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jopinetfilmjournal · 3 years ago
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Mona killed charlotte
Disclaimer: So I had this theory queued for Tuesday Morning before the episode aired, but ever since that one pic leaked from freeform, i thought that it would be a better idea to post it now while this idea is circulating. Enjoy!
 After giving it some thought, mona really did have the most motive to kill Charlotte.
6x11, we see the liars again, for the first time after 5 years. One of the first scenes we see Mona in, was at the Hastings campaign. She asks spencer if she still has nightmares. When spencer doesn’t respond she goes on saying, “3 shrinks, and prescription meds but i still do.”
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Mona was telling spencer that she still suffers from ptsd from what charlotte did to them in the dollhouse. She’s clearly still living in fear. Then in the courthouse, mona is prepaired to speak against Charlotte’s freedom, when she suddenly has a change of heart. Mona says charlotte deserves to be free bc radley fucked her up and she could empathize.
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The next time we see mona is at Charlotte’s funeral. She doesn’t sit among the liars obviously. But she sits in the very back of the church, with this pensive look on her face. Almost like regret or worry or guilty even. Not the smug mona we’re used to seeing
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A few episodes later, spencer has this conversation with mona.
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This is again one of those old married couple moments between mona and spencer but this stuck out.  “Accusing other people of something that you’ve done does have kind of a vintage Mona quality”. Keep in mind that in 7x01 Mona (along w the rest) accuse Alison of killing Charlotte and sell her out to A. Now that’s ironic. Mona kills charlotte and blames it on Ali. Similar to how it was mona who hit bethany with the rock, but melissa (who thought it was spencer) ended up with the guilt. Classic Mona.
Now look at this scene: from 6x19:
Emily found the “murder weapon” on top of the two crows diner, where we later learn that mona went and called Charlotte from. This Car shows up and starts Chasing Emily around, nearly hitting her at various times. This driver was relentless, and wouldn’t stop until they had the murder weapon. 
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Does this scene remind you of any other scene particularly? such as the following: 
We all know it was mona who hit Hanna with the car despite them being friends, to protect her identity and keep them away from her lies. So it’s clear that when Emily found the murder weapon, mona would stop at nothing to get it back and protect herself.
Then Mona shows up to Hanna’s Wedding shower thing. This is where we learn it was mona who called Charlotte that night from the two Crows. When Emily asks her why, she responds that “Charlotte dilaurentis knew everything about every one of us [mona killed bethany] every mistake every lie every crime and she never implicated us the five years she was locked up. She sat in that hospital like a ticking time bomb”
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This was the motive. Mona thought that Charlotte dilaurentis had something up her sleeve. She wasn’t gonna restart the game, but she was going to ruin their lives.Mona killed bethany and charlotte knew this. This would end mona forever. So she went to the two crows and called charlotte. Charlotte never showed up though. So Mona left to finish the job.
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a-dumdum · 3 years ago
Idk if this is where you request a matchup but ill try either way. Im a 5’3 bisexual female. I don’t mind being paired with a boy or girl whatever you would like! I am a very chaotic person and I cause a lot of trouble. Im 17 and I cause the most trouble in my class. I talk fast, like really fast. I have brown hair and grey eyes but a lot of times I get rude comments on my eyes. Im also a leo. I spend most of my time pranking people or calling my friends. I hope this is enough information for you! I’d be very thankful if you read this.👌
Hey hey! I'm thankful you requested!!!
I match you with...
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Hagakure definitely isn't as much of a trouble maker as you, but she's definitely supportive.
You definitely bring out Hagakure's more chaotic side (much to Aizawa's chagrin), while she helps to reign you in sometimes (much to Aizawa's gratitude).
I couldn't even begin to count how many conversations you guys have.
Before classes, after classes, during classes. (that last one has gotten you two in trouble occasionally)(only when you get caught)
The two of spent many nights and weekends, sitting on either on of your beds and prank calling people in either of your contact lists.
One time you ended up prank calling Bakugou, who was not very happy being called at 11:00 at night on a Sunday.
That Monday he was more miserable and he almost pummeled you and Hagakure during training.
Hagakure prefers the basics.
Like the water bucket over the door!
You had placed the bucket over the door and waited, hidden in the corridor, anticipating Bakugo to be the victim since he always wanted to be the first one in the room.
This, however, was not the case, and you found yourselves watching as Aizawa walked into the room and get covered in water.
You've never seen him that angry.
You didn't get caught, thankfully. You were sure if he caught you, the two of you would be dead.
