#best wig store toronto
wigsforwomen123 · 1 year
womens wigs canada
Find the perfect wig for you in Toronto! Look no further than our comprehensive list of womens wigs canada stores in Toronto, offering the highest quality wigs at the best prices. Shop now and find the perfect wig for your style!
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thebowieconstricker · 9 months
Stagedoor Sparks! (Matthew Patel x Reader) ✨🔥🔱
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I’m so glad to see people hyped up for my pathetic pirate boy. Please enjoy and if this goes well I may turn it into a series lol
We’ve got a gender neutral reader, idiots in love, I saw someone say pathetic x pathetic and YES, theater kid lingo, mild swearing, and your favorite cutie pie. ⚠️Also, this is heavily based on Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, so spoiler warnings for that if you haven’t seen it! ⚠️ Enjoy!
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“Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Musical”, was what the bright lights of the massive sign on your local theater boasted. Recently, your coworker Julie had been telling you about the ridiculous life of this ‘Scott Pilgrim’, ranting about the conga line of characters that filled his (frankly, pathetic sounding) existence. She had also alerted you to this… musical. A musical that had been written about his life.
You sighed to yourself and adjusted your bag. Making your way to the golden, elaborately designed doors, just barely dodging all the paparazzi (why was there so much paparazzi?), you somehow successfully made your way into the main lobby of the theatre. Ivory and gold filled your vision as you observed the plush red carpet that lined each of the three floors. You had visited this theater before, and it’s gorgeous grandeur never failed to amaze you.
Now, you did not at all care about this guy. Yes, you had been silently internalizing every minuscule part of this random guy’s daily shenanigans, but that was because you were being a good friend to Julie! This Scott guy seemed like a tool, and you weren't particularly interested in listening to a…?
You checked the playbill the usher had just handed you.
…THREE HOUR MUSICAL?!? You almost started laughing right there.
But anyways, you weren’t here for this Scott guy.
You were here for musical theater. You had always been drawn to the fantastical world of lights and costumes and music. Plus, this was a community production with actors from Toronto, and you were always happy to support your local theater kids.
As you finally made your way to your seat, you sat down in the plush red chairs and opened your playbill to the cast section. You didn’t see any names you recognized, but one stood out to you.
Matthew Patel - Scott Pilgrim
Obviously, Scott Pilgrim was the lead role, but what really caught your attention was the picture attached to the name. Matthew Patel, you respectfully observed, was mad cute.
The lights suddenly began to dim and you settled in for whatever was in store, keeping a keen eye out for this ‘Matthew Patel’.
~~~ Holy shit, this is the best thing you’ve ever seen.
From the moment Matthew Patel walked onstage, you were absolutely smitten. He wore a bright orange wig that clashed horrendously with his dark skin, and an oversized jacket, but he was the hottest thing you had ever seen. Also, holy shit, Matthew Patel could sing. From the first line, you were completely enraptured by his high tenor belting. As you watched him onstage, you saw literal sparks in his eyes, his excitement and passion for the stage radiating off of him.
At the curtain call, you stood and enthusiastically clapped for each of the cast members, but hooped and hollered for Matthew especially. Even though you knew he couldn’t see you from the stage, you found yourself blushing at the thought of him looking at you.
That’s when it hit you: You’ve gotta book it to stage door to meet this guy.
~~~ Matthew Patel was completely exhausted. As the curtains flew closed, he sighed and turned around to smile at his cast mates. Although he was drained by his performance, he always took this opportunity at the end of a show to look to his fellow caste mates.
And hopefully someone would invite him with their group to an after show dinner.
He walked through the crowd, giving pats on the back and thumbs ups as he made his way to his dressing room. Lots of smiles, lots of “great job!”’s but… no invitations.
Slamming the door to his room he quickly took of his wig and put on his regular clothes, deciding that he would take off his stage makeup at home (aka the makeup he regularly wore but no one cared enough to know that). His room had a window where he could look down at the stagedoor line, the line that had been non-existent since opening night. He didn’t take it personally, since this musical was for a very specific audience of people and he understood that outside of them, no one knew or cared who Scott Pilgrim was. But still, he was onstage. He was singing and dancing and his art was being celebrated. Yes, he was lonely, still, but life wasn’t too bad right now.
As he did every day, he quickly glanced out his window to check for audience members at stage door and, sure enough, no one-
Someone was there?
He did a double take and physically walked to the window, his hands placed against the glass and his now quickening breath creating a fog.
From high up in his dressing room, he saw a small figure holding the bright red playbill of his show. They seemed to be moving back and forth on their feet, bouncing excitedly. From so high up he couldn’t see their expression, but could make out what he thought was a smile.
He broke out into a wide smile. Running around his room, gathering his things and throwing them into his backpack, only one thought raced through his mind: He had to get down there.
~~~ As you waited, the cold Toronto air stung against your flushed cheeks. You were still high on endorphins from the show, the songs already worming their way into your head as you tapped your feet in anticipation.
Suddenly, and without warning, a man burst out of the dark black door you were waiting out, out of breath and panting. He was so hellbent on running out the door that he ran right into you, knocking you over!
“AH-“, you both made the same sound as you fell, the man directly on top of you.
“Oh- apologies, ma’am, I uh-“
You would have said a number of rude things to this man but, seeing his face, you were starstruck.
“Matthew Patel?”
His eyes widened in shock. Carefully, he got off of you and onto his knee in front of you. Gently, he took your hand and pulled you up, the both of you now back on your feet.
“You know me?”
You couldn’t help but notice the faint blush on his cheeks.
“Of course! Well- I mean, you know, you’re Scott Pilgrim! You were absolutely incredible up there, just amazing! My jaw was the floor the whole time! I mean, your voice and your dancing and the fight scenes-“
As you rambled on and on, Matthew was unable to snap himself out of the trance you had put him in. Visually, you were breathtaking, so much so he didn’t know how he had ever found anyone else attractive. But more so, you were genuinely complimenting him. He was never complimented on his theater work. He’d get the rare one from his cast mates, but never an outside fan.
Noticing his silence, you suddenly stopped talking.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to rant, it’s just- one theater kid to another, you were so amazing.”
He shook his head at your apology. “No, don’t be sorry. You’re- you’re very kind. Thank you. And I’m sorry again for… running you over.”
You laughed- a leitmotif to rival Sondheims to Matthew’s ears- and looked at him with a goofy grin.
“Would you sign my playbill?”
“Would you like to have dinner tonight?”
The two of you spoke at the same time, and one’s question made the other blush furiously. Matthew’s entire body tensed in embarrassment that he had been bold enough to ask you out like this, not even knowing your name.
You were absolutely over the moon.
“I- uh- yes. Yes, I would love to.”
Your smile got impossibly wider, and the sparks in Matthew’s eyes that you had noted during his performance returned. With a huge grin, he reached out his hand to take your playbill. You handed it to him and a marker appeared in his other hand as he quickly scribbled his signature.
“What’s your name?”
You told him and his blush deepened. He turned back to the playbill and scribbled a bit more, then handed it to you. You squeaked in excitement and looked at what he had written.
To my biggest fan,
Looking back up at him, you were certain this was the start of something new.
“So… do you like Italian?”
~~~ HEY MATTHEW FANS TAKE THIS FIC! GO, FETCH! This’ll make a lot more sense if you like musicals, so have fun! Like I said at the start, if y’all want more and I’m feeling up to it, I’ll write more! Happy holidays, folks!
