#bicep curls correct form
fitnessmantram · 1 year
Bicep Curls At Home || Bicep Curls Workout || Bicep Exercise || #shorts ...
Typically, a bicep curl begins with the arm fully extended and a supinated (palms facing up) grip on a weight. To perform a full repetition, bend the elbow or "curl" it until it is fully flexed, and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
Read More : The Ultimate Guide to Reverse Hack Squat
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bees-making-art · 14 days
Beat of the Heart, Chapter One: Electric Feel
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This is the start of my silly little LoganxGN!Mutant!Reader story! It will loosely follow the plot of the first x-men movie. Basically just switch out Jean for reader as the center of Logan's romantic affection. Reader has a described power but other than that no physical description. Reader is also a medic/scientist like Jean and Hank. This is also cross posted on A03 if you want to read it there!
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“So, do you know what happened to the new arrivals?” you ask Jean, who walks beside you to the in-school infirmary and research bay.
“Not much. I haven't had the time to talk to Scott or Ororo yet. All I know is that one is a teenage girl named Rouge and the one, we will see now, is a man.”
As you reach the door, you give a little hum to show her you're listening. You press your hand to the sensor. The device takes a minute to scan your palm before flashing green and opening the doors. 
Beyond the door is a sort of ‘mud room’ that holds lab coats, gloves, masks, goggles, and other lab safety clothing. You and Jean both grab your respective lab coats (which have your name embroidered on the inside) and a pair of disposable gloves. Once the equipment is on, Jean compels the glass doors open with her mind, and the two of you walk in. 
Immediately, you see the man Jean was speaking of lying on one of the many infirmary gurneys. Completely ignoring him for a moment, you gather a clipboard with pencil and paper to take notes and fill out the general form you have for everyone in the school. Only when you are beside the gurney with your note-taking supplies on the metal table do you really take in his features. 
The first thing you notice is that this man is handsome, but you bury that thought in favor of taking actual notes. The man has dark brown hair that is tousled but seems to have been styled into two little animal-ear-like points. His skin is a light tan, which is clearly due to working in the sun. The man's eyebrows are naturally shaped into a furrow, giving even his resting face the appearance of scowling. And on each side of his lower jaw are mutton chops that truly only a man as handsome as him could pull off.
His chest, arm, and stomach muscles are well-defined. You guess this is from the same work that gifted the man his lovely tan. Said places are also covered in a smattering of dark brown hair. It curls out from the center of his chest to the edge, down the valleys of his stomach, and disappears under his pants and over his forearms.
During your inspection, Jean puts little circular, sticky sensors on the man's chest in preparation for the examination machine. Once the sensors are in their correct places, she takes his blood pressure before grabbing the pen on the table to scribble down his results. 
You try your best to stay focused on the task at hand and not be distracted by this stranger's attractive visage but it's difficult not to when you have to focus on looking at him. Jean takes notice of your ogling and can't help herself but to smirk, giving your bicep a little nudge. You turn to face her, immediately annoyed at the expression you find on her face. 
“Looks like someone is enjoying their research,” she teases in a quiet tone. She uses her powers to hand herself a syringe from the metal table next to the bed, inspecting it to ensure it wasn’t tampered with or damaged. 
You roll your eyes at her comment, write down your observations, and fill out the parts of the form you can. The clipboard is set to the side as you grab one of the man's arms, lifting his hand up to inspect it and the pocket of his elbow for any scars or markings. You don't give her the satisfaction of an answer. Instead, you simply elect to ignore her comment. 
Jean notices this and giggles as she grabs the man's other arm, lining up the syringe with the crook of his elbow. You place the hand you were holding back onto the bed. With clipboard back in hand, you write that he only has a few faint scars across and in between his knuckles, evidence of fighting but none of injection drug use. 
The two of you make eye contact, and after a shared nod, Jean begins to slowly press the needle into his skin and pierce the vein.
What happens next occurs in mere seconds. First, the man's eyes shoot open and flicker between you and Jean. Then he's standing up, pulling his arm away from the shot, the other hand curling around Jean's neck. He’s now standing behind her with his syringe-free arm wrapped around the other to secure it.
The man's eyes dart across the room before landing on you. You mentally note to write down later that his eyes are a deep brown with a speck of Hazel. But nonetheless, you raise your hands to your head to show you have no intent to harm the man.
“Hey! We’re not trying to harm you! I promise we were simply checking you and possibly treating you for injuries that you might have sustained from the crash and fight. We mean you know harm,” you try your best to convince the feral-looking man. 
His eyes flick around your face and then the room once more. A noise that sounds more like an animalistic growl than what a human makes leaves his mouth as he lets go of Jean with a shove and rushes out of the room. 
Jean coughs and catches her breath, her hands gently holding her own throat as you lower your hands back to your sides. You let out a sigh as you pick up the tossed syringe, placing it next to your clipboard on the table. You walk to Jean and put a comforting hand on her back.
“Well, he’s going to be a fun one,” you grumble, only half sarcastic. Jean’s laugh in response makes a smile cross your face. You pat her back before returning your hand to your side. She stands up straight and smiles at you in return, a quiet ‘thank you’ whispered into the back of your mind. You nod then look to the door where the man had left.
You shake your head and peel off the plastic gloves sticking to your hands, tossing them to the trashcan nearby. The lab coat slips off your shoulders as you place it onto the gurney nearby. Jean follows suit as you walk towards the glass door, beridding herself of her lab clothing and taking long strides to catch up with you.
“At least he has a pretty face to look at,” you hum, a laugh bubbling in the back of your throat. A giggle shoots out of Jean, tossing her head back in the laughter.
“I knew you were checking him out!” Jean teases, making your cheeks redden. 
You wave her off as the two of you exit out the second pair of doors, facing the long hallway to the stairs and elevators that lead upstairs. The two of you decide to split up. Jean checks out the rest of the basement while you head upstairs to look through the rest of the mansion. 
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As soon as you reach the floor level of the estate, a familiar, comforting voice enters your mind. ‘The new mutant is in my office. Please meet us there for proper introductions,' Charles speaks. You assume that he sends the same message to the rest of the X-men. 
Luckily for you Xaviors office is only a few minutes walk from where you are currently. You waste no time in walking up the stairs past the many students and down the hall till you reach the ornate door at the front of the professor's office, a little golden plaque displaying his name about a foot and a half above where the handle is. 
You turn the handle and slowly push the door open, taking care not to accidentally hit the new mutant if he was standing right in front of it. Once you see that he is not there, you open the door all the way, leaning left against the door frame. You cross your arms in front of your chest. A smirk spreads across your face as you notice the jacket the man has seemingly ‘borrowed’ from the changing room in the basement. 
It's a blue-tinted medium gray zip-up jacket. And even though he's turned away from you, you know that there is a blue X-men patch on the left side. The hoodie seems not fully zipped as the fabric is not fully covering his shoulders and slipping down his back, perfectly showing just enough skin to tease your imagination. And god, does it look amazing on him like that.
Charles gestures to you with his left hand, a permanent soft smile on his lips. The man turns to face you. And it reveals just what you were expecting; the zipper is only up to about his sternum. Zipped up just enough to not show off everything but still down enough that you can see his clavicle and his chest that's painted with dark brown hair. It makes you want to slide your hands into the jacket to feel what you cannot see.
But hearing your code name coming from Xaviors mouth pulls you out of your thoughts. You push them far back as you give the man standing before you a little wave, meeting his eyes for the first time since entering the room. The deep, woodsy color is something you are slowly becoming acquainted with. A similar smirk to yours is plastered on his face as his eyes sweep over your form. If you didn't know better, you would say he was checking you out. 
You put your hand out in front of you, presenting it to Logan for a handshake. 
“Or you could just call me by my real name, Y/N. It's nice to meet you again.” This gains you a chuckle from the man and a playful eye roll from Charles. The jacket-donned man clasps his slightly bigger hand to yours and gives a half-hearted shake. 
“Names Logan, some call me Wolverine, but I'm willin’ to guess you already knew that, sweetheart,” the tone in which he says the pet name sends a shiver up your spine. And his damned smirk paired with it isn't helping your goal to not get flustered. 
So, why not return the favor? At least in some way. Using a bit of energy you always had stored away just in case, you give Logan a little shock. It’s nothing more than one of those prank hand buzzers. But it does get you the desired result, a wince paired with a hiss as he pulls his hand away from yours. 
Logan looks down at his hand to find not even a wound to be healed. His gaze turns back up to connect with yours as your smirk turns into a grin. You hold up the hand you just used to shock him, making the ‘devil horns’ with your thumb out. In between the two digits, a small, faintly purple-colored electrical current forms between them.
Logan's eyes drift to it as his hand returns to his side, then back to yours. He rolls his eyes at your unbidden glee. He tries to give off the impression he is not impressed, but you can see the hint of a smile playing at the edges of his lips. 
“I can control electrical currents, manipulate them to make machines do what I want. I can take their energy, store it in my body, and send it back out just like that.” You return the energy you were using back into your body, veins in your hand and arm glowing for no more than a second. Your arms are back to being crossed, along with your shoulder being pressed against the door. 
Logan's mouth opens as if he is about to say something, but he shuts it as Scott and Ororo appear in the doorway behind you. They are closely followed by Jean. Who, unbeknownst to you, slips her hand into Scotts.
You move further into the room so that the other three don’t have to stand in the doorway behind you. Ororo is the first to introduce herself with a little wave and her usual kind smile. They each tell Logan their names, code names, and their powers. Jean is the only one able to show it as she lifts a pencil off Charles's desk. 
Throughout the entire exchange, Logan keeps an unimpressed look on his face. But it's a little more genuine than with you. You can’t help but giggle a little, covering your mouth with your hand to pass it off as a cough. The two of you meet eyes again, and Logan's lips twitch into a smile at your actions. 
Charles notices the two of you no longer paying attention to the others and claps his hands together. All the heads in the room snap to face him as he wheels around to be in front of his finely carved wooden desk. 
“Y/N, since the two of you appear to be getting along, please show Logan where his room is and give him a tour of the school.” It sounds like a gentle request, but you can tell from the look on Xavior's face that he is a bit miffed at your behavior. 
A blush blooms across your cheeks as you nod.
“Will do, professor,” you respond not a moment later. Your tone is much like that of a student who was just scolded by a teacher, and in some ways, your relationship with Charles was like that.
You turn to face the door to walk out. As you turn your head, you catch Jean's teasing smirk. You roll your eyes at her antics. You nod your head towards the door and only start moving when Logan follows. You only glance at him briefly as you quickly turn to exit. Storm bumps your shoulder almost imperceptibly and winks at you. You narrow your eyes in return to her gesture, waiting for Logan outside the hall. 
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Once he stands beside you in the hall and the door is closed, you huff and drop your shoulders from where they had been practically pressed to your ears. You feel almost like Logan is looking at you, but you don't bother checking. Taking a step forward, you begin your tour of the institute. 
The air around you is filled with awkward tension. And part of you is tempted to let it stay that way lest you become distracted by Logan again. And his stupidly good-looking stolen jacket. However, despite your valiant effort, your eyes flit to Logan's face. 
From his side profile, you can see his defined jawline through the facial hair and subtle frown lines that stretch from the edges of his nose to the outer corner of his lips. 
Catching yourself, you return your gaze onward. You find yourselves at the top of the staircase before the entrance. You perk up a bit at the opening of conversation.
“This is the entrance to the school; you can access most of the inside areas from here. The kitchen is through there, the student dormitories are down that hallway, and the teachers are opposite. Classrooms are upstairs, as are the rest of the dormitories. Downstairs is where the infirmary, laboratory, and battle practice rooms are,” you explain as you walk down the stairs, pointing to each of the doorways and stairs to tell him what they are. 
“We were holding you in the infirmary early if you couldn’t tell, but we also occasionally use it as an extra lab. We have a library and a few common rooms on this level that connect the dorms.”
Turning to Logan, you see him nod, his particular way of showing you he was listening. You flash him a grin and head to the teacher's rooms. Walking down the hallway, you pass by a few students, to whom you give high-fives as you pass.
“I'll show you the room we’re providing you while you're with us. And I’ll tell you whose room is whose in case you ever need any of us.” Logan raises an eyebrow at this but doesn't comment. He just simply follows.
The hallway is mostly just a long series of doors. However, it is occasionally broken up by large windows with couches in front of them, bookshelves, and small tables with decorations and plants on them. As you pass by the doors, you point to each, telling Logan whose room it is and how to remember it.
“These two are Jean and Scott's rooms, though usually they are in one or the other. They’re the first room, so it makes them easy to find. This room right here is Ororo’s, and Hank’s is across from it. You haven’t met him yet ‘cause he's on a mission right now, but he’ll be pretty hard to miss when he returns. Hanks always has blue fur at the threshold, and you can usually hear music from Ororo’s.”
There's a bit more hallway that you two walk before you reach your door, and by some gracious being above, where Charles decided to put Logan. You smile upon seeing the familiar door to your room.
“This one is my room,” you say while pointing at the door. “It’s probably going to be the easiest for you to remember because it's right across from where you will be staying.”
A smirk spreads across Logan's lips, and he turns to you. “And I’m sure that was by complete accident; it's definitely just a coincidence.” He nudges your shoulder teasingly as he walks to the door of his new room.
You chuckle and roll your eyes at his insinuation. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? But no, I don’t have a say in how rooms are picked; that's all Xaviors doing. Trust me, if I had any say, I would be on the top floor with my window facing the backyard.”
Logan's smirk never leaves as he opens the door. The nod he sends your way gives you the impression that he doesn’t entirely believe you. He steps inside the room, looking around. You walk in behind Logan but stay near the door. 
“All the rooms have separate bathrooms, so don't worry about sharing. Right now, all we have is basic clothes for you, but feel free to get yourself some new ones. The closet's that door right there if you do,” you point to each door after explaining their respective purpose.
The room is in its basic cookie-cutter style, which all of them start with: plain off-white walls with wood paneling and crown molding. A window facing the outside has a plain queen-sized bed right under it. All of the cloth in the room is the same cream color. It gives the feeling of a hotel.
Logan turns to face you after sitting on the bed's edge. Arms propping him up from behind and legs mildly spread.
“What? Don't want me wearing your fancy X-men clothing?” Is his only response to anything you said. You smile and roll your eyes at him, one of your hands resting on your hips.
  “No, I just got the impression that you wouldn’t want to wear Scott's hoodie,” you gesture to the gray zip-up, which, in your opinion, looks better on him than it ever has on Scott. "And he won’t be too happy about it either. “
The way Logan looks at you can only be described as incredulous, disgust, and dread all rolled into one. It almost makes you laugh. But you manage to keep it at just an amused smile. 
“You're just saying that to get me shirtless again.”
You give him a shrug with your hands raised, “You don't have to believe me, but I can bet you $100s that Scott's name is on it.” The man grumbles under his breath about something you don’t quite catch as he unzips the jacket and strips it off. 
You’re tempted to look, but you peel your eyes away to show Logan you are being truthful and don't just want to see him shirtless. As you look away, you’re reminded again of how bare the room is. 
“You can also decorate how you like. Charles just asks to keep it child-appropriate in case one of them has to come in here.”
Logan chuckles and shakes his head as he tosses Scott's jacket to you.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. I won’t get anything too ‘adult’.” He makes quotation marks with his fingers as he says, ‘adult.’ You smile in return as you catch the jacket. You drape it over one of your arms, willing everything that you don’t blush or start glowing. 
“Oh yeah, I forgot to show you earlier, but the laundry room is further down the hall. It has a little plaque, so you won't miss it. You know, for whenever you do get your own clothes.”
You expect him to laugh at your retort, but he gives you this quiet smile instead. Not a smirk, a genuine smile, albeit a very small one, but a smile nonetheless. It makes a bundle of butterflies spread through your chest. Much like the blush, you try your best to suppress the feelings. You don’t need your powers giving you away this early.
All he says in response besides the smile is a simple, “thanks.”
You smile wider in return and give him a little nod. You turn and exit through the doorway, turning to him once you're past the threshold. 
“I’ll be across the hall or in the lab if you need anything.” You close the door behind you and walk over to your own. You let out a relieved sigh once in the safety of your room. A faint purple glow begins to emanate from your veins. A result of you releasing the hold on your powers. Once the light fades, you take a moment to collect yourself before leaving to return to the lab.
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Hope you all enjoyed! I can't promise a consistent schedule but I'll aim for a chapter a week. Thank you to my friend c20w for beta reading! And credit to strangergraphics for the beautiful banners!
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sultryslug · 3 months
My Favorite
Monsterlist Here
Word Count: 1,500+
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Themes: merman x gn!reader, no prior relationship, first kiss, sign language, favoritism, swimming, holding breath beneath water, sfw, romance.
Notes: Divider by @/firefly-graphics. Putting on a wet wetsuit sucks. I always think about the way sounds work differently in water, so I thought I'd follow suit with "The Shape of Water" and incorporate sign language into the equation.
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Venturing deeper into the aquarium, the false light from the climate controlled tank flittered against the rounded glass and made the water turn a radiant blue. All soft and hard corals and began to glow beneath the blue hue, vibrant displays of neon greens and bright purples eclipsing the backdrop of brown rock to the back of the aquatic display. 
Walking towards the glimmering surface of the pool, you slowly dip your reef-socks against the surface and dampen the bottom hem of your wetsuit. Looking down into the water, you spot the outline of a scaly tail swatting at the sand in a bored flap of petulant displeasure. 
“Where’s my favorite?” you hummed down at the water, lowering your voice in a soft coo as you sat at the water’s edge. Almost immediately the water splashed and revealed the form of your web-handed, scale-covered, aquatic companion wearing a disgruntled pout on his features. Hovering over to the edge beside you, he motioned with several gestures on his hands without moving his lips. 
“You are late,” his hand gestured, his top lip curling back to reveal his jagged and pointed teeth, “Not your favorite.” You smile at him, shaking your head and softly reaching to caress his cheek. He flinches away from your touch and glares up at you through his eyelashes. 
“Oh, come now,” you scold him with a laugh in your tone, “I was maybe ten minutes late, fifteen if I’m pushing it.” He scoffs and gestures to the large analog clock plastered against the wall with his right hand before fluttering his webbed fingers back at you. 
“Twenty-five,” he informed you, his eyes narrowing and glaring at you through his lengthy eyelashes, “Twenty-five minutes. Not your favorite.” You slouch your shoulders and shake your head at him, gently kicking your feet beneath the water. Looking over to the clock, you notice that he was correct: you were a full twenty-five minutes late in meeting with your favorite merman.
“Look, I’m sorry,” you huff out your apology in a soft whisper, “I got caught up with getting the silly wetsuit on. The one I usually wear was borrowed by the other linguistics worker before I started, and you have no idea how hard it is to squeeze these things on when they’re damp.” He swam over to you, shaking his head and glaring at you with rounded eyes. His damp hair clung to his face in patchy strands, prompting him to swat it away from his eyes.
“You want forgiveness?” he asked you with his hands, a condescending glare to depict his attitude was plastered on his face. You nod at him in response, and he scoffs at you immediately thereafter.
“No forgiveness,” he gestured at you, prompting you to lull your head on your shoulders and groan at him. He tapped at your knee to draw back your attention to him and continued to scold you with his hands, “Not your favorite. Have other Aqua here more favorite. No more favorite. I wait long, you here late.” 
“Please,” you ask him, gently clasping your hands over his scale-covered wrists to halt his ranting, “I promise I tried to get here as fast as I could. You know how much I adore you, and you are my favorite.” He pouts and shrugs your hands off his wrists before slotting his torso up between your knees and glaring deeply into your eyes. 
No matter how long you have known this merman, you always forget how much larger he is than you. He is tall, his shoulders muscular and broad, his biceps and forearms lean but holding an otherworldly strength you had never seen meet its equal. His face was topped with slightly raised divots and welts in the shape of glimmering scales to his forehead, jaw and cheekbones that tracked down the outside of his arms, over his spine and ribs and down to his tail. 
You widen your eyes as you slowly take in his appearance closer, his scowl morphing to an expression of confusion and curiosity as his gaze darts all over your face. 
