#bethyl week
mistressheroine · 1 year
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Bethyl inspired by the in for a penny, in for a pound series by the amazing @im-immortal 🖤 I literally do a happy dance every time I get the update email through 😆
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deerdens · 2 years
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This Ain't No Place For No Hero
chapter seventeen: all is calm, all is bright
Of course, he cared about Liam, he wanted the boy to like him, to trust him, but he never expected this—to be able to make him laugh. To chase him. To throw a snowball at him. To not scare him. He never would’ve laughed if his own father threw a snowball at him, even if he hadn’t intended to hurt him. The possibility of hurt was always there. But such a thing didn’t even occur to Liam. There was no fear, no apprehension. Just delight.
Read here on AO3
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deerntheheadlights · 6 months
Guess who wrote fic?
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angelthefirst1 · 6 months
Welp...Bethylers.🐇 ✝️♾️✝️🐇
From what I'm seeing in 104 and the trailer for 105, I would say she's close.
Could we really get her back on resurrection Sunday? ✝️
It's very possible, and I'm excited because wow, they are laying it on thick.
Still and Alone are on repeat once again, but this time, it's with Rick and Michonne, so it's important. Due to the Sheriff's hat.
The following are from episode 104 and the trailer for 105. To show you just how much Beth is being repeated.
Identical mirror head wounds for Rick and Beth...
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Rick and Beth's story is mirrored/flipped, so he gets the head wound on the opposite side, and it's after he leaves the building that collapses with the elevator.
A mystery figure appears in a Coda after Beth gets the head wound it's Morgan.
And a mystery figure appears in the same episode Rick gets a mirror head wound...
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Remember Morgan picked up the cross ✝️ and the rabbit foot in the church ✝️ in Coda?
Rabbit 🐇 Easter 🐣 resurrection of Christ.
The cabin with alcohol...🍸
Rick and Michonne will visit a cabin and drink alcohol next week.
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Pine vista with the lake...
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Green Wood is also mentioned when they go to the lab/gym.
Golf club sheets where a community was living.
While Rick and Michonne find a similar layout in a new building in 105...
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The boots (Michonne finds Rick's boots) and the prosthetic hand...
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Home sweet home...
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Everyone we know "will be" dead - You don't know that.
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It's Bullshit...
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You don't get to treat me like crap because you're afraid...
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I know you look at me and just see another dead girl...You don't know nothing!
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Entering the clean house...Roomba
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Chandelier trap (note the chandelier above)
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Changing clothes...
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I'm going to leave a thank you note...
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Why did you come after me? What changed your mind?
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Say it! Don't Ah-ha...
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"Oh" You're the love of my life!
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I'm not going to leave you...
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The elevator
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System failure elevator has 10 minutes left of emergency power.
Elevator has 2 minutes left of emergency power...
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10.2 get well soon.
Proof they put Beth on the back seat of the car after Grady and that Beth's return will lead to a cure.
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They think she's a hybrid, aka Zombie, but she's associated with fire 🔥 so the flammable liquid is her.
She will return as Christ to bring the last judgment of fire 🔥 and destroy the fake cure of the Mark of the beast and beast kingdom before the Millennial Kingdom begins.
The whole end scene when the building collapses and Rick and Michonne get out in the nick of time is a repeat of the CDC collapse.
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The building Rick and Michonne are in has AI and all the modern tech just like Vi at the CDC.
It's about to be destroyed and the group run for the cars. One of which is yellow.
While the high tech building they destroy is connected to the CDC, it's also connected to Grady, so by connection, they were working on a cure at Grady.
At the CDC test, subject 19 (Beth was 19 at Grady) took 2 hours, 1 minute, and 7 seconds till resurrection...
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21 days = 7x3 = 3 missing weeks.
Dr Jenner shoots his test subject in the head...
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For Beth, it will be reverse shot in head resurrection after 3 weeks.
Instead, it will be Grady that collapses most likely from an earthquake.
When Jesus died, there was a massive earthquake, so...
Anyway Danai says she wrote this episode, i say hogs-wash, she re-wrote this episode!
The elevator timer says Beth is about to Get Well Soon.
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galadrieljones · 1 month
Do you think there is a deleted scenes between daryl and beth?!
Hey anon! Tbh, we're just sure. We are fairly certain that there are deleted scenes from season 5. There's quite a bit of proof for this, leading us to believe that they are hiding something from us pertaining to Beth's (lack of a) funeral as well as what happened after they left Atlanta. However, we don't have any idea whether Daryl and Beth are featured together in those scenes. It's possible!
Pertaining to 4b, while we don't have any proof that they have unaired footage from bethyl's time together during 4b, there very well could be. There's literally no way to know unless they choose to tell us. I know many bethylers do wonder what happened during the time period between "Still" and "Alone." It seems that, possibly, several weeks have passed, as they've found warmer clothes to wear; however, we also know that the timeline in 4b and 5a is particularly weird. For example, if you trace things like the seasonality of the fruits and flowers that we see in 4b, like pecans, strawberries, peaches, grapes, and sunflowers, you'll find several seasonal periods going on at once in Georgia. There's everything from early summer to mid-fall. Then, of course, there's that weird moment where Joe the Claimer says it's "New Year's Eve." Ultimately we really don't know how much time passed between "After" and "Coda." It could be three weeks or three months, and I believe that's entirely purposeful. They want to create feelings of disorientation for the audience as they build up to "Coda." Once you've sat around studying Scott Gimple's ways long enough, you know that he LOVES planting seeds, and one of his favorite seeds to plant is ambiguity.