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torontowigstudio · 2 years
Hair Toppers Toronto
Toronto Wig Studio is located within award winning Define Hair Studio. We are your top destination for all hair alternative needs. Our private studio and a team of talented and caring hairstylists is offering Human & Synthetic Wigs and Toppers, as well as, Custom Wig Coloring and Cuts. If you are suffering from Alopecia, thinning hair or going thru Cancer Chemo Treatments we can help you restore your confidence and help you achieve your desired hair look! This is where the magic happens! Visit us for "All things pretty". For more information visit our site: https://torontowigstudio.com/hair-toppers-toronto
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khaleesikirk · 4 years
So, there’s something to do with Trans women that I wanted to talk about. I feel like Pride Month is a good time, especially with everything going on.
A few years ago, one of my friends was about to get married. They were the first of our friend group to get engaged (thought I did not long after, proceeded by at least two more couples). This friend has known my husband since they were kids and are the reason I met him. 
They were living in another province and we were all set to fly out for the wedding, when a few months before the date, we get a call. The wedding is off, our friend is coming home and asked my husband (then fiance) and I to pick them up from the airport because there is something they want to tell us. 
She tells us she’s going to transition. From male to female. We were surprised but supportive, and she stayed with us for a little while because she wasn’t sure what her parents reaction would be. 
In those days I noticed something. The steps she would have to take to appear as a woman to people. The makeup, the clothes, the wigs. And here I was, no makeup, hair thrown up into a messy ponytail, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and no one questioned that I was a woman. 
It broke my heart, listening to the majority of people misgender or outright laugh at my friend. 
One day, before my own wedding, my friend asked me to go to Pride with her. I’d been to Pride before. I’m bi and my best friend in the world is pan, so I was no stranger to the LGBTQ community. We were already going into Toronto to look at wedding dresses at this little store that gave all proceeds to cancer (my mom’s friend had gotten a dress there and recommended it to her). So we decided to go to Pride afterwards. 
My mom came with us. She was going to buy my dress (and wanted to look with me) and she adored my friend (who was my husband’s best person in our wedding, so she’d given me permission to tell my parents, who knew her as a man) and had never actually been to Pride, so she was very excited. 
I, personally, had a terrible time (not only do I not enjoy spending time with my mother, who is crazy and controlling and very mean to me, but I was also on my period). It rained, and I was exhausted, and it was super crowded (I don’t do well with crowds).
But my friend loved every moment of it. It was her first Pride since starting her transition, and she felt welcomed and safe. So I toughed it out for her. It was the happiest I’d seen her in ages, and she used a pic my mother took of the two of us as her profile pic for a while. 
She was noticeably happier as a woman that she ever had been as a man. She was more outgoing, and made lots of friends. She really came into herself. 
But I always think about those early days (and now even, though not as much, as the hormones have changed her body enough to present as female) and the pressure that was placed on her to be considered female. To be included in female only spaces. The kids and adults alike who made fun of her when we went swimming, or out shopping or wherever. 
I’d never be transphobic, but I guess I never really thought about it. Knowing her changed me. Being trusted by her changed me. The fact that she told me and my husband before she even told her parents. That she trusted me enough to know my reaction wouldn’t be negative.  I never felt uncomfortable around her, and though I felt uncomfortable for her, her being trans didn’t make her any less of my friend. 
So I’ll say it again, louder, for the people in the back, TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. They shouldn’t have to try any harder than any of us to be considered women. Trans rights are human rights. They always have been and they always will be. 
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kspre-help · 5 years
cheap cosplay? no problem
I’ve been doing cosplay for a good while now and im the type of person who constantly needs to have new content and new costumes every 3 or so months because i am impatient and easily bored. But obviously with new costumes, you’ll need to spend some $$ so im going to write a short post about how to do cosplay without breaking the bank each time
i did this entire costume for under 25$ check out the rest to learn my ways !!
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tl;dr: thrift, reuse, taobao, or get sick deals. more under the cut!
1. Thrift stores are your best friend
I thrift a LOT at local vintage stores, goodwill, value village and the sorts. Try to also check out ur local family-run convenience stores (i like toronto’s chinatown) as they often carry miscellaneous items that are marked down depending on season. I personally love using old curtains because they usually have a lot of fabric to work with and it’s not thin. i made this jacket with curtains a friend left behind and the rest is thrifted, stuff i already had or made from scraps. (cost: $25)
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so don’t be afraid to rip apart old curtains, bed sheets and modify thrifted clothing!!! (in the same vein, pay a visit to walmart, dollarama or whatever cheap 1$ stores for materials and art supplies!) 
2. Ebay and aliexpress aren’t so bad (besides the shipping time)
I use ebay and aliexpress a lot for items that i just can’t find in person. I almost only get wigs off of these two sites and found the quality is very decent. Do watch out for aliexpress as some sellers are just taobao resellers that increase the prices of their items. the main thing is to know HOW to search for items. use general terms like ‘black vest’ or ‘striped pants’ to keep it vague enough so itll give you a lot of results (aka more price options). if you can’t find the perfect match, use your thrifting knowledge and think how you can modify ebay-bought items for your cosplay. on aliexpress, i like to check off ‘free shipping’ and check ‘orders’ so there are reviews and feedback i can look at for items 
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this was around 55$ but the catsuit itself was only 10$ (and the aforementioned swimsuit miku was all from aliexpress/ebay. i just bought faerie wings, a generic blue swimsuit, shorts, a tube top and cheap nightgown. all of that was like 22$)
the shipping times are unfortunately a bit unpredictable so be patient or plan ahead as it can take up to two months. if it doesn’t arrive within the estimated time frame, open up a dispute and you may even get some money refunded.
3. Taobao and its international best friend, superbuy
Sometimes making a costume from scratch just isn’t worth it when it has become so readily available on chinese shopping sites. An example would be like demon slayer where the uniforms are sold for 20-30$ and making it yourself (printing fabric, using applique for the designs etc etc) could easily end up being over 60$. Wigs are also high quality and typically cost under 30$. I personally recommend using superbuy as far as im aware they have really really low service rates (like 0.05% of your item costs) and they send images + updates of your items when they arrive at the warehouse to be shipped internationally.  (you can even buy fabric for cheap if you find your local fabric stores are just a bit too $$)
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i made this with fabric bought off taobao and it cost me 30$ (includes shipping)
obviously, there will be shipping. I find that one costume will typically cost around 10$ to ship, but if you want multiple items, look into setting up a group order so the shipping costs can be split between your friends. The shipping time surprisingly is better than ebay and aliexpress i find - it usually takes a month for me.
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i bought this entire set for bort (wig and costume) for around 40-50$ and shipping was split with friends so total is around 55-60$. NOTE: WATCH OUT FOR CUSTOMS so when ordering a lot of items, do so with discretion!
4. reuse and recosplay
I take apart a lot of old costumes and old clothing i don’t wear anymore to harvest for fabric or other bits (buttons, zippers). i personally sometimes forego accuracy if it means i can reuse some old fabric which may be slightly different from the original design. from thrifting, i also modify a lot of clothing and reuse them if i can.
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both of these cost me probably like 10$ for the dress.
i also cosplay miku A LOT because i can reuse the wig over and over again. consider cosplaying a character who wears different outfits OR cosplaying characters with similar hair styles so you can just style it instead of buying a new one. i also buy generic shoes and clothing items so i can use them for multiple characters. (like black heels, black boots, white shirt, black pants, red tie etc) it’s a good idea to also learn how to dye wigs if you need to change the color.
