#biadore fluff
artificialmykel · 5 years
Adore’s Helping Hand
He’s distracted from his thoughts by the bathroom door opening. “Roy, you okay?” Adore calls out through the steam. 
Roy is suddenly struck with nervousness at being completely naked in front of Adore. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” He tells hers, hoping she’ll leave him to it for a little longer. 
“You sure?” She asks but this time her voice is right behind him, startling him. 
Adore reaches forward and places her hands on Roy’s naked waist, a jolt running through both their bodies at the contact. She leans down and places a kiss on his shoulder and one on his neck, making Roy shiver despite still being under the stream of hot water. 
“Adore, what’re you doing?” He murmurs, subconsciously tilting his head to the side so Adore can kiss his neck again. 
“I’m helping you.” She tells him quietly, sliding one of her hands up Roy’s ribs to rest on his chest. 
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artificialqueens · 2 years
FaceTime Comfort (Biadore) - Whiskey Neat
A/N: It's been a while since I've written but you guys know I couldn't resist an opportunity to write another sickfic. I am a sickfic whore! This is my take on the prompt "Adore is sick and Bianca is on tour. Bianca tries her best to make Adore feel better from across the world." Enjoy!
BRAT ❤️: Can you call me? 
To worry wasn’t Bianca’s first reaction when she checked her phone. She was currently backstage for intermission during tonight’s Unsanitized show in Paris. Bianca assumed her friend’s text meant that she just wanted to chat and catch up since they had both been quite busy lately and hadn’t seen each other in a while. 
But before she could respond to Adore, Bianca was being summoned back onstage. Exiting the dressing room, she made a mental note to call Adore as soon as she got back to the hotel later. 
Bianca didn’t check her phone again until she was in the Uber back to her hotel. A hint of worry began to settle in her chest as she saw she had received another text message from Adore. 
BRAT ❤️: Please 
Sure, the bitch was always persistent but this felt different. A more serious tone laced the second text that she wasn’t used to hearing from Adore. 
Willow: Heading back to the hotel now. Will call as soon as I’m there. Everything okay? 
After receiving no response, Bianca opened Instagram to pass the time. She was liking a few friends’ posts when she scrolled upon a cancellation announcement from a bar in Texas and her heart dropped. 
“Due to personal illness, Adore Delano will not be able to make it to tonight’s show.” 
“Shit.” Bianca thought out loud. Something really was wrong. She debated calling the younger queen right then and there but she was only a few minutes away from the hotel now. As soon as she arrived, Bianca rushed to her room, throwing her bags haphazardly onto the floor before kicking her shoes off and settling on the bed, FaceTiming Adore. 
The call was answered moments later by a dark screen. She heard some shuffling sounds and a small raspy “hi” before the phone was pulled out from underneath what she could now tell was a blanket and Adore’s face came into view.
The younger queen looked exhausted. Dark circles accented her bleary green eyes and her messy bun was disheveled with strands of hair falling down onto her ghostly pale face. 
“Hey, did I wake you?” Bianca asked, after observing the pillow and blanket that her friend was curled up with. 
Adore rubbed her eyes and muttered a barely audible “Mhmm.” 
More concern filled Bianca’s chest after calculating that it was only around 7pm where Adore was and the place she was laying was definitely not her bed. 
“Where are you? Are you okay?” Bianca asked. 
“Bathroom floor.” Adore told her after a few moments, shifting the phone so the older queen could see. “I’m so sick Willow, I don’t know what to do…”
The way Adore’s voice shook made Bianca wish she could reach through the screen, scoop her friend up, and hold her until she felt better again. 
“I’m sorry baby, what’s going on?” Bianca asked, sympathetically. 
“Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like shit. Started throwing up and haven’t stopped since…fucking food poisoning.” She cursed. 
“Are you staying hydrated?” Bianca inquired. 
“Been drinking water…this is the longest it’s stayed down since this shit started.” Adore sighed. 
“That’s good at least….you’re probably through the worst of it.” Bianca assured through the phone. 
“I guess.” Adore muttered, wincing as a cramp made its way through her abdomen. “I just hate feeling like this.” She sniffled, eyes filling with tears. “I can’t do anything. I had to cancel my show and I feel so useless!” Adore paused, taking a shaky breath, “I wish you were here…I miss you.” 
“I miss you too…I’ll be home soon.” Bianca reassured, “but for now, what can I do to help you feel better?” 
Adore thought for a moment before requesting, “Just talk to me? About anything. I need a distraction.” 
And that’s exactly what Bianca did. She filled Adore in on all the excitement of tour, telling her about all the cool places she’d visited, people she’d met along the way, and throwing in a few memories of the times the two of them had visited some of those same places together. Adore’s responses were growing less and less coherent as the conversation went on and her eyelids grew heavier. Just when Bianca thought her friend had fallen asleep, Adore cut her off with a miserable sounding groan.  
“It’s happening again…” Adore moaned, feeling that familiar tightening in her throat as the nausea crept up for the umpteenth time that day. 
“Okay, it’s okay. Sit up baby.” Bianca gently directed, immediately forgetting about the story she had been telling. 
With shaky limbs, Adore pulled herself up into a sitting position in front of the toilet, bracing herself for what was to come while Bianca muttered words of comfort into the phone. 
Her stomach did a dangerous flip. “Don’t listen.” She told Bianca, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“Queen…do you not remember how many times we’ve been drunk together? I’ve seen you vomit before.” Bianca remarked.
“I wasn’t dying then.” Adore argued. 
“That’s not what you said at the time.” Bianca teased, receiving a weak scowl from the sick queen before continuing, “you do know that you can mute yourself, right?” 
“Biancaaa” Adore whined, almost pleading. She pushed her phone to the side so the older queen could no longer see her. 
“Alright! Alright…” Bianca picked up her phone, “I’m turning my volume down. Signal when you want me to listen again.”
While Adore did her thing, Bianca rolled onto her side, quietly chuckling at how dramatic her friend could be. “And now we wait.” She thought, glancing at the clock. It was after midnight and she was beyond tired. But as long as Adore needed her, she would stay awake. 
About 5 minutes later, Adore’s face reappeared on the screen, cheeks red and tear streaked.
“You survived?” Bianca quipped, turning her volume back up. 
“Barely.” Adore rasped, wiping a hand over her face. 
Adore wrapped the blanket around her shaking body and laid back down. “I just wanna sleep till this bullshit is over.” She huffed, burying her face into the pillow. 
“Then sleep, Pussyface. I’ll stay on the phone and you can end the call when you wake up.” Bianca offered. 
“M’kay.” Adore agreed, eyelids growing heavy once again. “Sorry for keeping you up.” 
“It’s okay…I’ll sleep in tomorrow.” Bianca told her. 
Adore scoffed weakly. Bianca Del Rio never slept in and they both knew it. 
“Talk till I fall asleep?” Adore requested. 
“You’re not sick of me running my mouth yet?” Bianca joked. 
“Never.” Adore answered, lips twisting up in the tiniest hint of a smile as her eyes fell closed. 
As requested, Bianca picked up where she left off on her story telling. Midway through the first story though, she heard soft snores coming through the phone. Grateful to see that the sick queen had finally fallen into a peaceful sleep, Bianca soon followed suit after plugging in her phone and making sure her volume was turned all the way up in case Adore needed to wake her during the night. 
The next morning Adore awoke to two surprises. One being how much better she felt, and the other being the sight of Bianca still asleep on the other end of the FaceTime call. 
“So she is capable of sleeping in!” Adore thought, smiling fondly at the other queen’s sleeping form. 
After wandering to the kitchen and making herself some soup, Adore settled on the couch to spend the day watching movies. Bianca may have still been asleep but Adore could internally hear the older queen scolding her if she did anything but take it easy until she recovers fully. After choosing the first movie of the day, Adore ended the FaceTime call, sending a few texts to Bianca. 
BRAT ❤️: Hey sleeping beauty!
BRAT ❤️: I slept for 12 hours and I feel SO much better!! You must really be getting old seeing as you did the same 😉 
BRAT ❤️: Seriously though, thank you for taking care of me last night. I love you the most! 
  BRAT ❤️: And don’t worry…I’m taking it easy today. Nothing but water and soup and movies that you’d hate! Sleep well Willow 💕
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artificialcandycane · 4 years
Biadore Drabble One
HELLO THIS PROMPT WAS CUTE AS HELL AND IT WAS “If I puke, will you hold my hair back?” AND I THINK THATS GREAT SO HERE WE GO KIDS!! also i am still totally taking requests so dont be afraid to send me one!!! i love writing drabbles as warm up uwu
Adore has drunk herself stupid, or stupid-er, again. She needed a night of insane drinking, and boy did she get it. Everyone is looking at her like she should be at rehab, but she doesn’t fucking care. A broken heart can’t be mended with alcohol, but it can be forgotten, at least for a little while. 