Hagakure is a bubbly girl with a lot of friends.
Friends that soon become your friends!
One of the things that makes Hagakure most happy is seeing you interact with her friends.
She loves just being around you and them and seeing you interact.
Hagakure herself is no stranger to rude comments.
She's invisible, no one really knows what she looks like.
And that results in some creative comments about what her appearance could be.
She's gotten used to the less-than-pleasant comments, and wouldn't hesitate to defend you if someone were to say something to you.
Whether you get upset at the comments, or if you just brush them off, it doesn't matter to Hagakure.
In the end, someone insulted her beloved, and that's no good in her book.
You two are some of the most fast-paced people in Class 1-A, and your the most fast-paced couple.
Some people (by some I mean just Bakugo) find that your fast talking is annoying, but Hagakure likes to take it all in.
She's a fast talker herself, and she loves the quick conversations the two of you have.
The two of you probably met at the beginning of UA class, where she was impressed by your quirk (whatever that may be).
A lot of classtime for her had been spent jumping around from person to person, introducing herself and trying to make friends with who she could.
She found herself drawn to you and your troublemaker attitude.
(She had to be honest, she had a type)
Which led to her practically attaching herself to you and keeping with you.
Every time you had training, she found herself trying to partner up with you, just to see you.
Maybe you were oblivious and didn't notice her advances
Maybe you recognized it right away
It doesn't really matter when you realized she had feelings for you, because eventually she brought herself up to confess to you.
Very casually.
The two of you were relaxing in her room after having been chased around by Aizawa for another one of you hilarious pranks when she brought it up absentmindedly.
"Hey, Cecedrake, I like you."
"Well, yeah, we're friends I would hope so."
"I mean I like you in the romantic sense."
And that was it! You two walked out of class one day as friends, and came in as girlfriends the next.
Cutest couple!
This was fun to write! I tried my best, but if you feel I didn't portray you correctly or you got someone you don't really like, feel free to tell me and I'll happily redo it!
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drewvanackergermany · 8 years ago
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Repost @theandreaparker :"Does the DiLaurentis family have good genes or what!?! #CeceDrake #Jason #AlisonDilaurentis #happyplldaybitches " • • @drewvanacker #drewvanacker #jasondilaurentis #pll #prettylittleliars #pllcast #pllarmy #pllboys #remidelatour #deviousmaids #deviousarmy #pllvideo #tommycampbell #trainingday #trainingday2017 #towerprep
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obsessivegirlblog · 4 years ago
A lArge bAnk Account (2021 Thoughts Added)
A lArge bAnk Account (2021 Thoughts) #PrettyLittleLiars #PLL #MonaVanderwaal #EzraFitz #WrenKingston #CeCeDrake
Warning: This post contains Pretty Little Liars spoilers. If you haven’t watched the whole show, then proceed with caution. A little note: In August 2014, I started watching Pretty Little Liars. That November, I started blogging about it until it ended in 2017. I haven’t watched it since, but people are still reading my posts in 2021. So, I’ve decided to add thoughts and comments based on the…
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prettylittleliars · 8 years ago
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82 of 150 // Season 4, Episode 11. #PLLMemoryLane
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dpfagency · 5 years ago
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Reunião do Cast de pretty little liars . . . . . . #plltheperfectionists #pllen… Reunião do Cast de pretty little liars 💖 . . . . . . #plltheperfectionists #pllendgame #edit #like #pllcast #descendants #keeganallen #pllfamily #hannamarinedit #prettylittleliarstheperfectionists #alisondilaurentisedit #edits #love #a #omgpage #cecedrake #emisonedit #alexdrake #liars #spencer #series #theperfectionists #alison #teenwolf #hanna #avajalali #sofiacarson #ariamontgomeryedit #arianagrande #salvegarotablog_shhh Source
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hoeslovedria · 7 years ago
I honestly get so sucked in to the shows that I watch that I literally cry my eyes out when the shows are over !! NO ONE TOLD YOU TO END #teenwolf #prettylittleliars #scalia #styles #scott #lydia #jackson #allisonArgent #liam #malia #Derek #Peter #KateArgent #Issac #Aria #hanna #spencer #emily #theHastings #Ezra #Toby #Alex #CeceDrake
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iamhellencaroline · 7 years ago
