#between today and last class. she has mentioned it no less than 6 separate times
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
OBSESSED with my astronomy teacher. some german girl tried to be like "ummm actually americans are so wasteful with their resources and land and europe is sooooo much better" and this man looked at her in the eyes and went "europe once cut down so many trees and destroyed so much vegetation that they caused another ice age." GET HER ASS
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obx-enthusiast · 4 years
Now that I have you ~ JJ Maybank x reader
Requested by: @maybebanks
word count: 2.5k
warnings: fighting, swearing, angst, sad jj
prompt: 6 for angst “don’t you ever do that again”
summary: Y/n’s parents forced her into a realationship with Topper. but what will happen when sparks fly between her and a certain blond?
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The life of a kook was always interesting. At least to other people it seemed. Y/n could really care less about the social classes of the outerbanks. She preferred the pouge life. Freedom, not having to uphold reputations, being able to do what ever you want whenever you want. Y/n wanted that. And she found that when her best friend Sarah, started dating John B.
The pouges all loved Y/n. She would go help Kie at the wreck, John B with the HMS when it needed fixing, Pope with school and grocery runs, and JJ whenever he needed help with his dad or just a place to lay his head. But no one knew about her daily adventures with the pouges. Especially not her boyfriend Topper. And the pouges didn’t know about Topper either. She preferred to keep thoes two worlds separate.
Y/n held almost no feelings for Topper. The arrangement was made by both of their parents after him and sarah broke up. She was more drawn to a certain blonde pouge. But Y/n’s parents didn’t really care about her feelings. Saying things like ‘honey, this will bring such good things to our family. don’t you want that?’ her mother would tell her whenever she complained about Topper and his stupid friends.
The sky was black with the exception of lighting striking acrosst it. The summer rain was tapping on her roof, but little did she know that tonight was one of thoes nights when JJ needed help.
Y/n’s eyes were quickly taken away from the tv when she heard the sound of light tapping on her window. The tv screen was the only thing lighting up the dark room. She quickly crawled out of bed and made her way to the window. The soft rain drops were sliding down the glass. Her eyes scanned the view when she spotted JJ. She unlatched the lock and pulled opened the window. JJ pulled his arms up and started making his way into the room. Y/n grabbed ahold of his arm to help him steady himself. “I don’t know what to do” the boy whispered under his breath as he glued his eyes to the floor. Sadness was evident in his tone. The easiest way to describe it was that JJ sounded broken.
Y/n sighed as she grabbed the boy and pulled him into a warm embrace. JJ’s arms wrapping around her waist as he stuffed his head into the crook of her neck. Soft sobs shaking through his body. Y/n reached up and put her fingers in his hair. Playing with the soft strands as he let all of his emotions out. “shhhh Jay.” she whispered in his ear. “I’m right here. You’re okay.” Y/n said, now rubbing circles into his back. JJ’s sobs slowly came to an end and he finally looked at her.
“Come on lets go sit down.” Y/n whispered as she led him over to the bed. She sat down with her back against her pillows. JJ crawled over to her and laid his head in her lap and let out a deep breath. Y/n went back to playing with the long strands of hair. “Why didn’t she take me with her?” he let out. His voice breaking as he played with her anklet. “Was I not good enough? Y/n’s heart sunk as she watched the boy she cared for so deeply, question if he is worthy or not.
“oh Jay...” She whispered as he turned his head to face her. “you are one of the kindest, funny, amazing people I have ever met. You don’t deserve any of the stuff that has been handed to you. You deserve the world and I wish you could see your self from my eyes. Then you’d see how wonderful you really are.” She smiled as she brushed his hair off of his forehead. JJ moves so he was now sitting up, listening to every word she had to say, tears forming in his eyes. “Your mom really missed out on getting to know one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met. It’s not on you that she left, it’s on Luke.” She held his face and wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes. JJ nodded his head as she took her hands away from his face and dropped them in her lap.
“Thanks Y/n/n. I really don’t know where i’d be if it wasn’t for you.” he whispered as he looked deep into her eyes. “It’s not a problem Jay. I’m always going to be here for you.” she smiled at him. JJ took in a deep breath before he gently grabbed her face and brought his lips to hers. Shock filled her body but before she knew it she was kissing him back. She brought her hands to the back of his neck as his made their way down to her waist. This was different than any other kiss she’s had. This kiss made her feel weak in the knees and like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. That’s when she remembered Topper.
Y/n brought her hands up to JJs chest and pushed him back before jumping out of her bed. Her eyes widening as her mind ran at a million miles an hour. A puzzled look crossed JJs face and his brows furrowed together. “what’s wrong y/n? i thought you liked me too?” he said as he pushed himself of her bed and made his way to her. Y/n looked at the floor and whispered “I think you need to go..” “wait but Y/n-“ he tried to reason. “I said go JJ!” she shouted and pointed at the door. His eyes widened. She never called him JJ. She always called him Jay.
JJs shoulders slumped and his eyes sunk to the ground as he walked out of the room without another word. Tears brimmed Y/n’s eyes and she let out a shaky breath. She heard the front door close and she finally let out a sob.
She wanted JJ so bad. She wanted to call him hers and she wanted to never have to go on another horrendous date with Topper. She crawled into the bed and grabbed her pillow. The smell of JJ filled her nose and she hugged the pillow tightly wishing it was him in her arms instead.
The early morning light shined through Y/n’s window. The girl simply rolled over and groaned. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time.
6:00 am.
Jay🏄🏼‍♂️: 3 new messages, 2 missed calls.
Topper💕🏌🏼: 1 new message.
Y/n yawned and checked JJs texts first.
Jay🏄🏼‍♂️: Y/n I am so sorry I overstepped.
Jay🏄🏼‍♂️: I really thought you felt the same.
Jay🏄🏼‍♂️: Please forgive me?🥺
Y/n: Yeah, I forgive you :)
A smile made its way to her face as she read his messages. He really did care about her. Her smile quickly changed to a frown as she checked Toppers message.
Topper💕🏌🏼: Dont forget we have a lunch date today babe.
Y/n: Crap I totally forgot! I made plans with sarah today. Any chance we can make it a dinner?
Topper💕🏌🏼: why are you so unreliable? Do you have any idea how many girls would drop their plans to go on a date with me? But I mean I guess I can switch some things around. So yeah that should be fine.
she now knew what she needed to do.
Y/n rolled her eyes and got out of bed. Playing some music before walking over to her closet. She grabbed a yellow bikini, a blue hawaiian shirt and a pair of high waisted shorts. She slipped the clothes on and tied a knot into the front of the shirt. She made her way to her bathroom and did the rest of her morning routine before she headed to the kitchen to grab a protein shake and get on her way.
She walked down the driveway to her coral 1967 beetle. It was her pride and joy. She had restored the whole thing with JJ last summer. It had a surf rack on the roof and ran like she was brand new. She checked the time as she opened the door and crawled in. 8:00 am. She shrugged her shoulders as the engine turned over and she made her way down her driveway to the chateau.
About 10 minutes later she pulled into the dirt driveway of the chateau. A smile spreading across her face at the sight of Sarah and John B curled up in the hammock. “Good morning lovebirds.” She cooed as she approached the two. “Morning y/n/n.” sarah blushed. “So what’s the plan today?” Y/n smiled. “Well we’re going out on the HMS with the rest of the pouges to go swim.” John B turned as he looked at y/n. “Sounds like a plan. When are we leaving?” “We’re picking up Pope and Kie around 9:00 and JJs already inside.” John B stated, pointing at the house.
Blush rose to her face at the mention of JJ. Y/n quickly looked at the ground trying to hide her face. “Well i better go make sure he’s up and give you guys your alone time back.” Y/n awkwardly said. Before they had the chance to respond she was already on her way to his room.
She made her way through the kitchen and livingroom before she was standing outside his door. Y/n opened the door to find a shirtless JJ in sweatpants standing in the middle of the room. “Woah ever heard of knocki-” JJ was quickly cut off when Y/n walked across the room and placed her lips on his. JJs body tensed but he soon relaxed into the kiss. His hands found her waist as she gently tugged at the ends of his hair. His tongue swept against her bottom lip and she gladly let him in. Y/n felt butterflies like she had never felt them before. The kiss was slow and sweet but equally filled with passion and hunger.
Their lips finally broke apart as they rested their foreheads against eachother. Both breathing heavily. “you have no idea how long I have wanted to do that.” JJ smiled at her, just above a whisper. Y/n stepped back to look at his face, his hands now leaving her hips. His hair was messy, his lips were swollen and his pupils were blown wide open.
“I want to be with you Jay. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine.” She smiled up at him. “I meannnn I guess it would be pretty nice..” JJ groaned out. Y/n’s jaw dropped as she playfully pushed his shoulder. A smile spread across JJs face and he pulled her by her waist into a hug. “I would love that y/n/n.” he whispered in her ear. “Good. I mean i’m not gonna lie, I have to figure some things out before we can make it official, but I promise it will be done and over with by tonight.” Y/n told him. A look of puzzlement crossed his face but before he could say anything John B’s voice called through the chateau. “Come on guys we’re leaving!” Y/n took that as her chance to escape but JJ quickly called after her. “We’re definitely gonna talk about that later.”
The boat ride and swimming went by smoothly until Sarah got stung by a jellyfish. Again. Causing their day in the sun to be cut short as they all made their way back to the chateau. The silence was broke when Y/n’s phone rang.
Topper💕🏌🏼 is calling..
She groaned before she brought the phone to her ear.
“Where are you?” topper asked his tone sounding angry.
“I’m with sarah, why?”
“We’re having a change of plans and i’m coming to get you.”
“No you’re not”
“Yes I am. Now tell me, where are you?”
“I’m at the chateau..” She winced out.
“i’ll be there in 10 minutes.” That was the last thing he said before he hung up. She felt her chest tighten. Worried looks crossed everyone’s faces as they looked at their friend. Sarah being the only one who knew what was going on.
By the time they got to the dock Topper was already there standing by John B’s van. If this was a cartoon there would definitely have been steam coming from his ears. Y/n hesitantly walked towards the angry boy. The rest of the pouges followed her, not too far behind. Everyone was in complete confusion at what she had to do with Topper.
“Damn y/n just when I thought I knew you. Rather than spend time with your boyfriend, you went hanging around some dirty ass pouges!” he shouted as he gestured towards the group. Y/n’s eyes narrowed as she stared down the boy. “it’s better than spending any time with you” she spat at him. Toppers jaw clenched and before she knew she was being pushed up against the van. Toppers arm holding her down by her throat. JJ immediately stepped forward, but John B grabbed his arm and held up a finger. Signaling for him to wait. “Care to say that to me again?” Topper dared her. “I said it’s better than spending any time with you!” she cockily smiled at him. He pressed his arm further into her neck causing Y/n’s face to turn a deep reddish purple. His hand met the side of her face. Y/n’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Now there was no holding JJ back.
JJ sprang forward, ripping Topper off of Y/n. She fell to the ground and gasped for air. Short shallow breaths and coughs were the only thing that could be heard from the girl. JJ and Topper were wresting on the ground. Each one fighting to pin the other. JJ finally got Topper to the ground. All JJ could see was red. He delivered blow after blow to Toppers face. “Don’t you ever!” *punch* “do that!” *punch* “Again!” *punch* JJ yelled in between punches. Y/n gasped as she watched the scene infront of her. “Jay stop!” she hoarsely cried out. He kept punching him. “JJ stop you’re gonna kill him man!” John B yelled. Another blow. Y/n dragged herself off the ground to where the boys were fighting. She put her hand on his back “Jay i’m okay. You can stop now..” she cried.
JJs eyes widened at his bloody fists and Toppers newly rearranged face beneath him. His anger scared him at that moment in time. But he wasn’t finished yet. JJ nodded at Y/n before leaning over and whispering in Toppers ear “If I ever fucking see you near her again, you better fucking run.” JJ said through gritted teeth. Toppers eyes widened and he nodded his head profusely. “Now get out of here.” JJ told him as he pointed in the direction of the road.
Before she knew it JJ wrapped her in a hug and pulled her to him tightly. He rested his chin on the top of her head and her arms went up behind his shoulders. “Jay are you okay?” Y/n looked up at JJ who now had a pretty good cut on the side of his face. He shrugged it off and smiled. “I am now that I have you” he whispered as he leaned in for the kiss.
A/N: i really hope you like this I had so much fun writing it! Also this is the car I based hers off of
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
This Little Angel Part 2
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24201565/chapters/59881333 Taglist: @chocolate1721 @tiny-goddess-of-chaos @amayakans @cutechip @more-or-less-human-i-guess 
Ok, so here’s the much requested second chap!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Mari was excited as she looked around the private jet Bruce was taking them home on. She kept looking up and down at her sketchbook as she sketched a few things from the inspiration. Harley and Joker were on the plane too, Mari and the others had a moment of surprise when Joker had taken all his make-up and what not off leaving him looking very normal. Not that they couldn’t blame him. They can’t exactly petition Paris to give her custody back over to her criminal parent JOKER. So they had to look normal. Harley was going by her real name Harleen and Joker was going by Jack.
It may have been illegal to forge some documents but it was for the better. She was in all rights Harley and Joker’s daughter. But, no one outside of Gotham was going to accept that. So, they may have asked Babs and Tim to hack and make official paperwork saying that she was adopted at age 3 by Jack and Harleen Quinzel. Then have it known that at around age 10 she was kidnapped and trafficked resulting in their divorce.
Even Gordon agreed to it since he knew how much Harley and Joker cared for her. Their worried attack to search the city when she first disappeared was proof of that! And having her back, they were sure Joker would return back to normal, doing more innocent attacks, using the venom only on HUGE heists that happened less and less. Becoming more of a nuisance than a real big baddie.
And they could only do that if they had official US documentation of Mari’s adoption to them. So, they did a little illegal hacking to do it. But no one outside of their group had to know that. Mari reached down to pat her purse as they crossed into France, getting closer to Paris. It was the next day so no doubt her class was going to be in class. She did wonder tho if classes were easy today for everyone because of the trip.
She suggested it, but she wondered if Bustier would follow it.
They soon landed at the airport and both Chloe and Damian took one of her hands into theirs. She was so glad that Bruce had come with and let Damian join. They exited the plane and got their suitcases.
Chloe’s driver was there already and took them to the hotel where they were all staying. Mari was to stay in Chloe’s suit as a neutral place while that whole case went down. Gordon was sharing a room with Joker and Harley to keep them in check, which he doubted they needed but better to be safe. While Bruce and Damian had their own.
After dropping their bags off, Bruce, Gordon, Harley, and Joker went to the French Police and child services to deal with the case about Mari’s future. Meanwhile, Mari and Chloe went to the school to tell them due to a case they wouldn’t bee in class for some time. But they would keep up with their studies while the case went on.
Damian decided to go with them but would stay in the car-limo actually. Mari took a deep breath when they stopped in front of the school. She gave the two a small smile when they squeezed her hands. The two slowly slid out of the limo and made their way into the school and up to Principal Damocles’s office. It was a quick thing to inform him of what happened and about a case being opened.
So Damocles agreed and understood that they wouldn’t be in class and just said to either put their work into Bustier’s mailbox in the school or to give it to him. Now it was time to face Ms. Bustier and tell her. They reached her classroom and Mari raised a hand to knock. Bustier opened the door and glared at the two girls before pulling them into the classroom.
“Girls, I don’t know what has gotten into. First, you purposefully miss the flight home for attention, and now come to class late? What do you have to say for yourselves? It better be good otherwise I’ll be sending you to the principal’s office,” Bustier said annoyed and the two shared a dumbfounded look while the rest of the class laughed.
“Ya Marinette, I can’t believe you’d stoop so low like that!” Alya shouted before looking at Bustier once more. “Also, Ms. Bustier, Marinette sent Lila horrible texts this morning. They should be sent to the principal’s office for bullying!” she yelled and the class shouted their agreement. “Oh really? Girls?” Bustier was fully glaring at the two now.
“I can prove that Lila lied there. I haven’t touched my phone all morning since I turned it off when I got onto my flight home this morning and turned it on when we got off,” Mari said pulling out her phone to show a tweet she made from Gotham time of 2 am getting onto a private jet and then making a tweet at 11 am getting off the jet and into Chloe’s limo. “See? You’d see that for the time it took to fly, my phone was off, the exact time that I ‘supposedly’-” she put in air quotes “-sent horrible texts to Lila. even you know that you can’t do anything on a phone while flying,” she finished and Alya grumbled and glared at the girl, somehow thinking she was lying still.
“As for that flight thing and late,” Chloe said looking at her nails not even bothering to glare at Bustier, “you guys left us in Gotham even tho Mari’s reunion with her parents was very public. Not to mention you didn’t even headcount. So really, you’re too blame for that,” Chloe said and Bustier opened her mouth but Chloe cut her off with a raised hand. “And for the late, we just arrived an hour ago in Paris and had to drop our bags off. We just came here from Damocle’s office saying we won’t be in class for some time due to a case being opened up that we’ll be a part of. Now, we ought to be going,” she grabbed Mari’s hand and started walking out before glancing back in with a smirk. “You guys should be expecting some suits to show up later too~!” she called out smirking before leaving.
Bustier glared at the door, planning on talking to Damocle’s at lunch about their behavior.
They entered the limo and Mari leaned against Damian’s shoulder as they went to the hotel and stayed there.
The following week is hectic, to say the least. Mari is going between talking at family court and facing akumas and ignoring her ex-friends and parents. Tom and Sabine didn’t appreciate Mari saying that Lila indeed lied to them when they asked about where she was. They also didn’t appreciate being investigated along with their workers, friends, and customers. They thought they were star parents and didn’t deserve this.
Before court, they tried guilting Mari into not suing them or her friends. Chloe and Damian had to pull her away before she caved with her lawyer threatening them. As it was, they informed the judge of it, and the Judge was not amused at that. It was tough, so very tough, but in the end, the Judge decided that Mari was to stay with Harleen and Jack in joint custody. While they were separated, it was clear they loved and missed their daughter. Meanwhile, Tom and Sabine had to pay for it. They were banned from adopting kids until they took some classes and had proven they would take care of and love a child correctly and not work them.
After that, it was time to focus on suing her classmates for harassment and the school for negligence. Now that would take longer to deal with. The family court only took 4 days to deal with it. She could only sigh at the break she got between it after finishing the family case. They gave her the next day to rest before jumping into the next cases against students and the school.
Tho, that had her giving another sigh of relief as a few classmates agreed to the terms easily when they were told off by Jack and Harleen about how they should know her from the 6 years they’ve known each other. And then Bruce coming in to serve Lila papers for slander. That had the whole class shouting as then another lawyer came in with all the other celebrities she’s lied about suing her.
Ladybug sighed as she landed in an alley nearby after defeating the Akuma. She leaned against the wall and slid down as her transformation died. Her head fell back against the wall with her eyes closed. A gasp ringing thru the air had her eyes flinging open tho.
She looked around and her eyes landed on Joker and Harley standing at the entrance. “Mama? Papa?” she called and the two came to her and kneeled down in front of her. “What are-did you-?” she cut off, worry filling her veins.
“We know now sweetie. We followed Ladybug to see how long this has been happening and if you were in trouble at all,” Harley said cupping her daughter’s cheek and Mari leaned into the touch with a sigh.
“This has been going on since I was 13. I’ve tried figuring out who Hawkmoth is but I’ve been having trouble. My partner hasn’t been any help tho,” she said softly and watched as her parents got angry.
“And this whole time you’ve had to deal with those idiotic sheep called classmates the whole time?” Joker demanded and Mari bit her lip.
“Just for the last year or so when Lila appeared,” she explained watching as her parents got more upset.
“Please calm down tho!” Tikki called floating in front of them causing their anger to dissipate a bit as confusion went thru them.
“Who are ya?” Harley asked, sticking a finger out pocking the paw Tikki held out.
“I’m Tikki, Marinette’s Kwami! I’m what allows her to transform into Ladybug,” she explained and the two slowly nodded. So once that confusion was clear she elaborated on her first comment. “You two need to calm down tho. Hawkmoth can feel any negative emotions and feed off them! So far only two people have fought him off and I’m sure Mari wouldn’t want to fight her parents,” she explained and the girl nodded her agreement.
“I don’t wanna fight you, mama, papa,” she said as Harley then pulled her into a hug that Mari returned. Joker stiffened tho causing the two to pull back to look at him worried. Mari gasped when she saw the outline surrounding his eyes. “Papa!” she cried out.
“Oh, so your that punk-ass bitch terrorizing everyone. Well, listen here, mothy. You are an insult to villains everywhere. You hide away and make others do the work for you. You make children fight your battle, you punk-ass bitch. So let me say this, the reason I’m upset is because of you terrorizing my daughter while facing the stress of her classmate’s harassment. The moment I find you, Mothy, I’m going to make you regret everything you’ve ever done. And don’t you try saying that I can’t. Do you know who I am? I’m the Joker, Clown Prince of Gotham. Oh yes, you have heard of me. Then you know I don’t make light threats. I will make your life a living hell. Do I make myself clear?” he asked and cackled when a pure white butterfly flew away hastily. “Well, he won’t try bugging me anymore,” he said and a sudden laugh left Mari’s lips.
Her parents looked at her fondly as she laughed. “Why don’t we head home now, sweetie?” Harley suggested and Joker nodded agreement. The two help Mari up and make their way to the hotel they were staying at.
“Since you know now. I’m Ladybug, I’m also the guardian of the Miraculous. I....I need to defeat Hawkmoth before I can leave,” she said softly when they reached their room and the two nodded understanding.
“Of course, sweetie. We’ll stay here as long as it takes,” Harley said as Joker hummed as they sat down on a couch.
“What if Batsy could help?” he asked and Mari hummed in thought.
“It could get done quicker,” she admitted and Joker nodded.
“That’s what I thought. Let me go talk to someone,” Joker said standing up and leaving the room.
Ladybug stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower. She tilted her head slightly when she saw movement. Two people soon landed in front of her and she tilted her head. “Batman, Robin,” she greeted and the two nodded to her.
“So your Ladybug,” Batman said and she nodded. “What did you need help with? You seem to be doing everything very well,” he commented and Ladybug shrugged uncomfortably.
“Well, that may be. I’m not a detective. I don’t know how to figure out Hawkmoth’s identity. So I need your help to do that. I’m done with Paris. I want to leave,” she said and the two nodded slowly. They could only guess that she was done with Paris in her personal life seeing as everyone has the greatest respect for Ladybug.
“Ok, we can help with that,” Batman said with the smallest of nods.
“There’s something else,” she said, trailing off as she looked off into the distance.
“M’Lady! You didn’t tell me we would be having company~” Chat purred out leaning in close while glaring at everyone. Ladybug frowned as she pushed Chat away from her, earning a growl from him.
“That’s because we,” she pointed between him and herself, “never had anything planned. This was a planned meeting between myself and Batman and Robin,” she said glaring and Chat was angry at that.
“Oh really? Is that any way to treat your partner, m’lady?” he demanded and Ladybug scowled.
“You haven’t been my partner in a while, Chat,” she spat his name out. “You stopped being it when you decided flirting and whining was more important than defeated the Akuma’s,” she said and Chat scoffed.
“Please, your cure will bring everything back,” he said and Ladybug gnashed her teeth together as she stomped up to Chat and slapped him hard across the face.
“I don’t care that my cure can bring everything back. We shouldn’t rely on it. What if that battle is the one Hawkmoth wins? He does his wish. There’s no telling what will happen. Except that those people who are dead will most definitely stay dead. And because of your lazy ass, I now how to protect you as well which means that more people can get hurt or killed. Did you know that people remember dying? They remember that moment. They are traumatized by that moment. They cannot ever forget that moment. And that is all on you!” she shouted angrily.
“So what!?” he demanded and everyone was silent at that. How could they respond to that!? Ladybug was shaking in anger. She had a terrifying expression on her face that somehow was both ice cold and encompassed all seven levels of hell angry.
Chat didn’t even get to react.
Before he knew it, he was on the ground tied up and sore all over.
“Chat Noir, I hereby proclaim you unfit to wield a Miraculous. As Guardian of the Miraculous, I hereby reclaim you’re Miraculous of the Black Cat. You are unworthy and will never be able to wear or use a Miraculous ever again,” Ladybug said ripping the ring off of Chat to reveal Adrien Agreste underneath the mask. Ladybug snarled at him as he cried out. A red mark similar to the one of the box, formed on his chest and hand, burning.
“No! You can’t do that! He’s all I have left!” he shouted reaching out when Ladybug untied him.
She slapped his hand away. “No, I can do that. You’ve shown yourself to be incompetent in being a hero. You only have yourself to blame,” she said turning away. “Let’s go,” she said swinging off, not even seeing if the other two followed. She landed on the balcony leading to her parent’s room, leaving the two vigilantes confused. Mari stumbled into the room and collapsed onto the couch with a groan as she transformed.
“Mari?” Robin asked causing her to groan once more as she looked up at them blearily.
“You followed,” she mumbled before planting her face on the couch once more.
“Mari needs to rest now,” Tikki said flying up to look at both Batman and Robin. The two looked at her shocked.
“Who are you?” Robin asked.
