blorboazula · 4 months
Prompt #078 of 100 Days of Azutara Drabbles Challenge | masterlist | post-canon, omegaverse AU, cw: implied past child abuse & mental health issues, minor mental breakdown I guess
Azula’s laughing like a maniac.
She knows she’s scaring Ilah, the girl clutches what was left of the turtleduck plushie that had caught fire just now. The first time she actually firebends, and she burns a toy, it’s painful. And Azula can’t stop laughing as Katara comes, probably attracted by the noise and by the smell of burning fabric. She can’t stop laughing as Katara puts off the fire, says something soothing and leaves, probably handing Ilah over to one of their visiting friends, more than probably leaving her to play with Kya. She doesn’t stop laughing until she’s sobbing on Katara’s lap.
It’s very humiliating, actually, she’d care if she was still trying to be the alpha her father wanted her to be.
They’ve known Ilah is a Firebender since she was born, even if she’s almost a perfect copy of Katara except for the bronze eyes, the test done in newborns was proof enough. The small cotton ball caught fire as soon as it was close to Ilah, not very different from how it had been when Azula was tested, she was told. And at six, she’s also as young as Azula was when she first actually firebent. 
A turtleduck toy, too.
It’s her earliest clear memory, Azula has told Katara about it one night, before they even decided to have a child. Playing alone with the wooden turtleduck – before she met Mai and Ty Lee, after Zuko had already decided she was his enemy. The servant keeping an eye on her ran to fetch her parents.
Ozai was absolutely ecstatic about it, Ursa reacted like she burned a real, living turtleduck.
(Azula never had a chance of not being a monster in Ursa’s eyes.)
“It’s fine, it’s fine, you’re safe. It’s fine,” Katara repeats like a mantra. Her hands warm as the go up and down Azula’s back, her voice, her scent, and her warmth sooth Azula more than anything.
It still takes a few long minutes for her to calm down, and she doesn’t want to move away from the comforting bubble that being on her mate’s lap provides. Like that, it’s easy to fully forget the unspoken expectations on her shoulders.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No,” feels bratty, feels whiny, but it’s just honesty.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry, Ilah won’t be scared of you.”
That’s a surprisingly unexpected fear, her children scared of her (maybe because she had been taught you are supposed to fear your parents). She nods, she hopes Katara is right.
For now, she avoids looking at what was left of the plushie, as to not remember of the ashes and broken pieces of wood that cemented her fate as anything but her mother’s daughter.
buy me a coffee?
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perfectlypanda · 2 years
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Kya asleep = no more story. Kya awake = more story. Solution = wake up Kya. (Zutara, Fire Noodle #12)
♥ Please do not repost. If you like it and want to show people, share a link to this page instead. Thank you!
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the-genius-az · 5 months
Azula Beta and her three girlfriends!
@blorboazula I invoke you!
Ps: I made the list longer, I hope everything is perfect and understandable.
Azula had to investigate many times and even stay awake to have all the information possible about the Alphas and Omegas.
Azula didn't even realize that the three of them were courting her.
Azula has no idea why two beautiful Omegas and a beautiful Alpha are in love with her.
Azula doesn't smell anything except a little cherries and smoke, and the pheromones of her three girlfriends.
The Beta has to stay still for hours while her three girlfriends bite her to leave their marks and pheromones.
Azula's body is always marked, with anything from her three girlfriends, bites, hickeys, semen and other fluids, and etc.
She is proud to be a Beta, although there was a time where she felt like she was an experiment for Mai and Ty Lee because she is a beta and betas don't mate.
In the asylum, she didn't understand why the beautiful Omega from Avatar stayed to help her, much less did she understand when she kissed her.
He never realized about the silent fury between Mai and Ty Lee with Katara, and vice versa.
He thought that Katara was in love with Mai and Ty Lee, and that they were in love with Katara too.
She didn't know that in reality the three of them were angry and jealous, that there was a possible competition for her.
Mai, along with Ty Lee, made an alliance with Katara to have Azula, only the three of them were allowed to be with Azula, did anyone else want her? Well, he appeared dead on the hill later.
Azula thought that her citizens were afraid of her when she left the asylum and toured the capital, without realizing that it was because three girls followed her with their pheromones impregnating her.
