God dammit god dammit.
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coolchromia · 2 months
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Me when I do anything
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k-hiphop-trash · 7 years
When KHH meets Spanish - Playlist
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Some of you may not know, but Admin E and I are Spanish! That’s why I decided to do a special playlist to celebrate our 3.5 K followers! In this playlist, I include songsthat are related somehow with Spain, Latin America and Spanish. If you can speak Spanish, this will sound familiar to you <3
Dumbfoundead - Cochino (ft. Too Short)
This song has Spanish words from the beginning to the end
Zion T. Kush - Machine Gun (ft. Mino)
I don’t have an ID, I go loco If you want my photo, tranquilo (Calm down) Don’t whine, Papico Get excited/aroused in front of women, amigo 
Rahhh - Dulzura (ft. La Beby La Jefa, Empirical 507, John Tarifa)
This is a collab! Jay’s part it’s at the end. Hearing him saying “Tú eres muy bonita” is too much for my weak heart :,)
Dok2 - Mulltillionaire
Spanish bitches call me guapo.
Dope’Doug - Conor (ft. Loopy)
Just Music - Silky Boys
In the MV of this song [1.20′] you can see “Pida ahora y reciba la entrega gratuita.
Simon Dominic - Complex 3 (ft Geegooin & B-Free) 
You can hear a song in Spanish in the intro.
BewhY - Bichael Yackson 
Uno número.
Babylon - Lalala (ft. Ceongha)
Viva la vida loca.
Maniac - K.O like Tyson (ft. Owen Ovadoz)
I’m living la livda loca
Neil - Fadeaway 
I don’t wanna be just one of ‘em, brodies going orale Keep my money to myself, make it bling like Shabba Ranks Expanding on my clientele, haters know to callate My mama want a Goyard bag, so gotta make it andale
Ken Rebel - Underwater Rebels (ft. Keith Ape, JayAllDay, Okasian)
They mention Spain towards the end.
MOBB - Full House
go loco
Dok2, The Quiett, Muyngdo, Superbee, Flowsik - AirDoTheQ 
Espanol로 Come to mi casa 살아있는 교과서 한 번 더 That's que pasa
Link to the playlist
Enjoy :)
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Hilarious meme reveals the 'real' names of your favorite celebrities
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It's been over a year since the good people of Twitter were shocked to learn that Jamie Foxx's real name is actually Eric Marlon Bishop.
Foxx is one of many famous faces to employ new names upon entering certain echelons of Hollywood — but in a hilarious meme, fans are using celebrity stage names to guess the "real" names behind the star.
SEE ALSO: Meme perfectly explains the difference between freshman and and senior year
For example, Ice Cube was born O'Shea Jackson Sr., but if you ask Twitter this week, his "real name" is Icelandic Cubicle. Hence, the nickname Ice Cube. 
i'm losing my FUCKING mind pic.twitter.com/3QEKh8DcwI
— 𝐑𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧 (@RidersOvRohan) August 29, 2018
It may be a derivative of the 2017 Reddit meme "bike is short for Bichael." From there, according to Know Your Meme, folks started to play with the names of random household items in a similar way many are doing now to celebrity names.
Most of the names belong to rappers, whose stage names leave plenty of room for imagination.
Offset’s full name is Office Settings
— Colette (@colettelverity) August 28, 2018
RT if you didn't know 50 Cent's full name is 50th Century🤕. pic.twitter.com/sUpsHwVWaJ
— 🔥0781025692🙂 (@SlaViiT_Tso) August 28, 2018
Quavo’s full name is Quality Avocados.
— яєvσʟutıσn (@unkonfined) August 29, 2018
T Pain's full name is Tutti Pain pic.twitter.com/Ik3d8wWRz2
— McBaŋɠ (@TheMcBang) August 30, 2018
— [ ⛅️ 카이 - Kai, ghetto superhero💛 ] (@sevnthmoon) August 30, 2018
Important pic.twitter.com/zxnXzW3fUA
— J (@totally_notjay) August 30, 2018
Thanks to this meme, we'll never again look at a photo of Bow Bow without thinking "Boward Woward." I don't think the world will ever recover from this one. 
WATCH: This slinky montage is bizarrely satisfying to watch
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ao3feed-fma · 7 years
Work in Progress
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2H3Maqa
by bichael
Ed and Al move in next door to a strange guy from Xing who eats a lot and likes to break into their apartment just cause he can.
Words: 385, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Edward Elric, Ling Yao, Winry Rockbell, Paninya, Alphonse Elric, Lan Fan, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Pinako Rockbell, Alex Louis Armstrong, Mei Chan | May Chang
Relationships: Edward Elric/Ling Yao, Paninya/Winry Rockbell, Mei Chan | May Chang/Alphonse Elric
Additional Tags: What am I doing, they're gay I'm gay we're all fucking gay, Fluff, full metal alchemist modern au, Modern AU, Angst, ed is bi af
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2H3Maqa
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Cicholas Nage Wobin Rilliams Lia ShaBeouf Meve Startin Dohnny Jepp Sharlie Cheen Sob Baget Frorgan Meeman Jamuel L Sackson Bary Gusey Whetty Bite Daula Peen Haris Pilton Cill Bosby Eant Clistwood Gill Bates Jeve Stobs Tikola Nesla Homas Tedison Melon Usk Hephen Stawking Einbert Alstein Teil Negrasse Dyson Sir Newssac Iton Nill Bye Wam Salton Dalvador Sali Veonardo La Dinci Gincent van Vogh Packson Jollock Rob Boss Rordan Gamsey Fuy Gieri Leorge Gucas Speven Stielberg Halfred Itchcock Kanley Stubrick Bichael May Tentin Quarantino Jichael Mordan Cohn Jena Rabe Buth Doe Jimaggio Wiger Toods Luce Bree Chackie Jan Nuck Chorris Shilliam Wakespeare Orge Georwell Chresus Jist Lamai Dama Spack Jarrow De Thoctor Pary Moppins Somer Himpson Postin Auwers Kesh Atchum Pinnie the Wooh Squongebob Sparepants Wuce Brayne Kark Clent Nabe Gewell Foby Tox Cott Scawthon Lohn Jennon Pelvis Resley Jichael Mackson Wil Layne Mob Barley Meddy Frucury Sank Frinatra Doop Snogg Shupac Takur Bavid Dowie Swaylor Tift Paty Kerry Jilly Boel Jon Bovi Smill With Wanye Kest Cil Phollins Zay Tonday Luey Hewis (and The Swen) Himi Jendrix Jolton Ehn Tustin Jimberlake Bustin Jieber Ack Ristley Pladimir Vutin Menito Bussolini Stoseph Jalin Ladimir Vlenin Hidolf Atler Rigori Grasputin Jim Kong Nu Zao Medong Haddam Sussein Marl Karx Frenjamin Banklin Libraham Ancoln Orack Babama Beorge Gush Tronald Dump Clillary Hinton Sernie Banders Clill Binton Ritt Momney
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