“I am Tikki, Kwami of Creation. I’m what gives Mari her powers,” she explained and the two nodded. “But go, she needs to rest. What she did exhausted her, it’d no simple thing for a Guardian to ban someone from ever using a Miraculous again. We’ll talk in the morning,” Tikki said and the two nodded, heading to their room.
In the morning, they did talk.
In the morning, Mari learned that Robin and Batman were Damian and Bruce Wayne.
Within the week, they had taken down Hawkmoth and revealed to the world that Gabriel Agreste was a terrorist.
Adrien revealed himself as Chat Noir which brought about mixed responses. No one really respected Chat, at least not the people that he needed to. Especially when they learned he was stripped of the Miraculous. For all the harassment, endangering, and enabling he’s done, along with not feeling guilty about just outraged that he was being punished, he was going to a school for troubled kids and put on record as a harasser. He would be going to juvie for 6 months tho first before being sent out of Paris to the school. His father’s company tho, the courts would decide what to do with when he turns 18. But who knows how it’ll look like when Adrien is 18.
Mari felt a bit bad but knew it was for the best. Lila was the next worst off. Lila had piles of lawsuits. She was banned from France as a whole with everyone knowing what she’s done. She was going to a military school for troubled teens in the hopes she’d get better. She’d stay with her grandparents who were no-nonsense. She’d also have to pay for all the suits which would be hard considering not many people wanted to hire her.
The rest of the class had it off easiest. They only had to pay a fine and do a bit of community service. Damocles was demoted and sent to classes to see if he could possibly return to being a principal. Ms. Bustier, however, was fired. She didn’t handle the situation well at all, and only ever listened to one side of the argument and pressured students. So she isn’t allowed to teach kids anymore.
The class tho, they felt they lost the worst.
They realized just how amazing Mari was to them. And what they did to her in return for that kindness? They treated her horribly. Only Chloe was able to talk to her. But they all got to see how well she was settling into her new life in Gotham. It was hard to miss really.
She was dating Damian Wayne and got an internship with Bruce Wayne to help start up her business as MDC. She was called the Angel of Gotham. Chloe joined her there and lived with Mari and her parents.
And she looked so happy back home in Gotham.
They were never making it up to Mari, no matter how hard they tried.
Ok, so here’s the second part!! I hope you like it. Sorry if the ending seems a TAD rushed. I wanted to give you guys this and i was losing steam on it, mostly a headache comin in goin ‘HAHAHA U THOUGHT UD WRITE?! THINK AGAIN AHAHAHAHAH’. Ya, so that’s why. Anyways, until next time! -Love Willa <3<3<3
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Mattie & Lulu
Mattie: [So my vibe for it, she just shows up without knowing because by this point it’s been like 2 years since attempted contact so you wouldn’t think to check like, where do they go to school, especially if Chloe swore the grandparents to secrecy vis-a-vis the teacher situation because she would, so you probably think they’re still in Switzerland, and then I think we should say that one of them is in her form and one of them has her as a teacher for either Physics or Computers and whoever we pick as the form one could see her first and if that was Dolly she could tell Lulu to try and get in with her]
Lulu: [That honestly feels the most legit to me too, I was gonna say maybe put Lulu in her form so they have to spend more time together lol but your idea makes the most sense in terms of like starting this convo, also love you not being the 1st to know since you spoke for them both in the last convo so]
Mattie: [And if you had her for both subjects, you’d still see her a lot so it’s fine, also lessons are longer than form time but you’re meant to like, talk to your form teacher if you need something so we can say that Dolly is without having to do it obvs, so then my vibe for today is she obviously took Dolly to one side and was like I don’t know how this happened but I’ll follow your lead like if you want to swap forms you can but also you can stay and we don’t have to make a big deal of it. Mattie would have to let the School know like they’re my half-sisters btw, didn’t know they were here, but we had kids who were taught by their literal mums so it’s not like she has to leave or they have to move classes, just as long as you aren’t hiding it ‘cos that’d be weird on her part, so maybe we can say Lulu didn’t have either lesson today so we can do this like Dolly has just told her but Mattie hasn’t had enough time or reason to come find her in person?]
Lulu: [That’s so clever boo, such an excellent way to get around having to RP with yourself and yeah she could totally be taught by her for both lessons so that is probably more time actually like you said]
Mattie: [Okay so our vibe for form is it’s about 30 mins at the start of the day, after breakfast for boarders and before lessons, and there are 4 girls from each year in the form (year 7-13) so the energy is very look after the little ones and go to the older kids for advice and help, as well as your form teacher being your go-to teacher for things you need that aren’t related to your subjects, you probably also have a matron-esque person for things related to boarding; Definitely doing houses also and you get points for good behaviour, academic achievement and clubs and sporting, can also be taken away for poor behaviour and performance, Dolly and Lulu are in the same house just not form. HOUSE TEA, after research it seems like forms and houses are separated by boarding and day students as well as sex, so only boarding girls in your form/house, you literally live with your house if you board, it’s about 60 girls, and there is the housemistress (and her whole fam and dog lmao) a matron, the tutors of the forms in said house and then head girl as well as 6th form girls being prefects, absolutely can think of what the housemistress, matron, head girl and other tutors who live in are like; MORE TEA, school starts 8:25, chapel, assembly or form time, four lessons before lunch, after lunch from about 4:00, 2 clubs a day, sports, drama, art etc until 6:00, final reg ‘til 6:15, then there’s the ‘cultural hour’ til 7:15, prep aka homework for AT LEAST an hour after dinner assumedly, Saturday is chapel, three lessons, lunch, then sports all afternoon depending how much sports you do, there are like 150 clubs so get at it]
Lulu: [NGL love this, I’d be fuming if my mum worked there and I had to live there too but like such a fun vibe for us and it makes sense that you’re gonna end up getting close to Mattie like it or not]
Lulu: [okay so Lulu studies Physics and Computer Science with Mattie and then Mathematics makes sense to go with that]
Mattie: [Dolly Drama & Theatre Studies, German & Religious Studies]
Lulu: [Okay so Lulu’s clubs cos you have to do a sport I’m gonna pick Tennis as a throwback to your old school, Drama as I’ve mentioned in this convo, Model UN likewise as a throwback, Chess cos we love it and that Curie Society thing where they just chat about scientific discoveries and D of E]
Mattie: [Dolly’s clubs are Drama, Archery, Running Club, Chapel Choir, Cross Country & Swimming, will do Creative & Literary Society when we are in a better place but not like right away]
Mattie: [I think we can start this convo now we have an idea]
Lulu: Dolly told me you’re her form tutor… that’s unexpected
Lulu: how long is your placement here?
Mattie: Yes, very
Mattie: I had zero idea you two weren’t still in Switzerland
Mattie: Believe me when I say if I planned to initiate contact between us again, I would have gone for a more direct, far less convoluted route to do so
Mattie: The placement is 8 weeks, I’ve had to let the head know and I was going to come find you to see how you wanted to proceed
Mattie: Dolly was happy enough to stay in my form and not make a big deal about it, her words, obviously this is a shock for us all and I’m not going to minimize that for my own gain
Mattie: But I am taking you for Physics and Computer Studies, so you would actually be seeing more of me than Dolly, so that’s… a thing
Mattie: There is another Computer Science class in your year but Physics is already a small class with just me… I could see if there’s a possibility for a Physics teacher from one of the other years to swap with me, if that’s what you would like
Lulu: Of course you wouldn’t be aware of our move, and of course Dolly doesn’t want to make a big deal of you being here now that we are, similarly I’m not going to make a fuss about you teaching me, that’s all you’re supposed to do, professionalism is also a… thing and 8 weeks is bound to absolutely fly by
Mattie: If you’re sure, Lulu, then that’s absolutely how I am happy to proceed too
Mattie: It really isn’t long, in the grand scheme of things
Mattie: You aren’t obligated to share any more than you would with any other teacher, but I have to ask why the move?
Mattie: You seemed to really love that place
Mattie: Even though it seems very impressive here too
Mattie: I just hope you’re okay, is really all I’m trying to say with that question
Lulu: There’s no big secret, it was just time for a change, which is how you jolly well may feel after you’ve spent 2 months here 😅
Mattie: Oh no, you aren’t enjoying it here? Or just a bit of a culture shock
Mattie: It was for me too, my last placement was an inner-city comp
Mattie: but it’s different being this side of the student-teacher divide regardless, that’s for sure
Lulu: I’m not a student you have to try to find common ground with, you aren’t my form tutor
Mattie: How are you getting on with yours? She’s the Drama teacher, right, funny how that worked out
Lulu: Marvellously, it’s been one of my extracurriculars since year 7
Mattie: That’s great, and you get to spend time with your sister, now you don’t have your lessons together
Lulu: Yeah, Religious Studies isn’t my thing
Mattie: I can’t say it’s mine either 😅
Mattie: Also the man who teaches that scares me a bit but 🤫 I’m sure he looks more off-putting than he actually is
Lulu: It’s his 🐛 brows but your first impression and instincts are spot on too, he’s v intense
Mattie: I’ll break the ice by asking him to come get them threaded, that’s a great idea
Lulu: I’m extremely clever and that was a elaborate ploy to prove every idea I have is A* to you as my new teacher and earn house points as I’m so devoted
Mattie: I sadly think I know how the head would feel about merit points for beauty reccs but admire the dedication, that’s definitely a core value they want to promote here so
Mattie: Not not worth some ++
Lulu: It’d be beastly not to pass the vibe check after all this time, the most relief ever that I’ve worked out this place’s core values
Mattie: I think I still have the introductory pamphlet, should you ever need a refresher
Mattie: Core values, Latin Motto, the lot…
Lulu: [Whatever the school Latin motto is cos I tried to make a sassy one up but was cockblocked] I’m fine, but thanks
Mattie: Impressive
Mattie: Okay, I will see you in class tomorrow
Mattie: Potentially around the house before then but I’ll do my best to give you both space
Lulu: It’s called making an effort, which you’ll see me do in class too
Lulu: okay but don’t give us a lot of space or everyone’ll think we’re in some huge bind over you and like Dolly and I have both said, it’s not that big of a deal
Mattie: Pleased to hear it
Mattie: Understood
Mattie: I more meant it as a warning that I too room there so you might see me around, but I won’t make a point of showing up in your dorm
Lulu: I don’t honestly know what makes you think I would need a warning but thanks again anyway
Mattie: I’m not trying to make your transition here any harder than it needs to be
Lulu: You’d have to be a horrific teacher to make that sizeable of an impact, we’re both settled, the newbie here is you
Mattie: Well that remains to be seen
Mattie: QTS will either be achieved by the end of this or not
Mattie: It’s a lot bigger than your last, your house has as many pupils as the entirety of Surval did, that’s a big change
Lulu: So was co-ed and day students, note my past tense though
Mattie: Right, and your subjects at A-Level are, sadly, pretty boy heavy
Mattie: You’ve got it all worked out though, I’ll be sure to ask for help if I get stuck
Lulu: Not something I expected to have to deal with, pre-fresh start, but I don’t have to teach them, only get on with my own work
Lulu: yeah, I could give an A* tour
Mattie: I’d call you lucky if I didn’t know personally that the workload is going to be intense
Mattie: but I’ve seen your grades so I’m not worried for you, you’ve got this
Mattie: I might take you up on that offer, though if you can secure one of the cute dogs I see running about, that turns might into a definite
Lulu: 😊
Lulu: Oh, this is the moment to let you know Skipper loves me
Mattie: I think Skipper nearly ran me down this morning
Mattie: assuming he’s the GIANT one that rarely listens to his owner 🤭
Lulu: He is 🥰💖 but he doesn’t realise 😆
Mattie: The best kind of dog 😌 It’s so cute
Lulu: My biggest soft spot is for little dogs who think they’re VIP as in v important humans, but we have one of those at home, for the best of both worlds
Mattie: Okay, yes, that’s a mood too
Mattie: What’s his name?
Mattie: Being currently without any pet I need all the surrogates, obviously
Lulu: Monty
Lulu: [show her a picture of him obvs]
Mattie: Oh, he’s a doll 😍
Mattie: a definite plus for being in England is you can go visit him more often
Lulu: Not really, I’m still boarding
Mattie: The 6-day schedule is intense
Mattie: I can see the benefits though, as long as the child is here because they want to learn, and not because their parent paid for an extra intensive education just because it’s the ‘best’
Lulu: Both can be true and mostly seem like they are here
Mattie: By your age, if it wasn’t suiting, you wouldn’t have made it, I don’t think
Mattie: At least you have Sundays
Lulu: You’ve seen my grades, who could fake making it that hard?
Mattie: I wasn’t accusing you of not being capable, not at all, sorry that wasn’t clear, just musing aloud that the people who aren’t suited to this model won’t make it past IGCSEs to A-levels
Mattie: but that kind of thing would fall under unprofessional, I imagine so let’s pretend I didn’t say anything
Lulu: It’d only be unprofessional if you shared who you think shouldn’t be here, which I’ll totally pretend you didn’t say after 🤭
Mattie: 😅😶 I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and slip the list under your door when I’ve made it
Lulu: 🤫 to not turn you against an absolutely ridiculously high percentage of both your classes before you’ve taught them
Mattie: Definitely not the aim of my placement 😰
Mattie: Although someone has to be the teacher nobody likes, right?
Lulu: You could try that approach, but unless this tête-à-tête happening is what’s faked, I can’t see you making it work for 8 weeks
Mattie: Thanks, that’s almost encouraging 😌😜
Mattie: Over the initial shock, it’s good to see you both doing well here
Mattie: And if you do happen to need anything, you can let me know
Lulu: You’re almost my teacher, calling you a bitch wouldn’t get us off on the right foot
Mattie: I don’t think I can downgrade you for that, but no, I see that
Mattie: Professionalism works both ways, as it were
Lulu: And I could need an extension at any time, my lab partner is a perfect dunce who should be on your reject list 😓 I’d be pretty gassed if you would actually re-assign us, do you have that much power? 🤔
Mattie: It’s a possibility
Mattie: I like to switch it up anyway, you’re such a small group, it stops it getting clique-y, so you can all work together and swap around whilst I’m your teacher
Mattie: When you get a permanent teacher after I leave, they might see it differently but they’ve all been enthusiastic about my ideas thus far, though I just got here
Lulu: After you leave is after you leave, I feel seedy now and look like 💀 if you want to do anything about it
Mattie: What’s the problem with him, beside the dunce thing we’ve already covered?
Lulu: Isn’t that enough bad luck? I’m doing everything by myself while he’s high fiving his friends for getting partnered with me, like some incel
Mattie: Right
Mattie: Let me see it for myself and then perhaps I can do something about it, if it is that blatant
Mattie: You don’t need the teacher’s pet rep any more than I need accusations of baseless favouritism just because we’re related
Mattie: I believe you, but I’ll deal with it in class and in my capacity as your teacher and his, not like this, yeah
Lulu: I’m letting you know what I need, which is what you just told me to do
Mattie: Okay, I’ve heard you, I just want to make sure you understand that if you come to me with things related to class, then they’ll be dealt with in the proper channels
Lulu: 😬 sorry if you got the impression I’d come to you with anything unrelated to class, we’re not there
Mattie: You didn’t, I simply offered
Lulu: Grandma will be buzzing
Mattie: I’m not doing it to score points, or make a statement
Mattie: and undoubtedly you won’t come to me but I’m going to offer in case you need to, and because that’s what feels right to me to do, that’s it
Mattie: No hidden agenda
Lulu: Offer it to Dolly, that’s your job
Mattie: I have, Lulu
Mattie: Don’t worry
Lulu: Meaning?
Lulu: my sister is fine, I don’t have to worry about her
Mattie: Meaning just that
Mattie: I have a pastoral role as well as an educational
Mattie: If any pupil in my form needs help, they’ll receive it
Lulu: She doesn’t
Mattie: Glad to hear it
Lulu: You’ll have an easy time of it from both of us
Mattie: As long as you’re having a good time of it too, that works perfectly for me
Lulu: Il n’y a pas le feu au lac, as my previous mistresses were devoted to saying
Mattie: My French is limited to being able to order dinner with minimal side-eye from the waiters
Mattie: but I’ll take your very pretty words for it
Lulu: Whoops, I shouldn't have assumed, what language did you do?
Mattie: Mandarin, which was a huge plus on my application, with the college in Malaysia and the Mandarin course they do here
Lulu: Wow, how difficult is it? I’d love to have learned
Mattie: It is challenging, but a fun one I’d say
Mattie: It’s a shame they only have the one teacher, so they can’t make it a club too, they’d be run ragged
Mattie: I could teach you the 101 basics, I’m confident enough to do that much
Lulu: You didn’t want to be accused of favouritism and I don’t want to make an ass of myself
Lulu: I’ll have to move there and hope it’s not yonks before the immersion and fluency, I’ve only ever learnt a language that way, I don’t know if even the basics are doable otherwise 😟
Mattie: Well that’s certainly the best way to learn but not the only
Mattie: I wish I was here longer so I could commit to starting a club for the pupils like you who are interested but it wasn’t viable to pick as an A-Level
Lulu: I’ll download an app or something, delete it if it’s too embarrassing
Mattie: I’ll check in to see how you’re finding it
Mattie: You do have a wealth of extra-curriculars, you have zero reason to be embarrassed
Lulu: Only one of those is new and I get to talk in English on subjects I’m never out of my depth with, so yeah, that’s a reason
Lulu: I don’t have time to pick up Chinese Chess either 😭 maybe I can if I do move there
Mattie: The world is seriously going to be your oyster, you can do whatever you want to do, wherever you want to be
Lulu: Is that, like, your teacher catchphrase? 😅 totes inspirational
Mattie: I’ll get a poster made ASAP then 😏
Lulu: Do you need me to draw you a map to art first?
Mattie: Oh, absolutely
Lulu: [do draw her a little map of the key places in the school even though it’d obvs be really simple which might make it more confusing than the actual map cos we’re missing stuff out]
Mattie: [when you didn’t think she would and you’re lowkey touched lmao]
Mattie: That’s perfect, I should actually show up on time for our lesson tomorrow now, thanks for that
Lulu: I draw the line at teaching myself [a thing from both subjects she’s struggling with or doesn’t like lol] as well as Mandarin
Mattie: Now that we can 100% get down before my placement is up, that I can guarantee 😊
Lulu: so you’ve guaranteed yourself a thrilled student quote for the poster
Mattie: Everything’s coming up me 🙌🙌
Lulu: 🤞🏻 you keep that energy going tomorrow
Mattie: I’m not going to oversell it to you, but I do know what I’m doing, in terms of having me as your teacher, I don’t think you’re going to be disappointed
Lulu: They wouldn’t have you here as a teacher if that was your vibe, overselling is honestly closer to what they’re about, you must be worthy of 🙌🏻
Mattie: Bragging is never my vibe but I got the placement here for a reason, and I’m glad I did, so I won’t be wasting the opportunity
Mattie: I went to a good school, but the boarding lifestyle is something I’ve never experienced
Lulu: And I’ve never not, how odd, but you won’t have to experience it that hard as a teacher, they don’t even make you share or suffer through the indignity of inspections
Mattie: My room is a mess of notes and first-day outfits currently so that is definitely a good thing 😬😅
Lulu: The second-day outfit is much less pressure, especially in a class that’s v boy heavy
Mattie: Is that a promise you won’t judge me? 😏
Lulu: I’d come off worse, this uniform is not a mood, they never are
Mattie: At least there’s no boater, the full fantasy
Lulu: It’d add some interest, at least, to how plain everything has to be
Mattie: Thank Goodness for Sundays, you can express yourself then
Lulu: Are you promising not to judge me back? Awww! We’ve got a pact happening
Mattie: As long as there are no sacrifices or blood oaths I’d say that’s above board
Lulu: Sunday’s the chapel’s busiest day and without an altar what are we doing? 😬 Bad luck
Mattie: I do keep forgetting we’re CoE, I’ll have to carve that into the nearest tree or whatever so I don’t arouse suspicion with any 🔮ness
Lulu: Or 🤔 you could use the ⛪️🙏🏻 time to mentally outfit plan for the week if you’re for real awfully nervous, null and voiding the demand for the pact and witch vibes at all
Mattie: You’re very sensible
Mattie: though lesson planning is ultimately the best use of my time, if the big man upstairs is cool with that
Lulu: I use mine for [idk whatever maths or physics shit she could do in her head] and I’m blessed to have not been struck down yet
Mattie: 😅 Well I approve even if the jury is out with the 😇😇s
Lulu: Thanks
Lulu: did Grandpa teach you to play chess too? I need to practice
Mattie: He did, clearly very serious about passing on his chess knowledge 😌
Lulu: Relatable honestly if he just got sick of telling Grandma how the horse and castle move over and over for years 🙄 I tried to teach this boy once and never again
Mattie: Poor Grandma 🤭🤦‍♀️ Is that a boy from home?
Lulu: Golly, if that was how I spent my hols 🙈 No, his mother was a music mistress at our old school
Lulu: he tried but didn’t manage to teach me guitar either
Mattie: Oh, that makes a lot more sense
Mattie: I know the sort
Mattie: Everyone here seems to have little kids or grown-up kids right now, some of the little ones are super cute
Lulu: What sort?
Mattie: The walking-talking Netflix teen heartthrob type
Lulu: Yeah, no, you don’t know him, or me
Mattie: I didn’t mean anything by it
Lulu: And I meant what I said, I’m being welcoming and chill as it’s your first day, but you don’t know me like that
Mattie: Okay, I apologize
Lulu: It’s fine, I’ll see you tonight, not to ruin the surprise but there are other welcoming first day dorm traditions I have to be there for
Mattie: Oh, okay, cool
Mattie: When you want to practice Chess, let me know, we can do it after prep time
Lulu: Okay 👋🏻 for now
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hollyhomburg · 6 years
Dance To This
(Hybrid! Seokjin x Blind! Reader x Hybrid! Namjoon)
W/C: 14.8k
TAGS: Eventual polyamory, Blindness, Service hybrid au, non-explicit sex, non-physical intimacy, mentions of anxiety and depression,
A/N: This is so long wow! sorry it took me longer than i thought to get this out. namjoon dosent come in until the end of this but he’ll be in the next one. Also theres a bit of a social media au in this one! if you like this- please consider donateing to my patreon here!
(This is so fucking self indulgent I love it.)
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- Seokjin was the runt of his litter from a prized show hybrid, he’d never met his mother- but everyone has always told him how much he looked like her; from his plump lips to his long limbs. 
- The only thing he lacked was her grace- which happened to be his downfall. 
- He was the only one out of his siblings that hadn’t been sold off by the age of 8. Seokjin lacked grace on the runway, often tripping over the carpet on his way in, his shoulders so wide that every single swivel seemed to lumber. 
- Which is why- despite the fact that he was quite good looking, With silky black ears and a shiny tail that he kept meticulously groomed- he was sent to an adoption agency once he reached the age where it became apparent he was no longer going to be a show hybrid.  
- Deemed UN showable by his first owner at the young age of 10- it only went downhill from there. 
- He was adopted by another show couple, and then sent back when he tripped during a competition. 
- And then he was sent to another show couple. And then returned for a third time after an incident evolving another show hybrid who Seokjin had accidentally stepped on- crippling him for the next competition. 
- He’d been banned from all competitions after that. A laughing stock, his dreams crushed into dust. It had been a mercy almost- to be transported 2 city’s over to one of the largest adoption facilities in the country just shy of his 21st birthday. 
- He didn’t mind the facility really- they taught them how to accomplish basic skills that they might be expected to do: like laundry and cleaning- things that Seokjin already knew how to do as a runt working in the show industry.
- Since He was one of the older hybrids at the facility he often helped take care of the little ones, looking after them just to pass the time- playing games with them and even staging a small fashion show every now and then in the communal playroom (of course with the consent of the caretakers.)
- The worst thing about the facility was their lack of outside time, though they always had excess to the outdoor play areas and were often taken out on walks they tried to limit their exposure to the real world as much as possible. The only time they really went out into society was to school visits and occasional PR stunts. 
- At the facility, hybrids were grouped by age, and when he first got there he was one of 10 in the 18+ grouping. As years passed, that group shrunk significantly- until it was just him, just Seokjin in the older hybrids group. alone in his room full of empty bunk beds. 
- It seemed like he would never get adopted. In the many years, he had cut himself off from the others a little bit, tired of the emotional trauma of having his friends whisked away never to see them again. 
- A month before he turned 25, he was helping one of the hybrid children get ready for adoption, He overheard a conversation between two of the head caretakers that he had known for years. 
- They were the ones that usually dealt with adoptions, and they’d personally overseen every failed meeting Seokjin had ever had with potential owners. it had been a few months since anyone had come to see him. 
- “I hear there’s this breeding operation up north- we should call them and see if they want him, he is a purebred after all” and that was the last thing he wanted. The absolute last- possibility he would accept. He’d left and spent the rest of the day at the edge of the outside play area, looking over the hill and into the city, and refused to come back inside until they came and got him. 
- He was too old to be adopted into a normal family now, he was too old- most parents looked for hybrids in the same age as their child (usually there was only one due to low birthrates) to be a companion for them and make the house seem more joyful and less empty. 
