#beware of the full moon in March
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stray-semicolon · 1 year ago
Beware the Ides of March - Episode 56-58 (Season 2 Finale) Discussion
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Nakwon bares his soul and Mokhwa makes a choice. The decision will forever change the dynamic of their relationship. Sometimes I forget the webtoons I read are rated 19+ especially when there's a long stretch of episodes with no mature scenes.... Read the full article
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theblissfulstars · 2 years ago
March 7th, Full Moon in Virgo
The full moon taking place on March 7th, 7:42 a.m. Eastern standard Time is going to be taking place in the mutable earth sign of Virgo.
This Moon carries with it the energy of a bated breath. With the sun and moon in a T-square configuration with Mars in Gemini, This speaks to an incredibly nervous, anxious and excitatory energy. This denotes an explosive, or cataclysmic quality particularly in regards to information. Lies, secrets and information That is otherwise obfuscated will be exposed. This can be the start of conflict, intention on a personal and collective level. This tension is elevated by the stellium in the zodiac sign of Aries including Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron, Venus and Juno. The conflict is being brought towards the surface to reach a fiery climax and conclusion. Emotions will be high during this moon, and people will be prone to outbursts of anger. Beware of physical danger this moon, such as cuts, burns, and accidents. This can also manifest as wildfires.
With the sun in Pisces being conjunct mercury in detriment and Neptune dignified, this portends a time of metaphorical and literal flooding. This is a bad planting season,with this configuration and Ceres in retrograde position in Libra so hold off on your spring planting.
With two major hitters at the anaretic degree (29°) and one being 29°59 there is a suspended element of anxiety and collective strife and a final gift from Saturn before he exits the place of power, most likely related to harmful collective legislation, technology, and social media. he's been in power since 2017(Capricorn-aqua) this is an experience we will not have for another 20 years. When we wake up, Saturn will already be in pisces changing the energy dramatically to one of confusion,dreaminess, and melancholy fantasy. Mutable signs(rising,sun,moon, stelliums) are in for a doozy this full moon.
Uranus is making positive aspects this moon denoting radical, surprising and positive changes and financial opportunities for the environment and collective.
Use this moon to get lot prepare for the upcoming changes
Cutting ties
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spicysix · 2 years ago
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「eddie munson X gn!reader • roadtrip!AU」
1.2k words | next | masterlist | ao3 warnings/author's note: everything is fine, vecna is dead, the upside down is no more, max had broken bones and is now blind but she's alright. eddie got real Chomped™ but also recovered. this is a fix-it folks! also: impulsive thinking might lead to adventures such as an impromptu roadtrip with someone you barely know. beware
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Wednesday, July 23
You checked once again, making sure Max was alright. She just turned to look at you — well, not look at you — with that displeased face and you smirked even though she couldn’t see. But, hell, it was almost as if she could feel what you were doing.
“Quit stalling, Steve will be here in no time. I’ll survive,” she said before placing her headphones over her ears and pressing play on the Walkman, volume up high. Muffled, but still ever present, Kate Bush reached your own ears in no time.
Not like Max actually needed babysitters. She was adapting really well to both her lack of vision and her wheelchair, and you knew she’d be just fine, short-term and long-term alike. It was more that you — Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, even you and Robin who came by later —  the older ones, the forever big siblings; you all needed to feel like you were helping her more than she actually needed the help.
You didn’t say goodbye, didn’t tell her to behave like you wanted to — she wouldn’t listen anyway. So you just picked up your keys from the counter before leaving the Mayfield trailer. Max could be left alone, you trusted her. She was probably the most mature out of all the kids — not entirely by choice, some of that strength she was just forced to build up by the roughness of life. You still worried. But she was right, though. Steve would be there in no time.
The door to the Mayfield’s trailer closing in a loud thud behind you and the July burning midday sun in its peak above you were no distractions from the scene a few feet away.
Eddie was stuffing his van with bags.
Eddie Munson. Now, that guy was something.
You never paid him much attention regardless of his trailer being right beside yours at the park. You just knew him as your occasional weed supplier, nothing else, even though you knew of his fame as ‘Eddie The Freak’. Until the Events of March, as you called them. Until he was — just like you had been not even a year prior — thrown full force at the shit going down in that little town of yours. Until he was at the very center of it.
Then, he was Eddie The Banished. Eddie The Hunted. Finally, Eddie The Brave.
In between this and that, you had come to know stuff about him that you really wish you hadn’t. You had come to know the color, smell, texture of his blood. You had come to know what Eddie sounded like choking on it. You had grown familiar with the way his screams pierced through your ears into your soul.
Those were like a blur in your head most days. You’d bury those pieces of knowledge deep within your memories, as deep as you could. They’d only come pry after the moon was high in the sky, your subconscious trying to mess with you after you worked so hard at counting imaginary sheep.
But, then, after all that. He was Eddie The Retreated.
Fighting the end of the world together usually brought people closer, or so you thought since that’s what had happened between you and Robin, you and Max, hell, even you and Steve.
But after being in the shady government hospital for almost a whole month, not allowed many visitors besides his own uncle and occasionally Dustin, maybe Eddie got lost somewhere in between. Even though he and Max had physical therapy together, and he was still DM-ing a few campaigns for the boys, and you saw him once or twice at Family Video chatting with Steve, Eddie slipped away at some point.
Sure, some angry townsfolk didn’t buy the whole ‘Eddie was actually kidnapped by the real serial killer, Victor Creel’s son, Henry’ story — the story those same shady government people had tried to sell — and that probably didn’t help. Cause you knew it wasn’t uncommon for Eddie to go grocery shopping and receive ugly stares. He got his diploma through the mail, not allowed to walk the stage and get it himself at the graduation ceremony, to ‘not cause any disturbance or safety breach, for both Mr. Munson’s and the townsfolk sakes’. His band now only played once a month instead of once a week at The Hideout — he couldn’t even tell his bandmates the whole truth. And you were sure none of that was easy on him.
But you all tried to reach for him — it was the basic run, no one could get through all that alone. You tried. Called him for your movie get-togethers with the kids, and for your Drinks & Drugs get-togethers where it was just you, Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan — he never showed up. Tried to make him stay longer after DnD campaigns, but he would always leave right after, his smile never quite reaching his eyes. Always full of excuses, or filled with work — working over hours at that car shop near the edge of town, never available, never with free time.
You tried to reach for him, but he kept slipping — stepping — further away.
