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Sex addiction is a huge media problem I don’t use social media for this I have more self worth and I think the rest of the world should too #sexaddiction #socialsexsddiction #myselfworth #imworthmore #nomoresexualcontent #idontpostsexualcontent #loveyourselftoday #changingways #mychangingways #spiritualgrowthspurts #selflovetoday #thespirituallyinsane #spiritless #gettingmychi #findingmychi #mychi #feelingspiritful #depressionhurts #anxietyhurts #sexabusehurts #myspiritualpathinlife #myspiritualjourney #gettingmyspiriton #livemynewspirit #livingmyself #livingmylifenow #findyourspirit
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I have so many scars on my body ..... my face my neck my collarbone my back my legs my hands my shin they all reflect some broken bone or surgery but we must remember not all scars are visible ❤️ #gettingbetterwithage #movingonslowly #slowlymovingon #chronicpainsurvivors #survivingchronicpain #mychronicpainhurts #chronicallypainful #scarsskindeep #myscars #seethescars #leavingmyscarsbehind #growingspiritually #myheartneedsspirit #givingmyheartspirit #thespiritofme #scarstobeauty #lettinggoofthepast #lettingitgonow #livingmylife #livinganewlife #fullnewlife #survivedepression #surviveanxiety #survivesurvive #surviveborderline #borderlinedismay
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Lately I’ve been stuck in the mud not being able to do anything because I needed my birth certificate I tried to obtain it but had failed attempts mail getting lost online orders not processed I’m one of those people that if it can happen to you it does if your one of those people you know what I’m talking about I must’ve broke a lot of mirrors .... but today a friend brought me to get my certificate without being asked she didn’t even know my struggles...... I need to remember that things happen for some unforeseen reason maybe to just reconnect maybe to reinstall patience.......we must remember that good things and people come to those who wait ❤️#movingonwithmylife #nowicanmoveon #gettingthereslowly #gettingmylifeback #patienceisavirtue #findingmywayback #gonnagetabetterone #gonnagetabetterlife #mylifeisgettingbetter #letslovehumanity #humanityexists #humanitystillexists #mydepressionisholdingmeback #keepingpeace #livinghumane #humaneliving #intimeitcomes #rememderingmyhumanity #gettingmyhumanity #keepinghumanityalive
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When you are stuck in mental illness or chronic pain you loose contact with friends not because you want to you can’t help it your detached from society and yourself but even after years of loosing contact with someone if they are meant to be in your life the universe will find a way to bring them back into your life #depressionhurts #anxietyhurts #chronicpainhurts #isolationhurts #positivepeopleinfluence #positivitybreedssuccess #letpeoplebackin #openupyourheart #gettingthereslowlybutsurely #imgoingtogetmylifeback #letthesunshineinyourlife #positivepeoplerock #letgoofnegativityinyourlife #nomorenegativity #workingthruthepain #goingthrupain #conquerchronicsuffering #conquerisolation #dontisolate #keepsocial #keepingitsocial #gonnagetsocial #mysocialsuffering #movinginwithmylife #hopelesslyspiritual #spirituallygrowing #movingtowardsspirituality #mynewspiritualgrowth
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I don’t know if I’d call it quite stunning but my body is definitely a museum of natural disasters I’ve had my face reconstructed from a car accident in 87 also broke my jaw and collar bone in that accident I broke my neck in 2011 broke it anterior/ posterior my head had to be reattached with a plate and pole and for all my other bones about 60% of them have been broken as well the rest of my body isn’t doing so well I have gallstones early liver disease type 2 diabetes fibromyalgia I’ve had an ovary removed from a cyst the size of a grapefruit but I guess when you think about it the body heals thru our disasters so with work so can our mind #gettingbetterwithage #movingonslowlybutsurely #chronicpainisreal #depressionisreal #anxietyisreal #mentalillnessisreal #letyourbodyheal #thehealingbody #evolvingbody #myhealingbody #brokenboneshurt #mybrokenbones #lifewithbrokenbones #brokennecksurvivor #brokenbonesurvivor #brokenbonesheal #brokenmindscanheal #healyourselffirst #letloveinnow #nowimliving #livingwithbrokenbones #spirituallybroken #spirituallybroke #findingmywayback #gettinganewlife #PTSDisreal #myanxiety #mydepressionhurts #lifecanbeastruggle #strugglingthrulife
