#bet they were a man
tinyidle · 2 years
just had some random acc message me with "hey sexy"
just want to say,
pls dont do that.
also, if you're a nsfw bot blog you dont get to call me any fem pronouns
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present-mom-blog · 2 months
Can we stop and think about how Atsushi broke Akutagawa's jaw on the second fight? Like, as a direct effect from breaking the Spatial Shield?
Atsushi must absolutely TERRIFY some people, especially in the Port Mafia. He's come out of nowhere, terrorized police enough to get the Armed Detective Agency involved, has an enormous bounty in his head that the Port Mafia hasn't yet collected, and he broke Akutagawa's jaw. He broke Akutagawa's jaw, who was basically untouchable.
Give me my cryptid Atsushi, give me the lower ranks of the Port Mafia, hell, maybe even some of the higher ranks, fearing him.
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themthistles · 1 year
frenchie's so awkwardly polite when he thinks ed's about to murder him. he's like hi hello sorry to bother you blackbeard sir i was just wondering if we'll be able to live or uh die sorry sorry where do you want to do it cause i can just throw myself overboard no worries
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razberrypuck · 1 year
it's fun that betty and simon have always been hopelessly obsessed with each other. like it wasn't a result of the madness that came with their magic they've just always been Like That. freaks that are completely aware of and totally into how crazy and weird the other is. they were doomed from the start but at least they got a few good years before then.
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topnotchquark · 7 months
Nico saying that Lewis gives his daughters boxes of presents every Christmas just got caught in my mind.
Imagine you were a mixed race boy born in Hertfordshire, different from everyone else around you. Bullied in school, being raised by your father to compete in a sport where money is very much of essence and you and your family do not have a lot of it. And then you meet this other boy who comes from the kind of life you dream to live one day. You're friends and fierce competitors. You find solace in each other. You visit Monaco for the first time with your friend, dreaming up the life you will have when you make it, when you beat out of the mould that the world thought it could capture you in.
And then you two grow through the ranks and you're at the pinnacle of your sport and you have what it takes to win and the world recognises that you can win. And you win. You win with your friend and fiercest competitor by your side fighting with you for those wins, and this fighting ruins something something that was valuable to both of you when you were still innocent and unsullied by life.
But despite everything that went into the doing and undoing of this relationship, you still realise that this person you once called a friend has a life and family beyond your bitter dynamic. He has children, and children need love and affection and good memories. And you're a better man now so you understand that. So you make sure the kids get gifts on Christmas. And you make sure of it every year. Afterall, if you met someone you loved deeply when you were both kids, wouldn't you feel a pang of nostalgia when they had kids. Wouldn't you try to extend the warmth that you couldn't find for your friend to his children. Afterall, whatever happens during childhood basically remains with you forever.
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royaltea000 · 11 days
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Pose practice! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
König Teasing Reader in His Dialect
I finally got around to writing for König being sappy with his S/O in his native tongue! Native dialect, in fact!! I'm not gonna include any translations for this one! And don't bother putting it in Google Translate either, it won't work :3c
“Du host so a liabes Gschau.”
A gentle twilight it was, the sky donning a beautiful coat of orange. With the few fluffy clouds floating by, you watched your boyfriend glow in the soft evening light. It was almost magical, the way the sun set behind the mountains, the way it created a halo of utmost pulchritude on König. He was a rough man, who found it within himself to be as gentle as one would never imagine. His hands were calloused, but the way he caressed your face made it seem as though he was a lover by nature. Although he may have killed more people than you have ever known in your lifetime, that fact barely came to mind when his voice would call for you. Strong his accent, yes, but with it came a sense of familiarity that you would get nowhere else. König was a beautiful man. If you could have, then you would have knelt in front of him, allowing him to tread his fingers through your locks. If you could have, you would have slung your arms around him, burying yourself in his warmth and scent. But alas, all that came to mind was confusion. What did he say this time?
“You know my German isn’t that good just yet. You gotta be patient with me. Can you translate?”
With a certain glimmer in his eyes, he smiled as he shook his head. “No, I’ll let you figure this one out. It would be boring if I translated everything for you.” But even so, he walked towards you, quiet as a cat, hunting for its prey. All there was to devour was you, unity through the purpose of consuming one another. He stood still in front of you, eyes almost hazy as he seemed a little unfocused. He was a hunter, but whenever you were around he laid his weapon to rest, craving your attention more than he felt the bloodlust. You calmed him more than any restful night ever could. Your touch was the remedy for his loneliness, his fear, his anger. And this time, it was his turn to repay you, gently running his thumb across your cheek.