And as you saw him placing bags and a guitar case in the back of his van, right beside a mattress and some pillows, his hair up in a sloppy bun instead of the pretty wild waves you once saw before March, fingers naked of any metal, his skin paler, eyes reddened and with dark, deep bags under them — well, something stirred in your belly, and not in a good way. And you just knew, somehow.
You thought hard and fast as you went to your trailer as quickly as you could.
Max needed you.
Found a duffel bag under your bed.
But she had Steve, Robin, the Wheelers, Byers, Sinclairs and Hendersons looking after her as well.
Pulled random pieces of clothing from your drawers and threw them at your mattress behind you.
You had a job.
Stuffed the clothes with no care at all inside the duffel.
Well, it wasn’t a great job anyway.
Picked up from the floor your favorite Doc Martens, sneakers and sandals, and pushed all the clothes down so the shoes would also fit.
What would happen to your trailer?
A few accessories — your favorite rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces — inside a wooden box, closed, carefully placed in the outside pocket.
Maybe your friends could take care of it.
Ran to the bathroom, picked the most needed hygiene stuff and a first aid kit from under the sink.
Well, your friends would be worried.
Ran back to the bedroom and placed the bathroom stuff wherever there was still place left in the bag, careful to prevent any leaks.
That’s what letters were for — you could explain it to them later.
Threw the duffel over your shoulder, gathered your routine bag with all your usual belongings, ran to the trailer’s front door and past it, locked it behind you and ran again for the van. Threw in your duffel beside his bags just as Eddie was about to close the back doors. He looked at you, a glimpse of anger and a whole lot of confusion in his eyes.
���Where we’re headed to?”
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taglist (is open!): @amira0303
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antlermoss · 1 year ago
I wanted to try my hand at a warrior OC generator. This one is pretty long, user beware! If you end up drawing or using them, please tag me, I would love to see them.
Welcome to the Beyond, friend, where souls are created and sent to the world below. It’s time to begin a new incarnation.
We’ll start with their name. Choose the first letter of your chosen name.
A - Antler
B - Bee
C - Coyote
D - Deer
E - Egret
F - Ferret
G - Golden
H - Hawthorn
I - Indigo
J - Jackdaw
K - Kite
L - Lily
M - Mossy
N - Newt
O - Oleander
P - Pine
Q - Quail
R - Robin
S - Silk
T - Tansy
U - Umber
V - Viper
W - Wolf
X - Ox
Y - Yarrow
Z - Zinnia
Good, this will be the cat’s prefix. Next, let’s choose their appearance. Choose your favorite season, then the month of your creation. (Up for interpretation, your birthday or any other date important to your identity.)
January - White and Gray
February - White and Cream
March - Lilac
April - Fawn
May - Cinnamon
June - Ivory
July - Sand
August - Orange and white
September - Silver gray
October - Warm gray
November - Cool gray
December - White
January - Chestnut
February - Ash
March - Mahogany
April - Orange
May - Golden
June - Pale yellow
July - Gray and cream
August - Amber
September - Bronze
October - Copper
November - Fiery orange
December - White and yellow
January - Taupe
February - Warm black
March - Copper
April - Bronze
May - Mahogany
June - Pine
July - Russet
August - Brown and orange
September - Black and cream
October - Orange and black
November - Black and White
December - Cool black
January - Black and White
February - Cool silver
March - Stony blue
April - Lilac
May - Black and gray
June - Blue
July - Dark blue
August - Dark gray
September - Warm silver
October - Steely gray
November - White
December - Black
This will be their pelt color.
Next, Look to the skies. They will inform the cat's eye color.
Cloudy - Pale green
Sunny - Amber
Raining - Bright green
Storming - Vibrant yellow
Snowing - Blue
Sleet - Blue-gray
Foggy - Icy blue
Windy - Hazel
Raining while Sunny - One blue eye, one yellow.
Which temperature are you most comfortable at? This will determine the cat's coat length.
0 to 15 °C - Long fur
16 to 25 °C - Medium fur
26 to 37 °C - Short fur
The soul now has a body. It is time for its fate to be decided. The sky will inform your decision once more, look to the moon.
New moon - Healer - This cat will heal their clanmates
Crescent moon - Hunter - This cat will keep the clan well-fed and fight when necessary
Quarter moon - Camp keeper - This cat maintains the camp and cares for the kits
Gibbous moon - Warrior - This cat defends the borders and their clanmates
Full moon - Leader - This cat will lead the clan
Meteor Shower - Gifted - This cat is gifted with a strange ability from Starclan.
Hm? You wish to know of the position of "Deputy"? Fate cares not who holds that title if they are not to become a leader. Your cat is now Ambitious.
A cat's destiny informs the suffix chosen. Roll a D12 and choose the suffix from the corresponding fate.
1 - Petal
2 - Leaf
3 - Stem
4 - Shade
5 - Pool
6 - Moon
7 - Cloud
8 - Mist
9 - Bark
10 - Web
11 - Rain
12 - Stalk
1 - Feather
2 - Flight
3 - Shade
4 - Fall
5 - Leap
6 - Shadow
7 - Eye
8 - Ear
9 - Splash
10 - Spring
11 - Tail
12 - Wind
1 - Claw
2 - Fang
3 - Burn
4 - Flame
5 - Storm
6 -Hawk
7 - Tooth
8 - Jaw
9 - Bite
10 - Blaze
11 - Scar
12 - Howl
Camp Keeper
1 - Mask
2 - Tuft
3 - Down
4 - Belly
5 - Heart
6 - Flower
7 - Patch
8 - Light
9 - Fern
10 - Mane
11 - Dapple
12 - Muzzle
*Leader's suffix is Star, but may vary by region.
1 - Wish
2 - Sight
3 - Wing
4 - Frost
5 - Song
6 - Dream
7 - Dusk
8 - Dawn
9 - Omen
10 - Spark
11 - Moon
12 - Hollow
The soul is almost ready. Roll a D20 to determine at least one characteristic. You may roll up to three times, and reroll once.
1 - Six Toed
2 - Ear Tufts
3 - Deaf
4 - Long Claws
5 - Rosettes
6 - Stripes
7 - Twisted Paw
8 - Patchy Fur
9 - Excellent Listener
10 - Stalks Silently
11 - Blindness
12 - Three Legged
13 - Exposed Fangs
14 - Excellent Swimmer
15 - Beautiful
16 - Became a Healer despite destiny
17 - Became a Warrior despite destiny
18 - Became Leader despite destiny
19 - Clumsy
20 - Bobbed Tail
The soul is ready. Place them in the clan that suits them best, be it in the Lake territories or elsewhere. Their story is in your hands now.