She downs another shot, and out of the corner of her eyes she sees Detox and Willam laughing at her, while Bianca looks incredibly exasperated. Adore groans and lays her head against the counter, she feels awful and it definitely isn't just her broken heart. 
“B…” she mumbles, lifting a heavy arm to poke her friend. 
Bianca rolls her eyes but looks down at her anyways, “What?”
“I don’ feel so good…” she whines, her words slurred. 
“Well that’s what happens when you drink more in three hours than Willam does in one night,” Bianca snaps back, the disapproval in her voice strong. 
“I’d be offended but you make a good point,” Willam says, giggling. 
Adore huffs and stares at her bright red wig and the way it’s sprawled out in front of her. It's one of her favorites, but it was also her ex’s favorite… God, she misses him so much it hurts like a bitch. Maybe she should throw out the wig, if it’s going to hurt her so much. It’s still a favorite though, and she refuses to allow that dickhead to take more from her than necessary. 
Adore realizes she’s been zoning out, and reaches her hand out for Bianca. Her hand finds Bianca’s, and she squeezes it tightly. Bianca’s eyes meet hers, and Adore is overwhelmed with how wonderful and amazing this person is. Bianca’s is basically the definition of perfect, and Adore knows she’s lucky to even be her friend. Though that doesn’t really stop her from pining after Bianca.
“Bia…” Adore whines again. 
“What?” Bianca sighs.
“Can we leave?” she asks, quiet and sad. 
Bianca looks down at her, and must take some kind of pity, “Yeah, we can go.”
Ten minutes later they’re climbing into the back of an Uber, and Adore is quick to lay her head down in Bianca’s lap. Bianca rubs the back of her neck, and it feels really good because she’s starting to feel really ill. 
Adore moans pathetically, “Yanks…”
“Yeah?” Bianca answers her.
“If I puke will you hold my hair back?” 
“Sure, but then I’ll beat you up for puking all over me and this fucking car.”
Adore giggles, feeling slightly better with their usual banter, “Love you, Bia.”
“Love you too,” Bianca smiles softly. 
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writethehousedown · 4 years
Written In Red (Biadore) - Puppy
“Bianca? How do you normally go about grading things?”
“Just do what I do. Give your kids B-‘s and hope they don’t notice!”
A/N: Howdy. I’m back again. The relationship between Biadore could be interpreted as either platonic or romantic. I just thought it would be nice to see that motherly affection show in a different environment.
It was a little strange, now that she thought about it. She was fully an adult with a job that probably paid more than anything in food services, and the job she wanted straight out of college too! There were some things that she needed to get used to in this new position though, mainly minor adjustments. She had a natural hair color for the first time in a while, her more ‘obscene’ piercings taken out of her nose and tongue. ‘Miss Delano’ didn’t have the same ring to it, but Adore figured she couldn’t be on a first name basis with a ton of middle schoolers.
What seemed stranger was the fact that Adore could have gone home by now. Grading was simple enough, as it was still in the early weeks of the semester. She decided to review some music theory that, hopefully, her students had covered a year earlier: notes, scales, and the likes of that. She could’ve solved her own quiz in a heartbeat, and her students seemed to perform well. However, she spent this time zoning off into space or at the most recent cat photo she’d been sent.
“You know you can grade from home, right?”
Adore was yanked back down to Earth as she turned towards the slightly gruff voice. She should have gotten used to that by now, but alas. “Ah… hey Ms. Del Rio…” She slightly blushed seeing the drama teacher enter her empty classroom.
“Oh, please… that was my mother’s name.  Bianca’s fine. We’re at that point in the year to be on a first name basis.” Bianca pulled out a folding chair from a corner of the room and sat it across from her younger coworker’s desk.
Adore snorted out a laugh. “Yeah… sorry about that, B.”
“But never that. Far too personal for my tastes.” She took a sip of coffee and set the cup down at the edge of the desk. Adore attempted to apologize, but was quickly cut off. Besides, she needed to stop apologizing so much. “So what’s kept you here so long?”
Adore hesitated for a second, fidgeting with a few strands of her hair and trying her best not to do anything stupid like chew on it or accidentally knock that mostly full mug off of her workspace.
“Bianca? How do you normally go about grading things?”
“Just do what I do. Give your kids B-‘s and hope they don’t notice!”
“Wait really?”
“I kid, I kid. You made an answer key, right?”
“Yeah,” Adore held up a slip of paper marked entirely in red ink. On top of the answers, she had doodled some spirals and other simple drawings of cats.
“Are you sure that’s not someone’s quiz?”
The dirty blonde sheepishly looked away and shoved the answer key across the desk. “Yeah. Back to what I was saying, it’s been a while since I’ve even discussed these things. Who knows if one of these kids is, like, a savant? Like on some Rain Man or Mozart shit! For all I know they could prove me wrong. Kids are weird, man… I love ‘em, but-”
“They can surprise you, can’t they?” Bianca interrupted and sat back up.
Adore nodded in response. “I wasn’t expecting one of my kids to correct me.”
“Again, these little shits can surprise the hell out of you. I mean, was I ever going to expect a twelve year-old to memorize and present a soliloquy the first day of class? Nope, but it happened.”
“Well, then, what didya do about it?”
The more experienced teacher took her coffee off the desk and drank a long sip. “I… I was like this. Well, not exactly, there was a desk and- you get the gist. Anyway, back to the twelve year old. As I was going over my notes, I was in a bit of a rut. I just sat there for a while… tried taking my mind off of it as much as I could, but GOD!” Bianca paused again, her words having escaped her mind like a sock in the dryer. If she could recall correctly, that was her first year of teaching. She couldn’t quite recall all of the details, as she was still in a state of shock. “God, where was I?“
“What happened next?”
“Yeah, about a few minutes later, I finished up and emailed their parents. I told them to let them know their pride and joy was a smart cookie and to never let them forget that fact.”
“I-I guess I should do the same?”
“Probably, unless you wanna stay here all night and spend your weekend here. If so that’s fine by me.” Bianca stood back up and was about to put the folding chair back, but Adore stopped her. She walked over to the older teacher and gave her a giant hug.
“I’ll be done, I swear!” She mumbled into Bianca’s chest, then looked up as she realized she couldn’t hear her. “I just… don’t wanna be alone.”
“I’ll stay as long as you need me to, kid. Don’t worry.”
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“this isn’t what i wanted.” Biadore! Also I loved your ninex
I am...not great at writing Biadore, so cut me a bit of slack...
Also, thank you! You are too sweet! I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
“This isn’t what I wanted.”
“This isn’t what I wanted.”
“You should have specified then.” Danny shot back smugly.
“Danny, I figured you would understand that by ‘surprise me’ I didn’t mean by buying a house for us. I can’t let you do this.” Roy is...surprised to say the least. Shocked? Yes. Confused? For sure. Happy? Probably.
“Why not? I have the money. You wanted to move in together, it works out.”
Roy sighs, and fights back the urge to kiss Danny senseless, his practical side winning out. “It isn’t that simple, Danny. You know that. You bought a house! A real house with a backyard and room for a family!”
“Yeah.” Danny admits, a bit sheepishly this time.
“You didn’t ask me about it beforehand.” Roy is trying to wrap his mind around this. Danny wants a future. He wants a white picket fence and homemade dinner and kids. He wants it all.
“You said to surprise you for our anniversary. This is my surprise.”
Roy rolls his eyes but pulls the younger man into his chest, no longer fighting the goofy smile that threatens to overtake his face.
“You bought us a house. To live in. Together.” Roy is testing the words out. Their house. Their home. It feels too good to be true.
“Only if you want to.” Danny says hesitantly this time.
“Of course I want to! God, Danny, you are perfect. Of course I want to.”
Danny smiles into Roy’s chest. “Happy sixth anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary.” Roy echoes.
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aqlemonade · 5 years
Into It - Biadore
Prompt: Roy’s little throat problem has been caused by too much pleasuring Danny.
AN: Fair warning this fic isn’t gonna be a work of art or up to par with what I usually write. I couldn’t make a throat injury via sucking dick any deeper than it is LMAO. This is mostly dialogue and all for fun!