“Why face?” he gestured with his hands before pointing to your eyes, “Eyes big. Have fear? Nervous?” You close your eyes and attempt to stifle your fluster and embarrassment. 
“No, not fear. You’re just-...” you attempt to bite back your desire and hide the flush pooling in your cheeks. Looking back up to meet his eyes, you decide to bare your heart in the name of inter-humanoid relational cooperation and be honest with your aquatic counterpart, “...You’re very handsome, and you’re very close to me right now.” 
He cocks his head to the side before moving in closer to you, his scaled hips slotting between your thighs and drawing the two of you even closer. 
“Handsome?” he gestures, his digits gesturing to himself before waving his dominant, webbed-hand between you both, “Attraction?” You suck your lips into your mouth and slowly nod in a soft, bashful bob. He places his hand on your face, the webbed skin and scaled fingertips feeling foreign on your features. 
“Kiss?” he gestured to you before he smirks at you with a cocky grin. His sharp teeth glinted in the blue light as he bobbed his head in a playful wiggle to taunt you before signing, “Kiss forgiveness?” You huff out a soft laugh at him, shaking your head and giving his shoulders a gentle shove. 
“That would not be very appropriate,” you giggle at him, looking down to where your hands remain on his torso and noticing how his aquatic pectorals seem to dwarf you. Your fluster grows further as he grips your wrists in a soft circle over each side and caresses your skin with a circular gesture. 
He looks down and lowers his head to chase your gaze as you attempt to avoid him with your eyes. Bobbing his head down, he nudges your chin with the crown of his head to move your eyes up. Meeting his gaze once more, he smiles genuinely at you and moves forward to brush his nose against yours playfully before releasing your wrists. 
“Kiss,” he signed with a soft nod, gripping your wrists and manipulating your hands to sign them along with him, “K, I, S, S. Kiss. Want kiss. Kiss forgiveness, kiss means favorite.” You laugh at him before shaking your head and using your own hands to gesture with his in the same way he did with yours.
“You want a kiss in payment of your forgiveness, because you need assurance that you’re still my favorite?” you witness him enthusiastically nod, his tail flickering beneath the water’s surface in gleeful anticipation. You sigh with a soft smile and bite back your inhibitions with a simple confirmation of, “Okay. I’ll kiss you.” He immediately releases your hands from his and places his webbed digits on your thighs to hoist himself up further. 
A small squeak is all you manage to release before his lips capture yours beneath his. His lips feel cooler than yours, his coarse tongue immediately darting out to brush with yours in a deep oscillation. Rolling his chin, he mouths at you and is careful in displaying his raw emotion against your much smaller and more delicate frame. 
His jaggared teeth threaten to puncture your lips as he sucks and licks at you with passion and longing depicted in every motion. Your hands hastily draw themselves up to find purchase against his shoulders, as he forces himself upwards to compress himself as tightly as he could against your chest. His body encumbers and overwhelms yours with his sheer size, his hands darting around your hips and gently lifting your body off the edge of his pool towards him.
You sucked in a sharp breath as he lowers the both of you beneath the water, your lips never breaking as your body adjusts to the compression and swelling of the water covering your head. He breathes into you, his lungs expanding yours and releasing his oxygen to keep you with him longer. He angles his chin to switch positions, spinning you gently beneath the waves as his tail flickers around you in complete joy. 
Pulling away, you look at him as he releases you from his embrace and allows you to become comfortable wading beneath the surface. Your feet slowly peddle to hold you close to his eye-level, your hands gesturing between you and signing to him beneath the water. 
“Am I forgiven for being late?” you ask, holding your breath as you anticipated his response. The deep baritone of his chuckle echoed within the water, his smile painted across his lips offering such a softness as he reached out to caress your cheek.
“I forgive you,” he spoke, his lips moving and propelling a soft expulsion of soft bubbles from his lips, “Need air?” You softly bob your head, expecting him to swim you both back up to the surface. In lieu of flicking his fin and drawing you back up, he swims closer to you and captures your lips with his once again, expanding your lungs with oxygen and smiling against your lips. 
After pulling away, he gazes longingly down at you and asks you sweetly, “Am I still your favorite?” You nod at him with a soft smile on your lips, your hands gesturing to him enthusiastically.
“Yes. You are still my favorite.”
"Good," he responds in kind, pinching your chin in his thumb and webbed fingers, "Because you are mine too."
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
How about 414 + Rudy, Alejandro with a masculine female S/O? Or even a female S/O with a deep voice!
I feel like masculine girls don’t get enough love! 😭💔
She just like me fr (for a long time I was so nervous about going to the gym and getting “too muscular” but now I dare a mf to say anything lmao) (also I only did the 141, I hope that’s ok!!)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
I feel like looks aren’t a huge priority for him
He doesn’t mind if you have a deeper voice, in fact he finds it rather attractive and quite soothing- if he’s having trouble falling asleep, he might ask you to talk to him about your day, he’ll close his eyes and even his breathing to the rhythm of your stories
Even if you have nothing really new to say, he doesn’t care if you repeat yourself, he just wants to hear your voice
Loves hearing your voice over the phone
If you’ve got a more muscular build and it’s something you maintain, then he goes to the gym with you and you two are a power couple 100%
Sometimes you part ways at the gym to work on different muscle groups, and sometimes you coordinate to work on the same thing together
When you’re working out together he’s spotting you and helping correct your form and you’re doing the same for him, no time for heart eyes, we’re here to work, people!
That’s a fat ass lie, he’s making heart eyes the entire time he’s spotting you and when he’s correcting your form- he’s making sure you’re lifting with your legs and not your back and he’s got both eyes on your ass
When you’re lifting weights, he’s watching your arms and loving the ripples of your muscles move as you do your bicep curls and making sure you’re keeping your elbows in place
All in all, he’s swooning
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He loves you so much
I feel like he can be a rough and tumble kind of guy, although he can turn on the gentleness when needed, and I feel like he’d have a lot of fun with his masculine gf
Definitely a gym couple 100%
He’s a bit of a peacock and will definitely ego press, but he’s strong enough to actually see it through and he’s not so dumb that he’d lift weights he definitely can’t
He’s doing it all for you though, he’ll peek from the corner of his eye to see if you’re watching and if you are, he’s beaming the entire time
You on the other hand, he can’t keep his eyes off of you for a second, he loves watching you work out, you’re so in the zone and he admires that so much
He also admires your ass
If you’ve got a deeper voice, he loves that, I feel like everyone on this list would find it really soothing
He might tease you and say that you should do an audiobook just for him to listen to when he’s deployed so he can sleep better
Imagine the look on his face when you actually do it
John Price:
He has no preference honestly
If you’re a more masculine woman, he couldn’t give two shits, as long as you’ve got good character, strong morals, and have a kind heart, that’s all that matters to him
But it definitely doesn’t hurt when your naturally low voice is on the other end of the receiver when he’s on his way home, when he’s at a stoplight he’ll close his eyes for a moment and take in the sound of your voice
And he definitely doesn’t mind your more muscular physique, in fact he kind of can’t keep his eyes off you
He’s obsessed with your thighs and goes a little feral when he sees you in shorts, short shorts or not- he loves the definition in your legs
He’s not concerned if you’re not traditionally feminine, as long as you’re true to yourself and happy that’s all he can ask for
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
Literally so smitten
He loves his strong gf bonus points if you can lift him and carry him
Your deeper voice isn’t a concern to him, just like the others he feels like it’s really soothing, loves hearing you on the phone
He’ll purposely let your calls go to voicemail so you’ll leave a message, anytime he does that you wind up starting the message with a breathless laugh
He loves listening to it over and over, especially when he’s deployed
He definitely comes to you for his gym routine, he follows your instructions and will always check in with you
His goal is to be able to deadlift you and when he does he’s so excited he almost drops you
He loves you so much and he’s so proud to be with you
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doodle-pops · 4 months
Love Language
CEO & Sugar Daddy!Fingolfin x f!reader
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Request: Sending you a request for CEO+Sugar Daddy Fingolfin x reader, where reader doesn’t do well on one of her tests at school so he ‘punishes’ her / ‘helps’ her study for the next one? - Anon
A/N: Not gonna lie, it’s such a perfect time to post this fic when lots of you already finished your exams and are awaiting your results. Hehe, enjoy :)
Warnings: female reader, smut, CEO & Sugar Daddy!Fingolfin, dom!Fingolfin, sub!reader, fingering, blindfolding, rough sex, orgasm denial, spanking, daddy & authority kink (used once), punishment, dirty talking
Words: 3k
Synopsis: Failing your exams was one thing, however, lying while keeping it hidden was another, and Fingolfin made sure you remembered that.
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Manspreading on the edge of his bed, left arm resting on his knee while the right was busy unfastening his tie, he followed up his actions with the unbuttoning of the first two buttons. A small peak of his chiselled chest as the two buttons became undone, leaving the mouth-watering sight of the neck you so loved covering in hickeys and teeth marks when he took you hard. His sleeves were already rolled to his elbows, veins prominent and delicately wrapping around his arms, leading to his large hands that always gripped you like his life depended on it. A quick shuffle of his arms as he tugged the tie from around his neck, and his biceps curled under his sleeves, looking beefy and sturdy—all his years of hitting the gym paid off wonderfully.
“Do you have any idea how much I invested in your success?” His voice was a low, dangerous murmur, dripping with controlled anger. He slowly rose off the bed and chartered over to his mini bar to pour himself a shot of brandy, something to add heat to the fire already building within his core. The entire time, his eyes never left yours as he tilted the glass to his lips, staring at your meek form across the room. His eyes were filled with disappointment and frustration. “And you dare lie to me, thinking I wouldn’t find out?”
His words cut through the silence, sharp and authoritative. You could barely manage a syllable, much less a guttural sound from the waves of anger rolling off him. You felt the heat in your stomach travelling to regions it shouldn’t, knowing how things were about to escalate. Nevertheless, your panties started soaking as your arousal slowly seeped through your fold and you shifted on your feet, something Fingolfin noticed.
Gently resting the glass down, Fingolfin wiggled out of his dress shoes, followed by his socks and pushed them aside to stand bare feet on the carpet. You weren’t even aware of his presence before you, as he crossed the room with blinding speed to tower above you, intimidatingly. “Strip. Now.” The command was issued with such finality that you didn’t dare hesitate to resist or sass. Your hands trembled slightly as you undressed, feeling the weight of his disapproval heavy in the air.
Once you were completely bare, he circled you slowly, inspecting you as if deciding your fate. Goosebumps appeared in every area his cold eyes fell upon. “You failed me,” he said, his tone cold. “I expected much more from you, and worse, you tried to hide it from me. Such behaviour needs to be rectified, and what better way than to clarify it via my favourite method? Do you not agree?”
“Yes,” you curtly responded, not wanting to bore him with any extra syllables in his current state of dissatisfaction, while further understanding what you had signed up for. Walking for the next few days was out of the question. Thankful, you were on holiday, so you could more than afford to lounge in bed all day and night—just not in the manner he was about to make it.
There was a low grumble in his chest at your reply. His head dipped to lowly his lips to your ear. “Yes, who?”
“Yes, sir,” you corrected your posture immediately at attention.
There was a distinctive clicking of his tongue behind you and the faint whisps of his breath against your neck. Then, very delicately, you felt his fingers pressing against your lower back, guiding you to his pristine sheets and positioning you to kneel with your face pressed into the mattress. Fingolfin’s fingers traced along your spine, a deceptive gentleness in his touch. “You need to understand the consequences of your actions,” he continued, his voice softening just enough to send shivers down your spine and while leaving you anticipating.
Moving behind you stealthy, you missed the sound of his hand slicing through the air yet felt the stinging pain of the contact it made with your ass. The suddenness made you gasp, but there was no reprieve. Another smack followed, then another, each one harder than the last, until your skin was flushed and stinging. His hand placement was strategic as he lowered it with each slap until his fingertips brushed against your wet folds with intensity. Your body naturally recoiled, however, his left hand reached out to entangle your tresses, giving you a slight arch. “No running. Count them,” he commanded with a hint of seduction. “I want to hear you acknowledge every single one.”
Unable to retaliate given the situation and the level it would become should you, your lips parted with a faint whisper that grew into a quiver, under the attempt to not moan. “One…two…three…” Each number was punctuated by another sharp spank, his hand firm and unyielding. Fingolfin’s other hand drifted from your hair to firmly, without aggression, grip the nape of your neck, holding you in place, ensuring that you couldn’t run from your punishment.
After the tenth strike, he paused, his hand resting on your reddened skin, soothingly rubbing the area. There was a moment where he admired the welts of hands left on your ass. You felt the bed dip to your left before the ghosting of his hot breath on the tip of your ear. “Do you think you deserve mercy?” he taunted, kissing the tip of your ear before biting it. “After lying to me, do you think you deserve any kindness?”
In a broken whimper, you managed to stutter out. “P-Please, ‘m sorry.” In return, you missed the way his eyes rolled but felt his heavy exhale before he removed his hand from your ass to dangle the tie before your eyes. You knew what came next.
Not waiting for you to comply, he released his hold on your neck to neatly secure the tie around your eyes, cutting your sight away from the world. The fresh scent of his cologne waffled through your senses and made your head spin. He always smelt delicious—a blend of mint and spices.
Once you were decorated, he pressed his hand against your back, pushing you head first, into the mattress whilst parting your legs to run his fingers through your wet cunt. He wasted no time in executing the second part of your punishment the way his fingers glided through your folds, toying with your clit. Already needy and dripping despite the harsh treatment. “Look at you.” His voice held no form of adoration like it usually did whenever he admired your form. Instead, they were filled with condescension. “Undeserving of what’s being given.”
His words hung over you like threads had woven themselves into each syllable to taunt you further. You felt one of his hands press into your upper shoulder while his other continued working their way through your, avoiding your clit. The sound of his rich laughter ghosted through the air as he mocked the way you squirmed, turned into a hiss as he sunk them deep inside and crooked them directly towards your sweet spot. In no way were you allowed to shift away from his wicked touch as his hand curled around the back of your neck.
“F-Fuck! P–…lease! God I hate you!” you cried out, finally finding your voice to match his tempo. Your fingers curled into the sheets, fisting at it due to your lack of sight and inability to turn your head and glare at him. The immediate trembling of your body as he continued to twist and crook his finger through your slick, releasing a loud and lewd squelching signalled how close you already were.
But Fingolfin was always a mile ahead of you in terms of making a comeback because he wasted no time growling. “That’s a lot of words coming from a smart mouth that was unable to produce a single Valarin lexicon for your orals. Since when did you get so clever?”
Before you could reply, using the grip around your neck, he hoisted you to your knees and pressed the tips of his fingers against your sweet spot, bringing you close to the edge but never allowing you the release you craved. “Go ahead, mumble some more. Be a smart ass for me princess. Show me how skilled your pretty little tongue is!”
As his words left his lips, you didn’t have the chance to respond as his two fingers curled and thrust into you with blinding speed, leaving you trembling. Whining in choked sobs as drool dribbled down your chin as he squeezed the air out your lungs with his actions, you vibrated. There was nowhere for you to escape but his embrace that loomed behind like a menacing figure with purpose. With every torturous rub, your body bowed and buckled like a worm, and he laughed with a deep rumble in his chest, revelling in the pleasure of your reactions. Nevertheless, this was all a walk in the park the more his fingers flexed against your spongey walls, feeling them clamp around him like a vice grip. “‘M sorry, daddy. Won’t…do…again.”
“Sound to me like you would," he scoffed. “Your cunt seems to enjoy my fingers...feel how tight she is around me. Gripping me with absolute want.” Indeed he was right. Your walls clung to him, refusing to let him slip out smoothly and forcefully sucking him back in deeper.
You shook your head as high-pitched squeals slipped out, your hips moving on their own accord, matching the rhythm of his fingers.
“Really? Do you think I should let you cum, hm? After your poor performance that I spent thousands of dollars on for the best results,” he hissed in your ear, nibbling on the lobe and giving it small tugs before dipping his head to bite the junction of your shoulder. “You gave me nothing good in return except a pathetic excuse. Do I not spoil you enough? Answer me!”
Your fingers found a way to dig into his thighs, unfortunately, they were still covered in his pants, reducing your attempts at marking him. However, it provided support for the wicked torment he delivered. You were constantly trapped in purgatory as his fingers provided pleasure while denying you relief. “P-Plea—”
“Pardon? I didn’t hear you,” he reminded in a patronising tone. His eyes fluttered upwards to glance at you through his dark lashes, enjoying the way your face twisted as the waves of pleasure came on harder. “Speak up, loud and clear, or you’ll regret it.”
Choking on a silent scream, your breath came out in pants and broken sighs. “Oh fuck, please! Just let me cum!”
“You don’t deserve to cum,” he taunted, pulling his hand away just as you were about to orgasm. “Not yet.”
Ignoring your pathetic cries, his hand around your neck travelled down your back to position you into a foul arch while he kicked your legs apart. Easily he wasted no time positioning himself behind you, undoing his trousers—erection spring free, heavy with want and anger at the wait—and rubbing the tip of his aching cock through your puffed-up folds, deeply inhaling at the sensation of your wetness coating him. You were dripping wet, just the way he enjoyed having you for every session. All flushed with ache and want, begging him to put out the flames and stuff you till thy kingdom come.
And indeed he loved every second of the torture he took, applying his patience as he rubbed your clit and nudged it with his tip. Your cries went in one ear and escaped the other without care since you didn’t have any regard for the finances you wasted. Then, without warning, he pushed into you roughly, a sharp contrast to the teasing touches from before. “You don’t get to enjoy this,” he growled, not wasting a second to build his tempo, and going directly for the kill. “This is for me, not you. You’re not the one frustrated and in need of relief after your stunt—you could never be.”
It turned out that learning of your failure at the same time one of his clients entered a lawsuit, created a torrent of pent-up frustration. His plan was to spend the entire evening with you—not much had changed, only with a minor adjustment of your orgasmic denial and increase of roughness.
One hand, firm around your neck while the other gripped your hips, you were forced into a profoundly painful arch to take the rough pounding of his hips meeting your ass. Every thrust caused his cock to faintly brush against your sweet spot, tickling your sensitivity and never granting you a reprieve. With great precision, Fingolfin ensured that you felt every vein on his cock and thrust, as he pushed deeper and harder with dominance. You could feel the way his veins rubbed your walls just right, fitting in all the cracks and crevices just the way you were moulded from the start. At the same time, it was disgusting that he hadn’t removed his clothes to grant you the opportunity to let you feel his silky skin on yours.
You wanted to feel the ripple of his muscles as he clenched and flexed his thighs against your body the deeper and harder he went. This materialistic barrier only fuelled your anxiety at the wreck of punishment this was turning out to be.
“Even when being…punished, you’re still wet…and tight. Fuck!” he groaned. “Do you think you deserve to cum?”
“S-Sir, p–…please. ‘M sorry,” you cried out, hands fisting the sheets as you sought after your orgasm. “Won’t…do…again…”
“Of course, you would not perform that same stunt again,” he growled and tightened his grip on your hip. His rapid, deep strokes never stopped as he pressed you into the bed, pinning you under his weight. “You wouldn’t want to miss the feeling of my cock in your pussy, would you? How good it feels to claim you over and over again as mine.”
Squeaking, unable to form a coherent reply, he slowed his pace and pulled all the way out, leaving his tip inside before pushing back in roughly. Your body rattled, the air knocked out of your lungs and the scream lodged in your throat. Soundless sobs were your relief as you prayed he would grant you mercy with each powerful thrust from his cock. And yet, he continued to purposefully miss your sweet spot, aiming to get himself off alone. “Do you understand now? he asked as he leaned down, voice deeply rooted in your ear as he panted. “Do you understand what happens when you lie to me? Failing is one thing, but lying to me…”
You could only nod—or hope that you did—your voice lost in the intensity of the moment. Only the sound of his hips meeting your ass and his cock sliding in and out of your wet cunt echoed. Like music to his ears on a stressful day. His grip was unyielding as he continued to pound into you, slow and deep, relishing in the power he held over you. Each thrust was a reminder of his authority in your life.
