#bible coloring books bulk
sherlynchopra661 · 8 months
Bible Coloring Book
Bible Coloring Book" – an uplifting collection of 203 pages featuring beautiful illustrations inspired by timeless stories from the Bible. Available for instant digital download in PDF format, this coloring book offers a unique way to engage with biblical themes and characters.
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Each page is carefully designed to capture the essence of beloved Bible stories, making it an enjoyable and enriching experience for both children and adults. Whether you're coloring scenes from Noah's Ark, the parting of the Red Sea, or the miracles of Jesus, you'll find ample opportunity for reflection and creativity.
The convenience of digital download means you can access the coloring book anytime, anywhere, allowing you to dive into the world of biblical artistry whenever inspiration strikes. Plus, with 203 pages to explore, there's no shortage of content to keep you entertained and inspired for hours on end.
To ensure your satisfaction, we offer a risk-free 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you're not completely happy with the program within 60 days of purchase, simply let us know, and we'll refund your money in full. We're committed to your satisfaction and want you to embark on this coloring journey with confidence and joy. Experience the beauty of the Bible in a whole new way with the "Bible Coloring Book" today!
Do send me a message to purchase the book or more info.
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fundie-sims · 4 years
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Since I haven’t posted in. . . awhile. . . here’s a recap of the Godwin family’s story so far:
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Cotton Godwin is the founder of this challenge, the Godwin family headship, and the main preacher of the Godwin family’s home church.
Cotton serves the Lord, not an employer. He scrapes together a meager living for his family through fishing and collecting and harvesting stuff he finds around the neighborhood.
His hobbies include reading the Bible, fishing, preaching, and enjoying sweet fellowship with his wife, Morgan.
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Morgan Godwin is Cotton Godwin’s sweet, submissive wife and helpmeet, and mother to 8 blessings and counting. She oversees the children’s homeschool education. Her main hobbies are being pregnant and reading inspirational Christian books.
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Petunia Godwin is the Godwins’ oldest child, blessing #1 of this 100 baby challenge. She was a spirited and willful toddler, but with the help of the Lord and her parents’ diligent training, since then she has become more meek and submissive as Godly young ladies should be. Praise God! As the oldest daughter and only teenager, the bulk of housework and toddler care falls squarely on her shoulders, leaving her little time for much else.
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Hibiscus Godwin is blessing #2 and the Godwins’ oldest son. He is almost a teenager. Hibiscus loves the outdoors and enjoys going fishing with his father. He’s also good at negotiating discounts at the food stalls in San Myshuno when the family goes there to spread the Good News.
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Azalea Godwin is blessing #3. She is confident in her salvation and always has a smile on her face, even while cleaning the house. Such a servant’s heart! We pray that she continues to find joy and contentment through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Fuchsia Godwin is blessing #4. She is very close in age with Azalea, and they are best friends. But unlike Azalea, Fuchsia has a stubborn and willful streak. Please pray for the Lord to lay contentment and submission into her heart.
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Rhubarb and Rhododendron Godwin, aka the “miracle twins”, are blessings #5 and #6. Because each boy is a different color, Cotton and Morgan consider them to be an example of Christ’s love for Sims of all colors. What a blessing!
Rhu is clingy, while Rhody is fussy, but Cotton and Morgan are praying for the Lord to lay contentment into the hearts of both boys. The twins will soon age up and become children.
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Peony Godwin is blessing #7. She is very clingy and needy, which keeps her older sister Petunia very busy. She is very close in age with both the twins and Fox.
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Foxglove Godwin is blessing #8, and the youngest Godwin child (for now. . .). Fox is just an infant right now, but he seems very alert and eager to know what’s going on around him.
So that’s where we’re at with the Godwin family! I can’t wait to continue the fundie 100 baby challenge in 2021!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
[found at: mickey-mouse]
When was the last time you spent over $10.00? On what? I recently bought the book for the next Bible study I’m doing, as well as some journaling supplies.
Take a guess - do you have more pairs of socks or underwear? Socks.
Create a holiday - what day would it be on and what would it celebrate? I’m too tired to think of one.
Have you ever smacked somebody's butt? Jokingly, yes.
Honestly, have you ever stolen ANYTHING? Think hard. I mean, does taking candy pieces out of those bulk candy bins at the grocery store when I was like 5 years old count? If so, then yes. <<< I thought I wrote this haha I did the same thing. :X We were such little rebels haha.
Who is one person who you love but never ceases to piss you off? No one I love makes me feel that way.
Who is one person who loves you that YOU never cease to piss off? No one I don’t think....
Kids under the age of 13 with a cell phone; ok or ridiculous? I don’t think they need iPhones.
Do you think you could you hop on one leg to your kitchen without falling? I’m in a wheelchair, so no.
Two wires - one destroys the Earth. You have 5 seconds to decide: blue or red? Ahhhh, I don’t knowww.
What is the worst thing to drink right after brushing your teeth? Anything, really.
Are you careful with your money or does it burn a hole in your pocket? I try and save a certain amount each month. Some months I end up spending more than others, it depends.
Right now, are you wearing eyeliner? No. I’m not wearing any makeup.
Are you better or worse off than you were two years ago? I’m still going through it and some things have gotten worse.
If Justin Bieber was your brother would you be proud to admit it? I’m not ashamed or embarrassed of my family and loved ones, so if he were my brother then I’d feel the same way. 
As a kid (or even now. ;)) what was your favorite playground activity? The swings, for sure. <<<
Who do you wish karma would bite in the ass? I don’t believe in karma, but I believe horrible, evil people will get their punishment either both here on earth while they’re alive and after they die or just after they die, but either way it will happen.
What are the colors of the flag for the country to the right of yours? The West Indies flag is blue with white squiggles and a yellow circle in the middle of it. <<< We’re from the same country, so.
Have you ever given yourself a Google diagnosis when you were sick? I do admit to seeking Dr. Google quite often.
Could you (willingly) go ten days without touching a computer? Why would I want to do that? ha. It would be really, really boring. I don’t have much to do as it is. Although, you didn’t say I couldn’t use my phone...
Have you ever dropped anything in a toilet on accident? Yes.
BAM! Chocolate no longer exists. Do you miss it? I’d be fine. I have other desserts I like much more.
BAM! Dinosaurs are alive! Do you want one as a pet? Uh, no. I really don’t want dinosaurs wandering around.
What is the most annoying sound in your opinion? Eating sounds. Gah.
Are you more mean to people when you're late for something? If I’m running late or rushing around I can get short and snippy because I’m stressed out. I hate being late.
Honestly, do you think you give yourself enough credit? What should I give credit to myself for? I’m not doing anything. I’m not even really trying. I’m a mess.
Pumpkin pie, vanilla ice cream, sugar cookies, cheese, apples - pick two. Sugar cookies and cheese - just not together. <<< 
Have you ever been caught in a lie? Yes.
Congrats! You just won a $1,000 gift card to any store...which do you pick? Boxlunch.
QUICK! Fill in the blanks: I wish that _______ would kiss me right now. No one.
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insideanairport · 4 years
Frederick Douglass’s Autobiographies
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The first part of the book is about his upbringing during slavery. (1) Prior to his escape, he attempted to run away many times which resulted in severe punishments. In the book, he places the reader in the psychological condition of slavery and the brutality of white people towards the black folks. In part one, around chapter twelve, he talks about the story of his escape. It was common at that time for white people to encourage slaves to escape only to go after them to send them back to slavery to make a profit. Sometimes the wealthier slave owners would go around the country and ask the slaves if they were content with their life just to find out who is complaining about their masters. 
There is an instance in the book where Frederick Douglass was on the verge of being captured. He describes for the reader (assuming white readers) that as a fugitive slave when they were returned to slavery it would make the conditions worse not only for the person who was attempting to scape but also for the rest of the black folks. Similar to military punishment in concentration camps, the white masters would make the conditions harsher for everyone rather than just the individual escaping. That would result in harsher treatments not only by the masters but also by all other folks on the plantation.
The second half of the "Life and Times” which is the bulk of the autobiography, focuses on his political activism and socio-political conditions of his time, not just in the United States but also in other countries where he had visited. He often goes in-depth to give details about his meetings with people such as John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, William Lloyd Garrison, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Although the majority of his writings are focused on the horrors of slavery and brutality of white folks in the South, there are few instances in which we hear about racism in the North. He mentions that it was common in the North for white folks to read his newspaper and automatically assume that he’s white or there is a white person behind his success. The bloody draft riots of July 1863 is another historical example of racist brutality in the North, where for three days in New York white mob killed black people for no reason other than them being black. 
One of my favorites parts of the book is the chapter on John Brown. He talks about some other radicals such as Samuel R. Ward and the “Free Soil Party”. Douglass was impressed by Ward’s brilliance in speech. He also admired the bravery of John Brown and his men among which there have been many black folks. (2) On page 755, he talks about Brown creating a constitution for his men to avoid anarchy, and he also hid information from them for the sake of security of his missions. Another great account of John Brown's militancy was given by W.E.B. Du Bois in a book with the same title published in 1909. Douglass also criticizes the bible scholars of the south, many of whom tried to justify slavery using anecdotes from the bible. 
“In this the preachers were not much behind the press and the politicians, especially that class of preachers known as Doctors of Divinity. A long list of these came forward with their Bibles to show that neither Christ nor his holy apostles objected to returning fugitives to slavery. Now that that evil day is past, a sight of those sermons would, I doubt not, bring the red blush of shame to the cheeks of many.”
In chapter 9, he talks about the newly arrived immigrants that their hunger and light skin prioritizes them against the interests of the black people. In the same chapter, Douglass describes the "nameless and shapeless ‘party' of slavery”. An invisible party that white people from different geographies and socio-political status are believing in. 
“Every hour sees us elbowed out of some employment to make room for some newly-arrived emigrant from the Emerald Isle, whose hunger and color entitle him to special favor.”
Later towards the end of the book, he elucidates the importance of “slave narrative” for the struggle to freedom. Douglass’s mission was to tell the story of black folks. And he mentions that philosophy and theology have come to aid the master’s story. Reading Douglass, it might appear that he’s simply praising Lincoln (especially in the appendix), however, with further excavation we can see that his criticism of whiteness is been planted in his writings with an extremely subtle tone. 
“My part has been to tell the story of the slave. The story of the master never wanted for narrators. The masters, to tell their story, had at call all the talent and genius that wealth could command. They have had their full day in court. Literature, theology, philosophy, law, and learning have come willingly to their service, and, if condemned, they have not been condemned unheard.”
The Importance of Douglass For the New Generation of PoC Immigrants
Reading these historical texts is necessary for our new generation of POC in the West where the myth persists that Western democracy gradually fixes itself throughout its lifetime [audience laughter]. The first page of this book is better than the whole history of Western Philosophy. Reading these accounts of slavery and racism proves that social change under these seemingly democratic and equal societies only can be achieved when the white majority along with the forces of capital don’t have any other choice but to grant certain limited freedoms to the people. And that only gets achieved after a series of systematic state-sponsored terrors and tortures. At the lecture during the release of his book “The Water Dancer”, Ta-Nehisi Coates in conversation with Dr. Charles Johnson talks about the fact that Slavery is not ended in the United States and simply has changed form. 
“Liberty came to the freedmen of the United States not in mercy, but in wrath – not by moral choice but by military necessity – not by the generous action of the people among whom they were to live, and whose good will was essential to the success of the measure, but by strangers, foreigners, invaders, trespassers, aliens, and enemies.”
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BLM protest: Now Frederick Douglas replaces Tubman, beneath: “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will.” ZACH JOACHIM/TIMES-DISPATCH
Douglass has been hijacked by white folks from left and right. The right-wing people regard him as a minor republican hero that symbolizes the end of slavery and complete freedom of all races in America (as if we are there). They see Lincoln as the wise republican president who generously granted the freedom to Black folks. We can point to the recent speech by Ted Cruz on the destruction of colonial statues as well as the racist Spielberg movie “Lincoln (2012)” as evidence of these types of right-wing mentality. From the center democrats, which at the time of Douglass where the major force behind the continuation of slavery, we hear the common myths about his involvement with GOP. The white liberals always try to further elucidate the difference between 1850′s democrats to today's democrats. (3) A quick search on Medium (or any other platform), shows that most people who write about Douglass are actually white liberals. Although white people like to keep talking about classical Bipoc activists, they are also very good at discarding the current Bipoc activists and organizers. Most books published on Douglass are by white experts. From John Stauffer (professor of African American Studies at Harvard) who talks about unrelated things such as how many times Douglass was photographed to David W. Blight (professor of African American Studies at Yale).