Azula is tired because she has to mate with three people, sometimes she just runs away... in vain.
Betas have both genitals...something that Mai, Ty Lee and Katara took advantage of.
Sometimes Katara gets jealous and envious when she thinks about Azula's past with Mai and Ty Lee.
Sometimes Mai and Ty Lee are jealous and sad because Azula already has someone else just in case, and is no longer completely dependent on them.
When they have children it is the only time Azula envies her wifes because she cannot mark them as her puppies with pheromones.
Ironically, it is Azula who is in charge of making the nest for the three of them, because none of the three likes the nest that the other makes.
All three of his wives think that Azula would be a perfect Alpha or Omega, she meets almost all the stereotypes of both dynamics.
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fidget-scribbles · 3 months
Temptation and Other Natural Disasters
Tropey fun enemies-to-lovers Zutara A/B/O 'oh no, she's going into heat!' fic featuring aged-up book one characters. Alpha Zuko trying to be honorable about the situation. Omega Katara trying to not be into that. A little angst, mostly hornt.
4/8 chapters - Explicit, obvs
Chapter 4: In which Katara takes us on a tour of Egypt's most famous river
Oh no. No, no, no. This is not good. Zuko is not allowed to be sexy. "...I can barely keep my hands to myself right now. You know exactly how much I want to stop being nice and noble and selfless." His voice is weird and raspy, it's not supposed to sound thick and rich like warm honey. This whole thing he's doing? Telling her what she already knows like he can read her mind, turning her own words back on her? It's unacceptable. "And now, I know you want that too," the smug bastard says, and then smirks at her. Smirks. As if that's some brilliant deduction. As if he just delivered a winning argument in favor of Katara opening her robes and letting him put those big stupid hands on her feverish skin and pull her restless body tight to his stupid muscled chest so she can press her nose into the source of that obnoxiously rich scent. He smells like the manliest, most self-satisfied autumn bonfire ever lit, and it's not as persuasive as he thinks it is.
Chapter 4 on Ao3
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lifewtr · 5 months
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He didn’t run, he didn’t shove her into a house full of other omegas and bolt like an alpha of his particular status back home might have done. No. Her friend had stayed. Fed her. Kept the pain that should’ve; would’ve wracked through her body for hours on end far at bay with his mere presence. He had held her down, too. Gave her whatever she asked for while she’d been slowly ejected out of her right mind by that horrendous onslaught of her omegan hormones— Tears prick harshly at the back of Katara’s eyes. Zuko had only fucked her because she’d goddamn begged him to. Her, his best friend’s girlfriend...
[Rated E / Angst & Fluff, Eventual Smut] on AO3.
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lavendaers · 1 year
@drvcxrys continued from here for beta switch + a time jump
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"katara." zuko started the moment he spotted the other. he remembered running into her during valentine's day, but he hadn't known who she was then. now that he did know though, it felt strange to approach her out of nowhere. "how've you been?"
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browneyesandhair · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar) Additional Tags: pretty short, a silly conversation, just for fun, no beta we die like jet Series: Part 4 of The Handwritten Summer Shorts Summary:
A silly conversation between the Gaang, but mostly, Sokka and Zuko.
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addictofreading · 16 days
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“In my experience…” Prince Zuko moved closer to Katara. “Bad company is the only kind worth falling into.”
A fun moment from a future chapter of The Lotus Villa, which is one of many fics out now for this year's Zutara Big Bang fan event!
The author of this lovely fic will be revealed on Sept 15, 2024 along with all the others so keep an eye out for that along with new chapters. There are many artists, authors, betas, and mods who have lovingly devoted themselves to this event so if you find yourself enjoying it along with us, please be sure to let those creatives know with your likes/kudos and comments!
I personally had a lot of fun drawing this moment and getting the atmosphere like how I pictured it in my head! Hope you enjoy! <3
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erisenyo · 11 days
So excited to finally be sharing my @zukkabigbang2024 fic, betaed by the amazing @kartoonkrazy and with wonderful art from @lizardlicks (link incoming)!
