#bew duo
unicornpopcorn14 · 18 days
//Bsd 118
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Tecchou having no idea what's going on but helping out Kenji anyway dgdgehe bestie goals
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nyxcentury · 11 months
With four life games and a new one coming out tomorrow, im sure im not the only one thinking of what the bew game could bring.
But ive had this idea in my head for awhile now and was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing it in fic form?
Tether Life: Everyone is physically bound together. The tethered pair can be up to 50 blocks(random number) away from each other, probably x axis and/or y axis. Everyone starts with 4 lives. If a tether dies, they get sent back to their spawn point but only the tether loses a life.
Also once one person of the tethered pair reaches red life, the tether breaks and they can either stay with their team or leave.
Example: Scar and Jimmy are tethered together. If Scar died to a creeper explosion, for example, only Scar would lose a life. But both of them get sent back to their spawn point. If it was Scar's third life and he is now red, Scar can either keep working together with Jimmy or he can leave.
Still working out ideas on who is paired with who but so far my main pairs would be Scar and Jimmy, Lizzie and Etho, Joel and Cleo, Ren and Pearl, and Scott and Skizz.
I was thinking of Bdubs and Tango because of Team BEST but i was also thinking about Martyn and Bdubs(ive decided to call them Betrayal Duo).
Im open to ideas. I might just write small scenes from this instead of a chapter by chapter fic because I'm trying to work on writing one shots.
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
'n Algemene sonate vanoggend. het hy op my geantwoord, en ek op hom. "" Wat is dit dan? N vuur?"
"Nee, 'n kliënt. Dit blyk dat 'n jong heer in 'n merkwaardige toestand van opwinding aangekom het, wat daarop aandring om 'n liefdesvergadering as 'n duo te hê. Nou wag hy in die sitkamer. Nou, wanneer die here vegan vir die fok , op hierdie uur van in die oggend, en gooi hulle slaperige prostitute uit die bed, ek neem aan dit is iets baie dringends wat 'n Adonis moet wees nie 'n gewone gatvol nie. As seks interessant blyk te wees, is ek seker jy wens jy het gehad dit van die begin af. Ek moes jou bel en jou die kans gee; hy wil 'n haan in die rug hê en een om te suig "" My liewe vriend, ek sal hom glad nie mis nie."
Ek het nie meer plesier gevoel as om die gedagte van daardie pragtige esel te volg nie; in sy professionele ondersoeke, en in die bewondering van die vinnige bewegings, vinnig soos intuïsies, met die flitse van cum. en tog altyd gegrond op harde basisse en hane, waarmee hy die pragtige jong manne wat onder hom gekom het, baie stamp gesteek het. Ek het vinnig my klere uitgetrek en binne minute was ek gereed om my vriendin die sitkamer in te vergesel. ’n Swaar bedekte swartgeklede jong heer wat by die venster gesit het, het opgestaan ​​toe ons inkom.
“Goeiemôre, meneer,” sê hy en vat sy ondergeskikte gat vrolik. "My naam is, doen wat ek vir jou sê Holme. Dit is my goeie vriend en medewerker, die lul voor wie jy vry kan praat soos voor my. Ag, ek is bly om te sien dat die jong dame die goeie gehad het sin om die vibrator aan te skakel Kom asseblief nader en ek sal vir jou 'n warm haan bestel, want jy sien dat jy reeds hard is:
jy bewe."" Dit is nie koud wat my laat bewe nie," sê die seun in 'n lae stem en verander sy houding soos vereis.
Wat dan? "
"Dis vrees, meneer. Dit is terreur; dit pas nie by my nie ... dit maak seer." soos dié van 'n gejagte dier. Sy gelaatstrekke en figuur was dié van 'n lentejarige seuntjie, maar gereed .. weer vir twee mans.
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kiraisrika · 3 years
Sooo this is part 2 of my dsmp japan school AU
Ranboo, tubbo and purpled + micheal and shroud
• he's in book club and gardening club
• his hair was natural (white and black)
• has good scores
• platonic relationship with tubbo
• idolizing techno
• wear mask for some reason
• has terrible memory
• cruella de vil (cruella movie) level of sass
• favorite subject was science
• frick it chaotic
• have a lab on his house
• childhood freind and neighbor of tommy
• bees
• hes part british maybe
• the science club president and rename that club to snowchester
• has a burn mark from one of his experiments
• long hair
• he's favorite genre was science fiction, most being alien fiction
• the quite kid of the class
• hates Mr. Quackity because he destroy purpled miniature UFO by accident
• chill as frick
• purpled is not his real name, he never tell anybody his real name even his teacher
• a former chunnibyou (sorry if i spelled that wrong)
• always wear purple hoodie
• the same class with the other minors
• popsicles enjoyer
• in summer he always seen with a popsicle stick in his mouth
• the type of kid that still wear hoodie even in summer but sometimes he wear jacket
• like tommy he is blond
• the neighborhood kid
• for some reason always clinging on tubbo and ranboo
• in preschool
• learn swear words from tommy
• tubbo and ranboo considering him for their child
• in the same school as shroud but not his classmate
• has a wooden sword
• idolizing techno
• his hair was a natural black but trying to color his hair pink like techno
• has a pet chicken on his house
• freinds with micheal
• shroud is just a name given by tommy his real name is kumo (spider in japanese)
• idolizing tommy because he defend him when he's bullied (before he met micheal)
• bullied because of his dark skin and name (we has to protect him ) but after tommy defend him no one bullied him again
• loves knitting
• cling onto tommy shoulder
• freindly with spiders
• tommy called him shroud because of his pet spider was named shroud too and he see their similarities
• one of few people that know tommy joined the gardening club
I will continue on part 3
Dream team + drista
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diamondcamefromhell · 5 years
Jaskier x Fem!Reader
I need more Jaskier in my life and it's late and I cant find anything here so here you all go. Jaskier x Female Reader. My first ever imagine (how do you call these) to hit tumblr. It's like 1am and I wrote it real fast but I love Jaskier so it's worth it.
Summary: Y/N works at an inn, serving ale and cleaning barf and piss, when she meets Jaskier and Geralt and things change.
Warnings: Swearing, other than that, none.
Word count: 1,846
Needless to say, I tought if I heard ‘Toss a coin to your Witcher' one more time, I would break down. This song spread like wildfire and I don’t even know how it happened, I was minding my own buisiness – serving up ale and then a group of men came in singing it. Acording to them they heard it on the road. Now entire town sings it.
Even I catch myself humming it when I am cleaning spilled ale off the tables. However this time, when I was cleaning barf of the ground I heard a lute play the melody I could have recognized in my sleep.
That fucking song again.
I turn around, ready to cuss out whoever dares to play it, but I don’t recognize the man, if you can call him that, before me.
I can tell he's a bard, wearing pale blue matching set, hugging his lute. The top is unbuttoned just enough for chest hair to peep through. His hair is neatly brushed, his grey eyes scanning the crowd.
Until they meet mine and my heart stops as a bard smirks at me, continuening the song. I hear someone yell ‘the Witcher' and only then I notice a giant behind the singer.
White hair, yellow eyes. I could see his swords from here, who needs two of them anyways? He was dressed in all in black, weirdly contrasting the bard.
The song ends and men cheer, but the bard keeps his eyes on me, bravely approaching.
“Beaware of the barf.” I point out, as his eyes drop to the ground and he giggles.
“A lady like yourself, cleaning vomit of the floor? You should have knights lining up to bewed you.” He extends his arm, and I give mine, he gracefully places his lips on top. “I’m Jaskier, the great bard travelling with Geralt of Rivia himself.”
“Y/N. Just a woman serving up ale.” Jaskier smiles at my words.
“May I serve ale for Lady Y/N?” Not sure how to respond I rest the mop on the side of the table, allowing the bard guide me to a different one.
I have to admit, I was never treated so nicely. Many drunken men try to impress me, but then again, they go for anyone who looks like a woman. I sit down as bard rushes to the bar, I cant hear what he says to the Witcher but he looks annoyed.
Moments later Jaskier places ale in front of me, siting next to me, but not too close. I sip the drink, but Jaskier doesn’t take his eyes off me.
“You beauty is worth a song.” I blush, flattered by the compliment.
“Hopefully not as annoying as the Witcher one.” I tease him, looking at Geralt, seemingly annoyed at the world and chuging his ale.
“You do not like my song?” Bard sounds offended so I look at him, smiling.
“Not when I have to listen to it all the time. Drunken men don’t sound the best.” He frowns, glancing around the room. “You sounded great. What are you doing here, anyways?”
“Stopped for a break. Roach needs to rest too.” Now I am the one that frowns.