“Every time I suck your dick my throat aches for days,” Roy complained as he picked Danny’s underwear up off the floor.
Danny scrunched his face up in confusion, “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Roy shrugged. “It’s never happened before. Has it ever happened to you?”
“Not at all,” Danny answered, more than a bit concerned for Roy.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Roy tossed their clothing into a hamper before climbing back into bed with his love. “Your dick isn’t that big, I shouldn’t be getting sore throats from it. If anything you should be getting the sore throat.”
“Hey!” Danny’s swatted Roy’s arm. “First of all, my dick is a great size. Second of all, I have no gag reflex, so that helps. Third of all, I’ve been sucking you off since I was twenty three. I’m used to your monster cock by now.”
Roy threw his arms up, “What am I suppose to do, Danny? Tell a doctor I think I sucked my way into a permanent sore throat?”
“Yes! That’s exactly what you’re gonna do.” Danny turned his body to face Roy. “It could be something serious, Roy. You don’t know if it’s from me. Even if it is, what if you’re really hurt? You have to get it checked out.”
Roy groaned. This definitely isn’t something he was looking forward to doing. “Will you come with me?”
Danny smiled at him, “‘Course I will.” He kissed Roy’s cheek. “But I’m still mad about the dick comment.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “You know what I meant, Dan.”
“My dick is amazing,” Danny said. Roy couldn’t help but to laugh at the seriousness in Danny’s tone.
“It is.” Roy moved closer to Danny, “Let me show you how amazing I think you are,” he growled, reaching for Danny’s exposed cock.
Danny slapped his hand away before Roy could touch him. “Roy! Your throat! You can’t suck my dick!”
“I was gonna give you a handjob.”
“Oh.” Danny laid back against their pillows, spreading his legs apart. He brought his bottom lip between his teeth, looking up at Roy. “Go ahead.”
Roy chuckled. “You’re adorable,” he kissed Danny’s forehead before giving him his third orgasm of the night.
“I can not believe this!” Roy slammed the door to his and Danny’s apartment. “I can’t believe this!” He repeated, slamming down the numbing spray that his doctor recommended for pain. Danny had not stopped laughing since they left the appointment.
“This is your fault!” Roy snapped at him, which just made Danny cackle harder.
“My fault?” Danny could barely get his words out between giggles. “This is your fault!” Danny chuckled some more. “You’re the one who jumps my bones. I always tell you to let me, or at least let me reciprocate. Then you’re all like no Danny that was for you. You don’t have to, I don’t want you to,” Danny did a scarily good job at impersonating Roy. “Now your throat’s bruised. Being selfish is a good thing sometimes.”
Roy plopped down on their couch. “Well now I can’t do any of that until this shit heals,” he huffed. Danny thought it was the cutest thing how upset Roy was that he wouldn’t be able to please him in that way for a while.
“It’s okay, Roy,” Danny cupped his face, caressing his cheek. “I don’t care. I love you. You don’t have to suck my dick five times a day to have that from me, okay?” Danny tilted Roy’s chin, seeking out eye contact. “Okay?”
Roy pouted, “But I want to.” Danny dropped his head to Roy’s shoulder with a chuckle.
“Well, you can’t right now.” Danny kissed his temple. He moved his lips further down, suckling at Roy’s neck. “But you know what I can do?” Danny’s bright green eyes turned black in front of Roy. The younger sunk to his knees, spreading Roy’s legs to make room for himself. “Repay you for every,” Danny kissed Roy’s knee through his jeans, “single,” he kissed Roy’s inner thigh next, “time,” Danny brought his mouth to Roy’s crotch, kissing him through the fabric.
“You into it?” Danny asked, switching from the embodiment of lust and passion, to his sweet, dorky self as he sat back on his knees waiting for an answer.
Roy nodded his head. He swallowed the breath he was holding (a task with a dry mouth and bruised throat). “I’m into it.”
Danny smirked, his hands moving to unbutton Roy’s pants.
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snowflakeprompts · 6 years
Biadore prompt - hand holding because that shit is adorable 💜
I don’t know if this is actually what you wanted, but I hope you like it!
It wasn’t as if they’d never watched a movie together before. Why did this feel so different? From the moment he stepped inside Roy’s apartment, Danny knew that this wasn’t going to be like their other movie nights. He just had no idea how or why.
“Hi!” Roy greeted him enthusiastically as he showed up, but unlike the other times he came over, the older man neither hugged him nor kissed his cheek. Danny frowned a bit, but quickly replaced the frown with a huge smile. They hadn’t seen each other in ages, it was probably just awkwardness. “Pizza is on the counter, take a slice if you want one.”
Danny nodded, still smiling, but suddenly there were two dogs jumping around his feet, and he grinned as he bent down to say hi to them as well.
“Hi Sammy, hi Dede! Oh, aren’t you just the cutest, is your daddy treating you okay?” he talked to them, putting on a baby voice. “Because if not, you can stay with uncle Danny, yes you can, yes you can.”
“Why do I get the feeling you’ve missed my dogs more than me?” Roy chuckled, and Danny looked up to look at him.
“Because it’s true! I mean, look at the beauties! Then look at you,” he grinned, picking up Sammy and petting him. Danny loved Roy’s dogs, he really did, at times probably more than he loved his best friend even. Mostly because they weren’t moody, and they were always happy to see him. Roy, however, he never really knew how excited he would be to see him.
There had been a time when Danny was sure that the two of them were going to end up a couple. Of course, everyone noticed it. But once people started asking questions, Roy backed off. Danny took the hint, he backed off as well, and they just lived on as best friends. It was never going to be them. No matter how much Danny wanted to.
“Okay, you said pizza, where is it?” Danny put Sammy down on the ground, standing back up.
“I said it was on the counter, you faggot,” Roy rolled his eyes. “I’m getting wine and finding a movie.”
Danny smiled. Of course there was wine. That was almost tradition by then. He walked to Roy’s kitchen, grabbed three slices of pizza and a plate, then walked back to the living room. He wasn’t surprised to see that Roy had chosen a pretty boring movie, but decided not to comment on it. As long as he got to spend time with the older man, he supposed he was happy.
Once the movie started, they sat further apart than usual. Roy was on one side of the couch, Danny on the other. It was unlike them, and the air between them felt tense. Almost like you could cut it with a knife.
Danny accepted it for the first thirty minutes of the movie, he did, but then he had to know. Had he done something wrong? Did Roy not want him there? Roy was the one who had invited him over, but he seemed so distant.
Clearing his throat, he moved closer to Roy, leaning against him. He could feel Roy tense up, and he bit his lip in doubt. What was going on? That was when he noticed Roy’s arm, slowly moving from where it was resting on Roy’s thigh and over to Danny’s. Danny swallowed, then moved his own hand to take Roy’s.
The older of the two kept staring at the movie, but he did intertwine their fingers. Danny took a deep breath, and just as he was about to speak up, Roy had turned to look at him.
“Roy-” “Danny-”
Danny closed his mouth, then let Roy continue.
“I’m in love with you,” he said, looking into Danny’s eyes. “I’m so in love with you, and I can’t pretend that I’m not. Not anymore.”
“Then don’t,” Danny whispered, leaning closer to close the gap between them.
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dawnofaqua · 6 years
Biadore + is that my shirt?
(This is shorter than my usual writing, but I hope everyone will still enjoy it! Fluff for the sake of it.)
“Is that my shirt?”
Danny’s voice was still sleepy when he reached Roy’s ears, coming from the bedroom. Roy turned around just to find his partner rubbing his eyes, leaning against the door frame. He was wearing just a pair of pants, which actually surprised him, since Danny usually preferred going around the house naked. Roy smiled at the view: with his messy hair and the way Danny was yawning, he looked cuter than usual.
“Good Morning, sleepyhead.”
He simply said, pouring the coffee he just made in the two mugs placed on the table. It was part of their routine whenever they were home: Roy would wake up first, take a shower and then make coffee for both of them. He even tried to cook something once, but the experiment didn’t go as planned, so he decided to simply buy it from that moment.
He added milk and sugar to Danny’s mug, knowing how much the younger one didn’t like the bitterness of the coffee, before he felt two arms holding him in a tight hug. Roy smiled, placing a hand on one of Danny’s, stroking the back of it lovingly.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
He whispered, rubbing his nose against Roy’s neck. The other one sighed, slightly embarrassed: he was only wearing a pair of boxers and yes, one of Danny’s shirts, black and with the name of a band he never heard of. The idea of stealing clothes from his partner was soo cheesy to him that he felt shy about it, for some kind of reason - and he didn’t want to show Danny that kind of weakness. After all, he never let anyone see him sweat, in any kind of situation.