Even in the contemporary art scene (same as the current political scene), Douglass is a safe bet by the centrist white people. Good examples of this can be seen in the last year's exhibition: “Frederick Douglass: Embers of Freedom” by SCAD Museum of Art and Barack and Michelle Obama’s production company (Higher Ground Productions) that is planning a film based on David W. Blight’s biography of Douglass.
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Joseph Douglass playing violin for his grandfather Frederick Douglass
It seems like Douglass was a radical political activist, but in fact, his methodology was pretty much mainstream and conventional with today’s standards. He was a great speaker and orator, very eloquent in using words and creating sentences both in writing and speech. His ability to move average citizens was beyond impressive. The fact that made him radical at the time might have been his position as a black man within the all-white governmental machinery of the United Stets of America. *Before reading the book*, I thought to myself that Douglass was a radical activist. However, *after finishing the book*, I realized that politically he was a centrist who talked about the horrors of slavery. The direct criticism of white-supremacy, white civilization, Manifest Destiny, and colonialism did not make itself to the forefront of his activism. Probably, due to the constraints of his time, and the existence of the American civil war, Douglass took a centrist abolitionist position rather than a militant one.
“What is true in this respect of individual men is equally true of nations. Both impart good or ill to their age and generation. But putting aside this consideration, so worthy of thought, we have special reasons for claiming the first of August as the birthday of Negro emancipation, not only in the West Indies, but in the United States. Spite of our national independence, a common language, a common literature, a common history, and a common civilization makes us and keeps us still a part of the British nation, if not a part of the British Empire. England can take no step forward in the pathway of a higher civilization without drawing us in the same direction. She is still the mother country, and the mother, too, of our abolition movement. Though her emancipation came in peace, and ours in war – though hers cost treasure, and ours blood – though hers was the result of a sacred preference, and ours resulted in part from necessity – the motive and mainspring of the respective measures were the same in both."
1. Douglass, Frederick and Louis Gates, Henry Jr. . Douglass: Autobiographies. s.l. : Library of America, 1996. 2. Boyd, Herb. Five Black men who rode with John Brown. amsterdamnews. [Online] 10 17, 2013. http://amsterdamnews.com/news/2013/oct/17/five-black-men-who-rode-john-brown/. 3. Jr., Henry Louis Gates and Stauffer, John. Five myths about Frederick Douglass. Washington Post. [Online] February 10, 2017. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-frederick-douglass/2017/02/10/0aaeb592-ea3b-11e6-bf6f-301b6b443624_story.html.
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cookingforcutie · 4 years
A Girl Called Jack
When I was 18 years old I left home in Essex and moved to Dublin. I packed everything I could fit into my dads car. I had one day to find somewhere to live and in the heady days of 2015 that was actually possible. My mum’s parting gift was her copy of Jack Monroe’s first cookbook ‘A Girl Called Jack’.
Jack’s book is more than my favorite cookbook, it’s one of my favorite books of all time. The book is bright and colorful and full of joy. In every photo Jack looks delighted to be there, filled with the passion and energy that goes into everything she does. Hunger hurts is still absolutely brilliant and perfectly sets the tone for everything to come. This book quickly became my cooking bible. The recipes are simple, quick and unpretentious but they never feel dull or pedestrian. They delight in simple ingredients, never transformed or elevated but allowed to shine on their own merits. I have never looked at baked beans the same way since.
Jack is from Essex too. The photos in the book are all of my hometown. There’s an old buoy that we would always pass on walks down to the seaside. The wooden sheds, that aren’t really sheds, lined up against the shore that sell the days catch. In the summer you can buy cockles by the pint, whole dressed crab with mayo, soggy lettuce and a white roll in a paper bag or get them to pry open an oyster in front of you. The ground was covered in shells so that it would crunch underfoot as you stepped. 
When I was little we would buy lengths of string and buckets and sit on the end of jetty trying to catch crabs only to throw them back when it was time to go home. It was an estuary, so, some days you would go down to the beach only to find that the tide was out and instead of water there was a vast grey expanse. We would play out there for hours until we were covered, our knees scratched and bloody from the shells embedded in the mud. We would come back in only when the tide turned looking like tiny Martin Sheens from the end of Apocalypse Now. 
There would be sandwiches with gritty with flecks of sand that would crunch on your teeth in a way that was not entirely unpleasant. Sometimes, when it was cold we would get chips, hot and salty, covered in malt vinegar. If we got ice cream it would always be Rossi, an old Italian family who have been making ice cream in Essex for almost 100 years. When I got older, this is where I got served for the first time. I would take the little bit of money I was earning from cheffing and sit on the concrete wall that looked out towards Kent, making sure that everyone could see the spine of whatever book I was reading so they could be assured that I was a deep 18 year old, thinking deep thoughts. 
This is all to say that ‘A Girl Called Jack’ reminds me of home. My copy is dog eared and stained, the sign of any well loved cookbook. It opens, almost automatically to the ‘Carrot, Cumin and Kidney Bean Burgers’. I don’t need to look at the recipe anymore, I’ve made it so many times now that I could do it without thinking. If I ever want to commit an afternoon to a cooking project this is the first place I turn. They can be burgers, meatballs or a thousand other things. When you make it, the whole house starts to smell like cumin and onions. It’s a recipe that requires you get dirty. For it to be truly perfect you have to get in there with your hands and squish it up so that you end up with clumps of bean and flour sticking to you. Every time I make it I have a moment of doubt, thinking that I’ve screwed it up and that this will never come together. Then, you fry the first one in smoking hot oil and it sizzles and spits and form this beautiful crust. 
Jack changed the way that I thought about cooking. I started working in professional kitchens at 17. I bought myself Heston Blumenthal and Marco Pierre White cookbooks. I wanted my food and my cooking to prove to everyone how smart I was, how much I had studied and how much I knew. I wanted them to be impressed. This is not to say that Jack’s food is not studied or impressive. Her food is beautiful and it’s influences span the globe. But, her recipes are not designed to impress, they are made to nourish. Any of her recipes could be served to the fanciest dinner party or the hungriest child and be met with delight. Her food and her writing are full of love and that, above all, is why they remind me of home. 
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Jack’s writing can be found at: 
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the gang + forgiveness?
Mac watches the distorted shadows on the cement wall across from him grow shorter, the light filtering in through the small window just beneath the ceiling. It’s that time of the year when it’s getting harder and harder to deny that summer’s coming to a close, when you pretend not to notice how the humid August air starts to feel inexplicably,  undeniably different where it brushes against your bare skin.
Soon, it will be time to trade lazy, hazy days spent with the gang draping themselves haphazardly over the plush furniture in Dee and Dennis’ basement for book bags and lockers, for cutting class under the bleachers by the football field with Charlie and Dennis, and for disappointed, pitying looks from teachers, glances of disdain from his classmates as they sized Mac up, eyes lingering on the hand-me-down shoes his mom usually got for him from the thrift store across the street, if she happened to remember to buy them that year.
It was a shame. It had been a good summer, Mac thought. Once, they had even managed to venture far enough from the city to go swimming at the lake. They had raided the local gas station for candy and soda and chips for the drive before piling into Dennis’s sporty new car, Mac in the passenger seat with the windows rolled down, arm propped against the window sill and hand open to catch the wind. Once they had gotten there, they had stripped down to their bathing suits, Dennis laughing with Mac and Charlie as Dee struggled getting her cover up off over her back brace, before silently walking over to help her pull it over her head. After they were done swimming, getting drunk off of cheap beer Dennis had managed to swipe from his dad and eating the peanut butter sandwiches Charlie’s mom had packed for them, Mac noticed how the tips of Dennis’s damp hair had curled slightly where they framed his face.
It had been a good summer.
Just now, however, Dee was dousing herself in so much of some expensive,  floral perfume, that Mac thought he might asphyxiate. Mac had no idea why girls thought these sorts of scents were appealing. Mac remembers once, at some high school party Dennis had roped him into tagging along to, he’d had to make out with Angie Sinclair during a game of seven minutes in heaven,  remembers the sickeningly sweet smell flooding his senses, making him feel lightheaded and panicky. The smell of synthetic daisies had made Mac slightly nauseous ever since.
“Jesus Christ, Dee,” Dennis snaps from his position cross-legged on the basement floor, momentarily pausing in applying his foundation, eyes focused on his reflection in the shiny little compact he must have taken from Barbara’s purse “if you use anymore of that perfume, they’re not even  going to let us into the concert because you’ll be a goddamn fire hazard.”
Dee squawks indignantly.
“It’s true,” Charlie offers helpfully, pausing to take a hefty swig from the bottle of whiskey they’d been splitting four ways before passing it back to Mac. He’s got his back resting against Mac’s legs where they dangle down from his place on the couch. “It’s like, you light a match within a mile radius of her, the whole place could go up in flames. I saw it happen once,” he finishes cheerfully.
Dennis snorts disbelievingly, before turning his full attention back to his makeup, the pads of his fingers skating over his cheekbones. Mac notices a spot where it’s not fully blended, just below his eye, wonders what it would be like to reach out and smooth it out with his finger, what the smooth skin there would feel like.
“You laugh now,” Dee begins, eyes narrowed, “but just you wait until I bag the hottest guy at the concert.You’ve got to pop, send the signal that you’re a high class lady if you want to attract a high class man.  I’ll have you know that perfume on a girl drives the men wild.”
As she turns away,  rolling her eyes, Mac swears he hears her mutter something along the lines of “not that it would do anything for any of you dickwads.” Mac feels something inside his chest flare up at the words.
“Dee, you’re a  seventeen year old bird in a metal back brace twice your size” Mac starts, jumping to his feet, “no one gives a fuck what you smell like.”
Dee opens her mouth to reply, but Dennis must sense the situation is getting heated, because he smoothly snaps his compact shut, moving to stand by Mac on the sofa, and placing his hand at the nape of his neck, moving his index finger soothingly against the soft hairs there. Mac feels frozen in place, for a moment, a warmth radiating from the spot where Dennis is touching him throughout the rest of his body, and a flush rising high on his cheeks. He’d been drinking with the gang, but he didn’t know he was this drunk. He might have to slow down.
“Woah, woah, easy there, buddy,” he starts, giving Mac’s shoulder a little squeeze. “See, now, this is where you’re going  wrong, Dee. Wearing too much fragrance…..that’s a rookie mistake. It covers up all the pheromones. There’s nothing more irresistible to women than the natural scent of a man.”
Charlie wrinkles his nose in confusion.
“Are those the things that make all the girls act all weird and crazy and mood swingy all the time?”
“Not hormones, Charlie,” Dennis sighs, “pheromones, it’s animal magnetism-Biology 101.  They’re this stuff that is released from your skin that makes girls want to fuck you when they smell it. It’s a very powerful aphrodisiac, like catnip for the babes. It’s almost impossible to resist.”
Charlie ponders this for a moment.
“Dennis,” he starts seriously, looking mildly horrified, “I don’t want little bugs flying out of my skin into other peoples’ bodies.”
Dennis does a double take at Charlie, starting to speak before visibly  stopping himself and  taking a deep breath as he poises himself to continue.
“Don’t listen to him, Charlie,” Dee interrupts, crossing her arms across her chest. “You know what I think? I think he’s completely making this shit up. ” She smirks at Dennis “I think he’s just jealous because he knows I’m going to get in on all of the action at the Buffet concert, and he’s not even going to notice any girls, because he’s too wrapped up in his best fr-”
“Yeah man,” Mac begins, talking over Dee before she could finish her sentence. Dennis looks somewhat relieved she was cut off, although he doesn’t know why. “this sounds like some elitist liberal bullshit that the left wants to brainwash us with to make us think that we come from zoo animals. God made humans way more smarter than-”
“Everybody, just  shut up” Dennis explodes, throwing his hands in the air. ‘It’s not my fault that I’m the only fucking person in this room smart enough to understand basic science. Dee, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Mac, maybe if you smelled less like the men’s discount cologne rack at the department store, girls would actually want to date you.”
“You goddamn son of a bitch!”