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If one of our senses is altered how can we possibly live a beautiful life if we aren’t hearing the music,smelling the roses,seeing the beautiful sunset,tasting the delicious cuisines or just letting our feet hit the floor because of our constant pain what is our quality of life going to be? #livelifetoday #getupandgetoutside #dancealittle #smellalittle #tastealittle #feelalittle #hearthemusic #musicmakesyoufeel #feelingthebeat #depressionmusic #borderlinepersonality #sensealot #sensesofmine #mysenses #gettingwithmysenses #qualityofmylife #itsmyqualityoflife #fibromyalgiawars #thesensesofchronicpain #thesensesofthechronicpatient #chronicpatient #chronicallyilltoday #outwiththeoldinwiththenew #livingmylifetoday #movingonnow
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Self doubt is the worst thing you can ever do to yourself never stop believing in yourself you can always find a way to heal #selfdoubtbegone #neverstopbelievinginyou #youcandothis #thiscanbedone #weallgrowdaily #growforlife #growingishardwork #stopselfdoubt #believeinyourselffirst #releasethepain #hopelesslygrowing #alteryourself #movingonwithmylife #movingonsoon #mylifeusgettingbetterwithage #homelessnothopeless #depressionisreal #flyintilife #mynewlifeisgreat #greatlife #itsgonnabegreat #imgonnafly #mynewspirit #itsmynewlife #newlifestyles #spirituallysound #livingindoubt #livingwithdoubt
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At the end of the day the only person who needs to accept the the things I’ve done is me I’m tired of trying to please people and not being happy I do what I want to do what my hear wants to do so I can be happy with myself #betterlifechoices #toxicpeople #makingabetterlife #betterwithage #movingonslowlybutsurely #moveonfromthepast #mentalillnessisrealillness #myheartbreaks #depressionhurtsusall #theworldisugly #imhappywithme #mychoicesaremine #lifechanges #dailychange #dailyideasofchange #positivityversusnegativity #positivelifechange #positivelifechoices #livingpositivenow #spirituallygrown #spirituallycentered #notgivinguponme #homelessnothopeless
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Mother’s Day is coming up and I wanted to send out a special Mother’s Day wish for my mom she is one of the strongest women I have ever met she’s not had the easiest life her husband my dad died in a sudden car accident at the young age of 43 my mom never remarried.... she had to work to hard to put food on the table pay the bills pay for my private schooling dancing modeling and skating lessons how she did as a waitress I will never know she worked long shifts and 6 days a week but always found time to take me to my apts and find time to spend with me throughout my life she has been a significant person in raising my children and when times were tuff she was always there for me she is a real warrior #treatyourmom
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When you have chronic illness pain or merely suffer from any form of mental illness this can sadly be true #betterlifechoices #mentalillnessisrealillness #chronicpainsuffering #isuffer #PTSD #Anxietyisreal #depressionisreal #chronicpainisreal #mypainisreal #fibromyalgiapain #painhurts #tryingtomove #movingontobetterthings #movingslowlybutsurely #itsadbuttrue #betterthanyesterday #fibromy #myfibro #mychronicpain #chronicallypainful #thepainisreal #positiveversusnegative #positivelypainful #betterwithage #mybetterlife #gettingspiritual #needspirituality #borderlineissues #depressionissues #anxietyissues #mentalillnessisnteasy
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The butterfly effect is apparent in every aspect of our life make small changes for big differences #moveonfromthepast #movingonslowlybutsurely #mentalillnessisrealillness #thebutterflyeffects #theeffectivebutterfly #changeissimple #simplechanges #positivechangesnow #littlechanges #dailychange #movetowardschange #imusingthebutterflyeffect #theeffectofthebutterfly #moveoninlife #pushforwardinyourlife #lifeisspecial #myspeciallife #pushthrupain #lovechangenow #nowimchanging #relevantchange #changemakesadiffetence #effectivelychanging #positivelychanging #betterlifechoices #mybetterlifechoices #livemysoul #lovemysoul #mychangedsoul #changingmysoul #searchingmysoul
