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funwithrandomfacts · 7 months ago
Interesting Fun Facts About The Butterfly Effect 2004 | Movie
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amitshridhar · 9 months ago
You can't play God, son! (butterfly effect 1)
mcghetto94 @mcghetto94
The Butterfly Effect (6/10) Movie CLIP - You Can't Play God (2004) HD
Movieclips @MOVIECLIPS
The Butterfly Effect
14/06/2024, friday 14 june 2024, 10:52 a.m, indore, madhya pradesh, india.
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bussterj · 1 year ago
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I'm watching The Butterfly Effect (2004)
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the-most-humble-blog · 25 days ago
🌀 Behold Me, The Most Humble Blog in the World
Destiny...or Something Else?
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Every decision you’ve ever made—every step, every breath, every fleeting thought—has led you here.
Right now. To this exact moment. To this exact sentence.
Know how I know? Because you just read that, you unique, irreplaceable, one-of-a-kind soul.
And yet, this moment was inevitable.
You could have done anything else with your life. But you didn’t.
Think about it:
Every person you’ve met, every word you’ve spoken, every tragedy, every triumph—all of it built the road that brought you here.
You weren’t “randomly” scrolling. You weren’t “just passing by.” The entire universe had to align to make this moment happen.
So tell me, how free are your choices, really?
What if I told you: ✅ Every "choice" you make is just the next domino falling? ✅ Your past dictates your future more than you want to admit? ✅ You could rewind your life, make every decision "differently," and STILL end up here?
Are you in control? Or is the illusion of control just the prettiest lie you've ever swallowed?
You tell me.
If one thing had gone differently: ❌ A single second of hesitation. ❌ A glance away from the screen. ❌ A missed opportunity, a different conversation, a road untraveled…
Would you still be here? Or were you always meant to be?
Maybe every step you’ve ever taken was pulling you toward this moment. Maybe “randomness” is just fate in disguise.
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The one meant to read this. The one meant to ponder this. The one who might walk away forever changed.
Your journey—your existence itself—was always leading you here. And now? You decide where it takes you next.
Or do you?
💀 REBLOG if your mind is sufficiently blown. 💬 COMMENT if you think free will is real—or just a cosmic joke. 🥩 LIKE if this was the post you were always destined to see. 🚀 FOLLOW for more unsettling truths, paradoxes, and the eerie feeling that everything is connected.
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justapillowpetpanda · 9 months ago
Lucca Comics & Games Unveils 'The Butterfly Effect'
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Lucca Comics & Games has launched the new poster for its 2024 edition today. This year’s festival, themed ‘The Butterfly Effect’, has had its poster designed by world-famous Japanese artist, Yoshitaka Amano. For ‘The Butterfly Effect’, Amano created not just one image, but three, each representing an act of this extraordinary work.
Lucca Comics & Games 2024
Today Lucca Comics & Games releases OUVERTURE represented by the work that Amano dedicated to Puccini's Tosca. An embrace between two characters, between physicality and imagination, captures all the exuberant energy of the festival and the thousand colors of its audience of butterflies. The image dedicated to Madama Butterfly will arrive in September. On 30 October the festival will present a third work by Amano, this time linked to his immortal princess Turandot, to reflect the apotheosis of creativity and passion that is Lucca Comics & Games.
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Poster art by Yoshitaka Amano Lucca has always aimed to be a crossroads of different arts - a place where comics, games, cinema, literature, and music converge into a multisensory experience. In the year of the Puccini centenary, it is only natural to think that Lucca Comics & Games would present a contemporary version of that synesthetic ideal which, a century ago, was represented by opera, a combination of literary invention, scenic wonder and musical magic. In addition to a clear reference to Puccini's masterpiece, the title refers to the well-known "Butterfly Effect", a corollary of Chaos Theory which studies the way in which small changes can lead to large consequences. It is a theme that resonates perfectly with the spirit of Lucca Comics & Games, and to visually represent the three acts of this unique Opera, they have called upon a great Sensei who embodies a melting pot of cultures and media in Yoshitaka Amano. Lucca Comics & Games 2024, The Butterfly Effect, promises to be a memorable edition. This event celebrates the transformative power of art and creativity, in perfect harmony with the spirit of innovation that has always characterized this extraordinary festival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MzxihE41b8 Netflix returns to Lucca Comics & Games this year with an unmissable event for SQUID GAME 2. On Thursday 31 October, the creator, writer and director Hwang Dong-hyuk and the protagonists Lee Jung-jae and Wi Ha-Joon will be in Lucca to meet fans and to reveal to the whole world some news from the highly anticipated second season. The second chapter of Squid Game which still remains the most popular series on Netflix more than two years after its release, will only be available on Netflix by the end of 2024. The event in Lucca promises to be an event not to be missed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6-12RevbUY 25th anniversary of One Piece started simultaneously from Milan, Berlin, London, Madrid and Paris, on the occasion of the birthday of Monkey D. Luffy, the famous straw-hat pirate, but it will be