Featuring culture sharing, culture confusion, gossip, a very sassy Kanna, a very over-it-already Katara, meeting the parents when you and the parent are both world leaders and also you have issues with parents, and Sokka's daddy issues.
[“Right,” Hakoda manages. “An honor.” “Once we will endeavor to meet with equal honor in return,” the Fire Lord says so quickly he starts almost before Hakoda gets out the last syllable. “Sure.” Hakoda has to forcibly unclench his teeth to grind out, “We’re happy to welcome the delegation.” As if they had any choice in it. Fuck, but it would have been a lot easier to say no if the Fire Lord weren’t dating his son.] Or, Zuko is nervous about making a good impression on his first visit South as Fire Lord, which certainly has nothing to do with meeting Sokka’s father. Sokka is excited to see his boyfriend after months apart, and is absolutely totally fine with not being involved in the week’s political negotiations. Totally. Hakoda already has a headache just thinking about how exactly he’s supposed to interact with a fellow world leader who is also a teenager, and also dating his son, and wait--Sokka’s old enough for dating now? When did that happen?
To all the people who on my other longfics kept going 'wow, I cannot wait for the conversation with Hakoda about this one!' to which I kept going '…about that.' -- this one's for you :)
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sokkastyles · 6 days
Y'all, I have a confession to make.
I'd like to talk about Katara, the guy she is not dating, and his eight-foot boa constrictor...
I am so excited to finally reveal myself as the author of My Best Friend's Roommate's Deadbeat Ex-Boyfriend!
I had so much fun participating in this year's @zkbigbang! Thank you so much to my awesome beta, @atuats-sidechick, and artists @the-peregrine, whose wonderful artwork can be found here, and @clerfait, whose piece will be posted soon!
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blorboazula · 5 months
Always The Exception
A ficlet featuring beta!Azula being a little insecure about omega!Katara actually wanting her. All my A/B/O are fully @the-genius-az's fault (hope you enjoy it, I promise this not a tragedy.
Growing up, Azula has learned that being an omega doesn't make you inherently weak, look at Ozai. Being an alpha doesn't make you inherently strong, look at Ursa. Being a beta doesn't make you anyone's favorite, look at Zhao.
Zuko and Azula are just the exceptions.
Zuko isn't weak, she never believed. She always thought he should put more effort in his bending, in his studies. He had the potential. Not being a prodigy never meant he couldn't become one of the most powerful, skilled Firebenders of his generation. But he would whine about anything that Azula was ever slightly better than him, and go cry on Mother's arms, and Mother kept giving him space to become actually weak.
The firstborn alpha son constantly upstaged by the secondborn beta daughter.
Azula grew up doing everything she could to be valuable, a need that carved its way into her very bones. Carved with claws made of fire handled by Ozai, by Ursa and by everything in the Royal Family culture.
Now, twelve years after the end of the war, Azula can feel that insecurity burning under her skin. Because she's a beta among alphas and omegas, a better bender and a better fighter, there's the underlying convention that betas don't belong so high up in society.
It doesn't quite matter for them, they tell her. They make sure she knows she belongs – as a person, not a weapon the way Ozai did.
She's not sure what is going on between her and Katara. The omega waterbender had broken up with Aang, with the Avatar, with the most wanted alpha in the world, and has been getting closer and closer to her. They kissed a few times, but Azula is used to that, to being an experiment. She's not even bitter about it, betas don't mate.
"You're being very clingy," Azula comments, because Katara is, sitting on her lap with face on Azula's neck.
"You smell so good."
"I smell-" the extra sweetness finally hits. "Are you in heat?"
"Not yet."
"I'm sure you know I do not possess the needed equipment."
"Needed equipment," she repeats with a giggle. "I just want you to be here, just cuddle and hold me."
"I'm just a be-"
"No," Katara moves back, pupils blown wide but still sober. "You're the strongest bender I know, you're loyal and fierce and brave. And you're beautiful too. You're just great. Why wouldn't I want to be with you?"
"You want to be with me?"
"'Zula, I've been trying to court you for a year."
"For a genius, you're so oblivious."
"I'm just a beta, you're surrounded by suitable alphas."
"You're Azula, that means a lot more than you think it does. Now just hold me, we'll figure the rest later, if you want to."