Roy shrugged, then, like it was no big deal. It was something all the couples did, so why shouldn’t he do the same?
“Yeah, it is. It was the first thing I found after I took a shower and, well, it didn’t smell.”
He added with irony, making Danny laugh a bit before he decided to bit his neck. Roy complained a bit, but not too seriously since he didn’t find it unpleasant. They always played like that, and they would usually end up tickling each other and end up falling on the couch then, but this time, since he just made coffee, Roy broke the embrace just to give Danny his coffee.
“You’re a bitch. But you always take yours, it’s not like you don’t have clothes at my place.”
Danny mumbled, and Roy hid behind the mug for few seconds. Was he so easy to read? He just wanted to wear something with Danny’s perfume on it, and the shirt was just lying there… he didn’t think Danny would question him so much, or that he would answer to his silence and his embarrassed expression with a smirk. Roy almost felt the need to hide his face, but then he decided to just put the mug on the table again once he was done drinking coffee and be an adult.
“Yeah okay, you got me. I wanted to wear something of yours - now can you stop smiling like an idiot? It’s not a big deal.”
He almost didn’t manage to finish the sentence, because Danny was hugging him again, kissing him sweetly on the lips. Roy would usually complain that he didn’t want to be kissed before they had brushed their teeth, but the way Danny was holding him, the gentle caress of his hands on his hips and the way he could feel him smiling against his lips, made Roy decide he could just let him do it for once.
When the kiss ended, Danny giggled and hugged him even tighter. It was warm and nice, to be held by him, it made Roy feel safe everytime Danny decided to hold him that close. It wasn’t something he was willing to let him do everywhere - it was too intimate, too personal for him to feel comfortable letting anyone else see him that vulnerable in Danny’s arms.
“You’re so cute.”
“Shut up, I’m not.”
“Yes you are! And you look adorable with my shirt on.”
Roy sighed, even if he couldn’t help but smile. Danny was taller than him, which meant that his shirt was longer on him than it would’ve been on Danny - Roy thought he would just look stupid, but there was no trace of joke in Danny’s voice. It was actually the kind of voice you use when you see a cute puppy, and while Roy didn’t feel either cute or a puppy at all, the feeling was too good for him to protest about it. He liked feeling loved, and Danny never failed in that.
“I will accept the compliment just because I love you.”
Danny’s expression lit up, with the brightest smile Roy ever seen on his face. It was the kind of smile that he discovered just recently, since they finally confessed to each other - the kind of smile Danny would show him only when Roy told him again how he felt about him. It was one of the main reasons Roy would always whisper to him he loved him, in any possible moment, especially if the other one was busy doing something else. Catching him by surprise, seeing his eyes widening and how he would suddenly blush, was what made it even better.
Another kiss, another smile, and Roy thought he should wear his clothes more if it meant he would see Danny so happy.
“I love you too. Now, Can I wear one of your shirts as well?”
“Only if you promise you won’t ruin them.”
“It might have happened already.”
“What do you mean? Daniel! Come back here and tell me what you did this time!”
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ateneawrites · 3 years
Christmas OTP drabble thingie: Biadore days 1-6
Note: another writing exercise (actually the one i originally had in mind when i made this blog in the first place) i had a list of ships i put through a number generator to get a different ship for every day of this challenge i found so i could try to mask my lack of holiday cheer in mindless otp fluff but in the end i've grouped them together, decided to do 6 with the same ship at a time because figuring out a different ship dynamics for every day proved to be just too challenging for me on top of how existentially exhausted i feel all through december already; not all of the 25 drabbles are finished yet because i am horrible at time management and frankly i am not sure they will be so instead of torturing myself trying to keep up a rigid posting schedule that i already know i won't be able to keep up with, i've decided to just post the batches of six as i finish them, with some luck you might enjoy some of them :) here's the first batch
1. Getting out/putting up decorations
Bianca woke up to loud music early on a Saturday morning and instinctively groaned. In a flat shared between herself and her chicana girlfriend that could only mean one thing and it was cleaning. Cleaning Bianca knew she had better luck braving than trying to put off if she ever wanted to get the deposit of the flat once the lease was up with Adore's accident prone nature.
There's something off with the music however, it was not the usual fare Adore would blast as she attempted (and the key word here really was attempted) to swipe the floors.
She realizes, to her horror, it was Mariah Carey which meant—
There's a loud clanking sound from the living room that sounds an awfully lot to breaking crystal and Adore cursing, loudly and emphatically. Bianca gingerly got off the bed to assess the damage.
Time to put up the Christmas decorations then.
2. Making Christmas cards (+ bonus guest appearance of Courtney)
Bianca didn't get the point of Christmas cards most of the time; they were meant to entertain children who liked crafts and sure the sentiment was nice but they looked extremely questionable half of the time and Bianca was never particularly good at faking she liked something but she had got to admit there was something... charming to the crude child like doodle Adore had made that Bianca supposed were meant to be the two of them besides a Christmas tree.
Courtney gave her a look with a shit eating grin and Bianca instantly sobered up, whipped the soft look from her face.
"Not a word"
"I didn't say anything!" Courtney exclaimed, smile still firmly in place.
"You didn't have to, I know what you were thinking"
Courtney giggled.
"Not my fault you are kind of adorable when you're in love"
"I said not a word!"
3. Sitting in front of the fireplace with hot cocoa/tea
"Let's go to the mountains she said it'd be fun she said" Bianca grumbled as she added a new log into the fireplace.
Not for the first time, Bianca questioned the hold Adore's puppy eyes had on her that impeded Bianca to use her better judgement from time to time. She had moved from New York to Palm Springs for a damn good reason and it was so she didn't have to deal with the snow ever again but Adore had never seen snow, suggested they rented a cabin like they did in the movies and Bianca, ever the god-damned fool, couldn't say no.
Of course, there might have been a promise of a lot of sex involved in convincing her. And much as Bianca wanted to she could not blame Adore for them getting snowed in, unable to leave the stupid cabin because of a blizzard.
Bianca heard her come from the kitchen, mugs of steaming cocoa in hand as she carefully sat down next to her, snuggling her in the blanket.
Bianca is cold and grumpier than usual, but the forecast predicted the blizzard to be over soon and until then... Well. She couldn't complain about the company at least.
4. Shopping for/wrapping gifts
"Bianca, look!" Adore said. Bianca could not help her smile as she saw her girlfriend go from one side to the department store to the other. The joy she got out of Christmas shopping was somewhat contagious.
5. Buying the Christmas tree
"How about this one?" the salesman asked. He was losing patience and Bianca could tell, even Adore herself looked tired of circling around the trees but Bianca was determined to find them the best tree left on the lot.
6. Decorating the Christmas tree (continuation of drabble number one, if you squint)
They'd finished. It took them hours, Bianca had threatened murder when Adore would not stop playing Christmas songs for hours on end and it had gotten dark out but they had finally finished decorating.
Bianca admired the final result, the lights circling the tree they had spent hours chosing and the combination of boules and decorations that her and Adore had collected over the years.
The ones Adore brought with her from her mom's, the ones Bianca inherited from her aunt in New Orleans, the ones that they had collected from different Christmas markets in different towns and travels, the ones they had made themselves as a couple, and gotten from friends, small tokens gathered over the years.
The tree was a small summary of every precious memory and relationship to people they held dear and Bianca felt humbled and maybe a bit overwhelmed by how lucky she was to have so many people to care for that cared for her in return.
Adore kisses her cheek.
"Wanna put the star on top?" she asks.
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veronicasanders · 3 years
My Fanfic
Hey all! Here's a list of all my Drag Race fanfiction so far. Word counts rounded, usually to the nearest thousand. XOXO
Come talk to me anytime! There's nothing more inspiring than getting feedback from someone who's read your work and wants more. <3
Galactica (Multiship Fashion AU) Collab with TheDane. EPIC AU involving the lesbian mafia of the fashion world, loosely based on The Devil Wears Prada. Centered on Violet, who is a young designer working for Miss Fame. AQ LINK and AO3 LINK Note: the Original “main” story (695K words) can be found at this series link, along with a bunch of prequels/sequels: AO3
Also in the works, please hit me up if these sound interesting: Sequels to both Tree House Kisses and Undone. A Parent Trap AU. A dystopian ABC AU based on Yentl.