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shinahbee · 2 years ago
New BL/shounen ai webtoon tier list
it’s been a while, I’m still working on the monthly favorites for june and july but I wont have it done anytime soon because I’m preparing for a convention this week. Instead, you are going to get the new BL tier list with some new titles 
I have mentioned in my last monthly favorites that I wanted to do a new one because it has been a long time since then and I have read more.
You will see some new stuff and some rankings change from the old ones, I included titles that I have read/ remembered from reading and discarded the ones I no longer have any connection to.
alright, here it is:
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Spicy tier - the top tier in my eyes...
most of these stories I’ve read more than once and have left a lasting impression on me, these are ones that if anyone asks me for recommendations, they would be the ones that come to mind.
this could change in the future depending if the next tier makes their way up a rank.
Crash into you
Its just a dream right?
kings maker
pearl boy
hold me tight
the pizza delivery man and the gold palace
path to you
Love history caused by willful negligence 
The foul
The third ending
Good so far, let’s see where it goes- ongoing/ current reads
it wouldn’t be fair to put them in the spicy tier when I’m not fully committed, these still need more time, but I'm enjoying where the plot is heading so far, there are some that I can potentially see in the spicy tier later when they finish
something like liveta and define the relationship, and one that isn’t on here cause I couldn’t find pictures for it...called Half of me, this one is really good so far and I can definitely put it on the spicy tier if it continues going in the right direction.
Beware of the full moon in march
Define the relationship
killer crush
Midnight men
The ghost’s nocturne
(no pic ) half of me 
Not bad but not great either- meh overall
most I have finished but found it under whelming, lack of character development, plot moving very slowly, not really anything spectacular.
not to say that these aren’t good in their own way but there has to be a line that separates the good stories from the ones that are okay right? some I have in my favorites are in this tier because I’m trying to be really critical when I think about the story overall now that its done...
i’ll list the series and tell you why I feel that way in case you are wondering
Painter from the window - I don’t remember much about this, the end didn’t really make sense to me and I don’t think I finished the entire story, I might have lost some interest in between
insecret - I liked the side story better than the mains story, if it was based on that this would have been higher 
Dangerous convenient store- basic story overall not a lot of interesting plot other than near the end, the pacing is okay in terms of relationship development 
Lucky paradise - pacing is slow and not a lot of development from chunwoo, which I don’t really get why he does the things he does, he really needed character development a lot sooner for me to be interested 
Secret relationships - 90% flashbacks 10 % story lol. i’m sure all bimsa fans will agree that the story took a while to move forward cause all we got was one flash back after another and no expansion on the characters in the current timeline.
Dear door - I just got bored in the middle 
My suha - season1, 2 were great in terms of plot, the last season moved really slowly and made a lot of people lose interest, there’s also a ton of misunderstanding, but that’s nothing new in BL
Hide and seek- I would put this higher if it wasn’t for the conflict being miniscule, it really does not pair well with the whole mystery behind the story. I also have not read this again after the second time so it was not very memorable. 
omega complex - good characters and development, no dumb love triangles..lol. which is the best part cause I hate those, the main guy yoonwoo was like I only like 1 person if you aren’t him don’t talk to me...lmao I appreciate it. overall it’s a short story but that’s all it is. 
MDZS - this may surprise you cause this is what got me to read BL and took over my life, but in terms of manhwa the pacing is slow and I liked the drama better than the actual webtoon
Seeing double - twins and love triangle....uh nope...I just wish there was more explanation is to how ohn ended up liking seowoo...I’m happy cause that’s my ship, but I felt there was a disconnect there when he realized his feelings...I’m like wtf ...how?
oki doki... the I don’t give a sh*t tier
some famous titles that other people are in love with and I have no interest in reading at all...
Anti PT
Heaven’s official blessing
Banana sandal season 2 (I have read season 1)
Lost in the cloud
Honey trouble
and also can corelate with the next tier,
already knows the story through osmosis...
I literally can read some twitter tweets and already know the story based on how much people put out there in terms of spoilers. Which is why I don’t have to read it lol.
Blind play
mad place 
wet sand
limited run
though I do appreciate it if I want to avoid certain types of stories...like the ones in the last tier 
never touch again-  I dodged a bullet with some of these...
Again like the tier above I already know the story through osmosis, the only one I finished reading was BJ alex and that was a dark time in my life that I want to just erase.
BJ alex
full volume 
even if you don’t love me
Love or hate
yours to claim
married man/missing love
some of these just have no plot just smut scenes, some of which does have a plot but not good enough for me to enjoy because of subject matter (incest) and most are abuse from all angles...so I try to avoid those, which is why I basically dropped all of it.
real talk though, I have one thing to ask...why have Ugly old men in your stories?..yeah they are creepy but who would look at that and be like yeah I want that dude to touch me...like who is ugly ass 70 year old rotting dick appealing to? like what audience?
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omg this is the one trope in BL I cannot stand...I also cannot escape from  it cause its in lots of stories, if some one knows please explain it to me ...LOL.
okay well there it is for new tier list rankings, I’ll be back after the convention and finished the monthly favorites I was planning on doing. hope you enjoyed reading and I have the old tier list in the link below:
if you would like to see more stuff I write about please follow me cause I have a lot of BL criticism content.lol. 
