#bet those boys brought the roof down!
thecheersblog · 2 years
Cast of Cheers Supporting Kirstie Alley on SNL ♥️
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 11 months
Where the Bats Come to Hide
Part 4
Alfred Pennyworth has been many things in his life a spy, a killer, a butler he never did expect to be a father. He loved Thomas and Martha more than he could ever explain to their son and even as he watched the love he carried die in an alley he knew he had to pick up the little boy that he watched be born and continue no matter how much he wanted to lie down in the blood soaked alley and bask in the love they shared he kept going.
Master Bruce spent many a night crawling into his bed he left the blanket open and held the child as he sobbed angry at the world for the parents he was robbed of even when his boy was old and had children of his own on nights where he stitched up Bullets wounds and cleaned up tears he still would awake to his son sleeping peacefully under the blanket to hide from the world for a little longer.
Master Richard came angry and vengeful much like his son all those years ago. Vengeance seemed to come to the Wayne boys easier than sadness yet his blanket became drenched with the tears of a young acrobat more than once who would one day welcome flying and would share his gifts but for now was terrified of falling. He was so proud to see his first Grandson fly because he was ready to catch him, and when his grandson came to him about hands that harmed his and refused a no he brought out of tools he had put away and took care of it. Holding the same boy while he cried yet again but this time catching him.
Master Jason while he refuses to favor has always had a special place in his heart. Angry and afraid yet so good. The first night while he watched his newest grandchild afraid of what might come in the night showed him the weapons he keeps. Told him that if anyone in this house tries to harm him he may use it and if he can't he will. No harm will come to you from the men under this roof he will not allow it. He slept curled around Alfred that night and many others. He will never forget the pain and the joy he felt when his Jason came back so angry that he wasn't avenged. He went to his Grandchild offered his weapons offered his love and told him Master Jason I told you the first night no harm shall come and I failed you allow me to rectify that. The joker did not die with a smile he died terrified much like his grandson did. He can always expect his boy under his blanket when he can still hear the laughter of that horrible clown.
Master Timothy the boy who brought his child back who saved his son. He never did expect this Grandchild but he wouldn't change it for the world. Tim finds him when the nights are too long and the shadows to still. When his intelligence destroys the peace he craves. He gaurds the boy who so long ago wouldn't have come to him scared of rejection and pours what love he can into the boy who never got enough.
Master Damian he newest grandchild the only one who carries the blood of the Wayne's but one of the many who carries the heart. Another boy dripping in pain another one who finds comfort in the weapons that he carried drenched in the blood that he claimed. One who would find comfort in his blanket that he offers as best as he can. Teaching the pride and the love that he never though he could have because another had destroyed it.
All of his boys come when the lights have shut off and the only solace they can find is in the arms of the man who stitches wounds the same way he stitches clothes who's hands are covered in scars but offer the gentlest of touches who carries guns without thought. Yet knows their favorite food just as easy.
The father of the Bat
The Grandfather of Robin
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ladykailitha · 2 years
In the Midnight Hour Part 5
I made myself cry several times writing this next part. I’m sorry. It looks like two of my three WIPs are complete angst-fests at the moment. I can tell you they are both happily ever afters. I promise you that. Honest. Also Can Anybody See Me? will never devolve into angst because that is specifically meant to be fluffy as cotton candy and twice as sweet.
I will be focusing on this for a bit as I’m close to completing it. So the other two are on hiatus until this is done. Plus you really, really don’t want me to post the next part of Star Child until I have more. You really don’t.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Eddie wasn���t sure far the vampire thing went. He wasn’t sure if he could walk out in the middle of day and not become a crispy critter. It wasn’t something he wanted to test, if he was honest.
So the second the sun went down he found himself hiding behind the Motel 6 watching his uncle go about winding down from his day. Watching the news, washing his face and brushing his teeth. Tap, tap, tap.
As Wayne went about his routine, tap, tap, tap. Finally as he got into bed, flick, flick, flick, the light on and off. And then finally off.
Eddie sunk to the ground on his knees, tears streaming down his face. He let out a howl of pain, echoing through the empty parking lot.
Inside the motel, Wayne squeezed his eyes tightly, tears mirroring his nephew’s. Tap, tap, tap.
Eddie took flight, unable to stay there a second longer. His stomach was tying itself in knots. He knew he should feed tonight. He needed it. But not now.
He flew back to his lair, the laughter of Vecna filling the air.
“You friends don’t care about you,” Vecna said with a toothy grin. “Your only family is going about his day as if you never existed. I bet he feels relieved that he doesn’t have to worry about his fucked up nephew.”
Eddie’s face twisted in rage. “You don’t know jack shit, Veckie.”
Vecna laughed. “I watched as your sweet uncle go about his nightly routine as if you didn’t even cross his mind.”
Eddie frowned.
“Now you get it,” he continued. “Give it up, Eddie. You’re mine now. There is no one coming for you. There never will.”
Eddie let Vecna’s words pierce his soul. Let him see the anguish on his face, in every line of his body.
Vecna walked over to him and lifted his chin with a clawed finger. “You will behave now, won’t you?”
Eddie nodded.
“If you let Steve touch you again,” Vecna snarled, “I will kill you. Do you understand. You are mine and mine alone.”
Eddie gasped as Vecna dug his claw into his throat. “I understand.”
Vecna ran the palm of his hand over Eddie’s face. “I will let you continue to play with the Harrington boy.” Eddie closed his eyes. “Your pathetic brand of torment seems to be working.”
“Now go feed!” Vecna snarled. “Take your revenge on those petty fools. I delight in watching you play with them.” He pushed Eddie to the ground and then was gone.
Eddie opened his eyes, revealing the red slit pupils. His grin twisted around his sharp canines. He was ravenous. But he had an appointment to keep.
Steve waited by the open window, arms crossed over the window sill. The clock ticked over to midnight and there Eddie was, landing gently on the roof.
“Hey, Eds,” he greeted warmly.
Eddie stumbled on the tiles. Steve was out on roof in a split second and by his side.
“No!” Eddie cried. “Don’t touch me.”
Steve hovered nearby, concern etched into every line of his body.
“Veckie wasn’t very happy the last time you touched me,” Eddie bit out. “Said he would kill me if you did it again.”
Steve let out a whine. “I’m sorry. Maybe you shouldn’t come back.”
Eddie shook his head. “It’s a directive now. I have to be here.”
“Oh, Eds!”
Eddie sat down gracelessly on the roof, panting for breath.
Steve sat down next to him, careful not to even bump shoulders with the other boy.
“You okay?”
Eddie looked up at him and Steve’s eyes went wide.
“When was the last time you ate, man?”
Eddie brought his knees up to his chest. “I have to be careful or people will suspect something’s up.”
Steve scoffed. “You mean like the entire starting line of the basketball team being benched because they are too weak to stand?”
Eddie blushed and shoved his hair into his mouth. “Oops.”
Steve laughed. “I think only Robin and I noticed, if it’s any consolation.”
Eddie dropped his hair and looked over him. “Are you sure?”
“Pretty damn,” Steve murmured. “I heard a couple of kids talking and they think they have mono.”
Eddie laughed. “I hope everyone thinks they gave it to each other.”
Steve grinned. “We can only dream.” He bit his bottom lip. “I’m guessing you’re allowed to touch others to eat at least, right?”
Eddie slowly turned his head and looked Steve directly in the eye. “Please tell me you aren’t suggesting what I think you’re suggesting.”
Steve shrugged. “You need to eat and I don’t do anything anymore. I don’t even have job because my old work has a gigantic fucking red fault line running through it.”
“I’m starting to think you’re cursed, man,” Eddie said. “Two places you’ve worked have literally gone up in smoke.”
Steve lulled his head back and sighed. “Tell me about it. If it wasn’t for the hush money I got from the government, I’d up shit creek.”
“You really don’t want me to feed on you, Stevie,” Eddie whispered. “It’s not like the movies. It will hurt. And I don’t know what Vecna would do if I do this.”
Steve looked over at him and smiled. “With any luck, he’ll thank you for weakening me further.”
Eddie let out a low whine. He wanted this. He burned with desire for this. Steve pulled down the collar of his shirt and tilted his head away. Eddie licked his lips.
He could feel himself on the edge of a precipice. He leaned forward and pressed his tongue to Steve’s throat. Steve let out a little gasp. Oh the things it did to Eddie.
He sunk in his teeth, letting the blood well up in his mouth. It was like a fine whiskey after months of cheap beer. Eddie sighed, laving the precious liquid from Steve’s throat.
He forced himself to stop after two or three mouthful, pulling away gently. He looked over at Steve who looked as if he had just cum. All blissed out and happy.
Eddie blinked rapidly. That didn’t happen with any of the jocks. He gently cupped Steve’s face in his hand and tilted his head so that they were looking at each other.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. “You okay?”
Steve stared at him for a moment before he came back to himself. “Yeah. Did you get everything you needed?”
Eddie huffed out a small bitter laugh. “Yeah, babe. I got what I needed. Just a little worried about you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Steve’s eyes began to clear and he straightened up. “Yeah. It was just a weird feeling. Like I was floating or some shit like that.”
Eddie’s eyes were wide as he cocked his head. “That’s not what usually happens.”
Steve blinked. “Maybe it’s because I was willing.”
Eddie shook his head. “Yeah, let’s go with that.”
Steve smiled that dopey grin of his and Eddie could feel Steve’s blood make his heart pound harder.
“You should go eat something and then go to bed,” Eddie murmured.
“You aren’t going to stay?” Steve asked with a frown.
Eddie shook his head. “Not after that. You’re going to be a little loopy for a while, and I don’t want you falling off this roof. I’m not sure I could catch you in time.”
Steve squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them slowly. “I’m starting to see what you mean.”
Eddie waited until Steve was safely back into the house before he took off. He hovered in the air above Loch Nora and looked at his hand. His palm was red and hot to the touch, but it didn’t hurt. It hadn’t hurt last night either.
“That is interesting.” He thought back to earlier and his conversation with Vecna. The searing red line across the bastard’s throat. “Very interesting indeed.”
Steve woke up the next morning groggy and disorientated. He reached up to his neck and could feel two holes under his fingers. He got up and went into the bathroom.
In the mirror he could see that he had dark circles under his eyes and a vacant expression. He huffed out a laugh. Tommy used to say Steve always had a vacant expression, so no one would notice anything different there.
But the circles? That would be a problem. He pulled down his sleep shirt and marveled at the two puncture wounds that seemed to be healing faster than ordinary wounds.
Steve supposed that made sense. Vampires couldn’t have their victims unable to be fed on multiple times, after all.
He would just wear a polo today and blame the circles on his nightmares. He washed his face and brushed his teeth mostly on auto-pilot. Just going through the motions. He got dressed and wandered down for breakfast.
Drinking the orange juice seemed to help and he was feeling less like a zombie and more like a person. He fried up some eggs and gobbled them down, suddenly ravenous.
That was certainly an interesting reaction. Steve shook his head. He didn’t have time to worry about that right now. He grabbed his keys and ran out the door.
“So I talked to Dustin yesterday,” Robin began timidly.
Steve smiled. “Me, too.”
Robin squirmed in her seat. “What? When?” She smacked his arm. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I was just so tired when I got home,” he murmured, “that I forgot.”
She folded her arms. “Well, I’m not going to tell you what he said, until you tell me what happened.”
He laughed. “That’s fair. I hadn’t seen Max in a while so I bought donuts and went to go see her. See how she was doing, you know?”
Robin slowly turned her head back to Steve. “And Dustin was there?”
Steve pursed his lips and nodded. “We‒we talked. I don’t think we’ll ever have the relationship we had before–before Eddie died. But it’s good. It’s a start. It’s...”
Robin’s eyes softened. “I’m glad. I hated see you two on the outs.”
Steve pinched his nose and rubbed gently. “Yeah, me too.”
“So, Dustin doesn’t think there is anything to worry about,” she said after a moment. “There’s a mention of a half vampire half human character connected with Vecna. But if he hasn’t shown up by now, there’s a pretty good chance he’s not going to.”
“Tell me about him anyway,” Steve said. “I’m sure he word vomited about it.”
Robin eyed him wearily. “It was actually Will. Who is the sweetest kid, by the way.”
Steve smiled softly. “Him and El have had it the worst out of all of us and yet those to are still the sweetest people I’ve ever met. I’m glad you like him.”
“Anyway,” she continued, “he says that Kas sacrificed himself to become half vampire.”
“Kas is the one connected to Vecna?” he asked.
She rolled her eyes. “Yes. As I was saying, he sacrificed himself to become half vampire and worked for Vecna for a really long time. Then Vecna got tired of him and locked him up. And that’s when Kas became The Betrayer.”
“He betrayed Vecna?” Steve asked in surprise. “That’s a ballsy move.”
“I know, right?”
“Anyway, he kills Vecna with this sword that is so sharp that it can cut through anything,” Robin finished.
“Wow,” Steve said. “That’s pretty wild.” He frowned.
“Hop’s sword.”
Robin’s jaw dropped. “Holy shit.”
“That’s not good,” she said.
“That means that even if Kas hasn’t shown up,” she said, “his sword has and he can’t be far behind.”
They pulled up to the school.
Steve felt a chill in the pit of his stomach. Like it was filled with lead.
“Steve?” Robin called. “Hey, talk to me.”
He pursed his lips. “I can’t. Not yet.” She opened her mouth to protest. He cut her off with a shake of his head. “I don’t have all the information yet. I’ll tell you when I do. I promise.”
She nodded and got out of the car. “We’ll figure this out, Steve. I promise.”
Steve nodded. “I know.”
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12  Part 13
Tag List: @steddie-there @gregre369 @currently-steddiebrainrot @steddieassheg0es @estrellami-1 @anzelsilver @thequeenrainacorn @savory-babby @chaoticlovingdreamer  @grtwdsmwhr @renaissan-vvitch @panicatthediaz @swimmingbirdrunningrock
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lords-of-mayhem · 5 months
Lords Of Chaos Ships Playlist
A playlist of songs for various LOC ships. (Only one per ship this time <3)
Blackthorn x Varg // I Bet On Losing Dogs
I bet on losing dogs. I know they're losing and I pay for my place by the ring where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down. I'll be there on their side, I'm losing by their side.
Dead x Euronymous // Heaven Iowa
I've unspooled on the floor, I feel so A Star Is Born. Kiss my cheek, baby, please. Would you read my eulogy? I will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me.
Tell me when the party ends, will you still love who I am? Scar crossed lovers, forever. I'm checking myself out forever. Save your breath, half your life you've been hooked on death.
Faust x Varg // Cigarette Daydreams
Did you stand there all alone? Oh, I cannot explain what's going down. You sigh, look away. I can see it clear as day. Close your eyes, so afraid, hide behind that baby face.
Funny how it seems like yesterday. As I recall, you were looking out of place. Cigarette daydream, you were only seventeen. Soft speak with a mean streak, nearly brought me to my knees.
Dead x Euronymous x Hellhammer x Necrobutcher // Remember When
You were the first, so was I. Made love and then you cried, remember when? We lived and learned, life threw curves. There was joy and there was hurt. Life was changed, disassembled, rearranged. We came together, fell apart, and broke each other's hearts.
Faust x Occultus // Francesca
Do you think I'd give up, that this might've shook the love from me? How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily? If someone asked me at the end, I'd tell them put me back in.
I would do it again. If I could hold you for a minute, darling, I'd do it again. I could find you, darling, in any life.
Euronymous x Varg // Hum Hallelujah
I thought I loved you, it was just how you looked in the light. A teenage vow in a parking lot, 'til tonight do us part. I sing the blues and swallow them too.
My words are my faith, to hell with our good name. Remix of your guts, your insides x-rayed. And one day, we'll get nostalgic for disaster.
Blackthorn x Faust // We Fell In Love In October
Smoking cigarettes on the roof, you look so pretty and I love this view. We fell in love in October, that's why I love fall. Looking at the stars, admiring from afar.
Faust x Fenriz // Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes
Doc, that's a hole where something was. Put him in the back of a squad car, restrain that man. He needs his head put in a CAT scan. Oh, I'm a loose bolt of a complete machine.
What a match, I'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet. Imperfect boys with their perfect ploys, nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy.
Metalion x Ann-Marit // Apocalypse
You leapt from crumbling bridges, watching cityscapes turn to dust. Filming helicopters in the ocean from way above. Got the music in you, baby. Kisses on the foreheads of lovers, wrapped in your arms.
You've been hiding them in hollowed out pianos, left in the dark. Sharing all your secrets with each other since you were kids. Sleeping soundly with the locket that she gave you clutched in your fist.
Euronymous x Faust x Varg // I Love You Like An Alcoholic
Cast that first glance. Your smile, my veins at maximum capacity, blood pumping so fast. My girl, if looks gave heart attacks. Some handsome dark stranger, you were standing there on the corner.
Kissed that first night and then the rain opened up the sky. You had those compelling magnetized eyes you must've lost when you got older. You laughed, but seemed a little sad. One last kiss, I love you like an alcoholic.
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ineffable-bisexual · 1 year
Final episode of Season 3 will have the kiss that the husbands deserve, and all of Heaven, Hell, and humanity will witness it in some way.
Humans suddenly feel an overwhelming joyful love for everyone, their friends, enemies, and recent acquaintances. Nebulae are visible in the sky at very close distance to Earth, and flowers grow to gigantic sizes and in the most brilliant colors, but mostly yellow. The Bentley is playing Queen's "I Was Born to Love You" at an impossible volume.
The Archangels Michael and Uriel look disgusted, Metatron rolls his eyes before promptly being smited fired by God, and Saraqael is grinning like they just won a bet. Muriel and Jesus do a fist bump.
Dagon is visibly throwing up, Shax kills Eric (again), and Furfur is near tears (he had a wee crush, it's my hc lol). Hastur and Ligur come back from a long holiday after Ligur was brought back from destruction (he was I won't debate this I love my boy) and walk in looking like that Community meme and then immediately walking out (they don't know shit so why make it worse).
And then the camera zooms away from all the miracles happening to a shot inside of a house where Neil Gaiman is writing a new book. He pauses, looks out the window, and then looks at the camera like he's on The Office.
Camera zooms back to Crowley and Aziraphale and all they notice is the other. They're both trembling in their embrace from the rush of emotions they've been holding back all these millennia. They go in for another kiss and then
We're in Sussex, where Crowley is lounging in a hammock next to a big vegetable garden. He wakes up and goes into a cute cottage, goes into the den to find Aziraphale reading in his old brocade chair. He comes up behind him, leans down, and kisses his cheek. Aziraphale turns to him and they share a smile.
They're free to love, they're free to do what they wish, they're free to be completely honest with each other and themselves.
Aziraphale notices the lovely day outside. "Could we go for a drive?"
Crowley of course relents to those angel eyes and shrugs. "Sure...why not?"
Cut to the Bentley, black with a yellow roof and doors, playing "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy". Credits roll and the Good Omens Fandom collectively explodes, the end.
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starter-library · 11 months
Tumblr media
THE GUY WHO DIDN'T LIKE MUSICALS LYRIC STARTERS feel free to change phrasing/pronouns as you see fit
“Musicals tell the impossible (impossible) They evoke the philosophical”
“Should we kill him?”
“What an ass! What a bitch! What a cuck!”
“The apotheosis is upon us”
“Where the fuck is he?”
“You gotta believe in something, [name], you piece of shit”
“[Name] you piece of shit”
“Sometimes I just wanna shout on top of roof and mountain tops”
“Yesterday is retroactive Got myself a new perspective”
“What the fuck was that?”
“I may not have a home but that's way okay”
“The world is my house, The dogs are my food”
“Uh, what's going on here?! I'm very confused and concerned by all this”
“Do you wanna save the planet?”
“What do you want, [name]? Tell me what you desire to see”
“So, what do you want, Paul? What's that one concrete goal that motivates all your actions?”
“I don't know, I want what anyone wants? Money, a partner? Kids, someday, maybe?”
“A man so vague just can't be trusted”
“D'you know what I want for myself? I've waited for so long to tell somebody else.”
“You're my muse, my source of light”
“[name] my love. I want you to choke me out at night”
“I want you to choke me while I jerk off”
“I'm gonna go get some coffee, do you want anything?”
“Get your cup of roasted coffee”
“Get your cup of poisoned coffee”
“You better empty out all of them pockets but don't empty out all of them pockets”
“Check your mirror, you'll find hell has arrived”
“Do the things I say, I'm a cop”
“Put in your mouth and suck it!”
“Oh, [name], please stop! I'm your wife, just talk to me, baby!”
“God, we were young once. Innocent and fun once and free”
“You tied up my heart, You tied me down”
“Now break me open with your love and mercy”
“[name], baby! Apple of my eye! Don't you trust me?”
“I've effed up, [name], effed up with you”
“Will you ever forgive me? I'll crawl on my hands and knees”
“Oh fuck, I'm fading fast, I think you better come quick”
“I really don't wanna die alone in here. Time to say our goodbyes at the end of the road”
“This body's not gonna last, the air is cold and thick”
“You brought me back from the dead, [name]!”
“The time for chaos is long past overdue”
“Death isn't optional in fact it’s optimal”
“Join us and die”
“We're gonna kick your ass and then we're gonna Fucking kick your ass”
“I'm not your girl anymore”
“You left me out of your sight for one second and look what happens, nightmare time”
“No matter what you believe The apple's fallen far from the tree”
“It's not my fault anymore”
“Did you know that I wanted to live with you?
“Why does it hurt to love you? Why am I in pain?”
“If I turned my insides out, would you even know that I was there?”
“A show stoppin' number is something you die for”
“This song's pretty good, huh? I bet you didn't know I was also a composer”
“I've also been writing my own musical…Do you mind if I give you the pitch?”
“But those glory days, they're gone for good…Or are they?”
“Business calls, I'm up to my ass in shit. What is this business?”
“Last weekend feels like ages ago”
“I can't wait to get home to my boys”
“Come on, [name] We've got some catching up to do”
“There's only room for right and wrong”
“You can't run”
“You're staring down the gun 'Cause you're easily disposed”
“Did you hear the word?”
“Is your heart so damp and bleak that you won’t give us a peek of your soul?”
“There's a voice inside of you on the edge of coming through”
“Am I dead? I’m coming apart at the seams!”
“I’ve never been happy wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Is my integrity worth anything at all?”
“Am I crazy? Maybe I’ve always been”
“What if I told you I made it and this is the life that I chose?”
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Don't you want to see me happy? Is it so tragically wrong?”
“We must go on with the show it's inevitable”
“I found my calling you can do the same now”
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coffeecat1983 · 10 months
The Stars (Aren't the Same Without You) Mario movie AU (death warning)
A blackout had hit the city, leaving the once bright, vibrant buildings dark. It was late, nearly eleven at night and the streets were quiet in the Brooklyn neighborhood, most opting to stay in with the glow of flashlights, candles, and cellphone screens as long as they stayed charged up. At one building the rooftop door opened, and a lone figure walked out. His dark brown hair was lightly ruffled by the breeze as he put his hands in his pockets and stared up at the clear sky. With the city lights gone, the stars shone brightly along with the crescent moon, twinkling diamonds set in a cloak of the darkest blue. The sight matched the warm sweater Luigi was wearing, a gift from Mario. The stars on it had little eyes and they looked out on the world around them. Moving over to the bench he sat down, sighing as he swallowed hard. He had hoped coming up here wouldn't bring those old memories, but they burst into his mind in a violent flood of emotion…
"Aw the power's out!" eight-year-old Mario pouted, dropping his Nintendo controller. Luigi was behind him up on the bunk bed, clutching a pillow. A light bounced down the hall and their mother's voice reached them.
"Boys? Are you okay?" she pushed the door open, her concerned eyes immediately on her sons. "Yeah, but we can't play!" Mario said. "And it's so dark." Luigi whimpered.
Coming in, Marianna sat on the bed and put her arm around Luigi. Mario got up on her other side, still sulking and grumbling about 'nothing to do'. "Now c'mon, I know it's no fun being in the dark but there is something we can do." she said with a smile. "Get your coats and shoes on." More curious than confused, the bros did as she asked and followed her out of the apartment and up to the roof. Guiding them to the center, she kneeled. "Now, look up." Both did and were stunned. With the lights from the city gone, the stars stood out in the sky. "Wow…" Luigi breathed softly. "Whenever the lights go out and the weather's good, you can see the stars up here." she said. Marianna then began pointing out the big and little dippers and the north star. Luigi, still a little nervous from the blackout, held tightly to Mario's hand as they looked up. Feeling his twin's fingers around his own brought comfort and he relaxed, taking in the view. "Mario, how many stars are there?" he asked softly. "There's gotta be bajillions of em! Bet there's other worlds, too. And I wanna see em!" Luigi thought about it. "Can I come too, when you see em?" Mario laughed. "Yeah! You gotta come with!"
Another memory took over, squeezing the very breath from Luigi's lungs…
The buzz of the hospital was blocked by the heavy sliding glass doors in the ICU. Luigi sat by the bedside and watched Mario as he slept. His face was pale, his breathing labored.
There had been an accident at the wrecking site. They had been working up on the second floor, tearing out old, leaking plumbing when the water warped floor gave way. Luigi managed to jump and roll aside but Mario had been right in the center as it gave out. Heavy flooring, metal, and pipes crashed down on the older twin. They had managed to dig him out and he was rushed to the hospital, but doctors didn't have much hope. Mario stirred, weary blue eyes meeting Luigi's. Weak fingers tried to squeeze his little brother's hand as his eyes closed again. "Weege…"he mumbled, "I…I can see the stars." he breathed out, growing still.
Luigi wrapped his arms around himself, tears falling onto his sleeves as he cried. He didn't hear the rooftop door open and the footsteps until his mother was beside him, loving arms pulling him into a warm embrace. "I miss him, Ma. I miss him so much!" "I know, sweetheart," she said softly, "I do, too." He shuddered as he wept. "The stars aren't the same without him."
By "CC"
Inspired by this artwork, with warm thanks to @fungalfalls
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recapcrew · 1 year
New Life Recap Week One
Welcome one and all to the New Life Recap, a new series covering the new server from your favorite creators. This series functions as a sequel to Afterlife, and for those of you who need a refresher, here’s how it works:
Each person gets assigned a random origin to start with, a funky set of powers that can help, hinder, or otherwise change the Minecraft experience. When they die, their origin is rerolled to something new. They have 6 lives, and once all 6 are gone, that person’s out of the series.
Got it? Then let’s go!
And Owengejuicetv is here to start the series with a bang! Except not the fun kind.
Sparrow, Owen’s character, is a human who’s come to this strange land to study hybrids. The crash means he needs to get set up quickly before he can actually do any of that studying, but once the general tree punching is out of the way he ends up meeting a swarm of bees invested in the technical world. His first ever meeting with a hybrid! He documents the encounter/takes a selfie with her, and soon after encounters a teleporting guy via the man appearing in his face.
Said teleporting man is Dangthat’salongname, also known as Scott Smajor! Scott is a transporter, which means he's definitely thinking with portals, and can transport people wherever he likes. He doesn't only terrorize his neighbors, he is rather invested in making a house a home and he has the vegetable garden to show for it.
There’s plenty of the usual early Minecraft necessities from everyone; tree punching, stone mining, farm building, showing off your worldbending powers to your neighbors - the works.
With her origin being a swarm of bees collectively functioning as a single person, Geminitay’s powers of animal breeding and hovering might be less flashy, but they’re quite handy for setting up early farms to try out the new cooking mechanics. Cabbage rolls are definitely a staple.
Gem buzzes around and meets the neighbors, all the while getting various tech set up - including several xp farms! She takes an ill-fated trip into the nether, where her confidence soon outgrows her hearts and she dies in battle.
The Nether claims more lives than just hers! fWhip starts this series as a Roadrunner, capable of zooming all over the place - and we says “starts” because just like Gem, he makes the mistake of stepping into a Nether structure a bit too early, and-
He comes back as a Hare, trading out speed for jumping ability, which is perfect for building up to the roof of his starter house. It doesn’t reduce fall damage, but surely that won’t matter for a while-
Well. Two down already.
Fwhip is now a Trickster, able to change his size and teleport in a blink. It’s actually quite convenient for finishing his house, and its fancy gears.
That’s right, the origins aren’t the only twist this season - several people have already started digging into the Create mod and its steampunk potentials, with windmills and waterwheels popping up across the server. Place your bets now on who’ll build the first doomsday device (my money’s on Scott).
SolidarityGaming doesn’t need to build a doomsday device, though - he IS one! No really, Jimmy’s origin is Bad Guy, and he can summon a bomb primed to explode whenever he wants. He’s such a Bad Guy that he breaks his own waystone to his dream house, which does earn him the nickname Ken from the others, among other bits of teasing.