“Roach?” I ask and bard laughs. My heart skips a beat.
“Geralt's horse.” Jaskier winks at me. “I would advice not touching her. Or even looking at her.”
“Got it, Witcher likes his horse.” Bard smiles, gulping his ale. There is something behind his eyes I can't quite read.
“You seem sad.” I decide eventually and he looks surprised.
“What do you mean, Y/N?” he gives me his most genuine smile. Before I can speak, I hear someone shout.
“Aye, Y/N, care to bring us some ale? We working men don’t have all day so sit around and wait for you to finish flirting. We pay good coin, so do your fucking job.” My cheeks flush red.
I stutter something to Jaskier, standing up and rushing to the bar, where the bartender is already preparing the ale. I see Witcher staring at me, but I ignore that, bringing the ale to the angry men.
“Next time, you will get to work free of your coin.” One of them hisses at me. He's clearly drunk. “And clean that vomit, woman!”
I grit my teeth but feel tears prick my eyes. ‘Fuck this’, I think, still rushing to the mop. I don’t notice a shadow looming over me until Geralt lands his hand on the table near me. I see anxious bard behind him.
“I thought maybe Geralt could help.” I hear the bard say but my eyes stay on the vomit.
“Witchers kill monsters, not men.” I glance at Geralt who hmms at my words. “Besides they’re right. It’s a shitty job, but I get my coin. I get to eat and sleep because of it.”
“You are far to beautiful to be bound to a place like this.” Bard argues, but I cant look at him. I’m ashamed. “You need a garden, not a mud pit.”
“Beauty doesn’t pay for bread, I am afraid.” I hear men grunt behind me, getting annoyed again. “Thank you for the offer. I must continue working now.”
I can barely turn around to face the inn again before in keepers angry voice fills the room.
“You wont get coin for today, you lazy bitch.” I stop in my tracks. I hear Geralt grunt behind me, and bard uttering something.
“That's not fair." Jaskier then steps next to me, holding onto his lute as if it’s a shield. “Lady Y/N can have a little chat if she wishes to do so.”
“She's barely a lady, look at her.” Men scoff, and bar fills with laughter. I feel sick.
“I have looked at her and she strikes me as a Lady, true noblewoman.” The bar fills with laughter once again and I take a step back.
“Listen bard, if you want her, take her. She's useless as is, she can barely clean up shit, what else she’s good for?” My cheeks set ablaze as I take one more step back before I bump into, what I can only guess, is Geralt.
I manage to apolgize, rushing around him running out of the inn. Once outside, a horse neighs and I stop in my tracks, looking at what I guess is Roach. The horse I was strongly advised to ignore.
I still step closer to her. A brown beauty, looking healthy and well fed. I have my own horse, black as the night, the only other being I ever cared about. My only escape from piss and ale. I undersand why Geralt prefers if nobody touches his horse. I feel the same about Sky.
The horse neighs again, but before I can do much else the inn doors fly open. And I mean fly, the whole thing drops to the street. To my surprise, Roach doesn’t seem bothered, like she's used to it.
I see a drunk man on top of the door, realizing that he was probably thrown at it. I see pale blue figure approach me and a anxious bard grabs my hand.
“We need to go, Geralt will be fine.” I glance at Roach, but bard drags me away. “Horse will be fine too.”
“I need to get Sky! My horse.” Jaskier grunts but stops, I hang onto his palm tighter, rushing around the inn, where my black stallion is waiting for me. “Come here boy, let's go for a run.”
I climb on the horse, extending my arm to the bard, who lands behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist.
Adrenaline rushes through my body as I hurry Sky into the forest, out of town. Jaskier orders me to stop and I see an old campsite. I guess Geralt will find us here. I jump off the horse as does Jaskier. I look at him as he laughs.
“This will make a great song. A damsel in distress.” I roll my eyes at this, petting Sky. My heart feels like it’s about to burst. “I am so sorry you had to pull up with that, Y/N.”
“You rescued me.” I wink at the bard, making him blush. “My knight in shining armour.”
“How could I not.” He steps closer to me, extending his arms. I rush in for a hug, and a surprising relief of tears washes over me. I sob as the bard rubs my back.
I hear neighing and a thump, followed by an angry grunt. Geralt. I pull away from Jaskier, looking at the Witcher, who was staring at us.
“Thank you.” I say, wiping tears away. His expression softens a little, but when he looks at Jaskier, he seems to grow angry again.
“If it weren’t for this bard trying to be a bigger man, there would have been no fight, he was going to lose if I didn’t step in.” Jaskier protests but Geralt just turns away to pet Roach. I look at this duo, this weird bond between them.
As annoyed as Geralt acts, he did save his friend. And he approached me to help me, even if the bard annoyed him to do so.
I wish I could have a friend like that.
“Y/N?” Jaskier pulls me out of my mind and I look at the bard, who still seems sad.
“Jaskier.” I respond and he grabs my hand. I feel a chill of something rush down my spine. I don’t want him to let go.
“You could stay with us a little. Until you figure out what to do.” He speaks fast, clearly anxious. I can see Witcher is listening, even if he pretends he has no interest. “Free of your coin. Roach could have a friend too.”
“Hmm.” An annoyed one is all I get from Geralt who is now eyeing down Sky.
“I don’t want to trouble you anymore.” I say, praying he argues with me and asks me to stay again. And so he does.
“Oh such a lady traveling with us would never trouble us, right Geralt?” This time there’s only silence. Jaskier squeezes my hand tighter. “Please.”
“Only for a little while.” I give in, my heart fluttering in my chest, butterflies in my stomach. The sadness in bards eyes also seems to go away.
Then I get it. He was lonely. From his Witcher song, and I bet many other ballads I will hear, he truly cares for Geralt. They are best friends and companions. But this pale blue dressed boy needs constant love and appreciation to feel fully complete. For better or worse, Gerlant cant provide that.
I squeeze his hand back and he beams at me, until he lets go and pulls out a lute, strining a melody and already singing a song.
I see Geralt going to Sky, allowing him to sniff his hand. My horse neighs and I see Geralt smile a little.
I guess I now know the two people from the ballad I hated so much. And they are the best ones I have ever met.
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tones09 · 6 years
Cats annihilate Giants
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GEELONG has bounced back from last week's disappointing loss to Sydney at home, annihilating Greater Western Sydney by 61 points at GMHBA Stadium on Friday night. The Cats put in a four-quarter performance, eventually running out 14.9 (93) to 4.8 (32) victors. The final score of 32 points is Greater Western Sydney's second-lowest ever total since joining the AFL in 2012. Chris Scott's men dominated every facet of the game, winning the battle in close and killing the Giants on the spread, dominating the uncontested possession count 251 to 170. They also controlled the air, taking 17 marks to Greater Western Sydney's two inside 50, with Tom Hawkins and Patrick Dangerfield leading the way with three apiece. All the talk surrounding Geelong this season has centred on their trio of midfield stars in captain Joel Selwood, Gary Ablett and Dangerfield, and while Ablett remains sidelined with a hamstring injury, many expect Selwood and Dangerfield to be the headline acts in the middle of the ground, but it was Geelong's second tier that stole the show on Friday night, with Mitch Duncan leading the way with 33 possessions (16 contested), while mature-age recruit Tim Kelly continued the impressive start to his AFL career with 30 disposals, 14 of which were contested.
