In defense of Catholicism, at least when you google "Catholic priest," the first result isn't a tumblr page
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Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'
John 14:6
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elby-and-a-blog · 1 year
1 John 4:20
If any man say, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: [z]for how can he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, love God whom he hath not seen? (1 John 4:20, 1599 Geneva Version)
The author (tradition states it's St John the Apostle) wrote this letter to testify to God being Light and Love. And so, I think, as is the question we must ask ourselves every day;
Am I being the light of the world? Are my actions truly centered on love for fellow human, or are they centered on pride?
And I regret to say that I still cannot truly love properly. But with God's grace, I hope it's possible.
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todd-queen · 1 year
so I have actually not stopped thinking about the bible verses in Nona the Ninth
(they are actually over taking my every waking moment)
I was raised with a religous parent, so in addition to solving the numbers code, I was curious what any of the actual verses from the book of John were, and typed them into biblegateway.com today.
And god. damn. it. Muir has done it again.
The very first verse is John 20:8 (NIV):
"Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed."
i am losing my mind so much
i compiled them all into a Google doc and took a screenshot, so please let me know if the image doesn't load right :)
i went through all the verses and wrote them down to try and find a quote in each chapter that at least correlated to each theme of the verse(s) (please forgive me if they aren't perfect- and feel free to add on!)
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peachdoxie · 5 months
Guy at the end of the last episode: "Before you descend like an avenging angel with your blood-tipped wings and a flaming sword—call me."
Nate, less than two minutes into this episode, talking to the victim: "Don't be afraid. I am here to help you," which is a phrase from Isaiah 41:13 (according to biblegateway.com).
Wonder if that was intentional lol
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astonishinglegends · 7 months
Ep 279: The Third Man Syndrome Part 1
"Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together But when I look ahead up the white road There is always another one walking beside you"  -- The Waste Land by T. S. ELIOT
A strange occurrence often happens to people engaged in an adventurous activity or who fall victim to an unfortunate circumstance. They find themselves with a companion whose presence would typically be impossible. Usually, the person is at a critical moment in a life-or-death situation in an extreme and unusual environment. When they are weakened and dying from exposure, suffering privation of sustenance, lost and alone, when they are about to lose all hope and accept their demise, that’s when this otherworldly friend suddenly appears to render aid and encouragement, giving them a superhuman will or strength to survive. Psychologists label this a “sensed presence experience” but are at a loss for a simple explanation. These presences may be seen, heard, and sometimes even touched. They appear in dire situations to people from all walks of life. They may materialize as a known friend, a deceased relative, a religious figure, or an indeterminate benefactor. Still, whatever their form, there is no doubt to the one in danger that this being is real and there with them. Although this sensed presence appears most often to mountain climbers, sailors, divers, and polar explorers, it can also happen to astronauts, prisoners of war, and disaster survivors. One of the most intriguing aspects of the sensed presence experience is that the ethereal saviors aren’t just there to provide comforting words; they actually help with knowledgable advice or guidance or can even seemingly take over the actions of the afflicted – whatever is necessary to increase the odds of survival. Join us as we explore a phenomenon more common than you might think, a syndrome also known as the “Third Man.”