Bad Boys - er, Bad Guys also only eat meat, so Jimmy builds a barn that matches his house and chucks a couple of chickens inside for later. He sneaks over to Martyn’s place for some revenge pranking, and Bad Guys don’t watch their step.
Bad til the end.
A fan favorite returns to this server; fanart! They’ve brought back a plugin that allows them to make a painting out of just about any image, and many creators are already allocating space for contributions from the community.
In some cases, whether they’re wanted or not.
That image is courtesy of Katherine Elizabeth, who’s disappointed to be just a human for now, though that’s quickly wiped away by the joy of a modded world. She’s finding so many sticks and rocks; maybe that’s why she keeps making stone tools in sets of 4. And it’s not just the friendly mobs that are modded.
[KATHERINE] Uh, what is that? Is that a cobblestone creeper? Hello? …Maybe I shouldn’t mess with that today.
[NARRATOR] Her house is classically Katherine, a perfect fit no matter what origin she is or will be. Or what anyone thinks of her star windows.
[KATHERINE] Uh, wait what?
[PEARL] I knew this was your house, I could tell.
[SAUSAGE] Every single series, a star window!
[MARTYN] We could see this from hundreds of blocks away, stars. Stars, stars, stars, stars, stars!
[KATHERINE] Its on brand!
[NARRATOR] TheMythicalSausage is a ghast, if you couldn’t tell from that explosion, but he’s more into building than destroying so far. The difference between a starter home and a starter base is the machinery, and Sausage’s place is a base, complete with a little assistant!
[SAUSAGE] He’s come to life. 1, 2, 3! Hello! How you doing? This is my assistant everybody. Rusty, this is everybody, everybody, this is rusty. Say hello!
[NARRATOR] He gets the waystone set up and decorated so people can come visit, and get into shenanigans, as people on this server are wont to do.
The last visitor, Sparrow, has questions about powers, and Sausage has a working theory about how to acquire them.
[SAUSAGE] Either you die, or someone can kill you.
[NARRATOR] Powers are a mixed blessing, anyways - PearlescentMoon is excited for her first dive into modded Minecraft, and the Copper Golem origin gives her plenty to deal with right out the gate!
[PEARL] I have gotta get used to the fact that I cannot go in water!
[NARRATOR] While exploring, she finds a brave dog fighting off some skeletons, and gets it to come along; always nice to have a companion! The two of them spot a house on a hill, and inside is a bundle- and a terrifying monster that Pearl quickly runs away from before it can do worse than blind her. Nearby is Sausage’s house, and Pearl has her own thoughts on Rusty’s treatment.
[SAUSAGE] Rusty! You summoned a Pearlescentmoon! Hi! Are you my new worker?
[PEARL, LAUGHING] No, I’m not working for you, you can’t sucker me into that!
[NARRATOR] With Sausage’s help, she goes back and kills the illusion monster, and settles down in the plains she found earlier. A peaceful enough start.
Unlike Pearl, Martyn Inthelittlewood’s taking his Chillager origin as a challenge, testing his icy powers in quite the dangerous manner.
[MARTYN] Don’t be the first person to die on the whole server, you read for this? GO! Freeze mode!
[NARRATOR] He’s settled down in the snowy peaks of a mountain, but even an iceman isn’t safe against the geysers glitching and causing permanent levitation.
[MARTYN] Why am I still going up? When does it stop? It looks as though its infinite! Hello? How do I get back down to Earth?
[NARRATOR] At least it's cold up there!
He gets down with some help from Scott, and discovers some goat-themed creepers living in his mountain. Sounds like the perfect pets for a Chillager.
[MARTYN] I kinda wanna get nametags and name every single one of them Colin, so we can build… A colony!
[NARRATOR] Joey Graceffa has been a fairy before, but now he’s an EVIL fairy with shadow magic - more importantly, he’s got wings. To make the most of them, he needs rockets, and that means trading for resources with his best asset: wishes!
[JOEY] Stop it, ok, I will grant you any wish you could ever want for this 32 iron.
[GEM] Any wish?
[JOEY] I’m a fairy, that’s what I do.
[NARRATOR] Fwhip gives him gunpowder and wishes for iron, and so Joey gets the iron from Gem and gives her her own wish; like a wish-based pyramid scheme.
He also ropes Gem into helping him clear out a local mushroom piglin village for his new home, so perfect for a fairy!
[JOEY] Oh!
[NARRATOR] It was good while it lasted, we guess.
Maybe someone else can use Joey’s rockets now.
Smallishbeans is a hippogriff - sorry, a hippo CALLED Griff. And he can fly, as all hippos can. And also carry things like cows, and people.
Griff builds himself The Nest, which is not an actual nest, but is his house and has no roof and it’s called The Nest, so there. Also his waystone is Hippo Hooray.
[JOEL] I’ll leave some space now for you to laugh at that joke.
[NARRATOR] There’s another thing Griff can carry, if he can find it in the swamp - and he does! A red panda joins him, getting shown off to the neighbors before coming to rest in the Nest. Now it’s a home.
The week is not complete without mentioning SeaPeeKay, another human in the group and incredibly confused as to… everything.
He has some fun running about a village and trading with an oceanographer, before looting some ocean structures and finding a cache of axolotl floaties. He meets with Scott, who demonstrates his teleportation abilities - even if they weren’t supposed to go to the Uh-Oh room.
[SCOTT] This isn’t where it was meant to go, this is—oh, it does that sometimes, oh, sorry.
[SEAPEEKAY] Where am I?
[SCOTT] Its fine, don’t worry, just use the portal thing and go back to spawn.
[NARRATOR] While at spawn, an odd chest trades SeaPeeKay a bikini for one of his floaties.
From there it’s a whirlwind of faces; Fwhip, Joel, Sausage, and even Gem show off their powers to SeaPeeKay, who is starting to feel a bit envious of all these people. Maybe he’ll find that Sparrow guy and see if he knows anything about how to get powers of their own!
A quick note; if you think you’ve seen someone around that we haven’t mentioned, we’re trying to let people upload their first video before we introduce them - though that might be difficult for some, OLI.
[OLI] Wait, they’re not supposed to look at me!
[JIMMY] Sorry!
[OLI] Can’t look-- Don’t look at me!
And we’re gone! That wraps up the week here on New Life Recap! Thank you so much for watching, drop a like if you liked it, and subscribe if you want more. Check out the contributors in the description below, and we’ll see you all next week!
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whenredheadsfly-blog · 10 months
The Blanched Isle <<Original Short Story>>
Trigger warning:
Religious Abuse of Power
The church on the sunny isle teemed with jovial work. On top of a rolling green hill, it sat content to take in the azure ocean and sunny skies while overlooking the center of its bustling town. All around its clay walls was paradise. Waves lapped over coastlines made of sugar, which transitioned from fine beaches to tall, soft grass. Further up the path laid white stone roads. Tall palms swayed in the breeze lazily and upon them settled exotic birds of various colors who sang even lazier songs. Occasionally a few would flutter from their perch, soaring over the residents to land upon blanch buildings, and watched with interest as people scurried to and fro. There was a buzz of excitement in the air. Today was a very important day after all. Fine clothes, wine, valuables and heirlooms were collected by the mothers to be brought. Fathers worked tirelessly in the lush forests or against the gleaming sea to find food for the event, and daughters picked flowers jealously to line the tables. They had not been selected to be the maiden of honor for the evening, but there was a responsibility still to be had that was sweetened with the thought of conversing with one of the especially handsome church boys. The community came together to prepare with fondness and a sense of family. Only for one did the streets part. 
She had not been a particularly intimidating girl, only 11 years of age. There was no reason for the women to give a disapproving eye. Certainly, no sense at all for some of the more superstitious men in the village to sidestep her entirely. Maybe the local's deeply tanned skin did not quite match the warm tawny of her own, but she thought it was close enough. They were tall where she was short. Lithe where she was stocky. Nothing damning in her differences. However, it was said her mother came from the desert, far from the crashing waves and salt kissed breeze. An outsider who had escaped the honor of her duty, and fled from responsibility in some far off land. The only memory of her were her two children, which stayed under the care of the church. Those inside the church suggested it was the other half of her lineage that caused room for concern. Where most residents on the island boasted inky black hair and blue eyes, hers were both the color of liquid mercury. Liquid moon that curled down her spine in a place that was ordained by the sun, with lunar eyes to match. She and her brother were simply not normal.
It had been her place as an outsider in the village that led to Maria's diligence and quiet nature. It was easy to speak with a soft voice when one had so much practice not speaking at all. As long as she and her brother had always been a part of the church, she had been in service to it, and she was thankful for the opportunity to do so. They had been gracious enough to not cast her to the street, considering the scandal and disgrace of her mother fleeing the island. Even in paradise, life could be harsh if there was no roof to grace the top of one's head.  Slipping through the crowd silently, she provided a colorless contrast to the variety of silks that matched the hues of the exotic birds, flowers, and sweet smelling kegs that carried hints of the rum the island took particular pride in. Despite the celebration, this was simply her day to run errands. The quicker she managed them, the faster she could sneak away to the beach for a peaceful hour or two during all the excitement.
Two men leaned idly over the market stand, holding each other's boredom at bay with chit-chat and rumors. " You heard that the Baker's girl was chosen? I could have told you that. She's a real pretty one. It's a shame to see her go, but I bet the fishing this year is incredible" 
The other laughed and slapped his stomach jovially. " Ah, don' go actin’ as if you had any chance? A shame a lout like you'se got his head in the sand! Get real!”
“ Talin had eyes for me and you knew it. I just don’t see the point of picking someone like her to go marry a man down there. There are plenty of pretty little things on the island, but she’s as sweet as the cake her ma makes. Who knows-- maybe I’ll steal a final kiss, so she can think of me when she’s down there?”
“ Nothin’ like romancin a girl with fish, I hear. Bold young boy, ya ar’,Ahaha!”
Red colored the young man's cheeks, causing him to glance away from his associate in a soft grumble. He was met with a bright, cold gaze, causing him to jump behind the market stall. " Pit's teeth! What do you want? You can't go sneaking up on people like that!" Maria ducked expertly out of the way of a widely gesturing arm, well practiced from years of hard lessons. Most of the time it didn't hurt, but she hadn't been tempted to test every man's good will.
" I need two bags of the dried flowers please, and some pearls from the week before. Both crushed and whole. It's for Talin tonight. The father asked me to see if you would be willing to let someone come around and pay for it tomorrow morning." The smell of rum and fish wafted in her face as the merchant leaned down and narrowed his eyes at her warily. “ They are for her makeup, to enhance her natural beauty” she added innocently, hoping to win the man over with the third party.
 " How do I know you're not just trying to run off with this for yourself?" He stared her down sternly, but her impassive face and deafening silence won out. " Fine, but run straight back. I will be mentioning this tonight during the meal. You hear?" Proud of getting the last word, he turned to collect her goods before shoving them unceremoniously into her chest. " Now run off. "
While she scurried away, they watched her go. " I'm telling you something is wrong with her" The younger said to his friend in a huff. " Did you see the way she just stared at me? Creepy. Like she's got no soul in her eyes." 
The elder man shrugged, chuckling in turn. " Ah, she's just a weird little girl. Keeps up in that church and the father makes sure she don't bother no one. Certainly gave you a fright, though, my brave boyo. Haha, haha!"
Throughout the day, errands blurred by. A fine set of cloth that had been dyed a dark, rich red for the girl to be swathed in; a fine perfume that had been distilled with some sweet fruit, flowers, and rum as binding; and hair pins were purchased for styling during the final descent. After all, one had to look their best when they were marrying a god. 
It was early afternoon when she reached her final destination on the docks. Maria hesitated at the wooden edge and stared at a large, foreign ship that sat at the very end. Merchants had been hired to bring particularly valuable items from the mainland. One set of which was to be the crowning piece of the ensemble for Talin. A fine set of ruby earrings, placed in gold that draped just to the top of the throat by dainty chains. Maria had heard the father speak of them, and it was difficult even for her, who hoped for nothing fine in her life, not to feel a little envious of the shine they must have given in the candlelight. 
Even the ship was a sense of wonder and mystery. It was proof that there was actually a world behind the distant horizon. These men traveled far away from jovial work and odd stares. Where did they go? What was the strangest thing they had ever seen? Was it this island? Reality, however, always had a tendency to get the better of her when she fantasized. Dreaming had always been Adrian’s talent. Earrings were just earrings, and they would never be hers. A ship was a ship, and the man who appeared to command it was suspicious at best. His shifting eyes matched his nimble finger, idling twisting some kind of glimmering piece of coin. His matted brown hair rested over his face and reminded her of one of the goats that grazed in the back of the rolling hills. 
 With a sharp breath, she straightened her spine, moving both arms back to re-arrange her silver locks of hair like a mane over one shoulder.  Her purposeful steps clunked on the docks and shot small ripples of water from the soggy baseboards into the ocean. Maria's focus may have been palpable in the way it gathered his attention. She stifled the air in her lungs for a moment more of bravery, and opened her mouth to speak. He beat her to it. 
" Did the father send you to me? No surprise. A pretty thing for a pretty thing." He teased cheekily through yellowed teeth. His content nature and unique, free spirit caught her off guard. Even through his appearance was dirty, there was something good intentioned in his grin. It caused a rare smile from her. She scrunched her nose to stifle the small giggle that erupted from her.
" But sir, if that was the case, would you not be wearing them?"  Raucous laughter startled two sleeping seabirds into taking flight, and the slap he put on her back knocked her very nearly off of her feet. The man caught her balance and placed a small pouch in Maria's bag, shaking his head in amusement with the way she clutched it.
" Now be off with you. This ain't no place for some small thing like you." After a moment of collecting herself, her small feet slapped against the dock back to the sands with a new sense of happiness. 
By the time Maria traveled up the docks, taking a small pause for a moment or two for herself at the bleached shores, the sun had started to beat down furiously. Dutifully, she trudged up the green grass through white streets. Her arms stung with the effort of carrying the increasingly heavy bags up what she had sworn was a small hill back home.The church itself was always pristine, but today the mothers had seen to it that every corner had been polished. The main hall was set with new tables that had candles lit at sunset, a hallway of light to signify the sacrifice their gods made below. A calling to one of them that Talin was ready to be received by a husband. To the right, double doors were open wide to expel the heat of the kitchen. From inside, all sorts of spices mingled together to create wonderful smells. A promise that the feast tonight would be one to remember.
The main hall was simple but elegant. The floor was made of a smooth, red clay that baked the heat from the sunlight and kept warm during the evening hours. On either side were beautifully carved benches made from the light wood of the island, leading up to a magnificent altar. Three steps up was the father’s podium, of the same material. Behind him rested a table that had been built into the floor. Normally it would carry texts that might be used during a sermon in the week, but now it shone in immense light. Plates, cups, and various items of gold adorned its smooth surface in a swollen crown, reflecting motes of amber against the walls. Glass of various colors hung from fine threads attached to the rafters, and they too imprinted colors that moved as they span. A royal crimson shine crossed the back of Maria’s hand. The color looked fair on her skin, and she couldn’t help but think back to the earrings from the strange man. Surely too fine for her.
Temptation won out. With a soft thud, the bag was dropped on a bench. Her hand reached into it quickly, fishing out the small velvet pouch. Her eyes darted to the entryway nervously, ears straining for a sign of anyone that would catch her in the middle of such a disobedient task. Practiced hands made for nimble fingers, and her experience swiping the occasional chocolate from the lazy cook paid off in the form of gold. Trembling in anticipation, she pulled them out of the bag and quickly turned to the table, burdened with luxury. Amongst all the finery laid a filigree laced mirror. Carefully, she propped it up at an angle to inspect her features. In a place like this, it might have been easy enough to trick herself that she, too, could be beautiful. The soft shadows complimented the gold reflection on her face in a stunning fashion. Occasional refraction of different colors from the globes crossed her features. Reds and violets dyed her hair the color of those exotic birds, if only for a moment. Maria bit her lip and shakily raised the delicate chain next to the side of her throat. She dare not put them in. 
Stories that had been diligently hummed at this pew had never had much weight to her, and Maria had been a girl who had been more wary of the darkness below than awestruck. It had taken her chance of a normal life on the island, and it would take her brother too, she had thought. The earring looked beautiful, and more shockingly, it looked so against her. Would it be so bad to go and become the wife of a god? After all, her brother would be sent below once the bare beginnings of his guardianship revealed themselves. Perhaps she was never comely here, but their blood was that of below. If Adrian could fit in, surely she could too. 
“Maria?” The voice that resonated the room in warm, deep tones caused her to jump in shock, jerking the precious items away from her ears and whirling. Red stained her cheeks with the heat of embarrassment of being caught. Before her stood a man in clean, rich clay colored pants and a white top. Above it, he wore a long and beautiful coat that drug to the floor in an intricate pattern dyed various shades of deep violets and crimsons, eventually fading to black where the cloth drug to the ground.  He was tall and lithe, with black hair and slid down his neck in waves, with crystalline ocean eyes to match. They seldom missed a thing in the church. Younger than most fathers before him, Xerces stood before her. The mothers of the city had called him handsome, but Maria only knew him for his unique kindness. “ What are you doing in here?”  
Silence filled the room soon after, as she shifted from foot to foot. Behind her back, the earrings were held so tightly as if, if willed, they could disappear entirely. “ I was just coming back to deliver the things for Talin tonight. I wanted to see how things were coming along for the celebration before I take the goats out” 
“ Maria…” His voice sounded a mix of tired and amused. A tone she was all too familiar with. “ You don’t have to lie to me. They’re beautiful, are they not? May I see them?” Xerces approached calmly, the bottom of his shoes clicking softly against the clay. He held out his hand, quirking a patient brow down at her, while she hesitated. Maria peered up through her lashes in guilt, not wanting to meet his cool gaze. However, Xerces was renowned for his patience, and with little prodding the earrings were placed delicately in his palm. With a soft grunt, he crouched to meet her eyes. “ It’s okay. I understand. I know that things have been difficult for you since your brother, and you had to be separated. It’s only natural you would want to follow.” 
“ I miss him, Father.” 
“ Of course you do. I could only imagine. I appreciate you for being so strong” His other hand placed itself on her shoulder and gripped it. “ But your duty is also to these people. More importantly, to the church and me. You may never be called below. I just want what’s best for you.” His brow furrowed down in concern. “ Please take these to Talin right away. I will pretend I did not see this tonight. Do not let me catch you doing this again, do you understand?” Maria could not meet his eyes. In response, Xerces snorted softly, his hand moved to her shoulder to her chin and tilted it up to meet his renowned gaze.
Tension filled the air at his stern expression bearing down with her. He never raised his voice at her , but it had never been necessary. Everyone in the church knew the infamy of Xerces’ stare. He had been a man from the mainland of Orus, and had fought in what he called bureaucratic battles constantly as a teenager and young man. In opposite, most of the folk on the island themselves were simple and single-minded. The few who disputed with him when he had first arrived had quickly been put in their place by silver-tongued words and knife like logic.  She swallowed and shifted from foot to foot nervously. “ I understand” 
“ Good, run along then. When you’re done tending to the goats, I will ensure I have a hot plate of food for you. Thank you.” 
Concession always felt like defeat… Xerces may have been a young father, but he was wise and concise. After all, when he had moved from Orus he came with more wealth and splendor than the church had ever seen. Some whispers wondered if he was originally one of the guardians who had come to bless the people here for their diligence. Maria wasn’t sure if she believed that part, but his insight into the minds of his followers might have been considered godly. She could hardly deny that it felt like sooth-seeing herself. With watchful eyes, he noted her quick departure away from him before turning to prepare for the rest of the ritual tonight.
Entrance halls bathed in gold became warm, welcoming hallways dimly kissed in candlelight. The ethereal sense of it ruined by the stone in her stomach about being caught. She had a hard time believing there would be no punishment for this, even if it meant he would be keeping a watchful eye on her. Maria turned left in the fork in the halls by the painting of godly men arising from a black void, down to the guest quarters. She passed the art that lined the walls, sweet smells of incense, and the scattering of volunteers that buzzed in and out of the room at the end of the hall. They gave her odd looks as she passed, clutching the large rucksack, and dutifully marched forward. As a hand laid on the knob, Maria could hear the chattering of excited young women inside. 
“ Not there Mama, I want my hair a little taller. With a strand curling down my neck just so. Maybe I can drape the silk around my shoulders?” 
“ I think your hair looks better down, over your shoulders! It’s so long and beautiful.” Another voice pipped up, younger and more excitable.
“ No one asked you, Ri! You’re just a little girl, what could you possibly know about how a woman should look?!��� The first voice whined in return. “ Mama, she’s making fun of me!”
Summoning her courage, Maria swung open the door and bowed her head. The room was chaotic. A young woman of 19 was in the middle of shoving a much younger girl aside. Behind the two, a middle-aged woman fretted and fussed with the gorgeous ink locks of the maid. Talin had always been a beautiful girl. Tall and slender, with smooth skin darkened from the sun, only complimented by twin sapphire eyes. Many of the fishing boys gawked at her as she walked about the town to run errands for her family, and she had received attention from the men of the village as soon as she had come of age. It had been obvious that one day she would be picked to marry one of the guardians below. 
“ Uhm… Excuse me for interrupting. The Father sent me to deliver the rest of Talin's assemble tonight."  Maria mumbled, shuffling her feet towards one of the chairs to set down the final parts of Talin’s ensemble.
The woman in the back was first to act, peeling away from her two bickering daughters to hurriedly snatch the items out of Maria's hands. A moment of silence almost teased for a thank you between them, but she quickly turned away and moved back to her daughter. Expertly, she slapped Talin’s hand away from Ri and shuffled her younger daughter to the side.  Maria turned to the candles in the room and set to adjusting the light. There would be another volunteer coming back to do this soon. They would much rather have anyone else from the church to help, surely, but her mind was stuck back on those ruby earrings and how beautiful they had shone. If they were to be worn by a future goddess, it wouldn't hurt to get one final look. 
As if a comforted babe, Talin was soothed at the delivery of her dress. She babbled contently to herself, occasionally turning her head to ask her mother the odd question about what her new husband might be like. Her mother gushed rumors and stories about the guardians in turn. The excited squawking reminded her of parrots. While they spoke, the smell of sweet wine hung in the air. Maria closed her eyes and smiled for just a moment. They were not the same, but the sight of family made her heart ache for her brother. It was comforting to think that would some day be guarding her and the village as well. 
" Aya! Quit Lazing around and bring me the mirror!" Talin’s mother snapped as her daughter found a new part of her appearance to fret about.
The woman's sharp tone caused Maria to jump. Instinctively, she grasped a brass mirror on the wall and pulled it down carefully. The weight of it caused her to huff. Dutifully, she turned, but stopped back dead in her tracks. Before her, Talin had been transformed from a beautiful young girl to the most gracious woman she had ever seen. Her soft features became sharp, with thick black lines of charcoal over her eyes and darkened lashes. The drink had stained her lips an exquisite, flush color of crimson. Above all were the rubies. They hung down her long throat elegantly where the gems’ color reflected against her skin. Deep red, like exotic birds, flowers, and the wine in her cup. Shaking herself out of the stupor, Maria brought the mirror closer. 
" Oh wow… I hardly recognize myself. Mama, do you think this will be enough?"
“ You look more beautiful than anyone I’ve ever seen!” Maria couldn’t help blurting out behind the mirror, her small head peeking out from the huge sheet of brass. Talin tilted her head in surprise at the sudden response. Silence lingered in the room. It lasted long enough to leave the bitter sense of discomfort in the air, and to fill it Maria piped up again “Ah… I’m sorry for speaking out of turn. I wish you nothing but luck as the night goes on. “ 
“ Oh gods. If I’m beautiful, then why would I need luck? Mama. She’s mocking me like Riri! But worse!”  She stood in a huff and swatted her draping silks temperamentally away as if she was caught in spider webs. “  I don’t know who you think you are! I don’t need luck finding a husband. Not here, and especially not down there! Do you think you know better? Your mother couldn’t even stay with hers. What would your family know about anything! That’s why no one blessed you with color! With an enunciating downward jerk of her arms, the silk flared down around her sides. Ruby red mingled with gold and bronze reflections in the room. Her big blue eyes only became more clear with the water brimming in them. 
Sensing a temper tantrum, it was the mother who acted this time. She gingerly pushed her daughter into her chair and tipped the wine to her lips. “ Shh, Talin, we do not listen to the things in the dark” 
“ But I’m not from the dark! My brother was sent down as one of the guardians. We’re both from here!” Maria protested, feeling a bubble of frustration at the comment.
The acidic glare that she received for being impudent made her wince. As the woman approached, Maria hurriedly stepped back. A small hogshead of wine caught the back of her ankle, and she spilled onto her backside in a clumsy heap on the floor. Small trinkets scattered in disastrous singsong. Even the table she had reached out for wobbled but returning to its upright positioning. Instantaneously, the woman stood above, her calloused hand firmly grabbing Maria’s thin arm. Maria grimaced, expecting a hand across her cheek at the insult. 
“ I do not believe such things about you, silly girl, but you are scaring my Talin. So be off with you! Now.”
Peeling herself off the floor as with much grace as she could, Maria scrambled out of the doorway. She whirled about the corner and hurriedly made her way down the hall. Talin’s tantrum soon became a distant white noise as she approached the room of gates. Thankfully, it was quiet in this part of the church. Only priests would make their residence there, as they blessed the platform Talin would drop that very evening in sacred duty. The room itself was circular, half of it facing the church and the other half facing the hills behind. In the center was a massive trap door made of various sheets of wood, locked into place to keep the opening to the heavens safe. Above it hung a platform that resembled a bird’s cage at the top, with only two bars connecting it to the carved wood floor. It swayed to and fro from the ceiling by thick chains attached to a mechanism that would allow it to lower. The sides remained open, and in the forefront there was a small door to step out from. Sun filtered through stain glass windows that depicted women falling from the sky to an inky blackness below. From that dark color, hands reached out to catch their wives and keep them safe.
There was more decoration in the halls themselves, too. Here, the walls were adorned with fine oil paintings of impossibly handsome men and their partners. Her eyes slid side to side to take them in as she walked. They held the young women tight to their rippling bodies and kissed their necks and stomachs lovingly. Behind the pair, flourishes of crimson were used to depict passion. The women’s eyes were rolled back towards the heavens, not a thought of worry peering out from their empty expressions. The father suggested this was the look of great joy only an adult would understand. Looking upon them turned her fear into bitterness“ You don’t deserve a godly husband, I don’t care how beautiful you are.”  She grumbled. Surely the gods themselves would see Talin’s childishness and punish her for it. Perhaps they would even spit her back up to the surface in protest until they received a wiser wife! The thought made her smile, stepping out once more into the bright sunlight.
Goats on the island had a strange appearance about them. They were short and squat creatures, who moved lazily due to the fact that there were no natural predators to concern them here. Usually in speckled grays and browns, only sporting white on their long and matted fur at the very base of their legs on the hooves. A group of 10 stared up impatiently at their caretaker, a rope connecting all of them in a line. To the left, four more remained in their pen, Maria sighed softly as one stomped its hooves. “ I would not be too concerned of racing up the mountain, Sinead. You will not like where the road leads, I’m afraid.” Huffing, she collected a large weave basket with the tools she needed before grasping the rope and tugging the group along. “ Though Sinead I met a man today who looked just like you-- but unlike you, he was very kind. I think he may have been a pirate! Though… I’m not quite sure. I don’t think if pirates care very often if small things are on docks. What do you think?” Sinead’s stark bleat in response made Maria nod thoughtfully. “ I suppose you’re right. I will simply have to read another book on the matter to find out.”
On the back half of the island, the church was blessed with large, rolling pastures. The island didn’t have any noticeable outcropping or rocky coast. Thus, the hills were the tallest point, and one’s view could extend from here all the way down to the blanched, little village and sugar beach below. This was always one of her favorite chores. Knowing it would be sullied in a few hours, Maria took in the serene sight all the way out into the Horizon while the goats fed. Adrian and her had always spoken of what might have been beyond the sunset line. Far away countries with unimaginable cultures. She had even heard from the father that there was a substance that fell from the sky that was as pale as her hair! Perhaps even if it was never meant to be, Maria loved imagining what it might be like. On this little hill, she could escape her reality just a moment longer than usual. Xerces had only ever described it as cold and white, but that hardly left her any hints to imagine with. Was the texture grainy like sand, or was it as soft as cotton? Perhaps dense, like the white clay used to build homes here. If only she could reach out past that horizon…
Sinead’s impatient bleat shook Maria back to reality. What was a bright blue sky was now stained with golds and velvet crimson. She shot up in panic and jogged to the lead to pick it up off of the ground. Nervously, the goats shifted. They would normally be close to being back home at this time, and instead their slip of a caretaker led them in the opposite direction in her hurry. Through the tree line and all the way out to the other side of the island, where waves roared as they smashed into their beaches. This new territory boasted a sharp descent, where at the bottom there was a grate made of metal that seemed to fall into the earth. Before it was a small stone platform embraced by stairs that led all the way into the sand. There they were led and tied to a crooked tree. Sinead was taken off the rope and led up the stairs by Maria and her large basket. She seemed to settle him in before reaching inside for a small set of tools
Not a sound left his throat as Maria slit it. The goat’s eyes glazed over as he trembled his final life into the stones. The crimson liquid pooled at the base of the animal before draining down into the foul smelling grate. Maria crinkled her nose and frowned before turning to get another. One by one, she slaughtered the animals, hauling them over each other in a pile in the corner of the pedestal. Once the gruesome task was completed, she turned and pulled a lever to open the grate.The father had been clear about keeping it closed as long as possible. She pondered why that may be while shoving the bodies down to the chute and below. Maria furrowed her brows. They were going down to serve as the god’s feast to mirror the mortal realm, so what possible reason would there be for making sure the gate behind the church stayed shut?. Was it because this place made them sick? Could gods even get sick? It smelt way worse down there than it did up here. Something about it just didn’t make sense.