5. return after you’re done
this is a bit tricky and not always recommended. BUT HONESTLY, i’ve done this a couple times. i have bought items from stores to use for a photoshoot and returned it after i was finished using. obviously keep the tag on and don’t be too wild and damage the item when shooting. 
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i bought the jacket off amazon prime and the top from victoria secret. i did a shoot for love death and robots then returned everything after. this costume cost me 0$ (i already owned the wig which was like 8$ anyways) NOTE: make sure the store allows returns! ESPECIALLY amazon prime since they may not accept returns depending on the item
6. halloween season is over, but cosplay season isn’t!
go on to halloween costume sites off season. these sites are pretty dead when it’s not october so they have big sales to drive purchases. i like to use halloween costumes which is where i got this outfit.
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this cost me 0$ because there was damages and stains on the skirt and i got refunded. BUT otherwise, it is 40$
so there you have it! some ways to keep costs low and economical. i personally always try to be as cheap as possible. always budget what you need for your costumes and see where you can apply these tips to cut costs if possible. good luck!! 
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Trans Violence Towards Women
List of transwomen/male crossdressers/transactivists and men using gender laws committing violence against females. This list is obviously not complete and is missing many people, and does repeat some links that other transviolence lists have listed before:
Bathroom Violence:
Pedophilia & Voyeurism
Unnamed man in women’s changing room, used bathroom laws, watched little girls undress: http://www.king5.com/news/local/seattle/man-in-womens-locker-room-cites-gender-rule/65533111
Richard Rodriguez, crossdresser, spied on women and a 5 year old girl:
Christopher Hambrook aka “Jessica”, transwoman who sexually assaulted women and assaulted/raped a child, uses his identity to get into a woman’s shelter:
Crossdressing friend of sex offender William Baker went into girls’ restroom:
Colleen Francis, transwoman, goes into women’s bathroom and exposes himself/genitalia to minor girls:
Men use gender neutral bathroom to spy on female students and take recordings of them showering:
Jason Pomare, crossdressed as a woman to gain access to women’s restroom, secretly taping women:
Richard Rendler, sex offender, dressed up as a woman and went inside women’s bathroom:
Yokio Okawara, enters Japanese female bath dressed as woman:
Eichi Yamamoto, crossdressed and used Japanese female bath:
Gregorio Hernandez, crossdresser, went into women’s bathroom and took pictures:
Joel Hardman, with wig and female mask, goes into women’s bathroom and takes photos of them:
Pedophilia & Sexual Assault
Miguel Martinez aka “Michelle”,  transwoman who sexually abused a girl in bathroom:
Levandus Gacutan, cross-dresser, sexually assaulted boy:
Transwoman sex-offender Paula Witherspoon ticketed for using women’s bathroom. His sex offense was that he assaulted two teen girls:
Man in women’s bathroom chokes 8 year old girl:
Violence outside restroom
Rape & Pedophilia
Qasim Anwar, transvestite/crossdresser taxidriver, rapes drunk woman in his car:
Renell Thorpe, raped woman after breaking into her home, and dressed in her clothing:
James Randall Smith, kidnapper and rapist of a teen, sues prison over not allowing sex change:
Allison Woolbert, transwoman, sexual assault of 15 year old teen relative:
Laura Voyce, transsexual/transwoman, who downloaded child pornography:
Martin Ponting aka “Jessica Winfield”, transwoman, is a rapist/attacker of two young girls:
Davina Ayrton, transwoman, rapist:
Transwoman Christopher Antwain Russel aka “Keema” pleads not guilty to sodemy and molestation of 15 year old boy:
Aliea Rose Brown, transwoman, rapist/sex offender:
Juliana Tourmaline Fialkowski, transwoman youth leader, rapist:
Sarah Nyberg, transsexual, pedophile:
Flopy Guiñazú, transwoman, rapist:
https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/detienen-transexual-violar-embarazar-adolescente_0_SyCPsPt7b.html (espanol / spanish)
Dana Macallum, transwoman, rapist:
Sex Offender
Marie Roblero-Barrios is a transwoman sex offender:
Jonathan Adrian Wolf aka “Johanna Wolf” / “Johanna Von Luck” is a rapist and sex offender:
Lisa Hauxwell, living as both “man and woman”, sex offender:
Patrick Hagan, cross-dressing, went into women’s restroom and when his presence was questioned, punched a woman and knocked her teeth out:
Women at Anarchist Bookfair gets beaten by transactivists for handing out gender critically pamphlets:
https://thegynocrat.tumblr.com/post/166894434436/leftistmalesaremisogynists-leafleting-gender (has all the tweets lined up on this tumblr link)
60 year old woman assaulted by transactivists:
Burglary/Breaking into Homes
Gregory Adam Streater, crossdressed in women’s clothing, breaks into mother in law’s home:
Meko Jerran Hartfield, crossdresser, disguised as nurse, steals from elderly:
Indecency/Exposing Genitals
Jeffrey Don Watson, exposes himself in Maternity store, tries on dresses:
Samuel Brown aka “Sophie”, transwoman, kidnapped woman with Jack William Morgan:
Lyralisa Stevens, transwoman, killed roommate:
John Pilley aka “Jane Anne”,  kidnapper and murderer, transsexual, wants to be moved to women’s prison:
Dana Rivers, transwoman, murdered lesbian couple and their son:
Luis Morales aka Synthia China Blast, transgender woman, raped and murdered 13 year old girl, and abused her corpse:
Donna Perry, transwoman serial killer:
Paul Denyer, transsexual serial killer:
Michelle Kosilek, transwoman, murderer:
Paris Green, transwoman, murderer:
Beate Schmit, transwoman, serial killer:
Ian Huntley aka “Lian”, transwoman, child killer:
Women kicked out of homeless/rape shelter for not wanting to share a bathroom with transwomen:
Athlete transwoman denies having physical advantage despite breaking girl’s leg:
Transwoman “identifies as 6 year old girl”:
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wigsforwomen123 · 2 years
Wig stores in Toronto
Are you looking for a high-quality Wig stores in Toronto? Look no further! We have a wide variety of wigs in stock, from human hair to synthetic, in a range of styles and colors. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you find the perfect wig that fits your lifestyle. With our unbeatable prices, we guarantee you will find the perfect wig for you. Visit us today and experience the best Wig stores in Toronto!
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colorcontacts · 4 years
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⭐️Mia ⭐️We absolutely this new long ombré wig that has been recently added to or store. It’s long and silky and the best thing is it also comes in a gorgeous purple shade for those of you who love colour! This one is a show stopper for sure. Shop this and more wigs online with us. #wigsforalopecia #longhair #longwigs #hairCanada #lovehair #ombrewigs #wigsforsale #instawigs (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGfIBhDgz7/?igshid=1fh4po85lfs1c
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torontowigstudio · 2 years
Wig Stores Near Me
Toronto Wig Studio is located within award winning Define Hair Studio. We are your top destination for all hair alternative needs. Our private studio and a team of talented and caring hairstylists is offering Human & Synthetic Wigs and Toppers, as well as, Custom Wig Coloring and Cuts. If you are suffering from Alopecia, thinning hair or going thru Cancer Chemo Treatments we can help you restore your confidence and help you achieve your desired hair look! This is where the magic happens! Visit us for "All things pretty" For more information visit our site: https://torontowigstudio.com/
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Texture Talk: Your Pro-Approved Guide to the World of Wigs
Welcome to Texture Talk, a weekly column that celebrates and deep dives into the dynamic world of curly hair, from crowns of curls that are free flowing to strands that are tucked away in a protective style. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been chatting a lot about wigs in this series, knowing very well that there are likely many readers out there who have never dabbled much — or at all — in the wig game. So, we thought it would be helpful to serve up our very own Wig 101, a beginner’s guide to the most popular wigs styles out there and the biggest tips and tricks everyone should know.