Tree House Kisses (Adorney Lesbian AU featuring Bitney/Viadore/Rajadore/Pearlet, and other misc ships) - 46 Chapters, 185K words Collab with Scorpio. Angsty High School Lesbian AU. Scorpio lets me help with this one out of pity because I was so obsessed with their first chapter. Now our baby is finally done and a sequel is in the works. AQ LINK and AO3 LINK
Undone (Bitney - Lesbian AU) 
- 30 Chapters, 79K words Collab with Stephanie. Slow-burn Bitney with many complications (like Bianca’s real shitty OC husband). Features generally Courtney-centric smut with other queens besides Bianca (Violet, Fame, Valentina, Tatianna). AQ LINK, AO3 LINK and LINK TO SERIES Sequels: Come Here Often? - Fluffy porn that involves first-meeting roleplay. (2600 words) Sleepless in Santa Monica - Porn and domestic fluff. (4800 words)
Exposed (Bitney - Canon Compliant) - 24 Chapters, 61K words A “slow burn” love story of their relationship from before Drag Race airs through a few years later. AO3 LINK
Just Friends Series (Bitney/Willaska - Lesbian AU) AQ LINK (for all chapters in order) or AO3 LINK to Series Collab with Albatross. Two intersecting college au lesbian stories: No Strings Attached (Willaska - 33K words) and Off Limits (Bitney - 37K words)
The M Chronicles (Bitney Series featuring both AU and Canon Compliant stories) A series of Bitney vignettes inspired by Madonna songs. AO3 LINK to Series Candy Shop/I’m Addicted/Inside Out AKA Madonna Femslash Trilogy - Three chapters of Lesbian AU. Bianca is a DJ, Courtney is a gogo dancer. Lots of smut and some feelings too. (13K words) Holy Water - Canon compliant jealousy smut (5K words) Open Your Heart - M/M HS/College AU based on the prompt “you were my high school crush, now we are college roommates.” (8K words)
Sugar and Spice (Bitney HS AU) - 12 chapters, 23K words Collab with Edith. Mean Girls meets West Side Story. Not really finished but the slow burn is over. AO3 LINK
I’m Not Gay (Bitney/Jalaska - High School AU) - 15 Chapters, 50K words Roy is a senior in HS when Shane, a freshman, moves from Australia. Set in the fall of 1996. Overalls! RENT! Mix Tapes!!! FRIENDS! M/M Bitney and lesbian Jalaska. AO3 LINK
Endless Love (Bitney - M/M AU) - 26 Chapters, 54K words Collab with Fiore. Childhood to Adult AU. Roy and Shane are best friends who grow up across the street from each other. (If Childhood AU is not your thing but you're still interested, you can skip straight to Chapter 13 when they're grown-up, it's written so that it still makes sense without the earlier chapters.) AO3 LINK
After The World Ends AKA Porn in the Woods (Witney/Sashea/Biadore Lesbian AU Oneshot) Post-Apocalyptic Lesbian AU written as a birthday present for the lovely Dandee, featuring all your faves trying to survive in the woods after Trump’s presidency has destroyed the US. And using sex as a coping mechanism. AQ LINK
Boy Drag (Bitney - Canon Compliant Oneshot) - 2K words Based on their “prom date” social media shenanigans and Courtney’s overt shipping. AO3 LINK
Naptime (Bitney - Canon Compliant Oneshot) - 3K words Some canon Bitney smut based on their social media shenanigans before Courtney went on tour with the AAA girls. AQ LINK and AO3 LINK
One Single Moment (Bitney, Canon Compliant Oneshot) - 7K words AQ Fic Challenge - Jealousy, anger, rain-soaked confessions, and eventual smut. Just your average Pride. AQ LINK and AO3 LINK
Puzzle Pieces and Glitter in the Air (Canon compliant Shandrew) Andrew tries unsuccessfully to fight his feelings. And a Smutty Mardi Gras follow-up.
Galactica Wardrobe Posts
Art Inspired by Undone
Art Inspired by Tree House Kisses
My tag on Artificial Queens
My Bitney tag
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archiveofdorothea · 2 years
Here you can find all of my fanfiction to date, with summaries and links for each. Updated with each upload.
Shades of Vaday
Multi-chaptered, partially rare-trio, poly Ella x Bianca x Adore (affectionately Ellavabiadore). Lesbian AU. After married couple Bianca and Adore invite their friend into their marriage, they end up with a lot more than they bargained for. Featuring heavy BDSM and a tonne of porn with plot. AO3 LINK | TUMBLR LINK
I Hate To Love You
Multi-chap that started out as a one-shot but is being expanded. Lesbian AU. Bianca is a Theatre School senior and Adore is a freshman. Bianca thinks Adore is annoying. Adore thinks Bianca is hot. Smutty, angsty enemies to lovers. AO3 LINK | TUMBLR LINK
The Art Of Seduction
Drabble written for the incorrect quotes challenge. Canon compliant. Roy and Danny are best friends who sleep together. (Not full out) smut. AO3 LINK | TUMBLR LINK
Not Just Another Booty Call
One-shot. Canon compliant friends and occasional lovers. After months apart, Roy finds himself in town for a Pride festival. The duo reconnect in their most familiar way. Fluffy smut with plenty of feelings. AO3 LINK | TUMBLR LINK
The Best Of Me
Unfinished and abandoned multi-chaptered Biadore. Canon compliant. Roy hooks up with Danny at a bar, he doesn’t expect to see him in his class next semester. Teacher/student and BDSM themes. Fluff and smut. AO3 LINK
My AO3
‘My Writing’ Tag
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puking-dreams · 4 years
Pen name: Whiskey Neat
Pronouns: she/her
How long have you been involved in the RPDR fandom?: since season 6
And what got you started?: I watched drag race and ended up falling in love with Adore, saw how cute her and Bianca were, and that lead to me looking for fic and inspiring me to write my own
Favorite queens and/or ships to write: I’ve only ever written Biadore and a few random fics centered around Adore because I feel like they’re the only ones I can portray at least a little bit accurately
Favorite genres to to write: I’m a whore for some good angst but it always has to have a happy ending. Fluff is great too. I mix those two genres together in basically every fic I write
Where you post: @artificialqueens
Most popular fic: I believe it’s Everyone Loves Adore Except Adore (I apologize if these don’t link properly...I’ve never done this before)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Cool Blue! I’m quite proud of the way this one came together
Longest fic you’ve written (and word count if you want): I’m not sure tbh
Fic you were nervous to post: Finish The Joke (part 2) simply because it involves very dark topics and I was afraid of how people would react. It’s been a year since that one was posted and I still have not checked to see if anyone left comments because I’m nervous
Favorite comment you’ve ever gotten on your fic: Somebody said they cried reading one of my fics once so that was pretty cool 😂 In all honesty though, I do tend to avoid checking for comments most of the time because it makes me anxious
Do you accept prompts?: Not unless I specifically ask for them
How you choose your titles: I pull them out of my ass usually. I’ll write the whole fic, get ready to submit it, and then realize I don’t have a title. So then I just make something up on the spot and hope it sounds okay. It’s a very rare occasion that I have a title before I finish writing
Do you outline?: Nope I just wing it lmao
Number of completed fics: 25 maybe?
Number of fics in progress: There’s 2 that are almost completely done (but I currently have no motivation to actually finish them) and then there’s another partially written one. I also have a whole list of ideas for new fics but once again, I have no motivation to actually write them :(
Number of fics coming soon/not yet started: the two almost finished ones (mentioned above) will hopefully be coming soon. But I’m like Adore when I say “soon”. Soon = I have no fucking clue when that time will be
Upcoming work that you’re most excited about: Probably a story that doesn’t exist yet
Anything else you want readers to know!!: I’d just like to formally apologize for being so shit at posting recently. Like I’ve said 800 times already, I’ve just really been lacking motivation lately and it suckssss. But with that being said, I appreciate everyone who has ever taken the time to read my fics and has enjoyed them. It means more to me than you know! I’m very grateful to AQ for giving us writers a place to submit our work and as readers as well, it’s super nice to have a place where we can find just what we’re looking for. If you’ve made it this far in this post, thank you. I’m sending positive vibes and love to you all and I’ll always be around if you need me ❤️
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Spiked (Biadore) - Whiskey Neat
A/N: This probably is not what that anon had in mind when they asked for a sick fic but this is what I came up with. I hope it will satisfy your craving for Biadore content like it did mine! It's good to be back. I am not sure when I will write again but I'm always around simping for Biadore if anyone needs me. Enjoy!