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skylarxgraham · 7 months ago
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Is that NICO GREETHAM? No, that's SKYLAR GRAHAM. The 26 year old BORROWER WITCH OMEGA is a PERSONAL ASSISTANT. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be SEDUCTIVE & AMBITIOUS, but beware, they’re also known to be RUTHLESS & IMPULSIVE.
full name — skylar james graham age — twenty-six (march 5th) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) second gender — omega moon — none occupation — personal assistant family — no children, possible brother (in the works) mate — aiden brenner (blog) clothing style — polo shirts, button-ups, tank tops and short shorts. recently loved dressing up like a greek twink
face claim — nico greetham hair — blonde / eyes — green height — five foot & six inches build — lean with defined muscles, prominent abs, plump butt, toned legs scars — none, his skin is surprisingly flawless tattoos — a pair of angel wings under his right collar bone (like this) piercings — none special characteristics — likes to think the 'dumb blonde' stereotype doesn't apply to him but he has his himbo moments sexual preference — dom leaning verse but has a penchant for submitting every so often kinks — muscle worship, praise, musk, restraints, biting/marking, breeding, public play, multiple orgasms. anti-kinks — scat, gore, intense breath play
alignment — neutral good positive traits — seductive, ambitious negative traits — impulsive, ruthless hobbies — reading, writing, practicing magic, sex
mental — mild ocd physical — never broken a bone in his life phobias — thalassophobia eyesight — 18/20 dominant hand — ambidextrous drug use — no alcohol use — no, he prefers virgin drinks and mocktails diet — semi-healthy, has a bit of a sweet tooth for pastries, junk food only once every other week
birthplace — new haven, CT parents — deceased, both full-blooded witches education — college graduate notable skills — very organized, which help him excel in administrative and clerical jobs
Born from a long line of powerful witches, Skylar was blessed with the magic his ancestors wielded. Yet despite this rare privilege, he sought for something basic spells and potions simply couldn’t achieve. From a young age, he looked to the clouds above and marveled at the birds soaring through the heavens. Their gift of flight, feathery wings and near angelic appearance made him yearn for such freedom. He didn’t want to spend his life following the rules and regulations enforced by a coven. His true wish was to fade into the sky like an angel. To transcend the mountains and oceans keeping most practitioners of the mystic arts tethered to the terrestrial plane. 
It took him years to discover a magic that would make his wish come true. Skylar stumbled upon ancient texts depicting a way for whoever casts these spells will have their sins washed away by holy light. He was awestruck and incredibly curious. No form of sorcery was ever used before by anyone in recorded history. He could possibly be the first to master such power. Luckily for him, the ability to utilize witchcraft of any form ran through his veins. Skylar managed to decipher the rituals and incantations with relative ease. Now the remaining challenge was to put the knowledge he obtained to action. A task much easier said than done, unfortunately.
Just when Skylar was about to encounter a breakthrough, a creature with snow white fur and floppy ears hopped into his arms. He acknowledged Skylar as its master and together, the two developed a seemingly mutually beneficial relationship. He named his familiar Cassiel who bestowed him with a physical link to the celestial plane. With the final ingredient at his disposal, Skylar declared the price he was willing to pay and called forth an angel for the first time. He was absolutely fascinated to bring such a divine and powerful being into existence. It was everything he could have ever imagined and more. 
Now, Skylar is determined to learn everything he can about angels and the power they possess. So far, he's not had any issues with summoning them but that could very well change the more he taps into this ancient magic.
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sing-in-me-oh-muse · 1 year ago
Sanctuary Writing Challenge for March 2024: Beware the Ides of March!
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🩸🗡Welcome to the Sanctuary writing challenge for March 2024! 🗡🩸
Beware the Ides of March! 
Fun fact, “Ides” refers to the first full moon of a given month, and before Shakespeare coined the above phrase in his play, *Julius Caesar*, the Ides of March wasn’t a bad omen.
In fact, the Ides of March once signified the Roman New Year, which meant rejoicing and feasting with a bacchanal to rival the gods. Two years before he was betrayed by the Senate who stabbed him 23 times, Caesar changed the New Year celebration to January, which is how the Western world celebrates today.
History lesson aside, your writing challenge for March is to write a one shot focused on the act of ~betrayal.~ Any betrayal counts. Your one shot can be serious, silly, and everything in between. Fluff, angst, crack – it’s all fair game, as long as one character is betrayed by the other.
Length: Greater than 500 words.
Fandom: Any.
Features: Gen or any pairing.
Deadline: 11:59 am PST March 31st.
Happy betraying! 🗡
Join the Sanctuary Discord Server to post your pieces!
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
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The Ides of March — a day of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC — that forever changed history.
Julius Caesar's bloody assassination on 15 March 44 BC, forever marked March 15, or the Ides of March, as a day of infamy.
It has fascinated scholars and writers ever since. For ancient Romans living before that event, however, an ides was merely one of several common calendar terms used to mark monthly lunar events.
The ides simply marked the appearance of the full moon.
But Romans would soon learn to beware the Ides of March.
That iconic phrase came to represent a day of abrupt change, setting off a ripple of repercussions throughout Roman society and beyond.
By the time of Caesar, Rome had a long-established republican government headed by two consuls with joint powers.
Praetors were one step below consuls in the power chain and handled judicial matters.
A body of citizens formed the Senate proposed legislation, which general people's assemblies then approved by vote.
A special temporary office, that of dictator, was established for use only during times of extreme civil unrest.
Romans had no love for kings. According to legend, they expelled their last one in 509 BC.
While Caesar had made pointed and public displays of turning down offers of kingship, he showed no reluctance to accept the office of “dictator for life” in February of 44 BC.
This action may have sealed his fate in the minds of his enemies. 
Caesar had pushed the envelope for some time before his death.
“Caesar was the first living Roman ever to appear on the coinage.”
Normally, honor was reserved for deities. He notes that some historians suspect that Caesar might have been attempting to establish a cult in his honor in a move toward deification.
Plot's conspirators, who termed themselves as “liberators,” had to move quickly as Caesar had plans to leave Rome for a campaign against Parthians.
Two days before his departure, he was summoned to Senate for what would be a fateful meeting.
Conspirators gathered around Caesar and stabbed him to death as the rest of the Roman Senate watched in horror.
Whether or not Caesar was a true tyrant is debated still to this day.
It is safe to say, however, that in the mind of Marcus Brutus, who helped mastermind the attack, the threat Caesar posed to republican system was clear.
Brutus was famously portrayed in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar as a tragic hero, while Caesar was written as an unequivocal tyrant.
In the play, Caesar sees Brutus among the crowd of assassins and says of the betrayal with his dying breath, "Et tu, Brute?" 
Brutus's involvement in the murder is made tragic given his close affiliations with Caesar.
His mother, Servilia, was one of Caesar's lovers. And although Brutus had fought against Caesar during Rome's recent civil war, he was spared from death and later promoted by Caesar to office of praetor.
Brutus, however, was torn in his allegiance to Caesar. Brutus's family had a tradition of rejecting authoritarian powers.
Ancestor Junius Brutus was credited with throwing out the last king of Rome, Tarquin Superbus, in 509 BC.
Ahala, an ancestor of Marcus Brutus's mother, had killed another tyrant, Spurius Maelius.
This lineage, coupled with a strong interest in Greek idea of tyranicide, disposed Brutus to have little patience with perceived power grabbers.