in Lucca on most important moment to close the celebrations in style and with all the numerous fans. In fact, two great guests from Japan will participate in Lucca Comics & Games: Tatsuya Nagamine (director of the last years of One Piece and previously of many other TOEI titles, including Dragon Ball Super: Broly) and Kenji Yokoyama (historical animator from the first episodes to today). Not only that, but the celebrations will also continue at the TOEI Animation stand with many surprises and new features to be announced in the coming weeks! In a new feature for 2024, Lucca Comics & Games will this year leave the urban walls of Lucca and land at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, with the exhibition AMANO CORPUS ANIMÆ, dedicated to Yoshitaka Amano. This exhibition will offer a complete overview of his work, highlighting his extraordinary ability to merge Anime, Video Games and contemporary art into a single, inimitable artistic vision. More than 100 original works will tell the history of animation and world entertainment; the epic images that have consecrated the "boy from Shizuoka" in the Olympus of contemporary artists will range from Tatsunoko to Final Fantasy, passing through Vogue. The exhibition will happen after the festival. From November 13, 2024 to March 1, 2025, “Amano Corpus Animae ” will be the first retrospective to celebrate the 50-year career of the visionary Maestro. The largest and most complete exhibition ever dedicated to the Japanese artist in the West. Curated for Lucca Comics & Games by Fabio Viola, with the exhibition design and itinerary is created in collaboration with POLI.design of Milan. 50TH ANNIVERSARY FOR DUNGEONS & DRAGONS AND THE PLAYING COMMUNITY OF THE WORLD To celebrate 50 years, Lucca Comics & Games is dedicating not one but two unique tributes to the world of Dungeons & Dragons, transforming this anniversary into a gigantic collective party. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiFd-R2jzXY   For the first time the Koder Collection will be exhibited, with original masterpieces by Larry Elmore, Jeff Easley, Clyde Caldwell, Keith Parkinson, Brom, Todd Lockwood, in a unique exhibition in the world entitled "Gateway to Adventure: 50 Years of D&D Art". It will be curated by Jon Peterson, one of the most important historians of the game, author among other things of Dungeons and Dragons - Art & Arcana and the extraordinary collection of rare documents The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons 1970-1977, recently published by Wizards of the Coast, and by Jessica Lee Patterson, an art historian who has been working on cataloguing the collection since 2022. The exhibition will be hosted in the extraordinary and sacred Church of the Servi, already used in the past for the display of original tables, redesigned to accommodate an editorial and artistic path that also leaves great space for experience and the games played. It doesn't end there. The role-playing game will leave a permanent trace in the city of gaming par excellence: the municipal administration of Lucca will rename the basement of the San Paolino bastion, after Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, the creators of Dungeons & Dragons. This is the culmination of a journey started 15 years ago with Larry Elmore, Tracy and Laura Hickman. Jeremy Crawford, lead rules designer of Dungeons & Dragons and lead designer of the new 2024 version, will be present in Lucca to investigate the present and future of the first and longest-running role-playing game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On6RywcyfJY   Additionally, Tetris will celebrate its 40th anniversary at Lucca Comics & Games with the participation of the game's creator and the co-founder of The Tetris Company. In 1984, Alexey L. Pajitnov, a programmer at the Moscow Academy of Sciences and a great lover of puzzle games, presented the world with what would become a universal phenomenon: Tetris. One of the most iconic and beloved video games of all time, with hundreds of millions of copies sold on over 50 platforms, Tetris continues to captivate fans of all ages around the world. Alexey L. Pajitnov, the creator of Tetris, and Henk B. Rogers, co-founder of The Tetris Company, will talk about the game's history, its impact on pop culture, and share their thoughts on the brand's future direction with the participants of Lucca Comics & Games. At Lucca Comics & Games, Star Wars™: Unlimited, the fast-paced and easy-to-learn collectible card game where players explore a galaxy of endless possibilities, engaging in thrilling head-to-head battles featuring the most famous characters from the Star Wars universe, will be featured in a world premiere! Worldwide pre-release events for Set 3, The Twilight of the Republic, will take place on Friday, November 1, but at Lucca Comics & Games, they will start on Wednesday, October 30. Two days of exclusive pre-release, where all Italian players and Star Wars fans can see, touch, and experience the new Star Wars™: Unlimited set before anyone else in the world. Read the full article
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scienza-magia · 1 year ago
Ogni piccola variazione coinvolge l'intero sistema
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Una spiegazione della Teoria del Caos. Come e perché “il minimo battito d’ali di una farfalla può provocare un uragano dall’altra parte del mondo”. A cavallo fra il 2004 e il 2005 potrebbe esservi capitato di guardare un film di fantascienza intitolato “The butterfly effect” (con Ashton Kutcher ed Amy Smart), che parla di un ragazzo che ha il potere di modificare eventi importanti del suo passato. L’argomento trattato è il cosiddetto “effetto farfalla” (da qui il titolo del film), ossia che l’imprevedibilità è parte integrante della nostra vita. La descrizione scientifica dice che “piccole variazioni nelle condizioni iniziali possono produrre grandi variazioni nel comportamento di un sistema”.