For the purposes of continued rambling, I know there are some bethylers who have speculated that Beth and Daryl were intimate between "Still" and "Alone," given the fact that Daryl seems much more physical with Beth in "Alone," sort of constantly touching her, and they seem to have grown much closer. He carries her around several times, and they do hold hands. He flirts with her pretty heavily at a couple different moments, even if he's not entirely aware of the fact. I really don't have a personal belief on this topic. I think either perspective is interesting and valid, and I think that tptb could maneuver the situation either way, if they wanted to, and depending on what they would have wanted us to see *later,* this might affect whether or not they shot any scenes that they never told anybody about.
Time will hopefully tell!! 💫
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sasusc · 2 months
Just wanted to rec a Bethyl fic that just got updated after 4ish years? I read it the first time 2 years ago knowing the fic hadn't been updated in a while, and since last week they added 2 more chapters! It's still ongoing, over 200k words, and was posted 10 years ago. I just love how they write Beth and Daryl.
It's a great on the road, post-prison era fic where Grady never happened and they are on their own since the funeral home. If you haven't read it yet, go do so. If you have and hadn't seen the updates, go reread it again.
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frangipanilove · 5 months
Fighting Fire With Fire Part Three:
Pharmakon And The LK8-4167 Licence Plate
(read parts one and two here)
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This really has been the season of licence plates for me. I’ve written about the resurrection symbolism around the XH6-S781 and the LC6M187 licence plates. Today I want to expand on the licence plate LK8-4167 that we first saw in 5x10 WHAWGO. A brilliant Bethyler back in the ancient times of Early Team Delusional discovered that it could potentially refer to the Bible verse Luke 8, which happend to tell a story of resurrection (If anyone remembers the name of the person who discovered this, let me know so I can give them proper credit).
Then, when 6x10 A New World rolled around, we saw the same licence plate again, which I wrote about in this post from a few weeks ago.
There’s actually a third car with this particular license plate. It appears in 6x6 Always Accountable, and the scene and episode in which it appears is full of resurrection symbolism. Let’s dive in!
I first wrote about the LK8-4167 license plate in this post from 2020. It’s old and somewhat dated, but it’s also fairly thorough, check it out for the basics of the three/tree/trunk symbolism.
The licence plate first came on to TD’s radar after 5x9 WHAWGO. Obviously, 5x9 was the first episode after Beth had been shot at Grady, and it was also the last episode Beth appeared in, as she appeared in Tyreese’s fever dream before he died.
WHAWGO was an episode where the audience needed to pay attention. One can argue that TPTB intentionally tried to trick the audience from the get-go, for starters, it opened with someone digging a grave. Everyone assumed it was Beth’s grave, as her “death” had been the last thing we saw in the episode prior. Then came the plot twist, when it turned out to be Tyreese’s grave. We still don’t know if/where/when/how Beth was buried, we learned from Talking Dead that 17 days had passed between 5x8 Coda and 5x9 WHAWGO, but we know nothing of what transpired in those days.
The lack of a funeral for Beth, and an outright fake “trick” funeral intended to lure us into believing she had been buried has emerged as one of the most pressing unanswered questions for Team Delusional. Was she buried? If so, where? When? And if not, why?
Glenn explained the rules back in season one: "We bury the ones we love, and burn the rest". Through the years we've seen an enormous focus on getting people, and at times animals like goats and sometimes even baseball bats, a proper burial.
But not Beth. Why not? TD has questions.
As the group struggled to save Tyreese in WHAWGO, we could hear Beth’s voice singing Struggling Man in the backround. We watch them reach the cluster of cars where they were parked, and we see this female walker in a car. Interstingly, we see this scene paralleled in 6X6 Always Accountable, where a walker was trapped in a car in a similar way:
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And while we hear Beth/Emily singing Struggling Man in the background, we see Rick deliver this line, which is a callback to when Beth sang the Tom Waits classic "Hold On" at the prison back in season 3:
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There’s something strange about how they all reacted with fear and horror to the cluster of cars, it's as though something had happened that inflicted some kind of shared trauma associated with walkers in cars on them.
We also saw that in the next episode 5x10 Them, where they came across a different cluster of cars along the road, and reacted as though it was the most frightful sight ever. It was in one of these cars Maggie found the blond, tied up walker, a walker that has been confirmed to be meant as a reference to Beth, in a scene that seemed to haunt Maggie to an almost unreasonable degree.
It doesn't quite add up. They were all seasoned survivers at this point, they had all seen, and neutralized, countless walkers. What was it about the walkers trapped in cars from WHAWGO and Them that stood out to them as particularly terrifying and traumatizing?
This could be a reference to another cornerstone TD belief. Had Beth been left in a car during a walker attack directly after the events of 5x8 Coda? Is that why she was so heavily surreounded by trunk symbolism? Was it foreshadowing?
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And as they desperately tried to get their car unstuck from the mud, we saw the red vehicle with the LK8-4167 license plate.
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When we seek out the corresponding verse in the Bible, we find a story about healing a girl and a resurrection. We’ve heard Beth’s voice singing Struggling Man up until this very moment.
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"She is not dead but asleep".