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Pretty little liars sexta temporada 1° Game On, Charles Começou, Charles 2° Songs of Innocence Canções da Inocência 3° Songs of Experience Canções da Experiência 4° Don't Look Now Não Olhe Agora 5° She's No Angel Ela Não é Nenhum Anjo 6° No Stone Unturned Procura em Toda Parte 7° O Brother, Where Art Thou E Aí, Meu Irmão, Cadê Você? 8° FrAmed Enquadrado 9° Last Dance A Última Dança 10° Game Over, Charles O Jogo Acabou, Charles 11° Of Late I Think of Rosewood Tenho Pensado em Rosewood" 12° Charlotte's Web A Teia de Charlotte 13° The Gloves Are On Descobertas Reveladoras 14° New Guys, New Lies Novos Caras, Novas Mentiras 15° Do Not Disturb Não Perturbe 16° Where Somebody Waits For Me Onde Alguém Espera Por Mim 17° We've All Got Baggage Todos Temos Um Passado 18° Burn This Queime Isso 19°Did You Miss Me? Sentiu Minha Falta? 20° Hush... Hush, Sweet Liars Rápido... Queridas Mentirosas #a #alissondilaurentis #spencerhastings #hannamarin #pll #charles #monawanderwaal #ariamontgomery #emilyfields #cecedrake #prettylittleliars (em Terreno da cultura - Cohab Rap Tavares)
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leevell75 · 8 years ago
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Emison: Will There be an Emison? (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/j8LVwpPg5E Emily Fields is the captain of a basketball team in Rosewood High. She's openly gay and she's intersex. Alison DiLaurentis is the cheerios captain, also known as the queen bee of Rosewood High. Emily and Alison have been flirting to each other non stop. And one day something happened... Will there be a happy ending? Or just an ending?
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nikitanair96 · 8 years ago
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Well I finally saw the finale which seemed so rushed. They could've made a couple more episodes. I've probably seen each episode 2-3 times. Not cus I love all so much. Which I do. But cus u keep losing the plot. The twists and turns throughout the show are insane. I'm surprised the writers were able to keep up. And I really don't know if they got all the loose ends but I don't want to go through the 10 gazillion plot lines to find the missing link. Anyways. This show is my guilty pleasure and once upon a time used to be a lifeline. I've grown up with it and with all the characters I've come to love so much. I got close to my best friend @wey_hey_loki because of pll for which I'll be forever grateful and in debt. Even though it got a lil annoying at times. I'm gonna miss watching it every week. Following everyone's journey and why the hell is everyone in rosewood so darn good looking 😟. Ill always identify with spencer. And find Emily super hot wanna be Mona Hanna and Allison all at once and dress up like aria and id probably name my kid aria Anyways. I wouldn't mind if there was another season. Or even a spinoff of the show. But for now I guess this is goodbye. Another era coming to an end 😖 P.S Loved the British or idk what accent Spencer aka Alex had 😂 #prettylittleliars #pllendgame #spencerhastings #hannamarin #ariamontgomery #emilyfields #alisondilaurentis #monavanderwaal #tobycavanaugh #calebrivers #Ezrafitz #alexDrake #cecedrake
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stefyaguero-blog · 8 years ago
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Day 15: Most shocking moment/Dia 15: Momento más impactante: perdon pero tengo 4, el primero fue cuando #TobyCavanough “muere"(T:3 E:21), el segundo fue cuando #SpencerHastings fue a Radley (T:3 E:22), el tercero fue cuando las mentirosas descubrieron que #AlisonDiLaurentis estaba viva (T:4 E:14) y el cuarto fue cuando se descubrio que #CeceDrake era -A (T:6 E:10)
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princess-londons-picks · 8 years ago
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"Take me to church" #WarnerBrothers #prettylittleliars #GilmoreGirls #Starshollow #Rosewood #cecedrake #alisondilaurentis #warnerwednesday #backlot #losangeles #studio #LoveLana #Copyrighted #nofilter
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obsessivegirlblog · 4 years ago
“A” for Alison, “A” for Anonymous (2021 Thoughts Added)
"A" for Alison, "A” for Anonymous (2021) #PrettyLittleLiars #PLL #AlisonDelaurentis #NoelKahn #AriaMontgomery #EzraFitz #CeceDrake #MikeMontgomery #MonaVanderwaal #JasonDeLaurentis #WrenKingston #CalebRivers #TobyCavanaugh #SpencerHastings #JennaMarshall
Warning: This post contains Pretty Little Liars spoilers. If you haven’t watched the whole show, then proceed with caution. A little note: In August 2014, I started watching Pretty Little Liars. That November, I started blogging about it until it ended in 2017. I haven’t watched it since, but people are still reading my posts in 2021. So, I’ve decided to add thoughts and comments based on the…
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