"I- yes. We'll figure it out later."
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garfield-milk · 6 months
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strong alpha master katara and her little beta twink boyfreind the avatar
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the-genius-az · 2 months
Maybe Beta Azula should run away when she finds out she's pregnant... because she doesn't know which Alpha got her pregnant.
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fidget-scribbles · 1 month
I'm too low-energy to rave about this the way I want to, but if you're interested in Alpha Zuko/Omega Katara, go read this
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tiredghostness · 6 months
"The Shadow Mirror"
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I keep talking about the shadow mirror yet there's nothing to show about it so here .
This is supposed to be a beta design, for the most part, Qiū Zi just ties it around her waist and uses it. Think like Katara's water jar lol
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livrere-green · 5 months
ATLA x Omegaverse AU
Part 1 | Part 2
I've been thinking about an omegaverse atla au a lot recently, so I'm gonna vent about it cuz it's getting tiring just to have it spiralling in my head ngl
So, the only thing that I need to mention now it's that the standard age at which someone presents is around 13 to 14 years old. Knowing that, lets talk about the main characters.
Aang (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. Also, I don't believe that being the avatar makes him an alpha perse. I mean, there's a possibility he presents as one (but he could also be a beta), and it wouldn't have anything to do with his avatar status (historically there could be a higher rate of avatars being alphas/betas, but there are some important exceptions... iykwim). Well, I think he'd present at age 13 almost 14.
Katara (14) is one of the characters that confuses me the most in this aspect, but just to add fuel to her fury and her personality, I'll make her an omega, not the kind that rejects her nature but the kind that embraces it and doesn't see it as something that makes her inferior or helpless. Katara would fight against the life society wants to impose on her in the same way she does in canon, maybe even more. She would resent the people who doesn't respect her because of her gender and at some point, she'd get frustrated about it, but she would think that hating herself would mean letting her oppressors win. About her presentation, there's two option: 1. She presented some months before they found Aang, 2. She presented during the first months they were traveling to the NWT (in this case, I think the ideal place would've been Kyoshi Island, because there's people able to take care of her there).
Sokka (15) would be an alpha, he probably presented after Hakoda left (14), he fits the type and the stereotypical personality at the beginning of the show. But I think he would get over it sooner rather than later, because the why he acts has to do more with his perception of himself and the expectations set upon his shoulders than with unshakeable beliefs about the ability of betas and omegas. He would learnt to respect and don't underestimate them quickly. Also, I think that Sokka would scent the Gaang to protect them and particularly to cover Katara's scent as they travel or run away from trouble.
Toph (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. She'd present as an alpha some time after the end of the war (13). There's not a lot to explain here (talking about her at that age, except for the fact that even during her time with the Gaang, she probably hated Sokka's essence, just as an early hint about her gender). I consider that there's a lot to discuss about her as an adult and how she managed her relationships, but that's a discussion for another time.
Zuko (16) would be an omega, and also a late bloomer, probably presented a couple of years after his banishment (15).. Zuko would be determined to hide his true nature under any circumstances, letting only his Uncle know about it. Ozai would've been informed that his son is a beta, which was already a disappointment for the Royal Family (historically alphas), but it wasn't nearly as negative as being reduced to be treated as an omega. Zuko would end up causing himself a lot of damage in order to disguise as a beta, either by using too many suppressants or other medications, or even hurting himself. He would stop hiding after joining the Gaang but It'll be complicated, since he'd be distressed all the time and even Aang and Toph would be able to notice (their senses are not totally develop, so it'll be kinda alarming).
Suki (15) would be a beta, presented at 14. In her case, the characteristics of its gender would be especially helpful to mediate conflict or get out of it. The scent of a beta has calming effects in both alphas and omegas, so she would use it with her friends, or even in battle, to make her opponents lose focus, particularly if they are driven by rage. The fans are particularly helpful for that.
Azula (14) would present early as an alpha (12/13). At that age, one of the traits she would manifest the most is assuming the position of head of the pact with her friends, she'd probably scent them with the intention of establishing superiority and control over them. In this context, Mai would be a beta and Ty Lee an omega or a beta as well.
That's all for now, I still have some things in mind for this, but I'll share that later, and if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer!
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