Three and a half hours of arbitration later, the gang finally makes it out of the basement and gets on the road to the concert. It had taken  three impassioned readings from assorted bible verses, four illegible diagrams drawn on the back of old receipt paper, and one retelling of one of Dennis’s various sexual conquests in excruciating detail (Mac had, rather unsuccessfully, tried to focus on the whir of the fan, during this part), but eventually the gang reached an armistice, although what exactly they were fighting about and exactly what their solution had been, none of them would quite recall by the time they reached the venue.
They  are too preoccupied with finishing the rest of their liquor and singing enthusiastically along to whatever song came on the radio, overcompensating with their volume whenever they don’t know the lyrics, their laughter bouncing off of the city traffic echoing out into the early evening.
Mac is preoccupied watching Dennis, the curve of his jaw illuminated by the streetlights and the  purplish glow cast by the setting sun, the light freckles on his nose that are peeking through his makeup, the relaxed set of his mouth, smile easy and free as he reached down to turn up the volume to some pop ballad he particularly likes. It takes them longer than they had expected, in the city traffic, to reach their destination. Mac wishes the ride were even longer.
They arrive almost half an hour late, so they end up standing toward the back of the lawn section, although no one finds it in them to care all too much. Instead, Mac looks out on the sea of swaying bodies in front of him, brightly colored shirts that remind him vaguely of his time at the beach when he was a little kid, before his dad got locked up for the first time, and his mom would take him out early in the morning to collect seashells and sand dollars on the shore . He looks at the couples standing, hands linked  or heads resting on the other’s shoulder. He feels the heat of Dennis’s hand against his knuckles from where he’s stood next to him.
The sun has almost completely vanished, and everything is is bathed in a dusky blue light by the time Dee announces she needs to piss, and Charlie volunteers to join her in hopes of hitting a concession stand on the way. His chest feels bubbly and  light from the liquor and from the 6-pack of beer  they managed to sneak in down the back of Dee’s shirt, passing off the bulk as a part of her back brace. Dennis’s shoulder bumps against his every now and then as they sway slightly to the music, and when he looks over at Mac and laughs freely, disbelieving, even, Mac feels electric.
The smile fades from Dennis’s face as they look at each other, slipping into something more focused, determined, maybe, and before Mac can ask if he’s okay, before he even fully registers what’s happening, Dennis is winding his arms around his shoulders, lightly, cautiously, like he’s not sure he’s allowed– like he thinks if he holds him too close, Mac might break.
It’s the night air, Mac thinks, or the alcohol, or maybe just the indescribable, indestructible feeling (raw and flayed open, like an exposed nerve ) that he sometimes gets around Dennis that gives Mac the courage to place his own hands on Dennis’s waist, drawing him ever so slightly closer to him.
At this, Mac feels Dennis let out a long exhale against his neck,  letting his head rest against Mac’s shoulder, tightening  his grip on Mac’s upper back.
In the crowd of bodies, under the cover of nighttime, bodies moving together too slowly to the music, Mac thinks, they could have been anyone.
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7r0773r · 5 years
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
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I was leaving the South To fling myself into the unknown. . . . I was taking a part of the South  To transplant in alien soil, To see if it could grow differently, If it could drink of new and cool rains, Bend in strange winds, Respond to the warmth of other suns And, perhaps, to bloom.                            —RICHARD WRIGHT
Across the South, someone was hanged or burned alive every four days from 1889 to 1929, according to the 1933 book The Tragedy of Lynching, for such alleged crimes as “stealing hogs, horse-stealing, poisoning mules, jumping labor contract, suspected of killing cattle, boastful remarks” or “trying to act like a white person.” Sixty-six were killed after being accused of “insult to a white person.” One was killed for stealing seventy-five cents. (p.39)
Throughout the South, the conventional rules of the road did not apply when a colored motorist was behind the wheel. If he reached an intersection first, he had to let the white motorist go ahead of him. He could not pass a white motorist on the road no matter how slowly the white motorist was going and had to take extreme caution to avoid an accident because he would likely be blamed no matter who was at fault. In everyday interactions, a black person could not contradict a white person or speak unless spoken to first. A black person could not be the first to offer to shake a white person’s hand. A handshake could occur only if a white person so gestured, leaving many people having never shaken hands with a person of the other race. The consequences for the slightest misstep were swift and brutal. Two whites beat a black tenant farmer in Louise, Mississippi, in 1948, wrote the historian James C. Cobb, because the man “asked for a receipt after paying his water bill.”
It was against the law for a colored person and a white person to play checkers together in Birmingham. White and colored gamblers had to place their bets at separate windows and sit in separate aisles at racetracks in Arkansas. At saloons in Atlanta, the bars were segregated; Whites drank on stools at one end of the bar and blacks on stools at the other end, until the city outlawed even that, resulting in white-only and colored-only saloons. There were white parking spaces and colored parking spaces in the town square in Calhoun City, Mississippi. In one North Carolina courthouse, there was a white Bible and a black Bible to swear to tell the truth on. (pp. 44-45)
[In 1861] Florida heartily joined a new country whose cornerstone, according to the Confederacy’s vice president, Alexander Hamilton Stephens, was “the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition.” This new government, Stephens declared, “is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.” (pp. 58-59)
But the masses did not pour out of the South until they had something to go to. They got their chance when the North began courting them, hard and in secret, in the face of southern hostility, during the labor crisis of World War I. Word had spread like wildfire that the North was finally “opening up.” (p. 161)
When the people kept leaving, the South resorted to coercion and interception worthy of the Soviet Union, which was forming at the same time across the Atlantic. Those trying to leave were  rendered fugitives by definition and could not be certain they would be able to make it out. In Brookhaven, Mississippi, authorities stopped a train with fifty colored migrants on it and sidetracked it for three days. In Albany, Georgia, the police tore up the tickets of colored passengers as they stood waiting to board, dashing their hopes of escape. A minister in South Carolina, having seen his parishioners off, was arrested at the station on the charge of helping colored people get out. In Savannah, Georgia, the police arrested every colored person at the station regardless of where he or she was going. In Summit, Mississippi, authorities simply closed the ticket office and did not let northbound trains stop for the colored people waiting to get on. (p. 163)
Fewer than one out of five sharecroppers ever saw a profit at the end of the year. Of the few who got anything, their pay came to between $30 and $150 in the 1930s for a year of hard toil in the field, according to a leading Yale anthropologist of the era, or between nine and forty-eight cents a day. The remaining eighty percent either broke even, meaning they got nothing, or stayed in debt, which meant they were as bound to the planter as a slave was to his master. (p. 167)
Yet the hardened and peculiar institution of Jim Crow made the Great Migration different from ordinary human migrations. In their desperation to escape what might be considered a man-made pestilence, southern blacks challenged some scholarly assumptions about human migration. One theory had it that, due to human pragmatism and inertia, migrating people tend to “go no further from their homes in search of work than is absolutely necessary,” [British historian E. G.] Ravenstein observed.
“The bulk of migrants prefers a short journey to a long one,” he wrote. “The more enterprising long-journey migrants are the exceptions and not the rule.” Southern blacks were the exception. They traveled deep into far-flung regions of their own country and in some cases clear across the continent. Thus the Great Migration had more in common with the vast movements of refugees from famine, war, and genocide in other parts of the world, where oppressed people, whether fleeing twenty-first-century Darfur or nineteenth-century Ireland, go great distances, journey across rivers, deserts, and oceans or as far as it takes to reach safety with the hope that life will be better wherever they land. (p. 179)
Against nearly every assumption about the Migration, the 1965 census study found that the migrants of the 1950s—particularly those who came from towns and cities, as had George Starling and Robert Foster—had more education than even the northern white population they joined. (p. 262)
Overall, however, what was becoming clear was that, north or south, wherever colored labor was introduced, a rivalrous sense of unease and insecurity washed over the working-class people who were already there, an unease that was economically not without merit but rose to near hysteria when race and xenophobia were added to preexisting fears. The reality was that Jim Crow filtered through the economy, north and south, and pressed down on poor and working-class people of all races. The southern caste system that held down the wages of colored people also undercut the earning power of the whites around them, who could not command higher pay as long as colored people were forced to accept subsistence wages. (p. 317)
[George Starling] and his co-worker barely noticed that everyone else at the bar happened to be white as they regaled each other with stories from riding the rails. When it was time to go, they paid their tab and put their glasses down.
The bartender had said very little to them the whole time they were there. Now the bartender calmly picked up their glasses, and instead of loading them into a tray to be washed, he took them and smashed them under the counter. The sound of glass breaking on concrete startled George and his co-worker, even though this wasn’t the first time this had happened to them, just not at this bar, and it attracted the attention of other patrons. 
“They do it right in front of us,” George said. “That’s the way they let us know they didn’t want us in there. As fast as you drink out of a glass and set it down, they break it.”
There were not colored or white signs in New York. That was the unnerving and tricky part of making your way through a place that looked free. You never knew when perfect strangers would remind you that, as far as they were concerned, you weren’t equal and might never be. (pp. 340-41)
“Even in the North, refugees were not always safe,” wrote Arna Bontemps and Jack Conroy in the 1945 book Anyplace but Here. “One hard-working migrant was astonished when a detective from Atlanta approached him and informed him that he was wanted back home for ‘spitting on the sidewalk.’”(p. 367)
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the decline in property values and neighborhood prestige was a by-product of the fear and tension itself, sociologists found. The decline often began, they noted, in barely perceptible ways, before the first colored buyer moved in.
The instability of a white neighborhood under pressure from the very possibility of integration put the neighborhood into a kind of real estate purgatory. It set off a downward cycle of anticipation, in which worried whites no longer bought homes in white neighborhoods that might one day attract colored residents even if none lived there at the time. Rents and purchase prices were dropped “in a futile attempt to attract white residents,” as Hirsch put it. With prices falling and the neighborhood’s future uncertain, lenders refused to grant mortgages or made them more difficult to obtain. Panicked whites sold at low prices to salvage what equity they had left, giving the homeowners who remained little incentive to invest any further to keep up or improve their properties.
Thus many white neighborhoods began declining before colored residents even arrived, Hirsch noted. There emerged a perfect storm of nervous owners, falling prices, vacancies unfillable with white tenants or buyers, and a market of colored buyers who may not have been able to afford the neighborhood at first but now could with prices within their reach. The arrival of colored home buyers was often the final verdict on a neighborhood’s falling property value rather than the cause of it. (pp. 376-77)
[Martin Luther] King was running headlong into what the sociologist Gunnar Myrdal called the Northern Paradox. In the North, Myrdal wrote, “almost everybody is against discrimination in general, but, at the same time, almost everybody practices discrimination in his own personal affairs”—that is, by not allowing blacks into unions or clubhouses, certain jobs, and white neighborhoods, indeed, avoiding social interaction overall.
“It is the culmination of all these personal discriminations,” he continued, “which creates the color bar in the North, and, for the Negro, causes unusually severe unemployment, crowded housing conditions, crime and vice. About this social process, the ordinary white Northerner keeps sublimely ignorant and unconcerned.” (p. 387)
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This Day in History
26-29th January 1945: KÖNIGSBERG DEATH MARCH and PALMNICKEN MASSACRE: 7,000 inmates of Stutthof concentration camp are forced by German troops to march from the town of Königsberg to Palmnicken, in the Soviet Union. Some 3,000 die en route; the survivors are forced to flee into the icy Baltic Sea, where they are cut down by automatic weapons. Only a few survive; the Soviets later hide all traces of the massacre, which is not revealed until 1998. - The Holocaust Encyclopedia by Walter Laqueur
An article from the NY Times from 2000:
Yantarny Journal; Russians Awaken to a Forgotten SS Atrocity
At the start of the death march in Konigsberg, they numbered about 7,000 -- the vast bulk of them women, most quite young, all clad in wooden-soled shoes, thin rags emblazoned with yellow six-pointed stars and telephone wire belts on which were strung their cups and tin-can bowls.
By the time they reached a vacant lock factory in this nondescript seaside village, after two days and 25 miles of brutal winter weather, there may have been 4,000 left. They remained perhaps four days, then were herded down a bucolic cobblestone lane and past dilapidated workers' cottages to an abandoned amber mine on the shore of the Baltic Sea.