The final blow came when his uncle Cato, a father figure to Brutus, killed himself after losing in a battle against Caesar in 46 BC.
Brutus may have felt shame over accepting Caesar's clemency and obligation to do Cato honor by continuing his quest to “save” the republic from Caesar, Osgood speculated.
It is this moral dilemma that has caused debate over whether or not Brutus should be branded a villain.
Plutarch's Life of Brutus is quite sympathetic in comparison to surviving documents naming other enemies of Caesar and his successors. 
📷 : The Ides of March XLIV BC; Oil on Panel by Stephen Gjertson (Old Parkland Art Collection, Dallas)
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xtruss · 1 year ago
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The Bloody End of Julius Caesar Forever Darkened the Ides of March. Photograph By James L. Stanfield, National Geographic
Ides of March: What Is It? Why Do We Still Observe It?
Once Simply a Time to Settle Accounts, March 15—the Ides of March—is Linked to Prophecies of Misfortune, Thanks to Caesar and Shakespeare.
— By Brian Handwerk | Published: March 15, 2011 | Thursday March 14, 2024
Caesar: The Ides of March Are Come.
Soothsayer: Aye, Caesar, But Not Gone.
—Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 1
Thanks to Shakespeare's indelible dramatization, March 15—also called the Ides of March—is forever linked with the 44 B.C. assassination of Julius Caesar, and with prophecies of doom.
"That line of the soothsayer, 'Beware the ides of March,' is a pithy line, and people remember it, even if they don't know why," said Georgianna Ziegler, head of reference at Washington, D.C.'s Folger Shakespeare Library.
Until that day Julius Caesar ruled Rome. The traditional Republican government had been supplanted by a temporary dictatorship, one that Caesar very much wished to make permanent.
But Caesar's quest for power spawned a conspiracy to have him killed, and on the Ides of March, a group of prominent Romans brought him to an untimely end in the Senate House.
It Wasn't Just Caesar Who Paid the Price on Ides of March
Aside from its historical connection, the concept of the Ides of March would have resonated with English citizens in 1599, the year Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar was probably performed, Ziegler said.
"This whole business of the Ides of March and timekeeping in the play would have had a strong impact on audiences," she said.
"They were really struck by the differences between their Julian calendar [a revision of the Roman calendar created by Caesar] and the Gregorian calendar kept in Catholic countries on the continent."
Because the two calendars featured years of slightly different lengths, they had diverged significantly by the late 16th century and were several days apart.
In Roman times the Ides of March was mostly notable as a deadline for settling debts.
That calendar featured ides on the 15th in March, May, July, and October or on the 13th in the other months. The word's Latin roots mean "divide," and the date sought to split the month, originally at the rise of the full moon.
But because calendar months and the lunar cycle are slightly out of sync, this connection was soon lost.
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A later artist's conception of the funeral of Julius Caesar, who was killed on the Ides of March in 44 B.C. Illustration By C. Vottrier, Mary EvansPicture Library/Alamy
Ides of March Assassins: Heroes or Murderers?
The Ides of March took on special significance after Caesar's assassination—but observance of the anniversary at the time varied among Roman citizens.
"How they felt depended on their political position," said Philip Freeman, a classicist at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and the author of Julius Caesar.
"Some were thrilled that Caesar had died, and some were horrified," he said.
The debate about Caesar's fate has extended through the ages and was taken up by some major literary figures. In Dante's Inferno, for example, Caesar is in Limbo, a relatively pleasant place in hell reserved for virtuous non-Christians.
"But Brutus [one of the leaders of the assassination] is down in the very center of hell with Judas, being munched on by Satan—it's about as bad as you can get," Freeman said.
The Folger library's Ziegler thinks the Bard had a more balanced view.
"I think Shakespeare shows both of them as being humans with their own weaknesses and strong points," she said.
Whether they were heroes or murderers, the real-life Ides of March assassins were subjected to less than pleasant outcomes.
"Within a couple of years Brutus and [fellow assassin] Cassius were dead," Freeman noted.
"They were not able to bring back the Republic, and really what they did was usher in more of a permanent dictatorship under the future Roman emperors—the opposite of what they intended."
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stray-semicolon · 1 year ago
Beware the Ides of March - Episode 55 Recap
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Nakwon wrestles with whether he should tell Mokhwa the truth about his attack. Mokhwa questions Nakwon's motivations for leaving. EPISODE RECAP While Mokhwa's washing the dishes, Nakwon casually mentions that his stitches were removed today.... Read the full article
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wheelchair-wizard · 1 year ago
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Irish Celtic Mythology.
VOL 6 Abhartach the Dwarf King - The Irish VAMPIRE
The Legend of Abhartach
In the shadowed valleys of ancient Ireland, where mist clung to the gnarled oaks and legends whispered through the heather, there existed a chieftain named Abhartach. His name, meaning “dwarf,” belied the darkness that consumed his heart. Abhartach ruled over a desolate realm, a land where the sun dared not linger, and the moon itself seemed to shiver.
Abhartach was no ordinary ruler. His eyes held secrets—secrets that danced between life and death. His malevolence knew no bounds, and he reveled in the suffering of his subjects. The villagers trembled under his iron-fisted rule, their lives drained by his insatiable hunger for power.
But it was not merely earthly dominion that Abhartach sought. He wielded forbidden magic—the kind that twisted the fabric of reality. His very existence defied the natural order. When the moon waxed full, he would vanish into the ancient woods, chanting incantations that echoed through the hollows. And when he returned, his eyes glowed like embers, and his thirst for blood remained unquenched.
Cathain, a neighboring chieftain, could bear it no longer. His people suffered, their souls crushed by Abhartach’s maleficence. Cathain, fueled by courage and desperation, rallied his warriors. They marched toward Abhartach’s fortress, swords gleaming with resolve.
The battle unfolded—a clash of steel and ancient curses. Cathain fought with valor, each swing of his blade fueled by the collective anguish of the oppressed. Abhartach, however, was no ordinary foe. His wounds healed swiftly, and his laughter echoed across the blood-soaked moors.
Three times Cathain struck him down, and three times Abhartach rose again. The villagers watched in horror as the dwarf king emerged from his grave, his eyes aflame with hatred. The very earth seemed to recoil from his touch.