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La teoria del caos in “The butterfly effect” In questo articolo proveremo a spiegarvi questa locuzione e in generale il significato della cosiddetta “teoria del caos” nel modo più semplice e chiaro possibile. The Butterfly Effect Un proverbio cinese afferma che “il battito d’ali di una farfalla può provocare un uragano dall’altra parte del mondo”. Ma cosa c’è di vero in questa affermazione? Per capirlo dobbiamo fare un passo indietro e tornare al 1961, quando il matematico Edward Lorenz cercò di creare un sistema per prevedere il meteo con precisione. Ebbene, nel corso dei suoi esperimenti si accorse che non tutte le cose che accadono nella nostra quotidianità sono prevedibili. Anzi, a causa di un errore di approssimazione nei numeri, tutto il sistema aveva iniziato a mostrare un comportamento imprevedibile. I movimenti dell’aria nell’atmosfera In pratica il suo modello cercava di immaginare (e anticipare) i movimenti dell’aria nell’atmosfera terrestre. Grazie a questo modello, Lorenz cominciò a studiare le precipitazioni, rendendosi conto che non sempre i cambiamenti meteorologici erano prevedibili. Notò che piccole variazioni nei parametri iniziali producevano enormi cambiamenti nelle precipitazioni. Ecco perché “effetto farfalla”. Questo termine, tra l’altro, venne utilizzato per la prima volta da Lorenz nel corso dell’Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science a Washington, nel 1979. Ordine e caos La teoria del caos dice sostanzialmente che il risultato di un evento dipende da diverse variabili. O meglio, che c’è sempre un certo margine di errore, e quindi uno spazio per il caos, che all’ultimo momento cambia tutto. Proprio come un battito d’ali. D’altronde l’essere umano ha una soglia bassissima di tolleranza rispetto all’imprevedibilità. A un certo punto, quando qualcosa ci sorprende o ci troviamo di fronte a un evento inaspettato, è come se il nostro cervello entrasse in allerta. Preferiamo la routine L’essere umano (e i bambini, se ci fate caso) preferisce la stabilità, la routine, la sicurezza, la certezza del dove, come e quando. Sapere che due più due fa quattro o che tutto quello che ci circonda ci sarà anche domani, ci infonde una sicurezza incredibile. La teoria del caos serve a farci capire che l’imprevedibile fa parte della nostra quotidianità e che può metterci alla prova quando meno ce lo aspettiamo. È quella farfalla che vola sugli Stati Uniti e che può arrivare in Europa sotto forma di crisi economica. Insomma, bisogna essere preparati a cambiare i nostri piani in qualsiasi momento. Fonte Read the full article
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fabioemme78 · 1 year ago
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murderspice · 5 months ago
🍉Families in Need! (10/13/24)🍉
Please donate if you're able + share/reblog!!
Here's a roundup of all the personal campaigns I've been made aware of via my inbox in the time since my last post:
@aymanbasil2 has raised €3,562 of their €15,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #146 and by 90-ghost)
@denafamily1 has raised €2,147 of their €60,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters on line #27 and TheButterflyEffect on line #503)
@hane12345 has raised €885 of their €70,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #99)
@ahmednser has raised €452 of their €100,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #37)
@familygazaamal has raised $4,420 of their $30,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #55)
@abdalsalm has raised €5,541 of their €50,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #4)
@janaabunaje has raised €36 of their €50,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #132)
@kenzish has raised €12,536 of their €50,000 goal (verified via GazaVetters, line #75)
@salman-1990 has raised €3,439 of their €50,000 goal (verified by 90-ghost)
@motazjad has raised kr82,650 SEK of their kr250,000 goal (verified by 90-ghost)
@yosef-hussin has raised $12,985 of their $50,000 goal (verified by 90-ghost)
@moomensblog2 has raised €823 of their €30,000 goal (verified by gaza-evacuation-funds)
Not Yet Vetted
@ahmadallouhahmad has raised €6,813 of their €50,000 goal (verified by association + donation protected + reverse image search comes back clean)
@bashar55 has raised €561 of their €50,000 goal (verified by association + donation protected + clean RIS)
@motazmohammed has raised €3,494 of a €50,000 goal (donation protected + clean RIS)
@aiamaher has raised €3,069 of their €55,000 goal (donation protection + clean RIS) @anangaza has raised €684 of their €20,000 goal (donation protection + clean RIS)
@joyfultidalwaveobject has raised €2,415 of their €25,000 goal (donation protection + clean RIS)
@diaagaza-1 has raised €40 of their €10,000 goal (donation protection + clean RIS)
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esteebarnes94 · 28 days ago
I would love some asks about my OCs please. Especially the H94 ones. If it's spoilery I won't be able to answer but I might try to in a roundabout way! I may also add some drawings.