To help us out, we tapped wig expert Jordan Rodney, a resident hairstylist at Toronto’s JouJou Hair Salon. Jordan, who is an avid wig wearer himself, is the go-to stylist of Cityline’s very own Tracy Moore. The biggest reason women come and sit in his chair? “Most of my clients that wear wigs have a busy lifestyle, and they want to eliminate that time in the morning to have to style their natural hair. They don’t want to worry about having to do a wash-n-go or twist outs,” he shares.
Here, Jordan breaks down the different wig styles and what to know when it comes to proper wig maintenance.
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Heading to Cityline and reminiscing on this beauty’s Monday look. I love jumbo pins and a soft curl. Accessories are the perfect way to add some flare to any look. #customunit #tressesbyjae
A post shared by Jae R (@_tressesbyjae) on Oct 16, 2019 at 4:40am PDT
Types of Wigs
Synthetic vs. human hair wigs:
“Synthetic wigs are more of a quick fix, whereas virgin hair or real hair wigs are more of an investment. They have more longevity; depending on the quality of the hair, they can be worn for years.”
Ready-made wigs:
“These are full-headed wigs, and there’s designated style: the cut is already there. They’re something you can easily just throw on, but they don’t necessarily fit your own head or frame your own face. They’re not as personalized. You can find them at most beauty supply stores.”
Custom wigs:
“These wigs are customized to you: to your head size, to your hairline. Custom wigs are acquired through consultations with wig stylists where they take your measurements. You can also customize the colour and cut you desire. They’re more personal.”
Lace-front wigs:
“Lace-front wigs are typically made with human hair and these wigs have a piece of lace that sits along the hairline from ear to ear. The lace needs to be adhered down to blend in with your hairline to give the proper illusion of not having a wig on.”
Wig expert Jordan Rodney rocking one of his own creations.
Wig Maintenance
Wig glues and adhesives:
“Wig glues have definitely evolved over the past few years. Before, everyone used to use acrylic glues, but now there are water-based glues that are much easier to remove and much better for your skin, like Bold Hold and Ghost Bond. Some people also like using products like strong hold hairspray or gels for adhesives, which aren’t as long lasting. When using gels or hairsprays, you can simply use water as a remover, but keep in mind that these methods mean that they can also easily sweat off. Regular wig glues usually come with their own special remover.”
Longevity of wigs:
“The longevity of wigs is determined by 1): the quality of the hair (whether it’s human hair or synthetic) and 2): how you take care of it. Properly storing your wig when you’re not wearing it is key. I recommend storing them in a silk bag or pillowcase. You can display them on mannequins or hang them somewhere where they won’t get tangled. Some people store them in boxes. Also, things like combing or brushing your wig excessively can cause bald spots. And when you are combing or brushing, make sure you’re doing so from the ends to the roots — the same way you would your own natural hair. That way you’re avoiding ripping any hair out.”
Go-to products for wigs:
“I always recommend taking care of wigs the way you would your own hair with things like weekly washes and conditioning treatments using good products. With synthetic wigs, a lot of them are not designed to be shampooed because they’re more short-term styles. But if you are going to wash one, there are shampoos and conditioners made specifically for synthetic wigs.
The best products for human hair wigs, in my opinion, are from a line called Silicon Mix. These products add a silicone base over the strands (which is fine because it’s not your own hair) and that helps give life, movement and shine to the hair, plus has an added benefit of protecting your wig from heat. The products just help wigs last longer. I do recommend always using a proper heat protectant if you are doing any type of heat styling, though. A heat protectant from a drugstore should do, just make sure the formula makes sense with the texture of your wig: If you’re straightening the hair, you want to use that lighter heat protectant. For curly styles, go for a curl cream.”
Protecting your natural hair underneath:
“Braiding your own hair back is the best way to preserve your natural hair’s integrity, and we say that braids should be left in for no more than two months. Otherwise, your own hair will start to mat. And you should be doing things like treatments and hair trims in between on a regular schedule. I recommend also wearing a wig cap underneath wigs. Lastly, be vey mindful of moisturizing your braids and conditioning your scalp with oils. You need to really make sure that you’re moisturizing your hairline every time you take your wig off to avoid any friction and irritation. Wigs should be a protective style, not damaging to your hair. I get all my clients to use Evive Hair Rescue. I’ve been using it for years.”
The post Texture Talk: Your Pro-Approved Guide to the World of Wigs appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Texture Talk: Your Pro-Approved Guide to the World of Wigs published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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gust38delpilar · 7 years
5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween
Halloween in Canada is a huge celebration you need to be ready for. At ILAC, we even do our own “Halloweek” from October 26 to November 2, with many thrilling activities for all tastes! Grab your broomstick, put on your cloak and follow our guide for a perfectly spooky celebration.
1. The Costume:
Because Halloween without a costume is not really Halloween, you need to find clothes that will conjure up your dark side. Are you lacking inspiration? Click HERE to get original ideas! You can try to create one from scratch with what you already have, or buy popular costumes at costume stores:
Where to Buy Costumes in Toronto?
Theatrics Plus: is a retail shop that sells all kinds of costumes all year long! Full sets, accessories, wigs, makeup, fangs – you name it. Make your costume dreams come true at this store; they have everything you may need! And the best part? It’s conveniently located near ILAC’s campus, just a 10-minute walk from the Main Building!
Bonus! Take advantage of their ongoing sale with this coupon.
Value Village: is an impressive thrift store. This second-hand shop is the right place for those looking to spend little money on their costume but still want to dress up for the celebration.
Where to Buy Costumes in Vancouver?
Merchant of Dream: turned into Merchant of Nightmare for the occasion, don’t be scared to explore their Halloween costume collection featuring witches, zombies, and superheroes…You can also wear a mask or customize your own by buying separate pieces!
Spirit Halloween: has a wide variety of Halloween decorations, costumes, and accessories that are perfect for a thrilling party. They even offer pet costumes, so your homestay family’s dogs and cats can go trick-or-treating with you!
Bonus! Get 20% off on any single item with this coupon.
2. The Decoration:
If you were part of our pumpkin-picking event, you’re ready for this activity! If not, don’t worry. We got you covered. It is time to carve and decorate our pumpkins! The tradition is to sculpt them into Jack O’Lanterns, an Irish mythological figure. However, plenty of other possibilities exist. HERE are some creative ideas.
3. The Food:
– Ghostly Bakery: practice your English and cooking skills at our ILAC Halloween Special Cooking Class in Toronto on October 29th! Come with us to discover which treats you will bring home: Delicious cookies, tasty muffins or savoury pies? Yummy!
– Candy Corn: a mixture of sugar, fondant, corn syrup, vanilla extract, and marshmallow cream. Wow! Every Halloween, countless partygoers, and trick-or-treaters hit the streets to harvest candy corn. Be ready for the hunt!
– Pumpkin: not only used for carving, this popular squash is the main ingredient of several Halloween meals. HERE are some recipes to try! Puree, soup, gratin, pie – let your imagination run wild.