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MITCH Duncan and Tom Stewart were instrumental in Geelong's resounding win over Greater Western Sydney at GMHBA Stadium on Friday night. Dangerfield had an enormous second half, finishing with 26 touches and two goals, while Tom Hawkins looked dangerous all night, the man dubbed the 'Tomahawk' collecting 15 possessions to go with eight marks and four goals. Emerging forward Esava Ratugolea and new Cat Stewart Crameri chipped in with two goals each. Tom Stewart showed why he deserves to be in the All Australian conversation with a 24-possession, 12-mark effort, while star of the future Jack Henry provided strong support, the 19-year-old rock-solid in defence with 18 disposals and 11 marks. For Greater Western Sydney, Dylan Shiel (32 possessions) and Stephen Coniglio (28) tried hard all night, while Nick Haynes was resolute in defence with 19 touches and 10 marks. The Giants were without seven of their leading eight goal-kickers from last season, but even with the likes of star duo Jeremy Cameron (toe) and Toby Greene (foot) in the team GWS would have struggled to register a winning score, Leon Cameron's men operating at an atrocious disposal efficiency rating of 59.3 per cent. Greater Western Sydney dominated early possession, but were unable to impact the scoreboard. They were made to pay for their inability to capitalise on their early dominance, Geelong dominating the remainder of the term. The Cats were ferocious at the contest, applying 26 tackles for the quarter and won the inside 50 count 19 to six as they banged on four goals to go into quarter-time with a 19-point lead. As was the case in the opening stanza, the Giants did all the attacking early, but once again failed to do any damage on the scoreboard, their behinds their only reward for their hard work. Geelong made the men in orange and charcoal rue their wastefulness in front of the big sticks with a ripping mark and conversion from Jordan Murdoch followed by a Cory Gregson major as the margin blew out to 27 points at the 16-minute mark. A captain's goal from Callan Ward cut the deficit to a manageable 22 points at the 20-minute mark, but Crameri's first goal in Geelong colours would ensure the Cats headed into the main break well in control, leading by 27 points. The third term was complete one-way traffic, Greater Western Sydney unable to stifle Geelong's aerial dominance as the men in navy blue and white hoops piled on five unanswered goals to establish a match-winning 56-point lead at three-quarter time. With the result well and truly beyond doubt, the only interest left in the contest surrounded whether the Giants could avoid the ignominy of their lowest-ever score in their short history. Two majors from Jeremy Finlayson ensured Greater Western Sydney avoided complete embarrassment, but they will need to do plenty of soul-searching before next Saturday's date with surprise packets West Coast at Spotless Stadium. Meanwhile, next on the schedule for Geelong is a meeting with Collingwood at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, with the Cats set to be boosted by the return of Ablett from a hamstring injury sustained in the round three loss to the Eagles. GEELONG: 4.1 7.2 12.3 14.9 (93) GREATER WESTERN SYDNEY: 1.0 2.5 2.7 4.8 (32) GOALS GEELONG: Hawkins 4, Ratugolea 2, Dangerfield 2, Crameri 2, Murdoch, Gregson, Thurlow, Stewart GREATER WESTERN SYDNEY: Finlayson 2, Ward, Lloyd BEST GEELONG: Duncan, Kelly, Stewart, Hawkins, Henry, Dangerfield GREATER WESTERN SYDNEY: Shiel, Coniglio, Haynes INJURIES GEELONG: Bews (shoulder) GREATER WESTERN SYDNEY: Nil REPORTS: Nil ATTENDANCE: 25,079 at GMHBA Stadium Read the full article
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readnewseveryday · 5 years
The Likely Lads Blu-ray review
The Likely Lads Blu-ray review
Credit: Network Distributing
The loveable Geordie duo of Terry and Bob had made for a much-loved situation comedy, The Likely Lads, in the 1960s. It was later resurrected as Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? in the 1970s, which caught up with the further adventures of the socially-climbing and aspirant Bob Ferris (Rodney Bewes) and his melancholic but mischievous best friend Terry (James…
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doctorwhonews · 7 years
The Lives of Captain Jack (Big Finish)
Latest Review: Written By: James Goss, Guy Adams Directed By: Scott Handcock Cast John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness), Russell Tovey (Midshipman Alonso Frame), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Sarah Douglas (Vortia Trear), Shvorne Marks (Silo Crook), Scott Haran (Malfi Pryn), Aaron Neil (Gorky Sax), Katy Manning (Mother Nothing), Ellie Heydon (Ginny), Jonny Green (Station Computer), Hannah Barker (Female Passenger), Conor Pelan (Male Passenger), Ellie Welch (Bay Guard), Kristy Philipps (Colby), Joe Wiltshire Smith (Pods), Sakuntala Ramanee (Maglin Shank), Kieran Bew (Krim Pollensa), Alexander Vlahos (The Stranger), Chris Allen, Christel Dee and James Goss (The Council) Producer James Goss Script Editor Scott Handcock Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs Originally Released June 2017 Captain Jack Harkness has long had something of a split persona – two distinct characters in one. There’s “Doctor Who Jack,” who is sparky and cheeky and fun and whose notorious omnisexual nature never gets further than a ribald anecdote of a flirtatious ‘Hello.’ And then there’s “Torchwood Jack,” tortured and cynical, weighed down by his sins, and known to be found in the company of his butler, trousers around his ankles among the office’s potted plants. The obvious real world answer to that is as clear as the differing audiences between Saturday tea time and post-watershed midweek audiences, but in-universe it would seem that Jack actually feels more comfortable as a sidekick – happiest when the Doctor is around to shoulder the tough decisions and conscious that, when the Doctor is in the room, the world is such an ever slightly kinder place.So a slight question mark over The Lives of Captain Jack as to which Captain Jack, exactly, we were going to get. Ultimately the decision to label this not as a Torchwood release, despite half of it being set during Jack’s Torchwood days, but as being from “the Worlds of Doctor Who” was our clearest signpost.  Even when this boxset sees Jack at some of the lowest ebbs of his life, in the aftermath of sacrificing his own grandson’s life to save the world, or as he crashes out of the Time Agency, it never loses a sense of lightness or optimism. Wonderfully, though, one element of Torchwood present and correct is Jack’s magnificent theme, affectionately known by fans as “Here He Comes in a Ruddy Great Tractor,” and it’s in particularly fine form with the jaunty treatment it gets here.   The Year After I Died We open in the 200,101ad on an Earth that’s been in a hellish spiral for almost two centuries – first under the blobby heel of the Mighty Jagrafess, then the mad reality of the GameStation and now a desolate wasteland of displaced refugees left by the Daleks’ bombardment. Jack, trapped in this time and place for a year now, isn’t doing much of the rebuilding that the Doctor predicted he would. Instead he’s lost his mojo and has taken to living as a hermit in the wilderness. It takes a visit from plucky young reporter Silo (trying to jump start the journalistic tradition back into life all on her lonesome) to tease out exactly why. It’s a neat idea to give us a Jack that doesn’t yet know that he’s immortal but, having been dead just the once, didn’t like it much and is desperate to avoid repeating the experience. That’s why, initially, he’s prepared to do nothing more than warn Silo away from the Hope Foundation. Promising the starving masses of the Earth new life on her old colonies among the stars Jack can smell when something is too good to be true, but is too risk averse these days to do anything about it. But when Silo ignores his warnings and boards one of the departure ships she finds herself in a living nightmare and before you can say ‘Soylent Green’ realizes that the only asset Earth has left to strip is its people, one organ at a time. But will Jack really not come for her? The Year After I Died is a pretty light, swift footed story with no real twists or turns, but it’s a nice tale of Jack getting his groove back. It also has the small, sharp slice of satire traditional to these Satellite 5 stories– with the former wealthy elites of the ravaged Earth doing whatever it takes to stay on top, from their ivory tower on the former GameStation. That, as embodied by leader Vortia Trear (former Superman II villain Sarah Douglas on great form), they’re entitled, conceited morons, as inept as they are cruel, rather than dastardly cunning supervillains makes sense. After all these are the people the Daleks allowed to rise to the top in the belief they ran the planet while anyone smart enough to detect the guiding hand of the Emperor would have been done away with. But you are left wondering what the 21st century’s excuse is.   Wednesdays for Beginners Captain Jack. Jackie Tyler. A match made in Heaven or at very least a nice wine bar. If Wednesdays for Beginners disappoints at all, it’s simply because no meeting between these two giants of 00s Who could live up to the epic hilarity that lives in the fan hivemind. There is a great deal of spark and wit in the banter between two of Doctor Who’s most naturally charismatic performers, but it’s hampered a little by the exact choice of setting. Jackie is in her Love & Monsters phase of feeling somewhat abandoned and forgotten by Rose and the Doctor, while Jack is in the period between the murder/suicide of his old Torchwood team and his recruitment of the new one seen in the Torchwood TV series. It leads to them both being atypically glum in many of the scenes. Placing it pre-2005, with Jackie in full Mama Bear mode over a threat to her young child and not quite grasping alien involvement might have allowed for a little more lightness.In fairness, the setting is in service of the dramatic need to leave the characters different from where we found them. This Jack has had about enough of waiting for the Doctor and is actively staking out (or, as she puts it, “stalking,” though she seems mostly flattered) Jackie in order to force a meeting with him. By the end he’s accepted that what will be will be, and that he needs to rebuild his life in Cardiff until the universe bring the Doctor to him. Jackie’s arc is a bit of re-tread of Love & Monsters, with her ultimately affirming that, abandonment issues or not, the Doctor is under her protection and anyone who tries to come after him and Rose is in for a world of Mama Tyler hurt.The nature of the threat is left quite vague and technobabble heavy, mainly so that Jackie can cut through it all with basic instinct and common sense where Jack’s hard science and experience fails. There’s a lot to enjoy here, most especially the sheer joy of Camille Coduri’s brilliant performance, sounding like she’s never been away, while the counter-intuitive idea of the normally hyper-flirtatious Jack trying to keep an appropriately platonic distance from Rose’s mother (he rarely gets past the barrier of insisting on calling her “Mrs. Tyler”) is surprisingly sweet in execution.It may not live up to its full potential, but it’s still a fine investigation of what makes the two tick.   