The elaborate rolls of his hips and the articulate angle of his cock left you in a frenzy. He did everything to miss your sweet spot, focusing on pleasuring his cock with the softness and warmth you provided. The lewd echoes of his cock penetrating deeper fuelled your pussy to grow wetter, on the verge of squirting, but not quite there. Ever so rarely, he would laugh in your ear as you attempted to squeeze him, wanting him to stay longer. The sweet grips of your lips around him was sinful and made his head spin.
You were going to be the dead of him. No wonder why he picked you at first sight. It was pure instincts telling him how good you would feel wrapped around him even if you were to disappoint. Your pussy had a magic to it that he couldn’t get enough off—the relentless pounding and groans told it all. He’d always choose to fuck you as his life depended on it as a punishment, and who were you to resist.
There was a moment when you could barely keep it together as your head started spinning. Toes curling into the bedsheets, nails fisting the pillows, and head buried into the mattress, you muffled your whines as he finally brushed his tip against you. But you should have known his strategy from the start. Rapid and deep thrusts against it left you fighting for your life as the fire pooled in your abdomen. Your walls clamped harder around him, forcing his pace to stutter and pants to turn into groans.
“You like that...don’t you? You wanna cum all over my cock for free,” he groans, gyrating his hips to rub his tip against your sweet spot. “Maybe I should let you, but not now.”
And with ease, his groans turned into deep grunts before you felt his cock pulsating and his thrusts faltering. The fluid motion of his hips stuttered as he tried to continue the powerful rolls of his hips, wanting the sound of his heavy balls to slap loudly against your wet pussy. Yet soon, with a satisfied groan, Fingolfin’s hips stilled, and his grip tightened around your neck and hips, as he spilled his hot, sticky cum inside you. He was quick and sharp to pull out, dabbing his forehead to remove any beads of sweat while gazing at your trembling, weeping form that held his cum, slowly oozing out.
Straightening his posture and rising to full height, he gave a light tap to your ass and commanded. “Get up. On your knees on the floor, now,” he muttered, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt to discard it, along with his trousers. He observed how clumsy you were as you carefully climbed off the bed and onto the floor to kneel before him. Reaching out to grip your chin, he focused you on his authoritative figure towering above with his rigid cock, pronounced and ready for another round. Even with the blindfold covering your eyes, you could feel the intensity of his gaze burning holes into yours.
“I want you to remember this night carefully because I would hate to repeat this all over again,” he whispered lowly, cupping your chin to tilt your head upwards and running his thumb over your lips. “Now part your pretty lips for me while the night is still young. I have a lesson to teach…”
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @aconstructofamind @sakurayaxd @addaigio @elficially-done-with-life @involuntaryspasms @eunoiaastralwings
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chronicowboy · 1 year
let's build this house (into a home, baby) | 25k
aka the dilf next door neighbours au
The day both Buck's tomatoes and chillies germinate is also the day the universe decides to give him a little nudge. He's sitting out in the backyard with a book on octopuses and a beer, soaking up the last of the day's sun as his attempt at Bobby's six cheese lasagne bakes in the oven, when Christopher pops up over the fence.
"Hey, buddy!" he calls out with a grin. "Did you know that octopuses actually is the correct plural form of octopus not octopi?"
"Cool." Chris smiles, but it fades just as soon as it appears. Buck dog-ears his page and sets his book down.
"Everything okay?" he asks carefully, crossing to the fence.
"Yeah, I'm just hungry." Christopher sighs. "Dad burnt dinner. Again."
Buck glances through his open back door to the dining table with three mismatched chairs, and bites his lip. He's got no excuse today, the evening sun leaving him lethargic but not exhausted, the hour reasonable.
"Hey, I've got an idea." Buck winks at Christopher. "Stay there, okay?"
Buck grabs his beer, book and folding chair, setting them just inside the entrance. He makes his way to the front door, stopping at the hallway mirror to fix his curls into something a little more presentable, and walks the few yards down their adjoined porch to Christopher's door. With a deep breath, he raises his hand and knocks.
The door swings open a few seconds later, and Buck's mouth goes dry at the sight that greets him. Buck was distantly aware that Christopher's dad was training to be a firefighter, distantly aware of the physique that comes with the job, but had been expecting, you know, a dad. Socks and sandals, cargo shorts, a Henley. This is most definitely not the image of Christopher's father he'd conjured in his mind because he's not just a dad, he's a downright DILF. Socked feet in sliders, sweats that leave little to the imagination, and, yes, a Henley—forest green and hugging the meaty curves of his biceps in a way that makes Buck feel a little feral with the urge to just bite. And then there's the guy's face. Fuck, its unholy, illegally attractive. Tan skin stretched smoothly over perfect bone structure, fluffy waves falling over his forehead and looking softer than anything Buck can imagine, lips plush and pink and inviting, a light dusting of stubble across his jaw that Buck desperately wants to feel—not fussed about where exactly he feels it.
As his eyes crawl back up to the man's face, he catches the guy's gaze dragging up his own body. He preens a little, something hot pulsing behind his sternum. When their eyes meet, Buck gets a little breathless. Christ, if the rest of him was divine, his eyes are transcendentally beautiful. Brown as Buck's perfect cup of coffee right in the middle of a non-stop shift and just as warm, brown as earth and with a gravitational pull all of their own, brown as chocolate and just as tempting. Buck thinks he could spend hours getting lost in those molten eyes, thinks he could curl up in those irises quite comfortable for the rest of his life, thinks those eyes could be the last thing he sees and he'd be happy.
"Buck!" Christopher's voice startles them out of their staring match, and Buck watches as the guy looks between them with a frown.
Fuck, maybe Chim was right. Maybe this is weird.
"You're Firefighter Buck?" The guy asks him, raising an eyebrow, and, oh God, his eyes are practically sparkling with amusement.
"Expecting something else?" Buck asks, holding his arms out in what is hopefully not an obvious request for the guy to look at his arms.
"Maybe someone a little shorter and more imaginary," he murmurs with a darting glance at Christopher.
"No, I can assure you I am very real."
"I can see that," he mutters to himself. Buck flushes and ducks his head to hide his pleased smile
taglist <3: @danielsousa @diazass @gracelcdomas @shortsighted-owl @juliaor @blazeturbo102 @i-spit-on-fire @alyxmastershipper @disasterpans @virtualstudent16 @hippolotamus @ebdaydreamer @scarcrossedbuck @buffaluff
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mexabraun · 25 days
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Sweat and secrets(Toji Fushiguro)
Minors, do not interact!
CW: age gap!(17-33), sexual content! (face sitting&fucking, rough sex), praise kink, daddy issues(but no daddy kink, sorry)
WC: 16.5k
Synopsis: Megumi was my colleague and friend, both of us still in high school. I started working out when I was 16 years old, but recently had to switch gyms because of an incident. Megumi’s father used to work out regularly and occasionally trained a few people in his free time for some extra cash. One day, he started to see me in a different light. It went both ways.
“Oh my God, not again!” I sighed already exhausted when my phone suddenly lit up, my obsessive ex-boyfriend’s name making me fume with anger while I instantly touched the decline option.
He was the reason I switched from the small gym where I started to take working out seriously to this big, expensive place that I was already kind of familiar with anyway. Megumi wasn’t a gym rat, but his father was and he asked me to drop off things from their place from time to time. I was there almost every day, but only during the school year to complete tasks and homework with Megumi. I started to think he had a crush on me for quite some time, but I just ignored the feeling. I was attracted to his father.
I bit my lip in frustration, but I managed to shake it off quickly, changing my shoes, closing my locker and feeling a little dizzy, probably because my pre-workout was already kicking in.  Not even half a scoop did its job too well.
When I arrived upstairs, in the free-weight section, I quickly scanned the place with my eyes, searching for Toji. He hated when I called him Mr. Fushiguro, so I had no choice but to bring him down to my level. Or maybe he brought me up to his?
“…no. I only train back once a week, but I used to train it twice.” His voice hit me like a rock in the head, already making me weak in the knees. He was talking to a friend of his right before he got into his set of bicep curls. His veins almost made me faint, but right before I started drooling, his eyes landed on me through the mirror. I smiled innocently, occupying the bench next to him and warming up for the workout I hated the most: leg day. It was very hard and I couldn’t keep my hair down, I was going to sweat so much that I had to wash every single piece of clothing that I was wearing even though they were freshly cleaned before.
“What’chu working today, Mabel?” He asked me after he finished the set, making me look up at him from my half-kneeling position. I loved the view and I wish it was mutual. My name traced by his enticing, juicy lips was killing me in the most passional way. I was ready to spread my legs even harder than just the warmup, but I had to remain innocent. I couldn’t let them find out I had the fattest crush on Toji.
“Glutes and hamstrings. You got arms or pull?” I felt like it was my turn to ask and I didn’t want to let the conversation die anyway. It barely started. I felt like we were barely starting. His eyes were wandering on me a lot more than usual.
I kept doing my dynamic stretching, squatting without any extra weight and then moving on to some light weight RDLs, warming up my back as well. He just followed me like a puppy. I loved that.
“Arms, abs and cardio.” He answered while I was warming up my back with some scapular retraction. He almost never corrected me, unless I was losing my form. He knew that I knew what I was doing.
Let me be your cardio, the voice in my head screamed with desperation, but in reality I just nodded. I didn’t really know how to continue the conversation, but I had to make sure he didn’t go anywhere too far from me while I was working out.
“Will you help me after my two sets of warm up?” I looked up and smiled at him when the silence got too loud, even though there was music playing very loudly. He slightly tilted his head, probably wondering why I would need help.
“Yeah, sure. Just wave or something.” He answered calmly and left, continuing his workout. I was completely charmed by his existence, but I couldn’t let myself confess or even give him the idea that I had a soft spot for him. It was my little secret.
I warmed up with two different weights and then I brought the 30kg dumbbell next to my bench. I had to position myself for single-legged hip thrusts and I couldn’t put the weight on myself without forcing my wrists. Technically, I could’ve done it myself. Practically, if I could just ask him for help, why not?
I waved at Toji right before I got on the floor, my back glued to the bench, one foot elevated on a plate and the other temporarily on the floor, ready to get up and tell him how to put the dumbbell on me. I would’ve rather told him to put it in me.
“Thank youu!” I said cutely after he put the dumbbell on my leg exactly how I wanted it and he smiled back at me with only half of his mouth. I absolutely loved the fact that he waited for me to finish the set and helped me put the weight on the floor so I wouldn’t have to drop it at the end. I breathed hard while executing the last reps, which made him pay more attention to the moving weight. At that point, I started wondering how many girls he was treating like this. Or maybe he just was a good trainer and I was delusional, as always.
“You comin’ over tonight?” He asked me out of nowhere, his delicate tone making me frown. He used to make fun of me for spending a lot of time at his place with Megumi and our friends, but never directly asked me if I was going to their house. Did he want me there or was he just trying to make conversation? I blushed a little bit, even though I shouldn’t have.
I noticed his eyes subtly wandering upon my figure again. That was the moment I started to feel the tension come from both of us.
“Yeah, why? You need something?” I tried to play it cool, but my second question made me cringe a little bit, but I hoped it tingled his ears the right way. My right way. He lifted his right eyebrow for a second, but then quickly hid the shadow of confusion that fell on his face for a second. He clearly knew something that I didn’t. Was I not supposed to be there?
“Just call me when you want to come over. Megumi will be home later than expected with the rest of his friends.” He spoke in that deep tone that made me wish Megumi wouldn't come home until the next day so we could spend the night together in his father’s bed. Naked, heavy breaths, drops of sweat... Our little secret maybe, as tormenting as it sounded for someone who didn’t know how to lie or how to live with one.
“Why?” I asked with a drop of panic in my voice, making him sigh as he put the weight on the other leg. I inhaled deeply and started my set as I listened to his low voice, so soft when he spoke to me. I wished I was his soft spot. His dark blue eyes had me drowning in them as he watched me exhausting myself, moaning a little as I reached my breaking point, dropping the weight on the floor and smiling awkwardly afterward. He reacted too late. The thought that he enjoyed the view so much that he got lost for a few seconds had my stomach tingle.
“One of them got injured and they had to postpone everything.” He explained with a serious tone, while his eyes started wandering on everything around us, but not on me.
“Oh. Wouldn’t I bother you with my presence if your son isn’t around?” I looked up at him, directly in his eyes, my voice catching his attention immediately. I pressed my lips together, waiting for an Of course not, Mabel. I want you in my bed.
“No.” He answered right away and I barely contained myself from sighing in relief. “And I really don’t want you home alone with the upcoming weather.” He continued while looking down at me, playing with his drawstring. Those gray pants never disappointed when they sat on Toji’s hips. Was he doing that on purpose? I tried my best not to stare at that part.
“What else do you know and I don’t?” I asked him jokingly and he smiled, rolling his eyes amused as I exhaled one last time before getting up on the other leg, grateful that this was my last set of one-legged hip thrusts. Every time he bent down to grab the dumbbell, his arm pump was making his muscles pop a lot more than usual. He had such a great physique, even won the genetics lottery. He was perfectly balanced.
“You’re not that stupid.” He muttered under his breath as he got closer to my face, making sure only I heard what he said and, after that, he got up and left to continue his workout. After he positioned himself face-to-face with the mirror for the bicep curls, he winked at me. In my mind, my jaw dropped to the floor, but, in reality, I had to react nonchalantly. I just raised my left eyebrow and slightly smiled.
“Should I call him, even if Megumi is not answering?” I asked my best friend as I was looking at my wardrobe, thinking about the rest of my friends. We were all supposed to get together at Megumi’s house to celebrate his 18th birthday. I was supposed to meet up with a few girls and get there before the boys did, but the plan just fell apart. Even the weather was telling me it couldn’t happen.
“Yes, girl! He told you to do it, right?” She almost sighed, fed up with my anxiety, probably ready to slap me across the face for every time I told her not to stress about small things or those she can’t control. Was I even in control of this situation? Was he going to call me if I didn’t?
“I can’t wait for him to pick up and tell me Heyyy, soooo, you can stay home.." I popped my lips at the end of the sentence, making it sound a lot more dramatic than it was supposed to. Kayla just laughed and I visualized her rolling her eyes, amusing me a little bit as well. I couldn't help but wonder if Toji wanted me at his house for other reasons than his son, because I started to feel like it.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, especially after you told me what he did today. I think he got a thing for you.” She spoke calmly, but with a hint of playfulness in her voice, making me purse my lips and slowly starting to build up my courage.
“And I got a thing for him.” I said on a serious tone, making her sigh on the other end of the phone. “I’m gonna pack some lingerie.” I continued after a few seconds, putting Kayla on speaker, throwing my phone on the bed and choosing some clothes for the following almost 24 hours.
“Pack? Girl, you won’t have time to change! Just shower again quickly before he arrives and put it on!” She spoke loudly, on a squeaky tone, making me grin evilly. I was very attracted to older men, but I didn’t want anything serious with those 30+. After all, I was almost 18 myself. I couldn’t believe I was getting ready to fuck Toji Fushiguro. Suddenly, I was very excited and couldn’t wait to call him.
“OK, OK! I’m going to call him. Kisses!” I yelled at my phone and let Kayla end the call while I was deeply buried in my wardrobe, searching for a short satin nightgown, wondering what was his favorite color. He had a mysterious aura, so I had to go with something safe, like black or red. Red was too obvious, so I had to choose the dark one. I also went with a black pair of panties and bra, simple, but with multiple straps, making them look just right for people who had a 'tie me up and do whatever you want' kink. Now that I was ready to drop down on my knees in front of him, I needed clothes to wear for the rest of the time and exchange undergarments, plus my hygiene things.
I picked up the phone with my shaky hands, biting my bottom lip as I started the call and brought the small speaker next to my right ear. My palms were already sweating, but I kept checking out the clothes on my bed, manifesting and attracting more than a slim chance to have one night alone with Toji. Even though I was dying to get into his pants, I was sure of one thing: I was not going to be the one who was going to initiate anything. I had clear boundaries when it came to men.
“Finally, Mabel! Took you some time. Did you change your mind?” He answered, didn’t even bother to say hi and directly scolded me like I was some dumb kid, but I loved it. My daddy issues were screaming in pleasure at the way he was talking to me. I closed my eyes and sighed through my smile, trying to contain my excitement.
“No, sorry. I waited for Megumi to answer, but he didn’t and I thought-”
“No worries. I talked to him. He’s not coming home ‘till tomorrow.” He interrupted me right when I was about to say something about not coming over, which he probably didn’t want to happen anyway. I heard it in his deep voice. He wanted me there for nsfw purposes.
“Am I the only one who’ll be there overnight?” I asked with a drop of fear in my voice, but, in reality, I was praying to God that he was going to say 'yes'. I started to take of my clothes while we were still talking, slowly getting ready to shower and use my best products to look, smell and feel soft and sensual.
“Does it bother you?” He straight up asked me, as if he read my mind for the past months and decided that the night Megumi was gone was the perfect opportunity to prey on me.
“Not at all.” I answered confidently, making my intentions as clear as mountain water. I couldn’t help but smile proudly of myself as I was still undressing. I secretly hoped that he knew what I was doing while talking to him.
“I’ll be there in 20.” He spoke to me sternly, making my heart beat faster with each word outlined by his appetizing lips. Toji Fushiguro was very mouth-watering in general.
“Oh, umm, big man?” I asked jokingly, not wanting to pronounce his name until we were face to face to see his reaction. I heard some rustling in the background. Was he undressing as well?
“Hmm, yes, little girl?” He asked almost out of breath, but quickly straightened his tone as if he was doing something besides talking to me. I was wondering what it could’ve been.
“What are your plans for tonight?” I asked with a little less confidence in me, a little bit afraid of his answer. There was a chance he might’ve caught on what I wanted to find out or do about it and make fun of me, but I was willing to risk it.
“Whatever you want.” He answered nonchalantly, making me frown as I thought how I was supposed to answer to this sentence. “Why? Haven’t you got any ideas?” I heard his little grin in his words as he continued confidently, making me squeeze my legs together. “I got some.” He spoke with a cocky tone, making my jaw drop to the floor. I was sure of his intentions and ready to drop down on my knees in front of him if he seduced me correctly.
“I trust you.” I smiled while answering, taking off my panties and throwing them aside as I walked into the bathroom fully naked and ready to wash, scrub and hydrate my skin once again. He chuckled in response, his raspy voice making me roll my eyes in pleasure. I was high on his voice and behavior towards me.
I put on some music and groomed myself like there was no tomorrow, I got dressed and checked my bag a million times before waiting for him to give me a sign to run through the pouring rain straight to his car.
“Hello, miss. Are you ready for the ride of your life?” He greeted me like we were in the most passionate and healthy relationship and we both just got off from work, making me raise one eyebrow and smile at him. His eyes were already staring right into my soul, intimidating me when we finally made eye contact.
“Hello, mister. Are you talking about yourself or the car?” I asked him directly, trying not to blush too hard and make it look like I was too innocent for this. He chuckled like he didn’t expect me to say something so bold, but he liked it. He broke the eye contact after a few seconds, running his left hand through his straight, semi-wet hair, while the other hand shifted the gear and so we left my parents’ parking spot. Everything he did was so hot.
“Both.” He answered on a much lower tone, making me blush very hard. Suddenly, the inside of his BMW was way too hot and the air was too heavy to breathe properly.
“Yeah.” I finally answered his question while looking around. The AC was on, the windows were not foggy at all, the wipers were working hard to wipe the rain, music was playing in the background(Scream - Usher) that was telling me what was going to happen when we got to his house.
“This is very wrong, but I can’t stop myself, Mabel.” He suddenly switched his approach, talking to me on a very serious tone. He almost caught me off-guard with this one. I was already soaking wet.
“Just don’t think about it like that.” I was 90% sure he was talking about Megumi and his feelings for me. I couldn’t care less about the fact that his son had a romantic interest in me. I was way too interested in his dad to even see another man in front of me. OK, maybe I wanted more than just a one-night-stand.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to know what’s better. Just tell me if I’m going too far.” He said while moving his hand on my leg, squeezing my thigh with his long fingers and biting his lip. He was toying with me. His body language gave him away too easily.