However you might feel about it, it's hard to deny that the licence plate could refer to resurrection. And it's difficult to argue it was about Tyreese. We saw Tyreese get stabbed through the brain to prevent him from reanimating. And we saw him get buried. The symbolism was not about him.
It is much more likely that it was about the girl whose voice we heard in the background the whole time, the girl we never saw put down or buried, the girl who was also last seen in 5x9 WHAWGO. It’s more likely that it was about the girl who's been surrounded by all kinds of resurrection symbolism, and who's been closely paralleled with Rick, someone who now has died and resurrected twice.
The fact that there were human torsos (or simply "trunks") stored in the car is three/tree/trunk symbolism, which I’ve talked about elsewhere (such as here and here), and I won’t discuss that in this post.
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But let's now return to the licence plate we saw in 6x6 Always Accountable. It's an interesting episode for many reasons, and it's also an episode in which we learn more on how TWDU uses the concept of "fighting fire with fire".
As Daryl, Sasha and Abraham finish operation Lead The Walkers Away, and are about to return home to Alexandria, they are suddenly attacked. As they speed up to outrun the gunfire, the become separated from each other. And it is during this car chase we see the third LK8-4167 licence plate:
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Daryl takes a tumble right next to a Jeep Cherokee. I went into great detail on the resurrection symbolism around that, and how Jeep Cherokees and Cherokee Roses are synonymous, here.
He falls off his bike, injures his elbow but quickly gets back up on the horse. I'm not going to overstate the symbolism of that small detail, but it does constitute a representation of falling down (death) and getting back up (resurrection). On it's own it's merely a fun fact, rather than some super compelling evidence of resurrection symbolism, however it does fall in line with everything else we see, so I'll allow it. Let's agree it indicates resurrection symbolism at the very least. And it happened directly after we had seen the LK8-4167 license plate, that we now know represent resurrection.
Also, we did see a Jeep Cherokee at the end of 5x8 Coda, as Daryl carried Beth's seemingly lifeless body out of Grady Memorial, it's in the bottom left corner in this pic:
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Keep the Jeep Cherokee in mind, because we'll return to it shortly.
Every Bethyler watching instantly knew that 6x6 Always Accoutable would be a treasure trove of Bethyl-coded symbolism the minute we saw this shot from after Daryl’s bike broke down:
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He immediately tries to establish contact with Sasha and Abraham, but they’re out of radio reach. When they don’t respond he goes out in search of them.
He soon gets into trouble when Dwight, Sherry and Tina finds him and mistakes him for one of Negan’s Saviors. They tie him up and take him through a burnt forest that used to be their home, before it was overrun with walkers.
This is a good time to once again reflect on the meaning of pharmakon, a poison and a cure. Fighting fire with fire.
As they walk through the burnt forest, we get subtle clues pertaining to the fire symbolism through the dialogue:
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Dwight and Sherry explains how they flooded the area with fuel, lit up a matchbook from the Sweetwater Beer Company, then the walkers "just walked right into the flames”.
Notice how Dwight and Sherry here reveal something crucial about how the wildfire virus affects the walkers? Walkers, meaning wandering undead corpses having succumbed to the wildfire virus, are hardwired to walk right into fire!
They are drawn to flames! This is quite iterally fighting wildfire with fire.
Then, it’s also important to note that the reference to "the Sweetwater" is a reference to the beer bottle in which Daryl placed a Cherokee Rose and gave to Carol in 2x4 Cherokee rose. Sweetwater is a brand of beer. The beer bottle he used was one from Sweetwater. And as I’ve explained here, ethanol/beer is the key to the cure, the antidote, the pharmakon.
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And as we remember from season 3, Daryl placed a Cherokee Rose on Carol's empty grave, marking it as a scene for a future "resurrection", symbolism which was fulfilled when she was found alive in the tombs of the prison a few episodes later.
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Daryl is eventually able to break free from Dwight and Sherry, and as he escapes into the woods, we see a walker with a Cherokee Rose on its back:
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Again, this is the first Cherokee Rose we've seen since season 3, it's quite a significant moment, symbolism wise, because it's all about resurrection.
Then we turn our attention to Abraham and Sasha. They eventually end up near the same Jeep Cherokee, where they have a conversation about being left behind and having someone return for them. Again, TD has discussed these themes for years in relation to Beth and those 17 days post-Coda.
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Many of us believe Beth was left behind in Atlanta, for reasons we don’t yet know. It’s significant that Abe and Sasha talk about these themes about being left behind and someone coming back next to the Jeep Cherokee.
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This plays into the widely held TD belief that whatever it was that happened after Coda, it somehow involved getting overwhelmed by walkers, then placing Beth in the trunk of a car (foreshadowed in Still and Them), with every intention of returning to her, but then for some reason being prevented from doing so. And when they eventually did, perhaps she was "just gone".
Back to Daryl for a minute. Being who he is, he tries to make allies and friends out of Dwight and Sherry. This backfires on him as they betray him and steal his bike and his crossbow.
But Daryl is resourceful, and manages to find a truck full of fuel hidden under some greenery:
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Please note the licence plate, PATTY002, on a truck labeled 002. I've discussed these numbers in countless other posts, so I won't elaborate on it here. However, it needs to be mentioned, because the symbolism around the 22/Morningstar/Lightbringer comes into play in a big way.
I'll just briefly mention that we could easily draw on the "one one" of Noah's t-shirt, we could interpret the 2 as in roman numerals II, which could also be read as the number 11, which again could be a reference to TWD 10x11 Morningstar.