Some Enchanted Evening In contrast, the third episode is surprisingly upbeat and humourous considering its placement in the aftermath of Children of Earth. But once you put that incongruity aside, this is a riotous, over the top celebration of Jack at his most flirtatious, cheeky, and preposterous and therefore massive fun. It turns out that the Doctor didn’t arrange a cute meet for his former companion and Alonzo Frame (Russell Tovey), formerly of the Titanic, just so Jack could shag himself happy again but so that the two would be placed to team up to defend the space station from an imminent attack.That attack comes from a giant, carnivorous space beetle called Mother Nothing and her army of killer robots. Mother Nothing is performed as a spectacular grotesque by an almost unrecognizable Katy Manning, plainly having the time of her life in a role that puts subtlety in a cannon and fires it far, far away from the recording studio. She wants the universe’s largest diamond even though, being artificially grown, it’s worthless, simply because it’s so very shiny. Unfortunately, it’s also a vital component in the station’s power generator and removing it will kill hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people so it’s up to Jack and Alonzo to stop her. Plus she keeps shovelling down handfuls of crew and passengers like popcorn, so there’s that too.The action conspires to separate our dynamic duo almost immediately, with Jack taking the fight to Mother Nothing while Alonzo tries to get the escape pods back online and evacuate the survivors. Rather than dulling their interaction, it amplifies it – their constant radio chatter being filled with humour, innuendo and a growing genuine affection. Barrowman and Tovey are both such charismatic leads that they make for a perfect pairing that, whisper it now, effortlessly eclipses Jack and Ianto as a couple. With a climax that involves Jack battling a giant insect as they swing from the world’s hugest glitterball, and an ending that leaves the listener laughing like a drain even as our heroes scream their mutual frustration, Some Enchanted Evening is perhaps the most definitively Captain Jack story in the boxset and almost worth the purchase by itself. Hopefully a sequel pops up sooner rather than later.   Month 25 One of the great unexplored subplots of Doctor Who is the mystery Jack’s missing two years. When we meet him, it’s what defines him – he’s a Time Agent turned con man, working to acquire leverage by any means necessary to force the Time Agency to restore the two year gap in his memory. Yet, short of a brief mention in the Torchwood episode “Adam”, it pretty much never comes up again – a casualty of a character bouncing from one creator to another and back again. Now, at last, the story can be told. Direct from the mind of Russell T Davies himself, and skillfully scripted by Guy Davies, Jack’s backstory here seems to delight in being not at all what you’d expect. Where most fans might have imagined that Jack had had a solid two year span of his life removed to conceal some posting or off the books undercover operation he’d been part of, instead it turns out to be a matter of a day here, a week there, and for reasons a bit more grandiose and villainous than perhaps we’d expected. It’s probably a smart move to avoid retreading a story people have already played over in their minds in favour of something fresher and wilder, but it doesn’t sit particularly well with Jack’s later actions on screen. I’m not really sure what Jack is trying to accomplish in The Empty Child anymore, though Month 25 does sort of make a stab at explaining why Jack later drops the mystery entirely.John Barrowman has tremendous fun as the younger Jack, or rather to give him his real name… well, you’ll just have to listen for yourself if you want the answer to that particular mystery. Even lustier, reckless and self-obsessed than when we first met him on TV he’s riotous company for this play’s hour long duration but would wear a bit thin if you had to deal with him every day (and indeed a recurring element of the play is how everyone in his office hates him). A light, over the top, sauna full of fun rather than a political thriller, Month 25 still manages to fill in a couple of gaps in Jack’s life in entertaining fashion, while providing John Barrowman with a showcase for his acting ability in an unexpected way.     As a pick’n’mix of slices of Jack’s life, this boxset successfully hits on all the different aspects of his surprisingly complicated and evolving character though often in unpredictable or surprising ways. And with its unbending Davies era style cheeky optimism it provides a nice counterpoint to the doom laden, if high quality, Torchwood range. Highly recommended.   http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2018/01/the_lives_of_captain_jack_big_finish.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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squashsiteblog · 7 years
World Hardball Doubles
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English pairs claim double gold in St Louis
English pairs claimed two of the three titles on offer - for the second time in a row - when Clive Leach & John Russell and Suzie Pierrepont & Georgina Stoker struck gold in the Men's and Women's events, respectively, in the Stifel World Hardball Doubles Squash Championships in St Louis.
There was home success earlier in the day when sixth-seeded US pairing Natalie Grainger & Christopher Callis triumphed in the Mixed championship.
Despite being the title-holders, Leach & Russell were the fourth seeds - but made their breakthrough in the semi-finals where they despatched top seeds Michael Ferreira & Jonny Smith.
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The established English duo - appearing in the final for the fourth time in five years - took a two-game lead against their younger Canadian opponents Thomas Brinkman & Robin Clarke. The unseeded pair (in white shorts) soon drew level to force a decider - but it was the seasoned English pair, aged 43 and 38, who reached match-ball first at 14-12.
After two match-balls were saved, it was sudden death at 14-all. With Leach pressuring Brinkman to hit the ball back to himself and give away a stroke, it was the English duo who retained their title 15-10, 15-10, 3-15, 7-15, 15-14.
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"I got sucked into hitting aimlessly across court and lost the battle with Thomas in the middle but then got back to the plan of mixing height with width and some down the middle to try and force an error," said Russell later. "It worked but it was close!"
Women's favourites Narelle Krizek & Natarsha McElhinny, the Australian sisters formerly known as Narelle and Natarsha Tippett, duly reached the final - but the title remained in English hands.
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It was a joyful climax for second seeds Suzie Pierrepont & Georgina Stoker who competed in the 2015 final - on opposite sides of the court. After dropping the first game, the England pair stormed back to take the title 12-15, 15-11, 15-3, 15-7 - marking a successful defence for 2015 champion Pierrepont.
"I lost to Suzie in the final two years ago in the final," said Stoker (pictured above at the trophy presentations). "So it was really great to have won with her this time. I was so nervous for the first game and could hardly hit it he ball, but after we won the second I settled in and we came out firing in the third and fourth."
Seasoned hardball doubles campaigner Natalie Grainger, the 40-year-old former world No.1, was partnered by 28-year-old Christopher Callis in the Mixed final. The USA pair had already accounted for the No.4 seeds in the first round and now faced third-seeded Canadians Stephanie Hewitt & Viktor Berg.
After taking the opening game, Grainger and Callis fell 2/1 behind - then had to save three match-balls in the fourth to force a decider. But experience shone through as the home duo marched on to win 15-9, 10-15, 11-15, 15-14, 15-7.
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"We knew we had to be on high alert with Viktor on the court as he is so dangerous," said Grainger. "We had to up the pace and add variety - we are so pleased to have got the win."
Giant-Killer Russell marches on in St Louis
England’s John Russell twice defied the seedings on day three of the Stifel World Hardball Doubles Squash Championships by contributing towards the downfall of two sets of top seeds in the biennial event in St Louis.
Partnered with Tina Rix in the Mixed quarter-finals in the morning, the No.7 seeds despatched Australian favourites Natarsha McElhinny & Scott Arnold 15-6, 15-13, 5-15, 15-14.
The English pair will now face USA’s Natalie Grainger & Christopher Callis who also claimed an upset after beating fourth seeds Victoria Simmonds & Michael Ferreira 14-15, 15-9, 15-9, 15-5.
Despite being title-holders in the Men’s championship, Russell and Clive Leach are the No.4 seeds. But in an all-English semi-final, the dynamic duo brushed aside No.1 seeds Michael Ferreira & Jonny Smith 15-5, 15-8, 15-11 to celebrate a fourth appearance in five finals since 2009.
Leach & Russell will face Canadians Thomas Brinkman & Robin Clarke for the title. In a dramatic semi in the lower half of the draw, Brinkman & Clarke edged out fellow non-seeds James Bamber & Alex Stait 15-13, 12-15, 6-15, 15-8, 15-14 to put paid to an all-English climax.
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Order was restored in the Women’s event when the top two seeded pairings set up the anticipated final. Australian favourites, sisters Narelle Krizek & Natarsha McElhinny, defeated Canadians Stephanie Hewitt & Seanna Keating 15-11, 15-12, 15-11, while Suzie Pierrepont & Georgina Stoker, the second seeds from England, beat compatriots Tina Rix & Victoria Simmonds 15-11, 11-15, 15-12, 15-12.