“You know I like it.” I put my hand on his, scratching his forearm until I reached his bicep and came back down, making him grin while driving in the hottest way possible with one hand on the steering wheel. He made me so physically vulnerable.
-Yeah, I just wanted to hear it from you. He admitted exactly what I thought, moving his hand on my grey sweatpants a little closer to my groin area, making me purse my lips nervously. We were on dangerous territory already.
“And you decided that playing the ‘I’m supposed to be the mature one’ card is going to get you what you want?” I asked him a little irritated that he had to play the injured puppy to get whatever he wanted out of me, while observing his outfit that was identical to mine: black shirt that hugged his figure like it was painted on him, grey long sweatpants that made his dick way more accessible, especially when it was hard and a pair of black sneakers because it was raining outside and we couldn’t get our perfectly white Nikes dirty. We really were a perfect match, at least tonight.
“I always get what I want.” He answered with his cocky tone, biting his lip as he squeezed my thigh once more before he had to move his hand from my leg. Cold air brushed the spot where his hand was, making me shiver a little bit. His touch was full of warmth and energy.
“Sounds like something I would say.” I agreed with the same attitude, gaining more confidence with every flirty comment that came out of our mouths. I couldn’t believe how fast we were progressing.
“Oh, really? What do you want, sweetheart?” He asked proudly and I bit my lip at the thought that he didn’t know this side of me and was pleasantly surprised. I glanced at him, but he was already looking at me, making me blush more.
“You should already know.” I answered simply, trying to play the innocent card again with my tone and body language. Something was telling me that he was into the young girl - older man dynamic.
“Fuck, yes.” He muttered and put his hand on my thigh again, owning it until we got to his house.
We parked in front of his house around 7 minutes - 3 songs - later, rain still pouring outside making me wonder how little I would’ve slept if I remained home alone. He pressed the start/stop button after a few moments of silence, tossing his phone in the pocket of his grey sweatpants and looking at me while pouting. He grabbed a blue hoodie from the backseat and put it on my lap, then grabbed my bag and signaled me to exit the car. It was his hoodie. I felt his perfume while I was putting it on, making me roll my eyes in pleasure. I threw the hood on my head and right as I was about to open the door, he did it for me and led me to his house. Was he doing this type of things for every single woman in his life? If yes, was I jealous?
I admired his tall, sculpted figure, especially his upper body that was showing much better through his wet shirt. It was, indeed, the hottest scene I participated in. His huge, well-scented hoodie was helping a lot. All of my senses were tingling uncontrollably.
“I hope you have nothing that rain can destroy in this backpack.” He said after we entered, locking the door behind us and putting my bag on the floor. All I wanted to do was jump on him and let him undress me, but I couldn’t. I had to be the delicate girl he knew and was attracted to.
I let the hood slide off of my hair, freeing my long curls from underneath the fabric as he turned to look at me. I quickly took of my shoes and walked towards the carpet, but I felt a warm, wet hand grabbing the back of my neck, forcing me to turn around and face him closely. Way closer than we ever were. Too close for everyone watching from an objective perspective, but not too close for us. It wasn’t even close to enough.
“I swear I’m not a pedophile, Mabel. You’re just something else.” He looked so seriously at me, lights still off, but we were both so turned on that anyone on a 10 mile radius could’ve felt it.
“That sounds like something a ped-”
“You know what I’m trying to say.” He simply cut me off, trying to make a point, but I decided that I had to munch on his nerves a little bit before he got his way. I didn’t want it to be boring, even though I knew Toji could never be boring.
“Do I?” I asked on that innocent tone that usually made him fold on the inside, raising my eyebrows a little bit and biting my lip as his other hand was making its way on my waist, then my back, pulling me closer to him until we were glued together.
“Yes, you do.” He spoke with a deeper voice, making me squeeze my thighs together again. I put my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles through the wet shirt as a few drops from his hair were making their way on me. It was a little bit annoying, but I brushed it off easily when I felt his warmth on me.
“Are you sure?” I kept pressing him, making him sigh and move his face closer, enough for our noses to touch if our heads were perfectly aligned. The hand that was holding on to my neck slowly made its way through my hair, then to my left cheek, brushing my lips with his thumb as if he couldn’t wait to kiss me and use my mouth for other purposes. I couldn’t wait to see what he was capable of. I just knew he was the freakiest, hottest guy I ever met. I felt it in his energy since day one.
“I know you do.” He inched even closer, his mouth almost touching my ear, while his thumb trailed down on my chin and neck, then making its way back up on my cheek. I had to regain some control, at least fight for it, even if I didn’t want it all. I loved it when he dominated me, no matter what I said or did. The fact that he clearly enjoyed it turned me on 10 times more.
“Don’t forget, Toji: I only let you take advantage of my daddy issues because I like you.” I contoured his name with my lips in an extra spicy way, making him smile with my bold words once again. He probably knew that I didn’t have a good relationship with my father thanks to Megumi. The thought of Toji trying to take advantage of me made me second-guess the situation, but I had to find out what was in his head before opening my legs.
“It’s an honor.” He agreed without hesitation, smiling on my cheek while tightening his grip on my waist as if I didn’t need air to live. I bit my lip at his reaction, but I couldn’t stop there.
“Good boy!” I let my hands wander on his shoulders, to his back and just rest them on his wet shirt around his neck. I wanted to take it off so badly, but I didn’t want to break the most sensual hug. I wanted him even closer.
“Who are you calling a good boy? Oh, dear, you just got on my nerves.” He backed up, releasing me from the tight grip, switching from soft dom to offended man, making me giggle. My heartbeat got faster after his words got to my brain. This was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to get on his nerves. I wanted it hard.
“Oh, no. Wha-”
“Shut up!” He cut me off quickly, aggressively, grabbing my neck and pushing me against the wall. I really struck a chord with that one. I just smiled even wider, holding on to his wet arm with both of my hands. I could barely wrap my skinny hands around his big forearm. This man just raised my standards too high for anyone else to ever reach them.
“The only butt here is going to be yours, slapped so hard that you won’t sit down for days if you don’t do what I say.” I tried to keep fighting, but he got too annoyed to let me even start my sentence properly. His aggressiveness made me completely melt in his hand and shut up for good. I bit my lip, looking into his eyes as he got closer, running his other hand through his hair to slick it back. He even pushed his knee between my thighs, making me rest on it. I couldn’t move anymore. I was ready to let him make me his sex doll.
In a split second, he let go of my neck and grabbed my hands, putting them on his shoulders while he closed the little distance between us, pressing his lips against mine like he couldn’t live another second without it. I immediately responded to the kiss, running one hand through his hair, while the other pulled at his wet shirt, not giving a shit about our clothes getting wet from his shirt. All I knew is that I had to take off his hoodie because I was starting to overheat.
“Oh-off!” I broke the sloppy kiss right after I let his tongue slip into my mouth because, if not, I couldn’t speak anymore. I barely formed one word after a little moan. He didn’t want to let go, so he bit my lip as a punishment.
“You want it off?” His hands went down to the hem of his hoodie, pulling a little bit, getting ready to pull it all the way up.
“Mhm.” I caught my breath and nodded, humming because that was all I could do. I was officially high on Toji’s touch.
“Of course, baby.” He took a step back and helped me take off his hoodie, grabbing my waist with one hand after he threw his piece of clothing on my backpack, while the other grabbed my leg and forced me to jump and wrap them around his waist. He quickly took off his sneakers and pressed me against the wall again. This time, I felt his erection, moaning as he kept kissing me passionately and pushing himself onto me. His hands started to wander on my waist, back and glutes, moaning in my mouth when I pulled his hair to break the kiss because I couldn’t breathe.
“What kind of a gentleman would I be if I took you right here, right now?” He spoke softly, hugging me tight with one arm, while the other grabbed my backpack, leaving the doorway with me wrapped around him like a koala.
“You wouldn’t be.” I answered sheepishly, making him chuckle, but I was convinced I didn’t have to answer and he didn’t expect me to.
“I don’t want to be greedy, but I really hate wasting time, so…” His voice filled his room as we entered just like the masculine scent filled my nose, just like I wanted to be filled by him already. I was amazed. I have never been in his room before. I had no reason to be here.
“So you let me in your precious room.” I tried to crack a joke while he was putting me down on my feet, but he wasn’t amused at all. He was dead-serious. I bit my lip, kind of regretting.
“Not even my son dares to enter without knocking, sweetheart.” He reassured me with a rougher tone, but still calm, making me feel privileged in some ways.
“I wasn’t talking about him.” I also used a more serious tone, making him raise an eyebrow after he put my bag on the gaming chair. His room was very dark-themed. Everything was black and white, but mostly black. Even the lights were white, but he dimmed them from his phone.
“You let anyone in your space?” He asked while taking off his wet shirt. At that point, I was drooling. I took a seat on his bed, facing him because I really wanted to see him change. No shame. Apparently, we were past that.
“Fine, you win.” I rolled my eyes, putting my phone on the nightstand and leaving it there on silent mode. No one could bother me while I was having the hottest experience.
“What did I win?” He asked on a playful tone, making me grin. I had to say something smart, but I also had a few kinks I wanted to fulfill.
“You get to give me one of your shirts.” I let myself fall on my back, feeling his soft black bedsheets. They smelled very fresh. I could’ve bet my ass on the fact that he changed them because he knew I was coming over. This man’s attention to detail was on point.
“Fair enough. Come, choose!” He tilted his head, signaling me to go where he was as he opened the doors to his wardrobe. I was stunned. He had his t-shirts hanged on one side and his elegant shirts and costumes on the other side, while the shelves were packed with clothes that didn’t wrinkle. A dark green shirt caught my eye and I immediately grabbed it, gasping when I saw that it had the scout legion’s(Attack on titan) emblem on the back. I couldn’t believe what I had in front of me. He chuckled when he saw my reaction. No words were spoken, but we knew what the other had to say about this.
He grabbed the oversized shirt from my hands, throwing it on his right shoulder, while he put his other hand on my waist and turned me around. He was facing my back and I was confused why he wanted to do that until he slipped his fingers under my pants and grabbed the hem of my tight shirt.
“Can I?” He asked while his hands wandered under my shirt just enough to feel the skin on my waist, tightening his grip and massaging the area. Was he asking me for permission to take my shirt off? This man was the definition of dominant, but not intrusive or forceful. I closed my eyes and smiled.
-”Yes.” I answered after I let the tension build up for a few seconds, spoke slowly and clearly, but my tone was sensual. I actually wanted him to take off my shirt.
“I won’t look.” He said with that raspy voice, his tight grip on my waist giving away his excitement. He pulled my shirt up, dragging his palms on the shape of my body and feeling everything while undressing me. He stopped at my chest for a few seconds, squeezing them while his mouth started leaving sloppy kisses on my neck, sucking the skin, but not enough to leave any hickey. I wanted him to mark me, but I didn’t want to seem greedy. I wanted to turn around and bite him until blood leaked from his chest, but that would’ve been too much. Even for me.
“Feeling is better than looking.” I tried to point it out on a sensual tone, but I was too aroused to fully control my voice or reactions.
“Mmm, don’t give me ideas.” He growled into my right ear, making me close my eyes and let my head rest on his chest. I trusted him with not looking at my chest just because I didn’t care if he did it. His dick was going to explore my insides whether he glanced at my boobs or not. The fact that he thought about blindfolding and me being too innocent for it made me grin. I was way too ready for it, but the sight of him turned me on more.
I put my hands over his after he massaged my tits for a little while, feeling and hearing him breathe heavily almost in sync with me. We were both ready to do our cardio session on hard mode. My panties were already soaking wet and I started to feel guilty about it, but I tried not to let that distract me from this feeling. I was floating.
“Lift up your arms, beautiful.” He spoke softly, but with a hint of impatience in his voice, sliding the shirt with his hot hands on my skin until it was off. He threw the shirt on his bed and I turned around in the meantime, pressing my bare chest to his and making him grab the back of my neck and kiss me sloppily.
I scratched his back, making him moan in my mouth, but that wasn’t nearly enough for me. I wrapped my left arm around his neck, while my right hand guided his to my leg, showing him that I wanted to climb on him like a monkey on a tree, but he smiled and refused.
“Mm, no, Mabel. We gotta do something else before.” He squeezed my butt, slapped it, then turned me around like I was his doll and weighed barely a few kilograms, guiding my arms up as he dressed me in his shirt, being very careful with my long curly hair, handling it with almost shaky hands.
“What?” I asked a little bit annoyed, frowning.
“I need help with Megumi’s cake. You down?” He smiled innocently, making me raise my eyebrows. I forgot that his son existed for a few minutes. His father had me in a tight leash and I absolutely loved it. I was dreading the next day. I wanted to do things with Toji until I couldn’t breathe anymore. Actually, I wanted him to do things with me.
“Mmmaybe.” I answered slowly, like a cat purring on him, making him sigh. I can’t focus on anything but you, even though I want to help. I said calmly, licking and biting his neck slowly afterward, making him chuckle and tilt his head a little bit to give me more access. I was sure he understood what I meant. He was very smart, he would’ve caught on what I wanted even if I was mute.
“Anything you want.” His voice made me bite harder, but my bite made his grip on my waist tighter. His hands reached my ass again, making me moan on his neck. The circle kept going to infinity. This made me believe we were a perfect match.
“Make me want to help you.” My tone wasn’t playful at all, but he kind of took it as a joke. I felt his skin tense, glancing at his lips only to see him slightly smile. I wanted to sit on that smile.
“Mhm, I wanna hear a clear ‘yes, Toji’ by the end of this.” He took control again, as if he didn’t just left it to me a few seconds ago. It was just his way of letting me confirm what I wanted. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but I was here for it. All in, all the way.
“No, baby. Don’t make me repeat myself.” I don’t like that. He cut me off immediately, slapping my buttcheek and making me screech in pain, but I really liked it. I loved the way he was always above me. These games might’ve made me start catching feelings.
“Yes, Toji.” I finally obeyed him, maybe a little bit too soon, but I wanted to surprise him. I wanted him to reward me, not punish me. At least not now. I wanted him to focus on me in a positive way.
He pulled me in for a more aggressive kiss, while one of his hands trailed to the front of my sweatpants and undid the laces. I scratched his chest while I let him do whatever he wanted to me. Was he really going to fuck me or just tease me until I said “yes, I will help you when you want me to”?
“Do I have green light, doll?” He asked me very impatient, pulling my pants down to the floor and tapping my leg twice, signaling me to step out of them. I did what his body language told me to as he got back up, looking down at me with lustful eyes. In my head, I was like: more like anything you want, Toji.
“You’ll know if you don’t.” I answered him truthfully, but he didn’t like what I said. I didn’t want to say straight-up yes. I don’t think he even wanted that, but maybe he had higher expectations. I was emotionally intelligent as well, after all.
“You think that answer satisfied me?” He directly asked me, making me grin while looking into his eyes. Taking a break from sloppy kissing was really building up tension. I wanted him to take off his shirt that was more like a dress on me and put it in aggressively.
“I know it didn’t.” I got dangerously close to his lips, moving mine over his as I spoke. He started to get pissed. I loved it.
“You like seeing me angry, don’t you?” He said through his grin, making me back off a little bit. Yes, Toji. My panties were soaking every time your eyes got darker with anger.
“Do I?” I raised an eyebrow, making fun of the situation and him. He seemed a little bit amused, but annoyed and turned on at the same time. I was living for this combination showing on him, especially for me.
“You’re so annoying.” He muttered while he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist again, but this time the palms of his hands touched my bare skin, making me gasp. The way his grip was so tight on me naturally made me melt in his hands quickly.
“Just shut up.” I spoke through the breath that I released after he grabbed me, slamming me on his bed and getting on top of me. I always wondered what this felt like, even imagined it between sets at the gym. It didn’t compare to the real thing.
“Make me!” He kept giving signs of submissiveness in the most dominant way that I started to be confused. Did he want me to take control or just to execute what he said? Was I tripping?
“Are you sure?” I asked him, unsure about what he wanted me to do. Did he want me to kiss him harder? Did he want me tot take over control? Did he want to use his mouth on me?
“Sit on my fucking face, woman!” He grabbed my cheeks with one and and spoke to me in a very aggressive demeanor, making me look mesmerized into his eyes. Were my ears playing tricks on me? Was this man really into this? My horrible taste in men ended with this masterpiece of a man.
“Does you son need a mother?” My mouth spoke without asking my brain first, drooling because Toji was still gripping my cheeks and offered his mouth on a silver tray.
“Mmmaybe.” He laughed at my joke, making the same annoying joke just like me, except I didn’t know if I went too far and he said that to avoid any turn-off situation or not. Suddenly, I got back to being shy.
His mouth started to go lower and lower on my body, leaving a trail of saliva on me neck, lifting his shirt, but keeping his eyes closed, kissing every inch of my chest and stomach before he pulled the shirt back down and looked at me for a few seconds, most likely admiring the view. I took his right hand from my thigh and guided it between my legs, making only one side of his lips go up in a small cocky grin. He understood the fact that I couldn’t take it anymore. He took off my
“Keep my shirt on.” He demanded after making a sudden move, switching with him under my spread apart legs. I was worried about patching his pants, but he didn’t care. He pulled his pants halfway down, grabbed my hips and pushed me against his hard dick, making us both moan. Even though he had his boxers on, I felt every single shape his cock had.
“Wasn’t going to remove it.” I tried to take control of the conversation, but it seemed like he completely ignored what I said and kept rocking my hips back and forth with his eyes closed. My hands wandered on his chest and abs, sometimes scratching him and leaving red marks, sometimes just feeling his skin and muscles.
“Good girl.” He spoke through his teeth and I moaned as I breathed out when I heard the words which came out from his mouth. Was he naturally like this or did he read my mind?
“Toji, I-”
“Hop up before I cum in my underwear.” He cut me off right when I was about to tell him that I wanted to switch the position because I was getting closer, but I couldn’t finish like this and nor did I want to. His words made me gasp, smiling as he guided my hips toward his face. I took small steps with my knees until I reached the right spot, stepping over his shoulders as his hands were sliding under my inner thighs and landed on my lower back in the end.
He held on to the shirt from the back, so it wouldn’t fall on his face as I was riding his tongue. I was leaning against the wall with my hands, resting my forehead as well from time to time, watching him devour me with such an appetite. I wasn’t expecting any less from Toji, but I couldn’t believe I was here with him. I wondered how many women he did this with to get to this level of experience. He was global elite in pussy eating.
“Let it out, baby!” He spoke through saliva and breaths, slapping my butt cheek with a little more force, making me moan even louder form the pain in combination with the pleasure as he sucked and licked my clit with passion. It was definitely an extraordinary first time face-riding experience.
“Ooh, you’re good.” I moaned louder, tangling my fingers through his hair, but holding on to the wall better with the other hand. I wasn’t far from the finish line. Everything was so wet down there and I wondered if it bothered him, but I couldn’t ruin the mood with such a killer question. I pretended that he loved it, ‘cause I sure did. He started moaning a little bit under me, sign that he knew I was close.
”Fuck, yes, Toji!” I felt my legs shake when his moans got louder, and deeper, growling into my skin like an animal. I noticed that one of his hands was missing only after I exploded on his face and neck. I looked behind me, smiling and biting my lower lip when I saw his boxer briefs wet at the tip of his cock and his right hand on the length of it. He just came from eating me out. I was even more aroused than before.
“That’s your fault.” He said after I got off of him, well aware that I was looking at his groin area and salivating. I was ready to return the favor, but he didn’t need it. Yet.
“I’m enjoying every second of it.” I remained on my knees next to him, carefully sitting on my legs, trying no to let my juices ruin his fresh bedsheets, even though some drops made it to the pillow he was sitting on. I pressed my lips together, not knowing what to do. I waited for him to guide me to the bathroom.
”Mhm.” He looked at me a little bit tired, but definitely more relaxed than before. He got up, but didn’t get off of his bed but got a lot closer to me, stopping when his nose touched mine. What was he trying to do?
“You’re freaky. I like it.” He said after a few seconds, while looking into my eyes with curiosity. Was he searching for something in particular?
“You think my own liquids disgust me?” I asked more disgusted about the fact that he was underestimating me. What did he expect from me? What was he looking for?