Reference Links:
“The Sensed Presence as a Coping Resource in Extreme Environments”
by Peter Suedfeld & John Geiger. From Miracles: God, Science, and Psychology in the Paranormal on Omnilogos.com
“The Sensed Presence as A Coping Resource in Extreme Environments” on the Julian Jaynes Society website
“How does our understanding of the sensed presence phenomenon in extreme settings change the way we talk about so-called mental ‘illnesses’ in daily life?” by Blaise Cottingham on Medium.com
Angels of Mons on Wikipedia
Vincent Lam
“Extreme environment” on Wikipedia
King Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel 3:24-5 on BibleGateway.com
The Savage Curtain episode of the original Star Trek series
“Charles Lindbergh and the Third Man Factor” on Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State blog
Poet, memoirist, and songwriter Mary Karr
“The Liars’ Club” by Mary Karr
Kanchenjunga, the world’s third highest mountain, on Britannica.com
“Wilson,” the volleyball from the motion picture Castaway
“Ernest Shackleton's Crew of the Endurance – Imperial Trans Antarctica Expedition 1914 -17” on CoolAntarctica.com
Husvik, the former whaling station on the north-central coast of South Georgia Island, Antarctica
Elephant Island, Antarctica
“Excerpt: The Voyage of the James Caird by Ernest Shackleton” from the American Museum of Natural History website
Alfred Lansing
Caedmon, widely considered to be the world’s first audiobook and launch of the spoken word industry
“The Waste Land” by T. S. Eliot on Project Gutenberg
Stromness, South Georgia
Sir Ernest Shackleton and T S Eliot’s ‘third man’ from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society
The Waste Land Part I – The Burial of the Dead from the Poetry Archive
The Waste Land from The Poetry Foundation
“T. S. ELIOT SAW ALL THIS COMING” from The Atlantic
The Waste Land on Wikipedia
Jane S. P. Mocellin and Peter Suedfeld’s research on behavior in extreme environments from ResearchGate.net
“Shackleton's whisky returned to Antarctic hut” on CBC.ca
“Spirits of the South Pole” from The New York Times Magazine
“Wild Survival Story About 1983 Rockies Alpine Avalanche” – the story of Jim Sevigny and Richard Whitmire
Distance Line for cave diving
“UK scientist has her lab in underwater caves” – Stephanie Schwabe article from the Lexington Herald-Leader
Kendal Mint Cake on Wikipedia
Romney’s Kendal Mint Cake on Amazon
Reinhold Messner
“The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner” music album by the band Ben Folds Five
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Episode 279: The Third Man Syndrome Part 1. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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kkoraki · 5 days
if you want some comedy gold on this fine night or any night go to biblegateway.com and read The Message "translation" of song of solomon
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sonjarenee · 1 month
Bible Gateway
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ioannemos · 10 months
tagged by @morfinwen
Three non-romantic duos: john and rodney from stargate: atlantis, ezra and cee from prospect, and scotty and lilly from cold case
A ship that might surprise others: obi-wan kenobi x shmi skywalker
Last song: well my favorites on spotify are playing rn, so right this second it's white flag by dido. i'll update once i'm done writing this out. i'm a wanted man by royal deluxe
Last Film: jesse stone: benefit of the doubt (again)
Currently reading: revelation in the Bible via biblegateway.com but other than that nothing
Currently watching: i've been bouncing around tv shows. pretty sure i watched both mindhunter and emergency! yesterday. yes, the old tv show emergency!
Currently consuming: today was a bad food day so. not as much as i should be, probably
Currently craving: CERTAINTY
tagging @mirainawen, @dangerously-human, and whoever else wants to do this
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cogbreath · 10 months
biblegateway.com its a lot of fun you can find verses by topic and you also can read all of the different translations available including historical ones
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yhwhrulz · 2 days
Hebrews 10:30-31 (Complete Jewish Bible)
For the One we know is the One who said, “Vengeance is my responsibility; I will repay,” and then said, “Adonai will judge his people.” It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!
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vanessence7 · 6 days
Romans 15:7
Romans 15:7“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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yossdillo · 16 days
I could not keep a straight face in Bible study today, we're just starting Galatians and it's just too incredibly funny to me like
you are the apostle Paul and the Church of Galatia has some explaining to do
you go through the first five verses and then the tone whiplash is incredible, like when you read it you get an "oh! ok! this is happening!" sort of vibe
I actually got to read verses 1 through 10 of Galatians 1 and I read it exactly like that and it went over super well with the rest of the group (not like an "everybody clapped" thing but it was super fun)
we did go into the deeper less obvious parts of the passage, but man what an impression! the Galatians were committing a serious offense and Paul was Not Going To Stand For That.
actually hang on, let me just grab the verses I'm talking about:
1 Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2 and all the brothers and sisters[a] with me,
3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—
and I have to cut in here because this is exactly what I'm thinking about, this is like going into the room, politely and graciously meeting everyone, and then immediately turning around and pointedly confronting the room. it is so incredible, you immediately know someone's in trouble. anyway!
7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!