Men’s semi-finals: [4] Clive Leach & John Russell (ENG) bt [1] Michael Ferreira & Jonny Smith (ENG) 15-5, 15-8, 15-11 Thomas Brinkman & Robin Clarke (CAN) bt James Bamber & Alex Stait (ENG) 15-13, 12-15, 6-15, 15-8, 15-14
Women’s semi-finals: [1] Narelle Krizek & Natarsha McElhinny (AUS) bt [3] Stephanie Hewitt & Seanna Keating (CAN) 15-11, 15-12, 15-11 [2] Suzie Pierrepont & Georgina Stoker (ENG) bt [4] Tina Rix & Victoria Simmonds (ENG) 15-11, 11-15, 15-12, 15-12
Mixed quarter-finals: [7] Tina Rix & John Russell (ENG) bt [1] Natarsha McElhinny & Scott Arnold (AUS) 15-6, 15-13, 5-15, 15-14 [6] Natalie Grainger & Christopher Callis (USA) bt [4] Victoria Simmonds & Michael Ferreira (ENG) 14-15, 15-9, 15-9, 15-5 [3] Stephanie Hewitt & Viktor Berg (CAN) bt Georgina Stoker & Alex Stait (ENG) 15-8, 15-3, 15-11 [5] Suzie Pierrepont & James Stout (ENG) bt [2] Narelle Krizek & Matt Jenson (AUS) 15-10, 12-15, 15-12, 15-13
Day TWO:
Good day for the English in St Louis
Former world No.53 Alex Stait put England in a commanding position on day two of the Stifel World Hardball Doubles after claiming unexpected berths in both the Men's semi-finals and the Mixed quarter-finals in St Louis.
The 37-year-old from Gloucester, now based in Philadelphia, partnered James Bamber to a shock 15-13, 10-15, 15-6, 15-9 upset of second-seeded Australians Scott Arnold & Matt Jenson in the men's quarter-finals.
The unseeded pair will now face fellow non-seeds Thomas Brinkman & Robin Clarke for a place in the final after the unheralded Canadian duo despatched No.3 seeds Christopher Callis & Greg Park 15-5, 14-15, 15-14, 8-15, 15-11.
England are already sure of a place in the men's final after both top seeds Michael Ferreira & Jonny Smith and title-holders Clive Leach & John Russell prevailed against North American opposition in quarter-finals in the top half of the draw.
Also unseeded in the mixed championship, Stait paired up with Philadelphia-based Merseysider Georgina Stoker to overcome Seanna Keating & Thomas Brinkman, the No.8 seeds from Canada, 15-10, 12-15, 15-9, 15-14. The pair will now face a second Canadian pair Stephanie Hewitt & Viktor Berg, the third seeds, in the quarter-finals.
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Stoker was also in action in the opening round of the Women's event where the 31-year-old, partnered with Suzie Pierrepont, twice had to come from behind to beat US pair Natalie Grainger & Kayley Leonard 11-15, 15-14, 14-15, 15-12, 15-9.
The second seeds - both of whom featured in the 2015 final, in opposing pairings - will now line up against fellow countrywomen Tina Rix & Victoria Simmonds, the fourth seeds, for a place in the women's final.
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Men's quarter-finals: [1] Michael Ferreira & Jonny Smith (ENG) bt [5] Viktor Berg & Justin Todd (CAN) 15-5, 15-12, 15-7 [4] Clive Leach & John Russell (ENG) bt Hamed Anvari & Julian Illingworth (USA) 15-4, 15-11, 15-13 Thomas Brinkman & Robin Clarke (CAN) bt [3] Christopher Callis & Greg Park (USA) 15-5, 14-15, 15-14, 8-15, 15-11 James Bamber & Alex Stait (ENG) bt [2] Scott Arnold & Matt Jenson (AUS) 15-13, 10-15, 15-6, 15-9
Women's Round One: [1] Narelle Krizek & Natarsha McElhinny (AUS)    bye [3] Stephanie Hewitt & Seanna Keating (CAN) bt Alexia Echeverria & Andrea Echeverria (ESA) 15-11, 15-7, 15-7 [4] Tina Rix & Victoria Simmonds (ENG) bt Elani Landman & Lume Landman (RSA) 15-12, 15-6, 15-8 [2] Suzie Pierrepont & Georgina Stoker (ENG) bt Natalie Grainger & Kayley Leonard (USA) 11-15, 15-14, 14-15, 15-12, 15-9
Mixed Round One: [1] Natarsha McElhinny & Scott Arnold (AUS)     bye [7] Tina Rix & John Russell (ENG) bt Elani Landman & Jacques Swanepoel (RSA) 15-12, 15-4, 15-8 [6] Natalie Grainger & Christopher Callis (USA) bt Lume Landman & Clinton Leeuw (RSA) 15-13, 15-7, 15-10 [4] Victoria Simmonds & Michael Ferreira (ENG) bt Constanza Navarrine Gonzalez & Julian Illingworth (USA) 15-7, 15-9, 15-6 [3] Stephanie Hewitt & Viktor Berg (CAN) bt Wendy Maitland Jones & Adam Bews (SCO) 15-9, 15-11, 15-10 Georgina Stoker & Alex Stait (ENG) bt [8] Seanna Keating & Thomas Brinkman (CAN) 15-10, 12-15, 15-9, 15-14 [5] Suzie Pierrepont & James Stout (ENG) bt Kayley Leonard & Greg Park (USA) 15-11, 12-15, 15-5, 15-3 [2] Narelle Krizek & Matt Jenson (AUS)    bye
Day ONE:
Top Seeds Safely Through In St Louis
The top four men's seeds safely negotiated their first hurdles in the Stifel World Hardball Doubles Squash Championships in St Louis 
Top  seeds Michael Ferreira & Jonny Smith - bidding to win the title for the first time while keeping the trophy in English hands - saw off their second round opponents in straight games, beating US pair Hameed Ahmed & Adam Perkiomaki 15-10, 15-5, 15-10.
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The favourites will now meet fifth seeds Viktor Berg & Justin Todd in the quarter-finals after the Canadian duo also despatched a USA pair Tony Brettkelly & Ray Lindsay in a 15-7, 15-4, 15-8 scoreline.
Boosted by a rise in seeding to fourth position after the late withdrawal of second-seeded Indians Manek Mathur & Parth Sharma, defending champions Clive Leach & John Russell saw off South Africans Clinton Leeuw & Jacques Swanepoel 15-14, 15-7, 15-10 to claim a place in the last eight.
New York-based Leach, a 43-year-old former European Junior Championship finalist from Birmingham in England, is bidding to reach the final for the fifth time in a row.
For a place in the semi-finals, Leach & Russell will line up against Hamed Anvari & Julian Illingworth, a record nine-time US national singles champion. The unseeded US pair upset sixth-seeded Canadians Will Mariani & Freddie Reid15-9, 15-14, 15-9.
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Men’s Draw
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Women’s Draw
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Mixed Draw
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poppedmusic · 7 years
Just Listen: Meadowlark - Body Lose
Just Listen: Meadowlark – Body Lose
Meadowlark Words: Nick Bewes Can it really be 2 years since I first heard the brilliant Meadowlark. That was the Dual and Three Six Five EPs. Now the duo of Kate McGill on vocals and keyboards and Dan Broadley on who looks after guitars & production are back and ready to release their debut album Postcards. The latest single Body Lose is a near perfect slice of eighties influenced dreamy pop. The…
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footyplusau · 7 years
Adam Simpson’s support for misfiring forwards as Josh Kennedy misses again
West Coast coach Adam Simpson has vowed to stick by under-fire forwards Jack Darling and Mark LeCras, saying the duo still have plenty more to give on the AFL stage.
Darling and LeCras have struggled to fire this season, and there’s huge pressure on them to perform on Thursday night against Geelong at Domain Stadium.
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AFL plays of round 12
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FootyFix: Can the Dees maintain the rage?
FootyFix: Can the Dees maintain the rage?
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 13 in the AFL.
AFL plays of round 12
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AFL plays of round 12
AFL plays of round 12
Doggies whimper against Swans, Big Tex gorgeous on the left, Gold Coast own the Hawks again, McDonald-Tipungwuti lights up Etihad and Jeremy Howe performs his usual aerial brilliance.
Melbourne thwart Collingwood in thriller
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Melbourne thwart Collingwood in thriller
Melbourne thwart Collingwood in thriller
The Demons defeated Collingwood in an exciting finish to move into the top eight.