“Can I keep you?” He asked before he got up and groaned at the sight of his cum-filled boxers. I followed him like a puppy.
“Same question here.” I kept the conversation alive, making him chuckle. The way he giggled made my heart skip a beat. His voice made me weak.
“I’ll talk to my son about it.” He opened the bathroom door and stood aside to let me enter first, coming right behind me.
“Are you serious?” I asked confused as I took a seat on the toilet, waiting for my pussy to calm down a little bit so that I could let the rest of the liquids out.
“Why would I fuck with your brain?” He asked just as confused as me, making me blush. Was he toying with me that hard?
He took off his dark blue underwear, wiping himself with baby wipes. He handed the whole pack over after he was finished and I was ready to get up. He was fully naked in front of me. I hardly resisted the urge to jump on him again.
“For fun.” I shrugged my shoulders, making him “pf” while he rolled his eyes. I couldn’t resist looking at his whole body while he was just standing in front of me, washing his face and neck.
“I’d rather fuck you everyday.” He said after he wiped off the water, making my face even more red than it was before. Did he want me to be his girlfriend? Was he ready to be a boyfriend again? Megumi told me different things. I knew what a heartbroken human was capable of and I had to be cautious, even though the sex with him was a dream come true.
“Fine by me.” I pressed myself against him, looking up at his eyes, but not for long because he felt the need to kiss me. This time, the kiss was a lot more passionate, slower, with his hand on my jawline and neck, while the other kept me close to him. My fingers traveled on his cheeks and neck as well, making everything more romantic and a little less lustful. Was he catching feelings? He had two years to do so, but he didn’t seem interested in a little girl(as he should!).
“You’re the father I never had and the lover I wish I’d have.” I let down all my walls in front of him, looking straight into his soul through those deep blue eyes as I spoke softly, making him blush a little bit. That was very cute. Was I going too far again?
“Don’t you think I’m too old for you?” He asked me nervously, never letting go of my waist or cheek. His thumb started wandering towards my lips again, lightly brushing them.
“Do I look like I care?” I answered with a question, but my tone answered both of them. I bit his finger lightly, making him push it deep into my mouth. I sucked on it, but he kept his serious expression.
“We need to keep it a secret until you’re 18.” He said while I pushed his finger out of my mouth with my tongue, licking it from the bottom to the top and then freeing myself from his warm, safe hug.
“I’m sure it’s worth it.” I talked calmly, wetting my hands and sprinkling Toji before I ran out of the bathroom. Don’t you dare break my heart, Toji! I yelled in the hallway while laughing and running toward the kitchen, stopping when I got to the cooking table. I adored his big house. It had mainly neutral tones, black with white, grey and washed out blue. It really looked like a man was living on his own, but he was really organized. His aesthetic was very manly and sparkling clean. I wanted this in my life.
“You really think I’m an asshole?” He asked me through a handsome smile, making me smile as well. This man brought nothing but good time in my life.
“No, but-”
“No. That’s the right answer. Good girl.” He cut me off confidently, trying to catch me, but we kept circling around the table like the cat with the mouse. We were laughing like 2 teenagers.
“What do you need help with?” I asked him while I was paying attention to his body language, dodging every attempt to fool and catch me.
“I was wondering which pictures we should put on Megumi’s cake.“ He gave up at that point, walking slowly toward me, but I wasn’t having it. I kept running around like I double-scooped pre-workout.
“That’s so cute! I got this.” I smiled even wider when I realized that he wanted my opinion on something that was so important for him. His son was, after all, as many parents would say: the light of his eyes.
“Come on, Mabel.” He spoke to me on an annoyed tone, kind of scolding me for acting like a 5 year-old. I rolled my eyes and went toward the fridge where he already was. “Sike! Got’cha!” He grabbed me from behind, lifting me in both of his arms and laughing as I screamed like a spoiled brat.
“Not faaair! You’re a traitor!” I yelled over his loud laughing, making him have even more fun. I tried to get out of his grip, punched his forearms and kicked my feet left and right, but I didn’t achieve anything. He was too strong for me to escape if he didn’t want me to. In essence, this situation was scary, but I knew he didn’t want to force me to do anything.
“Put me down already!” I screeched and he did what I demanded him to do, but he started tickling me and I almost screamed again, but he noticed my lack of breathing and he finally let me go.
“You’re funny.” He said very amused, making me roll my eyes and pout angrily while I crossed my arms. I tilted my head toward the fridge, signaling him to continue what we were supposed to be doing.
“Mhm.” I kept making small steps toward the fridge, making him shake his head and laugh slowly. His eyes checked me out fast before opening the door.
“Are you mad?” He asked while carefully grabbing the big plate, my eyes sparkling at the big blue cake that had little stickers with characters from shows that Megumi liked. “Now, won’t you talk to me?” He kept pressing me after a few seconds of silence, making me raise my eyebrows at him and nod.
“No.” I finally told him, making him giggle again. We both knew I wasn’t serious, but I wanted to see how he made up for it.
“I’ll unclog your vocal chords, but first we need to complete this masterpiece.” My jaw dropped when I heard his words. What did he want to do? Did he want to stuff his dick in my throat? Did I not hear him correctly?
“Haaa?” I asked him surprised and confused, making him grin as he put the cake on the table, grabbing my cheeks with his long fingers and bringing my face closer to his. I immediately caught his forearm with my hands, gripping it tightly and feeling the lean muscle.
“What’chu heard, princess.” He winked at me exactly how he did it at the gym earlier, making me gasp as he let my cheeks breathe, but slipped his thumb in my slightly open mouth, pushing it far inside. “Get that pretty mouth ready.” He added on a cocky tone, making my eyes widen and my cheeks catch on fire. He was so blunt and that made him even hotter.
“Mm” I nodded in approval with his finger still in my mouth, sucking on it as if it was the sweetest lollipop. I decided to tease him a little more, so I brought my head even more forward, taking his whole thumb and a little bit of his hand, sucking it sloppily. I let him take it out and I licked the tip for some extra teasing, all while making eye contact. He was ready for round two.
“You’re so ready.” He concluded out loud, but I kept my cool and I just shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes with arrogance. I was very aware of the effect I had on him, especially in moments like this one.
“But the cake isn’t.” I snapped him back in reality, but he just smiled with half of his mouth. He knew words were one of my many talents and he, apparently, liked it.
“Right.” He agreed a little bit amused and ran up to his room to probably bring something back down. I took a few moments for myself, admiring the kitchen. It wasn’t huge, but enough to cook comfortably and not having to worry about space. It was very clean. Toji and Megumi took really good care of this place. I was stunned.
“So I didn’t tape them to their sticks ‘cause I didn’t know which ones you like, so I waited for you to call me.” He explained like a little kid who was talking about a new game that he found interesting, making me smile a little bit. So this was why he wanted me to come so badly, not the nswf parts. I was in awe.
I didn’t speak, even though I wanted to tell him this was a very cute thing to do for his son. I found myself wondering: what present did Toji get for Megumi?
“Don’t play the mute card, young lady!” Toji scolded me like I was his daughter, which was exactly what I craved. In a weird way, this turned me on. I was rational most of the time, but my emotional traumas were way too deeply engraved on my heart and personality. I secretly enjoyed things I shouldn’t have.
I kept quiet, but I looked very carefully at every single picture that included me and put aside what I wanted on the cake. Toji handled the rest of the pictures.
“Are you really mad at me?” He asked a little worried and I just frowned, pouting playfully, trying to get him to understand that I was just waiting for him to do something to take me out of this game. “OK, beautiful. I’ll show you making up after we glue these things.”
“More like making out.” I muttered under my breath, making him look at me confused for a second, but he grinned when he realized what I actually said. I adored the fact that, when we were together, there was a lot of grinning and smiling in different ways. I could’ve flirted with him all night and the next day and we wouldn’t be tired of it. When did everything change so quickly?
“Keep getting on my nerves, princess.” He spoke softly as we were hot-gluing small sticks to the back of the pictures.
After we were done silently gluing everything together, he let me arrange everything. He trusted my artistic eye more than his own, but he still helped and came with suggestions. I had a feeling he would’ve done a better job than me, but it was fine. I felt useful.
“Now that we’re done with this…” he said as he put the cake back into the fridge, making my heart skip a beat, then beating faster and faster. I was still craving the raw sex I was imagining with him when I was at the gym. “It’s time to do something about that nasty mouth of yours, right?” He spoke with that raspy voice, sensual tone that made me weak in the knees. He was absurdly hot when he did that, especially in combination with the stinging eye contact and erection in his shorts, knowing that he didn’t have any underwear on.
“I don’t know.” I tried to shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, but I was sure that my real emotions were showing. Even my voice started to tremble a little bit. I liked playing the dumb little girl and something told me that he liked it too.
“I do. Come here.” He started being more and more demanding, taking full control of the situation. This time, he made me fell like I didn’t have a choice in a good way. There was no room for me to comment or disobey. I loved it. “You’re killing me.” He said between his teeth before grabbing my neck and kissing me aggressively. I gladly responded to the kiss, my hands immediately running through his thick soft hair as our tongues were dancing.
“Why would-”
“On your knees.” He cut me off once again, making me gasp surprised at how blunt he could sometimes be. I should’ve expected that.
I obeyed his words like I was programmed to do it, getting down on the cold floor and looking up at him as his hand was already gripping his hard dick through his pants. I tilted my head in pleasure, because that was the hottest view I ever had of him. I was probably drooling. He smiled at the sight of me on my knees for him, grabbing my face with his other hand and letting his thumb wander on my lips and chin.
“Can you take it, baby?” He asked with a low tone, his deep voice making me nod in approval instantly.
“Mhm” I added while I waited patiently for him to take off his shorts, but he didn’t look like he wanted to do that yet.
“You can’t suck it if you don’t open your mouth, y’know.” He grabbed the back of my head, gripping a little bit of hair as well, making me get closer to his cock, but not touching it yet.
“I thought I was smarter than that, Toji.” I pouted and locked eyes with him while my hands took control over the situation and pulled his pants down, revealing a monster. It looked very hard, stood up and looked at me like I was its savior.
“Holy shit!” I whispered right before Toji grabbed my cheeks and forced me to open my mouth wide, stuffing his cock in my mouth impatiently. I closed my eyes, put my hands on it and got to work. I sucked it a lot better than his thumb, but my hair started to bother me. “Hold my hair, please.” I quickly spoke as I took a short break to breathe and he caught the loose hair strands and brought them to the back of my head, but he gave up when he noticed that he didn’t have as much control over my head.
“I don’t want to ruin you hair.” He moaned and talked to me with the same level of horniness that I had, his hand pushing away my face and signaling me to get back up. “Such a good girl.” He kept praising me while I did as he told me or guided me to, arousing me even more. That was absolutely right, I was the best girl. This was one of the many reasons why I preferred Toji and not his son. Megumi could never.
“Oh, fuck, yes!” I moaned out loud as he wrapped my legs around his hips, laying me down on the cold, but clean table and rubbing his member against my wet pussy, making me smile. This was it? Was he even going to last for another 5 minutes? I took that as a compliment.
“Oh, no, baby! I’m not done with your pretty mouth.” He grabbed my neck and pushed it down, rubbing the head on me with his other hand, grinning and moaning while looking at me. We were both such a mess, but somehow it was perfect.
“Wha…” I started talking, but I dropped the sentence as he suddenly left the space between my legs, circled around the table, meanwhile his hand was still on my neck, holding me down. He stopped right behind me, grabbed my waist and pulled me until my head was hanging from the table. My cheeks caught on fire again.
“Have you done this before?” He asked curiously, his eyes sparkling a little bit, but I just muttered a little “no”. My eyes trailed from his beautiful face all the way down to his dick and balls. I was stunned.
“I’ll be gentle, don’t worry.” He assured me before rubbing his tip on my lips to let him in. I kissed and licked it, teasing him a little bit before opening my mouth and trying not to bite him from this position. “I’m not gonna last long.” He frowned and moaned after putting it in, making me moan in pleasure when I heard his words. He started slowly fucking my mouth, while I tried to distract myself from the slight discomfort of this position, pleasuring myself in front of him with my legs wide open.
“Take off my shirt.” He suddenly got out of my mouth, demanding and I immediately got up and obeyed. He was in complete control only because I let him. That thought was enough for me to be confident, arrogant even.
He took off the shirt for me, putting it on the table next to me, then I let myself fall on my back, Toji’s hand catching my head so that I wouldn’t hit it. This was the attention to detail that I had and wanted those around me to have. Toji was the only one who met the standard.
“I won’t cum in your mouth, princess.” He kept using his mesmerizing voice and bent over a little bit to reach my sensitive area, making circular motions on my clit while I was holding on to his hand and tried to get my teeth out of the way. I really didn’t want to bite his dick, but I started to feel dizzy.
“Aghmm!” I made some questionable sounds while pushing him away so his length could exit my mouth, getting up and feeling his hands lightly push me by my shoulders. He immediately knew that something was wrong and didn’t dare to force anything. “I feel funny.” I spoke a little panicked, feeling the blood that was piling up in my head go back down to the rest of my body.
”Fuck, uh, here!” He muttered unsure of what to do, but quickly snapped back to reality and gave me a glass of water. He positioned himself in front of me, pulling me by my legs until they wrapped around his hips again. I drank some water and kept the last sip in my mouth, well hidden and I gave him the empty glass. When he turned back around, I spat at him, aiming at his chest. It was just an innocent joke. I expected him to get annoyed or laugh and quickly shake it off, but he took it as a challenge.
“You keep provoking me, little girl.” He kind of warned me, but I had no idea for what. My pulse started rising when I remembered that his dick was hard between my legs and there was a high chance that he’d put it in.
“You know I like it.” I swallowed the rest of the water and got ready for the kiss that he was leaning in for, closing my eyes and waiting for his tongue to slide between my lips and his cock to finally get inside of me, but only one of them happened. I moaned loudly as his member made its way inside of me, hearing Toji spit very close to my face, then feeling his saliva in my mouth. He saw the opportunity and took it without any second thoughts. I was a little surprised, but I opened my eyes and swallowed, smiling right after while locking eyes with him. He just kept surprising me in all the good ways.
“You’re driving me insane.” He said between heavy breaths, moaning with me while holding my waist with both of his hands, thrusting himself in me forcefully. It hurt a little bit, but my mother didn’t raise a quitter.
“It - oh - goes both wa-aah-ys!” I tried to speak, but I was too overwhelmed to make myself clear from the first try. He seemed to understand what I tried to say. He grabbed my neck and pushed me down, lifting my legs on his shoulders and holding them tightly as he shoved his whole meat inside of me from a position that made my kitty make a lot of noise. He quickly realized that I needed some extra stimulation on my clit to finish, so he spread my legs enough for one of his hands to fit between them, massaging my sweet spot with his thumb until I screamed his name. I held on to his other hand that was still gripping my leg, digging my nails into him and making him groan louder. His voice was the only thing I needed, I came way too hard when I heard him
He pulled out right after I finished on him, wetting the table, maybe even the floor, but I didn’t care. He spread his juice all over my abdomen, letting me watch the sexiest scene unfold right in front of me, on me. My mouth remained a little bit open and I only noticed after he winked at me. He was looking at my face, already in my eyes when I made eye contact with him.
“Great warm-up.” He said after lightly slapping my leg, rubbing his dick on me a few more times before he got the napkins and started wiping me. Warm-up? My heart skipped a beat again.
“I’m hungry, big guy.” I talked to him softly, trying to find some cute pet names for him. I loved it when he called me princess and good girl.
“Me too, princess.” He agreed and finished wiping me, while I was just standing there, accepting the princess treatment. I wanted to keep this man. An angry Megumi was worth it.
“What’chu got?” I asked him happily, making him pout while thinking about what he had in the fridge.
“We gotta shower.” He said as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a plate with some pizza slices on it, bringing it to me. “You want it warm?” He asked and I shook my head in disapproval, grabbing a slice and eating it greedily. His dick didn’t keep my stomach full.
“I’ll make something later, I’m too lazy right now.” He kept pressing on the same subject, but I just shrugged my shoulders.
“I hit my protein goal for today, I’ll be fine either way. Keep it for breakfast.” I reassured him calmly, very relaxed, high even. I never experienced such good sex in my life. We clicked like two pieces made for each other.
“Such a good girl.” He concluded for himself, making me blush. I never aimed to be the good or the bad girl, I was just me. Was he impressed by something I thought was normal?
“Am I, really?” I made a confused face while asking such an obvious question, making him slightly raise an eyebrow while he grabbed another slice of pizza.
“Yeah. The rest of Megumi’s girl friends are just basic. No discipline, no big goals, just crying about stomach aches and doing nothing about it.” He bit into the pizza, eating a big chunk while looking at me. His eyes were hypnotizing. I swallowed the piece that I chewed and thought about an answer to what he said.
“They made me feel like I was crazy at some point, but I got used to it. I hate basic people.” I spoke calmly, showing a little bit of disgust at the end of the second sentence. I really hated basic monkeys.
“Then why do you-”
“He encouraged me to keep it up when everyone didn’t.” I cut him off just like he did when he thought I was wrong, making him frown worried. He sighed, half proud of his son, but half distressed for him. I knew exactly why.
“He has feelings for you.” Toji read my mind with a worried look on his face. He looked like reality hit him, but I knew this feeling before his dick destroyed my insides and I somehow managed to ignore it. Megumi wasn’t even the last on my list of romantic interests.
“I know. You just made it sound like any man that-”
“No, Mabel. You know I didn’t mean that. You’re a pleasure to be around.” He cut me off for the tousandth time, making me roll my eyes. He tried to be nice, but my inner issues were screaming.
“Really? I thought I’m a brat, especially to people close to me.” We both took another bite from our slices and Toji put the plate back in the fridge. We weren’t full, but we regained some energy. The thought of another round made me blush.
“That’s just because they don’t know how to handle you.” He said after swallowing the last piece, making me frown. Of course he thought it was easy. I let him believe that all this time.
“I don’t let them handle me. What am I? A puppet?” I spoke offended, making him laugh out loud right in front of my face. He put his hand on my leg, gripping it a little bit.
“Sure.” He spoke with a cocky tone, making me exhale angrily. I looked at his hand and resisted the urge to bite my lip. I wanted them all over me again and again.
“Sure.” I imitated him while looking away, making him tighten his grip until it started to hurt. I adored the ways he reminded me who was stronger, in control.
“Did I hear something, sweetie?” He asked sarcastically, but amused, making me pout like a spoiled child.
“No?” I answered playfully, making him chuckle in the ‘you’ll see later’ way. I was afraid, but I couldn’t wait at the same time.
We ended the conversation with a glass of water each and kissing passionately again. He grabbed my waist with one hand and my cheek with the other, his body making its way between my legs again. We were sticky from our previous cardio session and our hands had pizza on them, so we didn’t dare touch each other’s hair or private parts.
“Got’cha!” He laughed after, in a split second, he stepped back and threw me over his shoulder as if I was way too light for him, making me scream scared and amused at the same time. I started laughing, not so sure about this position right after I ate pizza, but it didn’t last long. He dropped me when we got into the upstairs bathroom, holding onto my waist to make sure I wasn’t going to fall. He was such a gentleman, I loved it.
“Why are you still single?” I asked him out of nowhere, shifting the whole mood from playful to serious. In a split second, with some words that I didn’t choose carefully, I might’ve ruined everything. He pursed his lips, his smile fading while looking into my eyes. That was definitely a sad sight.
“I wanted to focus on him, but now I think I have everything I wished for. Without one thing.” He talked to me softly, seriously, making me even more curious about his way of seeing life. Was he ready for another woman? Was there any chance that he wanted me?
“It’s fine if you want to end the conversation here. I was trying to compliment you.” I cringed a little bit, reassuring him while I looked around for a hair tie. I knew I had a few hidden in the other bathroom, but I wasn’t sure about this one.
“It’s fine. What are you looking for?” He asked with a few drops of confusion in his voice. I kind of liked the sight of a confused Toji. I started wondering how hot he could be if he ever let me take over full control and he turned into a submissive man for one night.
