#beulah bleak
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quadrupleangst · 1 year ago
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dw guys I'll give him a girlfriend in the next post
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Some ideas if I wrote the 2015 Klarion comic:
-Klarion leaves Limbo Town (LT) at 14 and is homeless for a few years until he meets Rasp at 17 (gotta keep the homeless trend going)
-Klarion still leaves because he kills his teacher (angst)
-Teekl is alive and well
-LT is a faery town in another dimension. I'm still deciding how to make them puritans / puritan inspired (maybe half faery half human, maybe just the ideology instead of them being actual puritans). Their society is structured very similarly to puritan society, with rigid social + gender roles and hierarchy.
- Between LT and Earth there's another sort of mixed dimension that you have to cross through to get to one from the other (you can't jump directly from one to another, you need to cross through there first)
-Familiars in LT are formed from magic in this mixed realm. These familiars are captured and brought to LT to be chosen by young witches for a ceremony at 5 years old. Teekl was a familiar that survived in this mixed realm for several years, which is very rare because almost all familiars either get captured by LT or find there way to Earth and lose most of their magic, becoming normal animals with a little bit of extra supernatural in them. She was considered temperamental and disobedient because she was NOT happy about eventually being captured 💀. She was kept despite this because her being able to survive so long could mean she's a more powerful familiar.
-She was captured in the year that Klarion's ceremony took place in. Klarion instantly wanted her because she was rebellious and cool in his eyes; she was also much bigger than the other familiars because she'd grown up in the mixed realm so BIG FLUFFY KITTY. She hissed and bit at literally everyone.
-Uriah is a clergy member's son in this universe, so he's very bratty and very conceited
-Uriah also wanted Teekl because she was potentially more powerful than the other familiars. He spent the entire time allocated to choosing a familiar chasing after her and trying to force her to like him. Which, if you know cats, had the opposite effect
-Klarion spent what little time Uriah didn't take up talking to her, which is considered very weird behavior because 1) she's not his familiar yet and 2) its considered proper to either talk via the bond formed between witch and familiar or just give them verbal orders.
-At the end of the ceremony Uriah gave up and chose another one. Klarion decided to not pick any familiar because Teekl didnt want to pick anyone. Which was unheard of and also considered very weird behaviour.
-During the next 3 years Klarion sneaked into the Farm where the familiars are kept to talk to Teekl. When he was 8 he helped her escape and get back to the mixed realm
-She decided to stay there instead of losing her magic because Klarion was her friend and she wouldn't be able to visit him anymore if she left for Earth. She sneaks in a lot to see him.
-Him repeatedly turning down a familiar at the choosing ceremony makes his rebellious reputation much worse (he never chooses a familiar, so he has no actual familiar when he leaves at 14)
-Charity Bleak is his mother, Beulah is his sister and Ezekiel is his step-dad like on SSOV.
- I think Charity should have been outcasted for a bit because Klarion's dad left LT for Earth. This was because 1) her husband left her (wasn't killed) and 2) he was a rebel (she couldn't keep him in line). She worked very hard to get back into the good graces of LT and is desperate to keep herself there. Klarion's rebellious nature reminds her of his dad AND could potentially take away all the hard work she put into fitting into LT again. She paints all his Problems tm as him being his father's son and never defends him, even agreeing with other people's negative opinions of Klarion so she fits in.
-Beulah follows along with Charity because she fits in easily and because she remembers how bad it was to be outcasted by LT.
-Neither Beulah nor Charity can understand why Klarion chooses to outcast himself
-Ezekiel is just kind of There tm i don't have any thoughts ab him so far.
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bitsofbats · 1 year ago
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Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #1, 2005 Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving
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tatawitchred · 1 year ago
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Well... In a moment of weakness I decided to draw some (almost all) of the characters from Limbo Town. I hope this happens again.
(Klarienne is an intruder.)
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cryptidsurveys · 5 months ago
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024.
