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crazyariaisa · 4 years ago
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After the girls leave with the table in the cafeteria and leave Aria sitting alone in “SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME” (1x20), Aria grabs out her phone and starts typing away, and we finally see what she’s writing for once. The first screen capture is signed as XO. A and then Aria fills in the rest of the name with RIA. So, this text is signed as XO. Aria. To be honest, this reminded me of something familiar, and I went back to an earlier episode. .
Eighteen episodes earlier...
Emily is lying next to Maya on the bed in “THE JENNA THING” (1x02), and she hears her phone go off. She gets up from the bed and picks up her phone from her desk. When the camera pans over Emily’s phone, it’s revealed that she has received a goodnight text that says... “Did you get a goodnight kiss? Here’s one from me. xo... -A.”
How the message from Aria is signed resembles three other notes in the show; Emily’s text from -A in “THE JENNA THING” (1x02), Bethany’s letter that’s found in by Hanna in “HOW THE -A STOLE CHRISTMAS” (5x13) and the birthday card that Kenneth received from Charles in “O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU” (6x07). All these messages have XO in the signature, and the only character we’ve seen ending a text with that is Aria. 
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kben277 · 8 years ago
Sooooo Bethany Young really was a nobody then?
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omitb472 · 8 years ago
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Alabyrinthofgreatperhaps - great name by the way, if you're reading this - had a great theory about AD sounding like Lesli Stone. ABC Family/Freeform casting crew have always made great casting decisions when it comes to people looking like families or people who look like their younger selves. I first thought younger Bethany looked like Sara Harvey but what if she looks like Lesli Stone? Which then begs the questions - Is Lesli Stone Bethany Young? Is Lesli Stone Avery (Drake/Dilaurentis - we haven't had confirmation on the surname). Are they the same person?
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b-lackofsouls · 8 years ago
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so, i’ve been looking at the opening theme of pretty little liars closely. the earlier seasons before alison came back from the ‘dead’ we were made to think it was alison in the casket. I EVEN THOUGHT IT WAS ALI but, what if it’s not? we’re only shown the eye, lips, hand, and nails (and top) 
 in my opinion, the eye doesn’t match alison’s if you stare at it long enough. maybe, aria’s or even spencer? (looks slightly similiar to ali’s eye)(??) the lips even look like spencer's. not alison's. WHAT IF THIS IS SPENCER's TWIN/SISTER? bethannnnny.. (spencer is even wearing the same/similar shirt)
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aestheticgallery · 5 years ago
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stylab · 8 years ago
Bethany Who?
I have a stupid question.... if Melissa had a confrontation with "Bethany Young" on "That Night" then it means she knows who Bethany is.... she seems to be the only one who does... So WHO is Bethany Young and HOW does she fit into the storyline? WHY did everyone want her dead that night? WHERE is she from? Rosewood? WHAT did she have to do with Alison and the rest of the girls? WHEN do we get to SEE her face??? Anyone else feel like there's more to this "BY" storyline than meets the eye? #PLL #EndgAme #FullCircle #BethanyYoung
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mckaylaaponte · 8 years ago
Why do I feel like every interview I watch or every article I read Bethany isn't spoken about ..... That is one of the things that PISSED ME OFF ! Like really what was the point of her ? Just to kill Toby's mom ? Just to fill in a hole in the ground ? Out of everything idk why that makes me so mad but it dose im just ..... Im at lost for words #pll #bethanyyoung #plothole #whythehell #prettylittleliars Starting to think that the real lairs where the people in the wrighters room for the last 7 years ! Rant done
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apllchick-blog · 9 years ago
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In 3 x 3, we see Lucas going to Radley to visit someone. Hanna later asks him who and he says he could have a lot of emotionally disturbed friends. When Hanna asks him if he went to visit Mona he said yes. Was he just saying that because he didn't want her to know the truth that he was visiting Charlotte? Was he friends with (or a sibling to) her and therefore avenging her death? She was in Radley the same time as Mona.... never know... #pll #seasonofhomecomings #plltheory#mostromanticseason  #prettylittleliars#twinonpll #ariamontgomery #plltheory #monavanderwaal #5yearsforward #marydrake #amoji #hannamarin#spencerhastings #emilyfields #alisondilaurentis #ezrafitz #tobycavanaugh#calebrivers #cecedrak​e​ #noelkahn #jennamarshall #melissahastings #bethanyyoung #saraharvey #lindathinks​lucas​ #lindathinkscece
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hetmiesert · 9 years ago
Omfg if Bethany is Mary's daughter it would make a lot of sense that Jessica wanted Bethany to call her "aunt Jessie", right? It would just make a lot sense for Bethany to be uber A, and I really want her to be. But then we still need to figure out which character in the show Bethany really is, because I don't believe they will make uber A someone we haven't seen yet. My guess is Melissa, but she isn't blonde so that isn't right.. Tell me your theories!
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Could this be Bethany Young?
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omitb472 · 8 years ago
Bethany and Avery
Are Bethany Young and Avery Drake the same person? I am wondering if Bethany Young is disfigured because of being hit with the shovel from "That Night"?
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b-lackofsouls · 8 years ago
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manipulate : pll spin-off au (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/kKYAyJ6MOE where the liars finally start asking the real questions about alison's disappearance/planned death and bethany young. soon, they learn a shocking secret they'll cause a huge gap in their friendship forever.
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stylab · 8 years ago
Bethany Who?
I have a stupid question.... if Melissa had a confrontation with "Bethany Young" on "That Night" then it means she knows who Bethany is.... she seems to be the only one who does... So WHO is Bethany Young and HOW does she fit into the storyline? WHY did everyone want her dead that night? WHERE is she from? Rosewood? WHAT did she have to do with Alison and the rest of the girls? WHEN do we get to SEE her face??? Anyone else feel like there's more to this "BY" storyline than meets the eye? #PLL #EndgAme #FullCircle #BethanyYoung
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apllchick-blog · 9 years ago
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o we know that Jenna and Noel are most likely not AD but working with him/her. My guess for AD is Lucas! In 6x9, we find out he took Jenna to prom. How close did these two get during the five year time span. Could they be working together? More clues on Lucas working with Jenna and Noel to come!  #pll #seasonofhomecomings #plltheory#mostromanticseason  #prettylittleliars#twinonpll #ariamontgomery #plltheory #monavanderwaal #5yearsforward #marydrake #amoji #hannamarin#spencerhastings #emilyfields #alisondilaurentis #ezrafitz #tobycavanaugh#calebrivers #cecedrak​e​ #noelkahn #jennamarshall #melissahastings #bethanyyoung #saraharvey #lindathinks​lucas​
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leslyxstephany · 10 years ago
#PLL #Atheories #whoisA #A #blackwidow #redcoat #bigA #seasonfinale6 #season6 #Charlesdilaurentis #CharlesIsA #prettylittleliars #hannahmarin #alisondilaurentis #ariamontgomery #spencerhastings #emilyfields #bethanyyoung #saraharvey #cecedrake #Ateam #ilovepll #omg #GameOverChArles #CeceIsA (en ABC Family)
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piscesgrrl · 10 years ago
i thought one of the important plot lines in PLL was that ‘alisons’ body was actually bethanys’?? surely that makes her the same age as Ali.(correct me if im wrong) when we were told about Charlotte we found out she was around 6 years older than Ali so when they were on the roof, why were Bethany and Charles the same age?
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