We could also interpret the two 2's as the number 22, which I've written extencively about. Again it is a Morningstar reference, and it highlights the duality that we see around "pharmakon", in that both Christ and the Devil has been referred to as the Morningstar. Lucifer Morningstar. Lucifer means Lightbringer. The Devil and Christ. A poison and a cure. Fighting fire with fire.
Obviously, Sirius and Venus are both morning stars, in that they appear in the morning (and for the record, Venus is a planet, but was initially percieved to be two wandering stars, one that appeared at evening time and one that appeared in the morning)
And all of that suddenly comes into play, when Abraham finds a yellow Humvee with some serious rocket launchers, or should I say “light-bringers”, included.
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And it's a good thing he did, because in 6x8 No Way Out, on their way home to Alexandria Safe Zone, they run into this group of unsavory characters; Negan's Saviors.
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The Saviors demonstrate an atrocious lack of manners, and Daryl eventually teaches them a lesson, using one of Abraham's rocket launchers.
The symbolism here is interesting. The rocket launchers came from a yellow Humvee, something which brings our minds to the other yellow vehickles that's encompassed by the "yellow" symbolism. I wrote about it here.
And Daryl reached for one from the back of the 002 Patty002 fuel truck, which could be interpreted as part of the "one one" Morningstar symbolism, as well as the 22 Morningstar/Lightbringer symbolism.
But we learn more about how it relates to the pharmakon/fighting fire with fire symbolism once they reach Alexandria:
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Alexandria Safe Zone, now completely overrun by a massive walker horde, is losing the battle against death. The undead outnumber and outcompete the living.
But Daryl has learned something from his encounter with Dwight and Sherry. He now knows that the walkers are drawn to flames, that the wildfire virus is attracted to fire. He arranges for the fuel to be poured into the lake, and then fires a rocket into it. The lake blows up in an inferno of flames, and as anticipated, the walkers walk right into the fire. Fire destructs the wildfire virus. Fighting fire with fire.
And above all, it’s very poignant Lightbringer/Morningstar symbolism. Daryl’s rocket launcher literally lights up the place.
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The LK8-4167 licence plate is about resurrection. And resurrection in TWDU is associated with fire. We've seen that through the Sirius symbolism throughout the seasons. The Sirius symbolism revolves around Sirius The Dog Star, which returns to the sky one morning right before dawn, after having been gone for some time. Beth became inextricably linked with the Sirius symbolism after 4x13 Alone. The word "Sirius" comes from Greek "Seirios" and means "glowing, scorching.
Sirius The Dog Star returns one morning right before dawn... or shall we say sunrise?
An interesting detail is that while Daryl is out in the burnt forest with Dwight and Sherry, Sasha and Abraham seek temporary refuge inside the offices of a car insurance company called Sunrise Auto Insurance.
Remember Operation Cobalt, which included the decision to try to contain the spread of the wildfire virus by dropping napalm bombs on metropolitan areas all over the North American continent, likely killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of civilians. An alternative name for Operation Cobalt was the Sunset Protocol:
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If "sunset" represents the end of humanity due to the wildfire virus itself, in addition to the use of napalm on civilians, through Operation Cobalt and the sunset protocols... could "sunrise" represent the opposite? A cure or an antidote. Pharmakon?
Both "sunrise" and "sunset" describes actions of the sun, which is a literal burning ball of gas. Fighting fire with fire.
And of course, there's this scene, in which we saw a "resurrection" of sorts, when the music box "came back to life" during a beautiful sunset after a particularly stormy night:
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Sunrise heralds resurrection. Literally and metaphorically speaking.
Finally, a few words on things to potentially be exited about going foreward. In the TWD World Beyond coda, it was more than implied that the origin of the wildfire virus came out of a French lab. The grafitti on the wall translates to "the dead were born here".
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We now also know that the French created variant walkers, specifically designed to function as weapons. In TWDDD 1x12 L'ame Perdue, we saw Daryl cross paths with one of these variants called les brûlant, burners, due to their blood that burn like acid when it comes into contact with human skin.
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We saw Daryl suffer a bad burn, and we saw how he was later treated with cauterization, a technique that involves burning the affected area with a red hot iron. The "cure" hides in plain sight; fighting fire with fire.
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Isabel explains that cauterization is they best way to prevent burns from les brûlant from spreading. It's a small scene, but it is one of the first things we learn about how the virus has affected France, and more importantly, it is confirmation that the symbolism is the same across TWDU: fighting fire with fire. A burn from a burner/brûlant is healed with cauterization, fire... Again, we see fire as pharmakon, a poison and a cure.
@bookqueenrules recently made me aware of a yellow car that's been involved in filming of what appears to be large parts of season 2. I wonder if it could possibly be a Jeep Wrangler. That would be an interesting reference to the symbolism around Carol's Jeep Cherokee from season 1, and it ties in nicely with all the other yellow vehicles we've come across that has serious resurrection undertones to them.
Having said that, I'm no car expert, and it could easily be something else entirely, time will tell. But it is yellow, that's for sure, and therefore it's part of the yellow vehicle symbolism, Jeep or not.