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What’s something you used to believe in that you don’t anymore? Certain conspiracy theories. I used to be pretty deep down the rabbit hole. A true tinfoil hat wearin' nutjob. I think it started with getting into lucid dreaming and things just spiraled out of control from there. I'm sure there were kernels of truth in some of the things I looked into, but other things were so outlandish and unsubstantiated. It's like I'm just smart enough to recognize a potential pattern, but not smart enough to realize when that pattern has left reality behind for crazy land.
What’s your favorite dinosaur? I don't have one. I do like learning about them, though.
Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what would you like to be reincarnated as? I'll tell you in my next life. :') But in all seriousness - I think my body will be broken down and reabsorbed into other things; if you want to consider that a type of reincarnation, then sure. But if we're talking about coming back as a fully formed human or critter with all my past karma, etc, then no, I don't think I believe in that. I'm not even sure I believe in any sort of afterlife. I think death is death and that's it. You just don't exist anymore. A bleak thought, maybe, but I think the idea of being "eternal" scares me even more.
What are three scents that you like? Autumnal spices, pine forests in the rain, and coffee shops.
Do you ever use the grounding technique 54321? I've used it a few times. My therapist taught it to me during our first few sessions together.
Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave your place of residence? Realistically, somewhere within the same city. We'd probably rent a house, hopefully a pet-friendly one because we have three kitties. Ideally, though, somewhere like Rye or Beulah. Out in the mountains but close enough to this city that my life could stay intact (volunteering, therapy, grocery shopping, visits with mom…).
What smells better… fresh baked bread or fresh brewed coffee? Oh, both are wonderful, but probably coffee.
Have you ever met a president? Like the president of a country? No. But like a board president at the animal shelter? Possibly…? When I'm there, I live by this rule - be hospitable to everyone you meet, lest they be board members in disguise. ;D
Has anyone ever given you a gag gift? No.
Do you find smoking unattractive? I might find it attractive in modeling photos and the like, but when it comes to everyday people, I'm mostly indifferent. If anything, as a smoker myself, seeing someone else smoking just makes me crave a cigarette too.
Do you think flirting is cheating? I wouldn't consider it cheating, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with my partner flirting with other people.
Have you ever liked someone who had a girl/boyfriend? Yeah. I've had an ex-partner move on to another relationship while I still had feelings for them, and I've been in one polyamorous relationship (and I know now that is not the dynamic for me; I much prefer to be monogamous).
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? I would like to say that's an absolute no, but…I just don't know. So much would depend on the circumstances.
What's a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? Literary.
How many wives or husbands do you want? One.
What's your favorite color gummy bear? Red or orange.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater? I saw Wild Robot a few weeks ago.
What color is your iPod? I don't have an iPod. I did have an mp3 player at one point, though, and it was black.
What’s a quality that your sister has that you absolutely can’t stand? Explosive and belligerent anger.
Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? I have and I would. Maybe that answer would change if I quit smoking, but I'm fine with it for now.
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? I don't.
Name one of your psycho exes? I don't have any psycho exes. Sure, they had their issues (don't we all...), but I'M probably the psycho ex. :')
Have you ever been drunk at work? No.
Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? No.
How many bananas have you ever eaten in a row? I don't think I've ever eaten more than one in a row, but over the course of a day, maybe two…?
Do you have a protective father? He's protective, but not overly protective.
Have you ever had to choose between two people? That's what it feels like with the most recent family drama. Thankfully, no one is outright asking me to choose.
The last thing you remember dreaming about: Oddly enough, it was a dream about having to choose between two people. Nick and Michael, two of my ex-partners. I felt kind of guilty and confused and afraid of making a choice in case I regretted it.
The last place you went: I went to Chili's for lunch with my mom.
The last time you held a baby: I have no idea.
What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played? I've never found a video game to be scary.
If you had the chance to slip through a portal, despite being unaware of any of the effects and/or consequences, would you do it? Nooo. That's one of my worst irrational fears.
When someone copies you, are you more flattered or annoyed? If they were picking up some of my mannerisms, then I think I would be flattered. Like hey, I'm cool enough to be copied - even if it might be only subconsciously. :') I can imagine other scenarios in which it would be frustrating or downright creepy, though.
Which is worse: Stale chips or flat soda? Ehh. Both are somewhat unpleasant but still tolerable to me. I guess if the chips were really stale, then I would say those are worse.
