#best  of
owlmylove · 1 year
the flesh is unwilling and honestly, the spirit isn't too keen on the idea either
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spearxwind · 7 months
You need to look up red cornetfish
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strawberriedshortcake · 4 months
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best trope is the one where the character’s godlike power is also killing them btw. they don’t even lift a hand to kill the monster but now they’re delirious with fever. they save a friend’s life and said friend immediately finds them emergency medical care. they raze the enemy to nothing and it takes far too long to find their pulse with all the bruising. their friends just constantly having to patch them up and worrying over which feat will be their last. et cetera
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localwarlockunion · 1 year
Sorry I'm late, I got added to the Wild Hunt last night and ran and reveled with them for what felt like 100 years plus a day until I landed the killing blow on a stag with bronze antlers then suddenly woke in my bed, willow leaves in my hair, a nameless song echoing in my ears, and my hands still bloody, so yeah, totally missed my alarm and stuff.
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txttletale · 2 years
dnis are evitonmental storytelling because you can instantly imagine the incomprehensible hellscape someone is trapped in if they have a dni that's like dni if you:
think irish people can't be pan
are an apologist for season 2 scrunklepus or the knights of glop
hunt and kill people for sport
play frunko's quest
think movies always have to be slimy
think it's okay for welsh people to cosplay flugson
don't tag bibbles or togs
think that dutch and samoan are the same nationality
use the z-slur
participated in the srebenica massacre
are mutuals with steve
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seat-safety-switch · 24 days
When we were kids, we didn't have access to cool power tools. Every summer, when the soapbox derby race was coming, we'd break into my neighbour's garage while he was at work. Then, we'd use his drill press, lathe, table saw, all the fun tools. Over the course of a week, a race car was produced, which is more than the workshop ever made during the rest of the year.
Sure, we could have asked him if we could have borrowed his tools, but no doubt he would want to be there to supervise. And then he'd want to help. We'd never get done while we were busy indulging the suburb-tinged fantasies of someone who didn't take wood shop and chose instead to idly worship at the altar of Television Presents: The Fantasy of Bob Vila in adulthood.
One year, Old Man Garrett got a security system. Probably this was because Ted (fucking Ted) didn't clean up the sawdust that one time like we asked him to. The old man must have seen the footprint, and realized that he did not wear size-seven Nikes. Child thieves, casing his precious table saw! Now, our humble breaking-and-entering had become significantly more difficult than "reach a coat hanger under the door and pull the emergency release."
With the help of some of the high-school kids who were taking electronics class, we managed to defeat the security system. We did so using an ancient Japanese technique known as "distract Old Man Garrett while he's setting it, and then cut the wires to the panel." I think it loses something in translation, but you get the gist of it. That year's car was especially sweet.
In adulthood, I got drunk and bragged to some work buddies about our little scam. They responded in abject horror, because I was still occupying the weird hump in the middle of a normal distribution of "acceptable crimes." It was terrifying to them to see one of their own, one of the suburbanites, speak openly about largely-harmless property crimes. What if we had been hurt, they shrieked. Around the water cooler, I would become a pariah, unless I could make amends.
I did hunt down Old Man Garrett after that, still feeling the sting of rejection. He was still on the property, and he still had a beautiful collection of immaculate cabinet-making tools in the garage. I rang his doorbell and, when he answered, I told him the whole story. He laughed.
"I knew it was you dumb shits from the beginning," he bragged. "Fucking Ted -"
"Fucking Ted," I echoed, unconsciously.
"Fucking Ted left his library book on building race cars behind on the workbench that first year. You didn't let him drive, did you?"
I shook my head. "We ran the car into him if the hockey-stick brakes ever failed."
We had a good laugh about the whole thing that evening, and I returned to work with my soul cleansed. It's just a pity Ted didn't know how bad he actually was at crime, before he tried to knock over that liquor store and all.
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weevilwizard · 1 year
so we all agree that lord of the rings is a musical
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old4sa · 1 year
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warandpeas · 3 months
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It is the exact half of the year. That means the days are getting longer again and we're naming the best comics of the year so far!
Which was your favourite?
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aibafiles · 5 months
the juxtaposition between the sirens' songs is so funny. coral crown is an impersonal anthem about drowning sailors that clearly has a lot of thought put into the poetry of the lyrics. and then melinoe keeps showing up to fight them and they're like "oh shit we need to write a new song to roast her QUICK" and we get i am gonna claw (out your eyes etc) where the cadence is all over the place and the lyrics are just like we hate you and we're gonna kill you and your hair is ugly.
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owlmylove · 1 year
nimona is abt living in a surveillance police state where the only path to acceptance is conformity as a tool of oppressing those like you. it’s about how a privileged white woman afraid of imagined dangers can often be the greatest threat of all. it’s about how our nature is acceptance, but even a single moment of misinformed paranoia can give rise to lasting cycles of bias and abuse. it’s about how systems of belief will always find a way to validate the harm they inflict upon others, even if it means turning one child into a myth and the other to a monster. nimona is also. a film about a dancing pink shark in sunglasses
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spearxwind · 10 months
I think it's sad that most people always think of bottlenoses as the "classic dolphin" since its the one that's always used for shows, and always think of dolphins as just straight grey when in reality there's so many varieties with so many different amazing patterns
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Look at the common dolphin! They have a gorgeous X pattern and even some dull yellow/gold!!
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Hourglass dolphins have gorgeous white streaks
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Spinner dolphins have really pretty banding as well, AND they have a really sleek cute silhouette!
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The atlantic spotted dolphin!!! Theyre spotted!!!!!!
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and the pantropical spotted too!!
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Dusky dolphins have a gorgeous airbrush look going on like straight out of a 2000s fantasy illustration
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Striped dolphins sure have stripes!! How cool!!
And these I've shown you aren't even all of them at all, there are so many of them:
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There's so so so many different types of dolphins people dont know about this isnt even all of them and some are SO gorgeous and underrated because people just dont know they exist so I'm here to fix that
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jerma85 · 4 months
rb for sample size yay 👍
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localwarlockunion · 1 year
"idc about surveillance, i've got nothing to hide." Okay well maybe you should then? Get some goddamn. flavor in your life already
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