Summary: Adore gets roofied and Bianca comes to her rescue. (Trigger warning for vomit and drugging.)
One drink was all Adore was planning to have on this night out. She had just finished a show and was easing back into drinking alcohol after almost a whole year of being sober.
While chatting in the dressing room with the other queens, Adore sipped on the beverage that a waitress had brought to her. About 15 minutes after finishing the drink, Adore began to feel that familiar warm fuzziness of being drunk overcoming her whole body. Except this time, it was strong. Way stronger than it should’ve been after the one small drink she’d had.
“Maybe it’s hitting me harder cause I haven’t been drinking?” Adore wondered. She accepted that as the reason and continued trying to being present in the conversation around her, but it was getting more and more difficult the fuzzier her brain got.
Soon, it was almost impossible to focus on anything. Her limbs began to feel strangely heavy, and why was she sweating?
Her heartbeat took off in a frenzy of pure anxiety about what was happening to her and her breathing quickened. She wanted to say something, ask for help, but her body just wouldn’t let her and none of the other queens seemed to notice how quiet she’d gotten.
Slowly, Adore turned towards the vanity table that was behind her and laid her head down on her arms. “Maybe if I just sleep for a minute…“
“Adore? Are you okay?” A few minutes later she heard Jinkx’s voice ask in concern.
Adore pushed herself up from her current position in what felt like slow motion, trying to conjure the words “I don’t know what’s happening to me” but instead a debilitating wave of dizziness overtook her.
She narrowly saw Jinkx walking towards her before clenching her eyes shut but it didn’t matter at this point. Because if Adore didn’t lay down right this minute, she was going to fucking puke.
Scratch that, she was going to fucking puke no matter what. Her foggy brain finally registered the intense nausea that had come with that wave of dizziness moments ago, and Adore knew she needed to find the bathroom. Now.
With much effort, Adore managed to stand up on shaky legs, mumbling to Jinkx what she hoped sounded like “I have to go to the bathroom” and stumbled out of the dressing room.
By some miracle, Adore was able to make it to the bathroom and into a stall before she fell to her knees and her body began expelling everything she had eaten and drank that day.
Adore didn’t know how much time had passed since she’d first entered the bathroom, but her situation was not getting any better. She lost count of how many times she had thrown up and her body showed no signs of stopping even though there was nothing left in her stomach.
Fully convinced that she was going to die in there, Adore began to cry. She was just so tired. Her body felt so heavy that she couldn’t get out of her current position even if she could manage to go more than 5 minutes without dry heaving. And it hurt. Everything hurt and she couldn’t understand why this was happening to her.
Moments later, she heard her name being called from the entrance of the bathroom. Adore groaned in response, fearing that her body would take opening her mouth as an invitation to throw up yet again.
“Ah, there she is.” Bianca thought. She’d recognize that groan anywhere. It was the same one Adore used whenever Bianca tried to get her out of bed in the morning.
Bianca wasn’t sure what to expect as she entered the bathroom. After coming off stage and asking where Adore had wandered off to, the only information she had received from the queens in the dressing room was that Adore had gone to the bathroom about 20 minutes earlier after seeming “a little out of it” and never returned. And no one had bothered to go check on her because they assumed she was just drunk.
Finding her way to the only occupied stall, Bianca tugged on the door, grateful to find it unlocked. The sight on the other side was more of a mess than she had prepared for.
“Jesus queen, how did you get this drunk in under an hour?” Bianca asked, squeezing herself into the tiny bathroom stall and crouching next to the younger queen.
“M’not…..only had one drink.” Adore replied, not lifting her head from the toilet bowl.
Bianca’s original laid-back response to the situation quickly formed into concern at Adore’s words. “Are you sure?”
Adore nodded, immediately regretting it as another wave of dizziness sent her heaving into the toilet again to no avail.
In one hand Bianca gathered Adore’s long black wig, holding it away from the sick queen’s face, while her other hand rubbed soothing circles on her back.
After she caught her breath, Adore glanced back at Bianca with a look that showed she was dead serious. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She sobbed, tears running in black streaks down her cheeks.
“We’ll figure it out, okay? When did you start feeling sick?” Bianca asked, continuing to rub Adore’s back.
“In…in the dressing room.” Adore hiccuped after a few moments.
“Did you eat anything weird?”
“Jus’ had a drink.”
Bianca thought for a moment before the realization hit her. “You started feeling sick after the drink?”
“Mhm” Adore replied, closing her eyes. She wished Bianca would stop talking so she could just go to sleep until this was all over.
“Adore, is it possible that your drink may have been spiked?”
Adore’s heart dropped. She hadn’t even thought of that. But considering that the drink had been brought to her in the dressing room, anyone could’ve put anything in it on the way there.
“Dunno…maybe.” Was the only response Adore could muster.
“That’s what this seems like.” Bianca told her sympathetically.
Giving a slight shrug, Adore realized how badly her back was hurting from sitting hunched over on the floor for so long. She tried as best she could to sit up straighter but even with Bianca’s help, the smallest bit of movement brought on another round of dizziness and painful dry heaving.
Bianca gently talked her through all of it as she cried, both of them wishing this horrible sickness would stop wreaking havoc on the young queen.
“I’m dying Yankx…” Adore whined pathetically.
“Not on my watch. I’m going to get you some water and then we’ll figure out how we’re gonna get you off this floor, okay?” Bianca told her, once she had calmed down a bit.
“M’kay.” Adore mumbled with half closed eyes, laying her head back down on her arm that was resting on the toilet bowl.
After promising that she’d be right back, Bianca ran to the dressing room, grabbing 2 water bottles and collecting Jinkx along the way.
When the two queens returned to the bathroom, they found that the younger queen had passed out.
The next thing Adore knew, she was waking up in a cozy hotel bed. She had no idea how she got there but she felt so much better than she had the night before.
“Welcome back to the land of the living.” Bianca’s voice called from somewhere nearby.
Adore sat up slowly, pleased to find that she could now move freely without feeling the overwhelming urge to vomit.
“What the fuck did I do?” She groaned, rubbing her eyes, taking note of the lack of black smudges on her hands after doing so. Someone had removed her makeup.
“You don’t remember?” Bianca inquired, sitting down on the bed next to her.
“I remember dying in the bathroom…you went to get water and now I’m here.”
“You were passed out when I came back. Jinkx and I got you up and took you to the ER. They did a blood test and found that you were drugged but not with anything life threatening. You threw up the water I gave you, speaking of…you owe me new shoes, so the doctors gave you IV fluids to prevent dehydration. That’s why you have a bandage on your arm.” Bianca explained, pointing to said bandage on Adore’s right arm.
“Fuck man…” Adore sighed, wincing as the bandage pulled on her arm hair as she removed it from her skin.
“How do you feel?” Bianca asked, taking the bandage from Adore and throwing it in the bin.
“Hungover.” Adore groaned, sinking back into the pillows. Her head was pounding and the room was too bright, but she’d gladly experience 100 hangovers if it meant she never had to feel the way she felt last night ever again.
“Drink up, queen” Bianca told Adore, passing her a bottle of water. “I can order some soup too if you’re feeling up for it.”
“What kind of soup?” Adore asked, sipping on the water.
Bianca picked up the room service menu off the nightstand. “Chicken noodle? They have a vegetarian version.”
“Mmmm gimme!”
Dialing the number on the menu, Bianca ordered the soup, plus a sandwich for herself.
“It’ll be here in 20 minutes.” She told Adore.
The younger queen made a sound of acknowledgment, snuggling deeper into pillows. “Nap with me till the food comes?”
“You slept for ten hours and you’re still tired?” Bianca joked.
“Hey! I’m technically sick. I get to sleep as much as I want”. Adore pouted, holding up the covers for Bianca to climb in.
Bianca rolled her eyes playfully. “I suppose a nap would be nice…”
Once Bianca had settled underneath the covers, Adore cuddled up as closely as she possibly could to Bianca, laying her head on the older queen’s chest.
Bianca wrapped one arm around Adore and began gently stroking her dark hair, sending her off to sleep almost immediately. She closed her own eyes soon after, drifting off while thinking about how grateful she was that her friend was feeling better.
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artificialcandycane · 4 years
Biadore Drabble Two
i thought this prompt was so soooo fucking cute!! it was a prompt with adore visiting bianca in palm springs, with the suggestion of them being in the pool or on the golf cart. i thought that was a lovely idea!! and ive really been missing summer lately, so it gave me the chance to hype myself up for the coming months :33 feel free to drop a drabble prompt in my inbox!!