- Only as the child grew and went off to school the hybrid remained as a second-class citizen, with few more rights than a house pet. There where even colleges that advertised hybrid friendly dorms as an incentive for prospective students. 
- But now Seokjin was the same age as most college graduates. 
- Every morning he woke with fear thinking that maybe today would be the day he was sold off as a stud, shivering as he thought about it. He had heard about the breeding operations- how they treated hybrids like little more than cattle. 
- All these years without a home had Seokjin wondering if maybe he just wasn’t meant for that cozy life. A house with a family and laps to sit on and people to pet his ears. A warm body next to his to cuddle at night, someone to look after him and make sure he was taking care of himself. 
- He wanted someone to take care of him and to be able to take care of them in return. 
- But Part of him knew he wanted more for himself than just that, but he was a hybrid- and hybrid were only meant to be pets after all.  
- But it didn’t seem like that was in the cards for him, to be a house pet- in the low moments of despair he poured over every mistake he’d made, how he stuttered the last time someone had come to look him over for adoption. How maybe he’d smiled a little too wide, showed his canines a little much. 
- Maybe he wasn’t pretty anymore, maybe he wouldn’t even be any good at loving someone and they could tell just by looking at him. 
- Maybe he just wasn’t worth a home. 
- So when they call him into a meeting room- soft with light yellow walls and couches and a wide wooden table, he thinks the two head caretakers are going to try and break the news to him gently.
- “There is someone who wants to come to meet you today Seokjin, she’s a little bit unconventional as far as potential owners go, but we considered you because of your age and temperament.”
- Seokjin doesn’t know what he’s expecting, maybe an elderly woman, Seokjin might not mind an old lady as an owner. It might be fun, but then if they died in a few years he might just end up back here and even more UN-adoptable than before. 
- Or maybe it was a hopelessly unsociable mid 30′s woman- but then they might end up lonely and horrible for other reasons, forcing him into bed when he didn’t want to which might have been just as bad as being a stud. 
- Maybe they’d be someone horrible- but he swallows back his nervousness and reminded himself that anything would be better than the breeding operation. 
- So when they lead you through the door, a young woman wearing a light grey sweater and a pair of ripped jeans, He’s more than a little surprised.
- His breath tightens in his chest. Because he didn’t expect someone like you- someone who looked so young, you must have been at least a few years younger than him.  
- He didn’t expect to feel drawn to you like this. There was something beautiful about you that made Seokjin’s heart pulsate in his ears like thunder and his hands begin to sweat. 
- Your features, which would separately have been plain, but when combined formed something like a masterpiece. His tail swished back and forth as he breathed in your sweet scent- something like spring mixed with vanilla. 
- He didn’t expect to take in your every movement- He watches the way you wind the handle of your walking cane over your hands in a way that seems inherently nervous. Staring straight ahead with these listless but cloudy eyes, managing to look shy, like you can feel his eyes on you. 
- Seokjin didn’t expect his new potential owner to be blind.
- One of the caretakers leads you to a chair to sit down across from and Seokjin watches you with careful eyes, unabashed to be so brazenly admiring you and looked you up and down freely knowing that you won't notice the impertinence.  
- As a show hybrid, he would have been beaten for such an offense- looking into the eyes of someone who wasn’t a judge. 
- Everything from your neutral attire to your natural face was rumpled but in kind of an adorable way, something about your curves was soft. There’s a knot under the side of your hair and Seokjin doesn’t think you’ve noticed but he can see it. 
- The caretakers depart after a moment leaving you and Seokjin sitting at the table, some time to get to know each other, they say after you’ve exchanged names.
- “How long have you been blind?” Seokjin asks- unable to stop himself. 
- “2 years ago, car crash, but I’m only partial- I can still sense light,” you say, gesturing to the widows. Most of the time you would have been offended by such a forward question about your disability, But this hybrid couldn’t have ever met someone that was blind before. 
- “How long have you been here?” he bristles a little bit at your quick retort. But keeps it under wraps. 
- Seokjin reconsidered his initial assessment of you- You might look meek- but the amusement toying at the edge of your mouth when you parried his blunt words made him think that you were anything but. 
- “A few years- though I’ve been in and out of homes for the last 6 years since I-“ he trails off- shame choking his throat. as if you can sense his discomfort, you pick up effortlessly where he left off.
- “They told me that you used to be a show hybrid, they also told me that-“ you swallow, and Seokjin can tell that you’re choosing the words carefully. “That you really want to be adopted.” Seokjin makes a noise in assent. 
- You remembered the caretaker's words, “he’s a little older and a little strange- not socialized enough, but he should be a fine companion for you.” there was something about the way they said fine that you didn’t like. 
-  His voice is nice though; sometimes deep and calm but somehow it sounded an inch away from laughing at a moment. You decide that you like Seokjin, even if you really don’t know anything much about him yet. You’re not surprised when he replies, “Yes, I really do.”
- The caretakers come back, with a folder full of paperwork, a little tentative because Seokjin had been almost adopted time and time again- and they know what will happen if you turn him down. But it seems their fears are dissolved. 
- Because in all actuality- you really need a hybrid, not just anyone, however. Service dogs were slowly going out of use, but service hybrids, however, were becoming a pricey counterpart, more than 3 times as expensive as most service dogs. 
- You come out and say it though before they had over the consent of adoption form to Seokjin. “The truth is: I still need help most days,” you start off. Wanting to be truthful to the hybrid with the good voice that sounded so hopeful. You don’t want to get him into something he doesn’t want. 
- You talk him through it over the next house, making it abundantly clear that you’re looking for more of a service hybrid than anything else- but Seokjin’s answer doesn’t change whatsoever. 
- Service hybrids start at 100k and from the look of your clothes- brand name but not designer- you certainly can’t afford one of those. 
- Seokjin finds it in himself to not be disappointed. Reminding himself that being a service hybrid would be far better than the alternative. Being a caretaker himself is better than being nothing more than a stud, even if it’s not a companion like he really wants. and he’s willing to bet it will only take him a week to get pets out of you. 
- So he jumps at the chance agreeing almost before they’ve finished outlining what he’ll need to learn- what you need him to be which is really just a guide when you have to leave the house to make getting around easier. 
- Seokjin wouldn’t mind that at all. Anything to get him out in the world again.
- He hopes that maybe just maybe you’re not going to be one of the bad owners. The one that hits him or tries to force him into bed. And with your kind eyes and appearance, he doesn’t think you will be that way. 
- All he has to do is take care of you right? Then you won't return him? The prospect of never being returned ever was another positive. You weren’t going to magically regain your sight. you’d always need him. It was the most secure placement he could hope.
- Seokjin barely gets the hang of is his first day- his hand hovering awkwardly when you reach for things unsure if he should grab them for you. You flinch more than once when his hands find yours without him saying it. 
- You live in a light and airy 2-story loft with lots of windows and too many unused rooms near downtown and close to public transportation. Seokjin can only imagine how lonely it must have felt- with the noises of the city barely muted by the walls of your house. 
- There’s even a small porch off the kitchen with wide double doors that swing out, a few steps down to a walled backyard that’s almost too small to be called a yard that’s covered with prickly crabgrass.
- The living room is a cozy affair, your couch fluffy and comfortable piled high with blankets. And wide bay windows that open out to look out on the street corner across from your house. Not that you can appreciate the view of the street and the city but you tell Seokjin that you like the way that the sunlight feels on your face and that sometimes you can even see shadows of things when the light is right. 
- He’s surprised that you even have a television, a computer, and cellphone, he marvels a little over the voice and touch screen software that dictates to you and makes it possible for you to use the Internet.
- He gets a little shy when you tell him that you’ll get him his own once you get around to ordering it on the internet- seeing as the dictation soft where on yours might get a little annoying to use. 
- Everywhere in the house, there’s evidence of the adaptations needed for you. The cups are all ridged so you can distinguish which ones you’re grabbing; the chairs at the small 4 seat dining table are light so that you don’t hurt yourself if you bump into them, which you still do often. 
- The master suite where you sleep is on the first floor but your office and the spare rooms are on the second.one of them empty but the other sparsely furnished, Seokjin takes the corner room as his own. 
- When you show it to him he goes quiet for a few minutes, it’s night already, and he’s got an excellent view of the city street below watching the red brake lights zigzag through the intersection. He knows that the sound of the car horns will keep him up at night and so will the light from the street lamps outside. 
- “It’s so… loud” he says quietly, searching for the right word. But next to him you nod, understanding what he means, you vaguely remember what it looked like and how different it was from the countryside. The tangle and Pell-mell of it all. 
- He’s a little overwhelmed with it all- he knows he dreamed about being able to get out of the facility but this-this mess of roads and cars and so many people is not what he expected, and maybe more than he bargained for. He can’t even imagine exploring it like he once wanted to now that he’s seen it. 
- He’d have to take you along though- seeing as all unaccompanied hybrids where taken to the pound by hybrid control. 
- You reach out for his arm, surprisingly finding it in the first try- and tell him to take it slow, that he’ll have time; the city will be there when he wants it. 
- It’s such a kind sentiment that it shocks Seokjin as you turn and head down the stairs to your own room. Shoving down the warm feeling that your kindness ignites in him and saving it for another less overwhelming time. 
- Eventually, he gets the story out of you, it was an accident that blinded you- and the house was bought via a massive settlement you got from the company that had caused it through negligence. 
- You’d moved to the city for college before the accident and never left despite your family’s urgings to come home. You didn’t like how they coddled you, how they thought you couldn’t do things now that you were blind. 
- Seokjin supposes he’ll meet them one day. 
- The first few weeks are a strained sort of balance between the two of you- full of lots of tripping and stuttering words as you get used to cohabitation. 
- But he doesn’t hate it- likes it even sometimes. The way that the two of you dance around each other even if not knowing if he should help you makes him anxious. 
- In the first few days, Seokjin moves around the furniture so much that you can’t go into his room without tripping, so you avoid that space- though you tell Seokjin that he can repaint it any color he wants. You’ll go to the paint store across town together when he’s decided what color he’d like.
- You give Seokjin a surprising amount of freedom- more than he’s used too. The first few days he gets a little frustrated, he doesn’t know why he’s here.  There doesn’t seem to be much to help you with- you have a cleaning service come in to clean once a week and though you go on walks every day and occasionally need to bring him to meetings uptown in the financial district. Most of the time you just work or watch tv. 
- The paint arrives the day after his laptop and cell phone do, and while you work across the hall in his office, music and the smell of pain seep under your door, when you walk out into the hall you can sometimes hear him humming.  Along to the music He plays from his laptop
- He finds himself awake one night- to make tea to help him go back to sleep and he sits at the round table in your kitchen tapping around on a new ap he discovered that day called Instagram when you come out of your bedroom. 
- You say hello to him while you go to the cabinet that holds the bowls and He watches you pile too sweet cereal into your bowl at almost midnight and sit down across from him. His nose wrinkles at the artificial smell of it  
- “Don’t you want to eat something real? Like a meal?”
- Seokjin was more than capable of cooking for himself, and he had made dinner for himself earlier that night- but you’d made it clear that it wasn’t his responsibility to make sure you did things like eat. 
- “Ugh- I don’t really cook, never got the hang of it again” you confess, “microwavable food is about as good as It gets with me, and I’m out, we’ll have to go to the store tomorrow.”
- Seokjin had never thought of himself as much of a cook- all of his meals had been made for him in the adoption center and before that he’d been too young and his diet watch too closely for him to eat what he wanted. 
- But he makes you poached eggs with a makeshift hollandaise sauce the next day because really- making two portions was just as easy as making one and he didn’t want to know what you did with the sugary cereal when you were out of milk (which you were thanks to him).  
- You laugh when he calls fruit loops an atrocity of the food world. “I- uh, made a little too much if you want some?” you couldn’t tell that he’d purposefully cracked 6 eggs instead of three. 
- He feels a strange sense of budding pride when he sees your face light up with you eat his simple eggs, “This is really good! Holy crap” you say appreciatively making a noise of appreciation at the food. And Seokjin is glad that you can’t see him blush at your compliment. 
- The shopping center was surprisingly less intimidating then he thought- he’d seen them in movies but had never been in one in person, but he likes it, and you live close by it- only a 10-minute walk away. 
- He carries two bags and you carry one home- carrying the milk in the other while you’re arm and arm with him. It’s easy for him to guide you; it surprises him that he learns the way back so easily.  
- Seokjin starts to cook for the both of you after you assure him that you really don’t care if he does, Though you do get a little bit annoyed once because he doesn’t put things back into the same spot. 
- At the mild scolding- which resulted after you put salt and not sugar in your morning coffee, was quickly remedied by you clueing in Seokjin to your system.  
- Then he discovers something called the food network and he’s really done for. Starting to keep it going in the back round whenever he cooks, even writing down a few recipes to try, quickly amassing a stack of them to try. 
- Seokjin loves the rhythm of the knife against the cutting board, the building of the burning oil as he adds the ingredients to the pan, the smell changing and how he can almost taste what he’s making before he’s even done with it. He likes it when you poke your head out from your office and call down to him that whatever he’s making smells good. 
- The two of you fall into an easy rhythm. 
- Most days you’ll wake up, eat a quiet breakfast with him and then go up to your office on the second floor, a room which Seokjin had been in only a few times- to get you for lunch and once, because he couldn’t figure out how to shut off the water in the shower. 
- Seokjin watches you sometimes in the early mornings, the way that you’ll read your brail books over morning coffee, hair half in front of your face- he wants to reach out and tuck it behind your ear but he doesn’t- worried that it might startle you. 
- He’s gathered that you’re some sort of consultant after he hears you on the phone arguing with some business executive- whatever it is that you do- you must be pretty good at it- since it seems like you’ve done fairly well for yourself if leisure by which you conduct your daily life is anything to judge by, he doesn’t think even a settlement could cover this. 
- You know it must not be easy for your hybrid- to not be around people very often, to not have freedom to go out and do his own thing while you where stuck at home working- you make the effort to be a more engaging person for your hybrid, taking more than one daily walk or even supplying things for him to do. 
- Then he discovers YouTube and starts making his own cooking videos. The first few are shaky and unrefined but he amasses a few followers in the first week, even more as he continues to make videos. You listen to the first few at his urging, laughing when he makes puns. 
- “I’m not yolk-ing when I say this scallion pancake recipe is the best guys!” “Thanks for pudding up with me, guys!” “I yam so thankful for all of your wonderful compliments”  he quickly becomes somewhat of a star. 
- He reads the comments to you sometimes, “I would love to have you as my hybrid” some of them write, “your ears are so cute aigooo~” and you two laugh at the more thirsty ones, though Jin admits it feels nice to be praised- even if it is just from strangers on the internet.  
- You’re not surprised that his daily vlog “eat Jin” becomes popular- there is something magnetic about your hybrid- he often gets comment complementing him on his nice voice and his technique. 
- He records when you’re working most of the time so you rarely feature in his videos- but he does film you one time when he makes a pie, shouting “she liked it!” from behind the camera. Your head rising in his direction looking perplexed, cutting off just as the piece of pie falls from your fork. Most of the time he closes out the video with a short video of the two of you eating it. 
- People have more than a few questions after Jin shows them you- obviously his owner to his few thousand subscribers he’s gotten over the last month but he keeps them at by for now. 
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- After his first video gets so much attention He knocks on the door to your office before entering, leaning his shoulder half in and half out of the room when your head lifts up from the computer that is activated by voice commands. 
- He clutches the grocery list in his hands, as you ask him what’s up and he replies shyly, “I um- I saw this recipe for chicken pot pie on the television and we don’t have all of the ingredients or the pan I’d need and I was wondering if you could take a break and go with me?” 
- You stretch- arching your back like a cat, Seokjin blushes when your shirt pulls up and he can see more of your skin. “Give me 30 minutes- I’m almost with my analysis and they need it by tonight.” 
- A few minutes later you’re wandering downstairs and going to your room to retrieve your keys and your shoes. Seokjin’s waiting by the front door by the time you’re ready- calling out to you to let you know he’s there. 
- You sense his hesitation, the way he lingers by the door toeing on his shoes,  “what?” you ask, and you hear Seokjin let out a breath. 
- “it’s just- your hair- do you mind if I?” your hand goes up instantly to the back of your head- finding your hair a little rumpled from sleep and from work, you frown but nod at his request, he scampers off, you head back to the kitchen while he comes back with your hairbrush, pulling out the chair on the kitchen table for you to sit, you sink down and pull the hair out of the edge of your jacket. 
- Seokjin is nothing if not gentle- but then again he always is, the smooth run of your brush through your hair and the way he makes sure not to pull too hard at the tangles is careful. It feels nice- the hair on the back of your neck sticking up and making shivers go down your spine. 
- “Have you done this before.” Seokjin makes a noise of assent. “When I was a show hybrid I would sometimes help with the younger kids- but I wasn’t a good enough stylist to make my upkeep costs worth it- not that I didn’t try.” He says, it’s the most personal words that he’s said since your conversation in the adoption Centre but they come easy. 
- “I’m sorry that it didn’t work out for you- it seems like you really liked it.” Seokjin nods before he realizes that they’re no way you could know he’d agreed so he makes a noise, his ears flicking and his tail swishing,
- “I really wanted it to work at one point- but don’t worry, I like living here it feels like home.” he says out loud- not realizing that he’s saying it until its already out of his mouth, he covers his mouth with one hand but below him still seated you’re only smiling, and laughing a little. 
- “Well then” he can hear a soft happiness in your voice, as he pulls through the last knot in his hair. “Let's go get stuff for pie.” 
- Seokjin realizes quickly after that- that he really does enjoy taking care of you, and he doesn’t think it has anything to do with his latent want to be some sort of stylist or his desire to be kept and not go back. 
- He likes it here because of you, he’d never had someone to call his own or someone to belong to but he certainly feels like he belongs here.  
- Every time you let him comb your hair, or when he messes with the way your clothes are laying on you, untucking your shirt if it gets snagged- he feels this bazar possessive feeling well up in him. Fussing just to fuss and sate it sometimes, More than once he’s had to shove down the urge to pull you close. Especially when you pass other hybrids in the street. 
- You don’t seem immune or uncomfortable with the familiar way Seokjin starts to touch you, blushing sometimes and smiling more.  His hip brushes yours in a quiet hello in the mornings, your arms link closer when you walk, and you’ll lean into him when you’re in a particularly crowded place. 
- Seokjin is just starting to think that he’s gotten used to the city when you tell him that you’ll have a meeting uptown in the financial district soon, where the buildings tower over the streets like cathedrals, Seokjin starts to feel anxious being walled in, but enjoys the subway ride. 
- He wears the nicest black slacks and button up that he owns, while you wear a simple dress and low boots.  Seokjin is allowed to sit in on the meeting and watches in awe as you transform from this soft and quiet person into this assured businesswoman, though he can see you crumple with exhaustion the second you get home. 
- “ugh I hate those people” you gripe, facedown on the couch. “Come on you did so well! They certainly seemed impressed,” he said, his hands going to slide off your shoes and tossing them in the entryway, affectionately rubbing at your ankles. 
- “You really think so?” you say sounding unsure, giggling and a little surprised when you throw your arms around him after he tells you that yes you did. But he returns your hug immediately, his tail thumping happily against the back of the couch. 
- Seokjin makes sure that he makes you get out of the house at least once a day- eventually becoming bold enough to ask you for walks- usually on your lunch hour. Though sometimes in the afternoon when the light gets all golden and the garden path in the local park smells like freshly turned earth. 
- You like it. And you tell him that you do more than once. Without Seokjin- before when you’d gone on walks it had been scary, you’d never been sure quite where you’d been going. 
- Your phone with the voice commands an option that made it feel impersonal and noisy when all you wanted to do was listen into the world. You’d always been unsure if there was something or someone watching you. Paranoia and anxiety getting the best of you. 
- You still kept your walking stick in your bag with you when you walked- but you didn’t need it when Seokjin would take your hand in his. 
- What was better was the way he described people, usually in quiet voice under his breath that only you could hear- “the roots on the trees here look like they where some sort of monster that was frozen with the way their looping over each other- but it’s not scary more pretty.” 
- “I love the way you describe the world- like its all somehow so strange but fascinating to you.” Seokjin just laughs his gorgeous laugh and runs a hand through his hair. Still unused to you giving him compliments but glowing with the praise. 
- Or sometimes he could catch someone looking at you “that woman has the worse taste in clothing- I don’t care who you think you are mauve and orange do not go together- she has no right to give us such a dirty look”
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- Seokjin makes you laugh, and smile more than you have in years- more than you have in a long time. Since even before your accident. But as always, there’s only a matter of time before you have a bad day. Or a few bad days in a row. 
- Seokjin realizes it when he comes downstairs a little later than usual and finds no coffee brewing in the machine, the light turned off under your door which had never happened- you usually slept with the light on claiming the faint glowing left you with a sense of security. 
- And he guesses your still asleep- after all you where a bit between clients at the moment- your next assessment wasn’t due until the last quarter of the year and you deserve a day to sleep in.  
- When you still haven’t come out by lunch Seokjin gets worried- what if you’d fallen in your bathroom? What if you’d knocked yourself out or something? - He knocks at your door, and when you don’t answer he calls your name. He cracks open the door, sees you hunched body underneath blankets.
- Over the last few weeks, Seokjin’s started to know your scent better, and he can tell the faint off scent the twines with yours that they’res something wrong- that you’re sick. Closes it again, an hour later he comes back with soup and some fresh squeezed orange juice (because he refused to give you Tropicana when the natural alternative was so much better)
- “I figured you might be sick?” he says, teeth biting into his lower lip as he sits at the foot of your queen bed, he can tell you’re awake. He doesn’t gather how you’re sick until you start talking. 
- Your voice is rough and choked- though not in the way it would get from a cough, it’s like you’ve been crying, and the realization is like an electric shock to his body.
- “I’m fine Jin I just want to sleep. Can you close the door on the way out?” 
- He’d been so happy here the last 2 months, he didn’t even stop to realize whether or not you were. His ears pin to the back of his head as he immediately starts to wonder if it’s him that’s making you unhappy. But he hadn’t done anything wrong the day before. Hadn’t knocked over anything or lead you into a pole on accident again. 
- As he breathes in deep, the discomfiting scent intertwined with yours- the harsh bite of cinnamon intertwined with the vanilla. 
- “Y/n...” he says, leaning over to touch your folded legs, at his comforting touch you shrink into a ball and pull them to your chest, pulling your whole body underneath the blanket. 
- “Please just go Jin,” Your voice comes out muffled. The human part of him urges him not to agree while something primal wants to follow your instructions- warring with the part of him that also wants to protect and care for you. 
- But his protective side wins out. He sucks on his lower lip “Okay- but I’m going to leave this here ok” he indicated the food on your side table, you don’t nod but Seokjin leaves the room and closes the door behind him. 
- He comes in again that night and tries to get you to eat something but you hide underneath the blankets holding them down so that he can’t pull them off of you. 
- The soup next to you is cold. He takes it and throws away angrily.  
- He doesn’t know how to help you and it’s driving him absolutely crazy. 
- By the second day, Jin has taken to sitting outside your bedroom door in case you call for him, worry wearing lines into his lower lip with how much he bites at it. He sleeps on the couch, all through the night he can hear your quiet sobs, more than once he gets up and goes to the door, frustrated with himself that he’s letting you be in such distress but unable to push through the door and comfort you. 
- He wants to knock but he never does. 
- By the third day Seokjin tries the door to your room opening it to find you still under the covers hidden, he peels back the sheets opposite you and crawls into your bed. You stir a little bit, but don’t move away when he shimmies closer to you and pulls your small form against his chest, 
- You’re shaking in his arms, though something about the way you melt a little when he runs his fingers through your hair, trying to detangle it makes him think it’s not because of him. He lets out a high-pitched whine that wakes you from your last bout of drowsiness. 
- The warm body enveloping you is achingly familiar though he’s never been so close to you before, his scent musky but clean like cotton pressed against your nose, you didn’t think your hybrid was quiet so broad shoulders, but now pressed chest to chest with him you realize how much he dwarfs you. 
- “Honey,” he says softly, his voice pained with worry, “I’ve made some of your favorite dishes again, do you think that maybe you could eat some of it for me? I’m so worried about you.” he confesses. 
- You shiver a little at the pet name, but shake your head against his chest. Jin smells so nice, sort of like something spicy and floral rolled all into one, 
- “For me?” he pleads, he nuzzles his face into the top of your head, his voice cracking a little bit, he feels you melt more, and then holds his breath as you nod, he’s shooting up to go retrieve your plate- already made in the kitchen. 
- When he comes back, he can finally see your face, your red puffy face, and the blood vessels above your eyes, which have burst under your skin from days of sobbing red and angry. And it scares him a little bit- he’s never known someone to cry quite that hard. 
- He doesn’t ask you why- worried that it would prompt you to shrink back under the covers again and disappear from him. 
- The two of you eat dinner curled up under your bed barely talking and by the time you’re finished Jin manages to convince you to lay on the couch with him and watch some late night television under 5 different blankets, even the one from his room. 
- He picks you up in his strong arms- and even you have to admit- it feels so strange to trust that he’ll hold your weight- after having no one to hold onto for so long. 
- It feels good too. 