4. The Preparation:
Transform into a scary creature: If you’re in Toronto, Join our Make-Up Workshop on October 30th to learn how to do a skull face. If you’re in Vancouver, enjoy the FREE Face and Body Painting at ILAC’s Halloween Party. Terrifying!
Watch classic horror movies: Friday the 13th, Saw, Chucky, be ready to scream! Boo! If you don’t feel like watching a movie alone come to our screening time at ILAC Toronto on November 2nd.
THRILLER! Learn the dance (Toronto Only): Bring your best dancing mood to our Halloween Special ILAC Dance Class on October 25th, and learn the choreography of Thriller – a Halloween classic by Michael Jackson. You’ll want to know this for our spontaneous choreography at the ILAC Halloween Party!
Spook out your vocabulary: as Halloween comes around, you may start seeing some words you’ve never seen or heard before. Don’t worry! Read our previous article to be aware of the top Halloween terms.
 5. The Celebration!
– Toronto Ghost Walk: from October 27 to 31st, a guided walking tour around Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto campus will be held, an area steeped in tradition and ghost sightings.
– The Lost Souls of Gastown Walking Tour: muster up the courage to be part of Vancouver’s legendary Halloween experience! Learn about the gruesome history of the city and its mysteries during the eeriest time of the year. Go with Club ESL and ILAC students on October 25th!
  19+ EVENTS:
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Toronto: come to have an unforgettable experience on November 1st at Maison Mercer. Good music, entertainment, free drink ticket and an exciting Halloween costume contest will make this a night to remember. Get ready to dance, a “Thriller” spontaneous choreography will happen through the night!
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Vancouver: Caprice Nightclub will turn into a haunted club to welcome ILAC students for a frightful but exciting night! Halloween games, amazing prizes, free pizza and body painting, creepy Go-Go dancers, cotton candy, and lots of fun will be waiting for you!
Don’t forget to post your costume on Instagram before the party with the hashtag #ILOVEILAC for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Cirque du Soleil! Winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 1st, 2017.
Written by Marine Gas and Gabriela Garcia
The post 5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween appeared first on ILAC.
from Blog – ILAC http://www.ilac.com/5-steps-spooky-halloween/
0 notes
karenkb27mendoza · 7 years
5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween
Halloween in Canada is a huge celebration you need to be ready for. At ILAC, we even do our own “Halloweek” from October 26 to November 2, with many thrilling activities for all tastes! Grab your broomstick, put on your cloak and follow our guide for a perfectly spooky celebration.
1. The Costume:
Because Halloween without a costume is not really Halloween, you need to find clothes that will conjure up your dark side. Are you lacking inspiration? Click HERE to get original ideas! You can try to create one from scratch with what you already have, or buy popular costumes at costume stores:
Where to Buy Costumes in Toronto?
Theatrics Plus: is a retail shop that sells all kinds of costumes all year long! Full sets, accessories, wigs, makeup, fangs – you name it. Make your costume dreams come true at this store; they have everything you may need! And the best part? It’s conveniently located near ILAC’s campus, just a 10-minute walk from the Main Building!
Bonus! Take advantage of their ongoing sale with this coupon.
Value Village: is an impressive thrift store. This second-hand shop is the right place for those looking to spend little money on their costume but still want to dress up for the celebration.
Where to Buy Costumes in Vancouver?
Merchant of Dream: turned into Merchant of Nightmare for the occasion, don’t be scared to explore their Halloween costume collection featuring witches, zombies, and superheroes…You can also wear a mask or customize your own by buying separate pieces!
Spirit Halloween: has a wide variety of Halloween decorations, costumes, and accessories that are perfect for a thrilling party. They even offer pet costumes, so your homestay family’s dogs and cats can go trick-or-treating with you!
Bonus! Get 20% off on any single item with this coupon.
2. The Decoration:
If you were part of our pumpkin-picking event, you’re ready for this activity! If not, don’t worry. We got you covered. It is time to carve and decorate our pumpkins! The tradition is to sculpt them into Jack O’Lanterns, an Irish mythological figure. However, plenty of other possibilities exist. HERE are some creative ideas.
3. The Food:
– Ghostly Bakery: practice your English and cooking skills at our ILAC Halloween Special Cooking Class in Toronto on October 29th! Come with us to discover which treats you will bring home: Delicious cookies, tasty muffins or savoury pies? Yummy!
– Candy Corn: a mixture of sugar, fondant, corn syrup, vanilla extract, and marshmallow cream. Wow! Every Halloween, countless partygoers, and trick-or-treaters hit the streets to harvest candy corn. Be ready for the hunt!
– Pumpkin: not only used for carving, this popular squash is the main ingredient of several Halloween meals. HERE are some recipes to try! Puree, soup, gratin, pie – let your imagination run wild.
4. The Preparation:
Transform into a scary creature: If you’re in Toronto, Join our Make-Up Workshop on October 30th to learn how to do a skull face. If you’re in Vancouver, enjoy the FREE Face and Body Painting at ILAC’s Halloween Party. Terrifying!
Watch classic horror movies: Friday the 13th, Saw, Chucky, be ready to scream! Boo! If you don’t feel like watching a movie alone come to our screening time at ILAC Toronto on November 2nd.
THRILLER! Learn the dance (Toronto Only): Bring your best dancing mood to our Halloween Special ILAC Dance Class on October 25th, and learn the choreography of Thriller – a Halloween classic by Michael Jackson. You’ll want to know this for our spontaneous choreography at the ILAC Halloween Party!
Spook out your vocabulary: as Halloween comes around, you may start seeing some words you’ve never seen or heard before. Don’t worry! Read our previous article to be aware of the top Halloween terms.
 5. The Celebration!
– Toronto Ghost Walk: from October 27 to 31st, a guided walking tour around Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto campus will be held, an area steeped in tradition and ghost sightings.
– The Lost Souls of Gastown Walking Tour: muster up the courage to be part of Vancouver’s legendary Halloween experience! Learn about the gruesome history of the city and its mysteries during the eeriest time of the year. Go with Club ESL and ILAC students on October 25th!
 19+ EVENTS:
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Toronto: come to have an unforgettable experience on November 1st at Maison Mercer. Good music, entertainment, free drink ticket and an exciting Halloween costume contest will make this a night to remember. Get ready to dance, a “Thriller” spontaneous choreography will happen through the night!
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Vancouver: Caprice Nightclub will turn into a haunted club to welcome ILAC students for a frightful but exciting night! Halloween games, amazing prizes, free pizza and body painting, creepy Go-Go dancers, cotton candy, and lots of fun will be waiting for you!
Don’t forget to post your costume on Instagram before the party with the hashtag #ILOVEILAC for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Cirque du Soleil! Winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 1st, 2017.
Written by Marine Gas and Gabriela Garcia
The post 5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween appeared first on ILAC.
from Blog – ILAC http://www.ilac.com/5-steps-spooky-halloween/
0 notes
nicol29ad · 7 years
5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween
Halloween in Canada is a huge celebration you need to be ready for. At ILAC, we even do our own “Halloweek” from October 26 to November 2, with many thrilling activities for all tastes! Grab your broomstick, put on your cloak and follow our guide for a perfectly spooky celebration.
1. The Costume:
Because Halloween without a costume is not really Halloween, you need to find clothes that will conjure up your dark side. Are you lacking inspiration? Click HERE to get original ideas! You can try to create one from scratch with what you already have, or buy popular costumes at costume stores:
Where to Buy Costumes in Toronto?