“I need to tie my hair.” I smiled awkwardly and he immediately reached behind his after-shave and gave me one of my blue hair ties. I thanked him, asking myself how it got here. I knew for a fact that I didn’t put it there. Did he plan this whole thing?
“You planted little clues all over the house, especially where you knew I would see them.” He answered my questions without even hearing them, making my jaw drop a little bit. I was absolutely mesmerized by this man. “I’m not that stupid either. This is why Megumi thinks you like him back, but I knew the moment you broke up with that asshole that you wouldn’t be with someone your age ever again.” He continued unwrapping my thoughts as if they were Christmas gifts, making me smile and blush very hard. I couldn’t believe he actually caught on my cheesy clues and behavior.
“My hope in men was dead until tonight.” I said happily, trying to compliment him again, but he took it the wrong way 90% of the time. We spoke the same language, so I doubted he didn’t understand what I was trying to say.
His hands landed on my boobs out of nowhere, while I was tying my hair in a high messy bun, massaging my chest slowly, with little to no force and making me smile while I was biting my lip. I loved his soft touch and his rough hits and bites, all in one, perfectly balanced.
“I hope it’s still dead. I know you trust me and that’s more than enough.” His hands trailed down to my waist, pulling me closer while he spoke to me with a little hint of horniness in his voice, signaling that round 3 was about to start in the shower and I was ready for it.
“My ex and Megumi are going to hunt me down and kill me.” I said with an amused tone, but Toji took it more seriously than I expected. He got more tense, aggressive even, pressing us together and kissing me with passion. We were burning again together.
“Over my dead body.” He stopped for a second to angrily say this, grabbing my butt with both of his hands and making me moan in his mouth. The natural possessiveness that this man had in himself, especially(hopefully, only) when he was with me was the ultimate turn on for me. The way he was so sure about keeping me safe, no matter what happened, had my daddy issues screaming in pleasure.
“You’re such a DILF.” I smiled on his lips, making him laugh a little and lick one corner of my mouth, tingling me. I was in heaven.
“Perfect for you, princess.” His spoke in my cheek, making me melt more in his arms. His hands reached my waist, slowly going up on my back while he guided me toward the shower area. It wasn’t a cabin, but an open space in the bathroom with a showerhead and a fancy hole in the floor. The design was flawless.
He made us switch places so that the water hit his shoulders first, gasping when a few drops of cold water hit my face and chest. He didn’t react. It was like he was made of steel.
I placed my hands on his chest, watching the water run down his chest in the white light, feeling his relaxed muscles with my fingers. I licked and bit his skin, making him tighten his grip on my shoulders and waist. He was hiding me with his tall, thick figure. I felt so safe with him. I wanted to scream with happiness and relief. I could finally let my guard down without getting burned.
I wrapped my hands around him, pressing my chin onto his chest while I closed my eyes and enjoyed the intimate moment. The water was starting to feel warmer and Toji slowly made us switch places again, letting me melt in his arms from the front and in the warm water from the back. He pressed his cheek on my forehead, planting a little sweet kiss there as well. It made me smile and blush, rubbing my cheek on him in a cute way in response. When did our situation become more than sexual attraction? Was I blind?
Suddenly, I felt his member wake up and signal his presence, making me smirk. I dug my nails into his back, scratching pretty hard and making him growl. He slapped my butt cheek hard as well, making me almost yell in pain, but we both liked it. We were both pain lovers. Just a little bit.
“You ruined the moment, naughty girl.” He talked through his teeth, but I felt his smirk in the tone he used. He actually liked it.
“You poked me first!” I fought back with a high-pitched tone, biting his chest again and making him laugh. That laugh turned me on again.
He grabbed the bottle of shower gel, squeezed a generous amount in his left hand and rubbed his hands together.
“Can I?” He showed me his palms full of bubbles that smelled fresh, a masculine scent stinging my nostrils. I nodded and raised my hands, letting him touch my entire body with absolutely 0 shame. He enjoyed every second of it as much as I did. His hands massaged my whole body, excluding the downstairs private parts, making me close my eyes and feel his gentle touch. From my arms, down to my chest and back, my butt and legs, all the way back up to my neck. I opened my eyes when he came back up, pushing me under the water to rinse and kissing me passionately. Was this man even real?
“You missed a spot.” I said between kisses, making him bite my lower lip.
“I got a special gel for that.” He answered my concern seriously, making me giggle. Did he want to baby-trap me?
“Second day pills are hell on earth.” I immediately defended myself, making him frown and then laugh when he caught on what I said. Was he not taking me seriously?
“I was talking about that one, sweetheart.” He grabbed my cheeks and turned my head to look at the bottle of gel for the intimate parts. He wasn’t talking about sperm. OK.
“Oh.” I sighed in relief, wrapping my fingers around his wrist and waiting for him to let go of my face, but he didn’t. He pulled me in another sloppy kiss, making me moan. I couldn’t help myself around him.
“No creampies for you, anyway. You’re on a cut, remember?” He cracked a joke, making me raise my eyebrows while I laughed. I was glad he was rational, even when he seemed like he lost control. Was I even able to make him lose control?
“My turn.” I grabbed the bottle and squeezed less than he did, but as much as I could fit in one hand, starting with his chest and shoulders, going down and back up on his arms, his torso and abs. He flexed them when I tried to scratch lightly, making me pout while he just smirked.
“Predictable.” He said with arrogance while I just continued massaging his body, signaling him to turn around and let me wash his huge back. Even his ass was bigger and rounder than mine. I was jealous and impressed. Very hot.
“Nice ass, tough guy.” I commented and slapped it right after, making him huff amused. I continued with the rest of his body, excluding the parts that needed the special gel. I had to get down on my knees and massage each leg separately. He was too big for me to handle him like he did with me. When I sat down, his dick was already looking at me. I couldn’t help but kiss it, licking the tip as I watched his reaction. He tensed his jaw, his eyes darkening at the sight of me looking up at him as my lips touched his member. I kept massaging one of his legs as I opened my mouth and took it in. His right hand instantly grabbed my jaw and pushed my head back, even though he looked like he wanted me to suck the life out of him.
“Not here.” He groaned slowly, pulling me by my face and forcing me to get up, sticking his tongue deep in my mouth. I squeezed my legs together, the familiar feeling of hot puffiness returning down there. I just wanted him to pick me up and fuck me hard.
“Why?” I was genuinely curious why he didn’t want to start round 3 in the shower. Did he have some kind of phobia or trauma?
“It was a long day. We got time to do it anywhere you want, but today I want you in my bed.” He sighed and answered calmly, but I noticed the little hint of fatigue in his voice. Was this my chance to take over control? Was he going to let me? Did I really want to?
“Sounds so good.” I pushed him under the water to rinse off the shower gel. He grabbed the bottle of special gel before I could reach it first, putting it on a very high shelf after he squeezed the desired amount in his hand, making me frown and pout.
“I’ll give it to you before we get out of here. I might finish in your hand and we don’t want that.” He extra-reassured me while I was looking at his hands trying to reach my private parts: one from the front and one from the back.
“Still talking about that?” I pointed at the bottle he didn’t want me to have, making him smirk. I was falling in love with our dynamic more and more.
“You little nasty girl.” He smiled on my neck, biting and grabbing my legs, lifting me into his arms and trying to kiss me, but I turned my head and he just licked my cheek.
“Little? Have you seen my back?” I spoke offended next to his ear, feeling his right side stretch upward, but I thought nothing of it.
“Excuse me!” He said while his hands were doing something behind my back. I tried to turn around, but he didn’t let me. I fought back until he dropped me. His length was full of bubbles.
“Oh, you’re not excused.” I said with a hint of anger in my voice, looking back at his face and noticing a guilty smile. He finished washing himself and stopped the water, placing his big hand on my lower back while our eyes were locked. I couldn’t get enough of his eyes.
“Mhm, we’ll see about that.” He moved in a cocky manner, putting a big towel around me and playfully pressed my bun like it was a button. I started fuming. He wiped his whole body with another towel and stepped aside with clean dry skin. He was almost as pale as me, with blue-black hair and a cheeky personality. The perfect match, if you asked me.
He waited patiently for me to wipe myself, biting his lip as his eyes wandered on my body and his right hand was stroking his dick, making my mouth open in slight surprise. The image in front of me belonged in the most luxurious porn films. I had to memorize this very well for the times when I wasn’t with him. For when I couldn’t fall asleep. He knew he was hot and that made the whole situation 10 times sexier.
“I’m not going to hurry if you do that, Toji.” I tried to tease him back as I wiped my breasts slowly, then I put the towel between my legs and gently wiped her, all while looking into his eyes. He didn’t dare to break the eye contact, but he slowed down the stroking motion. I took some satisfaction out of that. Did he just let me take control over the situation?
“And now what are you waiting for?” I asked him after I hanged the towel, gesturing with my hands for the dramatic effect. He caught on immediately, giving me the ‘are you sure?’ look with a hint of spice in it. I was very sure. I nodded as he grabbed my waist with one hand and lifted me up, wrapping myself around him like we weren’t all over each other a few moments ago. His other hand reached between my legs from behind and started rubbing my sensitive area, making me breathe heavily already as he was taking us to his room.
He practically jumped with both of us on his bed, moaning together as he immediately put his member inside of me. I didn’t expect him to be so animalistic this time, but he somehow gathered his energy to fuck me harder this time.
“I thought y-oh-u were tired.” I tried to talk between moans and slaps, making him smile arrogantly. He was just toying with me.
“I am.” He reassured me while grabbing my legs and throwing me on my side after he thrusted in me one last time and got out. “Turn around, baby.” He demanded and I immediately obeyed, but I didn’t know if he wanted me to lift my butt or not. “Higher.” He said after he positioned himself on top of me, grabbing my hips and pulling them. “Don’t make me repeat myself, angel.” He kept pulling my hips while I bit my lip at the last word that came out of his mouth. I arched my back even more and pushed myself with my hands. He put his thumb in my hole, but I barely felt it compared to his dick.
“Please, Toji!” I begged after a few more seconds of silence, tension building up as I couldn’t wait anymore. He started rubbing his head on my pussy, teasing me way too much.
“Am I excused?” He aggressively grabbed the back of my neck, pushing my head into the soft bed while teasing my hole with the tip. If I said yes, it would’ve been a win win situation, but I wasn’t that weak.
“Fuck!” I screeched very annoyed, making him laugh evilly. I couldn’t say yes or no. I wanted him to choose for me so that I had who to put the blame on.
“Answer, Mabel!” His tone got even more aggressive, gripping my neck tighter while rubbing his whole length on my dripping kitty. I didn’t hold back any moan just to make him fold, but he wasn’t that weak either. The night just got 10 times more interesting.
“Just put it in!” I kept pressing him, but he just slapped my ass and let out a little unsatisfied “mm”.
“I won’t let you cum.” He said with a serious tone, making me laugh out loud. How was he going to stop me? I was too turned on for that to not happen.
“You can’t fo-”
“Yeah, keep underestimating me, princess.” He cut me off like usually, bending over and grabbing something from the bottom drawer. He lifted me up and turned me around, throwing me closer to the edge of the bed. He grabbed my hands and, in a split second, he handcuffed me to his bed. My jaw dropped and I gasped surprised, but he was just proudly smirking.
“You’re going to regret it.” He warned me one last time before he got to work, starting with his hands and mouth. He went down on me, but it was almost nothing like the first time. He was impatient and animalistic, but still so good. He put two fingers inside of me when he noticed that I was starting to shake, stopping right before I was about to reach the end.
“Is this all you got?” I asked with a shaky voice, trying to squeeze my legs together, but he didn’t let me. He suddenly transformed into someone purely evil. I loved villains.
“You’re getting on my nerves again. You know what that means?”
“I’m about to f-ah-ind out.” I tried to keep my cool, but he put my legs on his shoulders again and entered brutally in me, but he still didn’t let me squeeze my legs together. I didn’t try to free my hands because I knew it was in vain, but I was still pulling on the handcuffs. I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, but, somehow, I did.
“Say it, baby!” He demanded once again, making me laugh while moaning and trying to close my legs. His grip was as tight as his tensed jaw. He was on the edge as much as I was.
“Fuck me harder, handsome!” I completely ignored his words, looking at him with pure horniness in my eyes. He looked away, kissing my calf and slapping my butt cheek.
“Goddamit, Mabel!” He muttered angrily, making me laugh even more. I was having the time of my life.
“Let me suck tha-” I tried to annoy him more, but he had enough of this. Toji grabbed my neck and got close to my face.
“You’re not the one in control here.” He said with that deep, raspy voice that I absolutely loved, making me bite my lip in ecstasy.
“Who says that?” I almost whispered, making him smirk widely. I was officially in trouble.
“I do.” He answered simply, getting back up and flipping me around, spreading my legs and eating me out from behind. After a short while, I started to moan loudly and my legs were shaking. He stopped and no later than one second I felt his length slide inside of me. He was growling, which meant that he wasn’t too far either. Still, he didn’t let me close my legs.
“Toji, please!” I yelled in his pillow, biting it as I was taking his huge cock, demolishing my insides with his hardness. He was very close too. I could feel it.
“No fucking way!” He got out and flipped me on my back, handling me with force and anger, but still making sure I was OK. How did de know I liked it this rough?
“What are you doing?” I asked him when he got up from the bed, walking over to the same drawer and searching for something in it. He ripped open a condom’s package, sliding it quickly on his member as he positioned himself between my legs.
“There’s no way I’ll control myself through this one.” He said almost defeated, biting his lip as he got back inside, looking at me, proud of the mess that I became. “Are you OK, princess?” He asked me while thrusting slowly and I just nodded while breathing heavily, little moans escaping here and there.
“Big guy?” I asked sheepishly, playing the innocent card again. I knew he couldn’t resist the innocent Mabel. He threw me a curious look.
“Mhm?” He groaned as the thrusts got faster and harder, making me pull the handcuffs and try to squeeze my legs again. I waited for the pace to be close to maximum and for the tension to build up again before saying the magic words: “You’re excused.”
That was all he needed. His mouth spread in a naughty smile, holding my legs with one hand while the other started rubbing my clit, making me frown and open my mouth.
“Cum on me, Mabel!” He said out of breath as we both moaned and finished at the same time. I couldn’t believe where life brought me. The sex was so good that I started catching feelings, way stronger than before.
After we caught our breaths, we smiled to each other as he removed himself from between my legs, taking the condom off on his way to the bathroom. I carefully got up and started walking toward the bathroom, but I bumped into the most handsome man in the hallway. He offered me the pack of wet wipes.
“Thank you, beautiful, but I need to pee.” I said happily and he just nodded and stood aside so that I had enough space to pass. He slapped my ass and followed me.
We cuddled in bed after cleaning ourselves, laughing and kissing gently like we were the happiest newly weds on our honeymoon.
“We’ll figure everything out tomorrow. Let’s just sleep.” I talked to him softly, brushing his cheek with my fingers while he was holding me tightly wrapped in his arms. We shifted so his head rested on my bare chest, falling asleep only in our underwear, in his cocoon. I wanted to move in with him the next day, but our relationship was impossible at least until I turned 18. What were we?
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theragnarokd · 5 months
kidfic snippet that i will probably not put in the actual fic (dirkjake, R, some teenage sexuality mentions):
Dirk puts it down and sighs. “Sorry, dude. I’m kind of useless unless you want to get your cock sucked or fight me.”
He’s expecting Jake to either spout platitudes or stammer, not to say, “Fight?” with a startled, hopeful look.
Well, shit. Dirk is no kind of teacher, but he knows how to throw a punch and how to take one, and he does his best to impart this knowledge. 
“No, don’t hold your hand like that, you’ll break your thumb,” Dirk says. He folds Jake’s hand in the correct position, then stands in front of Jake and flexes his biceps. “Go on, give me your best shot.”
“I can’t hit you!” Jake says, flustered.
Dirk snorts. “Trust me, I can take it.” He even waggles his eyebrows a bit.
Except that seems to take all the energy out of Jake, deflating him like a pricked balloon. “I know,” he says, low. “I’d rather not add to that tally.”
It takes Dirk a moment to understand what the fuck he means. “Dude, this isn’t the same. Like, at all.”
“It would still be hitting you!” Jake returns, heated. “Excuse me for not wanting to rough up my friends!”
Dirk sighs, exasperated. “You wanted to fight. What did you expect to happen?”
“I don’t know!” Jake throws his hands up. “Just, fisticuffs I guess? Not punching people!”
“What,” Dirk asks slowly, “do you think fisticuffs <i>are</i>? They have <i>fist</i> right in the name, man, I don’t know what to tell you.”
Jake flushes viciously and mumbles something.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Grappling,” Jake blurts, flush deepening. “I wasn’t thinking at the time, alright? But at least that wouldn’t entail bruises or anything broken.”
Dirk decides to leave aside exactly how much damage one can do with grappling, and gets Jake in a headlock. Not too tight, but tight enough that Jake can’t just squirm out. 
Weird, to do this with someone Dirk’s own age. Jake is shorter than him, but his shoulders are broader. The smell of Jake’s soap and shampoo are familiar, the same ones Dirk has been using, but under it there’s something else.
It has been a <i>really</i> long time since Dirk last sucked cock, and honestly he kinda misses it. 
That’s not what Jake wants from him, though. “Try to get out,” Dirk says.
Jake squirms valiantly, muscles moving under golden skin. Dirk is grateful as fuck he doesn’t get visible erections. Finally, Jake says, “You seem– ugh, to have the better of me.” He taps Dirk’s thigh twice. “I yield, good sir.”
Jake curls around himself like a pill bug as soon as Dirk pulls away. Frowning, Dirk asks, “Did I hurt you?”
“None whatsoever.” Jake’s voice is practically squeaky. “I’ll be right as rain in another moment!”
Dirk’s eyes sweep over him methodically, just in case Jake is trying to protect some kind of macho pride bullshit, and stop at the realization that Jake’s crossing his legs in an extremely awkward way. Either he really needs to pee, or… “Are you into me?” Dirk asks, incredulous.
“How is this a surprise in any way, shape, or form?” Jake demands. 
“I did try to suck your dick.” Dirk has to point this out. “You said no.”
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Smite My Enemies
Part 1
Pairing: Nesta x Cassian
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: smut!
Summary: Nesta summons a creature to obliterate her enemies, but quickly finds another use for the demon that appears.
Part 2
* * * * *
Nesta set down the chalk, eyeing the symbols she’d drawn on the concrete floor. One mistake, and she could end up as dinner. Or worse.
It wasn’t her first time doing a summoning. She’d called quite a few ghosts, since the poor things were harmless. Though her first attempt taught her the finer points of protective circles. The specter had tried to inhabit her body before Nesta managed to grab the salt.
The carving took her two weeks, but it was worth it for the sense of security in having a permanent protective circle. The only area of concern was her individual summoning symbols, which had to be done in chalk, or some other removable substance. Summonings were one-time-only spells, after all. No shortcuts for the lazy.
Fortunately, Nesta was too well-disciplined to mind. She took pride in being one of the most adept at her craft. Nesta was gifted in a way that most witches could only dream of. But even beyond her power, she was more ruthless, more professional, and more determined than the others. It gave her no short supply of enemies.
Nesta slipped her shoes off by her workbench, collecting an armful of dark candles. She set them around the circle, followed by careful patterns of stones between them. One could never be too careful with demons. And Nesta planned on summoning one of the most powerful that night. She planned on setting a memorable example for any other witches who wanted her head.
The best examples were bloody, Nesta thought with a grin.
She did one final check of the symbols before sitting at the base of the circle, her toes a scant inch from the edge. She hummed softly, snapping her fingers to illuminate all of the candles at once. Immediately, her skin began to buzz. Generations of Archeron women had cast their spells within the house, layering the wards around it and adding their power to the foundations. It lent additional strength to every spell, every hex and ward and summoning. And the feel of it, like a cat curling around her feet, never failed to send a thrill up Nesta’s spine. She blinked, watching the flames jump in response. Connected to the summoning and its circle, she threw her head back and began her incantations.