- You’re surprised when Jin doesn’t set you on the couch, instead of sitting with your back pressed against the armrest and your thighs across his lap. Your cheek pressed against the warm skin of his shoulders, the television blaring softly in the background- just the news. He falls asleep with his cheek rested against the top of your head. 
- The next morning he drags you out of bed to walk to a café all the way across town breakfast, you resist at first- but then agree pouting when he says he’ll brush your hair before you go out. 
- After you confessed to him that it felt nice when he brushed your head the other day he’s been holding it over you to bribe you with things,  (to which Jin teased “someone’s got a little hybrid in them”)
- You must have taken a shower last night because the smell of sadness no longer clings to you. And though when you come back from the walk you go back to your room to nap- Seokjin feels like he’s won a little battle. 
- He quickly realizes that you have your good days and your bad days, on your good days Seokjin doesn’t even have to ask you to do things with him, on the bad days- well all you really need is some cuddles. 
- Seokjin doesn’t mind that either- he tells you he likes it just because you smell nice and you’re warm but really he knows that’s not only the reason why he likes it
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- Over the first few months, he’s been living with you the soft apprehension melt away into fondness at first, which changes into something soft and tender that scares him a little. 
- He loves to make things in your kitchen, the way the city smelled when he sits on the back porch, loved the way you would sit with him and let your shoulders brush. 
- The way you shivered when he brushed your hair, your smile, your laugh, the way that you never guarded your expressions around him. All of the small things. Like walking with your arm through his, the way your hand would skim along the bushes to feel the soft hairy leaves. The little squeaks you made when you bumped into things. 
- The feelings of protectiveness sneak up on him. 
- Seokjin goes to town, baking cakes and dinner for you each night, not because he feels like he has too- but because he wants to see your face light up from the sweetness. 
- he loves the The way you raise your eyebrows and defiantly eat your too sweet cereal in his direction when he complains that cocoa puffs are garbage. 
- And that makes things so much more difficult. Because he wants to pull you to sit next to him when you sit across the table. Wants to touch your cheek and kiss your lips when you make that shriveled nose expression.
- He feels the urge to do it so often that he’s worried one day you’ll lean in close and he’ll do it out of habit- because he’s imagined it so many times.  
- He loves when you sleepily lie on the couch in front of the TV and pull him closer- complaining that a full belly makes you in the mood to cuddle with an adorable pout that pulls at his heartstrings. 
- And of course you take care of Seokjin too- you hear the scuff of his shoes against the sidewalk and tell him that you two should go get new ones soon. 
- When he starts to sniffle one night in front of a drama you wipe softly over his cheeks and hold him a little tighter. Running your hand up and down his forearm to comfort him. 
- When you come down the stairs and ask him if he’d liked to go on a walk- because you had the feeling he’d be getting antsy on a nice day, not because you’d need to go anywhere. The way you watch each of his cooking videos before he posts it- gives you a little constructive criticism here and there. 
- His tail gives away his mood when you rub his ears and pet his head- clacking against the metal chairs at the kitchen table. You back hug him in the early mornings, lingering a little longer in his arms every time. 
- “I like this,” you say once, your voice muffled by the fabric of his rough cotton shirt. “I do too,” he mumbles, and the two of you pretend those words are enough for now when 3 other words are hovering on the tip of your tongues. 
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- Summer fades to fall and Seokjin and you go on walks to hear the leaves crunch beneath your feet, you lie back down in a pile of leaves and Seokjin drops a pile of the crunchy leaves on top of you, laughing and giggling as they fall into your hair making him throw pile after pile on top of you.  
- He makes peach and pecan pies as well as apple and cinnamon and you sneeze several times in a row as you help him chop the apples. Which results in him almost rolling on the floor laughing at how cute you are. 
- You curl up on Halloween watching scary movies and eating pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream and Kit Kat bars. 
- For Thanksgiving, you take him to your parent’s house, the train from your city to theirs is a little empty so early in the morning. Seokjin’s toting 2 freshly baked pies; one apple and one pumpkin that impresses the socks off of your grandmother who also. His legs shake nervously and his tail thwaps against the seat impatiently the entire dinner only calming when you set your hand on it and rub circles onto his knee. 
- Your family approves of him- especially when he manages to cook a turkey perfectly. Stopping your forgetful aunt from leaving it in the oven for too long. 
- The two of you pile into your old room on the queen bed- seeing as all the other rooms in your house where taken by relatives. And though you fall asleep on the other side of the bed, when you wake, you find yourself curled into Seokjin’s side. 
- His warm breath rushing over your face and his arm curled underneath you, holding you a little closer than before but still not suffocating you. When you start to stir an inch away he groans pulling you closer. 
- “Come on Jinnie- we’ve got a train to catch,” you say lightly, “no- cuddles first” he complains, pouting cutely, not realizing the nickname you used until later. You cave and end up taking a later afternoon train back into the city. Somehow his hand finds yours on the train- when it jostles you and throws you up against him, and his hand doesn’t leave yours for the duration of the rest of the train ride home. 
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- One morning Jin watches you pull on a black sweatshirt over black leggings and he says offhandedly, “You know we really should get you some more colorful clothes” you make the expression of semi-raised eyebrows that was the same thing as rolling your eyes to him and just say “seokjin- baker extraordinaire and a stylist!”
- So the two of you go to the mall and he drags you into every single store trying to get you to try on skirts (which you initially refuse) but do relent when he selects some baggy sweater dresses in bright colors or muted pastels.  
- He quickly realizes that fabric is extremely important- too soft or static fabrics could be uncomfortable for you- so he’s more careful with his selections as well. He even finds a few new items for himself. 
- He flushes so hard when you reach out to feel one of his shirts and then hug him- rubbing your cheek against his chest as you mutter, “oooohhh so soft!” yup that sweater was defiantly getting added to their cart. 
- Seokjin still can’t help but feel a little cooped up sometimes. He asks you why you never go out to bars or clubs like people your own age- and you complain that they never made you feel safe- with so many people brushing up against you and the fact that audio queues where basically nil.
- A few nights’ later Seokjin makes you take him out to a local restaurant “we never go out at night” he complains and also clarifies that he wants to start reviewing local restaurants on his blog/youtube channel/Instagram. You agree, knowing that he’d probably like a break from cooking too. 
- The sauce is above par even if the food got a little mushy when it became cold but you like it. And from the sounds that he makes, the Ahhhs and pleasant hums- you figure his dish is good too. 
- He even gives you a little spoonful of his soup and you make a noise as well. “Next time I’ll get that,” you say, already deciding that you’ll go out more often. Seokjin wants to try everything, you make it a Friday night thing sometimes more casual walks on the boardwalk to get fried food from street carts and other times to fancy restaurants that have a “no flats for women” policy which you detest. 
- Seokjin reaches 100,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel just 5 months after making it. And you celebrate by going out to one of the more fancy restaurants that he’d wanted to try across town. You even get a bottle of white wine for the two of you to share which makes you feel rosy-cheeked before the end of the last course. 
- He’s been getting so many requests for videos recently, more than he could reasonably do, but one of the more requested topics is a video about you. There aren’t many hybrids on YouTube, maybe more than a half dozen notable ones and his followers, both human and otherwise are more than a little curious about Seokjin’s “adoption story” as tubers commonly call them. 
- And after your consent, Jin makes an answer video- talking somewhat candidly about the struggles he faced at the beginning of his life being in the show industry and failing, About his time in the hybrid facility, and about his mysterious blind owner. 
- You even make a brief appearance, “I’d like to introduce you to my biggest flan” you cringe at his pun, “And my best friend Y/n.” “Technically I’m your owner- though it doesn't feel like it.” Seokjin laughs and agrees “No it doesn't,” you can't see it of course but later others will comment how Seokjin blushed and looked from you to the camera continuing to introduce yourself.
- Seokjin reads you a few questions, and you answer them, “my favorite dish of his would have to be his beignets!” Seokjin chimes in and notes that you have a sweet tooth. “if I made anymore sweets for you, you’d get a new cavity every other week!” 
- Before you leave to answer more of the serious questions, you say goodbye to the camera “it was berry nice to meet you all! You’re all so sweet” Seokjin’s laughs offer you a chance to escape And he moves onto the heavier questions.
- “Before I came to live with Y/n, I was in a really tough place, I’d been at the adoption center longer than most of the employees because I was so old. I wish people would adopt old hybrids more- we can be just as good companions as any other hybrid. I’m really lucky that Y/n took a chance on me, I probably would never have been adopted otherwise.”
- The response from his video is immediate- a few days after he starts getting messages from his followers, them with pictures of older hybrids newly adopted- some even older than Jin. He even gets some before and after pictures of people who have adopted stray hybrids (who tend to be older in general and often escape from abusive homes) and Jin feels his heart swell.  
- He didn’t expect it to make a difference. But it already is. He’s already made a huge difference. And that means more to him than anything. 
- So when he crawls into your lap and holds you close a little tearful you just hold him tight, rubbing your small hands over his broad shoulders as you tell him how proud you are of him for making such a positive change. 
- And Seokjin feels pride and a happiness so soft it feels like sadness well up in him and make him giggle tearfully. Scenting along your throat and pulling himself further on top of you as he smothers himself in your love happily. 
- Your hybrid has always been soft and emotional and so in tune with what others need- you especially. And you confess that you’re the ones who’s lucky. Lucky to have him. 
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- On your weekly night out to a new local diner that week you dress in one of your new dresses, one that Seokjin called “a light mauve” that contrasted nicely with your undertones, whatever that meant. You attempt something that you haven’t in ages; something that’s daunted you since your accident- makeup.
- You don’t know why you where sure you wanted to be pretty today, but the thought of going out, being on Jin's arm- something that ordinarily wouldn’t make you anxious at all- sets you on edge. 
- You fumble around with your old container of foundation and a beauty blender and that’s how Jin finds you, scrambling with the brushes unsure what colors you’re actually feeling. Trying to remember what pallets you’re holding and what colors where actually there. 
- He touches your arm softly before you avert your face from him- “I just wanted to feel pretty” you say in a downturned voice, a little bit of shame clinging to your bones because really- this shouldn’t be so hard. 
- And because- Well- you wanted to be pretty for him. 
- He doesn’t say “Y/n you’re beautiful” like he wants too, confessing the first thing he ever thought about you, instead he swallows his words of praise- worried about making you uncomfortable and takes the makeup brush from you.
- “I can help with that you know- why don’t you sit” he’d had practice putting on makeup as a show hybrid- and though he’s a little out of practice he manages to blend your contour out perfectly on the first try. 
- You sit down on the edge of the toilet, he brushes careful amounts of blush onto your face after he pats it with a bit of setting powder- it’s a little light for you, obviously a winter shade but he warms it a little with some bronzer at your cheekbones and your temples
- It feels nice- for him to treat you with such gentle movements, the soft unexpected brush of the fine soft bristles as he smudges on the light gold highlighter to your cheekbones, making you glow and shimmer to Jin’s eyes.
- Jin loves taking care of you in this way, loved taking care of you in general. he’s so enthralled by the particulars of your face the small marks, the upturn of your pink lips, the delicate brush of your lashes along your lower cheek and your perfect cheeks themselves.
- “Jin,” you say softly, and he can hear the emotion in your voice, “I’ve never thanked you- for all of this- for being” for being my person, you want to say, but you don’t think he’d understand, not really. Just how much he means to you. 
- “You don’t have to honey,” he says, his breath brushing over your cheeks, “but still- I don’t know who I’d be or where I’d be if It weren’t for you,” a single tear drifts out of the corner of your eye. Seokjin stills above you, and you hear the clatter of the make up pallet and brush as he sets it aside.  
- And Seokjin ticks, “that won’t do,” his large hands cupping your jaw. 
- The sudden press of something so soft that they can only be his lips stuns you as he presses them over the tear on your cheek.
- You jump backward at the tentative and delicate touch. You can feel the press of his hair against your forehead as he slowly withdraws, pressing another kiss to your jaw on the way out. His lips trailing down your chin.  
- He pauses, his breath brushing over your freshly painted lips, colored by his own hands; he sees your chest heave with gasps when he hovers.
- You move forward the half inch and press your lips to his, his hands hit the back of the toilet when he catches himself- because really- he never expected you to return his kiss, he didn't expect this white-hot feeling that’s finally bubbled up past the boiling point where he’d shoved it down in his chest.
- Your hands go up to hold him gently behind his neck; softly enough that he can pull away if he wants to.
- Your entire body feels on fire, and it feels like Jin is the one spreading gasoline as he kisses you with passionate fervor, lips parting against yours. He lets you break apart for air, tastes you on his tongue when he leans his forehead against yours, both of you breathing heavy.
- “You okay?” he asks, and you nod a little, smiling- but overwhelmed, you’d forgotten how sensitive lips where. In the absence of his they tingle. He stands up, pretending like he didn’t just kiss you, your face is flaming as you stutter out a yes but Seokjin still steps away. 
- He wants to go slow, and he has a feeling that if you kept kissing- you’d go anything but slow.
- While Grabbing your setting spray and setting your make up he says, “there we go- perfect” though he’s not talking about just your makeup. “We’ll be late if we don’t leave soon- shall we?” he says, taking your hand, you let him pull you up to your feet.
- That night Seokjin treats you like a princess- and like before, every word from him makes you blush and stutter. You even indulge in a bottle of wine for the two of you. Though neither of you says it you both think that you might need something to soothe your nerves. The conversation flows like usual- more easily than breathing despite the lingering awkwardness from the kiss.
- Because you know him, and after these months together Seokjin knows you better than he knows the back of his own hand. There’s no need to be nervous around you.
- The second time the two of you kiss he’s the one who initiates it, he presses a kiss against your mouth while you dry dishes and he washes.  It’s sweet and offly domestic but it feels nice when he presses into you harder, his teeth biting at your lower lip.
- His strong hands hoisting you up to sit against the counter. Slotting himself in-between your legs, when you run your fingers through his hair, nail scratching against his scalp and over his ears, making him groan against your lips.
- The third time you kiss it's you who seeks his lips out- he’s got his head in your lap on the couch- it’s late at night and the run of your hand through his hair and over his ears makes him almost groan with the delightful shivers.
- You laugh when he lets out a high pitched whine when you stop your trail against his ear, and you lean down- letting your hair spill over him before you kiss him softly with a gentle rhythm.
- He kisses you for longer, his hands hovering on your waist and itching up to press against your ribs under your shirt. Thumbs brushing your sternum.  You don’t discourage his touches when they get heavier.
- Seokjin steals kisses from your lips on walks, when you crinkle your forehead when you laugh, kisses the smile from your face when you laugh at a comedian on late night television.
- You could never get enough of the taste of your hybrid. Though he was much more than just that to you.  
- In the cold of late autumn, Seokjin pries the sweater off of you and finds you’re not wearing a bra underneath, and you commit to mapping every inch of his skin with your hands and mouth. 
- You spend the morning with your bare chest pressed against his, your hands trailing and memorizing the elegant curve of his broad shoulders and tapered waist. Even going down further to twine your hands up and around his tail making him pant against you.
- It feels so intimate to have his skin pressed against yours, and you know based on the way that he sighs against your skin that he feels the same way. The connection between the two of you, the intimacy, makes your heart beat quick and your palms sweaty.
- He leaves love bites against your shoulders and begs you not to cover them up with makeup when you go out- even though you just raise your eyebrows at him most of the time and repeat your request for the cover-up. Even saying you’ll do it yourself if he won’t.
- But Seokjin can never deny your requests, even if he wants the whole world to see his claiming marks on you- even if you can’t see them yourself. He catches you sometimes running your fingers over them and pressing against them to feel the dull ache and memory of his mouth when you think he’s not paying attention. 
- You get happier, bad days still happen, but now Seokjin just comes in to cuddle regardless of how you try to push him out. Even gaining the second sense as to when you’re going to go into a spiral- seeing the faraway look in your eyes and knows he shouldn’t plan on releasing a video the next day.
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- Winter comes, Seokjin hangs up lights all around the house and even helps you pick a Christmas tree (you love how the smell of pine fills your home). The two of you decorate it with lights and buy each other presents as Christmas draws near.
- The two of you open up Christmas presents on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day. Your mother gets Seokjin a fluffy pink sweater that he instantly loves and pulls on. Texting her that he loves it and thanking her. Which then leads to her calling the two of you for an extremely long video call with the rest of your family.  
- You get him a couple’s wine and cooking night package scheduled for a few weeks away, along with something a little more personalized, a cookbook- but not just any old cookbook- it’s his cookbook.
- You put all his favorite recipes in it, complete with his comments which you recorded from eat Jin, and a few puny names, (such as chicken- pot- fine, for his pie recipe, and scalloped potate-no’s after his misadventures with that recipe.)
- You sent it away to one of those websites to get it designed; the book is spiral bound but glossy- with a photo of himself on the cover
- You spent nearly a day and a half talking with the printing designer over the phone to make it perfect- but you suspected they liked the project- after all, they were able to make most if not all of the design choices.
- The only thing that was totally you was the second part of the book- a mirror of the first only this one was in braille so that you could read it too.
- Seokjin almost cries when he holds it for the first time, sucking on his lower lip to keep in the tears when he sees the words “eat with Jin” in a swirly yet elegant font across the top.
- “Well do you like it,” you ask, taking his silence to mean something bad, but he just pulls you into his lap and nuzzles his head into your shoulder and no other words are needed.
- He gets you a fluffy fawn colored sweatshirt that almost goes down to your knees and an entire set of the harry potter audio books ready to be downloaded onto your phone.
- You giggle happily about- now you can listen to them everywhere and don’t need the old dilapidated radio to listen to them.  
- That night the two of you watch the charismas specials (well he watches them- you just listen) until the late hours of the night wrapped in each other. Falling asleep with your head rested against Jin’s chest listening to his heartbeat.
- The two of you wake when the bells signaling the turn of the clock to midnight knock you out of your warm reverie, “Merry Christmas” you mutter to each other, meeting his lips in a kiss that tastes like the peppermint from candy canes and the promise of home.
- That night the two of you turn in, sleeping in your bedroom for once and not parting like you usually do. Underneath the too warm covers- you’re too hot in the sweatshirt he bought you so instead you shuck your pants leaving you only in your underwear.
- He takes off his pants too- leaving him only in his boxers and thin undershirt; you wind your bare skin in between each other and fall asleep breathing in each other’s breath.
- When Jin is sure you’ve fallen asleep, your hands curling and unfurling one in the covers another fisted on the shirt in his side, he whispers quietly into the winter air. “I love you.”
- You wake to snow the next morning- fallen overnight and the cold pressing in oppressively. Seokjin begs you to go sledding at the local hill and of course, you couldn’t say no to him.
- “You’ll be fine- just sit you between my legs” and of course it ends up okay, though the first time is a little terrifying, it’s been so long since you’d felt the wind and adrenaline rush through your veins, you shriek with laughter the first time down, and then jump up and say “again! again!” like a little kid.
- Jin just laughs, brushing the snow out of his hair before he presses a cold kiss against your cheek and guides you back to the top of the hill when the other kids are waiting.
- When you get home Seokjin is shivering and cold to the bone on account of having forgotten a pair of gloves behind. Concerned, you demand that Seokjin takes a warm bath in your bathroom (seeing as his bathroom on the second floor didn’t have a tub.)
- Drawing it for him and even popping in a bath bomb that you saved for a special occasion before he can tell you not to use it on him. he almost invites you to join him in the bath but the words fail to fall from the tip of his tongue before you close the door behind yourself.
- Seokjin spends almost an hour in the blissful lilac colored water letting the warmth relax his muscles, and he decides that he defiantly likes baths and will ask you to take more of them- with him hopefully- eventually if he ever plucks up the courage that is.
- You surprise him with a mug of warm hot chocolate with copious marshmallows and whipped cream. The two of you fall asleep curled up in each other’s lap and when you wake- though it might be dark outside the two of you are restless from the afternoon spent napping. And decide to go on a late night walk to burn off some steam.
- The city is cold and quiet in a peaceful sort of way with few people sharing the sidewalk with you as you navigate into the park already growing sleepy.  A group of kids ambushes you with snowballs, peaking up over the edge of the boulders much to your surprise. Catching Seokjin with a snowball straight to the face.
- “You brats!” he cries scooping up a handful of snow on the side of his head and launching it in the teens' direction. He squeals and runs.
- But they venture off before long- eager to find an easier target after Seokjin pelts them with snowballs- feeling slightly proud of himself for defending you so well. Though he’d never admit it even after you tease him.
- He runs a hand through your hair clearing it of snowflakes, before you grin up at and asks, “Did I hit any of them?” Seokjin smiles at you and kisses the snowflakes off your lips and says that of course, you did even though the snowball he saw you throw landed off by about 10 feet.
- You walk further into the park, fat snowflakes starting to fall again, bursting on your face and melting when they hit like little sparks of cold.
- The two of you are just walking down the path when Seokjin yelps, taking a look at you- realizing that you’d lost your hat in the snowball skirmish “just give me a second! I’ll go back and get it” he’s letting go of your hand before you can say that you’ll walk with him.
- You suck on your lower lip, a little anxious as the sound of his footsteps disappear, you don’t have your walking stick but the garden path is mostly deserted and you’ve walked this way countless times before.
- But to stand there in the silence, the only sound the faint crinkle of the falling snow is unnerving. Your heart rate increases.
- The path might be safe and deserted the day after Christmas but there is something creepy about the silence of the woods and the fact that you know its dark around you, though you’ve lived with the darkness for long enough. Your breathing slowly speeds up, and you begin to lose sense of direction. “Jin?” you call out weakly. Unsure where he came from- your hands out in front of you.
- Seokjin couldn’t be more than 100 meters away from you- but he still doesn’t answer. A sharp noise echoes right beside you and you turn too quickly, your feet sliding, you take a step to your left and your legs slips- and suddenly you’re falling.
- Your bare skin touching snow as you turn over, your hand hitting a stone echoing with pain as you roll down a hill. You cry out as you finally come to a stop with your gloved hands fisted in the snow at the bottom of the slope.
- You call Seokjin’s name again and turn your foot a little tapping out with it, suddenly cold, ice cracks and your foot gets wet, the soft sound of gurgling arrests your ears.
- A stream, you’re right next to a frozen stream, you’re shaking now, the noise- the same one as before comes closer. You remember Seokjin mentioning a ravine around here more than once before and you truly start to panic when you realize where you are.
- “Hello?” you call out your voice shaking.
- “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to startle- you were just about to fall and then you did cuz you got startled and-” a quiet male voice says the sound of footsteps and someone presence as foreign hands find you and start to help you up.
- you flinch but accept the help ”It’s okay” you say softly, trying to muster more strength in your voice. “Would you mind helping me- I- I’m blind and I can’t see my way out of here.” Warm bare hands grab at your wrist steadying you, and your pulse jumps- adrenaline reacting instinctively to a stranger.
- “You don’t need to be afraid I really am sorry- h-here”
- “How can you tell I’m afraid?” you inquire almost scared of the answer, he pauses, the silence pregnant, before he echoes quietly, “I could smell it on you.”
- “How could smell me!?” you ask, your foot slipping abruptly on something making you stoop to your knee, the stranger helps you stand again and you continue to climb uphill. 
- Usually, you’d be more cautious and would never put your trust in a complete stranger, but you need him to get you out of here. “I’m a hybrid.” He answers softly. “Oh thank god” you relax instantly, “My hybrid should be around here somewhere, what kind are you? I’d love to meet your owner, what’s your name?”
- “Namjoon,” he says meekly “and I’m just a wolf mutt.” Your foot hits another slippery patch and you slide backward trying to regain your footing but failing. “It might be easier if you just get on my back.”
- “Okay” you agree, when he loops your arms around his neck and tells you to hold onto your wrist your arms brush over ears, bristly but somehow shorter than you’d thought, he stands when you arms are linked hunching forward. between your parted legs a tail swishes.
- “I got you,” he says, starting to lead you up the embankment. Feeling surefooted. It takes him seconds to ascent the slope with you on his back. “Here we go,” he says carefully lowering you down back onto the path. your front sliding down his wide back.
- “Y/N!” Seokjin yells, the sound of running immediately alerting you, you turn in his direction the same moment that his strong hands are dragging you behind him and away from the hybrid that just helped you.
- from Seokjin’s perspective, the hybrid looks grimy, obviously a stray, and a wolf from the look of it if his shaggy ears (one of them with a rip in it and the top tip of the other gone entirely), his unkempt tail, and unfiled canines where anything to go off of.
- His jacket was dirty and there was a smudge of dirt on his cheek- he was a stray- a stray hybrid like the ones that had been plaguing the city.
- The musky scent of fear coming from you cloying at his nostrils and making him go into high alert, his protective instincts making his temper flare. Who was this wolf threatening his mate?
- The low growl that echoes out of his throat cuts off your next words, “Seokjin!” you say alarmed, your hand fisting on the back of his jacket- pulling him back softly.
- In front of him, the wolf hybrid has his ears pinned to his head, backing up back towards the woods. “He helped me Jin! I slipped down the embankment and Namjoon was just helping me get out!”
- There is a moment that Jin stays ramrod straight, his tail curled threateningly, the other hybrids eyes are so wide as he shrinks back, one foot already in the woods, just before he turns and runs jin says, “wait- I’m sorry please-please don’t go” the other hybrid pauses by the edge of the path, a whine of fear high pitched and a little pitiful in the quiet winter air.