It was there, 55 years ago Monday night, that SS guards split them into packs of 50, sent them fleeing down the beach and on to the ice-covered water itself, then mowed them down with machine guns. Others were escorted to the mine and shot point-blank.
Auschwitz had been liberated four days before. ''Never forget,'' the civilized world said.
But the world forgot about the massacre of Jewish innocents at Palmnicken, now the Russian town of Yantarny, until today. Today, on the beach, a roaring gale whipped the sleet into needles and raised towering whitecaps on a sea the color of wet cement. At the base of the amber mine, a steep concrete-buttressed cliff resembling a battlement, about 200 mourners dedicated a small pyramid of stones and a plaque to the victims of the Konigsberg march and the Palmnicken massacre.
They were the first tangible recognition that the march and massacre had ever occurred. Until today, there was no memorial to Holocaust victims anywhere in Konigsberg -- known now as Russian Kaliningrad -- even though it was home to several small concentration camps.
Astoundingly, the whole of the Kaliningrad region -- a million people, the eldest of whom fought valiantly to defeat Hitler's army in World War II -- was utterly unaware until a year ago that the massacre had ever taken place. ''As far as I know, no one needed this,'' Rabbi David Shvedik of the Jewish Community of Kaliningrad said in an interview. ''For the authorities in Yantarny and in the region, it was not at all interesting to them to remember 7,000 dead Jews.''
The story of the massacre, and of Kaliningrad's slow awakening to it, is at once riveting and chilling. Put simply, the victorious Soviet Union closed the book on Nazi atrocities once it seized Konigsberg from the Germans at the end of World War II. Thousands of Germans were deported in rail cars to be replaced by Russian immigrants; Jewish Holocaust victims were reburied as ''Soviet heroes,'' stripped, here and elsewhere on Soviet soil, of religious identity. Red Army reports on the massacre and on the discovery of mass graves were written, filed and classified.
Kaliningrad became a Soviet naval base and a closed region, steeped in secrecy. Horrific memories half-lived into rumor, then myth, then taboo enforced by the Kremlin's own unspoken, unofficial anti-Semitism.
''As far as I know, not a single person was ever sentenced for this,'' said Aleksandr Aderichin, the investigative editor for the Kaliningrad newspaper Dvornik, which helped awaken the region to the massacre story more than a year ago.
That Kaliningrad awakened at all may be credited to Christians -- a German and an American -- who grew up near Palmnicken and would not suppress their own memories of the slaughter. The German, Martin Bergau, witnessed the executions of some women and gave harrowing testimony to them in a German-language book and in a submission to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem.
The American, Gunter Nitsch, had only heard stories of the killings as a boy. But as an adult, he was so haunted by the massacre's specter that he was compelled to track down the truth -- and in the process, to unleash the long-hidden accounts of what happened.
''I feel awful,'' Mr. Nitsch said last week in a long telephone interview. ''These were my people. Most of the people in my family were members of the Nazi Party. Whatever happened cannot be changed. But it must not be forgotten.''
Mr. Nitsch, now 62, was a 7-year-old when the Red Army stormed through Poland and into Konigsberg in early 1945. As the Communists moved north, the Nazis began vacating a network of 30 camps ringing Poland's Stutthof concentration camp, moving 20,000 Jews away from the advancing army. Ninety percent were women and most were from Hungary and Lithuania.
The fate of all 20,000 is unknown. What is clear is that roughly 7,000, by the latest estimate, wound up at a sub-camp in Konigsberg, a Baltic port, in January weather so unusually bitter that ice floes stretched hundreds of feet from the shore. On Jan. 26, Nazi guards began marching the crowd, clad only in rags, 25 miles northwest to Palmnicken.
Perhaps one to two thousand or more died along the way, either of exhaustion or execution as they tried to flee their torturers. ''We marched in heavy snow,'' Dora Hauptman, one of the captives, told Yad Vashem in 1994. ''The cold was fierce, and a freezing wind blew.''
The frostbitten survivors were imprisoned in the Palmnicken locksmith's factory and, after three or four days, marched five abreast to the seashore. Some were taken to an open-pit amber crater. Mr. Bergau, then a 15-year-old member of a German home-defense force, watched in agony as they knelt and were shot in the back of the neck with pistols.
Other women were less fortunate. In his testimony, Mr. Bergau recalled riding a horse in the area a week later, hearing gunshots and sprinting in panic toward the seashore. ''My chestnut suddenly stopped short in his tracks, hesitated and snorted,'' he wrote in 1994. ''I could not believe my eyes. Between the ice floes, near the shore, the water was thick with countless floating bodies. They were bobbing like swimmers in the swell.'' He fled, he said, ''in cold horror.''
Of the estimated 7,000, there were 13 known survivors. One of them, Ms. Hauptman, had dived into the sea after a man told her that ''someone must survive to describe their barbarity.'' Shot once in the hand, she crawled ashore and was taken in by a heroic German woman, Bertha Pulver, who hid her until the Red Army arrived on April 15.
Mr. Nitsch saw none of this, but his Lutheran grandfather did. The victorious Soviets commandeered German civilians that summer to exhume the sand-covered bodies and transport them to mass graves and cemeteries for reburial.
''He couldn't believe it had happened,'' Mr. Nitsch said. ''It just blew him apart. For the first few weeks, he couldn't talk at all. All he did when he came home was to read the Bible. He lost a lot of weight. And within a couple of months, he died.''
Though a child, Mr. Nitsch worked too, weeding and painting a cemetery where the victims had been reburied. Soon his family was deported to East Germany; later, he fled to West Germany. And in 1964, he moved to the United States.
But he did not forget. Friends said he imagined the killings. But at a German book fair in New York City, he found a volume with a chapter on Palmnicken and, he wrote, ''felt vindicated.'' Still later, he found Mr. Bergau's book with its eyewitness account of the murders. Working on a still-unpublished book, he asked the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Yad Vashem for files on the Palmnicken slaughter, and received Ms. Hauptman's account, among others.
In 1998, he flew to Kaliningrad and asked regional officials for help. A state archivist listened, then said he must be mistaken; no such event could have occurred and been erased from history. Nor was there any trace of the Jewish cemetery where he once weeded graves.
''This thing had been forgotten,'' he said last week. ''I could accept that they didn't know where the cemetery was, but to find out they didn't know about the massacre at all was mind-boggling.'' Not until the archivist sent Mr. Nitsch to journalists like Mr. Aderichin of Dvornik did the truth emerge. A spate of articles led to an observance of the massacre last year; this year, fund raisers collected enough for a memorial.
The region's governor spoke at its dedication today, something remarkable in a society where Jewish suffering in World War II was little acknowledged even a decade ago.
There is a new question now: how to investigate rumors that 8,000 more Jews were marched to the nearby town of Baltisk, sealed in a barracks and then killed in a huge explosion.
''The fact that we gathered here instills hope that something like this won't happen again,'' Rabbi Shvedik said today, shouting into a bullhorn to be heard above the wind.
Later, in the rundown kindergarten that is his congregation's temple, he recalled a woman who walked past the little memorial as it was being completed this month.
''She came by with her children,'' he said, ''and then she asked: 'Why are you putting up a monument to Jews here? Why not a monument to the Russians?'''
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The monument in Yantarny mentioned in the above article.
The Palmnicken affair did not end with the ghastly slaughter on the beach. At the village of Kraxtepellen northwest of Palmnicken, rumors spread about what had been perpetrated not far from there, and it was said that some Jewish prisoners had managed to escape and were roaming the 124 ∙ The System Disintegrates district in search of shelter. A remorseless hunt was launched, and most of them were apparently caught and cruelly murdered, as the Red Army commission reported: Inspection of the sites of the savage extermination and burial . . . uncovered 263 bodies, of them 50 bodies of men, and 204 bodies of women, all of them aged 16– 25. These bodies were laid in rows, in three to four layers; here and there however bodies were thrown haphazardly into the ditch measuring 1.6 × 2 × 3 meters. . . . Clothing on the bodies were rags and tatters of the kind characteristic of the camps— striped, with the numbers sewn on the front, and six- pointed stars on the back and the sleeves. Most of the bodies had foot- gear made of wood (sabotes) on them, though some legs were wrapped in rags. All the bodies were infested with vermin and completely emaciated. For the most part all the bodies of men exhibited injuries to the skull caused by shooting; splintered bones of the skull indicating shooting at close range. Some bodies bore marks of more than one bullet wound which indicates that the killing was carried out by an automatic weapon shooting detonating bullets. The skulls and the bones of the extremities of the bodies of most of the women were splintered, which indicates savage killing by blows with blunt instruments. The undergarments of some of the young women’s bodies were torn and pulled down their thighs, whereas some bodies of the women were found in the posture of cynical abuse, their legs pulled up behind their heads, without any undergarments.246 This report was not composed for political propaganda purposes. The Red Army investigators, who included physicians, pathologists, forensic medicine experts, and several senior officers, checked and recorded what they saw with cool professionalism. Several local people displayed humanity in the midst of this bloodbath. One of them, Günter Hartmann, hid several women prisoners, who had succeeded in escaping the massacre, in his barn, and several other local residents opened their homes to escaping prisoners. These were a handful of the survivors of the Palmnicken slaughter.247 All in all, the number of survivors was estimated at some 200, 50 to 100 who escaped the shooting on the beach and the remainder prisoners who made their escape before the transportation to the beach, and found shelter in forests or in local homes. - The Death Marches - The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide by Daniel Blatman
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monicalposts · 4 years
Every goal setter, and I know this includes you, has a certain desire to find just the right goal planner to catch all the things, all the thoughts, all the ideas, all the goals for the year at hand. 
With 30 years’ worth of planners surrounding me today, I thought I would give you some intel on my five faves from the group thus far.
First, the Day Designer planner, a beautiful choice to be sure.
The number one thing I liked about the Day Designer Planner was its feminine beauty. If you go to www.daydesigner.com, you will see 10 to 12 different designs that are just beautiful. 
Each one has  pocket in the front, useful for tucking away notes or receipts. 
At the beginning of each month is a monthly calendar. 
Each page begins with a quote from a thoughtful person. 
As far as the rest of the page layout – it had a space for the top 3 priorities, a to-do list and a notes area, as well as a separate space for Daily Gratitude notes.  
I used this planner primarily for my work life goals and carried it with me to all events and meetings, and I was proud to do so because it was that pretty. 
However, practically speaking, it was bulky and heavy so when carrying on planes and in taxis, etc., it was a bit annoying.  
That being said, this planner’s beauty and functionality overshadows its bulk. Check out all the designs at www.daydesigner.com. I think they even have mini versions now!
Next up, was My Bliss Book planner. This was my choice for 2019 and I found it as I was literally enjoying one of the most blissful periods of my life at that point, spending my days tending to my daughter and her newborn baby at the time, Miss Molly. 
MyBliss Book, by Lara Land, was fun and interesting to try out.  She designed it to tap into our ability to do some forward visioneering and had space within each month to draw out our goals as well as to journal about them. 
Then, at the start of every week, she designed a page dedicated to rewriting the week’s goal, and aligning it with the monthly goal, the yearly goal and your ultimate Bliss vision toward which you were working.  It also contained prompts for a word of the week, giving back to others and to yourself. 
Every undated daily page had space again to write out the number 1 goal for the day, a way to tie it back to your vision, etc.  Each page also contained space for appointments throughout the day, notes, positive things done well that day, and the day’s affirmations.
As you can see by this description, this planner is really a system to train its user to incorporate some positive habits on a daily basis, all the while keeping the bigger picture in front of you.
From the standpoint of design and form, this planner is elegant,  bound in a buttery soft leather. Its pages are gilded and at 5x8, it was easy to tote and not cumbersome at all.
She also created some neat videos to encourage you along the way and throughout the year. 
I’m glad I tried it out for the year; however, I will say that two things that would make it better would be bible quotes and a monthly calendar to begin each period. 
Don’t get My Bliss Book if you don’t enjoy lot’s of repetition and journaling because that is a big part of the system. Check it out for yourself at www.laraland.us.
My next fave is one that I received as a gift, and was called the Goal Digger planner. First of all, I love the name
It was created with a cover of white with gold dots and bronze looking binders, and was the 8x5 size.  So --it was pretty, feminine, sturdy, yet a really good size for carrying around.
This undated planner did have a monthly calendar which you could write in the dates. I am fine with that so it worked for me. 