@halboro-1994 <- H94 blog
Also, if you want to:
@oath-and-creed <- Separate story in the H94 universe.
@thebutterflyeffect-tbe <- Another story (you may have to enter the username into the search!)
I would really love some asks for the H94 guys though :]
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zannia · 4 months ago
A small gathering of spreadsheets full of gfm for different families asking for help.
Gaza Families GazaGFMBoost by @/prudenthermit Bees & Watermelon Campaigns Vetted Gaza Evacuations Fundraiser List by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi TheButterflyEffect
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demigoddesofchimichangagod · 4 months ago
IMPORTANT: Vetted Asks Masterpost
Hello, everything you'll see under this are vetted fundraisers, I'll do my best to only link people who have been proven real by someone else.
In order I will put, The Name (with hyperlink), The Tumblr acc name, and who Vetted it.
Fadi Family [mariam-fadi / fadi-018] 90-Ghost
Mohammed Alwadiya [mohalwadiya] TheButterflyEffect Project (#1013)
Ahmed Al-Agha [omargaze2] Vetted by Association
Rewaa Omari [rewaagaza1990] gaza-evacuation-funds
Ahmed & Anas Basil [anasbasilps / ahmadbasilgaza] 90-Ghost, Association, gazavetters (#83)
Jaber Al-Haj [jaberhj / jaber-alhj7] 90-Ghost, Association
Mahmoud Abd [mah99moud / littleprinceabdullah] gazavetters (#232)
Ghazal Naseer & Al-Kafarna family [fayezjadallah] gaza-evacuation-funds (#355)
Aboud Al-Qudra [aboodalqedra-0] gaza-evacuation-funds
This list will be updated when/if more asks arrive to my inbox, after I do a little research, if you sent an ask and you aren't in the list, send me a dm I'll try to look into it.
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lesbthor · 6 months ago
fundraisers that have reached out to me lately:
@/wejdan-32 | GFM link | unvetted but donations are protected and reverse image search is clean
@/yazanfamily2 | GFM link | shared by northgazaupdates
@/ibrahem-4 | GFM link | vetted by gazavetters
@/rasmi-gaza | GFM link | vetted by el-shab-hussein, bees and watermelons, and shared by 90-ghost
@/soso-feras | GFM link | vetted by association
@/mohammedalwadiya66 | GFM link | vetted by thebutterflyeffect project
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soulmates7 · 7 months ago
a list of gazan survivors that have reached out to me the past few days. please reblog and consider helping them if you are able!! thank you!
farah, new account, not vetted yet, 145/8.000€
ahmad shamia, not vetted but trustworthy, kr58.835/250.000
nabila, vetted, 2.538/10.000$
mohammed, vetted by TheButterflyEffect Project (#503), 1.194/30.000e
mohammed shehab, vetted, 8.645/25.000e
rana, new account, not vetted yet, kr16.653/200.000
islam, vetted, 1.945/30.000e
yousef family, vetted, 9.694/20.000e
eman, unsure if vetted or not, 430/50.000$
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raurquiz · 2 months ago
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#HappyBirthday @loganlerman #loganlerman #actor #percyjacksonandtheOlympians #thelightningthief #seaofmonsters #thebutterflyeffect #hoot #310toyuma #gamer #thethreemusketeers #ThePerksofBeingaWallflower #fury #thevanishingofsydneyhall #BulletTrain #skincare #jackandbobby #hunters #weweretheluckyones @streammaxla @disneyplusla
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feeshies · 7 months ago
Your Donation is our last hope to save our little son, because of the war he can't breathe normally, and needs urgent surgery to avoid losing him
My compaign vetted by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link
Please don't leave my little son alone, Donate and boost
Thanks 🙏🍉
Hello Youssef. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. My heart goes out to your and your son, and I would be happy to do what I can to make sure he gets the support he needs.
Here is a direct link to the campaign. As Youssef said, this campaign is verified (406th entry on TheButterflyEffect Project spreadsheet). The campaign is very low on donations, at €3,733/€20,000. If you have the means to donate, please do not hesitate to do so.
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thebluestrokes · 2 years ago
Tonight’s the Night!
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