What health problems do you have? Migraines, fatigue, mental health issues.
Have you ever had an anaphylactic reaction to anything? No.
Do you have sensitive skin? Not really.
What would you name a baby boy? I have no idea.
What would you name a baby girl? Same.
Do people's rude comments bother you for a long time? Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.
Name three things you find boring. Finance bro channels, the idea of staying in a hotel (I loved it when I was younger, but it would be so tedious to me now), and lengthy road trips once I've run out of distractions.
What excites you? Thunderstorms, randomly chaotic days at the shelter, upbeat and energetic music.
Would you send your kids to Sunday school? I don't want children, but hypothetically speaking, no. Not unless they wanted to go; then I wouldn't stop them.
What is the most interesting biography you have read? I haven't read many biographies…maybe just ones for Anne Frank and Hellen Keller. I do like listening to biographical historical videos, though. They're just interesting enough to keep my mind engaged and distracted while being boring and predictable enough to lull me to sleep.
Do you think your life story would make a good book someday? Naw.
Do you buy art for your walls? I bought a misty mountain tapestry for the wall behind my bed. I have a few other things on my walls as well, but nothing like "art pieces."
Would you ever decorate a room with a travel theme? No.
What insects do you think are pretty? Butterflies, moths, dragonflies, certain spiders (even if they can also be a bit unnerving).
Do you love God? Yes.
Is there an ice cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one? I'm not a huge fan of plain vanilla ice cream, but there aren't any flavors (that I've tried) that I strongly dislike.
Do you own any books with an image of a cat on the front cover? Yeah.
Does anything you own have an image of a bird on it? Yeah.
Does anyone you know own a spaniel? How about an Irish setter? No.
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lordofbrattiness · 7 months ago
hc section 2: more about klarion the witch-boy!
klarion had once been just a regular witch-boy who lived in the underground isolated town of limbo with his witch coven though his mother - charity bleak - was no witch but had married a witch-man by the name of mordechai bleak, given birth to witch-girl and was pregnant with klarion at the time and therefore was accepted by the coven.
however mordechai would leave his family upon the birth of the witch-boy and never return to limbotown leaving klarion to have no memory of him, not even knowing what the man looked like. growing up with his mother, a step-father in a witch-man by the name of ezekiel - who would be killed by the horigal that turned out to be the leaders of limbotown during klarion's early childhood - and an older sister by blood in beulah bleak who was strict but helped him when it truly mattered.
his mother, charity. she did her best with what she had but it simply wasn't enough to tame either klarion or beulah as both grew to not feel for others and harbour hatred towards authority figures. beulah more hating men in general due to how perverted many of the witch-men in limbotown were while klarion has a respect for women due to seeing his sister and mother deal with said witch-men but still found himself longing for a father figure..
his curiosity mixed with a drive to find his father were the reasons klarion would leave even when offered the position of leadership in his hometown. while klarion understood leaving that place, what he didn't understand was why his father left him there. it is unknown if he will ever find him or if he had found him already without knowing.
unfortunately klarion would get his hands on a fatherbox or what his people called the "witch-god". spending so much time with a fatherbox corrupted his mind and - with how curious he was - exposed him to infinite answers for infinite questions. some questions that a boy so young shouldn't have been given answers to yet he asked with such eagerness to know the truth. this shattering the belief system of his small minded town and turning klarion into a polytheist who mainly worships gods such as loki, hades and anubis.
the original idea I had was for the whole witch coven to be polytheist but in canon source, the people of limbotown aren't exactly open minded. perhaps the reveal of the "witch-god" could lead to them forming this belief system but either way, klarion was always viewed as "curse" bestowed upon the town by a god as he either often got into trouble, trouble would find him or bad things just tended to happen when he was around leading klarion to believe that chaos follows him wherever he goes and fully embracing this fact of life for him.
this mixed with the possiblity of having been hunted down and killed by the law would be the reason the lords of chaos would look to him in favour. teekl becoming klarion's anchor to the earthly plain as she is the one creature in his life who never failed him and klarion fully believes she can do just about anything. literally anything.