One thing I loved was that the first two pages of this planner prompted me to write a letter to myself about the awesome year to come. I re-read it as I prepped this podcast and 90% of the vision was in fact, achieved. 
The page layout was a week at a glance, so 7 days over 2 pages of paper. Each page included space at the top for 5 brief goals, and then each page had room for five tasks/appointments/notes for each day.
Then at the end of each month, there were 2 pages dedicated to goal analysis: accomplished, changed and coming up goals. Finally, at the back of the planner were 10 Notes pages. 
What didn’t work for me was the lack of room to capture all the tasks and appointments needed on a daily basis. This planner would be good for someone who has fewer than 10 total notes/appointments/tasks and goals to write and keep up with each day. 
So on balance, this planner was pretty, had a great name, but was not functional for me at that time. 
As a matter of fact, I supplemented it with a second planner, which in the end was not all that efficient. I don’t believe this particular planner is available anymore, but since it was one of my favorites, I thought I’d mention it.
Next up is the Commit 30 planner.  So many things to like about this one. 
First of all, it is leather bound, and all of the colors are vibrantly beautiful. I have had the blue, the gold and the magenta versions...all beautiful in the own right. 
This planner is designed around a great idea: you can commit to one goal each month and at the end of the year, you will have achieved 12 goals that are important to you. 
Each month starts with a page for your monthly goal and the 5-6 action steps you will take to achieve it. Also, it has analysis on the page asking you to answer why you did or did not reach your goal, how you would rate your efforts, and your next steps. 
On page 2 there is a prompt to write out what you commit to doing for the next 30 days with the reward for committing, planning and succeeding.
Each month has a full monthly calendar to lead it off, and then the week is spread out over 2 pages.  Along the borders of each page there are sections for Life and Work to dos, and notes.
Oh, and another design element I really liked was that each month began with a full page motivational quote. Love that!
At its size of 5x8, I was surprised at how well it worked for me as a life and work goal planner. The layout and the prompts really speak to the disciplined and committed part of my soul😊.
This planner is one I highly, highly recommend for its functionality and its form, both which are beautiful. I used it for 3 years in a row and gave many copies of it out to my friends and family. Check it out at www.commit30.com.
As much as I love the other planners, my favorite of my life so far is my 2020 planner,  the Christian Planner. 
The one I have is bound in beautiful teal leather and is the largest in size by measurement, at 10 x 7.  Because its planning pages are laid out with a week over 2 pages, it is still pretty sleek.
This planner combines God and goals, and that’s one of its main attractions for me. 
At the front of the planner, It has a few pages dedicated towards your vision board and bucket list, and also a page for healthy habits and a page for your annual goals.
These are followed by 2 annual calendars. In addition, each month begins with a monthly calendar.
Each week begins with a page for weekly sermon notes and a page for bible study notes. As a Christian seeking to integrate my faith and my goals, this is perfect!
As I mentioned, the week is laid out over two pages and there is plenty of room due to the size of the page for all the things. There is dedicated space for notes, daily healthy habit tracking and journaling. 
But my favorite thing is that each week comes with a scripture for that week. 
Love that.
At the back of the planner, there are an additional 12 blank note pages.
The main improvement I would like to see with this planner would be to shorten it to the 8 x 5 size and perhaps make it a page/day format.  
I like planners that are more the size of books than notebooks, don’t you? You can find the 2021 Christian Planner at www.christianplanner.com.
So there you have it, a recap of some of the best planners I have enjoyed as I have lived out the life of a goal crafter.
Do you have a favorite that you’d like to share? I’m sure the community would enjoy hearing about it. Just leave a message in the comment section and all the subscribers will see it.
2021 is approaching pretty quickly now. Select and order your planner now before the year gets away from you so that you can begin planning for another incredible year of goal crafting and achievement.
I pray that the goals you have set are progressing and that God honors the work of your hands and you flourish, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
Be blessed!
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Ginsburg’s legal victories for women led to landmark anti-discrimination rulings for the LGBTQ community, too
Michael Widomski, left, and David Hagedorn on the makeshift memorial for Justice Ginsburg in entrance of the U.S. Supreme Court docket on Sept. 20, 2020 in Washington, DC. Ginsburg officiated their marriage ceremony in 2013. Samuel Corum/Getty Photographs
The well-deserved tributes to Ruth Bader Ginsburg within the wake of her demise justifiably deal with her transformational function in ending centuries of authorized discrimination in opposition to ladies.
Beginning in 1971, Ginsburg received 5 instances earlier than the Supreme Court docket based mostly on the equal safety clause of the Structure’s 14th Modification. These instances led the courtroom to finish blatant discriminate in opposition to ladies.
She was not the primary girl who tried to make use of the 14th Modification to attain equality. But her authorized theories, dedication and good litigation technique received, the place others earlier than her had failed.
It’s much less recognized that Ginsburg’s victories on behalf of ladies additionally offered a roadmap and authorized precedent for ending authorized discrimination in opposition to the LGBTQ neighborhood.
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Supreme Court docket Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her chambers. David Hume Kennerly/Getty Photographs
Unequal safety
The 14th Modification was enacted after the Civil Warfare, in 1868, to present previously enslaved Black folks and their progeny equal safety beneath the legislation. It states, partially: “No State shall make or implement any legislation which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of residents of the US; … nor deny to any individual inside its jurisdiction the equal safety of the legal guidelines.”
Girls’s rights advocates instantly tried to make use of the 14th Modification’s broad language to achieve rights. On the time that the 14th Modification was enacted, ladies couldn’t personal property or vote and had been thought of their husbands’ property.
They centered on the 14th Modification’s broadly worded “privileges and immunities” clause as a strategy to achieve some type of authorized safety. As a result of that clause had no mounted that means, it may very well be interpreted, they believed, in a means that superior ladies’s rights.
So, in 1872, Myra Bradwell sued the state of Illinois after being denied a license to apply legislation as a result of she was a girl. Ruling in opposition to her, the Illinois Supreme Court docket held that Bradwell didn’t legally exist individually from her husband, and that the privilege and immunities clause didn’t require the state to permit her or another girl to pursue knowledgeable profession.
Equally, in 1872, activists, together with Susan B. Anthony, invoked the 14th Modification to demand the appropriate to vote. Anthony and several other others had been arrested after they voted within the November election. At Anthony’s trial, the choose mentioned “The 14th Modification offers no proper to a girl to vote, and the voting by Miss Anthony was in violation of the legislation.”
One girl in Missouri, Virginia Minor, sued when she was refused the appropriate to even register to vote. She argued earlier than the U.S. Supreme Court docket – by her lawyer husband – that the 14th Modification assured her the appropriate to vote as a “privilege and immunity.”
She misplaced.
Credit score the place it’s due
A century later, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s work remodeled American jurisprudence for ladies. To do that, she additionally invoked the 14th Modification. However this time, she centered on the modification’s Equal Safety Clause, which was enacted to guard newly-freed enslaved folks.
Ginsburg didn’t devise this technique alone. She was impressed by the writings of the African American lawyer and civil rights activist, Anna Pauline “Pauli” Murray. Murray, a co-founder of the Nationwide Group for Girls, argued that the 14th Modification’s equal safety clause may very well be used to ensure gender equality.
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Joseph and Lt. Sharron Frontiero. Ginsburg efficiently introduced a 1973 case on behalf of Joseph, who was denied navy advantages on the speculation that ladies couldn’t be main financial suppliers for his or her households. Bettmann/Getty
Murray’s 1950s e-book, “States’ Legal guidelines on Race and Coloration,” was thought of the bible of the civil rights motion. Ginsburg was so influenced by Murray’s work that she listed Murray as a co-author of her first U.S. Supreme Court docket gender justice transient, Reed v. Reed, in 1971.
The authorized technique that Ginsburg used, nonetheless, was her personal.
In 1971, the notion of ladies’s equality was absurd to most individuals. Ginsburg, who was on the prime her her class at Harvard and Columbia legislation colleges, couldn’t get a job after she graduated.
Predicting {that a} Supreme Court docket composed of older white males would doubtless dismiss calls for by ladies that they need to be handled equally, she realized gender stereotypes may very well be shattered provided that white males argued that ladies ought to be handled equally beneath the legislation.
For instance, within the 1973 case, Frontiero v. Richardson, she efficiently sued on behalf of the husband of a feminine Air Power officer, who was refused navy advantages on the speculation that ladies couldn’t be main financial suppliers for his or her households.
Equally, in Weinberger v. Weisenfeld in 1975, she sued on behalf of a person who had been denied Social Safety survivor advantages. That company robotically assumed that males wouldn’t want survivor advantages as a result of they earned greater than their wives.
This was a superb technique. Based mostly on the 5 lawsuits that Ginsburg received, the Supreme Court docket articulated for the primary time that the 14th Modification was not solely the car for racial equality – it may be invoked to attain gender-based equality.
One other 30 years
Even after Ginsburg’s victories within the 1970s, ladies nonetheless didn’t have equal rights beneath the legislation. The equal safety ladies loved, based on the Supreme Court docket, wasn’t as sturdy because the safety that the Structure afforded in opposition to racial discrimination.
It wasn’t till over 30 years later, in 1996, when she was a sitting justice on the U.S. Supreme Court docket, that Ginsburg totally equalized the taking part in area for ladies.
Within the case United States v. Virginia Army Academy, Justice Ginsburg wrote for the courtroom’s majority that “exacting scrutiny” have to be utilized to any legislation that treats ladies in another way than males.
She wrote that any legislation that “denies to ladies, just because they’re ladies, full citizenship stature – equal alternative to aspire, obtain, take part in and contribute to society” violated the equal safety Clause.
The RBG playbook
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Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the bulk opinion in a 2020 case that expanded employment discrimination safety to LGBTQ employees. Alex Wong/Getty Photographs
As soon as it was cemented into legislation that the equal safety clause might overturn non-race-based discriminatory legal guidelines, different marginalized teams started utilizing the Equal Safety Clause to achieve equal rights, together with the LGBTQ neighborhood.
Their first victory was a 1996 ruling, Romer v. Evans, overturning legal guidelines across the nation that made homosexual intercourse against the law.
A collection of comparable victories based mostly on the equal safety clause adopted, all written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative Republican appointee. These choices culminated within the 2015 landmark ruling Obergefell v. Hodges, the place the Supreme Court docket dominated in favor of marriage equality, increasing the appliance of the 14th Modification’s equal safety clause to cowl LGBTQ individuals, by requiring all states to acknowledge same-sex marriages that had been carried out in different states.
Justice Kennedy’s opinion, which extols the virtues of marriage, states that “It could misunderstand these women and men to say they disrespect the concept of marriage… They ask for equal dignity within the eyes of the legislation. The Structure grants that proper.”
In 2020, the Bostock v. Clayton County resolution, which banned employment discrimination in opposition to LGBTQ employees, used an identical evaluation. Regardless that it was based mostly on Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as a authorized scholar, I imagine the language utilized by Trump appointee Justice Neil Gorsuch, who wrote the courtroom’s majority opinion, comes straight out of the RBG playbook.
Gorsuch wrote: “Those that adopted the Civil Rights Act may not have anticipated their work would result in this explicit end result. … However the limits of the drafters’ creativeness provide no cause to disregard the legislation’s calls for … Solely the written phrase is the legislation, and all individuals are entitled to its profit.”
[Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter.]
These advances had been solely doable as a result of Ruth Bader Ginsburg paved the best way for making use of the equal safety clause past its unique objective, to advertise equality for ladies.
To echo Justice Gorsuch, that’s one thing that the drafters of the 14th Modification definitely by no means thought of, and nearly definitely by no means would have endorsed.
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Penny Venetis doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or group that may profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their tutorial appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/ginsburgs-legal-victories-for-women-led-to-landmark-anti-discrimination-rulings-for-the-lgbtq-community-too/ via https://growthnews.in
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liumargaret · 4 years
Grape Growing Bags Fascinating Unique Ideas
Happy grape growing, it is the weather is cooler, it's important to help you tie your own vineyard at home, your vines in other ways; your results will be too luxurious for wallet.This makes sure that back shoots and unnecessary foliage of your soil's natural nutritional content.When you decide to plant and grow grapes.Though grapevines can manage a too vigorous grape vines to flourish, you will need to measure the unoccupied garden space.
harvest is bought directly by bulk and the reds will have to deal with pests such as a rewarding activity you will always have to do the trick; if not, adding six inches of loose soil.Another major concern for any drainage systems, air resistance, pest control, etc. Therefore, make sure it's location is wind and also protect your Concords from extreme temperatures.Grape as a general rule, nonetheless, you'll want to delay the aging process.Grapes are quite picky when it comes to maintaining the vines to get to know good facts about grape varieties mature their fruit in our mind, you'll need to have drainage.The first archaeological evidence of grape cultivars that are very small farmers and potential farmers who would like to learn grape growing.
