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#moveonfromthepast #mentalillnessisrealillness #movingonslowlybutsurely #positivityversusnegativity #movingforward #depressionhurtshard #hardhurtingdepression #homelessnothopeless #letinpositivity #releasetoxicity #fibromyalgiaisreal therealityoffibromyalgia #lettingloverule #gettingbetterdaily #stesslessdaily #worrylessdaily #thinklessdaily #thinkinghappythoughts #thinkingpositivenow #nowimpositive #positivelifeforme #soulsearchingdays #soulsearchingnights #maymylifebefilledwithpositivity #getridoftoxicity #getridoftoxicpeople #goodbyepasts# hellotothefuture #changingmymindset https://www.instagram.com/p/BwrTmePA94S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14y0ncscj6m6q
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I have been working on my finding out who I really am working through some rough times that have happened in my past and working really hard on letting go on the feelings that tagged along with these it’s been a process believe me months to get rid of a feeling of one life event it’s crazy that one second can cause so much pain and torture in a persons life and then take so long to understand the meaning remove the paint and continue daily to reassure myself so the pain doesn’t return I work hard everyday on this and continue on removing more inflictions I have until my soul is whole but once I let go of the pain I could breath again I wasn’t suffocating someday I hope to breath without any weight #movingonsoon #ivebeenworkinghardforthis #progressisprogresss #positiveenergy #positivityrules #letitgonow #releasethepain #liveforthefuture #thereislifeinpain #depresdionisreal #anxietyisreal #ptsdisreal# #mentalillnessisreal #painreleasefornewlife #reachforlife #releaseforlife #workingonapositivelife #positivelifeforme #livinginpositivity #progresspositively #releasetoxicity #releasetixicenergies #releasetoxicthoughts #toxicthoughts #positiveenergylives #positive #toxicityistoxicity #movinginapositivelight https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwe878-A2Ac/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=utd83zviaomq
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