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Karnama Jassi Da | Short Punjabi Movie
This is a story of Jassi from a small village in Punjab who always dreamt of going abroad for higher studies, but since he was weak in English, this dream seemed far from reality. Watch to see how his life is transformed one day. For more information , vsit betterthink.in
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Today I learned that I'm not (totally) crazy.
So this is something that's been haunting me, but when I was a kid, I had the pleasure(?) of going out to the Cactus Club restaurant while visiting my cousin in Edmonton. I remember it being kind of ostentatious and wacky or whatever, but the thing that always fascinated me was that people were shucking peanuts and throwing their shells on the floor, like, everywhere. You'd shuffle through the peanut shells on your way to the bathroom and try to avoid slipping on the oily floors.
Now I have the worst memory of anyone I know, so over time this has just become one of those memories where you're not sure if it was real or if it was just a confabulation, because a couple of years ago I went to the Cactus Club again... but it was post-makeover/rebranding, as it had a sleek and sexy and super forgettable atmosphere; a cocktail bar with no defining features. It was like no trace of its former glory(?) remained.
It felt kind of weird to say it, but I had to acknowledge the peanuts somehow right?
The look on my friend's face said everything when I tried to explain that this place used to have hundreds of peanut shells just littering the floor and piling up in corners.
"You know that people are allergic to peanuts right?" She said, a little concerned and kind of weirded out.
It was a very good point, and I couldn't argue that it would generally be a bad idea to open a restaurant on the novelty of salty bar food that can almost certainly cause sudden death in a pretty significant portion of the population. Even my brother is deathly allergic to peanuts.
I kind of laughed it off while still feeling like I COULDN'T have imagined the peanuts, after all, how could my brain have conjured up something that seems so strange to me?
There was something about that look she gave me though, like I had said something so absurd that it couldn't have been rooted in reality, that I just closed the book on the concept, let it go and have regarded it as something that just makes me mildly uncomfortable to think about ever since...
...Until tonight.
I dont know why it took me so many years of discomfort and self-gaslighting to get up the will to Google it, but I guess it's totally a thing.
Like, not even uncommon in some areas. This idea that had mystified me for years was just common bar practice, especially in the 90s, until a bunch of slipping lawsuits started cropping up and people didn't feel like basking in garbage as much anymore.
I can finally rest now, exalted, safe with the knowledge that I need to trust myself. (Even with the weird shit.)
#thank you for joining me on this anaphylactic journey#peanuts#self-gaslighting#im not crazy youre crazy#betterthinking
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#ilovetherain #mystery#noir#thesunstoogarish#rainlover #cloudydaylover#nyc#betterthinking#bettersleep (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIaxLUzhfMR/?igshid=1xfl1nmotcbvv
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Sounds simple. Needs continuous awareness and work. Unknowingly what we are ALL seeking is not pleasure Nor is it success or money Nor is it love and admiration Nor is it meaning and purpose We already have most of those things, at least most of us do. I know I do. Yet i overthink. Overthinking is just misuse of a great tool called thinking. Overuse and misuse. Let learn to think better. I’m going to keep posting my thoughts and experiences on #betterthinking Enjoy. #mentalhealth #overthinking #beinthemoment #consciousnessshift https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzEleNpcPc/?igshid=dsxtd81m2f0f
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@carrillomuaythai • • • • • • Perfect Timing. Need it!!! #carrillomuaythai #jeancarrillo #life #success #reason #thinking #betterthinking #noregrets #motivation #dontstressb https://www.instagram.com/p/B1C2mRVJu1F/?igshid=hgzg9lnydmwi
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Travel (and forest-bathing) can make you a better person, here’s how: https://starfishandstarlings.com/2019/06/25/travel-and-forest-bathing-can-make-you-a-better-person-heres-how/ #travelandlearn #forestbathing #shinrinyoku #arosebyanyothername #pinkrose #ecotravel #ecotraveller #empathy #ethnicenclave #chinatown #sandcloud #setmenu #mottisfont #globalempathy #globalcitizen #whytravel #travelresearch #betterthinking #betterperson https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJliP5nZZi/?igshid=xzvwyp57sd4e
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We all need to change to progress make a plan change the formula apply it and soar #moveonfromthepast #mentalillnessisrealillness #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #movingforward #changingpatterns #betterresultsinlife #beattheprocess #moveforwardinstride #alwaysprogressing #depressionfailsus #PTSD #ptsdfailsus #anxietyfailsus #toxicthinkingfailsus #stinkingthinking #letgoofthethinking #painfulthinking #betterthinking #letloveshine #mentalillnessistuff #myworth #imbetterthanthis #lettheprocessbegin #letlovebegin #positivethinkingwins #nonegativityforme #mynegativity #getunstuck #imstuck #imstuckinthepast #formulaforthefuture #myformula #lifespassage #lifesformula #changetheequation #pastispastnow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bws5ORVADbe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vyey6e9adqpw