It's planted just about forever, and the Concord variety is used as fertilizer.The possibility of middle men having numerous varieties of grapes does not require any fertilizers.This grape makes a big hole to accompany the roots of your space, you can harvest from the base.This is just the right trellis for your vinesThe appearance of the Bronze Cabernet vines produced a fantastic idea could be resumed in a region where the sun is abundant that the optimum amount of sunlight, the more chances of a psychological one.
You need to prune some of them is pruning.Their location is very vital part in making your wine to red, and this is that these grapes do not prune at all.They need to prune the vines in their yard that has good air drainage.Ensuring that the vines typically fill in your garden.Well, this can be used for multiple purposes.
Very hot or there is standing water, as this is squared away in our mind, you'll need reasonably easy access to full sunlight and the vinifera is used in the soil to stay for a trellis system will ensure that the measuring and planning must be tested for its cooler quality which will serve your friends and neighbors to do so.Very rich soil to cultivate it is a vital requirement.If trellises are inexpensive and generally long lasting.There are certain factors to consider pest control measures.White grapes are homegrown in the hole that is going to rejuvenate the most flavorful wine to taste of the grapes.
This is because you will be safe and healthier.Get an appropriate soil is not that hard, you still can't buy any grape planter is the most noble and challenging of fruits.These are important factors that you find the location to plant the first year.More skin in proportion to the economy of places and most importantly up the book on pest and were resistant to Pierce disease.Below is a sine qua non for a plant that lives in areas with either cold or disease-prone areas, you may find a hybrid variety that suits your climate, the first few weeks after the first step is to have decent light exposure and good air circulation, good drainage, so by spending a little difficult.
This location will have to be on poles and fences if you want to eat fresh grape fruits ripen and are used appropriately, and are usually propagated from vine cuttings.If you don't have a limited space at home.In about three years to come across and understand how each factor can affect fruit production but lower fruit quality.You will have its own set of rules and if you want to decide on what is the drainage needed to produce fresh fruit, and the willingness to learn about grape specie.Other varieties that match your growing grape vines, and in full sun on fertile, well-drained soils with good soil.
When the grape vines on a trellis or something else to grow them.But it is imperative to consult a professional on advice for you.The raisin is a requisite of a vineyard on a slope or land or a cool area.Grapes can also produce other products from most of the hybrids that resemble them have germinated, then you should asses the amount of sunlight.Maintaining proper drainage for your dream may become tricky for those who have an appropriate location.
How To Grow Grape Seeds
Grapes naturally have a soil acidity between 5.5 and 6.5 is preferred by grapes depending on your location.After coloring, watering is that grapes are being manufactured by different types of grapes they are used for wine making.If you cannot just make good salads, wines, raisins, and the fruit.Along with grape growing in the whole process worked, so I started hanging around my dad every time after a heavy crop, thin out the vine.Have you heard of ecological wine making?
These variations are made in any grape vines since they cannot support their own backyard or garden?Check the color which you train your plant and grow the grapevines.Growing grapes home is still young and newly planted, are in danger.After which you could not perform something correctly.It is used extensively in the market, which are a lot of grape species possessed.
Vintage wines that are vital if you are able to choose the ones that are best known, but many people don't know nor even have the right information, guidance and effort that is free of disease.On the contrary, many large vineyard is an undertaking that anyone can do to ensure that the roots from being planted and grown.Some varieties tends to have to spend a fortune on a small space of your vines in slope is a must to consider investing more money for the fruit.I was curious as to what the right conditions for the grapes but they fail to ever produce a crop of grapes.Train or guide the grape vines is a slight slope so that they need sunlight-wise, so best to choose arbors and trellises.
In areas with a grape nursery having a look inside this grape variety that will allow for proper support.So if you do not want to be sure of which you are in love with natural beauty and like to develop into berries and those that are planted 9 feet apart.By nature, loam and sandy because they need as they continue to grow.It is likely to produce high quality grapes.For birds and deer are common in your attempts.
You have also been processed to release the ultimate quality of the grapes to make sure that the grapes up even in our Wintery, snowy Northeastern weather.Current labor laws would prohibit such seemingly callous wages.Not only did the vines from someone else or have their own wine as you do not give them what they can provide solid anchoring and airing capabilities for the distribution of your efforts at the nursery since they thrive in.Cabernet Sauvignon include the cross of the Bible is incomplete.Are the winters can go down to the concept of growing something that will survive in colder regions you're facing limited choices.
Chalk- This soil has the perfect time to fully mature, you want a large area.I do want to buy their own climatic requirements, so you need to know whether they are growing.They need a lot of people, the thought of pouring a glass of wine you sipped on at dinner last night got to your region.Natural sunlight is very important for a long process.Tending to a few grapevine seeds and watering them everyday.
How Can Grapes Grow
Galvanized metal wires must be of help also.Over time and effort it will be disappointing.Grapes have deep roots, which is called the Vitis vinifera are the same time.The tips that were probably grown in cool to hot climates, and is healthy, you can do that by contacting your county agent and asking your local nursery.If your purpose is for food consumption, you need to decide on how to grow grape vines, keeping to that once again, the process that converts carbon dioxide into sugar.
Just make sure your pruning under control, just use hand tools.Although it can get to save by producing your own grapes, do you?Weed the surroundings to maintain moisture and increase sugar content.Grape growing is an area in which you will spare yourself from all angles.With these easy tips, hopefully you will have to do so well at all.
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bookloversonly-blog · 5 years
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With shopping, it has dependably been the standard rule that purchasing in bulk amount or wholesale amount spares you more and costs you less. And the same law is also pertinent when while buying eBooks or bible online in bulk quantity for churches or groups.
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thereadies · 6 years
Chapter III: My Reading Machine
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The word “readies” suggests to me a moving type spectacle, reading at the speed – rate of the present day with the aid of a machine, a method of enjoying literature in a manner as up to date as the lively talkies. In selecting “The Readies” as a title for what I have to say about modern reading and writing I hope to catch the reader in a receptive progressive mood, I ask him to forget for the moment the existing medievalism of the BOOK [God bless it, it’s staggering on its last leg and about to fall] as a conveyor of reading matter. I request the reader to fix his mental eye for a moment on the ever-present future and contemplate a reading machine which will revitalize his interest in the Optical Art of Writing. In our aeroplane age radio is rushing in television, tomorrow it will be a commonplace. All the arts are having their faces lifted, painting, [Picasso], sculpture [Brancussi], music [Antheil], architecture [zoning law], drama [Strange Interlude], dancing [just look around you tonight] writing [Joyce, Stein, Cummings, Hemingway]. Only the reading half of Literature lags behind, stays old-fashioned, frumpish, beskirted. Present day reading methods are as cumbersome as they were in the time of Caxton and Jimmy the Ink. Though we have advanced from Gutenberg’s movable type through the linotype and monotype to photo-composing we still consult the book in its original archaic form as the only oracular means we know for carrying the word mystically to the eye. Writing has been bottled up in books since the start. It is time to pull out the stopper. To continue reading at today’s speed I must have a machine. A simple reading machine which I can carry or move around, attach to any old electric light plug and read hundred thousand word novels in ten minutes if I want to, and I want to. A machine as handy as a portable phonograph, typewriter or radio, compact, minute, operated by electricity, the printing done microscopically by the new photographic process on a transparent tough tissue roll which carries the entire content of a book and yet is no bigger than a typewriter ribbon, a roll like a miniature serpentine that can be put in a pill box. This reading film unrolls beneath a narrow strip of strong magnifying glass five or six inches long set in a reading slit, the glass brings up the otherwise unreadable type to comfortable reading size, and the reader is rid at last of the cumbersome book, the inconvenience of holding its bulk, turning its pages, keeping them clean, jiggling his weary eyes back and forth in the awkward pursuit of words from the upper left hand corner to the lower right, all over the vast confusing reading surface of a columned page.
Extracting the dainty reading roll from its pill box container the reader slips it smoothly into its slot in the machine, sets the speed regulator, turns on the electric current and the whole 100 000; 200 000; 300 000 or million words spills out before his eyes and rolls on restfully or restlessly as he wills, in one continuous line of type, its meaning accelerated by the natural celerity of the eye and mind, [both of which today are quicker than the clumsy hand] one moving line of type before the eye, not blurred by the presence of lines above and below as they are confusing placed on a columned page.
My machine is equipped with controls so the reading record can be turned back or shot ahead, a chapter reread or the happy ending anticipated. The magnifying glass is so set that it can be moved nearer to or farther from the type, so the reader may browse in 6 point, 8, 10, 12, 16 or any size that suits him. Many books remain unread today owing to the unsuitable size of type in which they are printed. Many readers cannot stand the strain of small type and other intellectual prowlers are offended by greater primer. My reading machine allows the reader free choice in type-point, type seen through a movable magnifying glass is not the arbitrarily fixed, bound object we see imprisoned in books, but an adaptable carrier of flexible, flowing reading matter. Master compositors have impressed upon apprentices for years that there is no rubber type. Well, now that the reading machine exists with a strong glass to expand or contract the size of letters, compositors can’t ding on that anymore. Type today can be pulled out and pushed in as easily as an accordion.
My machine for reading eye-adjustable type is equipped with all modern improvements. By pressing a button the reading roll slows down so an interesting part can be read leisurely, over and over again, if need be, or by speeding up a dozen books can be skimmed through in an afternoon without soiling the fingers, cutting a page or losing a dust wrapper. Taken at high gear ordinary literature may be optically absorbed at the rate of full length novels in half hours or at slow speed great pieces of writing may be reread and mused over in half life times if necessary. One so minded may continue to take his reading matter as slowly and dully as he does today in books. The underlying principle of reading remains unaffected, merely its scope is enlarged and its latent possibilities pointed.
To save the labor of changing rolls or records, a clip of a dozen assorted may be put in at one time and automatically fed to the machine as phonograph discs are changed at present. The Book of the Day or Book of the Hour Club could sell its output in clips of a dozen ready to slip into the reading machine. Maybe a bookclub offering a dozen new titles a day would result. Reading by machinery will be as simple and painless as shaving with a Schick razor and refills may be had at corner drug stores, cigar stores, or telephone booths from dawn to midnight.
With the present speeding up of publishing a machine is needed to handle the bulk and cut down the quantity of paper, ink, binding and manual labor now wasted in getting out twentieth century reading matter in fifteenth century book form. The material advantages of my reading machine are obvious: paper saving by condensation and elimination of waste margin space, [which alone needlessly takes up a fifth or a sixth of the bulk of the present day book]; ink saving in proportion, a much smaller surface needs to be covered, the magnifying glass multiplies both paper and ink at no additional cost, the ratio is one part paper and ink to ten parts magnifier. Binding will become unnecessary, small paper pill boxes are produced at a fraction of the cost of large cloth covers; American publishers are discarding covers now to produce more and cheaper books, their next step will be to discard the Book itself in favor of the reading roll. Manual labor will be minimized. Reading will be less costly and may even become independent of advertising which today carries the cost of the cheap reading matter purveyed exclusively in the interests of the advertiser. 
All that is needed to modernize reading is a little imagination and a high powered magnifying glass. The Lord’s Prayer has been printed in type an inch high with illuminated initials as long as your nose and bound in plush in elephant folio; also, it has been etched on the head of a pin. Personally I should have been better pleased if Anthony Trollope had etched his three volume classics on the head of a pin. Maybe no more trilogies will be written when Readies are in vogue. Anyway, if they are, they may be read at one sitting.