The hill fell silent from bells and bleats. Maria glanced at where Sinead once stood. The sun reflected off the fresh blood and gave it a gold sheen. Her own tawny hands were dripping it in, becoming sticky to the touch as it dried an ugly brown. She certainly hoped that she was not too late in her giving the gods their goats. The priests would have already been done with the butchering back home shortly after her departure. Dinner had likely been served at the church, and by the time she returned, Talin would have gone to the underworld. Maria had been tempted for a moment to hurry to see the finality of the festivities, but the idea of seeing someone so cruel be celebrated as she was made her chest tight. Instead, Maria took a leisurely stroll down the beach to wash off. This was a perfect time to go clean up, before the sharks started to hunt for the night. Besides, not a soul was on this side of the island during the celebration. Maria almost felt like she was the only person in the whole world. If only Adrian could be here to see the sunset here...
By the time Maria arrived at the church, the sun had long set, and stars had now taken up the sky. The moon was full tonight, and it made the walking path easy. At the hill above the white clay church, she could take in the people dancing by the windows. On further inspection, Talin’s mother wept with mixed emotions of pride and loss, all the while other women circled about her like hens.  She and her daughter Ri would stay here for the next few nights and allow the church to care for and bless them. It would be luck for Talin. Apparently the gods knew well that the mortal plane lost a beautiful light. The father had mentioned this was their way of offering condolences and thanks. 
It was her final responsibility to ensure the guest room was suitable for the two of them, and then Maria would be able to settle into her room for the night with hot goat stew and a book. Both beds were tidied up with fresh pillows and dried flower petals. They were delicate, soft things of ivory, accompanied by finer and much larger petals of crimson. The small love seat across the small room was given an additional bouquet of flowers, and a glass of wine was left by the footrest. Though her mother could not drink with her daughter on her wedding as per the island’s tradition, she could drink before resting for the evening to honor the occasion. Despite her bitterness for Talin, she was proud of the way she could take care of another family. Glancing over her work a final time, Maria nodded with satisfaction and made for the lonely corner of the church where the cellars used to be.
Morning here was always quiet, however today was especially so. Too much rum had filled many of the resident’s bellies-- and they would lay dead in their rooms for a few hours more before any real bustling came about. Maria crawled out of her bed, which had a modest wooden frame close to the red clay floor, and sucked in a breath of the damp air. The old cellar still was damp, and smelled of too ripe fruit and musk, but it had provided her a sanctuary of privacy away from the world of judgmental eyes and too many tasks. Even the father’s intentions, while kind and good, could be overbearing. She couldn’t help but wonder if he even knew as much. Perhaps it was why she was gifted this space away from everyone else. 
A bitter realization crossed Maria in a brief moment. Of course not. She was brought here to be kept away from others. It was his gift to the rest of the village. Only he would have to deal with her in great length then. A sacrifice for the community. 
Chest bound in knots, she walked out of the room to deal with the rest of the spoiled morning. Why did she always have to ruin things for herself? Normally not having to deal with the others was a blessing, and now another tremendous sense of loneliness crashed over her. Why did Adrian have to go? Even if he was a god, and what a silly thought of him being so, why did they take him so much sooner than all the others? As she walked past the room of gates, her eyes shifted to the side. Was he really going down there some day?
Her enormous silver eyes peered with shock at another girl standing in the room. She stood at one of its edges, faced away from Maria, to inspect the stained-glass. Her hands linked themselves behind her back as she swayed softly. It was Ri. It stood to reason she wouldn’t be sick like the adults, and it was common to have families visit where they had dropped their relatives the night before. Her trembling shoulders were terribly common, too. Maria shifted on her weight and glanced between the empty hall and the room once more. There was no reason to believe that Ri would have wanted her there. Surely she came here to be alone… 
With a heavy sigh, the strange girl stepped inside the room and walked the perimeter of the trap door. Her quiet steps were completely lost on Ri, who jumped as a delicate hand touched her shoulder. Expecting a harsh reaction, Maria jerked back. “ I’m so sorry to bother you. I just… I wanted to…” She trailed off, staring into the vast ocean of the other girl’s eyes. They had to be close to the same age. Even if it was for a good reason, it was terrible to lose one’s sibling. She had to be so lonely. The same loneliness that ate her own stomach away. With new-found resolve, she straightened and offered a soft smile. “ I know you must have come here to visit your sister. It’s the church’s duty to comfort you during these times.” 
“ Why would I need comfort, my sister is married to a god?” 
Almost as sharp as Talin’s, but not nearly as convincing. The glassiness in her eyes, however, offered more of the truth. It made the color in them shift like the tides. Maria couldn’t help the determination to see this girl smile. Is this what the father liked about his responsibilities? What would he do in this situation? “ It is… True, that passing the gate is a great honor, but you can still miss your sister. It’s normal because you love her. Even if you want what’s best for her!” Ri hesitated. She seemed to ponder if she wanted to be comforted at all, but eventually nodded slowly in response. “ I do miss her terribly already. I… Hope that her husband is so kind, and he better be the most handsome man in the world for her to leave us! Or else!” The two girls couldn’t help themselves, and shared a giggle at the declaration of war. “ Do… do you know anything about down there?”
“ I suppose not, but I know there will be at least one very kind boy. My brother is being sent down to live there. So if Talin meets him, I know she will have a friend at the very least. I would be willing to wager she is already quite popular there. I bet they eat up everything about her!” Maria felt guilty for lying. She had quite hoped Talin would be back by now for her bratty nature. “ So you don’t have to worry about a thing, okay?” 
Wiping her eyes and tucking her hair behind her ears, Ri slowly smiled. Maria could not help doing so in turn at her small victory. She would tell the father all about this when everyone was gone. “ Maria…”  Her own name in such a kind tone was sweet to hear. “Do you want to play? I don’t think I have quite the stomach to eat yet. I want to imagine all about what Talin is doing down there. Not only that, but I know I can’t visit her unless I am picked too, but we… We could at least pretend, right?” 
So they played. 
The girls imagined all kinds of scenarios together of the world below, taking turns imagining up their own little fantasy with one another. The two speculated that below the caves there must have been an entirely new world, with golden clouds and skies that were constantly stained the crimson and violets of a sunset. They ran back and forth to chase silken rabbits that the gods kept as their pets, and over endless fields of tall grass. It was Ri who ran to the top of the mountain and stood tall, looking down at her new friend. She glanced up at the rope that held the platform and leaped to grasp it. Maria gasped in horror. “ Ri you can’t stand there-- it’s too fragil--!”
Her voice was drowned out by Ri’s feet slapping against the wood for only a brief moment. The hollow noise around the room, followed by a scream that lasted far too long and a sickening crack. Where the young girl had stood now only had a large hole where her body had fallen through. Half of the circular structure groaned before falling apart and clattering against hard stone. Maria ran to the side of the void, falling on knees and shaking hands. Her eyes flickered quickly across the dark cave. Where was she?“ Ri?! RI!?” Seconds of waiting felt like eternity, but the fates were kind, and she was answered in kind by whimpering and soft sobs. Next to part of the broken door, a small figure was curled into a tight ball. There didn’t appear to be any blood, but the foot on the right seemed to be twisted unnaturally. It bent backwards at an odd, gruesome angle. “ Ri, I can see you. Please just hold on. I’m going to get the father right now!” 
“ What are you? You’re too young to be dropped yet…” 
Maria stopped mid-turn to stand. Her head shifted back to the darkness, where a third voice emerged. Her eyes strained to spot anything in the inky black, her fingernails digging into the shattered wood in anticipation of approaching footsteps. She waited on bated breath. 
Two eyes reflected in the darkness.
Then he stepped into the light. He was an impossibly handsome man, tall and lean. His hair auburn, curly, and fell just above his shoulders. Parts of it near the bottom seemed to stick to his alabaster skin. Something else seemed to be dangling right above his neck, glimmering gently in the newfound light. The stranger seemed to only just flinch at the brightness himself that came from the open gate before continuing to step forward. Maria gasped softly as he approached Ri, crouching down to inspect her. His long fingers brushed a stray tear away from her cheek. “ Oh, poor thing. You fell, didn’t you? What an unfortunate series of events for you. I suppose it’s all the best. I was so carried away with the first one…” His voice trailed off as curiosity crossed his expression. It quickly turned to recognition when his verdant eyes moved to meet Maria’s. He smiled. “ Oh, but your friend is here. Is that the church above us? How lucky for you, little Ri. She might lower the platform for me, so I can get you out. “
She felt frozen in time, staring back. This man really had to be a god. No one on the little island looked like him, and she could hardly imagine anyone in the world beyond to be as beautiful either. What would she even refer to him as? Why didn’t he look human? Why was his smile so sharp? 
“ Y…yes sir. Please give me a moment and I’ll pull the platform down. Thanks to the god…oop. Thank you… Uhm… for coming” Her cheeks flushed deep crimson as she stood and moved to the other side of the trap door. The position was precarious, now requiring her to lean over an open space to untie the platform. Maria fumbled with the ropes and tugged the structure free. The momentum almost caused her to spill into the dark pit herself, causing Maria to yelp and jump back. 
“Are you alright up there little one?”
“ Yes sir! I am opening the latch and lowering it down now. Erm… One more moment, please.”
Maria hurried about to the other side of the trap door and grasped one of the handles while the man below chuckled. Her fingers felt slick against the wood from the sweat, and her beanpole arms strained against the heavy wood of the gate. With a synchronized groan between her and the tracks, the rest of the hole to the netherworld opened, it's a wide maw pouring light into the cave below and illuminating the space in daylight. Maria stood proudly and moved to the lever at the side, glancing down to call down to the man. The platform started to hiss and moan as the chain unraveled from its base. It had always moved in a painfully slow pace. Father had mentioned this was to keep anyone descending safe from falling out from the jostling. At the very least, it gave Maria a clear view below for a minute or so more. In this light, his sharp features and teeth gleamed brilliantly of pearl, glinting in sharp points that didn’t befit the standard man. Across his neck and bare chest ran long, faint, marks that were light pink and slightly raised. As if something had scratched him wildly a few hours prior.
Along with a set of crimson ruby earrings, hung delicately from little gold chains. 
The darkness in the pit crawled towards her feet, wrapping itself delicately around her ankles. The shadows of dread curled about her calves, thighs, hips, and chest. Its tendrils embraced her throat and made it difficult to breathe. Before the sensation consumed her entirely, Maria tugged back on the lever. Equally unhappy to stop as it did start, the platform groaned and swung slowly in the center of the drop. At this perspective, the hole had to have been the depth of three churches. The gate. The goats. The stench. Her eyes shifted once more to the stained-glass on the wall, hands reaching to the heavens to catch falling maidens. No. To take them? What was the man before her? “ … Sir… You mentioned someone falling in earlier. She was supposed to go to the heavens and marry someone. I noticed…you’re wearing her earrings…”
“ Oh… I am, aren’t I? She gave them to me as a gift, you see. Are you having a hard time moving the platform down?”
“ I think it’s stuck. It would make sense. We do try to send down pretty things. She seemed rather attached to them. Does that mean you are her new husband?” 
“Is that so…?” The man tilted his eyes this way and that while he inspected her up above. In the light, his pupils dilated like a cat’s. He was getting used to the light. “ Yes. That’s right. I’m her new husband. She insisted I keep them while I find some things for her new home.”
“And the scratches?”
“Heh… An accident, I suppose. How can I help you get that platform fixed? You seem so nervous. I don’t want you to have an accident yourself, you know.” 
Maria stared long and hard down below. She had barely worked up the nerve to glance occasionally in his direction to watch, but there was no denying it now. Every little movement she made he watched. His eyes flickered to and fro at the slightest of movements. His throat moved from swallowing in excitement. Perhaps she was young and naive, but he reminded her more of a hungry dog than what she imagined a god to be. Her fingertips felt cold from the fight of her intuition battling the lessons the church had beat into her head. Something was wrong. There was one way to prove it. Mustering the rest of her bravery, Maria stepped away from the lever and met his eyes boldly with her own. “What is her name?”
“What?” He scoffed, a look of annoyance crossing his face.
“ Your wife. What is her name?” 
“Ah…Heh…” He shifted momentarily on his weight, standing over the shaking Ri. His eyes flittered down to her as he tried to think. “ I think your little friend is going into the shivers, little one.”
Her voice faltered in the beginning, but regardless, she took a deep breath and repeated herself. “ What was her name?”
Hissing softly under his breath, he crouched down to look at Ri again. He seemed to ponder for a few moments to himself, scratching his head and sighing deeply. “ It would have been easier for me if you had lowered it first … It’s not my fault that I was so excited, huh? You would really deny me a taste of a whole island? What a rude little brat.” Swiftly, he leapt, his body bounding half the distance between the bottom of the cave and the gate in an instant. Maria squealed in shock and pulled the lever up to raise the platform. It may have only raised a foot, but it was a welcome one when his fingertips grazed the bottom of the edge. A roar of anger shot out of his throat, and she fell to a heap on her knees in fear. Whatever that thing was, it was no god at all. It was some kind of beast. A monster! 
Dust kicked up where he landed on the ground. The man stood to his impressive height and grabbed his hair, pulling it back childishly while glaring up at her. He snarled his frustrations low in his throat, resounding off the walls of the cavern. “Fine! Fine! I thought brats were supposed to be stupid. So I won’t get to have my fun up there. I’ll just be…” He glanced over Maria’s scared face and then back down to the small thing curled up by his feet. “ …Thankful I suppose. For what you’ve given me. You know, in a way, I should be thankful of you in particular, brat. You’ve given me a second offering after all…” 
“W… What do you mean?! D… Don’t touch her! Give her back!”
“ I’m afraid, unless you want to lower that platform, that you won’t have much say in the matter. All this agitation has me hungry again, you see.” He bent over and grasped Ri by her good leg, half turning to leave. The jerking motion on the ground caused her to cry out in pain, reaching a small hand up to the surface. Maria cried out in turn and reached out to her too, grasping childishly at the air. “ Please don’t take her! You already had Talin. It’s not fair! Please!”
He paused for only a moment to wait for action, but despite herself, Maria knew the platform could not move. She knew that he would not be good to his word. That he wanted to come up to the surface for the same reason a wolf may enjoy the paradise that the island had to offer. It was all to feast. Shadows of dread forced themselves down her throat. The inaction said enough, and it only took a moment for him to turn once more. The two disappeared into the black. Fear expanded in her chest and turned to helplessness in an eruption of emotion, and when it became too much to bear, she screamed. It was fire in her lungs. It burned. The heat ricocheted in her rib cage, exploding up into her mouth, and threatened to consume her whole. Rolling sobs raced out of her body, forcing Maria to slump down onto her stomach and weep, body shaking from the emotions in the aftermath. 
It was the father who came to the scene first, rushing to the room. He had held her, shielding her from the view of curious priests, who were eventually turned away with great convincing. Their heads had at first been bobbing into the room of gates with disturbed horror at what they heard. Xerces’ sharp words and hard stares kept the world private, however, for a little while longer without much more prodding. She sobbed into his arms and provided context as best as she could, having to pause and struggle out words that felt like they might just make her choke entirely. Patiently, he endured the broken story. 
The rest of the day was dedicated to ensure the room of gates was closed, crates and boards blocking the entry to the open hole. Maria had been sent to her room during the work, but she could not help peering out of the doorway to watch the men work with an empty feeling in her stomach. Xerces’ final words that morning rang in her head again and again, a response after she explained the monster that had appeared before her. The one who took Ri, the one who ate Talin.
“ Sometimes, Maria, the most beautiful things are horrible too. I know this isn’t what you expected to see. I wanted to shield you all from it. It does not change who and what they are, and what must be given. I know in time you will come to find this as a blessing. But for now-- the girl’s mother simply needs to know Ri was chosen, too. This will be our little secret. Okay?”
Shaking the words out of her head, Maria stepped inside of her room and shut the door. Though Xerces was wise and a convincing man, she could not take his words to heart. There was nothing about what that thing did that was a blessing. She refused to believe that was what Adrian could become. She was overcome with frustration that there wasn’t anything she could do. Not a soul in the village would believe her over the father, not even the girl’s mother. One day she would find Adrian, and she would leave this awful place, away from monsters and gods. The cool and dark environment used to be comfortable, but now all she could think to was that endless black. Just in the corners of her imagination, she could see Ri being pulled out of sight by a man with earrings that glinted in the darkness.
They were the color of blood. 
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Photoshoot Fantasies - Fred Weasley
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Title: Photoshoot Fantasies Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader Warnings: NSFW!!! Dom!Fred, daddy kink, spanking, masturbation (male and female) oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, choking, begging, dirty talk Summary: Fred doesn’t like it when his girlfriend gets naughty without his permission A/N: this is….pure filth. For the anon who wanted some smut with dom!fred. this is literally like 3% plot and 97% smut lmao so I hope you enjoy!! Requests are open and feedback is always welcomed!!
“Oi, lover boy! You’ve got a letter from your girlfriend,” George calls teasingly from the kitchen.
Fred groans as he rolls over in bed, his hands coming up to rub the last bits of sleep from his eyes. He squints as he opens his eyes, due to the bright streaks of sunlight coming in from the break in his curtains. Fred takes a moment to mentally prepare himself for the day before he heaves himself out of bed, and shuffles into the kitchen.
“Good morning dear brother of mine,” George greets far too cheerily for the early hour.
Fred grunts in response and takes a seat across from George, waving his wand so a cup of coffee lands in front of him. He usually isn’t one to need caffeine in the morning, his own natural energy is usually enough to clear the sleep induced fog from his head, but he’s been having trouble sleeping lately since Y/N hasn’t been by his side.
After graduation, Y/N landed her dream job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry. Fred had been so proud of her, and he loved how excited she was each night as she told him about her day over dinner. Unfortunately, her job had one huge drawback: traveling. Every so often Y/N would travel to different parts of the UK and Europe to get updates on the population of certain magical creatures or to help develop and implement conservation plans. A week ago, she left for her longest trip yet, an entire month, and Fred hasn’t been able to sleep well since.
“Where’s this letter then?” Fred asks after he has a few sips of coffee. He can feel the caffeine working its’ magic, and his brain is finally clear enough to string a sentence together.
George rolls his eyes and tosses a thick envelope at Fred. “You two are sickening, you know that? I think she wrote you a bloody novel about how much she loves you and misses you,” George says, pretending to throw up.
Fred flips George off, trying to contain the blush forming on his face. “Don’t act like you didn’t stand in the doorway for 15 minutes last night kissing Angelina goodbye, git.” Fred can feel George’s eyes on him as he fiddles with the envelope. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he bites.
“Someone is feeling feisty,” George retorts with a laugh. “Come on then, open the damn letter. Let’s see how long it takes her to start waxing poetically about your eyes.”
Fred glares at George as his fingers quickly rip open the envelope. Normally he would wait for George to go and busy himself with something else or he’d retreat to his room so he could bask in Y/N’s words by himself, but it’s been far too long since he’s seen her and Fred thinks he might explode if he waits any longer to read her letter. “Oh,” he says softly in surprise, when he only pulls out one piece of parchment. The envelope hadn’t been bulky from the lovely letter she wrote him, but the half a dozen photographs she had included. His eyes scan over the short note, a small smile appearing on his face.
To my dearest Freddie Eddie Spaghetti,
Things are going well up in Scotland, Niffler birth rates are through the roof thanks to the plan we implemented last year. We’ve spent the last few days prepping a large cohort of them to send off to Egypt to assist the rune breakers Gringotts has out there. I’ll be off to France in a day or so to check up on some of the Thestrals we brought to a conservatory outside of Nice a few months ago, hopefully they’ve acclimated well.
I’ve been missing you like crazy, Freddie. You’re all I seem to think about these days, it’s been quite hard to focus on my work. I don’t know how I’m going to manage going three more weeks without seeing your face or being held in your arms. You better rest up, because you won’t be getting any sleep for days once I’m finally back home with you.
I’ve included a few photos that will hopefully keep you company while I’m still away.
Love you lots and lots and lots, Y/N
“That’s it? One stinky piece of parchment?” George asks, clearly annoyed. “There’s my day, ruined. Thought I’d get a nice laugh at least since you’ve been so miserable. What else is in the envelope then?”
Fred’s eyes are still scanning the letter, trying to commit the words to memory and he absentmindedly grabs the stack of photos to show George. “She sent photos,” he responds, finally putting the letter to the side. “Probably of all the baby Nifflers,” he adds with a chuckle.
“Let me see, then,” George says excitedly, reaching his hand out. “Remember when she sent those photos of the baby dragons dressed up in onesies? That was jokes. Bet she put hats on them this time.”
As Fred goes to hand George the stack of photos he gets a glimpse of the one on top. His eyes widen and he quickly pulls his arm back, cradling the photos against his chest. “Nope, sorry. You can’t see them.”
“What? Why not?” George watches as Fred starts to fidget in his seat and a red flush starts to take over his face. “Oh my god!” he says suddenly with a laugh, realization hitting him. “She sent you nudes! What a little minx. You two are far more disgusting than I ever could have imagined.”
Fred clears his throat, choosing to ignore George. “Well I’m going to go back to my room and uh, respond to this letter. See you later.” Fred tries to act as normal as possible as he heads back to his room, desperately trying to ignore George’s cackling. He breathes a sigh of relief as he shuts his door behind him, leaning on it for a moment.
Fred rids himself of his T-shirt and climbs back onto his bed in nothing but his boxers. This isn’t how he planned on spending his morning, but Fred is more than happy to change his plans. He sits up in bed, his back pressed up against his cold wall and his legs splayed out. While Fred would consider himself adventurous in the bedroom, this is the first time Y/N has ever done anything like this, and he can feel himself getting aroused already.
“Merlin,” he groans as he allows himself to look at the first photo. Y/N is laying in the middle of a bed wearing nothing but a lacy red bra and the matching pair of panties, a set Fred is all too familiar with.  Her whole face isn’t visible, just her mouth, and as the photo moves her tongue comes out to lick her bottom lip and her hand lightly trails down her torso to her thigh.
He balances the stack of photos on his lap for a moment, his right hand pushing his boxers down to his thighs. Fred had planned on drawing out the experience, but he’s already rock hard from the first photo. He throws the first photo on the bed beside him as he wraps his hand around himself, and he picks the stack back up.
Fred starts to slowly stroke himself as his eyes rake over the next photograph, his mouth running dry. Y/N is laying in the same position as before, but the bra she was wearing in the first photo has been discarded, and as the photo moves her hands massage her breasts and she bites her lip.
“Oh fuck,” he moans, as he moves onto the next photo. Y/N is now completely naked, and as the photo moves one of her hands trails down her front from her breast to her core while her other hand pinches and toys with one of her nipples.
Fred starts to stroke himself faster and is unable to contain the grunts that fall from his mouth as he moves to the next photo. His thumb rubs the sensitive tip of his cock, spreading around the precum that has started to accumulate, helping his hand glide easier as he strokes. In the next photo, Y/N’s mouth is open, and Fred is sure a breathy moan is leaving her lips, as the movement of the photo shows Y/N starting to slowly rub her clit as her other hand fists in the sheets underneath her.
“Oh, fucking shit,” Fred groans as he looks at the second to last photo, his hand stilling on his cock to stop himself from finishing just yet. Y/N’s feet are now flat against the bed, her knees bent and open wide. As the photo moves Fred can clearly see Y/N sink two fingers into herself as her thumb rubs at her clit. Her other hand tugs at the sheets and her bottom lip is caught between her teeth, a telltale sign that she’s on the brink of her release.
Fred starts to stroke himself again as he reveals the last photo, his orgasm quickly approaching. Y/N’s entire body is flushed red and as the photo moves her back arches, her toes curl, and her whole body trembles as she reaches her orgasm.
Fred’s thumb teases the sensitive head of his cock as his eyes wander over all of the photos. He focuses on the last one, and as Y/N once again reaches her climax Fred does as well. His head tips back and he lets out a low moan as he releases all over his stomach, his cock twitching in his hand. Fred continues to lightly stroke himself as he comes down from his high, his breath coming out in hard pants.
When he gets to be too sensitive he releases himself, letting his cock lay against his stomach. He reaches for his wand so he can clean himself off with a simple spell. But an even better idea pops into his head.
“Accio, camera,” he casts, watching as the top drawer of their dresser opens and his camera starts to fly over to him. He grips the camera and points it at himself, so his body from his torso to the tops of his thighs are in shot. Fred makes sure that his limp cock and the come on his stomach is the center of the photo, and once he’s pleased with the shot he clicks the shutter button.
Fred places the camera on his bed as the photo prints and develops, grabbing his wand and cleaning himself off with a spell. He pulls his boxers back up and gets out of bed, rummaging around for some parchment and a quill. Once he finds what he needs he writes out a quick letter to Y/N.
To my dearest Y/N,
I’m glad to hear everything is going well with work. I’m so proud of you and the things you do. Things at the shop are going well, the new range of whiz-bangs sold out in just a few days. I’m missing you like mad, I can’t wait for you to get home.
Those photos you sent me were very naughty. How dare you pleasure yourself like that without Daddy’s permission. I think Daddy’s going to have to punish you when he finally gets his hands on you. 10 spanks sounds fair, doesn’t it princess? I think you deserve it, after the mess you caused Daddy to make all over himself.
Love you lots and lots and lots and lots, Freddie Eddie Spaghetti
Fred grabs the now developed photo from his bed as he reads over the letter, a satisfied smile on his face. He folds up the letter and tucks it into an envelope along with the photo before he seals it and addresses it to Y/N. As he goes to leave his room he spots a piece of folded up parchment on his floor and he grabs it, opening it up as he heads towards the window in the kitchen.
I’m going to Angelina’s. Use a silencing charm next time you perv.
Fred laughs at George’s note as he sends their owl away with his letter, already thinking about taking advantage of his brother’s absence.
“Someone is in a good mood this morning,” George muses as Fred saunters down into the shop just before opening.
Fred adjusts his tie as he joins his brother at the till, a huge smile on his face. Just like last week, a letter had arrived from Y/N this morning with another filthy set of photos. This time she was in a lingerie set that Fred didn’t recognize, and she brought herself to her climax using one of the toys Fred had purchased for her as a Valentine’s Day present earlier in the year. Fred had just enough time to bring himself to his own orgasm and write her back before he had to get dressed and head down to work.
“And why wouldn’t I be?” Fred asks as he unlocks the door and turns the open sign on with a wave of his wand. “The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. It’s a beautiful day, Georgie.”
George looks Fred over before he scrunches his face up in disgust. “Y/N sent you another letter today didn’t she?” When Fred sends George a wink he gags. “Bloody disgusting. I hope you washed your hands.”
“And why would Fred need to be washing his hands?” Verity asks as she comes back from the storeroom with some more love potions to be stocked.
Fred’s face flushes red as George start to laugh. “No reason in particular,” he stutters out. Fred turns to George and glares at him. “You’re such an arse.” Fred moves to hit George upside the head, but he ducks his brother’s advance and heads over to help the two customers that have just walked in the door.
“You lot don’t pay me enough to deal with this,” Verity says as she chuckles and shakes her head.
Fred sighs to himself as he sits up in bed, his eyes scanning over some of his notes. He and George are in the early days of developing some new products, and he’s working out some of the initial bugs before they start production next week. At least that’s what he’s supposed to be doing, but his mind is definitely elsewhere. Y/N’s third letter had arrived a few days ago, and he can’t help but let his mind wander to the new photoset sitting in his bedside drawer. It seems that his threats of punishment have fallen on deaf ears, because the photos Y/N has sent have been dirtier each time, and he can’t help but imagine what will be waiting for him in the envelope when her final letter arrives in a few days.
“What do you want?” Fred asks dully when there’s a knock at his door, not bothering to look up at George.
“That’s an awfully rude way to greet your girlfriend after you haven’t seen her for nearly a month,” Y/N says, the smile evident in her voice.