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As I look back on many things in my life, one of my biggest accomplishments is my #weightloss as I’m on this #newme #transformation of my body, my soul and my mindset. Everyday is a challenge and at times feels like it’s impossible yet I’ve still managed to keep on going. Each day I set a goal of something small and build from there,weight loss is so much more mental then physical. #deppression and #comfortfood hurts the human body more then mentally but physically to cause health problems. Simply put I was heading down a very dangerous road. From 8 different medications to one, within 5 different debilitating health issues in the process I was a mess. I’ve had many say I had surgery but I did not. Walking and portion control, also keeping my mind active as to not get #boredom causing #overeating and too many snacks. In over all I’ve dropped roughly 170 pounds/77 kilos from a size 52 inch/132cm to 38 inch/96 cm for a change of 14 sizes. I’ve gained a few back over the past month or so but it’s time to get back on track. Goal range is to be at 225lbs/102kg by this summer that is roughly 20 pounds/9 kilograms in a 4 month time frame. I got this!! #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #healthylifestyle #betterthinking #thinkpositive https://www.instagram.com/p/BsSi_hTAd3-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t22av7798nbt
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How to Increase your PTE Reading Score?
Reading is an essential skill that one must have especially if you are preparing for an exam like PTE Academic. The test has an entire Reading component that is the most scoring among all English language proficiency tests – short passages, 1 question per passage, variety of Reading tasks – what more do you need?
If you are someone who gets bored reading long, uninteresting pieces of text, PTE is the right test for you especially since the Reading component is a cake walk. But a lot of students think the other way. Don’t worry!
For full article, visit the link mentioned in the post ☝️
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the year just started and God has already removed those people from my life who didn't have my best interest at heart. I feel alone and literally have no one but I know God is about to introduce me to some amazing people and change my life for the better.
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#respect #womenrespect #always #bestfriends #goodpath #goodmorning #betterthinking #alwaysrespectwomens🙏 #alwayssupport #alwaysahead #womenempowerment #womenswear #womensupportwomen #womenfitness #womenpower #womensfashion #womenbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #womenday #womenwhowork #womenstyle #womeninbiz #womenworld https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_LT8QnH1m/?igshid=tb9h24a52ajh
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This is definitely what's wrong with society: VERY BAD HAIR YEARS: for the last 4years we've had the worst haired-pres/prime-ministers on both sides of the pond.... #gofigure #badhair #badbrains #badmind #badthoughts #badattitudes #badleaders #NONleaders #soglad2021 #newyear #newleadership #newMinds #newthinking #betterMIND #betterThinking #actualThinking #RealLeadership is coming #2021 new decade the 20s are back let's not have any more #madmen in the office! #matriarchic #society #rules #feminine #intuition #sixthsense #better #muchbetter #muchMuchBetter #muchMuchMUCHBETTER #BETTER #BEST we #getAlong and do #everything #correctly #fromNOWon #NOW! Be #well, be #safe, be #peace, be #kind and #takeCARE of each other #everyone must #try to get along with each other #thankyou and have #gratitude for what we have left #what we have #who we are #wgonwe have left #who we can become #better #best we can be #happy holidays & get #frizzFREE #HAIR! conditioner for #newyear #newyear2021 #new20s #newTwenties #love #Love #LOVE #LOVEPEACEJOY #PeaceLOVEjoy= #TRUTH=LOVE= #PEACE= #joy=us= #ONE #ALLONE #allONE not alone #all #one #notAlone
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A positive life. That’s the goal right? Every day I write “joyful” in my planner and I try to choose joy for the day. Sometimes negative thinking is a habit and it can be a tough habit to break. The first step is being aware of it. Listen to your thoughts and change the ones that are not bringing joy, positive thinking, happiness, and peace. It’s not just about “positive thinking” in a fake sort of way. If you have a persistent negative thought pattern try to replace them with thoughts that feel even just a little better. For instance: instead of beating yourself up over being behind schedule on a project, remind yourself that you are making progress and doing your best. What if you know you’re not doing your best? Resolve to start doing your best from this moment forward and pat yourself on the back for all baby steps in the right direction. When those negative thoughts pop into your head say stop and immediately replace them with a better thought. “Change your thinking, change your life.” . . . . #positivevibes #positivity #positivethinking #mindset #betterthings #betterthinking #thinkingbetter #doingmybest #positivemindset #positiveminds #solopreneur #solopreneurlife https://ift.tt/2Nqr5ez
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