(ETA: I think it might be a Land Rover, now that I’m looking at it. But like I said, I’m not an expert, it could be anything really)
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These symbols, the fire symbolism, the yellow symbolism and the Jeep Cherokee/Cherokee Rose symbolism, they intersect in really powerful ways, and I'm super exited to see how this all continues in TWDDD season 2, The Book Of Carol. And the concept of pharmakon, a poison and a cure, exists on both sides of the Atlantic.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 months
Bethyl Asks 32 - Beth's Gray and Yellow Clothing, Beth's Memory
For the life of me I cannot seem to remember to post these in this morning. I think I've forgotten every day this week. My brain my be going. 😅
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mistressheroine · 2 months
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Moodboard for an as yet unnamed Bethyl AU adaptation of Twister because I can’t get the idea out of my head 🌪️🙈
The wait will probably be a good while for this one but I’m planning on a rewatch in the next few weeks so that I can start on outlining 😆
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pageslearntothink · 1 month
hi i have a fanfic request for bethyl if you can do
" daryl finds beth somehow in the nest but they cant have their moment bc codron showed up there and trying to kidnap beth to take his revenge from daryl. “
And beth changed her hair is so long and got a bangs to cover up her scars
Aw, man, my first Bethyl request and I can't fill it! 😭 I'm so sorry, anon, but I haven't seen any of the Daryl Dixon spin-off yet, so I'm unfamiliar with the storyline, the characters, etc.
BUT I will save this request -- I'm going to get caught up on DD in the next couple of weeks so I'm ready for S2 and a certain someone's return 😁
Thank you for the ask 🫶
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angelthefirst1 · 5 months
The time of Jacob's (Daryl's/Israel's) trouble and Daniel's 70th week (Revelation) Part 1
Part 2 here.
So there are rumors going around that Daryl Dixon season 3 will begin filming in Spain 🇪🇸 this June.
Norman told a fan in NY just this past week, and while it's not officially confirmed, I've seen multiple accounts stating it's a reliable source, and it's all but confirmed.
I'm inclined to agree with them because there has been symbolism in the show that points to Spain 🇪🇸
Keep in mind that in the TWD universe, physical locations shift to symbolically represent a totally different location depending on the story they are telling. The main story is the biblical last days, so locations shift symbolically to tell this story.
With this in mind, I'm going to unlock some of the different locations and what they represent in the biblical narrative in this series, which will be over several parts. The title will eventually make sense to you.
We all saw Rick leave the show on a bridge, so what if Daryl finds Beth on a bridge? Very fitting right...
Well, the episode that gave us some Spanish clues was the episode where Tara (Daryl) fell off a bridge and washed up at Oceanside. 706
We all saw how Tara and Denise XX were repeats of Daryl and Beth.
Tara's story backwards is Bethyl's story.
Tara leaves the satellite station (a representation of France and its radio Eiffel tower)
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Ultimately, the nest in France represents Israel because it's named after the Archangel Michael who is the protector of Israel, I've written about that here, and I'll confirm this more as we go.
So she starts in France (satellite), and then washes up in a representation of Spain 🇪🇸 (Oceanside)
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After Oceanside she makes her way home to Alexandria to find out Denise is dead from an arrow to the head.
At Oceanside, she learns that the bridge she lost Heath on is the bridge on Windsor...
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Daryl left home and floated past the Windsor bridge in Spain that is along the Gibraltar straight before washing up in Marseilles France.
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In the backgrounds, here at Oceanside draped over the flag shaped blackboard are streamers of yellow, red, and a touch of blue and pink, making up the Spanish flag colours.
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When she leaves Oceanside, she comes across a boat turned on its side, and she finds a first aid kit in it. Similar to Daryl's journey when he washed up in France. There is a lot of repeating imagery in this episode and DD1
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Tara desperately wants to get home to Denise, who she thinks is alive (but isn't), opposite Daryl, who wants to get home, but he thinks Beth is dead.
Tara, on her way back (home) to Alexandria, goes to a store that has a sign saying sunglasses (a hint to the eclipse of episode 508) and the word Curios
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The word Curios and its etymology gives us a plan of Daryl's journey, where he will go, and what he will find in the end.
The word means...
Something (such as a decorative object) considered novel, rare, or bizarre
It stems from the word Curious - from French curios, from Latin curiosus - meaning careful, inquisitive, from cura/cure.
The language origins stem from French, Latin/ Spanish, and Romanian (Roman empire).
The Spanish word is Curio, is something Norman recently posted about...
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The term means a few different things, but they all work together to tell us how Daryl will find Beth.
It can mean bizarre or unusual trinket or art kept in a museum (Louvre) or to be curious for knowledge, (which is what TD's are) but it also can mean cure, and a thirst for knowledge will help lead people to a cure.
Inside this bizarre trinket shop, Tara gets herself orange sunglasses (eclipse symbolism, as everyone puts on special glasses to view an eclipse).
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The red and yellow of the Spanish flag, make orange.
In this Spanish Curio shop, She also finds twin doctor bobble-heads, a representation of Denise (Beth/Cure) in "Spain" 🇪🇸
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Norman also posted about Mr. Hyde recently, specifically Mr Hyde's bizarre. Remember that the term curios means bizarre trinket.
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I recently wrote about the Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde statue found in the eclipse episode of 509 here.
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These two doctor statues that Tara finds are a representation of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (light and dark, lies and truth, cure and fake cure)
In the background behind the doctor's statues, you will see squirt guns. They are a representation of vaccines that will ultimately be the cause that starts the outbreak in the first place, and it will be linked to the mark of the beast - antichrist who rises from a revived Roman empire. Cura
The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning.