- Seokjin simultaneously is relieved (because he didn’t know if he was prepared to be in his first fight) and ashamed at himself for reacting with his instincts instead of his human head. now that he can see clearly he can see that The other hybrid looked anything but threatening
- “At least let us thank your owner for helping me” Seokjin casts a look at you-you can’t tell that he’s a stray. “At least let us feed you- to say thank you” Seokjin remedies, casting a glance at the wrists of the hybrid- they look so thin.
- Now that he’s taking a good look at him without the fear clouding his judgment Seokjin can see how unsteady the pup looks- he’s almost as tall as Seokjin but is at least 40 pounds lighter.
- He’s younger too, his shaggy grey-brown hair the same color as his ears, there’s a tare in the leg of his too short pants and his shoes don’t look anywhere near warm enough for the weather
- Seokjin’s shivering just looking at him.
- “Okay,” he says quietly. The three of you start to walk at a slow pace keeping a comfortable distance towards the edge of the park. You only let the uncomfortable silence fester for a moment before you’re saying “so….ugh Namjoon- where does your owner live?”
- Seokjin see’s the younger hybrid tense “ugh…my den is in the park?” Seokjin holds onto you a little tighter as you stumble when your foot hits a rock, he notices the mud on the back of your jacket from where you slid, the faint redness in your hand where you must have hit it when you’d fallen.
- He wouldn’t soon stop internally berating himself for leaving you alone for some time- how could he be so careless.
- “Wait you mean you live here? Out in the cold? You’re a stray?” Seokjin sees the stranger flush with shame and looks down, “it’s not so bad- I’ve got a lot of blankets and it warms up when I can make a fire.”
- “Please- let us help you, come back and sleep on our couch for the night” the fact that Seokjin is showing kindness your to Namjoon, whose head he’d been about to chomp off surprises you but makes you more than a little pleased, but then again Seokjin had always been kind.
- The other hybrid deliberates, sucking in his lower lip for a second, glancing at you- looking even smaller and non-threatening in a large puffy black coat. And then the other hybrid, who looked to be a few years older than him. Seokjin had the puffed up well mannered and well cared for look that stray hybrids never had, he’d never lived on the street, Namjoon was sure of it.  
- Namjoon’s deciding shifting back and forth on one food before he says, “ok” and admits to himself that he really really doesn’t want to spend tonight in the cold and really just one night couldn’t hurt. Tomorrow he would leave and everything would be fine- his few possessions in his den wouldn’t be touched- especially since it was so well hidden.
- Your home is quiet and dark but unbelievably warm to Namjoon at first impression, almost stifling until he takes off his clothes, everything is so clean he immediately feels grubbier than ever, worried about touching anything lest he leaves a mark.
- You take Namjoon’s jacket from him and tell him, “We can wash these for you- and your other clothes, I’m assuming you’re a similar size to Jin?“ Namjoon nods before he realizes that you can’t see him do that. “Do you want to maybe take a shower or a bath?” Seokjin asks, taking your jacket off of the hook where you’d hung it up add it to the pile in your arms. You don’t comment on the extra weight.
- Namjoon can’t help but notice how the elder hybrid wrinkles his nose- he’s sure he doesn’t smell all that nice so he agrees, and the hybrid leads him upstairs to a bathroom that smells and offal lot like the dog-hybrid himself and sets him up with a towel and some fresh scented lavender and vanilla soap that makes Namjoon’s tail wag faster.
- He can’t wait to smell so clean- or so sweet, it’s been years since he’d showered in an actual bathroom and not just the stream or dealt with a gas station bathroom.
- When Namjoon exits the bathtub he finds the home filled with a lofty but rich scent as well as something that smells like burnt toast, he carefully grabs the clothes that have been left out for him and changes into the sweatshirt and stretchy pants. He heads downstairs his nose his guide to the heavenly scent.
- In the kitchen, he finds only Seokjin, but his sensitive ears picking up on some movement from the room to his right. “I hope you’re hungry- Y/n wanted me to make my vegetable soup tonight for you. please tell me you like grilled cheese, y/n has a thing for anything cheesy and greasy no matter how much I try to get her to eat healthily”
- “I like things as cheesy as you” you say as you exit the room next to the kitchen- what must be the master suite, wearing silky pajamas- it’s nearing midnight now.
- Seokjin laughs at your pun, a sound that makes Namjoon’s own mouth tug up in a smile. “Aish woman, stop tugging at my heartstrings.”
- “What’s a grilled cheese?” Namjoon asks, going over to look at the pot of soup-  the spices hit his nose like a cacophony and Namjoon knows that if it tastes even half as good as it smells, he’s going to be dreaming about it for years whenever he has an empty stomach.
- You’re open-mouthed, shaking your head at Namjoon’s question. “ whats ah- Oh my god! You haven’t lived until you’ve had a grilled cheese- I’ll show you how to make one,” you say bounding over to the fridge in excitement about getting to show him.
- In your own space, your shoulders relax, and Namjoon can tell that you’re much more comfortable- and less hesitant now that you’re in your own space, Seokjin wordlessly hands you the cheese as you pull out the bread. Anticipating your hands reaching around for it before you’ve even voiced the question.
- It’s clear you’ve lived with the hybrid for a long time, and if Namjoon inhales a deep breath- he can tell that both of your scents has a little of the other Init. Namjoon’s a little jealous- but he tamps it down.
- The food is even better than it smells. And when Namjoon complements Seokjin on it the hybrid almost preens. “I swear I’ve gained 10 pounds since he came to live with me.” you comment. To which Seokjin replies “nonsense- you’re still nothing but skin and bones,” Namjoon can't help but notice how you used the words lived with me- instead of adopted.
- “How long have you been living together.” “Almost 10 months now.” Seokjin says, your hand brushes his on the top of a table. Namjoon averts his eyes- trying to be polite while still feeling like a guest and digs in.
- By the end of the night Namjoon’s belly is so full it hurts. And he’d eaten almost 4 bowls of soup and half a dozen grilled cheeses; even Seokjin had been impressed with how well Namjoon had eaten.
- And he was more than a little pleased that he’d barely been able to drowsily stumble to the living room where you were waiting with a pillow that smelled like you and a fuzzy gray blanket.
- “Goodnight Namjoon,” you say as he reclines on the too comfortable plush sofa- so different than the pile of old sheets and foam bits he’d manage to scavenge and put in his den. He knows the instant he lies down that he’ll fall asleep in seconds.
- You reach out, running your warm palm over his forehead and through his clean hair, rubbing over his ears, Namjoon makes a startled noise- halfway between a trill of surprise and a rumbling purr of pleasure.
- From the doorway he can hear you and Seokjin, “can we snuggle again tonight?” you ask Seokjin, “of course” he says, sounding glad you’ve asked.
- Namjoon knows it must not be easy- letting an unknown male into his den. It doesn’t matter that Seokjin’s a dog hybrid and not a wolf hybrid some instincts ran too deep. He’ll have to thank the elder when before he leaves in the morning.
- The sunlight comes too quickly, shining through the open windows as Namjoon wakes to the natural rhythm of the world far before either you or Seokjin. He resists the temptation to stay curled up underneath the warm covers and makes himself get up, He doesn’t think you’ll mind if he makes some coffee before he braves the cold outdoors.
- He notices some mud (probably tracked in by him) in the front entryway, so he grabs a broom and sets about cleaning up his mess and making it look like he was never here while the coffee maker gurgles. He's just finishing up and tugging his jacket on when the door to your bedroom opens and you exit, groaning and stretching as you bid Namjoon good morning.
- “Good morning! I made coffee- I hope you don’t mind.”
- “Not at all- though if you hand me a cup with cream and sugar I won’t mind even more.” Namjoon grins and obliges you pressing the warm cup into your hands.
- “I’ll be out of your hair soon- thank you so much for your hospitality. I really can't put it into words.” He watches your expression fall, your mug set down on the table instantly.
- “What are you talking about?” Seokjin says from the doorway, his hair pushed up around his forehead in an obvious case of bed head. “The temperature is in the single digits today, you can’t honestly want to go back out into that when you don’t have a warm place to stay.”
- “I- I don’t want to intrude.”
-  “We’ve got more than enough room here Namjoon.” Seokjin counters, “I don’t want to be a bother.” He says quietly and Seokjin can see his resolve crumbling as he looks into the sunny and sterile cold world outside and then casts a glance at the warm inside of the apartment.
- “The winters only going to get colder Namjoon.”  your hand extends to touch his arm, gripping his jacket.  “At least stay until the spring.” Namjoon sucks on his lower lip. Torn between what he wants and what he knows he should do.
- He knows he has to leave. but he wants to stay more than anything. you were probably just being nice to him- you probably didn't want him to be there, he was probably only being a bother. 
- Seokjin goes over to the fridge “we’re almost out of groceries and I’m going to need someone to help me carry them back- will you help Namjoon?” he asks before the hybrid can make a response, Namjoon glances down at you, a small smile playing at the edge of your lips.
- “Okay- I’ll help you,” he says after a moment, feeling his resolve flatten out as he crumples. it’s the least he can do after you’ve clothed and fed him. “I don’t want to go until after breakfast.” You complain, and Seokjin can sense the double meaning in the words. As Namjoon is manipulated into staying until after he helps and therefore after breakfast. “have you ever made pancakes before Namjoon?”
- “No,” he says, “but I’ve had them before.” He says when he notices you about to ask, you close your mouth with a smile. “Come over here and let me show you-but take off your jacket first- I don’t want your sleeves to get in the batter.”
- After a very long day in the supermarket that Namjoon sense’s you are both trying to draw out, He’s more than a little tired and chilly from the 10-minute walk back. His arms aching a little bit. “I’ll put things away.” You say as they plop the bags on the table.
- Seokjin guides Namjoon up the stairs into what must have been the hybrids room painted a lovely mauve color that’s almost white. Seokjin gives Namjoon some of the old clothes he doesn’t wear anymore, far more than the ones he loaned him yesterday, but these ones are ones he can have.
- By the time they go downstairs and Namjoon is wondering if he should leave again you’re already asking for his help to chop up some vegetables for a salad.
- And by the end of dinner Seokjin is making hot chocolate with marshmallows and before Namjoon knows it he’s falling asleep next to you on the couch while a movie plays in the distance, lulled to sleep by the gentle breathing of the two of you curled next to him as his head nudges onto your shoulder.
- You raise your hand and run it through his supper soft ears that are somewhat bristly at the ends. Fingering over the cleft in his side. Seokjin watches your expression, the way you seem to melt under the easy and deep breaths of the sleeping hybrid, and the way he’s melting into you, adorable dimples popping out as he smiles in his sleep.
- “Can we keep him Jin? Don’t you think it would be better if he stayed?” Seokjin reaches out his hand to thumb across the hybrids cheek. He’s so deeply asleep Seokjin could probably yell and the other wouldn’t wake.
- “Of course I do.”
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box May 19
Before I begin I have an announcement: later/tomorrow I plan to post a sort of... glossaryish post that will be about ALL the boxes I subscribe to :D Because earlier today it occurred to me, I never really talk about the brands themselves anymore unless they have some update or if I complain in my reviews. I thought this type of post would be nice for anyone who just wanted to learn more about a specific box to see if they would be interested in it. I will also be including my own opinions on the box as a whole, pros and cons, how the box has changed, etc.
So if you like things like that, then make sure you come back soon!
Until then, we’re gonna focus on this:
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Word of the month: Tanjyoubi - Birthday
Disney Princess Dress-Up Puffy Stickers
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Our first item is a set of Disney Princess Ariel/Little Mermaid stickers. Covered to the brim with stickers, this sheet has multiple outfits, accessories/props, and deco bits to have fun with the sticker doll and then-some!
Besides Ariel, there are other Disney Princess and I’ve even seen they added a really cute Minnie mouse one on Blippo.com. Those in this set each cost $3.90.
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I was really torn between all 3 dresses, the turquoise one was a classic for Ariel, and I love how the pink one reminded me of Aurora, but I actually settled for the purple one because I though it looked really pretty on her. Then I chose the shell purse and matching decoration/accessory and a light pink sash to add more to her dress, what do you think?
While on the subject, which dress would you have chose for her? Or would you have given her a different colored dress entirely?
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s really simple, but it’s also pretty fun and cute, I love dress-up stickers because of how creative you can be. I mentioned this before but I really want to start a scrapbook or photobook and fill it entirely with dress-ups~
The stickers puffiness is nice and soft, and I like how these don’t feel finished. So I could go back to it a few days later and swap out her purse and hair piece to make her classier with a sun hat. Or I could give her the turquoise dress if I wanted. 
Sanrio Ziptop Bag Set
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Next up is this pack of adorable Pompompurin zipper bags. You get 6 in total, including 3 Small 70mm x100mm, and 3 Medium 160mm x 190mm. Each set offers different designs, and besides Pompompurin (who I couldn’t find on blippo btw) there was also the other basic characters like my Melody, Gudetama, Little Twin Star. Each set costs $5.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think these are really cute, and practical :D according to the back of the package you could put all sorts of things in these, and I like that both sets are zip-locks. These would be a perfect gift for any Pompompurin fan.
Kawaii Dreams File
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This is the monthly Exclusive item, a file folder featuring a variety of kawaii designs and items you can find on the Kawaii Box box and booklet, with the inside panel being white and pink to match the box’s color scheme. It’s kinda small-medium, about the size of the booklet that comes in each box, and it’s a little flimsy, but for most part it feels durable and sturdy.
You can buy this off of Blippo for $2.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  
I usually don’t look forward to getting these files in the boxes because as cute as they are, they’re always big and bent. This one fits in the box with no problem, so I feel like even though you would need to fold certain things into it, it’s more practical. I also like how despite how colorful and busy it looks, it doesn’t feel too-busy.
Soft Jell Rainbow Gel Pen Set
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I loved gel pens growing up x3 my friends and I loved to draw on our things and each other during class (but only when we weren’t actually doing anything important <3< I wasn’t a model student but I didn’t get into trouble either), and I remember just admiring the massive rainbow collection my friend had; she must have had at least 100!
My collection was much smaller and modest though, I only had a few glittery metallic ones and a couple multicolored pastels. So for someone who used to love these, getting a whole pretty set like this just made my day~
It’s also pretty rare for us to get a whole set of anything in the boxes. If you’ve seen my prior reviews (or check out the items on blippo) its usually just one separate of your choosing. This set costs $6.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The colors are vibrant and really pretty, as you can see I did decorate the box with them which in hindsight might not have been the best thing to do, but they still worked once the ink got flowing. They’re juicy and are capable of long lines, writing, dots, coloring.
My only complaint is that both blues (or I suppose you could say one is indigo? Turquoise?) look almost exactly alike. It’s the same in the actual pens, but there’s still a noticeable difference until you go to use them both, so I wish they would have darkened or lightened one of them to make the difference more noticeable.
Cute Animal Friend Masking Tape & Nekoni Cherry Blossoms Badge
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For our next items, I got bunnies for both ♥
 First is an adorable pastel bunny washi tape that consists of a kawaii bunny doing some silly actions. I would have taken out a piece to show the design, but when I unraveled a long, long amount of it I saw no end to the pattern >3< like it kept going, there was no repeat bunnies. Each bunny was cuter, or sillier than the last.
There are several varieties you could get, and you can guy them in sets of 4 for $5.90 on Blippo.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Well besides being very cute and silly to look at, I like how this doesn’t seem to be repetitive like most tapes. I’m sure it starts repeating somewhere but for now, I just think it would be cute to use them individually as little emoji icons, like for notes or letters or something.
From the brand Nekoni are these adorable pastel badges with cherry blossom designs, ranging from animals, a human girl, scenery, and adorable foods. Each badge costs $1.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s very cute, but there isn’t really much I can say about a badge other than the fact it seems to be fine quality. There was no problems with it or anything to complain about.
Cute Stationery Buddy
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This probably would have been better suited for a school theme- but you also use stuff like this to decorate :P so, our next item is an adorable, soft but firm plush themed after various stationery items. There are 7 in total, each with a ball chain and costing $4.90.
I really hope I’m not the only person, but when I saw this (and even now) I think of a snail; it’s a roll of tape! I was so surprised initially but now that I’ve had it for a while I’ve been seeing it more.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Again, I find myself with little to say. It’s really cute though, and the quality is nice, there’s no obvious flaws or issues.
Yogurt Jelly Hair Clip Set
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In comparison to stationery, we always get sets of hair clips so I’m happy about that :3 I love their kawaii hair clips and accessories, they’re usually always one of my most favorite items~
Anyway, this set is themed after yogurt jelly and features a small translucent clip attached to a clear, colorful, glittery yogurt jelly attached to it, each with labels, a colorful lid, and a tiny lotte written in the corner. These come in several cute color schemes, each set costs $2.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
As I’ve been saying this entire review, these are very cute. They’re also well made, in that the pieces don’t feel loose or flimsy, which has been in a problem with one or two past-sets I’ve gotten, but you can easily fix that with some good glue. I was also very happy to get a very pink set, but you couldn’t go wrong with any of them in my opinion!
DIY Fruity Doodle Pen & Flower Candy
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Our last item is this cute little fruity doodle set. Technically I don’t consider this to be a DIY considering you’re just spreading gel on the gummies, but it’s very cute and I really wanted to try it. I started seeing it like a year or two ago?
It’s available on Blippo for $3.50.
As you can see, I got tons of yellow gummies, along with a single pink, and two blues. The gel is supposed to be sour, but it’s actually very light- it reminds me a lot of strawberry jello/gelatin. The gummies are individually flavored, and this is what I thought:
Yellow - might be apricot? It tastes a lot like the apricot jelly filling in the mochi I buy from the mall.
Blue - my favorite, tastes like blue raspberry.
Pink - no flavor I could pick up, just sweetness.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
As I said, I’m not sure this is entirely a DIY so I didn’t make a separate post on it. All you do is apply the jelly, which I thought actually tasted the best out of everything in the set, but it was very tasty and cute overall, I just wish the colors/flavors of the flowers were more varied.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content -  5 out of 5: I’m not sure they were all my absolute favorite or anything, but I did genuinely like everything we got this month. I found no quality issues or problems, plenty of variety in both the types of items, and for each item. A very practical and fun box. Some items were fairly pricey though, and I’m not sure if I agreed with some of those. Also, we got one item less than usual, which I assume has something to do with the price?
Theme -  ????? out of 5: I found this Happy Birthday theme to be extremely open and up for interpretation, so I had I’m not sure how I feel about how they did on it. On one hand I could say “yes, these are items you could use for gifts or decoration for a birthday“, but on another I’d say “sakura badges and yogurt hair clips don’t make me think of a birthday.”
Total Rank: 8.5 out of 10 Cuties. I liked the items, and I can see why they chose the theme they did, but because of how open it is, I’m not sure how my feelings are towards it. The items worked great and I would recommend mostly all of them. I’m not sure this is my favorite box though...
(I’m sorry but I ended up skipping the last part of this review, I was fine this entire time but towards the end things got really busy in the house and I’m not feeling well at the time. I would have went to lay down but my laptop has been weird lately and I didn’t want to risk losing the work T^T sorry if you were looking forward to that part.)
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ikonislife · 7 years
My Professor 5
-Hanbin x Reader (Professor!Hanbin)
-1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
-It was universally known that friend with benefit between best friends would be a chaotic ride from the start till the heartbreak of either one or both party. No one says anything about being in one with your dear professor…
-Rated M for language, mention of sex (secretly rated B for bullshit 😏)
-a/n: I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW SHORT THIS PART IS... and how long it took to get written. Life is rough as always and I lost all my writing mojo so i took a step back and just let myself enjoy the excitement of anticipating their comeback. 
This part and the one after will just be story filler/ fluff to really build up to the climax of the series. I hope you guys won’t mind the story slowing down a bit before I can go full throttle with what I had in mind as to where our dear professor will end up.
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Which of the most basic human emotions is the strongest? That’s a question you’ve always struggled with and more often than not, disagree with the general consensus. The large sum of the population seems to think it’s fear, While others think it’s love. You could certainly see how fear can drive people to do things they could never, or would never agree to had they not been under duress. You’ve had enough first hand experience with this particularly menacing emotion today to speak on the matter. Same with love you suppose, having gone though already a more than rocky start and Hanbin haven’t even got a chance to utter that question yet. 
However for you, it’s the combination of these emotions, when they so perfectly mingled and worked together to lull you into a spot so sweet, its effect is deafening.  That certainly is the case right now as you watch Hanbin figure trailing further and further away from your stilled one, fear runs deep within the veins of your incapacitated body. You both had been so careless, a sense of happiness produce by your new found love had left you both negligent of the possibility that someone might still be lingering about, even as high into the sky as the man in the moon is this time of night. Happiness, love, and fear created a perfect mixture of poison that set your heart ablaze, wanting nothing more than for Hanbin to turn around and let you fall into his protective arms, to listen to his soft cooing of assurance.  Yet at the same time, your mind scrambled from the thought of losing him forever if this messed up secret surface to take a breath of fresh air, body wanting to regurgitate your non existent dinner, leaving souring taste in your throat. 
But beneath it all, perhaps curiosity struck an even bigger impact as you watch your man near skipping toward the stranger, his mannerism... happy? How could he be so relax at a climatic moment, the wall that had been protecting his darkest secret, protecting you were about to crumble with the tick of the clock. What has he got going in his mind?
Cold sweats are now breaking over your stiffening body, your eyes so frantically searches for any sign that he had noticed your distress, to read your mind but alas his attention too focus on the person ahead with a strange cheeky smile on his lips. Then without a warning, his arms thrown up in the air as if he’s performing a flashy mating dance, similar to those magnificent birds in those documentary you love to watch so often, awaiting the arrival of the shadow man. 
Yet another unexpected thing happening way too fast to add in the list of things happening so fast and unexpectedly, they’re leaving your head spinning in circle. 
“MICKEY!” And so the looming shadow  replies. Curses this old building and its less than standard lighting, you can’t even make out the other person’s face yet something, something is so familiar it’s on the tip of your tongue. 
It’s Jiwon. Crap.
Your mind silently gasp, he wouldn’t suspect anything, would he? After all, up till this point it was more likely you were fooling around with him than Hanbin going off on just public interaction alone. No way he’d suspect anything. You tell yourself yet you know deep down just how sharp the other professor Kim could be.
You must not be very convincing because as it tells itself not to worry, a monologue worthy of awards is being created simultaneously in your mind, the excuses to explain the fondness in your behaviors putting into a list. Your short barely qualify as a relationship relationship flashes before your eyes as the last chance to escape now being block by your dear professors
The two men crash into each other as if lovers reunited after a treacherous month long separation - dramatic, over the top, and down right unnecessary in the way they’re embracing each other so tight, Jiwon’s hands wandering in places that you hoped only yours had gotten the pleasure to feel. Hanbin was even worse in his touchiness, hands snaking around the other man’s waist, resting on his lower back before ruffling up his hair.  Chatting away happily, the pair has completely forgotten your lingering present, that is until Jiwon peeks behind their shoulders, an eyebrow raised in intrigue. Noting his expression, Hanbin also turn toward the direction of his curiosity, a warm smile beaming bright at you, near prideful. 
“Your girl?”
“Something like that.” Hanbin chuckles like a school kid, cheeks blooms like fresh roses in spring with a slight scratch to his head. His tone almost bashful, shy even as he repeats to himself softly under his breath Jiwon’s word. “My girl” a strange giggle you’ve never seen slips under the moonstruck smile. 
Who is this soft man in front of you and what had he done with your sex God?! Is this the kind of boyfriend he’ll be, giving you a full range of the rainbow from the softest to making you beg for mercy under the pale moonlight? If so, you’re about to be in for the ride of your life and truthfully, you’re all for it.
“Come. On. Man. Again with the “something like that” speech. Is she your girl or nah?” His feet planting firm into the worn out floor of the ancient building that had you bracing for the destruction of the infrastructure any second now. Well, if the building isn’t collapsing anytime soon then you will because Jiwon manages to shoot your a sly wink all the while looking stern as he grills his very clingy friend.
“DO NOT wink at her, I will murder you.” The sudden thought of your lie fills Hanbin’s mind with imageries that will probably send him into a murderous feat had he not has so much trust in both his girl and his best friend. A quiet “thank you” slips his lips as Jiwon abandons his teasing way at the piercing glares, feeling the wrath of a man who has everything to lose. “I was gonna introduce her AFTER, i make things official. You jumped the gun bro. Plus it’s not like you don’t know her, she’s in your class.”
“Alright, so protective already. I’m scare to know what you’d do to those boys that always flirt with her in class.” Yet another sly raise of the brows find its way into your peripheral, and yet again Hanbin looks as if someone had just insulted all his ancestors and his future children all in the same sentence. 
“No, Binnie, don’t kill me. I’m sorry, alright. I’ll leave you kids be then, I’ll go die all alone with my endless stacks of work.”
Honestly at this point you didn’t know if you have to worry about the witch or Jiwon because to any passerby, their intimacy level is that of an old married couple. The way their arms so naturally draping around each other’s bodies, the familiarity in their touches, and down right to the gentle whispering between the two. They even got the bickering down to an art... Oh lord, Jiwon is the one you really have to watch out for.
