
What’s faster than the speed of thought? The speed at which reality changes :-) Until now, I was in the lead. My friend had time for me. Working from home was not a thing. My career seemed all sorted. Social media was about selfies. And suddenly, before i could even blink an eye everything changed. It feels like rejection. But its not. The scenario changes, expectations changed, needs changed, but i did not. And its ok. Its exhausting to keep changing. Relax a bit. But rejection is life telling me that the time to change has come. Time to grow, to learn, to reset expectations, to seek new possibilities. Train your mind to handle rejection differently. Enjoyed CO-creating the comic theme with you @tanishaagarwal16 #rejection #overthinking #analysisparalysis #mentalhealth #risktaker #entrepreneurship #studententrepreneur #pune #india #restart
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My 5 steps to overcome overthinking. Ever since I was a kid, I have used some of these hacks to overcome my cycles of negativity and overthinking. Some I learnt by trial and error, and some I just did unknowingly. They still work for me. Hope they help you. #mentalhealth #overthinking #thinkbetter #youthministry #thinksmart
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Sounds simple. Needs continuous awareness and work. Unknowingly what we are ALL seeking is not pleasure Nor is it success or money Nor is it love and admiration Nor is it meaning and purpose We already have most of those things, at least most of us do. I know I do. Yet i overthink. Overthinking is just misuse of a great tool called thinking. Overuse and misuse. Let learn to think better. I’m going to keep posting my thoughts and experiences on #betterthinking Enjoy. #mentalhealth #overthinking #beinthemoment #consciousnessshift
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Aditya Jhunjhunwala has invited you to Canva, so you can easily create and share your own designs. Take a look by clicking the link below or copying it directly into your web browser You’re receiving this email because [email protected] asked us to send you an invitation to Canva. If you'd like to know more about what Canva is you should visit
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Valentine Shipley
"Dearest Naren,
As the Bible says many are called but few are chosen & I totally believe that about you to impact/ inspire & initiate change in peoples lives, to spread love, happiness, hope and shape dreams into reality.
Blessed to have YOU as my BRO.
Valentine Shipley
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Payal Gidwani Tiwari
"Darling Naren, I am honoured that you gave me such a big platform to talk on. After I am back,I'm sooo happy! Something within me has changed. I'm just flying with joy and happiness. It's showing in my work. So if anyone should thank you, it's me.
Thank you got everything and yes, it is only the beginning. Thank you for introducing Valentine Shipley to us.
Suddenly I want to serve unconditionally. I'm just counting blessings.
Love always
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Admiral Manohar Awati
"Thank you, Sandeep. I will remain in gratutude to Life School hereafter for giving me the opportunity to make friends with younger India ,a generation or two younger than my generation, for interacting with them. I wish I had been feeling fitter than I was feeling on 26 afternoon. Kavita and Soni saw to it that I would be fit enough to meet my main commitment."
Warm regards,

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Nirmal Toshniwal
Attended a convention 'Sapere Vedere' by Life School, Pune. Two nights three days...multiple insights...unlimited was a competition...ended as a collaboration... it was an eye opener...ended as an was to educate people...ended to create people... it is what I call.... one in the billion programme which can ever happen !!!
Amit Shah Last three days have been simply awesome ! Sapere Vedere - Know how to see ! What an experience it has been ? Love, Joy, Gratitude, Friendship, Inspiration, Motivation, Insights, Learnings, Entertainment... It had all this and much more !
CA Mangesh Katariya
Feeling motivated! What an enlightening & awesome experience had at Sapere Vedere - Know How to see.
Great team work, planning & Execution by Team Life School Rocks !!!!
Dr Ashish Chowhan "Know how to see in the dark" Wowwww... it was an amazing experience on the stage with a huge enthu crowd at "Sapere Vedere" convention...this Pattern of X-ray eyes was first time ever performed in the whole world by me and I was successful. Thanks Narendra Goidani and Sandeep Shah for this opportunity... Thanks a ton to every participant for the Appreciation. In Gratitude, Dr Ashish Chowhan
Irish Babu Feeling really sad that SAPERE VEDERE has come to an end..what an amazing journey of 2 months of fun, learning, sharing, and meeting such wonderful people which would not be possible if not for SAPERE VEDERE..but I guess all good things have to come to an end to give way for more and better to happen...looking forward to a 'New Beginning' and cherish the old. Meenal Ranka
' Sapere vadere' ..... an experience. .. a journey .... inspirational .. dedication... self realisation. I have had a beautiful time with life schoolers for this 3 day convention.... and trust me every minute was a worthy one. Loads of fun ..... superbly managed.... excellent discipline. Heartfelt Thank you to whole team of lifeschool and Narendra Goidani. U guys r awesomely inspiring. Love u allllll.
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Meeting Admiral Awati was like meeting an institution !
There are people who feel, a chance to meet with and spend time with Admiral is like a pilgrimage!
He could talk of the bygone era when it used to take 5 days to reach from Bombay to Pune and now he is equally knowledgeable about the Modi governance…!!!
At the age of 88 he does not require glasses to read :-o
WE at Sapere Vedere have the privilege to interact with him :)
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Grooveshark is free music, online radio, and so much more. Enjoy unlimited free music streaming with a worldwide community of artists and music lovers.
A collection of songs shared by our Facebook fans.
Meaningful songs which make you look at life differently!
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Admiral Awati to honour Sapere Vedere!
Met a distinguished man today!
Admiral Awati - Holder of the Indian gallantry award presented for acts of bravery in the battlefield, Vir Chakra.
He's 88 years of age and still going strong!
He will hoist the flag for us at Sapere Vedere on 26th January ( Republic Day ) and will be there with us throughout the day.
It was a treat to be with this truly inspiring human being :D
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