Fred’s head snaps up immediately, a smile taking over his face. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” He immediately climbs off the bed and heads over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/N drops her bag on the ground and wraps her arms around Fred’s neck, pulling him down so she can kiss him sweetly. “We finished everything up a few days early. Figured I’d come home and surprise you.”
Fred presses their lips together again hotly, his hands moving down to Y/N’s thighs. He lifts her up, his hands gripping her tightly and moves her over to the bed. “God I missed you,” he murmurs into their kiss, before he tosses her onto the bed.
“Couldn’t have missed me too much, not with all the photos I sent you,” Y/N giggles as she lays back on the bed.
Fred’s eyes darken and he can’t help but let out a groan as he thinks about those pictures. He can feel himself start to get aroused, and he grabs his wand, waving it so that his door slams shut, and locks and a silencing charm falls around his room.
“Such a naughty girl you were, Y/N. Taking those photos without Daddy’s permission,” he scolds, his voice low and rough.
Y/N squirms on the bed, looking up at Fred as innocent as possible. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I just wanted to make you feel good while I was gone,” she explains sweetly. “And clearly it worked, that photo you sent me made me so wet, Daddy.”
Fred bites his lip as he watches her squirm on the bed, taking pride in the fact that he can see a blush forming on her cheeks. “Oh, you made Daddy feel very good, princess. But you were still being a little brat. And you know what happens to brats? Don’t you?”
Y/N can feel herself getting wet as arousal starts to build in her stomach. She’s been waiting for this moment since Fred mentioned spanking her in his first letter. “They get punished,” she responds airily, fists clenching to keep from touching herself.
“That’s right princess, they get punished.” Fred pauses, letting his eyes roam up and down Y/N’s body. “Daddy think 30 swats is good, 15 on each cheek. Don’t you think, princess?” Fred smirks when Y/N lets out a whine as she nods wildly. “What should I use, hm? My hand? Or should I get the paddle?”
“Your hand, please,” Y/N begs. As much as she loves the paddle, she craves the feeling of Fred’s hand on her ass.
Fred smirks down at her. “Normally brats don’t get what they want. But you asked so nicely, princess.” Fred tears his gaze away from Y/N and takes seat on the end of their bed. “Get naked for Daddy and come stand in front of me.”
Y/N immediately gets off of the bed and rids herself of all of her clothing. Normally when they play this game she loves to drag it out and tease Fred endlessly. But she’s been on the edge for nearly 4 weeks and Fred has already been preparing to punish her, and she doesn’t want to find out what he’ll do if she’s even more naughty now that they’re finally back together. Y/N comes to stand in front of Fred, feeling shy under his intense gaze.
“God you are so gorgeous, princess,” Fred compliments, his hand reaching out to lightly grip her hip. He rubs circles into the bare skin, reassuring her. “Come on then. Get in Daddy’s lap.” Fred helps Y/N get situated across his lap, laying on her front. “Such a good girl,” he whispers, letting his hand run down her back, over her bum and to her thigh. “Do you have anything to say to Daddy? Before he gives you your punishment,” he drawls, his hand pushing in between her legs to rub at her wet folds.
Y/N gasps at his touch, her eyes falling closed. “I’m sorry for being a naughty girl, Daddy,” she moans out as Fred rubs her clit ever so slightly.
“Thank you princess,” he says softly, removing his hand from her core. He places it on her bum instead, lightly massaging one of her cheeks. “Daddy’s not mad at you, princess. But you still have to be punished, do you understand?” When Y/N nods he smiles. “Good girl. I want you to count for me, okay?”
“Yes Daddy,” Y/N responds, getting comfortable in Fred’s lap. A squeak leaves her mouth as Fred lands the first slap to her ass. “One,” she counts breathily. Before she has a chance to recover from the first hit, Fred is landing another hit to her cheek causing her to moan. “Two.”
Fred smirks down at the writhing mess Y/N has turned into after her first 15 spanks. Her right bum cheek is bright red, and Fred resists his urge to lean down to kiss it. “Are you doing alright, Princess? Can you take 15 more?” Fred asks quietly, reaching up to stroke Y/N’s hair. As much as he loves being rough with her, he never wants to hurt her or make her uncomfortable in any way. He’s rock hard in his trousers already, and he wants to make sure she’s getting as much pleasure from this as he is.
“Yes, Daddy. Need more. ‘M a naughty girl, I need to be punished,” she responds desperately. Y/N is soaking wet and her stomach is a pool of arousal. A few tears have snuck out of her eyes from how turned on she is, and she’s basking in the warmth left behind on her bum from Fred’s hand.
“Good girl,” Fred praises, leaning down to press a few kisses to Y/N’s shoulder. “You can use your safe word at any time, you know that right?” When Y/N nods he presses another kiss to her shoulder and starts to massage the bum cheek he hasn’t hit yet. “Count for me again, princess, okay?”
Y/N nods, letting out a moan a Fred lands the first hit to her cheek. “One,” she whines, lifting her hips up to encourage him to spank her again. Fred suddenly lands three hits in a row, causing a few more tears to leak out of her eyes as she moans. “Two, three, four,” she stutters out.
By the time Fred lands the last hit to her ass, Y/N is desperate for release. She’s slowly moving her hips forward, desperate for any kind of friction against her clit. “Daddy please,” she begs.
“Look at my desperate little baby,” he coos, moving Y/N’s hair out of her face so he can see the desperation on it. “Such a good girl you were, princess. Such a good girl for Daddy. C’mere let me kiss you.”
Fred helps Y/N straddle his waist and tucks a few stray hairs behind her ear. He kisses her deeply, his tongue immediately licking into her mouth. Y/N moans into the kiss, rolling her hips against the rough fabric of Fred’s trousers. Fred groans at the contact on his clothed cock, his hips rolling up to meet hers. “God, so fucking desperate for it aren’t you, princess?” he asks as his lips start to trail kisses down her neck.
Y/N nods, tipping her head back to give Fred more room to kiss. “Need you so bad, Daddy. Missed your cock. That’s what I was thinkin’ about in all those photos. Thinkin’ about how much I love your cock and how good it feels inside of me.”
Fred groans into Y/N’s neck and pulls away so he can look at her. “That’s so fucking hot, princess. Imagining you lying in bed, touching yourself and thinking of me.” Fred kisses Y/N again. “Go on and show Daddy how you touch yourself, princess. Get in bed and pleasure yourself for me.”
Y/N crawls off of Fred’s lap and onto the bed, settling down in the middle of it. One of her hands starts to pinch and twist her nipple, while the other runs down her body and settles at her core. She watches as Fred stands up and starts to undress himself, her index finger starting to rub small circles on her clit. “Oh fuck,” she moans, tilting her head back.
Once Fred is fully nude he kneels on the bed next to Y/N’s head and takes himself in his hand. He starts to slowly stroke his cock, his eyes crawling over every inch of Y/N’s body. There’s a flush that creeps up her chest, over her neck and to her cheeks and her hips are slowly rocking as she teases her clit.
“So pretty, princess. You look so pretty touching yourself for Daddy,” Fred praises.
Y/N turns her head to look at Fred as she feels her orgasm approaching. She opens her mouth, silently asking Fred to let her suck him off. When he doesn’t immediately give in, she whines. “Please let me suck your cock, Daddy. Please.”
Fred reaches down with his free hand to cup Y/N’s cheek. “Fucking hell you’re desperate for it princess.” He pushes his hips forward just enough so Y/N can wrap her lips around the head of his cock.
Y/N whines around Fred’s cock, her head starting to move up and down. She lets her tongue wrap around the head on each pull back, wanting Fred to release into her mouth. When he starts to slowly fuck his hips forward she hums around him in encouragement. As her climax builds she starts to rub harder circles on her clit, desperate for release.
“Fuck princess, gonna make Daddy come,” Fred moans, his eyes watching his cock disappear into her mouth.
Y/N’s eyes flutter shut as she reaches her orgasm, her whole body trembling. She moans around Fred’s cock as pleasure flows through her, causing him to suddenly release into her mouth. Her motions on her clit slow down as Fred’s cock twitches in her mouth and she swallows his release. As Fred slowly pulls his cock out of her mouth Y/N stops her movement on her clit, bringing her hand up to clean off her finger.
“Holy fuck,” Fred pants, watching Y/N’s lips wrap around her finger. “You are so fucking amazing,” he says in awe. Fred’s cock which hadn’t even gone fully soft starts to harden again as Y/N looks up at him. “Look at what you do to Daddy, princess. His cock is already hard for you again.”
Y/N smiles as she gets up to her knees. She wraps one hand around his cock and starts to slowly stroke it, while her other goes to his neck so she can pull their lips together. Fred’s mouth immediately overpowers hers, and he forces his tongue into her mouth. Fred is fully hard in Y/N’s hand now, and as they kiss he maneuvers them so he’s sitting with his back up against the wall, and Y/N is sitting in his lap.
“Need your cock Daddy,” Y/N whines, pulling her mouth away from Fred’s. “Fuck me Daddy, please.”
Fred chuckles, his hands falling onto Y/N’s hips. “Go on then, princess. Fuck yourself on my cock since you’re so desperate for it.” Fred suppresses a groan as Y/N grinds down against him. Fred and Y/N have tried nearly every sexual position either of them could think of, and they both know that being on top is low on Y/N’s list of favorites; she much prefers it when Fred holds her down and fucks her into the mattress.
“Daddy,” she pouts, grinding down against him again.
Fred narrows his eyes at her and resists his urge to kiss her. “Princess,” he warns. “If you wanna be a desperate cock slut, then be a desperate cock slut and fuck yourself on Daddy’s cock. Maybe if you’re a good girl and you come on Daddy’s cock he’ll give you what you want.”
Y/N perks up at that, and she leans forward to kiss Fred slowly as she rises to her knees. One of her hands’ rests on his shoulder, while the other reaches back to grasp the base of his cock.
Fred breaks their kiss so he can watch as Y/N lines him up with her entrance. Y/N whines as she sinks down, her eyes fluttering shut at how full she feels. She sinks down until their hips meet and Fred is fully inside of her.
“Fuck you’re tight, princess. Always so tight for Daddy,” he praises. He groans as Y/N starts to roll her hips, his grip on her tightening. “Go on, baby,” he encourages. “Get yourself off on my cock.”
“Oh,” Y/N moans, her hands gripping Fred’s shoulders tightly. She starts to slowly pick herself up, stopping when Fred is only halfway inside her, before she slams herself back down. “So good, Daddy,” she pants.
Y/N fucks herself on Fred’s cock like that for a few minutes, growing frustrated when she fails to hit the spot inside of her that will bring her to her orgasm. “Daddy please,” she whines.
“Come on, princess. You know how to fuck yourself on Daddy’s cock. Come around Daddy’s cock and he’ll give you what you want,” he encourages.
Y/N leans back, placing a hand on each of Fred’s thighs and uses the leverage to lift herself up. “Oh fuck,” she gasps as she sinks back down, the tip of Fred’s cock finally brushing her sweet spot.
“You look so pretty, princess. Getting yourself off on my cock,” Fred praises, helping Y/N to lift her hips off of him. “Such a good girl.”
Y/N moans as she fucks herself on Fred’s cock, already feeling her orgasm approaching. She starts to move her hips desperately, searching for her release. “So close, Daddy. Touch me Daddy please,” she pleads.
Fred smirks before he leans forward to press an open-mouthed kiss to Y/N’s lips. “Come on, Princess, come on Daddy’s cock,” he encourages, one of his hands leaving her hip so he can rub circles on her clit.
With one more downwards movement of her hips Y/N’s walls tighten around Fred as she comes, her body shaking as her orgasm rolls through her. “That’s it, princess. Such a good girl,” Fred coos quietly, his thumb slowing its motion and his hips rocking slightly to help her through her orgasm.
Fred kisses Y/N slowly as her breathing starts to return to normal. She shifts around on his cock as their lips move together and it takes everything in Fred to not come right there. “You’ve been such a good girl for me tonight, princess. Doing so well,” he says, breaking their kiss. “Can you take more, baby? D’you want Daddy to fuck you into the mattress?” Fred pecks Y/N’s lips. “It’s okay if you don’t baby. Daddy just wants to take care of you.”
“Want you to come inside me Daddy,” Y/N tells him, looking into Fred’s eyes. “Want you to pin me down and fuck me into the mattress.”
Fred doesn’t need to be told twice. He kisses Y/N hard and flips them over so her back is on the bed and he’s hovering over her. He throws both of her legs over his shoulders, pinning her to the mattress with his hips. He braces himself with one hand as his other comes up to grip Y/N’s throat and he pulls all the way out before he slams back into her.
“Oh fuck, Daddy,” Y/N moans as Fred starts to fuck into her relentlessly. The tip of his cock is brushing the spot inside of her and she’s already so sensitive from her previous two orgasms, and with the way Fred is gripping the side of her neck she knows she won’t last long.
“God, princess,” Fred grunts as Y/N’s walls clench around him. “Such a good pussy. You always feel go good wrapped around Daddy.” Fred lands a particularly hard slam as Y/N moves to touch herself. “Hands off, princess. Want you to come just from my cock. Can you do that for Daddy?”
Y/N nods, too busy moaning and whining to answer Fred verbally. Her body feels like it’s on fire, her toes curling and her back arching as she reaches her climax. “Daddy,” she moans lowly, as she comes around Fred’s cock, a few stray tears falling from the corners of her eyes.
“Fuck princess,” Fred moans. Y/N’s walls tighten and twitch around him, bringing him to his own release. His hips still as he empties himself inside of her and he crashes their lips together. Fred slows their kiss down as they both recover, unable to stop the smirk that forms on his mouth when Y/N whines as he slowly pulls out of her. Fred collapses on the bed next to Y/N and she immediately cuddles into his side as he wraps his arm around her.
“I love you,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to the side of his mouth.  
Fred turns his head so he can kiss her properly, not pulling away until they both need to breathe. “I love you too, Y/N,” he says softly. “Are you alright? Did I go too far?”
Y/N shakes her head, chuckling at Fred’s concern. “Not at all, love. It was incredible.” She pauses so she can press a kiss to his neck. “I’m glad I have the next few days off, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to walk tomorrow.”
Fred laughs and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Good thing I have you all to myself because I have quite a few plans for us.”
Y/N looks up at him, a gleam of mischief in her eyes. “Oh yeah? What might those be?”
“Let’s just say our cameras are definitely going to need more film when I’m done with you.”
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
Edacity | jjk (m)
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Pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader
 Genre: platter of smut, the barest hint of fluff and the tiniest garnishment of angst / nonidol!au / college!au
 Rating: 18+ / nsfw
 Word Count: 8.2k
 Summary: After a rough day at college in your biochemistry class, you come home to your boyfriend, who is sweetly making you dinner. In his efforts to help calm you down, he only riles you up when you realize that it’s not the food you’re hungry for…it’s him.  
 Warnings: dom!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, big cock!jungkook, sub!reader, lots of dirty talk (let’s face it I love that shit), praising, fingering, grinding, fellatio (cock sucking), cock worship (just a smidge), unprotected sex (reader has a birth control implant in her arm but Koo doesn’t like condoms, so yeah), breast/nipple play, nipping, marking via hickeys, sucking, pussy stretching, rough and possessive sex, begging, muscle kink, scratching, precum play if that’s a thing, manhandling, pinning down, cursing, wet and messy sex (kind of), degradation kink (koo calls you a slut a couple times but that’s about it), size kink, hair pulling
 A/N: This fic is brought to you by 201008 Jungkook from the “Savage Love” video he posted. I saw it, got horny and then wrote this filth. Blame him for this, not me. Also, please let me know what you guys think. Your feedback means more to me than you know. Tagging @nervouskiwi​ , @tricethecharm​ and @nightshadevinter​ per their request! 
The door to your apartment opens and shuts with a heaved sigh from you as you drop your bag to the floor with a thump, the day’s toil stemming from an unhelpful and unknowledgeable lab partner finally taking its toll on you while you rub your eyes as if to clear away the sight of the freshman boy who’d stared dumbly at the temperature probe and gas pressure sensor before asking you which was which in your biochemistry class. After that, he’d proceeded to clumsily knock over the catalase solution you were meant to measure enzyme activity with on several occasions in his ceaseless cloddishness.
 Even your professor had not noticed your lab partner’s negligence despite the seven times that you’d had to go procure a new vial of solution from the back of the classroom and when you’d asked to just do the lab alone upon finding out that your lab companion didn’t even know how to work the magnetic stirrer, your teacher still had not yielded to your plea. You had ended up doing all of the work and your efforts had gone entirely unnoticed to all but yourself. Well, almost everyone.
 “Bad day?” The mellifluous voice of your boyfriend of three years wafts over to your ears and you don’t have to open your eyes to know he’s in the kitchen directly to your left, your body instinctively wanting to seek the comfort of his warm embrace after such a long day. The sound of him already has the agitation crumbling, his voice the music to your ears that you are sure you will never tire of.
 “Terrible,” you whine, “my professor paired me with someone that didn’t even know what the equipment we were using was called. I had to do all the work.”
 “Aww…I’m sorry to hear that. Come here, babe. I’ll make it all better, yeah?” He asks.
 Your body is already moving at that and there’s the distinct clinking of a utensil against cookware that dots the space of your shared apartment. When you breathe in the succulent smell of sundubu-jjigae (one of your favorites of his) the earlier irritation is drawn away as you take in the aroma that has your stomach rumble tellingly in hunger. You really hadn’t been in want of food before you walked in, so now you’re not sure if it’s the dinner that has you craving or if it’s the person that made it.
  Wanting to look upon the source of the delicatessen, you open your eyes to find your boyfriend who is already gazing softly at you while he-with one occupied and tattooed hand-attends to the stew and it is as if the frustration is drained from you immediately as you drink in the sight of domesticity.
 His hair has been drawn up in a manbun that would be an instant panty-dropper if he went outside right now with the way that he’s left some of his chocolate brown fringe to frame each side of his face. It is wavy with the water from the shower he must’ve taken in the way that it darkly curves to the sides along his eyes and that alone has you suck in a breath. You let your eyes trail downward, your own malnourishment throughout the day causing familiar hungry desire to begin to pool heatedly within you at the visage of the black pajamas you’d bought for him a week ago after he’d ripped his previous pair apart in one particular voracious spur of energy to hastily plunge himself into the silken depths of your pussy. The striped shirt he now wears is open deliciously into a perfect ‘V’ shape that boasts the luscious expanse of his chest all the way down before tortuously stopping at the crest before his navel. He wears the matching pair of pants, their length giving a salacious view of his calves that you are sure the gods themselves must have had a hand in crafting.
  In the dimmed light of the kitchen, you can see the shadows that curl temptingly around his abdominals, your fingers inadvertently twitching against your sides in your want to touch, to feel him again.
 You know from experience how defined his chest is. You know how hot his skin is against your fingers. You know the bliss his body grants, for he has reminded you timelessly in the way that his perfect cock finds its dwelling in the wet warmth of either your mouth or your pussy as he brings you to paradise. You’re quite sure that you’ll never be able to sate yourself of him, the memory of him driving his cock into you from this morning bringing a familiar wave of desire to wash over you. You’d left him on the bed with a hardened cock after round two upon deciding to ride his thigh, thoughts of his pleading words and strained expression living in your thoughts all day long in your decision to punish him for grinding his cock into your ass so early into the morning.
 Usually he wouldn’t have gone so easy on you, but after all your texts throughout the day that were telling of your stresses, he couldn’t find it in himself to discipline you. Wanting to ensure that you felt better, he had decided to wait. After all, patience was a virtue, as you had told him before.
 Before you know it, you’re standing before him, one of his arms winding around you to pull you close as you let your irises dip from his eyes to those lips of his that must’ve been created by the devil himself in how they tempt you. Your boyfriend watches with interest, arousal coloring him internally when you look back up at him, your eyes beginning to cloud over in lust as you slide your hand down the sliver of his chest that he’s left uncovered for you. His skin receives you as if it had been waiting for this very moment, his muscles flexing proudly as you stroke the heated skin with appreciation. He’s more taut than usual under your touch which means he must have gotten back from the gym some time ago in the way that his muscles are tightly tensed from such use.
 It is that thought that has you press your lips to his in a heated kiss, your tongue sliding through his parted lips to kittenishly lick along the roof of his mouth to earn a groan from him, the sound caught between your lips and travelling with sonic speed right down to your pussy. He takes control when you try to wrap your tongue around his, the hot muscle plunging straight into your mouth as the other hand he’d been using to stir the stew abandons its earlier movements to find purchase on your ass as he squeezes you firmly between his fingers. When you disconnect, it is with a pant after the breath he has stolen from you.
 You breathe, “You’ve already made it better, Kookie, but do you want to know something?” You question as you bring your lip between your teeth, enjoying the way his eyes fix on that action as the inklings of desire begin to manifest in his eyes, in the way the soft exterior he’d been showing earlier begins to melt into something darker and far more primal under your attention.
 “Tell me, baby,” He husks as you close one hand around the silk of his shirt to bunch the fabric between your fingers as you dare to unearth the heated skin of his left pectoral, “If this is how you’re going to greet me, I would very much like to know.”
 When your mouth descends upon him to give soft, featherlight kisses along the line of his exposed chest, you manage to utter between them, “I bet the food you made for us is delicious, but the only thing I want to taste right now-” you peer up at him through a fan of dark lashes “-is you. You’re the only one who can give me what I really crave.”
 Your boyfriend’s eyes darken instantly at that, his other hand finding its place along your ass and you need no instruction to wrap your legs around him as he lifts you like you’re a feather only to prop you back down on the cold, hard countertop as he growls, “What a needy little girl you are. Didn’t have enough of this cock this morning, huh? God, you’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?”
 He lowers his head and you instinctively bare your neck for him, your legs spreading so he can step between them as you let your head fall back while one of his hands is already there to cup your nape in his effort to hold you there. You both keep your eyes locked on each other the whole time, desire burgeoning to life wildly within you as he peers at you with a hooded gaze while he moves torturously slow to where you want him and finally, finally, his lips find their home in a hot, open-mouthed kiss on the sensitive spot on right under your ear. 
The warmth of his mouth has you gasp, your back straightening as one of your hands finds purchase in his hair to coax him downward as you mewl, “Yes, Kookie…yes. I’m only a slut for you. It’s only ever been you.”
 You hastily unbutton his shirt while he lets you and instantly you’re salivating at the perfect canvas of him that is presented to you as the offending piece of clothing is pushed off his shoulders. Your palms, magnetized to him, splay over his abs, catching on the ridges of the defined set of muscles as they jump excitedly under your touch while you trail your hands upward. He sighs in satisfaction against your skin when the pads of your fingertips graze his dark nipples and you nearly coo at the sound of that alone.
 “That’s right, Y/N. No one else makes you this desperate, huh?”  He manages between kisses.
 You nod as much as you can in this position and you feel the way his lips turn upward in a smirk borne of the boost to his ego, his lips descending down the column of your neck in a wet trail and it is when he gets to the jugular notch between your collarbones that he presses the wet, heated muscle of his tongue to the delicate skin there that you keen, your fingers curling inward within his hair as he hisses at the pull and in punishment, nips you there. 
You are utterly powerless to stop your juices from collecting along your folds that you know is going to ruin your underwear. Without thinking, your hips begin to search for friction and you grind against him, the warm bulge of his member hardening under your ministrations.
 “A-ah, Kookie, please.” You beg for his mercy and his grin deepens as both of his hands run down your clothed arms. His mouth continues to trail across the sliver of skin over your shoulders and when his hands make another pass upward along you, you watch the way that his brows scrunch together as if disturbed by something and suddenly his devilish mouth is gone. The unforgiving cold is left in his absence and you whine at his loss, not understanding why he has stopped.
 Both of his hands settle on the countertop to either side of you as he leans forward, his tongue hotly poking against his cheek in a sight that only makes you wetter when his eyes narrow, “You smell different. Why?”
 Your boyfriend has always had a sensitive nose, but right now, you’re hardly in the mindset to think about what it is that he’s disgruntled about as you whimper, “Kook, I was doing a lab and dealing with chemicals. That’s all, okay?”
 You watch his fingers curl inward until they’re white with how hard he’s gripping the marble, his jaw setting as he hisses, “This morning you left smelling like me after I fucked you,” he grasps your chin with one hand, “Now you smell like someone else. Explain or you will get none of this cock that I know you want so bad.”
 You try to think past the haze of desire, you really do, but all you can do is blink owlishly as you try to navigate the sea of want for him that has filled your mind. Under his piercing gaze, you’re frozen in place and you swallow thickly to manage the only answer that your mind can supply with a stammer, I-I… It was my lab partner,” you watch his expression begin to contort in anger and before he can sink further into the emotion, you put both hands to either side of his face in effort to keep his attention on you, “He kept brushing against me when I was doing measurements for the assignment, Jungkook. It was nothing. He is nothing to me. I promise.”
 You hadn’t really thought of the implications of the first thing that you’d said, but you could see the momentary fury that had begun to color his very irises and wanting to quell it, you urge him close, your hands falling to rest on his chest as you plead with your eyes for him to understand. You both have been together three years and deep down, your boyfriend knows you would never betray him like that, but the lion of possession within him had roared loudly and there was little he could do to quiet it without the reassurance you had been so quick to feed it with.
 Before you have time to process anything, your shirt has been torn from your body and lands somewhere behind you, but you have no care for that right now. Instead, your focus is on Jungkook, the anger that had begun to set in his irises overtaken by something far more carnal as he orders, “Get on your knees, Y/N. I think you need to be punished for letting someone else touch what isn’t theirs. You’re mine,” he boldly wraps a hand around each breast to give a harsh squeeze, “show me you can be a good girl and suck me off until all you know is the feeling of me on your tongue.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself between your thighs and with a submissive nod, your body obeys. He watches you with a darkened, lustful gaze as you lower yourself to the hardwood floor, your hands still by your sides while your boyfriend, all in one go, sheds his matching pajama pants until they puddle along his feet abandonedly. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of his thick, muscled thighs that you’ve fucked yourself on more times than you count, but your salivary glands do not fully exert themselves in hunger until your irises trail up to the thick shaft that arches deliciously upward as a constellation of veins scale along it all the way up the bulbous head that is already wet with precum. His tip rests artfully along his abdominals in some kind of lewd painting brought to life that you could stare forever and a day at, a whine coming from your lips as you lick them.
 Your boyfriend watches with interest as you ogle him and when he sees the pink of your tongue draping itself sinfully against his lip, he declares, “If you don’t get your mouth on me right now, baby, I’m going to fuck your face later, yeah?”
 That one has you moaning in thought, your boyfriend’s lips turning up in a smirk as you quickly lean forward, both hands trailing slowly up his legs and compressing around the thick, corded muscle as you do. When your hands find his member, you lightly run the tips of your fingers over his aching dick, the veins there throbbing energetically at your touch. He groans at that and then one of your hands encircles itself over his base where you gently squeeze the half of him that your fingers can reach, your other hand curling around him and stroking up and down as he grunts in pleasure, his eyes screwing shut.
 You swallow with some effort when your thumb runs over his slit to collect more of his fluid before swathing it along his glans as you ready him for your mouth. He’s already substantially hard, but you have no doubt that he will become even more so when you finally do suck him off. He really does have the world’s most perfect dick and you don’t think you’ve ever seen a thicker, bigger and better one than his. 
Granted, you’ve only ever actually seen and felt his, but you have never had a wish to have anyone else’s. You couldn’t possibly have room to want anything else when he fills you so deliciously, when he fits inside you like he was made for you.
 “Such a nice, pretty cock, Kookie…thank you for letting me have it,” you praise.
 As you bring him toward your waiting mouth, you blow out a puff of air to have him suck in a breath, his jaw clenching as one hand finds itself in your hair to guide you forward. With one final look up to his face, you take him into your mouth to watch his face contort into an expression of pleasure, his eyebrows scrunched together and his hair veiling his face to the point where you can only see his eyes based on the glint in each iris that flashes erotically at you as he takes a stuttered breath. 
Your walls clench contract around nothing as his member fills the wet cavern of your mouth while you try to take him as far as you can. Even like this, your hand still holds his base in his profound length despite the fact that you’ve gotten him as far your throat will allow.
 You’ve deep-throated him many times in the bliss that you have discovered you can grant him and now will be no different. There is nothing that you enjoy more than knowing that you alone can give him pleasure.
 When you’ve fitted him inside your mouth a little bit more, that’s when you run your tongue along his length before sucking, your cheeks hollowing out as you do. Your boyfriend’s fingers tighten in your hair as he growls, “Yeah, that’s it, baby. God, you’re so perfect for me. That little mouth takes me so fucking well.”
 You swallow around him, drawing him deeper into your throat as you all but guzzle him in your ministrations. He leaves a salty taste on your tongue in the precum that you collect and you can’t say you don’t fucking love the taste of him. You hungrily slide your tongue over his slit before kittenishly licking along the sides, a guttural moan tearing itself from the recesses of his body as he bucks under your ministrations.