“I’ll see you around… sister-in-law!”
You stare incredulously at the disappearing Jiwon, laughing manically all the while trying to avoid Hanbin’s playful punches, not quite sure if you’re just having a strange midday dream or their bromance of a meeting really did just happened. Sauntering back your way, Hanbin couldn’t help but let a smile blooms on his lips at how adorable and befuddle you’ve become watching his interaction.
“Have I gone mad or did you and the other hot professor Kim are like bros...”
“You have not and you should only know ONE hot professor Kim, alright?” Near growling under his breath, Hanbin has his hand brushing against your waist, even if the contact lingering barely a second, you could feel the green with envy dripped fingertips.
“Yes, professor.”
Even with the desires burning deep within both your hearts to spend as much time as you could together, the sudden chatter lingering by the courtyard reminds you both of just how much is at risk. With one last smile, your dear professor begins his short trip to the confine of his office, a much happier man than this morning, heart grown just a bit larger at the thought of you cozy in his bed just a few hours from now, and many days to come.
Quite strange really to think of all the ups and downs Harbin and you have gone through, all the sadness and the pain even before the relationship really even got a chance to bloom. Out of all the nonsense and wonderfulness of it all, the only thing you haven’t managed to comprehend, to really wrap your head around is the how of it all. You’re mystify, so utterly lost at just how easily, despite all the tears and words of hurts of course, everything had fallen into place when it could have just as easily fizzles out, a romance snipped in the bud before it could bask in the bright sunlight to show off all of its vibrancy. Yet here you are, near skipping your way toward that dingy old room filled with endless stacks of paperwork, coffee in hands awaiting the end of his work hours.
Friends with benefit relationship is hard, no argument there, it rarely worked and more often than not ends up in a string of heartbreaks. But when friends and benefit get thrown into a professional world, a world where everything is grey rather than clear cut black and white. A world that require an intricate dance of not crossing the line all the while taking an axe to all other lines set up by society to differentiate what’s acceptable, that’s just something beyond any of your calculation, and Hanbin as well you suspect. 
In those days when you were just a bored student, just another face in the crowded lecture hall that seemingly there only for the gorgeous face and smooth voice, did you ever think this rollercoaster of a fuck up relationship would ever work out? God no, not even in your highest highs and wildest of vivid dreams of a horny college girl lusting after her professor. The thought of him even looking your way was even preposterous because lord know he got some on the daily. You have to admit, had he been any less handsome or charming, you would’ve said fuck the 5% of your grade depending on attendant, and maybe one day you’ll admit that to Hanbin but for now to yourself is enough. You were fine with that, showing up for a few hours to watch him dance and sing his way to the betterment of the future, it’s not like you won’t concede to feeling just a tad bit more encouraged when Hanbin offers up in a few lingering stares and a sweet, coy smile or two as you waddle your way out after class. 
The first time you had worked up the courage to storm into his office, it was vast different from tonight but in many ways, alike.  The bleeding sunshine so gentle and silky against your skin, basting everything in a near glittery tone not even filters could get such beautiful light. You didn’t know if it was your heart was beating just a bit faster but the brilliant hues of the sky was especially stunning, the golden ray bowing out for the day leaving the stage open for roses to overtake the pristine white clouds. You circled the building, three times, as any one would of course on their way in for some one on one help with homework, it’s a big deal, facing your professor. It wasn’t until the clock ticking close to 6 that you had realized professors do not in fact live in their office, that they do have a life outside of the university. You felt stupid, barging in so last minute and watched as his handsome features faltered just a bit knowing whatever his plan was that night was out the window. So in your insane delirious mind of hunger accompanied by the worst string of insomnia, you flirted. You flirted because if he’s to be kept here by your pestering self, the very least you could offer up some pleasant banter, because that’s exactly what your catch of a professor need… His student shooting heart eyes his way to make up for taking up his free time. It’s not a good plan but a plan nonetheless. 
The walk now, silvery moonlight grazing your skin with its cool wisps, nothing warming your soul aside from the warmth emanating from the scalding hot coffees and the excitement of once again retreating to the place where your heart longs for. Yet that distinct bubbling in your chest, the excitement of seeing that soul melting grin, that definitely cannot be misplace. Although the uncertainties, the hope that you were somehow more special than any other girls in his class long gone and was now replaced by just how loved you feel from his words, from his action, and simply just from the soft gazes accompany by the most adorable moonstruck smile. You want to sing to the world, to show everyone how amazing this man you get to call yours is but for now these private meeting at the most intimate hours of night will do so long as you get to be in his arms. Who know if you’ll both last through the trials of time in the future, or if there even is a future for you both but getting to see Hanbin in ways others can only wish to is definitely worth it all. 
As with any high, the come down of when reality hits you in the face with its bitterness is especially hard in the form of that ear piercing, gut wrenching shriek of a laugh from the one and only. With still nearly 3 doors to pass, her shrill laughter still pierce your heart, freezing it over with that haunting menacing tone. You know nothing will happen, you trust Hanbin with your future quite literally so there’s no questioning his action yet you couldn’t help that souring volcanic of a reaction deep within your gut. With a heavy sigh, your steps deter from the small door that holds your happiness, the single person that could make you feel a million buck with just a simple utter of your name… All of that was being stain by the stench of the enemy.
Is this what jealousy feel like? 
You have to see this, what the hell are they even talking about for her to be laughing so carefree. Loud grunt lost to the frigid breeze, you tiptoe toward the entrance with great care, flushing so tightly against the grossly stained wall. Boy did you blood curdle in anger at the sigh beholding, irritation drowns your body in its toxin and it pains you to physically be incapable of just dumping these cups of joe all over her goddamn inappropriate flaunting happening right on top of Hanbin’s desk. In what world did she thinks it’d be within the school code of conducts to be perching so precariously atop another professor’s desk, short skirt rising over her crossed legs so high just one more inch and you’ll be able to spot her intimates. Her back arches strategically, putting forth her most worthy assets as if Hanbin would really buys whatever she got to sell. Your lips nearly split open and her poison dipped fingertips brushes against Hanbin’s soft hand, she really crosses the line now. As much as it pains you, walking away is the only right answer and so before your heart could overpower your brain, your body slowly inches away.
[9:40] Well, I wasn’t expecting that
[9:40] Nerd 👓❤️: What do you mean, baby?
[9:41] You know what I mean. God, did she thinks that was appropriate, putting her ass on a place your students use to do work? Where you do work? Your desk! My desk! GOD!
[9:41] Nerd 👓❤️: And the work we do on it isn’t, huh sweetheart? 
[9:41] IRRELEVANT!! 
[9:41] How is that irrelevant, my God this girl. And anyways, since when is it your desk?
[9:42] Since I claimed it. Or did you forget how many time you fucked me raw atop it, professor?
[9:42] Nerd 👓❤️: I have no word for you… You’re lucky I love you.
[9:42]  Tell me when the witch is gone. I’m going over to Jiwon, I have homework questions.
If there be someone lost for words, it’s you. Yes, she’s his co-worker and co-workers are meant to bond but she had gone well beyond trust exercises, into territories of scandalous. Well, nothing nearly as dramatic as your relationship with Hanbin of course but that’s beside the point.   There’s no denying the guilt deep within your heart for Hanbin, caught in between a cry baby girlfriend and a person who does not seems to possess an ounce of IQ despite being parade as one of the best newcomer the school had seen since, well the recruitment of Hanbin and Jiwon. The two seconds you had the pleasure of passing by her during class changing was by far your least favorite experience so how could your man put up with her days after days, that piss indecent laugh and unnecessary mating dance… You’ve no words. 
The beautiful dance of pleasure and pain bestowed upon your quivering body so many nights and counting, that’s not something she ever going to experience, not in her wildest dream simply because you won’t allow it. The sweetheart you get to come home to, the absolutely breathtaking, caring man that could make you smile simply by looking your way, his heart, his soul, there’s no questioning the love he has for you and just how utterly infatuated you are with him. Yet this typhoon of jealousy, the green tinge of envy lurking its ugly head, winding itself around your heart like a python ready for the kill, there’s just no helping that. Is that wrong? Would Hanbin laugh if you share this with him, or would be be offended you have such little faith in the person you claimed to love. In truth, this whole whirlwind of a romance has you so wrapped around his slender finger, mind drunk with his whole being yet in reality, you know next to nothing about this person you call your man. Who is Kim Harbin really in the pocket of space and time when your present ceases to exist. Is he a kind son to his parents, what about siblings, aside from a vague mentioning of a younger sister, he speaks of nothing else in regard to family. What kind of bar does he and friends frequent, those trendy hipster one with more type of beers than there are hair on your head. Or are they the rugged type, pool halls and smoke filled dimly lit room while sipping on neat glasses of whiskey. So is it so wrong for you to have the tiniest bit of paranoia in your heart.
The bright light shining through the frosted glass boding gold lettering “134 - Kim Jiwon” and harsh yet quite beat of hiphop spilling through the crack of the door like a slap to your consciousness as your steps screech to a halt, the near 10 minutes walk from the room that left your heart torn like a missing piece of time, lost in the whirlwind of worries and guilt for even be worrying in the first place. With the softest knock you could muster while juggling two cups of pipping hot caffeine, your lungs finally let go of their clutch on a big puff of oxygen held in from the overwhelming emotion, waiting to be exhale only to find yet another lung full frozen inside. You clear your mind as best as you could but that in itself proving to be an impossible task… Kim Jiwon no longer just an innocent face you’re forced to lie to, he’s in this now, an important player judging by Hanbin’s decision to let him in on your secret. Will he be a trustworthy ally or an opponent lying in wait, only time can tell and for now all you can do is trust Hanbin’s instinct. For now the only thing you could do is play nice and observe.
a/n part 2: So many of you told me Hanbin and Jiwon from Konfidential night reminded you of this series so here ya go, something to aid your imagination.
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fiction-queen-blog · 7 years
Uchiha Revolution
A/N:”Cleaning up my Drive and I found this” Genre: Thriller, alternative Naruto-verse, romance Main Pairing:  Itachi x Sasuke Additional information: Separated since birth, not aware of being relatives Also read: “Chapter 1 “chapter 2″ chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5Chapter 6  chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9
Chapter 10
“Why are you reading his file?” Shisui raised an eyebrow seeing Itachi going through the documents of the employers.  “You know you could just talk to him.”
“This is easier.” Itachi said turning the page as he  frowned slightly.
“I thought dad was exaggeration, but Sasuke is indeed a lot of times ill.”
“Yes, he has something chronicle. I am not sure what it is.” Shisui said.
“Why is it not mentioned in his files?” Itachi muttered.
“His blood type is AB...Like mine.”
“Really Itachi, if you wanna see if you have things in common with you. You.Got.To.Ask.Him.Out.”
“You know what else is strange. His chakra nature is lightning. Every Uchiha’s first nature is fire.”
“Not true, your own mother has lighting as her nature.”
“Exactly, she has been the only exception.I am not a biologist, but last time I checked things such a eye colour, hair colour and chakra nature are something genetic, in the DNA and all. Now lightning as somebody first nature  is recessive gene  while fire is dominant.”
“Owh please Itachi stop this nonsense.What are you trying to proof?”
“I think Uchiha Shin is hiding something, and I think it involved Sasuke. He got very offended when  asked if Sasuke was adopted, and that he didn’t look like either of them, and now this.”
“You think Uchiha Shin adopted Sasuke and keeps it a secret?”
“No, there would have been records of a child missing or getting anonymously adopted. There are none.”
“Dear God, Itachi you are searching way to deep.”  Shisui grabbed the file back,
“Stop hiding, ask him out. Or just talk to him so you can  put this behind you.” Shisui  put the file under his arm as he turned his head to the door, revealing team Haru from their mission.  
“We have patrols in half an hour. Take your rest well,” Haru said as he dismissed his team.  
“Wanna grab some ramen?” One of the teammates said, causing the other to nod eagerly.  Sasuke shook his head.
“I see you guys in half an hour.” Sasuke said before sitting down on the three steps that guided further in the building.  He exhaled deeply, pushing his bangs out of his face.
“He is alone, the building is almost empty. This is your best shot.” Shisui said as he walked towards his office to put the file back. “Go for it, your are Itachi of the Sharingan for a reason.” Shisui gave a light punch in Itachi’s shoulder as he walked off. Itachi inhaled deeply before getting up. He walked towards Sasuke.
“Hey…” Itachi said, giving an awkward wave. Sasuke looked up. His skin was way paler than the other day. He had this red tint around his eyes as if he was exhausted.
“Hey.” His voice sounded even weaker.
“You look extremely bad today.”  
Sasuke frowned by Itachi’s words.
“You didn’t have to say it outloud.” Sasuke leaned his head on his hands.
“Are you alright?” Itachi knelt down as he wanted to examine Sasuke’s face, but Sasuke slapped Itachi’s hand away.
“Lay off, will ya.” Sasuke said annoyed.
“You didn’t answer me.”
“I am fine. I am.” Sasuke looked up to meet Itachi’s eyes.  “What do you want?” Sasuke added.
“I just...I just..” Itachi expression turned worried. “Your nose is bleeding.”
Sasuke looked surprised and moved his finger below his nose, seeing the blood on his hand. He looked back at Itachi for less than a second before he fainted.  
His body fell forwards, right into Itachi’s who caught him and carefully placed him on the ground.
“I need a medic!” Itachi shouted as he looked down at Sasuke. He couldn’t barlay sense any chakra in his body.
Sasuke slowly opened his eyes as he stared at the white ceiling before slowly turning his head to the side seeing an empty chair.
“You are at the hospital.”
Sasuke slowly turned his head to the other side, seeing Itachi standing there.
“You look terrible..” Sasuke voice was hoarse. He chuckled as he forced himself into a sitting position. “What happened?” Sasuke asked.
“You fainted.”
“Why?” Sasuke asked confused.
“You looked sick, it turns out your chakra level were very low..”
“Was it? Right...That is my excuse for looking bad. What is yours?” Sasuke asked.
“...I don’t have one.” Itachi said. He leaned slightly forwards as his hand stroked Sasuke’s cheek. “I am glad you are awake though.” Itachi revealed a hint of a smile. The younger Uchiha looked at Itachi’s lips before looking at his eyes and back to his lips.  He leaned slightly, closing the gap between them.
That until…..
“Bless the Lord!” Sasuke’s dad rushed in the room, causing both Itachi and Sasuke to back away.  Shin wrapped his arms around Sasuke, pressing him close against his chest.
“I am terribly sorry. I am so, so, so sorry.” He kept saying as he stroked Sasuke’s hair and placed a kiss on it.
“Dad, you didn’t do anything to be sorry about. You know how my chakra levels tumble down. You can’t help giving me bad genes.” Sasuke tried to laugh it off, but his father seemed serious about it.
“I will leave now. Get well soon, Sasuke.” Itachi said.
“Wait,Itachi. I have to thank you. I am so grateful for what you have done.”
“It is nothing,” Itachi said feeling awkward.
“Wait what?” Sasuke turned his head to Itachi.
“Nothing.I ...Caught you when you fell, but I was already in front of you.” Itachi gave a small nod before walking out of the room.
“Dad, what did he do?” Sasuke turned his head to Shin.
“I don’t understand why he is being so humble. He sacrificed half his chakra trying to transfuse some into you.”
“What...I thought my body couldn’t receive any chakra from others. Only give.”
“It seems that Uchiha Itachi is yet another exception to a rule.Though most of it went lost, but even the little bit your body did accept was enough to get you stable again.”
Sasuke stared at the door before turning his head around to look at his father.
“And the first thing I told him was that he looked terrible…” Sasuke muttered.
“I am sure he isn’t bothered. Not to forget he is the son of the clan leader and responsible for the clan. He was doing his job.”
Sasuke turned his gaze to the ground.
“You should be resting.”  Shin gave Sasuke a kiss on his hair before standing up.
“It was weird, Shisui.”
“A father was sad because his son health is bad. Sound pretty normal to me,” Shisui said.
“No, this was difference. Why would he apologize? He said it like he did something that probably caused Sasuke to faint.”
“What could he do?  That man doesn’t even know how to use a substitute jutsu. You think he extracted half of Sasuke’s chakra or something?”  Shisui sat back, his back leaning against the wall. Somebody was knocking on the door. Itachi looked at Shisui.
“Dude, this is your house. Open your own Goddamn door.”
“You practically live here.”
“Wrong, you practically live with me.Open the door.” Shisui signed to the door. Itachi shook his head as he walked towards the door.
“I am sorry for disturbing you, Itachi-san. I heard Shisui was here?”
“He is.” Itachi answered to the shinobi in front of him whom’s name slipped his mind.
“Is there a chance I can see him? I really need to go over these documents with him. It would only take five minutes.”  
Itachi nodded as he allowed the young man in.
“Misaki, what’s up.” Shisui sat straight as the young man sat down.
“I am sorry for intruding . I came across something rather odd.” He put the document on the table. Shisui looked through it.
“That is indeed weird. How did they get this information?” Shisui frowned.
“What?” Itachi looked over Shisui’s shoulder.
“The rogue ninja, you and Sasuke were after-”  
Itachi couldn’t help but notice the young man’s facial expression suddenly changed to a slightly disgusted one.
“It turns out he has information about our shinobis.Misaki, do you have specific names?”
“I took them with me.” He grabbed more documents.
“Itachi, you are in here too.Blood type,chakra nature, every single medical record.”
“My dad too...My mother even.” Itachi said, looking through the other papers.
“Shin too…Sasuke’s mother...And...Himself.” Itachi frowned.
“This is very big,Misaki it is good you came to us immediately.”
“About that...I actually have a doubtful feeling about Sasuke. I have been keeping a close eye on him lately and I see some sort of connection. I think he might be spying for...Orochimaru.” Misaki seemed serious. Itachi frowned.
“Tell us about this connection.”  Itachi said.
“Every time we get a rapport of Orochimaru getting spotted somewhere, Sasuke isn’t far from that spot either. I have always wondered how he ever could be strong enough to make jonin. His parents aren’t shinobis, they haven’t taught him anything, but he still graduated academy as number 1 in his class. His fighting style is not similar to any shinobi in this village. I believe he is getting taught by Orochimaru and to repay him. Sasuke spies for him. It makes perfect sense.”
“I don’t think that is enough proof. There no motive to join with Orochimaru,” Itachi said.
“Itachi-san. I have known Sasuke for a long time. He hates the clan, he hates main branch and all of us Sharingan users. He envies us. He wants the eye power, and only Orochimaru is able find a way from him to have them.”
“That is your theory. We will keep this mind and look into it.” Shisui looked a bit doubtful.
“You two don’t believe me. What if I told you. Sasuke can summon the same snakes as Orochimaru. The legendary snake sanin’s snake, that is not something a side branch can do on his own.”
“Sasuke summons hawks. I am sure because he lends me one every time there is a storm coming.”
“It possible to summon two animals. But it is not common.”  Itachi said.
“Well, if that is to be true. It would be pretty good evidence.”
“I know it is true. I did the chuunin exam the same time he did. I saw him summon the snake in the forest. I am not lying.” Misaki said as he looked at Itachi. It didn’t seem like he was lying.
“Look at you, you are already doing so much better.” Sasuke’s mother smiled kindly as she walked next to her son.
“I am glad to leave the stupid hospital. That bed was killing my back.” Sasuke sighed, “I can’t believe Itachi sacrificed his precious chakra on me. I feel so unworthy of it.”  
“Darling he saved you. He wouldn’t have done it if he thought you were unworthy.”
“You think?” Sasuke looked at his mother.
“Itachi is handsome, wouldn’t you just want to brag to his other fans about how he saved you.”
“I am not his fan…”  Sasuke said, but his mother didn’t miss the smile on his face.
“But he is handsome.” She said with a smile.
“Alright, he is handsome. But he is like...A celebrity. Everyone wants him, and I am not willing to compete with all the competition.Maybe I get lucky...But if I am not, I am not going to sulk about it.”
“Well you can’t expect to win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.”
“Ssssshhh….You got me there.”
Sasuke’s mother laughed.
“I am going to give these to him.” Sasuke said pointing at the box with dango, “Maybe that is why he is nice to me. He knows he gets dango from it.”
“If that how things are. You can tell him that he eats for free if he marries you,” she laughed as Sasuke shook his head. He knocked on the door and it took a while for somebody to finally open.
“If it isn’t duckbutt.”
“Misaki…” Sasuke’s voice was filled with  hate the moment the other Uchiha appeared in front of the door. “What are you doing here, this ain’t your house.”
“What are you doing here. It ain’t your clan.”
“I am an Uchiha-”
“Not without Sharingan.” He had this evil smirk on his face.
“I am here for Itachi.”
“Right...Of course you are,” Misaki said.
“What do you mean?” Sasuke frowned.
“Your little act. Fainting...How come nobody has thought of that?”
Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, but he turned his head to his mother and covered her ears with his hands before looking back at Misaki.
“Bitch, can you not see my moterfucking hideous face?”
“Owh...You always look hideous to me,” Misaki smiled.
“You little bitch. You know what? Fuck you,” Sasuke removed his hands from his mother’s ears.
“Come mom. Let’s go home.” Sasuke said as he glared at Misaki before walking away.
“Yeah, you should go. Outsiders don’t belong here.”
Sasuke stopped walking as he turned her head around.
“I am going to punch him.”
“Darling no. The doctor said not to get worked up. You will waste chakra.”
“Yes Sasuke, listen to your mother. Besides. How could I be afraid of a chronically ill person. You are just making me laugh.”
“Why don’t you go ahead...I will catch up to you.” Sasuke said. His mother nodded unsurely, but did as Sasuke said.
Sasuke glared at  Misaki as he clenched a fist.
“I don’t think you will keep laughing if I removed your eyeballs.” Sasuke hissed.
“Why are you taking so long. I just asked you to answer the door.” Shisui stuck his head out of the door.
“Sasuke…” He looked slightly worried seeing the hateful look Sasuke gave Misaki .
“Sasuke?” Itachi pushed Shisui slightly away to look outside. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”
“Obviously not, he just threatened to remove my eyeballs,”  Misaki said taking the role of the innocent one.
“Those are not the only balls I am going to remove.” Sasuke lowered his eyes at Misaki’s crotch,  “Owh...Guess somebody was ahead of me.”
“Still more of a man than a mixed blood.”
“I show you!��� Sasuke hissed as he wanted hit the man, but his arm got pulled back.
“Be careful,” Itachi said  as he pulled Sasuke slightly back. Sasuke tripped and fell on one knee, he started coughing, covering his mouth with his hand. He looked at his hand, quickly clenching a fist as  he pretended to not see the blood, but on the side of his lips was an obvious trail of blood.
“Both of you should stop with these childish insults. There is no need to fight. Especially not a sick person.”  Shisui said, looking at Misaki.
“I might be sick, but I can still give that son of a bitch a terrible death.”
“There is no need to get worked up. It is especially not good for you,” Itachi said, “I will walk you home.”  Itachi unconsciously reached for Sasuke’s shoulder, but Sasuke smacked his hand away and got up.
“Fuck off,” Sasuke hissed.
“Don’t you dare speak to Itachi like that!” Misaki shouted.
“Can you speak up? It almost sounds like his dick is still in your mouth!” Sasuke hissed.
“Hey!” Itachi grabbed Sasuke’s wrist. The younger one tried to pull away, but  he was too weak. Itachi pulled the younger Uchiha towards him, causing Sasuke to almost bump against Itachi.
“There is no need to make an enemy out of me too,” Itachi said.
“I can’t believe you associate with fuckers like him. Just because he has the Sharingan and is the head of your fanclub doesn’t mean he is an innocent angel.”
“Sasuke…” Itachi didn’t get the changed to finish his sentence.
“Let go of me….Now!” Sasuke hissed and oddly enough Itachi did let go of Sasuke’s wrist.  “I dealt with enough for one  day.” Sasuke walked off, but turned around one more time to throw the box with dango towards Itachi.
“Choke on it.” Sasuke said as he walked off.
Chapter whatever
“Honey are you really going to be fine by yourself?” Sasuke’s mother said as he knocked on Sasuke’s door. She slowly opened it, looking at the bed.
“Owh he is sleeping.” She whispered.
“Let’s make our visit to your mother quick then.” His father said as he closed to door. Sasuke pulled his knees closer to him as he had his face hidden in his pillow. He could hear the front door close.
“I am so stupid…” Sasuke muttered as he turned his head to the side to breath. He closed his eyes as he pulled the blankets over his head.
Sasuke’s eyes widened hearing Itachi’s voice.  He pulled the blankets off him and almost jumped up if it wasn’t for the hand pressed against his mouth.  Itachi indicated with his finger for Sasuke to remain silence before he removed his hand.
“Why do we have to be quiet?” Sasuke whispered.
“I wanted to say something, but slipped my mind.” Itachi said. Sasuke raised an eyebrow before shaking his head.
“You seemed pretty upset.I figured I had to check on you.”
“Why do you care so much?” Sasuke asked.
“You tell me..” Itachi sighed.
“Hey...I am sorry. For everything. I was so angry...I just assumed you were on his side right away. I am sorry.”