Theatrics Plus: is a retail shop that sells all kinds of costumes all year long! Full sets, accessories, wigs, makeup, fangs – you name it. Make your costume dreams come true at this store; they have everything you may need! And the best part? It’s conveniently located near ILAC’s campus, just a 10-minute walk from the Main Building!
Bonus! Take advantage of their ongoing sale with this coupon.
Value Village: is an impressive thrift store. This second-hand shop is the right place for those looking to spend little money on their costume but still want to dress up for the celebration.
Where to Buy Costumes in Vancouver?
Merchant of Dream: turned into Merchant of Nightmare for the occasion, don’t be scared to explore their Halloween costume collection featuring witches, zombies, and superheroes…You can also wear a mask or customize your own by buying separate pieces!
Spirit Halloween: has a wide variety of Halloween decorations, costumes, and accessories that are perfect for a thrilling party. They even offer pet costumes, so your homestay family’s dogs and cats can go trick-or-treating with you!
Bonus! Get 20% off on any single item with this coupon.
2. The Decoration:
If you were part of our pumpkin-picking event, you’re ready for this activity! If not, don’t worry. We got you covered. It is time to carve and decorate our pumpkins! The tradition is to sculpt them into Jack O’Lanterns, an Irish mythological figure. However, plenty of other possibilities exist. HERE are some creative ideas.
3. The Food:
– Ghostly Bakery: practice your English and cooking skills at our ILAC Halloween Special Cooking Class in Toronto on October 29th! Come with us to discover which treats you will bring home: Delicious cookies, tasty muffins or savoury pies? Yummy!
– Candy Corn: a mixture of sugar, fondant, corn syrup, vanilla extract, and marshmallow cream. Wow! Every Halloween, countless partygoers, and trick-or-treaters hit the streets to harvest candy corn. Be ready for the hunt!
– Pumpkin: not only used for carving, this popular squash is the main ingredient of several Halloween meals. HERE are some recipes to try! Puree, soup, gratin, pie – let your imagination run wild.
4. The Preparation:
Transform into a scary creature: If you’re in Toronto, Join our Make-Up Workshop on October 30th to learn how to do a skull face. If you’re in Vancouver, enjoy the FREE Face and Body Painting at ILAC’s Halloween Party. Terrifying!
Watch classic horror movies: Friday the 13th, Saw, Chucky, be ready to scream! Boo! If you don’t feel like watching a movie alone come to our screening time at ILAC Toronto on November 2nd.
THRILLER! Learn the dance (Toronto Only): Bring your best dancing mood to our Halloween Special ILAC Dance Class on October 25th, and learn the choreography of Thriller – a Halloween classic by Michael Jackson. You’ll want to know this for our spontaneous choreography at the ILAC Halloween Party!
Spook out your vocabulary: as Halloween comes around, you may start seeing some words you’ve never seen or heard before. Don’t worry! Read our previous article to be aware of the top Halloween terms.
 5. The Celebration!
– Toronto Ghost Walk: from October 27 to 31st, a guided walking tour around Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto campus will be held, an area steeped in tradition and ghost sightings.
– The Lost Souls of Gastown Walking Tour: muster up the courage to be part of Vancouver’s legendary Halloween experience! Learn about the gruesome history of the city and its mysteries during the eeriest time of the year. Go with Club ESL and ILAC students on October 25th!
  19+ EVENTS:
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Toronto: come to have an unforgettable experience on November 1st at Maison Mercer. Good music, entertainment, free drink ticket and an exciting Halloween costume contest will make this a night to remember. Get ready to dance, a “Thriller” spontaneous choreography will happen through the night!
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Vancouver: Caprice Nightclub will turn into a haunted club to welcome ILAC students for a frightful but exciting night! Halloween games, amazing prizes, free pizza and body painting, creepy Go-Go dancers, cotton candy, and lots of fun will be waiting for you!
Don’t forget to post your costume on Instagram before the party with the hashtag #ILOVEILAC for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Cirque du Soleil! Winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 1st, 2017.
Written by Marine Gas and Gabriela Garcia
The post 5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween appeared first on ILAC.
from Blog – ILAC http://www.ilac.com/5-steps-spooky-halloween/
0 notes
aira26soonas · 7 years
5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween
Halloween in Canada is a huge celebration you need to be ready for. At ILAC, we even do our own “Halloweek” from October 26 to November 2, with many thrilling activities for all tastes! Grab your broomstick, put on your cloak and follow our guide for a perfectly spooky celebration.
1. The Costume:
Because Halloween without a costume is not really Halloween, you need to find clothes that will conjure up your dark side. Are you lacking inspiration? Click HERE to get original ideas! You can try to create one from scratch with what you already have, or buy popular costumes at costume stores:
Where to Buy Costumes in Toronto?
Theatrics Plus: is a retail shop that sells all kinds of costumes all year long! Full sets, accessories, wigs, makeup, fangs – you name it. Make your costume dreams come true at this store; they have everything you may need! And the best part? It’s conveniently located near ILAC’s campus, just a 10-minute walk from the Main Building!
Bonus! Take advantage of their ongoing sale with this coupon.
Value Village: is an impressive thrift store. This second-hand shop is the right place for those looking to spend little money on their costume but still want to dress up for the celebration.
Where to Buy Costumes in Vancouver?
Merchant of Dream: turned into Merchant of Nightmare for the occasion, don’t be scared to explore their Halloween costume collection featuring witches, zombies, and superheroes…You can also wear a mask or customize your own by buying separate pieces!
Spirit Halloween: has a wide variety of Halloween decorations, costumes, and accessories that are perfect for a thrilling party. They even offer pet costumes, so your homestay family’s dogs and cats can go trick-or-treating with you!
Bonus! Get 20% off on any single item with this coupon.
2. The Decoration:
If you were part of our pumpkin-picking event, you’re ready for this activity! If not, don’t worry. We got you covered. It is time to carve and decorate our pumpkins! The tradition is to sculpt them into Jack O’Lanterns, an Irish mythological figure. However, plenty of other possibilities exist. HERE are some creative ideas.
3. The Food:
– Ghostly Bakery: practice your English and cooking skills at our ILAC Halloween Special Cooking Class in Toronto on October 29th! Come with us to discover which treats you will bring home: Delicious cookies, tasty muffins or savoury pies? Yummy!
– Candy Corn: a mixture of sugar, fondant, corn syrup, vanilla extract, and marshmallow cream. Wow! Every Halloween, countless partygoers, and trick-or-treaters hit the streets to harvest candy corn. Be ready for the hunt!
– Pumpkin: not only used for carving, this popular squash is the main ingredient of several Halloween meals. HERE are some recipes to try! Puree, soup, gratin, pie – let your imagination run wild.
4. The Preparation:
Transform into a scary creature: If you’re in Toronto, Join our Make-Up Workshop on October 30th to learn how to do a skull face. If you’re in Vancouver, enjoy the FREE Face and Body Painting at ILAC’s Halloween Party. Terrifying!
Watch classic horror movies: Friday the 13th, Saw, Chucky, be ready to scream! Boo! If you don’t feel like watching a movie alone come to our screening time at ILAC Toronto on November 2nd.
THRILLER! Learn the dance (Toronto Only): Bring your best dancing mood to our Halloween Special ILAC Dance Class on October 25th, and learn the choreography of Thriller – a Halloween classic by Michael Jackson. You’ll want to know this for our spontaneous choreography at the ILAC Halloween Party!