seeing as the gotham villains vary in ancestry, species and character - klarion has naturally picked up different pitches, accents, slangs and just different ways to speak from spending a lot of time in arkham asylum and just around the criminals of gotham. klarion would at first be completely unaware that there are means of living where you don't have to potentially deal with the cops and upon learning this fact was quick to find one. this mixed with his masterful skill with techno magic led to klarion becoming a streamer and gamer.
able to create holographic screens with his techno magic that klarion can use to text, call, hack and search the inter-web without leaving a single trace behind since it's magic. people can contact him via an app he created himself and that klarion can imbue onto any phone.
his black eyes will glow red whenever he is using his powers or whenever they are in affect. his eyes also glow in intense high emotional situations as well.
klarion is very adhd and just overall neurodivergent.
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hauntingthechateau · 1 year ago
Wednesday November 29th
Low of -2 high of 8. Sunny 🥹
Stayed up late packing last night after a night of drinking, the sleep was not primo. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee, hard time getting back to sleep. In the morning I finished packing my toiletries and cleared out my bedroom. Had a good cry. Packing always does it for me.
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Headed to my studio, it was frosty this morning with a heavy ist and it was absolutely beautiful. A nice way to say goodbye to this magical place. and started packing all my art and supplies. A bit of a scramble. Went up for breakfast and closing remarks. I was pretty stressed about time given that we were leaving at 1:50. Sylva helped me (both physically and emotionally). Went to ship things with Beulah at the gatehouse and ran into some real technological problems that set us back an hour that made me REAL stressed about the time. By the time we were done I only had time to run up the hill, take my gravol and throw a sausage roll in my mouth while hugging people goodbye.
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Made it to the train in time (and thank god for that gravol), Dozed most of the way to Paris which helped with the lack of sleep, but did leave me pretty drowsy when I finally arrived. Hugged everyone goodbye and grabbed a cab to my hotel (easier with all the luggage) and AGAIN was thankful for the remaining gravol in my system because WOOF that driver really wasn't sold on the concept of lanes and rush hour traffic was a lot.
Made it to my hotel around 6, checked in and brought my luggage up to my room in the SMALLEST ELEVATOR I HAVE YET ENCOUNTERED. I barely fit in it. my shoulders touch the walls. Its hard to turn around. Its charming AND terrifying.
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Room is small, but all I need as a solo traveler. The bathroom is barely separated from the bedroom, but theres a whole balcony that I wasn't expecting which is really nice (I'm writing from there now). Didn't know what to expect from this hotel, I booked it mostly for the location and price, but the reviews were a little mixed and some of the photos were pretty bleak, I was surprised that my room was freshly renovated, but the cleanliness leaves something to be desired and the attention to detail is a little lacking (toilet paper holder? towel rack?). Wishing I had another couple pillows, but c'est la vie.
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Felt pretty crappy and tired, but forced myself to go out for dinner and thought 'fuck it' I'll go to that cute restaurant tonight; its at least close to my hotel. Le Petit Chatelette is right next to Shakespeare and company and right across from notre dame in the goddam cutest little house ever. When I arrived there was only a small group, myself and 2 other solo diners. The kind of service where the maitre de pulled out the table for you and tucks you in, then brings over the chalk board with the day's menu on it. I managed to not speak a lick of english in the restaurant and the waiter (who I think might have been the owner?) thanked me for my efforts. I got a braised rabbit thigh with mashed potatoes (and a baguette obviously), the house red (which was nice for 4 euro) sparkling water and for dessert the dessert du jour which was a tiramisu. There was meet cooking in the open hearth behind me. It sounded and smelled incredible and the food was great. The rabbit especially fell right off the bone.