“Hmf...You could kill someone right in front of me, and I still would have told people you were innocent.”
Sasuke chuckled as he smiled before looking down.
“It is true...You are sweet.” Sasuke said as he looked at Itachi’s lips before looking at his eyes.
“That means alot coming from you. It also true what they say about you.”
“What?”Sasuke asked.
“You are troublesome…” The smile on Sasuke’s face disappeared.
“Well I guess that is right.” Sasuke said. He looked up feeling Itachi grabbing his side bang.  He rolled it with his finger around the lock, playing with it as if Sasuke’s wasn’t noticing it.
“Sorry.” Itachi said, as he looked at Sasuke. He had a small smile on his face, it made him look incredibly cute. Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, but his voice failed him.
“You have pretty hair,” Itachi said as he leaned slightly in to get more comfortable. He suddenly felt Sasuke’s hand on his cheek. His thumb was stroking Itachi’s cheek as he leaned in and closed the gap between their lips.
Itachi stiffened. It seemed his mind has failed him badly. He couldn’t breath, move, not even kiss Sasuke back.  He had been craving the sensation of Sasuke’s lips for as  long as he remembered feeling them for the first time. It didn’t last long for Sasuke to back off and look almost shocked.
“I am so sorry...I thought you were giving me signs that you were making moves, and I figured you might have been a little too shy. I am so sorry. I must have read every sign wrong. I thought you were into me... This is embarrassing.” Sasuke hid his face in his hands. “You..You should probably leave...Like...Now..”
“Sasuke... “  
The younger Uchiha looked up to meet Itachi’s eye, but he didn’t get the chance. He felt his back pressed against the mattress. Sasuke looked up confused, seeing Itachi hang over him. He didn’t say anything as his fingers lifted Sasuke’s chin. He leaned in, placing his lips on Sasuke’s. He ended it pretty fast as he looked at Sasuke.
“I am not such a great kisser…”  Itachi said.
“No...No...You are fine,” Sasuke looked surprised as he moved his hands behind Itachi’s neck. “I have actually been craving this for a long time.”  Sasuke pushed Itachi lips on his again.
“And? What happened?” Shisui asked as he Itachi came back. He took his shoes off and sat down.  He opened his mouth to say something, but shut his lips again before looking away.
“He kissed me.” Itachi said as he started explaining what happened.
“Wow. I am impressed.” Shisui smiled, “But was it like a kiss kiss or one of those kisses you give to someone who helped you out with something.”
“Wait...What?” Itachi looked confused.  “What is the difference?” Itachi asked before looking at the table. “I don’t know...What if I just made a fool out of myself. Why did you have to say that!”  
“Was it a deep kiss, or a quick one?”
“Like I know the difference!” Itachi muttered as he rested his head on the table.  “I must avoid him for as long as  I live now.”
“Don’t be like that, Itachi. You are Uchiha Itachi, nobody minds getting kisses by you anyway.”
“Shisui you are not helping!”
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nautilusopus · 7 years
I’m feeling angry today so here are all the entries of the Compilation listed from least terrible to “Nojima and Nomura are incompetent hacks and should be fired”.
8. The Case of Denzel OVA is the most bearable entry in the Compilation, because it does what a sequel is supposed to do: expand upon the lore of the established setting while showing us more about the characters in it. It's a shame, because I think this also might be the least acknowledged entry in it, apart from maybe Before Crisis, perhaps partially because it has no official English dub. In this case, we get to see Denzel finally fleshed out beyond "the littlest geostigma patient that Cloud needs to win the big game for!" He joins up with a group of salvagers, and we see everyone trying to piece the world back together following the complete collapse of the government, the economy, their primary energy source, and the deaths of millions, where they're immediately set upon by disease and societal tensions between what used to be the "upper class" and the slum dwellers that have always had it this way, more or less. 
What the fuck, this is what Advent Children should have been entirely. Except with Cloud and his friends, and not Denzel, because screw Denzel, I wanna see what Avalanche has been up to. (We never get to see what Avalanche has been up to, and we never will.)
That being said, even Case of Denzel didn't manage to not fuck up royally, and it has a giant huge plothole in the form of forgetting to account for an entire goddamn year because it forgot Advent Children was set two years after the OG and not one. Whoops.
7. Advent Children Complete, which I'm treating as a separate entry from Advent Children -- Advent Children is a fucking mess with a nonsensical plot and wonky character motivations that, word of god, were literally just there because they figured it's how the fans wanted to be pandered to the best and not because they thought the motivations would be good or interesting (nothing like a content creator that openly states he thinks his target audience are morons!). It's slightly lower on the list than Advent Children vanilla because A) it looks slightly less ugly due to the Bluray release, B) Denzel's and Marlene's child actors got too old and they had to find younger ones for the redub, and these newer actors are actually better and significantly less obnoxious, and C) it has My Chemical Romance doing the theme song. 
These are all very shallow reasons, admittedly. You'd think it'd be lower because the added scenes help fill in some plot holes, but they were badly added scenes that meshed very poorly with the story at large, and because of that they actually created about as many new plot holes as they filled in. Shite movie. 
6. Advent Children vanilla. This is a good place to discuss why they're both on the bottom of the list, since they're pretty much the same movie. Shitty plot, characters are a sad shadow of what they used to be, and they did some weird thing with Cloud where he unlearns everything from the original game for the sake of cheap conflict and the fans try and defend it like it's actually deep and coherent. Not to mention some more bad decisions: Renu and Rude are good guys now and friends with Cloud and Tifa despite murdering their friends along with everyone else in Sector 7, Marlene is no longer Barret's daughter because ewwww, black people, and Tseng and Rufus are retconned back to life for literally no damn reason at all (they contribute nothing to the movie. Nothing. They even waste the dramatic reveal with the sheet by having him say "yeah it's me Rufus but I'm gonna wear this sheet for no reason and rip it off dramatically revealing ME, RUFUS SHINRA"). As far as I'm concerned they both just died again right after this movie. 
Basically, Advent Children was bad and stupid, but it was pointless as well, which in this case works to its advantage: we relearn the exact same lessons but in a shittier, more juvenile way, wind up at the exact same point we started at by the movie's conclusion, and get confirmation that there were, in fact, zero fucking stakes. At least it didn't take a scalpel to the franchise lore at large, like everything else on this list. 
5. The Last Order OVA is basically Square Enix frantically trying to save face after they've realised that, "Oh shit, our complete inability to proofread the first drafts of the scrips we've been running with have resulted in every single bit of VII lore introduced in these things wildly contradicting one another!" Basically, Last Order is a very pretty fight scene with Zack in it animated by Madhouse that occasionally tries to have a plot. This is the entry that began the handwave of "oh, all the entries in the Compilation are different because they're all told from a difrerent point of view! It's up to you do decide what really happened!" Lazy, bad, the beginning of the end. It looked nice, but I can't even enjoy the fight scene in the reactor properly because Zack doesn't immediately get bodied like he should've, which wouldn't have been very much fun to watch but at least would've made more sense; as well as the weird bit where they tried to imply Cloud was always infected with Jenova and mako-enhanced from birth? Somehow?
Also, the "Last Order" in question seems to be Zack telling Cloud to run. Cloud, who is in a vegetative state, and even if he weren't, can't even walk. Sure, he'll get right on that.
4. Case of Novels. These things suck and are terrible and look like they were written by a third grader. That's not just a "lol these are terrible" jab, either. I mean they literally read like they were written by a child with a very basic grasp of how to put sentences together. All of them are structured like so:
Tifa was very sad, because Cloud wasn't talking to her. Tifa thought that maybe Cloud felt sad because his friends were dead. Then Tifa thought about her adventures with her friends from Avalanche, the friends that she was best friends with two years ago. Cloud and Tifa had lots of adventures with them, but they were sad by the end of it because Aeris died, and then Tifa thought that Cloud was probably thinking about that too. Tifa felt bad about that. 
They are bad to look at, just objectively, regardless of the content in them. Case of Barret's is by far the worst in that regard, to the point where I'm not entirely certain I didn't read a bootleg fake version of it, because there is no way Square Enix would charge actual money for a product that was meant to be released to the masses and presented as canon to Final Fantasy VII. Except that they did. (I can also believe it because it further works towards the goal of erasing Barret from the story entirely, more on this later.)
As far as the actual story content, I'd probably have to say Case of Lifestream White/Black are the worst, due to some weird nonsense where Aeris just hangs out in the Lifestream and watches people like it's a spectral break room, and Sephiroth grumbles and pines over Cloud like a jilted ex-boyfriend because Nojima forgot there was anything else to his character. These, like Advent Children, are pointless, but they’re pointless to the extent that it’s absurd they even exist -- there's apparently an entire third Shinra bastard running around out there, and he has zero bearing on anything ever, and never will again. What Shinra bastard? Who? Kadaj murdered a whole town offscreen or something, but I guess it wasn’t relevant, don’t know why we brought it up.
3. Before Crisis. Japan-exclusive mobile game where Square stops even bothering trying to hide their contempt for anyone not in the "marketable niche" (i.e: all the white male characters ages 16-27) and begins writing them out of the story. It's not enough that they take his goddamn daughter away from him on the basis that he's prospecting oil, which is fucking stupid in and of itself -- this is the story that decides Avalanche, the group Barret founded in response to Shinra murdering everyone in his hometown because they didn't want any competition in the form of coal, wasn't actually even Barret's. It was some other guy's, and grrrr he was a terrorist even more terroristier than OG Avalanche was because moral ambiguity is gonna go over our audience’s heads so let’s just make it nice and cleanly black and white for them. I've ranted about this before, but it's even worse that the fans seem to have no problem incorporating these changes into everything, because who gives a rat's ass about Barret, right? There was some dumb thing about Nanaki finding a girl catdog to have those babies he has in the epilogue, and the Ravens, but it's all just more of the same introducing samefaced teeny boppers that the fans love so much at the expense of everything else.
2. SPEAKING OF WHICH, Crisis Core, the king of samefaced teeny boppers consuming the franchise. I flipflop a lot on whether this one is the worst or not, but in addition to having the same problem as Before Crisis times fifty, I consider it as bad as it was because you could tell it could have been really good, and that's honestly heartbreaking. The first hour or so kicks things off with a really good start, introducing Zack as this cocksure jackass trying to make a name for himself, and his mentor Catchphrase Man. Then around the point where Banora gets firebombed it all sort of goes downhill, and you realise a lot of the credit you were giving it wasn't actually due. Zack being a gloryhound for Shinra and believing Soldier to be a bastion of good wasn't supposed to be a character flaw like it should've. Genesis almost singlehandedly ruins the entire thing by eating all the screentime in the word with his obnoxious motivations that made zero sense, and in a flashback we see he was always a fucking tool so there's no reason to feel sorry for him in the first place. He's actually secretly responsible for the iconic Nibelheim scene, of all fucking things (GENESIS DID NIBELHEIM would make a good bumper sticker). Tifa gets thirty seconds of screentime. Cloud doesn't fare much better, which is a seriously huge problem considering he's the goddamn protagonist of the entire franchise. He gets a single 49 second cutscene of them establishing "okay he's best friends with Zack" and then nothing else, ever, unless you want to count the three emails he sends him that you could tell were supposed to lead to more bonding cutscenes that were ultimately cut for more GENESIS, YOU LOVE HIM SO MUCH RIGHT GUYS??? Aeris fares even worse than Cloud and Tifa combined, being barely in it, and Square having decided that Zack actually made all her life decisions for her. That's right -- literally everything about her character? Zack did it. Fuck you. 
It's also this high up for what it represents, I suppose -- in the fanbase, you see a whole lot of "Well, Cloud lost Zack and Aeris so now he has no friends and nothing else to live for in this world because he didn't really care about anyone else besides them". It seems everyone forgot that not only was there more to Cloud’s character than "his friends are dead so he’s sad” and his friends being dead was only a small part of it, but that there were seven other people we spent about sixty hours establishing in no uncertain terms that they loved him unconditionally and that he felt the same way. Crisis Core is what finally got people to start disregarding the rest of the main fucking cast from the OG, and it was very, very deliberate. An old unwashed man in his late thirties jaded about his future in spaceflight, a catdog with daddy issues, a black man with a character arc revolving around fatherhood, a triple agent paper-pusher that had a furry phase right in the middle of his midlife crisis, two women that are both alive and have agency of their own, and hell, even a young man with severe psychological issues that had a very strong bond with all of these people even though most of them aren't young and attractive white people and realises he can count on them all for support, are not as marketable as the cast of Crisis Core. Square knows this. You can't wring any sex appeal out of "happy supportive environment" or "female characters", since most of the fanbase tends to be straight women in their late teens and early twenties. So, everyone in both those categories gets shafted. And, as mentioned, the fans seem all to happy to run with this, given the overwhelming amount of material that seems to disregard everyone else in Cloud's life that wasn't Zack (and sometimes Aeris gets acknowledged because all she's good for anymore is a corpse to motivate Cloud) as unimportant, and not really his friends. 
The fact that the entire game seems to undermine the original's tone very badly almost seems like a nitpick at this point next to very intentional racism and sexism and pandering, but I'm gonna bring that up too. The new version of Zack's death scene flies directly in the face with how they were handled in the original game, and is more in line with Cait Sith's than anything else's -- that death isn't heroic, or glorious, or profound. It's just sad and fucking hurts, and it's something that happens. They made that pretty clear the first time around when he just gets gunned down on a cliff in complete silence. You can practically hear the "so it goes" in the background. Naturally, this time around they gave him an entire speech about dreams an honour and then when he dies he goes to heaven (on a planet with no heaven) and he's successfully become a hero. Fucking bravo. Or the bit where, as has been pointed out, you have a wacky scene where Zack meets a young Yuffie, and she skips off amongst the corpses of her people that Zack himself just finished making in the name of glory and imperialism (not a character flaw, though! He’s a good guy!). There's an astounding lack of self-awareness in everything the game does. 
AND IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD, and that's why I still debate whether or not it belongs in the Worst spot or not. It could have been great to see a non 49-second version of the friendship that eventually motivated Zack to die for Cloud, but then they forgot to write it, because why write that when you could have these four cutscenes with Genesis? It would've been great to see Aeris and her relationship with running from Shinra that caused her to grow up street smart and how that caused Zack to maybe question Shinra's motivations, but them they forgot to write it because HEY LOOK HERE'S SOME MORE WING SYMBOLISM WITH ANGEAL DO YOU GET IT THERE'S ONLY ONE OF THEM AND HIS NAME IS SPELLED ALMOST LIKE ANGEL, I'M WORKING WITH GENESIS NOW HIS NAME MEANS BEGINNING LOL. It could have been great to see Tifa getting her start with Avalanche, but after her obligatory cameo in Nibelheim she's swallowed into the void again because they forgot she was ever anything besides Cloud's love interest, and fuck you we gotta show you this Genesis scene in Modeoheim. It could have been great to meet a younger Barret, and wonder how at odds he would've been with Zack, a man who's been drinking the Soldier kool-aid for years, but instead we got Genesis reciting poetry. It could have been great to see the workings of Soldier before it all went to shit, but instead we got fucking goddamn Genesis. Genesis Genesis Genesis. 90% of the screentime in this game that should've gone to developing Zack's character for one fucking second, let alone other things, just gets eaten up by Genesis. God I hate Genesis.
1. Dirge of Cerberus.
I'll try and keep this brief because I can go on about Dirge of Cerberus all fucking day if you let me. 
If Crisis Core is terrible because it had the shadows of great ideas that were terribly mishandled in the name of turning a profit, Dirge is sort of its opposite, in that at no point did anything even remotely resembling a good idea come anywhere near the building this was being written in during the entirety of its production. It's bad. Thoroughly bad. There are no redeeming qualities. It's ugly, it plays badly, 90% of it is cutscenes* and the remaining 10% is invisible walls, the plot is a fucking mess by anyone's standards whether you're familiar with the franchise or not, it is the reigning fucking king of tone issues, the design choices are the worst of what Nomura has to offer by a country mile, and the characters are the worst Square has ever made in the Final Fantasy series. 
Vincent is the protagonist, and since he just wants a nap and is too cool to care that means you don't really give a rat's ass about what's going on either, which you wouldn't have anyway, because Dirge's plot isn't so much rife with plot holes as it is a giant, gaping hole, where bits of plot occasionally drift by, mangled beyond recognition by the plane crash in 1976 that claimed their lives. Did you know there was an even more secreter army living under Midgar that somehow survived the entire city being demolished with cosmic hellfire, a pandemic with no cure, and a giant sword battle dropping more debris on them? Did you know Hojo actually didn't die, he invented the internet in 30 seconds in his death throes and then invented the technology to upload minds to computers, AKA created a fucking goddamn technological singularity, and then uploaded himself in a .zip file until he could blow up the world for shits and giggles completely unrelated to anything even remotely having to do with Jenova? Did you know Lucrecia wasn't actually a terrible person that willingly carried Hojo's child and injected it with science juice for the sake of their careers, but was actually a really nice lady and is really sorry you guys, and was just an unwilling womb for Sephiroth to be birthed from, and was pretty much the Madonna? Did you know that apparently the Actual Goddamn Apocalypse wasn't enough to convince the Planet it was dying, but someone stabbing a few thousand people was? Did you know Reeve decided to call the events of the main game the "Jenova Wars" because he doesn't actually know what a war is? Did you know mako actually makes you live forever instead of giving you brain damage and killing you? Did you know the Lifestream is pretty much the same thing as the internet? Did you know Vincent was a paedophile? Did you know someone decided Genesis still needed to be fucking alive? 
Oh yeah, and also there are such stellar characters such as Red the Red, Blue the Blue, White the Clean, Black the I-Have-A-Jockstrap-Taped-Over-My-Mouth-Because-Fuck-You-Why-Not, and Orange the Clear, who is physically 9 years old but mentally 19 so it's totally not paedophilia if we have a weird romance between her and Vincent (never mind that if we're going by that logic, you now have a 19 year-old dating a 61 year-old, which is... not a whole lot better.) 
And hey, remember that one scene where Shalua completely unnecessarily died by holding a door she could've easily ducked through, and then she pissed herself upon death, and the game took the time to show the piss puddle, and Yuffie was super upset about it despite the fact that they never interacted even once but the writers forgot about that, and then after all that shit she didn't even die in her own melodramatic death scene, and then she did die anyway at the end of the game and all you can think about is the piss and god Shalua is so fucking pointless and looks so fucking stupid. Look at this hot mess: 
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She’s a scientist! Or something. 
Even by Final Fantasy standards these designs are fucking ridiculous.
There is nothing redeeming about this game. It's like a gift that keeps on giving -- every time I look back at it, I discover a new plothole that I didn't catch the first time before. It's easier to hate than Crisis Core, though, which just makes me sad. At least Dirge never had anything going for it in the first place. I paid two bucks for my copy and I still feel ripped off.
* Okay, that’s an exaggeration -- 50% of it is cutscenes. Four hours out of an eight hour game is cutscenes. Do you realise how fucking many cutscenes that is? It’s a lot. (And yet not one of them has any plot in them HEYOOOO)
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vaanibct · 5 years
Interaction & Play
Day 7 (26-08-19)
Today in class, we further discussed the Playtest with Ben. He seemed to be enjoying seeing our progress and provided some tips that I don’t think we really considered. Firstly, he mentioned that the dice mechanics along with our Bingo Board will be diminished a little. In our activity, the dice rolling step would be a redundant step, as the Board only has a limited set of actions. So, the players should get an option of choice, where they can choose which topic they want to discuss. He also predicted that the players may still find the board intimidating, in the sense that they have to fill it up completely and spend time talking about all of the Influences. It also doesn’t really give a sense of progression or “journey,” so these aspects needed to be play-tested.
In Studio, we discussed how the discussion would run and started a playtest amongst ourselves. We skimmed through the playtest using a couple of different ways. First, we played with the dice, rolling it on our turn and discussing the question prompt. Then, we put the dice aside, and set up 6 “draw piles” to choose a card from. On our turn, we would pick one card from the Influence we want to discuss and place the card on the board.
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Through these playtests, we realised that Ben’s prediction was somewhat true, because our own experience proved that the Bingo Board wasn’t less intimidating than the cards, and that the Dice was in fact redundant to the activity. Through the board, we didn’t feel a sense of journey, as it was only a visual representation of the discussion questions.
I was a little sad that this wasn’t tested by other students, in order to receive feedback regarding specific aspects of the idea. However, I think it would have wasted their and our time because we have realised our speed-breaker and can now spend time looking at other mechanics to improve the activity.
Again, we started discussing the next iteration through an idea session. Talia and Carol referred to the Fire of Eidolon [1] game that we played last Semester. This game belongs to Carol, and we got together after the Studio V Submission to unwind, relax and play board games. It was one of the board games we played many times, because of it’s progressive and fun game mechanics. It provides the players with some control over their characters and strengths, which also helps with the challenges occurring throughout the game.
So, our next step was influenced by Fire of Eidolon. We decided on designing the cards in a way that would provide the users control over their Influence card and create a sense of journey. Its existing rules gave us an idea of a tile-placement mechanic, which allows players to draw a card from the pile and connect it to an available tile, while creating a modular board in the process.
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So, we started working on the Rules of Play and Cards for this idea, and prepare for a playtest on Thursday. We decided on having two separate ideas, one playtest would contain square-shaped cards, while the other would include hexagon-shaped cards. These ideas were decided upon to provide us with different game play mechanics relating to each card and understand which idea works better for our concept and outcomes. [2]
The square shape was inspired from the Fire of Eidolon game, which would only have 4 colours around the edge - providing the players 3 available Influences to choose from. On the other hand, the hexagon shape was inspired from the 6 Influences - proving the players 5 available Influences to choose from. However, we also thought of having either 6 different draw piles, or 1 draw pile of the cards, as it would test two different play mechanics, including agency and randomness. For example, the Square-shaped cards would allow the users to choose from the 6 Influence piles and then connect their chosen option to the first card (as they can only choose between 3 other colours). Whereas, the Hexagon-shaped cards would have 1 pile of all the cards shuffled together, so the next card would be completely dependant on chance, and connect with the first card (as it has all options available).
Carol was again designing the cards, iterating each idea based on our feedback. She followed the same pastel colour scheme, as we all believed it was appropriate for our activity / theme and the target audience.
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Square Cards iteration - testing colours, visual design and borders
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Square Cards iteration - testing card size, structure and visual design
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Hexagon Cards Iteration - testing colours, proportion and structure
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Final Hexagon Cards - with questions and prompts
Overall, I think today’s class was really constructive. We faced a problem and we found solutions that work in reasonable ways. And we are planning to already continue with our next iteration. I think we three work very well as a team. Although we do have some arguments regarding ideas and criticism, we tend to move forward and focus on the project to find new solutions, game mechanics and better-suited rules of play.
Reference: [1] Fire of Eidolon - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/190333/fire-eidolon [2] Rules of Play (Square and Hexagon Playtests) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SsbKE1IItmriJlXs-EPaiCoGwBzMjfgl319kVUnkgvg/edit
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
He showed how, given a handful of them. This caught my attention because earlier we'd noticed a pattern in the least successful startups we'd funded: they all seemed hard to talk to?1 Think about what it means. But eventually the open source world won, by producing Javascript libraries that grew over the brokenness of Explorer the way a startup feels is at least a random sample of the applicants that were selected, b their subsequent performance is measured, and in any case the odds of succeeding are higher in a startup. But there's more going on than that. It turns out there is, and the key to the mystery is the old adage a word to the wise is sufficient. For us the main indication of impending doom is when we don't hear from you. A cluttered room saps one's spirits.
Sometimes the feedback loop that makes the product good.2 The information needed to conduct such studies is increasingly available. Steve Jobs had already done it: insanely great. But it's gone now. But in retrospect it was exactly the right thing to do, because it seems sympathetic to their cause.3 Another advantage of bad times is that there's less competition. If you're in grad school, but we're going to keep working on the startup, but we're going to retrace his steps, with his mathematical notation translated into running Common Lisp code. As food got cheaper or we got richer; they're indistinguishable, eating too much started to be a bigger danger than eating too little.
I didn't mean this as an essay; I wrote it down because I only had two hours before dinner and think fastest while writing. What founders have a hard time grasping and Steve himself might have had a hard time grasping and Steve himself might have had a hard time grasping and Steve himself might have had a hard time grasping is what insanely great translates to in a larval startup. The reason I began by saying that this technique would come as a surprise to First Round that they performed one. Even if you start measuring something you start optimizing it, and I was even more convinced of it after hearing it confirmed by Hilbert. We just don't notice usually, because they didn't seem especially committed. It makes the same point: that it can't have been the personal qualities of early union organizers that made unions successful, but must have been some external factor, or otherwise present-day union leaders would shrink from the challenge. A friend of mine cured herself of a clothes buying habit by asking herself before she bought anything Am I going to wear this all the time is not because it has something to say about programming languages.4 Most good startup ideas seem at first like bad ideas.5 That has always seemed to me an important point, and I realized Steve Jobs had already done it: insanely great. I've been there, and that's as much as any startup needs initially. The probability that a startup will make it big.