Desperate, Cathain sought the counsel of a wise druid. The old seer revealed the truth: Abhartach was one of the neamh-mairbh, the walking dead. To defeat him, Cathain needed more than mortal weapons. He required a yew-wood sword—anointed with moonlight—a burial upside down, thorny barriers encircling the grave, and a massive stone to seal it shut.
And so, Cathain faced Abhartach once more. With each blow, he drove the yew-wood blade into the dwarf’s heart. The earth drank Abhartach’s malevolence, and the villagers wept with relief. They buried him head down, thorns piercing the soil, and placed the colossal stone atop the grave.
Abhartach’s reign of terror ceased, but his legend endured. The laght—a sepulchral monument—still stands in the parish of Errigal, a grim reminder. Beware, for Abhartach’s thirst for blood may yet stir in the shadows, waiting for the next moonrise to break free.
And so, the tale of Abhartach echoes through the misty hills, a cautionary whisper to those who dare disturb the slumber of the undead.
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macmanx · 2 years ago
Julius Caesar's bloody assassination on March 15, 44 B.C., forever marked March 15, or the Ides of March, as a day of infamy. It has fascinated scholars and writers ever since.
For ancient Romans living before that event, however, an ides was merely one of several common calendar terms used to mark monthly lunar events. The ides simply marked the appearance of the full moon.
But Romans would soon learn to beware the Ides of March. That iconic phrase came to represent a day of abrupt change, setting off a ripple of repercussions throughout Roman society and beyond.
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uneasylisteningradio · 2 years ago
Transistor Sister #157 March 12, 2023
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Extra big mini theme this week, what else is new who am I kidding, a full hour of songs about SPELLING along with the usual bits and bobs and new bands from other continents etc.
stream on Mixcloud
Freddy Cannon - Transistor Sister Lucinda Williams - Sundays
Guardian Singles - Chad and Stacey The Limp - Humans Beware Jeannie Dee - Two Heads Are Better Than One Liiek - System Harum Scarum - Stardom
Bikini - Taki Jak Ja The Gobs - Action 52 Teengenerate - A Promise Is a Promise The Fun and Games - Something I Wrote Captain Sensible - Oursouls to You The Take - Summer Inferno Personale - Tomorrow
Dead Moon - I'm Wise Sheila - Vous les copains Delivery & Workhorse - Who Makes Demands? Dolly Mixture - Everything and More
Aqua - Calling You Skinned Teen - Nancy Drew Beastie Boys - The New Style Bobby Freeman - S-W-I-M Boney M. - Baby Do You Wanna Bump?
Venom - Sacrifice A House - Y-O-U Diode - E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y Thee Headcoatees - Melvin Donna Summer - Romeo The Misfits - Rat Fink
The Bar-Kays - Freaky Behavior Connie Francis - Vacation Happy Refugees - Hamburger Boy The Ames Brothers - Rag Mop Bigg Band - Rubber Room
Chumbawamba - The Day the Nazi Died
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seabreeze2022 · 2 years ago
2023 Bahama Cruise, March 7. Part 2
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We arrived in Morgans Bluff at 1530 on March 6. While we were anchoring, I called the Harbor Master on VHF Ch. 16. She said the Immigration officer was at the dock but would be leaving in 30 minutes. While Nancy finished anchoring and diving the anchor, I dropped the dinghy in the water without the engine and rowed to shore. Luckily we were close by and I had very little wind to deal with. I caught the Immigration Officer before he left and filled out all his forms. The fee was $50. This was all done outside at a picnic table in the shade of an Australian Pine.
Tessie is the Harbor Master. She was a delight to talk to while waiting for Customs to show up. She showed me photos of her new Key Lime grove of 150 trees. She is also growing pineapples in pots. Her house had 4 ft. of water inside during Hurricane Mathew.
Customs showed up he handed me our preprinted Cruising Permit, which cost $300 for 3 months and our Fishing Permit. He was finished in 5 minutes. Super easy clearing in here in Morgans Bluff.
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Nancy had raised our yellow Quarantine Flag, or “Q-flag”. Once I rowed back and we were officially cleared into the Bahamas. She exchanged the “Q-flag” with the Bahama Courtesy flag, which we will fly from the starboard spreader.
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Shortly thereafter 2 cruisers showed up in their dinghy. They had met a local who gave them an entire crate of ripe Egg plants. They were going boat to boat delivering them. So we took four.
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Just before daybreak on the 7th. an Island Freighter backed up to the Government Dock and off loaded some containers. He was here and gone in an hour. That is why you have to beware where you anchor.
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We were the eighth boat in the outer harbor. Above is the mostly full moon setting over Andros and one of the sloops in front of it. A very peaceful harbor.
After breakfast we placed the engine on the dinghy and went to shore for fuel. I took 8 gallons of fuel from two of our jerry jugs in the main fuel tank. Then filled them on shore with 10 gallons of diesel. Nancy had started talking to an American who lives here. He gave her a ride to the ALIV store where she bought a Hot Spot and unlimited data. Two months for $140 a month.
Meanwhile I took the 10 gallons to the boat. After running the boat for 27 hours at 2,000 rpm, it only took 18 gallons to top off. That gave us a burn rate of 0.666 gallons an hour, doing 6 kts. Nancy arrived with the hot spot just as I was about to take the 2 jerry jugs back and place them back on deck with 4 gallons of fresh diesel.
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We went to shore for a late lunch. I had the cracked crawfish and Nancy had the Crawfish salad. Both very delicious and reasonably priced, $20 for the cracked Crawfish and $15 for the salad.
After we returned to the boat with bloated bellies, we broke out the snorkel equipment. Running a couple of hundred yards up wind, we both drifted back towards the boat, with Nancy towing the dinghy. I was able to walk the anchor back to a small hole anticipating a harder blow coming. Stay tuned to hear what happened in the harbor when the winds picked.
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Two locals were going boat to boat selling Crawfish and conch. Nancy opted for the Conch. We paid $2.50 each for 8 fresh conch. The Captain is Bob, he volunteered to clean the conch. That alone is worth $2 a piece. His mate is Arthur. Both of these guys were very tall, Bob stands 6 ft. 3 inches. Arthur was almost as tall. This seems to be a common trait on Andros.
They asked if we were not afraid of the sharks in the bay? They say large Tiger Sharks and Hammerheads frequent the bay hunting turtles. I had noticed that the turtles were very shy while we were snorkeling. A defense that a turtle will do when a shark approaches is tilt their wide shells towards the shark and putting a hard turn into the shark. A classic fighter pilot maneuver, to get inside an advisories turn radius, while keeping them in sight at the same time. It also makes their shell too big to bite. Several of the turtles that swam by me were doing that. Everyone of them had a large Remora or two attached to them. The remoras were actually longer than the turtle.