10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
(biblegateway.com, Christian Standard Version)
this all has contacts with the rest of the book, but that's what we covered today. a really bold and unapologetic confrontation of the issue, which Paul goes into more depth on throughout Galatians. already liking this Bible study 😁
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brayan1697 · 1 month
La Biblia en diferentes idiomas. 🙂
I'm really enjoying the Bible Gateway App from BibleGateway.com. It's free, and it's full of great features - tons of Bible translations, daily reading plans, Bible audio, highlighting and note-taking, and wonderful side-by-side Bible study resources. I thought you might enjoy it, too! Download it for free here:
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bat-em-blr · 1 month
Nature was made beautiful on purpose. This short film explains why.
Nature was made beautiful on purpose. This short film explains why.  ENGLISH VERSION 上帝有意创造了美丽的大自然。这部短片将为您介绍原因。 Biblegateway.com 11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the…
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jdgo51 · 3 months
Prayer is Essential
Today's inspiration comes from:
If My People
by Jack Countryman
Editor’s note: According to our sister site BibleGateway.com, there was a significant increase in searches in 2020 about what the Bible says about politics. Here we are in another very important year politically. Two of the key topics people searched for: praying for government, and obeying government authority. Two of the most popular verses: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) and “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Romans 13:1). It is a great privilege to press into prayer for the world, for our nation, for our leaders in government, for our leaders in communities and churches! Let us pray not just today, but every day. We hope you find If My People a useful guide for how to pray for our nation. Here’s more from Jack Countryman…
"'In today’s world we are seeking hope as we reckon with a global pandemic, racial injustice, and an economic crisis that is unparalleled in our time. Many of the hardships are being wrapped into our daily challenges.
Today, more than ever, prayer is an essential element in our lives. We should turn to God for direction and the choices He wishes us to make for our nation.
There is tremendous power in prayer.
Since our nation’s first days, God’s greatest movements are fashioned and sustained by prayer. From the signing of our earliest documents to our triumphs over darkness, to the spiritual awakening that sustained our faith and resolve over the centuries. Throughout Scripture and our history as a nation, persistence, prevailing, intentional, and never-ending prayer has always brought the presence of God. Prayer is a wonderful power placed by the Almighty God into the hands of His saints. When we humbly seek His face in prayer, He is moved to act on our behalf and accomplish His desire for us. When we seek God in prayer for our leaders, we impact the very direction our nation will take.
This 40-day prayer journey (If My People) is designed to help quicken your prayers, to encourage you to seek God’s will for our future, and ask Him to continually intercede on behalf of our nation. Prayerfully seek His face every day, believe that your prayers make a difference, and claim all victory that is and is to come. For there is tremendous power in prayer. We should recognize that freedom is never free. Throughout the history of our country, men and women were called to make great sacrifices and give their time and sometimes their very lives so we can enjoy freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With every challenge we have faced, we have risen to defend the nation we cherish. We find ourselves at the crossroads of determining the direction of our country’s future and the role of Christianity in our nation. The devoted prayers of all citizens will impact the future direction of our beloved country. Our prayer is that this book will draw you closer to our Heavenly Father as you commit yourself to pray for our country. Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote, “Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed — else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.”
Our God who never sleeps will hear our prayers 24/7
God desires that this great nation will turn to Him, read His Word, pray and obey His commands for the good of our country. Throughout history, God has faithfully led us through trials, wars, economic crises and social issues coming to boil. Every time He has seen us through and blessed our land with more than we deserve. Let us all seek the Lord in prayer for His direction and for our blessed land. The Bible encourages us to call upon the Lord in every situation in our lives and by extension in our land.
Our God who never sleeps will hear our prayers 24/7.
So, it seems right that the one duty of every Christ-following person blessed to live in this country is to pray for the nation. The One we call to has promised to listen.
When we stand together as one nation under God willing to defend the rights that have been granted to us, we will be blessed. The freedom we enjoy comes with the responsibility of each citizen to defend that freedom. God can also use His people in this land to share His love and offer encouragement to neighbors. May His Spirit be our guide as we move forward as His people and as Americans who should guard our land.
Praising God should be an everyday occurrence in this great country we call home. We are blessed with the freedom to live as we wish, vote as we choose, worship where we want, and express our opinion without fear of retribution. These are the privileges we should not take for granted. May God be our guide as we plan for the future and prayerfully exercise our right to vote."'
Written for Devotionals Daily by Jack Countryman, author of If My People.
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