When she finished, Nesta sucked in a desperate breath, chest heaving from exertion. Already, she was coated in a thin layer of sweat, her body hot from the magic coursing through her veins. She clapped her hands together, and the energy in the room crackled in response, forming a bead of blood-red light in the center of the circle. It spread quickly, tracing over her carved runes and chalk markings, until the ruby glow was brighter than the light of her candles. Then, like a breath of wind had been expelled, the flames were extinguished, leaving Nesta bathed in that strange light.
Along with a dark, hunched figure at the center of her circle.
Nesta watched with bated breath as two membranous wings expanded, stretching the width of her carvings. In the shadows, she glimpsed tangled hair and curling horns. A long, slim tail snaked around its legs, almost serpentine. Its skin gleamed bronze, like a statue come to life.
“Lady Death, why do you call?” the demon asked, its voice rasping over her skin. She shivered at the glimpse of fangs.
“I have need of your services,” she said.
“My services?” The demon lifted its head, straightening its body from a crouch. His body, she mentally corrected, accounting for the considerable member between his legs. He was easily twice her size, his muscular thighs as wide as tree trunks, his biceps as big as her head. His chest, she mused, was the size of a dinner table. More than adequate. Nesta wondered if this demon was overkill, being sent to murder a simpering witch. He seemed far more suited to battlefields, to war with the gods themselves.
But looking at that prodigious length, Nesta supposed she didn’t mind. Perhaps he could kill the witch and then come back so she could look at him for a while. She could pleasure herself to the sight of him. Surely a demon wouldn’t mind.
As though he could sense her thoughts, the demon chuckled. “What is my task?” he asked. “Or am I to remain here, in your cage?”
Nesta smirked, tilting her head to consider him. Perhaps, she mused, she should pleasure herself first, and let him kill the witch later. She watched his wings flex, and the way his length twitched with them. Nesta licked her lips. “What is your name?” she asked. That massive cock was easily the length of her forearm, and not even hard yet. Had she ever seen a male so large?
“Cassian,” the demon replied, stepping forward until his toes reached the boundary she’d carved. Nesta scrambled to her feet, not wanting him to look down at her like something powerless. She was not weak, though her knees wobbled when she saw his penis was rapidly thickening.
“Cassian,” she rolled the name around her mouth, tilting her chin up to look him in the eyes. But his gaze was fixed on her breasts, on the pointed tips teasing at the fabric of her dress. Nesta smirked, watching his irises flash from hazel to ruby and back again. “I called you to make an example of my enemy,” she started, walking around the summoning circle. Cassian turned to keep his eyes on her while she inspected him. The round globes of his ass caught and held her attention, and her grin widened. “But I find that I wish for one more task, as well.”
The demon snarled, exposing sharp canines. “I am no servant. I will perform one task, as required by the summoning.”
“Oh, but the second thing is hardly work,” Nesta purred. “I simply want you to sit there and watch.” Cassian froze, wings flexing again, as Nesta tugged her dress over her head, letting it puddle on the floor. She stepped over it, utterly naked, until she was standing in front of the demon once more. She watched his eyes turn red and stay that way, fixed on the cleft between her thighs. His tail whipped, agitated. “Is this such a difficult task?” Nesta asked.
Cassian’s jaw clenched, but he remained silent as Nesta sat down again, spreading her thighs wide enough that every inch was exposed to his gaze. The demon could hardly lie, not when his member was bobbing upwards. “Lady Death, you have no other requests?”
“You are to stay there until I am ready for you to smite my enemies,” Nesta breathed, running one finger the length of her slit. Each movement tugged on the demon’s cock, as though an invisible string connected them. “You may do what you wish until I am finished.”
Cassian crouched slowly, bringing his face as close to her exposed cunt as he possibly could. “And what if I wish to touch you, mistress? To taste you?” He growled, watching her draw circles on her sensitive flesh. “To take you?”
“Perhaps you should ask nicely,” Nesta said with a laugh. The sound melted into a low moan when she dipped her finger into her heat.
It wasn’t enough, she thought, panting. How could her hand ever be enough, when there was a perfectly serviceable substitute two feet away. Separated by nothing but glowing runes, Nesta sank two fingers deep inside herself, watching as the demon wrapped one massive hand around his length, stroking himself in time to her slow thrusts.
“Harder,” Cassian demanded, tightening his fist around his head. Her eyes narrowed in on the movement, spotting the bead of precum before the demon smeared his thumb through it.
“No,” Nesta said sweetly, stopping to curl her fingers inside her. Her eyes rolled back, luxuriating in the stimulation as well as the demon’s fierce snarl. She ground her palm against her clit for good measure.
When she opened her eyes again, Nesta grinned at the sight of Cassian gripping his base and glaring at her. “Harder,” he repeated. “Or I’ll break your pathetic wards and do it myself.”
“You forget, Cassian, that the wards only work one way,” she teased, setting a much slower pace than before. “That means I can reach through to touch you, but not the other way around. Threats are hardly a good incentive.”
Cassian growled, pumping himself with one hand as though compelled to follow her pace. His other fist lashed out, bouncing off her protective circle, which had formed a wall of hard air to prevent his escape. Nesta simply laughed, adding a third finger. “What do you want?” the demon asked, desire darkening his tone.
Nesta watched him—the gleaming blocks of muscle, the sharp fangs between plush lips, the slick now coating his shaft and fingers—and she wanted. “I want your cock to rearrange my insides,” she breathed. Cassian groaned, his hand moving faster, in time with her own. “I want your fangs buried in my neck while you’re balls deep.”
The demon clenched his jaw, teeth flashing at her in a silent snarl. She complied, speeding up even more. Cassian threw his head back, huffing like a racehorse. His low groan set her blood on fire. “What else?”
Nesta’s smile sharpened, bright as a dagger. “I want to tie you up and make you leak all over yourself,” she said, filled with vicious satisfaction at how the demon was unraveling. “I want to milk you until you’re begging me to stop.”
Cassian grunted, body jerking suddenly, and then he was spurting his release. Thick white stripes landed on his abdomen, all the way to his chest, which heaved from exertion. Cassian’s eyes locked onto hers, their ruby hue intensifying as he twitched and groaned. She watched him, mouth dry, but his impossible length didn’t seem to shrink or soften. If anything, he appeared harder than before, a little vein throbbing on the underside and demanding to be licked. She grinned, slipping her fingers out and up to circle her clit.
The demon’s nostrils flared. “My mistress has not finished,” he said, not quite a question. He leaned forward on his knees, fingertips just brushing the edge of the wards. “Can I be of assistance?”
Nesta bit back a moan, rubbing fast and furious over her sensitive nub. “Do I look stupid?” she gasped out, thighs trembling as she approached the precipice. “You’re a demon. I’m not releasing the wards so you can eat me out. You might actually eat me.”
“Perhaps next time you will have more faith in me,” Cassian said, a smirk curling over his lips like smoke. His tail curled, the end twitching like a cat’s. “I swear to come when you call.”
Nesta arched her back slightly, so close it ached. But she couldn’t quite get there. She sobbed through her teeth, plunging three fingers back into her slick channel. Her other hand worked at her breast, plucking at the tender tip.
The demon watched all the while, ignoring his cock bobbing for attention. Instead, Cassian lowered his face even further, until his nose was mere inches from her heat. He blew softly, and to Nesta’s surprise, the wards allowed the air to pass through and tease her pussy. She hissed, and Cassian did it again, warm breath hitting damp skin.
“You smell,” he said, pausing on a ragged inhale. “Delicious.”
Her stomach clenched, and Nesta swallowed harshly, absorbed in the sight of the demon’s dark head and curling horns between her thighs. She could almost imagine him passing through the wards to devour her. Teeth and tongue and claws, all focused on wringing pleasure from her. Nesta whimpered, hips writhing desperately.
“Come through the wards, little witch,” Cassian growled. “I just want a taste.”
And despite her better judgement, Nesta was too needy to refuse. She withdrew her hand and thrust her hips forward, just enough for Cassian’s mouth to latch onto her pussy. She discovered his forked tongue when it flickered over her clit, then plunged deep into her cunt, long enough to reach farther than her fingers could. He was rough, wild, greedy. Cassian swallowed every last drop of arousal, as though he’d been starved for centuries. And perhaps he had.
Nesta had never been the subject of such fierce hunger. Never had any male feasting between her thighs with such wild abandon. The edge approached so quickly, she screamed. Her body hurtled into the strongest orgasm she’d ever experienced, her fingers digging into the cement beneath her bowed form.
The demon slowed slightly, tongue curling gently against her walls. He kissed her clit, then wrapped his lips around it and sucked hard. Her throat closed up, and she plunged back into pleasure once more.
When she finally surfaced, Nesta blinked up at the basement ceiling. She craned her neck to see Cassian caressing her inner thighs. He hadn’t eaten her after all, she marveled. At least, not in the bloody sense. Nesta scrambled back, pulling her body to the safe side of the protection circle.
The demon grinned, “Still don’t trust me?”
“Not today,” she laughed lightly. But the demon’s stiff member caught and held her attention. “Perhaps you should come back tomorrow.”
“I’ll be sure to ask nicely,” Cassian purred. “Now, who do I need to kill for you, Queen of Queens?”
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doodle-do-wop · 2 years
Takes pace during Gallagher
Tina and Mick because of course it bloody is
Mick groaned as the pins and needles feeling crept further up her arm and she decided it was time to move Courtney. She gently lifted her resting head and leaned her over to Eva who took her friend into her arms with her eyes still glued to the TV. 
They had been watching mostly ‘family friendly horror’ movies like The Addams Family and Hocus Pocus(which was apparently Tina’s favorite) but it had been Kim and Eva, the two biggest horror and monster fans who insisted on watching a slasher film. Since most of their classmates had fallen asleep and some upperclassmen that were still around added to the vote, Mick watched the beginnings of Scream 2. 
She wasn’t too terrified of slasher films, sure jump-scares, cheap or not still cause the popcorn bowl to jump in her hands but when you live with 5 brothers(two of which insist you’re still no older than six and the other three that like to ‘catch up on missed holidays’) a girl learns to roll with the punches of Halloween horror. 
So when the building, eerie suspense and silence started Mick knew to put the popcorn bowl down or risk tossing whatever kernels were left at the upperclassmen behind her.  She swaddled herself deeper into the itchy wool sweater and warm thick blankets and looked around the 8th grade common room. 
Cammie was partially watching the movie and partially holding up Liz who was out cold(first to fall asleep as always) and kept slipping off the couch. Bex was on Liz’s other side, doing what seemed to be the most effort in keeping Liz on the couch while watching the movie with wide eyes. Alone in the loveseat, Kim Lee was practically on the edge of the cushion, mouthing the words spoken on screen softly to herself as Anna clung to her legs and kept her eyes shut tight, holding Kim’s hand and waiting for the oncoming jumpscare to be over. 
The rest of their class was down on the floor with Mick, Courtney, and Eva. Shifting around in the sea of blankets they had stripped from their beds and brought over, indenting on lasting the entire night watching movies or knocking out on the common room floor trying. 
Mick brushed some crumbs from her blanket and then picked up her abandoned spider ring and looked over at the mastermind of the event. 
Tina Walters was on her left at the edge of the light coming from the screen, her hair curtained her face and she was still in her cocoon of blankets. Mick wouldn’t blame her if she fell asleep before the end of her own party. According to Eva and Kim she had all but talked their ears clean off planning the Halloween event and very obviously using a flashlight after Lights Out to keep scribbling in her journal or diary or whatever she had used to plan. Mick figured she just used the backs of her mother’s gossip magazines, writing her crazy schemes next to her mother’s latest coded drama(who knew Leonardo DiCaprio owned that many mugs, and Mick thought her dad had a mug problem). 
Mick jumped and looked over at the screen as the leading girl’s scream blasted through the lowered volume of the TV. Eva snorted and looked over at her from atop of Courtney’s curls, her hands raised just enough for Mick to see her signing. 
“How’s the head?” She whispered and Mick took a moment to try and see if she had somehow heard wrong or if Eva’s broken ASL needed a quick correction. 
“What?” Mick whispered back, leaning closer and Eva’s mischievous grin grew wider. 
“Since you hit the ceiling when you jumped.” She teased and Mick groaned, shoving her face away as Eva tried to keep her giggles as silent as possible. Mick huffed and scooted closer to Tina’s sleeping form and crossed her arms defiantly, glaring at the movie with full attention, ready to not jump or flinch or scream at the next scare. 
She dug her fingers into her own biceps as the underscore picked up, she knew it was coming, she just had to stay calm when it happened. Gallagher Girls of the past would probably sleep like a baby through a simple slasher film if they were here now, Mick would bet her whole week’s allowance that Headmistress Morgan could face a million jumpscares and not move or startle. 
Mick glanced over at Cammie who was currently struggling with Bex to shuffle Liz around so she was distracted again when another blood curdling scream made Mick jump again. 
She gasped as she felt two hands grab at her, she nearly screamed when she turned her head around quickly to see Tina pressed against her side, eyes shut tight and her hands clinging to her arm like a lifeline. 
Mick’s eyes went wide for a whole new reason now as she whispered in the dark as Eva and Kim made strangling noises to mimic those on screen. 
“Tina? Are you awake?” Mick asked softly and Mick could see her mouth move, watched as her lips parted and she spoke but Mick couldn’t pick up her words over the noise from Eva and Kim and the TV. 
“What?” Mick asked as she leaned in closer, turning so her shoulders hid them better from any peering eyes. 
Mick reached forward and gently brushed her hair away from her face and looked at Tina in the eyes. Tina looked up at her, she opened her mouth to repeat but she paused and then turned her gaze down, she detached her hands from Mick’s arm and began to sign.
I’m sorry
Tina looked up at her and Mick tilted her head, waiting for her to continue but Tina jumped as another scream broke through whatever enchantment they were under. Tina’s grip on Mick’s arm tightened and Mick winced a little. Tina hid her face in Mick’s shoulder and shut her eyes tight and Mick glanced at the screen. She looked back down at Tina who cracked her eyes open just a little only to shut them again as soon as she looked at the TV. 
Mick blinked as the two dots in her mind connected and she gently shook her arm free of Tina’s hold, Tina quickly removed her hand and set them down in her lap. She turned away but then looked back at Mick as Mick draped her blanket over Tina’s head. Mick looked at the screen ahead and she felt Tina rest her head on her shoulder, she huddled close and Mick kept quiet.
She made no remark or comment whenever Tina jumped or when she let out small squeaks when a scare got her. 
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susantaylor01 · 11 days
How to Remove Underarm Fat
Upper limb fat, particularly the fat found beneath the armpits, also commonly known as ‘armpit fat’, is a prevalent concern among many. Loss of fat is localized and can at times be very difficult to address but if the reasons are known and the right exercises followed accompanied by some changes in the diet, then there is success in underarm fat loss. This article seeks to establish the causes of armpit fat and offers a workout directory and yoga positions to help minimize armpit fat.
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A) What are Some of the Factors that Lead to Accumulation of Armpit Fat?
Armpit fat can accumulate due to several factors, including:
Hormones: It is a fact that hormonal changes may determine the fat distribution all over the body but most drastically in women and it can occur in some areas such as the underarms. For instance, some women develop fat storage specifically around the breasts and the underarms because of estrogen dominance.
Lymphedema: Lymphedema describes a state where there is an abnormal increase of lymphatic fluid and this results in swelling of the arms and the part around the underarm. These can give what looks like armpit fat.
Axillary Fat: Axillary fat is widely referred to as adipose tissue which may form in the region between the arm and the bust line. This fat deposit is rather refractory and tends to be more marked in subjects with higher gross fat stores, and in those who have undergone considerable weight loss. Another cause of axillary fat can be the existence of extra lobules of breast tissue and this is also normal.
Posture: When one sits or stands in a slumped position with rounded shoulders and forward head, head, the underarm appears to be bigger. Doing so, also affects muscle balance and this, with time, leads to accumulation of fats in the region.
Weight: Obesity is the main cause of the deposit of fats that are stored in the underarms and other body areas. When total body fat is high, fats accumulate in areas such as the underarms thereby making them massive.
B) How Should We Avoid It?
In essence, the elimination and reduction of underarm fat is done through specific exercises, weight loss, and improvement of one's lifestyle. Here’s a guide to effective exercises:
1) Exercises Without Weights
It is beneficial to engage in body weight exercises by reducing fat accumulation on the underarm region and in the process the muscles begin to be toned.
Push Up: It engages the chest, triceps and shoulder and is recommended if you want to tone the skin of your underarm portion. You start in a plank position, you lower your body until your chest touches the ground, then push your body up.
Arm Circles: Arm circles are another basic yet very effective exercise for the shoulder and the arm muscles. Place your hands by your side, raise your arms to shoulder level and make circular movements in front of your body starting anti-clockwise and clockwise.
Cat-Cow: This yoga pose will correct the posture and will also reshape the muscles around the shoulder and chest. Sit on your knees, arch your back into a “cat” position, then lower the abdomen and lift your head into the “cow” position.
Mountain Climbers: Start on the plank position and then switch legs in a running position drawing each knee towards the chest. This is a good exercise that covers the whole body but involves the abdomen, shoulders, and arm muscles.
2) Exercises With Weights
Using weights during exercise can also help one achieve added improvements to tone muscle and reduce fat in the underarm region.
Bicep Curls: The feet should be shoulder-width apart while holding a dumbbell in both hands. Curl the weights up towards your shoulders, then let the weights come back down, with emphasis on the biceps.
Dumbbell Flyes: Lie on the bench holding the dumbbells at a point in line with the collar bone, with the palms facing each other. Take the weights to the sides provided your elbows are slightly bent and then take them back up again.
Overhead Tricep Extension: Take a dumbbell in each of your hands standing or sitting with your arms in the upward position. Lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows and then return the weights to the top position.
3) Yoga Poses
Some opinions state that through the help of practicing yoga, it would be possible to tone the muscles and make the underarm area less fatty.
Bhujang Sanchalan (Arm Rotation): This pose makes the arms rotate in circles and this is excellent for shoulders and upper arms.
Ardha Purvottanasana (Table Top): Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, hands should be behind you and your fingers pointed downwards. Lift your hips to a position that resembles a ‘table’ using the shoulders and triceps muscles.
Ardha Pincha Mayurasan (Dolphin Pose): The first position is forming the downward dog position after which lower your forearms to the floor. This pose is very beneficial to burn fat as it targets the shoulders and the upper arm region.
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Reducing underarm fat, including stubborn axillary fat, requires a combination of targeted exercises, overall weight management, and lifestyle modifications. Understanding the factors contributing to fat accumulation, such as hormonal imbalances, lymphedema, poor posture, and excess weight, is crucial in addressing the issue effectively. By incorporating bodyweight exercises, weighted exercises, and yoga poses into your fitness routine, you can tone the muscles around the underarm and axillary areas, leading to a more defined and sculpted appearance. Consistency in your efforts, along with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, will yield the best results in achieving and maintaining a toned physique.
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thexptcom · 1 month
Building Stronger Arms: Essential Gym Equipment for Effective Workouts
When it comes to achieving a well-rounded and muscular physique, strong arms are often at the top of the list. Whether you’re aiming to increase your strength, enhance your appearance, or boost your athletic performance, working on your arms is essential. At TheXPT.com, we understand the importance of effective arm workouts and the role that the right gym equipment plays in achieving your fitness goals. In this article, we'll explore the best gym equipment for arm exercises, how to use them correctly, and tips to maximize your gains.
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#### Why Focus on Arm Workouts?
Arms are not just for show—they’re crucial for functional strength. Strong arms can improve your performance in other exercises, sports, and daily activities. Whether you're lifting heavy objects, playing sports, or even performing household chores, your arm muscles are heavily involved. Additionally, well-developed biceps and triceps contribute to a balanced and aesthetically pleasing upper body.
#### Essential Gym Equipment for Arm Workouts
**1. Dumbbells**
Dumbbells are a staple in any gym and for a good reason. They offer versatility and allow for a wide range of motion, making them ideal for targeting different parts of the arm muscles. With dumbbells, you can perform exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and hammer curls. The key is to start with a weight that you can handle comfortably and gradually increase the load as your strength improves.
**2. Barbells**
Barbells are excellent for building mass and strength in your arms. They enable you to lift heavier weights than dumbbells, which is crucial for progressive overload—a key principle in muscle growth. Exercises like barbell curls and close-grip bench presses effectively target your biceps and triceps, respectively. Ensure that your form is correct to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout.