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I did such a good job being a good good french girl, I took myself for a walk through the latin quarter and then to Castor Club for a drink. Really small place, unmarked outside, inside just the bar with wood paneling, cute lamp shades and old country music and french rockabilly and swing. Great atmosphere. My first drink was a fun mezcal drink that was SO BITTER. I think the bitters plus the DOUBLE lime peel really did it. For my second drink I got to chatting with the bar tenders about drinks and spririts and whats good in Paris and France and what I should bring home. I had a genepi and calvados cocktail for my second drink (with a house shrub, fee brothers bitters and egg white). and the bartenders helped me narrow down where to drink tomorrow and where to buy myself some genepi (and maybe some chardonnay barrel aged calvados??). A really great night. Wove around through the Latin Quarter for a while after that and made my way organically back to the hotel. Another really exceptional location for this one; this is how Paris should be experienced.
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lilithbleak · 2 years ago
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"Men rule the world, women rule the stars."
Beulah Bleak, was a witch like any other in her realm. The times were simple and divided. While men played war games and learned combat and power sorcery, women were expected to work quietly. They were expected to learn all about alchemy, potions, and spells, dedicated to medicine, midwifery, and home protection.
She was no exception to this rule. In fact, Beulah was expected to become a healer of her coven. However, tending to the plague infested and the dying made her stomach churn. She was close to her father until he vanished one night without a trace. Her mother told her and Klarion that Mordecai abandoned them, and blamed it on them.
She couldn't stand it. Beulah idolized the life of nobility and the seemingly easiness of their world. She wanted status and to be cared for by a man. Her family had to labor for their livelihood and respect, she deserved to have them handed to her-- or so she believed.
Beulah had a gift, her beauty and charisma. Like other witch women in Limbo Town, she was taught magic that men weren't. This was how one could use their innate "gifts" to their advantage. For Beulah, that was her vanity.
While she maintained an air of mystery, beneath her pure and youthful face, was an unremarkably vain woman. She desired two things, money and others to serve her. Her mother's relentless cruelty and her lower class station, made Beulah resentful of her mother and other women. Her resentment grew into malice with passing years. She hated her mother for "allowing herself to stay poor." In Beulah's mind, her mother's power could bend others to her will. Ultimately elevating their family out of poverty. Eventually she would commit cruel acts against her brother and mother out of spite.
As she grew older, she found ways to immerse herself among aristocrats. Beulah created an alter ego named "Briar Wolf." A widowed countess from across the seas. This caricature played up the charm and mystery by flirting with the young suitors. Using spells of enchantment, she learned how to skirt semantics about her life with those she mingled with.
She became a regular face within elite circles, and was always seen hanging on the arm of a young suitor.
Her arrogance and alter ego went to her head. Feeling as though she was untouchable. Her cruelty to her family didn't end. She had her husband purchase her mother's property from underneath them and evict them, forcing Klarion and her mother to live on the streets. Once Beulah's family was evicted, she had the place demolished and turned into a rose garden named "Briar Memorial Park."
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When Beulah's husband was caught having an affair, Briar smiled through the confession. As a wife of the era, she was expected to play a role; sweet, silent and to tend to the matters of the home. Beulah did so with no complaint. After all, tending to ones home didn't mean she couldn't do pest control.
One night, her husband struck ill. He complained of abdominal pain and respiratory distress. One week later, he died. Doctors attributed his death to gastrointestinal bleeding.
Beulah played her role perfectly. Along with wearing all black silks for a week, she wept crocodile tears for his "tragic and unexpected" death.
Eventually, Beulah returned to the social circle of suitors to find her next husband.
Women began teasing she was a "black widow." Her husbands seemed to have one fatal tragedy after the next. Still, investigators of the town, cleared her of suspicion each time.
By husband number four, she had enough wealth and socialites wrapped around her fingers, that she dined in the court of the Kings. Beulah effectively built an empire of glass. A well crafted illusion that she was a countess searching for "true love."
She set her eyes on the king's only heir and the wealth that came with it. While she forgot about her family, her brother hadn't forgotten her.
Klarion set the perfect trap. After killing Beulah's fifth husband, Klarion staged the death to look like she did it. With each husband's death, he learned her signature and M.O. He adapted it as her lifestyle changed, but the signature-- her signature never changed.
She was exposed for the five murders she committed and sentenced to be hanged the following morning.
Beulah was hung the next morning. For the first time in her life she felt real fear. However, she escaped but vowed to destroy Klarion for exposing her as a killer.