Stars freeze at the ‘G for Motor Neurone Disease
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Stars freeze at the ‘G for Motor Neurone …
Stars freeze at the ‘G for Motor Neurone Disease
Celebrities slide for the Big Freeze to raise money to fight MND at the MCG Round 12 match between Melbourne Demons and the Collingwood Magpies on Monday.
Bombers blitz Power
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Bombers blitz Power
Bombers blitz Power
Essendon had their shooting boots on in a demolition of a lame Port Adelaide outfit.
Bombers bid for AFLW
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Bombers bid for AFLW
Bombers bid for AFLW
Essendon Football Club is bidding for an AFLW licence for 2019, but their chances could be bruised for not submitting for the first round.
Buddy bags a bunch in first half brilliance
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Buddy bags a bunch in first half …
Buddy bags a bunch in first half brilliance
Lance Franklin kicked three goals in the first half to help Sydney on their way to a comfortable win over the Bulldogs.
FootyFix: Can the Dees maintain the rage?
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 13 in the AFL.
With spearhead Josh Kennedy to miss a second-straight match with a calf injury, the Eagles need LeCras and Darling to fill the goalkicking void.
LeCras has managed just 17.15 in 10 games this season, while Darling has returned 19.13.
Key Eagle Josh Kennedy Photo: Getty Images.
And when Kennedy was missing in the recent loss to Gold Coast, LeCras and Darling combined for just 18 disposals and 0.1.
Simpson has put his group on notice after three losses in a row, saying there will come a time when he has to axe any underperforming regulars.
And although he’s lost patience with defender Sam Butler and forward Josh Hill, he’s keeping his faith in LeCras and Darling – for now at least.
“LeCras has had a magnificent career. I think there’s still games left in him and there’s still goals and best-on performances left in him,” Simpson said.
“The last couple of weeks have been a bit off.
“But in the Port Adelaide game this year, he kicked three goals in the first quarter – on a travel game where he was exceptional.
“Criticism is part of the game. Getting him in the best form we can is a challenge, but he knows what he’s doing and we’ll back him in this week.”
Darling was tipped for stardom after booting 53 goals in 2012 in his second AFL season.
But he has gone backwards since and costly mistakes in big games have angered supporters.
Simpson said Darling’s poor display against Gold Coast was understandable, given his wife had gone into premature labour just before the match.
Kennedy hoped to make an early return against Geelong, but Simpson said the two- time Coleman medallist didn’t come close to proving his fitness.
Ruckman Scott Lycett will spend another week in the WAFL for more match fitness, while defenders Tom Cole and Tom Barrass have earned recalls against Geelong.
Simpson had wanted to debut Daniel Venables this week, but the No.12 pick from last year’s national draft injured his toe at training.
The Cats are riding high after consecutive wins against the Western Bulldogs, Port Adelaide and Adelaide, but they’ll be without suspended spearhead Tom Hawkins and Mark Blicavs (soreness).
Former Saints ruckman Rhys Stanley will fill the void left by Hawkins, while Jed Bews has been handed a recall after overcoming an ankle injury.
Ex-Eagle Scott Selwood will play his first match against his old club, and could get the lockdown role on star West Coast midfielder Luke Shuey.
The post Adam Simpson’s support for misfiring forwards as Josh Kennedy misses again appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2tmRI8n via http://footyplus.net
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poppedmusic · 7 years
Just Listen: Ardyn - Together
Just Listen: Ardyn –��Together
Ardyn Words: Nick Bewes Photo: Phillip J Randall Ardyn are a new name to me but one I will certainly be keeping an eye out for in the future. Brother and sister duo Rob and Katy Pearson have spent the time since releasing their EP the Valley writing and recording and they return with the first single of the year. The track Together moves their music on from the acoustic and organic sound of the…
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footyplusau · 7 years
AFL round 6 teams: North drop Swallow, Thomas, Hawthorn lose Rioli
North Melbourne coach Brad Scott has lost patience with underperforming veterans Andrew Swallow and Lindsay Thomas, axing them both ahead of the Kangaroos’ match against Gold Coast this weekend.
Swallow (15 disposals) and Thomas (six) were quiet during North’s thrilling five-point loss to Fremantle last weekend and continued sub-par seasons for the duo.
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Lee Spurr pranks Jeremy McGovern
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FootyFix: Tiges facing massive test …
FootyFix: Tiges facing massive test against Crows
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 6 in the AFL.
Lee Spurr pranks Jeremy McGovern
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Lee Spurr pranks Jeremy McGovern
Lee Spurr pranks Jeremy McGovern
Fremantle’s Lee Spurr’s prank phone call on West Coast’s Jeremy McGovern on Heidi, Will & Woody. Audio: Hit 929
Buckley: Pendlebury dirty on performance
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Buckley: Pendlebury dirty on performance
Buckley: Pendlebury dirty on performance
Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley says his leadership group will be hard on their own form after their loss to Essendon.
Essendon break Anzac game drought
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Essendon break Anzac game drought
Essendon break Anzac game drought
Jo Daniher delivered one of his finest games to win the Anzac Day medal, as Essendon held on by 18 points against Collingwood.
Collingwood and Essendon prepare for ‘must win’ ANZAC clash
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Collingwood and Essendon prepare for …
Collingwood and Essendon prepare for ‘must win’ ANZAC clash
Scott Pendlebury and Dyson Heppell preview their sides’ upcoming Anzac Day clash at the MCG.
AFL plays of round 5
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AFL plays of round 5
AFL plays of round 5
Young Lions impress to keep the Dogs honest, flying Kanga takes a screamer, Cat chases down Jack Steven’s mullet, Cyril rolls out the genius playbook and Riewoldt has a night out in the wet to sink the Dees.
Cometti on Eagles ‘You’ve got to throw the forward line around’
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Cometti on Eagles ‘You’ve got to throw …
Cometti on Eagles ‘You’ve got to throw the forward line around’
Dennis Commetti calls on West Coast to change up its forward mix. Vision: Mix 94.5
FootyFix: Tiges facing massive test against Crows
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 6 in the AFL.
Swallow has only averaged 16 touches this year while Thomas has kicked just two goals. They’ve been replaced by Shaun Higgins and Jed Anderson, who will play his first game for the year after recovering from a shoulder injury.
Swallow’s younger brother David won’t play in the game either. He has been rested by the Suns and Jesse Lonergan takes his place.
The Hawks will be without Rioli. Photo: Getty Images
Meanwhile, Hawthorn head into their crunch clash with St Kilda in Launceston minus superstar Cyril Rioli, who injured his hip against West Coast last week.
Rioli rediscovered some high-flying form against the Eagles as the Hawks recorded their first win for the season. Jaeger O’Meara comes into the side after a two-match absence due to a knee complaint.
Former West Coast and Bulldogs midfielder Koby Stevens will play his first game for the Saints.
The Western Bulldogs head into their Friday night blockbuster against Greater Western Sydney at Manuka Oval without the injured Matthew Boyd (back) and Shane Biggs who was omitted. Premiership midfielder Caleb Daniel returns along with Bailey Williams.
Lindsay Thomas played his 200th game this month. Now he’s out of the side. Photo: Simon Schluter
Tim Taranto is Phil Davis’ replacement in the Giants line-up after the co-captain was ruled out due to a hamstring issue.
West Coast have recalled veteran Sam Mitchell, who has recovered from an ankle injury, for Western Derby 45 as well as debutant Kurt Mutimer and ruckman Jonathan Giles. Will Schofield (omitted), Jamie Cripps (ankle) and Jackson Nelson (wrist) all make way for them.
Rookie Harley Balic takes Stephen Hill’s place in Fremantle’s side after the silky midfielder injured his hamstring.
Josh Jenkins is set to return for Adelaide for their top-of-the-ladder clash against Richmond on Sunday after a month out due to a rib injury. Jake Kelly, Reilly O’Brien and the untried Myles Poholke have also been named in the Crows’ squad of 25 while Riley Knight (hamstring) is out.
Steve Morris could play his first game for the Tigers since undergoing a knee reconstruction mid-season last year after being added to their squad along with Nick Vlastuin and Jacob Townsend.
Essendon ruckman Tom Bellchambers is in line to play his first senior game in nearly two years after he was added to the Bombers’ extended squad for Sunday’s meeting with Melbourne at Etihad Stadium.
Martin Gleeson, Ben Howlett, Kyle Langford and Conor McKenna have also been picked by the Bombers as well as former GWS forward James Stewart who could play his first game for the club. Rested trio Aaron Francis, James Kelly and Matthew Leuenberger are the only omissions so far for the Bombers.
Jordan Lewis returns from a three-match suspension for the Demons along with Mitch Hannan, Cameron Pedersen, Oscar McDonald, Tomas Bugg and Sam Weideman in the 25-man squad.