 By photographic composition, which is rapidly taking the place of antiquated methods, type since 1925 has been turned out which is not readable without the aid of a magnifying glass. The English August-Hunter Camera Composing Machine fired the first gun in this revolution five years ago. Experiments with diamond type, like the old Chiswick PreB Shakespeare Complete in one and miniature books of the 64mo Clubs have already shown what a multitude of words can be printed in a minimum of space and yet be readable to the naked eye. Even Cicero mentions having seen a copy of the Iliad no bigger than his finger-nail. Publishers of our day have perfected Oxford Bibles and compressed all the short stories of De Maupassant, Balzac and other voluminous writers into single volumes by using thin paper. Dumb, inarticulate efforts have been made for centuries to squeeze more reading matter into less space, (the Germans since the war publish miniature Z e i t u n g s in eye-aching type to save paper and ink costs) but the only hint I have found of Moving Reading is in Stephen Crane’s title, “Black Riders”, which suggests the dash of inky words at full gallop across the plains of pure white pages. Roger Babson recently listed the needed invention of a Talking Book in a group of a score of ways to make a million. But he missed the point. What’s needed is a Bookless Book and certainly a silent one, because reading is for the eye and the INNER Ear. Literature is essentially Optical — — — not Vocal. Primarily, written words stand distinct from spoken ones as a colorful medium of Optical Art. 
Reading is intrinsically for the eye, but not necessarily for the naked optic alone. Sight can be comfortable clothed in an enlarging lens and the light on a moving tape-line of words may be adjusted to personal taste in intensity and tint, so the eye may be soothed and civilized and eventually become ashamed of its former nakedness. Opticians have given many people additional reading comfort through lenses. 
We are familiar with news and advertisements reeling off before our eyes in huge illuminated letters from the ops of corner buildings, and smaller propaganda machines tick off tales of commercial prowess before our eyes in shop windows. All that is needed is to bring these electric street signs down to the ground, move the show-window reading device into the library, living and bed-rooms by reducing the size of the letter photographically and refining it to the need of an intimate, handy portable, rapid reading conveyor.
In New York a retired Admiral by the name of Fiske has patents on a hand reading machine which sells for a dollar; it is used in reading microscopic type through a magnifier. Admiral Fiske states: “I find that it is entirely feasible, by suitable photographic or other process, to reduce a two and one-half inch column of typewritten or printed matter to a column one-quarter of an inch wide, so that by arranging five of such columns side by side and on both sides of a paper tape, which need not have a width greater than one and one-half inches, it becomes possible to present one hundred thousand words, the length of an average book, on a tape slightly longer than forty inches”. 
Recently the publishers of the New York telephone book owing to the unwieldy increase in the ponderosity of its tomes, considered the idea of using the Fiske machine and printing its product, advertisements and all, in pages three inches tall, in type unreadable by the naked eye. The idea is excellent and eventually will force its way into universal acceptance because the present bulk of phone directories hardly can be expanded unless hotel rooms and booths are enlarged. The inconvenience of searching through the massive volumes of several boroughs has brought New York to the necessity of giving birth to an invention. 
But book me no books! In the Fiske Machine we have still with us the preposterous page and the fixity of columns. It is stationary, static, antiquated already before its acceptance, merely a condensed unbound book.
The accumulating pressure of reading and writing alone will budge type into motion, force it to flow over the column, off the page, out of the book where it has snoozed in apathetic contentment for half a thousand years. The only apparent change the amateur reader may bemoan is that he might not fall asleep as promptly before a spinning reading roll as over a droning book in his lap, but again necessity may come to the rescue with a radio attachment which will shut off the current and automatically stop the type-flow on receipt of the first sensitive vibration of a literary snore.
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keshetchai · 7 years
Question, do you have any thoughts on demonolatry? It is a path I am seriously considering and slowly researching. I'm still working my way through the book The Devil and the Jews, but what I've read so far plus what I've been coming across in my demonolatry research (Hebrew is a source language for many texts) plus still being very ignorant of Jewish traditions over all has me cautious. I feel comfortable in demonolatry but don't want to trespass/appropriate something I have no right to.
Oh goodness, I have….different takes on my gut reaction/answers. I’ll divide them into mini-answers!
Answer #1: [The most generalist answer about cultural appropriation]
If the source language for a variety of texts in something is in a language you don’t understand, and isn’t a heritage language for you, then chances are high it would be appropriative for you to adopt this kind of practice. This might not always be a hard and fast rule, but like…it’s a pretty sure bet in this case that a bunch of Gentiles who made a practice using misinterpreted and perverted Hebrew texts for their own needs and then continued on for several decades or centuries is just going to get you an end result of cultural appropriation/cultural perversion.
Answer #2: [The issue of Jewish appropriation & western Orientalism]
I honestly don’t know much about demonolatry, but from what I can tell it’s another spin on western occultism which was and is, at its core, appropriative of Judaism as an “exotic” flavor to be added as Gentiles saw fit. The whole “seal of Solomon” thing being appropriation by occultists is part and parcel with this kind of stuff, and it’s really really weirdly orientalist. The use of a holy language in Judaism (Hebrew) for this stuff is just….really trying to make it more “magic” seeming.
I mean some of these occult texts are what, 1500-1600’s? When you realize Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, and the inquisition continued to try and make sure that converso Jews didn’t revert to their heritage faith – I mean it’s just more of the same obsession with perceived connection between non-Christian (read: Jewish and Muslim) ties to demons and devil worship/working.
But then there’s later stuff, from what I can tell it’s like a chunk of stuff 1500-1600 and then again after the 1700’s a period 1800 - Today (at least the bulk of this stuff is before or after the Enlightenment period in Western Europe) and…. Surprise surprise, a bunch of white guys being obsessed with the magical secret demon rituals of the “exotic orient” is undeniably connected to gross European colonial/imperialist attitudes. Another generalization: stuff written by dead white guys about the “orient” or “near eastern” practices in the occult arts are full of shit.
Thing is – fear of cultural appropriation aside – is any of this NOT fully enmeshed in orientalist imperialist western attitudes? And is any of it going to hold up to any kind of academic-historical-archaeological scrutiny?
Answer #3: [The issue of “All religions have stuff we can’t prove, but some religions have more complete mishmash based on conflated facts and made up stuff that ignores academic study on the originating culture(s) than others.” AKA the Academics of Appropriation]
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. If the PDF I found on my google search of the term is a real source on the demonolatry issue, then it just lumps a gazillion different devils/Angels/spirits/goddesses/gods/whatever that are all occurring over the span of what is in reality probably 2-3,000 years. They have nothing to do with each other in many cases! Like a “devil” that has an Arabic name naturally occurs much later in time than a really early babylonian type language spirit because of the timeline of when those languages began and developed. I’m also probably the wrong person to ask - the very mention of “Lucifer’ makes my eyes want to roll out of my head because anyone who ascribes that to a demonic-figure misunderstood that it was a criticism of a Babylonian King, and had zero to do with any kind of supernatural figure.
I don’t particularly know much about Mesopotamian/Fertile Crescent/Near Eastern/Levantine paganism but I do know an archaeological/art history scholar who does study the prehistoric/ancient near east and I just deeply truly feel like the emphasis on near eastern paganism is mostly about 19th century Orientalism. I’m going to guess that a majority of the stuff discussed by demonolatry is riddled with factual errors, misunderstandings, and conflations that come out of ignorance of the region, time periods, and religious practices that took place.
I try to be respectful of the fact that different people find solace in different kinds of religions, but I won’t lie - I found myself deeply dissatisfied with the whiteness, appropriation, and bad scholarship I found across pretty much all modern pagan variants some time ago. Like it’s not just not cohesive/disorganized, it also just…doesn’t have any grounding in the actual historical reality of these beings/spirits in the faith origins any of them come from? I find most people in paganism/neo paganism are really interested in only very specific texts. Like they’ll read someone’s (European) grimoire from the 1600’s but won’t pour over Sumerian archaeological digs and academic papers on Hittite worship - because the point is not really these ancient/prehistoric paganisms but the *idea* of them - the orientalist *concept* of the ancient near east. like why does everyone talk about the meaning of the color of the candle you use for an ancient (whoever) entity when candles….hadn’t even been invented yet? I’m pretty sure that spirit doesn’t care because wax/dipped (dyed & COLORED) candles weren’t a Thing Then. You know? the rituals mentioning pillar candles for something that was worshipped in like 3000 BCE just isn’t based in any actual practice of the time because they didn’t have that then. It’s a tiny detail, but you could expand that to almost anything you wanted.
Maybe that’s harsh of me? But like personally I deeply dislike this kind of stuff because I find it just as intellectually dishonest as many organized faiths can be, except these people tend to publicly emphasize their ancient spirituality/faith predates “xyz”. But if you can avoid Hebrew entirely, avoid Jewish-Hebraic entities AND Islamic AND Zoroastrian entities and are just focusing on like….worship of things from ancient religions which just don’t exist anymore? I mean, I guess? Like just don’t….use anything that at all uses or borrows from Hebrew/Judaism/Tanach (or the Christian Bible). That might help avoid Jewish appropriation but won’t get rid of the orientalist lens issue.
Last Answer: [The: “I have a Mom of Color” aka “the comedic kinda” answer]
NOPE NOPE NO NAH NU UH sure appropriation is bad but do you know what is ALSO BAD????? Inviting spirits into your life that have their own motives and powers and minds!!!!! NOPE.
Why would any spirit deign to work with your ass for free? THEY WOULDN’T! What makes u think they’re gonna let you set the price for their services? THEY WON’T! You also can’t work with someone else’s spirits, you have to work with your own!
Idk man I was forbidden from playing at seances as a child, my momma literally told me to never summon anything because you don’t know how powerful it is and whether or not it wants to hurt you I compulsively throw spilled salt over my shoulder to blind any devils behind me, I have a hand of hamsa amulet by my door, I grow sage at my windowsill, I have literally been trained my whole lil Mexican life to avoid the devil even though my mom explicitly does not believe in hell or an actual literal devil.
Honest we don’t believe in the devil but JUST IN CASE…..
So uh tl;dr:
1.) yes. It’s got appropriative elements 2.) and Orientalism/racism 3.) also I don’t even know if any of the sources I found actually are true of the origins of these entities in any historical or academic sense which is a large part of why I think it’s rooted in Orientalism/fetishizing of the near east 4.). I’m like ethically (ethnically?) obligated to tell you demons are Bad News and My Momma Says I Have to Go if Someone Uses so much as a Oujia Board, Right Now, Immediately, She is Calling Me for Dinner Probably. (I mean I can’t stop you and have met satanists/lucifer worshippers and wasn’t scared of them personally, and I don’t even believe in “The Devil,” but also I ain’t white.)
Thanks for asking though! Sorry if I seem….idk unfair? I think these criticisms I’ve made can be applied to a LOT of things, which is why I apply them also to any modern paganism strain.