 When your boyfriend opens his eyes to peer down at you, it’s enough to have his cock throb inside your wet warmth. The way that his cock disappears beyond the cradle of your lips is sin itself, but the way that you stare heatedly at him with desire simmering hotly in those irises of yours…Jungkook thinks if eroticism had a picture, you would be it right now. 
He’s just hit the back of your throat and because of that, drool has begun to pool along the sides of your mouth and fondness floods him at the sight, his thumb brushing away the spit only to lather it over your lips as he croons, “Look at my beautiful, messy girl starting to fall apart on my cock. Fuck, you’re so good for me, Y/N. Such an obedient little girl,” you suction your mouth intensely around him at that, “Think you can take me farther? I bet you can fit all of me down that tight throat of yours if you really try.”
 His praises have your walls fluttering around nothing as you engulf him impossibly farther into your mouth with another swallow, the wet slurping sounds of your ministrations filling the room as he starts to massage your head through tightened fingers that pull at the roots of it. You inhale through your nose, unable to any longer breathe through your mouth through the cock that blocks your airway and in one fluid motion, you press forward and try, but fail, not to gag around him as his dick sinks further into your throat.
 Tears instantly threaten to fall from your eyes as they water, your vision becoming blurry as you sputter against his dick. The sensation of your throat closing around him earns a hiss as he responsively thrusts his cock into you, unable to stop himself from chasing his pleasure.
 You let him fuck your mouth, enjoying the sounds of rapture that tumble freely from his mouth and content in the knowledge that you are able to gift him this euphoria. Tears are quick to fall from your eyes as you suckle him, the wide girth of him easily hitting your gag reflex in the back of your throat as you trail your tongue along the underside of his shaft while you slacken your jaw to ease his access.
 Your boyfriend coos while he watches your tits rise and falls with the efforts of your breaths, “Such beautiful tits, baby. If you hadn’t been a bad girl earlier today, maybe I could have used them as a cocksleeve. I bet you would have liked that, too, you dirty slut.” 
 You preen at his words with a moan, the vibrations of that heightening his pleasure and it is when you slide a free hand under him to grasp and fondle his balls that are extremely full in the seed that aches with need to be released that he grunts with fervor and when you roll them in your hands like dice before you gently run the pads of your fingers over them, he throws his head back, his mouth parting as he drives his cock into you one more time. With how far down his cock hits at your larynx now, you can’t see him any longer through the blurred vision as tears stream down your cheeks while you cry out his name.
 “Fu-fuck, baby. I can’t l-last much longer if you keep doing that. You really love this cock, don’t y-you? Tell me how much you love it. I w-wanna hear it with my cock in your mouth.” He manages through labored breaths.
 You hum in agreeance, the burn of his dick inherently insistent as he moves and the vibrations your sound makes has his cock throbbing dangerously as it begins to swell in warning of his impending end. He’s so hard already and your pussy aches to receive him, your walls contracting around nothing at the feel of his hot member between your lips.
 “I love it, Kookie. I love it so much. Love how big you are.” You splutter despite the very large dick currently nestled between your lips.
 You make a point to show him by swiveling your hand around what little of him is beyond the reaches of your mouth at this point while your other hand drags itself downward from his balls to rub at his perineum. That one has his back bowing inward, his fingers fisting in your hair as he groans and you can feel how his cock pulses in warning of his climax that you cannot wait to taste the fruits of as you flick your tongue along his length once, twice and then three times before suddenly, with a guttural sound, his fist pulls at your hair roughly to effectively extricate himself from your mouth as he breathes laboriously above you.
 You both watch as your spittle clings to his cock in a thin line in its attempts to remain connected to him until it sadly breaks off and away. You whimper at the loss of him, blinking up at him far too innocently for someone that just had a dick rammed down their throat and you watch the way his eyes flash cravingly at you only to rub your neglected thighs together in search of some friction.
 “As good as that was, baby,” he lowers himself down to your level to wipe away the tears that had collected along the sides of your face as he darkly declares, “there’s somewhere else that I want to cum in today and you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”
 You nod without a thought, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist and lift you with ease until you’re splayed out on your back for him along the countertop that is mercifully long enough to support your torso. Your legs dangle precariously off the edge, but they never reach the floor and like this, you’re granted an unfettered view of him, his now engorged dick standing to attention along his abdominals and when you peer up at his blown out irises, you release a shaky sigh in anticipation as he licks his lips like you’re a meal he’s about to fucking devour.
 “You know, I wanted to eat you out, baby. I really did,” he husks as he steps forward between your legs that you part in invitation, “but you sucked me off so good that now all I can think about is ramming this cock into you so hard that you won’t remember anything but my name and getting my fill of you until you milk me fucking dry, Y/N.”
 Arousal ignites within you at that and you pleadingly implore, “I want you to do that, gods, I do, but first, Kook…kiss me. Please, kiss me. After that, you can fuck me to your heart’s content.”
 You don’t know how you find yourself wanting even more of him, but you do. His mouth, you are sure, is the work of an incubus in the way that it can work sinfully against you. The words that tumble from them light the fires of desire within you and just want to feel the warmth of his lips again, honestly. 
 He arches a brow at this as he leans over you, one hand finding purchase along your waist as he rasps, “You want me to taste myself, baby? Is that it?”
 You can tell by the lilt in his voice that he’s playing with you and you already know this is a game he will ultimately lose, for you have a trick up your sleeve that he forever and always falls for. You let your hand slither along your body, your index finger dipping between your wet folds while he watches with a hooded gaze as you bring your soiled hand to your lips to dapple your essence over them like a lewd lipstick before you angle your chin up invitingly to beseech, “Won’t you taste me, Kookie? Don’t you want to taste us? Please,” you whine,” all I want is a kiss. No one...no one kisses me like Jeon Jungkook. Please, Kookie. I want your mouth so bad.”
 Your boyfriend brings his lip between his teeth at that as he lowers himself down to your level, his sinful irises burning heatedly into your skin as he utters, “That’s it, baby. I love it when you beg for me. So fucking hot.”
 With that, his lips descend over your own, your arms wrapping around him as you mewl into his mouth. He consumes you and drinks from you like you’re his last means of sustenance, his lips capturing yours in voraciousness as his tongue runs boldly along them in quick movements of possession before he’s sliding the wet muscle everywhere he can reach in his mission to claim the depths of your wet cavern. He can taste the remnants of himself on your tongue and with the sweet juices of your sex that you’d lathered over your lips, it’s a combination he has come to thoroughly enjoy the taste of in how well flavor of you both coalesce into something so tangy.
When he’s satisfied with his mapping of your mouth, he draws your lower lip between his teeth before suckling the tender flesh to have you gasp at the sensation.
 Distracted by that alone, you do not notice the hand of his that isn’t currently attached to your waist that snakes slowly downward to slip with ease under your grey sweatpants and between the silk panties that cover your womanhood. Your breath hitches upon the sensation of his long, tattooed fingers dragging themselves against your slit and you’re not surprised at the generous collection of your juices that make his digits glide along your folds, but he hiss he makes is delicious when he curses, “Fuck, Y/N. You’re this wet when I haven’t even touched you? God, you really are a slut for me, huh?”
 With one hand, you entangle your fingers along the hair at the nape of his neck as you breathe, “Only for you, Jungkook. This is all for you.”
 He plunges one finger inside you at your response and immediately sibilates at the way that your wet warmth welcomes his digit enthusiastically and energetically. With as wet as you are, you know that you will have no problem taking him, the considerable amount of slick between your legs tangible evidence of your need to receive and welcome him into your sex. It takes no time at all for him to add a second finger, one thumb rubbing at your clit as you moan his name, your eyes falling shut as under his ministrations. Warm waves of heat fall over you under his touch and you bask in his avid attention. Without extricating his hand from your pussy, he orders, “Take off your pants, baby. I want to see this pretty cunt while I fuck it.”
 You heed his command, one hand disconnecting from around his neck to hurriedly discard your pants and underwear along the floor in one fell swoop as your boyfriend’s hungry irises flick downward to feast upon the visage of your dripping cunt. Something about the way that his fingers disappear into your wet depths transfixes him, the squelching sounds that your pussy makes going straight to his core as arousal flares within him. Wanting to prepare you for him as thoroughly as he can, he continues to swirl his fingers over your clit in measured circles before the two fingers he’s got inside you curl inward in a come hither motion. The sensation has you throwing your head back, a stuttered cry coming from your lips as your fingers tighten in his hair and your unoccupied hand latches onto his strong bicep in search of something, anything to cling to.
 His vision darts upward to your face to catch your expression shift to one of pleasure under his touch, thick and heavy desire for you demandant in its need that manifests in the ache of his cock that pulses with need to find its home within your silken walls. He yearns for you so much now that it’s almost painful to bear it when the source of his relief is only a few inches away and, distantly, he thanks the gods above that you’d gotten a birth control implant before you’d both become intimate for there is no greater heaven, he is sure, than when he is burrowing his cock into you velveteen walls and finishing there where he belongs.
 He lowers himself to your ear, his warm breath pebbling your skin as he husks, “What do you want me to do to you, baby? Do you want this? Or,” you whimper loudly when his fingers are pulled from your pussy only to hitch your breath upon the hot, hard member he is quick to slide against your generously lubricated folds, the edges of him torturously dragging just above your waiting slit as he smirks darkly, “do you want my fat cock? Fuck, you really just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
 You mewl when he takes your earlobe between his teeth, his tip brushing along the tender bundle of nerves along your clit, words escaping you beyond his name as you manage, “Jungkook.”
 You watch as he angles himself along your sopping entrance, the continued sweep of his dick across your folds an erotic sight that has heat lather itself like honey over your core as you wrap your legs around him in answer. Words elude you like your mind is caught in his maze and with every stroke of his cock between your sensitive labia, your mind is brought to a dead-end that you have the truest of troubles navigating.
 Your boyfriend takes your silence as disobedience, both hands laying possessively over pierces you with his commanding gaze, “I asked a question, baby. I require an answer if you want to get fucked,” he punctuates this to mercilessly poke his tip against your entrance while squirm against him, “Use that pretty mouth and tell me what you want or else I’m going to tie you up and leave you crying for me on our bed while you get to watch me finish myself off with my own hand.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself within your folds as you mewl, but under his ministrations that have him running his cock along your sex, his dick catches your newly released taint when you wrap your legs around him in your effort to encourage him inside and he hisses at the sensation as your labia embrace and enfold around his member as he squeezes your sides tight enough that there will be marks there tomorrow in the shape of his fingertips.
“Tell me now, Y/N, or you’re going to be punished. You’ve been so good, baby. Do you really want to be naughty now?” He rasps as he uses the grip he has on your hips to pull you even closer, the promise of sin flashing dangerously in his eyes through the fringe that falls along them.
 Powerless to resist his demand, you submissively whisper, “Want …want your big cock. Want you to fuck me so good with it that I can’t walk and for you to paint my pussy with your seed. God, Jungkook, I want you so much right now. Can I please, please have your cock inside me?”
 Your boyfriend leans up to tower imposingly and commandingly over you, excitement flourishing within you in the anticipation of what he’s about to do to you as he smirks while he angles himself toward your entrance and with a flick of a dark brow, he warns, “Prepare yourself, baby, because I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to fucking ruin you because that’s what you deserve for getting me so fucking hard for you, (Y/N).”
 That is all the caution he gives you before, all in one go, he propels his length inside you with a sharp thrust of his hips. You moan as he enters you and he doesn’t stop until he’s fully sheathed within you, his tip just barely missing the cluster of nerves hidden within your center as your mouth parts in an ‘o’ shape.
 Your walls greet him eagerly and envelop him with fervor only to cause him to groan, “Fuck, baby. How are you still this tight after I fucked your little cunt this morning and last night?”
 Lost in the sensation of him buried within you, you can’t find the words to answer him when he starts to impel himself into you without abandon, his irises glazing over in desire as he chases his pleasure. Like this, his bangs hang heavily over him and flit back and forth frenziedly in his ministrations, but you can see his eyes in their entirety now and their darkness seeps straight into your core in the lust that simmers there.
 Captured in his consuming gaze, you notice the way that his irises dip from your own to the neglected breasts that bounce in the jostling movement he wracks on you, heat licking up your spine when you watch the tip of his pink tongue hungrily dart across his lips to wet them. Before you realize what’s happened, his hot mouth is upon one of your mounds, his lips suctioning your tit against him with avid voracity as he leaves a purple petal to blossom there under his ministrations. It joins the myriad of others that he’s left from your previous couplings like brands over your skin and you relish in the new addition that marks you as his.
 “Shit, I love your tits so much. So soft and warm in my mouth. You really do have the most beautiful breasts, baby.” he mutters as you close your eyes at the sensation of him on you, your fingers leaving their own claim on him as you claw your nails down his back while he pounds into you with vigor. He seems to approve with the way that he speeds his movements like the rabbit he reminds of while in some kind of heat. You throw your head back when his velvety lips enclose around your areola, his hot tongue flicking against your pert nipple unrelentingly as you buck underneath him with a weak, broken mewl. The sinful chuckle that erupts from him is felt before it is heard, the deep thrum of the vibrations dripping right through you and straight to your core that clenches around him in response.
 “Please…” You breathe out the only word that can come to mind through the haze of hormones that now cloud your vision.
 When you sink one hand into his locks once more to pull at his hair, he makes a sound of disapproval,  blown irises heating you like a furnace as he focuses his sight on you when he growls, “I’m not done yet, Y/N. I’m going to suck these pretty nipples of yours until they’re  fucking swollen because of me. These,” he blows a warm puff of air against the sensitive areola of your left tit,” are mine. You need to be reminded of that.”
 You whimper at that, his other hand palming at your other breast while he rolls your nipple with practiced ease between his fingers. When he punctuates a particularly acute slam of his hips into you with a long, wetted lick of his tongue in a stripe over your engorged bud, that’s what has your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you wail, his dick hitting your g-spot with precision that tears the sound from your throat in the way that he pairs it with an agonizingly delicious ministration of his tongue.
 He suckles you through it all and when the warmth of his mouth finally leaves you, your breast is freed from him with a ‘pop’ from between his lips and don’t see the way that he’s painted you with his spit, nor the way that he peers longingly at the engorged, abused nipple he’s left in his wake before he’s moving to the other to latch onto your neglected tit like a newborn trying to coax the life-giving essence of milk from you. You cry out when he decides to nip at you, the hand that he’s left on your hip gripping you roughly in effort to keep you in place against his fierce thrusts of his hips inside you.
 Before long, you feel your nipple harden under his ministrations and with a groan, he releases you from his mouth only to rise and watch your freshly marked breasts move laboriously up and down in your strained breaths, the gleam of his spit shining prominently under the dimmed lights in the kitchen. Your neck is arched back and your eyes are screwed shut in the picture of submission as you let him use you for his pleasure while he continues to pound into you with the strength of an ox every single time.
 You feel fingers grasping your chin to urge you to angle your chin downward as he commands, “Look at me, Y/N. When you’re getting fucked by me, you’re going to watch me and keep those pretty eyes on me so you can burn it into that head of yours that there’s only one man who can make you feel this good.”  
 If you weren’t panting before, you surely are now as your body heeds his demand, his words playing you like an instrument as heat coils heavily in your core as you take him in cravingly while he coos, “That’s a good girl. So obedient.”
  He’s leaning above you now, the muscles of his chest flexing and contracting as he rolls his hips piercingly into you to hit just the right spot time and time again, euphoria steadily building each time. His hair, from all of your attention, is mussed and somehow the man bun he’d been sporting before is looser to allow more of his chocolate tresses to frame his face, his lips reddened from lavishing on your breasts. Sweat sluices his skin everywhere, which somehow makes him even more irresistible as you urge him down for another kiss.
 He denies you at first, deciding to smirk cockily as he angles his head and in the movement, you notice the attractive tint of rosiness to his cheeks in the blood that has rushed there through his earlier efforts as he clucks his tongue, “Words, baby. Use that mouth of yours and maybe you’ll get what you want.”
 You whine as he rams into you, your vision jerking upward as you wrack your brain to formulate some kind of response through the sea of lust that resides there now. Somehow, you manage, “I-I want another kiss.”
 His fingers sink deeper into your waist as he prods, “Yeah? Where do you want my mouth, angel?”
 In answer, you take the hand he isn’t holding you with, your digits wrapping around his index finger as you bring it to your mouth to breathe, “Here,” you lower your joined hands in a slow trail down your throat that contradicts the rapid thrusts he impels you with,” here,” you drag his hand through the valley of your breasts until it’s splayed possessively over your stomach, “and here. I want you everywhere, Kookie. Please.”
 Your boyfriend licks his lips as he lowers himself down once more to your level as he husks, “Fuck, the things that you do to me, baby. You’ll get what I decide to give you, yeah?”
 His mouth descends upon you in a French kiss that puts others to shame, his traitorous tongue leaving no part of your mouth untouched and wrapping possessively around your own in a show of dominance that you have no wish to resist. He presses his lips insistently over yours, consuming you in his wet heat that you relinquish your own mouth to. The hand that had been draped along your side before slides along your waist to relish in your contours, his other hand moving behind your head to hold you there as he drinks his fill of you.
 When he breaks for air, you’re breathing heavily and he gives you no time to recover before heavy, lingering kisses are rained down along your jawline and then he’s descending like a stream down the frontal column of your previously marked throat from last night’s exploits with him. He lathers his mouth over you in open-mouthed kisses, his tongue brushing over your sensitive skin while he keen, your back arching up and into him as you press your naked chest against his own to earn a hiss from him while he continues to pound into you relentlessly.
 His name leaves your lips in a stuttered breath, “Jungkook.”
 Your boyfriend croons, “Be good for me and take it, baby. If you do, I’ll let you cum around my cock.”
Your feel your core tighten and clench compactly around him when his mouth trickles down between your breasts, adding a few more hickeys on the way so that there are now entire constellations of his marks in mottled purples and reds all along your body. When he manages to get to your stomach, that’s when he administers a closed-mouthed kiss that is made domineering by the way his irises peer hotly at you before he parts his lips to lick heatedly above the area of your navel as you whimper out.
 With his face inches from your own, you can see the blown out irises that stare hungrily at you, your gaze thirsting to drink him in as the sounds of your coupling fill your ears. With every roll of his hips into you, his balls slap against your pussy mercilessly in combination with the lewd squelches his dick makes as it drives itself into you without pause. 
He rams into you now with the might of ten men, your core tightening around him as he groans in his ministrations. He pulls you into him with the hand that is wrapped around your side, your moans joining his when the hand he’d been holding your head with snakes heavily down your body in a hot trail from your neck and then down to your abdomen before stopping torturously just before your glistening folds. 
 You wrap your fingers around his wrist to urge him where you need him most as you breathe, “C-close, Kookie. I’m almost there. Please, let me cum.”
 Your walls are beginning to tense around him with your impending end and he knows how to play your body like an instrument to get it to sing the tune he wants. He watches you plead with your eyes imploringly at him while he denies you what he knows you want most, instead choosing to plunge himself inside you especially hard to cause you to cry out. There is nothing quite like your pussy, nothing quite like the way that you suck him in and refuse to let him go until you’ve ensured that he has released inside you like an uncontrollable pubescent boy learning how to come for the first time.
 You make him ravenous and in that appetence, the ambrosia that is you is a delicacy he will never grow tired of. So, he indulges in you and lets himself enjoy your sweet depths for as long as he can until you’re screaming nothing but his name in your need to come undone, your thighs trembling from under him as you curl your fingers unyieldingly around his wrist.
 He finally obliges you, his thumb pressing deeply down onto your clit as you wail in pleasure before he’s quickly drawing figure-eight patterns along the bundle of nerves as he pistons in and out of you deliciously. Your walls begin to quiver with your oncoming end and knowing this, your boyfriend stares zealously at you to darkly command, “Come on, baby. Cum for me. Cream all over this cock that you love so much.”
 It takes one final slam of his hips into you to have his cock bury itself so deep inside your pussy that it perfectly presses against your g-spot while his fingers rapidly attend to your clit before your body instinctively heeds his order, spots erupting behind your eyelids as thousands of tiny, warm presses inside your sex signal your orgasm while you throw your head back, your eyes still locked on him as your mouth parts and you shriek his name out for the entire apartment complex to hear as your climax explodes with the intensity of a firecracker within you.
 He groans at that to utter, “That’s right, baby. Let everyone know who has fucked you so good. Tell them all who owns you.”
 Your walls flutter and spasm deliciously around him and your boyfriend grunts at the sensation, loving the way you wrap around him like your pussy was made for this and before he knows it, he’s throbbing and following behind you with his own release as he colors your walls with his creamy seed in violent, energetic bursts.
 “Mine. You’re mine,” he repeats over and over as you both ride out your orgasms.
 You wrap your arms tighter around him to give him a light peck along his jaw as you say, “Yes, Kookie. I’m all yours. I love you so much.”
 He catches his breath as you fondly wipe away the sweat that has collected in beads along his forehead while you tenderly tuck his fringe behind one ear before he earnestly tells you, “I love you more.”
 Sometime later he feeds you the stew he made for you as you moan in delight at the warm trickle of it down your throat while he spoons it to you from your place  on his lap. Your sounds of enjoyment had been quick to get him hard underneath you as you’d knowingly fidgeted in effort to drag your ass over his member that you found yourself longing for once again. Your antics had proven successful in the fervid way he’d eaten you out like a five course meal before you fed him the dessert of your sweet juices before he’d dragged you to the bedroom for round three. 
Hours after that find you both well into the night with the window open so that the moonlight can spill in on the two of you atop your shared bed. You are sure to remind him just how much you love him then when he wakes to find you grinding on top of him as you welcome him once more into your wet warmth that has only and will only ever belong to him.
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morgana-ren · 3 years
SUBMISSION: How about a nasty sweaty incel shiggy waiting everyday for his dad to go to work so that he could have his relief with stepmom? 
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Excellent submission! Love that. Love that a lot! I find it only fair to warn you, however, that I won’t be doing mommy kink for it. Mommy kink is one of my squicks, and one of the very, very few I have. I’ll do the closest thing to it though: Daddy kink. Also I find the irony of him making his little stepmom call him daddy to be absolutely hilarious.
Also this one is a great concept and I love it but it’s going to have to be a multi-parter cause it got a little bit long. Lemme know if you like the concept and I’ll continue it. Also this posted under anonymous for some reason so cheers to tumblr and its endless fucking glitches that it never fixes or seems to make any better.
Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, sexism, really gross incel behavior, nsfl things, masturbation, violent sexual fantasies, nefarious planning, horrible suggestions from even more horrible friends, absolute LOATHING of family, and entitled bastard.
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There is only one thing on this planet that Tomura hates more than his father.
Only one thing can even compare to the level of abject disgust he has for his dad. Everything about the man is abhorrent and degenerate, only tolerated because Tomura is, admittedly, a NEET, and had no where else to go after graduation. But if anything- anything- could hold a candle, it would be his taste in women.
All women are trashy on some level, but his dad really manages to find ones that pretend so hard that they aren’t. Vipers behind the veneer of smiling faces clad in red lipstick and smart skirts. Always “kind”, always “thoughtful”, and always fleeting. Fickle, stupid bimbos charmed by his dads surface level charisma to quickly realize just how shallow the pool became.
Even his own mom was like that: She fucked off once she realized staying with him meant staying with his dad, and that was a sacrifice she wasn’t willing to make. So she left him to rot in this cesspit with his worthless father and no other way out.
He figures he can’t hold it against her, not as much as he’d like. A few weeks with his shriveled up paternal figure and most women quickly figure out they can do so much better. It’s in their nature to seek out the best, and that certainly isn’t Kotaro; A bumbling idiot with nothing to offer on the best of days. They don’t know any better, so they never last long after being brought home to meet his son, and those are the ones that even make it that far.
So when he starts yammering on about meeting yet another skank and how ‘in love’ he already is, Tomura’s eyes roll so far back in his head that he swears his retinas will detach. He makes a point to be around as little as possible, but somehow still manages to catch an earful about his latest fling and how excited he is for Tomura to meet her.
True to his word, Kotaro brings you home one evening, eager to impress his son with his latest catch.
His father had a lot of nerve dragging him from his room to meet you- his latest glorified slut. Adding insult to injury, you had the unmitigated gall to talk down to him like you were an adult and he wasn’t. Even though you had to crane your neck to look up and greet him, you still talked at him like he was some child. So different from you even though you were so much smaller than he was- barely even a few years older than he is, if even that. 
So polite, introducing yourself and gently shaking his reluctant hand, making a point to smile at him and telling him how happy were to finally meet him and that you’d heard so much about him. Your hands were so soft, so little in comparison to his own. He dwarfs his pathetic father, practically towers over you, yet you still talk to him like you’re the adult in the equation.
So young, so pretty, though. Far better than anything his father had a right to pull. They weren’t exactly swimming in cash, the house was nothing in particular to gloat about, and he’d done enough eavesdropping around late at night to know his father suffered a particular… ailment, so it certainly wasn’t sexual satisfaction keeping you around. What was it then? 
Probably nothing. You’d probably run off in a few weeks like they all do.
Kotaro is a worthless sack of drooping skin and aging bones; A ghost of a man not worthy of the phantoms he’s seen pass in his years. No longer the dominant male even in his own home: not with a stronger, more virile son coming into his prime under the roof as well. A beta male at best, withering away while his own son eclipses him in strength and intellect and physique. Tomura is in his mid twenties and blooming- His father… who even knows. He doesn’t care- he doesn’t bother to keep track. 
So, maybe you really are just a dumb little whore. It would make sense. Father dearest always had been a dirty old man; A raging pervert with wandering hands and lingering eyes. Always sets his predatory sights on some cute thing too good for him. 
Then again, the poisoned apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, now does it?
You’re cute enough you could have gotten some alpha at your beck and call, yet you’ve attached yourself to his worthless father who, in turn, parades you around like his most beloved trophy. Taking you to dinners he can’t afford despite your ‘insistence’ that you be allowed to pay, buying you things you claim you don’t need. Oh, how the moron dotes on his whores as if it’s enough to keep them anchored to him.
Strangely though, you don’t run off.
If anything, you sink your claws in even further, getting more and more comfortable and showing up more and more. Every time Tomura leaves his fucking room- which isn’t often- you’re there around the corner, smiling dumb and pretty and greeting him politely.
Fuck, he hates you. Hates your stupid voice, your shitty dresses, hates hearing his father happy for once.
It’s no surprise- but unwelcome no less- that he’d move you in sooner rather than later. Terrified to let you out of his sight for even a second lest you come to what little senses you have in your tiny brain and dump him. Of course, he’s quick to take on all of your burdens as his own, even if it means working overtime to support you. He’s always wanted another little housewife, and now he’s so close.
Tomura listens in on the whole conversation feeling sick to his gut.
You beg him not to- offering to pay your own way just like a good girl, but of course his dumbass dad will hear none of it. He’s more than happy to spend a couple of extra hours at work. His dad is so idiotic, so fucking blind. He’s playing right into it. He’s willing to be your workhorse if it means keeping you all to himself.
He’ll hear none of it. None of the fussing or the questions. You’re welcome in his home, he wants you there. It’s no imposition at all, he knows the house will be better with you around.
Except he forgets one crucial detail-
The son he leaves home alone with you every single day when he leaves. 
You’re nothing but a nuisance, something infringing on his private space. The time he used to get home alone to spend to his own devices is now split with you flittering around the house doing whatever it is bimbos like you do. Cleaning, cooking, pretending to read, whatever. He doesn’t have to see you if he doesn’t want, sure, but he still knows you’re there and that’s more than enough to annoy him.
It’s almost like you catch on to his animosity after a while. The way he won’t greet you back, the way he utterly ignores your existence. It bugs you, and as far as he’s concerned, good.
You try to slip him up, try to get close to him and make him like you. You always set a place for him at the table even after Kotaro repeatedly insists- truthfully- that he’ll never join for dinner. Even then, you always bring the plate to his door. He never bothers to answer- not after the first few times when he only opened it a sliver to see your stupid smiling face. After that, he didn’t bother answering. He’ll eat it of course- won’t pass up free food he doesn’t have to leave his room for- and then leave the dirty dish back outside where you left it. You brought it, after all. You can clean it up. 
All your efforts only get you mocked, and boy do you try so hard to get his affection. He even overhears you whining to his dad once or twice, not understanding why he doesn’t like you.
It makes him smile.
His friends- online of course, but still friends or comrades or kindred spirits or whatever- have more opportunistic ideas about it. His first post to the forum complaining about the new living situation was met with envy and awe- not necessarily the response he was expecting, though looking back on it, he supposes they were right. 
lmpwrst: Why u bitchin’? Ur living with a girl ur not related to and that’s closer than any of us have gotten u ungrateful ass
KingKockRool: Go jerk off on her pillow.