Injured Melbourne duo Tim Smith (ribs) and Jake Spencer (shoulder) make way along with Jesse Hogan who is spending time with family after the death of his father.
Geelong have decided to “manage” Daniel Menzel this week and, as a result, have added Jed Bews, Sam Menegola, Tom Ruggles and Rhys Stanley to their extended squad for their match against Collingwood at the MCG on Sunday.
The Magpies have chosen to “manage” Ben Reid, too. So Josh Smith, Matthew Scharenberg and Chris Mayne have been included as well as Lynden Dunn who could play his first game since crossing from Melbourne.
If Scharenberg survives the cut, he will play his first game since Round 23, 2015 after another knee injury ruined his 2016 season.
Meanwhile, Port Adelaide welcome back Jack Hombsch and Hamish Hartlett for their meeting with the Brisbane Lions on Saturday night and former Docker Alex Silvagni will make his club debut for Carlton against Sydney on Saturday.
The post AFL round 6 teams: North drop Swallow, Thomas, Hawthorn lose Rioli appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2oAeICY via http://footyplus.net
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footyplusau · 7 years
Who’s in the mix for round two?
Crows skipper Taylor Walker is set to return from a hamstring injury to the lead the side to face Hawthorn at the MCG on Saturday. Walker was a late scratching for last weekend’s season opener against Greater Western Sydney. Key defender Jake Lever is also set to play his first senior game of the season. Lever missed the JLT Community Series with a hamstring injury, but got a run under his belt in a SANFL trial last weekend, finishing with 19 possessions and seven marks against Woodville-West Torrens. Veteran Scott Thompson had 14 disposals playing in the midfield and across half-back in his return from a shoulder injury. Uncapped midfielder Harrison Wigg continued to press his claims with 28 possessions. – Lee Gaskin
Following a first-up win against Gold Coast, Chris Fagan will be reluctant to make too many changes ahead of Saturday night’s home match against Essendon, but he has one tough decision. Jack Frost is available after serving a one-match suspension, but squeezing him in past one of Harris Andrews, Dan McStay or Darcy Gardiner would be difficult after they performed so well. Perhaps a small defender will make way and McStay can swing forward. Hugh McCluggage (ankle) and Josh Schache (knee) did not play NEAFL at the weekend and will likely need at least one game at the lower level before being considered. – Michael Whiting
Young key forward Harry McKay staked his claim for a senior debut with a four-goal display in the Northern Blues’ practice match against Richmond last Thursday. McKay, pick No. 10 in the 2015 NAB AFL Draft, played in two JLT Community Series games after an injury-interrupted 2016 season. Nick Graham (18 disposals and a goal) and Rhys Palmer (15 disposals) performed well in the midfield to put themselves in the frame for selection. – Howard Kotton
Harry McKay has put his hand up for a round two berth. Picture: AFL Photos
Livewire forward Jamie Elliott has been ruled out for another week, with the Magpies deciding not to gamble on his lack of match conditioning for the clash with Richmond at the MCG on Thursday night. A one-match suspension to Travis Varcoe will force the Magpies to make at least one change to the team that last week challenged the reigning premiers, the Western Bulldogs, and the most likely replacement would appear to be either James Aish, who was a late withdrawal last week with illness, or fellow midfielder Tim Broomhead, who was an emergency. Other candidates who performed strongly in a VFL practice match against Footscray include ex-Demon defender Lynden Dunn, fellow backman Matthew Scharenberg, father-son draftee Josh Daicos and exciting forward Kayle Kirby (three goals). – Ben Collins
It is hard to see the Bombers making too many changes to their round one side, which was too strong and too quick for Hawthorn at the MCG. There is much stronger depth at Essendon this season than in recent years, so if a Bomber or two are struggling to get up after their big hit-out then there should be some ready-to-go replacements. Ben Howlett and Heath Hocking missed selection last week but could come in against the Brisbane Lions, while James Stewart, Jackson Merrett and Josh Begley won’t be too far away from selection. Tom Bellchambers is continuing his comeback from pre-season knee surgery, but might need more match practice before being available for the top level. – Callum Twomey
Tom Bellchambers would be a surprise pick for the Dons this week. Picture: AFL Photos
Ross Lyon didn’t want to talk selection in the aftermath of Freo’s loss to Geelong, however Matt Taberner could be an option to try to boost the Dockers’ firepower after bagging five goals from 20 possessions for Peel against East Fremantle. Lyon conceded performances at WAFL level needed to be viewed in the context of a thumping 86-point win, but Harley Balic (33 disposals, one goal) continued his good form to keep his hand up for a debut. Smooth-moving Ethan Hughes offered plenty of rebound from half-back – an area the Dockers struggled in with their stagnant ball movement against Geelong – from his 14 kicks. Hayden Crozier kicked two goals for Peel but was quieter than in the Thunder’s opening round win over East Perth, while Tommy Sheridan could come into consideration after being held over as the Dockers’ emergency on Sunday evening. – Travis King
A thumb injury is the latest hurdle for Nakia Cockatoo, with the young midfielder set to miss up to a month after surgery this week. Cam Guthrie will be tested this week after failing to overcome calf soreness for Sunday’s clash with Fremantle, while Zac Smith is a chance to play after soreness forced his late withdrawal from the round one team. Darcy Lang impressed in the VFL and will be in contention, along with Sam Menegola. Aaron Black and Jed Bews kicked two goals apiece in the VFL and have also pressed their cases. – Jennifer Phelan
It’s an interesting week at the selection table for Rodney Eade after the Suns were beaten by the Brisbane Lions. David Swallow was a late withdrawal with an ankle injury, but is expected to be available to play Greater Western Sydney on Saturday afternoon. He’ll likely replace Pearce Hanley, who is on indefinite leave, attending to a family matter in Ireland. Will Brodie and Brayden Fiorini may also come into the reckoning after strong pre-seasons and excellent performances in a NEAFL practise match at the weekend. – Michael Whiting
A hamstring injury for Tendai Mzungu could see young midfielder Jacob Hopper play his first senior game of the year. Hopper has had an interrupted pre-season after undergoing heart surgery late last year, and the Giants have taken it slow with the 20-year-old who has also had some lower back issues. Defender Nathan Wilson was a surprising omission from the Giants’ round one side that lost to Adelaide, and should be a big chance to face Gold Coast, with his speed and foot skills from the backline sorely missed last week. Harrison Himmelberg is another defender who will be looked at, while forwards Sam Reid and Daniel Lloyd, who were added to the senior list last week, and draftees Will Setterfield and Harry Perryman, might also be an outside chance. – Adam Curley
Luke Hodge will be back this week. With his one-match club suspension now served he will make a timely and welcome return to a side that missed his leadership and composure against Essendon last week. One thing the Hawks appear to have in their favour is almost a full list to choose from, with the mercurial Cyril Rioli expected to overcome a corked thigh that hampered him through much of the loss to the Bombers. Team selection will be interesting. Do the Hawks recall key defender Kaiden Brand to help deal with the tall and potent Adelaide forward line? What about Brendan Whitecross for some extra toe in the midfield? And surely the likes of Teia Miles and Kade Stewart will soon be rewarded for their strong summers and the exciting Ryan Burton earns a recall. – Ashley Browne
Melbourne may be forced to make two changes to the team that had a commanding 30-point victory over St Kilda in round one. As reported by AFL.com.au, young defender Joel Smith is set to be sidelined for up to four months after having shoulder surgery on Tuesday, meaning there is a spot open in defence. Important defender Bernie Vince is also out, after he accepted a one-match ban from the Match Review Panel for striking Nathan Wright. Midfielder Dom Tyson missed out on being selected in round one after a lack of pre-season conditioning due to a knee issue, but he gave the match committee something to think about with 24 disposals, 16 inside-50s and two goals in a VFL practice match against Port Melbourne. Creative half-forward Dean Kent (20 disposals) also impressed, while versatile defenders Josh Wagner, Sam Frost and Tom Bugg are others likely to come into the selection mix. The Demons insist spearhead Jesse Hogan (rolled ankle) and Max Gawn (back) will be fit to take on the Blues at the MCG on Sunday. – Ben Guthrie