We also see in this same shot flower symbolism 💐 look at the flowers - death.
Patient Zero in TWD universe was a drug (pharmakeia) user who dies and comes back as the Immortally undead.
Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, good vs. evil.
The bible in the book of Revelation (which we know they are using as a template) describes the whole world being deceived by "sorceries" of "the great/powerful men on the earth", which in the Greek the word is pharmakeia, from which we get our word pharmacy.
Revelation 19.20
And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet (Pope in Meridian is linked to the false prophet) who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
The mark automatically will lead to being separated into a "goat" at the sheep and goat judgements. I talked about that in my Millennium post.
The sheep represent those who have accepted the real human cure (Blood of Christ), and the goats represent those who have rejected the human cure and have taken the mark.
Taking the mark leads to burning up (fever of the virus) 🔥 eternally (immortal dead) in the lake of fire because it will be linked to changing human DNA to non-human DNA. The real cure (the blood of Christ/Beth) can only be applied to humans.
We saw the fake cure mentioned with Eugene in season 5 when he talks about the human genome project, which is a hint at genetic modification of the DNA, which will be linked to this mark causing zombies.
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The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning.
Patient zero had a DNA change through a pharmakeia "squirt gun" poison "cure".
Leading to "burning up" and then eternal death in the lake of fire.
Fire with fire.
The thing is, everyone is infected, in this world and everyone becomes Immortally dead no matter if they get bit or just die of natural causes. So a real cure is needed and i believe it will come through Beth and Daryl's blood.
Taking the mark of the beast (fake cure will be the beginning of it all, the start of the outbreak, beginning to end) and will lead to disqualification of taking the real cure (Christ) who comes through the line of Abraham who was from BE'ERSHEBA or Be'er Sheva.
Fear the Walking Dead used beer 🍺 as a first hint at a cure because this region was where Abraham was from. There are so many biblical names in this show and they unlock the real meaning behind the story.
Beersheba was known as the location of Abraham's Well, a historical water well in Beersheba, Israel.
Abraham made 7 water wells in Beersheba, and this water and Beer symbolism is used in fear TWD to show us the location of the story but also the cure coming through the line of Abraham.
We see Sarah (Abraham's wife) as a big supporter of Be'er sheva in fear the walking dead. And yes Abraham in the show is another biblical clue i won't go into now, but he does mention Alpha and Omega beginning and end.
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Beersheba marked the southernmost boundary of land in Israel. The proverbial phrase from Dan to Beersheba is used to describe the whole of the Promised Land—Dan being in the north, and Beersheba in the south.
Abraham was promised this land by God from Dan to Beersheba and that through his line, the cure would come. The well name also means agreement or oath.
In fear, TWD, it's Martha who poisoned the water.
In the Bible, Martha is the sister of Lazarus who dies of a progressive illness such as sepsis but Christ resurrected him. Lazarus is from Bethany which means house of affliction, everyone who drank the poisoned water in Fear was in Bethany (house of affliction), but the line of Beersheba heals them.
Jesus and Martha share this exchange...
“If you had been here (the arrival of Christ through the line of Abraham's well at Beersheba), my brother would not have died (Antifreeze). But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask” (John 11:21–22). Notice Martha’s faith: she firmly believed that Jesus (beersheba line) could have healed Lazarus of his illness. And her faith is not diminished by the fact that Jesus had arrived “too late.” (generations after Abraham and Sarah)
Jesus encourages Martha with one of His “I AM” statements: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die
So curio and the bizarre trinket cure are pointing us to the biblical promised land and the line of Abraham from Beersheba.
We see Tara sit next to a sign inside the curio shop that says country hams. Abraham's country.
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To reinforce this link to Abraham's land, we can look at Daniel in fear TWD.
Dan or Daniel (Daniel's 70th week), in fear, the walking dead, was taken by a man named Ephraim, one of the other tribes of Israel. He survives the fire through the tribes of Israel (Christ/Cure)
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From Dan to Beersheba AbraHAM's country.
Daniel, in fear, the walking dead, has an orange cat with red and blue collar - red and blue make the royal purple. The cat is symbolic for the lion of the tribe of Judah.
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The lion is the symbol of the house of Judah, and Jesus is a descendant of the House of Judah. Daniel and the royal cat are symbols of Beth and Daryl. We know Beth was recently seen advertised with the purple on resurrection Sunday
The Lion is something Norman posted about recently while in Hungary on his way to a wedding (eclipse) that Nova 🌟 was in.
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In that post about the Lion, i asked the question if Norman was Hungry for his Beth?
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I would say yes because at Meridian Daryl was seen with Leah (Beth) in his cage with red and blue shoe laces, like the cat/Lion.
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Pope is a reference to the false prophet and anarchist rising during Daniel's 70th week which is just another way of saying the book of Revelation. They rise from Europe (revived Roman empire) Which is why i believe they took the show to Europe.
Back at Oceanside, we see Tara has a visible tattoo on her wrist when she washed up.
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The visible ROMAN numerals on her wrist add up to 70. This is pointing to Daniel's 70th week.
Daniel (Who was the one that was put into the lions den, but they don't eat him) has a dream about the future of Abraham's line, and part of his dream was about a 7 year period of time known as the 70th week of Daniel. It's about what happens to Israel throughout the book of Revelation or end times.