The sun is shining brightly, the palm trees surrounding the pool sway in the breeze, and Danny feels more relaxed than they have in many, many months. They’re on their back in the center of the pool, letting themself drift and be one with the water. Usually they prefer to go straight to the source, they are a mermaid after all, but there’s something to be said about getting to be alone in the water with their boyfriend.
There’s no one else around, just the two of them, alone and having sexy, fun, romance together. Said boyfriend pops up out of the water  next to Danny, and peers over them, a smirk on his lips. Danny sits up so they’re not on their back anymore, and presses a little closer to Roy.
“Hi,” Roy chuckles, leaning in close to Danny’s lips. 
Danny grins, “Hello yourself.” 
Roy laughs, but kisses Danny anyways. The kiss is chaste, but still full of love and joy. Danny wraps their arms around Roy’s neck and goes in for another kiss, this one full and sloppy. Roy pushes Danny forward as they soak each other in, until Roy had Danny pinned to the concrete edge, his large hands spanning across Danny’s, currently tiny, hips. 
The younger is bad at the whole self-care thing during work, which is one of the many reasons he’s happy to have them here. Now he has an excuse to get real food into Danny, and help them relax. 
The two pull away from each other, breathless and smiling, and it’s perfect. The sun on their skin, the clear water around them, and neither would have it any other way. 
“We should go annoy the neighbors with your golf cart this afternoon,” Danny suggests, smiling and close to laughter. 
“Yeah,” Roy says, close to laughing himself, “We should.”
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writethehousedown · 4 years
Hold Still (Biadore) - tanawrites
Summary - part of the Summer Lovin’ challenge for the prompt bathing suit. What might have happened if Bianca and Adore were paired up for the swimsuit challenge in season 6.
A/N - I’ve just done another rewatch of my absolute fav season of Drag Race (thanks corona for all the spare time I’ve had) and I’m just honestly obsessed with these two. I couldn’t help but be inspired by some of my favourite of their moments and the idea of them being friends early on!
“I want you to pair up with a queen who was not in your original group."  
Now it made sense to Roy the way the production team had carefully arranged them in the workroom that morning. A glance to either side of him was enough to confirm, the lineup was alternating the queens from the two groups and from the expecting grin on RuPaul’s face, it was intended to throw them off.
Some of the pairings made sounds of approval, a few air kisses exchanged and the clasp of hands.
He turned to his right and came face-to-face with one of the younger queens. Not his first choice but it wasn’t really Danny’s fault in particular. Roy was bound to be doubtful of any of the queens he hadn’t worked with yet - it was in his nature to question everybody until he saw for himself what they could do. Especially when his success was relying partly on them as well.
Responding to Danny’s exaggerated look of hesitancy as he stepped closer to affirm them as a team, Roy sideyed Danny. He looked him up and down once before turning back to listen to their rest of their instructions, figuring that would be enough for the cameras. He just hoped it would be used as a foreshadowing in the edit because their unlikely pairing had won them the challenge rather than the alternative.
“…combine bodies to create one lip syncing, bikini wearing bathing beauty.”
Despite Roy’s uncertainty about his partner, he was amused by the challenge. It sure as hell beat trying to look sexy with feathers stuck to Bianca’s lipstick. At least he could bring humour into this.
Once the initial rush of twelve grown men shoving and grabbing for their choice of swimwear, which was about as pleasant as it sounded, Roy took his findings back to his station.
He’d managed to snag a one-piece bathing suit and a sheer cover-up - neither of which he would have had in the suitcases he’d packed, hardly something Bianca would ever perform in. After rifling through one of his bags, he pulled out a floppy hat and large flower that he could pin on his front to hide the fact that he wouldn’t have time to fashion Bianca’s usual chest.
Quick drag was never something he chose to do  - not when he painted Bianca’s face the way he did or with how precise he liked his drag to be. Always tucked neat and tightly, Bianca’s curves cinched and padded to the now familiar figure, never a hair out of place or signature bold makeup smudged.
Before he got started on the transition into Bianca, his eyes sought out another’s from across the room. Once Danny met his gaze, Roy tilted his head slightly in invitation.
“So just based on first impressions, you don’t exactly strike me as a top, queen.”
Before his words could leave a sting, Roy was continuing, gesturing to Danny as he spoke now that he was standing in front of him.
“Plus, we can do a lot more with those legs than my stumps. Work for you?”
Danny nodded, seemingly either too startled or intimidated by Roy’s unquestionable authority to verbally respond. It wasn’t personal, nor intended to be rude on Roy’s behalf. He was used to a time crunch, not usually as pressing as this one but he was a hit the ground running kind of person to begin with.
It seemed though that Danny wasn’t totally acting for the cameras earlier if his current apprehension was anything to go off. Roy wasn’t heartless though, no one should be scared of him, so he dropped his voice a little and relaxed his position from where he had tensed from the urgency of the challenge.
“Great, do what you need to do and meet me back here so we can plan something out? It’s going to take the rest of these bitches that long just to get made up.”
Settling for a roll of his eyes and stubbornly denying the small tug at the corners of his lips at the response, Roy got to work as Danny left his station grinning. It was easier to work together if Danny wasn’t too busy tiptoeing around him, Roy told himself.
Just as Bianca pulled her bangs into the right position and secured them with a pin, Adore was sidling up to her chair, steeled with a new confidence.
“So, I have an idea.”
After Danny’s initial panic about working with Roy, the queen already having a reputation for reading their fellow competitors to filth, there came the panic of the challenge.
Adore barely tucked on a good day, let alone well enough to have her crotch on full display.
It was a partner challenge though and after Roy had taken the reins on their team, Danny knew there were expectations for him to meet for someone other than himself now. He only partially understood the reputation proceeding Bianca. She was sharp-tongued there was no doubt about it but who could blame a bitch for being blunt?
He’d approached Roy at Bianca’s station with a hint of hesitancy but walked away optimistic. More importantly, he walked away with a clear head.
Known for being eccentric and impulsive in his behaviour, Danny found it hard to stay focused. Determined, yes but organising all his creative thoughts was something he struggled with. Roy’s assertiveness had allowed Danny to direct his attention without any of the struggle.
Sharing a grin with Laganja in their shared work space, he ignored the way Laganja was trying to catch his gaze. It would no doubt be about his pairing, Laganja whispering in Adore’s ear just yesterday about how scary Bianca seemed after the warning snapped at Gia almost as soon as they’d met. Danny didn’t have the time right now though, almost able to hear seconds ticking away from them before they had to be ready.
Never one to be shy, Danny dropped his pants and reached for his rarely used tape and got to work. He could hear everyone else working in a fluster around him and usually, he would be the kind to be poking his head around and cracking jokes. It was their first challenge as a full group and he wanted to make an impression on Ru and the other queens.
Once he was tucked, tighter than he had been in a long time, he reached for the swimsuit. Danny had grabbed a bright matching bikini and pulled on the bottoms, making sure he looked as flat as he could down there. After a moment of hesitation, he grinned and put the top on as well, covering his flat chest and tugging a crop top on over the top. It wasn’t like anybody was going to see his top half during the challenge but it was very on brand for Adore.
Grateful he’d recently shaved his legs and painted his toes, he slipped his feet into strappy heels that he had to lace a little up his calves. It didn’t totally make sense for a beach but after a glance over at Bianca and her outfit, he decided it matched enough for what he had in mind for their performance.
Grabbing a heart shaped pair of glasses that were left on the table of offerings, Adore grinned and continued on to Bianca’s work space.
“So I have an idea.” She held out the glasses. “And I thought these might save you some time.”
Standing next to Adore as they waited for their turn, Bianca laughed at Courtney and Laganja’s rehearsed joke. Once they were motioned for their tone, she took the towels from a member of the pit crew and led their way into the sandpit.
She let Adore lay down first, watching as she shifted around in discomfort. She was expecting it though, having watched a few more pairs go before them.
“Here.” She folded up one of the towels and handed it over to Adore who looked cluelessly up at her. “Use it as a pillow, fuck getting sand in your ass and your hair.”
Once Adore laid back seemingly more comfortably, Bianca moved into position but glanced back before she lowered herself to sit on Adore’s stomach.
“Alright back there?”
“I’m good.”
Bianca nodded and lowered onto her knees, supporting her weight entirely on her legs with her legs spread as wide as she could so Adore had enough room for movement.
“Still good?”