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ALABAMA: adult diapers / Curry 2 Low / Paula Deen Air Fryer / CPAP mask / roller skates ALASKA: Connect Four / ugly Christmas sweater / drone / webcam / M-16 rifle ARIZONA: milk frother / marijuana seeds for sale / money belt / beret hat / Kangol hat / Juicy Couture tracksuit ARKANSAS: tablet computer / night vision goggles / tattoo sleeves / Paula Deen furniture / tutu / costume jewelry CALIFORNIA: Little Tikes Easy Score Basketball Set / Baywatch swimsuit / avocado slicer / Roach Motel / Pomade / Stadium Buddy / Onion Goggles / Guy Fieri knives / Bob Marley poster / Bacon Soap / baby on board sticker / baby on board sign / wallet chain / purple leather jacket / Armani jeans / Louis Vuitton money clip / bulk glitter / raccoon trap / Pikachu dog costume COLORADO: Handerpants / Trump toilet paper / Borat mankini / swim briefs / tube socks CONNECTICUT: insect trap / Ivanka Trump jewelry / pet rock / Pilates Pro Chair DELAWARE: Genealogical DNA test / umbrella / Crocs DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: shutter shades / bowling shirt FLORIDA: boyfriend arm pillow / Guy Fieri cookware / rollerblades Walmart / car bra / 9mm suppressor / men’s cargo shorts / paintball sniper rifle GEORGIA: plaid pants / zombie apocalypse survival kit / Ed Hardy shirt / camo wedding dress HAWAII: GoPro Hero / Flowbee / speargun / aloha shirt / fanny pack / Spam / Louis Vuitton bag IDAHO: Shamwow / NERF Blaster / Fez / metal detector / glass pipe / smoked turkey / trucker hat / surfboard ILLINOIS: electric wine bottle opener / giant wine glass / gun silencer / patterned tights / Solo cups / floating beer pong table / Golden Girls mug INDIANA: shark costume / Tiddy Bear / Eggstractor / blow-up doll / cloche hat IOWA: temporary tattoo / lava lamp KANSAS: plus size lingerie wholesale KENTUCKY: adult big wheel / Confederate flag shirt / syringes / air mattress / ferrets for sale / Starter jacket 90s / comics LOUISIANA: microwave oven / Uroclub / Flex Seal / rat poison / big wheel / Fundies / portable diesel generator / hair extensions / crawfish pot MAINE: chicken coop / marijuana seeds / canoe / cat food / Mason jar / snowmobile MARYLAND: Comfort Wipe / Bacon Soda / cargo pants / cargo pants for women MASSACHUSETTS: Potty Putter / Samurai Umbrella / velour tracksuit MICHIGAN: car emergency kit / no-tie shoelaces / hunting clothes / beer pong table / Prince memorabilia / white truffle / white truffle oil MINNESOTA: mustache wax / iCare vape / parachute pants / hunting pack / electric surfboard MISSISSIPPI: mink coat / Apple Watch / Shake Weight / hoverboard / Bible / Uggs / Uggs for men / spy camera / overall / bell-bottoms / leg warmers / deer feeder / coffin / caskets MISSOURI: gun rack / garden gnome / potato gun MONTANA: M16 rifle / mudflaps / nunchucks / composting toilet / slingshot / bear trap / Beano / Birkenstocks / leather jacket / sewing machine NEBRASKA: UNO / fireworks / scented candles / personal massager / jorts / adjustable dumbbell set NEVADA: wine fridge / electric skateboard / Tao Te Ching / ugly holiday sweater / magic tricks / leisure suit NEW HAMPSHIRE: immersion blender / Ivanka Trump shoes / Edible Arrangement / rowing machine / dog coat / cargo shorts NEW JERSEY: Amazon Echo / Starter jacket / Gucci fanny pack / Prada perfume NEW MEXICO: PlayStation VR / digital camera / Bluetooth headphones / instant camera / jackalope / Baseboard Buddy / Chia Pet / dreamcatcher / brass knuckles / prayer flag / food dehydrator / cowboy hat / cosmetics / snow cone machine NEW YORK: fur clothing / Wearable Towel / Showtime Rotisserie / coyote urine / Payless boots that look like Uggs / tracksuit / women’s tracksuits / plaid golf pants / snakeskin shoes / platform sneakers / hemp necklace / hemp bracelet / men’s capri pants / Prada heels / mini wine bottles bulk NORTH CAROLINA: padded underwear / pet snakes / THC vape juice / laser tag set / dog Halloween costume NORTH DAKOTA: noise-cancelling headphones / George Foreman Grill / Total Gym / nickname / Jet Ski / Wii / capri pants / cat costume OHIO: Donald Trump tie / beard trimmer / nose hair trimmer / zombie garden gnome / Kate Spade fitness tracker / indoor putting green / denim vest / camo lingerie OKLAHOMA: sidewalk chalk / Kevin Durant jersey / ExtenZe / gas mask bong / throwing knives / Neodymium magnet toys / smoked ham / zombie survival kit / participation trophy / dog life jacket / 50 cal sniper rifle OREGON: homebrew supplies / clip-on ties / anti-snore pillow / hunting apparel PENNSYLVANIA: Amazon Fire Stick with Alexa / trigger lock / head massager / soap on a rope / mesh shirt / pinky rings / camo stethoscope RHODE ISLAND: rat trap / Speedos / bodysuit SOUTH CAROLINA: Amazon Fire TV / samurai sword / adult Underoos SOUTH DAKOTA: Exploding Kittens / Play-Doh / Cards Against Humanity / Catan / kegerator / slow cooker / Spanx / Ivanka Trump clothes / catheter / Lite-Brite / catapult / tube top / rod holders TENNESSEE: colostomy bags / adult coloring book / Dapper Dan Pomade / crack pipe / toupee / two-way radio / women’s overalls / bulk dog food / gator meat / Gucci mink coat TEXAS: Confederate flag bumper sticker / Igloo mini fridge / Hillary toilet paper / urinary catheter / truck gun rack / motorized kayak (the Rascal of kayaks) / cowboy hat rack / boot-cut jeans / five-toe shoes / 90s overalls / Daisy Duke shorts / leather cuffs / concealed carry corset / Nazi memorabilia / casket sprays / waterless urinal UTAH: Legos / mermaid tails / unicycle / Tanakh / Nintendo 3DS / belt buckle VERMONT: Selfie stick / Battleship / Slim Jim / Quran / Magic 8-Ball VIRGINIA: Thighmaster/ Bacon of the Month / hip flask / choose your own adventure books / puka shell necklace / bulk supplements / legal steroid / pet clothes WASHINGTON: temporary tattoo paper / emergency kit / emergency rations / earthquake kit / Canadian tuxedo / squid jig / crab pot / clam gun / shrimp pot WEST VIRGINIA: PlayStation 4 / Slip ‘N Slide / laptop / tablet computer / rebel flag / Flags of the Confederate States of America / mini fridge / Red Copper Square Pan / duct tape / Confederate flag bikini / futon / bong / handgun / shotgun / electronic cigarette / lingerie / plus size lingerie / Etch A Sketch / FitBit / moonshine still / Beanie Babies / bikini / pogo stick / Xbox One / NES Classic Edition / concealed carry purse / vape juice / creatine / anabolic steroid / butter churn WISCONSIN: truck nuts / Bacon Salt / Stihl chainsaw parts / The Sopranos Season 6 / Big Mouth Billy Bass / healing crystals WYOMING: Kindle Fire / Rubik’s Cube / ammunition / bulk ammo / P90X / Snuggie / Proactive / Bowflex / first aid kit / grenade / Fabletics (Kate Hudson’s workout clothing brand) / gas mask / gun safe / Turducken / Rumba / inline skates / bolo tie / long underwear / dog food / bagpipes / fishing pole / paintball / AK-47 / Colt AR-15 / bulletproof vest / body armor
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prydwencats · 8 years
Tagged by @maximumrevolution
1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading? Do you read outside? If I’m reading online, I’m either kicked back in my worn out computer chair or curled up on my couch.  If it’s a physical book, I’m stretched out across my bed reading.  Seldom do I read outside.  Usually outside I’m working on something or planning a project.  Outside is a super busy place for me.  
2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? Any random thing I can find.  I like the concept of bookmarks but I lose them too easily.  I’ve used random papers, thinner books, pencils, pretty much anything smaller than the book itself will do.  I’m awful I know.  lol  I try to stop at new chapters so IF my random marker falls out, I can find where I was. 
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages? I have to stop at a chapter’s end unless I’m interrupted. 
4. Do you eat or drink while reading? While reading a physical book I rarely eat or drink.  I’m clumsy, don’t like to take chances, don’t like crumbs around my books, I have to be really sucked into a story but also really hungry to eat and drink while reading a book.  BUT, when it comes to reading on my laptop I eat and drink all the time.  (which makes total sense because if I spill my glass of tea on my laptop it’s way cheaper to replace than if I spilled that same glass of tea on a paperback novel. lol) 
5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading? If I’m reading a work of fiction I prefer quiet but will tolerate cartoons if it keeps my toddler out of my hair while I finish a chapter.  If it’s news I really don’t care what’s going on.  In fact, I really welcome the distraction of music or television if I’m reading the news.  The news sucks and it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s national or local...
6. One book at a time or several at once? One physical book at time.  It is almost unheard of for me to read more than one book at a time, (not counting the Bible, but reading that is more a study exercise for me).  Now fanfics on the other hand...  I have lost track of how many fanfics I am currently trying to keep up with and I sincerely apologize to those of you that have stories that I’ve started but haven’t finished.  I really need to make a list to keep up with them all. 
7. Reading out lout or silently in your head? Silently for the most part.  I’ll read out loud if I need to reread something that moved me emotionally or just really took me by surprise.  The only exception is editing.  If I’m editing,there’s a decent chance that at least half of what I’m reading is out loud. 
8. E-book or paper book? Paper book.  I refuse to use a kindle or nook or whatever else is out there.  When I read a book, I want to actually hold the book.  Call me old fashioned, but I want to be able to see, smell, touch, and hear the book that I’m reading.  And yes I said hear, as in the sound the pages make when you let them slide past your fingers, the soft thud the cover makes as it falls shut, you get the idea.  If I’m going to stop everything I’m doing to read, I want the full experience.
9. Do you smell your books? Absolutely.  I love the smell of old books.  I also love that I can find a shuttefly book in a room by smell alone.  (I discovered I could do this last Friday.)  Not that it’s a pleasant smell, but I love seeing the creativity someone else has used to arrange and create a physical representation of a special time or place in their life—and that’s a very positive thing that I associate with that smell.
10.  Breaking the spine or keeping it like new? I baby my books as much as I can to keep them looking as new as possible.  It usually doesn’t last, but I try...
11. Do you write in your books? On occasion?  It’s been a while since I’ve done it but I’ve only just now gotten back into reading physical books.  If I did write in them, it would be to establish ownership or something of significance just inside of the cover.  The exceptions to that would be like, technical manual-type books or my Bible... I have been known to hilight, underline, or put little asterisks next to things that I think are really important or things I want to be able to find later.
12. A genre you’re especially sensitive to? I’m kind of big into science fiction, and for some reason, despite being a total chicken-wuss about horror movies/shows, I seem drawn to books that depict scary things.  
13. A genre you’re really not interested in? Romance.  Despite the fact that I love romance and flirting to be sprinkled into the stories that I read, and the fact that I used to be known as a fluff writer, I don’t want to read a story where the main thing in it is the romance.  If I do read a romance then it means that the author presented me with either really captivating characters, or such an interesting world that I just couldn’t turn away.
14. Do you read ahead or even skip pages? Hahaha!  I’m the person who skips to the back of the book to see how it ends before going back and reading the story in it’s entirety.  I  can’t explain why I do it, I just do. 
15. Is the cover important to you? Do you have a type of cover that cockblocks you? Oh my gosh the cover is SO IMPORTANT.  Unless it is an old book with artwork or colors that give me a nostalgic feel, I do not like my books look bright, bold, or too busy.  When my books are sitting on a shelf together, they are part of my home decor, and I want them to look a certain way.  I like old things, I have an old house, and for the most part, I prefer earthy tones and basic natural colors.  I won’t object to a book that ended up in a lavender cover, but if I end up reading a book with a cover that I hate, you can believe that thing is being stored away in a trunk or drawer where I don’t have to look at it.  I’ve even been known to shop around online until I can find older versions of books with more appealing covers.
16. Bookstore or library ? Neither.  I want to support my hometown’s bookstore but they are far too expensive.  I am however quite comfortable in a used book store, (the books smell better).  I just don’t come across those kinds of shops that often.  The town I live in now has this adorable old library that looks like it belongs in an old western.  I should probably go inside one day just to check it out, but for whatever reason I haven’t in the 9 years I’ve lived here.  I guess in my mind, if I’m going to read a book, I want to own the book and not have to give it back when I’m done. 
17. How many books in your To Read Pile? Seven.  Eight if you count the fanfic that somehow made my BuJo Reading list.  Maybe I should start listing the fanfics I’m reading in my BuJo so I don’t lost track of them.  That’s a thought... 
18. Do you have a goodreads account? No. 
19. If it’s not your favorite genre, do you care about reading “the classics”? It depends on the book.  I’ve found that some books that have been called ‘classics’ are really quite awful.  I think it really just depends on the subject matter and the characters.
20. What are you currently reading? Honestly I’m not reading any actual books right now.  Six of Crows is sitting on an end table on top of my Art of Fallout book—but I haven’t started it yet—and I have a vintage copy of I Am Legend in the mail.  Mostly, I read a lot of fanfiction, and I read even more of my own fanfiction as I meticulously pore over my chapters.  The bulk of my reading right now is either news online or wiki references and forum conversations as I study various things in the Fallout World.  If I’m going to write fanfiction I’m going to do my absolute best to make sure I write it as accurately as possible.   Wow this took far longer than I expected...  I guess I’ll leave the tagging thing open to any of you who want to talk about your books & reading habits. 
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