She changed her identity and settled in a different place, starting the cycle once again. Beulah found wealthy men to use and disposed of. Wealth and comfort remained her ever growing obsession.
At her core, she is vain and lazy. She is bitter and spiteful toward her mother for being of low social class.
She is sadistic and bitter, however, she isn't inherently clever or wise beyond her magical background and her enchantment. Her shallowness makes it hard to keep relationship.
Beulah's charisma and vanity is her best and only true asset. She can feign pleasantries to best immerse herself with the aristocrats. However, it's superficial. She isn't smart and leads an unremarkable and sheltered life.
Beulah doesn't seek power or recognition. Only money and care takers to do things for her. Even though she seeks out men, it's only due to their wealth and power. They're tools to exercise power and solidify security for her.
Beulah has abilities that Witch-Boys don't these abilities are unique to her.
Longevity: Witch-men appear to be capable of either living or remaining youthful for much long than average humans. The reason for this is unknown.
Psychic Link: Beulah and her familiar, Cadfael, share a powerful mental and spiritual bond, which allows her to communicate with Cadfael and see through Cadfael's eyes.
Sorcery: As a member of the witch-man race, Beulah has had a natural talent for black magic her entire life.
Necromancy: Beulah is skilled in reanimating and commanding the undead, such as with Solomon Grundy.
Energy Constructs
Witch-Woman Abilities
Nature Magic
Healing: She can heal minor wounds and absorb ones pain. This technique is primarily used in Midwifery and medicine.
Beulah's biggest weakness is her lack of motivation. She is selfish and lazy. While she is capable of great power and influence, she chooses not to pursue anything that doesn't continue to enable her codependent lifestyle.
Beulah only wants others to care and do things for her; to treat her like royalty and reap the rewards for things she refuses to work for.
She is spiteful and sadistic. She enjoys tormenting others for small transgressions.
She is extremely povertist and will have people evicted and living on the streets, just because they're poor.
Beulah is capable of great power, especially her enchantment, however she refuses to lift a finger unless it contributes to her diluded lifestyle.
She becomes anxious and fearful of items around her neck. Having been hung, she is extremely panicked by objects being tied around her next. Even after centuries the fear is still real.
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goattrucksss · 2 years ago
Beulah and Klarion with their horigal forms ^^
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in my version all witches can become a horigal with their draaga without the staff,but still only witch women can reverse it.
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leroroza · 3 years ago
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Baby Klarion and Teekl doodles + ones with his mother Charity, sister Beulah and her Familiar
It’s for some reason hard to find picture references to what puritan babies wore in the 16th century so I just gave Klarion 19th century children’s gown ToT ,butttt Beulah is wearing what a puritan child around the age of 4-5 would wear (mini versions of what their parents wear)
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sweetmariabear · 2 years ago
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Beulah Bleak, I love her. I want to see more of Klarion’s sister in the future. I don’t see anyone talking about her, she’s an underrated and obscure character.
I’d honestly love to see her potentially as a character in Earth 11. My mind is a buzz now that I think about it.
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kitzatara · 3 years ago
Current theories about the evil blonde girl in the Zatanna poster
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1) another lord of chaos, possibly Klarions sister Beulah from the comics who has come to usurp him or is upsetting the balance in a way that even Klarion wouldn’t do. Possibly forcing Klarion to team up with Zee and Fate to take her down. (Maybe the start of a Klarion redemption?)
2) she has demons in her. She��s a possessed girl under the power of someone like nergal, nebiros, neron, etc.
3) Gamemnae in disguise, having just awoken from Atlantis.
4) some other bad guy merely in disguise
5) I had a wild idea that she was like a gender bent Mordred. Child of Morgaine Le Fey, i do not think that’s the case but she gives me that vibes and i think that’d be funny/cool
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bitsofbats · 1 year ago
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Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #4, 2005 Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving
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tatawitchred · 2 years ago
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Oh, some doodles I did at school!
Changing my art style a little bit and giving you Ezekiel and Mordechai/Ebneezer!