**3. Cable Machines**
Cable machines are fantastic for adding variety to your arm workouts. They provide constant tension throughout the entire range of motion, which can help stimulate muscle growth more effectively than free weights alone. For instance, tricep pushdowns and cable curls are great exercises that can be done using a cable machine. Adjust the pulleys to different heights to target different angles of the muscles.
**4. Resistance Bands**
Resistance bands are often underestimated but are highly effective for arm workouts. They’re portable, easy to use, and provide variable resistance depending on the band’s tension. Exercises like bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and band pull-aparts can be performed anywhere, making them an excellent option for both gym and home workouts. Incorporating resistance bands into your routine can also help improve your muscle endurance and stability.
**5. EZ Curl Bars**
The EZ curl bar is designed to reduce strain on your wrists and elbows during bicep and tricep exercises. The curved grip positions your hands in a more natural angle, which can help prevent injury and allow for a more comfortable workout. Use the EZ curl bar for bicep curls and skull crushers to target your arm muscles effectively while minimizing joint stress.
**6. Tricep Dips Station**
The tricep dips station is another essential piece of gym equipment for building strong arms. Dips primarily target the triceps but also engage the shoulders and chest muscles. For a more challenging workout, add weight using a dip belt or perform dips on parallel bars. Ensure you maintain proper form to avoid injury and focus on controlled movements.
#### Maximizing Your Arm Workouts
**1. Focus on Form**
Proper form is crucial for preventing injuries and ensuring that you’re targeting the right muscles. Avoid using momentum to lift the weights; instead, focus on slow, controlled movements. Engage your core and keep your back straight during exercises to maintain stability.
**2. Progressive Overload**
To build muscle, you need to gradually increase the resistance you’re working against. This can be done by increasing the weight, the number of sets and reps, or the intensity of your workouts. Keep track of your progress and aim to challenge yourself with each session.
**3. Incorporate Variety**
Your muscles can adapt to repetitive exercises, which may lead to plateaus in your progress. To avoid this, incorporate a variety of exercises and equipment into your routine. This will keep your workouts challenging and ensure that all parts of your arm muscles are being worked effectively.
**4. Don’t Forget Recovery**
Recovery is just as important as the workout itself. Ensure you’re getting enough rest between sessions, staying hydrated, and fueling your body with the right nutrients. Incorporating stretching and foam rolling can also help improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.
#### Conclusion
Strong, well-defined arms are within your reach with the right approach and equipment. By incorporating dumbbells, barbells, cable machines, resistance bands, EZ curl bars, and tricep dips stations into your routine, you’ll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals. Remember, consistency is key—stay committed to your workouts, and don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. At TheXPT.com, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your fitness journey.
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fitqworkout · 2 months
What is a good 7-day workout routine for the gym?
A well-organized 7-day workout plan can be the key to reaching your fitness objectives, whether you're wanting to overhaul your existing routine or jumpstart your fitness journey. A well-rounded exercise program that targets several muscle groups and combines cardio and strength training is crucial, regardless of your fitness objectives—whether they be to gain muscle, increase endurance, shed pounds, or just maintain an active lifestyle. Here is a sample 7-day training schedule that may be tailored to your fitness level and specific needs. It covers all the elements.
Day 1: Chest and Triceps
- Bench press: 4 sets x 8-12 reps
- Incline dumbbell press: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
- Tricep dips: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
- Tricep overhead extension: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
Day 2: Back and Biceps
- Deadlifts: 4 sets x 6-10 reps
- Pull-ups: 3 sets x failure
- Seated rows: 3 sets x 10-12 reps
- Bicep curls: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
Day 3: Shoulders
- Military press: 4 sets x 8-12 reps
- Lateral raises: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
- Front raises: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
- Rear delt flyes: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
Day 4: Legs
- Squats: 4 sets x 8-12 reps
- Lunges: 3 sets x 10-12 reps per leg
- Leg press: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
- Leg curls: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
Day 5: Cardio
- 30 minutes on the treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike
- HIIT workout (e.g., sprints, burpees, jumping jacks)
Day 6: Full Body
- Compound exercises (e.g., deadlifts, squats, bench press) targeting major muscle groups
- Bodyweight exercises (e.g., push-ups, planks, lunges)
Day 7: Rest
- Take a day off and relax to let your body to heal and mend its muscles. - Take into account stretching and yoga as forms of active healing.
Tips for a successful workout routine:
1. To prevent injuries and enhance performance, warm up before each workout. This is a key to a successful fitness regimen. 2. To get the best results and avoid injuries, concentrate on using correct form and technique. 3. Use progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight, repetitions, or sets. 4. To complement your workouts, fuel your body with nutritious foods and drink enough of water. 5. Pay attention to your body and modify the frequency and intensity of your workouts as necessary.
Recall that the secret to getting the most out of your exercise creator is consistency. It's crucial to pay attention to your body, make reasonable goals, and remain dedicated to your fitness quest. Getting advice from a personal trainer or fitness expert can also help you create an exercise program that is customized to your needs and goals. With commitment and diligence, a well-rounded 7-day gym training program can help you be a stronger, healthier, and happier version of yourself.
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matboard · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Great Strength Trainer
It takes more than just lifting weights to gain muscle mass in strength training. It’s a complex approach to fitness that includes knowledge of technique, anatomy, motivation, and nutrition. This guide will assist you in becoming an excellent strength trainer, regardless of your level of expertise or desire to develop. Now let’s get down to business!
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Understanding Strength Training
What Is Strength Training?
Exercises aimed at enhancing strength and endurance are part of strength training, also referred to as resistance training. It involves bodyweight exercises, resistance band training, and weightlifting. Your muscles should be forced to adapt in order to become stronger.
The Importance of Strength Training
It is essential to strength train for general health. It enhances bone density, speeds up metabolism, and increases muscle mass. It also helps with weight management and improves athletic performance. Additionally, it can help you avoid accidents and enhance your balance and posture.
Setting Clear Goals
Why Goals Matter
Strength training requires the establishment of specific, attainable goals. You get motivation and direction from your goals. Whether your goal is to gain strength, reduce fat, or gain muscle, setting clear goals will help you stay motivated and track your progress.
How to Set Effective Goals
Specific: Clearly state your goals and objectives. Say “I want to bench press 200 pounds” rather than “I want to get stronger.”
Measurable: Make sure you can monitor your objective. Counting the repetitions and weight lifted, for instance.
Achievable: Considering your present level of fitness, choose a reasonable target. The secret is to progress gradually.
Relevant: Ensure that your objective fits in with your unique requirements and interests.
Time-bound: Give yourself a deadline to reach your objective, such as six months to lift 200 pounds.
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Building a Balanced Workout Routine
Components of a Good Routine
Compound exercises are a part of a well-balanced strength training regimen since they target several muscle groups simultaneously. Bench presses, deadlifts, and squats are a few examples.
Exercises for Isolation: These focus on particular muscles. Bicep curls and tricep extensions are two examples.
Exercises for the Core: Stability and strength in general depend on a strong core. Incorporate exercises such as Russian twists and planks.
Flexibility and Mobility: To improve range of motion and guard against injuries, use stretches and mobility exercises.
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Structuring Your Workouts
Aim for three to four strength training sessions every week.
Intensity: Choose a weight that pushes you but doesn’t interfere with good form. For muscle growth, 8–12 repetitions per set are generally beneficial.
Rest: Give your muscles enough time to recover in between workouts. It is often advised to wait 48 hours between sessions that target the same muscle area.
Mastering Proper Technique
Why Technique Matters
By using proper technique, you may avoid injuries and make sure the right muscles are being worked. You may lift more weights and get better outcomes with it as well.
Tips for Perfecting Technique
Start Light: Before increasing in weight, master proper form by starting with lesser weights.
Keep an eye on your posture to prevent rounding your back and to maintain correct alignment.
Use Whole Range of Motion: To get the most benefit, perform each exercise to the fullest extent possible.
Engage Your Core: When engaging in activities, keep your core strong to support your spine and enhance stability.
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Nutrition for Strength Training
The Role of Nutrition
Strength training is heavily reliant on nutrition. It helps with muscle growth and recuperation and provide the energy required for exercise.
Key Nutritional Components
Protein: Required for the growth and repair of muscles. Incorporate sources such as beans, seafood, eggs, and lean meats.
Energy for exercise is provided by carbohydrates. Make full grain, fruit, and vegetable choices.
Fats: Essential to overall health and hormone production. Add avocados, almonds, and seeds as sources of healthful fats.
Hydration: To maintain your fluids and help your muscles work properly, drink lots of water.
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Sample Meal Plan
Greek yogurt topped with fruit and oats for breakfast.
Lunch consists of quinoa, steamed veggies, and grilled chicken breast.
Supper consists of baked salmon, sweet potatoes, and a green salad.
Snacks: Fruit, nuts, or protein shake.
Recovery and Rest
The Importance of Recovery
Exercises alone are not as crucial as recovery. It enables the strengthening and healing of your muscles.
Effective Recovery Strategies
Sleep: For optimal health and muscle repair, aim for 7–9 hours of good sleep per night.
Active Recovery: To increase blood flow and flexibility, do gentle exercises like yoga or walking on your days off.
Stretching: Include stretches to increase range of motion and lessen tenseness in your muscles.
Massage and Foam Rolling: To reduce muscle strain and speed up healing, have a massage or use foam rollers.
Staying Motivated
Finding Your Motivation
It can be difficult to maintain motivation, particularly when things are going slowly. Find your motivation and remember it.
Tips for Maintaining Motivation
Track Your Progress: Utilize apps or a workout diary to keep track of your progress.
Mix It Up: To keep your body challenged and avoid monotony, switch up your training routine.
Find a Workout Partner: Working out with a friend can boost motivation and increase enjoyment.
Celebrate Your Success: Give yourself a reward for reaching any kind of goal, no matter how tiny.
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Avoiding Common Mistakes
Mistakes to Watch Out For
Ignoring the Warm-Up: Warming up lowers your chance of injury and gets your body ready for activities.
Overtraining: Burnout and injury can result from training too frequently without recovery.
Ignoring Form: Ineffective technique can impede progress and lead to injury.
Ignoring Nutrition: For the best possible performance and recovery, a healthy diet is necessary.
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How to Avoid These Mistakes
Adhere to a Well-Designed Workout Plan: To guarantee balanced training and prevent overtraining, utilize a well-designed workout plan.
Pay Attention to Your Body: Keep an eye out for symptoms of exhaustion or discomfort and modify your exercise regimen accordingly.
Seek Professional Advice: To understand correct procedures and develop a customized plan, think about collaborating with a licensed personal trainer.
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Excellent strength training demands commitment, expertise, and consistency. You can attain amazing results by focusing on nutrition, learning correct technique, creating a balanced routine, setting clear goals, and emphasizing recovery. Remain focused, steer clear of typical blunders, and pay attention to your body at all times. Strength training has the potential to be a fulfilling and life-changing activity if done correctly. Accept the adventure and relish the power you get as you go!
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deepeshfitness · 2 months
Top 5 Forearm Exercises and Beginner Workout Plan
Building strong, well-defined forearms is crucial for overall arm strength and aesthetics. To achieve this, incorporating effective forearm exercises into your workout routine is essential. Popular choices include hammer curls, wrist curls, farm walks, and reverse wrist curls. This guide provides an advanced workout plan for forearm training and tips on how to train your forearms effectively, including exercises with no equipment and a focus on increasing intensity. Let's dive in!
Top 5 Forearm Exercises for Beginners
Here are five essential forearm exercises to get you started:
1. Wrist Curls
   This exercise targets the forearm's flexor muscles, enhancing wrist flexibility and grip strength—key for weightlifting and racquet sports.
   - Hold a barbell or dumbbell with an underhand grip.
   - Sit on a bench, placing your forearms on your thighs with weights hanging over your knees.
   - Curl your wrists to lift the weights, then lower them slowly.
   - Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps with a challenging weight.
2. Reverse Wrist Curls
   This exercise focuses on the forearm extensor muscles, improving muscle balance and stability.
   - Use an overhand grip to hold a dumbbell or barbell.
   - Sit on a bench with your forearms on your thighs and weights hanging over your knees.
   - Extend your wrists to lift the weights, then lower them under control.
   - Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps with a challenging weight.
3. Hammer Curls
   Hammer curls work both the forearms and biceps, promoting balanced arm development and improved grip strength.
   - Hold dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other.
   - Stand with arms fully extended by your sides.
   - Curl the weights up towards your shoulders while keeping the neutral grip.
   - Lower the weights under control.
   - Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
4. Plate Pinch Holds
   This exercise enhances grip strength and finger agility, crucial for hand endurance.
   - Pinch two weight plates together with smooth sides facing outward.
   - Hold the plates between your fingers and thumbs with arms extended.
   - Maintain the hold for 30-60 seconds.
   - Repeat for 3 sets, gradually increasing the weight.
5. Farmer's Walk
   This functional exercise targets grip, forearm, and shoulder muscles, enhancing overall strength and stability.
   - Hold heavy dumbbells or kettlebells at your sides.
   - Walk for a specified distance or time while maintaining a firm grip.
   - Keep your shoulders back and chest up.
   - Perform 3 sets of 30-60 seconds each.
Advanced Forearm Workout Plan
This 12-week plan focuses on intensifying your forearm workout for improved strength and endurance. Increase the intensity and duration of exercises as you progress.
*Weeks 1-2*
- Day 1 Wrist Curls (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Day 2 Reverse Wrist Curls (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Day 3 Hammer Curls (3 sets of 8-10 reps)
Weeks 3-4
- Day 1 Plate Pinch Holds (3 sets, max duration)
- Day 2 Wrist Roller (3 sets of 1-2 rolls)
-Day 3 Towel Hangs (3 sets, max duration)
Weeks 5-6
- Day 1 Wrist Curls (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Day 2 Reverse Wrist Curls (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Day 3 Farmer's Walk (3 sets of 30-60 seconds)
Weeks 7-8
- Day 1 Hammer Curls (3 sets of 8-10 reps)
- Day 2 Plate Pinch Holds (3 sets, max duration)
- Day 3 Wrist Roller (3 sets of 1-2 rolls)
Weeks 9-10
- Day 1 Towel Hangs (3 sets, max duration)
- Day 2 Wrist Curls (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Day 3  Reverse Wrist Curls (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
Weeks 11-12
- Day 1 Farmer's Walk (3 sets of 30-60 seconds)
- Day 2 Plate Pinch Holds (3 sets, max duration)
- Day 3  Wrist Roller (3 sets of 1-2 rolls)
How to Train Forearms Effectively
1. **Exercise Selection:** Choose exercises that target both the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm. Wrist curls work flexors, while reverse curls target extensors.
2. Proper Form Maintain correct wrist alignment and avoid excessive momentum to maximize muscle engagement and reduce injury risk. Start with lighter weights to perfect your form before increasing the load.
3. Progressive Overload Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts by adjusting weights, reps, or sets to stimulate muscle growth and strength.
4. Grip Strength Training Incorporate exercises like farmer's walks that challenge your grip strength, which is closely linked to forearm development.
5. Frequency and Recovery: Train your forearms 2-3 times per week and ensure proper recovery to allow muscle repair and growth.
6. Listen to Your Body Pay attention to signs of overtraining or discomfort and adjust your training to avoid injuries and ensure steady progress.
Best Arm Exercises Without Equipment
Here are effective forearm exercises that don’t require any equipment:
- Push-Ups Engage multiple muscle groups, including the forearms. Variations like diamond push-ups can increase forearm activation.
- Triceps Dips: Focuses on the triceps while engaging the forearms. Maintain tension in the forearms throughout the movement.
- Diamond Push-Ups Emphasize the triceps and engage the forearms with hands close together.
- Arm Circles: Improve flexibility and mobility in the forearms. Perform in both directions for balanced muscle activation.
- Plank Shoulder Taps: Develop forearm strength and stability while stabilizing the core.
- Pike Push-Ups Target the shoulders and forearms. Ensure proper wrist alignment to prevent discomfort.
- Superman Pose Engage the forearms by squeezing fists tightly while holding the pose.
Expert Advice
To support your forearm training, focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated and practice mindful eating. Prioritize adequate rest and recovery to maximize the benefits of your training.
Incorporating a variety of forearm exercises into your routine can enhance strength, endurance, and overall performance. Consistent training with proper technique and gradual progression will lead to significant improvements. Challenge yourself with these exercises to achieve well-developed forearms.
1. What’s the best forearm workout?
   Combining wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and forearm rollers effectively strengthens both the flexor and extensor muscles.
2. How do I strengthen my forearms?
   Include exercises like deadlifts, pull-ups, farmer's walks, and wrist curls to build forearm strength and endurance.
3. Is 3 exercises enough for forearms?
   Three exercises can be effective if they target different forearm muscles. Ensure they provide sufficient stimulus for muscle growth.
4. What are the best forearm exercises for mass building?
   Wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, hammer curls, and farmer's walks are excellent for building forearm mass. Progressive overload is key to muscle growth.
About ToneOp Fit  
ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customized diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.
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muzziiros · 2 months
Ultimate Guide to Mass Building Arm Exercises: Sculpt Your Biceps and Triceps
Achieving impressive, well-defined arms is a goal for many fitness enthusiasts. If you're looking to build mass and sculpt your biceps and triceps, incorporating the right mass building arm exercises into your workout routine is essential. This guide will help you understand the best exercises, techniques, and tips to maximize your arm growth.
Why Focus on Arm Mass Building?
Focusing on arm mass building not only enhances your appearance but also improves your overall upper body strength. Strong arms contribute to better performance in various sports and daily activities, making them a crucial component of a balanced fitness regimen.
Top Mass Building Arm Exercises
Here are some of the most effective exercises to help you build massive arms:
1. Barbell Bicep Curls
Barbell bicep curls are a classic exercise for targeting the biceps. Using a barbell allows you to lift heavier weights, promoting greater muscle growth.
How to Perform: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the barbell with an underhand grip. Curl the barbell up towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Lower the barbell back down slowly.
Tip: Focus on the contraction at the top of the movement for maximum effectiveness.
2. Tricep Dips
Tricep dips are a compound exercise that targets the triceps, shoulders, and chest.
How to Perform: Use parallel bars or a bench. Lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push back up to the starting position.
Tip: Keep your body upright to emphasize the triceps more effectively.
3. Hammer Curls
Hammer curls work the brachialis muscle, which lies underneath the biceps, contributing to overall arm thickness.
How to Perform: Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Curl the weights up, keeping your elbows stationary.
Tip: Squeeze the muscles at the top of the curl to maximize the contraction.
4. Skull Crushers
Skull crushers are excellent for isolating the triceps and promoting muscle growth.
How to Perform: Lie on a bench with a barbell or EZ curl bar. Extend your arms straight up, then lower the weight towards your forehead by bending your elbows. Push the weight back up to the starting position.
Tip: Keep your elbows steady and avoid using your shoulders to lift the weight.
5. Concentration Curls
Concentration curls isolate the biceps, ensuring that they are the primary muscle worked during the exercise.
How to Perform: Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell in one hand. Rest your elbow on the inside of your thigh. Curl the weight up towards your shoulder, then lower it back down slowly.
Tip: Focus on maintaining a slow and controlled movement for better muscle engagement.
Tips for Maximizing Arm Muscle Growth
Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight you lift to continuously challenge your muscles.
Proper Form: Ensure you perform each exercise with correct form to prevent injuries and maximize effectiveness.
Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles time to recover by incorporating rest days into your routine.
Nutrition: Consume a balanced diet rich in protein to support muscle repair and growth.
Consistency: Stick to your workout routine and be patient. Building muscle takes time and dedication.
Incorporating these mass building arm exercises into your workout routine can lead to significant gains in arm size and strength. Remember to focus on form, gradually increase weights, and allow for adequate recovery. With dedication and the right approach, you'll be on your way to achieving impressive, well-defined arms.
By consistently applying these tips and exercises, you'll not only enhance your arm muscles but also boost your overall fitness and strength. Start incorporating these techniques today and witness the transformation in your arm size and definition.
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