Deer flies are an issue in Morgans Bluff. We killed a dozen during the day. The locals call them “Doctor flies” they come to give you an injection. Pretty good description of their bite.
We met “Patrick” at the fuel station. Another 6 ft. plus local. He is in charge of the local Bahama sailing regatta. I asked him what color the Andros boats are painted. Although not mandatory paint schemes, most if not all of the boats from each family island will be painted the same. Then when they are competing against another island, everyone knows which boat is which. The Andros colors are white and yellow, the color of the famous Andros “Chickanniys”.
Local legend is the “Chickanniys” live in the trees and will hex anyone who cuts down one of their trees. Different descriptions abound since no photos exist. They are pixie like black men with red eyes, 3 toes on their feet and 3 fingers per hand. The Englishman, and former Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain. Grew up on Andros working on his uncle’s 20,000 acre sisal plantation. Against advice from the Foreman, Neville cut down a tree with a “Chickanniys” nest in it. His life was hexed from then on and world history was changed.
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On the morning of the 8th, the outer harbor waters were glassy calm. I could see our anchor just to the side of us. Something was a bit strange looking. Then I realized that a Green Turtle was on top of the anchor and a large remora was attached to the top of his shell. He rooted around for 20 minutes, coming up for air every now and then. When they surface, it seems the remoras let loose and then reattach as soon as the turtle dives. Considering the sucker part of the remora is on top of his head, when it is attached to the back of the turtle it is upside down.
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This harbor is known for poor holding, the sand is pretty shallow. With winds out of the north it is completely exposed to wind and waves. We could see darkening skies to the north. The breeze was picking up. We all had a leeshore behind us. Leeshores are what stop you when the anchor drags. Then the boat is pounded on the rocks. Fiberglass boats just don’t stand up well to that kind of punishment.
I was on the foredeck closing hatches as a light rain started. Nancy was pulling in the dry clothes pinned to the lifelines. Taking a quick glance around the harbor, I noticed one of the smaller and older mono-hull sloops was sideways and dragging.
No one was on board, the gust front was on us and this boat was not slowing down. I called for Nancy. Picked up the VHF mic checking that it was on the local boaters net channel of 72.
Nancy and I were the first ones to the sloop. Crew of a large Catamaran downwind of the sloop came up on deck. Now we had two issues. First stopping the runway. Second keeping it from getting caught sideways on the bow of the catamaran. Besides doing damage to both boats, that much more drag on the catamarans anchor could loosen their anchor. Then both would in peril of the leeshore.
Nancy and I grabbed the bow of the runaway on its downwind side. I wanted to put out as much chain as I could. We were now within 25 feet of the catamaran. The catamaran Capt. told us to push the boat back so it would miss his boat. We attempted to do that, and may have nudged it just enough to miss the cat. But to hang on to the runaway and power up the dinghy was futile. By luck as the bow of the runaway came by the Cat, they grabbed it with a boat hook.
Meanwhile before we got crushed between the two boats, Nancy pulled our dinghy to the runaways stern as I climbed the rail. I had pulled several yards of chain out of the chain locker while I had been in the dinghy. Now I switched gears and secured a coil of line supplied by the crew from the cat, to the bow cleat of the runaway. Everyone was busy getting fenders between the two boats. I paid out all the chain from the boat. Not sure why any chain was every left in the locker? It really doesn’t do any good there.
Two more cruisers showed up in one dinghy. The one guy swim out and set the sloops anchor over to the side, away from the cat. One of their wives had called the young couple who owned the boat to come back from shore. They had been helping out the track team in town. Dropping off several sets of running shoes. They got there just as both boats were secured to each other. Drama was over for the day. The boat owner is traveling with three other boats. Who all refer to the runaways owners as, “The Kids”. Living and learning, while on a budget.
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They reanchored and dove their anchor. The front blew by a couple of hours later. Above is the catamaran and the runaway sloop while retrieving the anchor. Never trust a “plow anchor”. Unless you need to plow a furrow!
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The sun came out, I swam around the boat and checked the anchor. Then Nancy and I took the dinghy to the nearby beach, in search of Morgans Cave.
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We stumbled onto Henry Morgans cave a short distance down the paved road. Supposedly the site of his buried treasure chest.
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We were prepared with a spot light, but did not bring mosquito spray. This is a dry cave with several entrances and lots of small openings in the ceilings. If you want to go very far back you would need to crawl. No bats were within sight but are probably in there.
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When we got back to the beach we could see the next band of showers approaching. Unfortunately our dinghy motor failed on the way back to the boat. One of “The Kids” rescued us, towing us back to our boat.
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Dinner is fresh cracked conch and sautéed egg plant with garlic and cheese.
S/V Sea Breeze, Morgans Bluff, Andros, Bahamas.
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vievecorcityevents · 2 years ago
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The next full moon called the Worm Moon and it reaches its peak on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. The Moon will appear full for about three days, from Monday morning (Mar 6) through Wednesday morning (Mar 8).
Over these three days, all WEREWOLVES in Vievecor City will experience the following:
Forced transformations into their wolf forms at night when the moon in visible in the night sky.
Heightened emotions, be they anger, sadness or happiness. Younger (below 35 years of age) and newly bitten wolves might not be able to control their aggression easily.
Heightened physical abilities. They will be able to lift and throw small trucks, run up to 70 miles per hour, keep that running speed for up to 5 minutes, have keen night vision, hearing and smell, take the force of a grenade without sustaining injuries and regenerate bullet wounds in a minute. This will make them slightly stronger than vampires.
Other packs should beware not to overstep the hospitality of the reigning Lycaon pack. Lone wolves are also allowed to use these forests but should keep their guard up around other packs in the vicinity.
Werewolves who do not wish to use the forests of Chissob Hills are trusted to keep themselves in line wherever they choose to spend their full moon nights.
Some other things of note during full moon nights are:
Supernaturals who can tap into astral magic, divination, dream magic, lunar magic and water magic will feel these magics becoming stronger over the nights of the full moon.
All elves will be overcome with a deep sense of calm whenever the full moon is at its peak, feeling their heart rates and blood pressures decreasing slightly over these nights. Their desire to be in nature to moon bathe will be particularly strong.