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No one gets it at my age my family says maybe it’s early dementia no it’s called fibro fog yes it’s a real thing #moveonfromthepast #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #chronicpainsucks #chronicwarrior #fibro #fibrowarriorsunite #fibrolifeishard #livinginpain #neverknowwhenthepaincomes #whenwillthepainstop #whyamiinfibropain #whatsfibro #whatsfibropain #tryingtohealwithin #babystepstogrowth #growingwithbabysteps #fibrofog #crazyfibro #whenisthepaingoingaway #painpaingoaway #painwithfibro #paininfibro #mypainwithfibro #livinginafibroworld #memorygap #thememorygap #innerloving #myinnerloving #myinnerpeace #innerpeaceforme #findingground #dailythoughtoffibro #fibromyalgiapaindaily #dailyfibromyalgiapain #dailychronicpainconqueror #conquerfibromyalgia #mentalillnessandfibro
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We all need to change to progress make a plan change the formula apply it and soar #moveonfromthepast #mentalillnessisrealillness #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #movingforward #changingpatterns #betterresultsinlife #beattheprocess #moveforwardinstride #alwaysprogressing #depressionfailsus #PTSD #ptsdfailsus #anxietyfailsus #toxicthinkingfailsus #stinkingthinking #letgoofthethinking #painfulthinking #betterthinking #letloveshine #mentalillnessistuff #myworth #imbetterthanthis #lettheprocessbegin #letlovebegin #positivethinkingwins #nonegativityforme #mynegativity #getunstuck #imstuck #imstuckinthepast #formulaforthefuture #myformula #lifespassage #lifesformula #changetheequation #pastispastnow
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Struggling with an autoimmune disease some form of mental illness any life killing disease or just had a bad day you don’t have to always show that happy face give yourself breathing room #moveonfromthepast #mentalillnessisrealillness #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #movingforward #autoimmunediseasehurts #fibroblast #mentalillnessfeelslike #depressionhelp #anxietyhurts #depressionhurts #PTSDhurts #ptsdhurtseveryone #mentalillnessdifferences #fibro #fibrowarrior #anxietywarrior #depressionwarrior #PTSDwarrior #ptsdwarrior #bipolarwarrio #homelessnothopless #lifehurts #movingontobetterthings #movingforward #movingtowards #positivityvsnegativity #negativityvspositivity #lifesups #lifesdowns #lifesupsandowns #myaura #mycolors #livemylifenow
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As we walk thru life with all our pain eventually things will fall into place and all make sense #fibromyalgia #movingonsoon #ivebeenworkinghardforthis #progressisprogresss #fibromya #fibroma #progressivlymoving #selfsoul #soulworth #weareworthittoday #growspirituallydaily #myspirituality #myspirituallife #itsmylifenow #noworneverisforever #spiritualsouls #despateratelyseeking #depressiondidit #PTSD #ptsdisreal #ptsdhurts #fibromyalgiahurts #dailyfibromyalgiamystery #positivityversusanxiety #positivityversusnegativitypositivitywinsithastoo #positivityversusnegativity #fibromyalgiawarriorwars #facinglifewars #workhardforyourspirit #spiritworks #havefaithtoday #givingitmydailyfaith #mydailyfaith #faithunhope #hopeitworksout #hopeitworksthistimev#havefaithintime #beliveintheimpossible #impossibledreamshappen #dreamscabetrue #anxietyisreal #depressionishard #anxietyishard #lifeishardsometimes
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#moveonfromthepast #mentalillnessisrealillness #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #movingforward #depressionhurtshard #hardhurtingdepression #homelessnothopeless #letinpositivity #releasetoxicity #fibromyalgiaisreal therealityoffibromyalgia #lettingloverule #gettingbetterdaily #stesslessdaily #worrylessdaily #thinklessdaily #thinkinghappythoughts #thinkingpositivenow #nowimpositive #positivelifeforme #soulsearchingdays #soulsearchingnights #maymylifebefilledwithpositivity #getridoftoxicity #getridoftoxicpeople #goodbyepasts# hellotothefuture #changingmymindset
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We are not all one way we are a wonderful mixture of everything life is complex and beautiful #iliveinreality #dealingwithlife #movingonfommypast #idocareaboutit #carealot #complexsituations #complexityoflife #liveinthecomplexity #beautyofcomplexity #depression #mentalillnessisrealillness #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #movingforward #moveonfromthepast #livelifenownotlater #positivevibes #cryingoverlife #hopelessness #movingtowardsanewme #needalesscomplexlife #leavecomplicationsbehind #livemynewlife #livingacomplexlife #livingcomplexity#positivebeliver #positivityiskeyforme #depressionisreal #anxietyisreal #PTSD #mentalillnessisrealhard #lifeusgettingbetter #dontgiveintonegativity
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