Spook out your vocabulary: as Halloween comes around, you may start seeing some words you’ve never seen or heard before. Don’t worry! Read our previous article to be aware of the top Halloween terms.
 5. The Celebration!
– Toronto Ghost Walk: from October 27 to 31st, a guided walking tour around Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto campus will be held, an area steeped in tradition and ghost sightings.
– The Lost Souls of Gastown Walking Tour: muster up the courage to be part of Vancouver’s legendary Halloween experience! Learn about the gruesome history of the city and its mysteries during the eeriest time of the year. Go with Club ESL and ILAC students on October 25th!
  19+ EVENTS:
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Toronto: come to have an unforgettable experience on November 1st at Maison Mercer. Good music, entertainment, free drink ticket and an exciting Halloween costume contest will make this a night to remember. Get ready to dance, a “Thriller” spontaneous choreography will happen through the night!
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Vancouver: Caprice Nightclub will turn into a haunted club to welcome ILAC students for a frightful but exciting night! Halloween games, amazing prizes, free pizza and body painting, creepy Go-Go dancers, cotton candy, and lots of fun will be waiting for you!
Don’t forget to post your costume on Instagram before the party with the hashtag #ILOVEILAC for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Cirque du Soleil! Winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 1st, 2017.
Written by Marine Gas and Gabriela Garcia
The post 5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween appeared first on ILAC.
from Blog – ILAC http://www.ilac.com/5-steps-spooky-halloween/
0 notes
noel29palnp · 7 years
5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween
Halloween in Canada is a huge celebration you need to be ready for. At ILAC, we even do our own “Halloweek” from October 26 to November 2, with many thrilling activities for all tastes! Grab your broomstick, put on your cloak and follow our guide for a perfectly spooky celebration.
1. The Costume:
Because Halloween without a costume is not really Halloween, you need to find clothes that will conjure up your dark side. Are you lacking inspiration? Click HERE to get original ideas! You can try to create one from scratch with what you already have, or buy popular costumes at costume stores:
Where to Buy Costumes in Toronto?
Theatrics Plus: is a retail shop that sells all kinds of costumes all year long! Full sets, accessories, wigs, makeup, fangs – you name it. Make your costume dreams come true at this store; they have everything you may need! And the best part? It’s conveniently located near ILAC’s campus, just a 10-minute walk from the Main Building!
Bonus! Take advantage of their ongoing sale with this coupon.
Value Village: is an impressive thrift store. This second-hand shop is the right place for those looking to spend little money on their costume but still want to dress up for the celebration.
Where to Buy Costumes in Vancouver?
Merchant of Dream: turned into Merchant of Nightmare for the occasion, don’t be scared to explore their Halloween costume collection featuring witches, zombies, and superheroes…You can also wear a mask or customize your own by buying separate pieces!
Spirit Halloween: has a wide variety of Halloween decorations, costumes, and accessories that are perfect for a thrilling party. They even offer pet costumes, so your homestay family’s dogs and cats can go trick-or-treating with you!
Bonus! Get 20% off on any single item with this coupon.
2. The Decoration:
If you were part of our pumpkin-picking event, you’re ready for this activity! If not, don’t worry. We got you covered. It is time to carve and decorate our pumpkins! The tradition is to sculpt them into Jack O’Lanterns, an Irish mythological figure. However, plenty of other possibilities exist. HERE are some creative ideas.
3. The Food:
– Ghostly Bakery: practice your English and cooking skills at our ILAC Halloween Special Cooking Class in Toronto on October 29th! Come with us to discover which treats you will bring home: Delicious cookies, tasty muffins or savoury pies? Yummy!
– Candy Corn: a mixture of sugar, fondant, corn syrup, vanilla extract, and marshmallow cream. Wow! Every Halloween, countless partygoers, and trick-or-treaters hit the streets to harvest candy corn. Be ready for the hunt!
– Pumpkin: not only used for carving, this popular squash is the main ingredient of several Halloween meals. HERE are some recipes to try! Puree, soup, gratin, pie – let your imagination run wild.
4. The Preparation:
Transform into a scary creature: If you’re in Toronto, Join our Make-Up Workshop on October 30th to learn how to do a skull face. If you’re in Vancouver, enjoy the FREE Face and Body Painting at ILAC’s Halloween Party. Terrifying!
Watch classic horror movies: Friday the 13th, Saw, Chucky, be ready to scream! Boo! If you don’t feel like watching a movie alone come to our screening time at ILAC Toronto on November 2nd.
THRILLER! Learn the dance (Toronto Only): Bring your best dancing mood to our Halloween Special ILAC Dance Class on October 25th, and learn the choreography of Thriller – a Halloween classic by Michael Jackson. You’ll want to know this for our spontaneous choreography at the ILAC Halloween Party!
Spook out your vocabulary: as Halloween comes around, you may start seeing some words you’ve never seen or heard before. Don’t worry! Read our previous article to be aware of the top Halloween terms.
 5. The Celebration!
– Toronto Ghost Walk: from October 27 to 31st, a guided walking tour around Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto campus will be held, an area steeped in tradition and ghost sightings.
– The Lost Souls of Gastown Walking Tour: muster up the courage to be part of Vancouver’s legendary Halloween experience! Learn about the gruesome history of the city and its mysteries during the eeriest time of the year. Go with Club ESL and ILAC students on October 25th!
 19+ EVENTS:
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Toronto: come to have an unforgettable experience on November 1st at Maison Mercer. Good music, entertainment, free drink ticket and an exciting Halloween costume contest will make this a night to remember. Get ready to dance, a “Thriller” spontaneous choreography will happen through the night!
– ILAC’s Halloween Party – Vancouver: Caprice Nightclub will turn into a haunted club to welcome ILAC students for a frightful but exciting night! Halloween games, amazing prizes, free pizza and body painting, creepy Go-Go dancers, cotton candy, and lots of fun will be waiting for you!
Don’t forget to post your costume on Instagram before the party with the hashtag #ILOVEILAC for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Cirque du Soleil! Winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 1st, 2017.
Written by Marine Gas and Gabriela Garcia
The post 5 Steps to Have a Perfectly Spooky Halloween appeared first on ILAC.