The Lycocorpus plant will only be in bloom for 5 minutes at midnight on the one night when the moon is the fullest each month. Witches who grow this plant need to harvest it at this particular time for use in potions.
The Golden Rule is still in place over full moon nights for all supernaturals and any rule breaking will result in punishment by the various species elders and/or the Council.
. ~ . ~ HEAT WEEK 2023 ~ . ~ .
This year’s heat week is happening in March and will take place in-game from March 6 to 12. Heat for werewolves happen only once a year around spring and only female werewolves go into heat. When they do, male wolves cannot help but be affected by their pheromones and will go into rut. (Please see the WEREWOLF write up for more in-depth information on werewolf heats/ruts.)
During this time, all wolves will feel the increased need for touch, body contact and sex. Alphas will be generally more attracted to omegas of their preferred gender followed by betas of their preferred gender. Omegas will generally be more attracted to alphas of their preferred gender followed by betas of their preferred gender. Betas can swing either way depending on their own preferences and their partner’s needs. It is rare that werewolves will spend their heats with wolves that they are not of their sexual preference (i.e. a gay wolf will not sleep with someone of the opposite sex.) All wolves can also be attracted to other species.
Suppressants are commonly used in the werewolf community and it is common for werewolves who are not on suppressants to take this week off from work to deal with their heats/ruts. For those who would like to use suppressants, they are readily available in the form of pills or potions are readily available for wolves who do not wish to experience the effects of heats/ruts. Wolves, elves and witches have the knowledge and ability to brew this complicated potion and it is also readily available for purchase in a more expensive pill form from magic shops in the city. 
While suppressants are commonly used in the werewolf community, it is highly discouraged for them to do so over many consecutive years as it messes with a werewolf’s natural body’s processes. If a werewolf has taken suppressants for more than five consecutive years, their heats/ruts will come back much stronger than before once they stop and heats/ruts can last for up to 3 weeks if they are not careful. If a werewolf takes suppressants consistently for more than 5 years, there is an exponentially increasing chance of rendering themselves infertile.
Some other species that can be affected by pheromones in the air during heat week are animal spirits and elves. Animal spirits are more directly affected and will feel an increased need for touch and body contact with others. Elves will be able to sense the gradual increase in pheromones in the air allowing them to know that heat week is approaching, but they will not be physically affected by it.
Players are welcome to use the information in this post to dictate threads going forward. Werewolf characters are encouraged to play out how they deal with heat week. Other characters are welcome to take part in this week if it suits their characters.
Have fun!
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shinahbee · 2 years ago
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BL Uke Tier list
Alright, here we go with the BL “Uke/Bottoms” tier list ranking, there was a lot of them but again I picked out the ones that I know of and read and uh...didn’t realize that a lot of them were tsundares.lol.
edit: I should say they have tsundare qualities, but not classified as the archetype, because some people seem confused and I didn’t really know what to name this tier, anyways these are just my opinions and if you have a problem with people saying stuff about your favorite character don’t bother reading 
I don’t know about you but a guy tsundares is more tolerable than girl tsundares just my opinion of course, but to me they seem less violent versus the girls who get really violent for no reason in particular and that is annoying. This is just years of phycological damage from anime exposure to that type of girl.
anyways again trigger warning if you hate people ranking and talking sh*t about your favorite character don’t read.
Okay so lets start off with the “bottom tier” first this time
Put me in the hospital:
Cha on -Shadow realm
Jooin- yours to claim
Seonwoo -punch drunk love
Dan- Jinx
Mokhwa - beware of the full moon in march
put me in the hospital is literally that because some of these boys don’t seem to care about their mental and physical wellbeing, not that they are bad characters but they let people do sh*t to them without retaliating and that does not sit well with me, most of these are due to traumatic experiences but they should not be treated like a doormat.
Basically I want these boys to realize what self worth is 
Pretty but zero personality:
joo...something I forgot at this point - turn off the camera
Beom - Full volume
Chunwoo- Lucky paradise
Jiho - insatiable man
yeonju - steel under silk
Ian- ...omg blanking on the name... wet sand 
yeah they are pretty but they have that type of dry personality that does not really attract me, this personal preference of course cause there are people that think its cute..i’m not one of them...
does not feel one way or another:
Suha - My suha
Nakyum - Painter of the night
kyungjoon - Dear door
Yeonwoon - Omega complex
Youngjin - The origin of species
hmm...not really sure how I feel about them in general, they haven’t left a strong impression on me to really categorize them so I guess I’m neutral.
well suha started off really bold but then literally dies down near the end so that was a disappointment, same with kyungjoon.
Tsundare tier...let’s go.lol.
there’s a alot of them
Jooha- pearl boy
Wonyoung- secondo piatto
Iru...omg that’s wrong isn’t it? - Don’t get me wrong boss
Byeol- between the stars
Nok- The ghosts nocturne
Taeui - Passion
Felix - hold me tight
Ohn - seeing double
Shin - Kings maker
ibeom- what’s with this strange dream?
Victor - Liveta
Seohyun- Runway hit
Yian - Butler
Jungseo - 100% Mr. perfect
lee won-  Roses and Champaign
Yoohan - Payback
I swear I’m entering my aujima era cause literally yesterday I was able to remember their names and today writing this, I was struggling so hard lmao.
What can I say I like the male tsundares...lol. even though they can be annoying at times and would be 10x intolerable irl. I think they deserve their own list because the list will continue to grow somehow, and if you are one of those people who think they are not you are in denial.
and lastly everyone favorite topic to discuss...the must protect at all costs characters...lmao
Must protect at all costs
Neil- Path to you
Sungyul- willow love story
Seoan- the pizza delivery man and the gold palace
Euijoon - Dangerous convenient store 
Yoonshin - no moral
Joon - the third ending 
Inseop - Love history of willful negligence
Dawol- insecret
I love these boys they are so kind and smart and all round characters that suffer a lot because that is what their creators like to do to them. but luckily their partners are compatible with them and it makes their dynamic interesting to explore. They are often treated really bad, emotionally damaged to some degree and don’t deserve any of it so the must protect at all costs category suits them.
alright that’s my tier list and I would share this on my twitter but I don’t like how people are just a pain in the a** when they don’t agree with anything. actually seeing what other people ranked and their categories made me a little angry cause talk about sh*t takes. yikes...
 anyways, hope you enjoyed and I’ll work on my monthly favorites and get back you when that time comes 
follow me if this is the type of content you like
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