“Du bist mei ois. Für di leib i. I bin dir so vü schuidig. Söbst wenn i dir die Wöd gebn darad, warads ned genug. Danke für ois. Bitte bleib bei mir so laung wies nur geht. Hah, i reid grod so vü Scheiße, aba des stört mi ned. Du mochst mi so fertig, aber i hob di so lieb. Eigentlich wuid i heite schiacha zu dir sein, oba i kauns afoch ned. I bin so verliebt in di.”
Should you feel angry at him? For all you knew he could have been cursing you worse than any string of English words ever could. And yet, his expression betrayed him. That gentle smile, that soft gaze, that tender touch. König let out a content sigh, placing his hands atop your shoulders. It was evident he wanted something, he wanted more, but all he could do was stare as love overtook every fiber of his being. In that moment, he wasn’t a hunter, he wasn’t a fighter, he wasn’t a soldier. If there was one thing he could call himself, it was yours. Your boyfriend, your partner, your loved one. It didn’t matter as long as it was in relation to you. He pulled you into a tight embrace. His pride was a wall made of steel, but you burned yourself through the metal and settled down in his heart. All you knew was that he was so much kinder towards you than he gave himself credit for.
“Love, I’ve got no idea what you’re saying.”
“Brauchst a ned. I wü afoch nur so mit dir bleibn. I mechat di für imma so hoitn. Du bist so liab. I hob so vü Scheiße im Militär durchgmocht, oba es wor’s ma ois wert wal i di kennanglernt hob. I darad ois no amoi so mochn. Bitte sei ma ned bes, oba i glab es is gscheita wennst ned wast, wos i grod sog. Du suist mi ned als schwochn Maun sehn. Oba nur damit du’s wast, es gibt kan Menschn auf dera Wöd, den i liaba hob als di. I hoff, dass ma ewig zaumbleibm kennan.”
“Are you being sappy right now?”
But the only response you got was him holding onto you as though you were a beautiful, fleeting memory. Wrapping your arms around him in return, you resigned yourself to your fate. He could so very easily snap you in half, and yet he chose to use his strength to make you feel protected. Indeed, König was a different man with you. You knew him as the anxious colonel that was still capable of leading people. Deadly precise, viciously efficient, always successful. And today he felt as giddy as a child watching its first rainbow, all because he was with you.
“Ich hab dich ganz doll lieb.”
Finally, some words you could understand.
“Love you too, König.”
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sunlitriddle · 4 months
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There is nothing canonical about Reno smoking, but tell me he doesn't smell like a friggin' ashtray (when he doesn't smell like alcohol-- isopropyl or otherwise)
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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“don’t lose it now, old boy.”
With @ratb4stard3
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alaynestcnes · 6 months
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i’m like if a westerosi jester had an internet connection
pt 1 pt 2
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springs-hurts · 1 year
Sirius Black and James Potter did not need Remus lupin and lily Evans help to pass their OWLs and NEWTs.
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smileysuh · 11 days
it's the way I legit just got in my first motorcycle crash with my boyfriend, got out of that ditch completely unscaled, with not so much as a broken nail 💅 and I'm right back to writing smut not four hours later so I can get out this month's fics 😂
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sadisthetic · 8 months
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voilaammayi · 8 months
John Watson saying you join me and my companion/colleague/friend/flat mate while the only thing I can think of is oh please cut the bullshit.
Companion is already the gayest word in existence and yet you want to salvage yourself by flat mate in a desperate try of not using roommate which is actually nothing more than just the second gayest word in existence and you and I both know it.
Who do you think you’re fooling John, my beloved sweet summer child, only yourself I’m afraid.
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thylionheart · 4 months
Odysseus being considered past his prime and adaptations always depicting him as having a long white beard when he makes it back to Ithaca when he is AT MOST 40 years old… is wild. That is only like, one Emily Axford.
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
What he says: Honestly, Ed? I don’t like who you are around this guy.
What he means: This entire scenario makes me uncomfortable because Jack’s banter is akin to the bullying I’ve dealt with my entire life. He reminds me of those who stoned me for picking flowers, or those who blatantly mocked me for being soft. I know he’s your friend, and I want to like him for you. But seeing you willingly engage in something that brings up bad memories is hard for me.
What he says: This is who I am, Stede. Do you see me now? You’re always going to realize what I am.
What he means: This is a part of me that I’ve never been able to escape. This is who I’ve masqueraded as for years and years. This is something I’m afraid I’ll always have to be. Jack feels like a representation of that persona, and you dislike him, so I don’t want you to dislike me. I don’t want you to see who I believe myself to be, and consequently hate me as well. So I’m leaving before you can. I’m leaving before it’s too late. I’m choosing to leave before I lose you.
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