But I don't write to persuade; I write to figure out. So the mere constraint of staying in regular contact with us you could get users merely by broadcasting your existence, rather than running the whole show. Likewise, the reason we hear about Java as part of a plan by Sun to undermine Microsoft. This is just an explanation of why I don't like the look of Java: It has been so energetically hyped.6 The rest of my stuff I left in my landlady's attic back in the US are also big tourist destinations: San Francisco, or Boston, or Seattle. And as any politician could tell you, the likelihood they'll succeed, and focus instead on the separate and almost invisibly intangible question of whether they'll succeed really big is not merely a necessary evil, but change the company permanently for the better. That has always seemed to me an important point, and I was even more convinced of it after hearing it confirmed by Hilbert.7 I have by now learned to understand everything publishers mean to tell me about a book, and perhaps a bit more. Whereas if a startup regularly does new deals and releases and either sends us mail or shows up at YC events, they're probably going to be one of the really big winners or not, and if we want to fund more Airbnbs we have to stay good at thinking it.8 The only way you're ever going to extract any value from it is to kill.
I can remember when it was just for Harvard students, it remained for students at specific colleges for quite a while.9 When a large tract has been developed by small groups. Ultimately power rests with the founders. Which means applicants of type x have to be better to get selected than applicants not of type x is that it's harder for them to make it big. Most nerds like quieter pleasures.10 Either it's something they felt they had to do to get started are not merely a useless metric, but positively misleading. Now Palo Alto is suburbia, but then it was a lot less stuff. There's a lesson here: startups beget startups. For all its power, Silicon Valley has a great weakness: the paradise Shockley found in 1956 is now one giant parking lot.11 One is a combination of shyness and laziness. You can use this technique whenever a you have at least a roller coaster and not drowning. His mom probably has it on the fridge.
Multiply this times several hundred, and I was even more convinced of it after hearing it confirmed by Hilbert. Which means that what matters is who you are, not when you do finally automate yourself out of the way. I could never quite tell if they understood what I was saying. This is a talk I gave at the last minute I cooked up this rather grim talk. The question to ask about an early stage startup is not is this company taking over the world? It could be interesting to try and write down what made Java seem suspect to me.12 All together my Matchboxes and Corgis took up about a third of the companies we funded to succeed. For example, they like well-preserved old neighborhoods instead of cookie-cutter suburbs, and locally-owned shops and restaurants instead of national chains. People tend to; I'm skeptical about the idea of the greatest generation.
Observation bears this out: within the US, towns have become startup hubs if and only if they attract those who have them.13 So the question of how to make a silicon valley. Google for a million dollars, and you just create Carnegie-Mellon. Microsoft's first product was a Basic interpreter for the Altair. Nor has anyone there ever even sent us an email. My own feeling is that object-oriented program, it can be written in itself. There are specific implications. The more your conclusions disagree with readers' present beliefs, the more stuff they seem to have a disproportionately low probability of the former will seem to have.
I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to predict at the valuation of an FBI agent or taxi driver or reporter to being a tax haven, I suspect it's one of few they had to find users to switch. 99, and you make money. They could make it. If someone just sold a nice-looking man with a potential acquirer unless you see people breaking off to both write the sort of wealth to study, because the outside edges of curves erode faster.
Copyright owners tend to damp this effect, at one point worked designing refrigerators. The CPU weighed 3150 pounds, and stonewall about the new top story. So if we couldn't decide between turning some investors away and selling more of the company, and that don't include the cases where you currently are. Note: An earlier version of Word 13.
This is what you do in proper essays.
Letter to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 28%. I never get as deeply into subjects as I explain later. That would be to go to college, they are so intellectually dishonest in that so few founders do it.
If big companies have been seen mentioning the site.
I think the reason it used to build little Web appliances.
People were more the type who would have met 30 people he meets at parties he's a real salesperson to replace the url with that of whatever they copied. Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on Learning for Text Categorization. An accountant might say that hapless meant unlucky.
VCs. Trevor Blackwell, who probably knows more about this problem and approached it with such a baleful stare as they seem pointless.
Several people I talked to mentioned how much you get nothing. But you can imagine cases where you get an intro to a 2002 report by the PR firm. But be careful here, since they're an existing university, or magazines. I'm also an investor is just knowing the right way.
That's why the series AA paperwork aims at a public company CEOs in the back of your own?
If Apple's board hadn't made that blunder, they very often come back within x amount of brains. Abstract-sounding language. Scribes in ancient philosophy may be somewhat higher, even though it's a seller's market. It was born when Plato and Aristotle looked at the same motives.
Actually no one would have gone into the subject today is still hard to judge for yourself and that injustice is what people actually paid.
So if it's the right question, which shows how unimportant the Arpanet which became the twin centers from which Renaissance civilization radiated. Again, hard to pick a date, because it might seem, because they believe they have to go and steal the ball away from taking a difficult class lest they get to be important ones.
0 notes
theladyjstyle · 6 years
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What we spent on our last Royal Caribbean cruise
Please welcome Kathy Constantine as our guest blogger today! She took a previous blog post we did and is providing her own look at the total cost of a Royal Caribbean cruise.
Inspired by Matt’s post sharing the cost of his sailing on the Brilliance earlier this year, I thought we would share with everyone the cost of sailing with four adults on a seven night cruise onboard Royal Caribbean's Adventure of the Seas.
Cruise Cost Summary
Adventure of the Seas May 18, 2018 Cruise length: 7 nights Stateroom category: J3 Junior Suite  Passengers: 4 adults The travelers:  Myself, my husband, and our two college-aged sons.  My in-laws also joined us on the cruise. 
Cruise fare total (including pre-paid gratuities): $4282.88 Pre-cruise purchases:  $450 (bungalow, BCH dep, arcade, Voom, coffee card)  Onboard spending: $390 (Izumi, drinks, clothes, pictures) Cash spending onshore: $300 (BCH final, Grills) Cash spending onboard: $110 (slot pull & additional gratuities) Miscellaneous at port: $150 (parking & porter gratuities) GRAND TOTAL: $5682.88
How did we spend that much? Outside of accommodations, we feel like really did not spend much at all.
Junior suite: worth it or not?  We originally had booked two connecting panoramic ocean view rooms for the four of us but on a whim decided to have our travel agent price a Junior Suite instead.  For approximately $100 less, we got to try out the bigger room and gained a coffee maker & kettle, big closet, and a bathtub. Oh, and double Crown & Anchor points.  All good, except did not love the bathroom. 
Prior to the cruise, our travel agent tried to request a cot but apparently our room category does not have room for one.  We asked onboard, and our stateroom attendant was happy to oblige.  There was more than enough room.  Only disadvantage was that the chairs from the seating area blocked the balcony door, and we have to wiggle them around to get out at night.
Onboard Expenses
Adult beverages: We wanted to see exactly how much we would spend on drinks without a drink package to gauge its worth to us.  We drank freely, ordering what we wanted when we wanted it, and quickly realized that a drink package was not a good fit for us as we could not justify the cost over seven days.
We waited patiently for a drink card to appear, and on day 3, the draft beer for $57.82 (including gratuity) showed up on one of the ad boards.  We grabbed one.  We did learn afterwards to ask what was on draft before purchasing, as there was only three options at the pub and two options in the Schooner Bar. While each option was tasty, we got tired of those choices by the time we reached the final punches. 
The full drink card did not appear until day 7 so at that point was not worth it.  Since we did not have a drink package, we also brought on two bottles of wine.  Looking at our statement, we spent about $67 on drinks, plus an additional $6 for the boys BOGO milkshakes.  
Prior to the cruise, we purchased a coffee card.  My family enjoys our Starbucks, and since Adventure has premium coffees available at Cafe Promenade on board, we decided to pick up this shareable item before the cruise. 
For the low price of $31 (plus gratuities) = $36.58 you get 15 punches on the card.  On this sailing (as it seems to vary by ship) you got one punch for a tall or grande, and two for a venti. Frozen drinks were two punches.  
Between three of us, we had a hard time using all 15 punches. Not sure we’d purchase again on a seven night sailing.
Sushi making class: $35 pp plus gratuity times three people = $123.90
My husband, Tony, participated in this class on Harmony of the Seas and loved it, so he wanted to do it again with our boys. The amount of sushi you get for the money is amazing, and none of them could eat it all.  In fact, the staff at Izumi encourage you to have family members join you afterwards to help eat.  My mother-in-law happily obliged and even with a fourth person they each left rolls on their plates. 
Arcade: $40  Those two college-aged boys I mentioned earlier?  They each asked for arcade credit as you cannot be separated from video games.  In advance, I paid $20 each and they received $25 arcade credit.  They were not at all thrilled with the options and many of the games were never working.  There is also no way to know how much of your pre-paid credit you have used, without keeping a mental tally. It does not show up anywhere.  
Voom: 2 device Surf & Stream package = $186.06 Since I would be Periscoping during our voyage, and my college boys needed to keep in contact with the girlfriend and friends at home, a minimum of a two device package was required.  We purchased the Twangster-recommended travel router for the cabin but I did not include it in my costs, as it is for all cruising and not specific to this one.  Voom was very cooperative most of the trip, only a few times the connection was too poor to periscope, but we could easily get online. 
Slot pull: $60 in, $32 back out.   Our Meet & Mingle group organized a slot pull.  Since my boys are legal to gamble on the ship (and not here in NJ) they wanted to participate too.  $15 each was the buy in, and we all got $8 back.  
The only other onboard purchases were a shirt each, Tony bought a hat, and family photos. $65
Shore Excursions
  We had three stops on this sailing. Port Canaveral, CocoCay & Nassau.
In Port Canaveral, we met up with fellow Periscopers for drinks & apps at Grills. $53 for the four of us, drinks & food.
CocoCay was our next stop.  Since there was six of us, we rented a bungalow.  We secured a great price during a Cruise Planner sale of $209.  Includes four bottles of Evian water, two floating mats, transportation all around the island (they are a bit far from the main area) and towels so you don’t have to lug them off the ship. Also included is food brought to your bungalow so you don’t have to go to the main BBQ area.  Well worth the price for six.  
We had reserved ahead of time jet skis for our boys, but it was too windy so that got canceled.  
In Nassau, we made reservations for day passes at the British Colonial Hilton.  Based on recommendations from Matt & other cruisers we booked ahead of time using resortforaday.com, which offers discounted passes.  You pay a small deposit per person when booking, then the remainder by credit card when you arrive.  Our deposit was $17 per person then $62 per person upon arrival for a total of $79 each = $316. You got a $40 food & beverage credit as part of that, and we left about $4 on our account.
That’s about it.  Parking for the week was $140, and we gave the porter $10 tip on arrival for a grand total of $150 miscellaneous.  
So overall, we spent about $1,400 per person all-inclusive for a 7 night vacation.  When thinking back about how much food alone my own two boys consumed during that time...we got our money’s worth!  After putting this together I went back to compare what we spent to what Matt & his wife spent on their, four night cruise, and it looks about comparable.  $400 more per person for three extra nights.
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Shaking My Head
Hey folks! I was just camping with my girlfriend, her friend, her infant brother and her mother. It was only for a single night but with the driving and other detours it lasted most of the two days. It was a great time and the contrast between camping with them oppose to camping with my family is very different. My family is very systematic and structured. There’s a procedure that everyone must follow when setting up or taking down the campsite or for meals there is also another procedure… for most things actually. Plus they schedule every hour of the trip and if everyone doesn’t comply to the schedule then they get stressed and pissed off or they get stressed and pissed off trying to maintain the procedures and schedule. It takes all the fun and enjoyment out of the trip. Anyway we had a great time but sadly I had to go home…. Let me tell you a story.
I don’t open up to my family or tell them much about my day at all. So they sat me down on the couch while they were watching some sitcom. They turned down the volume and waited for me to tell them about the camping trip. I sat quietly not saying anything cause I didn’t really want to. So they began grilling me with questions. They asked me how many tents we used. Not seeing an issue I said that we used 1 tent. But then my mother gave me the 3rd degree about how irresponsible and  inappropriate that was and how she just couldn’t believe I would do such a terrible thing... Go ahead and go back to the first line of this post… There are FIVE people in one tent. How could that be inappropriate or irresponsible? Does she really think so lowly of me, my girlfriend and the others that we’d somehow do ‘adult things’… with 2 other people and a baby in the tent? Like what the hell! Not to mention that we’ve never had the slightest temptation to do such things. I’ve never shown or had any signs or symptoms of being sexual. But I swear they will use anything possible to assume the worst in me, my girlfriend and her family (and her friends if needs be). I don’t know what’s wrong with them. Also my mom was extremely concerned that my girlfriend’s dad wasn’t going to be going (we had a creative solution to that but I won’t explain). Long story short my mom hates… hates, the idea of me and my girlfriend’s mom being close. She is clearly jealous. I am assuming that my mother did the simple math of realizing that I almost never put any effort into seeing or talking to her meanwhile I’m willing to do just about anything for my girlfriend’s mom. I’d do anything for my girlfriend and that means being there for her family too and I get along well with her family so I am genuinely good friends with them. Long story short my mother hates this, she is afraid of the possibility of being replaced. But she has nothing to worry about because she was hardly there for me anyway and has already been replaced therefore the possibilities are impossible since it’s already happened. So cold... But so true. My parents are at a sad point where they are only oppressing me and holding me back. For example they won’t let me have access to my own bank account because they think I’ll blow all my money even though I hardly spend my money and have never shown the slightest possibility of doing so. On top of that, I have more than enough for college and to treat myself and my girlfriend on dates. Financially I’m solid. Next I got in trouble for going for a walk at 9pm… I’m 20 years old folks with a cell phone. They are such control freaks, they are so insecure that they must hold tightly onto everything. Because obviously the danger is I’m outside when it’s dark and could be mugged or something. When are they gonna loosen up and realize that I’m not 5 years old. It sucks. Anyway to avoid living the next 5 years in a bubble wrap prison I am preparing my heart, soul and mind for what will likely be a screaming match between my parents and I. I know I can’t win this fight without God so I’ve gotta trust him more than ever. There’s a decent chance that they will try and limit my access to seeing my girlfriend which will result in all out war. I’ll move out if I have to. I can’t run to my girlfriends house but I there are a few other people who might take me in for a while. Worst case scenario I ask my girlfriend and her parents for help but it shouldn’t come to that. Lastly after a heated discussion with my folks which kick started the above thoughts and emotions, I went for a long walk. During my walk I ended up texting with my girlfriend and my mentor (my gf’s mother, it’s not weird I promise). Building up idea’s, strength, courage and making a game plan. I was angry, sad was seeking a place to reflect on things. I was chilling someplace when a man who would seem to be homeless came to me and asked if I was ok. He was checking to make sure I was ok… think about that. I had my laptop of me, a cell phone, earbuds and was wearing what I think was at least decent clothes. But this guy didn’t see the difference all he saw was someone in distress who needed to talk. I just told him that there’s some dumb  trouble at home and that I’ve mostly worked it out already. Next he took a few steps away and pulled out a cheap old crappy point and shoot camera. He told me he loved photography and then proceeded to take a picture of a nearby duck. He seemed perfectly happy mean while I’m at least middle class, probably higher, and I’m depressed out of my mind because I’m living in a prison built by my parents. As you can probably tell I’m tired of this crap and pissed off about it. But let’s move on.
College is starting only next week. I feel ill prepared but at the same time I feel like it’s all going  to be ok. I went to the orientation and saw the place which is massive, it provides everything a person could ever ask for. I mean it has a massive library, lounges, fast food restaurants, an amazing weight room and fitness room. An indoor track which is build above one of the 3 gyms. A Tim Hortons and us Canadian’s are built to run on Timmies. There’s like 3 or 4 separate buildings. The place is massive, like a city for people who want a real job but don’t have one yet. I will likely spend most of my days at the college because I don’t like being home and I will be more productive while working on stuff at school. Plus I can wander over to the gym and use it for free whenever I want, I just gotta keep a change of clothes in my locker. It seems less scary after the orientation and my classmates seem decent. Several of them had gaming apparel or anime and one girl had a twenty one pilots shirt on. I should have a decent chance of making friends. I’m kinda sad though because I know I’ll hardly get to see my girlfriend once school starts for us… yeah it sucks butt. Anyway I’ve got 2 other blog posts on the go right now and I want to start chapter 6 of my book today. Should be fun. Peace out.
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dcoloneyes · 7 years
Coloured in America?: How institutions view you.
(NB - this is an adapted piece of work that I wrote as an examined component as part for my CIE Pre-U GPR IRR. I’ve adapted it because this part of my essay focussed on the question whereas the previous part focussed on outlining Critical Race Theory and its reputations, which was required as part of the mark scheme)
The last 10 years in America have reignited the issue of race and what it means to be coloured in the United States, but it has also raised the question of how far the civil rights effort of the mid-1900s and the fight against racism has progressed since then. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 as president had transformed to some extent what it means to be coloured in America. This sentiment is undoubtedly highlighted by Kimberlé Crenshaw and how “it seemed like a mirage … as if awakening from a bad dream, we opened our eyes to find an African American in the White House.”[1] Quite evidently the oppression and hurt caused by hundreds of years of systemic racism would not dissipate just because a black man was elected president. “We are not saved;”[2] this quote from Derrick Bell concerning the election of Barack Obama refers to how the journey for racial equality was not complete, just as “the collapse of formal segregation did not dismantle racial power in the mid-20th Century”[3]. This half of the current decade exemplifies how racism is still rife in America and is still being perpetrated and supported by the most powerful institutions – namely the police. Issues concern; how POC are treated by the judicial system - the police, the education system and the institution of media. Kim M. LeDuff states that “when it comes to race and representation in mass media, the view in the mid-2010s is not hopeful or positive.”[4] To be honest, what she’s saying is widely true.
Police hostility as a dominant form of racism in America has come to light as a serious issue laced with years of oppression and tension, between the coloured communities and the police. With the mention of black men being the primary victims, it was interesting to understand that Kimberlé Crenshaw published a document about the relationship between police brutality and black women, highlighting not only the horrific oppression received by women of colour but actually providing a voice to black women, who are so often erased from society as a result of an ingrained misogynoir ideology.  Statistics concerning the number of people killed by police nationwide in America is not readily available nor is it documented, however Crenshaw has utilised her resources and collated some information on the extent to which black women, particularly in America suffer at the hands of the judicial system – with the police being the face of it. In 2013, 55.7% of Black men that took part in the study were stopped by the police in New York City[5], which is a similar number to the number of women stopped by police with 53.4%.[6] The same year 10.9% of white men were stopped by police in New York[7], and 13.4% of white women were stopped[8]. The Latina demographic saw a 27.5% stop by police[9], and their Latino counterparts peaked was recorded at 29.3%[10]. What is interesting is regarding demographic and race as constants the proportion of which one is stopped is likely to predict, as a result of a positive congruence thanks to the statistics.  These statistics raise a few pivotal points regarding tenets of Critical Race. Whiteness is seen as a property, something that is valued and used to ‘pass’ through situations, and this study, though not wholly representative of the situation in Ameica, seems to show that. Another interesting concept concerns the level of which one is stereotypically privileged. According to this study it seems that white people are at the top of the hierarchy, and the darker you are the less privilege you have, which means you are more likely to be stopped if you are black compared to white. The same is seen with gender, men are the most privileged and if you identify or present as anything other; so as a woman, a transgender woman, a non-binary person, ultimately you do not hold as much power or standing and are more likely to be stopped by the police.
Crenshaw published another document regarding the status and position of black girls in schools in New York. The primary finding from her investigation states that “in New York and Boston, Black boys and girls were subject to larger achievement gaps and harsher forms of discipline than their white counterparts.”[11] Historical systemic racism from institutions like the police and education boards will result in chaos, and negatively impact black children. This study somewhat links with the previous one, another finding of this study showed that “increased levels of law enforcement and security personnel within schools sometimes made girls feel less safe and less likely to attend school.”[12] From a judicial point of view, another finding proves itself of interest – “punitive rather than restorative responses to conflict contributes to the separation of girls from school and to their disproportionate involvement in the juvenile justice system.”[13] This further highlights how the ‘school to prison pipeline’ is a prevalent issue for black women, in spite of the fact as of 2016, black women represented the most educated demographic in the United States[14]. Racism in education seems to have penetrated deeper than what is believed to have occurred. In 2011-2012 the United States Department of Education released statistics that showed Black girls were suspended up to 6 times more than White girls[15], and Black boys were suspended 3 times more than white boys[16]. Furthermore, only 2% of white females were subjected to exclusionary suspensions in comparison to 12% of Black girls[17]. Black Children in the state of New York are the most likely to be disciplined (Girls – 56% and Boys 48%) despite making up close to one third of the enrolled class[18]. In New York alone, black girls are 53 times more likely to be expelled than white girls[19], whereas black boys are only 10 times more likely[20]. It must be noted that these statistics were chosen to represent children in New York and do not wholly represent the United States of America, however they do provide a snapshot to the plight these children face as a result of their skin colour. These staggering statistics present the precarious position of the black child in New York. Again, whiteness as a property, as a form of currency seems to reign, and black children are stigmatised and regarded as trouble makers. On a larger view, this disadvantages the prospects of black children compared to white children. The study reported instances where the police were called for menial matters such as a fight in school between two children, who presented no large threat with weapons, and as a result of this, it has undoubtedly encouraged a culture of blackness being associated with danger. It seems clear that those who take America as being post-racial such as Peter Wood, have not considered the interaction of communities of colour and the educational and judicial authorities.
Social Media as a mechanism to organise and formulate intersectional protest has proved to be one of the most successful initiatives that has come out of this period. It has provided a means for a change in narrative and new platform for revolutionary movements. The international engagement of Black Lives Matter showed a widespread support for the showing of the horrific deaths of black people in America by predominantly white male police officers. Simultaneously, the rise of social media has also highlighted the lack of reporting on these issues by big news corporations. LeDuff’s argument regarding the media holds the premise that these news outlets did not reveal the true extent of racism in America after the Civil Rights Movement period. Instead “the media perpetuated the myth by avoiding the stories that indicated the true price of oppression […] they focused on sensational stories to increase their viewership for ratings.”[21] As a result of this belligerence, LeDuff argues that now “hegemonic thoughts and practices in relation to race persisted and festered, and today it seems that many of the old challenges that society faced in pre-Civil Rights America are coming back to haunt us with a new and different twist.”[22] LeDuff continues the idea that American media failed to “address the true ills that are so ingrained in our society when it comes to race relations”[23] by failing to report on race related crimes. This ultimate frustration has resulted in a more democratic sharing of information, something that is accessible by people all over the world and something that did not need to be approved in the interest of a rich white conservative man and their traditional political interests. This was found on social media like Facebook and Twitter. This for the new generation has become “one of the places where we can witness first-hand the great divides among race and class in modern society”[24], as people of this generation are dictating the narrative and ‘calling out’ hateful posts. This idea of calling out hateful ideas and posts is linked with how people of colour are presented in the media. It seems interesting to see that an awareness of how colour influences the type of headline one gets or the type of tone received. For example, a lot of attention surrounding Brock Turner, a convicted rapist was brought to light with the way white media manipulated headlines to soften his image. Many outlets focussed on his academic achievements – the fact that he went to Stanford or the fact that he was a successful swimmer as opposed to how the crime he committed. This in comparison to how black people, in particular black women who are missing have mugshots used, and there is a complete lack of affection to soften their image.
Writing this conclusion now months after I had originally wrote this essay, what do I think now? Well, race relations in America have undoubtedly got worse. White supremacy has been allowed to thrive. Just yesterday the world saw how violent this depraved ideology can be, clutching on to the last of its history, it reared its demon face and caused destruction amongst the largely left wing community of Charlottesville. There were reports of people being beaten and murdered by white terrorists, yet still the largest and most powerful institution in the country: The President and the White House wanted to ‘All lives Matter’ this situation, by condemning both parties. Dangerous fascist ideologies are being allowed to thrive and the Establishment do not seem to care. My final thoughts are this; What needs to happen before someone powerful takes this seriously? Does the President need to be impeached? Does a race war really need to occur? 
Rahul Dhulipala
[1] Christopher Campbell and Kim M. LeDuff, The Routledge Companion To Media And Race (1st edn, 2017). P.39
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Christopher Campbell and Kim M. LeDuff, The Routledge Companion To Media And Race (1st edn, 2017). p. 39
[5] Kimberlé Crenshaw, Say Her Name: Resisting Police Brutality Against Black Women (1st edn, 2015). p.3
[6] Ibid
[7] Ibid
[8] Ibid
[9] Ibid
[10] Ibid
[11] Kimberlé Crenshaw and Jyoti Nanda, Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced And Underprotected (1st edn, 2015). P.11
[12] Ibid, p.12
[13] Ibid
[14] Samuel Osborne, 'Black Women Become Most Educated Group In US' The Independent (2016) <http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/black-women-become-most-educated-group-in-us-a7063361.html> accessed 13 February 2017.
[15] Kimberlé Crenshaw and Jyoti Nanda, Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced And Underprotected (1st edn, 2015). P.19
[16] Ibid
[17] Ibid
[18] Ibid, p.21
[19] Ibid, p.23
[20] Ibid
[21] Christopher Campbell and Kim M. LeDuff, The Routledge Companion To Media And Race (1st edn, 2017). p. 44
[22] Ibid
[23] Ibid
[24] Ibid
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