from Blog – ILAC http://www.ilac.com/5-steps-spooky-halloween/
0 notes
Opening Up
Clare: often found new books online by browsing through suggestions of similar reads to past favorites. She was sure this wouldn’t be much different. “I like that feature already. The biggest problem I run into is looking for paranormal romance and getting horror. Yeah if the cover looks gory or violent, I won’t get it.” She grinned at him. “Thank you, if you really don’t mind helping me out. We probably will be using a wok. Unless they are worried about grease fires.” Clare became uneasy at the thought. “There are so many distractions in a classroom and I have slow reflexes.” She laughed nervously. “No problem. We’ll get along fine. I just have to warn Alli.” Her best friend was more outgoing than she was and could easily become defensive. Clare remembered how Alli had taken an immediate dislike to Jenna. Once she made up her mind about someone it was difficult to change it. “Good! I was starting to miss the days when I didn’t care about my appearance and would wear whatever I wanted even if it caused me to be made fun of.” She chuckled. “Yay!” She enthusiastically responded to going to a Cultural Festival. “What is Host Cafe?” Clare knew if it had anything to do with drinking the schools were going to say no. “Oh my god.” She squealed. “If we are doing this, we have to go all out! No point in doing something with so much potential half assed. You have to wear an apron with a big satin bow tying it in the back, gloves, high heels, maid headpiece and feather duster. Everything allowed. Thigh highs with the garter might be against the rules. Though I’d pay money to see you, Kota. Of course I’ll gladly wear a male waiter costume which is probably a vest over a button down shirt, black slacks, a bowtie, and men’s shoes. Can’t forget those. I’m going to have to buy a wig. What color should I go with? I want straight hair too that will make me look different. Maybe Alli and I can draw fake mustaches on each other! I think that would look better than one you glue on. I wonder if I can trick her into letting me give her a goatee?” She grinned mischievously. “I know. I just wasn’t sure how much you trusted him with. I’m glad he’s not like your brothers, you need someone to confide in besides me. So we let everyone think whatever they want? But I don’t have to lie?” Clare was glad she didn’t have to confirm any rumors that might make their way back home. She didn’t care about being thrown out of Jesus Club, however, Clare couldn’t let her parents find out she dared to sleep in the same bed as a boy (even if they weren’t doing anything other than sleeping). “Technically it’s an Irish Claddagh ring.” She doubted many girls would ask the meaning behind it. “I’m not ready emotionally, and I make no promises when I will be. Emi’s good birth control. I love her but I couldn’t take care of her full time like you do. My family’s a mess, I’d have zero support, and a baby is a lot more work. I don’t want us to resent each other because we had to miss out being a normal teenagers. I’m going away for college, I want to live in a dorm and be independent.” If she really got pregnant at 16, her parents and especially Darcy (who looked down on teen moms) would pressure her into giving the baby up for adoption but Clare saw no reason to bring that up. She nodded. “We’ll table it. I obviously am not comfortable with relying on a condom either, I’d have to come up with a way to get around needing parental permission. Or Mom’s head would explode.” Clare didn’t want Kota to change his mind later on and break up with her for a girl who was on birth control. There was nothing she could do about it though. “Seriously? That might be your best kept secret. I mean I have seen tabloid articles with headlines like Melanie Martinez goes on a weekend rendezvous with her younger man! But they never mentioned Toronto.” Clare didn’t feel stupid for not recognizing her own city or Kota if he’d ever been caught on camera too because no one else at school did either. Mostly Clare thought those articles were bogus. But sometimes they guessed Melanie was in some exotic location with an upcoming actor who had a baby face but was really 25. She listened to their crazy adventures, and more they could possibly have. She could never be apart of that. But that was okay. At least she was finally getting to go somewhere AND currently hanging out with Melanie Martinez! Clare smiled. “It won’t be a free for all but it will be parentless.” She walked out of the office and looked at Melanie before answering Kota. “How about starting with Yohio’s lab?”
Kota: looked at Clare when she mentioned paranormal romance and getting horror. "They classify paranormal as supernatural and I've read one supernatural romance that I liked. It didn't have horror, but it was also adult." he explained. "I'm not sure, to be honest I haven't heard of them using a wok, but if you go to someone's house to learn they may use a wok." he shrugged. He listened to her talk about warning Alli and nodded, then laughed when she mentioned her clothes. "A host club is basically a legal form of prostitution without the prostitution. We'd have to wear suits and look nice, the customer will get a list of names of who's on duty and pick which one they want to be with. We'd have to sit with the customer or customers while they eat, we'd be able to drink soda or something with them and we'd have to do what they say. If a girl tells me to flirt with her, I'd have to or we'd lose money. I'd have to kiss her hand regardless though, when the customers leave a kiss on the hand is a proper goodbye." he explained the best he could. Hearing Clare go on about the cafe causing him to shake his head. "You can't do any of that. Everything is supplied by the school. The outfits are decided by votes, the ones that get the most votes are what we will be wearing and they're handmade by our class. The wigs will be provided by the theater committee, the shoes will also be provided for us by the school. You and Alli cannot have facial hair of any sort, you'd have to look like a high school boy and there will already be someone to do your make up and mine. Who knows they may only straighten and style your hair, there are guys with long hair at school. To be honest, I do my hair differently in Japan, there are times when Natsumi stood on a chair and tied my bangs for me with a band on the top of my head. It looked like a small ponytail and it's not uncommon for guys to do that there like it is here." he assured. "No we don't have to lie. If they know you're a virgin who cares? If they think we're having sex, let them." he said honestly. He didn't correct anyone either, he just let them think what they wanted. "I feel the same, I'm not emotionally ready and I don't know when I will be either. I'm actually going to community college because most dormitories won't allow Emi to live with me in them and who's to say if and when my aunt will come back for her. When I graduate Degrassi, I'm getting an apartment to live in wherever I go to school and I'm going to bring Emi apartment shopping with me. If my aunt comes and gets her by then I'll stay in a dorm. I do know that newborns cry a lot and not all of them sleep through the night so continuing high school with a child is nearly impossible and it would be just as impossible to go to an actual college like we want, we'd have to go online and that would suck a lot. I don't plan on having sex until I'm able to take responsibility for whatever happens." he smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "We can worry about that later and I don't think you'll need to get your mom's permission for birth control. I'm not planning on being ready while I'm still in high school so there's no need to worry about that." he said honestly and listened to her. "No, we were in Cali when that happened so don't worry about recognizing the city. I'm able to take small trips between here and America when I want as long as my mom knows. Plus they didn't really get my face, I wore dark glasses and a hat so they couldn't get my face." he confirmed. As Clare spoke, he looked around his office to make sure he had everything and smiled. "Yohio's lab it is." he said before hearing his phone ring and answering it. "Great, I've been trying to call you." he chimed to the person on the other end. "I'm bringing my girlfriend when I bring the jacket to you so..." he trailed off and listened. "That'd be perfect. I'll make sure she's free and I'm willing to pay you back for this. Her name is Clare and please whatever you do don't embarrass her. If you do the IOU you have against me will be null and void." he stated in the phone and smiled. "Great and ok, I'll put paper in my fax machine so you can fax whatever you need to." he smiled. "Ok, I'll see you then and I promise not to tell her. Love ya too." he chuckled and hung up the phone. "Clare, keep your schedule clear for next Saturday. We apparently have plans and I'm not sure what's going to happen since I'm in debt to someone right now." he explained. "Ah, debt that you need to pay with your body." Mel laughed jokingly. "That's not funny, for all I know she could be planning something and though she won't make me her slave I'm still unable to find out what she has up her sleeve." he sighed and stood up. "To Yohio's office." he chimed and lead them down a corridor. "We can't go inside due to the fact he's working and if we scare him or the chemist it could cause problems." he informed and stopped to press a button on the elevator. "What is he making?" Mel asked. "Perfume." Kota answered. "We're selling it in the store downstairs and in Japan first. If the perfume sells well, we'll build him a lab in Japan." he added as they got on the elevator and he pressed the button for the third floor. "The girl you were on the phone with, do I know her?" Mel asked. "Not personally, but you know who she is." he said. "That could be anyone." Mel sighed. "I'll tell you who it is later." he said. "Maybe she just wants to hang out." Mel shrugged. "That's a possibility. I have only been able to hang out with her in America so maybe she wants me to give her a tour of Toronto." he sighed in relief as the elevator stopped and he lead them to a big window. "This is Yohio's lab." he said looking through it to see Yohio and waved at him, in turn Yohio waved back wearing a hooded lab coat, hospital mask, rubber gloves and protective glasses. "Where to next?" he asked.
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