Stacystabber91: take a video hold her down and fuck her then idiot
KingKockRool: No wait till she’s sleeping and jerk it on her face
st8lker: Bet she’s ugly tho if she’s dating your dad lol
Oddly enough, he doesn’t agree. That’s one thing he understands about you, loathe as he is to admit it. His new ‘stepmom’, for all her annoyances, is pretty easy on the eyes. The kinda girl that would have caught his eye in an unrelated situation and earned a permanent spot in his spank bank. Thinking about it, the whole ‘dating his dad’ situation maybe threw off his judgement more than he realized.
He’ll let the jury decide: He finds a photo on your social media, crops everyone else out of it, and hits enter. Easy peasy. He saves it to his hard drive for later too. Might as well.
‘Here, you decide then.’
Thus the shitstorm begins. 
st8lker: Oh fuckkk fuck me mommy lmao
lmpwrst: Opportunity is wasted on u
Stacystabber91: you pussy punk bitch, i stand by what I said earlier. dont be a bitch and fuck the little cunt already
VolceliSwear: Whos the bitch
lmpwrst: Scratchy’s new stepmommy lol 
VolceliSwear: Nice. Hit it yet?
Stacystabber91: he hasn’t cause he’s a gigantic fuckin pussy like i told you all
VolceliSwear: Come on dude you actually have that gash sleeping in your house and you haven’t made a move? 
Stacystabber91: it’s not like she could say no cause you’re a big lanky bastard aren’t you? that’s one thing we got over the shortcels and you’re bigger and stronger than her so take what’s yours idiot or I will 
lmpwrst: I agree with SS lol U complain all the time about not having a hole to fuck and now u do
VolceliSwear: ^^ Isn’t your dad a limp-dicked prick who can’t get it up? Someone’s gotta do it so it might as well be you. Hit the bitch so hard and fast she doesn’t know what way is up
Stacystabber91: and send pics moron I want to see tits or I’m coming over there to do it myself
It’s an… intriguing thought. To be honest, he’s never actually considered fucking you before. Had the passive thought like he does with most girls he sees, but never stopped to think on actually doing it. For some reason, there was a mental wall between him and his father’s girlfriends. But why should there be?
Depraved little bastard that he is, he’s not above cornering a girl and forcing himself on her but he’s not keen on going to jail, so he’s never escalated past creepy photos and following the occasional broad a little too closely. Maybe a couple gropes in passing… okay, maybe a lot. But he’s never gotten caught- maybe the girls don’t report it or just couldn’t find him afterward. Either way, it’s all worked out so far because he doesn’t cross certain boundaries.
Most girls are repulsed by him and his repugnant behavior, so they stay far, far away. It’s like he’s a giant blaring warning sign that they tend to heed instinctively.
But you don’t. 
This is different. You live here, so close to him, so within reach. Just how close you are. How easy it would be for him to force you down and make you take it. Just how much time alone he really has with you since his father leaves and returns like clockwork. He’s got the entire day once his father leaves for work. And all night once he takes his sleeping medication. An easy, pretty little catch already wiggling in his web.
 ‘Maybe I will.’ 
That’s how it starts. 
Snowball into snowstorm.
With an idea and a lot of goading from his online buddies, a monster is born and weaned on his own depravity and escalates into something very real, and very dangerous.
Tomura is achingly familiar with the scene- he’s seen enough porn to give him ample ideas. But he’s got all the time in the world. It’s hard not to rush things considering how eager he is, but it’s safer to test the waters first. Get you nice and scared so you’ll keep your pretty mouth shut unless he tells you to open it for him. See how far he can get, how much he can toy with you before you finally catch on.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll fuck him willingly. You are a stupid little slut, after all. Most of you females are deep down beneath that holier-than-thou, stuck up bitchiness you hide behind.
So he starts with a time honored tradition. He steals your panties. 
The bathroom is cluttered with your shit. Your fruity shampoos and conditioners, your makeup, your perfumes. Tomura has a toothbrush and a comb he doesn’t use, a bottle of 3-1 for when he forces himself into a shower, and a singular gray towel, but the rest is between you and his father. Your body washes, your scrubs, your clothes in the hamper. 
It’s easy enough to fish out a fresh pair- only a couple of hours old. Some lacy contraption you must’ve been wearing beneath your clothes and carelessly left in the bin when you showered. It’s easy to pocket them before you hear him rummaging around, and maybe you’ll miss them, but that’s not his problem. Washer eats things all the time, doesn’t it?
He’s hidden back in his room, safely dodging you before he allows himself to indulge- Bringing them to his nose and inhaling the doubled fabric of the crotch so hard that it catches on the edge of his nostrils. 
Fuck, your cunt smell good- tangy and sweet but the tiniest hint of bitter. A couple of whiffs is enough to get his cock twitching, inflating into a painful hardness as he hears you walking around outside in the hallway. Shit, you’re so fuckin’ airheaded, walking around so oblivious as he tongues at the cloth that was nestled right up against your pussy until a few hours ago. He can taste you, sucking your left over essence through his teeth and he swears he’s going to cream all over the inside of his jeans if he doesn’t jerk off right now. 
He’s quick to drop his sweats and sprawl on his bed, thumbing the tip of his prick and licking gratuitous stripes up the slim of your discarded panties with his tongue. You’d look so good sucking his cock; On your bruised knees, face a slathered mess of cum and saliva and running makeup. Bulge in your throat from taking him so deep and trying so hard to please him like you always do- or maybe avoid a painful punishment because he isn’t above using his hands on you and you learned that the hard way.
The thought of your ruddy, soppy face makes him throb- fucking your wet little throat until you’re suffocating, pulling out to let you breathe only to cum on your face. Yanking you up to bend you over the stove and force you to make his worthless father’s dinner with his spend tacking across your face and his cock lodged deep in your cunt. Worthless fucking sack of shit that his father is, he’d spit in it too and make you serve it to him with a smile while your actual daddy watches you do it and rewards you later with his dick fucking you between your tits.
Fuck yes, that’s what he’ll make you do. He’ll make you call him daddy when he creampies you- the opportunity is too perfect to pass. He’ll fuck his father’s pretty whore as she screams and moans for daddy’s cock while his father is away at work to pay all her frivolous bills like the beta-cuck he is. None of the work and all of the reward- as it should be.
It’s not like Kotaro can fuck you, and his friends are right. Someone should. So why not him? Why not spread your legs for your boyfriend’s younger, more powerful son? Oh, sorry, did he give you the illusion that you had a choice? He’ll take what is rightfully his and there’s not a fucking thing you or his pathetic fucking father can ever do about it.
He plucks your panties from his face, moving them instead to work over his cock. It would feel so much better if you were wearing them- grinding your sweet little cunt against his dick, begging him not to fuck you but getting so wet all the same. The silky fabric feels so good against his hypersensitive skin, coupled with the clenched pumping of his fist as he daydreams about railing you into his filthy mattress until you’re too weak to even move on your own, his cum dripping from every one of your used holes. Limp, useless little whore too fucked out to even fight him as he fucks her in the ass again-
Fantasies swirl in his head, flashes of scenarios that tease him and work him into a frenzy. He’s going to cum hard to the thought filling you, your agonized face as the tip of him knocks against the opening of your womb, buried so deep in your cute pussy that he can feel the wall that keeps him firmly locked out of your guts. So close, so tight, so warm. He’s going to pump you full to the brim like the skank you are, fill you nice and thick full of his seed and then use you again and again and again-
He feels it in his spine, waves of pleasure furling at the base and congealing together impossibly tight, so ready to burst. His thighs flex, muscles in his stomach tightening and breath staggering. Searing white behind dry, clenched eyes and his cock twitches in his palm, knot bursting deep between his legs as his hand stills momentarily. His hands twitch, cock throbbing as thick ropes of cum spill over the slats of his fingers, splattering his stomach and the waist of his sweatpants and all over your adorable little panties. 
Shallow, shaky breaths, still seeing stars popping behind his eyelids. Fuck, he hasn’t cum that hard in- well, a very long time. Is it the thought of having something tangible soon? His very own cunt to abuse? Grinning, he looks down at the absolutely drenched pair in his hand, sticky with fresh seed.
He thinks so.
Instinctively, he wipes the excess off his fingers and onto his dirty, rumpled black sheets, swiping across his shirt and his skin. Just another ‘mystery spot’ among the rest, soon to become a crusty, flaked white stain on the fabric among all the preexisting ones.
With some effort on his part, he sits up, still trying to catch his breath. He thought post orgasm clarity might deter him from this path, but if anything, he’s even more determined now. Why should he sit and touch himself in a dark room when there’s a perfectly good set of holes to fuck wandering around freely outside?
Oh yeah, this should work out just fine.
There’s a knock on the door while he’s still wading through his gross thoughts, softly at first but then slightly more insistent. It jolts him alert, irritating him that he’s being bothered when he’s scheming. He’s already finished the dirty dead, all ready to put himself away for now but it’s still jarring none the less when someone comes around so closely to him wanking. A quick dash at the clock tells him it’s not dinner time yet, so what gives? Why are you bothering him now? Nothing is ready yet.
He tucks himself away and quickly buries your soiled underwear in the pocket of his sweats. Quickly wiping any remnants on the knees of his pants before swinging his door open, agitation palpable as he greets your stupid, sunny face.
Speak of the she-devil.
“Hi, Tomura! Just wondering if you have any laundry or anything you want me to take!” “N-”  He’s about to slam the door. About to. But you know what? You want his laundry? Sure. He’s got some for you.  “Yeah- yeah, sure.” 
He steps back from behind the door, letting it creak open a little as he rips off his freshly re-soiled sheets.
“Oh, good! Yeah, I’m throwing in my own so I’ll take your load too-“
Yeah you will.
Balling it up, he chucks it at you as you curiously peek your head in. You’ve never seen the inside of his room, but soon you’ll see plenty. He doesn’t know if you can feel the fresh cum on the sheets, but he’s willing to bet you can probably smell it. To your credit, you barely falter, even with the sheet cradled in your bare arms.
You’re probably having a moment of “understanding.” ‘He’s a young man with no girlfriend and no other outlet. Of course he’s going to wack off’ and all that. It’s cute, the way you pretend not to notice. That’s okay, he’ll give you something you can’t ignore.
He steps up to the door again, yanking his black shirt over his head and dropping it in your arms with a shit eating grin.
“Oh- okay, yeah-“
Your sentence halts completely as he starts to strip off his pants and you’re left staring in slight horror as your stepson strips down to his boxers in front of you before placing his sweats on the top of the pile you’re carrying- right by your face.
“I’ve got some more dirty boxers if you think you can handle anymore.” He’s grinning like a fiend, reveling in your poorly concealed discomfort as he leans against the doorframe, swinging out towards you. You’re backing away from him, desperately trying to keep your eyes up and away from his very exposed body, and especially the half hard cock tenting the front of his boxers. Your face is turning a viciously dark shade, stifling your breathing because he just knows what you’re refusing to see, you can almost certainly smell.
“Um- nope! This should be a full one! I’ll get them back to you soon!”
“Oh, take your time. No rush.” 
You scurry off down the hall much quicker than your usual casual walk, probably to scrub your arms clean with iron wool. Poor little thing, just trying to be nice and this is what it gets you.
He cackles something fierce as he shuts his door again, going to look for your ruined panties to post a pic but remembering they’re still in the pocket of his sweatpants, covered in his cum and saliva. A fun little surprise for you to find when you go through pockets to ensure nothing gets stuck in the washer.
And he notices, in the coming days, you stop leaving your clothes in the hamper- or even being able to meet his eyes.
Oh, this should be fun.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
MHA Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 1)
Despite the U.A.’s insistence that the hero course wasn’t a spectacle for the rest of the world to watch, often when there was some free time, many students flocked to areas where the classes were training. They would lean against trees or pretend to be doing homework while watching the show of fire, explosions, and acid.
You were one of those observers. With a textbook in your lap, you sat beneath a tree with your friends, and watched 1A train their quirks.
The grass tickled at your legs and the sun warmed your skin. It was such a beautiful day despite the sounds of fighting. Occasionally a wash of warmth would flood over you as a large attack went off but you mostly ignored it.
“I think the green-haired one is the cutest,” one of the girls with you said. “He’s super sweet and clearly he’s really strong.”
“Have you seen the Todoroki boy though?” another responded. “Cute and brooding.”
You laughed, making a comment to more agree with the latter though you wouldn’t be interested in anybody as cold as that. Rumours floated around that he never spoke, not even to his own classmates. Many also believed his temper was as bad as his father’s given his massive attacks during the sports festival.
But you didn’t listen all too much to gossip about the hero course. Instead, you just enjoyed watching them in action and running away when their teacher spotted you all.
Luckily, today Eraserhead seemed preoccupied at the end of their class so most of the other students could hang around longer. While he was busy lecturing two of his students, the rest began making their way to the change rooms.
Almost instantly, everybody took advantage of being spared his glare and watched the heroes-in-training.
Some seemed uncomfortable with the rest of the school’s presence while others relished in it. You watched as the shortest of the group winked at every girl, he made eye contact with, including yourself and laughed as a girl from general studies attempted to confess to the most explosive hero of the class.
But it was a specific member who caught your eye and she waved excitedly when she saw you, hurrying over. “Hey!” she greeted. “Were you guys watching us train?”
You stood, brushing grass off your clothing, and smiling. “Yeah, we were. Couldn’t see much of you though, you were almost completely hidden.”
Mina sighed. “It’s so sad how these things happen. My acid doesn’t stand out too much amongst this group.”
You hadn’t known Mina for very long but your friendship was pretty strong. She had attached herself to you due to your talent with making her photos perfect (something of a challenge thanks to her skin tone often contrasting with everything).
Your other friends slipped away, clearly wanting better looks at whomever was being lectured. That kind of gossip went for a high price.
Somebody called for Mina and she gestured them over. “These are the best people in the hero course aside from yours truly,” she said. “Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.” She gave them your name as well and you politely greeted them each.
“Your electricity is really impressive,” you told Kaminari. “Everybody talks about it when we’re watching the training.”
He smiled widely at that but Mina just groaned. “Of course, everybody notices the flashy quirk. Do you know how many people still think that my quirk is being pink?”
“It’s because they get distracted with bright lights and don’t notice the actual talent,” Sero told her playfully. “Don’t worry about it.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s not true.”
He chuckled. “It so is.”
“I mean, I notice your quirk all the time,” you said. “And it doesn’t have any lights. You’re just extremely smooth while fighting so you draw the eye.”
He seemed doubtful about that, acting as though you were complimenting him just for the sake of it. “Sure, sure. But when Bakugou unleashes a couple explosions, I bet your attention moves directly to him.”
“It doesn’t. I can prove it also.”
“How so?”
You gestured to the tree. “I’m always sitting right here. Keep an eye out for me next time – you’ll see whose fighting I favour watching.”
It was a good day for there to be a pipe burst just outside of school.
The sun was shining, there was almost no wind, and there weren’t any large assignments due for almost a week. Overall, everything surrounding the day made it perfect for some rest and relaxation.
Your friend group finally made it up to the crest of the hill and stared around at the beautiful landscape. The view was magnificent. Almost as awe-inspiring as the school that you now stood across from. Every person knew about the hero school U.A. and now you had seen it in person.
“Imagine what it must be like to train to be a hero,” you mused. “I’m sure I would absolutely despise every second of it.”
Everybody laughed, jokes spreading about how they would be too lazy for constant workouts or how their hero names would just be too embarrassing. One girl whose quirk allowed her to pop her eyeballs out made a joke about how her entire career would surround traumatizing children.
“Why hello,” a very high-pitched voice greeted.
You startled, looking down at the small boy. He had bright purple hair and a cocky smirk on his face that just screamed trouble.
Luckily for you, his attention was more focused on others.
“I’m guessing you ladies are here to admire the toughest heroes in the country, right?” he said. “Well, luckily for you, you’re looking at one of the best in the entire school.”
You snorted. “Are you even old enough to be walking around without your parent?”
“Nobody was asking you,” he retorted. “I was speaking to the absolute beauties before me.”
Yourself and two girls that he was ignoring took steps away. They seemed interested in fighting however while you just enjoyed the show. It wasn’t the first time that your group had been annoyed by pervs and you each had different ways of dealing with it.
While he was busy screaming in shock as two eyeballs fell from a girl’s skull, somebody approached you, looking rather embarrassed.
“I’m sorry about him,” the blond said. He kept a confident smile on but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “He’s not well-versed in speaking to beautiful woman.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, willing to play along with somebody who made eye contact before staring at your boobs. Unlike his friend. “And I’m guessing that you’re much better at that?”
“Oh definitely,” he said, stretching. He wore his U.A. uniform still but carried little of the arrogance you had come to expect from the school.
“Well, show me your best line then,” you said, turning to face him properly.
He startled at that. For a second, he eyed you cautiously as though your response was some kind of prank. Then he cleared his throat and said, “You owe me a drink.”
You smiled at the cheesiness. “And why is that?”
“Because you spilled it – wait, no, because you’re so beautiful that you made me spill it.”
You brought your hand to your mouth, laughing at the world’s most common pickup line that still managed to fail somehow. “Points for trying,” you said. “Though, I’ll give you a hint. When you go and hit on your next target, you can start with your name. Makes you seem a little less forward.”
He blushed at that but pointed to himself regardless. “I’m Denki Kaminari,” he introduced himself.
You offered your name. “And you’re a U.A. student?”
“Yeah, I’m in the hero course.”
“Oh that’s why you look so familiar,” you said. “I’ve seen you in the news before. You’re the electricity guy, right?”
He clicked his fingers and a spark jumped between them. Unfortunately, you were standing close enough that it then moved to you. It wasn’t powerful enough to hurt but you still jumped at the unexpected jolt.
“Shit, sorry,” he said.
“No problem,” you replied with a smile. “It was nice meeting you Kaminari. I’m going to go and save your friend from being beaten up though. See you around!”
The rain was pouring down outside, whipping the trees around. It seemed to be desperate to reach where you stood beneath a roof outcropping. A few splashes landed on your shoes and you shuffled back further still.
Just one short run.
Holding your bag against your chest, you lowered your head and ran for it. The ground was slippery beneath your feet but you managed to keep your balance pretty well. At least, you did until somebody collided with you. Given how everybody was holding their heads down, it was inevitable.
You went down with a squelch into the mud, a sharp pain shooting through both knees and one arm. There was a yelp as the other person fell also.
Rain pounded on your heads. You glanced up to find another student sitting on her ass. She had been carrying her bag on her chest also which had saved it from the mud.
Your own was less lucky.
Cursing under your breath, you dragged yourself to your feet and held out a hand to her. You had to use your weaker one because it was the only part of you that wasn’t covered in mud.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologised.
“No, I am,” she said. “That was entirely my fault! I wasn’t looking where I was going and –“
A flash of lightning illuminated the sky and you both froze. Thinking at the same time, you put your apologies on hold to rush to the closest shelter, thankfully the entrance of the school that you were both heading into either way.
You looked down at your ruined uniform and groaned. It was going to be really difficult to clean and certainly wouldn’t be alright before class.
The girl was mud-splattered also. Flecks covered her face and the back of her high pony was dripping with the stuff.
“We’re making an awful mess…” you said, looking down at the floor.
Other students rushed past you guys, a few giving you curious looks.
“We can get slightly cleaned up in the bathroom,” she urged. “Come on.”
You followed her into the nearest bathroom and quickly went to work dropping your ruined bag in the corner and cleaning off your arms and legs. “I really am sorry,” you said when she let her hair down. “I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
She shook her head. “No, that really was my fault. I’m so sorry.”
“We’re both going to get into trouble with uniforms now though,” you said. “That’s not great. I was really hoping to fly under the radar today… what are you doing?”
She had lifted up the bottom of her shirt and her skin seemed to be glowing brightly. After a second, a perfectly folded skirt emerged. She took it and placed it in front of her before turning to you, “What size do you wear?”
“I’ll make you some replacements quickly if you let me know what size you are.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You can do that?”
She nodded. “I’m going to make you another bag also so you can start taking all your stuff out.”
You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. “I really appreciate this but you don’t have to –“
“It doesn’t cost me anything,” she said with a smile.
Soon, you left the bathroom with a new uniform and bag. The only signs that you had even slipped was the occasional bit of mud that you had missed. She followed you out and the two of you soon came to a split in the corridors.
You reached out and rubbed some mud from her arm. “I should have known you were hero course,” you joked. “Thanks for everything and I really am sorry for running into you. Perhaps you can tell me your name? That way I can brag when you’re a famous hero one day.”
She blushed but held out her hand. “I’m Momo Yaoyorozu. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
It all began in the early hours of the morning when the sun had just made its way over the horizon. Having arrived sooner than anticipated, you were standing outside with your friends and talking about various aspects of life. A topic that, inevitably, brought up quirks.
Everybody began messing around with their own. Some levitated their bags while others changed their hair colour – simple things that weren’t all too impressive but remained entertaining.
You played around with your own a little, relishing in the freedom that came with using it.
Something that always irritated you was the inability to use your quirk in public settings. Especially when it was something benign. For this reason, you adored your school more than most other locations. U.A. inspired a sense of relief due to its casual acceptance of pretty much anybody. No matter their size, quirk, or appearance.
By the time you had finished your conversation, you all had begun heading into the main building. You reached into your pocket to quickly realise that your phone was missing.
“See you guys in class,” you said to your friends, darting out to grab it again.
You exited the main door, scanning the area when somebody tapped your arm.
“Sorry, you left this outside.”
“Oh!” you said, taking your phone. “Thank you! I was just coming to look for this.”
The person who had helped you offered a cheery smile. He was recognisable in the way that all hero-course students were. They carried their personalities in their walks. Yet, his name completely escaped you.
“No problem,” he said. “I was really hoping I could find you instead of turning it in.”
The two of you walked back into the building alongside one another. “At least at a hero school, I don’t have to worry about it going missing,” you joked. “I feel like I should know your name but it’s just slipping from my mind, sorry.”
“Izuku Midoriya,” he said. “Why should you know my name?”
“Oh, come on. Like you don’t know that 1A are basically local celebrities.”
He blushed at that, coughing as he scrambled to regain his composure. “I don’t… well, I don’t know about being famous or anything. We’re just regular students, really.”
“Except you’re attacked by villains constantly.”
“Except for that, yes.”
You laughed, drawing unneeded attention from other students in the hall. They were all staring and trying to figure out if they could spread any kind of gossip about this interaction. The local soap opera that was class 1A had many students involved in the happenings of others’ lives.
“So, I noticed you were using your quirk earlier,” Midoriya said, bringing your attention back to him. His hair helped him to stand out with its fluffy, green nature but his voice remained soft. “Do you have any pro-heroes in your family?”
“One of my aunts,” you said. “She inspired me to come to U.A. in the first place.”
He surprised you by immediately saying her hero name. When you didn’t initially respond, he gave you a quizzical look.
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Your quirks are similar but not enough for immediate family,” he said. “Do you have the same limitations with your own? I know she has a weakness with it that many villains like to exploit which could be the reason why she’s never risen higher in the rankings… not that she isn’t a great hero, of course, but it’s a well-known flaw in her quirk.”
You chuckled at that. “I mean, well-known for a very small level hero,” you said. “The types of villains that she deals with hardly have the brain cells to remember their own names.”
“It doesn’t make her work any less important.”
You smiled at that, appreciative of the notion. “I don’t actually know much about her quirk,” you admitted. “My own is pretty lack-luster. I can experiment with it and let you know what I find out, if you really want to know.”
“Yeah! That would be great! I could – oh, wait, no that’s probably an odd thing to say…” he trailed off, looking lost in thought. “Well, just let me know?”
“Of course,” you said. “Bye! Have a great day.”
Your own classroom felt surprisingly uninteresting without him there. You looked around at all the familiar faces and smiled. It wasn’t like you wouldn’t see him again.
“What are you, a coward?”
You glanced up from your phone, the challenge lighting a spark in your eyes. “No,” you said. “I just don’t take bets that I know I’m going to lose.”
Sighing dramatically, your friend slumped back in her chair and toyed with the food in front of her. She huffed a stray strand of hair from her face. “You used to be fun,” she groaned. “What happened to the person who would take any dare, no matter how high the odds?”
“I just don’t see the point in wagering my daifuku, one of my favourite snacks by the way, on something pointless.”
“It’s not like you have to land a date, just talk to him for like a minimum of a minute.”
You glanced down at your dessert and contemplated her offer. The cafeteria was busy, as always, and you could hear almost four conversations going on at once. Most were unrelated to schoolwork but quite a few mentioned the infamous class 1A who were sitting on the opposite side of the room.
From where you were, you could make out a few of the more recognisable members, including the reason that everybody was discussing the class right now.
“I feel like you’re setting me up for failure,” you said. “He’s clearly in a bad mood already.”
“When is he not?”
Groaning, you stood up from the table and stretched a little. “If I come back uninjured, you have to double the payment, alright?”
Perhaps you had too much of a reputation already – or maybe people were just shameless eavesdroppers – but several perked up as you made your way toward the hero course’s regular tables. They were all prepared for some kind of show, be it from you or from the subject of your attention.
Class 1A’s personal explosive, Katsuki Bakugo had made a scene not too long ago, prompting the very dare that had you making you way over there.
His table hosted five people and you chose the pink girl’s seat to lean over once you arrived.
“Sorry to interrupt,” you greeted with a smile though your eyes held Bakugo’s.
He was agitated, that much was obvious, but you weren’t sure if it was the normal level or not. Your appearance definitely wasn’t a positive though.
“Who are you?” he snapped.
“An admirer,” you responded, allowing your attention to now rove over the other confused students. “Not just of you but of the entire hero course. I always wanted to apply but never quite got the marks so I was curious what its like. And you seem to be, by far, the most approachable of the lot.”
The girl you were standing beside snorted with laughter. “Good one,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’m Mina.”
You introduced yourself with a smile, keeping the majority of your attention on Bakugo. “I do know most of your names,” you said. “Though that’s not saying too much. You’re all over the school and the news most weeks.”
“Ugh, tell me about it,” she complained. “Do you want to sit with us?”
“I would love to,” you said, gladly taking a seat beside her and flashing Bakugo a bright smile. “Has anybody told you that your hair is adorable? Like it suits your whole aesthetic so well.”
“Fuck off.”
One of the other boys chuckled a little awkwardly but still responded with a shark-toothed grin. “Sorry, Bakugo doesn’t like compliments too much.”
“I don’t like them when they’re so clearly fake,” he scoffed, eyeing you up. “I know you morons struggle to understand but people don’t just come over to make friends. This is a dare of some kind, isn’t it?”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t make friends while winning some extra dessert,” you said.
“People dare each other to come say hi to us?” the blond electricity guy asked. He had a charger hanging from his mouth.
“Not all of you.”
Bakugo scoffed, standing up from his chair sharply. “Hope you lose,” he said, storming away from the table and disappearing into the crowd.
Earphone Jack
The words ‘joint class’ had seemed fun when it was first mentioned. It wasn’t often that you interacted with students outside of your course and many had presumed that it would be a simple way to split Present Mic’s focus between more people.
Unfortunately, you should have all seen the group project part coming.
“Working in the pro-hero industry will often have you alongside complete strangers,” it had been explained. “Whether on the battlefield or behind the scenes, you’re going to have some great times meeting new people and learning about your own limitations. I’ve chosen who I think you’ll get along with but I could be very wrong. We’ll have to see.”
You all groaned, already anticipating the lengthy assignment that would be coming up. It probably wouldn’t be as bad for the hero course students.
For the pairs, it was pretty expected. Nobody from the same course was working together and the majority of the pairs stuck to the same gender.
You understood why when you heard the small purple one start complaining about it being discriminatory or something.
Present Mic stood in front of your desk before you even knew it, a grin on his face.
Often, you thought that you were one of his favourites. You focused on his class and always actively engaged. Sometimes you would even see him outside of class and he would give you a great wave.
You really hoped that those kind sentiments carried over.
“You’re going to be working with Kyoka Jiro,” he announced. Then, leaning forward, he added, “The one with the purple hair and the audio jacks on her ears.”
Thankful that he hadn’t left you floundering, you stood up and took a deep breath. Going over and speaking to a new person shouldn’t be that hard but you really didn’t want to… still, it wasn’t optional.
“Hi,” you said when she looked up at your approach. “I believe we’re in a team. You’re Jiro, right?”
She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly but still smiled. “Yeah, that’s me. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You sat down in the chair in front of her desk – vacant thanks to its occupant speaking to their own group member. “Present Mic said that he paired us up with people he thinks we’d get along with. Aside from my adoration of your hair, what else do we have in common?”
She reached up and touched her hair, laughing a little awkwardly. “Thank you. Maybe we both listen to the same music?”