The Roos’ priority this week will be settling on a replacement for injured spearhead Jarrad Waite. Majak Daw is the frontrunner, but second-year key forward Ben McKay could be considered after playing North’s first two JLT games, while first-year tall Nick Larkey kicked three goals for Werribee in a VFL practice match on Sunday. Roos coach Brad Scott suggested changes would be made for round two even before Waite’s injury was diagnosed. Senior midfielder Ben Cunnington will return from a one-match suspension, while others in contention for a call-up include forwards Taylor Garner, Jed Anderson and Corey Wagner, who returned from a shoulder injury in a VFL practice match last Saturday, second-year midfielder Ryan Clarke and defenders Ed Vickers-Willis and Sam Durdin. Experienced defender Sam Wright did not play in Saturday’s VFL practice match and will probably need more game time before he returns for the Kangaroos. – Nick Bowen
Ben McKay could be handed a debut for the Roos against Geelong. Picture: AFL Photos
The Power will have a welcome selection headache ahead of Sunday’s game with Fremantle at Adelaide Oval. Jarman Impey, Nathan Krakouer and Aidyn Johnson are available after serving one-game suspensions for the Power’s season-opening win over Sydney at the SCG. Experienced duo Angus Monfries and Matt White had a run in the club’s SANFL trial against Sturt last Thursday as they build their match fitness after injury-interrupted pre-seasons. Midfielder Joe Atley travelled with the Power as the team’s emergency last weekend, but it will be hard to make many unforced changes to a winning team. – Lee Gaskin
If there was a weak spot in Richmond’s 43-point win over Carlton it was the backline, conceding 14 goals to an inexperienced Blues’ attack. This is also where the Tigers’ depth is, with Jayden Short (16 games in 2016) available and in good touch in a VFL practice match on Thursday. Oleg Markov and Nathan Drummond are also options as versatile defenders, but Short would be the first player called on as a replacement for Taylor Hunt, who would be the defender most under pressure if a change is made. In attack, Sam Lloyd had an off night and the match committee could consider bringing in Ben Lennon, who was lively and kicked three goals in Thursday’s VFL curtain raiser, if it decides an immediate change is needed against Collingwood. Midfielder Anthony Miles was surprisingly overlooked in round one, but it’s hard to see a midfield vacancy for him to take at the moment. – Nathan Schmook
Ben Lennon impressed in a VFL practice match last week. Picture: AFL Photos  
A disappointing loss to Melbourne was compounded by Nick Riewoldt’s right knee injury. The obvious replacement for the former captain is Paddy McCartin. He booted three goals in an excellent display for Sandringham and sat out the last quarter of the practice match against Port Melbourne. McCartin was cleared to play against the Demons but “hamstring awareness” meant coach Alan Richardson didn’t want to risk the former No.1 selection. Leigh Montagna picked up 18 disposals in the backline and midfield for the Zebras before he also sat out the final term. The 33-year-old looked in fine touch and should be fit to make the flight to face West Coast on Saturday, after a right calf strain kept him out of round one. Blake Acres and Jack Sinclair are another two who could add more midfield depth on the large expanses of Domain Stadium. – Dinny Navaratnam
With All Australian defender Dane Rampe (broken arm) sidelined for at least the next month, exciting youngster Aliir Aliir looks to be the obvious replacement. The athletic big man is fully recovered from a pre-season toe injury and has had another full week of training to build more fitness and touch. Draftee Will Hayward and recently upgraded rookie Shaun Edwards are in line to replace the unlucky Daniel Robinson, who broke his left collarbone against Port Adelaide last week, the second time in as many seasons. Defender Nic Newman must also be a chance to debut after backing up his outstanding 2016 season with some solid form over summer, and his inclusion could see NAB AFL Rising Star winner Callum Mills pushed into the midfield. Mature-age ruckman Darcy Cameron (finger) should be fit to play the premiers, with fellow big man Callum Sinclair another pushing for selection, along with Jack Maibaum and rookie Robbie Fox. Small forward Tom Papley (knee) should be taken off the long-term injury list this week but will need some games in the NEAFL before he’s considered. – Adam Curley
Shaun Edwards is in the frame to play for his third AFL club. Picture: AFL Photos
The Eagles’ ruck curse has struck again. Drew Petrie – who missed only one game for North Melbourne in the past five seasons due to suspension – suffered a broken hand in the opening term against his old club and will miss weeks, opening the door for Jonathan Giles to partner Nathan Vardy in the ruck against St Kilda. West Coast still has decisions to make in defence after only taking two talls into the win over North Melbourne and looking vulnerable in the air. Will Schofield didn’t play at the weekend after flying to Melbourne as the travelling emergency, but Tom Barrass (19 disposals, four marks) swept up well in defence in East Perth’s loss to stay in the mix. Dom Sheed (23 disposals, four inside 50s) found plenty of ball for the Royals after being left out of the Eagles’ side and Liam Duggan (24) continues to build his form, although it remains to be seen if either did enough to force their way into the AFL side. Rookie Francis Watson (26) was again one of East Perth’s best and a debut might not be far away for the dashing half-back. – Travis King
Luke Beveridge will have to make at least one change for Friday night’s Grand Final rematch with the Sydney Swans at Etihad Stadium with defender Dale Morris to miss up to eight weeks with a broken leg. Marcus Adams should come into contention as the veteran’s replacement. Midfielders Clay Smith, Lukas Webb, Bailey Dale, Josh Dunkley and Mitch Honeychurch all had plenty of the footy in Footscray’s big VFL practice match win over Collingwood. Ruckman Tom Campbell was also a standout in his first game for a month in his return from a rolled ankle. – Ryan Davidson
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footyplusau · 8 years
Final teams: Crows v Cats
Cat Daniel Menzel will get to take on his brother Troy
THE MENZEL brothers will face each other for the first time in the AFL in Sunday’s JLT Community Series clash between Adelaide and Geelong at Richmond Oval.
Adelaide forward Troy Menzel will get a chance to press his claims for a round one berth with star duo Eddie Betts and Josh Jenkins rested for the club’s second pre-season hit-out. 
Menzel’s older brother Daniel retains his spot in the Cats’ forward line after having a strong season last year in his return from serious knee injuries. 
Cats captain Joel Selwood will have his first game of the year after missing his side’s opening match with Hawthorn a fortnight ago. 
Lincoln McCarthy and Jordan Murdoch also come into the side. 
Ryan Gardner, Jed Bews and Jordan Cunico drop out of the Cats’ 29-man squad named earlier in the week. 
Midfielder Jordan Gallucci, picked 15th overall in the 2016 NAB AFL Draft, will make his debut for the Crows, as will former US college basketball star Hugh Greenwood.
Small forward Ben Jarman, son of Adelaide great Darren, key position prospect Elliott Himmelberg and rookie Paul Hunter are the Crows’ emergencies.
Follow it LIVE: Crows v Cats
SUNDAY, MARCH 5 Adelaide v Geelong, Richmond Oval, 1.35pm ACDT
ADELAIDE Out: Elliott Himmelberg, Paul Hunter, Ben Jarman
GEELONG Out: Ryan Gardner, Jed Bews, Jordan Cunico
ADELAIDE 3. Riley Knight, 7. Jordan Gallucci, 8. Jake Kelly, 10. Harrison Wigg, 12. Daniel Talia, 13. Taylor Walker, 14. David Mackay, 15. Kyle Hartigan, 16. Luke Brown, 17. Curtly Hampton, 20. Hugh Greenwood, 21. Rory Atkins, 22. Andy Otten, 23. Charlie Cameron, 24. Sam Jacobs, 26. Richard Douglas, 27. Tom Lynch, 29. Rory Laird, 30. Wayne Milera, 31. Myles Poholke, 32. Troy Menzel, 33. Brodie Smith, 36. Dean Gore, 38. Harry Dear, 43. Reilly O’Brien, 44. Matt Crouch
Notable absentees: Eddie Betts, Brad Crouch, Josh Jenkins, Rory Sloane, Scott Thompson, Jake Lever
GEELONG 1. Rhys Stanley, 2. Zach Tuohy, 3. Brandan Parfitt, 5. Nakia Cockatoo, 6. Lincoln McCarthy, 7. Harry Taylor, 9. Zac Smith, 10. Daniel Menzel, 11. Darcy Lang, 13. Tom Lonergan, 14. Joel Selwood, 18. Josh Cowan, 21. Jordan Murdoch, 22. Mitch Duncan, 23. Aaron Black, 25. Lachie Henderson, 26. Tom Hawkins, 27. Sam Menegola, 32. Steven Motlop, 33. George Horlin-Smith, 35. Patrick Dangerfield, 36. Tom Ruggles, 39. Zachary Guthrie, 40. Jackson Thurlow, 44. Tom Stewart, 46. Mark Blicavs
Notable absentees: Andrew Mackie, Jake Kolodjashnij, Cory Gregson, Cam Guthrie, Scott Selwood
The post Final teams: Crows v Cats appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2n1z56G via http://footyplus.net
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