Enjoy the Bleaks ! ^^
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doodlesfromacat · 3 years ago
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Wait, i realised i never posted this doodle here
Baby Klarion with little Beulah, before the sibling rivalry fully set in, ig
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lordofbrattiness · 7 months ago
detailed info !
name - klarion bleak
age - unspecified but clearly a teenager of some kind
pronouns - he/him
gender - cis male
sexuality - asexual aromantic
status - single
occupation - ex-criminal turned gamer ?
family - charity bleak ( mother ), beulah bleak ( sister ), jason blood ( “uncle” ) harley quinn aka “red mom” ( mother figure #1 ), poison ivy aka “green mom” ( mother figure #2)
friends - timothy drake, ariella kent, rachel roth
backstory - born in limbotown. a underground town isolated from the rest of the world by a magical barrier. klarion was always the outcast. the black sheep of the witch coven, if you will. for you see; klarion was a free minded thinker and beyond that, a troublemaker. the leaders did not like either of those things. always being disencouraged, especially by submissionary judah.
after being chased by a horigal, ending up in the subway system of manhattan, almost being sold into slave labor by another runaway from limbotown and then being reunited with teekl as klarion let the leviathan ( a hive-mind group of children ) kill ebneezer badde - klarion declined the leviathan’s offer to join them bc he wanted to explore more. keeping the foundation stone aka the fatherbox croaton. once up in manhattan, klarion meets melmoth who offers him food and shelter and in exchange klarion is sent with a group called the deviant one to steal a giant subterranean drill for him.
once the group returned with said drill melmoth deliberately sent beezer on klarion to see what he was capable of. beezer then attacked klarion only to be threatened with a death curse by the child; humiliating billy beezer in the progress. klarion would eventually learn of melmoth’s real plan for the drill and would attempt to warn his people but he is not believed. with everyone turned against him, klarion and teekl would have been burned at the stake if it weren’t for his older sister, beulah, who saved him which allowed klarion to be able to ring the four bells.
judah, choosing klarion as his successor in his dying moments , taught the witch-boy how to become a horigal. klarion then merged with teekl, fought off melmoth’s forces and knocked melmoth himself into fire only for melmoth to boast about being immortal before retreating. klarion would be offered a chance to become a full time submissionary which he declines in favour of exploring the world some more.
and then spent a lot of time up on the surface; fucking around, causing chaos and being caught by superheroes such as batman, the flash, wonder woman and formed a rivalry with etrigan the demon. eventually klarion, with the help of the fatherbox, captured a ship and conquered an entire planet only to ended up getting bored of ruling and going back to earth. klarion would use the fatherbox to time travel but eventually would lose said fatherbox, trapping himself in the past where he was pursued and killed by witch hunters only for the lords of mischief to revive him as a fellow lord of chaos and ever since klarion has been a very overpowered little shit who doesn’t age or die.
likes - mischief, causing chaos, getting his way, exploring, “playing”, teekl, sushi
dislikes - adults, people ruining his fun, people threatening teekl, the police
appearance - standing at 5’7 klarion is a very slander looking teen boy. natural skin color being blue but klarion used his magic to make it appear a pale white. black hair always styled with devil horns, black eyes and very sharp figures. normally seen dressed in a formal emo/goth aesthetic with his fingernails sharp like cat claws and painted black.
Tags !
- 🔮🐈: a witch-boy and his feline companion [ in character posts ]
- 📖✍️: book of shadows [ personal musings or hcs related oorp posts ]
- 🦇🐈‍⬛: black, full of angst and ready to fight [ mention of or interaction with batman or any of the batfam members ]
-📲: reply sent [ answered ask ]
-🐧🌂: ooo, a bird! yummy! [ mention of or interaction with the penguin ]
- 🃏: sometimes a joke can be taken too far [ mention of or interaction with the joker ]
- ❓🧩: riddle me this! why are all the riddler’s riddles so easy to crack? ;; fellow curious mind [ mention of or interaction with the riddler ]
- 🕯️: shred a little light on the subject [ mention of or interaction with members of the light ]
- 🦹🦹‍♀️🦹‍♂️: we are number one! [ mention or interaction with other gotham villains ]
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