“That could be it, what kind of things do you listen to?”
Jiro opened up at that question, immediately launching into a detailed conversation about her favourite and least favourite genres. You had heard of some of the bands that she mentioned but most were a little too obscure.
Then, you made a connection.
“Wait, your dad isn’t Kyotoku Jiro, is he?” you asked. “I used to listen to some of his old songs all the time.”
Jiro’s eyes lit up. “Really? He’s not extremely well-known so most people don’t know he even has songs but I’m super proud of my dad’s music. How did you find out about him?”
You were going to answer when Present Mic cleared his throat and you all turned your attention back to him.
“I’ll tell you about it later,” you whispered to Jiro.
The group project was actually far simpler than you had anticipated and probably could be done in the dedicated time you were provided with. Unfortunately, it seemed that Jiro and you were abysmally slow workers when together and so, you just had to spend more time together outside of class.
Even after it was handed in.
Generally, you found that if you visited the pools just before lunch, there would be absolutely nobody there. It would be the perfect time to get some swimming done without worrying about interrupting anybody or feeling bad because you weren’t as fast as some of the hero course students.
You didn’t go every day but, when you had some spare time, you happily made your way to the pool.
About twenty minutes into your swimming though, you popped your head up to head up to hear somebody in the changing rooms. You knew that you shouldn’t get nervous. The pool was for everybody in the school and it was more than large enough that you could avoid social situations.
But still, your stomach churned.
You continued swimming, though now you were keeping your head up to watch for whoever came through the door. After what felt like forever, a small girl emerged with dark green hair.
She smiled when she saw you had noticed her and gave a friendly wave. “Hello.”
“Hi,” was your eloquent response.
She got in on the other side of the pool and you continued swimming your laps. For a while, you waited for her to start so that you could see how fast she swam but she just sat in the water with her eyes closed and her face turned to the sun.
You pulled yourself out of the pool to sit on the side, taking a brief break in your exercise. There was no need to be in pain tomorrow.
She opened her eyes and smiled at you. “You swim really well.”
“Oh,” you said, a blush igniting behind your cheeks. “Thank you. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
Her voice was croaky but not in an awkward way. You actually really enjoyed the sound of it – enough that you willingly engaged in the conversation in order to hear her speak.
“Are you sunbathing?” you asked.
“Soaking,” she responded. “My skin is more amphibian-like so I really need to keep it hydrated. I’m Tsu, by the way.”
You smiled and told her your name. She repeated it and you quickly found out that you really liked the way she said it. “Which course are you in?” you asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.
“I’m in the hero course,” she said. “It’s fun but it gets quite dangerous from time to time.”
“I would guess so… hopefully nothing too bad though.”
She shrugged. “I’ve nearly died once because a villain with a disintegration quirk tried to grab my face. That was terrifying.”
Your eyes went wide. “What?”
“Thankfully our teacher can take quirks away if he looks at you,” she said. “And then All Might arrived so everything ended well. I’m lucky that my quirk doesn’t hurt me or anything because lots of my other classmates have those kinds of issues. It’s just a little inconvenient to have to lounge in the pool every now and then.”
“I would pay good money to have that kind of quirk,” you said with a sigh. “I would use it to get here during super boring classes.”
“That’s what I’m doing right now.”
You both laughed.
“I only managed to get here early due to being given some time to do an assignment. Because I got it done last night, I’m just relaxing a little before lunch,” you explained. You checked the time on the large clock. “Actually, it looks like I may need to go and get changed.”
Time had slipped by faster than you realised and you quickly changed back into your school uniform after giving Tsu a wave. You were actually a little disappointed to think that you had to go back to class instead of swimming.
But you weren’t expecting to see Tsu standing outside when you exited, already changed into her uniform.
“I thought you may want to sit with me and my friends today,” she offered. “They’ve got pretty cool quirks and experiences in the hero course.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why not? I can already tell that we’re going to be good friends so we may as well start now.”
You chuckled, covering your mouth to hide your slight blush. “Alright then. I’d love to.”
U.A. was a massive building with many corridors and even more classrooms. You had waited outside for half an hour before giving up and heading in by yourself. It hadn’t seemed like too bad of an idea at the time.
Perhaps you should have waited for your guide a little longer.
You walked the first and second floors twice, constantly looking for anybody who you recognised. The day before, you had been introduced to your class and the elected class president who promised to show you around. Except now you were wondering the corridors alone and hoping that you got to your main room on time.
When it didn’t look like that was going to happen though, you had to bite the bullet and ask somebody for help. Something you had been hoping to avoid.
Many students surrounding you looked extremely intimidating. They were all in their own groups and it would be extremely uncomfortable to approach anybody. So you chose the sweetest-looking girl that you could and made your way to her.
“Hi,” you greeted. “I’m so sorry to bother you but could you possibly tell me how to get to my class. I just transferred over and I’m completely lost.”
She was adorable with bright eyes and rosy cheeks. A massive smile appeared on her face. “Of course!” she said. “Where do you need to go?”
The other members of her small group were looking at you but none seemed too unfriendly so you relaxed a little. “I’m in 1G, the support department? My class president was meant to help me around but she just never showed up.”
At that, the tallest of the group – a guy with glasses and an extremely fancy look to his face – said, “That is unacceptable. They just left you waiting?”
You startled at the question and stared up at him. “Uh… yeah? It isn’t too bad –“
“It’s ridiculous for your class president to leave you standing alone! Their very job is to ensure that every member of the class is comfortable and knowledgeable about various aspects of the school. As class 1A’s president, I shall take you to your homeroom and discuss this with whoever is failing in their duties.”
You blinked, trying desperately to keep up with him. “If it’s not interrupting anything, then I’d definitely appreciate a guide.”
“Of course,” he said. “Follow me, I’ll take you directly there.”
You bid goodbye to the adorable girl and hurried to catch up with the guy who was practically marching his way down the hall. From behind, you could see that large pipes came from his calves. You wondered how his quirk worked.
“Thank you for this,” you said, speed walking to keep up. You gave him your name and asked for his own.
“I’m Tenya Iida,” he introduced himself. “And I’m sorry that you have been let down by your class.”
“I’m sure they were just busy.”
“Did they say that they would help show you around?”
“Well, yes.”
“Then they should have kept that in mind while planning the rest of their engagements,” he said. “There’s no excuse to cancel plans without even notifying the other person. You could have gotten in trouble for arriving to class late or not being able to show up at all.”
That was something you had been worried about. It was never a great way to start at a new school and you would have undoubtedly broken some record for getting a detention.
“Thank you for helping,” you said. “I really appreciate it. Are you in the hero course or something?”
He pushed his glasses up and nodded proudly. “I am indeed. Though I would have given you assistance without my hero training because it’s simply the right thing to do.”
Once around the next corner, he stopped so suddenly that you nearly walked into his back. “This is your classroom.”
A large ‘G’ covered a massive door. Relief washed over you and you opened your mouth to thank him but he was marching into the classroom, heading directly for your class president.
In all honesty, your stress was climbing to new heights. With a test looming and work taking a great deal out of you, it was like walking through tar to try and get things done. Plus there was the ever-present threat of forgetting something and causing trouble for everybody around you.
So you made your way to the library most days and found a comfortable chair to sit in. Once there, you would page through whatever book was needed and work to get as much done as possible.
It was a boring routine but it needed to be done.
Most of the people around you were ignorable, though you didn’t mean it in a cruel way. It was just that you didn’t have enough brain power to focus on them at the moment.
But eventually, you had to take a break when your mind was swimming from studies. You closed the book and took a deep breath.
“Alright, so I’m going to pop in just after she starts class, right? I’ll come through the whiteboard so she doesn’t see me at first, then I’ll hold up the egg and say ‘Wow, this class is really egg-sausting’.”
“Won’t Miss Midnight take offense to that?”
“It’s about her quirk though, not her class.”
“But what if she takes it the wrong way?”
You laughed as softly as you dared, a small snort escaping before you caught it. The group that were speaking sat at the table next to your own. They were a group of three although the one guy wasn’t really involved in the conversation – rather, a blue haired girl discussed the blond guy’s planned jokes.
“I think Midnight has a good sense of humour,” the guy was reasoning. “She’ll laugh at it. Most of the teachers understand my jokes.”
“Don’t you remember when you told Ectoplasm that he was a freak in the sheets?”
That one got a proper chuckle out of you but you managed to keep it quiet enough that they didn’t notice your eavesdropping. Their discussion was certainly lightening the mood.
The guy blushed bright red. “I didn’t think of the other ways that could have been taken,” he admitted. “I was just speaking about those ghost costumes that everybody wears during Halloween, you know… Probably should have just made the boo-berry pie joke and left it there.”
You decided against taking a sip of water, focusing on trying not to laugh at the awful puns you were hearing. Maybe the guy’s quirk was related to telling bad jokes or something.
Or maybe he just had the best worse sense of humour.
They continued speaking for some time and you found yourself giggling at almost every joke that was made. It was hard to concentrate on your work anymore but you surprisingly still got some done and enjoyed every second of it.
You were actually rather disappointed when the group stood up to leave. Two of them headed out of the main door but the blond didn’t follow. You considered glancing around to find him but decided you didn’t want to seem creepy.
And then his face appeared in the middle of your homework.
You yelped in fright and stumbled backwards, nearly falling out of your chair. The guy was half-melded with the table but he laughed and you couldn’t help but smile. His excitement was contagious.
“Hello,” he greeted, standing up and no longer phasing through any solid items. “I’m Mirio. I just wanted to say hi before we left.”
“Oh,” you said. “Um… hi.” You gave him your name and blushed, realising that your eavesdropping hadn’t gone completely unnoticed. Still, he didn’t seem to mind it so you didn’t worry too much.
“I’ll see you around,” he said as he left, waving enthusiastically the entire time.
Phantom Thief
Most days, you relished in the opportunities to speak to new heroes about support items and what they needed to better their quirks. You enjoyed discussing with them and learning about their abilities, and you knew that many in your class had similar sentiments.
After all, that was the very reason that you were studying.
These reason were why you remained confused when your classmates were busy drawing straws when you walked in. None of them bothered to even tell you what was happening, just gesturing for you to take your straw.
You grabbed the closest one in confusion and pulled it out, revealing that luck wasn’t on your side that day.
“Congratulations,” one of the girls said. “You get to talk to Monoma. All the rest of us will be able to choose whoever we want within class 1B once they arrive.”
That was when you realised.
You hadn’t ever had the opportunity to work with the loudest member of the class before and you didn’t envy many that had. The stories they shared about hinted at a mild insanity or, at the very least, obnoxiousness that went unmatched. You definitely weren’t looking forward to that for a good part of your day.
But alas, when 1B entered the room to discuss their options for support items, you made your way over to the blond and gave him your best smile. “Would you mind if I asked you about some support items that you may need?”
His grin was massive as he turned to you. “Ah, I see you’re extremely excited for the opportunity to work with such an amazing quirk, right?”
You smiled. “Of course.”
That clearly wasn’t the answer he anticipated and he faltered a little at it. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I don’t think there’s anything here that would suit me. My quirk works brilliantly on its own.”
“I wouldn’t say its your quirk that does it all,” you said. “Obviously it requires a talented wielder in order to use it properly.”
His eyes narrowed at the compliment and he began looking over your shoulders, clearly thinking that this was a setup of some kind. After making sure nobody was watching, he very carefully said, “I suppose you’re right. Anyway, as I was saying, I don’t need any support items right now.”
“I get that but, if you ever need something in the future, just let me know,” you said. “In the meantime, I can brainstorm some general stuff based off your quirk. You can copy things, right?”
“Obviously,” he chuckled.
You nodded and began walking away, happy that your unorthodox plan had worked in mellowing him out. It was a guess that he wouldn’t be used to praise but it worked like an absolute charm.
“Wait!” he said, suddenly appearing next to you. “How am I meant to tell you my ideas if I don’t even know your name?”
You chuckled nervously, not having expected him to care about that part of your conversation. Before you had even thought about it though, you told him your name and he smiled even wider at that, if it was even possible.
“I’ve been looking for somebody who understands how good of a quirk I have,” he said, throwing an arm over your shoulders unexpectedly. “And you seem to like it quite a bit.”
“Well, yes,” you said. “It’s nothing I’ve ever seen before.”
He stepped in front of you then and you watched as your own quirk manifested itself. “I like yours also,” he said. “It suits you.” For a split second, he smiled warmly.
You smiled at that, unable to help it as his expression became considerably more normal while he was using it. “Thank you. It’s not entirely impressive when you look at all the hero course’s quirks but I like it well enough.”
The quirk disappeared and his over-the-top smile reappeared. “Obviously it isn’t as good as mine,” he scoffed. “But don’t beat yourself up about that. Almost nobody can top me.”
For a second, the change confused you but then the class 1B president made her presence behind you known. She apologised and lectured Monoma on showing off instead of focusing but you didn’t entirely hear her. Your curiosity surrounding the blond had been piqued. How much of that arrogance was just a show for his class?
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syrenblubs · 4 years
 — things they do with you at night pt 1
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a/n: trying this without dividers to see if it’ll show up in the tags 😭😭
characters: itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, nanami kento, inumaki toge 
pairing(s): itadori yuuji x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader, nanami kento x f!reader, inumaki toge x f!reader
genres: fluff, slight angst 
warning(s): mildly suggestive, mentions of death 
word count: 801
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itadori yuuji 
eating at ihop at 3am — in the midst of clear dark skies seasoned with stars, the car came to stop at the dimly lit ihop parking lot. intertwining the fingers of your cold hands with yuuji's slender, warm ones, you got out of the vehicle and closed the door behind you, walking towards the 24-hour breakfast restaurant. approaching the entrance, yuuji placed his free arm around your neck, pulling you closer to the warmth of his body. you wasted no opportunity to give a small peck on his cheek, making the boy's cheeks flush to the color of his messy hair. once the two of you stood in front of the restaurant, he gently removed his hand from yours to open the door. just as you were about to step into the house of french toast and pancakes, yuuji's arm slid off your shoulder, directing itself straight ahead. "after you" he whispered in a hushed tone. letting out a cheesy laugh, your mouth molded into a smug smile while taking yuuji's hand on the door and jerking it lightly, walking inside with confidence and your slightly shocked pink-haired boyfriend. any day could be his last, so you made sure to spend any free minute with him to the fullest.
gojo satoru 
driving in the outskirts of tokyo — his colleagues say he drives no better than a novice gta player. but to you, his driving soothed your nerves on days they would spike. sure, you knew he drove like a madman normally, but with you, and for you, he takes every precaution to preserve your safety, and he'll do anything to uphold that. while keeping his focus on the road, his hand travels from the steering wheel to your shaking leg. as his large, rough hand makes contact with your thigh, your shoulders tense up, but ease and slump down in an instant, indulging in his touch. your eyes shift to his focused presence, a small grin forming. his senses perk from your prolonged stare. locking the car to a constant speed, he shifted his focus towards you, removing his blindfold to see his bright eyes, glowing in the darkness of the night. with his hand stuck to your leg, he gently squeezed, sending you back to reality. "not now" you chided, resulting in a slight pout on the white shaman's face. within seconds, his pout transformed into a smirk. reapplying his focus towards the road ahead, he switched the gears of the car in his control and pushed on the accelerator. from the car's sudden increase in speed, you already knew what he was plotting. his face turned to your view once again. 'just wait til we get home, is what his face had told you.
nanami kento 
stress baking at midnight — being a jujutsu sorcerer, one out of many people across the globe, his worries were miles different from those of who he worked in his previous line of occupation. they say money is life, but now he's betting with real lives — souls and bodies are what he has to strive to keep alive, through the exorcising of the unseen. he saw many in his profession drive to their deaths, often gruesome and tragic. although he was relatively close with some of those who had passed, the thought of you leaving this world through the same fate left him in constant worry. with you being a shaman yourself, his concerns prevailed. though he often drowned in the hypotheticals of your demise, it came as a double-edged sword. on the other side, was a motivation. a drive to never take you for granted. spending times like this are what washed his stresses. the way you intensely stared at the directions on the box of chocolate cake mix under the withered kitchen lights brought a relieving grin to his face.
inumaki toge
stargazing on the dorm's rooftop — laying on the hard tiles which formed the roof protection of your designated living quarters, you stared at the magnificent view of the tiny, white pockets of light that decorated the sky. picturing constellations in your head, you lost your focus on reality until a light tap on your shoulder revived your focus. turning your head, you see your rice ball-speaking boyfriend looks into your eyes deeply before taking a seat next to you. gradually, he moves his arms towards you, bringing you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. his sudden presence of warmth sent a tingling shiver down your spine. he leaned his head into your shoulder, with his soft hair brushing your cheeks, before looking up at the stars. as minutes had passed, he took your hand and began to draw constellations from his sight of the night. his soft touches and breathing were enough to send you to a sweet and peaceful slumber.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part IV
Summary: Sy wakes up in Lily’s arms and shows his gratitude for her comforting him. The mysterious caller is revealed, causing Sy to get extremely protective.
Pairing: Captain Syverson/OFC
Word Count: 7,178
Rating: M - Language, Protective!Sy, Domestic Kink, Stalking, Harassment, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Confession, Smut - Nipple stimulation, intercourse, orgasm, cream pie. 
Inspiration: Always wanted to write a Sy fic and this is a re-work on an old fic I wrote several years ago.
Author’s Note: Thank you for all the love and support, @wondersofdreaming​! Your ideas, suggestions and encouragement mean the world to me, and my stories.
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Sy woke the next morning wrapped around a warm body and a steady heart beat in his ear, he tipped his head back and was met with Lily's sleeping face, his head pillowed on her breasts. He smiled, hugging his arms snugger around her waist and sighed, comfortable and peaceful, nuzzling his face into her chest.
Lily moaned softly, making Sy smile against the fabric of the night shirt she was wearing, her hand moved against the broad expanse of his back, fingertips sleepily caressing his spine, unconsciously soothing him, before moving between his shoulder blades, tickling the nape of his neck and rubbing the back of his head with her palm.
He vaguely remembered her calling his name and holding him after his nightmare, whispering into his ear that he was safe and at home, with her. Lily made the choice to bring him to her bed, comforting him even more, until he fell asleep, and for the first time in years, Sy actually dreamt about something other than war and endless spaces of bloody sand.
Reaching up, Sy brushed his fingers through her bangs, smiling. “My Angel.” He whispered, not wanting to wake her.
Carefully unwrapping himself from around her, Sy slipped out of bed and gingerly covered Lily up, before tip toeing downstairs to the kitchen. Scratching the back of his head for a moment, Sy moved about the kitchen, setting up the coffee maker, pulled out the skillet and started making breakfast. He figured she had been making him breakfast every morning for the last several months, it was time for him to return the favor.
So, Sy went all out, once he had everything made, he brought it upstairs to her.
Lily took a deep breath and moaned, stretching and rolling onto her back, but found Sy was no longer in bed with her. She sat up, panicked that something had happened to him, and was about to get out of bed to look for him, when he appeared in the bedroom door, relieved he was all right.
“Morning.” He smiled, finding her sitting up.
“Did you make breakfast?” She frowned as he approached her side of the bed.
“I did.” He nodded, setting her steaming cup of tea on her bedside table. “I thought, since you always make me breakfast, that I'd make you breakfast this go around.” Sy explained, setting the tray of food over her lap.
“What's better than breakfast in bed?”
“Nothing currently comes to mind.” Lily smiled, a soft blush on her cheeks, actually pleasantly surprised at this change of events, touched at Sy’s sweet gesture.
“I didn't think so.” Sy chuckled, pulling up the chair that was at a small desk in her room and sat down, balancing his own plate of food in his lap.
“So, what's on your agenda today, Captain?” She asked, taking a sip of her tea and was surprised to find it was exactly to her liking.
“I think, it's time I started working on the roof.” He replied, bringing his fork to his mouth. “I want to at least give it some temporary patches, before the weather turns.” He told her, after swallowing. “It'll also give me a chance to find out what all the problems with it are, and if I'll need to re-roof it.”
“I hope not.” Lily frowned, washing down some of her food with a gulp of tea.
“Well, from what I've seen on the ground, it looks to be the original roof that was put on when the house was built.” He chuckled at her, setting his empty plate on her nightstand. “That was nearly a century ago.”
“Unless, you know about it being replaced since then?” He asked her, tilting his head.
“The realtor didn't mention it to me.” Lily replied, searching her mind for any scrap of memory of the day she bought the place.
“That's all right.” Sy assured her, gently touching her hand. “I'll get it done, don't you worry.”
Lily smiled at him, turning her hand to thread her fingers with his. “I'm not worried, since you're the one on the case.” She replied, softly.
Sy grinned at her, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers, before letting go and collecting their plates. “You know, what would you say, if I managed to install a dishwasher for you?” He asked, pausing in the doorway of her bedroom.
“I have a dishwasher.” Lily giggled, holding up her hands and wiggling her fingers at him.
“You know what I mean, sugar butt.” He laughed, smirking even broader at her.
Lily shrugged, still giggling at him, her cheeks coloring at his nickname. “I don't know, Bear. I've never had one before.”
“Well then, Angel, I'll riddle that one out for you.” He promised in a soft voice.
“I believe you.” She whispered back, giddy, and not for a dishwasher.
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“I'm going to check the mail.” Lily said, drying her hands on a dish towel, after washing the dishes from lunch.
“All right.” Sy nodded, still sitting at the table.
Sy had stood to refill his coffee cup, when the phone rang. Biting his lip and glancing out of the kitchen, he saw Lily was too far down the driveway to call her back to answer it, so he picked it up instead; clearing his throat.
“Moore residence.” He spoke into the receiver.
“She's a sweet thing, isn't she?” A sinister voice asked from the other end.
“Excuse you?” Sy barked, a flash of hot anger bursting through his body.
“Oh yes.” The voice chuckled, incredibly delighted. “She is sweet as a Lily, so pure and good.”
“Who is this?” Sy demanded with a deep growl, his teeth gritted and bared as he gripped the handle of the phone even tighter in his hand.
“She's mine, you know.” They growled back at Sy, breathing heavily, their own anger mounting. “She's always been mine and she will always be mine.”
“Not anymore.” Sy hissed back and slammed the phone down in its cradle.
“Sy?” Lily frowned, coming into the kitchen as he hung up the phone. “Who was that?”
“I don't know, you tell me?” He replied, turning towards her, brows drawn together.
“I'm not the one that answered it, Austin.” She countered, shaking her head, confused by his anger.
“It was some guy, said you were his, always had been and would be.” Sy told her, pushing his jaw forward.
Lily's eyes glassed over, letting out a shuddering breath and started trembling. Sy blinked at her, his anger at the caller's words melting away to alarmed concern. He took a step forward, reaching out for her, but Lily stumbled away from him, tears finally spilling free.
“Lily.” He whispered softly, his chest tight. “Easy.” He cooed at her, licking his lips.
“I'm not his, not anymore.” She whimpered, shaking her head. “Why can't he just leave me be.”
Sy blinked at her, frowning harder. “What?”
“Nothing.” Lily mewled, biting her lip.
“No, come on.” He coaxed her, resting his hand on her arm and gently pulled her against him. “Tell me.” He whispered, gently rubbing her back.
“I thought I got away from him.” She sniffled against his shirt. “Thirteen hundred miles away from him. I was so careful—so careful.” She mumbled, hands clinging onto the sides of his shirt. “I don't-I don't know how he found me—unless...”
“Unless?” Sy frowned, still slowly rubbing her back and trying to process what she was telling him. “Sit down.” He said, moving them towards the breakfast table and pulled out a chair for her, before bringing the other one around from the other side to sit beside her.
“Start at the beginning.”
Lily cleared her throat and stared down at her hands, folded in her lap. “I was born and raised in Middleburg, Virginia. You know, that I'm an only child and that my mom died, when I was born. I was raised by my grandparents, because my dad was in and out of my life, before just finally disappearing from it, when I was nineteen.” She explained to him, licking her lips.
“He blamed me for my mom's death.” She added, quietly.
Sy reached out and rested his hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently, and gave her a sweet smile.
“When I was seventeen, I met a boy at church, Jak.” Lily continued to explain to him. “It was the only time I really got to interact with others, my grandparents were strict, homeschooling me and only really letting me out of the house, unless they were with me, which was usually only for church on Sunday.” She fidgeted, shyly. “He was the only boy to show any interest in me, which didn't and did surprise me. The little house on the prairie dresses my grandma made me wear, and the glasses I had back then, you could see the moon through them.” She chuckled, cheeks colored.
Sy smiled back at her, even picturing her as a little girl like that, he still found her beautiful.
“But, Jak didn't care, or at least he didn't say or show he did. I would sneak out at night to meet him in the apple orchard my grandfather grew. It had been in our family since the Revolutionary War, the land was given to my, how many times, great-grandfather as payment for his service in the war.”
“I bet it's beautiful.” Sy commented, warmed at the thought.
“They are, so many of the trees are the original ones that were planted.” She smiled back, picturing the orchard in her mind. “The first one that was ever planted, after he cleared away the land, is still there and yielding, there's a plaque staked by its roots, and people come from all around to see it and the orchard, the Warren Apple.”
Sy rested back in his chair. “Your family owns the Warren Orchard Company? You're one of those Warrens?”
“I am.” She nodded, smiling proudly at that fact, but it vanished.
“Anyway, Jak and I would sneak every moment we could to see each other. He even got a job, during the summer, in the orchard, so we could see each other even more.” She took a deep breath, letting it out softly. “But, a year after we met and started being sweet on each other, my grandparents lodged a missionary for his two year mission in our ward. Jak thought he and I were getting close, that my grandparents had actually brought him to live with us, so he and I could court and marry.”
“He grew jealous and possessive. I was stupid, naive and young, I didn't know what was happening, that he was being abusive, until it was almost far too late.”
“What happened, that caused you to realize it?” Sy asked, tilting his head at her.
“I met Jak in the orchard one night, when I was twenty, the day after the missionary went back home to Michigan, because his two years were up. When I got there, Jak was pacing, already angry. Livid. When he saw me, he started yelling about how he had seen me kissing the missionary, how we practically ate each other's faces on the back porch, while everyone else was in the house, during his farewell party.” She said, glancing out the window behind the breakfast table.
“Of course, I hadn't been. Matt, the Missionary, and I had been on the back porch together, I had gone out there to get away from the press of all the people and he went out there to check on me. We had hugged, only the once, since doing so isn't really acceptable, two not courting, unchaperoned kids. But, we did nothing more, before going back inside. The truth didn't matter to Jak though, he had his version of what he saw and it was unchangeable.” Lily bit her lip and gripped Sy's wrist as his hand still laid on her thigh. “He lost his temper and hit me, but in my love sick stupidity, I didn't break it off there or tell my grandparents about it.”
“Instead, I enrolled in a university for Photography and Web Design, moved out of my grandparents' place and into one with him, like an idiot.”
“You weren't an idiot, Lily.” Sy told her, shaking his head and slipping his hand into hers. “It's more common than you think.”
“I know it is.” She sighed, clinging onto his hand.
“He only got worse and it got harder for me to get my school work done, with him accusing me that I was sleeping with my project partners, even teachers.” She huffed, shaking her head at his allegations, that now sounded so ridiculous. “The straw that broke the camel's back was,” She paused, biting and licking her lips, fighting down a bubble of emotions and memories. “One of my project mates called to ask me about the faux website we were designing for a fake company we had to make up, cause she wanted to know what time was good for us to meet up, and Jak answered the phone, claimed he heard a guy in the background, throwing the phone across the living room and went ballistic, saying I was having her call me to set up a time for me and the guy he heard, to try and fool him.”
“He spent the next hour going to town on me.” She said, glancing up at him, the hint and meaning in her eyes.
“Afterwards, he went to work and I packed a bag. I had some money from the family orchard business, so I took a good portion of it, bought a greyhound bus ticket to a cousin I was close to in New Jersey, Maggie, and stayed with her, knowing he wouldn't find me there, my grandparents wouldn't think I'd go there, and she wouldn't ever rat on me. While I was there, I petitioned for a name change, from Liliana Warren to Lily Ana Moore, and finished my degree, then found this place and moved out here.”
“So, how do you think he found you?” Sy asked, worried about her safety and angry that this asshole had the audacity to hurt her and wanted to try and hurt her again, but he kept a lid on his temper, not wanting to frighten her anymore than she already was.
“I've been keeping tabs on my grandparents, mostly through my cousin.” Lily answered, biting her lip. “She called me a year ago, to tell me that my grandmother had a stroke, a pretty bad stroke at that. She's apparently wheelchair bound now. Maggie went down there to visit them, and my grandfather was talking about how he needed someone to work on the company website, when Maggie let it slip that I have a web design business.”
“Oh.” Sy let out, eyes wide.