Before we see Tara's 70th week (Revelation) tattoo, we see Cindy looking at a clock and watching the time counting down to the start of this time period.
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The clock points to V111 and 1111, but the long hand is really on XX11 or 8.22. XX11 is 10.2 or 22.
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We saw Carol get the numbers 22 Balaam's donkey symbolism for DD2. D=4 x2=8 (8.22)
Well, it literally links back to the promise God made to Abraham at Beersheba and to his descendants, which is, that the cure would come through his blood line (Christ) and God made a promise to Abraham's descendants saying "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" which is what the story of Balaam's donkey is all about.
So once again, The Book of Carol is the book of Revelation and Daniel's 70th week, and it's about the return of Christ (Beth)
I want to again mention the blood moon I wrote about here, which is associated with the Wolf of Rimini and the Antichrist rising in a revived Roman empire because another blood moon is scheduled in Spain 🇪🇸 on 03 14 25 next year.
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Emily has written about watching the moon turn bright blood red from her tree house bed in the song Mortal. Again this is a reference to the Antichrist who receives a mortal head wound but survives.
Rev 13.3
One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.
At Oceanside (Spain) Tara eats fish called "Perch" which is another term for a birds Nest. Tree house bed.
We get visuals of these perches or "tree house" nests at Oceanside.
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When the group at Oceanside become aware of Tara intruding, they use a clicking sound to indicate a threat is near.
The clicking sound they make is the sound Grasshoppers make, when clicking their legs together. You will have to go re-watch it to hear the sound.
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We know the grasshopper is linked to Beth and a museum from TOWL when Thorn says to Rick the girl they saved lived in a museum and hid in a GIANT grasshopper sculpture.
Well the "Giant" and "Grasshopper" symbolism is another link to the story of Moses, when he is leading his people into the promised land-Israel.
The verse they are pulling from in the story Thorne tells is Numbers 13.33
When Moses leads his people to the outskirts of the promised land, they send scouts ahead, to go into the land before entering it. This verse is what the scouts report back.
There we saw the giants and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
They saw giants in the land and they seemed liked grasshoppers because they were so small in comparison.
Curio, bizarre, unusual, museum, giant, grasshopper all linked to Beth Spain (Oceanside) which Daryl gets to through France.
I will continue this series when i can, in future parts as there is so much to cover including how Daryl is Jacob (Israel) and what the moonshine, ethanol symbolism means.
If you have any questions just ask.
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galadrieljones · 10 months
wip whenever
was tagged multiple times this week by @thevikingwoman and @roguelioness to share a snippet from my current wip. TYSM my friends!!
From the new Bethyl fic, and I keep waffling on the name. Takes place in the Civic Republic, current day, entirely from Beth's POV:
For a long time, Beth spent her weekends with a guitar, playing the bar scene. After they retired her from the research, she was offered many amenities and positive reinforcements, to sweeten the deal, and to say "thank you," and to make her less likely to try and escape, or to join underground black market organizations, or, worst of all, to revolt. One of these amenities was a small collection of guitars, and a small, sound-proofed recording studio, which she got to use to record music twice a month, on a rotating schedule with a few other local musicians and bands. For the first year or so, living in the city, it sustained her. It was the only thing she did, or thought about, or looked forward to. And eventually, she met some people who set her up with a regular schedule, playing open mic nights, and then, she began to play real life gigs, with a cover charge and everything, with audiences who came just to watch her sing. In some ways, it was a dream come true. In some ways. They played her songs on the radio. She recorded an album, which was circulated on vinyl at the civic market downtown. She did not sing as Beth Greene, however. She didn't feel like Beth Greene, not when singing here.
I'm super tired this morning and there are guys in my house hitting things with hammers and cutting things with saws, as we are having our windows redone, so if you see this, consider yourself tagged!! ❤️
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sasusc · 11 months
Just watched the season finale of the Daryl Dixon spinoff. Gonna put my thoughts in a click thing to not apoiler those who haven't seen it yet.
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I will be watching it again later today so maybe some of my feelings will change. The flow of the episode felt off? Like, here a clip of D-Day and Granpa Dixon dying on the beach...we will get back to that later so don't worry--we want to establish that fact for later. Then all the happy coincidences to get everyone out safely. Someone (a Caryler I believe) made the statement that the first season was just a big setup for the next season. I can see that.
I love Daryl and Quinn getting chained up and thinking they would be fighting each other until the lights went out. You know what this scene reminded me of?
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And I know I've made lots of observations of Daryl being like a father figure to Laurent, but they really leaned hard into that.
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There's several conversations and scenes showing Daryl filling that father role for Laurent. Everyone is telling him Laurent sees him like a father...that he's good for Laurent.
Isabelle even goes as far as comparing him going home to America as repeating history...that he's going off and leaving his kid behind like his grandpa did when he enlisted and left his pregnant wife behind. And that he should stay there in Paris because he's needed but also so he doesn't abandon his kid like the Dixon's before him. Like what? She already proven that she's willing to lie and scheme to get Daryl to do what she wants.
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I think she is trying to guilt him into staying to protect and teach Laurent. She thinks he's the best shot they have at surviving.