She watched Adore hesitate for a moment before shuffling down a little more and reaching for Bianca’s hips, assuring her hands would be out of the sight for those looking front on.
“For leverage, so I can move my body.”
Adore’s explanation was drawn out in a tone Bianca couldn’t quite put her finger on who it was an impression of but she chuckled nonetheless before taking it as confirmation that they were ready and she could settle the rest of the towels around them. Once she was satisfied they were fitting the illusion, she was nodding that they were ready to start the song.
“And the winners of the mini challenge are…Adore and Bianca!”
Bianca let Adore press against her side for their victory shot, her arm raising to wrap around Adore’s shoulders for a quick squeeze as they shared an equally surprised and pleased look.
Their win had come slightly as a shock. They had done well but after watching Courtney’s facial expressions and the man-handling of Laganja’s legs which was hilarious, Bianca’s confidence in her own pairing had lessened. Apparently Bianca’s comedic take on Adore’s burlesque style show with her legs had bumped them over though and she certainly wasn’t complaining.
She wasn’t expecting Adore to return to her station so quickly or with specific ideas for their lip sync. The sunglasses had been a save as well, allowing them an extra five minutes of planning out their performance which was another tick for Adore in Bianca’s mental checklist. Overall, she had been impressed.
Their victory didn’t last long though because soon enough they were separated and picking queens for teams to work against one another as captains for the maxi challenge.
“So would you pick from the other team to work with?”
Adore didn’t have to think twice before answering the question directed to her once they were in the untucked lounge. She hadn’t gone well in the filming challenge, far too in her own head to concentrate on her lines. She’d bombed the runway as well, getting more critiques than compliments on her look. It had shaken her confidence and she was embarrassed, especially after winning the mini challenge with Bianca earlier that day.
Working with Bianca was a stark contrast than how the group challenge had gone. Having to follow a script had limited Adore’s creative ability and she felt stifled in her group, relying on all of them and none of them all at once.
She had no qualms about repeating her answer when the rest of the group joined them as well, asking what they’d missed out on.
“DeLa asked me who I’d want to work with from the other queens and I said you.”
“Wait, what’s your name again?”
Said with no bite, Adore laughed around her cocktail at Bianca’s response. Most of the other queens looked surprised but Courtney laughed as well, clearly seeing through Bianca’s tone or simply enjoying it enough that she didn’t care if it was said in jest or not.
Adore hadn’t been in good spirits since the runway, trapped in her own thoughts that were desperately battling against the voices in her head that were repeating the judges critiques, her own saying that she wasn’t good enough, the other queens from her group saying her leadership landed in the bottom. The rest of the group, Bianca especially who always seemed to radiate an authority over the room, was a welcome distraction.
“Like yeah she’s a bitch but she’s helpful as well. We killed the rest of you in the mini challenge and even though we’re both really big personalities and I thought we’d clash, it ended up working for us.”
Adore shrugged but she caught the rare smile Bianca sent her way before her expression changed, guarded again against the rest of their competitors.
“I’d choose Adore too if we had to pick someone to work with again.” Bianca pursed her lips before continuing. “I’d make out with her over Courtney again any day.”
After the expected returning quip from Courtney, the conversation shifted and Adore was grateful to take a backseat from the centre of attention. It was the first real challenge, against all the girls and she had disappointed herself. Her mind was racing again, self doubt rising up and forming a lump in her throat.
She had tuned out of the conversation so much so that only the couch dipping beside her as the rest of the queens stood up around her broke her from her thoughts. She mumbled a distracted ‘thanks’ to who was holding the curtain back for everyone before her but faltered when a black nailed hand curled around her arm and pulled her to a stop.
Face to face with Bianca, Adore swallowed thickly and let a small grin curl her lips.
“You trying to make out with me now? Because I don’t really think we have time.”
She was pleased to hear Bianca laugh as Adore referenced her earlier joke, quieter than her usual cackles but it felt even more genuine somehow.
“I just wanted to say not to take it too hard, kid.”
Adore considered arguing back, holding up a stronger front against someone who was supposed to be her competition. Someone who was her biggest competition especially.
It didn’t seem to be worth it though, not when Bianca had already seen straight through her. Not when Adore felt Bianca’s gaze on the side of her face rather than the screen as they watched their teams movies and her jaw was tight as she tried to shield how embarrassed she was on the runway.
“I…thanks Bianca.”
“Come on, let’s go see what these queens pull out their asses. Think Vivacious will attempt a death drop?”
Adore’s laughter followed them down the hallway, Bianca’s arm around her shoulders and her own around Bianca’s slim waist as they walked together and Adore felt lucky. Lucky that she seemed to have a friend, other than Laganja who seemed off and unrecognisable, and lucky that she had seemingly evaded Hurricane Bianca, for whatever reason Adore didn’t dare to question.
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aqlemonade · 6 years
I’m Gonna Miss You - Biadore
Summary: The copious amount of time Roy and Danny have been spending together comes to an end as Bianca’s tour begins.
AN: Just a warning that the smut written in this fic isn’t full out.
Roy’s fingertips dug into Danny’s hips as he bounced on top of him. Each thrust met Danny half way; Low, beautiful moans falling from plump lips. Roy looked up at Danny in reverence. His mouth hung open as he admired the sight before him.
It was more than how gorgeous Danny was. It was how much Roy loved him. When Roy began falling in love with Danny, he started seeing him completely differently. Everything he did was adorable, he always looked amazing even if he hadn’t showered for a week. The things he said sounded so intelligent, and anyone talking to Danny in a tone he didn’t like was an instant enemy. His heart grew soft for the younger man.
Roy reached up to run his hand through Danny’s hair. Green eyes rolled back, he instinctively leaned into Roy’s touch.
His hand traveled down to cup Danny’s cheek. He held his face while caressing his soft, sweat damp skin.
Roy wrapped his other arm around Danny’s waist to hold him in place as he sat up. Danny whimpered at the movement inside of him.
Their lips hovered over each other as they fucked. The hand Roy had on Danny’s cheek moved to tighten around his neck. They shared an intense stare as Roy pressed their foreheads together.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Danny breathed. Roy caught Danny’s lips in a deep, lung searing kiss. He didn’t want Danny to think about him leaving right now.
Danny’s body curled up to Roy’s side as they cuddled. The air was frigid against their cooling skin. Danny traced patterns into Roy’s stomach. “I’m really gonna miss you,” he said again.
Roy rubbed his back, his lips lingering on Danny’s forehead as he kissed it. “You’re gonna be okay, angel,” Roy looked down at him. “We spent a lot of time together didn’t we?”
Danny nodded his head. “A lot more than we usually get to,” the younger tried looking on the bright side.
“You’re right—And your tour starts after mine. You’ll only have to distract yourself for a few days before you’re off as well. Then we get to see each other again before our tours are over. How many times does that happen?”
“Not many,” Danny supposed.
“It’s gonna fly by, Dan. You’ll barely notice, I promise.”
The next day Danny drove Roy to the airport. They chose the smallest one they could find in hopes of having a bit of privacy when they said goodbye.
It was early. Much too early for most people to be flying. Danny parked their car in an empty corner of the lot. He pouted at Roy, who leaned in to peck his lips.
When they got out the couple squished together in a hug. Danny squeezed Roy tighter than ever. “Have a safe flight, Willow.”
“I will.” Roy pulled away to give Danny a kiss. Danny deepened it, slipping his tongue in Roy’s mouth. His hands pawed at him.
“How much time do you have before you gotta board?” Danny spoke desperately against Roy’s lips.
“I have time.”
Danny sunk to his knees in front of Roy. The older man’s mouth went dry as he watched Danny pull his pants down. They held eye contact the entire time Danny went down on him. Roy caressed his lover’s cheek, ran his fingers through his hair. Danny felt Roy’s cum releasing down his throat as his nose pressed against Roy’s stomach.
Roy helped Danny to his feet when it was over. He kissed him fiercely.
It was an odd comfort for Danny knowing he was sending Roy off with a blowjob. He got to be close to him before they parted ways. He thought about Roy sitting in first class sated from his orgasm, glowing from the aftermath. There was no way he wouldn’t be thinking about Danny until the very moment they were able to see each other again.
Danny helped with taking Roy’s luggage out of the trunk. His leaving became real once the last bag was unloaded.
“I’m gonna miss you.” The pair said their goodbyes. They shared more hugs, and kisses. Roy wiped away Danny’s tears.
“I’ll see you soon, angel,” Roy reassured, sealing it with one last kiss.
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