“Yeah.” She nodded back. “So, of course, they got upset, understanding that Maggie knew what had happened to me and where I was and all that. She called afterwards, apologizing up and down to me for it. She didn't tell them where I was or anything like that, just that I was safe and fine, and if I wanted to contact them, I would.”
“Did you?”
“I did.” Lily sighed, voice tight. “I figured after four years, I owed them a call.”
“So, do you think they told Jak?”
“I don't know.” She shrugged. “But, a week after I called them, I started getting hang up calls, then calls where no one would say anything for a few minutes, before hanging up. Then, two months ago, I got a call that was different from the others, he said something to me, and a month ago, he said something being soon.”
The wires connected in Sy's brain. “That's what caused you to take all those pills.”
Lily gulped and bit her lip, eyes burning, as she nodded her head. “Ye-ah.” She choked, fear and anxiety starting to mount inside of her again.
“Hey, hey.”
Sy cooed, wrapping his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, hugging her against his chest. “It's all right, Lily. It's going to be all right, I promised to protect you and I will. You are safe with me, you will always be safe with me, whatever the cost.” He whispered in her ear, holding her close and planning ways and means to protect her.
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“Sy?” Lily called from the open door of her bedroom, just as Sy stepped out of the hall bathroom, in nothing, but a pair of black boxers.
“Lily?” He replied, rubbing the towel over his head, and looked up at her, lifting a brow, inquisitively.
Lily rested her hand on the handle of her door and stepped sideways, giving a little motion of her head into her room, a soft and offering expression on her face. Sy blinked at her, surprised, then down at Aika, who sat in the doorway of his room, feeling like he was picking what lady to sleep with for the night.
He tilted his head at Aika and gave her a sympathetic expression.
“Sorry, Girl.” He whispered to the Shepherd, turning towards Lily.
Lily chuckled at him, smiling and shaking her head as he passed by her and into her room. “You can come too, Aika.” She called to her, then turned into her room.
“You're cool with this?” Sy asked, eyes motioning to her bed.
“It was my idea, wasn't it?” She smiled at him, then stepped inside her closet for a moment and came back in a t-shirt-like nightie with Mickey Mouse on it, before pulling down the blankets and crawling into bed.
“It was.” He nodded, then laid down with her, covering up.
Lily scooted closer to him and Sy draped his arm over her waist, tucking her against him and she let him lay his head on her chest, stroking his arm. She was comfortable with the warm weight of his body against hers, the clean scent of his skin and hair from his shower. She felt Sy's body slowly melt into hers as he fell asleep, it had been her plan. Lily knew there was a high likelihood of Sy having another episode or nightmare, but figured, if he was there, with her, already safe and comfortable in her arms, he wouldn't have it.
That was her deepest hope, at least.
But, the next thing Lily knew, she was being jerked roughly off the bed and pinned underneath Sy's mountainous weight, his heavy and hot breath puffing against the side of her face as he blanketed her with his body, clearly startled and on high alert. The room lit up with a quick flash of lightning and the furious sound of rain beating on all parts of the house filled the bedroom around them.
“Austin.” She gasped, grasping the back of his arms, nails digging into his sweaty skin, thinking he had been set off by the noise of the sudden storm. “Aust-”
“Ssshhh.” He hushed her, lips brushing her temple, the hairs of his beard tickling her skin. “Stay here.” He whispered into her ear, then moved off of her and out of the room, Aika sitting in the open doorway and growling into the darkness of the hallway after him.
Lily sat up on her elbows, knowing that what was happening couldn't have been from one of Sy's nightmares or the storm, because Aika wouldn't be acting like this, she was angry, like she was daring something Lily couldn't see to try and cross her. But, nothing came, not even Sy, and Lily was starting to get worried. So, getting up, she edged around Aika and tip toed downstairs, jerking at another boom of thunder and crack of lightning, until she found Sy standing in the entryway.
“Austin?” She called out to him, over the sound of the rain, which sounded much louder downstairs.
“I told you to stay upstairs.” He barked, not looking back at her.
“What's wrong?” She asked, knowing there had to be something, by the tone of his voice.
“Nothing, just go back to bed.”
Narrowing her eyes, Lily stepped closer to him and her eyes grew wide, seeing what had caused Sy to wake up and react like he had. The large bay window in the den that faced out onto the porch and the front of the property was smashed, the glitter of the broken glass shined in the lightning strikes and left the outline of the brick amongst them, the cause of the broken window. Lily's eyes snapped out the living room window, expecting to see someone, not just someone, but Jak, to be standing out in the yard, staring back at them. But, there was no one, but her and Sy's cars. Her heart started to race and pound, making her feel dizzy and lightheaded, trembling so hard she almost lost her balance, but caught herself on the back of the couch.
Sy turned and grabbed her, picking her up in his arms and carried her back up to bed. “Stay here.” He ordered her, pointing a stiff finger at her, then went back downstairs.
Going out back, Sy grabbed a large piece of plywood he had bought in preparation for repairing the roof and instead used it to board up the broken window, until the storm passed and morning came, so he could find a piece of glass to replace it, leaving him and the den floor mostly wet. He moped the den floor and laid out nearly every towel Lily had in the house in hopes the old floorboards wouldn't warp under the water damage.
He stepped out onto the porch for a moment, glaring into wet dark. “This is my house now.” He growled, knowing Jak was still out there somewhere nearby. “My girl.” He hissed, before turning back inside, going up to the guest room to change into a dry pair of boxers and joined Lily back in her bed.
“It was him.” She mumbled, hugging her pillow to her chest. “It had to be him.”
Sy sighed softly, locking his arms around her waist and hugged her to his chest, curving his body around hers. He didn't know what to say to her, they both knew it had to be Jak, who else would have thrown a brick through someone's window in the middle of a storm like this one, especially after all the other incidents over the last several months; all the lines drew back to Jak on his unhealthy, possessive rampage to reclaim Lily as his own. Sy was afraid that if he verbalized his agreement with her, it would only inflate her already inflamed fear of the obvious.
So, he just clutched her tighter to him, pressing his lips to her shoulder and squeezing his eyes shut against the bright flashes of lightning.
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“Lily, I'm going to go to town, I have something I need to pick up.” He told her, searching the living room for his car keys.
“I thought you already ordered the new windowpane?” Lily called back, appearing out of the kitchen, where she was washing the dishes.
“I did.” He nodded, he had found a shop that he could order a replacement windowpane for the den window that morning, but it wouldn't be ready until the next day. “This is for something else.” He told her, finding his keys under a magazine on the coffee table.
“What are you going for, then, Bear?” She asked, tilting her head at him.
Sy paused and regarded her. “Don't worry about it, Angel. I'll be back in an hour.” He told her, then, went out.
“Okay.” Lily frowned, glancing out the living room window, the thunder and lightning had passed during the early morning, but it was still raining cats and dogs.
Sighing, Lily turned back into the kitchen, taking a bucket and mop out of the utility closet, filled the bucket with warm water and soap, before getting down to mopping the floors, with nothing else to do in the current weather.
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Sy rushed out to his truck, but was still almost half soaked by the time he settled himself in the driver's seat. Turning on the car and cranking on the heat, Sy pulled off the property and headed towards Celina. He pulled into the small parking center the small town had, scanning the rain blurred signs, looking for the one he was heading for, before opening the door and rushing towards it, pulling open the door, with an electric ding, announcing his presence.
“How can I help you?” the shop owner asked, coming out of a small room in the back and stopped behind a long glass case.
“Yeah, I'm looking for something specific.” Sy replied, stopping on the other side of the glass case, a look of understanding in both men's eyes.
“What specifics would that be?”
“Taurus, PT111 G2, 9mm.” Sy rattled off with familiar ease.
“Do you have a license and ID?” The store owner asked, eyes scanning the case between them.
“Then, some.” Sy laughed, pulling out his wallet to show the man his qualifications.
“You're a retired Captain.” The man noted, seeing Sy's military ID.
“That I am.” Sy chuckled, grinning with some pride.
The store owner got Sy squared away with the weapon he wanted, a secure case and a couple rounds of ammo, while also chattering about the military, being a retired Staff Sergeant himself. Getting back into his truck, he put the case under the passenger seat, pausing to stare at it for a moment,emotions and thoughts brewing inside of him, then shook them off. Satisfied, Sy went back home to Lily, finding her dusting the living room, when he came in, carrying the case and sat it down on the coffee table.
Lily paused, dust rag poised above the mantelpiece, staring at the case. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked, finally looking up at him.
“If you think it's a gun, then yes.” Sy replied, sitting down on the couch and tugging on the soaked laces of his boots.
“Why,” She gulped, arm dropping to her side. “did you buy a gun and bring it here?”
“Because, I wanted to and as a precaution.” He answered her, yanking his boots off.
“A precaution?”
“There is a fucking asshole out there.” Sy barked, jerking his arm up and finger pointing out the window. “Trying to hurt you.” His finger moved to her, in emphasis. “I am a big man. I'm a strong man. I've killed and subdued more than one man with my bare hands, but a personal cost.” He explained to her, standing and jerking up his shirt, showing her a couple of scars on his sides and chest, some were round and puckered, gunshot wounds, others were stripes, like stab wounds.
“If that prick decides to come into this house, to try and put his hands on you. That,” He pointed down to the gun case. “is going to be the first thing he wants to meet, because if he has to get close enough to me, that I need to put my hands on him, then they will be that last thing he will ever feel.” He told her, chest heaving as he got worked up over the situation.
Lily gulped at him, biting her lip, a flash of fear in her eyes at his passionate words, seeing a vein of rage that Jak had also been capable of.
“I just want to protect you.” He said softly, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down; seeing he had scared her.
“I know you do, Austin.” She whimpered back, gulping, eyes shiny. “I know you do.”
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Sy moaned, something cold pressing into his neck. “Hm, Lily.” He chuckled, scrunching his head and shoulders together, grinning as the cold and wet touched his bare chest, making him grunt and wiggle away. “Why are you so col-” He started to laugh, opening his eyes, only to meet the soulful and tawny colored eyes of Aika.
“Aika, what are ya doin' here?” He frowned, and sat up, finding it was just him and the German Shepherd in the bed, Lily nowhere in sight. “Lily?” He called out, turning his head towards the master bathroom, but it was empty.
Panic filled Sy as he yanked the blankets back and pounded down the stairs into the living room, then the den. Sy squeezed his eyes shut, taking deep breaths and clenching his hands in and out of fists, trying to keep himself cool and calm, before going into the kitchen, hearing the screen of the back door knocking against the door frame, and found the main back door was ajar.
“What is she doing?” He whispered to himself, biting his lip and looking back, considering the option of going back upstairs and getting the gun, but something in his gut told him he wouldn't need it.
Opening the door, Sy stepped out onto the back porch, a shiver wracking his body as a strong gust of rainy wind rushed by him. He narrowed his eyes, scanning the drenched backyard, the tall, unruly and uncut grass bent from the pelting of the rain and gusts of wind, he caught a quick movement to his left and turned in that direction, stepping off the porch and followed after it, towards the barn, just catching the billowing fabric of Lily's white nightie, vanishing inside.
“Lily, what are you doing in here?” He called out, pushing open the barn door a bit more. “Lily?” He called again, frowning as he crossed the barn and found her huddled in one of the old horse stalls. “What are you doing in here, Angel?” He cooed at her, shaking his head, droplets of rain running down both of their faces, and watched her melt into the corner.
Lily panted, her back pressed against the warped and worn wall behind her, arms pressed to her chest, her nightie so soaked, it was almost see through. Sy bit his lip and gulped, slowly crouching down. He knew what was going on, he had seen and suffered things like this a million times over the last ten plus years. She was having a PTSD episode, running away from the terror that was inside her head, trying to hide and find somewhere safe from it. Everything over the last several months with Jak stalking and harassing her was really starting to affect her, finally breaking her it seemed.
“I'm not going to hurt you, love.” He said softly, keeping his voice soft and low. “Come here.” He gulped, opening his arms to her and biting his lip with apprehension. “It's all right. You know, you can trust me, Sugar.” He whispered, nodding his head as she slowly unfolded herself and crawled over to him.
“Hey, Angel.” Sy cooed, sighing softly, and closed his arms around her, pressing his lips to the top of wet her head. “Ssshh.” He hushed her, rubbing her back and cupping the back of her head, feeling her tears add to the raindrops on his chest.
“I c-can-can't ta-take it an-anymore.” She sobbed, trembling in his arms, overcome with emotions and cold.
“We'll get through this, Angel.” He whispered to her, cupping her chilled cheeks in his hands and tilted her head back to look up at him. “We will get through this. You and I will get through this together. Everything will work out.”
Lily shook her head, her pale lips trembling. “N-no, it wo-won't. He-he always g-gets what h-he wants. All-always.” She mewled, whining. “I don't kn-know why I-I thought I c-could ge-get away.”
Sy's expression was hard for a moment, before he brought their faces together and kissed her, deeply. Lily stiffened against him, taken off guard by his kiss, but she didn't pull away or push him away. Gulping, she shyly returned his kiss, resting her hands on him, feeling the skin of his sides jump and react to her icy touch.
“I've wanted to kiss you.” Sy said, pulling back. “For such a long time.” He admitted, looking into her eyes. “Since that day on the porch, when you woke me up.”
“Since, you gave me your hoodie at the fair.” She whispered back, licking her lips, the warmth of Sy's still lingering on them.
Sy leaned forward, kissing her gently and brushing his fingers through her dripping hair, Lily pushing forward to deepen it for a moment, letting out a breathy whimper. Sy smirked, then looked down at the floor between them, it was still strewn with decades old hay and dirt. He held up a finger and stood, bumping around in the dark barn before a scratching sound sounded among the patter of rain on the metal barn roof. A moment later, a teeny glow filled the space and Sy approached where Lily was still kneeling, holding an old, beat up, oil lantern he knew was in the barn from his many searches of the space, hanging it up on a bent and rusty nail on the stall wall, then disappeared for another moment.
“Stand up.” He said, motioning her out of the stall, holding something in his arms.
Lily frowned at him, but stepping out of the stall and out of his way, catching a glimpse of what it was, it was one of the drop clothes he bought for when he painted the house, keeping the paint off the new porch. Sy unfolded the drop cloth over the dirty hay and stall floor, making sure it was comfortable, then turned back to her.
“How gentlemanly.” Lily complimented him.
“I am a Southern boy.” Sy chuckled, letting his Southern drawl deepen, and wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her against him. “Who's in love with Southern Lady.”
Lily blushed as Sy kissed her again, hugging her against him and up off her feet, turning around and slowly dropped to his knees, gently laying her back on the situated drop cloth. Lily wrapped her arms around Sy's neck, moaning softly against his lips, feeling the fabric of her nightie rub against her cold hardened nipples as Sy moved to kiss down to her neck, sinking his teeth into her delicate skin and let out a loud moan, pushing up against him.
“Austin!” She cried out, pressing her cheek to his ear as he continued to bite and suck on her neck, his beard tickling and rubbing against the skin underneath her jaw, leaving it red and sensitive.
Sy chuckled, loving the sound of her calling out his name with the metal patter of rain, his hand gliding over the soaked material of her nightie, bunching and hiking it up out of his way, pressing his palm against her side, rubbing his big hands all over her exposed body, grunting and growling into her neck, like a wild grizzly bear, finally getting his claws on his prized catch. His big mitts were on her plump breasts almost instantly, squeezing and kneading them, rubbing the rough pads of his thumbs over the sensitive nubs of her nipples, making her moan and whimper, fidgeting beneath him and rubbing her legs together, adding to the growing slickness between them.
“You sound so sweet.” Sy moaned back, pulling away from her neck, a set of dark teeth marks left behind, dipping his head for a moment to swirl his tongue around one of her nipples.
“Sy.” She whined, gulping down a moan. “Sy, please.”
“Oh.” He smiled, impishly. “You like that?” He asked, flicking her erect nipple with the tip of his tongue and watched her partially melt. “Your sweet, sensitive, little buds.” He cooed, then closed his lips around one of them, suckling gently, rubbing and rolling his tongue against it.
“Ah, shit!” Lily gasped, gripping his shoulders, eyes rolling and fluttering back into her head, heels digging into the fabric of the drop cloth. “God damn it, Austin.” She snapped, pressing her palms to the back of his head, holding his mouth to her breasts, her moans and whimpers filled the barn, pushing against him, egging and begging him to keep going, her breathing growing rugged and labored, moans becoming more urgent and reckless.
“Ah, fuck fuck fuck.” She cried out. “Suck them harder.” She coaxed and demanded. “Oh shit! Please, Austin!!” She gasped suddenly, body going rigid with a soft tremor.
Sy pulled away from her and dripped a hand between her trembling thighs, finding an extremely wet patch there. “So, you come, when you get your pretty breasts sucked.” He grinned, fully turned on and impressed, licking her juices off his fingers and palm.
“I've also never heard you say such naughty words.” He added, teasingly.
Lily chuckled, slowly recovering and smiling shyly up at him.
“Oh, it's too late to get shy now, Angel.” Sy laughed, leaning down and kissed the corner of her mouth. “Your secret is out.” He continued to tease her, playfully bouncing her boobs in his palms.
“And, I'm not letting you off.”
“I'm going to regret this, I can just feel it now.” Lily huffed, shaking her head, but her smile gave away her true feelings.
“Yes, you are.”
Sy chuckled, his hand dipping back between her legs, rubbing her still dripping folds with his calloused fingers, melting her into a puddle of weak and vulnerable whimpers. “You're so sensitive and sound so sweet.” He cooed at her, licking his lips and watching her face. “So, so sweet.” He panted, mouth slightly ajar, slipping his free hand into his damp boxers, curling his fingers around his thick and rock hard shaft, giving it a few shallow strokes.
Lily's eyes drifted down the length of her sweaty body, watching Sy work his cock inside his underwear and felt herself shiver in want and anticipation of it. She licked her lips and looked up at him, their eyes in a silent communication of what they both wanted. Sy shifted, yanking off his boxers to kneel between Lily's legs, wrapping them around his waist, her hips and bottom resting atop his thighs, with the small of her back lifted off the drop cloth beneath her.
“You're sure?” Sy panted, gulping thickly and already breaking out into a sweat, staring at her with wide eyes and blown out pupils.
“Yes.” Lily sighed, nodding her head vigorously at him. “God, yes.” She moaned, squeezing her legs around his waist.
Sy smirked, pressed a hand to her hip, pushing it up her side to palm one of her breasts, squeezing and rubbing it, while taking the base of his cock in his other hand, pumping it a few times, rubbing the fat and cut tip against her still wet pussy, slowly slipping between her folds, brushing her entrance and pushing inside. Lily let out a moaning sigh through her nose, feeling his wide girth stretch her open far more than she had ever been before. Her toes curled and squeezed his hips between her calves and thighs, back arching and hips shifting against the nearly uncomfortable burn of his length being buried ever deeper inside her core. Sy tilted his head at her, bracing a hand on the drop cloth, beside her head, and leaned over her, causing Lily to let out a raspy gasp as his cock changed angles inside of her, and kissed her, slow and passionately, still pushing his hips into her.
“You are so beautiful.” He rasped against her lips, nibbling on her pouty bottom lip.
“Austin.” She whimpered back, breathy, hooking her arms under his arms and pressing her palms flat against tense and sweaty back, nails digging into his cool skin. “Austin.” She chanted, softly, rubbing her nose against his.
“Lily.” Sy moaned back, finally flush inside of her, and rocked into her, taking his time and enjoying her heavenly warmth wrapped around his cock, like a toasty sleeve. “I love you, Lily.” He whispered into her ear, kissing her jaw and cheek.
Lily blushed and let out an airy chuckle, hiding her face in his neck and broad shoulder, hugging her arms and legs tighter around his body, clinging onto him for dear life and squeezed her eyes shut, taking in the sound of Sy's heavy breathing and loud moans and groans, grunting, and sighing out her name, the still steady pitter-patter of the fat raindrops on the old, rusted tin roof and sun-kissed wood walls, all mixed with her own sounds of pleasure.
“Sy?” Lily whispered, after their shared climax, still feeling the euphoric and relaxing pleasure it gave both of them, as she laid on the drop cloth, half tucked underneath Sy's body for warmth in the drafty barn.
“Hm?” He hummed back, nosing her hair and took a deep breath.
Lily smiled, feeling the vibration in his chest, nuzzling back into him. “I love you too, Austin.” She whispered, turned her head to look back at him.
Sy lifted his head and looked down at her, a smile slowly pulling across his lips, an excited and giddy feeling in the pit of his stomach, reaching out to gently brush her hair out of her face, picking out a few bits of straw that happened to get stuck in it from earlier; before oh-so-tenderly kissing her.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me, Angel.” He murmured against her cheek.
“I'm guessing as happy as it makes me, Bear.” She chuckled back, kissing the tip of his nose.
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Lily softly stirred just before dawn, cradled in Sy's arms as he carried her out of the barn, the rain finally letting up, and into the house. He carried her upstairs to her room and gently laid her down on her bed, letting him help her out of her still damp nightie and tossed it through the open door of her master bathroom, before crawling into bed with her.
Both of them were out cold before the blankets settled around them, unaware of the audience they had a good deal of the night.
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magnoliabloomfield · 3 years
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Chapter 1: The Princess Arrives
Structure. Maybe it was because he was a builder that he liked that word so much. He built structures, he knew how make four walls and a roof that wouldn’t come down on anyone’s head, he knew how to build a seat that wouldn’t give out under anyone’s weight, and he knew how to maintain it all and make it last. The small world he lived in demanded order and structure for everyone’s well being. Without it they would be sleeping on the ground, starving, and losing their minds. And if one cog in that machine didn’t turn as it should it affected every other part. Yes, the Glade had to be a well oiled machine functioning everyday as it should.
Thankfully there were no outside forces that tried to thwart that. The doors opened in the morning, they closed at night, and the box came every month. You could tell time by the Glade and its unchanging rhythm. After three years Gally knew it like his own heartbeat. He knew the answer to every problem that could crop up in his bit of the machine. He was good enough to be the Keeper of the builders at least. Maybe that’s why it hit him hardest of all.
Box day came like all the others before it, predictable and precise. But then the heart of the Glade skipped a beat and Gally’s own did too for the first time. Because in that box was something they would never recover from.
A girl.
That was the worst thing that ever could have come up in the box. The boys would lose their minds, they’d become distracted and competitive and the machine of the Glade would come to a rusty, grinding halt. Gally could see the writing on the walls: this was going to be bad.
She wasn’t awake, she was laying there almost peacefully and all the gladers remained eerily and unexpectedly silent, like they were waiting for someone to jump out and say it was all a joke and take her away, or if they stared at her long enough the mirage would fizzle out and it actually would be a boy like it was supposed to be. Alby and Newt carefully lowered themselves into the box so they wouldn’t startle her and Newt hesitantly checked for a pulse, letting out a breath as he nodded to say she was alive. Gally ran a hand over his mouth, feeling anxious but not wanting to look it.
She woke up slowly from a sleep she didn’t know she’d fallen into. Her eyes stared straight up at the sky before they started to focus on things like Newt and Alby and a whole crowd of boys looming above her. Gally waited for the scream, for the crying, shuck, even boys had screamed and cried when they came up. But she didn’t. She tried to sit up and winced, placing her palm over her eye and rubbing like her head hurt.
“You’re okay,” Newt said to her from where he knelt beside her.
“Do you remem-“ Alby started to ask her but was silenced by her holding up one finger.
“Just… give me a minute,” she requested as she pressed both palms to her forehead and brought her knees up toward her chest.
“Sure, no rush,” Newt assured her softly, earning a small glare from Alby who was more impatient and less coddling than him.
“Enough gawking, if you’re not a keeper get back to work,” Alby ordered the boys standing around whispering to each other and stifling giggles behind their fists.
Gally narrowed his eyes and shook his head at them. Weak willed hormonal morons. They were all shucking doomed. Slowly the boys began to shuffle off, the ones catching Gally’s glare wiping the smirks from their faces and moving even faster. He sighed to himself knowing their work was going to suck if it got done at all.
Gally stood around with the other keepers, his arms crossed as they all waited for whatever would happen next. The girls hands came away from her face and she held one out in front of her, seeing the tremors running through it and making it shake before she clutched her knees and took a deep breath.
“Okay… now, what?” she sighed, looking up at Newt and Alby, her eyes squinting in the sun.
She was cute, of course she was cute, she couldn’t ruin their lives if she wasn’t cute, Gally thought to himself as he looked away from her.
“Do you remember anything?” Newt asked her nicely.
She zoned out on the middle ground ahead of her and let a breath out through her lips. “Water is wet, the sky is blue, that kind of stuff. I can’t even remember my name,” She said, her shaking hands pushing her hair back from her face as that realization set in.
“It’s ok, it’s alright,” Newt did a good job of keeping her calm. “That happens to everyone who comes here. Sad to say that’s normal. Most of us eventually remember our names at some point though, so don’t worry too much.”
“So if I were to ask you where we are and why we’re here you wouldn’t even know?” she asked as she turned to him, causing him to rock back on his heels a little bit.
“Unfortunately that is correct,” Alby spoke up, earning her attention. “But we will tell you everything we do know, starting with the fact that… you’re the very first girl to come here in three years. So we kind of have a lot to talk about.”
She squinted up at him for a beat before asking “Am I dreaming?”
“I bet you would think being the only girl in a crowd of boys would be a dream,” one of the other keepers said, drawing those eyes of hers to him.
“Nightmares are dreams too,” she pointed out.
Gally felt the corner of his mouth twitch like he might have chuckled at that.
She got out of the box on her own, climbing onto a drum of drinking water and then the rest of the way. Alby and Newt took a hand to get out and Gally figured the girl wasn’t keen on being touched just yet if ever. They let her have her way. They set off for the gathering room, the girl carefully encircled by the keepers to either keep her from running off or keep anyone from running up to her. Alby yelled for someone to go unload the rest of the box and the girl flinched.
She wasn’t as short as Gally expected a girl would be, but of course she was a lot shorter than him. At least not all the boys were that much taller than her which might tip things in her favor slightly if anything were to happen. Gally would have to pay attention to how intimidating he was now. It was never an issue with the boys, it was quite essential in fact. If they weren’t a little scared of someone then nothing would get done. But just looking at her he could tell that he absolutely could overpower her without breaking a sweat, and she would most definitely put that together too, so he had to make sure he never gave her a reason to think he actually would.
They started the gathering with the basic Greenie intro to the Glade. This was usually handled by one person who took the greenie on a tour around the Glade, but this was not the usual greenie. Gally was actually glad she was out of sight of the boys who were supposed to be working.
He rested his elbows on his knees to keep his leg from jumping nervously as Alby and Newt explained the basics and each keeper explained what they did. Gally kept his eyes down, unintentionally staring through the spot where her feet were. As the builder he was running through all the work he would have to do, he’d have to build a safe place for her to sleep and wash up, how exactly was he going to do that, he’d never had to do that before. When Alby called his name he was almost startled. He looked around and found everyone looking back at him, including the girl. It must be his turn.
“I’m in charge of the builders. Pretty self explanatory,” he stated, holding her gaze for as long as he could manage. It wasn’t long.
“You’ve been surprisingly quiet, Gally,” Newt pointed out, looking at him curiously.
Gally didn’t like the attention. “Well, I am the one who has to do the most about this situation,” he pointed out. “Yes, she needs her introduction to this place, but while you’re telling it to her I’m sitting here thinking of how I’m going to build a safe place for her to sleep and to wash up. I’m thinking up the plans now so I can get to work first light and just maybe she’ll have a place to sleep by sundown tomorrow. So what are we going to do for her tonight?”
Alby pinched the bridge of his nose as his face scrunched up, realizing that they had lot of work ahead of them. When Gally had finished his rant he thought the girl was sitting a little smaller in her seat.
“The gardening shed,” Newt blurted. “Remember the time the rakes fell over? We couldn’t get in, you had to take the door off. There’s no windows either. It’s not the best accommodations but on short notice at least it’s a place where no one can get in.”
Gally had started nodding, remembering exactly what Newt was talking about and it was a good idea, at least for one night. “We’ll move out some of the tools and put a cot in,” Gally thought aloud.
“She can take mine,” Minho volunteered.
“Are you sure? Aren’t you running tomorrow?” Newt pointed out.
“Yeah,” Minho shrugged. “Maybe one of the other runners will let me use his cot, but I can’t volunteer anyone else’s but my own. Besides, it’ll be one night, two tops with Gally working on it.”
Gally was surprised to hear him say something vaguely nice about him. But most of all he was planning, drawing blueprints in his mind of the safest, most anti-boy structure he could possibly make. He was going to put the Princess in the tower.
@poulterholland @anniemylennox @crazysheeplyca @thesuitkovian @Poulterjonas @gladerscake @carp3d1em @neilox
If any of you don't actually want to be tagged in the future just let me know, I was just trying to remember the ones who were really interested in the last short Gally series I wrote.
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