Then when they get to the Nest... If you haven't realized it yet, but I'm a huge Bethyl shipper. I can even get behind Daryl and Connie. Sorry, not a Caryl shipper and definitely hated Leah. Won't be shipping Daryl with anyone else. But and this is a huge BUT! This episode kinda made me want to ship Daryl and Isabelle? All the soft glances between the two...I could get behind that. I don't want to, and I never saw them together romantically until they got to the Nest. Was it just because Isabelle finally could let Quinn go? Was these scenes just there to show the audience how torn Daryl will be leaving?
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The scene where he's training the people with guns and he just keeps looking up at Isabelle? Was Daryl catching feelings?
Urg...I really don't want to ship these two.
And back to Laurent. I just knew he would follow Daryl. I was half expecting him to become a stowaway and force Daryl to keep him.
And the Carol scene? I like it. But what's going on back home? Who or what came back? It's obvious nothing that needs immediate attention to. I don't see Carol leaving the family behind to go look for Daryl if shit was going down. She knows he can take care of himself. She was expecting him within the week of the call and it's been weeks...maybe months?...since then. She knows Daryl wouldn't just promise he'll be back and not do that. So she knows something must have happened to delay him. And she needs to go get him because they have stuff in the future to take care of to protect their family.
Urg. Yeah, I'm hoping a second viewing later will help me.
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bethylmethbrick · 3 months
Yes like , not Romantic but if Beth was with Daryl in France and he maybe latched onto her similar to how he does to Daryl, like he has decided she's his new Mom, he holds her hand and asks to hear stories about Daryl and herself (maybe mostly cool things about Daryl, how he fought Beta)
He's very religious like Morgan , seeing her bullet wound he might treat her as holy (Beth might just smile and say she's just a girl who survived getting shot ) "you surviving was all about of God's plan"
Beth would have been able to sing religious songs and prayer with Laurent while also helping him see that he needs to toughen up (him not eating fish or believing in killing even if it's self defense)
You've a got a lot of really good ideas. I will see if I can work them into a Bethyl story.
Give me a little time because I'm in the midst of writing a new multi chap ZA, which is going to start posting Thursday. Between that, work and family, I'm a little stretched. So, it could take me a few weeks.
Thank you so much for this,
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bookqueenrules · 1 year
Ur not wrong.. I know a lot of peeps, like me, who stopped watching after Coda and haven’t watched since. Sorry Norman. We all were heart broken about Beth. And if she came back now there’s so many of us who would never know because we stopped watching years ago. It is frustrating. I also don’t trust the writers/team. Her death was so insulting. But I would come back for Beth/Bethyl
I think many of the viewers who left between seasons 5-7 would come back if they thought there would be a new story with the characters they loved. I think many will tune in for Rick and Michonne.
The problem with the DD spin-off is not the location; the cinematography is beautiful, the set design is amazing, and the actors are doing a good job. The problem is there are almost no stakes or urgency to this story. Since viewers have already been watching for 12 years for Daryl's "happy ending", not making it clear what that happy ending will be and who will a part of it within the first three episodes of the spin-off is just more of the same for viewers who were already turned off by the last few seasons. The spin-off, so far, has been more about Isabelle than Daryl.
That being said, I still have hope even for the first season. IF they were smart, and that is a big IF, they would at least do a post credits scene for episode 6. Even if they don't show Beth alive in Paris, they could show what they have already filmed from Season 5. There is a lot of evidence that they filmed what happened to Beth's body to show at a later time. Just showing that with something like a ten years ago.... flashback would not only increase the stakes for season 2 but would set the Internet a buzz. All of the "tuned out" viewers from seasons past would have plenty of time to hear about it before season two airs. Hopefully, at least some of them would give season 2 a chance.
They really need to develop and enlighten this story in the next few episodes. Just making it back to BFF Carol and Judith is not a gripping story. We have been there and done that for years. At this point, they need a twist like Beth being alive to make this story compelling enough for more people to tune in each week. The show is getting great reviews from critics and those who are watching. However, not enough people care enough about this story to make it the ratings success it should be.
I'll keep posting ratings, but without a promo showing a long-lost character returning, I don't see them getting much better.
Thanks for the question!
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gneebee · 2 years
Writer’s Game
Writer’s Game
I was tagged by @galadrieljones Thank you so much! ❤️
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Love’s Long Road: She can't hide in this apartment another day. Bethyl
Maybe Someday: The only people who ever come across a joint like this are people working in some big industrial complex, at some distribution warehouse, factories and industrial wholesalers. Bethyl
The Encounter:   Beth and Daryl have spent more time planning the honeymoon than the wedding, and there's no doubt in either of their minds that this will be the best week of their lives. Bethyl
Halloween Kitten She's just not sure about this Halloween party. Bethyl
Late Night Lovers He's been working at the mill 20 years, he was 18 and fresh out of high school when he started. Bethyl
The Motorcycle Cop This morning is starting just like every other morning, Beth never seems to learn. Bethyl
The Night With The Soldier She winces as another sharp pain shoots through her, clinching her fists so tightly she can feel her nails biting into the palms of her hands. Bethyl
Come With Me Where the Wildflowers Grow: She lays propped up on one elbow, watching him as he sleeps. Bethyl
The Lie: The state doesn't allow high school students to be more than twenty years of age, Daryl turned twenty in the early fall. Bethyl
The Trucker  It's her first day working at the mill and it's just an hour or so before the end of her shift. Bethyl
So many are already tagged, I’ll tag: @fairybellworld @deerdens @sasusc @leather-n-laces @mindynichole @ellestina and anyone who would like to participate ❤️
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